Rehabilitation definition. Medical rehabilitation: types and methods. Individual rehabilitation program. Medical rehabilitation for drug addicts

Rehabilitation- is the restoration of health, functional state and ability to work, impaired by diseases, injuries or physical, chemical and social factors.

Purpose of rehabilitation— effective and early return of sick and disabled people to everyday life and work processes, to society; restoration of a person’s personal properties.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines it as follows: rehabilitation:“Rehabilitation is a set of activities designed to provide persons with functional impairments as a result of illnesses, injuries and birth defects adaptation to new living conditions in the society in which they live.” The term rehabilitation comes from the Latin word habilis - “ability”, rehabilis - “restoration of ability”.

According to WHO rehabilitation- a process aimed at comprehensive assistance to sick and disabled people so that they achieve the maximum possible physical, mental, professional, social and economic usefulness for a given disease. Rehabilitation should be considered as a complex socio-medical problem, which can be divided into several types or aspects: medical, physical, psychological, professional (labor) and socio-economic.

The first and main direction of rehabilitation (medical and physical) is the restoration of the patient’s health through the integrated use of various means aimed at maximizing the restoration of damaged physiological functions the body, and if it is impossible to achieve this, the development of compensatory and substitution devices (functions).

Rehabilitation or rehabilitation treatment- a process and system of medical, psychological, pedagogical, socio-economic measures aimed at eliminating or possibly more fully compensating for life limitations caused by health problems with a persistent disorder of body functions. Rehabilitation treatment is necessary when the patient has significantly reduced functional abilities, learning abilities, work activity, social relationships, etc. Rehabilitation treatment is part of daily care for the sick.

Restorative care reduces the effects of illness and, for people with disabilities, the effects of disability. If possible, the patient should independently follow the rules of general hygiene and eat food. It is possible that due to the disease and its consequences, patients may lose the daily living skills that they possessed before the disease. Involving the patient in work activities will help him acquire the skills and abilities necessary to overcome life's problems. Therefore, the patient must be gradually taught these skills and given the opportunity to adapt to the disease and live more fully. In cases where the patient's ability to express his needs and desires is limited, it is necessary to help him to intensify his participation in the development of skills.

When carrying out the rehabilitation of aging people, it is necessary to take into account that in the third phase of adaptation, the reserves of general nonspecific adaptation of the body and reserve capabilities of compensation, intra- and intersystem mechanisms of impaired functions begin to be depleted, which in itself leads to the process of sub- and decompensation. Therefore, the intensity and duration of any rehabilitation intervention should not cause functional exhaustion reactions and be proportionate to the individual functional status aging patient. Inadequate rehabilitation influences inevitably lead to a narrowing of the range adaptive reactions, exceeding the threshold of appropriate influence with the development of secondary organopathy, and therefore one of important issues selection of methods of restorative treatment becomes their adequacy.

During the period of recovery treatment, performing rehabilitation activities you need to start as early as possible. For each patient, an individual rehabilitation program is drawn up, which is a list of activities aimed at restoring the patient’s abilities for everyday, social, professional activity in accordance with his needs, range of interests, taking into account the predicted level of his physical and mental condition, endurance, etc. The rehabilitation program is drawn up and implemented only with the consent of the patient or his legal representative.

Rehabilitation objectives(WHO scientific group):

Reactivation (compensation, restoration or replacement of impaired functions);

Resocialization (mitigation or elimination of limitations in life (ability for self-care, movement, orientation, communication, control of behavior, ability to learn, work);

Reintegration (restoration of the psychological and social status of the person being rehabilitated).

Rehabilitation I Rehabilitation (French réhabilitation, Latin re- again + habilis comfortable, adapted)

a combination of medical, social and government activities carried out with the aim of maximizing compensation (or restoration) of impaired or lost body functions and social readaptation (or adaptation) of sick, injured and disabled people. According to the WHO Expert Committee on Medical Rehabilitation (1970), this concept is defined as “the combined and coordinated use of medical and social measures, training and vocational training or retraining aimed at providing the patient with the highest possible level of functional activity.”

