Causes of pneumonia. Pneumonia: symptoms (without fever). What are the symptoms of pneumonia? There are also frequent cases of using physiotherapy, which can include

Respiratory tract infections occupy a leading position among all infectious diseases. Pneumonia most often develops against the background of infection of the body by pathogenic microflora. But sometimes gases or irritating particles can trigger pneumonia. How does the disease manifest? What medications and folk remedies are effective for treatment?

Pneumonia - what is it? Pneumonia is an acute infectious disease and ranks fourth among the main causes of mortality. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first signs or suspicion of inflammation. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in children, the elderly, and in various immunodeficiency states.

The cause of the disease is damage to the respiratory system by bacteria, viruses, atypical pathogens, fungi against the background of weakened immunity. The main pathogens are streptococci, enterobacteria, and staphylococci. Atypical pathogens include mycoplasma, chlamydia, legionella, and hemophilus influenzae.

Main types of pneumonia:

  1. Streptococcal - most patients die from it. The reason is hypothermia, weakened immunity, which leads to the active proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Enterobacterial – rare form pneumonia, often accompanies chronic inflammation kidney
  3. Staphylococcal - most often diagnosed in older people.
  4. Chlamydia is a disease that is difficult to treat because pathogenic microorganisms multiply inside cells and do not respond to antibacterial drugs. The disease often becomes chronic.
  5. Mycoplasma often appears in people of average age age category, combined with infections genitourinary organs, occurs in a mild form.
  6. Legionella bacteria rarely cause pneumonia, but this form of the disease often causes death.
  7. Haemophilus influenzae is often found in smokers; inflammation develops against the background of destruction in the respiratory tract.

Pneumonia can develop against the background of helminthic infestations, after taking certain medicines, when working in hazardous industries.

Important! Viral pneumonia – dangerous look disease that has appeared recently. There is no clear definition for the disease specific treatment, the speed of recovery depends on the patient’s immunity. If the body cannot cope, they begin pathological changes in the alveoli, a person dies from lack of oxygen.

Is pneumonia contagious or not? Even doctors don’t have a clear answer to this question; it all depends on the type of disease. If the cause of the disease is bacteria, then this form of the disease is considered harmless. A viral form that develops against the background of influenza, ARVI is contagious - pneumonia pathogens enter the air along with a cough or during a conversation.

The most dangerous forms of pneumonia are atypical, caseous (occurs with tuberculosis), transmitted by airborne droplets, almost always result in death.


Pneumonia can be acute or chronic, and the acute form can manifest itself as lobar or focal pneumonia.

Signs of lobar pneumonia:

  • an entire lobe of the lung is damaged due to infection with pneumococci;
  • acute onset of the disease - the temperature rises sharply to 39 degrees, accompanied by increased sweating and chills;
  • weakness, headache, drowsiness;
  • with severe intoxication, vomiting and confusion may occur;
  • dry cough, shortness of breath;
  • chest pain occurs from the inflamed respiratory organ, which intensifies when coughing and inhaling; sometimes there is no cough at the initial stage of the disease.

A patient with lobar inflammation the lungs often have a feverish blush, redness of the skin is observed, the person tries to lie on the side where the inflammatory process is localized.

With focal inflammation, a separate area of ​​the respiratory organ is damaged; the disease is one of the frequent complications of infectious and viral diseases upper respiratory tract. Symptoms in adults and children are acute - heat, signs of intoxication. The cough appears immediately and can be dry or wet. The sputum has a grayish tint and sometimes contains blood. Chest pain is absent or mild.

Inflammation of the respiratory system can occur on one or both sides. Right-sided inflammation lungs occurs more often - the right process of the bronchial tree is directed obliquely from top to bottom, which allows bacteria to penetrate into lower sections respiratory organs. The disease is caused by streptococci; treatment is difficult because the bronchial tree is right side worse blood supply.

Left-sided pneumonia is a dangerous form of pneumonia, since the source of inflammation is located close to the heart muscle and often causes death.

Important! Bilateral pneumonia is most often caused by pneumococci, the most dangerous type of pneumonia. As the disease progresses, the sites of small hemorrhages in the alveoli become covered with fibrin - respiratory failure develops, and the person dies from lack of air.

Sometimes pneumonia is hidden and occurs without fever. This form greatly complicates diagnosis; a person may see a doctor too late.

Symptoms without fever are often observed in people with weakened immune systems; diseased teeth and inflammation of the tonsils can provoke the development of the disease.

Signs of latent pneumonia:

  • shortness of breath, increased sweating even with minor physical exertion;
  • cough for more than 2 weeks, sputum scanty or profuse;
  • extreme thirst, increased fatigue, decreased appetite;
  • asymmetrical oscillation chest, wheezing.

Important! Hidden pneumonia is difficult to detect; only an experienced doctor can detect it.

The clinical picture and pathogenesis of pneumonia in children has some features; the disease is very dangerous for infants and children preschool age.

Features of pneumonia in children:

  • the temperature during segmental inflammation rarely rises above 38 degrees;
  • fever has classic symptoms, and antipyretic drugs do not provide relief;
  • the first signs of the disease are always accompanied by rapid breathing, while a cough may be absent;
  • pneumonia in newborns is characterized by severe shortness of breath, which is accompanied by retraction of the costal spaces of the chest.

The onset of inflammation in the lung tissues in children indicates general weakness, increased sweating, appetite worsens after a few days.

Important! Temperatures up to 38 degrees help the body fight pathogenic organisms - it should only be brought down if the child is prone to seizures.

