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Strange thing... When you see two lines on a pregnancy test, the first thing you do is read all sorts of horror stories on the Internet.

You sit on the forums, analyze someone else's negative experience and do not see a person next to you who also needs support, confidence in your love, closeness with your beloved woman. However, in some cases sexual rest is indeed shown. So when is it banned? intimate life during pregnancy and when is it simply necessary?

In addition to the pleasure of communicating with a partner, sex during pregnancy has a number of positive aspects:

    During intimacy, “pleasure hormones” are produced that have a positive effect on the baby.

    Orgasm relieves tension, and abstinence, on the contrary, increases the nervousness of a pregnant woman, whose psyche is not stable anyway.

    When else can you completely relax during sex without thinking about contraception? Of course, by default, you are sure that your husband is faithful and that both of you do not have any sexually transmitted infections.

    Prostaglandins, which are found in seminal fluid, prepare the cervix for upcoming birth softening it.

    The uterus is a muscular organ, contractions during orgasm are a kind of training before childbirth.

    Orgasms and consequent uterine contractions can stimulate tribal activity in cases where a woman is already somewhat overwhelmed by pregnancy.

    Proximity is more important than ever to strengthen emotional connection between spouses. Expecting a baby is always a difficult time for a young family.

    It is important for you to feel beautiful, loved and desired. Complete sex life gives a woman confidence in her attractiveness and in the fact that she is valuable in herself, and not just as a mother of an unborn child.

A woman is always anxious when she is in a burden, and her husband's eyes too often seek someone else's gaze.

Maurice Druon

In addition to purely emotional moments, such as a feeling of loneliness, a lack of attention from a loved one, jealousy for an unborn child, there is from prolonged sexual abstinence and very specific physical harm.

    A fulfilling sex life is important for normal operation endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

    With prolonged abstinence, there are risks of congestion, prostate problems, adenomas and even malignant tumors. Regular ejaculation in this case serves as a preventive measure.

    There are statistics according to which in 80% of cases the cause of neurosis is abstinence.

    Another consequence of months of abstinence is premature ejaculation.

There is something to think about. Do you need it?

Sex is no more important than a cheese sandwich. But if you haven't had a crumb in your mouth before tonight, the cheese sandwich is essential.

Ian Dury

When you really can't

Whatever your online girlfriends advise you, try to see your gynecologist as soon as possible. Intimate life during pregnancy by weeks can carry various risks. After inspection, ultrasound and conversations with a pregnant woman, the doctor may either allow you to continue to have sex or recommend sexual rest. You should refrain from sex in such cases:

    If you are a lucky woman who is expecting twins or triplets, then most likely, after 20 weeks, the doctor will forbid you intimacy because there is a high risk of preterm birth. But until this time, everything is possible, so do not deprive yourself and your husband of the pleasure of intimacy.

    Periodic painless uterine contractions are normal. But if the uterus is constantly in good shape, then this may be alarm signal, and it is better to refuse sex, according to at least, Today.

    Placenta previa is the most common reason for sexual relations. This pathology occurs in 1% of pregnant women.

    Much more common to be found low position placenta. In this case, sex can be done with caution and in positions in which the penetration is not too deep.

    If you find blood on your underwear, then you do not need to go to bed with your husband, but go straight to the doctor. And not in the morning, but right now.

    If you have a history of miscarriage or premature birth, then sexual rest is recommended for 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and so on weeks, that is, on the days when you could start menstruating if you were not in a position. These days are considered especially dangerous.

    Sexual contacts are prohibited if one of the spouses has a sexually transmitted disease.

    Pregnancy is considered full-term already from 38 weeks, but it is better not to rush things and not stimulate labor before 40 weeks. Better rest and sleep these last couple of weeks. But starting from 41 weeks, if contractions do not start, then stimulation with sex is what you need.

Such a different toxicosis

It is, of course, impossible to have sex when you are constantly sick and have only eaten a slice of lemon for the whole day. Toxicosis can begin as early as week 5 and end only by the second trimester. No one knows why some women do not have it at all, while others literally live in the bathroom for all 12 weeks, otherwise they are in the hospital under a dropper. It just needs to be experienced. Recipes traditional medicine to combat toxicosis - in the article

In extremely rare cases, there is the so-called "toxicosis on the husband." This is when you start to feel sick at the sight of your husband, from the smell of his body or the sound of his voice. The reasons for this phenomenon are unknown to science, but as a hypothesis, a version is voiced according to which a woman has claims against her husband. Perhaps she was not ready for pregnancy and subconsciously blames her husband for what is happening. Time, affection, confidential conversation will help here.

And in very rare cases, a man suffers from toxicosis. He is also sick, he reacts to smells, he can change eating behavior, mood swings appear. Male toxicosis occurs when a too impressionable husband is very worried about his woman and literally perceives her pain as his own. In this case, a consultation with a family psychologist is indicated.

