How to lose weight on rice. Three-day rice diet and its menu. About serving sizes

Rice is the highlight of Asian cuisine. In Japan it is the national cereal. Residents of the Country rising sun They eat rice every day and know at least 500 thousand recipes with this ingredient. Delicious white grains appeared on the Russian table three centuries ago. Today the product is used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology and folk medicine. Due to its adsorbent properties, rice can also affect a person’s weight. That is why the plant is part of corrective nutrition programs. Rules for choosing dietary rice, and how the popular rice diet for weight loss for 7 days works.

When describing dietary properties rice the following argument is given. According to World Organization health care, in Japan, where the national menu is based on rice dishes, the lowest rate of obesity among the developed world countries. Moreover, it is the Japanese who take first place in the world as centenarians. And on the contrary, they get sick less often than others.

Rice in numbers: types, nutritional value, calories

Rice is called "pearl grain". It has been eaten for more than four thousand years. More than 7 thousand varieties are known. The product is used to prepare first and second courses and desserts. The grains are processed into flour for baking. Even alcoholic drinks are made from the plant.

The annual world demand for cereals is about 700 million tons. To meet this demand, more than one million employees are involved in growing and processing the crop. In fact, every sixth inhabitant of the Earth.

Rice is a source of healthy complex carbohydrates. Almost 80% of it consists of them. The product also contains vegetable protein and minimal amount"grassy" fats.

In its raw form, rice cereal is quite high in calories. For example, 100 g of the most popular white rice contains about 345 kcal. But the peculiarity is that when heat treatment calories “evaporate.” And the calorie content of rice porridge cooked in water is already 116 kcal.

Rice vs fatness: which variety is better

Nutritionists advise those losing weight to eat only certain types of rice. For example, white polished rice, which is most often found in local cuisine, is not recommended. The fact is that during technological processing this variety loses a significant part of its beneficial properties. The processing makes it unpretentious in preparation - it cooks for about 15 minutes. But it takes away the ability to “heal” and cleanse the body.

There is also information that excessive consumption of white grains may be one of the reasons chronic disorders metabolism. Including the development of diabetes.

When losing weight, it is better to give preference to steamed rice. And also unrefined brown or red. These varieties are the most valuable. They are more expensive than the white purified product, but they are much more nutritious. Thanks to gentle processing technology, the grain retains a maximum of vitamins and other essential substances under the shell. These varieties have a short shelf life, so when purchasing, it is important to check the production date.

Unique properties of cereal

What are the benefits of rice? The product contains B vitamins, nicotinic acid, tocopherol and biotin. It contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. The cereal has essential amino acids, as well as unsaturated, valuable for the body fatty acids. This is a whole “set of health”, which determines a number of specific capabilities of the “pearl grain”.

  • Beauty . The product helps strengthen nails and hair, improves the condition skin. There are even special rice cosmetics.
  • Mind . Rice stimulates brain activity, increases stress resistance and strengthens nerves.
  • Immunity. Positively affects protective functions body. Increases immunity stability. According to some reports, it is considered a tool for cancer prevention.
  • Heart and blood vessels. Cereal regulates blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
  • Gastrointestinal tract. Promotes healing of affected areas of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is included in the recommended diet for ulcers and gastritis.

How does rice help you lose weight? This is a natural sorbent. It literally absorbs all the “garbage” that has accumulated in the intestines. These are both stagnant particles and those that have settled dangerous microorganisms, and toxins. That is why rice dishes are recommended for patients who have suffered poisoning or infection. Rice also absorbs water and salts, which helps remove swelling.

Is it difficult to go on a rice diet - reviews

Often found on weight loss forums positive reviews O rice diet. Girls especially highlight the following advantages of this diet.

  • Quick plumb line. Experienced people say that on a strict rice diet you can lose about 10 kg in a week.
  • No feeling of hunger. "Pearl grains", rich complex carbohydrates, quickly satiate and quench your appetite for a long time. Therefore, on a rice diet there is no insurmountable growing feeling of hunger.
  • Tasty and varied. Rice itself has good taste qualities. And it goes well with other healthy low-calorie foods - vegetables, fruits, meat and fish.

The rice diet is used to lose weight and cleanse the body of toxins and salts. Rice is included in a wide variety of diets dietary programs. For example, fashionable modern technique“Minus 60” allows rice even in evening time. And Elena Malysheva’s system provides for entire fasting days on rice.

Different programs - same rules

Experience, reviews and results of those who have lost weight show: the rice diet is effective only if you follow certain rules. They mainly concern the preparation of the main product of the program, and also address issues drinking regime and determine a list of prohibited additional foods.

  • The right grains. Brown rice is used for dietary purposes.
  • Soaking. Before cooking, the grains are thoroughly washed and soaked for at least an hour in water at a temperature of about 60°C. Not in boiling water. This is necessary so that the starch that is harmful to the figure is curdled and washed out.
  • Cooking. You need to cook rice for weight loss and for the common table in different ways. For dietary purposes, you need a slightly raw product. There are even recipes in which someone losing weight should eat dry grains altogether.
  • Drinking. The rice diet involves drinking plenty of water to cleanse the body of salts. There should be even more liquid than in all similar monoprograms. At least two to two and a half liters per day. This speeds up the removal of “dirt”. And, among other things, it helps solve the key problem of rice nutrition - constipation. You can drink green and red teas, still water. But it’s better not to drink food so as not to dilute it gastric juice. Drink half an hour before meals and an hour and a half after meals.
  • Taboo products. These include flour, salt, sugar, sauces, butter - especially butter.

Popular rice diets

There are many methods for losing weight using rice. Some of them exclude any other products from the menu. But there are also more satisfying combinations when vegetables, fruits, etc. are added to the porridge. The rice is boiled or soaked. And sometimes they even eat it raw or perform whole “rituals” to infuse the cereal. Next, we will describe the schemes that are most popular among others.

