What is alcohol poisoning of the body? Consequences of alcohol poisoning. Alcohol poisoning: treatment

If the patient has alcohol intoxication, it can help to cope with the cause of the occurrence. A complex approach: hangover treatment, detoxification, medication. Poisoning from alcohol-containing drinks occurs in medical practice often. Depending on the degree of manifestation of signs of intoxication, certain approaches to therapy are used. For light to medium acute stages requires medication for severe dangerous stage– you will need an IV and complex treatment alcoholism.

What is alcohol intoxication

By international classification Alcohol intoxication is a condition that occurs after ingesting alcoholic beverages. It is accompanied by changes in physiology, behavioral attitudes, psychological state. Alcohol is a nerve agent strong poison, negatively affects the central nervous system, causes autonomic, neurological abnormalities and mental dysfunction.

Stages of alcohol poisoning

There are three degrees alcohol intoxication who have different characteristics and symptoms:

  • mild – the concentration of ethyl alcohol is 0.5-1.5 ppm, human mental functions suffer;
  • medium - the level of alcohol in the blood is 1.5-2.5%, a disruption of body functions occurs, and deviations in neurology are observed;
  • severe – characterized by 2.5-4 ppm of alcohol in the blood, the patient’s internal organs and systems suffer from intoxication, and death is possible.

Symptoms of the stages of alcohol intoxication differ. Their typical examples are given in the table:


With mild intoxication, a good mood, talkativeness, loss of attention, and impatience are observed.

Slow thinking, lack of attention, loss of direction, rudeness

Loss of consciousness, passive position body, lack of response to pain, respiratory arrest, possible death


Poor coordination of movements, mental disorders

Unsteady gait, decreased sensation


Redness of the face, rapid pulse, breathing problems are observed

Pale face, nausea, vomiting

Alcohol poisoning - symptoms and signs

Alcohol intoxication is characterized by the following symptoms, the degree of manifestation of which depends on gender, age, nationality, addiction to alcohol, amount drunk and metabolic rate:

  • severe headaches;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • lethargy, dizziness;
  • trembling in the arms and legs;
  • strong thirst;
  • bloating;
  • pain in the liver area;
  • sweating;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • In patients with alcoholism, alcohol withdrawal syndrome develops - at the stage of chronic alcohol abuse.

Hangover symptoms

After mild and moderate stages of intoxication, severe hangover characterized by the following symptoms and signs of poisoning:

  • anxiety, insomnia, Bad mood, dysphoria;
  • loose stool, diarrhea, constipation;
  • increased or decreased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat;
  • nausea, severe vomiting and thirst, dry mouth;
  • sweating or dry skin, swelling;
  • tremor;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • increased sensitivity to sounds and light;
  • chills, weakness, fever.

Why is alcohol poisoning dangerous?

After moderate and severe intoxication with alcoholic drinks, the following are possible: dangerous consequences poisoning:

  • the effect on the central nervous system (CNS) causes disruption of the control and regulatory functions of the brain;
  • ethanol molecules penetrate the blood-brain barrier, affecting the structure of the neocortex, and act on the centers of the peripheral autonomic nervous system;
  • alcohol stupefaction;
  • alcoholic coma.

Types of alcohol intoxication

Coma is the most serious consequences alcohol intoxication. There are three degrees of development of a comatose state:

  • superficial coma - constriction of the pupils, there is a reaction to light and ammonia, but the patient does not come to his senses; in this state, gastric lavage helps;
  • moderate severity poisoning – muscle tone is relaxed, weak reaction to inhalation of ammonia vapor, no recovery occurs after gastric lavage;
  • deep – a critical condition characterized by a bluish tint to the skin of the face, sticky cold skin, thread-like pulse, shallow intermittent breathing.

Acute poisoning

Upon admission large dose alcohol develops acute poisoning. This violates normal work heart and blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, central nervous system. With mild poisoning, a person experiences euphoria, with moderate poisoning, coordination of movements is impaired, and severe poisoning is characterized by an alcoholic coma. Symptoms of acute poisoning due to the action of toxic substances are the following:

Chronic form

Alcohol intoxication chronic form develops with prolonged use of alcoholic beverages. The liver is subject to significant damage. Initially, the dysfunction is reversible, but then carbohydrate metabolism is disrupted, the hyperglycemic index increases during sugar load, and the reaction to the input of adrenaline and glucose is weakened.

Galactose intolerance occurs from constant exposure to alcohol in the body. Other signs and symptoms of poisoning include:

  • liver damage;
  • increased blood alkalinity;
  • weakening of the prothrombin and antitoxic functions of the liver, increasing the risk of hemorrhages;
  • general emaciation, jaundice;
  • liver diseases - acute alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis with constant large doses of ethanol.

What to do if you have alcohol poisoning

For mild to moderate degrees of ethanol intoxication, the following actions should be taken to alleviate the patient’s condition:

  • the victim should take activated charcoal - one tablet per 10 kg of weight, crush and drink with plenty of water; if vomiting occurs, drink another 3-4 tablets;
  • you need to take painkillers or analgesics;
  • put the victim of surrogate poisoning to sleep, open the window to quickly remove toxins and allow the body to recover.