A few proven ways to cope with toxicosis:

  • in the morning, while still in bed, eat, for example, a cracker, some dried fruit, a spoonful of honey, a slice of milk chocolate;
  • it is better to refuse hot food and choose liquid or semi-liquid food if possible;
  • for some, the real salvation is ginger tea or tea with lemon;
  • it is better to eat little and often, and after eating lie down a bit and try to relax;
  • carry mint candy with you, a bag of raisins or dried apricots, drink tea with mint or lemon balm;
  • drink as much as you need, "according to thirst", but do not drink anything with food, otherwise you are threatened with an attack of nausea.

In general, experiment with different tastes - and you are sure to find a way to combat nausea that is right for you.

From what age medical point view justified entry into sexual contact? Is there danger in early loss of virginity? Is abstinence really harmful? Answers to the most topical issues, as well as the opinions of doctors in this article.

Early onset of sexual activity

Medicine considers the age of 18 years to be the optimal age for the onset of sexual activity. Up to this point, the processes of formation reproductive organs not completed yet. Early age entry into sexual intercourse stops these processes, slows down not only the physical, but also mental development boys and girls. Moreover, experts point to a halt in the growth of the genital organs of early partners themselves.
In girls, there is a high probability of microtrauma of the immature vaginal wall. Early sex leads to cervical erosion. If an infection joins, for example, papillomavirus, erosion gradually leads to cervical cancer. Boys and girls entering into early sexual intimacy, most often do not even know about sexually transmitted infections.

There are also psychological traumas during sexual intercourse at a young age up to 18 years. This applies not only to girls, but also to boys. The immature body of a girl cannot experience the sensations expected from sexual intercourse. The process can be remembered only by pain and hostility. This feeling, fixed in the mind, can accompany a woman all her life. Often this leads to frigidity (lack of sexual desire) and vaginismus. The latter means pathological severe spasm vaginal muscles during intercourse.
Young men who are physiologically unprepared for sexual activity cannot control ejaculation. At premature ejaculation a young man may experience shame, a sense of shame, inability to have a normal sexual life. This psychological trauma can also accompany a matured man for a long time.

No matter how trite it may sound, the result of unprotected sex is the conception of a child. Studies on the spread of AIDS show that adolescents, for some reason, do not want to use protection. But more on infections below. Pregnancy is a very common consequence of unprotected sex. IN best case young parents choose life for the baby. Though early pregnancy may not have a very good effect on the body of the child and the youngest mother, the decision to give birth is the best in this situation. In the worst case, an abortion occurs, which leads to more serious physiological and mental consequences for the mother's health.

Sexual intimacy with different partners

Each person has his own microflora of the reproductive organs. Normally, this set of normal and even beneficial microorganisms should support our health. A large number of sexual partners leads to a shift in the balance normal microflora genitals. Such a state reproductive system in practice often leads to infertility. And in this case we are not talking about venereal diseases.

However, in modern world promiscuity we meet next infectious diseases(STI) affecting the genitals and the whole body. Some of them a person can become infected even by household means.
There is an increased risk of STIs during sexual contact with multiple partners.

The most common diseases:
Genital herpes,

HIV AIDS)- the disease is transmitted sexually, through the blood during a transfusion of infected blood, from mother to fetus or to an infant. After infection, the patient experiences irreversible changes in the body caused by immunodeficiency.
Gonorrhea is a very common sexually transmitted infection in adults, and children can become infected through household contact.
In men with the disease, symptoms of urethritis appear: purulent mucous discharge from urethra, increase inguinal lymph nodes, urination is difficult. In women, mucous discharge from the vagina appears. Gonorrhea can lead to infertility, can affect the joints, heart, eyes, rectum, oropharynx, skin, meninges.

Genital herpes- an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2. Sexually transmitted, but exceptions are possible. The incidence among women is higher. Manifested burning pains in the genital area. Women are at risk of developing serious gynecological diseases. In men, inflammation of the penis appears, as well as the mucous membrane of the urethra. A man may be a carrier of the virus, the symptoms may not be obvious.

Syphilis- a disease that may not manifest itself for many years. The disease is very dangerous, as it affects all organs and systems. On early stages hard chancre appears - painless ulceration with smooth edges. Next stage characterized by a rash in the form of nodules, fever, headache and joint pain. The subsequent stages are very serious damage to the body.

human papillomavirus infection- a widespread disease, those who become ill often have an "active" sexual life. papillomavirus infection in untimely treatment leads to cancer of the cervix, as well as cancer of the larynx.

Chlamydia, Mycoplasmosis, Ureaplasmosis- diseases transmitted through sexual contact. There may be no symptoms in these infections. Lead diseases to infertility, severe inflammation, complications during pregnancy, cause congenital pathologies in children.