Two-course system and weight loss “in a glass”

The “Two Courses” rice diet has a place for fish and seafood. This system is designed for five days, during which about five unnecessary kilos are lost. The bottom line is that all products are removed from the menu for the period of weight loss, except for “pearl” porridge and seafood. You can only eat twice a day. The first meal is rice. The second is boiled, stewed or baked seafood. You cannot combine products.

The “Glass of Rice” rice diet is even stricter. According to her rules, a person losing weight can only eat 200 g of empty “pearl” porridge per day. This ration must be divided into portions. You can drink it with fresh apple juice. During attacks of hunger, a couple of green apples are acceptable. This rice diet for weight loss is designed for no more than three days, but, according to reviews, even during this time it allows you to say goodbye to three or four annoying kilos.

We count grains by age and weight

The next method of losing weight was invented for the desperate and lazy. In the morning on an empty stomach you need to eat as many dry “pearl grains” as the person who is losing weight is old. In another interpretation, the amount of rice is compared with the initial weight of the person losing weight.

After such a “breakfast” you should abstain from food for three to four hours. And then you can eat as usual. They say that results are visible within three days of this diet.

There is another variation of this same technique. It is recommended to soak the required amount of grains for three to five days. And only then use it.

Techniques for losing weight based on the amount of dry grains are often criticized, and not without reason. “Naked” rice, when it enters the stomach, swells and takes a long time to digest with difficulty. As a result, appetite is dulled, and those losing weight simply eat less than usual. That's the whole secret of losing weight. But is it healthy to swallow dry cereal? Isn't it safer to just moderate your appetite?

4 steps of the “Five Volumes” diet

There are more sophisticated ways to lose weight using rice. For example, the “Five Volumes” rice diet. It lasts two weeks and requires special preparation and some calculations.

  1. Preparation . The rice will take four (!) days to cook. The advantage is that you can be mentally motivated to lose weight. But, of course, you need to have strong endurance. So, four days before the start of the program, a person losing weight should put two tablespoons of grain in five different faceted glasses. Next, each glass is completely filled with filtered water without gas.
  2. Replacing water. Every four days, the water in the containers with rice needs to be changed. Preferably at the same time.
  3. Start . The fifth day marks the beginning of the transformation of the figure of the person losing weight. You need to drain the water from any glass and eat the contents - the swollen grains. One glass contains the amount of rice you need to consume per day.
  4. New blank. The empty glass should be filled again with water and rice and set aside. Next, following the established technology, change the water in it every four days. And as soon as you are ready, eat this rice again until the end of the diet. This will happen with each of the five glasses. The main thing is not to confuse when and which of them began to infuse.

In addition to rice, according to this method, those losing weight can eat as many vegetables and fruits as they want. Protein products are also acceptable. The choice is cottage cheese, meat, fish, eggs. But no more than 150 g per day. Drinks include unsweetened tea and coffee. On such a diet, they lose up to seven kilos in 14 days.

Geisha figure in 5 days

The rice and green tea diet is called the secret of Japanese seductresses. The image of a geisha is feminine, slender, mysterious. In general, a man's dream. And in fact, according to legend, ideal forms these oriental beauties owe it to their special nutrition.

The geisha method lasts five days. During this time, you can lose three extra kilos. Every day the menu is built on the same principle. In addition to tea and rice, the diet also includes low-fat milk.

  • Morning . Half a liter of green drink combined with milk.
  • Dinner . 250 g of boiled “pearl grains” and the same amount of milk. The drink should be warm.
  • Evening. 250 g of boiled “pearl grains”. Your standard cup of green tea. Milk is added to the drink in a 1:1 ratio.

Alternating with proteins and vegetables

The diet of rice, chicken and vegetables lasts nine days. This is a set of mono-diets that alternate in a certain order. The program is divided into three parts. The duration of each phase is three days.

  • Three days on rice. In this phase, the menu is based on bland rice porridge. It must be prepared taking into account the pre-soaking procedure. A glass of cereal is filled with water overnight. In the morning, the product is cooked until ready. It turns out to be about a kilogram of ready-made porridge, which needs to be eaten in five to six sittings a day. Separate from rice, you can eat up to three teaspoons of honey every day.
  • Three days for fillet. In this period daily diet losing weight consists of a kilogram of boiled chicken fillet, which also needs to be used fractionally. The “bonus” in the form of three teaspoons of honey per day remains.
  • Three days on the green. Now you are allowed to eat vegetables. Every day - a kilogram of “greens”. It is better to give preference to foods such as cabbage, cucumbers, and zucchini. In limited quantities, “colored” vegetables such as tomatoes and carrots can be on the table, but in total no more than 200 g. You can eat both raw and cooked foods. You can again “sweeten” your diet with honey.

This scheme gives an intense "plumb". You can lose a kilo a day. Special attention You need to pay attention to maintaining a plentiful drinking regime, as well as avoiding salt.

Weekly “pearl” program with an emphasis on vegetables and fruits

There is also a weekly “pearl” program, which is based on a combination of cereals with vegetables, fruits, nuts and dairy products. The menu of this technique is varied, but strictly fixed. Detailed description- in the table below.

