Pharmaceutical drugs for the brain. The best medications to improve memory and brain function. Medicines for memory that improve cerebral circulation

Every mother wants her baby to bring only excellent grades from school. But, unfortunately, most children are inattentive and very active. This makes it difficult to concentrate on lessons.

Often the cause of deterioration in attention is stress or fear. With the help of special medications, you can activate the functioning of the child’s brain and improve his attentiveness.

Drugs to improve memory and attention are called nootropics. Their action is due to the supply of oxygen to the brain. Accordingly, brain activity improves. At the same time, the child concentrates better on the task and quickly remembers information.

Nootropics for children:

  • Glycine. This drug is a sedative and may cause drowsiness. The action is aimed at activating the brain
  • Pantogam, Aminalon. These drugs are analogues; they contain gamma-aminobutyric acid. This substance is involved in the transport of oxygen to the brain
  • Tenoten. This is a homeopathic medicine that supplies brain cells with blood and oxygen
  • Intellan. Used for emotional and physical overload. Relieves tension and calms
  • Phenibut. A drug to reduce cerebral vascular tone. Tissue tension disappears, which stimulates blood flow to all parts of the brain

All these drugs can be taken by children from birth. They are often prescribed for hematomas and birth injuries. They reduce intracranial pressure, reduce the manifestation of epilepsy and hydroencephaly.

Medicines and vitamins for memory for teenagers

Teenagers need drugs like no other to help them grow and improve their memory. A growing body needs nourishment, since the vitamins supplied with food may not be enough for the full functioning of the body.

The most essential vitamins for brain function are B vitamins, vitamin D, E and retinol. Among the microelements, selenium, zinc, iodine and iron have a beneficial effect on the brain. Please note that the drug contains omega unsaturated acids.

Vitamins for teenagers:

  • Pikovit Forte. This is a combined vitamin preparation containing the most essential microelements and vitamins. The medicine contains everything necessary for the full growth and development of a teenager
  • Alphabet. This is a special vitamin complex for children 8-16 years old. The composition contains unsaturated fatty acids, trace elements and selenium
  • VitaMishki. Vitamins in the form of chewable candies. The drug is indicated for children 3-15 years old. The vitamin complex contains herbal extracts that strengthen the immune system.

What medications should students take to improve memory?

At the institute, 70% of the total time is devoted to self-study. Accordingly, the load on the brain is significant. To remember a lot of information well, you need to help your brain and stimulate its work.

Vitamins and memory supplements for students:

  • Gingko Biloba Forta. This medicine is based on the plant extract of Gingko. This plant has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels. Analogues are Ginos, Bilobil
  • Biotredin. The medicine contains L-threonine and vitamin B6. L-threonine is an amino acid that is not produced in the body, but is involved in the functioning of the brain.
  • Aminalon. Contains gamma-aminobutyric acid, which stimulates brain function and improves vascular permeability

All of these drugs are sold without a prescription, so they can be purchased at any pharmacy.

What to drink to improve memory in adults?

There are two types of drugs that improve memory and attention: vitamins or drugs. The former can be purchased at any pharmacy; they usually contain vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The second type of medication is stimulants, which are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. They can only be purchased with a prescription.

Drugs to improve memory:

  • Tserakson, Somazina. These are drugs based on sodium cyclolitine. It prevents the destruction of brain cells. Often prescribed for traumatic brain injuries. It is often prescribed to infants with ICP and encephalia. Allows you to accelerate the processes of brain cell regeneration. The drug is sold by prescription only
  • Piracetam. A drug prescribed for Parkinson's disease and atherosclerosis. It is often recommended for people with disorders of the nervous system. Improves blood supply to the brain. In large doses it has a psychostimulating effect
  • Phenotropil. Prescribed to people with brain diseases or to stimulate mental abilities in emergency situations. Improves the transfer of information between the hemispheres of the brain, improves memory and attention. Increases the body's resistance to stress

Elderly people lack vitamins, so first of all they are recommended to take vitamin complexes. Usually, for sclerosis, the prescription is made by a doctor, since serious medications are sold by prescription.

