Which nuts are most beneficial for men of different ages. Pine nuts for male strength. Mix of nuts and dried fruits

Every man wants to extend his longevity, strength and potency. The state of potency fully characterizes general health young man. Men's health depends on the quality of nutrition. Our usual food products can either gradually reduce it to a minimum. Every young person's diet should contain nuts. It doesn't matter which ones. All nuts are very beneficial for the body. Walnuts are especially useful for potency. They are saturated fatty acids, vitamins, fiber, essential oils, which completely restore the body.

How do nuts affect male potency?

Nuts have long been recognized as natural aphrodisiacs. All types of nuts have approximately the same composition. Each of the components has a stimulating effect. So, high concentration have the following elements:

  • Iron, potassium, magnesium;
  • Zinc, calcium;
  • Proteins;
  • Amino acids;
  • Fats;
  • Vitamins B, C, E, PP, F;
  • Tannins;
  • Essential oils.

Thanks to amino acids, a man’s body produces the sex hormone testosterone. Also, thanks to these substances, serotonin is synthesized, which regulates the process of arousal and pleasure. The most prominent representatives of amino acids in the product are arginine, cystine, alanine, and tryptophan. They will affect the production of ejaculate.

Normalize hormonal background young man allow fat polyunsaturated acids- steoric, palmitic, linoleic. also affects the endocrine system, increasing the synthesis of androgens. Potassium and magnesium have a positive effect on cordially- vascular system, which is very important for a full erection. Iron improves blood quality indicators. A group of vitamins increases the libido level and endurance of a young man. Therefore, nuts for men are considered an indispensable product in the daily diet.

What nuts are the most beneficial for potency?

What nuts are good for men for potency? All types of fruits can be consumed to increase sexual activity. But, some of the species have the maximum concentration of certain microelements. Therefore, to achieve quick effect, you should give preference to them. Regular consumption of just a handful of nuts will increase libido and make sex more vibrant. Such properties of fruits have long been proven by experts. So, which nuts increase potency?

How does walnut affect potency? The fruits have a large amount of Omega 3 fatty acid. The component normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system and restores cell membranes. Also, walnuts are rich in vitamins E, K, C, A, B, zinc, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. This useful combination enhances testosterone production, improves blood quality, and has a positive effect on the quality of ejaculate. You should only eat ripe, medium-ripe fruits. Green walnuts cause intoxication of the body.


Hazelnuts are also used for restoration male power. In addition to their useful properties, the fetus has pleasant taste. Hazelnuts are considered a source of arginine, vitamin E and zinc. Regular consumption of fruits not only increases libido, but also changes the quality characteristics of sperm. Thus, the product increases the number of motile sperm, which increases the chances of pregnancy. Therefore, the use of this productrequired condition when planning conception.

Numerous studies have proven that just 2 tablespoons of hazelnuts for 12 days will restore the functioning of all systems. Fatty acids cleanse the blood of bad cholesterol, improve blood flow to the genitals. And elimination cholesterol plaques reduces the risk of developing impotence and sexual disorders.


Almonds are a source of trace elements and minerals. Almond fruits are available for sale all year round. By consuming just 8-10 nuts a day, you can completely restore the functions of the reproductive system in men. The benefits of almonds are as follows:

  • Increases testosterone production. Almonds are good for men over 30 years old. During this period, the synthesis of sex hormones decreases.
  • Increases the level of sexual desire. Thanks to the high concentration of arginine, healthy sexual activity is normalized.
  • Reduces the risk of developing pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Scientists have proven that daily use product reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attack.
  • Strengthens bone and muscular system. This factor is important for older men. Also, muscle development is important for athletes.
  • It is a source of strength and energy. Large amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamin B2 increase endurance, both athletic and sexual.
  • Reduces body weight. Despite high calorie content, almonds promote weight loss.


Cashew fruits are considered a source of zinc. Eating cashews improves fertility. Even minimal zinc deficiency in a man’s body provokes a sharp decline amount of ejaculate. Like any other nut, cashews contain arginine acid. It is she who will increase potency. And this unique vitamin K reduces the risk of prostate cancer and prostate adenoma. Cashew very quickly gives strength, which has a positive effect on sex life young man.

Brazilian nut

Many have heard about the benefits of this product. Its benefits are due to the high concentration of arginine and selenium. Thus, selenium normalizes hormonal levels, increases the amount of ejaculate, and has a positive effect on sperm activity. Selenium is actively used to prevent the development of prostate cancer.

