Cool drawings of the symbol of the new year. Where to download beautiful New Year pictures with the image of a Dog

The New Year is just around the corner, which means it’s time to start preparing for this wonderful winter holiday: create a menu, a list of gifts, think through an entertainment program, decorate the room, buy a Christmas tree and be sure to buy a chic outfit. However, this New Year's bustle does not become a burden to anyone, because it will be followed by fun, long rest and a lot of positive emotions.

These days, I want to give joy to everyone around me, so that every person on earth can feel the fabulousness and splendor of the New Year. You can convey a piece of your optimism and happiness with the help of greeting cards. Pictures with the symbol of 2018 - cute and good-natured dogs - are especially popular.

The illustrations collected in this article can be installed on your desktop, posted on a forum, decorated with a dog’s face on a New Year’s tree, or used as a greeting card. Download pictures with dogs and create a joyful mood for yourself and those around you.

Classic pictures with a dog

As a rule, in this collection you will find beautiful pictures with attractive puppies or adults. Photographers get creative and dress up dogs in all sorts of New Year's outfits, in which the doggies just ooze cuteness.

And what funny faces these pets have... Having illustrations like these on hand, you can always congratulate your loved one in an original way and give him a piece of warmth.

Pictures with dogs for children

Children look forward to the New Year with special trepidation, because adults are trying to arrange a real magical holiday for them. The fulfillment of your deepest desires, bright lights on Christmas trees, mountains of sweets and tangerines, as well as exciting matinees - this is what modern children enjoy so much.

In addition, each of the kids wants to personally participate in the preparations for the holiday. You can entrust them with making jewelry and... To do this, just download thematic pictures and print them. Already from the finished material you can make a wonderful greeting card, original decor for the premises, and even a decoration for the Christmas tree.

Animated pictures with dogs

Moving images are always relevant, because they reveal a completely different side to an ordinary illustration. Objects move on them, as if in a Harry Potter movie.

Of course, you won’t be able to print them, but you can use such images for congratulations on social networks, by email and in other messengers.

Coloring pictures

Drawing is a fun activity that is surprisingly enjoyed not only by children, but also by adults. Of course, not all of us have artistic talents and are able to realistically draw an animal, a person or some other objects.

But today you don’t need to be a master of brushes and pencils at all; you just need to download a ready-made picture from the Internet and paint it.

Themed ones with dogs are very relevant on the eve of the New Year 2018. On them you will find funny puppies near a mountain of gifts or under a Christmas tree, dogs near Santa Claus and much more.

Funny pictures with dogs

Why not cheer up your loved one by sending them a funny 2018 host image. Drawing, cartoon dogs lift your spirits and make you smile involuntarily.

Such pictures can become an original addition to the main gift, show off on your desktop or be parts of a New Year's wall newspaper.

Pictures with dogs and words of congratulations

In this category of pictures you can see not only four-legged friends, but also short congratulations. If drawing up a wish seems like a difficult task to you, then images like these will come to the rescue. Poems, warm words in prose, or the familiar words “Happy New Year!” can be written on pictures with dogs.

Download and print beautiful pictures and photos of Happy New Year 2018 with the symbol of the year with a dog

When it comes to the New Year, everyone first thinks about what will be on the festive table. Then they think about their jewelry, clothes, and only on the eve of the holiday do people remember that they need to congratulate their friends, relatives and colleagues on the upcoming holiday. Someone sends SMS congratulations, someone calls on the phone, and someone personally comes to visit with beautiful words. The best way to show your love and friendship for a person is to give bright, beautiful pictures and photos. And since the symbol of 2018 is a dog, holiday pictures must include a photo of a dog and other New Year’s characters. Check out our collection of greeting cards and you can download them for free and print them.

Why is 2018 the year of the dog?

