Healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle. World Health Organization opinion on healthy lifestyles

Concept "Healthy lifestyle"(HLS) appeared quite recently, in the 70s of the last century. Interest in this topic is associated with a significant increase in life expectancy, changes in the environment and the person himself. Modern man began to move less, consume large quantity food, be exposed to constant stress and have more free time. The number of diseases, the predisposition to which is inherited, is revealed every year more and more. How is it possible stay healthy And live a long active life life?

Genetics, ecology, stress, undoubtedly affect the well-being of a person, but decisive role Here plays lifestyle. What is meant by healthy lifestyle, about which there is so much talk now?

It should immediately be noted that a clear definition of this concept has not yet been formulated. You could say that this is human activities to improve one’s health and prevent various diseases . Healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite and foundation for achieving success in all areas of human existence. The German philosopher A. Schopegrauer wrote: “Nine-tenths of our happiness is based on health. With it, everything becomes a source of pleasure, while without it absolutely no external benefits can give pleasure, even subjective benefits: the qualities of the mind, soul, temperament painful condition weaken and freeze. It is by no means without reason that we, first of all, ask each other about health and wish it to each other: it is truly the main condition for human happiness.

So what does a healthy lifestyle consist of?

One of the most important components is physical activity. Various achievements of scientific and technological progress have made life much easier to modern man. But at the same time we began to move less and less. Exercise is essential to stay healthy physical culture at least 30 minutes a day. What exactly to do depends on your desire, capabilities, preparation, and temperament. You can even start with just walking after work. The main thing to remember: Movement is life!

Balanced diet no less important in maintaining health. Short "hungry" diets and plentiful feasts between them are not for those people who have chosen a healthy lifestyle for themselves. Nutrition should provide the body with everything necessary and meet the needs of a particular person. A lot has been written and said about proper nutrition, and its basic rules are known to everyone: more vegetables and fruits, less fat and sweets, if possible, eat natural and environmentally friendly products. Moreover, it is preferable to eat in small portions every 3-4 hours.

Correct daily routine and healthy sleep . In order to lead active life and to achieve success, it is necessary to restore strength in time. Full-fledged deep sleep - one of the most important conditions good health. It is advisable to go to bed at the same time and sleep for at least 6-7 hours. Before going to bed, it’s good to take a short walk or at least thoroughly ventilate the room.

Refusal bad habits . Smoking and alcohol significantly reduce human life expectancy. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle is simply incompatible with them.

Hardening. This does not necessarily mean swimming in an ice hole or dousing cold water on snow. Cold and hot shower will bring no less benefits, while the temperature difference may be small at the beginning. Hardening not only strengthens the immune system, but also trains blood vessels, vegetative nervous system and improves overall vitality.

On physiological state person big influence renders it psycho-emotional state. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle also includes ability to cope with stress, optimism, interest in new things, ability to establish close relationships, positive thinking , active intellectual activity, creativity and self-realization.

No matter how perfect medicine is, it cannot rid everyone of all diseases. Man is the creator of his own health, for which sometimes you even have to fight. A person’s health is more than 50% determined by his lifestyle. Health is life itself with its joys, anxieties, and creative ups and downs.

Starting a healthy lifestyle is easy: even small steps in this direction give certain results. Therefore, why not, for example, walk home from work today? The main thing is to start taking specific actions, and the result will not take long to arrive. It is known that if everyone on the planet led a healthy lifestyle, That average human life expectancy would increase up to 100 years. It's worth the effort, isn't it?

We assume that it is unlikely that you will meet someone who would not dream of always being beautiful, full of strength and happy. Sometimes many try different sports, gyms, diets, walks in the parks. However, what do we know about a healthy lifestyle? It is rare to find someone who fully adheres to it. Why is this happening? What prevents people from taking care of their health? What will you have to do to look and feel great? And how to live long and successfully? We will try to answer all these questions below.

Healthy lifestyle (HLS) – what is this “miracle beast”?

Today, everyone's life is full of events, technologies and temptations. In our developed time, people are used to running somewhere and in a hurry, to make the most of it. Work fast, learn new things, eat fast food, be treated with drugs with an immediate effect. There is no extra minute for relaxation and basic attention to yourself. However, sooner or later your health will fail. It never happens on time and always brings bad results.