Arginine is considered natural Viagra. Acid dilates blood vessels, releases nitric oxide, and increases blood flow to the penis. It is enough to consume 3 nuts a day to provide the body with the daily requirement of selenium and arginine. But more Brazil nuts can be harmful. Excessive amounts of selenium have a toxic effect on the body, which reduces the amount of testosterone.


Pistachios are the favorite nut of many men. But, most of them prefer to eat pistachios as a snack with beer. In this case, salted fruits will bring absolutely no benefit, and there will be no increase in potency. But eating natural, unprocessed fruits will increase libido and improve sexual activity. To do this, it is recommended to eat a handful of pistachios a day for 2-3 weeks.

Pistachios are rich in the following substances:

  • Arginine;
  • Alimentary fiber;
  • Fatty acid;
  • Vitamin group B;
  • Magnesium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Copper.

Consumption of the following types of nuts also increases potency and strengthens the immune system: pine nuts, pecans, hazelnuts, nutmeg.

Healthy recipes with nuts to increase potency

Since absolutely all types of nuts are beneficial for men, the simplest recipe is to consume a mixture of fruits in in kind. Today different types fruits are widely available. Therefore, it will not be difficult to find and buy a quality product. A mixture of several nuts will not only improve the functions of the reproductive system, but also nourish the body. Thus, the product is recommended to be eaten as healthy snack. There are more effective recipes to increase sexual activity.

Walnut and honey

Walnuts are considered the most common and affordable. Enhance positive effect maybe honey Everyone knows that regular consumption natural honey strengthens the body, increases resistance to various pathogenic microorganisms. A mixture of nuts and honey cleanses blood vessels, normalizes arterial pressure, increases blood flow to the penis.

The cooking recipe is as follows:

  • 150 grams of walnuts are crushed in a blender;
  • Add 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • Take 1 tablespoon throughout the day.

You can consume half of this mixture immediately before sexual intercourse. And after preparing the viscous mixture, you can make small sweet tablets and store them in the refrigerator. You can chew the treat at any time of the day.

Mix of nuts and dried fruits

It is very useful to combine different types of nuts. This will only enhance the effect. So, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, cashews, and walnuts are mixed. Each type is taken in the same quantity - 50 grams. Further, nut mixture is saturated with the same amount of the following dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, raisins. The ingredients can be chopped. The mixture is packaged in thick polyethylene and stored in a cool place. It is worth taking 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day. Also, the mixture can be added to oatmeal for breakfast.

Nuts and sour cream

It is known that sour cream has a positive effect on the daily activity of young people. A high level calcium and protein, directly affects reproductive system. Prepare healing agent can be done as follows:

  • Chopped nuts (any) - 50 grams;
  • Sour cream (natural yogurt) - 300 grams;
  • Lemon - 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • Several slices of ginger (you can use 1 chopped banana);
  • The mixture is crushed in a blender.

A healthy cocktail is drunk in one go. Just 1 serving per day is enough to increase libido and sexual activity. Do not forget that nuts are a highly allergenic product. If you are allergic to food, the fruits should be treated with extreme caution. It is better to find another way to increase potency with food.

Which nuts are good for men and their sexual health? This question is asked by many people who care about their health and potency. Many people have heard more than once that in order to maintain a healthy desire, a man needs to eat certain foods, in particular nuts. We’ll now look at which ones and why.

How do nuts affect potency?

Nuts for men are required element nutrition. To begin with, it is worth disassembling the chemical and vitamin composition this delicacy. Most nuts contain:

  1. High concentration of vitamin E.
  2. Mineral elements.
  3. Microelements.
  4. Omega-3 acids.

The last component should be dealt with in more detail. Not long ago, omega-3 fatty acids were considered quite harmful substance. This is due to a lot of myths surrounding fat. Let’s quickly look at and refute the main myths:

  1. Myth: Eating fat makes you fat. In fact, this is far from the truth. Excess body fat accumulates not so much from the fat itself, but from carbohydrates (in particular, in combination with fat). Therefore, it is difficult to gain weight from fish and nuts (the main sources of omega-3), but from puff pastry custard(carbohydrate and fat) - very easy.
  2. Myth: Eating fat can cause blockage of blood vessels and blood clots. In fact, fat prevents cardiovascular problems by being a natural lubricant for all organs of our body. Problems with the cardiovascular system are usually caused by obesity or extremely excessive consumption of fat in food.

