Visual acuity - what is it in medicine? What is visual acuity? Keen vision

Visual acuity becomes worse over time. And this happens for various reasons. There are natural reasons for decreased vigilance - aging of the body. Today, this indicator is getting worse in people even at a young age. The reasons for this are mass computerization and multiple diseases, which provoke the fact that a person begins to see poorly.

Visual acuity may be normal and decrease under the influence of certain factors. The norm of vigilance at 100% is the ability to distinguish between two objects distant from each other. In simple terms, visual acuity is an indicator of vigilance that can be measured in numbers.

In the Russian Federation, the norm is equal to one (1.0). You can determine how clearly a person sees using special tables. These tables are familiar not only to adults, but also to children. They undergo preventive examinations while still in preschool educational institutions. Tables may contain letters or symbols. Tables depicting symbols were developed specifically for children who cannot yet read and do not know letters. The norm is when a person sees the 10th line out of 12. At the same time, be at a distance of five meters from the table.

If the clarity of vision is impaired, this means that ophthalmic diseases are developing or are already present. The sooner a decrease in visual acuity is detected, the faster the situation can be corrected.

Interesting! You don't have to see an ophthalmologist to check for clarity. You can find the well-known constellation Ursa Major in the starry sky. Even in ancient times, traditional healers claimed that a person has excellent and acute vision if he is able to see the small Mizar star near the second star from the edge of the handle of the ladle.

Deviations from 1.0 are not always a pathology. For some people the ratio may be higher. In this case, visual acuity is called aquiline.

Interesting! The most acute vision in the animal world is that of the eagle. If we take a bird’s vigilance to be 100%, then a human’s vigilance is only 51%! At the same time, octopuses see clearly compared to eagles by only 32%, jumping spiders by 8%, cats by 7%, and goldfish by 5%.

Indicators above 1.0 are not a pathological deviation. The same cannot be said about numbers below 1.0. This indicates the presence of developing ophthalmological diseases. Indicators that are too low indicate diseases that are already present.

What do indicators below 1.0 indicate?

If a visual acuity of less than 1.0 was recorded during an eye examination, this may indicate the presence of:

  • Cataracts.
  • Retinal detachment and rupture.
  • Glaucoma.

  • Neuritis, toxic neuropathy, optic nerve atrophy.
  • Disorders of the functions of the corneal endothelium.
  • Detachments of the choroid.
  • Lens luxation.
  • Corneal injuries.
  • Lack of lens.
  • Vitreous prolapse.
  • Purulent endophthalmitis.
  • Myopia.
  • Hyperopia.
  • Corneal burn.
  • Astigmatism.
  • Iridocyclitis.
  • Chorioretinal inflammation.
  • Neoplasms in the area of ​​the craniopharyngeal duct.
  • Acute increase in intraocular pressure.
  • Scars of the cornea of ​​the conjunctiva.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Keratitis.
  • Chorioretinal scars.

  • Tumors of the central nervous system.
  • Foreign body on the cornea.
  • Pituitary adenomas.
  • Parasagittal meningioma.
  • Late neurosyphilis.
  • Lagophthalmos.
  • Malignant or benign neoplasm of the eye.
  • Scarring of the conjunctiva.
  • Rossolimo-Melkersson syndrome.

How to check eye clarity - basic rules

The procedure for determining how sharp a person’s vision is is carried out in an ophthalmologist’s office or in stores that sell glasses, contact lenses, and when selecting them.

But it’s better, of course, to choose a clinic.

Basic Rules:

  • a person sits at a distance of five meters from the table;
  • the location of the tables is strictly from the window on the opposite side;
  • The 10th line of the table should be located strictly opposite the eyes;
  • the table must be illuminated by special lamps (there are certain requirements for the supply of light);
  • visual acuity should be measured for each eye separately (during examination, the second eye is covered with a special opaque instrument);
  • It is unacceptable to close the other eye (this will not give an informative result!), both eyes must be open;
  • You should not squint during the examination, this can also cause an unreliable result;
  • a sign or letter in the table is recognized within 2-3 seconds; longer time indicates a deviation.

During verification, the norm is to make 2 errors in the 7th line.

How to test your eyesight at home

Today, thanks to the World Wide Web, you can check clarity at home. There are online tests with detailed instructions on how to take them. But, of course, it is better to consult an ophthalmologist for more reliable results.

In addition to online tests, it is possible to print out the tables offered on the website. Arrange them according to the rules described above. The main thing is that table lighting, even in daylight, must be present.

To do this, you can take a regular fluorescent lamp and place it above the table. Or use two 40-watt lamps and place them on the sides of the table.

It is not necessary to print the table in a large format. It is enough to use white matte paper in landscape orientation in A4 format. Hang it on the wall so that the 10th line is approximately at eye level. If a person sees the entire 10th line, this indicates an indicator of 1.0. This is the norm. In all other cases, you should visit an ophthalmologist, and do not delay the examination.

