Hydrogen peroxide: benefits and methods of using the solution for medicinal and preventive purposes. Hydrogen peroxide: harm and contraindications. Uses of hydrogen peroxide

What is hydrogen peroxide?

- Hydrogen peroxide contains two elements - oxygen and hydrogen. It was discovered in 1818 by the French chemist L. Tenard. Hydrogen peroxide is 1.5 times heavier than water and easily dissolves in it.

— In what form can hydrogen peroxide be used in everyday life?

— First of all, a solution of hydrogen peroxide is used. 100 ml of such a solution contains 10 g of perhydrol, 0.05 g of stabilizer and about 100 ml of water. The content of hydrogen peroxide in the solution is about 3%. It is a colorless, odorless liquid.

The hydrogen peroxide solution is known to everyone: it is used to wash scratches, wounds and cuts; it is sold in any pharmacy. You can use this solution to gargle for sore throat, and rinse your mouth with stomatitis. If a more concentrated solution is required for the treatment of certain diseases, it must be specially ordered at the pharmacy. In medicine, a solution containing 27.5-31% hydrogen peroxide is widely used; it is called perhydrol. Perhydrol is used for disinfection and disinfection of premises and for the production of antiseptics.

The combination of hydrogen peroxide and urea is called hydroperite. It is available in tablet form and is used as an antiseptic. Before use, it is dissolved in water at the rate of 1 tablet weighing 1.5 g per 15 ml of water, this concentration corresponds to a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.

— Is hydrogen peroxide used only in medicine?

- Not only. It is used for bleaching various materials, for restoring the color of oil paints in painting, and as a foaming agent for producing porous materials. And that's not all. Peroxide is even used as an oxidizer in rocket engines.

— Is it really possible that the same substance could be used both as an oxidizer for rocket (and therefore super-strong!) engines, and as a medicine for internal use? After all, the human body is a thin and delicate substance, and if you pour such an oxidizing agent into it...

— Of course, the thoughtless and uncontrolled use of hydrogen peroxide as a medicine can bring a lot of trouble to lovers of alternative methods of treatment. External use of hydrogen peroxide, as a rule, is not associated with a danger to human health. A weak solution of peroxide has long been used in medicine externally as a disinfectant, hemostatic agent in the treatment of ulcers and wounds, inflammation of the oral cavity, ulcerative stomatitis, caries, as well as in ophthalmic practice and in the treatment of frostbite. But today some doctors argue that the spectrum of effects of H 2 0 2 on the human body is much wider than has been believed for centuries. For example, I recently read an interesting article in one of the medical journals, in which the author (by the way, a good doctor, I know him) stated: a small amount of a not very concentrated solution of hydrogen peroxide, if taken orally regularly, increases the secretion of mucus in the stomach and thus reducing the acidity of gastric juice. In the same magazine, I read that, according to medical research conducted in various countries around the world, the use of hydrogen peroxide under certain conditions stabilizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improves metabolism, increases immunity, and normalizes blood composition.

— Is this information reliable?

— Chemists have every reason to doubt the benefits of ingesting H 2 O 2. But chemists are not doctors.

— Official medicine actively protests against treatment methods based on taking hydrogen peroxide orally. Doctors warn: this method of treatment is not only highly questionable, it is dangerous!

— From the side of official medicine, this is a completely logical and justified statement.

— Many people have doubts about many unconventional methods of treatment. For example, many would never agree to be treated with an herbal infusion that contains poisonous plants. And other people agree - and are treated and cured of very serious illnesses! Yes, they take risks, but the risk is also justified, isn’t it? If official medicine is unable to help the patient, if doctors are already refusing to treat him, maybe it’s worth taking a risk?

- May be. Each person decides this question for himself. Did you take a risk and win? Well done! Did you take a risk and lose? There is no one to be offended by.

Attention! Official medicine warns: using hydrogen peroxide internally is dangerous to your health and life! If you take the risk of using this particular treatment method, responsibility for the consequences falls entirely on your shoulders.

And yet, supporters of H 2 O 2 treatment insist: with the help of this drug you can defeat many diseases!

Methods of using hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes are as follows:

external (rinsing, washing, irrigation, rubbing and compresses);

internal (instillation, enemas, drinking).

There is another, very specific method of treatment - intravenous infusion, but this method is completely “for everyone”, not every person can decide on it.

For medicinal purposes, as a rule, not “pure” hydrogen peroxide is used, but its aqueous solutions.

The fact is that the quality of the solution you prepare will depend on the water in which you dilute the original drug.

Water is harmful and beneficial

According to statistics, in Russia almost 90% of all diseases are associated with the fact that we consume heavily contaminated drinking water. It contains: aluminum, barium, mercury, lead, chromium, nitrates and nitrites, cyanides, copper. Water generously flavored with such additives, of course, is harmful to our health. First of all, the cardiovascular system, hematopoietic system, kidneys, liver, stomach, nervous and immune systems suffer from its use. This means that there is a risk of hepatitis, anemia, liver and kidney diseases, tumor diseases, hypertension and, of course, all kinds of gastrointestinal disorders.

“But drinking water is purified!” - you object. And you'll be right. Cleanse. Do you know what? Chlorine. And chlorine is poisonous for humans. So it turns out that the consequences of such cleansing are all the same ailments: cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the endocrine system, metabolic disorders, diseases of the nervous system; Due to the presence of chlorine in water, the risk of cancer increases.

You can, of course, not use tap water, but stock up on artesian or well water. But such water also has its drawbacks. The fact is that artesian and well water contains a large amount of suspended matter washed out of the soil - lime, iron, manganese. And all these impurities are not at all safe for health.

What should I do?

“You need to buy a filter for drinking water and thoroughly purify the water at home!” - you say. But, alas, almost all the filters that the average Russian can purchase in a store are largely useless. Why? Everything is very simple.

Filters are divided into four main types:

passive - consisting of one or more reagents that remove harmful impurities from water;

active - affecting impurities by electric discharge, ultraviolet radiation, magnetic field, ozone, silver ions, activated oxygen, etc.;

combined - connecting the first two types;


The main task of a good filter is to remove everything unnecessary and leave everything you need.

A primitive filter can handle the first task, but not the second. Therefore, for the first month it actually brings neither benefit nor harm, and then it begins to cause harm - since “dirt” accumulates in it.

Membrane filters remove everything harmful from water, but also take with them the microelements necessary for the body.

In combined filters, water undergoes multi-stage electrical treatment, as a result of which bacteria and viruses die and chlorine is almost completely removed, but useful components are preserved. But such a filter is very, very expensive.

A really useful filter that helps maintain health is hyungite. This filter includes two minerals - shungite and zeolite. Shungite purifies and disinfects water, and zeolite purifies it from impurities, heavy metals, and organochlorine compounds. And the shungite filter is relatively inexpensive.

You can also get healthy water yourself, without any filters. The best water is melt water.

Melt water

Scientists have conducted many experiments to study melt water. They found that its structure is similar to the structure of the cellular fluid of our body. Drinking melt water accelerates chemical reactions in the body and activates the exchange of salts. People have long believed that melt water promotes rejuvenation. It does not contain heavy deuterium, an element that causes great harm to the body.

You can get it by freezing ordinary tap water in the freezer. Of course, the water must first be filtered. So, you take water, filter it and put the vessel in the freezer (the vessel should not be aluminum). As soon as the water is covered with the first crust of ice, it must be removed - this is deuterium. Then pour the water into a clean container and put it back in the refrigerator. Melt water can be stored for no more than a day. However, you should not completely switch to melt water - of all the water you drink per day, approximately 30% should be melt water.

So, all healing solutions, decoctions and infusions are best prepared with healthy (purified or melted) water. If you take ordinary tap water, the medicine prepared from it will most likely do you harm rather than benefit.

A few words about cleansing

Before you begin a comprehensive cleansing of the body, it is important to make a plan.

Experts believe that the main organ that needs to be cleansed first is the liver. Why liver?

Medical certificate

The liver has several functions, all of which are extremely important. The veins running through the liver receive blood from the intestines, which, unfortunately, is saturated not only with nutritional components, but also with various substances that need to be neutralized and removed from the body. This is what the liver does. Liver cells contain so-called reticuloendothelial cells, which ensure the neutralization of toxic substances dissolved in the blood. Bile acids partly perform the same function. In addition to binding toxins, bile acids promote the digestion of fats in the intestines and stimulate peristalsis. The liver works very hard, it gets tired and one day it may simply not be able to cope with the flow of toxic substances entering our body. You can protect it in two ways: limit the amount of toxic substances coming from outside, and also stimulate the activity of liver cells, that is, cleanse the liver. How to clean a dirty filter. This is an important matter that we will take up with you. It is necessary to begin cleansing the liver by establishing a proper diet. Eliminate all spicy, peppery, salty foods. You should not drink alcohol during cleansing; it is advisable to quit smoking. The number of medications should be reduced to a vital minimum (let a specialist determine what exactly to take). The diet itself should be light and not plentiful: vegetables, apples, lactic acid products, low-fat cottage cheese. Fatty and overcooked foods are contraindicated. Immediately before the cleansing process, it is good to prepare. This is not difficult to do: you need to drink an infusion of corn silk (1 teaspoon of herb is brewed with 1 glass of boiling water, infused for 2 hours, filtered). You need to drink the infusion in small sips before eating. You should drink the entire glass during the day. The course is at least a week.

Biliary tract cleansing technology

The most convenient and safest method of cleansing the biliary tract may be the method recommended by V. Lobodin.

Beforehand, a week in advance, you switch to a vegetarian diet, while drinking a large amount of juices. It’s even a good idea to do a one-day fast the day before the cleanse.

1st day: at 18 o'clock - a light vegetarian dinner, at 21 o'clock - an enema with herbal infusion, at 22 o'clock - take 1 glass of corn silk decoction along with 1 tablespoon of honey.

Day 2: at 7-8 o'clock - do an enema with an infusion of herbs, from 12 to 18 o'clock - drink 1 glass of corn silk decoction every hour, at 20 o'clock - secure a warm heating pad on the right side with a wide towel, at 21 o'clock - drink 150 g of olive oil in one gulp butter (warm), eat lemon, lie on your left side, at 22:00 - drink another 100 g of olive oil, eat lemon.

3rd day: Do an enema in the morning and evening. If pain occurs in the liver area, you need to take 2 tablets of no-shpa.

Nutrition after cleansing should be gentle for 2-3 days. First of all, use vegetables and cereals in water. After 3 days, go to your normal diet, but refrain from spicy, salty and peppery foods.

Kidney cleansing

After we have cleansed the liver, you need to rest for 7-10 days. After the break, you can begin cleansing the kidneys.

Medical certificate

The function of the kidneys is to regulate the amount of fluid in the body, including removing from the body some of the water, salts and products of protein metabolism, many of which are toxic. Pyelonephritis is inflammation of the renal pelvis. Microbes enter the renal pelvis through the blood or lymph flow. The danger of chronic pyelonephritis is that when the renal pelvis expands, fluid stagnation is created in the overlying parts of the kidney. This disease is called hydronephrosis. A more common complication of pyelonephritis is the formation of kidney stones.

The most common methods for cleaning the kidneys and bladder are:

Take corn hairs (from the cobs), bean leaves, bearberry leaves, 1 teaspoon each. Pour the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water and keep on low heat for 15 minutes. The decoction should be drunk, after straining, throughout the day.

Parsley seeds have a very strong diuretic effect. Pour 1 teaspoon of fruit into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave in a thermos overnight. Drink 100 g 2-3 times a day. You can use parsley roots instead of seeds.

At the same time as parsley infusion, it makes sense to take raisin infusion. Rinse 2 tablespoons of raisins, rinse with boiling water, add 1 glass of boiling water and leave overnight. Drink the infusion throughout the day, eat raisins. The course of treatment is 7 days.

A very effective remedy for cleansing the kidneys is a decoction of flax seeds. Pour 4 teaspoons of seeds into 0.5 liters of boiling water, keep on low heat for 15 minutes, leave overnight. Add the strained infusion to 0.5 l. Drink a sip every 2 hours throughout the day.

A more “aggressive” cleansing method is using juniper berries (according to Kneipp). On the first day, chew 4 berries slowly and discard the seeds. Over the next 12 days, add 1 berry daily, then reduce the number of berries one at a time.

At the same time as taking juniper berries, you can drink an infusion of knotweed. This is especially important if there is sand in the kidneys. You need to brew knotweed according to the usual method. Drink 1 glass throughout the day. Course - 14 days.

Radish juice is also used to cleanse the kidneys. It is prepared according to the old grandfather's recipe. The top of a large radish, previously washed, is cut off and a large hole is cut out. Honey is poured there or sugar is simply added. The top of the hole needs to be covered with the remaining top. Sometimes the removed core is ground and mixed with honey or sugar inside the root vegetable. You need to “infuse” such a radish overnight, and drink the juice that has been released the next morning. 2 - 3 tablespoons a couple of times a day is enough.

Classic means of cleansing the kidneys are infusions of birch leaves, birch buds, nettle leaves and lingonberries. They can be used either individually or in combination with each other. The only limitation: you cannot take an infusion of birch buds for more than 7 days in a row (the resins they contain can irritate the renal pelvis) and for more than 14 days in a row - an infusion of nettle (there is a risk of microbleeding due to the fact that blood clotting is reduced).

Figs and peaches have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

The military method of dealing with small stones or sand is to drink 1-2 liters of light beer and then run up and down the stairs with a warm heating pad tied to your lower back until you feel a strong urge to go to the toilet. You need to wait another 5 - 7 minutes and empty your bladder.

3 liters of warm water. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals. Shake several times before use. Be sure to drink the mumiyo solution with red beet juice. The course is 10 days, then a break of 1.5 weeks and a repeat course. The first morning dose must be taken immediately after sleep.

An oat decoction is also suitable as a diuretic that dissolves kidney stones. You need to take 1 cup of unpeeled seeds (“Hercules” is not suitable), pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them, keep in a water bath for 30 minutes, then leave for an hour, strain and drink 1/2 cup 2 times a day with honey ( 1/2 teaspoon).

When cleansing, it is best to combine anti-inflammatory, diuretic and stone-crushing agents.

Anti-inflammatory: mumiyo, infusions of birch leaves, birch buds, lingonberry leaves, bearberry, kidney tea, flax seed, juniper berries.

Diuretics: decoction of parsley roots or seeds, watermelon, beer, corn hairs, knotweed, oats.

Stone crushing: radish juice, nettle infusion, knotweed.

Attention! During treatment with mumiyo, you should not drink alcohol, even beer.

Universal The effect is exerted by erva woolly, also known as pol-pal.

The removal of sand or small stones from the kidneys may be accompanied by pain. Make sure you have no-shpa, baralgin and a warm heating pad at home. It is advisable to apply a heating pad to the lower back for 20-30 minutes even after taking the above remedies.

Attention! It is possible that all the actions you take will not be successful, and the pain that arises during the passage of the stone will intensify. In this case, stop taking herbal infusions and be sure to consult a doctor. It should be noted that if the stone is smaller than 0.5 cm, assistance is usually not required. After removing stone or sand and in all cases when, after cleansing the kidneys, traces of blood appear in the urine, take infusions of herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect for a week.

Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract

This cleansing is recommended for people suffering from indigestion, which is combined with a violation of the acidity of gastric juice. External signs of an increase or decrease in acidity are heartburn, belching, unpleasant (rotten) smell from the mouth, the presence of a dirty gray coating on the tongue, heaviness in the stomach after eating, pain that occurs in the stomach at night and in the morning - the so-called “hungry” pain. Most often, chronic constipation is present in this case.

However, even for those who do not have pronounced digestive disorders, cleansing will bring considerable benefits.

Dr. Kurennov describes a way to improve stomach function using green apple puree. Quickly grate the peeled apple on the finest grater and eat it immediately, before the iron it contains has time to oxidize in the air (until the apple darkens).

This procedure should be performed in the morning 2 hours before breakfast.

Irregular use of this cleansing method is unlikely to produce results; you need to eat apples for at least 2 weeks.

If you have not been diagnosed with gastritis with increased secretion, spices that are added to food can play a positive role in cleansing. Mustard works especially well.

Use green or red tea to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.

Green tea (preferably Chinese) can only be drunk during the daytime or in the morning, but not in the evening. Green tea has a pronounced tonic effect. They brew it like this. Water passed through a mineral filter is brought to a boil. Tea is poured into a ceramic teapot, previously scalded with boiling water. For 1/2 teaspoon of tea, take 1 glass of water. You can add sugar, but this will reduce the effectiveness of green tea as a medicine.

You can add sugar to red tea (from hibiscus flowers). It's easier to brew than green. Pour 2 teaspoons of dry tea leaves with 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 5 minutes.

Due to its pronounced tonic effect, red tea should also not be drunk before bed.

It is best to start colon cleansing with fasting.

Attention! Experts do not recommend fasting for more than 3 days without medical supervision.

On the 1st-2nd day of fasting, a significant release of nitrogenous (toxic) compounds into the blood occurs due to the digestion of previously consumed (immediately before fasting) food. Then the energy processes in the cells are inhibited, and at the same time fat reserves are utilized. At the same time, the mass of organs such as the spleen, liver, and gonads is significantly reduced. Therefore, long-term fasting, along with the benefits (weight loss, cleansing of internal fat deposits, stimulation of metabolic processes), can harm your health: the production of new blood cells decreases, sexual function decreases, and immunity decreases. The positive effect of long-term (1-2 week) fasting is achieved only if you combine it with walks in the fresh air, massage, and enemas. The best conditions can only be provided in a sanatorium or hospital.

The technology of short-term fasting is simple. This method can be used regularly by anyone who is normal or overweight. If you decide to fast without being burdened with fat deposits, then you will make a mistake: your muscles and liver will be depleted. And this does not mean that the method is bad. It’s just that in this case it is less preferable than, say, using enemas or cleansing with sorbents.

How to do a two-day fast? It is very important to waste your energy as little as possible during such fasting. Paul Bragg believes that it is better to lie down altogether. Accordingly, mental stress, sex, etc. are also excluded. Secondly, fasting must be complete - you can only drink water in any quantity. It is advisable to do enemas. Although, of course, they only release the lower parts of the small intestine from toxic substances.