In a child with pneumonia, the number of breaths per minute exceeds 50, while the norm is 20–40. If you carefully examine the chest, you can see a clear retraction of tissue in the intercostal spaces.

Atypical types of pneumonia begin in a child with a slight sore throat, a runny nose, and a dry cough. Against the background of a high temperature, severe intoxication begins, vomiting, loss of appetite, and infants often regurgitate. Such forms of the disease are very dangerous for preschool children due to their not fully developed immunity.

How to determine pneumonia

At lingering cough accompanied by fever and chest pain, you should consult a doctor. After careful listening, the doctor will prescribe necessary methods diagnostics

The basis of diagnosis is an x-ray of the lungs, which shows all changes in the tissues of the respiratory organs. Will fluorography show pneumonia? On fluorography you can see the condition of the lung tissue - in a healthy person it has a homogeneous structure, with inflammation, cancer, tuberculosis, darkened areas appear. But you can do it no more than once a year.

X-ray is a diagnostic method, and fluorography is a preventive method. On an x-ray, pathologies and darkening are visible better.

A clinical blood test will show changes that are characteristic of the inflammatory process - leukocytosis, an increase in stab bodies, an increase in ESR. Sputum analysis will allow you to determine the causative agent of inflammation and determine sensitivity to antibiotics.

How to treat pneumonia

Pneumonia in adults can be treated in a hospital or at home; children are subject to mandatory hospitalization. The basis of treatment for pneumonia is antibacterial agents. At home, it is better to use medications in the form of tablets so that you take the medicine strictly by the hour. You cannot interrupt or prolong the course of antibiotic treatment on your own.

What antibiotics are used to treat pneumonia:

  • aminopenicillins – Ampiox, Amoxicillin;
  • II generation cephalosporins – Axetil, Cefuroxin;
  • macrolides – Erythromycin, Azithromycin;
  • fluoroquinolones – Levofloxacin.

Expectorants such as Lazolvan, Bromhexine are used as additional agents in treatment. Heparin is intended to improve blood supply to the respiratory organs and reduce swelling of the mucous membrane.

Treatment at home

Folk remedies in the treatment of pneumonia can only be used in combination with drug therapy - natural remedies help cough up, strengthen the immune system, eliminate inflammation.

Figs or raisins can be used to treat children and adults.

How to prepare a decoction of dried fruits:

  1. Grind 120 g of black raisins or figs using a meat grinder.
  2. Pour 240 ml of boiling water over the mixture.
  3. Cook raisins for 10 minutes over low heat, figs for a quarter of an hour.

Drink 240 ml of the medicine three times a day; for children, half the dose is enough.

Honey is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that strengthens the immune system. You can make compresses from it - mix 15 g of honey, dry mustard and vodka. Apply the mixture to the area between the shoulder blades and chest, cover with film, and leave overnight.

For oral administration, prepare a mixture of 500 ml of Cahors, 350 ml of liquid honey, 250 g of crushed aloe. Place the medicine in a cool place for 14 days and filter. Drink 15 ml three times a day.

Is it possible to put mustard plasters on pneumonia? Mustard plasters help eliminate coughing which appears during pneumonia, they eliminate congestion in the respiratory system, remove phlegm, and have a mild analgesic effect. But they can be placed only 2 days after the temperature subsides.

Pneumonia is a complex respiratory disease, many forms of which are difficult to treat. The best prevention against pneumonia – strengthening the body’s protective functions, refusing bad habits, clean and sufficiently humidified air. Hypothermia should be avoided and colds and viral diseases treated promptly.

Many common diseases often occur in atypical form, which greatly complicates diagnosis. Without timely treatment they develop severe complications. Pneumonia without fever is a dangerous condition for...

Anyone suffers from illness from time to time respiratory system. A number of such diseases include atypical pneumonia, the symptoms of which are similar to acute respiratory infections. At the slightest sign its appearance is necessary...

Pneumonia is called inflammation of the lungs. The main cause of the disease is pathogenic microorganisms. Some of them are constantly in the human respiratory tract. But if the immune system weakens, bacteria begin...

Pathogenic microorganisms that infect the lower respiratory tract cause pneumonia. Viral pneumonia occurs at any age and can lead to severe consequences, especially with untimely treatment....

Pneumonia is a rather dangerous disease that has very different symptoms, and its symptoms are sometimes difficult to distinguish from the course of a cold. Pneumonia can develop quite rapidly, which is dangerous not only for health, but also for human life.

Very often, inflammation leads to death, despite the fact that many countries have learned to treat it successfully. It is very important to diagnose and identify the disease in a timely manner so that adequate treatment can be prescribed.

Feature of the disease

It is very important to understand exactly what pneumonia is and exactly how it manifests itself. This acute process, occurring directly in the chest cavity, which is often bacterial in nature.

It is the lungs that saturate the human body with oxygen. When inflammation occurs, the respiratory system suffers greatly.

The risk of pneumonia in young children and the elderly is very high, since in this category of people the immune system is weakened and is not able to resist bacteria that have entered the body. With age protective functions are greatly weakened, so microbes are not completely destroyed and cause harm to organs.


In medicine, there are several different forms of pneumonia, in particular, such as:

  • typical;
  • atypical;
  • aspiration in nature;
  • provoked by pathogenic microorganisms.

Inflammation of aspiration nature occurs when foreign objects penetrate into the lungs. Often develops with severe alcohol intoxication or under the influence narcotic substances. In addition, there may be nosocomial pneumonia, which can develop due to:

  • the patient is in hospital for more than 2 days;
  • malfunctions immune system;
  • with artificial ventilation of the lungs.

