A story about the beauty of animals 2. A story about the beauty of animals. Here write your story about the beauty of water

We people are not alone in this world. Animals live with us, rejoice, adapt, and breed. Animals appeared over 600 million years ago. In that distant period, of course, there were no elephants and hares, but there were primitive ancient living creatures, such as sponges. For our information, pink lips even then, in such venerable times, “took care” of their beauty.

Centuries passed, and many things changed in nature, including animals. They just did not change their craving for beauty. Younger, but still ancient animals had bizarre shapes and different shades.

Nowadays, there are so many things animals can’t do—run, swim, fly, jump, crawl—and they surprise and delight us with their diversity.

Looking at animals, we thank nature for creating such a miracle. We observe and are touched by animals, study their habits, spy on their secrets, protect them, and learn everything progressive from them.

Some animals are long-term human helpers. Pets are those without which it is generally difficult to imagine our lives. And how beautiful they are! A stately horse, a majestic cow, a heavenly turkey, a graceful goat. And how dear our Murki, Tuziki, Barsiki, Polkans are to us... Dogs and cats have been next to humans since ancient times. They heal our souls! We call animals of this kind "companions." These include fish, rabbits, ferrets, budgies, and canaries.

The animal kingdom is rich, with more than two million species. Some of the animals are more powerful, some are very small. The record holder for weight is the blue whale, the largest animal on Earth. Please note that the whale is not faded, not dull, but precisely blue - the color of the ocean, sea, sky!

There are animals that have “put on” an eternal cap of invisibility. These are, for example, amoebas; they can only be seen through a microscope.

In the kingdom of wild animals, individuals have their own, “wild” beauty. The tall giraffe is amazing, the spotted tiger is beautiful, the black and white koala is charming, the Amur tiger and the South African white lion are irresistible, the black panther is spectacular, the polar wolf is delightful, and the elephants are fantastic.

Beauty has many facets and shades, secrets and mysteries. Beautiful means harmonious, attracting attention. What kind of animals are not found on our planet! Some stun with their size, some amaze with their habits and way of life, and there are also those that amaze with their fantastic coloring. Sea urchins, jellyfish, and starfish are shaped like a star or a ball. An elephant's trunk is a source of special pride. A kangaroo has a bag, and in it is not a mirror and lipstick, but a baby. The nightingale himself is unprepossessing, but he knows how to sing beautiful songs.

The beauty of the animal world is special. She needs to be seen and heard. Natural beauty is the most correct.

Write down the names of the peoples whose representatives inhabit your region:
Russians, Ukrainians, Armenians, Belarusians, Tatars, Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, Gypsies, Tajiks, Moldovans.

Describe the interesting traditions of one of the peoples of your region.

Maslenitsa is a holiday of farewell to winter. Maslenitsa was celebrated throughout Russia, both in villages and cities. Maslenitsa was celebrated with pancakes. Maslenitsa is celebrated for a whole week. We said goodbye to Maslenitsa on Sunday. On this day, bonfires or a straw effigy of Maslenitsa were burned.

Using the information received, try to compose and write down a story on behalf of the house, as if it were talking about itself and its residents.

I was built quite recently - in 2005. Over the past 10 years, 5 more residential buildings and one store have been built near me - a shopping center. I haven’t changed at all since it was built; I’m still very young.
My tenants love me very much, they don't draw on my walls, so I'm very clean. And flowers are planted around me every spring, so all summer I admire them.

Another variant

I was built a long time ago in 1974. Almost nothing has changed around me over the years. But a few years ago they painted me yellow and now I’m beautiful.
True, I’m unlucky with the residents, there are a lot of hooligans who paint my walls and elevator, I’m very upset about this and am waiting for new repairs. Recently, a very beautiful store was opened on my first floor; my residents are now very close to shopping for groceries.

Objects of inanimate nature: water, stone, icicle, table, notebook.
Wildlife objects: butterfly, man, bear, tree, fly agaric

Phenomena of inanimate nature: snowfall, hurricane, hailstorm
Phenomena of living nature: bird flight, flowering, hibernation of animals

Signs for the weather:
When a cat curls up in a ball, it means frost.
Clear skies in winter mean frost.
Sparrows chirp in unison - the thaw.
Aspen leaves lie with the leaf side up - for a cold winter, if with the wrong side facing up - the winter will be warm.