On the morning of the first day of fasting, there is no need to eat anything. In the evening, on the eve of the cleansing, you should do a cleansing enema (1 - 1.5 l) before going to bed. At dinner, you should only eat plant foods rich in fiber (for example, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, bran bread). When you wake up, do another enema. The same procedure should be repeated the next morning. During fasting, drink mineral water from which gases have been previously released. You need to end your fast two days after the first “hungry morning”. So you fast, for example, from Friday evening to Monday morning. On Monday, start drinking fruit juices (it’s better if they are juices with pulp, diluted with water in a 2:1 ratio, or ready-made nectars - apple, grapefruit, orange, plum). By 12 o'clock on Monday, when digestion is usually activated, you can already eat salads and even broth. And only at about 15-17 hours is it permissible to move on to vegetable dishes that have been subjected to heat treatment and fish.

The consequences can be extremely unpleasant if you begin to “lean” on flour (bread, pasta), dairy products, and meat. Moreover, by inertia, for a few more hours after drinking juices and salads, the body will actively cleanse itself. Having received food, the rested intestines will absorb it in the best possible way, which will give the body a wonderful boost of strength. If, on the contrary, after breaking the fast you feel tired, it means that either you need to carry out longer fasts, or the preparation for them must be more serious. At least a week before fasting, you need to switch only to plant foods.

Cleansing the lower intestines must begin with an enema. The purpose of this procedure is to speed up the cleansing process carried out by other methods. In most cases, the technique proposed by V. T. Lobodin is best suited for performing an enema. Esmarch's mug (1.5-2 l) is filled with the composition of your choice (water, herbal infusion, urine). Then you need to lie on your back in a bath with warm water and, in this position, insert the tip of the hose into the anus. Then the liquid enters the intestines easily and is better retained.

After emptying the intestines (completion of the procedure), stroke your stomach clockwise for a minute, then perform a series of bends, turns to the sides, deep breaths and exhalations, and stroke your stomach again. This will help remove toxins from the upper intestines.

Those who suffer from colitis should do an enema with a warm infusion of chamomile and birch leaves: 4 tablespoons of a mixture (1:1) per 1.5 liters of boiling water; leave for an hour; filter, administer warmed to a temperature of 25-27 °C.

In the book “Health and Spirituality” V. T. Dobodin describes a very effective way to cleanse the upper intestines. This is where food comes from the stomach and duodenum. You should take a mixture of alder cones, chamomile flowers and licorice root (20 g each), galangal root (10 g); Brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes. Take 1/3 cup warm after meals for a week. After a week's break, the course must be repeated. Use honey as a means to soften the tart taste of the composition. The course is repeated three times.

It is advisable to cleanse the small intestine after cleansing the large intestine. Start this stage when you have finished intense fasting or enemas.

Cleansing blood vessels

Cleansing of blood vessels is always carried out after cleansing the intestines, liver, and kidneys.

If it were possible to line up arteries, veins, capillaries one after another, it would be many tens of kilometers long. The elasticity of the walls of blood vessels determines how fully this or that organ, each cell, will be nourished. The degree of permeability of capillary walls is especially important. After all, nutrients and oxygen brought by the blood pass directly through the walls of the capillaries to the cells, and waste substances are removed through them. The lumen of the smallest capillaries does not exceed the size of a red blood cell. Accordingly, in a slagged body, the capillaries quickly become clogged and stop functioning.

Another problem is associated with large vessels. If a person has increased blood clotting, this means that platelets can stick together, subsequently forming a blood clot. It is possible that someday the blood clot will be carried by the bloodstream to a smaller vessel, which will completely block it. What if such a vessel turns out to be a coronary (heart) or cerebral artery?..

V.F. Troitsky offers this recipe for cleansing blood vessels. You need to take 1 tablespoon of grated fresh horseradish and the same amount of honey, mix until smooth. In the first days, you should eat no more than 1 teaspoon of the mixture before breakfast. Gradually increase the dose to 1 tablespoon. If your stomach reacts poorly to horseradish, you should not increase the dose. Course - 30 days. The break between courses is at least 2 months. Horseradish with honey has a particularly good effect on the coronary vessels during angina pectoris.

The infusion of pine needles qualitatively saturates the body with ascorbic acid. Take 1 teaspoon of young needles, pour 1 glass of boiling water over them, keep in a water bath for 5 minutes, leave for 2 hours, then strain. Drink 1/4 cup of the decoction every 4 hours before meals. Course - 21 days.

The cleansing of blood vessels is facilitated by daily consumption of the following vegetables and berries: cabbage, eggplant, corn, radish, carrots, strawberries, black currants, rose hips, lingonberries, blackberries, as well as cumin, dill, thyme.

V. A. Ivanchenko offers a recipe for the “Heart Elixir” drink. To prepare it, you need to take elecampane roots (70 g), honey (30 g), unpeeled and thoroughly washed oats (50 g), raw water passed through a filter (0.5 l). Pour cold water over the oats, bring to a boil and leave for 3-4 hours; Pour crushed elecampane roots into oatmeal broth, bring to a boil again and leave for 2 hours. Then strain and add honey. Drink 1/2 cup of decoction 2-3 times a day before meals. Course - 14 days.

You can use another recipe. During the day, it is recommended to eat 1 lemon with honey, and in addition, drink 1 glass of birch leaf infusion. Course - 14 days.

Provide nutrition that helps cleanse blood vessels (exclude fatty and salty foods from your diet, give preference to foods with a lot of fiber).

Eat foods that thin the blood and lower cholesterol: garlic, horseradish, radish, parsley, cumin, etc.

Conduct a course of blood vessel cleansing using garlic tincture or garlic oil.

Take infusions of herbs that have an anti-sclerotic effect (pine needles, birch leaves, etc.).

After herbal treatment, switch to taking fish oil preparations.

Do not forget to periodically cleanse the bile ducts.

Cleansing for diseases of the spine and joints

Taking care of the spine is much more troublesome than, say, cleansing the intestines, liver, etc.

Let's first figure out what exactly we are going to “cleanse” our spine from. Of the entire musculoskeletal system, we are only interested in those bone formations between which there are movable joints - joints. And it doesn’t matter whether these are small joints of the foot, numerous joints of the spine or large knee, shoulder, and hip joints. The mechanism of their damage is universal. A city dweller is always susceptible to indolent infections that affect the joints. In addition, if the liver does not cope well enough with its role as a filter, toxic substances precipitate in the cavities, such as the joint capsules. Finally, modern man tends to lead a sedentary lifestyle. The joints are designed in such a way that their normal nutrition is possible only with physical activity. Otherwise, they undergo degeneration.

Thus, the main task when cleansing joints is to remove toxic substances from them and normalize blood circulation around the joints. Unfortunately, it is very, very difficult to dissolve long-existing lime deposits in joints.

When cleansing the spine, you should pay attention to the intervertebral discs - gelatinous formations, which are a shock-absorbing pad that evenly distributes the load over the entire surface of the vertebral body, as well as to the ligaments that keep the spine from excessive rotation in the lateral plane. Of course, the muscles in the immediate vicinity of the spine will also be involved in the cleansing process.

You can get rid of toxins much faster than improve blood circulation. The rule applies to the joints and spine: achieve full blood circulation in this area for at least six months, and the blood itself will remove everything unnecessary. You can, for example, limit yourself to regular visits to the bathhouse, this will be enough.

Let us remind you of exactly how you need to spend time in the bathhouse for the procedure to be therapeutic. It’s good if you go there with an avid steamer, who will both cheer you up and steam, and not with a neighbor who likes to discuss his sores. Think carefully about what you take to the bathhouse. You need to prepare an infusion of herbs in advance, take a little honey, a lot of salt, a broom, a sheet or robe (preferably made of rough canvas), a hat, slippers.

What herbs should I use to drink in the bath? Diaphoretics, diuretics, in general - your favorites. A person is designed in such a way that it is very difficult for him to be treated constantly and without a break, so if you swallow a bitter, but very healthy herb even in a bathhouse, most likely you will simply stop going there. It is best to prepare some tasty, pleasant collection for you: raspberries, mint, chamomile, calendula. It is convenient to brew herbs in a thermos. During your stay in the bathhouse you should drink from 1 to 3 glasses of infusion.

When you enter the bathhouse, first of all, fill the broom with boiling water in a basin. If the bathhouse also has a Finnish sauna, then it is better to start the procedures there. Sit quietly and breathe deeply (without talking) until you begin to sweat. Both in the Russian bath and in the sauna you can spray Vitaon balm, alcoholic tincture of mint, eucalyptus or any other herbal infusions on the heater (ten). A juniper broom will provide an additional aroma in a Russian steam room. While in the sauna, it would be nice to hold a glass (not glass) with hot herbal infusion in your hands and breathe in its vapors. The hot air of the sauna dries out the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, which is not very good. Don't forget to put a hat on your head, preferably a woolen one. If you can easily tolerate bathing procedures, then you can visit the sauna three times with rest breaks, during which you should wash your head in the shower (the water temperature should be quite low), and then, covered with a sheet, drink three sips of the prepared herbal infusion and grind apply honey to diseased areas of the body and face.

After you have enjoyed your visit to the sauna, you can go to the Russian steam room. First, just sit, breathe, pressing the broom to your face. Once you are used to the hot steam, but not tired, start whipping yourself with a broom or ask a neighbor to do it. The sequence of blows and various techniques for “controlling” the broom are very individual.

Watch the bathing virtuosos, they immediately catch your eye, learn from them, and, of course, listen to your body. From the touch of a broom, cold goosebumps should first run through your body, and at the end of such a massage, with strong blows of the broom, you need to achieve a feeling of weightlessness in the area where something hurt you before. With a good pair, you can achieve success in 2-3 minutes. Then leave the steam room and take a shower. Make it a rule to use regular sea salt instead of soap.

Next, we can recommend a course of hyperthermic baths of 5 procedures. Turpentine baths have an even more pronounced effect. For them, you first need to prepare a yellow turpentine solution. 300 ml of castor oil is kept in a water bath. 40 g of sodium hydroxide (crystalline, which is sold in hardware stores) are dissolved in 200 ml of cold water. After the water in which the castor oil is heated has boiled, alkali is poured into it and thoroughly stirred with a glass rod. When the solution thickens, you need to add 250 ml of oleic acid to it, while continuing to stir. When the composition becomes liquid (like sunflower oil), pour it into a saucepan along with 750 ml of gum turpentine. Stir. Store at room temperature in tightly sealed bottles.

Now pour water into the bath (temperature 36 ° C), pour in 40 ml of turpentine solution, stir. Lie down in the bath and in 15 minutes bring the water temperature to 39-42 °C (if the temperature of 39 °C is difficult to tolerate, you can reduce it to 38.5 °C) and lie in the bath for another 5 minutes. Drink a glass of hot herbal infusion with raspberries or honey. Dry the skin with a very soft cloth (without rubbing!). Wrap yourself in a sheet, wrap yourself in a blanket, drink 1 more glass of warm liquid. Profuse sweating will continue for 20-40 minutes. Then dry your body, change into dry clothes and go to bed.

The next morning you need to eat 100 g of dried apricots or raisins; a dozen pumpkin seeds and one ripe banana. The purpose of such a breakfast is to replenish the loss of potassium in the body, which inevitably accompanies active sweating.

A turpentine bath significantly increases body temperature, therefore it helps to activate blood circulation and resolve scars, adhesions, salt deposits, etc. The course is 5-10 baths. They can be taken every other day.

Attention! Before taking a turpentine bath, be sure to lubricate the perineal area with Vaseline. During the procedure, the heart area should be above the water. You should not take a turpentine bath while at home alone.

Contraindications: increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure, previous myocardial infarction, cerebral edema, acute glomerulonephritis, myocarditis, liver cirrhosis, skin diseases, oncological and infectious diseases, acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity.

Immediately after a course of hyperthermic or turpentine baths, it is recommended to drink an infusion of two herbs: half a pope and birch leaves. Take 1 teaspoon of each herb and pour 1 cup of boiling water over the mixture. Leave for an hour. Drink 1/2 glass three times a day before meals. Course - 14 days.

Cleaning the joints

The most popular method of cleansing joints is using bay leaves. Pour 5 g of bay leaf into 300 g of boiling water and keep in a water bath for 3-5 minutes. The composition must be infused overnight. In the morning, strain the broth and drink a sip every hour. It is believed that bay leaf has a beneficial effect on microcirculation in the joint area.

O.I. Eliseeva recommends conducting a three-day cleansing course, then taking a break for a week and repeating the course. And she advises carrying out another course in a month, provided that you do not suffer from blood diseases and have undergone the previous course painlessly. As a consequence of the “side” effect of the decoction, kidney stones may occur. This point must be taken into account by those who have kidney stones and prepare in advance.

Attention! Treatment with bay leaves is absolutely contraindicated for those who suffer from gastric and duodenal ulcers, erosive gastritis, renal failure, and decreased blood clotting.

Academician B.V. Bolotov offers another method of cleansing: using sunflower roots. You need to use thick parts of the roots, previously washed and dried.

Take 1 cup of sunflower roots, pour 3 liters of water over them, bring to a boil and cook for 1-2 minutes. You need to drink 0.5 liters of decoction per day. The positive result of this cleansing procedure will appear only after 2 weeks of regular use of the decoction.

The same author offers in his books another interesting way to cleanse the body. Activation of enzyme systems, which themselves are able to “digest” salts, is facilitated (according to Bolotov) by taking herbs infused with whey. Bolotov put forward the idea that lactic acid bacteria, saturated with various medicinal substances of biologically active plants with cleansing activity (celandine, chestnut, St. John's wort, coltsfoot), are capable of greatly enhancing the effectiveness of herbal treatment.

To prepare a medicinal product, you need to take 0.5 liters of whey and place chopped herbs in it in a gauze bag (celandine and St. John's wort are best - 1 teaspoon each). To prevent the bag from floating, place a stainless steel spoon in it, or even better, some glass object. Under no circumstances use aluminum, lead spoons, etc. as sinkers. You can add 0.5 teaspoon of sour cream to the whey to replenish the number of lactic acid bacteria lost during milk curdling.

The jar should be covered with several layers of gauze and kept in a cool, dark place, but not in the refrigerator. Leave for 2 weeks. You should take the prepared medicinal serum half a glass a day before meals.

It makes sense to carry out such a cleansing course monthly. After its completion, proceed to taking “Bifilife”, “Bifidok”, etc. In principle, coltsfoot, which has a pronounced effect on blood vessels, can be used to prepare a medicinal serum. In summer, the leaves of this plant, finely ground, should be consumed as an additive to salad, and in winter, steamed leaves are useful to apply to sore joints.

Often in books on cleansing you can find recommendations about using soaked raw rice to cleanse joints. There are several different ways to cook rice.

Method 1 (according to G. P. Malakhov). Take a glass of rice, pour 1 liter of boiled or purified water into it, soak for 3 days, then pour out the old water and, adding 2 glasses of new water to the rice, cook the porridge. In this case, all the water should boil away. Divide the porridge into 4 equal portions and eat each of them after 1 hour, before drinking half a glass of water. Also, during the day set aside for cleansing, you need to eat 1 orange or a glass of fresh rose hips, and the next day - 500 g of beets and 500 g of apples. After 3-4 days, repeat the procedure. Malakhov recommends using only unpolished, or even better, dark rice and warns that cleansing with rice can lead to weight loss.

Method 2. Take 2 tablespoons of rice, pour 0.5 liters of boiled cooled water (or purified). Insist for a day. The next day, the rice should be washed with boiled or purified water and refilled, and the next portion should be soaked in another half-liter jar. On the third day, you need to wash the rice in two jars, and soak it in the third. So gradually you will reach 5 cans. On the sixth day, take the first jar. The rice in the remaining jars is washed regularly and one jar is added every day to replace the used one. Porridge without salt is prepared from soaked rice in water. You should not eat anything 30-40 minutes before taking rice and for 4 hours after taking it. A glass of cool mineral water, drunk 30 minutes before eating rice porridge, will enhance the effect of this procedure.

Dr. B. S. Taitz recommends cleansing joints using a decoction of heather grass. Brew 2 tablespoons of herbs with 1 liter of boiling water. Cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Leave for 12 hours. Drink 1 glass a day for a month.

To cleanse joints, you can also use infusions of lingonberry leaf, knotweed, and bearberry. Due to the content of silicic acid in knotweed, a decoction of the plant prevents the deposition of salts. Knotweed has a diuretic effect and actively removes sodium and chlorine from the body, not to mention the fact that it improves immunity and has many other beneficial properties. To cleanse the joints, you need to brew it as follows. Pour 3 tablespoons of herb into 1 glass of boiling water, keep on low heat for 15 minutes, strain, squeeze. Drink 1/2 glass 4 times a day before meals.

It is very good to use lingonberries, which contain polyunsaturated fatty acids similar to those found in fish oil, to cleanse joints. Lingonberries have a healing effect if you eat 1/2 cup of fresh, soaked or dried berries a day. The main thing is that they are not subjected to heat treatment. Lingonberry leaf is also useful for arthritis, and, in addition, it is used to cleanse the kidneys. Lingonberry leaf is brewed in the same way as other herbs.

When cleaning your joints, don’t forget about garlic. It can be consumed regularly either in its pure form (2-3 cloves per day) or in the form of a tincture. The tincture is very simple to prepare. Pour 4-5 peeled garlic cloves into a bottle and pour in 2 glasses of vodka (you can use vermouth, gin or rum, or any strong drinks). Shake the contents of the bottle 2-3 times a day. It should be stored in a cool, dark place. The composition is infused for exactly 21 days.

There are other recipes. For example, Dr. O. Eliseeva offers such a remedy. Finely chop 350 g of garlic and grind with a wooden pestle to a paste. Without using metal objects, transfer the pulp into a glass jar, cover with a lid and place in a dark place. Then separate 200 g of the liquid mass (drain) and add 200 g of medical alcohol instead. Close tightly. After 10 days of storage in a dark place, squeeze out; Keep the resulting tincture in the dark for another two days.

The tincture is taken according to the following scheme. From the 1st to the 5th day, add 1 drop to each dose, so that by the 5th day you are already using 15 drops three times a day. It is better to take the tincture 15-30 minutes before meals with 50 g of cold water. From the 5th day, on the contrary, reduce the number of drops taken at each dose by one, so that before dinner on the 10th day you take 1 drop. For example, on the 1st day you drink 1 drop at breakfast, 2 at lunch, 3 at dinner. On the second day: 4 at breakfast, etc.