Dangerous symptoms

Many people do not notice that visual acuity has begun to decline. Especially in the first stages of development of pathologies. There are some symptoms to be aware of.

If you have these signs, you should immediately visit an ophthalmologist:

  • There is a black curtain before my eyes. Causes: progressive retinal detachment. A distinctive symptom is decreased visual acuity. This disease requires immediate hospitalization and radical treatment.
  • Sharp pain in the eye, redness of the mucous membrane, fog before the eyes, attacks of nausea and vomiting, decreased visual acuity. Symptoms of angle-closure glaucoma. With a sharp increase in intraocular pressure, the optic nerve is damaged. The pathology requires urgent treatment. Otherwise, there is no way to do without surgery.

  • An intense or gradual narrowing of visibility occurs (in medicine it is also called tubular vision). Causes: damage to the optic nerve. In this case, a sharp decrease in visual acuity occurs. Untimely treatment will lead to glaucoma and subsequently to removal of the eye.
  • Deteriorated, blurry, distorted vision. There is a decrease in visual acuity. A straight line may appear curved. Causes: dystrophic lesion of the central region of the retina. The pathology is typical for older people. In this case, visual acuity will be below 1.0. If treatment is not provided up-to-date, this condition will lead to complete loss of vision without the possibility of recovery.
  • Hazyness before the eyes, lack of brightness and contrast. These are signs of cataracts, in which clouding of the lens develops. Treatment is carried out surgically - a lens implant is implanted. If not treated in a timely manner, complete loss of vision occurs without the possibility of recovery.
  • Appearance of dark spots, cloudiness, fog before the eyes. In diabetes mellitus, such signs indicate retinal damage. Complications include hemorrhage in the retina and vitreous body. This leads to loss of vision.
  • Burning sensation, sensation of foreign bodies, lacrimation, dryness. This is a symptom of dry eye. At risk are people who spend most of their lives at computers and work with documentation. The condition can cause poor vision and many eye diseases.

Visual acuity is a characteristic that helps identify vision problems in the early stages. The examination must be completed at least twice a year.

Especially for those people who have a genetic predisposition (the person in the family had relatives suffering from ophthalmological diseases); if there were injuries to the upper cervical vertebrae (pinching of blood vessels occurs, which affects clarity); Diabetes mellitus and cervical osteochondrosis are present. A decrease in visual acuity occurs in old age and during difficult childbirth. Some sexually transmitted diseases also cause a decrease in clarity.

Noun, s., used. often Morphology: (no) what? vision, why? vision, (see) what? vision, what? vision, about what? about vision 1. Vision is the ability of a person or animal to see. Check your vision. | Poor, good vision. | Human eyes... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

I; Wed One of the five external senses, the organ of which is the eye; ability to see. Organ of vision. Lose your sight. Spoil, check h. Z. improved, worsened, recovered. Acute, good, bad, weak. ◊ Field of view. 1.… … encyclopedic Dictionary

vision- I; Wed see also visual One of the five external senses, the organ of which is the eye; ability to see. Organ of vision. Lose your sight. Spoil, check vision. Vision improved, worsened, recovered... Dictionary of many expressions

- (Felidae)* * Felidae are indeed, as Brehm writes, the most perfect type of predators, in other words, the most specialized representatives of the order. The family includes 36 species, grouped into 10 12 genera (although different... ... Animal life

Aya, oh; sharp and sharp, sharp, sharp and sharp. 1. Having a well-piercing end or a well-cutting edge; opposite blunt. Sharp needle. Sharp razor. Sharp knife. □ Sharp thorns tore my clothes. Lermontov, Bela. They tied them [hooks] onto leashes... ... Small academic dictionary

Eskrima Country ... Wikipedia

- (Bovidae)** * * The family of bovids, or bulls, is the largest and most diverse group of artiodactyls, including 45-50 modern genera and about 130 species. Bovids form a natural, clearly defined group. No matter how... ...Animal life

Adj., used. compare often Morphology: acute and acute, acute, acute and acute, acute and acute; sharper; adv. sharp 1. A knife, scissors, teeth, etc. is said to be sharp when it has a very thin edge or end so that it can easily cut or penetrate… … Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

The founder of classical zoology and its most significant representative in classical antiquity, Aristotle, divided the animals known to him into groups: a group of viviparous quadrupeds, which corresponds to the modern group ... ... Animal life

Forming an independent family, the hazel grouse are nothing more than pigeons adapted to life in the desert. Their peculiar homeland, a treeless plain poor in vegetation, be it a perfect desert or a steppe, a deserted field... Animal life


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  • Animal Records Encyclopedia, Kavardin M.. In this book you will find a complete collection of the most amazing and entertaining. representatives of all classes of animals living on our planet (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish...