The most severe form of pneumonia is croup. It can be listened to in the very first days of the onset of the disease. In addition, the heart rate increases significantly and blood pressure decreases.

There is focal inflammation of the lungs, in which there is trembling of the voice and wheezing, and shortness of breath becomes more severe. characterized by compaction of lung tissue with unclear expression. In this case, bilateral inflammation is often diagnosed. In addition, such a disease is divided according to the severity of its course and may have:

  • lung;
  • medium heavy;
  • complex.

The severity of pneumonia can only be determined by a qualified doctor. Depending on this, the symptoms of pneumonia are determined, according to which they establish final diagnosis and select the therapy necessary for a particular case.


The main cause of pneumonia is associated with damage to the lung tissue by various viruses and bacteria, which is mainly observed as a result of weakened immunity. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into the lungs not only through inhalation, but also infection can occur when manipulating non-sterile medical devices.

The causes of inflammation may be hidden in infection of the lymph or blood, for example, with sepsis or drug addiction. When certain diseases occur, the risk of inflammation increases several times. Such diseases include:

  • heart defects;
  • hypovitaminosis and malnutrition;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • heart failure;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • endocrine disorders.

Bad habits lead to severe suppression of the immune system, which allows infection to freely enter the body and multiply in the lung tissues. The risk of contracting pneumonia largely depends on lifestyle. The lower parts of the lungs are often affected, which in good condition practically do not participate in the breathing process.

A sedentary lifestyle and physical inactivity prevent the lungs from functioning normally, resulting in the accumulation of mucus, which provokes the subsequent proliferation of bacteria.

Main symptoms

For staging correct diagnosis It is very important to know what symptoms are observed in adults and children with pneumonia. In the case of pneumonia, the symptoms largely depend on the primary cause of the pathology and the extent of damage to the lung tissue. However, for all types of pneumonia, the symptoms can be common, that is, they appear in all patients.

First of all, typical symptoms include the general one, which manifests itself in the form of fever, chills and malaise. In addition, general symptoms of pneumonia manifest themselves in the form of sputum production, cough, and shortness of breath.

Signs of pneumonia include:

  • persistent cough;
  • decreased appetite;
  • runny nose;
  • temperature;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • paleness of the skin;
  • severe weakness.

Symptoms of pneumonia appear quite sharply and are characterized by an increase in temperature up to 40 degrees, pain in the chest area. A dry cough appears first, and then it becomes somewhat wet, with sputum production. The disease is very dangerous because it cannot be diagnosed in a timely manner, which may have dangerous consequences and complications.

Symptoms of pneumonia are often similar to those of a common cold or flu. However, many patients may not have manifestations of local pneumonia.

When a significant part of the lung is affected. It usually begins acutely and suddenly. Among the main signs of pneumonia in an adult, chills, fever, headache, severe weakness, pain in the side, which is greatly aggravated by movement or coughing. This condition is also characterized by severe shortness of breath and chest discomfort, cough and sputum. At the same time, there is no runny nose.

A feverish blush appears on the patient’s face, breathing becomes rapid and the wings of the nose become strongly inflated. The patient takes a position on his side, as this limits respiratory activity and reduces pain.

With focal pneumonia, the onset is usually not too acute. The following symptoms of pneumonia are observed: temperature that rises gradually, dry cough, runny nose, weakness. In addition, increased breathing rate, tachycardia, hard breathing, muffled heartbeat, dry wheezing. When bronchitis occurs, dry wheezing is additionally heard, and in the case of pleurisy, noises are heard.

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults, if it has an atypical form, largely depend on what pathogens were provoked. Mycoplasma pneumonia manifests itself in the form of severe sore throat, enlarged cervical lymph nodes, runny nose, and headache. For this form, phlegm and chest compression are completely uncharacteristic.

Signs of pneumonia caused by legionellosis manifest themselves in the form of a dry cough, fever, chest pain, diarrhea, kidney damage, and slow heart rate.

May also manifest symptoms such as shortness of breath, weakness, cough, increased sweating. This condition is observed mainly with reduced immune activity.

If, after previously suffering from bronchitis, flu or a cold, symptoms of pneumonia are observed, then you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent complications.

If you experience symptoms of pneumonia in children or adults, you should consult a doctor for comprehensive examination and subsequent treatment. First of all, the doctor prescribes fluorography. For a clearer picture, you need to take two pictures, one from the side and the other straight ahead.

Then you need to examine the sputum. This will allow you to determine the pathogen that has entered the lungs. A general blood test will help determine full view about the general condition of the body during the course of the disease. A high erythrocyte sedimentation rate indicates inflammation in the body. Additionally, the following types of research can be carried out:

  • tomography;
  • biopsy;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • Analysis of urine.

The more methods are used for research, the more complete an understanding of the course of pneumonia the doctor can get. A well-made diagnosis will help the doctor determine and create the most appropriate course of therapy.

Features of treatment

It is very important to understand exactly how to treat pneumonia to prevent complications from occurring. Patients with pneumonia are mainly hospitalized in the general medical department. If there are signs of severe intoxication and fever, bed rest, a diet rich in vitamins, and warm water are prescribed. drinking plenty of fluids. With severe manifestations of respiratory failure, patients are prescribed inhalations.

Treatment of pneumonia is carried out using antibacterial drugs. Antibiotics should be prescribed as early as possible to prevent a sharp deterioration in health. The drug is chosen exclusively by the attending doctor. During the course of pneumonia, detoxification therapy, expectorant, immunostimulating, antipyretic, antihistamine and mucolytic drugs are indicated. After normalization of health, physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises are indicated.