The most common memory medications in older people are:

  • Glycine
  • Pantogam
  • Phenibut
  • Neuroxon

Homeopathy for memory

Homeopathic substances need to be taken for a long time. The effect is observed after 1-3 months of use. The safest medicines based on homeopathy:

  • Memoria. Contains organic acids and herbal extracts
  • BRAIN-O-FLEX. Homeopathic medicine containing vitamin E, omega unsaturated acids, gingko biloba extract and sturgeon oil
  • Sclero-Gran. This is a combined homeopathic medicine. It contains gingko biloba extract and trace elements

Herbal remedies for memory

Medicines for memory from plants:

  • Linseed oil. This substance should be taken a teaspoon before each meal. Improves concentration and promotes memory
  • Bilobil. Preparation from gingko biloba - a tropical plant
  • Vermion. A drug based on ergot. It is an alpha blocker

Vitamins for memory and attention

Vitamin preparations can be considered the safest. Usually these are complexes using amino acids and minerals. It is their deficiency that leads to disturbances in the functioning of the brain. Tissues carry oxygen less well, so a person always forgets something.

What impairs memory?

There are several main reasons that impair memory:

  • Information overload
  • Lack of vitamins
  • Stress
  • Constant lack of sleep
  • Unhealthy food. These are mainly energy drinks and products containing aluminum
  • Age-related changes in the body
  • Smoking and alcohol
  • Medications. Usually these are heart drops, antihistamines and antidepressants

As you can see, memory and brain function are influenced by many factors. Therefore, eat well, train your brain and lead a healthy lifestyle.

VIDEO: Improving memory

A good memory testifies, first of all, to a person’s health, his clear mind and ability to learn new things, which is necessary for all age categories.

For secondary school students and college and university students - to learn the material and successfully pass tests and exams, for engineering and technical workers and specialists - to perform job duties at their place of service in order to pass certification, for the elderly - to ensure that brain activity does not fade and for further maintenance in normal physical shape.

The first stage on the path to perfect memory

Today, almost all people suffer from workload; many of us forget where we put our keys, whether we turned off the gas, and if we go to the counter, we don’t remember what we need to buy. This usually happens when there is a lot of unnecessary information in your head. This is especially bad when the age is not more than 25 years, since constant facts of forgetfulness can worsen.

Available ways to improve brain activity and memory:

Pills to improve brain activity

Drugs that can be taken to improve memory and activate brain function:

  1. – one of the known means that regulates brain activity and metabolism, reduces intoxication. After taking it, sleep normalizes and mood improves. This is a vitamin for cells. This remedy refers to a metabolic drug or a drug that has the property of transforming all reactions occurring in the body to maintain the life process.
  2. – the drug is taken to concentrate attention, improve memory and normalize brain activity. Part it includes piracetam and other excipients. The remedy belongs to. Its use helps improve consciousness, memorize information, and creates an obstacle to the formation of blood clots. Has no effect on increasing the excitability of the nervous system.
  3. - a tonic containing natural ingredients, including vitamins and minerals. When taken regularly, metabolism is stimulated, the brain is saturated with useful elements, fatigue is significantly reduced, and is indispensable for depression, conditions and feelings.
  4. is a well-known nootropic drug used for concentration, for hypertension, for the treatment of mental retardation. Its action is aimed at facilitating the memorization effect, stimulating the normal function of the vestibular apparatus, and reducing the level of depressive states.
  5. – a drug classified as a nootropic, an effective medicine for improving memory. Significantly improves the activity of brain cells, facilitates memorization when mastering new knowledge, helps activate memory when passing exams, tests or certifications. There is a rapid exchange of information between the left and right brain hemispheres, cell activity is restored and mood improves.
  6. Tanakan is a herbal medicine that improves blood circulation in the body. This effect on the body is based on the nutrition of cells with glucose, as well as the fact that this drug prevents the formation of blood clots, elimination, and restoration of visual acuity. By normalizing blood circulation, the brain's ability to learn increases.
  7. Picamilon– this remedy is used to normalize blood supply in all types of glaucoma, the ability to withstand significant mental and physical stress, and reduce irritability and anxiety. The medicine belongs to.
  8. - these are tablets prescribed to improve brain activity and memory that have been damaged due to trauma, cardiovascular diseases accompanied by high blood pressure, as well as developmental retardation in children, conditions and intoxications from drinking alcohol or drugs. Refers to nootropics.
  9. is a medicine intended for the treatment of patients with schizophrenia, as well as for people those experiencing great emotional stress, with diseases that are caused by changes in blood vessels located in the brain. It is also prescribed to children with severe mental retardation with attention deficit and. .
  10. Memoplant- this drug is an angioprotector, and its basis is components of plant origin. Increases the tone of blood vessels, ensures the normal function of metabolic processes. It is applied to reduce headaches, dizziness, noise in the occipital region and ears, with insufficient blood supply to the extremities.