The remaining liquid (when the main course has already been completed) must be drunk, taking 25 drops 3 times a day until the tincture is finished.

Attention! If you experience palpitations when taking the tincture, try using garlic oil (according to B.S. Thai). To prepare it, take 2 heads of fresh garlic, chop them on a fine grater, pour in a glass of good vegetable oil, preferably unrefined. The resulting composition should be poured into a glass container with a tight-fitting lid, placed in the sun for 12 hours, and then stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, using a teaspoon per day. One possible way to consume garlic oil is to eat it with brown bread. One of the features of garlic is that many of its components are eliminated from the body within 2-2.5 hours. Therefore, every day you can absolutely safely eat 4 cloves, which will only benefit you.

Cleansing the spine

The classic way to “cleanse” the spine is to use a mixture of radish, vodka, honey and salt.

Take 1.5 cups of radish juice (you can replace it with finely grated radish), add 1 cup of honey, 1/2 cup of vodka and 1 tablespoon of salt, mix everything. This mixture should be rubbed on the affected areas of the spine. In addition, it is taken orally, 1 tablespoon before bedtime.

The course of treatment is one week, and then it is better to take a break.

With osteochondrosis, the need for a specific substance, collagen, increases significantly, and, in addition, a sufficient amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is needed, which stimulates the production of this substance in the body. You can get it in different ways. In the summer, for example, you can prepare salads that include spinach, nettles, and chopped dandelion roots. The latter need to be thoroughly washed and possibly soaked in cold water overnight. In winter we have lemons and grapefruits at our disposal. At any time of the year you can use an infusion of pine needles. To prepare it, you need to take a teaspoon of pine needles (young needles) and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Infuse for 2 hours in a thermos, strain. Drink 1 glass throughout the day.

In case of acute pain in the spine (radiculitis), you should not neglect soluble vitamin C (for example, from Upsa), in this form it is absolutely harmless to the stomach. Remember that vitamin C, like other vitamins, cannot be “stocked up” for future use.

In adulthood, osteoporosis becomes one of the health problems. With this disease, the bones become thin and brittle. Most often it affects women over 40 years of age. Naturally, it affects osteoporosis and the spine. There is an ancient oriental remedy that strengthens bones - khash. This is a concentrated soup made from lamb legs. They are boiled with a small amount of salt, without spices, until the broth becomes thick. You need to drink khash 1/2 cup 2 times a day for 14 days. After a month's break, the course is repeated.

There is another wonderful remedy for strengthening bones - ordinary eggshells. You need to take the shells of 10 fresh, cleanly washed eggs. Dry them in a dark place for 10 days. Crush into powder. Take a pinch of powder (on the tip of a knife) 2 times a day. Course - 2 months. It should be repeated every six months.

Calcium is better absorbed in combination with certain elements. For example, pumpkin seeds can ensure their intake into the body. Eat them raw, 5-10 pieces per day.

One of the most famous means that helps restore the flexibility of the spine is mumiyo honey: mumiyo - 8 parts, honey - 180 parts. Mumiyo should be mixed with 1 tablespoon of water and left at room temperature for 16-18 hours. Then add honey and stir. Take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day before meals for 15 days. Shilajit honey will be especially useful if your back begins to hurt after an injury. The course is repeated three times with a break of 2 weeks. In addition, during the treatment period you need to rub mumiyo honey into the spine area.

So, if you care about your health, you should follow these rules.

Cleanse the intestines, liver, kidneys. Pay special attention to the need to “populate” the intestines with lactic acid bacteria after the cleansing is completed.

Regardless of whether you are working on joints or the spine, try to saturate your body with vitamins and minerals, primarily vitamin C and calcium.

The best method of cleansing joints and strengthening the spine is a bath. Visit her at least once a week.

If you do not have the opportunity to regularly go to the bathhouse, conduct several cleansing courses using hyperthermic and turpentine baths. As a last resort, you can limit yourself to hot herbal baths (for example, with a birch leaf).

Take natural biostimulating products that improve metabolism: mumiyo honey, pumpkin seeds, etc.

Once you have achieved improvement in the condition of your joints and spine and the pain has decreased, begin doing mobility exercises. Gradually increasing the range of motion, perform various bends, turns, flexions and extensions.

Internal use of H 2 O 2

Hydrogen peroxide is taken internally by dissolving it in water.

You need to start with small doses - 1 drop per 3 tablespoons of water (about 50 ml) 3 times a day on an empty stomach. Then you should add 1 drop daily.

After 10 days of taking it, take a break for 3 days. Then take 10 drops for 2 days and again take a break for 1-2 days. Continue like this: take the medicine for 2 days, rest for a day.

After 1.5 - 2 months it is necessary to do control blood tests.

A supporter and promoter of the hydrogen peroxide treatment method, American doctor William Douglas believes that taking H 2 O 2 is safe as long as the daily dose does not exceed 30 drops.

If you suffer from cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or respiratory system, the internal use of hydrogen peroxide should be carried out according to a different scheme. Treatment should begin with small doses - 0.5 drops per 5 tablespoons of water. If your health condition worsens even slightly, the procedures should be stopped immediately!

If the condition remains stable, on the fourth day increase the dose of H 2 0 2 to 1 drop per the same amount of water. After 7 days, add 1 more drop. So once a week, add 1 drop until you bring the number to 7. Take 7 drops per 5 tablespoons of water for 3 days. Do a blood test. If the analysis is normal, you can proceed to the main (first) regimen of taking the drug.

Hydrogen peroxide should be taken 30 minutes before meals or 1.5-2 hours after meals.

Enemas with hydrogen peroxide

Before doing a therapeutic enema with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines.

When treating with hydrogen peroxide, prepare a solution at the rate of 4 teaspoons of a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide per 1 liter of water. It is advisable to keep the healing solution inside for 2 - 3 minutes so that it is absorbed into the intestinal walls.

Attention! Enemas with hydrogen peroxide are contraindicated for diseases of the rectum and anus, inflammation of the intestines, appendicitis and after surgery in the abdominal cavity. If you have acute abdominal pain, you should not do an enema. For enemas, use melted or boiled water.

Instillation of hydrogen peroxide solution

The main promoter of hydrogen peroxide as a medicine is Professor I. II. Neumyvakin recommends treating with peroxide solution by instillation.

The instillation solution is made as follows. Add 1 drop of 3% hydrogen peroxide to 1 teaspoon of water. This solution is dripped into the ear (2 drops each) for various ear diseases. Instead of instillation, you can place cotton swabs soaked in the solution in your ears. The course of treatment is 1 month.

For any viral diseases, multiple sclerosis, diseases of the nasopharynx, the same solution is instilled into the nose - 1-2 drops in each nostril. The course of treatment is 10-12 days.

Intravenous injections of hydrogen peroxide solution

Some enthusiastic doctors have been engaged in research related to this treatment method for many years. The famous American doctor C. Farah published data in 1998 according to which the improvement in clinical indicators in patients who received intravenous injections of hydrogen peroxide occurs due to the fact that their immunity is strengthened.

How are these injections done?

The first intravenous administration is made at the rate of 2 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide per 200 ml of saline solution. During the following procedures, 10 ml of 3% peroxide is taken per 200 ml of saline solution.

Professor Neumyvakin, for his part, argues that in case of severe diseases, more “strong” injections can be given - up to 15 ml of 3% H 2 0 2 per 200 ml of saline solution. The number of injections given daily depends on the nature of the ailment. The course of treatment is 5-10 procedures.

Hydrogen peroxide is administered by drip and can only be administered by a medical professional (preferably in a hospital).

Attention! When administered intravenously, hydrogen peroxide should not be mixed with other medications, as they will oxidize.

Possible side effects when treated with hydrogen peroxide

As even zealous supporters of hydrogen peroxide admit, complications of varying severity often arise during its therapeutic use.

Intravenous infusions of hydrogen peroxide are strictly contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the respiratory tract, cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as allergy sufferers.

If a large dose of H 2 0 2 enters the bloodstream, blood circulation in the lungs may be disrupted, which will lead to the development of embolism.

With prolonged use of hydrogen peroxide orally (including when administered through an enema), there is a high risk of developing ulcerative colitis.

One of the common side effects of intravenous use of H 2 0 2 is inflammation of the veins (phlebitis).

The use of hydrogen peroxide as a remedy should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor!

Skin diseases

Human skin consists of three main layers: the outer - epidermis, the middle - dermis, or the skin itself, and the lower - subcutaneous fatty tissue, or hypodermis.

The epidermis has two layers. The first layer, the superficial one, is called the stratum corneum. It protects the body from harmful influences, infection, and prevents drying of the skin.

The dermis is approximately 20 times thicker than the epidermis. It contains sebaceous and sweat glands, nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels.

The hypodermis is a network of fibers collected in bundles, the spaces between which are filled with fat cells. Fibers increase the elasticity and strength of the skin, and fat cells save it from mechanical damage.

The skin performs several functions simultaneously.

The main function is protective. It is the skin that protects our internal organs from all kinds of damage and microbes.

The skin also performs a cleansing function - with the help of sweat and sebaceous glands, toxins are removed from the human body through it.

Another function of the skin is respiratory: the skin actively participates in the gas exchange of the body.

Another function is thermoregulatory. The skin regulates the exchange of heat between the body and the external environment. When we are hot, our skin turns red; when we are very cold, it, on the contrary, becomes pale. These manifestations are due to the mechanism of heat exchange between the human body and the environment through the skin.

The next function is tactile. Some people experience a painful distortion of skin sensitivity in the direction of increasing or decreasing it. For most, skin sensitivity increases with various, even the most minor, diseases.

In addition, the skin takes part in the body's metabolism.

— What skin diseases are the most common today?

— An ignorant person would call allergies the most common skin disease. And he will be mistaken: allergy is not a skin disease at all, it is an immune disease. An allergic reaction is an “incorrect” reaction of the immune system to certain external or internal influences on the human body.

Skin irritations are just an external manifestation of this immune disease.

First of all, viral dermatoses should be mentioned. Of the viral dermatoses, herpes is best known to us. This disease is caused by the constant presence of a virus of the corresponding type in the human body and its periodic activation at times of decreased resistance. Herpes can be cured only by thoroughly strengthening the immune system as a whole.

Acne gives people (especially teenagers) a lot of trouble. How are they formed? Sebum is retained in the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands, and black dots - comedones - appear on the surface of the skin. Against this background, inflammation often occurs, namely, acne and boils. This is already pyoderma.

There is another very unpleasant disease - hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating. This disease most often occurs against the background of functional disorders of the nervous system.

Psoriasis is a chronic, relapsing skin disease with complex, poorly understood development mechanisms.

Eczema is a chronic, periodically worsening skin disease that is characterized by inflammation of the skin and the appearance of weeping areas and severe itching.

You can name several dozen more types of skin diseases.

Warning: Only a good specialist can give you an accurate diagnosis. And if you start treatment without knowing your diagnosis, then most likely such treatment will bring you harm rather than benefit.

— How to treat skin diseases with folk remedies?

— Natural, non-hazardous folk remedies are good. Dangerous or dubious - bad.

A well-known promoter of the medicinal properties of hydrogen peroxide, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor I. P. Neumyvakin, recommends for skin diseases to use not only 3% hydrogen peroxide (undiluted), but also 15-25% and even 33% peroxide prepared from hydroperite tablets.

Peroxide should be applied to skin rashes 1-2 times a day until they disappear completely.

Skin lesions from viral infections are treated with the following composition: 1-2 teaspoons of a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide must be diluted in 50 ml of water. Moisten tampons in the resulting solution and apply applications to the affected areas for 1 hour, 1 - 2 times a day.

In case of bee stings, rinse the sore spot with cold water and then wipe with a swab moistened with a 3% solution of H 2 O2. Of course, the bee sting must first be removed.

For any skin disease, treatment must begin with diet.

Eliminate all spicy foods, coffee, cocoa, marinades, and spices from your diet. You should not eat jelly, mousse, pork, beef broth, fish, eggs, or legumes. Try to eat more vegetables, especially fresh ones. The amount of liquid consumed should be limited.

Food should be rich in vitamins, especially C, PP, A, E, as well as B vitamins.

Eat more lactic acid products, they contain calcium, which restores the acid-base balance in the body. In addition, this macroelement has strong anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties.

In addition to diet, herbal medicine will help you cope with skin diseases. The best herbs are plantain, chamomile, St. John's wort, tricolor violet, wormwood, birch, mint, half-pol, trifol, celandine.

Treating the stomach

Medical certificate

According to medical statistics, 78% of people suffer from indigestion - dyspepsia. Dyspepsia is the inability of the stomach to fully digest food due to its excess quantity or due to its poor quality. Indigestion manifests itself in nausea, a dull pain in the stomach, a feeling of fullness and distension in the stomach, heartburn, belching, and diarrhea. Inflammation of the stomach is called gastritis. Gastritis has acute and chronic forms. This disease may cause nausea, vomiting, pain in the pit of the stomach, headache, dizziness, and weakness. Acute gastritis causes severe pain, so urgent medical attention is needed. Inflammation in chronic gastritis primarily affects the gastric mucosa. Patients are concerned about heartburn, nausea, belching, and bowel dysfunction. The causes of gastric or duodenal ulcers vary; As a rule, these diseases arise due to improper, irregular nutrition and are stimulated by stress. Duodenal ulcers are characterized by aching or aching pain in the pit of the stomach, on the right side, which occurs 1.5 - 2 hours after eating, as well as on an empty stomach (at night, early in the morning). Typically, ulcer patients suffer from heartburn associated with increased acidity of gastric juice. Signs of a stomach ulcer are more vague. Pain is not always observed. It is localized directly under the pit of the stomach and appears during or immediately after eating. Often the picture of the disease is dominated by the symptoms of chronic gastritis: nausea, vomiting, belching, bowel dysfunction. Heartburn is rare. People suffering from stomach ulcers, especially those occurring against the background of gastritis with a complete absence of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes in the gastric juice, are at greater risk of developing stomach tumors than others.

For the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, Dr. William Douglas recommends taking a highly purified solution of hydrogen peroxide orally (this solution can be found at the pharmacy by purchasing an obstetric kit).

Dosage regimen: the first 3 days - 1 drop of N 2 0 2 in 1/2 glass of water 3 times a day half an hour before meals; the next 3 days - 2 drops; then 3 days - 3 drops, etc. Increase to 10 drops 3 times a day. The course of treatment is one month. Take a break for 1 - 2 weeks depending on how you feel and repeat the course.

Attention! If your condition worsens while taking the drug, you need to reduce the number of drops per dose for 1-2 days or stop it altogether until the discomfort disappears.

Chop fresh white cabbage and squeeze out the juice (into an enamel or glass bowl). Drink 1 - 1.5 glasses 3-4 times a day 40-50 minutes before meals. The course of treatment for peptic ulcer is 30 days.

Store the juice in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days, as long-term storage causes the juice to lose its healing properties.

In folk medicine, the juice of fresh white cabbage is used as a healing agent for stomach and duodenal ulcers; it is especially effective if the disease is accompanied by low acidity of gastric juice.

Wash raw potatoes (preferably different varieties) without peeling them. Pass the potato tubers through a meat grinder twice or grate them; Squeeze the pulp through cheesecloth. Store the juice in the refrigerator. Drink 1/2-1/3 glass before meals in the morning and at lunch. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Boil the peeled potatoes without salt in an enamel pan. Drain the broth. Drink 1/2-1 glass of this unsalted decoction 3 times a day. It is recommended to prepare a fresh decoction daily.

Boil wheat bran in a very small amount of water until the solution becomes homogeneous and thickens. Spread the resulting slurry onto a piece of cloth with a 2 cm layer, grate fresh garlic and spread over the surface of the lotion. Roll up the fabric and apply the lotion while it is hot on the sore spot, leave for 2 hours. Apply lotions to the stomach area not too dense and as late as possible after eating.

Take 70 g of crushed calamus rhizome. Pour in 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Used for gastritis with high acidity, as well as for stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Grind 200 g of freshly cut plantain leaves (they should not be collected along the road, but where there is less dust, in a forest or meadow). Pour 0.5 liters of 70-degree alcohol and leave for 7 days in a dark place. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

For gastritis, accompanied by increased acidity of gastric juice, a solution of baking soda (1 g per 1/2 cup) is recommended to be taken 2-3 times a day.

We treat the intestines

Medical certificate General inflammation of the intestines is caused by various microorganisms. Symptoms of this disease: rumbling in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, weakness; in severe cases, dehydration may occur. If the inflammation spreads only to the lower intestines, the disease is called enterocolitis. Local lesions of the gastrointestinal tract are much less common than combined lesions. As a rule, with gastritis, inflammation sooner or later spreads to the duodenum (gastroduodenitis), to the small intestines (gastroenteritis), to the large intestine (gastroenterocolitis). Inflammation of the colon is called colitis. With colitis, the patient experiences prolonged aching pain in the abdomen, against which attacks and cramping pain periodically occur. Intestinal bloating is characteristic. As a rule, all disorders of the gastrointestinal tract entail a decrease in performance, a state of anxiety or, on the contrary, depression. Intestinal diseases, like stomach diseases, can be treated with hydrogen peroxide, but the main treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

Before starting treatment, perform a procedure known as Shank Prakshalana.

Shank Prakshalana is an ancient method of cleansing the body by yogis; it must be used with caution. But if you learn this wisdom, your well-being will very soon improve noticeably.

To carry out this procedure, you need to prepare 2 liters of warm (32-36 ° C) salted water. Concentration - 1 dessert spoon of table (coarse) salt per 1 liter of water.

It is best to do Shank Prakshalana in the morning on an empty stomach. The procedure will take 1 - 1.5 hours.

Drink a glass of solution.

Do the exercises right away.

Drink a glass of solution and continue the exercises.

Alternate between taking a glass of solution and performing movements, otherwise nausea may occur. When you drink 6 glasses of water, you will feel the urge to go to the toilet.

After emptying your bowels for the first time, immediately perform the exercises without drinking liquids and return to the toilet again. If bowel movement does not occur, an enema must be performed.

Lubricate the anal area with oil, calendula ointment, or baby cream to avoid irritation from the salt.

After defecation again, drink a glass of the solution and go to the toilet again. Normally, each intake of the solution should be followed by a bowel movement.

You need to drink liquid until it comes out of the intestines clean. You may need 10 to 14 cups of solution.