Treatment should be continued until recovery, which is determined by laboratory tests. With frequent and repeated manifestations of pneumonia, the question of whether to carry out surgical intervention.

In the presence of pneumonia in adults, medications are prescribed to eliminate the inflammatory process. When conducting therapy, doctors use several types of medications, in particular:

  • antibiotics;
  • antipyretics;
  • expectorants;
  • detoxification;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • cardiovascular.

Antibacterial drugs are prescribed first, however, their choice is made purely individually and depends on the cause of the disease. The most common antibiotics are Cefotaxime or Ceftriaxone. These drugs can be prescribed to adults and children, as they have sufficient wide range impact and minimum side effects. The dosage is selected purely individually, and the course of therapy is at least 5 days.

An appointment is often required antihistamines, for example, "Suprastin", as well as anti-inflammatory drugs. Hormone therapy is sometimes prescribed. At wet cough Expectorants are required to facilitate the removal of mucus from the body. During the recovery period, the patient is prescribed immunostimulants and vitamin complexes, which helps strengthen the immune system.

Treatment of inflammation with folk remedies should be carried out only after consulting the treating doctor. It is very important to combine folk recipes with taking medications. Among the most effective remedies is honey with birch buds. For cooking medicine you need to mix 100 g of birch buds with 750 g of honey, preferably buckwheat. Then heat the resulting product in a water bath for about 10 minutes. Take it 1 tsp. before meals.

Can be used for treatment medical tar. For cooking healing agent you need to put it in a jar, fill it with warm water, close the lid and put it in a warm place for 9 days. Take the finished medicine 1 tbsp. l. before consuming food.

You can make a compress prepared with honey and vodka. However, it can be used only in the case of the mildest inflammation of the lung tissue, when there is no accumulation of pus.

You need to understand that traditional methods are not an alternative to traditional therapy. They can be used along with it under the supervision of the attending physician.

Physiotherapeutic techniques

During the course of pneumonia, it is important to alleviate the patient’s condition, since it is very difficult for the patient to breathe. That is why it is advisable to carry out such procedures as:

  • oxygen therapy;
  • inhalation;
  • artificial ventilation.

Oxygen therapy involves supplying air to the patient through a mask. increased content oxygen. This allows you to get rid of respiratory failure and cope with significant lung damage.

Possible complications

A complication of pneumonia is the development of reactive and inflammatory processes in bronchopulmonary system and other organs caused by pneumonia. The course and outcome of the disease largely depend on the presence of negative manifestations. Complications can be pulmonary or extrapulmonary. Pulmonary manifestations include:

  • gangrene;
  • lung abscess;
  • obstructive syndrome;
  • acute respiratory failure;
  • exudative pleurisy.

Extrapulmonary complications include glomerulonephritis, meningitis, endocarditis, anemia, myocarditis, and psychosis.

Carrying out prevention

In case of pneumonia, the prognosis is determined by a number of factors, in particular, such as the age of the patient, the characteristics of the pathogen, the presence of concomitant diseases, and the characteristics of the immune system. Various complications of the course of the disease are unfavorable in terms of prognosis. Pneumonia is especially dangerous in children under 1 year of age, caused by staphylococcus, as well as other dangerous bacteria and viruses. When carrying out timely and complex treatment pneumonia ends in complete recovery.

Prevention measures include hardening the body, maintaining normal immunity, avoiding hypothermia, and eliminating dust. In addition, sanitation of foci of inflammation, cessation of smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages are required. In weakened and bedridden patients, massage, therapeutic and breathing exercises are indicated for the purpose of prevention.

Vaccinations are prescribed to children from the age of 2, since preventing the occurrence of inflammation is a very important component of therapy. The most effective vaccines include the American Prevenar and the French Pneumo-23. The drugs can be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. However, it is worth noting that negative manifestations may occur.

Features of pneumonia in children

Pneumonia in children is one of the most serious respiratory diseases. But if you seek medical help in a timely manner and strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations, you can achieve a very good result.

The main predisposing factor is hypothermia of the child. It is worth noting that this disease can occur in children of different age groups. The most common causative agent of pneumonia in children aged 6 months to 5 years is pneumococcus.

After infection, as well as the development of pathogenic microflora, acute inflammation accompanied by an increase in temperature. In addition, there is pallor of the skin, fatigue, refusal to eat, and rapid breathing.

The diagnosis is established on the basis of existing symptoms, as well as after conducting an appropriate study. Treatment requires constant monitoring, since at any moment the child’s well-being can deteriorate greatly. Children under 3 years of age are often hospitalized for constant monitoring of their well-being. At an older age, treatment can be carried out at home, but you must strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations. All therapy methods are selected only by a qualified doctor.

Pneumonia is a very serious and dangerous disease, which is why prompt diagnosis and subsequent treatment is necessary.

Good day, dear readers!

Today we will look at such an unpleasant and quite dangerous disease as pneumonia, or as it is often called popularly – pneumonia.

Pneumonia (lung inflammation)– a group of diseases characterized by inflammatory processes in the lungs. The cause of inflammation is infection - viruses, microbes, fungi, protozoa, due to which pneumonia belongs to the group of infectious diseases.

Pneumonia. ICD

ICD-10: J12, J13, J14, J15, J16, J17, J18, P23
ICD-9: 480-486, 770.0

Pneumonia is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world, even though there is a cure for it. According to statistics, every year from 1 to 9% of all people suffering from this disease die from pneumonia. In Russia, at least 1 million people a year suffer from pneumonia, in the USA 3 million, and these are only official statistics. The situation is aggravated by the fact that pneumonia can occur secretly, without obvious symptoms, such as, which prevents a person from seeing a doctor in time, and if certain factors are not given due attention, the course of the disease can be fatal.

