Slow carbohydrates do not make you fat. What happens when we eat low GI carbohydrates. How to Consume Carbs for Weight Loss

If the amount of calories consumed in the form of food eaten in excess of needs exceeds a person’s energy expenditure, the body tries to store it as fat. In this case, it does not matter at all what exactly got into the stomach, proteins, carbohydrates or fats.

And yet there is a difference in the consumption of carbohydrates and fats. Preference should be given to foods rich in carbohydrates, since calories from carbohydrate consumption are not often stored as fat. For carbohydrates to turn into adipose tissue, you need to spend about 25% of calories, and fats can turn into adipose tissue by losing about 3% energy value. By consuming the same amount of “carbohydrate” and “fat” calories, you need to understand that slightly less adipose tissue is formed when eating foods containing carbohydrates.

But this does not mean that by eating a lot of carbohydrates, a person will not gain weight. Carbohydrates can be roughly divided into two types. The first includes simple refined carbohydrates, for example, refined sugar, premium wheat flour and sweets. The second type will consist of complex and “natural” carbohydrates, we're talking about about fruits and vegetables, legumes and grains. (There is no need to compare these types of carbohydrates with the division into simple and complex carbohydrates, since fresh fruits, excluding bananas, contain simple sugars, and foods high in starch and fiber contain complex carbohydrates. Vegetables contain both starch and sugar).

People overeat and gain weight in part because their diets contain too much refined carbohydrates, such as wheat flour or refined sugar. Let's try to figure this out.
When a person’s soul requires consolation, caloric, rich in fats food that always contains sugar. Who doesn't want to enjoy some cakes or taste... chocolates. Such food disappears faster than the brain receives a signal that it is full, so people eat more than necessary.
If you try to eat carbohydrates and low fat content instead of high-calorie foods, then it is not possible to get enough of low-fat cakes or diet cookies. The feeling of hunger will not leave you soon after such a meal. Consumption of such food can increase blood sugar, after which you will want to eat with renewed vigor.

Unrefined grains, which are called “natural” carbohydrates, have exactly the opposite effect. If you eat brown rice, bran pasta, oatmeal, root vegetables and other starchy vegetables, do not forget about fresh fruit and vegetables, you will be able to avoid weight gain. Such food must be chewed thoroughly. As a result, the stomach will be full, causing a feeling of fullness, and such food will take a long time to digest, and the blood sugar level will remain normal. Legumes, fruits, vegetables, barley and rye contain a lot soluble fiber, and it can affect the rate of sugar absorption and help reduce the content of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

Due to the fact that carbohydrates can “absorb” and retain more water, the advantages of a diet rich in carbohydrates are that it helps retain fluid in the body.
According to the defenders carbohydrate diet, the British during World War II consumed mainly carbohydrates (55%). There was much less fat in their diet (33%), but at that time people were slimmer and healthier than today.
Scientists have come to a consensus regarding useful qualities diets rich in “natural” carbohydrates. They believe that the content nutrients, in particular fiber, helps protect against diseases and does not lead to weight gain.
Foods containing complex natural carbohydrates

All legumes, specifically lentils, beans, peas, and beans, are considered foods that are rich in complex natural carbohydrates. This also includes unpolished rye, brown rice, oats and wheat, as well as products made from wholemeal flour, such as whole wheat pasta, cereals and muesli, rye and grain bread. A large amount of complex natural carbohydrates are found in vegetables rich in starch, for example, in potatoes, babata, parsnips, all fresh, dried, frozen and canned fruits in water, fresh or frozen vegetables, as well as canned vegetables.

Almost all of these products contain a large number of dietary fiber, legumes, dried fruits and hulled barley are especially rich in it. There is also a lot of fiber in nuts and seeds, but they also have enough fat, and besides, such food is denser and higher in calories. If you look at the end of this book, you can see the table nutritional value, which lists the carbohydrate and fiber content of 200 foods.