Comparison of swallows and swifts:
Similarities: they catch insects in the air, they are migratory birds.
Differences: swifts are the fastest birds in the world, swifts spend their entire lives in flight (eating, sleeping, drinking)

Find additional information about granite, feldspar, quartz, and mica in the atlas-determinant “From Earth to Sky.”
Quartz is a mineral that is part of granite and occurs on its own. Quartz ranges in size from a few millimeters to several meters. Transparent colorless quartz is called rock crystal, opaque white quartz is called milky quartz. Many people know transparent purple quartz - amethyst. There are pink quartz, blue quartz and other varieties. All these stones are used to make jewelry, dishes, and quartz watches.

Here, place one or two of your photographs showing the amazing beauty of the sky. In your captions for your photos, try to convey the thoughts and feelings that arise when you watch the sky.

The sky is always different, sometimes it is with clouds, sometimes it is clear, sometimes it is red from the sunset. The sky is soothing, you can look at it for a long time. You can see various pictures of clouds in the sky. But what I love most is sunset, when the sun turns the sky red.

Come up with and write down your own riddle about water.

I am a cloud, and fog, and a stream, and an ocean, and I fly, and I run, and I can be glass.

Here write down your story about the beauty of water.

Water is very beautiful in all its different states. The water in the sea makes you admire its beauty. Rivers and lakes reflect the sky, sun, trees and everything around very beautifully. And in winter, water, in the form of snowflakes, surprises everyone.

Here write down your story about the beauty of plants.

In spring, all the plants begin to grow and because of this, everything around looks bright green. Shrubs and trees also bloom in spring; you can admire their pink and white flowers for a long time. In autumn, the leaves on the trees turn yellow and red and all the plants look new. The beauty of flowers is difficult to describe in words.

Wild animals: lion, fox, crocodile, cheetah, leopard, panther, giraffe.
Pets: dog, cat, chicken, parrot, cow, sheep, rooster

Using additional literature and the Internet, determine the breed of this cat. Write down the name of the breed and basic information about it.

British shorthair cat.
Made in Great Britain. These cats are friendly and very smart. They get along well with all family members, love children very much, and get along well with other animals. They do not require much attention, so the cat can be left alone for a long time.

Write down which plants and animals of your region are included in the Red Book.

Bison, Russian muskrat, lynx, brown bear, hoopoe, eagle owl, gray woodpecker, common woodpecker, common bullfinch, wood lark, gray crane, white stork.

According to the instructions in the textbook, prepare a report about any plant or animal from the Red Book.

The bison is a very large mammal: males reach a length of 3 meters and weigh about a ton. Bison feed on various plants - shoots of trees and shrubs, grasses, mosses and even mushrooms. In captivity, bison live up to 30 years, but in the wild it is much shorter.

Drawing “The world through the eyes of a grasshopper.”

Give examples of transport that is also:

Ground, passenger, personal: car, bicycle, motorcycle, ATV
Ground, passenger, public: bus, minibus, train
Water, passenger, personal: boat, boat, yacht
Water, passenger, public: ship

Comparison of the white hare and the brown hare

Similarities: nocturnal animals, prefer open places
Differences: hare - white in winter, hare - lighter; the hare lives in the forest, the hare lives in open places; The hare eats branches and bark, the hare eats grass.


Nature is the most unique and beautiful creator. It is perfect from the atmosphere to the unexplored depths of the ocean. The animal world perfectly complements this ideal. Its beauty is found everywhere. In the forest, graceful and nimble squirrels jump from tree to tree, quiet and cowardly hares sit under a bush, working bees fly from one flower to another. Pets keep up with the wild inhabitants: beautiful, flexible cats gently stretch in the sun, a bright, mischievous parrot skillfully flies around the room.. These are just second observations. The beauty of the animal world is limitless and one can talk about it forever.


The fauna is so diverse that it is simply impossible to describe all its inhabitants. However, sometimes it is simply impossible not to admire their beauty. It is no coincidence that there are even animal artists who depict our little brothers.

How animals use their beauty

In nature, nothing is created just like that, and the external attractiveness of animals usually plays some role in their life. Here are some examples of this:

  • Bright coloring (especially red) is usually an alarming signal and warns: “Do not approach! Danger!” This is why poisonous lizards (for example, poisonous teeth), frogs and insects are so beautiful;
  • Often the beauty of an animal is used for camouflage. For example, the bright white fur of polar bears makes them invisible in the snow, and the orange and black coloring of clown fish allows them to hide among corals;
  • Separately, one can highlight the graceful body shapes of many animals. For example, the graceful neck of a swan helps it get food, the funny ears of a fennec fox prevent it from dying in the desert from the heat, and the thin and long legs of a horse allow it to run quickly.

Who is considered the most beautiful animal in the world?