Like many other infectious diseases, the pathological processes of pneumonia begin with a weakened human immune system, which, as you and I know, dear readers, is a guardian or barrier between the aggressive external environment and the body. After infection enters the human body, at the beginning - in top part respiratory organs, a person may begin to sneeze, a slight cough, which begins to intensify after a few hours. If the first signs of pneumonia, similar to symptoms, appeared in the morning, then by the evening the patient’s temperature may rise, up to 40°C, with.

The cough begins to be accompanied by sputum, which over time consists of purulent secretion, possibly even streaked with blood. The infection spreads further into the trachea and moves towards the lungs. A person feels a certain pain in the throat, trachea, and bronchi. Breathing becomes difficult. This can all happen within a day, depending on other negative factors that aggravate the situation, which is why you should consult a doctor at the first signs of pneumonia.

Factors that increase the risk of developing pneumonia

Form of pneumonia by severity

  • light;
  • average;
  • heavy;
  • extremely heavy.

Form of pneumonia, type of development

Primary pneumonia: acts as an independent disease;

Secondary pneumonia: develops against the background of other diseases, for example.

Type of pneumonia by pathogen

Bacterial pneumonia. The main causative agents of the disease are pneumococci, staphylococci, chlamydia, mycoplasma pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and pertussis (as a complication).

In turn, depending on the type of bacteria, the disease can be pneumococcal pneumonia, staphylococcal, streptococcal, chlamydial, hemophilic, etc.

Viral pneumonia. The causative agents of the disease are mainly influenza viruses, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses, measles, rubella, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalo viral infection and etc.

Fungal pneumonia. The causative agents of the disease are fungi of the genus Candida ( Candida albicans), Aspergillus (Aspergillus), Pneumocystis (Pneumocystis jiroveci).

In this regard, pneumonia can be candida pneumonia, etc.

Pneumonia caused by protozoa.

Pneumonia caused by helminths.

Mixed pneumonia. The cause of pneumonia is the simultaneous influence of various microorganisms on the body. Thus, the doctor often establishes in the diagnosis - bacterial-viral pneumonia, etc.

Type of pneumonia by location

  • left-handed;
  • right-sided;
  • unilateral: one lung is affected;
  • bilateral: both lungs are affected;
  • focal: inflammation affects a small lung lesion, for example - bronchopneumonia;
  • confluent: combining small foci of inflammation into large ones;
  • lobar: inflammation within one lobe (part) of the lung;
  • segmental, polysegmental: inflammation within one or several segments;
  • total, subtotal: inflammation covers the entire lung.

According to clinical signs

Typical pneumonia. It is characterized by a cough, copious sputum with pus, a sharp rise in body temperature, and pain in the lungs. During diagnosis, increased bronchophony, wheezing, hard breathing, and darkening on the x-ray are observed.

Typical pneumonia is most often caused by the following pathogens: pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae), coli(Escherichia coli), Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae.

Atypical pneumonia. Develops slowly, symptoms are mild. The patient has: a slight cough, soreness and slight myalgia, mild malaise, mild signs of pneumonia on an x-ray.

The cause of typical pneumonia is most often the following pathogens: chlamydia, mycoplasma, pneumocystis, legionella, etc.

Lobar pneumonia (pleuropneumonia). A severe form of pneumonia, which requires contacting a doctor at the first symptoms of the disease. Pathogen lobar pneumonia is pneumococcus, which, when it enters the body, is immediately marked by a sharp rise in body temperature to 39-40°C and shortness of breath. In this case, from one lobe to the entire lung, or even two at the same time, is affected, on which the severity of the disease depends. The patient is accompanied by severe pain in the area of ​​the affected lung, but if one lobe of the lung is affected, the pain may not appear or may be mild. On day 2, the sputum takes on a greenish tint, on days 3-4 – orange, possibly with bloody discharge.

When examined by a doctor, at the 1st stage of the development of the disease, the following signs of inflammation are observed: respiratory noise (crepitus), persistence vesicular respiration, dull-tympanic percussion sound. If the disease has progressed to the second stage, the following are observed: bronchial breathing, dull percussion sound. At the third stage, the same signs are observed as at the first.

All symptoms of lobar pneumonia can accompany the patient for 10 days. If during this time you do not provide the due medical care, inflammation can cause complications of pneumonia - lung abscess, cardiopulmonary failure, etc.

Treatment of pneumonia is prescribed in the form of antibiotic therapy, depending on the pathogen. That is why, before treatment, it is very important to conduct a thorough diagnosis of the disease, which increases the positive prognosis for a quick recovery.

To conduct an examination for such symptoms as cough, high temperature, chest pain, you need to contact, who in turn will conduct an examination and prescribe following methods diagnosis of pneumonia:

- listening with a stethoscope;
— ;
- chest organs;
— bronchoscopy, sputum analysis;
- and a blood test.

Additionally, the following examinations may be prescribed:

In the diet, you should reduce the consumption of: (give preference table salt, but not more than 7-8 g).

The following should be excluded from the diet: Very fatty dishes, difficult to digest foods, gas-forming products irritating mucous membranes ( confectionery), coffee, and foods that cause constipation.

Food is consumed in fractions in small portions, 5-6 times a day. Preference is given to food prepared by boiling or steaming.

In severe cases of pneumonia, at first, until symptoms subside, it is recommended to use predominantly liquid food: juices, low-fat fermented milk drinks, semi-sweet tea with lemon, decoction, mineral water (degassed), low-fat meat broth.

