Urinary problem. Symptoms and treatment of a weak bladder in women. Major bladder diseases in women

Among women. Symptoms are usually pronounced, patients complain of pain during bowel movements and white discharge. Because of anatomical structure organ in the fairer sex, anomalies and defects of the bladder are observed several times more often, as well as inflammatory processes, polyps, fistulas, tumors, etc.

The most common typically female disease is cystitis. Frequent hypothermia, STD infections, stress provoke illness Bladder among women. Symptoms appear as frequent hikes to the toilet, pain during urination, sensations incomplete emptying and unbearable pain while driving. Many girls are embarrassed to contact a gynecologist, prolonging the problem and aggravating the situation.

It’s easier for men in this regard - they rarely have such deviations. The thing is that women’s bladder is much shorter, and, accordingly, it is much easier for harmful microorganisms to penetrate into it. In addition to this, girls lymphatic system directly connected to the genitals, which increases the risk pathological reactions for any inflammation.

According to medical statistics, every fourth representative of the fair sex has suffered from this disease in her life, and every 8th has chronic stage cystitis. The main causes of this unpleasant disease are infections: Proteus, staphylococcus, fungus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, Trichomonas. The signs are as follows:

False urge to defecate;

There may be signs of incontinence;

Burning, cutting during or at the end of urination.

The clinical picture lasts for about a week and a half, then the symptoms may subside and reappear after some time if appropriate treatment is not started. Meet throughout your life various diseases bladder in women. Symptoms for almost all pathologies are similar. Another disease that occurs predominantly in the weaker sex is leukoplakia. It is characterized pathological changes mucous membrane that lines the bladder.

The etiology and features of the course of the disease are not fully known to science. Possible factors its development is considered to be chronic and viral infections urinary system, as well as hormonal imbalance. Signs of leukoplakia are similar to the clinic chronic cystitis, the only difference is that in patients with this disease, urination is practically not impaired. There is a burning sensation in the lower abdomen, dull or aching pain in the perineum, above the pubis, in the vagina, groin area and spasms.

The listed complaints are classified as chronic syndrome. To determine the cause, it is required full diagnostics. First of all, you need to take a urine and blood test and perform an ultrasound. At the slightest sign it is better to visit a doctor, since there are serious and very dangerous diseases bladder in women. Symptoms are just manifestations that signal problems in the body.

Inflammation of the bladder in women is much more common than in men due to anatomical features genitourinary system. Among women urethra much shorter, making it easier for bacteria to enter the bladder. In addition, during menstruation, during pregnancy and after childbirth, the body creates favorable conditions for the development of infections. Cystitis, as the disease is scientifically called, can develop at any age.

Causes and symptoms of bladder inflammation

The development of the disease is promoted by:

  • gynecological problems that contribute to infection in the bladder;
  • the presence of stones or tumors in the bladder;
  • blood stagnation in the pelvic organs;
  • hypothermia;
  • infrequent or incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • stress, alcohol intake, vitamin deficiency.

Acute inflammation of the bladder

The acute form of the disease usually occurs suddenly, with symptoms worsening over the first few hours. Usually, a woman begins to be bothered by rapid and burning sensations. The intervals between urges can be reduced from 5 to 15 minutes and do not stop even at night. Trying to suppress the urge to urinate can result in urinary incontinence. On the contrary, some patients experience difficulty urinating.

Chronic inflammation of the bladder

Chronic cystitis develops not so much due to infection entering the bladder, but due to dystrophic changes in tissues. Signs of chronic inflammation bladder are the same as with acute form diseases, but less pronounced. The course of the disease can vary dramatically depending on the severity of symptoms. In some patients, the disease occurs in waves: with periods of exacerbation, which are very similar to acute or subacute inflammation of the bladder, and varying periods of improvement. In other patients, a rather monotonous picture of clinical and laboratory data is observed.

How to cure bladder inflammation?