As you know, there is a Chinese horoscope and calendar, where each year is assigned the name of an animal. In 2018, a dog will “rule” the earth. Or more precisely, a yellow earthen dog. The last time she was on the throne was exactly 12 years ago.
Wise Chinese say that the year of the dog will pass quietly and peacefully. For the last two years, fire signs have ruled the earth, and now it’s the turn of a symbol who loves peace, harmony and relaxation. And in the coming year, it is important to think about every step, every action. There is no point in making quick decisions; the famous saying comes in handy here: measure a hundred times, cut once.

What to give to people born in the year of the dog?

Here I want to joke and say that the best gift for them would be a bone, but this is not so. But a figurine in the form of a symbol of the year or a soft toy dog ​​is an excellent gift. A person will be very pleased if you make gifts with your own hands.
Since the dog loves to eat tasty food, a bag of sweets will be very useful.

How to appease the symbol of 2018?

Many housewives are quite superstitious and always try to make sure that the new symbol of the year is favorable and fair to them. Therefore, they decorate the house and prepare New Year's dishes that the dog will like.
Be sure to decorate the windows of your house with protrusions in the form of a cheerful, friendly dog. Hang a poster with congratulations on the walls, and toy dogs on the Christmas tree.
Delicious food is also very important. More meat - no dog will refuse meat.

Video greetings for the New Year of the Dog.

Watch our beautiful and funny video greeting, which was specially made for this year of the dog:

Dogs in human life.

Everyone knows the role dogs play in our lives. Some dogs are rescue dogs, others help catch criminals, others guard homes, and others are simply family favorites. And there is also a fifth, sixth and other groups.
Man did not just domesticate a dog and make it a pet. A dog in a house is a lock to which there are no keys. There are guide dogs that help people with low vision. Plus, all animals are excellent at predicting natural disasters. There are cases in history when dogs forced people to leave buildings literally a minute before it was destroyed by an earthquake.

Dogs in cinema and art.

There are a huge number of films and cartoons in the world in which the main characters are dogs. Perhaps the most touching film about a four-legged friend is Beethoven.
And in the USSR, comedies were always filmed with a dog. Famous film: Bes Barbos and an extraordinary cross, as well as an instructive comedy - Moonshiners.
In cartoons, dogs almost always save other characters. In them they are smart and responsive. From Soviet cartoons you can remember this: a kitten named Woof. And modern cartoons: PAW Patrol or Barboskins.

If you are planning to congratulate your friends and family on the upcoming New Year 2018, or simply cheer up your colleagues on the pre-holiday day, we suggest sending them a beautiful animated postcard. The so-called “live” New Year cards can be different:

The last minute of the passing year is a magical time! Many people believe that a wish made at this moment will definitely come true if they have time to raise a toast to the New Year. Perhaps that is why time keepers have become an integral symbol of the New Year holiday.

It is customary to hang Christmas tree decorations with the image of an old clock on the branches of fluffy beauties, and when congratulating you on the New Year, send original postcards with chimes. In 2018, not just high-quality images of chimes and ancient cuckoo clocks will be relevant, but their animation with a variety of effects.

Classic animated cards for 2018

New Year's landscapes, as well as cozy interiors with a beautifully decorated fir tree and gifts - traditional New Year's and New Year's themes. They feel the spirit of Christmas and a festive atmosphere, home comfort and a childishly naive expectation of a miracle.

Live pictures with dogs

The symbol of 2018 will be the Dog, and therefore for New Year greetings it is best to choose interesting animated cards with images of cute puppies and the most beautiful representatives of elite breeds.

New Year cards with animated cartoon characters

2017 gave us a lot of funny cartoons, the characters of which will decorate funny New Year's cards on the eve of the coming year. Out of competition in 2018 are animated dogs from the cartoon “Pet Life”, gifs with which you can give instead of a postcard, congratulating your friends on the New Year.