On modern stage development of medicine R. is a harmonious system scientific knowledge and methods, the implementation of which in practice is carried out by many doctors in various rehabilitation institutions of inpatient, outpatient and sanatorium-resort type. The cardinal task of R. is the normalization of impaired or lost function due to replacement hyperfunction or qualitative change functions of organs not damaged by the pathological process and physiological systems. goes either full recovery functions, or about such a redistribution of functions in the whole organism with an active restructuring of physiological systems, motivational incentives and behavior that provide the maximum possible social and biological readaptation for a given individual. Since clinical or noticeable improvement of impaired function always precedes reparative processes, R.’s tasks include restoring not only the impaired function, but also the structure of cells, tissues and organs damaged by the pathological process. In pathological regeneration, R. consists of preserving the achieved functional compensation for as long as possible, preventing complications of the underlying disease that initially caused dysfunction of the body, and timely treatment all accompanying pathological processes.

The special report of the WHO Expert Committee (1983) highlighted the following: pathological conditions requiring rehabilitation measures: dysfunction - any loss of psychological, physiological or anatomical structure or function; - limitation or deficiency (due to dysfunction) to carry out activities in the form or volume that is considered normal for a person; physical and other defects - a deficiency or of a given individual arising from a dysfunction or disability that limits or prevents the performance of a role that is normal (taking into account age, gender and social and cultural factors) for that individual. In this regard, R. includes all measures aimed at reducing the impact of disabling factors and conditions leading to physical and other defects, as well as providing opportunities for people with disabilities to achieve social integration. From this definition follows the provision on three levels of disability prevention (Disability): at the first, a set of measures is implemented to reduce the frequency of dysfunction; on the second - a set of measures that help limit the degree or reverse the development of disability; on the third - a set of measures to prevent the transition of disability into physical and other defects. At the same time, R.’s tasks include not only disabled people for adaptation to environment but also to intervene in their immediate environment and society to promote their social integration. Social inclusion means the active participation of people with disabilities in the life and activities of society.

The ultimate goal of rehabilitation measures is a return to socially useful, active labor activity in accordance with the functional capabilities of sick, injured and disabled people. The optimal solution This problem is considered to be the resumption of previous professional activity in full by a person who has undergone R. If such a task is impossible in conditions of pathological regeneration, R. performed can be considered effective in restoring the disabled person’s ability to self-service and, even more so, to self-sufficiency with subsequent financial independence.

The following main types of R. are distinguished: medical, professional and social. Medical R. is the whole complex therapeutic effects(medicinal, surgical interventions, instrumental procedures, reflexology, sanatorium-resort, therapeutic physical culture,), carried out from the moment of illness or until final recovery or the formation of a chronic pathological process requiring maintenance therapy.

There are R. cardiological (covering all those suffering from heart disease, as well as persons who have undergone cardiac surgery), neurological (which is also needed by persons who have undergone neurosurgical intervention), psychiatric, traumatology and orthopedic, etc.

Regardless of the type and nature of the disease or injury, physical and mental R. is indicated for all patients and victims. The main tasks of physical R. are to accelerate regeneration, minimize the degree and volume of functional and structural disorders, intensify compensatory processes (Compensatory processes) and facilitate readaptation to environment with irreversible organic changes.

Necessity of compliance bed rest and the loss of habitual, everyday contacts in connection with the emerging pathological process often contribute to the development of a depressive or subdepressive state in the patient. The more sudden the onset and more severe the course of the pathological process and the longer it is, the more pronounced it is, preventing compensatory-adaptive reactions and resocialization of the patient or victim. Therefore, mental R., which takes into account the internal picture of the disease, the leading psychopathological syndrome and the patient’s personality characteristics, should begin simultaneously with the physical one. Full contact medical personnel with the patient should be considered in this case not only in terms of deontological relations, but also as the most important means mental R., and reassuring information received by the patient about his condition and prognosis of the disease - as a prerequisite for systematic mental rehabilitation. The tasks of medical rehabilitation can be considered solved when the patient’s somatic condition is stabilized and his individual and social status is restored.

Professional R. provides the following opportunities: at the previous workplace; in a new workplace with changed working conditions, but at the same enterprise, readaptation to a new workplace in conditions close to the previous professional activity, but with reduced physical activity; complete retraining with work at the previous enterprise; complete retraining in a rehabilitation center with employment according to new specialty. Retraining creates conditions for home work or work in special workshops (departments of enterprises) with a shortened working day, individual production standards and constant medical supervision. The issue of retraining persons who have become disabled is decided by the Medical and Labor Expert Commission; referral for retraining is issued by social security, R. of persons who have lost or sight, carried out on the basis of educational and production enterprises of societies of the deaf or blind; For mentally ill patients, therapeutic and industrial therapy is used for this purpose.