From the above, we conclude: moderate consumption of fat in food does not harm our health, but, on the contrary, keeps the body in good shape. In particular, this applies to male sexual health.

As you know, it largely depends on the state of the cardiovascular system. The freer and more active blood flows to the penis, the more confident its owner is. And since omega-3 acids have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system as a whole, they also have a positive effect on sexual health men.

However, there are so many nuts: cedar, hazelnuts, pistachios, peanuts... Which are the most effective? Let's look at which nuts are the healthiest for men.

Peanuts and almonds for potency

Like most nuts, peanuts contain a high concentration of healthy fatty acids. However, the benefit of peanuts for men lies not only in the omega-3 content, but also in a large number of vitamins and microelements. In this product you can find such useful material, How:

  1. B vitamins.
  2. Microelements (calcium, phosphorus, iron).
  3. Vitamins of group C.

Another important element is antioxidants. This is the scientific name for substances that slow down the aging process of the body. Peanuts (and peanut butter) contain them in abundance, so regular use This product will help keep the body in strong shape, which definitely has a positive effect on potency.

The benefits of almonds for men are invaluable - this is perhaps the most effective method maintain sexual health. This product not only contains many micronutrients and micronutrients, but also effectively cleanses blood vessels, preventing them from becoming clogged. What are the benefits of almonds for men besides this? He has choleretic effect. Another advantage of this nut is its ability to reduce blood glucose levels. This property can be used not only by diabetics. Reducing blood glucose levels helps control appetite, leading to excellent health physical fitness(and an active sex life, as a result).

Cedar and hazelnuts: benefits and harm for men

Unfortunately, hazelnuts are one of the most underrated nuts for... men's health, but it directly affects the production of testosterone. Every man knows that testosterone is the hormone of aggression, strength and male sexuality, therefore its normal production is necessary for a healthy reproductive system.

The benefits of pine nuts for men are rather questionable. They have the same advantages as most of the above: they have a rich supply of microelements and vitamins, improve the condition blood vessels. However, they do not have a direct effect on potency.

Walnut for men

It is not without reason that walnuts are considered one of the healthiest. They contain so many vitamins and microelements that one handful of nuts can cover daily requirement organism in these substances. How are walnuts good for a man and his sexual health? And how does walnut affect potency?

This product has a high concentration of zinc. Zinc is a substance that stimulates testosterone production. Together with omega-3 fatty acids, which cleanse the body's vascular system, walnuts help maintain stable erections and a healthy sex drive.

Unfortunately, eating nuts can only prevent problems with potency, but not eliminate them completely. However, if a person suffers from sexual disorders that affect his potency directly or indirectly, eating nuts in any quantity will not help get rid of the disease and restore health. Potency disorders should be treated by a specialist andrologist or sexologist.

The drug is actively used to treat the male reproductive system. This product comes in capsules and does not require a prescription. Among the advantages of this drug it is worth noting:

  1. Compatibility with alcohol. Many medications force us to give up our usual cheerful lifestyle and prohibit ourselves from even a glass of beer on Friday night. Vimax is not one of them - its action has nothing to do with chemical composition blood, and therefore alcohol does not interfere with the capsules’ work.
  2. Quick effect. You will feel the difference within a few hours after taking the first capsule. Sexual desire will become stronger, erection will be more stable, and intimate sensations will become many times brighter.
  3. Penis enlargement. The special formula of Vimax allows, in parallel with the treatment of sexual dysfunction, to enlarge the penis. Of course, everything is within the limits of natural predisposition, but an increase of 1-4 cm is guaranteed.

Taking care of men's health and keeping your body in good physical shape will help you long years do not think about problems with potency. Include nuts in your diet and sexual dysfunction will not bother you.

Nuts are a treasure trove useful elements, which provide positive influence on human health. It is recommended to use this product daily for proper functioning of the body. Males need to know which nuts are good for men for potency: pine nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios. All this - natural remedies to improve health.

The benefits of nuts for men

Every male should know which nuts are good for men for potency. In nature, there are many products with which a person can keep himself in good shape and stimulate work. various systems body, improve health and increase life expectancy. These include nuts. Plant fruits are famous for their ability to increase and improve:

  1. men's health, potency;
  2. sperm quality;
  3. tone and general state body;
  4. resistance to infections.

Which nuts are best for potency?