Pharmaceutical drugs to improve memory, brain function and enhance the body's capabilities:

Features of some drugs

Some drugs that improve memory and brain function can be used more effectively and safely if you know these nuances:

Traditional methods for improving brain function

Folk remedies for improving memory and activating brain function:

Of course, nutrition also has an impact on the brain and the body as a whole. It is necessary to ensure that protein is present in the food, including products such as dried fruits, dark chocolate, baked apples or potatoes, stewed carrots, walnuts, bananas, sunflower seeds, salads with olive oil.

Eating fresh and even frozen blueberries has a beneficial effect not only on visual acuity, but also on cerebral circulation.

How to make your brain work - mind training

It's never too late to train your mind. There are simple solutions to this issue:

  • starting from the first letter of the alphabet to about the twentieth, pronounce words, try to do it quickly, for example, A - algorithm, B - bison, C - fiber and so on;
  • try to pronounce foreign words learned at school as often as possible;
  • say the numbers in reverse order, starting from fifty to zero, gradually increasing;
  • play as if in childhood with the names of cities - when you hear the last letter in the name of the city, say the name of the next one;
  • try to come up with as many synonyms for different words as possible.

In general, solving crossword puzzles, memorizing poems and solving complex problems is a great way to train the brain.

People also have unconventional ways to restore memory. Of course, it is difficult to believe in them, but they do exist.

One of these remedies is “golden water”. Although scientists say that this noble metal does not react with water, those who have tried this method of treatment speak only positively about this procedure.

There is another interesting method, although it does not seem effective to everyone, but still people who have done these exercises several times have recognized the effect of this method.

If you put gold jewelry without precious stones in a half-liter container, then boil until the volume is reduced by half and take a teaspoon three times a day. After 14 days, the heart muscle will become stronger and memory will improve.

Based on the above, we can conclude that neither method will harm the body.

What to exclude from life to improve memory

In the modern world, they give a lot of bad advice, among which not every person will be able to immediately distinguish whether he needs it or not. Understanding comes later.

Many information flows do not provide the opportunity to rest, the brain is overloaded and, in turn, malfunctions, which is where the forgetting of the most basic things begins.

  1. No need to eat a lot of sweet, flour and salty foods, this only delays the excretion of fluid in the body, constipation occurs, and, accordingly, it is provoked.
  2. You can't lead a sedentary lifestyle, since in this case the blood does not circulate enough, and the internal organs, including the brain, do not have nutrition.
  3. Staying at home all the time is also not recommended., since the brain needs oxygen.
  4. Excessive drinking also negatively affects memory development.
  5. You cannot take medications without a doctor's prescription, side effects can ruin your health and your whole life in general, and the body will become accustomed to the products.

Healthy lifestyle

Research has proven that regular physical activity, proper diet and nutrition, and quitting smoking help improve memory.

It is important to be able to maintain correct posture and consciously straighten up, even if stooping has been present since childhood. When the shoulders are straightened and the neck is tilted back, blood circulation in the brain improves.

Monitor bowel movements, and in order to have regular bowel movements, you need to follow the daily menu.

To live a long and healthy life, you need to work on yourself, force yourself to work, play sports, walk, eat only fresh food, develop your mental potential. After all, only a healthy person is happy.

Perhaps everyone will agree that achievements, success and standard of living in general largely depend on mental abilities and the ability to use them at the right time and in the right place. In order to get a job, you should develop thinking and memory during the learning process. To achieve results at work, you need to use your mental abilities to the maximum, and so on.