Social R. means, first of all, the guaranteed rights of sick and injured people to free medical care, preferential receipt medicines and vouchers to, material support in case of partial or complete loss of ability to work, mandatory implementation by the administration of institutions and enterprises of all proposed labor recommendations (related to the length of the working day, excluding work on night shifts, providing additional leave etc.). Along with this, social R. includes the entire range of measures to restore or compensate for impaired function with the help of modern engineering and technical solutions (technical R.), including the improvement of various types of prostheses (see Prosthetics) for defects of the musculoskeletal system, carrying out hearing aids (hearing aids), providing disabled people with special vehicles, creation of special designs of household appliances and fixtures, etc. ( rice. 1-3 ). Social R. for children and adolescents with acquired or congenital physical defects is carried out in specialized medical and educational institutions (kindergartens, schools, technical schools) (pedagogical R.). The resocialization of disabled people, in particular the blind and deaf, is promoted by the relevant societies.

The implementation of a phased R. system is based on strict adherence to certain principles: as much as possible early start And comprehensive implementation all kinds rehabilitation therapy with the involvement of specialists of various profiles (including lawyers, sociologists, etc.); continuity of rehabilitation measures; continuity between individual stages of R.; individualized nature of all rehabilitation measures; implementation of R. in a group of patients. Organizational and methodological basis recovery process serves a special rehabilitation program, consisting of three successive stages: clinical, sanatorium and adaptation.

The clinical stage of R. begins in the intensive care unit or intensive care unit, continues in one of the departments of the hospital (Hospital) and is completed in a specialized rehabilitation department organized at large hospitals, where it is possible to implement individualized programs physical training. Implementation in clinical practice modern methods monitoring the patient’s condition allows you to optimize physical activity and at the same time ensure its safety. Special meaning at this stage mental R. acquires: carrying out adequate and strictly individualized treatment for the patient’s condition psychotropic drugs and the use of psychotherapy methods in order to increase the patient’s desire for recovery, strengthen his self-confidence, and readiness to overcome risk factors of this disease, cause the need to return to work. By the end of the clinical stage, it is desirable to restore the patient’s ability to self-care, normalize sleep and digestive function, which are often impaired due to more or less prolonged immobilization.

The next stage of physical therapy is carried out in specialized departments of local country sanatoriums (see Sanatorium), which are usually located at a relative distance from the industrial center and have sufficient funds for physical physical therapy (gymnastics halls, sports grounds, walking routes, physiotherapy rooms, etc. ) And necessary equipment(in particular, bicycle ergometers). For R. persons who have suffered, intensive care wards with appropriate equipment are equipped and additional staff of medical instructors are allocated physical culture and doctors (psychologists, psychotherapists, specialists in functional diagnostics). The tasks of mental R. at the sanatorium stage (stage of convalescence) include normalization of the patient’s affective status, prevention of hypochondriacal personality development, elimination of manifestations of somatogenic asthenia and feelings of dependence on others (primarily medical personnel), formation in the patient’s need for a steady, albeit gradual resocialization. Patients are transferred from hospital to suburban rehabilitation centers by free trip. For the entire period of sanatorium rehabilitation (usually 24 days), a Certificate of Incapacity for Work is issued.

The final, adaptation stage of R. is implemented on an outpatient basis by a doctor at a clinic or dispensary, where all information about somatic and mental state patient from a country sanatorium. At this stage, R. includes preventing the progression of the underlying disease, preventing possible complications the latter, maintaining the working capacity of the person being rehabilitated (taking into account not only the severity of the pathological process suffered, but also the functional reserves of the body) and conducting an examination of working capacity. In this case, the following options are possible: full R. (reinstatement at the previous job); incomplete R. rational employment with easier working conditions); disability requiring permanent dispensary observation(cm. Clinical examination).