Every man dreams of maintaining attractiveness and sexual power for as long as possible, charming women and being self-confident. Nutrition plays an important role in maintaining men's health: it is necessary that the body receives all the beneficial substances for full functioning. Eating nuts is an affordable and effective way to improve potency. So that prevention gives top scores, you need to know which nuts are good for potency. This:

  1. almond;
  2. pine nuts;
  3. peanut;
  4. hazelnut;
  5. pistachios;
  6. Walnut.


Scientists say that adding almonds to daily diet necessary to improve potency. The result is achieved due to the arginine content in the fruit. This is an amino acid that improves blood circulation in blood vessels, dilates them and relaxes them. To get maximum results, you need to eat almonds for potency half an hour before your main meal. The product contains substances that strengthen the male body:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • B vitamins.


This is one of the most useful products for men. It contains B vitamins and vitamin C, which improve testosterone synthesis. Ripe fruits contain calcium, magnesium, zinc - these are minerals that have a significant impact on a man’s health. Calcium and magnesium increase the production of sex hormones, and without zinc the male hormone cannot be produced. The fruits are recommended to be consumed with honey, which adds beneficial properties and effectiveness to them. Nuts are very high in calories, so the daily intake is up to 12-18 whole fruits.

Pine nuts

According to residents of the North, cedar trees are the most healthy nuts for men. They improve the health of the stronger sex. The beneficial substances they contain have a beneficial effect on the body:

  1. Cedar fruits contain arginine, zinc and vitamin E, which are responsible for maintaining erection and health genitourinary system.
  2. Nuts help cleanse the body of cholesterol and strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  3. Due to its calorie content, the product can speed up the process of restoring energy reserves lost due to stress and physical fatigue.


The nut contains vitamin E, which slows down the aging process, strengthens the heart, and prevents the development of cancer. Hazelnuts are rich in zinc and contain potassium, iron and calcium. These minerals strengthen muscles, have a positive effect on the nervous system, remove toxins, accelerate the process of blood formation in the male body, and activate testosterone production. Nuts for potency in men help with treatment congestive prostatitis. Daily norm consumption of dried/fresh hazelnuts – 40-50 grams.

If you are interested in which nuts are good for potency, pay attention to pistachios, which contain the following substances:

  1. Arginine. It is a natural desire stimulant that can enhance the body's endurance.
  2. Folic acid. This is a vitamin that affects sperm quality, improves sperm motility and increases the likelihood of conception.
  3. Zinc. Responsible for increasing the level of testosterone in the blood, responsible for the formation and quality of sperm. Lack of zinc causes impotence.
  4. Unsaturated fats. They are responsible for reducing cholesterol in the blood, which negatively affects the blood supply to the whole body.


This is the least calorie nut recommended for men to reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. This product - natural antioxidant and an aphrodisiac. Cashews contain vitamins A, B, PP, E, as well as about 8 useful microelements. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, increases immunity, and replenishes the body with energy. Men who regularly consume at least a few cashews a day slow down the process of baldness, and their hair becomes thicker and healthier.


As you know, nuts are very beneficial for human body. Nuts are especially healthy for men, but you just need to consider which ones should be consumed during a certain period of life. In this regard, it should be borne in mind that these fruits are useful to everyone, but some information must be taken into account. So which nuts are the healthiest?

Benefits of walnuts

First of all, the benefits are undeniable walnuts. Such a product, as you know, is the most popular type; it is available in Russia at all latitudes. This product for men is recommended because it contains very a large number of various vitamins and microelements that are simply necessary for the male body. More specifically, it contains iodine, vitamin C and quinones.

As for vitamin C, walnuts contain even more of it than citrus fruits. Is it true, we're talking about V in this case only about unripe fruits. And such fruits are also useful because they contain phosphorus, magnesium, iron and B vitamins. useful product- this is exactly a walnut.

As for the beneficial properties of magnesium, here we are talking about a beneficial effect on blood vessels. Potassium promotes excretion from the body excess liquid. Walnuts are also good because they contain a large amount of fat. Therefore, such a product is extremely valuable for those who are on a diet.

It should be noted that this fruit is a very useful product for the male body; first of all, it has a beneficial effect on potency. If you eat just a few walnuts a day, then you can assume that everything will be fine with men’s health. It should be noted that not only the fruit itself is useful, but also its partitions, from which you can make an excellent infusion that will help lower blood sugar. This product is extremely useful for young men who expend a large amount of energy. On nervous system walnut has a calming effect. The benefit also lies in the fact that they contain fatty acids, proteins and no cholesterol. All this significantly strengthens the human body. So, eating walnuts is very beneficial for men. This is the most useful product, no doubt!