It's easy to avoid this outcome. Just know and follow the rules healthy image life. What kind of “beast” is this? HLS is a complex good habits, only having a positive impact on human life. With it, you can improve health, increase life expectancy and be happy. HLS is especially relevant in Lately. Technological progress, bad ecology and inactivity have a detrimental effect on people. Appear various kinds stress leading to diseases, often chronic. In this regard, a healthy lifestyle is extremely important for our society.

It is promoted by many celebrities. For example, Jessica Alba, Richard Gere, Jennifer Aniston, Heidi Klum, Madonna and others.

What does a healthy lifestyle consist of?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps everyone take care of and care for their body. It contributes to its strengthening, stability and strength. This is true only under one condition. You need to use all its components. There are many classifications of them. We chose a simple and meaningful one. So, a healthy lifestyle consists of:

Proper nutrition

Eating right, first of all, means eating only. They provide the body with various substances that help it grow and function. Proper nutrition should be extremely balanced.

To a person, especially with a problem excess weight, you should adhere to several principles of proper nutrition:

  1. Food should be varied. This means that the diet must include products from both animals and plant origin;
  2. The calorie content of the diet should not exceed daily norm. Everyone has their own. Many lifestyle aspects are taken into account when calculating your caloric intake. For example, the presence physical activity, excess weight, diseases, etc.
  3. At least 5 meals per day. They include three mains and two snacks. You can’t go hungry – that’s an axiom. To always feel good, learn to eat 5 times a day at the same time;
  4. Eat slowly. Thus, you will feel a sense of fullness in time, do not overeat and enjoy the taste;
  5. Chew your food well. This is a salvation for the stomach and everything digestive system. Experts recommend chewing food at least twenty times;
  6. Eat liquid. Be sure to consume soups daily. They promote the release gastric juice. In this way, soups simplify the process of digesting other dishes;
  7. We eat vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins. This great option for a snack. Fresh vegetables and fruits will not only satisfy hunger, but also replenish the deficiency useful substances;
  8. Drink, drink and drink again. The amount of water per day is 1.5-2 liters. Tea, coffee and soups do not count. In the morning, drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. You can add lemon for taste;
  9. We consume fermented milk products. Low fat content is best, but not low fat. They contain healthy protein and promote speedy digestion;
  10. Don't be lazy, eat only freshly prepared food. Over time, food loses its beneficial properties.

Rules healthy eating are quite simple and do not require special skills. Today, a lot of services are available, where everyone will find recipes to their liking, will be able to control the calorie content of dishes and the amount of water consumed.

Sports and physical activity

Our body is our main tool. With its help we can perform all our functions. Therefore, it is very important that the body is always in order. First of all, you need to use it. Movement is life. Better not to say. Let's take a car for example. If it sits idle for many years, it will rust and become unusable. So is our body. The less we move, the greater the risk of disease. It's good if you have a lot of free time. You can visit group classes, exercise in the gym or dance. There are a lot of options. But what to do if you are a busy person and have almost no free time? The ideal option for you is morning exercises. Dedicate 10-15 minutes a day to it, and your body will always be in excellent condition.

You can find it on the Internet great amount information about exercises and morning exercise techniques. As an example, we have selected several options.

Charges in 10 minutes

Exercises in Pilates style

Morning yoga

In addition to the above, running has a great effect on the human body. A morning or evening run lifts your spirits. By choosing picturesque places for running, you can clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and relax. It doesn't matter what type of physical activity you choose. It is important that they give you pleasure.

Personal hygiene and healthy sleep


To reduce the risk of disease to a minimum, it is worth hardening. It helps the body fight unfavorable external factors. There are many ways to increase resistance and immunity:

  1. Taking air baths. This is the most affordable and easy way. Try to take frequent walks fresh air, ventilate the premises. In the summer, go out into the countryside. Clean forest air is the most best prevention diseases;
  2. Sunbathing. No less effective for a person is exposure to the sun. However, you should be careful with it and avoid direct rays at midday. Burns and heat strokes should also not be allowed to occur;
  3. Walking barefoot. Our feet have many sensitive points. Their massage leads to normalization of work important organs;
  4. Rubdowns– a soft and gentle method of hardening. It is suitable even for small children. The process involves rubbing the body with a massage mitten, washcloth or wet towel;
  5. Pouring cold water- most known method. You can douse yourself completely or partially. It is important to wipe yourself with a dry towel after the procedure;
  6. Cold and hot shower. Alternating cold and hot water gives skin tone, rejuvenates and strengthens the body.
  7. Winter swimming. This type of hardening requires a responsible and careful attitude. Before starting procedures, you should consult your doctor.