In outpatient clinics, these problems are solved on the basis of the rehabilitation treatment department of a large city clinic (the area of ​​operation of such a department is determined by the relevant health authority) or the rehabilitation treatment room, which is organized in a city clinic serving 30 thousand or more adults. The grounds for referral for rehabilitation treatment are: myocardium after acute period diseases; on the heart about coronary disease or valve disease; motor and speech disorders due to vascular diseases or brain contusions and after neurosurgical operations; spine (without dysfunction spinal cord) pelvic bones, upper or lower limbs, consequences of operations on peripheral nerves due to injury, tumor, etc. The main objectives of such a department (office) are: timely start of rehabilitation treatment; use of the complex necessary methods R. at differentiated approach for their use in different groups sick; drawing up individual rehabilitation treatment programs; ensuring continuity, continuity, consistency, phasing in the organization and implementation of the entire treatment program.

Restorative treatment of patients is carried out the following specialists: , therapist, orthopedic traumatologist and . In the general set of measures at the adaptation stage, R., according to individual indications, includes different kinds drug therapy, physiotherapy, physical therapy and massage, reflexology and occupational therapy under the supervision of functional, radiological, laboratory and other research methods. If necessary, a clinically trained psychologist, a representative of the social security system (Social Security) and other specialists are involved. In some cases, physical R. is carried out jointly with a specialist from the rehabilitation treatment department of a clinic or a regional medical and physical education clinic. IN special control persons with a current pathological process and all those undergoing medical examination (even with full restoration of their previous performance) need this in the first year after past illness, which became the basis for rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation of mentally ill patients. In mental illness, primarily species-specific human activity and social functioning are disrupted. This determines the well-known specificity of R.’s methods and tasks aimed at the resocialization of mentally ill patients. Thanks to the successes of psychopharmacotherapy and the humanization of medicine, the prerequisites have been created for carrying out activities aimed at returning many mentally ill people to a more active social life. Refusal of excessive measures of isolation and restraint of mentally ill people contributes to the implementation of various forms social activation, professional and communicative training, expansion and deepening of individual and group psychotherapy.

The concept of R. for mentally ill patients is based on systematic approach, in which a person is seen as complex, having different levels functioning, the highest of which is social, and the rest are included in it as necessary basis. The R. process is a complex biosocial system in which its resocialization acts as a system-forming factor. There are four principles of R. The first is the principle of partnership, i.e., involving the patient in active cooperation with staff in the process of R. The second is the principle of versatility of efforts, i.e. their focus on different areas functioning (psychological, professional, family, social, leisure sphere). The third is the principle of unity of psychosocial and biological methods of influence. The fourth is the principle of stepwise (transitional) efforts, emphasizing the need to maintain a certain sequence in the use of various elements rehabilitation complex, gradual increase in loads.

The holistic process of R. includes three stages, each of which has its own specific tasks and characteristic proportions of applied influences and, accordingly, is carried out at various levels psychiatric care(Psychiatric care). The goal of the first stage - restorative therapy - is to prevent the defect and restore impaired functions. At this stage it is carried out active treatment and use hospital forms of psychocorrectional and psychotherapeutic work (carried out in hospitals or semi-hospitals). The task of the second stage - readaptation - includes the adaptation of patients to life and work in out-of-hospital conditions (in occupational therapy workshops, dispensaries, special workshops). Occupational therapy is of particular importance, professional education or retraining patients. At the third stage, the individual and social status of the patient is restored. This work is carried out by dispensaries, sick clubs, and public organizations.

Bibliography: Kabanov M.M. Rehabilitation of the mentally ill, L., 1985; Kanalov M.G. and Afanasenko R.F. Modern aspects rehabilitation, Ufa, 1983; Kogan O.G. and Naidin V.L. Medical rehabilitation in neurology and neurosurgery. M., 1988; Modern advances in the rehabilitation of patients with myocardial infarction, ed. I.K. Shkhvatsabaya and G Anders, M., 1983; Tarasov O.F. and Fonarev M.I. Rehabilitation for childhood diseases, L., 1980, bibliogr.; Teleshevskaya M.E., Burtyansky D.L. and Filatov A.T. Rehabilitation of patients with neuroses, Kyiv, 1980; Yumashev G.S. and Epifanov V.A. Surgical and rehabilitation of patients with damage to the musculoskeletal system, M., 1983.

Installation for vacuum forming of anatomical models, intended for the production of individually adjusted parts of prosthetic limbs, orthopedic devices, dentures">

Rice. 2. Installation for vacuum molding of anatomical models, intended for the production of individually adjusted parts of prosthetic limbs, orthopedic devices, dentures.