Before treating bladder inflammation medicines, foci of infection should be sanitized and the causes of relapse should be eliminated when chronic form. Drug treatment includes the selection of drugs aimed at eliminating antispasmodic and pain symptoms. Many patients experience deterioration clinical picture after sex, therefore, during the period of treatment of bladder inflammation, you should completely abstain from sexual activity.

Patients with inflammation of the bladder are selected effective antibiotics, which provide correct anti-inflammatory therapy and eliminate infectious agents. At acute cystitis Monural is often prescribed; in the chronic form of the disease, antibiotics from the fluorophinolone group are effective: norfloxacin, ofloxacin or ciprofloxacin. Means that are aimed at increasing protective forces body and boosting immunity.

A proper diet can significantly speed up the healing process. The food we eat has a direct effect on the mucous membrane of the bladder, so in case of inflammation, the diet should be aimed at flushing urinary tract and removal of the infectious agent.

Must include drinking plenty of fluids at least 2 liters per day. These can be fruit drinks, juices (all except tomato), compotes (lingonberries and cranberries are especially useful), calcium chloride mineral water, Not strong tea sugarless. Useful for bladder inflammation and healing herbs, from which you can make infusions. At severe inflammation Mint will help: pour 20 g of herb into 1.5 liters of boiling water, leave and drink 1 glass 3 times a day. To the most useful products food includes fruits and vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, zucchini), dairy products, which have a beneficial effect on microflora, meat and fish of low-fat varieties.

The bladder in women is an important component of the female genitourinary system. Its normal activity ensures the normal well-being of the fair sex and the timely removal of waste products. The bladder is susceptible various lesions infectious in nature, in addition, there are other diseases that can affect this organ. Let's talk about what bladder diseases women have, problems with it worsen the quality of life, and also about their symptoms and treatment methods.

As you know, the bladder is located in the lower part of the peritoneum. It is a sac-shaped organ that stores urine produced by the kidneys. A pair of ureters flow into it, and it is through them that urine moves. On the other side is the urethra, through which urine is discharged out of the body.


This disease is inflammatory lesion Bladder. In most cases, it develops in parallel with urethritis, inflammation localized in the urethra. The disease makes itself felt unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen, which develop into obvious pain when urinating. This process is also accompanied strong burning sensation and is of an accelerated nature. Urine may take on an intense odor, become cloudy, and sometimes contain blood. In addition, the woman feels a strong deterioration in her health; her temperature may rise, chills, and develop general malaise. The pain is also felt in the lower back and is continuous. In childhood and adulthood, the symptoms are not very intense, and the disease can only manifest itself as nausea, fever and abdominal pain.

In order to normalize the bladder in women with cystitis, its treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor and in most cases requires consumption antibiotic drugs. The patient should also consume up to ten to fourteen glasses of water per day. At the same time, you should give up coffee and alcoholic drinks, as they can greatly worsen the condition. It is necessary to slightly reduce the consumption of products with high level calcium, namely dairy products.

To slightly reduce painful sensations You can place some warm object between your legs or on your stomach. Ideal option There will be a bottle of water or a linen bag with cereal (for example, millet).

Once every three hours, consume one glass of water, dissolving one spoon of soda in it. This measure will help you reduce the acidity of urine and eliminate burning.

At constant relapses and if the condition worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Overactive Bladder

Given pathological condition expressed in too frequent desire visit the ladies' room more than eight times a day. In this case, the urges are very strong and completely sudden. Many patients have a history of urinary incontinence, and they also experience unintentional loss of urine that occurs immediately after an urgent urge. Usually the disease makes itself felt regardless of the time of day and it is not easy to cope with it. Limiting the amount of fluid does not lead to the desired effect, and often only worsens the situation. A timely visit to a doctor makes it possible to gain control over the situation. Medications, selected by a specialist, help reduce symptoms, or even cope with them altogether. It is also worth changing your diet, excluding from it strong tea and coffee, citrus juices, chocolate, as well as various spicy foods and seasonings. Will be beneficial special exercises which are called Kegel exercises. They force the pelvic muscles to work, which helps control urination.