It is very difficult to answer this question unequivocally, because there are so many unique and beautiful creatures in the world. However, some of them attract everyone's attention. Based on the results of numerous surveys, we can make approximately the following list of the most beautiful animals:

  • Horse - everyone is fascinated by its grace and beautiful streamlined body shapes;
  • The Arctic fox is the owner of boiling white fur, which you simply cannot look at indifferently;
  • The cheetah is Africa's most elegant predator;
  • Dart frog - among amphibians there are many interesting species, but the dart frog most attracts attention with its contrasting coloring;
  • Flamingo - its unusual pink color and chiseled shape make this bird unique;
  • The snow leopard is another snow-white predator with graceful features.

And this list can be continued endlessly, because every living creature is beautiful in its own way and has its own connoisseurs and admirers among people.

A set of photographs required to fill out a workbook on the world around us for grade 2

Part 1. Workbook The world around us A.A. Pleshakov

photo of the house you live in – page 9

old photo of your house – p.10

a few photos of your city (for a project about your hometown) – p.12

photograph of a beautiful sky or you against the sky - p.36

I really love looking at the sky. Its beauty amazes with its splendor. It is especially beautiful to admire the fluffy, airy clouds that look like snow-white cotton wool.

photo showing the beauty of water – p.38

Water looks different everywhere, whether it’s a quiet stream or mighty waves. It’s very pleasant to listen to the sound of water and watch the sun’s rays shimmer with shining lights.

photo showing the beauty of plants - page 41

The most beautiful plants on earth are flowers. You can admire their diversity and splendor endlessly. The pleasant aroma of flowers always attracts people and enchants with their fragrance.

photo of a pet - p.57

photo of the museum you visited – page 79

Comparison of frog and toad p.45

Similarities: Toads and frogs are amphibians and are very similar in appearance. The eggs are laid in water, the tadpoles live in the water until they develop into adults, and breathe through the skin.

Differences: Toads are larger than frogs. Frogs have moist and smooth skin, while toads have dry and bumpy skin. Toads are nocturnal, while frogs are diurnal. Frogs have teeth, but toads don't.

A fairy tale about a wild or cultivated plant. page 50

Dandelion grew in a sunny meadow and he always wanted to rise closer to the sun and clouds. One day the wind blew and many weightless umbrellas flew up into the air. It was the most awaited day for the dandelion.

A fairy-tale story about a wild or domestic animal, invented according to instructions from a textbook. p.53

One day the bear woke up in winter and was surprised by the beauty that surrounded him. The white, fluffy snow was so beautiful and unexpected for the bear that since then he began to wake up every winter to admire the winter fabulous nature.

Here you can write down a message plan or basic information about your pet. page 57

I have a budgerigar Tosha at home. He is very smart, active and a little talkative. He loves to tweet in the morning and preen himself in front of the mirror.

Using additional literature and the Internet, determine the breed of this cat. Write down the name of the breed and basic information about it. page 59

The breed is Russian Blue. The coat is short, thick, silky. The color is bluish-gray, the tips of the fur are silver. Character is affectionate, devoted, a little timid, very smart.

page 61

According to the instructions in the textbook, prepare a report about any plant or animal from the Red Book. Use the general outline of a story about a rare plant or animal.

The muskrat is a fur-bearing animal listed in the Red Book of Russia. Lives near bodies of water, in burrows, feeding on aquatic insects, worms, and mollusks. They began to exterminate him because of his valuable fur.

page 69

At home, find out from adults what sectors of the economy they work in.

My mother works as a teacher in the education industry, and my father works as a programmer in the information technology industry.

Here you can write down an outline of your message about the money of different countries or basic information about them.

In Russia the monetary unit is the ruble – it is the oldest monetary unit in Europe. The most common currency in the world is the American dollar. The currency of the European Union is called the Euro.

Make and write down a general plan for a story about the history of various modes of transport. Page 77

  1. Transport in ancient times
  2. Invention of the steam engine
  3. The emergence of transport powered by an internal combustion engine
  4. The emergence of aviation
  5. Flights into space
  6. Electric motors are the future of transport

The wise turtle has prepared a difficult task for you. What do people in these professions do? Page 81

Oceanologist Explores the world's oceans

Speleologist Explores caves

Entomologist Studying insects

Ichthyologist Studying fish

Ornithologist Studying birds

Dog handler Studying dogs

Comparison of the white hare and the brown hare page 86

Similarities: They have long ears, powerful hind legs, eat plant foods, and in summer they have one color - gray.

Differences: The hare is larger than the hare, it has longer ears, and it runs faster. The hare is gray in both winter and summer, and the hare is white in winter with black ear tips.