Benefits of hazelnuts for men

As for such a nut as hazelnuts, they are also simply necessary for the male body. Such forest fruits are very valuable because they prevent the spread stomach diseases in men. It should also be noted that they are excellent at removing stones from the kidneys, treating rheumatism, helping against anemia and preventing the spread of cardiovascular diseases. Such fruits contain a large amount of fat - at least 70%. In addition, there are fatty acids, carbohydrates and proteins. All this contributes to the fact that putrefactive processes do not develop in the intestines, and immunity is significantly increased.

About the benefits of pine nuts

If you are interested in the question of which ones are for men, then one cannot help but mention cedar fruits. This nut is very valuable because it contains a large amount of copper, due to which a large number of white cells appear in the body. It also contains a large amount of vitamin C, which helps improve performance endocrine system. There is no cholesterol here, but there is plenty of protein, fatty acids and fats. All this is very beneficial for the body.

Why are peanuts and almonds good for you?

Very necessary substances for the male body contains peanuts.

It contains antioxidants, which play a very important role in maintaining immunity. If consumed regularly by men, the risk of cancer is significantly reduced. In addition, the risk of cardiovascular diseases is reduced. This product can be eaten fried; in this form it is much healthier. Regular consumption prevents the appearance of excess cholesterol in the blood. And it also contains in abundance vegetable oil, which is very nutritious. There is a lot in it and necessary for the body vitamins

What are the benefits of almonds? The fact that it contains a large amount of mono fats, which are very great importance for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. By consuming it regularly, you can count on the body being cleansed, and consuming it is also very beneficial for vision. Such nuts also have the most positive effect on the general condition of the male body. These products are also good because they can be used as a very high-quality laxative.

What are the benefits of pistachios and sunflower seeds?

If a man leads active image life, spends a large amount of physical strength and energy, then he simply needs to eat pistachios. This is the kind of product that simply perfectly raises your energy levels. It also has the same effect on the functioning of the heart. beneficial influence. There are also antioxidants here that help prolong youth. If you use them regularly, the liver begins to work very well, and nuts are also necessary for those representatives of the stronger sex who have freckles and want to get rid of them. It contains a large amount of fiber; in this regard, pistachios are a serious competitor to oatmeal.

In addition to nuts for men, sunflower seeds should be noted. They are also very useful for the male body, but it is recommended not to use them in fresh, but in raw. Fried sunflower seeds not nearly as valuable as raw ones. The seeds contain plenty of amino acids and vitamin D. They are highly recommended for those representatives of the stronger sex who suffer from diseases of the liver and biliary tract. If the seeds are consumed regularly, the skin will improve significantly.

Thus, it becomes clear that eating a variety of nuts is a must for men. In conclusion, I must say that it is very useful with sour cream. You can cook them nutritional mixture. The most valuable is walnut for men, which is mixed with buckwheat honey. The properties of such a mixture are so beneficial that it can simply work wonders for men’s health.

Therefore, representatives of the stronger sex who always want to stay in excellent physical shape should be careful about their menu. In this regard, all of the above products are not just something that has a beneficial effect on the body, but also necessary element. In addition, such food products have a great taste, they can be consumed both pure form, and preparing a wide variety of dishes from them.

It is not for nothing that people, even in ancient times, understood that eating a variety of nuts gives strength, clears the mind, and improves health. So, maybe it’s worth giving up different junk food and eat more “healthy” foods? Moreover, it is all very tasty. We should not forget that health comes in pounds and comes in gold. Therefore, you should not be tempted by food of dubious quality when there is an excellent opportunity to replenish your body essential vitamins and get true pleasure.

Proper nutrition solves health problems and helps the body cope better various kinds troubles. These include reduced fertility (in other words, fertility, the ability to have children) and problems with potency in men. Wonderful gifts of nature - nuts - will come to the rescue.

This problem is real " toughie" But according to scientists, nutrition can play a positive role in the solution. You need to rely on the presence of nuts in your diet, in particular walnuts, the benefits of which have been proven by numerous studies.

Healthy men aged 21-35 should eat 75 g of these gifts of nature daily to improve sperm quality, experts concluded.