Bladder cancer

This type of cancer is considered not very common. Unfortunately, the disease rarely makes itself felt in initial stages development, and it is precisely at this time that therapy is most effective. Most often, patients begin to complain about the appearance of blood in the urine; this phenomenon is called hematuria and occurs in ninety percent of cases of bladder cancer. A quarter of patients also experience symptoms of bladder irritation, which is expressed in difficult, frequent and painful urination, as well as in the appearance false urges. This is how the bladder works in women, the symptoms of the condition resemble urethritis or cystitis and manifests itself if the tumor formation is located at the outlet of the bladder. Also, this type of cancer can manifest itself as pain in the pelvic area and the sides of the abdomen.

Cancer therapy is complex and usually consists of surgical, drug and radiation correction. At the most early stages development, the disease can be dealt with by transurethral resection of certain areas of the mucous membranes in the bladder, after which coagulation of the resulting ulcerative formations is carried out. This therapy allows you to preserve bladder function. If the tumor has grown deeply, the entire affected organ may be removed.
In parallel with surgical intervention chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The prognosis mainly depends on the stage of the disease.

So, the bladder can suffer from several types of lesions. Treatment of the bladder in women can be carried out exclusively under medical supervision. Self-medication is fraught with quite serious consequences.

The excretory system of women is sensitive to any interference. Proximity of location anus, vagina and urethra causes frequent inflammations at the slightest violations hygiene.

The short length of the excretory canal facilitates the penetration of pathogenic bacteria.

They provoke inflammation of the bladder. The risk of developing other diseases that cause great inconvenience to women increases.

What signs indicate that an organ is not in order?

The bladder is located in the lower abdomen, so all the symptoms of problems in his work are predictable. Many signs of the disease are associated with its functions and structural features.

In combination with the patient's complaints, this makes it possible to establish the disease and prescribe necessary medications. Independent attempts to suppress pathology end with the disease becoming chronic.

Reasons for development

The reasons for the development of the disease are different. However, the most common provoking factor in the development of the disease is the penetration of infection into the bladder.

The emergence of pathogenic microorganisms is possible in both a descending and ascending manner.

The descending method involves the transfer of inflammation from the kidneys and ureters to the bladder. With the ascending method, the infection enters from the anus or environment in the urethra.

Provoking factors:

    • hypothermia;
  • weakened immunity;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • bladder tumors;
  • stones or sand in the bladder;
  • errors in nutrition;
  • alcohol abuse.

Many women experience inflammation after defloration, as the vaginal microflora is disrupted.

Also problems arise during intense sexual activity. In this case pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate the vagina and bladder.

When a woman has a severely weakened immune system, the disease can even be caused by your own bacteria. Sometimes the cause of discomfort is congenital anomalies organ development, which is detected on ultrasound.

General principles of therapy

At the first symptoms of inflammation you should visit a doctor who will make a diagnosis. He will select the appropriate treatment, depending on the reasons that caused the discomfort.

  • drinking plenty of water;
  • bed rest;
  • foot baths;
  • heating pads on bottom part belly;
  • correction of nutrition with the exception of spicy, salty and smoked foods.

During bladder inflammation must be completely eliminated sex life . If you do not limit it, the infection will continue to spread. The disease can become chronic.

It should be remembered that folk ways it is impossible to recover completely. A person suppresses symptoms, relieves pain, driving the infection deeper into the body.

For any unfavorable factors she quickly makes herself known.

For cystitis and others inflammatory diseases Bladder It is not recommended to take full baths. It's better to limit yourself foot baths or warming up your feet.

An important part of treatment is taking antibiotics prescribed by your doctor.

Independent experiments can provoke complications that represent serious danger for good health.