After completing the procedure, you will continue to visit the toilet frequently for some time. Drink 3 glasses (in a row) of warm unsalted water and cleanse your stomach.


Exercise 1. Starting position: standing, feet apart about 30 cm, fingers intertwined, palms facing up. Straighten your back, breathe calmly.

Without turning your upper body, lean first to the left, and then immediately straighten up and lean to the right. Repeat 4 times, that is, make 8 tilts, alternately left and right, which will take a total of about 10 seconds. These movements open the pylorus of the stomach, and with each movement some of the water enters the duodenum.

Exercise 2. Forces the movement of water through the small intestine. The starting position is the same as in the first exercise. Extend your right arm horizontally and bend your left arm so that your index finger and thumb touch your right collarbone. Then twist your torso, pointing your outstretched right arm as far back as possible. While doing this, look at your fingertips. Without stopping at the end of the turn, immediately make a similar turn in the other direction. This exercise must be repeated 4 times. The total duration of the exercise is 10 seconds. Please note that the exercise is performed quickly.

Exercise 3. Water continues to flow into the small intestine. Lie on your stomach with your torso elevated and your toes and palms touching the floor. The distance between the feet is 30 cm. Now turn your head and torso to the right until you see your left heel. Then turn left in the same way. Do not stop in the extreme position and make a new turn immediately after finishing the previous one. Repeat the movement 4 times. The total duration of the exercise is 10-15 seconds.

Exercise 4. Water passes into the colon. Sit on your haunches with your feet about 30 cm apart. Your heels should be slightly “turned” outward rather than propped up on your buttocks. The brushes lie on the knees.

“Twist” your torso in any direction, placing your left knee on the floor in front of the opposite foot. Use your palms to alternately press on your right and left thighs, pressing your left leg toward your stomach. Look behind you to intensify the twist.

If you feel that the liquid has not passed beyond the stomach, perform a series of exercises several more times. Also try doing the “birch” - a shoulder stand with your legs raised vertically. As a last resort, induce vomiting artificially.

Attention! Performing Shank Prakshalana is not recommended for those who suffer from acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, colitis, pancreatitis.

Be sure to eat a small amount of boiled rice porridge cooked in water 30 minutes after the end of the procedure (drinking unsalted water and vomiting), but no later than an hour from this moment.

On the second day you can return to your normal diet. And here, taking bifid-containing products will even be useful.

In the first week after cleansing, try to eat wheat germ and bran. In addition to dietary fiber, sprouts contain many vitamins (especially B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system), enzymes and microelements (iron, selenium and calcium).

What dishes can be prepared from sprouts?

Simple and tasty.

Wheat and plum breakfast. Take 3 cups of two- or three-day-old wheat sprouts, 8 pitted plums (or prunes), 1/2 medium-sized apple. Soak the plums in a cup of filtered water overnight. In the morning, add chopped sprouts and apple.

Wheat-vegetable salad. Grind sprouts, grated carrots, beets, celery root and parsley in a meat grinder.

Banana Cereal Crisps. Take 3 cups of one-day old sprouts, 1/2 cup of filtered water, 1 large banana, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon. Mix crushed sprouts with water. Then, in a mixer at high speed, quickly mix the resulting mass with banana and cinnamon. Place the mixture on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and dry in the oven at 40°C for about 18 hours until crispy.

Scrambled with sprouts. Mix 2 chicken eggs, 1 tablespoon of wheat sprouts, 1 tablespoon of rye sprouts, 1 teaspoon of finely chopped onion in an enamel mug. Place the mug on a wooden circle in a pan with some boiling water and cover the pan with a lid. Shake the mug thoroughly every 1 - 2 minutes to mix its contents. In 5 minutes the scrambled eggs will be ready.

Wheat sprouts are sold in pharmacies and in special departments of some grocery stores in dry, ground form. You can grow them yourself. In this case, of course, the cleaning efficiency will be higher. The easiest way to use them is to chop them finely and add them to bifido-containing kefir.


Rinse plantain leaves with part of the stalk in cold running water, scald with boiling water, pass through a meat grinder and squeeze through a thick cloth. In hot weather, the juice turns out viscous and thick. In this case, it should be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Boil the resulting juice for 1 - 3 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals for chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers with low and normal gastric acidity.

Wash, chop and mash fresh plantain leaves. Squeeze the juice out of them, mix with an equal amount of honey, cook for 20 minutes. Take 2 - 3 tablespoons per day. Store in a well-sealed container in a cool place. Use for gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, enteritis, enterocolitis, colitis.

Take 70 g of crushed calamus rhizome. Pour in 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for gastritis with high acidity, as well as for stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Pour 50 grams of three-leaf leaves with 1 glass (200 ml) of vodka and leave for a week. Take 10-15 drops 3 times a day for gastritis with low acidity, and also as a choleretic agent.

Crush 200 g of anise fruit. Pour 1 liter of 90-degree alcohol and leave for 10 days until a greenish-yellow liquid with a characteristic odor is obtained. Take 5-10 drops 2-3 times a day.

Thoroughly rinse 50 g of dandelion root and dry in the oven until the root turns brown. Then grind in a coffee grinder (or mortar), pour in 300 ml of vodka and leave for 10 days. Take 10-15 drops 2-3 times a day.

The product has anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic and laxative effects, is used for constipation, gastritis, and improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

To prepare the tincture, use the roots, which should be dug up in the fall when the leaves are withering.

For colitis, enteritis, colic, diarrhea, bloating, gastric catarrh, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, it is enough to drink 1 glass of water 2 times a day, in which 1 teaspoon of clay is diluted, you can add a small amount of honey there, and also dilute the clay in an infusion of mint or other medicinal herbs. The course of treatment with clay is 21 days, then take a break for 9 days and repeat the course.

If there is excess gas in the intestines, you can make compresses from clay water. The results will be quick, this remedy is very effective.

For minor gastrointestinal disorders, take clay in its pure form - one tablet-sized piece of clay in the morning and evening 30 minutes before meals.

Diseases of the liver and biliary tract

What function does the liver perform in the human body?

— The liver performs more than one function; the liver has many of these functions. The most important is the secretion of bile. Bile is necessary for the digestion of fats and the high-quality breakdown of vitamins entering the body. It also helps absorb calcium and normalizes intestinal motility. Some microelements and vitamins first enter the liver, are stored there for some time, and then, as needed, are used by the body.

The liver has another important function - detoxification. The liver converts metabolic products into less toxic substances, which are then easily excreted from the body through the kidneys.

And finally, it is the liver that regulates the function of the thyroid gland.

— What liver diseases are the most common today?

— It makes sense to talk not about liver diseases separately, but about diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Diseases of one of these organs certainly entail problems in the others.

First of all, it should be called hepatitis.

Hepatitis- inflammation of liver tissue, which can be caused by microorganisms - bacteria, viruses, as well as a number of drugs, some toxic substances. Often this disease occurs latently, with virtually no symptoms. The person has no pain, only a slightly bothered feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium. Sometimes the skin and mucous membranes turn yellowish, but this is not a necessary symptom. During exacerbations, the liver slightly enlarges and is painful when palpated. General condition is satisfactory.

If a diseased liver is not treated, there is a risk of developing cirrhosis. With cirrhosis, some of the liver cells die, and the size of the liver gradually decreases.

A disease called dyskinesia often occurs.

Dyskenizia is a violation of the motor function of the biliary tract. All diseases of the biliary system, diseases of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, and neuroses lead to the development of the disease.

Cholelithiasis- formation of stones in the gall bladder and bile ducts. Often the stones do not cause any pain, but sometimes the stone clogs the bile ducts and damages the walls of the gallbladder and bile ducts, causing them to become inflamed.

Cholangitis- inflammation of the smallest bile ducts, occurs much less frequently than other diseases of the biliary system. Caused by various microorganisms.

Acute cholecystitis- inflammation of the gallbladder. The disease is severe, accompanied by severe pain and a significant increase in temperature.

For any diseases of the liver and biliary tract, supporters of treatment with hydrogen peroxide recommend taking H 2 0 2 orally.

You should start with 1 drop per 3 tablespoons of water 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals or 1.5-2 hours after meals. Add 1 drop daily, and on the 10th day increase the amount to 10.

Take a break for 3 days and take 10 drops with a break every 2-3 days.

During treatment, you must adhere to a strict diet to reduce the load on the liver.

One of the best remedies for diseases of the liver and biliary tract is honey. Based on it, you can prepare many wonderful drinks that will help you not only defeat your diseases, but also improve your immunity. These drinks are tasty, healthy and very easy to prepare.

Viburnum juice

Mash 1 kg of viburnum, squeeze out the juice. Pour boiling water into the pulp, boil for 10-15 minutes, drain the broth and combine with juice, add honey.

Nettle syrup

Pass 1 kg of nettle leaves through a meat grinder, dilute with water, add honey, bring to a boil, strain, cool.

Nettle juice

Dilute 200 ml of berry or fruit juice with 100 ml of boiled water, pour in 25 ml of nettle juice, add honey to taste.

Milk drink with nettles

Add 100 ml of water, 50 ml of nettle juice and honey to taste to 200 ml of milk.

Rosehip with honey

Boil 1 kg of processed rose hips in 400 ml of water until softened, rub through a sieve, add honey and water (to the desired consistency), boil and pour into glass jars or bottles. Store in a cool place.

Rowan tea

Mix 300 g of dried rowan fruits, 50 g of dried raspberries, 25 g of dried black currant leaves and brew the mixture as tea. Add honey to the prepared tea to taste.

Cranberry drink with honey

Rinse 1 glass of cranberries and squeeze out the juice. Bring the pomace to a boil, strain. Combine the hot broth with juice. Add honey. Instead of cranberries, you can use any other berries.

Citrus cocktail with honey

Mix 150 g of honey, 2 raw eggs, 1 tablespoon each of orange and lemon juice in a mixer.

Fruit and honey kvass

Dilute 3 kg of honey in 12 liters of hot water. Remove foam, cool to 25 °C, pour in 8 liters of red currant or blueberry juice. If the juice is freshly prepared, you do not need to add yeast; you should add 50-100 g of raisins or 1 cup of yeast diluted in water to the pasteurized juice.

When the vigorous fermentation ends, the kvass will lighten. Drain it through cheesecloth into bottles, seal and leave in a cool room for 10 days.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

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The spine consists of 24 vertebrae, which are connected to each other by intervertebral discs and ligaments. The sacrum and coccyx are fused vertebrae. There are five sections of the spine: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal. The spine has curves: in the thoracic, sacral, cervical and lumbar regions. These curves soften the shock of running and walking and allow the spine to withstand greater physical stress. Intervertebral cartilaginous discs and ligaments ensure mobility of the spine, protect bone formations, numerous blood vessels, and nerve endings from injury. Inside the spinal canal, which passes through all the vertebrae, is the spinal cord, which is responsible for many functions of the human body. The spinal nerve roots extend from the spinal cord. In the lumbar region, these nerve roots are located deep in the muscles on both sides of the spine. Intertwined with each other, they form the lumbosacral nerve plexus, from whose branches the sciatic nerve is formed. The functions of individual groups of nerve fibers are not the same. Some ensure muscle movement, others provide skin sensitivity, and others regulate blood supply and proper metabolism. Therefore, with lesions of the lumbar nerve roots and the sciatic nerve, painful manifestations of different nature are observed. The most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system are: Arthritis- inflammatory disease of the joints. Its occurrence is facilitated by chronic intoxication of the body, hypothermia, and decreased protective functions. Typical manifestations of arthritis: pain in the joints, changes in their shape, stiffness in movement. The skin over the affected joint usually turns red. Arthrosis- a chronic joint disease that appears due to endocrine disorders, as a result of injuries, with excess body weight, due to metabolic disorders in the body. Gout- a disease caused by metabolic disorders in the body. It is characterized by the deposition of uric acid salts in bones, joints, cartilage, and tendons. The most typical for gout is salt deposits in the joint of the big toe. Rheumatism- inflammation of connective tissue, which is accompanied by damage to the heart, joints and other organs. Streptococcal infections often contribute to the development of the disease. It can also be caused by trauma and bone osteoporosis. Radiculitis- inflammation of the nerve roots of the spine. Lumbosacral radiculitis (lumbago)- a disease that occurs as a result of damage to the nerve roots of the lumbosacral plexus. The main symptom is acute pain in the lower back. Sciatica- damage to the sciatic nerve. Its symptoms: girdling pain along the nerve trunks of the lumbosacral plexus, numbness of the legs, chills, and sometimes cramps in the calf muscles. Thoracic radiculitis, or intercostal neuralgia,- a disease that develops when the roots of the spinal nerves are pinched at the thoracic level. Pain usually occurs behind the sternum and between the lopars. They are often accompanied by heart pain. Cervicothoracic radiculitis occurs as a consequence of osteochondrosis of the upper spine or as a result of an infection and a violation of the development of the spine. Cervical sciatica, as a rule, appears for the same reason as lumbago, but in this disease the neuromuscular contacts are irritated when the neck is extended. A person easily tilts his head, and when he lifts it, he feels a sharp pain in the neck and back of the head, sometimes in the shoulders and shoulder blades. Osteochondrosis- a disease based on destructive processes in the joints of long tubular bones. Osteochondrosis of the vertebral discs is especially dangerous. With osteochondrosis, the patient complains of a constant feeling of fatigue, depression, pain in the heart and stomach, and insomnia.

H 2 O 2 is directly involved in all metabolic processes, in protein synthesis, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and the absorption of minerals. Therefore, the internal use of a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide will bring a significant improvement in the condition of diseases of the joints and spine.

Dosage regimen: dissolve 2 drops of 3% H 2 O 2 in 1/2 glass of water. Drink in one gulp. Repeat the procedure three times a day 1.5 hours after meals.

After 2-3 days, start adding 1 drop for each dose and increase to 8 drops. Take 8 drops dissolved in 1/2 glass of water for 2 months.

After 2 months, the number of drops per dose can be increased to 10.

The course of treatment is at least 5 months.

Attention! The maximum daily dose is 30 drops (10 drops in 3 doses). The dose should not be exceeded!

Compresses with hydrogen peroxide applied to sore spots help a lot.

Take 2 teaspoons of a 3% solution of H 2 0. and dilute them in 50 ml of water. Dampen a cotton or linen cloth and apply it to the sore spot. Place polyethylene on top and wrap with a warm woolen scarf. After an hour, remove the compress and spread the area where you applied it with some rich cream.

Professor I. A. Neumyvakin and American doctor William Douglas argue that the most effective method of treatment for diseases of the joints and spine is intravenous injections of hydrogen peroxide.

As a rule, it is necessary to conduct 10-12 sessions, sometimes 15-20.

Mix birch ash, wheat bran, table salt (1 kg each). Steam in a laundry bin; cool to 40°C. Lower your legs up to your knees into the tank for 15 minutes. Do the procedure at night. If a rash appears, lubricate with sunflower (or almond, apricot) oil, and when the rash goes away, soar your feet again. You can also treat sore hands. Use for rheumatism with hard swelling in the joints.

Heat a large barrel or cauldron, fill it to the top with pine needles; warm up well. Cover the patient with very warm pine needles and a blanket. After 3-4 procedures, all symptoms of radiculitis disappear; helps even in severe cases.

Treatment of radiculitis can be carried out using ice. Place a piece of ice on the sore spot for 3 minutes (it must be pressed tightly to the body with a pillow or some other object). As a rule, this procedure is done during attacks of pain. Repeat 2-3 times. Instead of pure water, you can use infusions of medicinal herbs, such as sage, to make ice.

After peeling the black radish, grate it on a fine grater. Place this paste in an enamel bowl or mug and heat. Then take a linen cloth, spread the paste on one end, and cover it with the other end. Apply to the sore spot. You need to hold it as long as you have enough patience.

Depending on how you feel, the procedure can be repeated every other day. Sometimes only 3-4 sessions are enough. It is not recommended to apply a thick layer of radish.

Apply fresh burdock leaves with the bottom side to the sore spot; Cover the top with compress paper and tie with a warm scarf. The leaves should first be rinsed in cold water. This is a good pain reliever. Burdock leaves can be harvested in the summer and dried. In winter, they are soaked in warm water and used in the above manner.

Apply heated dry flax seeds in linen bags in the form of compresses to the lower back at night.

Among hunters, geologists, and fishermen, a common method of treating radiculitis is rubbing the sore spots with vinegar essence with an egg dissolved in it.

Place a clean, fresh egg into a glass jar with vinegar essence until it is covered with the essence and leave for 3 days. When the shell is completely dissolved, the egg must be removed, the film removed from it and thoroughly ground into a homogeneous mass. Add 1 - 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil and mix everything.

Then pour this mass into the jar where the vinegar essence with dissolved eggshells remains, and mix everything thoroughly; then pour into a bottle and tightly cap it. Store in a dark place at room temperature.

After shaking the mixture beforehand, rub it on the sore spots at night. After rubbing, cover with a woolen scarf and apply a heating pad.

Take copper wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm (without insulation). Make 3 turns around your waist on your naked body, do not remove. The pain goes away quickly, but if the copper wire is removed, it sometimes appears again.

Moisten gauze with valerian infusion (pharmaceutical) and apply to the sore spot as a compress. Hold on until you have enough patience.

Grind the chestnut fruits together with the brown shell into flour. Cut the black bread into thin slices, spread with camphor or unsalted butter. Sprinkle chestnut flour on top of the butter. Apply to the sore spot and tie with a warm scarf.

Boil 4 tablespoons of crushed dry leaves of small-leaved linden with boiling water, wrap in gauze and apply to sore spots as a poultice. This remedy is not recommended for use during exacerbations.

Take 50-70 g of grated horseradish and immerse it in a gauze bag in a bath with a water temperature of 36-37 °C. Take the bath at night.

Used for radiculitis, rheumatism, gout, myositis. The course of treatment is 12-14 procedures.

Stir 250-400 g of mustard powder, adding warm water to it, until the consistency of liquid gruel; rub until a sharp, pungent mustard smell appears. Pour the pulp into the bath (180-200 liters of water) and mix well. The bath is taken at a water temperature of 35-36 °C. After the bath, wash yourself in a warm shower and wrap yourself in a warm blanket.

Squeeze juice from fresh carrot roots and mix with sage infusion (3:50). Take a bath (water temperature - 37 °C) at any time of the day. The course of treatment is 12-14 procedures.