II Rehabilitation (French rehabilitation, from the Latin prefix re- again + habilis convenient, adapted)

in medicine - a set of medical, pedagogical and social measures aimed at restoring (or compensating) impaired body functions, as well as social functions and working ability of sick and disabled people.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First health care. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. Encyclopedic Dictionary medical terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.


See what “Rehabilitation” is in other dictionaries:

    - (lat.). Return to previous position; reconciliation, restoration. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. REHABILITATION restoration to the previous state, return, reconciliation, affirmation in the former... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Medical rehabilitation- a process aimed at restoring and compensating, by medical and other methods, the functional capabilities of the human body impaired due to a birth defect, illness or injury.

The main goal of medical rehabilitation is to prevent disability, restore and prolong active life, social integration and ensure an acceptable quality of life. The maximum goal is to achieve a full level of social services; the minimum task is to increase the patient’s ability to self-care.

Principles of medical rehabilitation:

a) early onset;

b) continuity;

c) stages (inpatient stage, outpatient stage and sanatorium-resort stage);

d) continuity;

e) complex nature of rehabilitation;

e) individual approach.

    Integration of rehabilitation in the treatment process;

    Creation of a medical rehabilitation service (since 1993), it includes a section. 2 types of institutions:

Non-specialized (they are organized at the regional level, these are multidisciplinary medical rehabilitation departments);

Specialized (at the regional and republican level, created according to nosology).

Levels and services of medical rehabilitation in the Republic of Belarus:

1) Republican level:

Rehabilitation department with a clinic on the basis of the Belarusian Research Institute for the Examination of Working Capacity and Labor Organization of Disabled People

Specialized rehabilitation centers based on clinical research institutes

2) Regional level:

Regional multidisciplinary medical rehabilitation departments based on the regional hospital

Specialized rehabilitation beds in departments

Rehabilitation beds at dispensaries

Medical and preventive rehabilitation rooms.

3) Local level: non-specialized medical rehabilitation departments.

Stages of medical rehabilitation:

1) medical and rehabilitation

2) inpatient - in specialized inpatient departments

3) outpatient clinical

4) inpatient late medical rehabilitation.

70. Rehabilitation, definition, types. Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the Prevention of Disability and Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons”.

Rehabilitation- this is a set of measures of a different nature aimed at reducing the impact of disabling factors and conditions leading to physical and other defects, as well as providing opportunities for a disabled person to achieve social integration. This is an interdepartmental concept (not only doctors should be involved in rehabilitation).

Main types of rehabilitation:

a) medical rehabilitation is a process aimed at restoring and compensating, by medical and other methods, the functional capabilities of the human body impaired due to a birth defect, illness or injury.

b) medical and professional rehabilitation - a process of restoration of working capacity, combining medical rehabilitation with the identification and training of professionally significant functions, selection of a profession and adaptation to it;

c) vocational rehabilitation - a system of measures that provide a disabled person with the opportunity to obtain a suitable job or maintain the previous one and advance in the service (work), thereby contributing to his social integration or reintegration;

d) labor rehabilitation - the process of employment and adaptation of a disabled person to a specific workplace;

e) social rehabilitation - a system of measures to improve the standard of living of people with disabilities, creating equal opportunities for them to fully participate in the life of society

Areas of rehabilitation:

1) rehabilitation of patients - aimed at preventing defects, preventing disability

2) rehabilitation of disabled people - reducing the severity of disability, adapting a disabled person to the home and work environment.

Disability warning levels

a) primary prevention of disability - reducing the incidence of impaired functions that impede life activity and limit ability to work.

b) secondary prevention of disability - limiting the degree of dysfunction or reverse development of existing diseases, congenital or acquired defects.

c) tertiary prevention of disability - prevention of the transition of emerging or congenital functional disorders at the level of disability into stable defects leading to aggravation of disability and incapacity.

A law was passed in 1994 "On the prevention of disability and rehabilitation of disabled people". On its basis there is a state program for the prevention of disability and rehabilitation of disabled people.

Article 4. Objectives of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus in the field of disability prevention and rehabilitation of disabled people:

Creation of legal guarantees for the organization and development of a system for the prevention of disability and rehabilitation of disabled people;

Ensuring and protecting the rights of citizens of the Republic of Belarus to medical, professional and social rehabilitation;

Participation of public organizations of disabled people in state rehabilitation programs for disabled people.