Rejection of bad habits

We will not go deep and talk for a long time about the dangers of smoking, alcohol and drugs. This is a well-known fact. We really hope that each of you, our readers, values ​​​​your health and has long given up these destructive habits or is now on the way to this.

Modern technologies as an aid in healthy lifestyle

In our time it is impossible not to note. There is a huge amount useful services For mobile phones, tablets and personal computers. Their goal is to help on the path to a healthy and full life. We have divided these applications into several types. Depending on the purpose they are:

For physical activity

Such services can be divided into:

  • distance counters. They will be useful for runners and amateurs long walks;
  • training programs. They contain exercises of different styles and purposes;
  • personal coach. Such services contain all the information about your training, motivate you and monitor the safety of your loads.
  • heart rate measurement is a very important application. With it you will be sure that you are not overloading your body.

Calorie counters

With them you can determine your daily calorie intake and record the foods you consumed. Typically, such services contain lists of foods with calorie content;

  • counting the amount of water drunk;
  • smart alarm clock calculates the time you need to sleep;
  • helping to get rid of bad habits.

There is a healthy lifestyle correct routine actions designed to promote health and prevent disease. Today we will try to figure out what this concept includes, we will try to capture the very essence of the issue, consider 4 important aspects healthy lifestyle.

Important components of a healthy lifestyle are daily routine and good dream. The daily routine should include a consistent alternation of work and rest. Of course, everyone chooses for himself the schedule that is more convenient for him, depending on living conditions, work, habits and inclinations. Speaking about the mode, you do not need to keep in mind clear schedules with time calculated per minute. It is enough to get up and go to bed at the same time, if possible, take short breaks every 40-60 minutes of active mental work.

Doctors recommend that if you feel tired, sleep for a couple of hours during the day on your day off, so you won’t upset your body. In general, you cannot refuse it (calorizer). Happens in a dream faster recovery the body, for example, after stress, illness, training or just a hard day at work. Research shows that those who often do not get enough sleep have a much higher risk of having a heart attack. With a lack of sleep, physical strength decreases, mental abilities deteriorate, and metabolism slows down.

An integral component of a healthy lifestyle - balanced diet. Let's consider it in more detail. It includes such components that are necessary to maintain tissues and organs in optimal condition. Such nutrition preserves good performance body, life expectancy increases, endurance and resistance to unfavorable factors external environment.

Your diet should be varied. Food should be balanced, with moderate calories. . , they play a big role in the life of the whole organism, improve taste qualities food. With us we also get enough energy for physical and intellectual activity.

Important component the right image life - training and . Exercising has a positive effect on our body and soul. Sport strengthens the body's natural defenses, helps cope with stress, and prevent diseases. of cardio-vascular system. Even those who started taking care of themselves at a relatively mature age notice results quite quickly. What can I say, the role of movement in a person’s life is very great.

Here are the main advantages active image life:

  • Rising general endurance and performance - you become more energetic, less tired;
  • Blood circulation improves, and blood circulation in adipose tissue also increases;
  • Energy expenditure increases, which allows you to lose weight;
  • Immunity becomes stronger;
  • Increases resistance to stress and overall mood;
  • The risk of injury is reduced due to the fact that sport strengthens joints and ligaments;
  • Bone mass density improves, which prevents the risk of fractures and the development of osteoporosis;
  • Neuromuscular connection and coordination of movements improves.

And these are not all the benefits of training and an active lifestyle.

It is also important, while maintaining a healthy lifestyle, to be able to fully rest. After all constant stress, psychological overload can lead to mental and physical illnesses, which is why it is so important to be able to relax, not to neglect vacation, and maybe even.

If you want your child to grow up healthy and strong, remember: kids repeat everything after adults, and the main example here will be you and your lifestyle. We also advise you to pay attention to following conditions healthy lifestyle for a child:

  • walk as much as possible and be in the sun;
  • play sports, lead an active lifestyle;
  • maintain cleanliness and optimal temperature in the apartment (18-20 degrees);
  • ensure healthy good nutrition baby;
  • buy clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • harden the child with water;
  • raise a child with affection and love.