Table - Detailed diet for a week's rice diet

Diet dayEatingMenu
1 Morning
- green apple;
- green tea
- vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil - 100 g
- boiled carrots- 50 g
2 Morning- Main product programs with low-fat sour cream - 50 g boiled;
- orange
- boiled zucchini- 50 g
Evening- The main product of the program - 150 g boiled;
- boiled carrots - 50 g
3 Morning- The main product of the program - 50 g boiled;
- pear
Dinner- The main product of the program - 50 g boiled;
- fresh cucumber- 50 g;
- mushrooms fried in vegetable oil 50 g
Evening- The main product of the program - 150 g boiled;
- boiled cabbage - 50 g
4 Morning- The main product of the program - 50 g boiled;
- apple
- low-fat milk - 150-200 g
Dinner- The main product of the program - 150 g boiled;
- fresh carrots- 50 g;
- radishes - 50 g
Evening- The main product of the program - 150 g boiled;
- boiled cabbage - 50 g;
- walnuts- 20-30 g
5 Morning- The main product of the program - 50 g boiled;
- raisins - 10-20 g;
- low-fat kefir - 150-200 g
Dinner- The main product of the program - 150 g boiled;
- boiled zucchini with herbs - 50 g
Evening- The main product of the program - 150 g boiled;
- lettuce - a couple of leaves;
- walnuts - 30-40 g
6 Morning- The main product of the program with lemon juice - 50 g boiled;
- pear;
- walnuts - 30-40 g
Dinner- The main product of the program - 150 g boiled;
- boiled zucchini - 50 g;
- lettuce - a couple of leaves
Evening- The main product of the program with low-fat sour cream - 150 g boiled;
- pear
7 Morning- The main product of the program - 50 g boiled;
- green apple
Dinner- The main product of the program - 150 g boiled;
- tomato;
- lettuce - a couple of leaves
Evening- The main product of the program - 100 g boiled;
- boiled zucchini - 50 g

Who is not suitable for the rice diet: risks and contraindications

If we consider rice as one of the elements of a balanced, varied diet menu, then it is difficult to dispute its usefulness. However, the pure rice nutrition programs described above are not useful for everyone and not always. Doctors warn about the disadvantages and side effects diets.

  • Shortage useful substances . Rice does not understand where the bad and where the good elements are. He attracts everything around him. As a result, it “eats” not only “pests”, but also necessary for a person vitamins, macro- and microelements. Which, in conditions of deficiency of such substances during the period of weight loss, can cause harm. In particular, there is evidence that the product absorbs potassium. Therefore, people with cardiovascular diseases are not recommended to go on rice diets.
  • Problematic chair. Rice, as a sorbent, tends to swell. Because of this reaction, peculiar “plugs” are formed in the excretory channels. Thus, the product is considered an excellent adhesive and is recommended for diarrhea. However, a rice diet is not suitable for those losing weight who suffer from systematic constipation.
  • Selective assistance. This product is suitable for dietary purposes only when overweight bodies. When the body mass index exceeds 30 and obesity is detected, the rice diet will not help. This is in best case scenario. And at worst, it can worsen metabolic problems.
  • Atkins diet: description and detailed menu for 14 days show more

Greetings, dear readers! Today we’ll talk about rice and how to lose weight with it. The beneficial properties of rice have been known to people since ancient times. This is a very satisfying product with minimum content calories. Thanks to this product, dangerous components that block the work can be removed from the body without any problems. internal organs. For this reason, the rice diet for weight loss is an extremely effective option for becoming the owner of perfect figure.

From the article you will learn:

Rice diet for weight loss

In accordance with this diet, it is necessary to eat rice that is slightly undercooked or soaked in boiling water. The grains gradually swell in the digestive system, capturing and removing waste accumulated in the body. The main product is rich useful components, which have a positive impact on well-being. This is the main advantage of this diet.

This weight loss option is considered low-calorie. The product, which is the basis of nutrition, contains a lot of carbohydrates complex type. Thanks to the breakdown of these components, glucose is released, feeding the body.

Optimal balance dietary fiber in rice is an opportunity to satisfy hunger for a long time. Soluble fibers are able to retain bile acid, which has a positive effect on blood cholesterol levels. Insoluble fiber make it possible to stabilize the immune system and cleanse the intestines of toxins. The mechanism of the diet is based on the fact that rice contains a minimum of calories.

The rice diet for weight loss is divided into several main types:

  • mono-diet - a similar diet is designed for only three days. You can lose three extra pounds A. It is impossible to sit on a mono-diet for longer, since a limited menu contributes to the appearance of intestinal obstruction;
  • gentle rice diet - in two weeks you can lose up to five kilograms. It is much easier to sit on it, since it is allowed to add vegetables and dietary meat to the diet.

The principles of the rice diet are as follows:

  • To quickly cope with extra pounds, you should choose brown rice varieties. This product retains the essential beneficial features and valuable complex of components;
  • You should not drink black tea or coffee in the morning. It is much healthier to drink green tea or a drink brewed with herbs. You can drink freshly squeezed juices from apples and tomatoes;
  • drinking plenty of fluids is a guarantee fast weight loss, so you need to drink up to two liters per day clean water;
  • need to be accepted vitamin complex so that the body receives a valuable supply of microelements.

These are the basic rules to follow. If you do everything correctly, the extra pounds will go away much faster.

When should you stick to the rice diet?

So, who is the rice diet for? This diet must be followed if you need:

  • speed up metabolic processes;
  • cleanse blood vessels and joints of waste and toxins;
  • bring the liver, kidneys and intestines to work;
  • cope with extra pounds;
  • improve body tone;
  • bring your health back to normal;
  • eliminate pain in joints and muscles;
  • cope with swelling and other problems;
  • cope with the feeling of stiffness and heaviness in the body;
  • improve skin condition;
  • cope with problems associated with hair and nails.

It is in such situations that it is necessary to adhere to the rice diet. Such a diet makes it possible to cope with extra pounds in a minimum period of time.

Rice diet menu for a week

Many people ask: what results does the rice diet bring? You can lose 10 kg in a week if you correctly create a menu for every day.

Day of the week Morning Dinner Evening

rice porridge (100 g);

Green tea.

steamed zucchini and tomatoes (200 g). zucchini and tomatoes baked in the oven (200 g).

Kefir or fermented baked milk (40 g).

unpolished rice porridge (100 g);

Vegetables cooked in a steamer (zucchini, peppers and tomatoes - 100 g).

brown rice porridge (200 g);

Grated boiled carrots(100 g).


unpolished rice porridge (200 g);

Zucchini in a steamer (100 g).

fried champignons (100 g);

Boiled brown rice (200 g).

porridge made from unpolished rice (150 g);

Broccoli florets baked in the oven (50 g).


