I go to the toilet with foam. What can cause foamy diarrhea?

When a person does not have problems or stomach upsets, the stool is considered normal. The digestive organs perform their function, and nutrients keep the body in good shape. However, when violations occur, loose stool. Diarrhea with foam is considered a serious problem. This portends a disturbance in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This type of diarrhea appears along with other obvious symptoms disorders.

Why does foamy diarrhea appear?

Factors causing foamy diarrhea include: developing pathologies bacterial or viral in nature. However, the problem may be digestive organ. Reasons unpleasant symptom are considered:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • viral infection;
  • bacterial infection;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • diseases of the stomach, intestines, pancreas or duodenum;
  • lactase deficiency in a child;
  • food allergies or food poisoning;
  • celiac disease;
  • overeating and poor nutrition.

The cause of diarrhea with foam in an adult is considered to be dysbiosis, when the balance of intestinal microflora occurs. This occurs due to long-term treatment antibiotics. Sometimes dysbiosis develops quickly, and diarrhea manifests itself in the form foamy stool With . This condition is difficult to treat and requires long-term therapy.

Any infection can have irreversible consequences. In this case, liquid, foamy stools of a greenish tint are observed. Infectious diseases are not treated at home. This requires urgent help doctor After diagnosis, the necessary treatment will begin.

Foamy diarrhea occurs due to intestinal diseases, which include:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • enterocolitis.

With any of the above diseases, diarrhea appears with white foam. This is the main symptom of such pathologies. If you ignore such signals from the body, the diseases progress and turn into complications.

The occurrence of loose, foamy stools in infants under 1 year of age is associated with lactase deficiency. This occurs due to poor digestibility of milk. The manifestation of this disease in adults is associated with pathologies of the pancreas.

Some people's stomachs are sensitive to certain foods. When eating an allergenic dish, a person feels as if he is being poisoned.

The appearance of foamy, loose stools in adults is associated with gluten intolerance. There are many signs of this deviation. However, it is worth knowing that cereal products needs to be excluded from the diet.

A factor in the appearance of loose, foamy stools is poor nutrition. Intestinal disorder progresses if a person has a stressful psycho-emotional state.

What symptoms accompany foamy diarrhea?

Doctors characterize loose stools as dyspepsia. This means a violation of the digestive function of the stomach. Main manifestations foamy diarrhea are considered:

  • rumbling;
  • stool contains inclusions of bubbles, grains or undigested foods;
  • pain syndrome during bowel movements (in some cases this sign is absent);
  • loose stools are observed frequently;
  • feces has sour smell.

However, some signs differ between children and adults. This is due to diseases that manifest themselves in a particular age group.

Signs of foamy diarrhea in an adult

In some cases, in an adult, indigestion is considered the only symptom. However, it often happens that loose stools are accompanied by attacks of nausea and vomiting. In addition to foam formation, inclusions of mucus and blood are observed in the stool. A manifestation of disease and intoxication of the body is considered to be an increase in temperature to 38°C. In this case, pain occurs in the abdominal area. In some cases, rashes appear on the body.

If there is foamy stool and several additional signs last more than 2-3 days, you should seek help from a doctor. The patient needs first aid and medical examination.

With diarrhea, dehydration occurs, which, if symptoms persist for a long time, leads to impairment. water balance in organism. This leads to malfunctions of cardio-vascular system. Additionally, signs begin with a decrease blood pressure. Otherwise, the patient’s well-being may deteriorate sharply.

Treatment of loose, foamy stools

To diagnose bowel disorders, consult a gastroenterologist. The doctor will begin to conduct diagnostics based on the data received. laboratory research, will prescribe therapy. Treatment occurs in a complex of medical supplies and therapeutic diet.

Use of drugs

In some situations, self-medication becomes dangerous to health. If the patient is suspected of having an intestinal infection, then therapy must be carried out in a hospital setting. First of all, the patient is prescribed drugs that eliminate foamy feces. For this, Imodium or Loperamide is used.

Antibiotics are not prescribed for foamy stools. Many causes of unpleasant symptoms cannot be treated with such medications. During loose stools, the patient needs to restore the intestinal microflora. Therefore, probiotics are prescribed:

  • Linux;
  • Bifidubakterin Forte;

In case of poisoning and allergens in the body, adsorbents are prescribed. The drugs help remove toxins in 1 week. Such medications include Enterosgel, Atoxil or Smecta. To restore digestive function, use enzyme agents Festal or Pancreatin.