For pneumonia moderate severity(with mild symptoms) recommended for consumption: soups with cereals, noodles and vegetables, meat puree, boiled fish, soft-boiled eggs, cottage cheese, vegetable and fruit purees etc. The energy value of the diet should be 1500-1600 kcal, of which proteins – 60 g, fats – 40 g, carbohydrates – 250 g.

If you don’t really want to eat, you can include in your diet: lightly salted snacks (herring, caviar, ham, cheese), pickled, spicy and pickled vegetables, juices.

Treating pneumonia at home with folk remedies, can only be done after consultation with your doctor! This minimizes as much as possible possible complications in treatment. Moreover, I would like to remind you once again that if due attention and failure to provide first aid, death from pneumonia can occur even several hours after the first signs of the disease. Be careful!

Folk remedies for pneumonia

Calceumite. Place 10 thoroughly washed, fresh, whole eggs, with shells, in a jar. Fill them with juice from 10 squeezed . Wrap the jar in dark paper, tying it with gauze on top, and set aside in a cool, dark place for 10 days. When the eggs have dissolved to a homogeneous mass, add to them 300 g of uncandied melted and 150 - 200 g of cognac, aged at least 5 years. Mix everything thoroughly and pour into an opaque glass container. Calceumite should be taken after meals, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Store in a cool, dark place for no more than 20 days.

Ulyanovsk recipe. Lightly melt 1.3 kg of linden honey, but make sure it does not heat up, and add to it 200 g of crushed leaves, without thorns (previously thoroughly washed, and kept in a cool, dark place for several days). Next, brew 150 g of birch buds and 50 g of linden flowers in two glasses, boiling them for 1 minute. Next, squeeze out the prepared decoctions, add them to the cooled honey, and pour in all 200 g olive oil, stir. The product should be stored in a cool, dark place. Take after meals, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Yaroslavl recipe. Take 300 g of high quality honey and add to it 1 large leaf of crushed aloe (without thorns). Next, pour 100 g of the mixture clean water, and stirring thoroughly, cook for 2 hours in a water bath. Cool the prepared product and store it in the refrigerator. It is necessary to take the Yaroslavl remedy 3 times a day, after meals, for adults 1 tbsp. spoon, children 1 teaspoon.

What is pneumonia?

Pneumonia - acute infection, characterized by predominant inflammation of the respiratory parts of the lungs and the presence of intra-alveolar exudation.

Causes of pneumonia

Pneumonia is a polyetiological disease, that is, it can be caused big amount various pathogens, including bacteria (pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, moraxella, streptococcus, staphylococcus, etc.), intracellular pathogens (mycoplasma, chlamydia, legionella, etc.), viruses (influenza, parainfluenza, rhinovirus, etc. ) and even fungi (candida, aspergillus and pneumocystis).

Pneumonia caused by intracellular pathogens and viruses is usually classified as a separate group, so-called “atypical”. This is due to the peculiarities of their clinical picture, as well as slightly different approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. In turn, pneumonia of fungal etiology occurs exclusively in individuals with a significant decrease in immunity (HIV infection, etc.). There are many various factors, significantly increasing the likelihood of disease. The most important of them are:

  • smoking and alcoholism
  • chest injuries
  • diseases of the heart, kidneys, lungs and others internal organs
  • immunodeficiency conditions and stress
  • prolonged bed rest (hypostatic pneumonia)
  • oncological diseases
  • prolonged stay of the patient on artificial ventilation
  • swallowing disorder (aspiration pneumonia)
  • old age (over 60 years old), etc.

Most often, the causative agent of pneumonia enters the lungs through the respiratory tract as part of small aerosol droplets, less often through the bloodstream from other foci of infection in the body. As a result of its penetration into the lung tissue, inflammation occurs. Blood cells and macrophages actively rush to this place, and exudate accumulates here. Individual microorganisms causing pneumonia, are capable of releasing toxins that lead to necrosis and destruction of areas of lung tissue.

Signs and symptoms of pneumonia

The clinical picture of pneumonia is largely determined by the causative agent (cause) of the disease, as well as the extent of damage to the lung itself. However, regardless of this, it is almost always characterized by general symptoms in the form of weakness and increased fatigue, headache and muscle pain, and loss of appetite. All this is accompanied by chills and a sharp rise in body temperature to 38-40°C. Pneumonia is also characterized by a dry cough, which after a while becomes wet with difficult to separate mucopurulent sputum. In this case, patients may complain of pain in the chest, aggravated by breathing and coughing, which in turn indicates damage to the pleura. Often enough severe course pneumonia is accompanied by shortness of breath, pallor and cyanosis of the facial skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. It is important to note that in children and the elderly, general symptoms can significantly prevail in the clinical picture of the disease. Based on clinical and radiological data depending on the volume lung lesions There are focal, lobar (lobar) and total pneumonia.

Focal pneumonia often preceded by a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract (influenza, parainfluenza, adenoviral infection, etc.). The disease itself often begins gradually (in the form of a second “wave” of infection) with an increase in temperature and the appearance of a dry cough. With focal pneumonia, the lower parts of the lungs are predominantly affected (usually on the right).

Lobar pneumonia characterized by damage to at least a lobe of the lung with mandatory involvement of the pleura in the process. On the contrary, the disease begins acutely with tremendous chills and sharp increase body temperature up to 39-40°C. Almost simultaneously with this, due to concomitant damage to the pleura, pain in the chest appears. With lobar pneumonia, the cough develops during the day and may initially be wet in nature. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by shortness of breath at rest and a feverish flush of the cheeks, more pronounced on the affected side.