Take 500 g of chopped straw per 2 liters of water. Boil for 30 minutes over low heat; strain and pour into bath water. The water temperature in the bath is 36–37 °C, duration is 10–15 minutes. The course of treatment is 15-20 procedures.

Pour 1 kg of young pine shoots into 3 liters of boiling water; cook in a sealed container for 10 minutes; leave for 4 hours; strain. Add 1 liter of this decoction to the bath for every 15 liters of water at a temperature of 33-34 °C. The procedure time is 10-15 minutes.

A good result is achieved by combining products for internal use with products for external use.

Take 40 g of chopped garlic cloves per 100 ml of vodka. Infuse in a closed container in a dark place at room temperature, shaking occasionally, for 7 to 10 days. Strain through cheesecloth. Take 10 drops 2-3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals for rheumatism and gout.

A very effective remedy for muscular rheumatism is to drink 2-3 glasses of corn silk decoction every day. Take 1 heaped teaspoon of dry corn silk to 1 glass of water; simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. The course of treatment is 6-8 weeks.

Take 1/4 cup of flowers and crushed lilac buds for 1 cup of alcohol or vodka. Infuse in a dark place at room temperature for 8-10 days. Take alcohol tincture 20-30 drops, vodka tincture 50 drops 3 times a day for rheumatism.

Brew 1 tablespoon of lingonberry leaves with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Infuse 1.5 cups of rosehip roots in 0.5 liters of vodka. For the first 3 days, take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day; then - a glass. A permanent improvement in the condition occurs quickly. Water infusion does not help.

Take 2 g of violet herb per 200 ml of boiling water. Take 2-3 tablespoons 3 times a day. When treating rheumatism, violet is usually mixed with bean leaves, corn stalks, bearberry leaves and birch buds or leaves.

Take 25 g of capsicum fruits per 100 ml of vodka. Use pepper tincture in a mixture with a double amount of sunflower oil for rubbing for rheumatism and joint pain as a local irritant and distracting remedy.

Apply fresh onion pulp to sore joints for rheumatism.

Grate 1 kg of raw potatoes (pink or purple). Fold the linen fabric in half; Wrap the potatoes in an even layer and wrap the sore spot. It is good to tie a warm scarf on top. Cover the patient with a blanket all night.

Take 5 drops of aspen tar per glass of 56-proof vodka orally at night for rheumatic pain.

Nettle is popularly used for aching rheumatism. For this purpose, nettles are tied into brooms and used to cut the sore spot. Only fresh nettles are used.

Sympathetic remedies for rheumatism

If, for example, your right hand hurts, then you need to tie a red woolen flap (preferably knitted) around the same place on your left hand.

Sew a belt with pockets. Place horse chestnut fruits in them and always carry them on you. This protects against rheumatism, gout and radiculitis.

To get rid of rheumatism of teeth and gums, you need to put fresh plantain root in your ear.

Place two old horseshoes under the mattress of the patient's bed at the feet and at the head of the bed, with the ends inward.

Respiratory diseases

- Is it so easy to breathe?

- No, of course not. Breathing is a complex process. Experts distinguish between two types of breathing: external and internal. Internal respiration is the transition of oxygen from the blood to the tissues of the body, its participation in the oxidative processes of tissues and the reverse movement of one of the main oxidation products - carbon dioxide. External respiration is mainly related to the work of the lungs. Lung tissue consists of tiny air-filled sacs called alveoli. An air tube, a bronchiole, departs from each alveoli. Merging, the bronchioles form bronchi, which then connect into bronchi of larger and larger diameters until two main bronchi are formed - the right and left. These large bronchi converge to form the trachea. Through the trachea, the lungs communicate with the nasopharynx, nose and mouth.

The purpose of breathing is to introduce oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide from the blood.

Why are the respiratory organs most often affected by colds? As soon as we get a little cold or get our feet wet, a cough starts...

— The so-called colds actually do not arise from hypothermia or as a result of wet feet, they are caused by viruses or microbes. Many causative agents of colds constantly live in the mucous membranes of the nose, nasopharynx, trachea and bronchi, without manifesting themselves in any way. They are waiting - waiting for some kind of stress reaction of the body that will help them become more active. Such a stressful situation is often severe hypothermia.

By the way, in warm sunny weather these microorganisms die under the influence of ultraviolet rays, and in high humidity, on the contrary, they gain strength.

Cough is one of the manifestations of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. It is associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx (pharyngitis), bronchi (bronchitis) or trachea (tracheitis). Very often, the disease begins with inflammation of the nasal mucosa, and then spreads to the larynx, trachea, bronchi, and sometimes to the lungs, causing their inflammation - pneumonia.

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Pneumonia (lung inflammation)- a disease caused by microbes and viruses.
There are acute and chronic forms of pneumonia. Acute inflammation can involve the entire lung or a portion of it. The first form is called lobar pneumonia, the second - focal. In acute pneumonia, it is mainly the alveoli that are affected, although the inflammatory process affects all lung tissue to one degree or another. Pneumonia is often preceded for several days by catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. After the chill, the temperature rises to 39 - 40 °C. Soon a pain in the side appears, intensifying with inhalation. The cough is initially dry if the patient has not had bronchitis before. Difficult to expectorate, rust-colored or bloody sputum most often appears on the 2nd - 3rd day of illness, but may be absent altogether. Breathing quickens. From the cardiovascular system during the course of the disease, tachycardia, a drop in arterial and venous pressure, and muffled heart sounds are noted. Pneumonia, if not treated correctly and in a timely manner, can be complicated by abscess and gangrene of the lung, purulent meningitis, pericarditis, nephritis, and pneumococcal sepsis. Bronchitis- acute disease of the trachea and bronchi of a viral or bacterial nature. Accompanies a number of infectious diseases, in particular, influenza, measles, whooping cough, and typhoid fever. It can also manifest itself as an independent disease, often in combination with a runny nose, pharyngitis, laryngitis, and sinusitis. At the beginning of the disease, there is often a sore throat and soreness behind the sternum; Slight hoarseness, runny nose, and painful cough, initially dry or with very scanty sputum, often occur. After 1-3 days, sputum of a mucopurulent nature appears, and coughing becomes much easier. Malaise and some weakness are noted; With prolonged coughing attacks, headache and dizziness are possible. High temperature can be observed in the first days of illness. Within 4 to 7 days, the patient’s condition improves, and the cough becomes less frequent, but it can last, gradually subsiding, for several weeks.

After 10 days, take a break for 3 days and repeat the course.

Compresses and rubbing will also be effective. The temperature of the mixture is about 40 °C. Composition: 2 teaspoons of 1-3% solution of H 2 0 2 per 50 ml of water. The peroxide solution is rubbed on the back in the lung area, then the patient is wrapped.

To prepare a compress, take a piece of linen folded several times and moisten it in a solution of H 2 0 2 (2 teaspoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide per 100 ml of water). The mixture should be as hot as possible. Squeeze and apply to the places where mustard plasters are placed. Cover with a piece of waterproof material (oilcloth, cellophane, polyethylene), wrap it warmly on top. Keep for 30-60 minutes.

Additional Tips

Marshmallow tincture

Pour 20 g of crushed marshmallow roots into 0.5 liters of vodka and leave in a dark place for 10 days. Strain. Take 10-15 drops 3 times a day.

It has an expectorant, emollient and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, and respiratory diseases.

Coltsfoot tincture

Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves into 1 glass of vodka and leave for a week. Take 15-20 drops 3 times a day.

It has an expectorant, emollient, anti-inflammatory, and disinfectant effect. It is used for bronchitis, laryngitis, and lung abscesses.

Cabbage juice

Fresh cabbage juice with sugar is used as an expectorant for coughs and hoarse throat. Take 1 teaspoon several times a day.

A decoction of cabbage with honey is also taken orally for respiratory diseases.

Honeysuckle tincture

Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed dry stems with leaves into 200 ml of vodka and leave for 10-15 days in a dry, dark place. Take 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

Common oak tincture

Pour 1 teaspoon of crushed oak bark into 400 ml of vodka and leave for a week. Take 15-20 drops 2 times a day.

The product has an anti-inflammatory effect. Keep in mind, however, that oak bark has a binding effect.

Chamomile tincture

Pour 20 g of chamomile flowers into 200 ml of 70-degree alcohol and leave in a dark place for 15 days. Take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day.

Has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect.

"People's" mixture

Heat 0.5 liters of milk, pour in a raw egg and add 1 teaspoon each of honey and butter. Stir. Drink warm.

Treatment with potatoes and iodine

Boil the potatoes in their jackets and crush them. Add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and 2-3 drops of iodine solution. Stir well. Place the composition on a cloth and apply it to the chest up to the throat, wrap it on top. The procedure should be done at night. When the potatoes have cooled, they need to be removed. Repeat for a week.

Treatment with tea vinegar and kombucha

Mix 1/2 cup honey and 3 tablespoons of kombucha infusion in a glass jar. Eat 2 teaspoons of the mixture before bed.

Mix 1/2 cup of kombucha infusion with

2 teaspoons honey and 1/2 teaspoon chili pepper. Every 2 - 3 hours, take 1 teaspoon of the mixture.

Remedies for runny nose

Take equal amounts of eucalyptus, yarrow, St. John's wort and mint. Pour half a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of cold water, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 - 7 minutes. Strain and add honey to taste. Drink 1/2 cup hot 2-3 times a day after meals.

Mix elecampane and bergenia with St. John's wort (1: 2). Pour a glass of cold water over a dessert spoon of the mixture, boil for 15-20 minutes, leave in a thermos for 1 hour. Strain and divide into 3 servings. Drink hot tea after meals throughout the day, adding 8 - 10 drops of sea buckthorn oil to each serving.

Prepare a soda solution according to the following recipe. Dissolve a pinch of baking soda in 2 teaspoons of warm water. When the soda dissolves, drop 10 drops into each nostril with a pipette. After a few minutes, you can blow your nose and remove mucus from your nose. Carry out the procedure 3 times a day.

Prepare a mixture of sea buckthorn oil and salt water. To do this, dissolve sea salt in water at the rate of 10-15 g per 1 liter (if you live by the sea, then natural sea water will do, provided that it is clean). Take about 1 glass of solution and heat it to a temperature of 40 °C. Inhale the solution through each nostril one at a time through a cocktail straw and then blow your nose. 30 minutes after this procedure, drip 5-6 drops of sea buckthorn oil into each nostril.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

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Diseases of the cardiovascular system are numerous and varied. Some affect the heart (for example, myocarditis), others affect the arteries (atherosclerosis), and others affect the cardiovascular system as a whole (hypertensive or hypotensive diseases). Treatment of cardiovascular diseases is a complex and lengthy process. Let's look at some of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system. Myocarditis- most often occurs in infectious diseases - diphtheria, scarlet fever, typhus and typhoid fever, sepsis, viral pneumonia, chronic tonsillitis. Inflammatory changes in the myocardium can be diffuse or focal. The clinical picture of myocarditis varies from mild pain to very severe heart failure syndrome. Extrasystolic and atrial fibrillation are possible. Sometimes heart block occurs. With a significant decrease in the tone of the heart muscle, a gallop rhythm is observed. Blood pressure is reduced. In severe forms, pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, pain in the heart area, and shortness of breath are noted. In especially severe acute myocarditis - heart failure. In infectious myocarditis, vascular insufficiency is also observed. It should be remembered that the etiological factor always leaves a certain imprint on the clinical picture of myocarditis. In some patients, after myocarditis, scars form in the heart muscle, and persistent and progressive heart failure gradually develops. Heart failure can be acute and chronic. Depending on the localization of the pathological process in the heart muscle, failure of the left or right ventricle may predominate; At the same time, the clinical picture of heart failure will have its own characteristics. With left ventricular failure, hemodynamic disorders lead to stagnation of blood in the lungs. This is clinically manifested in shortness of breath, the intensity of which depends on the severity of congestion. Slowing of blood flow in the pulmonary circulation with left ventricular failure leads to the appearance of moist rales in the lungs. With prolonged congestion, sputum mixed with blood or hemoptysis appears. An increase in congestion in the lungs leads to disruption of pulmonary gas exchange - hypoxemia, that is, oxygen starvation. Oxygen starvation leads to shortness of breath. Shortness of breath is one of the early symptoms of heart failure. At first it occurs only during physical stress, but later it becomes permanent. Very often, prolonged congestion in the lungs is complicated by hypostatic bronchopneumonia. In right ventricular failure, clinical symptoms are determined by blood retention in the systemic venous system. Weakness of the right ventricle quickly manifests itself in a congested liver. Violation of venous blood flow in the kidneys leads to a decrease in glomerular filtration, and hence to the retention of water and sodium chloride in the body. Significant circulatory disorders affect the functional state of all organs and metabolism. Clinical manifestations of heart failure can be very different in intensity, depending on the duration of the disease and the severity of cardiac pathology. There are three main stages. First latent stage. Heart failure manifests itself only in case of physical stress in unstable symptoms - shortness of breath, palpitations, tachycardia. Second stage. Cardiac failure is expressed in different ways; at this stage, two periods are distinguished - A and B. In period A, heart failure, even with little physical activity, manifests itself in shortness of breath, palpitations, swelling of the lower extremities - more in the evening, in a congestive and painful liver. Fatigue is more pronounced, tachycardia occurs easily. Attacks of heart failure occur more often, are more difficult to treat, and the patient goes into period B. During period B, shortness of breath does not leave the patient even with complete rest. The patient has difficulty with lying down and is often forced to sit. The liver becomes significantly enlarged, its pain increases, and cavitary edema appears. Congestion in the kidneys becomes more pronounced. Third stage. Deep degenerative changes occur in the visceral organs (cardiac cirrhosis, congestive hypertension, chronic nephritis, etc.). In the prevention of heart failure, the main place is occupied by factors that harden the body and carefully adapt the cardiovascular system to acceptable loads. Normal sleep and proper work schedule are of great importance. main reason hypertension- narrowing of blood vessels - arterioles, which leads to spasm of arterial vessels and increased pressure. The disease can be triggered by dysfunction of the kidneys and endocrine glands, as well as the adrenal glands, gonads, thyroid and pancreas. There are two forms of hypertension: long-term, slowly progressive, and rapidly progressive. In stages II and III of hypertension, atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels develops; coronary insufficiency and pain in the heart area can be permanent. With thrombosis of the coronary vessels, myocardial infarction develops. People suffering from hypertension complain of fatigue, headaches, dizziness, insomnia, and pain in the heart. Headaches may be the result of a cerebrovascular accident; they are often the first symptom of the disease, and then they almost never stop, repeating daily. Characterized by occipital pain and dizziness, sometimes accompanied by impaired coordination of movements. If the disease is severe, patients develop hemorrhages in the retina. This is already a very alarming symptom, indicating that a hypertensive crisis may occur. Hypotension- low blood pressure, always accompanied by weakness, drowsiness, fatigue, and headaches. Vascular hypotension develops as a result of a decrease in the tone of medium and small arteries, which is caused by a dysfunction of the neurohormonal apparatus that regulates vascular tone. A hypotensive state is often associated with some kind of somatic disease (tuberculosis, peptic ulcer, heart failure, various intoxications). Along with this, a decrease in the tone of arterial vessels - vascular hypotension - may be primary, which gives grounds, by analogy, to consider vascular hypotension as a certain painful form. With hypotension, the following symptoms may be observed: frequent dizziness, mild excitability of cardiac activity, sometimes pain in the heart area, shortness of breath during physical exertion. Blood pressure drops to 80-40 mmHg. Art., sometimes people suffering from hypotension experience periods of deterioration (crises), during which general weakness, dizziness, and fatigue are more pronounced. During these periods, patients especially need rest and treatment.

You can treat the heart and blood vessels, as well as improve blood composition by instilling hydrogen peroxide into the nose. Combine 10 drops of a 3% H 2 0 solution with 1 tablespoon of activated (purified) water. Place 1 dropper in each nostril and massage the wings of the nose. It is advisable to do this before going to bed - once a day. After 2-3 days, the dose can be increased to 2-3 pipettes. Half a minute after instillation, foam forms, which must be removed (blown out) from the nasopharyngeal tract. The course of treatment is 2-5 months. For health reasons, you can take breaks for 2-3 days.

It is also recommended to do compresses and rubbing. Compress: pour 1 teaspoon of a 3% solution of H 2 0 2 into 50 ml of warm water, moisten a natural fiber cloth, apply to the heart area, cover with polyethylene, hold for 15-30 minutes.

Rubbing with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2 is effective for arrhythmias, hypertension, angina pectoris, for restoring the body after a previous stroke or heart attack, for numbness of the extremities (in this case, rub the legs and arms).

A tincture of motherwort pentaloba in alcohol is sold at the pharmacy - there is no point in making it yourself. But it’s worth trying to prepare motherwort according to a different recipe (as a folk remedy). Here's how it's done.

Try harvesting motherwort yourself because you will need fresh herbs, not dry ones. Be sure to use a reference book of medicinal herbs so as not to confuse motherwort with another plant and to comply with the conditions for its assembly. Hint: collect only the above-ground part of the flowering plant, 30-40 cm long, without thick stems.

Wash the fresh herb, then squeeze the juice out of it. Mix 2 parts juice with 3 parts vodka. Take 25-30 drops per 1 tablespoon of water.

To strengthen blood vessels, it is good to use the following collection: sea kale - 10 g, blood-red hawthorn fruits - 15 g, rowan fruits, chokeberry - 15 g, lingonberry leaves - 10 g, tripartite herb - 10 g, motherwort herb - 10 g, chamomile flowers - 10 g, columns with corn silks - 10 g.

Pour 1 teaspoon of this mixture into 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 40-45 minutes. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. It is very good to take warm herbal baths - 15 minutes every other day (pine needle extract, along with salt - 3 tablespoons plus 1/2 bottle of valerian per bath); water temperature - 35-38 °C.

For hypotension

Add 200 g of wheat bran to 1 liter of boiling water. Cook for an hour; strain through cheesecloth or a sieve; squeeze out the remaining broth and strain again. Drink 1/2-1 glass of the decoction 3-4 times a day before meals. You can add the broth to soups or make kvass from it. For this purpose, for every 0.5 liter of broth, add 25 g of sugar and 5 g of yeast.

