Quail eggs: a small miracle of nature with great health benefits. Quail eggs, medicinal properties of quail eggs

There are many opinions about the effects of chicken or quail eggs on the human liver. Some people believe that they cause harm to the body, while other people actively use them not only in gastronomic, but also in medicinal purposes. Sometimes doctors prescribe a diet that excludes chicken or quail eggs. In other cases, experts, on the contrary, recommend including in the diet regular use these products. It depends on the state of health, the function of the liver and other organs and systems.

Eggs are a dietary product, the consumption of which is beneficial for the health of the entire body and the liver, in particular.

Chicken eggs


This product is characterized by almost complete absorption in the human body, which determines their high degree of bioavailability. They have high nutritional value and are rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium phosphorus, zinc, iodine, vitamins A, E, B vitamins and many other substances useful and necessary for the human body. They include the majority necessary for a person elements and connections. Protein is contained in an amount of 11%. Energy value– 70 kcal per 100 grams.

Beneficial features

  • Vitamin D – essential for strengthening bone tissue.
  • Lecithin – helps normalize the functioning of the liver and brain.
  • Luten – participates in the process of normalizing vision.
  • Choline – prevents the formation of cancerous tumors.
  • Niacin – promotes the generation of germ cells and improves brain performance.
  • Folic acid is essential for the formation of the neural tube in the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy. Necessary for the prevention of development neurological disorders in a child during pregnancy.
  • Protein is involved in the process of building muscle tissue.
  • Vitamin K – ensures blood clotting.

Effects of eggs on the liver

Chicken eggs contain methionine and choline. These amino acids help the liver get rid of toxins. Some components of the yolk can improve peristalsis and improve the absorption of fats by stimulating the outflow of bile. This occurs due to the contractions of the gallbladder that this product causes. Lecithin helps normalize liver function.

Rules of use

  1. Eggs must undergo the necessary heat treatment. Raw, undercooked, or poorly fried foods can infect you with salmonella, which cannot withstand prolonged exposure to high temperatures.
  2. The number of eggs consumed by an adult should not exceed 2 pieces per day or no more than 6 pieces per week. They are rich in fat and consuming them in excess can increase cholesterol levels or increase the load on the liver.
  3. In the early childhood Such a product should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with the smallest doses, in order to avoid an allergic reaction.
  4. If there are any on the surface visible damage, then it is not safe to eat them.
  5. You should not eat eggs that have been stored in a warm place. They can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 25 days.


People with diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and some forms of cirrhosis and hepatitis should consume eggs with caution.
  • People with a history of cardiovascular disease should moderate their intake to avoid the formation of excess cholesterol and blockage of blood vessels.
  • Diabetes mellitus is a reason to reduce the number of chicken eggs in your diet. The amount in the diet of people with diabetes should not exceed one egg per week. This will help reduce the risk of stroke.
  • A tendency to allergies often prevents the consumption of yolks.
  • An allergic reaction can be triggered by the albumin contained in them. Sometimes it is possible to consume proteins (separately).
  • Liver diseases (some forms of hepatitis and cirrhosis). Such diseases require a special gentle diet. Eggs count heavy product and add extra stress to the diseased liver, which is extremely undesirable in such conditions.

Quail eggs


Quail eggs are considered the healthiest among eggs. poultry. They contain a large number of vitamin A and are rich in a variety of B vitamins. The composition includes a large number of essential and nonessential amino acids. Contain a lot of calcium, iron, potassium, sodium and phosphorus, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Protein is contained in an amount of 14%. Energy value – 80 kcal per 100 grams.

Beneficial features

  • memory improvement;
  • increased immunity (based on the content of lysozyme);
  • prevention of cancer;
  • improving the condition of hair, bone tissue and teeth;
  • improvement of blood microcirculation;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • normalization of work gastrointestinal tract And nervous system;
  • improvement of potency;
  • slowing down the progress of obesity and atherosclerosis (due to the content of unsaturated fatty acids);
  • hypoallergenic properties due to the content of ovomocide;
  • increase in hemoglobin level.

Benefits for the liver

The ability of some components of quail eggs to reduce cholesterol in the blood improves and facilitates the functioning of the liver.

Lysozyme and lecithin contained in this product relieve the liver of toxins. With the development of certain infectious liver diseases, lysozyme is able to fight pathogenic microorganisms.

Rules of use

  • Only moderate consumption will bring maximum benefit. Daily dose for a healthy adult should not exceed 6 pieces.
  • Heat treatment reduces the usefulness of eggs. They are best consumed raw on an empty stomach.
  • Children under 3 years of age can be given no more than one per day.
  • The raw product can only be given to children after reaching seven years of age.

  • IN school age children daily norm quail eggs can be increased to three per day, and in adolescence - up to four.
  • The shells can only be consumed in powder form. Poorly ground particles may have sharp edges, which can cause damage oral cavity and esophagus. This is also due to the degree of absorption.
  • If quail eggs are taken raw, they must be thoroughly washed with soap and rinsed with boiling water before use. Despite popular belief, there is still a minimal risk of contracting salmonella.
  • Before using the shells, you must wash them thoroughly and rinse them with a vinegar solution.
  • The extremely low cholesterol content in quail eggs allows them to be consumed by those with high blood cholesterol levels.
  • You should not consume a product that has not been stored in accordance with temperature conditions and shelf life. At room temperature, quail eggs cannot be stored for more than 30 days. Storage in the refrigerator is allowed for up to 60 days (provided there is no damage).