But not everyone succeeds, and even scientists cannot answer what is the matter. Not all of us are born geniuses, and the level of intelligence is also a controversial factor, because the smartest people cannot solve basic life problems. And what can we talk about here if today there is not even an answer as to what percentage of the human brain has been studied. Different groups of scientists give different numbers. What is known is that we are far from using the full potential of our brain.

But if you want to increase your own memory and attention, increase the capabilities of your brain, you can resort to some simple methods. In this case, the main thing is desire and compliance with the instructions. This applies to both taking medications and increasing brain activity using natural methods.

Before using methods to improve brain function, you should understand the reasons for its deterioration. These include the following factors:

  • brain tumors;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • suffered a stroke;
  • cerebrovascular accident due to a number of other diseases;
  • pathologies of internal organs;
  • bad habits, these include smoking, excessive alcohol consumption or drugs;
  • constant lack of sleep and stress;
  • excessive mental stress;
  • results of anesthesia;
  • changes associated with age;
  • depression.

Regardless of the reasons for the decrease in active brain function, they are by no means the norm. In any case, this is a pathological condition that requires immediate and active treatment.

It is worth noting that drugs that improve brain activity can also be taken during a sharp increase in mental stress. For example, in the process of learning or mastering a large amount of new information. They can not only improve learning performance, but also ensure healthy brain function in the future. After all, after serious mental stress comes a decline in brain activity, even a depressive state.

In what cases can you start taking memory enhancing drugs?

Deterioration of memory and attention is not a death sentence, but a “bell” to the fact that you can begin to fight this symptom. The pharmacy sells many products that do not require a doctor's prescription. But, first of all, it is worth familiarizing yourself in more detail with the signs indicating the need to start such treatment:

  • absent-mindedness appears more often;
  • it is difficult to remember information;
  • appointments are missed;
  • there is a sharp decline in performance.

There are many similar examples. As a rule, a person himself realizes that something is going wrong in his life, and the reason for it all is a decline in activity, the inability to concentrate on one problem.

However, you should not resort to self-medication. There can be any number of reasons for the decline in brain activity. Perhaps the reason is thyroid dysfunction, and taking drugs that improve memory is completely useless in this case, because they will not give any effect. It is better to immediately contact a specialist who will advise the most relevant treatment in a particular case.

As a rule, medications are prescribed to improve memory and attention. On the advice of a doctor, you can buy them without a prescription. But in this case, the likelihood that money will be thrown away is reduced to zero. After the drug is purchased, it should be taken strictly according to the prescribed prescription.

How to improve memory after anesthesia

After general anesthesia, many notice that they become absent-minded, and such patients develop obvious memory problems. This can negatively affect communication with people and professional activities. You can wait until these disturbances go away on their own, sometimes this period is a year or two, depending on the mental stress and activity of the person who has suffered the effects of anesthesia. And you can begin to take measures to help restore brain function after anesthesia.

It should be noted that an integrated approach is required here. It consists of the following:

  • memory training, you can remember phone numbers, house numbers, solve crosswords and puzzles;
  • limiting alcohol consumption; you need to spend more time outdoors, drink more water;
  • from folk remedies, decoctions of clover and tinctures of rowan bark will help;
  • dark chocolate stimulates the production of endorphins, which reduce forgetfulness; you can eat it without fear for your figure;
  • To improve brain function, you should take drugs that stimulate cerebral circulation, including nootropics.

But these measures do not guarantee immediate improvements in brain activity. The products help improve it gradually; noticeable results will take at least three months. After anesthesia, normal brain activity takes a long time to recover, so in this case, be patient.

Nootropics for improving memory

Nootropics are proven drugs that stimulate cerebral circulation, improve attention and memory, including after anesthesia, help improve mental activity, and increase resistance to hypoxia.

This effect is achieved by improving the vital processes of brain cells and metabolic processes inside. In addition, nootropics have a specific psychostimulating effect. Such drugs include:

  • piracetam;
  • aminalon;
  • picamilon;
  • fezam;
  • phenibut;
  • acephen.

Nootropics for brain function should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor to avoid their negative effects on the body.