After removing toxins from the body with the help of adsorbents, they use antihistamines. This helps restore digestive function.

To prevent dehydration from becoming a serious problem for the patient, Regidron solution is prescribed. After eliminating foamy diarrhea, it is recommended to drink large quantities water. Otherwise, additional sorbents are prescribed to remove remaining toxins from the body.

Prescribing proper nutrition

Regardless of the reasons for the appearance of loose, foamy stools, you must follow the prescribed diet. In the first days, the patient limits food intake. However, it is necessary to consume liquids in large quantities. During the day you need to drink 3 liters of water. This will help prevent serious consequences if diarrhea occurs along with vomiting.

It is recommended to eat only warm dishes. Temperature products should not exceed 65 0C and not be lower than 35 0C. Dishes are accepted in small portions so as not to put unnecessary strain on the digestive system. This will help gradually restore the damaged intestinal mucosa.

It is necessary to exclude spicy, fatty, salty and smoked foods from the diet. It is dangerous to use if you have an upset stomach dairy products. At the same time, it is highly recommended not to eat food that causes gas formation.

A diet for intestinal upset involves eating rye bread, bananas, rice porridge viscous consistency, decoction or tea of ​​chamomile and raspberries.

The appearance of diarrhea is often associated with with dirty hands. However, loose, foamy stools also appear during pregnancy. At the same time, personal hygiene rules may also not be observed. The body of a young mother is susceptible external influences and even reacts sharply to certain foods. Therefore, during pregnancy, strengthening fruits help against foamy diarrhea. For expectant mother It is recommended to drink a decoction of dried apricots, blueberries or take herbal teas.

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Study Group Expert inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

For many parents, the first days of their newborn's life are filled with anxiety and worry about their health. Foamy stool in infants often causes concern for mothers, since stool in children is one of the important indicators normal operation body. Due to the fact that the child is not yet sufficiently formed gastrointestinal tract, and he is just learning to accept and digest food, reacting differently to it, the newborn’s stool is constantly changing.

1 What kind of stool is normal?

Baby's bowel movements are different color: yellow, green, brown, and similar shades, but all this is within the normal range. The consistency of feces should be similar to gruel, mustard, apricot puree with sour smell, everyone’s associations are different, but the essence is the same.

Infants fed formula will have different stools than infants fed breast milk. They defecate two or three times a day, the feces have a uniform consistency of mush and it is a little thicker than that of infants, sometimes even too thick, which causes constipation. Their color is dark brown, and various inclusions, mucus, and greenery are absent.

In a breastfed baby, there may be lumps in the stool, a little mucus, the color can be different, but the predominant shade is green. And in many ways, the consistency and color of stool depends on the foods included in the mother’s diet. Since the mother cannot eat the same thing, and should not, the baby’s feces will change all the time. Its changes will be influenced by factors such as:

  • maternal nutrition;
  • lactation period;
  • the needs of the baby himself;
  • balance of microelements in mother's milk;
  • more emotional state of the mother.

One of the phenomena that frightens parents is foamy stool in the baby.

2 Causes of pathology in a baby

Most often, foam in the stool is a functional disorder that is not associated with any pathologies or serious diseases. In the absence of any other symptoms, if the child is active and cheerful, then the reason most likely lies in the diet of the mother, if she is breastfeeding, or in the diet of the baby himself, if he is artificial or is already trying complementary foods.

Let's look at the main reasons why foam appears in a baby's stool.

Eating any new foods. Experimenting with food can cause foamy and green tint. This is the result of fermentation in the child’s intestines. This process can be exacerbated if the breastfeeding mother consumes too much chicken eggs, sauerkraut, raw vegetables, peas. It is necessary to exclude soda, mayonnaise, and others from the mother’s diet. harmful products. It is necessary to avoid incompatibility of products such as milk and cucumbers. This will not only cause foamy stools, but also abdominal pain for the baby. Usually, if the cause of foamy stool lies in the diet of the mother or child, then when the diet is changed to a more suitable one, the stool will change within 1-2 days, and special treatment not required.

Introducing complementary foods too early. Many mothers make the mistake of introducing their children to adult food(e.g. zucchini puree, broccoli, cauliflower), which can cause intestinal dysfunction. Only from the age of 6 months does the baby more or less develop an enzyme system that allows it to digest some foods from the adult table. Mother's milk plays an important role in the formation of enzymes, but if complementary foods are given before 5 months, this may prevent the baby from maturing its enzymes.