Major diseases

More often, women encounter bladder diseases such as , cystalgia, urolithiasis disease, cancer.

Each disease has its own characteristics. They allow a preliminary diagnosis to be made based on the patient’s complaints.

After this, the specialist prescribes additional types examinations. They help confirm or refute the put forward version.


Occurs during hypothermia, after a nervous shock and in other unfavorable situations. The pain is concentrated in the bladder area, but does not affect nearby organs.

When trying self-diagnosis there is a high risk of being mistaken for cystitis This threatens serious inflammatory process V abdominal cavity and even fatal. Because of this visit medical institution Necessarily.

Treatment is carried out with antibiotics, the most famous are Nitroxoline, Palin, Ampicillin and Ciprofloxacin.

Good results are obtained by Cyston, which simultaneously solves several problems: cleanses excretory system and removes sand.

As aids apply herbal teas and sour drinks.

The program “Live Healthy!” will tell you about cystitis:


Cystalgia is a disease similar in symptoms to cystitis. However, it does not show signs of inflammation.

A woman complains about severe pain when urinating, abdominal muscle tension and constant discomfort. There may be a feeling of incomplete emptying, which forces the patient to visit the toilet more often.

The disease is neurological in nature, therefore treatment is aimed at stabilization nervous system. Patients are recommended to undergo psychotherapy and take sedatives.

Hiking is beneficial fresh air, sports and physical activity. Excellent results yoga gives, which helps improve the performance of all systems.

More often, cystalgia is found in impressionable women who react sharply to any problem.

Urolithiasis disease

When sand or stones form in the bladder painful sensations appear periodically. If the sand starts to flow, then pain occurs in the lower abdomen.

It can radiate to the genital area and back, but the patient’s condition improves significantly after the release of sand or stone.

More often, the insidiousness of this pathology lies in its asymptomatic course. The man is walking See a doctor only if stones, sand move, or after errors in the diet.

Pathology is being treated changing your diet and taking special medications.

Cyston is effective in removing sand and small stones from the kidneys and bladder. However self-medication is completely contraindicated, since a person cannot determine the size of the stone. At large sizes stones shown surgery.

How to diagnose and treat urolithiasis:


Cancer may not manifest itself for years, and then accidentally discovered during a routine examination. More often, pain occurs during the formation of metastases, when treatment is difficult. Patients complain of severe discomfort in the lower abdomen.

, crotch and neighboring organs . Specific symptoms depend on the degree of organ damage.

Mandatory surgery required when the tumor is removed.

If the disease is severely advanced, they resort to removing the affected organ. Radiation therapy is then carried out to permanently kill the malignant cells.

At the first stage, it is successfully treated, and the prognosis is favorable. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the slightest suspicion, and not expect severe pain.

Cancers that can be transmitted:

Prevention measures

  1. Compliance with personal hygiene rules.
  2. Correct sex life.
  3. No hypothermia.
  4. Strengthening the immune system.
  5. Timely visits to specialists.
  6. Getting rid of all inflammation.

You need to accustom yourself to proper, regular practice. This will help. prevent penetration coli in the vagina.

A timely visit to the gynecologist will identify inflammations that are easier to treat at an early stage.

helps to avoid stagnant processes.

If you add to this a slight correction of the diet, then bladder diseases will be avoided. Bladder diseases cause great inconvenience for women, but due to their apparent shyness, they put off visiting a doctor.

At timely application all pathologies are cured. And with a late visit you have to deal with various complications and chronic diseases.

The human genitourinary system is a collection of organs, one part of which is responsible for the reproductive function (procreation), the second is responsible for the excretory function (removing accumulated fluid from the body).

Liquid excrement, which is formed in the kidneys, enters a kind of “storage” - the bladder - through the ureters and is then discharged out through the urethra.

In the absence of problems with the organs of the urinary system, a person can control the process of urination, and even in the case of a strong urge, retain urine in the body. Any disturbances in the excretion of urine outside may indicate a malfunction in the operation of this system. This is especially true for women - due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of their body.