Rice porridge cooked in water without salt (200 g).

porridge from unpolished rice (200 g);

Grated carrots (100 g).

porridge of brown rice, boiled until soft (200 g);

broccoli baked in the oven (50 g).


boiled rice (50 g);

Raisins (1 handful).

unpolished rice, cooked without salt (150 g);

zucchini and tomatoes, cooked in the oven (50 g).

unpolished rice, cooked in water without salt (150 g);

sour cream (20 g);



brown rice porridge (200 g);

Some walnuts(about 4-5).

tomatoes and bell peppers, scalded with boiling water (100 g);

Brown rice porridge (200 g).

rice porridge (200 g);

Compote of apples or pears.


porridge made from brown rice (100 g);

Citrus fruit.

rice porridge (200 g);


porridge from an unpolished variety of product (200 g);

Zucchini and eggplants cooked in a double boiler (100 g).

An effective rice diet for weight loss for 7 days will allow you to become the owner of a slim figure. However, you should not add other products to this menu, as you can slow down the process of burning extra pounds.

Which rice is the healthiest for weight loss?

An effective rice diet for losing weight and cleansing the body implies right choice product. There are several varieties of rice, each with individual characteristics and properties. But which rice is the healthiest for weight loss?

Rice diet for weight loss

Unpolished and unrefined rice is considered optimal choice losing weight people. It contains a lot of valuable and useful microelements for the human body. You can recognize this type of rice by the characteristic color of the shell, which the producers do not remove.

Brown rice is suitable for cooking dietary dishes. However, its shelf life is short, so it is worth taking this into account when preparing dishes.

Lose weight by 10 kg in a week on rice and kefir

A diet based on a combination of fermented milk product and rice also brings results. Both of these options have the ability to cleanse organs of accumulated dangerous components. Thereby body fat receive a powerful blow, which makes it possible to quickly cope with the hated kilograms.

You can lose 10 kg in a week on rice and kefir if you adhere to the basic principles of nutrition. basis proper diet is brown rice, which contains many useful microelements. It is very easy to prepare, because all you need to do is pour boiling water over the product.

Kefir, which is the main component of this diet, is considered easily digestible fermented milk product. He brings it back to normal digestive processes and promotes quick cleansing internal organs from toxins and waste. The product contains various components that have a positive effect on human well-being.

It is necessary to consume rice without salt for weight loss in combination with other products:

  • for breakfast, drink low-fat kefir and eat porridge made from brown rice (200 g);
  • for lunch, eat brown rice porridge (200 g), boiled fish fillet or dietary meat (150 g);
  • For dinner, eat boiled rice (100 g) and a salad made from vegetables.

Before going to bed, you can drink fermented baked milk with a minimum percentage of fat content. In this case, rice for weight loss gives the expected results in 7 days.

Features of the strict rice diet

Delicious boiled brown rice for weight loss is considered the best option for this diet. This is a suitable option in a situation where you urgently need to cope with extra pounds.

In just a week you will become 8-10 kilograms slimmer. The main thing is that you do not violate the established rules. A strict rice diet means eating no more than a glass of brown rice per day. She is quite strict, but her results are worth it.

Apple-rice diet: basic rules

Apple-rice diet

An effective apple-rice diet is based on the following principles:

  • you need to cook the rice until it becomes soft;
  • Rice porridge should be prepared without adding sugar or salt;
  • It is better to use freshly squeezed apple juices, since store-bought products contain a considerable amount harmful preservatives;
  • It is recommended to dilute apple juice with water;
  • If you decide to snack on an apple, remove the skin from it. Cut the peeled fruit into pieces and carry them with you. If you suddenly get hungry, you can satisfy your hunger at any time;
  • the diet involves doing physical exercise, for example, yoga for 15 minutes a day.

The express menu for three days of the apple-rice diet is as follows:

  • a 250 g portion of rice should be divided into several meals;
  • have breakfast apple juice and porridge made from brown rice;
  • You should eat apples for second breakfast;
  • lunch will be rice porridge and fruit compote;
  • for an afternoon snack you need to eat two apples;
  • The optimal dinner would be apples and rice porridge.

As you can see, the question of whether you can eat rice for dinner resolves itself. The main thing is that you do not add other foods to this diet, as they can slow down your weight loss process.

Key Features of the Japanese Rice Diet

The Japanese rice diet is the absence of salt in the diet. Low carb and rich in proteins nutrition makes it possible to activate the process of burning fat deposits.

The main advantages of this diet are the following:

  • extra pounds disappear much faster;
  • you can easily find ingredients for cooking in stores;
  • such a diet is combined with the main activity;
  • toxins are removed from the body, making you feel better;
  • There is enough protein in the diet, so loss of muscle mass is completely excluded.

You need to properly prepare for such a diet. 7 days before it starts, completely give up sweets and flour products, as well as from fast food. You need to consume no more than 500 calories per day. The best option there will be a combination of diet with drinking plenty of fluids– at least 1.5 liters still water per day. Thanks to this, your diet will allow you to quickly cope with excess weight.

The menu for a week of such a diet is as follows.

Day of the week Morning Dinner Evening
Monday a cup of unsweetened coffee.

soft-boiled eggs (2 pieces);

finely chopped Chinese cabbage mixed with grated carrots (150 g);

Apple juice (200 ml).

pollock fillet, baked in the oven (150 g);

Finely chopped Chinese cabbage with the addition of a small amount of olive oil (100 g).


toast (15 g);

A cup of unsweetened coffee.

grilled cod fillet (200 g);

boiled rabbit meat (200 g);

Low-fat kefir (200 ml).

Wednesday a cup of unsweetened coffee.

boiled egg (1 piece);

Salad of grated carrots mixed with finely chopped Chinese cabbage (150 g).

apple (2 pieces).

A cup of unsweetened coffee.

zucchini, fried in a frying pan (1 piece);

Apple (2 pieces).

boiled chicken (200 g);

2 eggs (necessarily boiled);

Chinese cabbage cooked in a steamer (200 g).

Friday carrots, grated on a fine grater (150-200 g).

hake fillet baked in the oven (200 g);

Apple juice (200 ml).

hake fillet (boiled, 200 g);

Finely chopped Chinese cabbage (150 g).