Take dried apricots, raisins, dried figs, prunes (pitted) - 200 g each. Grind the dried fruit mixture thoroughly (do not put it through a meat grinder) into a homogeneous mass. Add the kernels of 25 chopped but not crushed walnuts and mix everything well. Store in a well-sealed glass container in the refrigerator. Take the mixture 1 heaped tablespoon per day (give a child 1 heaped teaspoon), washed down with a glass of kefir, yogurt or matsoni. The course of treatment is a month or more. Use to relieve asthenic condition.

Peppermint oil stimulates the nervous system, tones the body, increases blood pressure (used for inhalation, but in strictly limited quantities, since large doses can provoke spasms in the bronchi and breathing disorders).

Bergamot oil helps with fatigue, energizes the body, increases blood pressure - just scent the air with it.

Rosemary oil has a stimulating, invigorating effect. Gives strength, relieves depression, stimulates appetite, increases the secretion of gastric juice, and increases blood pressure.

In folk medicine, onions with cabbage and kvass are recommended to be used to strengthen the body’s protective functions and in case of loss of strength.

Lettuce normalizes blood pressure.

Grapefruit juice is high in vitamins (A, B, P and C); Boosts immunity and gives strength.

Mix aloe juice - 100 ml, walnut kernels - 500 g, honey - 300 g, juice of 3-4 lemons. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Add 200 ml of boiling water to 1 tablespoon of crushed dry blackberry leaves or roots. Keep on low heat for 15 - 20 minutes. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals.

Oral diseases

Medical certificate

Stomatitis- inflammation of the oral mucosa. It can develop as an independent disease or be a symptom of other diseases (measles, scarlet fever, thrush, influenza, etc.). In cases where inflammation occurs only on the tongue, it is called glossitis, on the gums - gingivitis. Predispose to stomatitis is exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs, the nervous system, lack of vitamins in food, smoking, drinking strong alcoholic drinks, eating very hot or very cold, excessively sour and salty foods. There are different forms of stomatitis, but they all have common symptoms: redness of the oral mucosa, swelling of nearby tissues, pain, enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes. Stomatitis can occur in an acute form, when inflammation of the mucous membrane develops quickly and is accompanied by severe pain. The chronic form has a sluggish, long-term course with little pain. Here are the characteristic signs of some forms of stomatitis. Catarrhal stomatitis characterized by bright redness of the oral mucosa, its swelling, copious salivation, and pain. The disease occurs with fever, general malaise, and a putrid odor from the mouth. Eating is difficult. Ulcerative-necrotizing stomatitis usually begins with the appearance of ulcerations on the gums, which are covered with a gray coating. Ulcers sometimes form on the tongue. At aphthous stomatitis At first, a general malaise is noted, then rounded foci of superficial ulceration, covered with a yellow coating, called aphthae, form on the oral mucosa. Inflammation of the gums, or gingivitis, develops as a result of tartar deposits, pressure from an unsuccessful filling, and irritation from a too-hard toothbrush. Inflammation can be limited to 2 - 3 teeth or spread to the entire gum. With a severe lack of vitamin C or serious general diseases, gingivitis is severe: ulcers appear on the gums near the teeth, the gums become very swollen, bleed, teeth become loose, and a putrid odor comes from the mouth. Glossitis More often it is superficial, that is, only the mucous membrane of the tongue becomes inflamed. With deep injuries of the tongue (for example, with a fish bone), purulent inflammation may develop in the thickness of the muscles with swelling of the tongue, difficulty swallowing, and increased temperature. Treatment of stomatitis is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. All irritating factors must be eliminated. Food should be gentle (not hot, pureed). It is recommended to rinse the oral cavity with products that have antiseptic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties; apply them warm. Periodontal disease- severe inflammation of the gums, which disrupts blood circulation in the oral mucosa. With periodontal disease, gums may bleed, and even practically healthy teeth begin to loosen and fall out.

To get rid of periodontal disease, you need to freshen your mouth in the morning by rinsing (at least 3 minutes) with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. After this, rub a mixture of soda and H 2 0 2 into the gums: dilute 5-6 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide in 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, stir and apply to a gauze or cotton swab. Use this swab, like a toothbrush, to brush your teeth morning and evening.

Cut a medium-sized aloe leaf, scald it with boiling water and chew it like chewing gum. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.

If small wounds appear in your mouth, pour hot water into a cup so as not to burn yourself, and rinse your mouth with this water several times a day. An effective home remedy, tested many times.

To reduce soreness of the oral mucosa, rinse your mouth with a solution of furatsilin (1 tablet per glass of water), a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Stir egg white into 1/2 cup of water. Take this mixture into your mouth and hold it in your mouth for a while.

In folk medicine, freshly prepared cabbage juice mixed with boiled water is successfully used as a rinse for inflammation of the oral mucosa.

Horseradish root juice, diluted half with water, is used to rinse the mouth and throat for stomatitis, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. You can also use an infusion of horseradish roots.

Parsley eliminates bad breath and also has bactericidal properties; useful for inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa.

Prepare young vinegar from unripe grapes and use it as a rinse in the treatment of stomatitis.

Crushed dry pomegranate flowers are used as a powder in the treatment of stomatitis.

Dilute 1 teaspoon of calendula alcohol tincture (pharmaceutical preparation) in a glass of boiled water or mix the infusion (20 g of flowers per 1 glass of boiling water) with water in a ratio of 1: 2 or 1: 3. Use as a rinse for inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa.

Juice and syrup of white or black mulberry fruits are used for rinsing for diseases of the oral cavity.

Dilute 2 teaspoons of flaxseed decoction in a glass of boiling water. Use as a rinse to treat wounds and ulcerations in the mouth.

Rinse the mouth with the juice of cultivated carrots for stomatitis, lubricate the mucous membrane of the mouth for small children with thrush.


— What are vitamins, and why does our health depend so much on them?

— Vitamins are extremely powerful chemical agents involved in almost every chemical reaction that occurs in the body, so they are absolutely essential for health. Vitamins are groups of chemically dissimilar substances that are not synthesized in the body or are synthesized in insufficient quantities; Vitamins do not serve as sources of energy and are not part of the body's cells, but without them normal metabolism, growth and development of the body, and maintenance of health are impossible. Previously, a person could only receive vitamins through food.

Only in the 20th century were scientists able to establish the sources and chemical composition of vitamins and learned to synthesize them. Since then, crystalline vitamins have come into use, and along with them - the myth about extremely healthy, beautiful and pleasant-tasting tablets or syrups that work wonders and are absolutely harmless, they say, they can be eaten like candy. So there is a strong opinion that the more a person takes crystalline vitamins, the stronger his health becomes. This was especially true for children who were fed vitamins. But vitamins can be not only necessary, but also dangerous.

You need to know that it is equally wrong to completely exclude vitamins from your diet and to eat them in handfuls according to the principle “the more the better.” In order to avoid making such mistakes, it is necessary to know the properties of the main vitamins, the cases when they are undoubtedly necessary, and the possible dangers in case of their excessive consumption.

— Vitamins are divided into two groups: fat-soluble and water-soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins include four vitamins: A, B, E and K. Water-soluble vitamins are B vitamins, biotin is vitamin H, and niacin is vitamin PP. In addition to them, water-soluble vitamins include vitamin C - ascorbic acid.

A person's daily need for vitamins is not constant. It increases during and after physical work, as well as in many diseases.

Some vitamins accumulate in the body in quantities that can last for a very long time. For example, the reserves of vitamin B 12 in the body of a healthy, normally nourished person are enough for 3-5 years, vitamin A - for 1-2 years, folic acid - for 3-4 months. The reserves of vitamin C and riboflavin are somewhat smaller; they last for 2-3 weeks. The presence of vitamin reserves means that with adequate nutrition, the human body does not need additional vitamin intake. Moreover, it has not been proven that taking additional vitamins improves the performance and health of well-nourished people.

— So you only need to take multivitamins when you are sick?

- Alas, this is not so. Because there are practically no completely healthy and absolutely healthy people among us. In any case, I have not met such people. As a rule, we all suffer from hypovitaminosis to one degree or another. By the way, in European countries classical hypovitaminosis is almost never observed. Even in developing countries, massive hypovitaminosis is now very rare. We have such a diet that this is a common thing for us. In addition, in the northern regions, infants may develop rickets (as a result of a lack of vitamin D) due to a lack of ultraviolet radiation.

Sometimes vitamin deficiency appears as a result of a congenital metabolic disorder, which is caused by poor heredity, and this requires an individual approach. In some cases, there are predisposing genetic factors that affect the body's absorption of vitamins.

Even with a diet complete in vitamins, a refusal to eat fat can lead to vitamin deficiencies in fat-soluble vitamins, since they are not absorbed in the intestines.

— What vitamins do we lack?

— The body has the smallest reserves of water-soluble vitamins, so with poor nutrition, it is these vitamins that the body lacks first of all, and, as a rule, several at once.

— How can you provide the body with all the necessary vitamins?

— It is important not only to provide the body with vitamins, we need to take into account the characteristics of the vitamins that we receive. For example, there are vitamins whose deficiency never occurs in humans. Thus, with a sufficient amount of the essential acid tryptophan in the diet, vitamin deficiency PP does not occur even in the absence of this vitamin in food, and there is no need to take it additionally. You need to know that while increasing your intake of essential fatty acids found in fish and fish oils, which are used to prevent coronary heart disease and heart attacks, you need vitamin E, especially when you are planning to have a baby.

If the microbes living in the human intestine function normally, the body does not require vitamins K and H (biotin). However, after the use of antibiotics, these microbes may be damaged, and then corresponding vitamin deficiency occurs. With a lack of vitamin K, a person’s blood clots poorly and there is a danger of bleeding, especially internal bleeding. Then you need to take 1 mg of vitamin K daily.

If you prefer fine flour breads and pastries, you are at high risk of developing vitamin B1 deficiency and may need to take crystalline B1.

There is a lot of vitamin B 1 in bran, but it is almost completely absent in oils, fats and refined sugar. People who are very fond of fresh fish, shrimp, mussels and eat them in large quantities are at risk of severe hypovitaminosis B1, since these products contain special substances that quickly destroy it. The need for vitamin B 1, as well as vitamin B 12 and nicotinic acid, increases sharply in people who drink heavily. In general, alcoholism underlies many cases of hypovitaminosis.

The need for B vitamins increases during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and with increased activity of the thyroid gland - thyrotoxicosis. Increased losses of vitamin B1 are observed when using diuretics and gastric disorders.

Violation of vitamin absorption occurs with malnutrition, as well as with a lack of folic acid. Therefore, when there are not enough B vitamins, you must take folic acid.

A significant deficiency of vitamin B causes very serious consequences. This disease is called beriberi. In severe forms, the heart is affected. In addition, encephalitis may develop.

B vitamins are present in most foods (meat, liver, vegetables, whole grains). If your food contains excess protein, it is necessary to increase the intake of vitamin B 6 into the body. Again, people who drink regularly also need to take this vitamin, as alcohol helps break it down.

Vitamin B 6 found in almost all natural products. But when preparing food concentrates (for example, infant formula), vitamin B 6 can form difficult-to-digest forms with proteins. So children who receive only artificial milk formula without additional complementary foods may develop nervous diseases due to a lack of vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 deficiency is often associated with the use of medications such as hydrazine, cycloserine and penicillamine. Pregnant women and women who are preventing pregnancy by hormonal means also need additional amounts of this vitamin.

By the way, vitamin C partially destroys B vitamins, so if you take heavy doses of vitamin C, you risk developing nervous disorders.

Now a few words about vitamin C - ascorbic acid. Its main sources are fresh fruits and vegetables. It plays an important role in the body, neutralizes all cellular poisons, such as alcohol, and is necessary for the synthesis of antibodies and strengthening the immune system.

Scurvy, which develops with a lack of vitamin C, is a potentially fatal disease, but even with scurvy, the dose of the vitamin should not exceed 300-500 mg per day. With a lack of vitamin C, disorders in the connective tissue (severe ulcers), bleeding gums, and fragility of blood vessels, psychosis. The body is susceptible to infections. The daily dose of vitamin C is 75 mg, but - and this is very important - it is much higher in smokers!

When the body is deficient in fat-soluble vitamins, painful conditions also develop. So, if there is not enough vitamin A, vision suffers first of all, so-called night blindness develops, the skin becomes keratinized and cracks, the cornea of ​​the eye dries out and is destroyed. Every day a person should receive at least 0.8-1.1 mg of vitamin A. Its main sources are liver, fish oil, milk fat, and carrots.

Vitamin D ensures proper bone growth and the functioning of the central nervous system. Its daily dose is 2.5 mg. Lack of vitamin D causes rickets, a disorder of bone formation. Young children, especially those living in the north, and pregnant women need double doses of vitamin D.

With a lack of vitamin E contained in vegetable oil and plant products, painful processes begin in the muscles, the walls of blood vessels become thinner and become brittle. Infertility also develops, and pregnant women experience miscarriages. The daily dose of vitamin E is at least 12 mg.

— A lack of vitamin B 12 can cause pernicious anemia, or anemia. The main sources of this vitamin are liver and other animal products. It is necessary for normal cell division and growth; without it, the formation of red blood pigment - hemoglobin, which carries oxygen through the circulatory system, is impossible. The required daily dose of vitamin B 12 is 5 mg.

— What happens if you take too many vitamins?

- There will be hypervitaminosis - a disease no less serious than hypovitaminosis.

There are cases where excessive consumption of foods rich in one or another vitamin led to fatal consequences. In the 70s of the last century, for example, one Englishman increased the consumption of carrot juice to 3-5 liters per day. His skin acquired a characteristic orange tint, and as a result of severe carotene poisoning, he died. By the way, in modern health literature it is often recommended to drink 1-2 liters of juices per day. This is also an overdose, although it will not lead to such a sad outcome.

Mother Teresa often repeated these words to those with whom she had to communicate.

Life is an opportunity, take advantage of it. Life is beauty, admire it. Life is bliss, taste it. Life is a dream, make it come true. Life is a challenge, accept it. Life is a duty, fulfill it. Life is a game, play it. Life is wealth, cherish it. Life is health, take care of it. Life is love, enjoy it. Life is a mystery, know it. Life is a chance, take advantage of it. Life is grief, overcome it. Life is a struggle, endure it. Life is an adventure, take it upon yourself. Life is a tragedy, overcome it. Life is happiness, create it. Life is too beautiful - don't ruin it. Life is life, fight for it!

Hydrogen peroxide is an inexpensive drug that is widely used in everyday life and medicine. This product is a universal antiseptic. When consumed orally, it increases the content of atomic oxygen molecules in tissues, having a restorative effect on cells. Hydrogen peroxide improves metabolism, normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, and fills a person with energy. Positive effects are observed only with proper use of the drug. Incorrect dosages have a negative impact on health.

What is hydrogen peroxide

This substance is from the class of peroxides and belongs to antiseptic and disinfectants. Peroxide is highly soluble in water and has strong oxidizing and reducing properties. Used in medicine, everyday life, industry. The drug is available in the form of a 3% solution for external use. The composition includes the following components (per 100 ml):

  • medical hydrogen peroxide – 7.5–11 g;
  • sodium benzoate – 0.05 g;
  • prepared water – up to 100 ml.

The product is a clear, colorless and odorless liquid. Available in several types of bottles. Each container is packed in a cardboard box with instructions. The following types of containers are distinguished:

  • glass bottles and dropper bottles with a screw neck, a polyethylene stopper, a screw cap, with and without a gasket - volumes of 40 and 100 ml;
  • bottles made of low- or high-density polyethylene, with a screw-on plastic cap, gasket or special nozzle - volumes of 40 and 100 ml;
  • bottles with screw-on plastic caps and gaskets - volumes of 500 and 1 thousand ml.

Medicinal properties

The drug is used to cleanse the body, restore and nourish cells and tissues. These effects determine the following medicinal properties:

  • Improving the functioning of the digestive tract. Peroxide, entering the cavity of the esophagus, stomach and intestines, breaks down into hydrogen ions and free oxygen, is absorbed through the walls of the organ and enters nearby cells. The product helps normalize the acid-base and electrolyte balance, suppress the processes of decay in the gastrointestinal tract, heal ulcers, wounds, and erosions.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is an antioxidant and saturates the cells and tissues of the body with oxygen. This increases the content of lymphocytes and helps destroy pathogenic microorganisms. The activity of immune system cells increases.
  • Peroxide promotes the effective removal of ammonia and urea, which pollute the body; eliminates the consequences of drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • A peroxide solution is a strong antiseptic that kills pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
  • Free oxygen molecules promote tissue regeneration by improving their nutrition, dilating blood vessels, and increasing blood flow. A side effect is a decrease in blood pressure.
  • It is believed that hydrogen peroxide normalizes fat and carbohydrate metabolism, acting on intracellular processes at the molecular level.

Indications for oral use

The use of hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes is practiced in alternative medicine. It is recommended for disorders of various organ systems and infections. It is believed that the product is effective for oral use for the following indications:

How to drink hydrogen peroxide

To use the drug internally, you must first mix it with warm purified water. It is forbidden to drink undiluted solution. Use for medicinal purposes is possible subject to the following proportions: no more than 10 drops of the product per 30-50 ml of water at room temperature per dose. The daily dose should not exceed 30 drops of a 3% peroxide solution. The course duration is 20-25 days, treatment can be repeated several times a year. It is possible to use the solution for 2-5 days with breaks between them lasting 2-4 days.

How to drink according to Neumyvakin

The Russian scientist and doctor Neumyvakin developed a regimen for taking peroxide orally. The basis of his method is the use of an aqueous solution of peroxide, increasing the concentration of the drug taken. Treatment begins with a minimum dosage, which is gradually increased to the maximum acceptable. Next you should take a break. Continue treatment with the drug at the maximum concentration. The scheme for using the drug according to Neumyvakin consists of the following points:

  • Day 1. Add 1 drop of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to 50 ml of water. You need to drink the product 3 times a day 2 hours before meals or 2 hours after it.
  • Day 2. Increase the peroxide concentration to 2 drops per 50 ml of water. Apply in the same order as the first day.
  • Day 3. Add 3 drops of peroxide to 50 ml of water. Take 3 times.

Then, every day, increase the concentration of the peroxide solution by 1 drop (per 50 ml of water), bringing it to 10 drops on the tenth day. The frequency of use of the product remains the same. Then you need to take a break for 2-4 days. Continue the course with 10 drops, without increasing the concentration, for 10 days. The total duration of treatment is 22-24 days. The number of courses per year depends on the patient's condition. There are reviews proving the effectiveness of this treatment method.