Quail eggs obtained from quails. These eggs are smaller and lighter than chicken eggs, and the eggshell has a specific color. The nutritional value Quail eggs are much higher than chicken eggs.

Quail eggs have many benefits. This unique product, which is suitable for almost everyone, with the exception of some contraindications, we’ll talk about them further.

1. Improve brain function.
Quail eggs contain amino acids, they high level squirrel. They stimulate the brain and nourish the nervous system. These nutrients also protect brain cells from damage and repair them if they have been damaged.

2. Prevents the development of anemia.
Research shows that women whose diet contains quail eggs have a reduced risk of developing anemia. This product contains iron, which helps in the formation of red blood cells and prevents anemia. Amino acids also help increase hemoglobin levels in red blood cells. Hemoglobin itself is a protein that plays an important role in binding oxygen and nutrients, as well as their transportation to all tissues of the body.

3. Cleanse the blood and body.
Detoxifying the body is very important. Modern world full of toxins, pollutants and heavy metals. Quail eggs have been proven to help remove some heavy metals and toxins from the body. Amino acids and other components of quail eggs can bind toxins and flush them out of the body. Adding these eggs to your diet also helps remove toxins from your bloodstream.

4. Stimulate growth.
Just like chicken eggs, quail eggs contain protein, which is necessary for many processes in our body. Proteins help create new cells, tissues, muscles, bones and blood vessels. Adequate consumption of these eggs can ensure healthy growth and development of the body, which is especially important for children.

5. Increase immunity.
Quail eggs contain many amino acids, including lysine. Lysine is known to promote antibody production and support immune function. Therefore, quail eggs can improve immunity. They also help you recover faster from colds.

6. Prevent diabetes.
Research has shown that quail eggs contain the amino acid leucine, which helps regulate blood sugar levels and maintain stable insulin levels. Thus, quail eggs are an excellent product for the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

7. Supports healthy metabolism.
Quail eggs contain a complex of vitamins B, which play main role in the cellular metabolism of the body and take part in almost all its vital processes. Vitamins B6 (pyridoxine) and B12 (cobalamin), found in quail eggs, are actively involved in metabolic processes. Without these vitamins, proper metabolism is impossible.

8. Reduce risk cardiovascular diseases.
If you don't have enough potassium in your body, you may have cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, stroke and other ailments. Increase your potassium intake by eating quail eggs and you will be on the safe side. According to research conducted in 2010, eating quail eggs can reduce the risk of heart disease by 24%. Vitamin E, which is responsible for normalizing blood clotting, improving blood circulation, and lowering blood pressure, also helps achieve this result.

9. Improve vision.
Quail eggs contain large amounts, which is a vital part of the visual organs. The antioxidant activity of vitamin A helps in reducing macular degeneration, prevents the development of cataracts and helps improve vision. To maintain eye health, eat quail eggs regularly.

10. Reduce blood pressure levels.
Quail eggs are rich not only in protein, but also in fatty acids (docosahexaenoic acid). DHA is a type of fatty acid that can help normalize blood pressure in the body and reduce the risk of heart disease. The potassium in quail eggs also lowers blood pressure. This mineral acts as vasodilator, which helps relieve tension and pressure from the arteries and blood vessels.

11. Reduce cholesterol levels.
According to a 2012 study published in America's Dietary Guidelines, quail eggs are low in trans fat. This means that quail eggs are healthy. The fatty acid content of quail eggs reduces the level of low-density lipoprotein LDL (known as "bad" cholesterol) and increases the amount of high-density lipoprotein HDL density(known as good cholesterol). HDL in quail eggs is more than 60%.

However, people who have a history of cholesterol problems should not introduce large amounts of these eggs into their diet. Each egg contains about 1.6 grams of saturated fatty acids.

12. Treat allergies.
It has been proven that quail eggs can cure allergies. The product contains ovomucoid protein, which is usually found in antiallergic drugs. If you suffer from allergies, quail eggs will help return your health to normal.

In addition, quail eggs can be an ideal substitute for people who are allergic to chicken eggs. Chicken eggs can cause symptoms such as vomiting, stomach pain and nausea. Quail eggs do not cause allergies and are anti-allergenic.

13. Treat asthma.
Quail eggs are believed to contain nutrients that are beneficial in treating asthma. IN traditional treatment asthmatics use this simple recipe: mix one egg with one tablespoon of honey and take it three hours before meals, morning and evening. The course lasts 40 days. After the course, take a break for 2 weeks and then continue taking eggs with honey according to the same scheme.

14. Have anti-inflammatory properties.
Quail eggs are a powerful anti-inflammatory, making them an ideal food for anyone suffering from joint pain. chronic cough and bronchitis.

15. Treat gastritis and stomach ulcers.
As mentioned above, quail eggs have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help treat stomach ulcers or gastritis. The amino acid content in quail eggs also helps in restoring the gastric mucosa.

16. Chronic diseases are treated.
Antioxidants are the most important components healthy body. Quail eggs contain significant amounts of vitamin C and vitamin A, which help neutralize free radicals and protect the body from harmful microorganisms.