Part 2. Workbook The world around us A.A. Pleshakov

photo of family members – p.23

photo for the project – Pedigree – page 26

photo of your school - page 28

photo of your class - page 29

photo of your workplace in the classroom - p.29

photo of their teachers - pp. 30-31

photos of friends, several pieces - pp. 36-37

photo of what games you play with your friends - p.38

photo of the earth's surface in your region - page 50

photo of the unique beauty of the mountains - page 50

photo of the sea – p.53

There are many different animals living on Earth. These are birds and insects, fish and reptiles, mammals and other creatures that make up the kingdoms and subkingdoms of the animal world. The beauty of animals is mesmerizing. It is beyond my comprehension how nature could create such perfect works.

Grace and plasticity

The beauty of animals largely depends on the slenderness of their bodies. Large mammals charm with their soft, graceful gait, ability to lie down on a thin branch, or walk along a thin perch over a stormy river. And how beautifully they run, how excitingly they prepare to jump! Equally graceful and easy to run are horses, roe deer, fallow deer, deer, saigas, argali and other ungulates.

However, for animals, speed and agility are not needed for beauty. This is a vital necessity. Predators use running and jumping to get food for themselves and their cubs, and herbivores escape from persecution.

Baby animals

At any age, people never tire of being touched by the spontaneity of children, whether they are children or baby animals. Fluffy, affectionate, they can soften the hearts of anyone.

Of course, it’s nice to watch a little tiger cub or elephant calf. But it’s not always possible to caress these “little ones.” But a puppy or kitten, who carelessly lounges on the bed or trustingly strokes the owner’s hand, is capable of creating real miracles. After all, pets are known to cure many diseases even by their presence! And the simple contemplation of a cute creature allows you to exclaim: “Here it is, the true beauty of animals!”

Grade 2 (“The world around us”) teaches us not only to see the beauty around us, but also to help nature. "Don't harm the planet!" - this is the most important motto of a wise man. The future of the entire planet depends on how comfortable their smaller brothers, animals, live next to people on earth.

Devotion of “our little brothers”

Many animals have been domesticated by humans. Dogs, cats, horses, cows, sheep have been accompanying people in life since ancient times, helping in everyday life and work, supplying food and raw materials for making clothes - milk, eggs, wool.

But the beauty of animals lies not only in the benefits they bring. Almost all creatures know how to be grateful and devoted. You should not belittle the dignity of, for example, pigs, considering them dirty and stupid. The great trainer Durov proved that absolutely all animals can be tamed. And pigs are no exception. Unfortunately, on farms these wise and clean animals are often kept in unsanitary conditions, attributing to them a love of dirt, they are not allowed to live for more than 1-2 years, and they have little communication.

And if you take a little piglet into the house, clean and groom it, just as cat people do, then the love and care of a person will create a miracle: a pig that grows up next to a person will be affectionate and responsive, attached and devoted to him. And, constantly watching her, the owner will probably see many charming features in her. After all, the concept of “animal beauty” largely depends on established stereotypes.

"Disgusting" animals

For example, the word “reptile” several centuries ago meant amphibians and reptiles. Most people feel disgust when looking at snakes, boa constrictors, and frogs. This is probably due to the fear of being fatally bitten by a poisonous reptile and the unpleasant sensations when touching them because they are cold-blooded. Later, even the word “bastard” itself became abusive and offensive.

But true connoisseurs of beauty are able to see the world around them with different eyes. The beauty of animals seen by artists allows them to create wonderful things. For example, handbags and shoes are made from leatherette, which imitates And many carpets have a pattern that repeats the colors of boas and snakes.

And how beautiful frogs can be! One has only to carefully examine these creatures, which bring many benefits to man, and the main secret of nature will be revealed to man. It lies in the fact that the beauty of the animal world is a concept that concerns absolutely all inhabitants of our planet.

These words can be confirmed by photographs of colorful frogs. These amphibians live in warm regions where there are many bright plants and flowers. In order to hide among them, animals require an equally bright color.


The dream of learning to fly has haunted people since ancient times to this day. This is probably why everyone, without exception, likes to watch birds. Indeed, these creatures combine the wonderful ability to soar in the skies and the true beauty of animals!

Grade 2 (“The world around us”) demonstrates to students not only animals that are found in Russia, but also exotic ones. And if people are able to admire eagles and crows, larks and nightingales, then a bright parrot will delight not only with its ability to fly, but also with its amazing color.

Moreover, people are attracted to some of the animals that are capable of imitation. Parrots are just part of this group: funny repeating phrases after a person, some movements, for example, dancing and tilting their heads to the side, these birds touch.