For medicinal purposes

  • Hydrogen peroxide for colds. The solution is drunk, diluted according to the Neumyvakin scheme described above; injected into the nose, dissolving 6-8 drops of the drug in a tablespoon of warm boiled water. For the treatment and prevention of influenza, runny nose, and acute respiratory infections, instill 3-5 drops of the product in the morning and evening.
  • For sore throats, additionally gargle with peroxide, adding 1 teaspoon of medicine to 70 ml of boiled warm water. This procedure is carried out 3 times a day for 3-5 minutes.
  • For ear diseases, a diluted peroxide solution (a few drops of the product per 30-50 ml of water or warm olive oil) is instilled into the ear canal.
  • For stomatitis, rinse the mouth with a weak peroxide solution (1 teaspoon per 50-100 ml of water) 2-3 times a day.
  • Hydrogen peroxide for cancer. The solution suppresses the growth of benign and malignant tumors; metastasis - due to an increase in the content of free oxygen molecules, activation of cells of the immune system. The treatment regimen is standard, given above (according to Neumyvakin). In the later stages of cancer, you can increase the concentration of peroxide from 10 to 25 drops under the supervision of a doctor.

How to drink hydrogen peroxide to cleanse the body

For weight loss

It is believed that taking hydrogen peroxide is effective for weight loss as an appetite suppressant. When using this medicine, the absorption of vitamins, minerals, and proteins by cells improves. Toxins are removed from the body, fat and carbohydrate metabolism improves, which promotes weight loss. The dosage regimen remains the same, drink the drug on an empty stomach. The duration of the course is until the desired result is achieved. Every 10 days of use, you should take breaks of 2–5 days.

Hydrogen peroxide is a clear liquid with a viscous consistency; it does not have a distinct taste or odor. In traditional medicine, the product is used as an antiseptic during wound treatment or dressing. In folk recipes, perhydrol can be found as the main ingredient in the treatment of otitis media, periodontitis, and osteochondrosis. The medicinal properties of hydrogen peroxide are a large list of qualities; the effect manifests itself in different ways, depending on the amount of the active substance and the method of administering the liquid.

Perhydrol is an element that is found in all living organisms.

It participates in and influences almost all processes that occur in the internal environment of a person:

  • Stabilizes the composition of the blood, makes it more fluid, promotes better oxygen saturation of blood cells.
  • Dilates blood vessels, relieves their spasm. Accordingly, it reduces blood pressure.
  • Participates in hormonal changes in the thyroid gland, as well as in the adrenal glands, ovaries and testicles.
  • Normalizes and maintains a stable acid-base balance in the body.
  • Prevents hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of tissues, improving the supply of oxygen to them.
  • Promotes better regeneration of damaged tissues.
  • Destroys toxins and destroys infectious agents, is an antioxidant.

Hydrogen peroxide actively participates in metabolic processes, accelerating and stabilizing them. The drug does not accumulate in the body even with long-term use, therefore it does not have a negative, toxic effect.

Removing worms with hydrogen peroxide

When H2O2 enters the body, it is split into oxygen (O2) and water (H2O), and since worms live in an oxygen-free environment, the appearance of O2 in the gastrointestinal tract has a detrimental effect on them. But the disadvantage of deworming with peroxide is the duration of treatment. This is due to the fact that only adult individuals die from exposure to oxygen; in order to get rid of all worms, you need to take the drug until the last larva grows. Usually the course is 21 days.

A technique that is aimed at combating helminths specifically involves placing a rectal drip with the addition of H2O2.

The solution is prepared as follows:

  1. 1 tsp Dried wormwood should be poured with a glass of cold water and put on low heat. Bring to a boil and simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Leave the broth to cool.
  3. When the mixture has cooled, it must be carefully strained through cheesecloth, and then checked so that no particles of wormwood get into the broth.
  4. Add cold, always boiled, water to the resulting mixture. Ultimately, 200 ml of liquid should come out.
  5. Add 10 ml of no.% hydrogen peroxide solution.

To carry out the procedure itself, you need to purchase a dropper system and a 200 ml bottle, for example, with glucose or NaCl, from the pharmacy. Empty the bottle from the contents and fill it with the prepared decoction; cut off the needle at the end of the tube from the system. Next, you need to connect the system to the bottle; to do this, the rubber cap is pierced with the end with a wide needle, and another needle is inserted into the side - an air duct. After this, using a special wheel, the dropper is gradually opened and the solution fills the tube system. It is important to open the wheel a little at a time so that as little air as possible remains in the system.

After filling the system, the end of the tube with the cut needle must be lubricated with Vaseline and carefully inserted into the rectum of the patient, who should lie on his left side with his legs bent.

Open the wheel completely and inject the solution in a stream until the patient feels the desire to void.

After defecation, insert the tube again and drip the solution 1-2 drops per second.

The medicinal properties of such a procedure are fully manifested after a month of daily procedures, so few people resort to this method of deworming.

The use of hydrogen peroxide for ENT diseases

Diseases of the ENT organs (rhinitis, otitis, laryngitis and others) most often arise as a result of pathogenic bacteria entering the body, and since hydrogen peroxide has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, the solution is popular in the complex treatment of pathologies.

Cleaning the ears

Wax often accumulates in the ear canals, causing wax plugs to form and, as a result, hearing deteriorates. The properties of hydrogen peroxide help people fight this problem. 2-3 drops of a solution heated to body temperature are injected into the ear with a pipette, wait a few minutes, then olive oil is instilled into the same ear. Within a minute, sulfur is easily removed with a cotton swab.


To combat inflammation of the inner ear, cotton swabs are used, which are soaked in hydrogen peroxide and inserted into the ear canal. Before this procedure, it is advisable to consult a doctor, since it is impossible to cure otitis media with perhydrol alone, and a specialist will be able to prescribe complex therapy.

Oral problems (glossitis, stomatitis, alveolitis)

To rinse your mouth or throat, you need to prepare a solution of 3% peroxide. To do this, pour about 20 ml of the medicine into a glass of cold, digested water. The rinsing procedure should be carried out several times a day, preferably after each meal. The solution will kill pathogenic microorganisms and speed up recovery.

Laryngitis, pharyngitis

The same solution is used as for rinsing the mouth. The only difference is the rinsing technique; you need to throw your head back and hold the medicine in your throat, it is important not to accidentally swallow the medicine.


You need to add 15 drops of peroxide to a large spoon of boiled water, drip the resulting solution into your nose, wait a few minutes and blow out the mucus.

The use of hydrogen peroxide in folk medicine and its use in alternative methods of treatment is based on the antiseptic properties of the drug. But the procedures must be carried out with caution, since there is a risk of burns, and some people may develop an allergic reaction to perhydrol.

Peroxide in dentistry

In dental practice, hydrogen peroxide is used for rinsing after tooth extraction, cleaning canals and other procedures that violate the integrity of the gums. The solution prevents infection and spread of infection. In addition, with the help of perhydrol you can get rid of the symptoms of periodontal disease:

To 50 g of water you need to add 2 small spoons of 3% peroxide and mix. Moisten a cotton swab in the resulting solution and apply a compress to the sore gums. The procedure can be repeated up to 3 times a day; it is important after applying the cotton wool not to consume food or water for half an hour.

The use of hydrogen peroxide for dermatological pathologies

A 3% peroxide solution is used to treat psoriatic rashes and eczema. To do this, soak a cotton swab in the liquid and treat problem areas of the skin. The procedure is carried out twice a day.

The product is also used to treat opened ulcers and pimples.

To treat fungal infections, sore spots need to be lubricated with the solution twice a day, the course of treatment is from 1 to 2 weeks.

Using peroxide according to the method of Professor Neumyvakin

Professor Neumyvakin has developed a special regimen for taking peroxide orally, which has a positive effect on the body. As a result of correct intake, general well-being improves, bacteria are killed, weight is reduced, and deworming occurs.

On the first day of use, add 1 drop of peroxide to 50 ml of clean water and drink. Take three times a day, always on an empty stomach (30 minutes before eating or at least an hour and a half after).

After a break, the medicine is used for 3 days, 10 drops diluted in water, three times a day. Then there is a break again. So, taking with a break should be alternated for 3 days for 2 months.

To avoid negative consequences, it is important to follow certain rules of administration:

  • It is forbidden to drink the solution with a full stomach.
  • You should not take more than 30 drops per day.
  • It is not advisable to use peroxide simultaneously with other medications.

During treatment, side effects sometimes develop - deterioration of the skin condition, drowsiness, general malaise. This is due to the death of pathogenic microorganisms, which release toxins during death. Usually these phenomena disappear in the first week of use.

Harm and contraindications

If used correctly, hydrogen peroxide does not cause any harm. When used externally, unpleasant phenomena almost never occur. When taken orally, burns to the mucous membranes may develop if an overly concentrated solution is used.

In addition, if you drink peroxide for a long time, gastritis or colitis may occur, but they usually go away after you stop taking it.

The drug has no contraindications, with the exception of people with allergic reactions to perhydrol. It is also undesirable to use the solution for people who have ever undergone a transplant. This is due to the fact that peroxide stimulates the immune system, so rejection of the donor organ may occur.

Hydrogen peroxide is a healing liquid that consists of water and oxygen. It is colorless and odorless, non-explosive, and mixes well with water in any proportion.

Peroxide was discovered in 1818 by Louis Thénard, a French chemist and professor. The production of the product using its technology began in Germany in 1873, but initially the shelf life of the medicine was 2-3 weeks, due to the fact that it quickly decomposed into water and oxygen. This problem was later fixed.

What is hydrogen peroxide, formula

Hydrogen peroxide is the simplest compound among peroxides. It consists of two elements of the periodic table - Hydrogen and Oxygen, the formula is H2O2.

Most people believe that peroxide is only used for external treatment of wounds. In fact, the range of uses of peroxide is much wider:

  • rocket fuel is made from it;
  • it is used to bleach paper in production;
  • it “converts” sawdust and straw into complete animal feed by separating inedible lignin from cellulose;
  • it is used in cosmetology: for skin rejuvenation and hair coloring;
  • it is used as a bleaching agent in liquid laundry detergents for white clothes;
  • it is used internally to cleanse the body and treat all ailments;
  • a solution with peroxide is injected intravenously for treatment;
  • You can gargle with it, or drop it in your ears.

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is used in the treatment of almost all existing diseases. It destroys fungus, bacteria and viruses, fights all types of infections, participates in metabolism and stimulates the immune system. In addition, peroxide supports body functions.

It treats:

  • infectious diseases: influenza, sore throat, laryngitis and others;
  • ENT diseases: otitis media, pharyngitis – chronic and acute forms;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system: stroke and others;
  • sugar;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • oncology;
  • skin diseases;
  • dental diseases.

It is used internally, externally, for rinsing and injections. The effectiveness of peroxide was proven by famous scientists from the USA W. Douglas and C. Farr, as well as a specialist from Russia I. Neumyvakin. Traditional medicine only encourages rinsing and external treatment of the skin with hydrogen peroxide.

External use

Externally, H2O2 is used for compresses, rubbing and treating wounds and purulent inflammations.

Oxygen promotes tissue regeneration, so any cut, wound or abrasion will heal faster if treated with hydrogen peroxide. Please note: the bandage is applied only after cleansing the damaged area.

3% hydrogen peroxide is a good remedy to combat any rash. It doesn't matter whether it is caused by a fungus, virus or bacteria. Just soak a cotton pad in peroxide and apply it to the sore area from time to time. This is an excellent alternative to expensive pharmaceutical drugs.

Warts are also removed with peroxide. If you turn to a cosmetologist or surgeon with such a problem, you will have to undergo a painful procedure, and not a cheap one. And if you apply peroxide to the wart several times, it will disappear. In addition, there will be no scar left on the skin, and surgical intervention cannot boast of this.

Hydrogen peroxide solution helps relieve joint and muscle pain. For 1 part H2O2, take 4 parts water and mix. You can rub the solution on the sore area or use it for compresses. You can rinse your mouth with the same product once a day to prevent periodontal disease and eliminate caries.

Foot baths are indicated for diabetic feet. They help relieve the terrible pain that accompanies the disease. Take 1.5 liters of warm water, add a few tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to it and mix. Immerse your feet in the solution and soak in the bath for 15 minutes. The procedure is harmless - you can repeat it as needed, but be sure to do it every day.

You can also lubricate your face with peroxide every morning. This will help restore oxidative reactions that are disrupted by washing with hard water and eliminate rashes. After application, the product must be washed off.

Hydrogen peroxide in the ear

Peroxide is suitable for the treatment of ear diseases and disinfection of the auricle. The product can be used in the following cases:

  • ear plug;
  • otitis;
  • hearing loss;
  • earache.

Please note: you cannot instill peroxide if your eardrums are damaged. Fluid that gets into the middle ear can cause serious problems, including hearing loss. Also, avoid instillation if bypass surgery was performed in the next six months.

Turundas can be inserted to cleanse the ear of wax and disinfect it. Take a cotton swab, soak it in a 3% solution and insert it into the ear canal for 5 minutes. Then remove and remove the remaining sulfur with a cotton swab. People with sensitive skin can dilute peroxide with water in a 1:1 ratio.

If a lot of sulfur has accumulated in the cavity, rinse it. Mix 15 drops of hydrogen peroxide with a tablespoon of water and drop this solution into each passage. Wait 5-7 minutes, then use a cotton swab dipped in warm water to remove the wax.

The product can also remove wax plugs. For the procedure you will need peroxide, water and a syringe. To prevent the wax plug from being pushed deeper, you must first soften it; to do this, fill a syringe (without a needle) with 3% peroxide and drop 10 drops into the ear cavity. If hissing appears, it means the sulfur is softening. Wait 10 minutes, then tilt your head so that the liquid with pieces of cork pours out. Clean your ear with a cotton swab dipped in water.

For otitis media, you need to insert a tampon soaked in peroxide into the ear several times a day for 15 minutes. During the procedure, there will be a hissing sound in the ear, which means that pathogenic microorganisms are being destroyed.

The product works well against bacteria and disinfects, but does not relieve inflammation. If there is one, be sure to consult a doctor and get advice.

Hydrogen peroxide orally according to the method of Professor Neumyvakin

Professors I. Neumyvakin and W. Douglas claim that hydrogen peroxide can also be taken orally, and for all known diseases. The main thing is to follow the instructions and not violate the dosage.

Here is the method approved by the professors.

Hydrogen peroxide should be taken with a gradual increase in dosage.

Day 1: dissolve 1 drop of 3% peroxide in 50 ml of water, drink the product prepared in this way 3 times a day, it turns out that on the first day 3 drops of peroxide will enter the body.

On the 2nd day, increase the dosage to 2 drops per 50 ml - that’s 6 drops per day, on the 3rd - to 3, and so on.

When you reach 10 drops at a time, that is, 30 drops per day, do not increase the dosage any further. Take a break for 3 days, then continue treatment, taking 30 drops per day.

You need to drink the solution on an empty stomach, at least 2 hours after eating. You can eat after 40 minutes. The dosage should not be more than 10 drops per 50 ml of water at a time, the maximum daily volume of peroxide cannot exceed 30 drops. You can increase the effectiveness of the medicine by simultaneously taking vitamin C. During treatment, side effects are sometimes possible: acne, weakness, dizziness - don’t worry, this is a sign that toxins are being eliminated from the body.

This issue is covered both in the literature published to date and on Internet sites devoted to this topic, very sparingly. Perhaps the whole point is that the true contraindication for the use of hydrogen peroxide, perhaps, can only be its individual intolerance.

This, although extremely rare (according to I.P. Neumyvakin, in approximately 1-2% of cases), still happens.

This is also evidenced by C. Farr in his works (Charles H. Fair, M.D., Ph.D., “Physiological and Biochemical Responses to Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide in Man,” J ACAM, 1:113-129, 1988; 6. Charles H. Farr, M.D., Ph.D., "The Therapeutic Use of Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide" (monograph), Genesis Medical Center, Oklahoma City, OK 73139, Jan. 1987).

There is mention of this in W. Douglas in his bestseller “The Healing Properties of Hydrogen Peroxide.” Although in the same book, Douglas directly says that “the materials available today indicate that among the currently existing diseases there are practically none for which hydrogen peroxide could not be used.”

That is, we can talk not so much about contraindications as about precautions that must be strictly observed when using hydrogen peroxide in one form or another for a variety of purposes.

For example, in everyday life: remember that if it comes into contact with any exposed skin (especially if it gets into your eyes!), quite severe burns can develop. In these cases, you should immediately wash off the peroxide with plenty of running water, but it is quite possible that you will need medical help.

But we’ll talk about precautions at the end of this article; Now we are talking about contraindications, which, as we see, are extremely few...

And yet, any disease or complication, as everyone knows, is much easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, I considered it necessary to collect in one place everything that I could find about any, even not fully proven, contraindications for the use of hydrogen peroxide.

So. Individual intolerance was already mentioned at the very beginning.

According to reports from some Western sources posted on the Internet, doctors do not recommend resorting to treatment with hydrogen peroxide for those who have any transplanted (transplanted from a donor) organs. Due to the high degree of active influence on redox processes in the body, as well as the general effect on the immune system of the human body, difficulties may arise related to tissue compatibility.

There is information from other sources on the Internet that observations show: there is a direct relationship between the energy saturation of the blood (one of the indicators of this is, by the way, the color of the blood, which depends on the oxygen content in it) and the degree of contraction of blood vessels (including the heart). addiction. Therefore, all processes that significantly affect the reaction of free radical oxidation of fatty acids should significantly affect the condition of the heart in a person suffering from arrhythmia. And such factors include the use of magnetic therapy, Frolov’s inhaler, Shevchenko’s technique and hydrogen peroxide.

Situational (conditional) contraindications. Perhaps, it is in them that a significant portion of all the health hazards that may be associated with the use of hydrogen peroxide lies. Note that all these contraindications are a consequence of incorrect or simply illiterate treatment using H 2 O 2, or rather, they arise only as a result of mistakes already made in the development of the corresponding complications.

When administered intravenously, a phenomenon such as phlebitis (that is, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vein) may occur. Clinically, it is manifested by pain along the affected vessel, its thickening, and redness of the skin area above it.