Fats- This construction material, for the brain and nervous system which contribute to the development of immunity. They are stored in the body in reserve, and are used if the body lacks food or there is a large expenditure of energy.

Fats are classified according to the presence of beneficial fatty acids. Basically, the product is very high in calories, but is beneficial for the body. They are necessary for lubricating joints, stopping the absorption of cholesterol, saturating with vitamin E, and improving brain function and memory.

Carbohydrates- This organic compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They include fiber, sugar and starch. After all the breakdowns, carbohydrates are converted into glucose.

Types of carbohydrates:

  • simple carbohydrates, or fast carbohydrates as they are also called. They are contained in food products processed sugar, buns, cakes, fruits, carbonated drinks and so on;
  • complex carbohydrates or long ones. They are included in plant products and cereals.

Scientists have proven that people gain weight from both complex and simple carbohydrates. It all depends on the number of calories, the time of day of eating foods rich in carbohydrates and regular physical activity.

Nutritionists recommend consuming complex carbohydrates in the morning. So they split for a long time and at the same time constantly release energy. Porridge and durum pasta are best. And for dinner, eat a light vegetable salad. It is better to avoid simple carbohydrates as much as possible. They are very quickly processed by the body and excrete great amount energy that the body does not have time to use and again requires “feeding”. Thus, a story that is painfully familiar to us emerges. I bought a cookie, drank tea, and an hour later I wanted to eat again. Sound familiar? Of course they exist. They are based on the idea that there is a large release of insulin, and since it does not disperse throughout the body on its own, it is deposited in fatty tissues. There are diets of a different nature. Basically, like protein ones, they are suitable for people who are engaged in active species sports not at the amateur level.
As for regular weight loss, for example, before the beach season, then nothing can be better than counting calories.

Let us conclude that with proper nutrition and partial refusal fast carbohydrates, you can maintain a great figure, good mood and a healthy body.

  • lentils and legumes;
  • rice, barley, bread;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • wholemeal bread.

The main thing is not to forget that if you eat more calories per day than you burn, then weight gain cannot be avoided!

There is an opinion that you cannot combine fats and carbohydrates. Rave! Our body is designed so that they cannot live without each other. Many experiments were carried out, which proved that this division does not bring much results. On the contrary, there were negative reactions. When separated, different responses of acetone to extraordinary nutrition arose. There is nothing beneficial from such nutrition! If you put carbohydrates and fats on the scales, you will maintain balance. The most important thing is to observe the number of calories consumed per day, exercise, and healthy image life. It is very good for the body to combine carbohydrates and fats together. After all, it’s tastier to eat porridge with butter than just with water. It's healthy and tasty at the same time! Let's be friends with our bodies and listen to its needs! Let's not go to extremes! The body will thank you! Be healthy and beautiful!

Video about fast and slow carbohydrates

The word “fat” itself often evokes associations negative reaction. We are more accustomed to thinking that fat inevitably makes us fat. And that’s why people drink skim milk in droves and eat only foods with reduced content fat... but it’s not getting slimmer. Why? It’s just that there are “healthy” fats, and there are “harmful” ones. And it’s not enough just to know about it, you also need to distinguish the “low content” of what kind of fat you consume.

In fact, fats are vital for any body to function properly. A deficiency of fat can have a detrimental effect on your health. So you need to eat them, but only at the same time know how much and what fats to include in your diet.

Mono-, poly-, I

"Healthy" fats or "fatty acids". They are formed during the breakdown of fats and serve as a source of energy for body cells and necessary elements any healthy eating because they enrich with oxygen circulatory system organism, participate in the process of formation and functioning of new cells, support in good condition skin, slow down the aging process, help maintain good physical fitness and losing weight.

There are several types of fatty acids: Omega-3, Omega-6 - polyunsaturated) and Omega-9 (monounsaturated). The human body can independently produce only Omega-9 acid, and Omega-3 and Omega-6 can only be obtained through food.