Saturday a cup of unsweetened coffee.

boiled rabbit meat without salt (300 g);

Carrots with fresh Chinese cabbage (125 g).

soft-boiled eggs (2 pieces);

Grated carrots mixed with finely chopped Chinese cabbage (150 g).

Sunday warm drink.

turkey baked in the oven (200 g);

Seasonal fruits.

carrots, grated and mixed with Chinese cabbage (200 g);

A glass of apple juice.

This is the menu that you must strictly follow. You should not add other foods to your diet, as the weight loss process may slow down.

Contraindications to the rice diet

Before following such a diet, it is worth finding out what contraindications it has. A diet based on the consumption of rice is prohibited for people who suffer from problems with the functioning of the digestive system. Also, such a diet is not recommended for women expecting a child or breastfeeding a baby. People who suffer from unstable blood sugar should also refrain from dieting.

An effective rice diet for weight loss will allow you to become more attractive and slimmer. It is enough just to follow the rules of such a diet to become the owner of an ideal figure. Enjoy your attractive appearance, as you will be transformed beyond recognition in a minimum period of time.

Rice grains are the staple food of billions of people in Asian countries, where the word "rice" and "food" mean the same thing. The most useful are unpolished grains, they Brown, in their shell there is a lot of vitamins and. The article contains specific recipes and diets based on rice.

Benefits of eating rice

After grinding, little useful remains in the grains. Therefore, it is better to eat so-called steamed rice; it is light, slightly brown in color.

Two dozen popular varieties differ in the shape of the grains: round, medium-grain and long-grain.

Rice contains up to 80% amino acids, little fiber and no gluten at all.

There is a lot of it in high-quality wheat flour, it is necessary for significant physical activity - for athletes, miners, climbers. But if gluten causes allergic reaction, I have to switch to rice dishes.

Rice contains B vitamins, which are important for the central nervous system. There is a lot of lecithin, it promotes intellectual activity. Microelements are represented by potassium. Iron, phosphorus, much less.

There is a lot of rice in rice, it envelops the gastric mucosa, which is beneficial in cases of peptic ulcer, at increased acidity gastric juice.

Rice porridge is useful for young mothers - it promotes lactation, baby food turn them on already at 6 months.

Dishes made from rice grains strengthen the nervous system.

Rice dishes bind and remove excess water, which reduces the amount of moisture in the body, normalizes blood pressure, improves blood pressure, and reduces body weight.

Japanese women cleanse and whiten spots and freckles on the skin with rice, prepare decoctions and gruels.

Lack of rice nutrition - deterioration of peristalsis, constipation.

Cleansing the body

To prevent education overweight, improvements appearance It is useful to periodically perform morning cleansing with rice:

  • Place in a glass jar as many tablespoons of rice as you have lived in, rinse, pour boiled water room temperature, put in the refrigerator.

Every morning from 1 tbsp. cook the porridge for 5 minutes in water and without salt. Breakfast should be early, preferably before 7 am.

Rinse the rice, add boiled water again, and put the jar in the refrigerator. Continue until the jar is empty.

Soaking removes the starch from the grains, which fills the fiber lattice. In the intestines, the lattice inside the grains traps harmful substances, the body removes them naturally. As a result, they normalize metabolic processes, body weight, fat, metabolic products, and salts stop accumulating.

Three-day rice diet

This method of nutrition is used to cleanse and normalize body weight:

  • Rinse the cereal and add water slightly above its level. Cook for a short time so that the grains do not lose their shape.

The finished product remains shelf life for a maximum of a day, so it is better not to make a stock.

Perform rice cleansing throughout the day. Eat three times or more often. Eat only rice prepared in the described way; chew each spoonful of the product thoroughly. After eating, refrain from any drinks for 1-2 hours, since the purpose of cleansing is to remove harmful substances and excess moisture from the body.

Have breakfast before 9 am, lunch at about 2 pm, dinner at 6 pm - at this time the stomach is most active.

From 21:00 to 23:00 completely stop eating and drinking - at this time an intensive cleansing of the digestive system is performed.

If you have any diseases, consult your doctor.

The rice diet reduces body weight by ridding the body of excess moisture. Fat burns much more slowly.

The calorie content of the brown variety per 100g is 331 kcal, brown - 337 kcal, unpolished - 285 kcal.

Therefore, to achieve best result necessary physical exercise.

Simple 3-day diets

For three days, eat a glass of boiled rice every day; salt and oil should not be added.

The feeling of hunger causes discomfort, so this method of losing weight is not suitable for everyone. To eliminate discomfort, you can eat one or two apples. During the day, drink sugar-free mineral water.

  • Soak the amount of rice at the rate of 2 tablespoons for four days. For every meal, change the water daily.

Within three days, eat the soaked grains raw. This method cleanses the liver and kidneys, reduces swelling, and normalizes metabolic processes.

  • The first day - eat only boiled rice.
  • Second day - boil chicken breast without legs and skin
  • The third day is to eat exclusively apples.

Five-day rice diet

If in three days it was not possible to achieve the desired result, you can extend the course to five days.

Combine boiled rice with unsweetened compote of fresh or dried fruits (dried apricots, pears, plums, apples, prunes, raisins, cherries).

Fruits (apples, oranges, tangerines) help avoid constipation.

During the day, drink green tea and eat an apple.

In Japan, boiled rice is consumed together with boiled or steamed low-fat fish. Pike perch or cod are suitable. The rice dish is used as a side dish or the fish is eaten separately.

Rice diet for a week

For those who found previous methods of losing weight difficult, a gentle course is suitable:

  • Combine a diet of boiled rice with vegetables and fruits. Eat salads with added vegetable oil.

With a moderate diet this method allows you to reduce body weight up to 3 kg per week.

Another type of gentle weight loss is to add peas or corn, lean fish, or boiled chicken to rice dishes.

To reduce body weight, half a kilo of boiled rice and up to 200g of additional nutrition per day is enough.

In case of an attack of hunger, you can eat fruit - no more than half a kilo per day.