Taking medications intended to relieve abdominal pain and gas, such as Espumisan or Plantex, may cause foamy stools. In this case, do not be afraid of foam in the stool - this is absolutely normal reaction body for drugs. At breastfeeding, mom needs to be very careful about using medications for herself, even the most harmless medicines may cause digestive disorders in a child.

Imbalance. When a baby eats only the “front” breast milk, which is rich in lactose and low in fat, and does not get to the “back”, which on the contrary is high in fat and the necessary enzyme for breaking down lactose, malnutrition and imbalance occurs. Foremilk is not digested as it should and the stool becomes foamy, watery with a dark tint. In order for the baby to receive both “front” and “hind” milk, the mother needs to wait until the baby has completely emptied one breast, and not transfer him to the other breast too early.

Increased gas formation or, as it is also called in the case of a baby, colic. This happens to almost every child, so you just need to get over it and not make the situation worse poor nutrition. It is recommended that nursing mothers exclude cow's milk from their diet.

Dysbacteriosis. The stool has a sharp sour odor and particles are clearly visible in it undigested food. This condition passes quickly, as children's intestines adapts to new conditions after birth. In most cases, everything goes away quickly without any treatment. But when a baby’s foamy stool is regular and sometimes gives way to constipation, then parents should be wary. This may be a signal of disruption of the intestinal microflora. Then you should do a stool test. The child may be prescribed a course of probiotics or prebiotics, and then the condition of the tract will improve and everything will soon return to normal.

Lactose deficiency. Lactose is one of the most valuable substances in mother's milk. But if the baby does not have enough of this enzyme, then he begins to develop bloating, colic, foamy feces with sour smell, diarrhea To determine lactose deficiency, it is necessary to do a stool test.

Drinking too much. Grandmothers are very fond of advising that newborns should be given water to drink, but nursing mothers should know that breast milk consists of 60% water, so just feeding your baby milk will be enough for him to drink. If the child is bottle-fed, he can be supplemented with food boiled water room temperature, 1 teaspoon three times a day. If you give a child too much water, then the stool becomes liquid and foamy, which is completely harmless compared to the enlargement of the kidneys after excess fluid intake.

The above cases are not so scary; they can be easily eliminated by correcting the diet of mother and baby. But there are cases when parents should be wary and consult a doctor.

3 When should you worry?

Foamy stools in some cases, together with other signs, can also be a symptom of an intestinal infection and other disorders of the body, which should really cause concern among parents.

So, here are the symptoms when you should start worrying:

  • the stool is not just liquid, but watery;
  • the child defecates too often, up to 10 times a day;
  • noticed a strong unpleasant odor;
  • color is bright green or bright yellow;
  • vomiting appeared;
  • the child is weak;
  • the temperature has risen;
  • loss of appetite;
  • Blood, mucus, and streaks are visible in the stool.

In this case, consult a doctor immediately, because young children become dehydrated very quickly, which can even be fatal.

If the stool is foamy with a white tint, then this indicates a violation of the outflow of bile. It is necessary to undergo a diagnosis, make biochemical analysis blood, ultrasound abdominal cavity and stool analysis.

4 How to avoid the appearance of liquid stool?

You can add drugs containing bifidobacteria to your baby’s diet to improve digestion. You cannot force feed your baby, his intestines are very sensitive, so let him eat on demand. It is necessary to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and maintain hygiene for yourself and your baby to prevent infections and bacteria.

No need to give your child enough to drink natural feeding tea, water, juice, it will accumulate excess liquid. There is no need to give your baby complementary foods too early, but at least at least the first 6 months.

5 What can parents do?

Parents need to make sure that the child does not lose a lot of fluid, as he washes everything away. useful microelements from the body.

Compensate for fluid loss by special means like "Regidron", this is brackish water, sold in powder form at any pharmacy, cheap.

It is necessary to continue to breastfeed or formula feed the baby, exclude complementary foods, and keep the baby fed. It is never a bad idea to consult a pediatrician.

In the first months of life, the baby’s digestive system is just beginning to form. During this period, foamy stools in infants are not pathological condition. Not all enzymes are produced in sufficient quantities; the course of fermentation processes in the intestines is within normal limits. If the child is not gaining enough weight, his stomach hurts, there is bad feeling, then this should be a cause for concern and a reason to contact a pediatrician.