Article 5. Government program on the prevention of disability includes:

Study of the causes of disability;

Developing measures to prevent or limit health loss, including immunization programs;

Development of measures to prevent birth defects, chronic and occupational diseases, accidents, injuries, as well as restructuring human psyche by using

external influence;

Creation of a system for early detection and prevention of disability;

Creation special programs to reduce injuries

Development of programs for certification and rationalization of workplaces and working conditions as measures to prevent occupational and other diseases

Conducting medical examinations and improving the health of children;

Analysis of all cases of injury caused by emergency and environmental circumstances or the risk of such circumstances;

Control over the excessive use of drugs, drugs, alcohol, tobacco and other stimulants;

Creation of special programs to reduce the frequency and severity of hereditary pathologies, endocrine, mental diseases leading to disability, as well as alcoholism;

Educational measures, educational work about the dangers of smoking and alcoholism, overweight body, insufficient physical activity as risk factors for cancer, cardiovascular and

other chronic diseases;

Scientific support for developed programs, personnel training, educational, educational and other measures.

Department of medical rehabilitation (MMR) of the clinic. Structure, tasks. The procedure for referring patients to the OMR.

The department of medical rehabilitation, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus No. 13 dated November 25, 1993, is created on the basis of a functioning department of rehabilitation treatment and prevention in any clinic, regardless of population size. The department is headed by a head rehabilitation physician.

OMR structure The clinic includes the following rooms:

Physical therapy



Day hospital

Department of rehabilitation treatment.

The procedure for referring patients to the OMR: admission of patients and selection for rehabilitation is carried out medical advisory rehabilitation commission of the clinic (head of medical rehabilitation, doctor, psychotherapist, acupuncturist), rehabilitation doctors. The department accepts patients after an acute period of illness, as well as disabled people with individual rehabilitation programs.

Objectives of the medical rehabilitation department:

Assessment of the consequences of diseases and injuries and the quality of the diagnostic process, the rehabilitation potential of the patient;

Timely formation of individual rehabilitation programs for sick and disabled people;

Using a complex of all necessary methods of rehabilitation treatment;

Continuity, succession, individual approach when carrying out rehabilitation activities

Assessment of the effectiveness of rehabilitation, labor recommendations

The word rehabilitation has long been used. But what is rehabilitation? Rehabilitation is a set of measures aimed at restoring the functions and performance of the body. If performance cannot be restored, then rehabilitation is aimed at adaptation.

Our body suffers not only physically, but psychologically. Rehabilitation is a complex of medical, psychological, professional, pedagogical and legal measures. In medicine, physical, mental and social rehabilitation are used.

When is rehabilitation needed?

Rehabilitation is necessary for diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis, myocardial infarction, after operations and severe injuries– after all the illnesses and injuries that became a serious danger to life. Rehabilitation is also used in the treatment of addiction (drugs, tobacco, alcohol). Medical rehabilitation is needed in most cases; it helps restore the body’s functionality. For example, after a broken arm or leg, special exercises are needed to restore muscle tone. Social rehabilitation is needed for patients for whom changes in life are already inevitable. For example, due to injury, a person lost his hearing. Firstly, he needs the help of an audiologist, he will learn to read lips, learn the language of the deaf and dumb. Secondly, such injuries can cause fear about the future. The goal of rehabilitation is to show and teach how to live on.

Rehabilitation methods

Typically, all rehabilitation programs begin in an inpatient or rehabilitation center and then continue at home. Restoring body functions begins even when the patient does not get out of bed. Breathing exercises, correct body position, passive exercises - all this strengthens the body. If the disease causes the patient to fear the future, then it is necessary to begin and psychological rehabilitation. In case of trauma, our mental and emotional sphere also suffer and this needs to be paid attention to.

Types of rehabilitation

Medical rehabilitation:

  • mechanical methods (mechanotherapy, kinesitherapy);
  • physical (barotherapy, electrotherapy, laser therapy);
  • massage;
  • psychotherapy;
  • traditional methods (herbal medicine, manual therapy, occupational therapy);
  • reconstructive surgery;
  • prosthetic and orthopedic care;
  • Spa treatment.