Modified: 11/10/2018

Have you ever tried to lose weight? If yes, then you have probably already heard a lot about the rice diet and its ability to quickly burn extra pounds. As a bonus to slim figure The diet also gives the person who has lost weight a great feeling of well-being, because it cleanses the body of harmful substances.

What are the benefits of rice?

Rice is a natural sorbent that can remove waste, toxins, excess fat and salts from our body. It supplies us with carbohydrates, which, once they enter the digestive system, are digested and we do not feel hungry. In addition, rice grains are enriched useful acids. Thanks to all these qualities, the rice diet is one of the best means for weight loss and health improvement. Moreover, rice saturates our body with vitamins and microelements, and it also has a universal taste and goes well with various foods.

What type of rice is best for weight loss

Most effective means Black rice is considered for weight loss. This is explained by the fact that this variety is rich in an enzyme called lipase, which perfectly breaks down fat. Moreover, black rice fights both fats that have just entered the body and those that have already accumulated. Black rice contains almost no starch, but it contains a lot of fiber. By adding such rice to our daily diet, we can lose weight, speed up metabolism, normalize blood pressure and gastrointestinal function, improve sleep and increase performance.

Brown (brown) rice is also good for burning extra pounds. with their own useful qualities this unprocessed cereal is only slightly inferior to the black one.

Black rice is best for weight loss, and brown rice is best for fasting days.

If you cannot buy black or brown rice, use regular white long grain rice. Its effectiveness is somewhat lower, because each type of rice has its own degree of usefulness, but White rice Easier to get and much cheaper than black or brown.

Based on grain type, rice is classified into short grain, long grain and medium grain. According to the processing method, it is divided into white, brown and steamed.

Popular rice varieties

In total, more than 20 types of rice have been bred, and there are 150 varieties. The most popular of them:

  • basmati;
  • jasmine;
  • red;
  • arborio;
  • brown;
  • Egyptian (round);
  • white;
  • black, etc.

Black rice is considered the most effective for weight loss

Depending on the method of preparation, rice can be boiled, undercooked, soaked, or fermented. For weight loss, boiled rice is most often used, but some diets are based on other methods of preparing rice cereals. For example, the 40-day rice diet below recommends soaked rice.

Types of weight loss techniques using the product

Exist different types rice diets, differing in their duration and range of permitted products. Which option to choose is up to you.

Rice diet for 3 days

A three-day rice diet can be carried out no more than once a month. It is quite tough and in 3 days a person can lose 3 kg. The basis of this diet is boiled rice in the amount of 100 grams per day, any boiled vegetables and vegetable broth. It is also recommended to drink a glass of water half an hour before meals.

First day:

  1. Morning: green apple, rice with lemon zest.
  2. Day: vegetable (vegetable) broth and salad, rice with herbs, sprinkled with olive oil (1 tsp).
  3. Evening: vegetable broth, rice with carrots.

Second day:

  1. Morning: orange, rice with herbs and 1 tsp. sour cream
  2. Day: salad and vegetable broth, rice.
  3. Evening: rice, boiled vegetables.

The third day:

  1. Morning: medium grapefruit, rice, seasoned with cinnamon.
  2. Day: vegetable broth, salad fresh cucumbers+ 1 tsp. olive oil, rice, 150 g stewed mushrooms.
  3. Evening: vegetable broth, 150 g boiled broccoli, boiled rice.

Photo gallery: foods allowed on a three-day diet

During the diet, you should use boiled rice. Vegetable broth is one of the allowed products. When on the rice diet, you are allowed to eat boiled vegetables.

Rice diet for 9 days

If a three-day diet allows you to lose 3 kg, then a rice diet for 9 days allows you to lose up to 8 kg of weight. There is no hard menu in it; you can come up with it yourself, adhering to the following rules:

  1. Every day you are allowed to eat 0.5 kg of rice (remember that only boiled rice is used in diets).
  2. Rice can be “diluted” with boiled vegetables.
  3. You are allowed to eat 200 grams of boiled meat (preferably chicken) or the same amount per day lean fish. Meat and fish are steamed or boiled.
  4. Feeling hungry? Then eat unsweetened fruits or berries - up to 0.5 kg, except bananas and grapes.
  5. You should drink 2 liters of clean water per day. If you drink mineral water, buy it without gas. You can also additionally drink green or red tea, but without sugar. You should not drink immediately after a meal; it is better to do it 20–25 minutes before a meal or 1.5 hours after.

Rice diet for 7 days

Will allow you to lose up to 4 kg of weight. However, the seven-day diet has one big drawback: you need to follow a clearly written menu and in no case deviate from it. It is best to go on such a diet on vacation so that you can easily prepare all the dishes at home.

Table: rice diet menu for 7 days

Day of the weekBreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
FirstBoiled rice -100 grams, ½ apple, slice rye bread with a thin piece of cheeseHalf a bananaVegetable soup with chicken breast, cooked in meat broth, boiled rice with herbs - 60 gramsA glass of 1% kefir, a handful of dried fruits - dried apricots and prunes60 grams of boiled rice with stewed vegetables, 200 grams of natural low-fat yogurt without sugar
Second60 grams of boiled rice, any fruitA slice of bread with a piece of low-fat cheeseFish soup, rice with lentils - 100 gramsVegetable salad of cabbage and beets, dressed with a spoon of olive oilAn omelette made from three whites and one yolk, a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt
Third60 grams of boiled rice, one bananaA glass of low-fat kefirDiet soup with meat broth, steamed rice with chicken filletBread with salmon100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, vegetable salad
FourthRice portion, pearLow-fat cottage cheeseVegetable soup, rice with peas and herbs100 grams of vegetable and seafood saladBoiled rice with skinless chicken breast, 200 grams of kefir
Fifth100 grams of rice with honey, 200 g of fruitGrapefruitSteamed fish with rice, vegetable salad½ boiled egg150 g cottage cheese, 50 g boiled rice with stewed vegetables
SixthFruit salad with yogurt100 grams of pineappleBoiled rice with steamed vegetablesRye bread with salmon100 g boiled rice with green peas, 150 ml kefir
Seventh100 grams of cottage cheese with fruitsSalad of three egg whites and greensVegetable soup with chicken breast, 100 g boiled riceKefir, a handful of dried fruitsA serving of boiled rice with seafood - shrimp or fish

Rice diet for 40 days

The 40 day diet is intended more for people with various diseases than for those who want to lose weight. Doctors recommend it to improve the condition of joints and the functioning of the urinary system. Losing weight is a minor “bonus” here. The main result is a reduction in swelling, joint pain, and normalization of metabolism.