In the first 2-3 days of life, the newborn has dark meconium. It can be very dark, even appearing black. It's the leftovers coming out amniotic fluid along with exfoliated intestinal mucosa and enzyme residues. This type of stool is sterile and does not foam. Once the baby's intestines are colonized by bacteria, the stool acquires a characteristic color. The following colors of stool can be observed: various shades of yellow, light brown and orange. The characteristic smell of stool is due to milk feeding (the smell of sour milk). The consistency should be mushy.

The baby may develop foamy stools over time. It depends on the features digestive system newborns, hereditary factors, type of feeding (breastfeeding, artificial), features of the baby’s development. Boys are most susceptible to problems with the gastrointestinal tract and the appearance of abnormalities in the nature of stool (green, foamy stool with putrid smell). This is due to the formation of the testicles and the entire reproductive system of the baby.

You should know that normally, a baby’s feces may contain small inclusions, incompletely digested food particles, lumps, or have foam (due to gas formation). The cause of alarm should be a change in the usual consistency of stool, color, smell, number of bowel movements per day, and the presence of blood streaks. The appearance of white or light-colored stool indicates poor outflow of bile or its deficiency. In this case, it is necessary to contact a specialist, and ultrasound and diagnostic examination are mandatory.

Foamy stool while breastfeeding

The number of bowel movements per day depends on the type of feeding. There may be stool after each feeding, especially when breastfeeding (BF). Maybe 1-2 times a day. The baby “goes big” fewer times when he is fed artificial milk formulas. Some pediatricians believe that the absence of stool during the day during breastfeeding is not considered a pathology when normal weight and the child’s well-being. This indicates good digestibility mother's milk.

Let's consider under what circumstances foamy stool appears in a breastfed newborn:

  1. Foamy stools may occur if the mother is not eating properly. Excessive use gas-forming products (fresh cabbage, apples and others sour fruits, pickles) can cause the formation of gases and the appearance of foam in the stool of children.
  2. Use by mother and others medicines, as a rule, provokes loose, foamy stools in infants. Taking medications often causes allergies in a child.
  3. The introduction of complementary foods provokes a change in consistency during breastfeeding. Up to six months, the child’s enzyme system is still developing. The early introduction of new foods disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and inhibits its maturation, so you may observe foamy stools in the child.
  4. If the baby is switched to formula milk before 6 months, he may have foamy stools. This is the response of the digestive system, which adapts to a new type of food. Cause this phenomenon is an enzyme deficiency. Together with mother's milk, the baby received the necessary enzymes, and now the body needs time to produce them in the required quantities. If the stool does not improve, you need to change the mixture.
  5. An allergic reaction to foods that the mother or baby has eaten, to infant formula, or to medications that the mother or baby takes. All this can lead to the appearance of green, foamy stool in the baby.
  6. If foamy stool gives way to constipation, then assume. At the same time, in stool curdled lumps of food may be observed, the stool becomes watery, with a more sour odor. Defecation occurs more frequently. Many mothers confuse it with diarrhea. You need to know that the cause of diarrhea (diarrhea) is pathological microorganisms. And dysbiosis occurs as a consequence of an imbalance natural microflora baby's intestines. Dysbacteriosis can be provoked by an infant taking antibiotics.
  7. Foamy feces may appear in infants due to malnutrition. Its color changes and becomes darker. The stool itself becomes watery.
  8. An imbalance in breast milk can also contribute to the appearance of foam in your baby's stool. There are “foremilk” and “hind” milk. The first portions of mother's milk contain many vitamins, immunomodulatory particles (antibodies), minerals, water-soluble proteins, and lactose. It has a transparent bluish tint. The “back” portion is rich in nutritional components and enzymes. If a child does not receive enough milk, he does not get enough. "Foremilk" with all its mass useful properties poorly digested due to a lack of enzymes contained in the “back” portion.
  9. Lactase enzyme deficiency in infants is the most common cause of foamy stools. The stool is often greenish. This enzyme digests lactose, the milk sugar that makes up 99% of the carbohydrates in human milk. In newborns, lactase is produced in insufficient quantities. It enters the baby’s body from “hind” breast milk. You can observe the appearance of not only foamy stools, but also regurgitation.
  10. Diarrhea with foam appears due to an intestinal infection. The baby's temperature rises, stool becomes frequent, watery, and its color changes. There is mucus and blood in the stool. Vomiting may occur. Dehydration occurs very quickly in children. Therefore, in such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor and hospitalize the child.