Glycine is prescribed by doctors more often than the drugs listed above. The reason is its complete safety, since the medicine has no contraindications and does not lead to side effects. This drug is available in tablet form and is dosed at 100 mg; it is included in the metabolic processes of the brain at the cellular level, which means it can improve its activity naturally.

Glycine does not have to be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. It helps improve brain function after anesthesia, after mental stress, or in conditions of intense mental work. Glycine stabilizes cerebral circulation, which is why it is advisable to take it for people over 45–50 years of age. Glycine is recommended to be taken to improve sleep, memory, emotional stability and mental balance, and is often prescribed after anesthesia. Thus, glycine is a universal remedy that improves or stabilizes brain function.

What herbs improve brain function?

You can drink not only medications, but also herbs that have proven to be the best folk medicines that improve memory and attention. These are plants that can be seen in every park, forest or field. Herbs, leaves and flowers are dried, then poured with boiling water, infused, after which they should be drunk as tea. These medicinal products include the following plants:

  • a combination of periwinkle and hawthorn, dried periwinkle leaves, flowers and leaves of hawthorn are taken;
  • celandine;
  • valerian root, pour boiling water over it and leave for 8 hours;
  • elecampane root, it should be prepared in the same way as valerian;
  • oregano, prepared as tea;
  • wormwood, the herb is poured with boiling water and infused for several hours;
  • pine cones, you need to steep in alcohol for two weeks, then drink, adding a little to tea;
  • coltsfoot, the grass is poured and drunk like tea;
  • Brew and take collection No. 1 to improve brain function, you should drink tea constantly at least once a day.

It is better to include these folk remedies in complex treatment along with taking medications. Or, you can take them on your own for minor memory and attention problems.


Dua is a type of Islamic prayer. Each of the duas is read in one or another life situation. Strange, but there is also a dua for improving memory. Followers of Islam are confident that such prayers help achieve one goal or another. It is not for nothing that dua for improving brain function is more popular in the east than medicines.

There is a dua for concentration, a dua for increasing knowledge, a dua for remembering something or a dua for speaking well and quickly.

Naturally, folk and religious remedies for improving brain function should also be supported by drug treatment. Therefore, if you have problems with memory and attention, you should consult a specialist.

Most people are most often dissatisfied with their own knowledge and try to improve their memory and brain function by any means. However, exercise alone is often not enough.

After all, there can be many reasons for excessive absent-mindedness and forgetfulness: these are excessive fatigue, poor nutrition, lack of oxygen due to a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, etc.

Physical exercise

University teachers have long noticed that students who lead a healthy lifestyle are also successful in their studies. The magical power of sports to help achieve mental clarity has a completely scientific explanation. According to recent data, with each heartbeat, 20-25% of the blood goes to the brain. Along with it, not only nutrients, but also oxygen enter it.

Aerobic breathing exercises have a significant effect on the hippocampus (the part of the brain responsible for the transition of short-term memory to long-term memory). Moreover, according to researchers from Canada, it is possible to increase its size through sports at any age, including old age.

Regular exercise, which promotes the flow of oxygen, can also increase the production of a special protein specific only to the nervous system, which is responsible for the development of brain cells and their survival.

Advice!A regular evening jog before an exam will not only relieve nervous tension before a serious test, but will also saturate the blood, and therefore the brain cells, with oxygen.

Memory training

It is believed that most people remember only 5% of the information they learn in their lifetime. Another 35% of them are able to remember part of it with the help of leading questions. However, any organ, including the brain, can and should be trained.

There are many methods to improve brain function and develop memory. It could be:

  • regular reading;
  • memorizing poems or songs;
  • interesting hobby;
  • solving crosswords or puzzles;
  • playing chess, etc.

You can also help your brain concentrate better with the help of special exercises. Moreover, you can do them “on the go”:

  • while in transport or on the street, look at the person for a few seconds, then turn away and recall his appearance in memory (color of hair, eyes, clothes, etc.); You can examine and analyze not only people, but also any objects;
  • When purchasing products, try to mentally calculate at least the approximate cost of purchases; compare and remember prices in different stores, this will help not only train your brain, but also save;
  • any new activities also stimulate it - that is, even if in the morning you brush your teeth not with your right hand, but with your left hand, this will already be unusual for the brain, and therefore a new event that requires concentration.