Monone saturated fats are considered the most useful. They're lowering the level total cholesterol and increase the level of “good” cholesterol. Contained in almonds, avocados, cashews, macadamia nuts, natural nut butters, olive oil, pistachios, sesame oil, sesame seeds.

Polyunsaturated fats are the next healthiest. They simultaneously reduce the level of both “bad” and “good” cholesterol. Contained in corn oil, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, in fatty varieties fish (tuna, mackerel and salmon), other seafood (oysters, sardines, lobsters and shrimp), as well as plant products (flax-seed and oil thereof, hemp seed and hemp oil, soybean oil and walnuts).

Omega-3s support brain activity and strengthen memory. They are necessary for proper intrauterine development baby. These fatty acids help cope with stress and are good for vision.

Omega-6 reduces cholesterol, strengthens immune system, support the functions of the peripheral and central nervous system, participate in the synthesis of sex hormones.

Omega-9 prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Easier to digest than Omega-3 and Omega-6, so olive oil When cooking, it is preferable to sunflower and corn.

What is the best way to manage them?

Except healthy fats There are also “harmful” ones - “saturated fats”.
They are high in saturated fatty acids and tend to increase both total cholesterol and “bad” cholesterol. Such fats are found in pork, beef, butter, cheese, cream, sour cream, ice cream, and whole milk.
To avoid excess weight, cardiovascular diseases and other health problems, try to replace harmful saturated fats in your diet with healthy ones.

1. Try to use a minimum of fat when cooking. Use unrefined vegetable oil, low-calorie salad dressings, lemon juice, and salad vinegar instead of mayonnaise.
2. Choose olive oil over all others.
3. Buy good non-stick cookware. This will significantly reduce the amount of fat used in cooking.
4. To reduce the amount of unhealthy fats, meat and other foods can be boiled, baked, grilled or steamed.
5. When baking, replace 1/3 of the required amount. butter or margarine vegetable oil.
6. Reduce your consumption egg yolk.
7. To reduce the amount of animal fat in your diet, choose low-fat varieties meat and low-fat dairy products.
8. Read product labels. The “right” foods should contain no more than 3 g of fat for every 100 kcal. Saturated and transported fats are often found in baked goods, dry biscuits, margarines, chocolate spreads, and sauces. Be carefull!

Please, do not forget that, despite the reputation of “healthy” and “harmful”, they are all quite high in calories, and excessive consumption of even the healthiest and “healthiest” fats can easily lead to excess weight gain.

You want to lose a few kilos, but you just can't figure it out get fat from carbohydrates or fats? In fact, this is not surprising for the reason that there are a huge number of diets on the Internet, many of which are simply misleading. One says that you should never eat fat, while the other diet is a terrible opponent of carbohydrates. Of course, in such a variety it will be quite difficult for you to understand what can still be consumed and what cannot.

You can understand whether you get fat from carbohydrates or fats only when you understand what it is and where do calories accumulate in the first place? Maybe you won’t even necessarily need to adhere to some kind of strict diet, but it will be enough to balance your diet in order not to feel hungry and give your body everything it needs to produce energy.

Do fats make you fat?

How much have you heard about fats, and you probably came to only one conclusion - they make you gain weight. This is because they have a very bad reputation, but it is not justified. You will never gain weight from fats if you eat them correctly.

In 1984, the terrible propaganda of a fat-free diet began in the United States. People were convinced that they should under no circumstances consume such food in their diet, and then they would definitely lose excess weight. You will be surprised that such agitation yielded nothing. When everyone around me, as if hypnotized, began to eat only carbohydrates they started recruiting more more weight , while the percentage of citizens with diabetes mellitus. As a conclusion, we can say that you don’t get better from fat, and you can only gain weight from an excess of food. You've probably ever felt like you ate more than you should have.

Do carbohydrates make you fat?

Your body is designed in such a way that it simply needs to eat; it gives you energy that you use throughout the day. If over a given period of time you have consumed more calories than your body needs, then it is clear that the next day you will gain a little extra weight.