Acute vision (caps. 0.3 N100) Russia JSC Biokontur

Olinum-lutein - biologically active food supplement

general strengthening and preventive action, antioxidant,

additional source of vitamins. A, E microelement - selenium

and OMEGA 3+Omega 6+ Omega 9 complex.

Composition and release form:

Olinum-Lutein is available in soft gelatin capsules.

The daily dose (12 capsules weighing 300 mg) contains 3.0 g

natural flaxseed oil, 35 mcg selenium in organic

form, 7.5 mg vitamin E (mixed tocopherols), 2.5 beta-carotene,

2.5 mg lutein, 0.5 mg zeaxanthin.


Olinum-lutein is a biologically active food supplement based on natural flaxseed oil. They are a preferred source of w-3 fatty acids, which are absolutely essential for the normal functioning of the eyes and brain. When consumed, the body's resistance to inflammatory processes and the regulation of blood clotting significantly increases.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids that have the ability to penetrate eye tissue. With their long-term deficiency, irreversible deterioration of vision occurs. It has been proven that a sufficient amount of these carotenoids in the body reduces the risk of cancer, atherosclerosis, and cataracts. Lutein selectively absorbs the aggressive part of the spectrum of light rays (protective screening function) and neutralizes their harmful effects (antioxidant function).

Beta-carotene with provitamin A activity protects the surface of eye cells from bacteria that destroy the cornea, and thereby prevents its softening. It is very important for vision as a component of the visual pigment rhodopsin, necessary for night and twilight vision. As an antioxidant, beta-carotene is able to scavenge reactive free radicals and deactivate reactive oxygen-containing compounds, thereby reducing cell damage.

Vitamin E from a mixture of tocopherols is most similar in composition to vitamin E contained in food products. It can be used both as a nutrient and as an antioxidant. Restores and supports regeneration of damaged retinal structures.

Organic selenium in the form of a unique antioxidant - selexen - is very important for the enzymatic system. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart, liver and pancreas, as well as for tissue elasticity.

Indications for use:

prevention and comprehensive treatment of eye diseases

deficiency of vitamin A, E and the microelement selenium

decreased visual acuity, weakened twilight and night vision

Vision is of great importance for humans. With its help, we receive most of the information about the things around us. It is vision that allows us to see all the beauty of the world around us.

The accuracy of perception depends not only on the ability to see, but also on visual acuity. That is why visual acuity must be checked in kindergarten, at school, when obtaining a driver’s license or passing a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office.

How to determine that visual acuity has decreased? When should you see a doctor? This article provides answers to these and other questions.

general information

Visual acuity is the ability of the eye to see two points separately when they are closest to each other. Cones, which are located in the central fovea of ​​the macula of the retina, are responsible for visual acuity.

The procedure for checking visual acuity in an ophthalmologist's office is called visometry. This technique is based on the use of special tables with various symbols, which the patient must see from a certain distance. In our country this distance is five meters.

How to understand that visual acuity has decreased, and what symptoms should you consult a doctor for?

Visual acuity usually decreases gradually, so many people simply do not notice it in the initial stages.

The following are dangerous symptoms, if they occur, you should immediately visit an ophthalmologist and undergo an examination:

  1. Appearance of a black veil before the eyes. It may be one of the symptoms of retinal detachment. This disease requires immediate hospitalization of the patient and surgery. Otherwise, complete loss of vision is possible.
  2. Gradual or rapid decrease in visual field. May occur as a result of damage to the optic nerve. In the absence of timely treatment, glaucoma develops and everything can end with the removal of the eye.
  3. Decreased visual acuity, nausea, vomiting, fog before the eyes, hyperemia of the eye mucosa, severe pain. These are all symptoms of angle-closure glaucoma, a disease that requires immediate treatment.
  4. Distortion, blurring, blurred vision. Visual acuity decreases, straight lines appear curved. A similar clinical picture can be observed with dystrophy of the central part of the retina. This pathology usually occurs in older people. In the absence of timely treatment, complete loss of vision can occur.
  5. The appearance of fog, dark spots, blurred vision before the eyes. Such symptoms are often a complication of diabetes mellitus and indicate retinal damage. Possible complications may include hemorrhages in the vitreous body and retina, which can lead to complete loss of vision.
  6. Reduced contrast and brightness of vision, fog before the eyes. These are signs of cataracts, a disease that causes clouding of the lens. The treatment of this pathology is surgical and consists of replacing the lens with an implant. If surgery is not performed in time, complete loss of vision is possible.
  7. Dry eyes, lacrimation, foreign body sensation, burning, decreased visual acuity. All this is dry eye syndrome. This disease has become widespread in recent decades due to the development of computer technology.