What is the danger of bladder disease in women?

Diseases urinary system Women are diagnosed much more often than men. Symptoms of diseases of this “storage” organ in women are insidious. They are often disguised as signs of dysfunction of the reproductive system. Since the external openings of the female genital organs and the urethra are located close to each other, there is a risk of mutual infection.

A correctly diagnosed and timely treatment will allow women to avoid problems with reproductive function, often occurring against the background of bladder diseases.

Causes of diseases of the urinary system

There are a number of factors that contribute to the development of diseases of the urinary system.

  • Weakened immunity.
  • Hypothermia of the female body.
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  • Availability infectious processes in the organs of the reproductive system.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Diseases hormonal system, for example, diabetes mellitus.

Symptoms of major diseases of the urinary system

Pain syndrome in the lower abdomen. In diseases of the bladder, pain can be of a varied nature:

  • Instantly occurring, radiating to the pelvic area or genitals.
  • Long-lasting and aching, surrounding the lower abdomen or lower back.
  • Appearing during urination (a woman experiences pain of such strength that the pain can radiate to the anus).

The presence of foreign impurities in the urine. Various impurities appear in urine:

  • Drops of blood.
  • Pieces of mucus.
  • Purulent inclusions.
  • Sediment in the form of flakes.

Other symptoms:

  1. Frequent urination. An unbearable desire to empty the bladder, reaching up to 30 times a day.
  2. Signs of general body malaise(as with a cold). A woman may experience an increase in body temperature, headaches, dizziness and weakness.
  3. Imaginary urge to urinate. Women feel the heaviness and fullness of the bladder, but at the same time experience discomfort from the inability to empty it.
  4. Urinary retention. A very small amount of urine is excreted, despite a persistent urge to empty the bladder (only a few drops may be released).
  5. Urinary incontinence. Inability to control the process of urine retention at any time of the day. A woman does not have time to respond to the urge to urinate, even during the day and with a not very full bladder.
  6. Nocturia(night urge to urinate). Nocturnal bladder emptying, which exceeds daytime emptying, leads not only to sleep disturbances, but also to impaired concentration and decreased performance. Nocturia can be not only a symptom of bladder problems, but also serious sign diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Main bladder diseases and their symptoms

This disease most often affects women genitourinary system and is infectious lesion the inner lining of the bladder.

The main causes of cystitis are regular hypothermia of the body or the presence of an infection of the genital organs. If the treatment of the disease is superficial (elimination acute symptoms), then the disease becomes chronic.

Symptoms of cystitis are pronounced:

  • Cutting pain syndrome, both during urination and at rest.
  • The bladder feels full.
  • The number of urges to urinate increases sharply.
  • There are problems with involuntary emptying of the bladder.
  • The color and smell of urine changes, and impurities appear.

This disease is extremely insidious, as it may not show symptoms for a long time.

It is quite difficult to diagnose, but only until acute signs arise:

  • Sharp pain in the lower abdomen, which appears not only when moving, but also at rest, as well as during urination.
  • The appearance of impurities in the urine.
  • General weakness with nausea and vomiting. Blood pressure may increase.

Bladder rupture

Serious bladder damage requiring urgent appeal to the doctor. A rupture can occur due to a strong and sharp blow to the abdominal area (for example, in an accident). The main symptoms are acute “cutting” pain in the lower abdomen and the presence of drops of blood in the urine.

Bladder neurosis

Disease of elderly women. This problem occurs when the inner lining of the bladder loses its elasticity. The main signs are urinary incontinence and frequent urination.


Emergence malignant neoplasms in the bladder is accompanied by symptoms that are often characteristic of cystitis. Aching pain may occur in the lumbar and pubic areas. But there is one main symptom of this disease - hematuria(presence of blood in the urine in large quantities).

According to statistics female body is less likely to be affected by this disease than men.