By implementing these conditions, you can avoid many problems with your child’s health in the future.

And, of course, it’s important positive attitude if you decide to lead a healthy lifestyle. Only positively minded people can easily cope with difficulties on the path to success (calorizator). They are less susceptible to stress, and thereby protect the body’s defenses, which helps us cope with illnesses more easily and generally get sick less often.

A healthy lifestyle is so global significance, which helps a person prolong life itself. At least once, everyone has thought about the amount of harm that their body takes on. It's a shame, isn't it? Then put aside your laziness and get to work!

A healthy lifestyle is a set of rules aimed at improving the psychological and physical condition the body and its productive work.

Ancient people did not know the specifics of hygiene, proper nutrition or the optimal amount of physical activity. This contributed to a decrease in population and a colossal number of sick people.

Over time, the concept of a healthy lifestyle has become ingrained in the hearts of citizens. The desire to live as long as possible, see your grandchildren and be healthy enough to care for them is an excellent motivation for creating the basis for a healthy lifestyle.

World Health Organization opinion on healthy lifestyles

Health is not just the absence of physical defects and diseases, but also the totality of social, physical and mental well-being. Supporting health and a healthy lifestyle, WHO declared April 7 as Health Day, since it was on this day in 1948, according to the WHO Charter, that the first interpretation of the concept of a healthy lifestyle appeared, which has not changed to this day.

The organization conducts research into health-related behavior of individuals. Based on the results obtained, 10 main recommendations were identified.

  1. When consumed breast milk for a child under 6 months of age, the risk of developing most non-communicable diseases is automatically reduced.
  2. Healthy sleep is necessary in conjunction with a work and rest regime.
  3. An annual blood test, an ECG, a visit to a therapist, and blood pressure monitoring are required.
  4. Minimum consumption of alcoholic beverages. Allowed in in moderation live beer or red wine.
  5. Quitting tobacco products.
  6. Regular exercise.
  7. Use iodized salt instead of sodium.
  8. Replace easily digestible carbohydrates (buns, pies) with nuts, fruits, vegetables, and grains.
  9. Eliminate margarine and animal fat from the diet. Use linseed oil, rapeseed, walnut or grape seed oil.
  10. For calculation ideal mass bodies, use the formulas:
    • for women: (Height in cm - 100) X 0.85 = ideal weight;
    • for men: (Height in cm - 100) X 0.9 = ideal weight.

Basics of healthy lifestyle

The foundations of a healthy lifestyle include factors that help shape healthy body and a stable psyche. Today there are many known pathological diseases, which are called environment. This creates a need to strengthen the body. Where do we start?

Proper nutrition means avoiding unhealthy foods (flour, sweet, fatty, etc.) and replacing them with fruits, vegetables, berries, and cereals. The condition of the skin depends on the quality of nutrition, internal organs, muscles and tissues. Drinking 2-3 liters of water per day will speed up metabolism, slow down skin aging, and prevent dehydration.

Currently, physical inertia is an acute problem in society. Lack of muscle activity is currently fraught with health problems. According to WHO research, physical inertia leads to death in 6% of cases.

Regular exercise:

  • prevent the development of depression and psycho-emotional disorders;
  • help in the treatment of diabetes;
  • reduce the risk of cancer;
  • increase the strength of bone tissue;
  • allow you to monitor your weight;
  • improve the immune system.

Maintaining a daily routine

From birth, it is worth accustoming the body to a specific routine. Initially, parents must guide the child, then the process must be controlled independently. Under a certain person an individual schedule is selected. Following simple rules and by accustoming the body to a consistent schedule, you can get rid of many problems.

  1. Dream. Allows you to bring the body back to normal. Average duration sleep for an adult is 8 hours.
  2. Eating at a time. Regular meals eliminate the possibility of weight gain. The body gets used to eating at strictly allotted hours. If you deprive him of this privilege, malfunctions in the work of internal organs are guaranteed. For the first 21 days, you can make a nutrition plan - have breakfast with cereals, in small portions. A habit will develop, and the stomach will work like a clock.
  3. Taking care of the body. Physical activity during the day is necessary, especially if during the rest of the day there is no opportunity to move (sedentary work).