All carbohydrates can be divided into two large groups: complex and simple.

  • Simple They mainly contain fructose and glucose. This is all flour products and other sweets. Pasta is also included in this group.
  • Complex Carbohydrates are found most in fruits and vegetables.
You probably already understand a little about the difference between these two groups, but let’s look at it in a little more detail. When something from simple carbohydrates enters your body, this food immediately turns into sugar. For example, if you use only 100 grams regular mashed potatoes, it will be the same as eating 4 large spoons of sugar. Marvelous? But this is actually true. Insulin begins to be produced and you develop fat deposits.

Now a little about complex carbohydrates . They are absorbed into the body much more slowly, which means that insulin production does not occur. You can long time You won’t feel hungry and you won’t gain excess weight. Do you remember example with mashed potatoes , and now let’s look at the same one, only with apples. What do you think will happen if you eat a kilo of apples? But nothing because this amount does not even contain one spoon of sugar, the same goes for vegetables.

From all of the above, you can now easily conclude and understand that if you have decided to consume carbohydrates, then it is better to give preference to complex ones. If you eat simple carbohydrates, it doesn't matter what diet it is, then a large amount of sugar will enter your body, and you simply won’t be able to get rid of excess weight. They get fat from carbohydrates and fats - yes, you can gain weight from both of these foods, just learn to build your diet in such a way as to eat right and consume as many calories as your body spends on energy - then you will never know what extra pounds are.

Do carbohydrates cause an increase in insulin levels and, as a result, fat formation? Read this article and you will find out whether carbohydrates make you fat or not!

Super Scientist Athlete: “Hey man, you need to lose weight—eat less carbs!”

His friend: “Why?”

Super Scientist Athlete: “Because carbohydrates cause increased production insulin, and insulin promotes fat formation. If you eat few carbohydrates, your body will only burn fat and you will lose weight. Look at me, how slim I am, I haven’t eaten carbohydrates for 2 years” (he lifts up his T-shirt and proudly shows off his puny, bony body).

His friend: “Damn, then I need to stop eating oatmeal in the morning if I want a flat stomach.”

Similar conversations can often be heard in gyms and locker rooms.

Low-carbohydrate diets work according to the principle: carbohydrate intake decreases - insulin levels drop. This means that the fat burning mechanism is launched, because carbohydrates are main reason occurrence and accumulation of fat.

Where does this myth about insulin and carbohydrates come from?

The emergence of such concepts as “good” and “bad” calories has shaken up society. Now everyone has started counting calories and actively losing weight. In books on proper nutrition It is written in black and white that insulin is the main cause of obesity. No, of course, there is some truth in this: the hormone is really involved in the regulation of subcutaneous fat. But you shouldn’t make it the main culprit of your excess weight.

Why? Our endocrine system is very complex mechanism, the coordinated work of which depends on the activity of many hormones. Insulin plays an important role in metabolism (including fats and carbohydrates), but it is only a small part of this system.

To understand how insulin works, it is worth moving a little away from generally accepted facts and looking at it from a different perspective.

How insulin is involved in the liver, muscle and fat tissues

First, let's look at what insulin is and what it does. Insulin is a hormone endocrine system, that is, it is important for the normal functioning of several tissues, not just fat and muscle.

Most of us think that insulin is a hormone that pushes fat throughout all the cells of our body, but this is not entirely true.

Insulin controls glucose levels in the liver. In other words, when you eat something that causes insulin to spike, it signals to your body, “Hey, I got enough sugar, so I don’t need to do anything. Liver, you can relax a little!” He will also recommend that the liver store some glucose for future use - glycogen, so to speak, for a rainy day.

Insulin and muscles

Now let's look at how insulin affects our muscles. When insulin enters skeletal muscles, several things happen inside them important processes. Firstly, cellular glucose transporters begin to actively move to the surface of the cell membrane and distribute sugar throughout muscle fibers. Secondly, insulin signals muscle cells to tune in specifically to carbohydrate metabolism.