According to researchers, infertility or subfertility problems affect about 70 million couples in the world. Every 6 families face this. Moreover, in 1/3-1/2 of all cases the man is “to blame”. Reduced fertility in the stronger sex is often associated with an insufficient number of sperm, deviations in their size and shape, or poor motility.

Doctors have not yet definitively established the reasons for the deterioration in sperm quality. But in developed countries there is a correlation between in the wrong way life, pollution environment and inability to conceive a child.

PUFAs for sperm

Infographics: www.site.

There is a version that to improve the quality of sperm, it is necessary to provide the male body with substances necessary for the development and maturation of sperm, which are important from the point of view of the proper functioning of cell membranes. And you should start by increasing the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in your daily diet.

These include essential fatty acids (EFA), or vitamin F. They are not produced in the human body. And to replenish reserves, you need to consume products of plant and animal origin in the form of:

  • vegetable oils (soybean, sunflower, corn, rapeseed, etc.);
  • seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, flax, etc.);
  • river and sea fish;
  • meat and;
  • and of course, nuts.

Different nuts have different effects

Walnuts and sperm quality

Dr. Wendy Robbins from the University of California turned her attention to alpha-linoleic acid (ALA). Her study involved 117 men aged 21 to 35, divided into two groups. In the first, with 58 respondents, nut consumption was limited. The subjects from the second group ate 75 g of walnuts every day at 12 noon. Why? Previous studies have led to the conclusion that this amount of product increases the level of fats in the blood, while at the same time not affecting body weight gain in men.

The results of the experiment are described in the journal “Biology of Reproduction”. The quality of the men's sperm was examined before the start of the tests and 3 months after the start. Sperm motility, viability and concentration were analyzed, as well as morphological structure and changes in chromosomes.

Interim results showed: already in the first week the shape of sperm improved, their physical activity and vitality. After 3 months, the subjects showed no significant changes in body mass index.

In a group of men who consumed nuts (and along with them, polyunsaturated fatty acids), a significant improvement in sperm quality was found, in terms of sperm motility and structure, with fewer chromosome abnormalities.

Scientists suggest that the “progress” of sperm is facilitated by the organic acids contained in nuts.

Will nuts overcome infertility? It’s difficult to answer for now. For this reason, American scientists will conduct further research - this time with the participation of couples who are being treated in the clinic for infertility.

Do not forget about the benefits of walnuts for male potency. They contain arginine and other biologically active substances, normalizing blood circulation naturally. We'll talk about arginine today.

Brazil nuts and testosterone

Let's start with an interesting fact: capuchin monkeys play a significant role in the social status of the rare and endangered species of monkeys. brazil nuts. Only the strongest and wisest monkeys are able to open the hard shell of the fetus and get to the nutritional nucleoli. Which immediately turns them into alpha males in the eyes of other relatives.

The mechanism of action of Brazil nuts on men is associated with a high concentration of two components: the trace element selenium and the amino acid arginine.

  • Brazil nuts are considered one of the best food sources of selenium. the most powerful antioxidant. It increases testosterone levels in men, improves the quality and quantity of sperm, and has a positive effect on sperm motility. Detailed information on this issue you will find in the Journal of Andrology for 2013. Taking selenium - preventative measure against prostate cancer (a disease that is “getting younger” every year).
  • Arginine is natural Viagra. This amino acid helps increase testosterone and increases blood flow to the genitals, which means it improves potency. What happens is that arginine increases the production of nitric oxide, which in turn causes the veins to dilate and relax, allowing blood to flow more freely. Other sources of arginine: legumes, salmon and wheat.

Eat 2-3 Brazil nuts a day (enough to satisfy your daily value selenium), better than unroasted and unsalted, to increase male strength and protect the body from problems with potency. Increasing the dosage may have the opposite effect: large quantities Selenium is not beneficial, is toxic and can reduce testosterone levels in the male body.

Cashews and Fertility

  • Cashew nuts are a rich source of zinc, one of the essential minerals to increase fertility (in both men and women). Scientific research showed that even short-term zinc deficiency can negatively affect testosterone levels in the male body and reduce sperm volume.
  • Like the Brazilian and walnuts, cashews contain important amino acid arginine, which promotes the production male hormones and increasing potency.
  • Reduces the risk of prostate cancer due to the presence of vitamin K.
  • They cope with weakness and fatigue, instantly saturating the body with the energy necessary for sexual intercourse.