In severe cases of poisoning with vodka or alcohol substitutes, the following medical recommendations will help:

  • lay the patient on his side so that he does not choke on his own vomit;
  • call ambulance;
  • rinse the stomach - give 400-500 ml cool water without gas, induce vomiting;
  • if you have a chill, apply a heating pad to your legs and cover your body with a blanket;
  • if there is no pulse or breathing, do artificial respiration And indirect massage hearts.


Alcohol intoxication requires diagnosis, which consists of an assessment of the clinical picture, qualitative and quantification ingested alcohol in urine, air, blood. The Rappoport reaction, the Karandaev method, photometry, the enzymatic ADN method, and the gas-liquid chromatography method are used. Lab tests will help you understand whether poisoning or coma has occurred.

Gastric lavage with activated carbon

After the diagnosis is made, the patient’s stomach is washed and intubation is performed in order to remove toxins from the body and relieve the alcohol load on the liver. To prevent the absorption of ethyl alcohol from the stomach, the patient is given 2-3 tablespoons of crushed activated carbon. Other treatments are:

  • drinking plenty of fluids, inducing vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue with a spoon or by injecting apomorphine;
  • washing the stomach cavity with 50 ml of 4% soda solution;
  • to protect against collapse, take 100 ml of water with the addition of 5-10 drops of ammonia, or an injection of a solution of caffeine, cordiamine.

Drugs to reduce blood alcohol concentration

To achieve detoxification and correct acid-base balance, improve rheological properties blood. Apply the following drugs:

  • Colma;
  • Proprothene-100;
  • Anti-E;
  • Zorex;
  • Metadoxyl;
  • Rekitsen-RD;
  • Bitredin;
  • Glycine;
  • Limontar;
  • Yantavit;
  • Alka-Seltzer;
  • AlkoStop;
  • Silibor;
  • Sofinor;
  • Silibinin;
  • Hepatofalk.

Intravenous injections for severe alcohol poisoning

If alcohol intoxication occurs, the patient is given droppers with saline solutions, glucose and vitamins. To restore the properties of blood, solutions of Rondex, Reogluman, Reopoliglyukin, Reomacrodex are administered. For alcohol detoxification, a drip with a neohemodez solution (up to 400 ml) is placed. It is good to use a mixture of insulin with glucose, nicotinic acid, vitamin C, B1 and B6, and panangin. To speed up the process of neutralizing toxins, you can drip an isotonic solution of metadoxyl.

To do this, infusion therapy is carried out in a volume of 40-50 mcg with medications:

  • intravenous injection of 15 units of insulin per 20 ml of 40% glucose solution;
  • 1 ml of 1% solution of nicotinic acid with 10 ml of 4% solution of ascorbic acid;
  • intravenous drip 10 ml of panangin, 3-5 ml of 5% vitamin B6 solution, 5 ml of 5% vitamin C solution, 3-5 ml of 5% vitamin B1 solution with hemodez or 250 ml isotonic solution sodium chloride ( saline);
  • for kidney dysfunction, use a 10% solution of calcium chloride and 10-20 ml of a 25% solution of magnesium sulfate;
  • at metabolic acidosis inject 50-100 ml of a 4% soda solution (up to a liter per day), for metabolic alkalosis - up to 150 ml of a 1% potassium chloride solution.

Medicines to maintain the patient's condition

If the patient is admitted with a moderate or severe degree of intoxication, after the procedures he is given the following medications:

  • analeptics – 1-2 ml of a 25% solution of cordiamine subcutaneously, 2 ml of a 10% solution of sulfocamphocaine intramuscularly or intravenously, subcutaneously up to 2 ml of a 25% solution of caffeine;
  • cardiac glycosides – solution of strophanthin, korglykon, mildronate, caffeine;
  • with increased blood pressure - Papaverine, Noshpa, magnesium sulfate, Eufillin, Trental;
  • diuretics to stimulate diuresis - Mannitol, Lasix;
  • supporting agents - hepatoprotectors: Heptral, Essentiale;
  • nootropic drugs–Piracetam, ATP, vitamins B and C;
  • to remove alcoholic psychosis: Flormidal, Tiapridal.

How to relieve alcohol intoxication at home

You can independently get rid of the consequences and symptoms of serious poisoning by following a number of steps:

  • taking enterosorbents and enveloping medications (including treatment traditional methods) to remove ethanol residues;
  • recovery water-salt balance and intestinal microflora;
  • neutralization and removal of toxins, breakdown products of alcohols;
  • relieving intoxication from low-quality alcohol, eliminating pain, supporting the heart, stopping vomiting.

Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home

To carry out detoxification at home, you will need a dropper and solutions. With the help of a doctor or in a hospital, you can treat with solutions of Drotaverine, Spazmolgon, soda, glucose, magnesia, Atropine, Propazine, Essentiale Forte.