17. Increase energy levels.
The minerals and trace elements in quail eggs, as well as the high protein content, contribute to energy and good mood. It is recommended to consume the product for breakfast for those who feel dependent on caffeine or other stimulants that increase energy levels.

18. Prevent the formation of stones in bladder.
Quail eggs are good for the health of the kidneys, liver and gallbladder. Thanks to lecithin, quail eggs also prevent the formation of stones in the bladder and help destroy them if they have formed.

Benefits for women

19. Ease menopause.
Quail eggs contain not only vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and proteins, but also some sex hormones. Eggs have been found to have antidepressant properties that relieve depression, especially in women who have reached the menopause stage.

20. Relieve symptoms during pregnancy.
Carrying a child is not an easy process. A woman should be as healthy as possible and not lack vitamins and minerals for development healthy baby. Quail eggs contribute to the proper formation of a new organism and relieve symptoms of toxicosis. Eating raw eggs can help relieve constipation, which is common during pregnancy.

21. Helps to recover after childbirth.
Quail eggs are a dietary product that will help a woman in labor quickly return to her previous shape. Quail eggs can be used as an alternative to chicken eggs, which are prohibited during breastfeeding. The nutrients contained in quail eggs help to even out hormonal background women.

Benefits for the skin

22. Prevents the formation of wrinkles and acne.
Quail eggs are an excellent source of protein and contain lysine, an amino acid that promotes collagen production. Collagen is a protein essential for maintaining skin elasticity and preventing the formation of wrinkles. Quail eggs also contain lysocin, which prevents reproduction. pests. This antiseptic destroys harmful bacteria that can cause acne.

Benefits for hair

23. Improve appearance hair.
Quail egg contains nutrients that nourish hair roots and promote hair growth. healthy growth. If you dream of long, shiny and strong hair, consider including quail eggs in your diet.

Benefits for men

24. Helps normalize sexual function.
Quail eggs contain some hormones that can enhance the function of the genital organs. These same hormones can have a positive effect on the prostate gland of men.

25. Increase libido.
Quail eggs are rich in phosphorus, proteins and many vitamins. These vital nutrients boost male libido, help stimulate sexual desire and increase potency.

26. Stimulate testosterone production.
Quail eggs can be called an aphrodisiac, as they release the sex hormone testosterone into the male body. A few raw quail eggs will cause a surge of male energy and strength.

Harm and contraindications

Quail eggs - useful product nutrition. When used properly, these eggs are virtually impossible to harm, but there are contraindications for people with certain diseases. This must be taken into account so as not to cause even more damage to your body.

1. Vitamin A overdose.
Excessive consumption of quail eggs can cause an overdose of vitamin A. This is especially common when you eat them with others food products, which contain vitamin A (carrots, fish). An overdose of vitamin A is dangerous because its excessive concentration in the liver leads to destructive processes in the body that can cause skin diseases, nervous disorders, increased blood clotting, increased intracranial pressure. An overdose of vitamin A can lead to disorders of the digestive organs, vision, genitourinary and reproductive systems person.

2. Pathologies of the liver or kidneys.
Since quail eggs contain a large amount of protein, this helps increased load on the liver and kidneys. It is not recommended to eat quail eggs if you have serious pathologies liver or kidneys. And also for difficulties with protein absorption.

3. Diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis.
If you have been diagnosed with diabetes or atherosclerosis, then limit your consumption of quail eggs. It is better to completely exclude this product from your diet, but if you really love eggs, you can consume no more than 3 eggs per week.

4. Poisoning.
Quail eggs can cause poisoning. To prevent this from happening, do not consume them in excessive quantities, monitor the quality of the eggs and their expiration date. Eggs must be washed before eating.

Chemical composition of the product

Nutritional value of quail eggs (100 g).

  • The nutritional value
  • Vitamins
  • Macronutrients
  • Microelements
  • calorie content 168 kcal;
  • proteins – 12 g;
  • fats – 13 g;
  • carbohydrates – 0.6 g;
  • water – 73 g.
  • A – 0.47 mg;
  • PP – 0.3 mg;
  • B1 – 0.11 mg;
  • B2 – 0.65 mg;
  • B6 – 0.12 mg;
  • B9 – 5.6 mcg;
  • E – 0.9 mg;
  • choline – 507 mg;
  • beta-carotene – 0.08 mg.
  • calcium – 54 mg;
  • magnesium – 32 mg;
  • sodium – 115 mg;
  • potassium – 144 mg;
  • phosphorus – 218 mg;
  • chlorine – 147 mg;
  • sulfur – 124 mg.
  • iron – 3.2 mg;
  • copper – 112 mcg;
  • manganese – 0.03 mg;
  • chromium – 14 mcg;
  • molybdenum – 2 mcg;
  • cobalt – 14 mcg.

Despite the fact that the calorie content of quail eggs is 168 kcal, they are still a dietary product and can safely be included in the diet of athletes and those who watch their figure.


Beneficial features

  • improve brain function;
  • prevent the development of anemia;
  • cleanse the blood and body;
  • increase immunity;
  • prevent diabetes mellitus;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • improve vision;
  • reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels;
  • treat allergies, asthma, gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • increase energy levels;
  • prevent the formation of stones in the bladder.