Chair with foam for artificial feeding

The reasons for the occurrence of foamy stool in a newborn when feeding with formula milk largely coincide with the provoking factors for a similar phenomenon in breastfed babies. A child's intake of antibiotics and other medications, the introduction of early complementary feeding, allergies, the composition of infant formula itself, intestinal dysbiosis, malnutrition can cause feces with gas formation, loose stools with foam in infants.

Foamy diarrhea is a sign of an intestinal infection in combination with characteristic symptoms: increased temperature, the presence of convulsions and vomiting, increased frequency of bowel movements, intoxication, changes in the color and consistency of stool.

How to keep your baby safe?

When the main reason for the appearance of foam in the stool is the nutrition of the mother or child, then its correction should be a priority. A nursing mother should eat stewed and boiled vegetables, apples should be baked in the oven, it is important to exclude foods fermentative and gas formation, do not eat allergenic foods. The baby should not introduce complementary foods early; it is important to avoid allergenic food. Carefully monitor how the child’s body reacts to new food and adjust its composition. You should choose the right baby formula for artificial feeding. People's carminative for infants is dill water, fennel teas ( pharmacy option Plantex, etc.).

Malnutrition and, as a result, watery stool with gases are regulated by establishing a feeding regime. The artificial animal eats once every 3-3.5 hours. Breastfed babies - once every 2-3 hours. It is important for a breastfed baby to eat both portions of milk. You should not give your baby a second breast until he has emptied the first. You need to monitor the feeding technique and observe how the child swallows. so that it covers the entire areola and does not chew the nipple.

If there is not enough milk in one breast, mothers give the second breast. In this case, the child may not empty it completely. In this case, he will receive more “foremilk”, and then the reason for the appearance of foamy stools will be obvious. If both breasts are emptied and the baby frequently requires feeding, it can be assumed that he is still malnourished. Mom should change her diet, eat enough, drink lactogenic teas, and get enough sleep to increase milk production. Frequent latching on the breast stimulates an increase in milk supply. If the baby still does not eat enough, then feeding with artificial milk formula will have to be introduced.

Treatment of foamy stools in children

If dysbiosis manifests itself, you should be tested for bacterial culture of the intestinal microflora to determine which beneficial bacteria is not enough, and also rule out an intestinal infection. The pediatrician will recommend medications that help restore the balance of intestinal flora. These are usually probiotics and prebiotics. The popular product Duphalac contains lactulose, which is a nutrient medium for the growth of beneficial bacteria. They also prescribe Lactovit, Canadian yogurt, Narine, Linex (preparations containing beneficial microorganisms). Fixing agent for liquid and frequent stool is a decoction. You need to know that the detection of staphylococcus in bacterial culture is not yet a sign of infection. The ratio of its quantity to beneficial microflora is important.

Used to correct enzyme deficiency the following drugs: Normaze, papaya syrup (enzyme-containing products). It is advisable to be tested for lactase deficiency, stool culture and coprogram (analysis of digested food). Dysbacteriosis is often combined with enzyme deficiency. There are drugs that contain bacteria and enzymes (for example, Hilak-forte). It is better for artificial milk drinkers to switch to fermented milk mixture. A breastfed baby can also be given fermented milk complementary foods. A nursing mother should not consume too much fatty foods, she should avoid smoked foods and have fermented milk products in her diet.

Intestinal infection is treated with antibiotics (children under one year of age undergo treatment only in a hospital setting). A bacterial culture to determine the pathogen and an antibiogram to determine sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. Additionally, sorbents are prescribed (Enterosgel, Smecta, etc.), which help eliminate intoxication. Recovery medications are required electrolyte balance(Regidron, etc.). When it loses a lot of fluid, and with it minerals(potassium, sodium), responsible for the work nerve impulses. The temperature is brought down with analgin and No-shpa, but only in critical cases. Children's medications are usually used in syrup form (Paracetamol or Ibuprofen). Use rectal suppositories if the child is vomiting.

Conclusion on the topic

Foamy stools in babies tend to happen frequently. It is not the cause of pathology and is due to the maturation of the digestive system of infants, the nature of the mother’s or the child’s nutrition. The exception is intestinal infection(diarrhea with fever main symptom), genetically determined types of enzyme deficiency.