Following the rules for correct mode, you “risk” purchasing good mood, direct the body to solve more complex mental and physical problems and motivate loved ones with your example.

Rejection of bad habits

Abuse of alcohol or smoking is addictive. In addition, products containing alcohol are prohibited nulliparous girls– alcohol “kills” eggs, the likelihood of remaining childless increases significantly. Tobacco provokes cancer.

Giving up bad habits gives you fortitude and helps you avoid unwanted problems with health.

Strengthening the body

This is an important component of a healthy lifestyle. How to determine that the body is not strengthened enough?

The person is concerned about:

  • frequent colds;
  • constant feeling of fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • headache;
  • skin rashes.

If such signs are present, it is recommended to consult a doctor for qualified help. He will prescribe immuno-strengthening drugs and a course of treatment. If you don’t want to take pills, you should ask your doctor’s advice about home methods. To strengthen the immune system, the diet often includes:

  • Bay leaf;
  • horseradish;
  • shrimps;
  • fruits and vegetables, which contain vitamins A, C and E;
  • dry red wine

Many people douse themselves with cold water to improve their well-being and strengthen their body, even to the point of winter swimming. Parents with early years accustom their child to this procedure in order to protect him from infectious diseases.

Human mental health as one of the factors of healthy lifestyle

Mental health is about the individual's response to the influences of the outside world. The environment is aggressive to state of mind person. Experiences and stresses bring diseases into the body and mental disorders. To protect yourself from torment, apply disease prevention.

According to WHO, mental health is the appropriate behavior of a person when interacting with the environment. It includes 3 main factors.

  1. Absence of mental disorders.
  2. Stress resistance.
  3. Adequate self-esteem.

Be happy with yourself - this is the basis mental health. With frequent depression, mood swings, consult a psychotherapist.

He will write out necessary medications and suggest rational treatment.

Following a healthy lifestyle has a number of benefits:

  • bad mood is a rare occurrence;
  • infectious diseases are not able to attack the powerful immunity of the “healthy lifestyle”;
  • chronic diseases recede into the background, fading away or manifesting themselves less actively;
  • psychological state at a stable level;
  • the functioning of the body proceeds without interruption;
  • spending time becomes more productive.


Having analyzed in detail what a healthy lifestyle is, you should also understand that the main task of a citizen is to take care of himself and those around him. A healthy lifestyle is also strong character. All people plan to live a long time, do not want to get sick or see their children sick. But not everyone makes a choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle.

The reason is the lack of proper motivation and simple laziness. It's better to sit on the couch with chips than to walk for half an hour. This opinion is shared by the majority of citizens of our country. You should consult a doctor only when the pain is no longer unbearable.

Think about your health, give your body healthy lifestyle habits. And rest assured, your body will repay you. feeling good and absence of disease.

A healthy lifestyle or healthy lifestyle, what is it even and how can it be defined? The abbreviation healthy lifestyle is now on everyone’s lips, in sight and in action, which is good news. Fortunately, today it is fashionable to follow a healthy lifestyle. Everyone is surrounded by people who strive to live in accordance with all “healthy” rules, pushing aside bad habits.

A healthy lifestyle is not just about not drinking, smoking or eating bad food. This concept or phenomenon is much more fundamental and serious in its essence. In order to clarify the understanding of healthy lifestyle as such, you can contact anyone medical dictionary. Most of them are similar in explanations; the authors agree that a healthy lifestyle can be called one that is aimed at improving general well-being and maintaining health in accordance with age standards.

By the way, it is advisable in this context to turn to the concept of health in general. Thus, the authoritative WHO defines it as a state of complete well-being, not only physical, but also mental. This means that a healthy lifestyle is something like a set of measures that are aimed at strengthening protective forces body and individual health. In a word, healthy lifestyle is prevention or prevention.

“Three pillars” of a healthy lifestyle

You can read a lot of information on the Internet about exactly how best to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, what you need to do, and what you should abstain from. For a person who decides to stand on healthy way true, as they say, you need where to start. However, you should not believe dubious recommendations like “how to start leading a healthy lifestyle in seven steps” or “rules for a healthy lifestyle.” Naturally, it is better to seek qualified advice, for example, from a trainer or therapist. It seems strange to go to a doctor for such banal advice. But this is only at first glance. In the eyes of an intelligent physician, a person who strives to comply with the basic rules in order to be healthy looks like a good man.