Aspirin for hangover

Alcohol intoxication is accompanied by hangover syndrome. It is effectively affected by acetylsalicylic acid, which dilutes capillary microclots that cause swelling and headaches. Contraindications for taking Aspirin are the presence of an ulcer and simultaneous use with alcohol. It is better to take instant tablets at a dosage of 500 mg per 35 kg of weight.

Restoring fluid balance in the body

Vomiting dehydrates the body and washes out minerals from it, so in case of poisoning you need to drink a lot of water - mineral or lemon juice. The imbalance can be eliminated by rehydrating agents: Regidron (10-17 ml per 1 kg), Gidrovit, Citralglucosolan. Instead, use a solution: per liter of water, take half a teaspoon of salt and soda, four tablespoons of sugar. Give the patient a solution at the rate of 10 ml per hour.

Cleansing diet

To achieve rapid recovery of the body after eliminating the symptoms of poisoning, follow a gentle diet:

  • eat boiled, stewed, baked, steamed food;
  • avoid fried, spicy, smoked, fatty foods;
  • eat more fruits, vegetables, natural juices;
  • season salads with oil or sour cream;
  • Cook your first courses with lean broth and drink more water.


Alcohol intoxication is a complex of behavioral disorders, physiological and psychological reactions that usually begin to progress after drinking alcohol in large doses. The main reason is the negative impact on organs and systems of ethanol and its breakdown products, which cannot leave the body for a long time. This pathological condition is manifested by impaired coordination of movements, euphoria, impaired orientation in space, and loss of attentiveness. In severe cases, intoxication can lead to coma.

It is worth noting the fact that intoxication significantly increases the risk of exacerbation of many chronic pathologies, and also provokes the occurrence of conditions that pose a danger to both health and human life. Clinicians include these conditions:


Depending on the general condition of a person, there are three degrees of alcohol intoxication:

  • mild degree. Ethanol reaches the brain, while expanding blood vessels, located as close as possible to the surface of the skin. At the same time, a blush appears on the person’s face. The alcohol content in the bloodstream does not exceed 2%. This stage manifested by the following symptoms: high spirits, dilated pupils and possible diarrhea. Also, a person has excessive sweating, frequent urination, incoherent and too loud speech. Usually this degree does not last long, and nothing needs to be done to eliminate it ( medical supplies not used);
  • average degree. The bloodstream contains 2 to 3% alcohol. General state the person deteriorates significantly. Gait is disturbed visual function(double vision). Speech is unintelligible. At this level, a person usually falls asleep very quickly. The next morning he shows all the signs of a hangover.
  • severe degree. The alcohol content in the bloodstream exceeds 3%. This stage is the most dangerous, since with its development the risk of death increases significantly. Due to severe alcohol intoxication, the respiratory function, the heart stops and an alcoholic coma occurs. If nothing is done at this time, death will occur. At the first signs of pathology, you should immediately call an ambulance.


  • acute alcohol intoxication;
  • chronic alcohol intoxication.

Acute form

Acute alcohol intoxication is usually diagnosed in people who do not regularly drink alcoholic beverages. It manifests itself as euphoria, impaired coordination of movements, and impaired attention. Nausea and vomiting may occur. These signs of alcohol poisoning can be eliminated by taking aspirin and diuretics. It is also important to drink more fluids. People often resort to means traditional medicine– drink brine or kefir. It is not recommended to do this, as it can only worsen your condition.

Chronic form

If a person regularly drinks alcoholic beverages, he develops chronic alcohol intoxication. This condition very dangerous, as it entails toxic damage to internal organs. As a result, a person with alcohol dependence exhibits the following symptoms:

  • anxiety;
  • tremor;
  • muscle atrophy;
  • dystrophy;
  • hyperemia of the skin on the face.


Symptoms of alcohol intoxication begin to appear when ethanol accumulates in the body:

  • inhibited facial expressions;
  • speech disorder;
  • dilated pupils;
  • a person experiences extreme thirst;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • retardation of movements;
  • severe nausea;
  • vomit. Thus, the body independently tries to get rid of the poison;
  • sparkle in the eyes;
  • pulse slows down;
  • reassessment of one's capabilities;
  • liberated instincts;
  • weakness;
  • disturbance of consciousness.


If symptoms of alcohol intoxication appear, the person should be immediately taken to medical institution. Diagnostics pathological condition is not difficult, since clinical picture quite bright. To determine the alcohol contained in exhaled air, the qualitative Rappoport reaction is used.

Additional diagnostic techniques:

  • Karandaev method;
  • ADN method;
  • photometric method;
  • gas-liquid chromatography method.


Treatment of alcohol intoxication is carried out both at home and in the hospital. In case of severe poisoning, it is recommended to place the patient in a hospital so that he is under constant control doctors. The first thing to do is to prevent further absorption of alcohol into the body. For this purpose, the patient is given 10 tablets of activated carbon, after which the stomach is washed with warm water.

To reduce the concentration of alcohol in the blood, the following drugs are used:

In case of severe alcohol intoxication, doctors resort to intravenous administration drugs containing active substances. This should only be done in a hospital setting so that the doctor can monitor the patient’s condition. The following drugs are prescribed for therapeutic purposes:

  • panangin;
  • isotonic solution;
  • calcium chloride;
  • Ringer's solution;
  • glucose solution;
  • rheopolyglucin;
  • polyglucin;
  • hemodesis;
  • neohemodesis.