Before the New Year holidays, almost all preschool and especially school children's institutions hold competitions: either for the best wall newspaper with the theme of the next year, or for the cutest drawn dog or other symbols of the winter holidays. Children usually take part in such competitions with pleasure, because everyone wants to receive sweet prizes for this. If you have time, then by referring to our article, you will find out what drawings for the New Year of the Dog 2018 can be drawn in pencil even without super artistic abilities.


Drawing a dog in pencil: step by step

You probably already know that the symbol of 2018 is the Yellow Dog. They say that by portraying this animal yourself, you can win her favor for a whole 12 months. Let's try to do this together.

How to draw such a cute dog? Very simple!

1) Draw a horizontal line with a pencil. Along it you need to draw 6 circles, absolutely identical in size. Starting from the bottom of the circles, draw two parallel lines towards the center, except for the 2nd and 3rd circle. With these actions we will highlight the paws of our future dog;

2) Place dots at the junction of the 1st and 2nd circles, as well as the 3rd and 4th, then connect them with a protruding semi-oval to outline the head;

3) Connect the newly drawn head and the last circle-foot with the same convex line. The result is the back of an animal;

4) In the first semi-oval, draw a muzzle with eyes, nose and eyebrows. Don't forget about the ears and tail. Some lines will be unnecessary - erase them;

5) You can decorate the resulting puppy, or you can simply make some parts voluminous by simply shading them with a pencil.

Christmas tree

You will get such a beautiful Christmas tree if you follow these steps exactly:

1) Take a pencil and draw a regular high triangle (not isosceles). This will be the base;

2) Starting from the top, draw many different lines on both sides of the triangle, sharp at the ends (fir branches). Work from the very top to the very bottom (on both sides). Erase the straight side lines of the base;

3) Decorate the top with a hand-drawn star, and add a small trunk at the bottom;

4) Decorate the Christmas tree. You don’t have to follow our example specifically, but decorate it to your liking (balloons, flags, candies, garlands, etc.);

5) Now start decorating. Again, rely on your taste in choosing colors.

Father Frost

The kind grandfather will be an excellent companion to the Christmas tree for the previous drawing. So, let's start doing the work:

1) The first strokes are to sketch out the contours of the face. They will at first resemble a diver’s mask, but complementing it with eyes, mouth, ears, nose, eyebrows and a hat, it will become clear what we are drawing;

2) Having received a good-natured face, add a long beard and mustache. From the bottom edge of the beard in the center, draw a vertical line, then a horizontal line to define the edges of the fur coat, connect it to both sides of the beard (draw a slightly slanted line);

3) Following the example of our sketch, draw two hands: one should be straight with a mitten, the other the same, but with a bag;

4) Before coloring, erase all interfering lines, and on the beard in the center add additional ones for visual density.

Snowman in pencil

Another funny New Year's character that kids will probably want to draw.

How to do?

1) Draw three circles located one on top of the other: the top one is smaller, the bottom one is the largest;

2) On the topmost circle, draw the eyes, mouth and nose in the form of a carrot;

3) Draw a scarf on the top of the middle circle;

4) Erase the initial ironing lines under the scarf with an eraser. Draw stick hands on the second circle;

5) Be sure to complement the head with a bucket, pan or hat;

6) Use paints, pencils, felt-tip pens to add shades to the snowman.

Gift box with bow

Such a box can be completed under the Christmas tree or next to Santa Claus or Snowman.

How to do?

1) Draw a regular parallelepiped;

2) We supplement the resulting base with the same figure attached to it;

3) Draw rectangles along the top of these shapes. These will be the parts of the lid;

4) Draw the missing lines of the lid to make a solid box;

5) To make the gift beautiful, don’t forget about the bow. Make its outline;

A beautiful and bright postcard is a convenient way to congratulate you on the New Year of the Dog 2018. It can be sent to friends, relatives, and colleagues. We have selected the best Happy New Year 2018 and Merry Christmas cards with different designs. In our selections you can find funny, corporate or vintage pictures. Readers will certainly enjoy the original retro postcards from the USSR. We also recommend that you watch the video greetings. They will no less well help to express respect, attention and love to everyone you know.