Advice! Psychologists have developed a fairly large number of techniques that help improve memory and attention of the brain. However, a person very quickly remembers only information that is interesting to him. Therefore, choose from all existing methods the one that suits you. At the same time, regularly introduce some of your own innovations into the training complex.

Improve memory and brain function through meditation

Most people do not know how to fully concentrate and disconnect from extraneous thoughts or external stimuli. You can learn to concentrate your own attention with the help of simple exercises.

Researchers have found that people who practice meditation have increased gray matter density. The number of neural connections they have is also much higher. With the help of yoga, you can significantly synchronize the work of both hemispheres of the brain.

Moreover, to improve brain function, it is absolutely not necessary to perform any complex exercises. The simplest asanas and the initial stages of meditation will help his work. They will not only teach you to concentrate, but also improve brain circulation and strengthen the nervous system.

Advice! All exercises should be carried out in complete silence. The muscles of the body should be completely relaxed. At first, attention is concentrated on one’s own body and its individual parts. Gradually it switches to surrounding sounds and smells. The presence of any extraneous thoughts during classes is undesirable.

Healthy foods

What foods improve memory and brain function? They can be divided into two groups: rapid and long-term effects. For example, chocolate containing magnesium and glucose can stimulate brain cells quite strongly. However, its validity is limited in time. With regular consumption of nuts, long-term memory can be significantly improved.
Natural stimulant vitamins that improve memory and brain function include:

  • bioflavonoids (vitamins D, E and P);
  • all B vitamins, including folic acid (the “genius” vitamin);
  • vitamins C.

Advice! It is better to combine vitamin intake with medications containing Omega-3 acids.

Most important for long-term brain function are most of the B vitamins found in liver, leafy greens, eggs and dairy products. The same eggs, dairy products, as well as beans and poultry also contain adrenaline and dopamine, which help increase not only physical but also mental activity.

You should include in your diet tomatoes, soybeans, dates, figs, bananas and chocolate, which contain serotine - the hormone of joy. It is he who is responsible not only for our appetite and sexual desires, but also for memory and learning ability.

Advice! It has been noticed that residents of Italy who consume enough vegetable (olive) oil, which contains omega acids, reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol and normalizes blood pressure, maintain clarity of mind much longer.

Don’t forget about this product, which is very beneficial for the brain. You can also compensate for the lack of omega acids with the help of nuts, fatty fish and pumpkin.

Maintain your weight

The balance of glucose, the most important nutrient for brain cells, is significantly impaired in overweight people. With an increased content of carbohydrates and animal fats, the content of a protein with a rather long name - neurotropic brain factor - responsible for the health of neurons, also decreases.

Therefore, if you want to become successful, watch your weight. Eat more foods that improve memory and brain function from whole grains, fish, nuts, greens, fresh or steamed vegetables and fruits. Moreover, for the proper functioning of the brain, not only the composition, but also the balance of nutrition is important. The intake of important nutrients into the body should not occur occasionally, but systematically and regularly.

Advice!When overeating, a large amount of energy is spent on processing food. This is why a person becomes lethargic and drowsy after eating. To stay in shape, before an important meeting or event, limit yourself to light food containing a minimum of calories.

Benefits of sleep

With a lack of sleep, the entire body suffers. But its absence has a particularly painful effect on the brain. After all, it is during sleep that the information received during the day is analyzed and processed. Without proper sorting and processing, the brain will simply be unable to perceive something new.

With constant lack of sleep, a person’s performance quickly declines. If night waking occurs regularly, this can even result in serious functional diseases, including mental and psychomotor disorders.

You should choose a warm, darkened room to sleep. The habit of going to bed at the same time every day has a beneficial effect on rest - in this case, falling asleep occurs without difficulty. It should be preceded by a calm, relaxing environment. Taking a warm, relaxing shower, reading a good book, etc. has a beneficial effect on falling asleep.