Harmful properties

By eating eggs in large quantities, you can get:
  • overdose of vitamin A;
  • poisoning.

Quail eggs are contraindicated for people with:

  • pathologies of the liver or kidneys;
  • diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis.

Research sources

The main studies on the benefits and harms of quail eggs were carried out by foreign doctors. Below you can find the primary sources of research on which this article was written:

1. http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/dairy-and-egg-products/128/2
2. https://books.google.co.in/books?id=ZBmLAgAAQBAJ&pg=PT24&dq=quail+eggs+for+cough&hl=en&sa=X&ei=NNIsVYvSAYOouwSh0IHoDQ&ved=0CBwQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=quail%20eggs%20for%20cough&f= false
3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19803550
4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2887323/

Additional useful information about quail eggs

How to use

Quail eggs are a unique product that can be added to almost any dish. Moreover, it can be eaten whole, along with the shell, and used in face and skin masks.

1. Consumed raw.
Quail eggs can and should be eaten raw. Such a product will be much more useful than that, which has undergone heat treatment. However, even in the raw version there is one drawback - high risk salmonellosis infection. To reduce the risk of infection, soak the eggs in baking soda for several hours.

2. Traditional methods of consumption.
TO traditional ways This can include cooking, frying, use in baking, adding to soup, to meat, to salad. To boil soft-boiled quail eggs, you will need 1-2 minutes, hard-boiled - 3-4 minutes. It is enough to consume 5-6 eggs per day.

3. For decorating dishes.
Show your imagination and use quail eggs to decorate dishes. You can add them to meatloaf or decorate your breakfast toast with them. Add a couple of quail eggs to a classic tomato and cucumber salad and you will increase the calorie content of the dish.

4. As a medicinal product.
If quail eggs are consumed raw on an empty stomach, they are absorbed in the body maximum amount useful substances. If you don’t like eating eggs raw, mix them with juice, add sugar, or mix with porridge or puree. Adults under 50 years old are recommended to eat 5-6 eggs a day, over 50 years old - no more than 5 pieces.

5. Eat the shell.
Quail egg shells are no less valuable and useful product than the eggs themselves. It is recommended to use it for diseases of the joints and bones, especially for problems with the spine. To reap all its benefits, wash the shells thoroughly, remove the inner film, dry and crush into powder. You will get an excellent vitamin supplement.

And to receive maximum benefit dissolve the resulting powder in the capsule fish oil. However, even here you need to know when to stop: children from 1 to 7 years old are recommended to shell one egg per day, from 8 to 18 - two, adults - three.

6. Skin masks.
Quail eggs are often added to face and hair masks. This is a universal product suitable for any skin type. A mask made from quail yolks will help you get rid of puffiness, moisturize dry, flaky skin and hide fine wrinkles.

7. Hair masks.
Quail egg - excellent health product for all hair types. It strengthens hair, makes it thicker, accelerates growth, eliminates dandruff, adds shine and restores natural beauty damaged and weakened strands. Quail eggs are an amazing cosmetic product that makes hair healthy and beautiful.

There are special scissors for cutting the shells, but you can also use a regular kitchen knife. To break a quail egg, you need to carefully pierce it with a knife from above (at the sharp end), cut off top part shells and pour out the contents.

How to choose

The choice of quail eggs must be approached seriously, because if you choose incorrectly, you can be poisoned or contract some kind of infection. To avoid health problems, follow these rules:

  • The eggs must be whole, without cracks or splits.
  • The egg should be heavy. If it is light, it means it is dry inside.
  • Sometimes eggs of different quality may be found in the same package. Hold each egg to your ear, shake and listen to see if the contents move. If there are cracks in the egg, you will hear a slight cracking sound.
  • It is also worth paying attention to the richness of the shell color. If the shell is pale, this means that the eggs are not fully formed.
  • Pay attention to the expiration date indicated on the packaging.
  • If you buy eggs at a market located in direct sunlight, then you should think about the quality of the eggs.
  • Eggs should be stored in the refrigerator.

There is an opinion that the quail has such heat body that salmonella does not survive in it. In fact, this is not so, the lethal temperature for salmonella is 56 °C, and the body temperature of a quail reaches only 42 °C. But! Quail farms are much cleaner than chicken farms, so the risk of salmonellosis is minimal.

How to store

It is very important to control the shelf life of quail eggs. If they are stored at a temperature no higher than 10 degrees, then their beneficial features keep for up to 2 months. But as soon as the storage rules are violated, the period is reduced to 7 days.

  • The shelf life of raw quail eggs at room temperature is 30 days. At temperatures from 0 to 8 °C – 60 days. This is due to the content of the substance lysozyme, which prevents the proliferation of bacteria.
  • The shelf life of boiled quail eggs in the refrigerator is 7 days (provided that the eggs are hard-boiled and the shell is not damaged).
  • If the shell is damaged, store for no more than 3 days.
  • The shelf life of a boiled quail egg at room temperature is 10-12 hours.
  • Use special stands for storage.
  • Or store eggs in the packaging they were sold in.
  • Store your eggs sharp end down.
  • In the refrigerator, it is better to place quail eggs on food shelves rather than on the door.
  • Do not store eggs near fresh meat, fish, or foods with strong odors.
  • Quail eggs must be washed before use.
  • But do not wash eggs before storing, as the natural protective layer and therefore their shelf life is reduced.