Features of the clinical course of pneumonia of various etiologies

Staphylococcal pneumonia characterized by a high tendency to develop extensive necrosis of the lung tissue with the subsequent formation of abscesses in it. According to some data, the mortality rate for pneumonia of this etiology in adults reaches 30-40%. The disease is characterized by an acute onset with high febrile fever (up to 40-41°C) and heavy discharge purulent sputum. Sometimes it is accompanied by confusion and the presence of positive meningeal symptoms.

Streptococcal pneumonia mainly occurs during epidemic outbreaks of respiratory diseases. Quite often it is complicated by pleurisy or pleural empyema. Streptococcal pneumonia is also characterized by the early development of necrosis of the lung tissue with the appearance of abundant purulent sputum.

Mycoplasma pneumonia at the very beginning of its development may resemble common cold. In this case, the first signs of the disease are fever, weakness, runny nose (rhinitis) and sore throat. After some time, these symptoms are accompanied by shortness of breath, which is a direct sign of pneumonia. The incidence of mycoplasma pneumonia is especially high among children and adolescents in isolated groups (kindergartens, schools, etc.).

Chlamydial pneumonia begins with pharyngitis, as well as the appearance of a prolonged dry cough and runny nose. The further course of the disease is accompanied by shortness of breath and a prolonged increase in temperature, which actually allows one to suspect pneumonia.

Currently development legionella pneumonia occurs mainly upon contact with contaminated air conditioning systems of high-rise buildings and office premises. The disease begins with loss of appetite, headache, weakness, and sometimes diarrhea. Symptoms such as cough, sore throat and chest pain appear somewhat later. Legionella pneumonia practically does not occur in children.

The most common complications of pneumonia are acute respiratory failure and respiratory distress syndrome, pleurisy, pleural empyema and lung abscess, cor pulmonale, endocarditis, myocarditis and pericarditis, infectious-toxic shock, meningitis and glomerulonephritis, DIC syndrome, etc.

Diagnosis of pneumonia

The diagnosis of pneumonia is established on the basis of the clinical picture of the disease, taking into account the results of instrumental and laboratory research methods. On auscultation, moist rales, crepitus, bronchial breathing, etc. can be heard over the lesion of the lung. However, confirming the diagnosis of pneumonia almost always requires a chest x-ray.

If necessary, determine the causative agent of pneumonia, use microscopic examination sputum or bronchial washings, polymerase chain reaction(PCR) and linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA), indirect hemagglutination inhibition reaction (IHRA), indirect hemagglutination reaction (IRHA), etc. non-specific methods Laboratory diagnostics of pneumonia include a complete blood count (CBC), a complete urinalysis (UCA) and electrocardiography (ECG). These methods allow you to assess the severity of the disease, as well as determine the presence of complications.

Differential diagnosis of pneumonia is carried out with tuberculosis and lung cancer, pneumonitis and systemic lupus erythematosus, pancreatitis and perforated gastric ulcer, liver abscess, appendicitis, etc.

Treatment and prevention of pneumonia

Treatment of pneumonia depends on the severity of the disease, the presence of complications and the age of the patient. The need for hospitalization is determined by the doctor in accordance with the available indications. The diet of a patient with pneumonia should be sufficiently high in calories and at the same time contain minimal amount difficult to digest foods. It is advisable to include vegetables and fruits in the diet and ensure plenty of fluids (to improve sputum separation and prevent dehydration).

The main component of the treatment of pneumonia are antibacterial agents (amoxicillin, azithromycin, levofloxacin, etc.). The choice of drug, dosage, frequency and duration of its use is also determined by the doctor, taking into account the patient’s age, features of the clinical picture of pneumonia and the presence concomitant diseases. IN Lately in the treatment of pneumonia, combinations of several antibacterial drugs with average duration therapy for at least 7-10 days.

The presence of a productive cough is an indication for the use of expectorants (lazolvan, bromhexine, etc.) and sputum thinners (SLC) medications. At the same time, patients with pneumonia with a dry cough (or no cough at all) should refrain from using them. To eliminate shortness of breath, the use of inhaled bronchodilators (Berodual and Berotek, salbutamol, etc.) is recommended. It should be noted that the best way Their delivery is inhalation using a nebulizer. Antipyretics (paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid) during pneumonia are taken according to indications (usually at body temperature above 38°C) depending on the patient’s age and the presence of concomitant diseases. In case of pneumonia, sufficient attention should be paid to immunomodulatory therapy with multivitamins.

Prevention of acute pneumonia primarily involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle and general strengthening body. At the same time, no less important is devoted to preventing the occurrence of acute respiratory infections. For the same purpose, the influence of all predisposing factors of pneumonia should be excluded. For the prevention of hypostatic pneumonia, which occurs mainly in older people with prolonged bed rest, it is necessary to massage the chest by turning the patient onto his stomach with light tapping from bottom to top over the entire surface of the back. Enough effective method is a breathing exercise using an inflatable toy.

Infectious pneumonia is a dangerous disease that most often progresses in patients under 2 years of age and over 65 years of age. People with weakened immune systems are at risk. If you find out how pneumonia develops, then a person will become afraid for his health, and he will definitely take care of timely prevention, will prevent illness.

The first symptoms of pneumonia in an adult

The main task of the doctor is to timely differentiate the characteristic illness, since its symptoms are similar to those of the flu and colds. At first, the patient does not pay attention to changes in general health, citing a cold. The first signs of pneumonia characterize the flushing stage, which is represented by migraine attacks and severe chills. Additional symptoms are presented below:

  • weakness of the limbs (feeling like “wobbly legs”);
  • minor violations temperature regime;
  • dry cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • periodic hot flashes, which are replaced by a state of cold sweat.