Hepatitis C- transmitted through the blood, as well as during sexual intercourse. The infection leads to cirrhosis of the liver. This infection is currently incurable.

Mononucleosis now very common. It is one of the varieties of the herpesvirus family.

Unnatural sexual contact is dangerous to health

Scientists have proven that oral sex is dangerous to health. The cavity of our mouth has a completely different microflora than the genitals. IN oral cavity many pathogenic (disease-causing) and opportunistic pathogenic microorganisms. But there is a protective barrier in the mouth, which is the tonsils of the palatine ring. They protect our body from harmful effect these microbes.
At oral sex the entire set of pathogenic microorganisms enters the genital organs and causes their inflammation. In addition, if a woman is sick with the herpes virus or streptococcal-staphylococcal infection (for example, tonsillitis), her sexual partner during oral sex can get urethritis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis. If a man is a carrier of the human papillomavirus, a woman becomes infected with this infection through oral sex. Infection leads to cancer of the larynx in a woman. IN Lately doctors report an increase in the incidence of larynx cancer among young women.

Anal sex has a higher risk of contracting an STI than vaginal sex. The rectum is not protected from infection. The very structure of the rectum, the susceptibility of the mucosa to microtraumas contributes to a faster infection in the blood.
All of these can eventually lead to colon cancer.

The opinion of doctors about sexual abstinence for men and women

The founders of sexology wrote in their writings about the harmlessness of sexual abstinence for men and women. We can also observe the accumulated knowledge base and medical experience on the issue of the safety of abstinence in consultations. modern doctors— sexologists, urologists, venereologists, psychiatrists.

Sexologist I.T. Radevich: "Sexual abstinence is not harmful to health."
Dermatovenerologist, dermatologist, venereologist Agapov S.A.: "Sexual abstinence is not harmful." The urologist Rostovtseva E.S. speaks about the same in her consultations.

Dorothy Berman, psychiatrist, psychiatrist, narcologist, psychotherapist: “A person can do as long as he likes without sexual relations and this is absolutely safe for health. With prolonged abstinence, sexual energy is sublimated into creativity, sports or work.

K.V. Golovchenko - urologist, andrologist, dermatovenereologist, candidate of medical sciences: "There are no such arguments proving the harm of abstinence."

Moreover, we are talking not only about temporary sexual abstinence, but also long-term. According to sexologists, the abstinence of a man after 60 years can lead to a complete fading of potency, which also has its own biological and spiritual significance.

During a woman's pregnancy intimate relationship spouses change, and quite seriously.

You are probably afraid of harming the baby, because he recently “settled” inside his mother. But, on the other hand, what to do if the soul and body persistently demand love?

Changes in the body

In the first trimester of pregnancy in female body major hormonal changes occur. Someone sex drive decreases (no wonder: even memories of drastically change libido), and someone becomes almost a priestess of love, ready to fulfill her marital duty at any time of the day or night (people are lucky).

Scientists note that women who are pregnant with girls are more calm and not ready for new love affairs. If you are expecting a boy, be prepared for the fact that desire will literally haunt you : in anticipation of the hero, women become more active and liberated. This fact is associated with the fact that during pregnancy a boy in the body greatly increases the amount of male hormone.

Experts say that pregnancy and emancipation in bed are very compatible. If the first trimester proceeds favorably, there are no contraindications, the expectant mother feels great (or at least well), no doctor will impose a taboo on intimate life.

Moreover, during pregnancy no need to protect . It will be the calmest intimate relationship in your life: do not deprive yourself of this pleasure. It is important to remember that prolonged abstinence from the performance of marital duty contributes to the accumulation of negative emotions in future mother which is of no use to you.

Valery Kotyagin, gynecologist: “During sexual intercourse, the hormone of happiness is released, which is very useful both for the condition of the expectant mother and for the health of the child. In addition, intimate life throughout pregnancy is a great workout for the muscles of the uterus before childbirth. Of course, you should not forget to visit your gynecologist regularly and consult with him about placenta previa and general condition baby. As soon as there is the slightest warning, there is no need to tempt fate, it is better to moderate your ardor until the threat has passed..

Expectant mother Sveta told about herself: “We do not abstain particularly, but not in part either. We make love very carefully. My husband is even more worried than me during the process, but if he suddenly gets carried away, I control him. We choose poses such that I am completely relaxed. And so much I want love during pregnancy - I just don’t have the strength to endure!.

It's important to know that dangerous for intimacy can be those days on which menstruation was supposed to begin in every cycle. Accustomed to cyclic changes, the body may perceive uterine contraction as a signal to empty it.

But in general, if there are no contraindications, then doctors recommend having sex right up to the very birth. True, in the last trimester it is worth taking care of yourself a little so as not to cause premature birth.

Easy and healthy pregnancy to you without restrictions!