Drug therapy also includes the following drugs:

  • analeptics and psychostimulants: cordiamine, sulfocamphocaine;
  • vitamins: ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid, thiamine chloride;
  • antispasmodics: aminophylline, papaverine, no-spa;
  • hepatoprotectors (drugs that protect and restore liver cells): piracetam, essentiale, mildronate;
  • psychotropic drugs.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Migraine is a fairly common neurological disease accompanied by severe paroxysmal headache. Migraine, the symptoms of which are pain, concentrated on one side of the head mainly in the area of ​​the eyes, temples and forehead, nausea, and in some cases vomiting, occurs without reference to brain tumors, stroke and serious head injuries, although and may indicate the relevance of the development of certain pathologies.

Each of us has some experience with alcohol - it just so happens that everyone significant events we celebrate at a generously set table with drinks. Little or much, but alcoholic drinks are always present in our lives. Relationships with alcohol will not cause trouble if you consider your own capabilities and drink wisely. Without knowing the measures, you can seriously harm your health, especially since the question “what to do in case of alcohol poisoning?” many of us ask ourselves after the poisoning has occurred. If a person has too many strong drinks, you need to act immediately. Let's find out how to help a victim of alcohol poisoning at home.

Alcohol poisoning: when does intoxication occur?

Drinking alcohol leads to intoxication - the nervous system at this time is in a special “floating” state from the psychoactive effects of ethanol. Good mood and the feeling of euphoria that we look for at the bottom of a glass or shot glass are nothing more than the first signs of alcohol poisoning.

Even a few drops of alcohol affect the state of the body, and the more a person drinks, the more serious the consequences of intoxication will be. Alcoholic drinks vary in the strength of their effect on the nervous system. The most “harmless” is alcohol that contains no more than 15% ethanol: champagne, vermouth, wine and beer. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with strong drinks such as cognac, vodka, tequila, whiskey and gin. Absinthe is recognized as the strongest alcohol.

Alcohol poisoning: stages

The damage to the body by the components of alcohol occurs as follows: ethanol in the “happy” drink enters the stomach and is soon absorbed by the mucous membranes, through which it enters the blood. The liver will neutralize a certain portion of toxic substances, but the organ will not be able to completely neutralize a large proportion of alcohol, then the unprocessed poison penetrates into the brain tissue. It is at this stage that irreversible changes occur in the structure of neurons and the functions of internal organs.

Intoxication resulting from alcohol consumption is classified into several stages. The degree of poisoning can be accurately determined by laboratory research by the number of ppm in the blood. How intoxicated a person is can also be determined by the corresponding symptoms of alcohol poisoning.

Mild alcohol poisoning

For the sake of a pleasant feeling of slight intoxication alcoholic drink, in fact, they put it on the table. A couple of glasses of wine - and you are guaranteed an emotional uplift, slight excitement, as well as unmotivated bliss. In such a state, it is difficult to assess your real capabilities; rather, you want to inflate them. However, in reality, the number of errors in the work of a drunk person increases, and his mental and physical activity noticeably decreases. Mild degree Alcohol poisoning can be identified by dilated pupils and a slightly reddened face. The drinker sweats more and feels the need to empty the bladder more often.

In addition, a drunk person begins to raise his voice, all his statements become more categorical and uncompromising. He has difficulty expressing his thoughts coherently and concentrating. Sweeping movements, “floating” facial expressions, loss of control over hidden personality traits are also considered symptoms mild degree intoxication. Usually a person comes to his senses quite quickly and easily.

Moderate degree of alcohol poisoning

Signs of alcohol intoxication medium degree cause more serious concerns: a person’s coordination of movements is impaired, he is “thrown” from side to side, sees double and loses intelligibility of speech. In this state, the drinker is not responsible for his words and actions. In general, the behavior of a drunk person is determined by his character - alcohol can cause excessive boastfulness, bravado, vulnerability, touchiness, scandalousness or aggression. Brings sobering general weakness, excruciating headaches, severe thirst, nausea and vomiting.

Severe alcohol poisoning

When a drunken person's condition worsens, his statements become illegible and meaningless, and he himself ceases to understand anything. Flushed face, hot skin and low pain sensitivity complement the overall picture of severe intoxication of the body. While intoxicated, a person can be seriously injured and not feel it.

The severity of alcohol intoxication varies dire consequences: A heavily intoxicated person has difficulty breathing and may experience cardiac arrest. When a portion of alcohol enters the body, which in terms of pure alcohol is equal to 300–400 g, acute alcohol poisoning occurs. This condition is extremely dangerous, its main symptoms are as follows:

  • convulsions;
  • breathing problems;
  • copious secretion of saliva;
  • redness of the whites of the eyes.

A person with acute alcohol intoxication requires emergency medical care.