A long-awaited baby appeared in the family, and the young mother had a lot of troubles. The health of the baby is in the foreground for new parents.

Among the indicators wellness baby important place assigned to stool: color, consistency, volume, smell, frequency of stool - any changes are important.

The slightest deviation from the norm is a signal to the small organism that something is wrong. Foamy stools in a breastfed newborn are of particular concern to mothers.

What happened to the newborn, because he only eats breast milk? Something wrong with mom and her diet? Or does the baby get sick?

What does the contents of the diaper tell you?

In the first days after birth Newborn stool is called "meconium". This is original sterile feces, normally it is black-green and odorless.

Meconium consists of a mixture epithelial tissue intestines, amniotic fluid residues and secretions of the digestive glands.

Sterility of original feces ends when the first bacteria settle in the baby’s intestines, this happens on the 2-3rd day of birth. From this moment on, the baby's stool changes.

Ideal excrement for a breastfeeding baby:

  • may not have a large number of mucus;
  • consistency - puree or liquid;
  • inclusions of yellowish, whitish lumps are acceptable;
  • color - brownish-reddish, greenish or yellow;
  • the smell is reminiscent of slightly sour sour milk.

While on breastfeeding, the baby has bowel movements 3-4 times daily, in large portions. This can happen every time the baby has eaten.

In some infants, the frequency of stools reaches 10-12 per day, and there are newborns who defecate only once a week. In both cases, this is the norm, provided that the baby eats well.

As soon as the baby reaches 2-3 months, the number of bowel movements is reduced to 5-7 per day. The consistency of the stool remains soft, similar to gruel.

Why and where does foam come from?

Why does a breastfeeding baby have foamy stools? If the baby is alert and his development is normal, the cause of the frightening feces should be sought in the mother’s diet.

Mom tried a new product. In this case, the baby’s feces acquire a greenish-yellow tint and become foamy and mucous.

Observe the baby: if he shows restlessness, and the appearance of excrement does not change for 3-4 days, new food must be removed from the diet.

Haste when feeding. Often, the mother, without waiting for the baby to empty one breast, is in a hurry to attach him to the other. The result is the appearance of foam in the stool and a green color.

The reason is that the baby does not receive hind milk. What does it mean:

  • “foremilk” enters the baby’s ventricle as soon as he begins to suck. This milk is rich in water-soluble minerals and protein. It is bluish in color, translucent, and has almost no fat;
  • “hind” milk is thick, yellowish color, it contains a lot of fatty substances and an enzyme that breaks down lactose.

Ideally, the baby should take both milks, since the “front” milk is poorly absorbed by the baby, the “hind” milk helps in its complete absorption.

If he ate only the “front”, his stool will become foamy, watery, and darkish.

Caution - danger

But the causes of foamy stool in infants are not always safe. Sometimes a mother’s concern about changes in her baby’s bowel movements is justified.

In these cases a doctor’s consultation is necessary, and the mother can understand that the baby needs help, for additional symptoms. Which dangerous reasons cause foamy stool?

Lactase deficiency

If a newborn suddenly has watery, foamy stools with a strong sour odor, and the number of bowel movements has increased sharply, the reason may be lactase deficiency.

Lactase is a special enzyme that helps the little body break down lactose (milk sugar found in breast milk).

If there is a lack of such a substance, it enters the baby’s intestines. undigested lactose, which causes foam in the stool.

Suspect lactase deficiency possible based on the following criteria:

  • nausea;
  • flatulence;
  • frequent colic;
  • constant regurgitation;
  • the baby throws the breast and cries;
  • twisting of legs when feeding;
  • rumbling in the tummy, causing pain.

Stool with lactase deficiency acquires greenish-yellow color, a lot of mucus is visible in the stool. More often, premature, weak babies suffer from this syndrome.

This problem accompanies the following diseases: celiac disease, milk protein allergy, gastroenteritis, ascariasis.

Congenital lactase deficiency (when the baby's body does not produce lactose at all) is extremely rare. Such children look sick, quickly lose weight and need emergency treatment.

The activity of lactase production decreases due to treatment of the baby with antibiotics and when infectious diseases. Residues of undigested food and copious watery mucus are observed in the stool..

What to do? The listed signs can also be observed in healthy infants. It is impossible to independently detect lactase deficiency.