Origin story

The first mentions of quails can be found in ancient manuscripts of Egypt. The meat of this bird was fed to workers during the construction of the pyramids. The pharaohs were served both eggs and baked bird carcasses on the table.

Chinese emperors considered quail meat valuable, so it was often eaten. In addition, ordinary residents of China even then tried to raise quails at home, and they did it quite well.

First about healing properties The Chinese recognized these eggs, and from there the live quails were exported to Japan. The Japanese discovered that quail eggs remove radionuclides from the body, which was extremely valuable after the tragedies in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Quail eggs were also included in the diet of victims of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.

Wild quails themselves migrated from Africa to England and back, so their domestication took place wherever possible. The bird got its name due to its colors and ability to crouch to the ground when in danger.

How and where do you get it?

The quail is a medium-sized bird found in Europe, North Africa, the southern United States, and parts of Asia. Quail eggs are much smaller in size than duck or chicken eggs. They are eaten all over the world. They are usually sold in Japanese bento boxes. You can eat 3-5 eggs at a time.

Despite the predominance of quail in the United States, consumption of quail eggs dominates the Asian market. In Asia they are commonly used as inexpensive street food. However, the vitamin-rich and flavorful yolk has increased the demand for these eggs in many countries.

In Russia, these eggs are not so common, but they are increasingly found on the shelves of even small stores.

  • In 1990, a quail egg ended up on orbital station"World". The chick born from it became the first living creature to appear in space.
  • Features of a quail egg - increased strength subshell membrane, the shell itself is fragile and thin.
  • In Japan, every schoolchild gets two quail eggs for lunch.
  • Regardless of where the eggs were obtained (at home or on a farm), they will always contain a large amount of vitamins.
  • Thoroughly washed shells, dried and crushed, can replenish calcium reserves in the body.

What's the benefit?

Quail eggs and meat are the most valuable dietary products. The effectiveness of using quail eggs in the diet of patients was known back in ancient times. Children love this miniature creation of nature and willingly eat them. Children are attracted to the unusual colorful color of the shell and its small weight, which is great because it indispensable product in baby food. They are tasty and nutritious and never cause allergies or side effects(diathesis) even in those people for whom chicken eggs are contraindicated.

Quail meat attracts with its tenderness, juiciness, unique aroma with a slight aftertaste of game. Products made from quail meat and eggs are a worthy decoration for any festive table, an opportunity to please and surprise your guests, as well as improve your health.

Quail eggs weigh 10 - 12 g, with a thin fragile shell and various colors. Contains more biologically active substances and by taste qualities Quail eggs are superior to those of other types of poultry. Quail eggs are eaten baked, boiled, raw, fried, or pickled. They are used in cooking for preparing omelettes, scrambled eggs and mayonnaise, as well as for decorating salads or hot dishes.

A quail egg is a storehouse of nutrients and therapeutic agents. Compared with chicken egg one gram of quail contains more vitamins: A - 2.5 times, B1 - 2.8 times and B2 - 2.2 times. In five quail eggs, equal in weight to one chicken, the level of phosphorus and potassium is 5 times higher, and the level of iron is 4.5 times higher. Quail eggs contain significantly more copper, cobalt, limiting and other amino acids. According to the content of such essential amino acids quail eggs are superior to chicken eggs like tyrosine, threonine, lysine, glycine and histidine. Tyrazine is known to play a significant role in metabolism and contributes to the formation of pigment that causes healthy color skin. This is why quail eggs are used in the cosmetics industry. Quail eggs are a concentrated biological set of substances necessary for humans.

It is known that Japanese quail eggs are the oldest natural medicine. Treatment with quail eggs is recognized throughout the world. The list of diseases that can be cured (or alleviated by consuming quail eggs) is quite wide:

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially stomach ulcers and duodenum, gastritis;

Severe headaches;

Chronic pneumonia;

Bronchial asthma;

Tuberculosis intoxication;

Increases the body's resistance to radiation exposure;

Removal of radionuclides from the body;

High or low blood pressure;



Nervous system disorder;


Sensitivity to acute respiratory infections;

Increase sexual potency;

Pregnancy weak women passes much easier, prevents miscarriage; soften toxicosis;

Eye diseases;

For bodybuilders this unique remedy increase protein in the body, since the egg is absorbed by 80%; when taken in large quantities (more than 10 pieces) it does not cause diathesis.

Many scientists argue that due to a lack of lysozyme in the diet, we get sick so often. Where can you get lysozyme today? Rural residents can drink freshly laid eggs from domestic chickens if they are not infected with salmonellosis, tuberculosis and other diseases. But a quail egg is much healthier. It is highly sterile, and therefore you can give small children 1-2 eggs a day, as the Japanese do. A child who eats 2 quail eggs a day has better memory, strong nervous system, sharp vision develops better and gets sick less.

Eggs can be used to treat many diseases internal organs people and animals: stomach, intestines, pancreas, thyroid, thymus glands, etc.

Of course, everyone is interested in the question: are quail eggs the most effective treatment? serious illnesses, including cancer?