Advice! The duration of sleep is individual for each person. Moreover, excess sleep is just as harmful as its lack. But if you feel groggy even after 7-8 hours of good sleep, try revising your routine and increasing its duration by at least half an hour. Longer sleep is also required in case of intense physical or mental work.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies that help improve memory and brain function:

  • blueberry juice;
  • a mixture of freshly squeezed beet and carrot juices;
  • horseradish roots and leaves;
  • red rowan bark;
  • pine buds;
  • mint;
  • sage;
  • clover;
  • calamus roots;
  • elecampane roots

All these plants help strengthen the blood vessels of the brain and improve its blood supply.

Advice! Any herbal preparations and herbs that improve memory and brain function can be included in aromatherapy courses. Be sure to find time to walk through flowering gardens and parks: the aromas of roses, lily of the valley, linden, and bird cherry can have a beneficial effect on neuron cells.

Child's memory

With regular and sufficient sleep, feasible physical activity, proper nutrition and the absence of stress and conflicts in the family and school, a healthy child should not have problems with memory. After all, it is at an early age that neuroplasticity - the ability of the brain to adapt to our requirements - is better developed in children than in adults.

However, at primary school age, the ability to concentrate attention for a long time and logical thinking are still poorly developed, so first of all you should pay attention to their training. Moreover, this should be done in an unobtrusive playful manner. To support your child’s desire to learn new things, you should definitely show him how to use new knowledge in everyday life or play.

It is possible to improve memory and brain function in a child with the development of at least two of the three main channels - auditory, motor and visual. Children who can visualize what they hear and present it in “pictures” also easily master new knowledge. It’s great if visual examples are used for learning: toys or drawings.

Advice! Excessive brain tension is perceived by the body as violent, and it immediately turns on a defensive reaction in the form of drowsiness, headaches, etc. Therefore, the number of activities with a child should be strictly proportionate to his age.

Medicines that improve memory

After 30 years, the speed of perception of new information begins to decline, and by the age of 40–50, remembering it quite often becomes a serious problem. In order to maintain mental clarity for as long as possible, experts advise not only to eat right, exercise and regularly train the brain, but also to take special formulations. Drugs that improve memory and brain function include:

  • glycine: helps accelerate chemical reactions, reduces nervous tension;
  • piracetam: improves cerebral circulation and concentration;
  • aminalon: enhances energy processes in nerve cells, accelerates the transmission of impulses, stimulates the absorption of glucose;
  • Phenibut: improves sleep, reduces tension; facilitating the transmission of nerve impulses to the central nervous system;

  • pantogam: stimulating metabolic processes in neurons; often prescribed to children with mental retardation;
  • phenotropil: accelerating the breakdown of glucose; blood circulation; improves concentration;
  • Vitrum Memory: improves the supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain, increasing cerebral circulation.

However, all of these drugs can cause side effects and fluctuations in blood pressure. Therefore, you should not take them without first consulting a doctor.

Advice!Smoking kills the blood vessels that supply the brain. Moreover, in the fight against this poison, even the most powerful means that improve memory and brain function may be powerless. If you want your brain to work like a clock, quit this bad habit as quickly as possible.

Men and women of mature age often realize that at the right moment it is difficult to remember the necessary information.

Clumsiness appears and an inferiority complex develops. The human brain gets tired with age.

Effective assistance is urgently needed to intensify work. Moderate mental and physical stress, proper exercise, and the presence of healthy habits help maintain health.

Special classes and training increase intelligence. If necessary, medications for memory and brain activity are prescribed to older people. The use of medications helps to avoid senile dementia.

Reasons why medications are needed

Numerous factors have a detrimental effect on the health of the elderly. Slow brain function becomes especially noticeable in adulthood.

Doctors prescribe memory medications for older people, but first they must find out the reasons that led to the problems.

Among the most common are:

  1. deficiency of essential vitamins;
  2. past infectious diseases;
  3. traumatic brain injuries;
  4. metabolic disorder;

Other less common factors in the presence of which memory pills are prescribed to older people include: brain, genetic characteristics and predisposition to weakening of brain activity, poor environment, bad habits.

Treatment with nootropics

When choosing medications to improve memory in old age, extreme caution should be exercised.

Old people often have to take many different tablets and syrups to maintain their health. Most products have contraindications specified in the instructions.