The forty-day rice diet is unusual. It is also called salt-free because no salt is used when cooking rice. Rice prepared in an unusual way is added to the usual diet. It is important to eat right for the entire 40 days and not consume fatty foods, cook by steaming more often. Flour products are excluded altogether. The diet should be filled with fruits as much as possible ( green apples, plums, grapefruits, pears).

For a rice diet for 40 days you will need 4 identical jars. You need to stick a tag on each of them and sign: 1, 2, 3, 4. This way you won’t get confused. Pour 3 tablespoons of washed rice into jar No. 1 and fill it with water. After 24 hours, the rice will get wet, and it should be poured into jar number 2, and 3 tablespoons of rice should be poured back into the first jar. This should be repeated every day until all 4 jars are filled.

Important! Rice grains must be washed several times under running water until the water becomes clear, otherwise the rice will not be crumbly.

Take rice from jar number 4 and cook it as usual. Don't add salt! This is your breakfast. You can eat for lunch and dinner familiar dishes. The only thing is that after breakfast you will eat only three hours later. Drinking during these three hours is also prohibited.

Place rice from the first, second and third jars in adjacent jars, and put in jar No. 1 new rice. Repeat this for 40 days. All food is prepared low-fat. You can't drink black tea.

Rice diet “Two courses”

An excellent alternative to the rice diet is the five-day “Two Meals” option. You are allowed to eat only two dishes per day - a plate of boiled rice and a plate of seafood. They can be complemented with any greenery. You cannot mix dishes. Water is required - 2 liters per day.

The Japanese love this diet, using it to lose weight and cleanse themselves of toxins.

In addition to whole grains of boiled rice, rice kvass, jelly or broth, vinegar, as well as rice flour and noodles are also used for weight loss. So, in order to increase the effectiveness of losing weight on a rice diet, each meal should be finished with rice kvass or decoction (100 ml). As for vinegar, adding it to food reduces appetite and speeds up the process of breaking down accumulated fats. Rice flour lowers blood sugar levels and maintains muscle mass when dieting. Noodles are a product ideal for maintaining your figure and good mood.

What are the diets for weight loss with rice?

Rice is present in many diets due to its cleansing and nutritional properties. He is the highlight of Asian cuisine. Apparently, that's why we find full man in Japan, China or Korea is almost impossible. If you decide to lose weight with rice, you can choose from the following diets:

  1. Buckwheat-rice diet. The basis of nutrition is buckwheat and rice porridge. Everyone determines the duration of the diet for themselves. Sugar, smoked foods and fatty foods are excluded from the diet. Before eating porridge, you need to drink two glasses of water.
  2. Geisha diet (rice and green tea). Lasts 5 days, during which Japanese geisha eat only rice, fruits and seafood. Wash it all down green tea or milk. When losing weight, be sure to do a body massage and take cleansing baths.
  3. Tibetan rice diet for cleansing. Similar to the 40-day diet described above, only you need to take not 4, but 5 jars.
  4. Diet "Rosati". Recommends yoga and meditation, as well as low-calorie nutrition for three weeks.
  5. Aristocratic diet. Lasts 4 days. The first day you can eat only rice and pearl barley porridge. Second day - dairy products. The third day is white meat. Fourth day - dry red wine and cheese.
  6. Cereal diet. Designed for a week, during which a person eats various cereals, vegetables and fruits, and dairy products are also allowed.
  7. Protein diet with rice. This diet has a fairly varied menu, even meat is allowed. But you need to eat boiled rice almost every day.

Video: rice diet to cleanse the body

Fasting day on rice

You should do a rice fasting day no more than once a week. It must be remembered that rice has a strong fixing property. But even in one day you can lose up to 1 kg of weight. Best for fasting day Brown rice is considered, but white rice can also be used - unpolished and unparboiled. You can add any seasonings; you cannot add salt or sugar to the rice. Oil is also prohibited. But you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

The procedure for carrying out a fasting rice day:

  1. Morning. Lenten rice porridge, cooked from 50 grams of rice. 20 minutes before meals you need to drink a glass of warm water.
  2. Day. 50 grams of boiled rice with added bell pepper, zucchini, olives, corn and/or peas. All ingredients are stewed in a frying pan for about half an hour.
  3. Evening. Prepare porridge with skim milk from 50 grams of boiled rice. You can mix kiwi or other fruit into the porridge. unsweetened fruit(eg grapefruit).

It is recommended to end the fasting day herbal tea with a laxative effect. Nutritionists also advise supplementing the diet with some potassium supplement. And centenarians in Asia suggest using slightly undercooked rice for unloading.

Rice diet and exercise

Features of consuming certain foods on the rice diet

Tomato juice. The three-day tomato-rice diet is very popular even among celebrities. She allows you to drink for three days tomato juice and eat boiled rice. That's it, nothing more. Your weight should decrease by 3 kg in 3 days.

Chicken. Boiled chicken meat is present in almost all versions of the rice diet. According to user reviews, the most popular rice and chicken diet is “3 days rice, 3 days chicken, 3 days vegetables.” The name speaks for itself. However, the same users leave a lot negative reviews about this diet and do not recommend its use.

Vegetables. Vegetables are undoubtedly very healthy. They can be eaten in almost any quantity. Almost every diet uses vegetables, raw or cooked.