Quail eggs are especially successful in treating chronic cholecystitis, bronchial asthma, heart disease, nervous system. The list of diseases can be continued, but this is not the main thing. The main thing is that, unlike medications, eating quail eggs does not harm any organ in the human body, but provides enormous benefits. An increased content of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids leads to their accumulation in the body, and therefore to an increase in immune defense body. The high content of B vitamins contributes to improved functioning of the nervous system, a person becomes calmer and balanced. The high content of phosphorus, potassium, and iron improves memory; pregnant women's teeth do not decay. One of most valuable properties quail eggs is their long-term preservation. At room temperature they can be stored for up to 30 days, and in the refrigerator for up to 60 days, with the shell intact. This happens thanks to high content amino acids - lysocin, this substance is one of the eight essential amino acids that are not produced by the human body. Lysocine prevents the development of harmful microflora, both in the egg and in the human body.

Japanese quail eggs have a positive effect on the development of children's mental abilities. It is recommended to consume eggs daily in the diet of children and adults.

The method of use is very simple:

From one to three years - 1–2 eggs;

From three to ten years - 3 eggs;

From ten to eighteen years - 4 eggs;

From eighteen to fifty years old - 5–6;

From fifty years and older - 4–5 eggs.

It is healthier to eat them raw, half an hour before meals, with water or juice. Reception should be systematic, without interruptions, for 3–4 months. Already after two weeks they begin to appear beneficial influence on the body. If you are unable to drink eggs, we recommend adding them raw to porridge, mashed potatoes or soup. Can be prepared with fried egg. However, remember that vitamins with a 15-minute heat treatment are completely destroyed.

The most delicious treatment was, of course, invented by the French: sophisticated aristocrats washed down warm quail broth with warmed red wine.

The contents of quail eggs help remove radionuclides from the body, increase tone, strengthen bones, improve and stabilize the functioning of the prostate gland, heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, pancreas and other vital functions. important organs. There are no contraindications for use by the elderly since, unlike chicken, there is no cholesterol. The main advantage of quails is that they do not suffer from salmonellosis. Quail resistance to infectious diseases allows you to keep them without resorting to vaccination. This eliminates the accumulation of antibiotics in the body of quails and their eggs.

Quail eggs are widely used in baby food in Japan. They provide positive impact for children who are stunted. It is advisable to include raw quail eggs in the diet of sick and weakened children. The Japanese especially value the ability of quail eggs to positively influence the reproductive functions of the body.

Eggs were included in the diet of children exposed to radiation after the Chernobyl accident. After a certain period of time they improved general state, hemoglobin levels increased, headaches and fatigue disappeared. Biochemical analysis blood did not reveal any abnormalities in its composition.

The combination of a complex of biologically active substances with high dietary qualities deservedly appreciated by those who want to improve their health using unconventional methods!

Our quails are kept in specially designed conditions, taking into account all the characteristics of this type of bird. High-quality quail feed and filtered drinking water help birds produce quail eggs rich in vitamins.

Putamen therapy

Eggshells have a variety of practical use. Thus, there is a well-known peasant technique for increasing the egg production of birds by adding crushed eggshells to their feed. Gardeners and gardeners use eggshells as an effective microelement and deoxidizing additive to the soil.

But this is not all and not the main thing. IN ancient medical books In the composition of many healing mixtures, both the components of the egg along with the shell and the shell alone are mentioned. The Hungarian doctor Krompecher and a group of doctors and biologists became interested in the health-promoting properties of quail egg shells. More than 10 years of research have shown that eggshells are an ideal source of calcium that is easily absorbed by the body.

As you know, calcium deficiency, especially in bones, is one of the most common metabolic disorders. These are rickets and abnormal growth of teeth in children, curvature of the spine and damaged teeth, brittle bones in older people. A calcium metabolism disorder is often accompanied by anemia, susceptibility to colds, allergies, herpes on the lips, and decreased resistance to radiation. In women, leucorrhoea, weakness of labor contractions, and atony of the uterine muscles are added to this. It is difficult to correct calcium metabolism disorders, since the drugs used in medicine are calcium chloride, gypsum, chalk - are poorly absorbed by the body.

The most valuable shell is quail shell. Medical studies have shown that quail egg shells, consisting of 90% calcium carbonate (calcium carbonate), are easily digestible. At the same time, it contains all the microelements necessary for the body: copper, fluorine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, silicon and others - 27 elements in total! Particularly important is the significant content of silicon and molybdenum in it - our everyday food is extremely poor in these elements, but they are absolutely necessary for normal course biochemical reactions in organism.

The introduction of crushed quail egg shells into food showed its high therapeutic activity and the absence of any side effects, including bacterial contamination. By taking eggshells, you don’t have to worry that excess will be deposited on your bones and joints, and you don’t have to worry about urolithiasis. If there is no need for it, it is ideally removed from the body.

The shells of quail eggs are especially useful for young children, starting from one year old, because in their bodies the processes of bone tissue formation are most intensive and require an uninterrupted supply of calcium. Shell included in baby food, has an extremely beneficial effect on rickets and anemia that develops parallel to rickets.

Accelerated healing was observed with such orthopedic diseases, such as congenital hip dislocation, osteoporosis (softening of bones).