The best cards for the New Year 2018 Dogs - with congratulations

It is recommended to select New Year's greetings for family and friends among new cool pictures. You can choose original cards for the New Year 2018 Dogs from the options we have selected.

Examples of postcards with the best congratulations in honor of the New Year of the Dog 2018

We have selected the best cards with New Year's greetings to congratulate acquaintances, relatives and friends. Among these postcard options you can find the most sincere and kind words to wish you all the best in the New Year 2018.

Creative Happy New Year 2018 cards with angels - a selection of pictures

Cute cards with angels are suitable for congratulating you on any holiday. Therefore, they fit perfectly into the New Year theme. Among the original selection presented below, each reader will be able to be creative and congratulate their friends on the New Year 2018 with postcards with angels.

Examples of creative cards with angels for the New Year 2018

New Year's creative cards with angels can be sent to parents and grandparents. They are also perfect for wishing Happy New Year to friends and good acquaintances.

Beautiful USSR postcards for the New Year of the Dog 2018 - a selection of old pictures

For many people of the older generation, beautiful retro postcards from the USSR are more popular than modern bright images. Therefore, they are encouraged to send cool and unusual pictures that used to be so popular. We have selected the best USSR postcards that can be sent to parents and grandparents for the 2018 New Year of the Dog.

Old USSR postcards for the New Year 2018 of the Dog

To congratulate your family and friends, you can use any of the beautiful USSR postcards we have selected. Retro pictures with animals, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden will definitely please the recipients and lift their spirits.

Free corporate cards for the New Year 2018 - selection for download

To congratulate colleagues and subordinates, it is recommended to select neutral cards. Congratulations in them can be restrained or simply pleasant. You can find such corporate cards for congratulating employees on the New Year 2018 in the following selection of pictures.

A selection of free postcards for corporate congratulations to colleagues on the New Year 2018

Pictures with official congratulations are suitable for sending to all colleagues. They can also be sent to business partners5_1

Original cards with congratulations on the New Year 2018 - examples of pictures and videos

Beautiful New Year's cards don't have to be just bright. We suggest choosing video cards with congratulations for the New Year 2018. They can be sent by mail, on social networks, instant messengers.

Examples of ordinary cards and congratulations for the New Year 2018 in video

You can find the most beautiful postcards to send to loved ones and friends among the options we have selected. The best pictures with congratulations can easily be found among the videos below. Animated cards are the best gift for fans of colorful and vibrant drawings.

The best old and retro Happy New Year cards - a selection of free pictures

It’s not at all difficult to choose beautiful old and retro Happy New Year cards to congratulate your friends. Original pictures have a special charm and are attractively designed.

A selection of the best vintage and retro cards in honor of the New Year

Unusual retro cards are great for congratulating relatives and friends. They are sure to please all recipients. In addition, creative postcards can be sent to colleagues and acquaintances.

Funny Happy New Year and Merry Christmas 2018 cards - example pictures

You can congratulate acquaintances and friends on all New Year holidays using postcards. And we offer you to familiarize yourself with an excellent selection of beautiful pictures. The best Happy New Year 2018 and Merry Christmas cards can be sent by mail, instant messengers or mms messages.

An example of cool cards for the New Year 2018 and Christmas holidays

Bright and beautiful cards will help you wish your friends, colleagues and relatives a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. Such pictures will definitely cheer up the recipient. They will evoke pleasant emotions and help you spend all the New Year holidays joyfully and cheerfully.

We have selected for our readers the best Happy New Year 2018 cards to congratulate friends and family. In the collections for downloading and viewing you can find various creative pictures. These can be retro USSR postcards or vintage pictures with angels. All options can be used to send to friends and acquaintances. We have also selected corporate cards, video greetings with beautiful wishes for the New Year of the Dog 2018 and the upcoming Christmas.