Alcohol coma

Severe alcohol poisoning can be complicated by the stage at which the intoxicated person falls into a coma. Coma– this is a kind of stunning of the body that occurs when ethanol in the blood increases to 3%. The main symptom of approaching danger is deep fainting. In some cases, the victim’s behavior is characterized by slight motor agitation. An indicator of the deterioration of the well-being of a person who has had too much alcohol is his eyes:

  1. There is no reaction of the pupils to light, the corneal reflex does not work (the eyelids do not close if you carefully touch the cornea).
  2. There is nystagmus (movement eyeballs according to the principle of a pendulum).
  3. Constriction of the pupils can also indicate an approaching alcoholic coma. In some cases, the pupils either narrow or dilate. Sometimes you can observe a picture when at the same moment the pupils of the left and right eyes have different sizes.

Due to the retraction of the tongue, the penetration of vomit into Airways, excessive secretion of saliva and phlegm, the victim’s breathing is impaired: the person breathes unevenly and intermittently, sometimes wheezes, while his face acquires a bluish tint. Arterial pressure at alcoholic coma decreased, and the pulse is weak and thready. In this condition, involuntary release of urine and feces is often observed.

Poisoning with surrogate alcohol

Poisoning is caused not only by large doses of alcohol, but also by low-quality alcohol or its surrogates. Alcohol surrogates are liquids that are not intended for internal use, but often used instead of alcoholic beverages (due to lower cost). Drinking medicinal tinctures, colognes, lotions, methylated spirits, moonshine, mash, “chat” and others hazardous liquids always ends badly. The symptoms of intoxication will be somewhat different than with classic alcohol poisoning.

After taking a surrogate, a person practically does not get drunk, but if you know the symptoms of poisoning, you can notice them immediately:

  • noise in ears;
  • impaired vision and smell;
  • increased salivation;
  • abdominal pain.

If a person is not helped in time, he may die. Treatment for poisoning with surrogate alcohol is not carried out at home - as soon as there is suspicion of intoxication, you should immediately call an ambulance. If it is possible to deliver the victim to the hospital faster than the ambulance arrives, you should do just that. The sooner a patient is treated by qualified doctors, the greater his chances of survival.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

Without resorting to the services of doctors, you can cope with mild to moderate poisoning on your own. There are a number of measures that will help bring the injured person to his senses: rid his body of ethanol residues and neutralize decay products.

Gastric lavage for alcohol poisoning

No medications should be taken, since many drugs in combination with alcohol create an “explosive” mixture, which will only worsen the victim’s condition.

Give the intoxicated person 300–500 ml of water to drink. This is necessary in order to induce vomiting and thus rid the stomach of the contents. In most cases, you don’t even have to press on the root of the tongue with your fingers - vomiting opens on its own, as the body tries to independently expel what is poisoning it. You will have to provoke vomiting until it starts to come out of the stomach. pure water.

Important! You cannot force water in or induce vomiting if a person has lost consciousness. Instead, it is better to wait until the ambulance arrives. At this time, you need to turn the patient on his side, free him from tight clothes and try to bring him out of fainting: intensively massage his ears, sprinkle with water, bring ammonia to his nose.

In cases where uncontrollable vomiting persists even after complete emptying of the stomach, the following techniques will help to cope with its urges:

  • hold your head under the stream cold water or apply ice to the back of the head;
  • take an anti-vomiting medicine (such as metoclopramide). If this does not have any effect, and the vomit is replaced by blood or bile, you need to take the victim to the hospital as soon as possible.

Restore fluid balance in the body in case of alcohol poisoning

The next step in helping with alcohol poisoning is to eliminate the lack of fluid in the body. Due to intoxication, the process of dehydration develops: ethanol causes a diuretic effect, and the liquid is excreted from the body with urine, as well as vomit. In especially severe cases, dehydration threatens a person’s life. Give the victim any liquid to drink. Mineral water or pure water with lemon juice is best. If a person is tormented by vomiting, pharmaceutical products will help restore the balance of moisture in the body. saline solutions such as Regidron and Gidrovit.

This remedy can also be prepared at home: dissolve 1 tsp in 1 liter of water at room temperature. table salt and soda, and then add 4 tbsp. l. Sahara. The victim must take healing solution 2 – 3 sips every 30 minutes.

Treatment with sorbents and beneficial bacteria for alcohol poisoning

Help for alcohol poisoning at home is unthinkable without the use of sorbents. Medicines Polysorb (1 tbsp per 0.5 tbsp of water), Smecta (one-time 3 sachets per 1 tbsp of water), Enterosgel (50 g per 1 tbsp of water) will significantly improve the condition of a person suffering from alcohol intoxication. By the way, many people consider activated carbon to be almost the only means of eliminating alcohol poisoning. feeling unwell. In fact, the sorption capabilities of the drug are not very large, but because of the reasonable price, they continue to take it “for old times’ sake”: 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight, washed down with water. The drugs described above are needed to remove toxic waste products from the body and reduce diarrhea. Medicines in this group are not taken together with other medications, so an interval of about 2 hours should be maintained.