In both children and adults, the use of shell therapy has a positive effect on brittle nails and hair, bleeding from the gums, constipation, irritability, insomnia, hay fever, asthma, urticaria.

Based on his research, Dr. Krompecher makes the following recommendations:

Shell prophylaxis during pregnancy is mandatory;

Extremely desirable for children from 1 year to 6 years;

Desirable in adolescence and youth (up to 19–20);

Twice-yearly prophylaxis is useful for adults to prevent spinal diseases, dental caries and osteoporosis;

Taking shell powder is especially useful at the beginning of the year when calcium metabolism slows down in the body.

Very often parents are interested in the question: how to take the powder - on an empty stomach or after a meal? IN in this case it does not matter. You can also add it to food at the same time. The effect will be much higher if quail powder is consumed with 3 - 5 drops lemon juice, as well as fish oil, which contains a lot of vitamin D and iodine.

Belgians pour crushed shells a small amount lemon juice, citric or malic acid, kept, then immediately before consumption, this seasoning is mixed with crushed garlic and added to food.

More better calcium and other microelements are absorbed dissolved in water. The calcium solution is prepared as follows. Powder is poured into the bottom of the jar (based on 1 teaspoon of quail egg shell powder per 1 liter), and infused for 5 hours. This water is used for drinking and making tea, herbal infusions, coffee, soups, while we saturate our body with calcium ions and other microelements.

By the way, the shell purifies water from chlorine and heavy metals, giving it alkaline properties, which prevents acidification of the body.

Powder from quail egg shells can remove chronic pain in the stomach, speed up the healing of the skin at the sites of burns and ulcers.

Fashionistas can be given separate advice - take quail shells once a day at night, 1/3 teaspoon and 2 capsules of fish oil, from November to March - both your hair and nails will be simply excellent!

The powder is produced from fresh quail eggs, from the quails receiving high-quality feed and filtered drinking water. Quail shells, separated from the shell film, preserve everything minerals, which are contained in this amazing product.

Taking powder from quail shell, absolutely without the help of medical or chemicals, you can restore your health, increase your immunity and improve your general condition without harm to your body!

Today, quail eggs are actively used for treatment various diseases. They are part of the diet of both adults and children. It is important that you can even eat them raw.

Quail eggs contain B vitamins, so they are a good meat substitute. And magnesium and iron, which are part of the product, treat anemia, heart disease and hematopoiesis.

  1. Regular consumption of quail eggs significantly improves the condition of patients with nervous disorders and bronchial asthma.
  2. Children who eat quail eggs rarely get sick, they have good vision and memory.
  3. The beneficial effect of quail eggs on cancer patients is known, as they remove cholesterol and radionuclides from the body.
  4. Don't forget about the shell: it contains a lot of copper, iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and other important substances.

Quail eggs are used for treatment the following ailments:

  • Recovery of the body after long illness, operations, with reduced immunity.
  • Migraines, headaches.
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  • Anemia, serious blood loss.
  • Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, pneumonia, bronchitis.
  • Diabetes mellitus, pancreatic diseases.
  • Dystrophy.
  • Tuberculosis and bronchial asthma.
  • Various eye diseases - glaucoma, cataracts.
  • Sexual dysfunction.

Very often carried out treatment with quail eggs liver.

  1. For twenty days you need to drink five raw eggs a day.
  2. Then take a break for fifteen days and repeat the course again. Similar treatment liver cysts using quail eggs is considered very effective.

For stomach ulcers and duodenum, you need to drink three eggs every morning on an empty stomach. After just two weeks there is improvement general well-being, but for treatment of the stomach with quail eggs to be successful, a course of four months must be maintained.

Quail eggs are increasingly being replaced conservative methods treatment. Doctors recognize their benefits for a number of diseases. The product has a strong immunostimulating effect, which is effective even in case of radiation sickness.

  • Proteins, fats and folic acid, which are contained in eggs, have a positive effect on women Health and are especially useful during pregnancy. They help make the process of bearing a child easier, mitigate toxicosis, and reduce the risk of miscarriage.
  • In addition, the product is often used for weight loss, so one cannot fail to note its benefits for the figure. And if you regularly eat quail eggs, the condition of your hair, skin and nails will improve.

Quail eggs also have a beneficial effect on men's health.

  • First of all, they strengthen and stimulate sexual function.
  • With their constant use, a decrease in cholesterol is observed. This substance is considered to be the culprit of a number of ailments, including decreased potency, weight gain, heart and vascular disease. Quail eggs successfully solve this problem and increase potency. Moreover, the presence of this product in the diet ensures an increase in the quality of ejaculation.
How to treat yourself with quail eggs

To feel benefits of quail eggs for women and men, it is recommended to drink raw quail eggs - two or three a day, always before meals. Minimal heat treatment possible.

  1. Quail egg white contains a large amount of interferon. For this reason, the diet of diabetics who have had surgical operations, you can safely turn on this product. It will speed up the healing of wounds.
  2. People diagnosed with diabetes need to drink six fresh raw quail eggs daily. The course of treatment involves the use of three hundred pieces, but it can be extended to six months. It is worth noting that the product has a mild laxative effect. To alleviate the condition, you can drink three eggs for the first few days.