Only a pediatrician can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. He will send the baby for the following tests:

  • feces. If a problem exists, the specialist will detect in the stool increased content carbohydrates (from 0.25%). Will come to light and high acidity– up to 5.5 pH;
  • exhaled air. Lactase deficiency is indicated by the presence of gases and hydrogen in the exhaled air (but such an analysis is not informative in babies under 3 months).

But tests are often false positive. Indeed, for infants up to six months of life, insufficiency of lactase production is very common.

Pediatricians advise to carefully monitor the baby’s stool and behavior and add lactase to expressed milk (“foremilk”).

The dose of the drug is selected individually. Then the baby is fed with hind milk. Typically, such problems go away by 2-3 months of the baby’s life.

Intestinal infection

If your baby has foamy stools becomes watery, acquires a bright green tint, its smell becomes putrid, fetid- This alarm signal talking about an infectious disease.

The World Health Organization does not classify dysbacteriosis as to the group intestinal diseases. And in European countries, this child’s condition is not treated at all, believing that the baby’s body must cope with the pathology on its own.

But most modern pediatricians do not agree with this situation. They are sure: the problem of dysbiosis should be solved by restoring healthy intestinal microflora.

Look for the following signs:

If this is observed, intestinal microflora is disturbed and requires restoration. But, before treatment, the pediatrician will send the baby for a stool test.

Doctors will examine stool for the presence of opportunistic microflora and perform a coprogram (diagnosis of the degree of intestinal digestion of food and the presence/absence of gastrointestinal inflammation). Restoring microflora in an infant is a long and complex process.

At the first stage, the baby is prescribed taking bacteriophages (useful viruses that work to destroy pathogenic microflora and restore beneficial bacteria).

Simultaneously with bacteriophages the child will have to take sorbents to get rid of toxins, and enzymes to restore good digestive tract function.

Then the baby’s body must be “populated” with beneficial microflora - a course is prescribed special drugs with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

The most best prevention dysbacteriosis - mother's milk. Breast milk contains essential antibodies that protect the little body from “bad” viruses.

Breast milk also contains a unique substance – bifidus factor.. It helps the baby form normal microflora and prevents the development of gastrointestinal infections. Therefore, it is important for a woman on breastfeeding to adhere to a competent diet.

You can learn about this from our article.

How often should you feed your newborn? breast milk, read the material.

Is it possible to have ice cream while breastfeeding a newborn? The publication will tell you the answer to the question.

Mom's nutrition - baby's health

During breastfeeding, the mother must follow strict rules in her diet from the first days of the baby’s life and keep a diary of observations. It will help determine which new product is contraindicated for the little one and causes changes in his stool and well-being.

No - strict diet. During childbirth and breastfeeding, the body loses weight useful substances. Vitamin deficiency should be compensated with a varied diet.

Eat little and often. If mommy starts to overeat, it will immediately affect the baby. If you do not want your child to experience constipation, gas, colic, or foamy stools, eat small portions 5-6 times a day.

The right products. In the first month of breastfeeding, the mother’s diet should consist of low-fat soups, broths, vegetable purees, porridge cooked in water, boiled or stewed dietary meat. Green apples are also allowed as fruits; fermented milk (except kefir) and low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream, and hard cheeses are not prohibited.

Prudence. New products should be introduced into the menu (especially in the first three months of breastfeeding) with extreme caution. Watch your baby's reaction carefully! After introducing one new product, the next one can be tried only after 5-7 days.

Literacy. Eliminate all fatty, spicy, fried food. Mom should eat boiled, baked or stewed foods. Refueling is allowed vegetable oil, sour cream or lemon juice.

Drink plenty of fluids. Drink plenty of fluids stimulates milk production. A breastfeeding woman should drink 2-3 liters of fluid daily: green tea, water, fermented milk drinks, natural juices, homemade jelly and compotes. You can remember about and cocoa from six months of a baby’s life on breastfeeding.

Some foods are completely excluded from the diet. They cause allergies, colic, constipation and changes in the baby's stool.

This legumes, fresh baked goods, cabbage of all kinds, Rye bread, citrus fruits, Exotic fruits, red vegetables and berries, smoked meats, chocolate, and sweets.

What to do for treatment

The most important thing is not to panic! Closely monitor the baby's condition. At the first alarming symptoms Immediately go to the pediatrician for advice.