If due to poisoning appeared severe diarrhea, it is imperative to restore the intestinal microflora. Special complexes of beneficial bacteria Acipol, Yogurt, Linex will help solve this issue.

Important! Diarrhea in case of alcohol poisoning cannot be purposefully eliminated - this is another protective reaction in addition to vomiting, with the help of which the body gets rid of toxic substances.

Eliminate pain from alcohol poisoning

The headache of moderate alcohol poisoning can sometimes drive you crazy. The painful sensations cannot be tolerated - pain syndrome needs to be blocked. Aspirin is not suitable for this purpose, since acetylsalicylic acid in combination with ethanol will not bring any benefit to the body. Then what to drink if you have alcohol poisoning? The best way to relieve pain is with ibuprofen-based analgesics.

How not to treat alcohol poisoning

In attempts to alleviate a person’s condition due to alcohol poisoning, it is strictly prohibited:

  • resort to a dubious hangover method (treat a hangover with a new portion of alcohol);
  • take a hot bath or go to the sauna;
  • drink “inappropriate” pills - Furosemide, Paracetamol, Analgin, sleeping pills and antiallergic drugs;
  • take medications to relieve diarrhea.

Folk remedies for alcohol poisoning

People have come up with many ways to overcome hangovers and alcohol poisoning without pills:

  1. Dilute in 1 liter boiled water 2 tbsp. l. honey and take several sips throughout the day.
  2. Prepare a decoction of tansy - wonderful remedy in case of poisoning of any kind. Take 50 g of dried raw material and brew it with boiling water (0.5 l), then add 20 g of chamomile flowers. The cooled and strained product should be taken with meals at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per 10 kg body weight.
  3. After violent libations, ammonia solution will quickly bring you back to life; in everyday life - ammonia. Dissolve 10 drops of the product in a glass of water. You need to take the medicine 1 - 2 small sips every 30 minutes.
  4. If you are tormented by nausea, you can save yourself with a decoction of lemon balm. 1 tsp dried and crushed raw materials, add 250 ml of boiling water, let it brew a little, and then drink healthy drink instead of tea. For taste, you can add a little honey and a slice of lemon to the product.
  5. The fastest way for your body to get rid of toxic toxins is to drink lemon, orange or grapefruit juice throughout the day.

The morning after a party where there was a lot of drinking, you need to allow yourself to rest. Alcohol poisoning cannot be carried on your feet. It's best to accept cool shower, don't force yourself to eat, drink a lot ordinary water. If there is a feeling of general malaise, you need to go to bed and not get up until the weakness goes away. If after 10 hours your health does not return to normal, you should consult a doctor.

Alcohol is poisonous and harms the body, having a negative impact on the functioning of all organs and systems. Even small doses of alcoholic beverages already cause harm to the body and provoke alcohol poisoning (intoxication). The degree of poisoning with its external manifestation- By the way, it is not related to the state of intoxication.

The intensity of intoxication depends on many reasons: physiological characteristics body, gender, age and weight of a person, type of alcohol, its combinations, availability of snacks, rate of alcohol consumption, etc. For example, a glass of sparkling wine, drunk slowly on an empty stomach, can intoxicate you more than a glass of vodka, knocked over in one gulp along with a rich, fatty snack. But it is unlikely that weak champagne will have the same strong toxic effect on the body’s cells as a forty-degree “white” one.

Doctors distinguish three stages of alcohol intoxication: mild intoxication, moderate intoxication and severe intoxication, in which signs of alcohol poisoning become visible to the naked eye.

By the way, you don’t need to think that it’s easy and middle stage intoxication is absolutely safe. They cannot be compared with severe intoxication in terms of the degree of harm caused to the body, but regular “breakaways” destroy the cells of the body’s natural filter - the liver - with toxic breakdown products of alcohol (aldehydes), and chronic alcohol intoxication gradually develops. Aldehydes destroy not only the liver, but also the cells of the central nervous system, which are restored very slowly.

Like any other intoxication, alcohol poisoning has its own characteristic symptoms:

  • Severe headache associated with irritation nerve endings alcohol breakdown products. The severity of the symptom is individual, and is more related to the composition of the alcohol than to its quantity. Sparkling alcohol, which is much more actively absorbed into the blood, increases the likelihood of headaches, colored drinks (liqueurs, tinctures) and drinks Low quality made from cheap raw materials.
  • Noise in the ears, flickering of spots before the eyes are signs of damage to the autonomic nervous system.
  • Dizziness and poor coordination of movements indicate damage to the part of the brain responsible for balance – the cerebellum.
  • Nausea and vomiting are protective reactions of the body, which, having sensed an excess of toxic substances, strives to quickly rid the stomach of them and prevent further poisoning.
  • Intense thirst is associated with a decrease in the production of antidiuretic hormone under the influence of alcohol breakdown products and increased urine output.
  • Loss of consciousness, coma is the result of severe damage to the central nervous system by alcohol breakdown products.

Alcohol intoxication represents serious danger for the body. A person who has been poisoned by alcohol needs help as quickly as possible; in some cases, it is impossible to do without calling an ambulance.