How to lead a healthy lifestyle?

So, what is a healthy lifestyle based on? It is firmly and unshakably based on “three pillars”:

  • sport;
  • proper nutrition;
  • sleep/rest mode.

On the role of sport in healthy lifestyle

Obviously, it is impossible to live a healthy life without sports. This is a stone in the garden for those who ignore morning exercises, walking and climbing stairs. People who say that they feel great even without sports in life may not be lying, but hardly any of them can run at least a kilometer and not feel difficulty breathing, or sit down 50 times with ease.

You need to play sports and this is a fact. The morning should begin with a short warm-up lasting 15-20 minutes. It may be a complex of simple gymnastic exercises at home or a short jog outside, if conditions permit (by the way, many people, living in dangerously tempting proximity to the stadium, never bother to go out for classes, which is very in vain). In general, whoever likes what. Exercising in the morning is the most The best way wake up, cheer up, drive away the remnants of sleep and get a boost of energy for the coming day.

Daily exercise in the morning is not difficult at all. 15-20 minutes simple exercises noticeably improve well-being and general state body, activating it. In addition, it is important to devote an hour or two to thorough training at least several times a week (two or three will be enough). Today there are a lot of options so that you can go deeper into the sport. GYM's, swimming pools, fitness studios, outdoor stadiums and, eventually, your own apartment.

So, if financial opportunities do not allow you to get involved in sports, then an alternative is on the surface. These are workouts at home. All you need is a gymnastics mat, a jump rope, a pair of dumbbells and a training video so that you can navigate during the lesson. As they say, there will always be ways if the desire gnaws.

It should also be noted that movement is important for a healthy lifestyle. You always need to be an active, mobile person, strive to move. This means that you can walk an extra couple of kilometers to the next block, just as you can go up to the ninth floor under your own power instead of using the elevator. Movement is the essence of life, so says the simple truth. Moreover, you can simply miss movement, given the sedentary type of work of modern people.

Proper nutrition and rational lifestyle

Living healthy means eating healthy too. Everyone is aware of what is recommended to eat and how best to prepare it. However, fast foods and packaged food continue to be present in the refrigerators of every home. It is clear that after half a day has been burned out at work, you will no longer want any healthy dishes, just to throw something edible into yourself. However, doing this with your food is fundamentally wrong, not to say prohibited.

Find out about and how to comply.

What principles of reasonable nutrition can be identified in the most general form?

  • morning should start with a glass clean water on an empty stomach to start and awaken the stomach after the night;
  • It is best to have breakfast with porridge with the addition of fruits and nuts ( perfect option- oatmeal), but it is better to exclude sandwiches, and from the diet altogether; in the morning, food should be rich in healthy carbohydrates;
  • you need to have lunch no later than 4 hours after your morning meal (it is best to consume liquid food, vegetables with lean meat or fish, etc.);
  • dinner - 4 hours before bedtime, no later (you can protein food– these are dairy products, eggs, buckwheat porridge);
  • sweets - only in the first half of the day and in minimal quantities;
  • water (namely ordinary water, not drinks) should be 1.5-2 liters. per day;
  • Once every two weeks it is useful to do a fasting day.
  • Snacks in the form of fruit are allowed.

Compliance with the regime

Sleep / rest mode is also an important component of a healthy lifestyle. In order to feel not just normal, but well, you need to sleep at least 7 hours a day (optimal for an adult). Disharmony of sleep and rest is the cause of headaches, apathy, irritability, lethargy, impotence and the like. And who is comfortable living in such a state?

In general, it should be noted that it is better if the days pass according to the regime. The body gets used to the fact that at a certain time it will be fed, and at a certain time it will be put to bed. Regular lack of sleep or working until two o'clock in the morning has never benefited anyone, rather the opposite. Diet, for example, is an important part of any diet. The bottom line is that sleep and rest must be coordinated and planned, this should not be forgotten.

And finally ... Without what else can there be a healthy lifestyle?

  • hardening;
  • periodic stay in the fresh air, in nature;
  • personal hygiene;
  • giving up any bad habits;
  • positive emotions and resistance to stress.