When a patient's injuries may cause problems with his lifestyle, social rehabilitation is carried out to adapt the person to life in society.

  • teaching the patient self-care;
  • adaptation training for the patient's family;
  • adaptation of living quarters to the needs of the patient;
  • training the patient to use technical means;
  • audio technology;
  • Typhlotechnics;
  • training (retraining) of the patient so that he can continue to work;
  • arrangement of the workplace;
  • psychological correction;
  • consultation on legal issues.

Rehabilitation is a complex of medical, pedagogical, professional and legal measures aimed at restoring (or compensating for) impaired body functions and the ability to work of sick and disabled people. The Law “On Rehabilitation after Illnesses and Injuries” in our country provides for state-guaranteed payment for first-level medical rehabilitation and payment for outpatient observation and long-term hospitalization for patients who require long-term observation for an illness that causes a high social risk. The Law “On Compulsory Social Insurance against Accidents at Work and Occupational Diseases” determines that the rights to social compensation for a socially insured person come into force if there is temporary loss of ability to work, its partial or total loss or death of this person occur under the following circumstances:

  • accident at work;
  • an accident on the way to or from work in the employer’s transport;
  • Occupational Illness.

Rehabilitation is the restoration of body functions impaired as a result of an injury or congenital disease, operations, injuries. Rehabilitation is usually carried out in special centers.

Types of rehabilitation

Rehabilitation measures can be aimed at restoring physical or mental health patient. Social rehabilitation, including social, everyday and socio-professional adaptation, is also important. Some patients require longer and more intensive rehabilitation, this is due to the severity of the disease.

Physical rehabilitation

The patient is prescribed special exercises and training programs to restore lost movements in the limbs. Therapeutic gymnastics is carried out under the mandatory guidance of an experienced kinesiotherapist. Some patients have to learn to walk again. They are prescribed various physiotherapeutic procedures that activate muscle metabolism (for example, electrophysiotherapeutic procedures). Doctors determine whether there is a need for aids to make the patient's life easier.

Mental rehabilitation

Speech therapists teach the patient to speak. In the absence of a larynx, the patient is taught the so-called. esophageal speech, the sounds of which are formed in the esophagus. It is also possible to use various technical means to facilitate the patient’s communication with others.

Social rehabilitation

Social rehabilitation is provided to persons who cannot take care of themselves on their own and do not receive the necessary help from anyone else. Social rehabilitation is available to persons after serving a prison sentence, persons with addiction problems, homeless people, as well as persons with mental disorders and unemployed. Social rehabilitation measures are necessary to return a person to normal life. They help a person find a job or retrain. Social rehabilitation also includes organizing the patient’s recreation and assistance in everyday life situations.

Who needs rehabilitation?

Rehabilitation is necessary for patients with rheumatism, arthritis or chronic diseases lungs, as well as after myocardial infarction, heart surgery, operations on intervertebral discs, after a stroke, severe injuries, etc. In addition, rehabilitation can help the patient overcome painful cravings (for example, alcohol, sleeping pills, or drugs).

Ways and methods of rehabilitation

Depending on the illness or injury suffered, various rehabilitation measures are used.


Kinesiotherapy is the use of movement to recover from illness. Physical therapy is used for patients with various disorders musculoskeletal system. For example, with arthrosis, diseases intervertebral discs, rheumatism, spastic paralysis, as well as for spinal injuries. The use of isometric exercises is used to overcome muscle atrophy resulting from disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The main goal of kinesiotherapy is to stop further progression of the disease. There are special physical therapy exercises designed to restore mobility of certain joints. The kinesiotherapist teaches these exercises to the patient, who then regularly performs them independently. Some patients have to relearn how to walk, pick up things, and sit.


Physiotherapy - treatment various diseases by using physical methods influences that help speed up the healing process. These methods include the use of light, infrared and ultraviolet rays, heat, electric current, as well as massage and physiotherapy. In addition, water procedures are also used. Bathtubs with massage showers use medicinal substances. Mud baths are also used.

Daily work

The patient must relearn many movements: sometimes he cannot use the various items household items, doing housework or handling work tools. The social and occupational rehabilitation therapist shows how the patient, despite his weakness, can eat, cook, and work independently. If the patient requires a prosthesis, the doctor teaches how to use it. During occupational therapy, a patient who has lost the ability to perform his usual work works in special workshops and acquires new skills.