You need to call an ambulance:

  1. if a person has lost consciousness;
  2. the skin is very pale or, on the contrary, very red, covered with sticky cold sweat;
  3. pulse is weak, rapid, breathing is slow, shallow, irregular;
  4. Vomiting recurs and urine leaks involuntarily.

Alcohol poisoning can lead to a sad outcome: lethal dose– 5g of pure alcohol per 1 kg of body weight (in alcoholics whose bodies are accustomed to alcohol, the dangerous concentration is usually higher). The faster a person receives qualified medical care, the more likely that the consequences of “overkill” will not be dire.

Alcohol poisoning: treatment

There is no need to sit idly by waiting for an ambulance. Timely provision of first medical care in case of poisoning, it is very important, especially since you cannot do without it in case of mild poisoning, when there is no need for an ambulance to arrive. First of all, you need to induce vomiting in order to rid the stomach of any remaining alcohol, if possible. The next step is to apply an anti-poisoning gel - sorbent. It is much more effective than the “classic of the genre” - activated carbon, it absorbs toxins better and removes them from the body without losing them in the intestines, like coal.

Enterosgel can be mixed in a cup of water or given in the form of a gel, from a spoon, half a tube at once, since the situation does not tolerate delay, and harm even from large quantity There will be no Enterosgel - the main thing is to wash it down well with water, which a thirsty drunk usually has no problems with. Taking the gel in a timely manner in case of alcohol poisoning means speeding up the cleansing of the body and preventing dangerous consequences for internal organs.

If alcohol poisoning is severe, doctors will have to cleanse the body of its consequences. They will rinse the stomach with a tube, perform detoxification with sorbents and intravenous infusions, and prescribe medications that support the functioning of the heart, nervous system and liver.

Prevention of alcohol intoxication is simple: do not drink at all. Of course, absolute sobriety is rare; most still allow themselves to relax at least occasionally: during a holiday, meeting with friends, a corporate event, or outdoor recreation. If a “celebration of life” has already happened, then the alcohol must be of high quality, it must be drunk in in moderation without mixing incompatible drinks. Before, during and after drinking alcohol, you need to take half a tube of Enterosgel - this way you can prevent not only alcohol poisoning, but also a morning hangover.

Intoxication is a process in which the body becomes oversaturated hazardous substances, resulting in damage to internal organs. You need to be able to recognize the symptoms of alcohol poisoning in order to provide first aid and not harm the patient further.


How and why does alcohol intoxication occur?

Severe intoxication occurs when no more than 150 ml of anhydrous alcohol is in the blood. Death occurs with a concentration of 300 ml of ethanol in the blood, equivalent to 96%.

Mechanism of action of alcohol:

  1. Alcohol enters the stomach and begins to be absorbed from there.
  2. After the stomach, ethyl begins to act on the small intestine.
  3. After one and a half to two hours, alcohol in the blood reaches its maximum concentration.
  4. Small substances contained in ethanol penetrate the edge that separates brain tissue and blood vessels.
  5. Alcohol enters the nervous system. Intoxication occurs.
  6. Alcohol begins to affect all internal organs.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

Manifestation of alcohol poisoning in several stages:

  • alcohol poisoning;
  • strong

The first signs of intoxication

Poisoning at the initial stage manifests itself as follows:

  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • the logic of movements is disrupted;
  • the secretion of sweat, saliva and tears increases;
  • the whites of the eyes change color to red;
  • heavy, noisy breathing;
  • frequent urination or, conversely, its absence;
  • nervous excitement, euphoria;
  • pupil dilation.

Alcohol affects absolutely the entire human body. There is not a single internal organ that does not suffer when consuming alcoholic beverages.

Severe alcohol poisoning

When strong, he stops controlling his actions. Internal organs begin to wear out, and then completely stop performing their functions.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning:

  • involuntary urination and defecation;
  • suffocation;
  • weak pulse;
  • disturbance of consciousness.

The person may then fall into one of two phases of coma - superficial or deep.

Symptoms of superficial coma:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • suffocation;
  • high salivation;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • floating movement of the eyeballs;
  • pupils of different sizes;
  • defensive reaction to stimuli;
  • the whites of the eyes and face are purple;
  • pain threshold is reduced.

In case of alcohol poisoning, the symptoms of a deep coma may be as follows:

  • convulsions;
  • blue skin;
  • low body temperature;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • breathing is rare and weak;
  • loss of muscle tone;
  • there is no pain sensitivity;
  • decreased tendon reflexes.

The video explains why you should not abuse alcohol. Filmed by Brain Time channel.

What affects the severity of alcohol poisoning?

There can be one reason influencing the effect of alcohol; sometimes several factors can provoke poisoning at the same time.