In addition, you can make a delicious and nutritious cocktail that reduces blood sugar - beat two eggs, add the juice of one lemon. Drink the mixture on an empty stomach and have breakfast an hour later.

For high cholesterol

At high cholesterol and atherosclerosis, quail eggs are not recommended for consumption. Violation of this rule can lead to serious consequences.

An increase in the amount of cholesterol in the body causes blockage of blood vessels and subsequent thrombosis, which is fatal.

At the same time, the product contains lecithin, which prevents the accumulation of cholesterol. At the same time, to cholesterol human body I’ve been used to it for a long time, which can’t be said about lecithin.

Therefore, some doctors believe that quail eggs for high cholesterol You can drink it, including if you have atherosclerosis.

As an argument, they cite the results of an experiment conducted by Israeli doctors. Every day for a year, the subjects drank two eggs. Their cholesterol levels did not change after this.

What to do if you are allergic to quail eggs

They say that quail eggs, unlike chicken eggs, do not cause allergies. However, this is not entirely true. The product contains a component called ovomucoid, so it may well cause allergic reactions.

Everything is very simple. A quail egg is a white. Children's body may not perceive it, resulting in observed negative reactions. In addition to age, the culprit of an allergy to quail eggs can be a metabolic disorder when the body is not able to absorb protein.

Typically, allergy symptoms appear soon after consuming the product, but sometimes it may take some time for them to appear. The amount and type in which the allergen enters the body is decisive.

Quail eggs can cause reactions such as:

  • Skin rashes: urticaria, dermatitis, eczema.
  • Stomach and intestinal disorders that manifest themselves the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, bloating.
  • Fainting, headaches, dizziness.

Therefore, caution should still be exercised when consuming quail eggs. To begin with, try one egg, if after a few hours no reaction is observed, the amount can be increased, but in any case, do not overdo it.

Quail eggs are most valuable product, which is useful for dietary nutrition, both children and us adults.

They help to cope more easily with a number of diseases and strengthen immune system. No matter what they say, small speckled eggs are winning their market among admirers and in folk medicine. The article contains useful recipes

Quail eggs, how many should you eat per day? Daily use quail eggs will have a beneficial effect on the body in just a couple of weeks. The main thing is to take them on an empty stomach and raw. If necessary, drink with water or your favorite juice.

  • 1 – 2 eggs are recommended to be taken from 1 – 3 years;
  • 2 – 3 eggs are taken at the age of 3 – 8 years;
  • 3 – 4 eggs are taken at the age of 8 – 12 years;
  • 4 – 5 eggs are accepted from 12 – 18 years.

For adults:

  • 5 – 6 eggs are accepted from 18 – 50 years;
  • 4 – 5 eggs are recommended for people aged 50 years and older.

It is necessary that the intake of quail eggs be systematic and for 3 or even 4 months.

If you have an individual intolerance to the product (drink eggs raw), they can be mixed with cereals, mashed potatoes or soup. Neither boiling nor frying eggs is recommended. All vitamins and useful material even after minimal heat treatment they are destroyed.

Quail eggs in the fight against osteochondrosis, arthritis, rheumatism, tendon sprains and bruises

Place well-washed quail eggs in a glass and fill to the top vinegar essence. Cover with a lid and leave until the eggs are completely dissolved. Then add unsalted butter(100 g) and mix everything thoroughly. You should get an ointment that... The product is stored in the refrigerator.

Quail eggs help with diathesis

After washing and drying, the eggshells of the eggs are ground into powder. Wash the lemon and cut into small pieces with the peel, removing the seeds. The powder is sprinkled on lemon slices and given to children to eat several times a day.

Quail eggs help with persistent gastric motility disorders

If you are worried about nausea in the morning and there is stagnation of undigested food in your stomach, you can drink this remedy on an empty stomach: beat four quail eggs and add cognac (30 ml) with liquid honey (1 tsp). For the effectiveness of the method, take this egg cocktail before lunch. You should eat coarsely ground Rye bread(bran).

Treatment of gastritis

In the morning on an empty stomach, pour 3-4 into a cup raw eggs, shake and drink. It's best to eat after half an hour oatmeal on the water.

How to eat quail eggs for gastritis - another one delicious way. Make eggnog. Beat 4 eggs, add sugar (1/2 tsp) and cognac (20 ml). Drink the mixture on an empty stomach.


Quail eggs are the most valuable food product for pancreatitis.

Eat 2-2 eggs (raw or boiled) per day. Enter them in daily diet. This should become the rule. AND successful treatment pancreatitis with quail eggs will improve your well-being.

Quail eggs will restore beauty and health to hair

And lost their shine? Take advantage effective recipe. In a mixer, beat:

  • quail eggs (5 pcs.);
  • olive oil – a quarter cup;
  • honey - a quarter cup.

The mixture is applied to the hair and distributed evenly with a comb over the surface of the head. Wash off the composition after 3 hours.

Quail eggs are a unique storehouse of useful and medicinal substances. Little chickens lay eggs every day, and there is no shortage of this nutritious and healing product. In my own way vitamin composition they are much superior to chicken eggs.

Male power in quail eggs

This is what men in Germany think. Those who drink 4 raw quail eggs every morning and wash it down with a tablespoon of vodka are proud of their male power. This is breakfast. Agave suggests not to forget about the “Beauty and Health” section.