Specific symptoms of pneumonia

When the patient long time does not react in any way to changes in general condition, the course of the pathology only intensifies. If the first signs of pneumonia in adults reduce performance, but allow the disease to be tolerated on the legs, then the specific symptoms of the disease become a compelling argument for the immediate hospitalization of the clinical patient. This:

  • high temperature, fever with possible hallucinations;
  • cough streaked with blood when producing sputum;
  • accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood, impaired gas exchange in the lung tissue;
  • prolonged sneezing;
  • growing pain syndrome heads;
  • decreased physical activity, constant fatigue.

Extrapulmonary syndromes in pneumonia

It is important to note that this is an infectious disease that is caused by increased activity pathogenic flora. This may be a fungal, bacterial, mixed or mycoplasma nature of the pathology, but doctors do not rule out increased activity of other dangerous pathogens that have not been studied clinically. By noticing, the patient can prevent the development in the near future of such extrapulmonary complications as:

  • heart failure;
  • myocarditis, endocarditis;
  • infectious-toxic shock;
  • symptoms of iron deficiency anemia;
  • meningoencephalitis and meningitis.

How does pneumonia manifest with bilateral inflammation?

Not all patients know how to determine pneumonia at home, so you should not experiment with your health and start pathological process. IN otherwise doctors do not rule out inflammation important body at both sides. If bilateral pneumonia progresses, the symptoms are atypical and are detailed below:

  • blue lips, fingertips;
  • heavy, labored breathing;
  • continuous dry cough with sputum;
  • shortness of breath, weakness throughout the body;
  • lack of appetite.

If bilateral pneumonia progresses, symptoms in adults begin with a high temperature that exceeds 38.5 degrees. The patient develops a fever, the disease progresses, requiring immediate resuscitation measures. The clinical outcome depends entirely on how quickly the patient and his immediate environment respond to signs of pneumonia in an adult.

Syndromes of different types of pneumonia

If signs of lung disease are obvious, determining the nature of the pathogenic infection in a community setting is problematic. A sluggish pathological process only complicates the clinical picture, and the disease may soon acquire an incurable chronic form. To avoid complications, it is important to know the manifestation of pneumonia for a particular nature of the pathological process.

Symptoms in adults viral pneumonia the following:

  • heat;
  • progressive rhinitis, conjunctivitis;
  • dry cough;
  • nausea, lack of appetite, less often – vomiting.

Symptoms of bacterial pneumonia in adults are:

Symptoms in adulthood are as follows:

  • dry cough, myalgia;
  • the presence of blood streaks in the sputum;
  • opening of the abscess, spread of pus into the pleura;
  • soreness lymph nodes;
  • cardiovascular failure.

Signs of pneumonia in an adult of a mycoplasma nature are similar to the fungal form and require immediate medical attention and diagnosis. The mixed type of the disease is characterized by symptoms of ARVI, flu and colds, but occurring in a complicated form. The disease must first be identified, and then treated immediately with antibiotics.

What are the symptoms of different forms of pneumonia?

If you suspect a disease, the first step is to differential diagnosis. If we classify the main symptoms of pneumonia in adults, we can distinguish atypical, interstitial, lobar and focal (bronchopneumonia) forms of this disease. The clinical outcome depends entirely on the accurate determination of the clinical picture. Below we detail the symptoms of pneumonia in adults with one form or another of the disease.

In the atypical form of pneumonia in an adult, the following signs of pathology occur:

  • manifestations of colds, acute respiratory viral infections, and flu that are familiar to patients;
  • other symptoms depend on the nature and activity of the pathogen.

The focal form of the disease has the following symptoms in the body of an adult patient:

  • separate sections of the alveoli and the bronchi adjacent to them are involved;
  • sluggish pathological process early stage, reminiscent of ARVI symptoms;
  • high temperature from 38 degrees;
  • separation of sputum with impurities of bile, pus, mucus;
  • acrocyanosis, cyanosis;
  • paroxysmal chest pain;
  • pronounced shortness of breath.

In adults it manifests itself in the body the following symptoms:

  • body temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • cutting pain behind the sternum;
  • general weakness, aches throughout the body;
  • nonproductive cough with rusty sputum;
  • fine wheezing;
  • persistent fever;
  • hyperemia of the skin of the fingers, lips, cheeks.

The interstitial (hidden) form of the characteristic disease is manifested by the following changes general well-being:

How to identify pneumonia

At the first signs of the disease, it is important to urgently undergo a full diagnosis in a hospital setting. This is a really effective method on how to recognize pneumonia in adults and promptly intervene. intensive care. Differentiating the diagnosis is very problematic, so doctors resort to complex clinical examination, which includes a series of laboratory blood tests. Mandatory medical measures required by the patient are presented below:

  1. Palpation method at a doctor’s appointment to palpate compacted lung tissue. On the affected side, the patient’s voice will begin to tremble and slightly change its usual tone.
  2. X-ray examination. The method helps to determine the lesions of the lung tissue, their number, specificity, structure and distribution throughout the bronchopulmonary system.
  3. Fiberglass bronchoscopy. Invasive method diagnostics in complicated clinical pictures, who studies the composition of secretions taken from the patient’s respiratory tract.
  4. Ultrasound of the pleural cavity, echocardiography. The method helps determine pleural effusion.
  5. General blood and urine tests. Additionally, it wouldn’t hurt to do laboratory test for HIV.
  6. Sputum analysis. This method determines individual sensitivity to antibiotics to accurately determine a safe intensive care regimen.