Speech therapy

After a stroke, traumatic brain injury, meningitis and other diseases, memory and speech center are often impaired. The patient is taught to speak again. In some cases, a speech therapist conducts training using pictures, and the patient must express the associations they evoke in words, so they gradually learn to speak. Sometimes the patient is unable to speak normally. In this case, the speech therapist at the rehabilitation clinic teaches him other means of communication. For example, when the larynx is removed, the patient is taught esophageal speech or sign language.

Help from a psychologist

Especially big problems arise in patients with painful desires because they often lack the will and desire to recover. With strict monitoring of such a patient, physical dependence often disappears quite quickly, but without further monitoring, alcoholics, drug addicts or substance abusers are not protected from the rapid progression of the disease. Often, consultation with a psychologist is necessary not only for the patient, but also for his family members. Working in self-help groups where people share experiences and help each other is effective. If the patient avoids or is afraid of contact with other people, it is necessary professional help psychologist or psychiatrist. The help of a social worker is also extremely important, who will help a person adapt and find a job within his capabilities. Besides, Social worker will tell you about the benefits provided and the opportunities to receive them.

Rehabilitation is especially effective if the patient himself takes an active part in it, thus helping himself.

Recovery after accidents

Rehabilitation measures are applied after an accident or when occupational disease. Occupational rehabilitation includes the acquisition of a new specialty.

Preventive rehabilitation course

The rehabilitation center uses many treatment methods, e.g. medicinal baths, inhalation , treatment mineral waters etc. You can learn about treatment conditions, various sanatoriums and services provided from your attending physician.

Who pays for rehabilitation?

Institutions social insurance They pay disability benefits, compensation in case of loss of ability to work, or a one-time benefit if the loss of ability to work is determined to be 10-24% for life. Treatment, care, medical and vocational rehabilitation, and rehabilitation aids are also covered.

Where is rehabilitation carried out?

Various clinics and medical rehabilitation centers provide the patient with the development or restoration of his physical, psychological, social and professional potential or the person’s adaptation to life in society.

Rehabilitation of patients with serious illnesses

Rehabilitation is a set of measures aimed at restoring impaired body functions and the ability to work of sick and disabled people. Rehabilitation is also carried out to prevent the development of residual effects. For this purpose, the necessary rehabilitation measures are applied, including specific ones, carried out only for certain diseases.

While still in the hospital, a social service worker contacts the patient. He answers all the patient’s questions. First of all, the doctor, social worker and patient decide on the most suitable rehabilitation center for the latter. After this, the doctor writes a referral. There are special centers that provide rehabilitation for patients with almost any disease. In them, for each patient, a individual plan treatment, the components of which may be gymnastics, diet, drug treatment, consultations with a psychologist, etc. The patient’s stay in the rehabilitation center is 3-4 weeks. If during the last examination the doctor concludes that the patient is not yet healthy, then the treatment is extended. The doctor determines the patient’s ability to work after rehabilitation. If the patient has suffered a serious illness, he is immediately sent to a rehabilitation center. Later, treatment continues at home. The local doctor can annually refer the patient for rehabilitation treatment to a sanatorium.

Returning to work

Insurance companies operate on the principle of “ better rehabilitation than a pension." This means that after an injury or serious illness the person must begin to perform his professional duties. If due to suffered trauma he cannot perform the same amount of work, then the load is increased gradually: at first the person works only a couple of hours a day, after a few weeks the work time is increased.

If, after suffering an illness or injury, a person’s ability to work is restored, but, for example, due to an allergy or disability, he cannot perform his previous job, then in this case he is given the opportunity to acquire a new profession (they select the field of activity that he is capable of).

Salaries are paid based on a certificate of incapacity for work, but only until a certain period. Before this period expires, a person must pass medical commission, which will resolve the issue of his ability to work. If a person is disabled (temporarily or even for life), then he is assigned disability. The patient must be constantly monitored family doctor, which monitors its condition and performance.

It doesn’t matter whether a person wants to go to a rehabilitation center, retrain, or receive a disability pension, he must write an application to the appropriate social service in his own hand. No matter how severe the case, doctors will not look for the patient. True, there is one exception to the rule. If an accident occurs at work, the employer must report it to the appropriate authority, which will take care of the victim and take the necessary measures.