Think of insulin as a conductor: when it's not there, your body will start burning fat intensely, but when it's there, it tells your body to use the extra carbohydrates that come with glucose.

It should be noted that the energy status of the cell plays an important role in its internal processes. If the muscle cells are too low level glucose and/or glycogen, then insulin will force the cell to use incoming glucose for combustion and form glycogen from existing reserves.

More interesting fact, which, by the way, few people know: under the influence of insulin, fatty acids are absorbed into muscle cells, which will be used later to generate energy. If the cells already have a lot of glucose, glycogen and intramuscular triglycerides, then imagine what reserves of glycogen the cell will make!

And this, in turn, will inevitably cause the formation of fat: glycogen is simply transformed into adipose tissue.

Insulin and adipose tissue

Insulin actually reduces the rate of fat breakdown in adipose tissue and also stimulates the synthesis of fatty acids. This is scientifically proven.

Now you're probably thinking, "Bro, I told you back in the beginning that insulin stores fat!" But this is a fundamentally incorrect formulation. Insulin is only stored, not produced, by fat.

Yes, insulin does reduce fat oxidation in the short term (when insulin levels are high). However, to get better, you need to have this level constantly. What can you achieve if you eat carbohydrates day and night?

Fat oxidation is a stable metabolic process in our body, and insulin acts only as an activator carbohydrate metabolism. That is, insulin is just a kind of switch in the general metabolism; it is not capable of producing fat on its own.

The only thing that can be traced is the connection between insulin and obesity if there is always excess energy in the body.

What research has been done?

If insulin were the key hormone responsible for weight gain, then people who eat large amounts of carbohydrates would inevitably become fatter, unlike those on a low-carb diet.

To prove this with scientific point Let's look at studies that address the following question: Do isocaloric diets increase insulin levels and lead to weight loss?

One study involved 8 people. In the first week they ate food from high content carbohydrates (60% of the total diet), and secondly, foods rich in fat (also 60%) became the basis of their menu. The total energy consumption was the same.

As a result of the experiment, it was found that the composition of the diet does not affect energy consumption, but it DOES influence “the rate of breakdown of substances during the digestion process.”

A recent study on high-carbohydrate diets (70%) found that it is possible to lose weight and improve insulin sensitivity by following this diet. This alone should shake your belief that insulin is the main culprit for your excess weight.

Another study led by Dr. Kevin Hall found that calorie counting and fat restriction lead to greater loss weight than restricting carbohydrates. This suggests that insulin signaling plays a role main role in determining the source of energy, but is not at all a decisive factor in metabolism.

In addition, if insulin were the cause of obesity, then all overweight and obese people would suffer from higher level insulin. How then to explain the fact that many overweight people have absolutely normal level insulin? This is in Once again indicates that insulin is not involved in fat formation.

Insulin and protein

Another interesting pattern to note is that protein also causes a spike in insulin. This is actually true. Some high-protein foods can raise insulin levels much higher and faster than high-carb foods (I'm sure your brain is exploding from too much information? Haha, me too. But let's figure it out).

Why is this important to know? Numerous experiments show that protein diets quite effective in losing weight. Although whey protein is the cause sharp jump insulin, but it intensively burns subcutaneous fat reserves.

You need to remember the following: if your obesity is caused by elevated insulin, then such diets are strictly contraindicated for you. After all, protein will only contribute to the accumulation of fat, and this is the exact opposite of your goal.


After analyzing this information, you can conclude that insulin is a metabolic regulator. It kind of switches your body, forces it to burn not fats, but incoming carbohydrates. It also helps glycogen synthesis, protein metabolism substances.

U healthy person with normal hormonal levels, metabolism is stable and stable, so even significant fluctuations eating behavior(e.g. high carbohydrate foods) usually do not cause problems. Only when there is an excess of energy in the body, insulin can be an indirect cause of the accumulation of fat cells.