Phlebitis, as a rule, is dangerous not in itself, but as a source of possible complications if it is treated incorrectly and untimely: these include thrombosis and the development of abscesses. However, the very presence of phlebitis already places it among the contraindications for intravenous peroxide therapy.

In addition, if peroxide is used incorrectly for intravenous treatment, cases of overdose or gas embolism are possible (if the time of administration is violated or the concentration of the solution is incorrect). An example was previously given from the British Medical Journal, which is mentioned in W. Douglas’s book “The Healing Properties of Hydrogen Peroxide.” Then the accident occurred not even during the intravenous administration of peroxide, but during a routine medical procedure - sanitation of the abscess cavity with a 3 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide - when it entered a large blood vessel.

Therefore, the importance of slow administration is emphasized, and such an authoritative specialist as Professor Neumyvakin, for example, considers the drip method of administration absolutely preferable, which practically guarantees the impossibility of developing phlebitis.

When hydrogen peroxide is administered with enemas to cleanse the intestines, there is evidence that in some cases damage to the mucous membrane of the intestinal wall may develop, including ulceration and the development of ulcerative colitis, which becomes a direct contraindication for further procedures. With primary damage, as a rule, diarrhea mixed with blood and periodic severe pain along the large intestine, similar to severe cramps, develop.

There is also a violation of rules and recommendations here. As the concentration of peroxide solution in an enema increases, the danger also increases, but no one advises the use of such solutions; on the contrary, the need to use weak, gentle solutions of 3 percent peroxide in water for enemas is emphasized.

In the popular book by V.D. Kozmin “Hydrogen peroxide for your health” (Rostov-on-Don: Baro-press, 2004. P. 96) I found a mention of the following: “As experts report, “with ulcerative colitis caused by the introduction of hydrogen peroxide into the intestines, sepsis inevitably occurs " It develops due to bacteria entering the blood through an ulcerative wound. And sepsis quite often ends in death.”

Sepsis (general blood poisoning) is an extremely serious complication, and this mention is perhaps the most dire of all the warnings about the consequences of peroxide therapy that I have encountered. True, here too the author immediately points out that provided the drug is used correctly, the possibility of any kind of complications is reduced to practically zero.

Finally, the development of the so-called Herxheimer reaction, that is, a sharp increase in temperature to very high levels, can be considered a conditional contraindication for continuing the course. On the one hand, this reaction certainly requires careful attention and if it develops, it is better to take a break from treatment.

On the other hand, as is convincingly shown in the works of C. Farr (USA) and I.P. Neumyvakina (Russia), the Herxheimer reaction is nothing more than a completely adequate response of the body to a massive influx of toxins into the blood. And they were released from microorganisms that died as a result of the attack of atomic oxygen in a collision with H 2 O 2. Thus, this is really a very conditional contraindication.

Effect on the gastric mucosa

One of the hotly debated issues is the effect of hydrogen peroxide on the gastric mucosa when taken orally.

Many people are concerned about whether peroxide has a corrosive effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, which may entail a risk of gastritis, ulcers, or even, ultimately, a tumor. In this regard, the question is often asked whether increased or decreased acidity of gastric juice is a contraindication for taking hydrogen peroxide orally?

Some patients also provide data on their own discomfort after taking hydrogen peroxide orally, such as:

  • heaviness in the stomach,
  • throbbing pain in the area of ​​the stomach or large intestine,
  • and also, sometimes, diarrhea.

Here, first of all, it should be noted that the acidity levels of gastric juice - whatever they are - are neither a direct nor an indirect contraindication for taking perhydrol orally. Of course, in the case when the prescribed concentrations and rules of administration are strictly observed (first of all, taken only on an empty stomach, at least half an hour before or two hours after a meal, which is repeatedly mentioned by all authors and researchers).

It must also be said that, as I.P. notes in his book. Neumyvakin, “hydrogen peroxide in the stomach reacts with fatty acids, forming hydroxyl radicals, which is the main factor in the occurrence of many diseases. But as you already know, the body produces many enzymes, including catalase, which decomposes hydrogen peroxide into water and atomic oxygen, but in the stomach there are few or no enzymes, depending on its condition.”

This fact is also indicative: William Douglas, in his acclaimed book “The Healing Properties of Hydrogen Peroxide,” directly points out that, in response to the statement of some Japanese researchers that taking hydrogen peroxide orally can be harmful, the US Department of Food and Drug Products still 1981 stated the following: “... having studied all the materials relating to hydrogen peroxide, we believe that they are insufficient to consider hydrogen peroxide a carcinogen that causes duodenal cancer.”

According to I.P. Neumyvakin and W. Douglas, if the daily dose does not exceed thirty drops, and a single dose - ten (meaning a 3 percent solution - author's note) - it is safe when taken orally.

Another thing is that if any reactions occur to taking hydrogen peroxide, it is necessary to temporarily reduce the dose or even take a break for two to three days.

And further. In the villi of the epithelium of the brush border of the gastrointestinal mucosa, with an improper diet, the largest number of undigested food particles and various toxins accumulate, which greatly inhibits such vital processes as food processing, selection of nutrients and neutralization of toxins. If the gastrointestinal tract is heavily polluted, then both the blood and all the cells of the body are oversaturated with waste. Under such conditions, the cells of the immune system are unable not only to rid the body of toxic products (by oxidizing them), but also to produce hydrogen peroxide in the amount necessary to protect against pathogenic microflora. Hence the need for priority cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract - and preferably before you start taking peroxide. Preliminary cleansing of the liver is no less desirable. This is the only way to achieve the desired result.

As for the occurrence of all kinds of sensations associated with discomfort, they are almost always explained by the very mechanism of action of hydrogen peroxide when taken orally, and cannot serve as a cause for alarm.

Everything said here and below is true only if the recommended doses are not exceeded and the rules of administration are followed (on an empty stomach).

About various adverse reactions of the body to hydrogen peroxide

Possible adverse reactions to taking hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes:

  • skin rashes,
  • drowsiness,
  • unusual fatigue
  • phenomena similar to colds (runny nose, cough),
  • less often - diarrhea.

Here I would like to draw your special attention to the fact that all of the above phenomena are caused, in fact, by the same process, namely, the sharply increased removal of toxins that entered the blood from microbial bodies destroyed by oxygen after the use of peroxide.

This means that all these are completely natural consequences of cleansing the body. Moreover, it should be especially emphasized: due to the fact that this cleansing is as close to natural as possible (remember that hydrogen peroxide is produced for the same purpose by many cells and tissues of the body itself), both the cleansing itself and those associated with it side effects are very short-lived.

And, therefore, once you have started implementing any program related to taking peroxide, then you should not stop it due to the occurrence of these phenomena. It is much better to simply reduce the dosage somewhat, take a short break of 2-3 days), but do not quit the treatment that has already begun completely.

By the way, with normal tolerance, you may even want to increase the prescribed dosage to speed up the whole process, but believe me, you should not do this either.

Everything is due to the fact that the cause of the sensations are the toxins of dead bacteria; you need to give the body time to eliminate them naturally: through all parts of the excretory system (skin, lungs, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract). It is not recommended to slow down or speed up this process.

Remember: when hydrogen peroxide comes into contact with a virus or streptococcus, free atomic oxygen is released each time, which oxidizes and thereby kills the microbe. When this happens in your intestines, it is quite possible that the sensations will not be the most comfortable - however, they are the ones that convincingly tell you that hydrogen peroxide is working: it seeks out and destroys pathogens.

About harmful impurities (primarily lead) in pharmaceutical peroxide

Which hydrogen peroxide is better to use, and isn’t the very public form of its release that is available in any pharmacy harmful?

First of all, I would like to give the answer to this question from Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin himself (professor, doctor of medical sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and holder of so many academic degrees that it is not possible to place them all here). I quote from the book Neumyvakin I.P. Hydrogen peroxide. Myths and reality". St. Petersburg: Dilya, 2004):

“The pharmacy chain usually sells 3% peroxide, often without even indicating the concentration.

Many are concerned that H2O2 is supposedly “dirty” and contains a number of substances harmful to the body, in particular lead and zinc. Unlike technical H2O2 supplied to pharmacies is quite pure, especially that prepared for obstetricians. Of course, the presence of impurities of the same lead is undesirable, but in the quantities recommended for taking hydrogen peroxide orally or intravenously, this can be neglected, given the therapeutic effect that it causes, especially since the amount of lead entering the body from other sources is always exceeds permissible limits.

Zinc is a necessary element, without which many biochemical and energy reactions do not occur.”

And here the author must directly state that he does not fully share the point of view of the deeply respected Professor Neumyvakin. That is, all the arguments he gives are undoubtedly quite logical. However, there is one detail that makes me consider them not quite sufficient. The thing is that another very frequently asked question is: “For how long should hydrogen peroxide be used (orally or intravenously)?”, or in a slightly different version - “Are there any time limits for taking peroxide? intended to prevent any undesirable consequences?

To which Ivan Pavlovich answers quite unequivocally (this time a quote from “HLS”, a fragment of a conversation with the editor-in-chief of the newsletter, A.M. Korshunov).

– (...) And how long to take H 2 O 2? – I think for the rest of my life. As a last resort, until a decisive, tangible improvement in the condition or until complete recovery.
- “All the rest”... Didn’t you go overboard?
- Not at all! (...)

– How long to take peroxide? Three months, a year, two?..
– If I say: “For the rest of my life,” will that scare you?
- No, but why?
– Well, firstly, the vast majority of people, due to their lifestyle, nutrition and ecology, have an urgent need for “good” - atomic - oxygen. Secondly, in recommended doses, H 2 O 2 is practically harmless.

In my opinion, this is where a certain contradiction lies. On the one hand, the amount of lead impurities in pharmaceutical hydrogen peroxide is really not that significant. But this is if we talk about a course, that is, time-limited use of the drug. When it comes to constant - especially throughout life - intake, this question is presented in a slightly different light.

There are two reasons for this. The first is the enthusiasm of patients, sometimes excessive. That is, without feeling any negative effects from taking peroxide, it is quite possible to exceed the recommended dose (no more than 30 drops per day). This point needs to be emphasized constantly, which, by the way, is what dear Ivan Pavlovich does.

But there is another reason. In our country, taking hydrogen peroxide orally and intravenously is not recognized by official medicine. To date, we have only one official document in favor of the method, namely, an information letter from the Republican Center for Active Surgical Immunocorrection of the Izhevsk State Medical Academy “Use of intravascular administration of low-concentrated hydrogen peroxide solutions in clinical practice (Izhevsk, 2002). Thus, hydrogen peroxide, which is sold in pharmacy chains, is still considered by pharmacists as a solution for purely external use. And where is the guarantee that the standards for the content of various impurities are strictly adhered to, especially considering the fact that the state of affairs with the quality of drugs on the domestic market leaves much to be desired?

Meanwhile, the same source (HLS, No. 5, 2004) says: “The author of the book “The Healing Properties of Hydrogen Peroxide,” which is sensational in Russia, William Douglas, uses lead-free H 2 O 2 in his medical center for intravenous infusion. But the treatment plant is complex and expensive. As for oral administration, the amount of peroxide in question – a maximum of 30 drops per day – contains significantly less lead than in tap water and food consumed throughout the day.”

All of the above does not mean that hydrogen peroxide distributed through pharmacies is poisonous or contains too much lead. However, chronic poisoning with salts of heavy metals, in particular lead, is a serious enough issue to be mentioned even if the likelihood of its occurrence is extremely low. Apparently, this is one of the reasons that Dr. W. Douglas uses expensive equipment to produce lead-free peroxide. By the way, Professor Neumyvakin himself, in his book “Hydrogen Peroxide, Myths and Reality,” points out: “In our practice, we used 3% hydrogen peroxide prepared in pharmacies for obstetric practice, which indicated a shelf life of 15 days. This peroxide has less lead."

You just have to be aware and keep that in mind, especially for really long periods of ingestion.

Precautionary measures

First of all, take care of your eyes! If peroxide is accidentally ingested (especially at a concentration of more than 3 percent), redness, irritation, and swelling quickly appear; perhaps pain. In these cases, rinse your eye with plenty of running water as soon as possible and consult a doctor.

Keep out of reach of children. If you or your child accidentally drank any amount of hydrogen peroxide of any concentration, consult a doctor immediately - the consequences can be unpredictable and even fatal at high concentrations!

  • Store peroxide in a container equipped with a label or sticker to prevent accidental use for other purposes.
    Note: Hydrogen peroxide should be stored in a dark, cool (not necessarily refrigerator) and dry place. In such conditions it lasts the longest.
  • It is not allowed to ingest (regardless of the number of drops) hydrogen peroxide in a concentration of more than 3 percent! It is also not allowed to take solutions of any concentration in pure form - without diluting with water in the recommended proportion!
  • It is strictly not recommended to even store hydrogen peroxide solutions of more than 3% concentration at home (to avoid accidents).
    Caution: Any concentrated solution of hydrogen peroxide may cause a burn if it comes into contact with the skin, and should be washed off with plenty of water as quickly as possible. Temporary paleness of the fingertips may occur. It is especially dangerous if it gets into the eyes and for children.
  • When treating, it is important to remember that hydrogen peroxide must be taken orally:
    • only on an empty stomach;
    • always separately, never mixed with any other drugs;
    • without exceeding either the concentration (3%) or the dose (no more than 30 drops per day).
      If any side effects occur, use should be stopped for two days and the dose reduced.
  • Also, during treatment, it is unacceptable to mix hydrogen peroxide or dilute it in anything other than clean (distilled or spring) water! Chlorinated tap water is not good. Any drinks containing sugar, alcohol, or carbonated foods should also not be used.
  • You should definitely know and remember that today there are (and new ones are constantly appearing on the market) drugs and products developed on the basis of hydrogen peroxide, containing it and acting thanks to it.

Quite a few of them are quite ordinary hydrogen peroxide, the same as what can be bought at any pharmacy, but with the addition of ingredients that are insignificant for treatment: aloe, seawater minerals, vitamins and microelements, and so on. As an example, the American drug Superoxy, as well as all kinds of oxygen “cocktails” or “punches”.

But some manufacturers claim that they have developed and created preparations that are capable of releasing more oxygen than peroxide, or even claim that the hydrogen peroxide in their composition acts “stronger” or “better.” These include such as Aerox and Anti-Oxid-10 (also made in the USA).

In both cases, all this is just a trick in order to sell hydrogen peroxide at a higher price, which is always the same in any preparation based on it. It cannot be said that such means are harmful - no, they are just a way to make you pay more. So the choice is yours. Finally, the last thing.

If, after taking hydrogen peroxide, any discomfort, pain, heaviness, etc. appears, you should stop taking it for one to two days, and when you resume taking it, start using a smaller dose than before.

And one more piece of advice: when using peroxide for medicinal purposes, almost all experts recommend taking vitamin C in large quantities - highly preferably, in its natural form (fresh fruits and vegetables, garlic, natural juices without impurities).

Possibility of poisoning

Rostov writer and popularizer of the idea of ​​using hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes, V.D. Kozmin gives in his book (Hydrogen peroxide for your health. Rostov-on-Don: Baro-press, 2004. P. 103) an example of a detailed clinical picture of acute poisoning with hydrogen peroxide: “The man drank about 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide - most likely accidentally because he was intoxicated.

The picture is very severe: vomiting, severe pain when swallowing, behind the sternum and in the abdomen, shortness of breath; neurological symptoms - loss of vision, disorientation in space and time, partial memory loss, and finally, the development of a single epileptic seizure. The doctors made a lot of efforts to normalize the victim’s condition and bring him back to life, and it took a lot of time.”

It also states that in other cases, when 50 and 25-30 ml of peroxide were taken, the poisoning was, respectively, of moderate severity and mild, but the same symptoms were observed, only to a less pronounced degree.

Unfortunately, in our time, cases of poisoning among people who abuse alcohol have sharply increased. Often, poisoning is caused by poor-quality products or alcohol substitutes; however, there are also cases when, in a drunken stupor, people mistakenly drink a variety of liquids by accident, simply confusing them with vodka.

And hydrogen peroxide poses a rather serious danger from this point of view due to its properties. As you know, this liquid is colorless, has neither odor nor a strong taste.

For this reason, accidents are possible not only among drinkers, but among simply careless and inattentive people. Dr. Farr gives an example of a case where a 26-year-old woman, through her own carelessness, drank just one sip of hydrogen peroxide - and she immediately began to vomit uncontrollably, followed by a deep fainting fit, and finally, respiratory arrest. Fortunately, all this happened in the clinic, and the doctors, acting skillfully and promptly, saved the woman. But this could very well have happened at home - then who knows whether the woman would have remained alive?

That is why I would like to remind you once again: hydrogen peroxide should be stored exclusively in labeled containers, that is, with a clear label about the contents, do not store it in bottles from other liquids, and keep it out of the reach of children.

And again about hydrogen peroxide

Let's return again to our original topic. Let's try to understand: why does such a promising treatment method as oxygen therapy in general and hydrogen peroxide therapy in particular find neither official recognition nor wide and widespread use?

It would seem that literally everything speaks in favor of this: several dozen patients suffering from AIDS not only escaped a death sentence, but returned to work after being completely cured. The virus in their blood was destroyed using hyperoxygenation, also known as oxygen or bio-oxidant therapy.

It turns out that the AIDS virus cannot tolerate high levels of oxygen in the patient's blood. By the way, many other pathogens that have been tested apparently have the same weakness. Even the growth of a cancerous tumor often stops when the oxygen saturation is high enough in the blood and those body fluids that wash it. After all, it is known that cancer cells are anaerobic.

AIDS, cytomegalovirus, herpes viruses, hepatitis and others lose their protective coating of lipids and die when the patient's blood is oversaturated with oxygen.

Above we discussed such saturation by introducing ozone to patients - this method is now generally accepted.

But a simpler method in all respects is oxygen therapy using hydrogen peroxide, which is formed, in particular, when the same ozone interacts with ordinary water.

The principle is no different from ozone therapy. All pathogens prefer significantly lower levels of oxygen in the blood than what the body's cells need to stay healthy. Increasing oxygen levels simultaneously heals normal cells and destroys any foreign elements through oxidation.

Hydrogen peroxide today is the only bactericidal substance that consists only of water and oxygen.

Like ozone, peroxide destroys pathogens through oxidation.

Nature itself seems to continually tell us the importance of hydrogen peroxide for life!