So a handful of cashew nuts daily menu it will come in handy.

Almond bonuses

Almonds are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that support health and sexual function in men. You can enjoy the fresh harvest in the summer, although today this product is available all year round.

  • Modern men over 30 years of age are at risk due to decreased testosterone reproduction. Products with high content Protein and low-saturated fat (such as almonds) will improve the situation. These nutritional nucleoli also contain other substances necessary for the normal production of male sex hormones: vitamin E, calcium, magnesium and potassium.
  • The benefits of almonds also include increasing libido and maintaining a healthy sex life thanks to the arginine contained in the nuts.
  • Numerous studies have linked eating nuts to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attack in men. In the case of almonds, thanks should be given monounsaturated fats and vitamin E, characterized by antioxidant activity.
  • and for bone health, which is important for older men age group, athletes and those whose work involves daily physical activity.
  • The product is rich in substances involved in energy production: riboflavin (vitamin B2), protein component, manganese and copper. Thus, almonds will make a positive contribution to your athletic achievements, giving you strength and endurance.
  • This amazing nut will also help with weight loss. A study in the International Journal of Obesity found that eating almonds strong half humanity by at least 2 times a week reduces the likelihood of weight gain. And considering that the quality of sexual life can be improved by reducing the size of the abdomen (as Chinese nutritionists say), dietary properties almonds become even more attractive.

Pecans and polyphenols

  1. In addition to sharing beneficial properties with other nuts that support men's health, pecans are distinguished by a high concentration of polyphenolic compounds - plant antioxidants similar to those found in blueberries and plums. According to the American Journal of Nutrition, eating foods rich in these substances on a regular basis can reduce the risk of death from dangerous diseases by 30%.
  2. Other positive attribute pecans are associated with high doses of beta-sitosterol, a plant steroid that relieves symptoms benign hyperplasia prostate gland (BPH), or enlarged prostate. During laboratory research Purdue University researchers have discovered that gamma-tocopherol (a type of vitamin E) found in nuts kills prostate cancer cells while leaving healthy ones untouched. Now scientists plan to test other variations of vitamin E, but for now in animals.

Pistachios and erection

“Eating a handful of pistachios every day for 3 weeks increases sexual desire and pleasure in men,” says a Turkish study conducted at a hospital in Ankara.

17 impotent married men aged 38-59 ate a handful of pistachios (100 g) for 21 days. As a result, doctors noted improvements in the international index for assessing erectile function. Scientists published their findings in the scientific journal “Impotence.”

These healthy nuts for men are rich in:

  • arginine, which improves blood flow to the reproductive organs;
  • fatty acids and dietary fiber, which reduce blood cholesterol levels and improve blood flow;
  • B vitamins for strong immunity;
  • microelements: magnesium, copper and phosphorus.

Multipurpose hazelnut

Vitamin E, arginine and selenium – nutrients for men's health - hazelnuts are also known.

Based on recent scientific publications by specialists from New Zealand, men can be advised to take 2 tbsp. l. of these nuts per day for 12 weeks. Even if you don't drive very well healthy image life and don't watch what you eat. Including hazelnuts in your diet will increase your intake of healthy fats without extra effort and food restrictions from your side.

As a result, you will improve blood flow, relax the arteries and clear them of cholesterol plaques, increase testosterone levels in the blood and improve the reproductive system.

Word to the Italian doctors

Italian doctors from a hospital in Turin are trying to prove that regular consumption of just 7 nuts a day by men significantly improves the quality and quantity of sperm.

The experiment involves 100 men who are being treated for infertility. One group receives nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds or peanuts) in addition to their normal diet. Whereas in the other group a diet was introduced: the amount of saturated fats was reduced by reducing processed meat and dairy products in the menu and at the same time the amount of polyunsaturated fats contained in oily fish and seeds.

So, tests show that nuts on the menu help men regain potency and conceive healthy child. If you don’t have enough ideas on how to introduce nuts into the menu, you can take the advice of nutritionists and pay attention to the options offered by national cuisines, such as Georgian. But in medicinal purposes Still, it is better to eat nuts in their natural form so as not to lose a single gram of valuable substances.

In addition to the nuts listed in the article, to improve men's health, we recommend including sunflower and pumpkin seeds, pine nuts (which are essentially the seeds of the Siberian cedar) and roasted chestnuts. They are also rich in fatty acids needed for the production of sex hormones and zinc.