Many people are forced to spend many hours a day in front of a monitor screen, which leads to deterioration of visual acuity and the development of many ophthalmological diseases.

It is advisable to check visual acuity every six months. It is especially important to do this for those people who have a hereditary predisposition to the development of eye diseases, cervical osteochondrosis, and diabetes mellitus.

Such preventive measures will help identify possible eye problems in the early stages, which will significantly facilitate subsequent treatment and help avoid the development of a number of serious complications.

How to maintain sharp vision?

In order to keep your vision sharp for many years, you must follow these recommendations:

  • proper organization of the workplace;
  • providing the body with the necessary vitamins and microelements (vitamin A is of particular importance for eye health);
  • compliance with the safety rules recommended by doctors when reading, working at the computer, watching television;
  • normalization of work and rest regimes;
  • giving up bad habits (tobacco smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • timely treatment of diseases that can lead to decreased visual acuity;
  • use of personal protective equipment when working in hazardous industries;
  • carrying out special gymnastics for the eyes;
  • refusal of uncontrolled use of certain medications;
  • Regular preventive examinations by an ophthalmologist.

Attention! All materials published on our website are protected by copyright. When re-publishing, attribution and a link to the original source are required.

Canadian ophthalmologist Garth Webb made a sensational announcement about his invention of a device that can permanently solve the problem of poor vision. We are talking about Ocumetics Bionic Lens, which are implanted into the eyes and can provide visual acuity 3 times greater than the vision of a person with normal (healthy) eyes. Moreover, as the inventor assures, such vision will remain unchanged until the end of the life of the operated person.

Dr. Garth Webb is the founder and CEO of Ocumetics Technology Corp, a company created to eliminate glasses and contact lenses from everyday use. Dr. Webb and his collaborators spent 3 million US dollars and 8 years of research to develop the Ocumetics Bionic Lens.

The bionic lens may look like a small, clear button, but Dr. Webb says it could revolutionize eye care and treatment. “Excellent vision should become an inalienable human right,” the oculist-inventor is convinced.

The bionic lenses are expected to be implanted into the eyes during a painless 8-minute operation. This operation is very similar to cataract surgery, during which the clouded lens is replaced with an artificial intraocular lens. This microsurgical procedure does not even require pain relief or bed rest for the patient.

If you are interested, you can watch a short 4-minute video about cataract surgery:

A bionic lens, twisted into a tube, is inserted into the eye in exactly the same way using a syringe filled with saline solution. Then, within about 10 seconds, the Ocumetics Bionic Lens unfurls on its own, acquiring the desired shape, and, lo and behold! – a person’s vision becomes sharp and clear again!

According to Dr. Webb, if a person could clearly see a wall clock from a distance of 3 meters, then after installing bionic lenses, he will be able to clearly see the same clock from a distance of 9 meters.

From the above it follows that Ocumetics Bionic Lens, installed on a person with good (100%) vision, gives him the opportunity to see 3 times better!

While Garth Webb has not yet revealed all the secrets of his invention, he already has a whole list of patents on his hands to improve the characteristics of intraocular lenses.

How the Ocumetics Bionic Lens is made and works can only be guessed at this point, but Webb assures that these lenses are extremely safe and cannot cause any biophysical changes in the eye.

Moreover, in addition to extremely sharp vision, Ocumetics Bionic Lens provide another important advantage to the person in whom they are implanted. With such lenses, a person is no longer at risk of cataracts, since natural lenses, which are prone to clouding in old age, are replaced by artificial bionic lenses.

Ocumetics Bionic Lens surgery is much safer than laser vision correction (LASIK), which burns away some healthy corneal tissue and often comes with negative side effects (such as photophobia and vision problems while driving at night) and significant limitations in lifting. heavy weights and during sports. Dr. Webb is confident that his invention does not have these problems, and a person’s vision with bionic lenses will always remain sharp and will not deteriorate over time.

Garth Webb has already demonstrated his bionic lenses to 14 top eye surgeons during the annual global cataract and refractive surgery conference in San Diego. Webb's colleagues were impressed by this invention and some of them even agreed to help further clinical trials of bionic lenses.

In the first stages of testing, Ocumetics Bionic Lens will be implanted in animals, then in blind people, and only after that regular studies will begin in specialized eye clinics in Canada and other countries.

It is planned that the first Ocumetics Bionic Lens will become available for vision correction in 2017, but only for people over 25 years old, since it is at this age that a person’s eyes are considered to be fully formed.

Here is a short interview with Dr. Garth Webb, where he, among other things, demonstrates the bionic lenses he invented:

Well, let’s hope that in just a few years the technology for producing and implanting Ocumetics Bionic Lens into a person’s eyes will be perfected and it will become available to everyone who wants to have good vision for life.