And listen to useful advice:

  • follow the recommended diet and;
  • don't forget about personal prevention, hygiene of caring for a newborn and its accessories;
  • never self-medicate! And if you want to use folk ways therapy, obtain permission from a pediatrician for this;
  • Don't be afraid of your doctor! Always consult him on any worrying matter.

If you have unusual stools, be sure to pass all required tests and come to an appointment with pediatric gastroenterologist(if necessary or as directed by a pediatrician).

If a breastfed baby has foamy stools, parents should not lose their vigilance and always closely monitor the baby’s well-being. Health to your baby!

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Published: January 19, 2016 at 04:36 pm

One of the most important indicators Normal health for both adults and children is normal stool. Unfortunately, if it very often begins to become liquid, this means that the body is not functioning properly. In this case, you should pay attention to the color of the diarrhea and its consistency. In most cases, bowel movements are disrupted after consuming the missing product. If diarrhea with foam appears, you need to seek help from a doctor. Most often, this change is caused by serious illnesses.

Foamy diarrhea may be caused by infectious infection, but then the patient experiences the following symptoms:

  • Body temperature becomes high;
  • The person experiences general malaise;
  • There is pain in the abdominal area;
  • Weakness appears;
  • In small children, the color of stool changes.

IN childhood loose, foamy stools may be caused by infection or poisoning entering the body through mother's milk. In this case, the mother may not feel signs of the disease, as her body copes with the disease. The frequency of stool increases up to 10 times a day.

Causes of foamy diarrhea

In both adults and young children, changes in digestion can be caused by the same reasons:

To prevent the development of dysbacteriosis, it is recommended to feed infants with fermented milk formula. If such a diet causes foamy diarrhea in the baby, you should seek help from a pediatrician.

Treatment of loose stools with foam

Regardless of what the bowel movement looks like, before starting treatment, you need to undergo an examination to identify the cause of foamy diarrhea. Especially if a baby has such loose stools. Self-medication can further harm the young patient.

In the event that a child or adult has a one-time bowel movement and is caused by poor nutrition, you can use absorbents. The most simple means is Activated carbon, although in our time there are more effective medications. If foamy diarrhea in an adult or child continues long time, treatment should begin with plenty of water to restore water-salt balance.

At allergic reactions You can cure diarrhea with foam in an adult by excluding the irritant from the diet, and also by consuming antihistamines which help normalize digestion.

You should be wary if green diarrhea with foam. The cause of the appearance of a green tint may be an intestinal infection or inflammatory process. In most cases, the patient has to be hospitalized, since treatment at home is impossible.

To treat dysbiosis, doctors prescribe vitamins and probiotics. Thanks to the effective therapeutic complex, yellow, liquid, foamy stool passes quickly, and general state the patient returns to normal. In most cases, the doctor prescribes:

  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Bifiform;
  • Substances containing lactose.

In addition to the treatment prescribed by your doctor, it is better to adhere to proper nutrition; to do this, you should review your diet to exclude from the menu foods that cause irritation and diarrhea with blisters.

IN mandatory It is best to avoid the following foods:

  • Dairy products;
  • Exotic fruits;
  • Fatty meats;
  • Fresh white bread;
  • Heavy and spicy foods.

If you only eat bananas as a fruit, then yellow foamy diarrhea with blisters will not appear. You can also include rye bread or crackers in your diet white bread. It is very important not to forget about the water-salt balance so that dehydration does not occur, which can cause complications. As a drink you can use:

  • Fruit tea;
  • Decoctions of chamomile, linden and raspberry;
  • Mineral water, but not sparkling water.

When loose stools foam and smell bad, you need to reconsider your diet. Perhaps one of the products is an irritant. Proper nutrition Only your attending physician will help you, who, based on tests, will determine products harmful to the body.

The diet should be aimed at restoring the digestive process, only then will diarrhea yellow color the foam will disappear in a few days. To avoid a repeat reaction, after treatment, it is better to avoid spicy and heavy foods for several days.

Some parents believe that loose, foamy stool in a child is not enough serious illness and there is no reason to once again turn to specialists for help. This is wrong, in addition to the fact that yellow diarrhea not only causes discomfort, but can also cause a serious illness. When diarrhea foams in a child, you need to be extremely careful, since such a symptom may indicate the presence of a serious illness.

If diarrhea with foam appears, the causes of which could not be immediately identified, it is recommended to go to the hospital, where it will be carried out full examination. Only after this therapy aimed at recovery will be effective.