Conditions that may affect intoxication:

  1. Additives and impurities in ethanol. By adding furfural, ethylene glycol and other components, the effect on the body increases.
  2. Hunger. Consuming alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach increases the absorption of alcohol into the blood. It is recommended to eat food containing carbohydrates before drinking.
  3. Drinking alcohol and medicines simultaneously. Do not mix alcohol with sleeping pills, tranquilizers, antidepressants, or painkillers.
  4. A condition of the body that reduces liver function. This condition includes pregnancy, fatigue, overwork, diabetes and pancreatic disease, and an unbalanced diet.
  5. Age. Older people and young children are most susceptible negative influence alcohol on the body. In the elderly, the liver function responsible for dehydration does not work well enough, and in children it is not yet formed.
  6. Individual intolerance. Most often this occurs in the Mongoloid race. This is due to the slow operation of the enzyme that is responsible for the breakdown of ethanol.
  7. Dose of drink. The body does not have time to process the incoming alcohol. Ethanol and breakdown products accumulate, affecting the internal system.
  8. Human gender. Women are more susceptible to the effects of ethyl on the body.
  9. Weight. Fat people are less susceptible to the negative effects of alcohol than thin people.
  10. The time it took for alcohol to enter the body.
  11. Diseases of internal organs.
  12. The quality of alcohol and the strength of the drink.
  13. Genetic factors.

What to do in case of alcohol poisoning?

The very first thing to do is call an ambulance. Fatal outcome Alcohol intoxication is detected in 53% of cases.

Urgent Care

If it is not possible to call a doctor right away or it takes too long for help to arrive, in such a situation you should begin to act on your own.

First aid to the victim:

  1. Lay the person on his side and fix the tongue with the handle of a spoon or with your fingers wrapped in a napkin. This will prevent the tongue from sinking and provide a path for vomit to exit.
  2. If the person does not regain consciousness, apply a cotton swab with ammonia to the nose.
  3. If breathing stops, perform indirect cardiac massage and artificial respiration. 2 breaths and 30 presses chest. Repeat the cycle until the patient begins to breathe.
  4. Induce vomiting. You should drink two glasses of salted water (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of water). Use a drug that causes nausea or put pressure on the root of the tongue. It is more effective to carry out the procedure in the first hours after consuming alcohol.
  5. Rinse the stomach. Drink as much water as possible and press on the root of the tongue. The procedure is repeated until the vomit is clear. As in the previous paragraph, this should be done in the first hours.
  6. Increase the patient's body temperature. Dress warmly, cover with a blanket or take to a warm room.
  7. Restore the balance of water and minerals. Drink pickle juice or mineral water. Thanks to minerals, toxins are eliminated from the body faster.
  8. If poisoning occurs methyl alcohol or ethylene glycol, you should drink ethanol. Acting as an “antidote,” ethyl alcohol will stop the formation of toxic elements. Take high-quality alcohol in the following dosage: 200 ml of cognac, whiskey or vodka. 40-50 ml of vodka every three hours.
  9. Take an adsorbent - a drug that absorbs types of toxins. Such a home assistant should always be in your first aid kit.

The most popular adsorbents are presented in the table.

White coal, 150 rub. Enterosgel, 400 rub. Activated carbon, 50 rub. Polysorb, 400 rub.

Treatment of alcohol poisoning

It is not worth treating intoxication at home. This can aggravate the situation, and only a doctor can prescribe injection solutions after examining the patient. Therapy is prescribed depending on the condition of the victim and other factors.

Treatment options:

  • instillation with a solution of electrolytes and sugars;
  • antispasmodics;
  • analeptics, psychostimulants;
  • plasma replacement medications;
  • solutions that stop intoxication;
  • psychotropic drugs;
  • nootropics, hepatoprotectors;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • solutions restoring acid-base balance;
  • polyionic drugs;
  • drugs that reduce heart rate.

What should you not do if you have alcohol poisoning?

You should be careful not to worsen the sick person's condition.

In case of intoxication alcoholic drinks forbidden:

  1. Take a cool shower. At drunkenness The thermoregulation of the body is disrupted, the body experiences a lack of heat.
  2. Unconsciousness is a contraindication for gastric lavage and inducing vomiting.
  3. Don't leave a person alone. Perhaps the tongue will sink and suffocation will occur. Vomit may not come out, but go back into the body, and the patient may choke.
  4. Do not force the patient to get up or walk. This is unnecessary stress for the body.
  5. Treat with alcohol. Exception: poisoning occurred with methyl alcohol or ethylene glycol.
  6. Place the person on their back.

Prevention of alcohol intoxication

Before drinking, you should take preventive measures:

  1. Do not drink questionable alcohol - a surrogate.
  2. Monitor the increase in temperature if there are several drinks consumed. Do not drink different types of alcohol in one evening.
  3. Snack often. Eat a hearty meal before drinking.
  4. Do not drink alcohol-containing products while taking medications.
  5. Do not drink alcohol if you have gastrointestinal diseases.
  6. If you are overtired, it is also better to stop drinking alcohol.
  7. Avoid using large doses.

Possible consequences

Drinkers experience complications of chronic diseases and the emergence of new ones:

  • acute toxic hepatitis;
  • acute liver failure;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • Mendelssohn's syndrome is a condition in which suffocation develops in the respiratory system due to the entry of gastric secretions into the passage.


The video, shot by the JitZdorovo channel, shows how alcohol affects internal organs and what to do the next day after drinking alcohol.