Soy sauce. There is a version of the rice diet with soy sauce, when for two weeks a person eats only rice porridge and drinks water. Rice is allowed to be seasoned with soy sauce. Fans of this salty product will like this diet. You will lose about 5 kg.

You can lose 5 kg on a rice diet using soy sauce

Milk. The famous geisha diet involves the use of milk. A combination of rice, low-fat milk and green tea- this is the ideal method of losing weight! In 5 days, up to 7 extra kilograms are burned, and if you repeat the diet after 10 days, you can lose up to another 14 kg of weight. The advantage of this diet is its softness, usefulness and effectiveness in a short time.

Apples. The apple-rice diet lasts 5 days, you can lose up to 5 kg. However, it is worth noting that such weight loss can be dangerous for people with a weak gastrointestinal tract.

Kefir, raisins, herbs, buckwheat, honey, dates, nuts and other healthy foods are also effectively used in rice diets.

The variety of rice diets is truly impressive! Anyone who wants to lose weight and get healthier can choose the option they like.

Recipes for the rice diet

You can prepare amazingly tasty and healthy dishes with rice: kitchari and rice jelly.



  • 1 small onion;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive or coconut oil;
  • 1 tsp. grated ginger;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 tsp. mustard seeds;
  • 0.5 tsp. turmeric;
  • 0.5 tsp. cumin;
  • 0.5 tsp. coriander;
  • 1 tsp. curry powder;
  • 1 dried red pepper;
  • 0.5 tsp. salt;
  • 1 handful mung beans;
  • 0.5 cups basmati rice or buckwheat;
  • 2.5 glasses of water;
  • 2 cups chopped vegetables - carrots, celery, fennel, broccoli, cauliflower;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 2–3 tbsp. l. lemon or lime juice.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the mung beans overnight and rinse in the morning.
  2. Soak the rice for 10 minutes and rinse it too.
  3. Fry the chopped onion in oil, add salt, ginger, crushed garlic, ground spices and the rest of the ingredients (except for the tomato and lemon juice).
  4. Simmer for 4–5 minutes. Add rice and mung bean to the pan and simmer over high heat, stirring, for 25 minutes.
  5. Drizzle the finished kitchari in the plates lemon juice and add tomato.

Rice jelly

Soak half a glass of washed rice for 12 hours. Then pour 2 liters of water over the rice and cook for 2 hours without a lid, stirring occasionally. Grind the finished rice in a blender, add salt and sugar to taste.

Who is the rice diet contraindicated for?

Like any diet, rice has contraindications. It should not be used:

  • people with any gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, ulcers, predisposition to constipation, etc.);
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • diabetics and people with unstable blood sugar;
  • hypertensive patients.

Side effects:

  • constipation;
  • metabolic problems may worsen;
  • Rice absorbs potassium, so it is not recommended for heart-healthy people to eat it.

The rice diet is a real godsend for those who want to lose weight. In a week of strict adherence to it, you can lose up to 7 kg of excess weight. Almost a kilogram a day! And this is without severe hunger strikes, aching stomach and gastritis in the future. On the contrary, rice will enrich the body with a lot of useful vitamins and minerals. Slow carbohydrates in its composition will cause a real surge of strength.

And along the way, this valuable cereal will absorb harmful toxins and safely remove them from the stomach and intestines. So, if you want to reset excess weight– a rice diet is at your service! To lose weight without feeling hungry, quickly and for the benefit of the whole body, it is difficult to find a more successful diet.

Some features of the rice diet for weight loss

It is not for nothing that the inhabitants of the wise East prefer rice to all other cereals. From time immemorial, it has endowed consumers with health and longevity, eliminated a lot of diseases and brought metabolism into order. allow you to lose weight slowly, but with a guarantee. And the “40 days” rice diet will make your body as clean as glass, because this grain is a real sponge for harmful substances.

But keep in mind:

  • Brown and unrefined white rice are the healthiest.
  • Together with salts and toxins, this healthy cereal removes excess water from the body. Remember to drink a lot (2-2.5 liters per day) to replenish losses.
  • The best companions for rice are vegetables, meat and fish. But with sugar, bread, butter and he doesn’t “get along” well with potatoes. Keep salt to a minimum.

Rice diet for a week

If you don’t dare to take on a long marathon, you can choose a less frightening time frame. Stay on the rice diet for 7 days. Reviews say: hunger hardly makes itself felt on it, and the kilograms disappear at incredible speed!

Every morning your breakfast will be approximately the same: 100 g of rice porridge with water. And to make it less sad, add one fruit to your rice every day: an apple, a pear or a banana. You can flavor the porridge with a spoon of honey or low-fat yogurt.

Menu for 7 days


  • Snack: half a banana.
  • Dinner: chicken bouillon with vegetables and boiled rice (60g) with fresh herbs.
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of low-fat kefir and 5-6 pieces of dried apricots.
  • Dinner: 60 g boiled rice, vegetable stew and a glass of unsweetened yogurt.
  • Snack: bread with 2 tablespoons of cream cheese.
  • Lunch: a plate of fish soup and 100 mixtures of boiled rice and lentils.
  • Afternoon snack: a large portion of vegetable salad with a spoon of vegetable oil.
  • Dinner: a glass of kefir and a salad of 3 boiled proteins with herbs.

  • Snack: a glass of kefir.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, for example, from . A serving of boiled rice with chicken.
  • Afternoon snack: rye bread with a spoonful of cream cheese and a slice of salmon.
  • Dinner: Steamed broccoli with rice.
  • Snack: fruit salad.
  • Lunch: meat broth with pieces of vegetables, boiled rice, seasoned with lemon juice and grated zest, 2-3 sprigs of herbs.
  • Afternoon snack: 100 g seafood, green salad with radishes.
  • Dinner: boiled rice with herbs and kefir.
  • Snack: large orange or grapefruit.
  • Lunch: boiled vegetables with rice and fish.
  • Afternoon snack: limit yourself to a hard-boiled egg.
  • Dinner: 2-3 tablespoons of boiled rice, 200 g of cottage cheese, a couple of dates.

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