There is incompatibility of active ingredients, which must be taken into account by a specialist. Among the medications that improve memory in old age, nootropics are especially noted.

The treatment is considered effective due to a number of advantages:

  • activate the supply of oxygen and blood to the brain;
  • affect the rapid absorption of glucose;
  • restore memory and attention;
  • remove toxins from the body, get rid of free radicals;
  • increase clarity of consciousness;
  • reduce irritation and excitability;
  • promote rapid recovery of mental processes.

Nootropic memory drugs for the elderly help when the patient's condition seems critical.

With obvious memory lapses, improvements become noticeable after a week. The full course of treatment with neurometabolic stimulants lasts several months.

Restoration with vitamins

The brain of mature adults is influenced by a new set of neurological diseases.

Older people need vitamins for memory and brain function. The body feels a special need for B1, B6.

Taking into account concomitant diseases, they are prescribed.

Specially developed for old people and adults:

  1. Vinj;
  2. Biotredin;
  3. Vitrum Memory.

The drugs nourish the brain and help recover after a stroke.

You cannot do without taking vitamin Omega-3 fatty acids. The substance prevents the development of dementia and brain atrophy.


On the shelves of pharmacies are drugs to improve memory in old age.

The medications are effective, but they must be taken as prescribed by the attending physician, who has studied the results of diagnostics and tests, assessed the patient’s condition, and knows the concomitant diseases. If you are intolerant to the medication or if side effects occur, stop taking it.

Glycine is an ideal medicine for improving memory in the elderly. It appeared a long time ago.

Glycine-Forte is prescribed to increase brain activity and improve metabolic processes.

Quickly restores night sleep, improves performance, and lifts your mood.

The tablet dissolves under the tongue until completely dissolved. Personal intolerance is considered a contraindication for use; side effects include tinnitus and daytime drowsiness.

When choosing drugs for memory and brain function for adults, you should pay attention to Intellan.

The product is presented in syrup and capsules. Prescribed by a doctor for impaired memory processes and deterioration of cerebral blood supply.

The feeling of causeless fatigue wins and depression overcomes. The therapist, neurologist determines the dosage of the drug and the duration of the course of treatment.

Usually two months are enough to completely restore the body's functioning. If necessary, the therapeutic course of taking Intellan is repeated after six months, depending on the patient’s condition. The fast-acting remedy is not recommended for use in the treatment of older patients suffering from diabetes.

Piracetam and Phenotropil

In the line of drugs for memory and brain function for the elderly, Phenotropil stands out.

The product is presented in tablets (50, 100 mg). Prescribed when memory consolidation disorders occur.

Taking the product improves blood supply to tissues, restores metabolic processes, increases physical and mental performance.

Piracetam - to improve memory

Increases the absorption of knowledge, which is important for retirees who lead an active lifestyle and continue to comprehend science, master a computer, and learn languages. Anxiety, fears, nervousness are suppressed, and calm is achieved.

The product has a huge number of analogues. The most common is called Piracetam.

However, Phenotropil replaces two medications: Phenibut and Piracetam. The medicine has a strong psychostimulating effect on the body, which Piracetam does not have.

Tanakan and Phenibut

Tanakan - red brick-colored tablets for improving memory in elderly people.

Prescribed for senile encephalopathy, which results in impaired memory and mental activity.

The active ingredient is the herbal preparation Ginkgo biloba. Normalizes the activity of blood vessels, relieves dizziness.

Tanakan - to maintain brain activity

When choosing nootropics as drugs to improve memory and attention in adults, doctors prescribe Phenibut. The medicine helps normalize brain function.

Produced on the basis of aminophenylbutyric acid. It has the properties of a weak tranquilizer that relieves anxiety and restlessness.

Widely used. Effective for aging diseases:

  • neuroses;
  • insomnia;
  • other conditions.


The pharmaceutical industry is developing rapidly.

The drugs appearing on the market guarantee a happy old age and long memory. It is necessary to take medications according to the instructions, taking into account the recommendations of a specialist.

The brain will be able to work uninterruptedly, managing processes and organs, as in youth. The general condition depends not on chance, predisposition, but on the care shown for one’s own health.

Video: Products to improve memory