Removing undigested food debris. Excretory organs. Diagram of excretory organs. Secretion of the salivary glands

The exact time of arrival of transport at a stop has always been of interest to city residents. Knowing exactly what time the bus will arrive, you can plan your time much more efficiently. As a rule, there is a public transport arrival schedule near each stop, but given the amount of traffic jams, it is useless to rely on it. However, now the transport problem has been solved thanks to the Yandex.Transport application.

Yandex.Transport is a new service from the largest Russian company that allows you to track transport in real time.

The application exists in two versions: for iOS and for Android. Unfortunately, Windows users have not yet received their own version of the application.

However, if you don’t have a smartphone or you just want to use Yandex.Transport on your computer, below you will find out how this can be done.

First of all, we will need to download an Android emulator to your computer, which will allow you to run any applications adapted for this mobile operating system.

If you have not decided on the choice of emulator, then I advise you to pay attention to BlueStacks - a free emulator with convenient interest and Russian localization, with which you can run almost any Android application on your computer.

Download BlueStacks and install on your computer.

After the first launch of the program, you may have difficulty switching the keyboard layout to English. You can correct this situation as follows:

1. From the BlueStacks home screen, open the app "Settings".

2. Open section "Change keyboard settings" and then select your keyboard "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard". A list of available languages ​​will open, among which you need to find and mark "English (USA, International)".

Please note that the layout will not be switched in the standard way, but using a combination Ctrl+bleed.

After this, you need to log in to Google. If you don't already have a registered account, you'll need to create one here. Without this, you will not be able to download applications from the Google Play store.

Once you're signed in, return to the main screen and select "Search". In the window that opens, enter the name of the application "Yandex.Transport", and then select "Search on Play".

You will be redirected to the application store, where you can download Yandex.Transport. Click the button "Install" and wait for the download and installation to complete.

Once the installation is complete, the “Install” button will change to an “Open” button, which you need to click.

The application itself will launch. The program will not be able to automatically determine your city, so the map of Moscow will be displayed by default. To change this situation, open Settings and select your city.

Now Yandex.Transport is ready for use. You will see small moving icons on the map with public transport numbers that display current traffic. Buses, trolleybuses, trams, as well as minibuses are displayed here.

To know how long it will take the bus to arrive at your stop, you need to log in. If you have not created a Yandex mail account, you can create one using this link. After this, you can add your stops to your favorites list and clearly see how many minutes later your bus will arrive.

Enjoy using it!

Yandex.Transport is a new service from a Russian company that will be an excellent assistant for residents of megacities who use public transport to travel around the city. Below we will look at what makes this application unique and how it will make life easier for its users.

In large cities in Russia, all public transport is equipped with a special GPS system, which allows you to track the movement of vehicles around the city.

It's simple. Using Yandex.Transport, you can plot the most convenient route from point A to point B, and also track when the desired bus arrives at the stop. Thus, you no longer need to stand at the stop, waiting for transport to arrive, because you can approach the stop at the time when the desired bus (trolleybus or tram) is already on the way.

The traffic movement in the application is displayed in real time, so you will clearly see where the transport is currently passing. When you get on the bus, you need to get off at the right stop. But Yandex.Transport comes to the rescue here too! Having planned your route in advance, the program will tell you at which stop you need to get off. Agree, this function is indispensable for traveling on new routes.

Currently, the Yandex.Transport application is available for mobile platforms iOS and . Unfortunately, Yandex has so far bypassed PC users.

Download Yandex.Transport for IOS for free

Download Yandex.Transport for Android for free

However, there is one effective way to launch Yandex Transport on a computer. To do this you need to download a free program BlueStacks, which will allow you to emulate Android OS and .

Bottom line. Yandex.Transport is an excellent application for organizing your time, which allows you to track the movement of transport in real time, plot routes, get off at the right stops, and also find out which transport is coming from a certain stop and how long it will take to wait. Convince yourself of its usefulness by downloading it to your smartphone from the app store or installing it on your computer using an emulator.

Yandex.Transport is an application that was developed for mobile devices running the Android and iOC operating systems. It allows you to track the movement of vehicles (buses, trams, minibuses, metro) around the city and display their time of arrival at a specific stop. Thanks to the capabilities of this program, the user can adjust his time of movement around the city and not wait for a long time for public transport at a stop.

Where to download and how to install Yandex.Transport on a PC and mobile device?

The Yandex.Transport application is developed for mobile platforms. However, if you install the BlueStacks App Player emulator on your computer, then this program can be used on a device running Windows 7 and higher.

You can download this application on Google Play. From your computer, just follow the link and click the “Install” button. You can download the program from a mobile device using the link. iPhone owners can download the software from this link.

In the next window we confirm the installation of the application. Click “Install” again.

Then go to the main menu of your mobile phone or launch BlueStacks on your computer to check the application’s functionality.

How to use the Yandex.Transport application?

The features of the free Yandex.Transport application are as follows:

  • Checking the location of transport;
  • View the time of arrival of the route vehicle at the stop;
  • Drawing up the desired route from point “A” to point “B”.

To check where the required transport is located, perform the following steps:

  • The vehicle can be found on the city map by enlarging the area of ​​its movement on the screen (if you know it, of course).

  • However, it is easier to enter the public transport number into the search bar. The program will give you several options to choose from: minibus, trolleybus and tram. Having selected the correct one, the software will display its location.

To create a route from one point to another, perform the following steps:

  • Click on the curve icon.

  • We indicate the address of the starting point and the final stop.

  • We check the data and click on the “Place” button.

  • A map will appear with the route extended in detail. Below will be indicated the numbers of vehicles that can be used to get to the final point and where you need to make a transfer. From one to several route options can be displayed.

To view the vehicle's arrival time, simply do the following:

  • Find the number of the route vehicle and click on it. Next, an item will appear at the bottom with a stamp indicating the time of arrival at the nearest stop.

  • Since there are many minibuses with the same number, you can click on another vehicle and see its arrival time at a specific stop.

More than 45 maps of cities in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Finland are available in the Yandex.Transport program. Thus, you can use this application not only to display the movement of vehicles in your city, but also in other settlements.

You can learn more about how to use the Yandex.Transport application in the video:

Yandex.Transport is a popular application for city residents, the main task of which is to track the movements of ground public transport in the city. Unfortunately, the developers of this service only took care of owners of smartphones based on Android and iOS OS, without publishing a desktop version for Windows. However, we will get out of this situation by launching Yandex.Transport on a computer.

If you often travel by public transport, then for successful planning of personal time it will be very useful to know when the desired bus, tram or trolleybus will arrive at the stop. Yandex.Transport is a mobile application whose main function is to track the current location of ground public transport.

We immediately have to disappoint those users who are waiting for the online version of Yandex.Transport - it does not exist and will not exist in the near future. However, if you need to run Yandex.Transport on a computer, then this can be done using an Android emulator, which will allow you to run the mobile application on your computer.

How to launch Yandex.Transport on a computer?

2. Once you launch the emulator, you will need to sign in to your Google account in order to be able to download applications from the Play Store. If you don't have a Google account, you can register one using this link.

3. Now everything is ready to load Yandex.Transport. Open the Play Store app in the bottom right corner of the screen.

4. In the search bar, enter the name of the application you are looking for. Download the first result that appears.

5. Launch Yandex.Tarnsport. Most likely, the application will incorrectly determine your location, so you need to set the city yourself. To do this, select the gear icon in the upper right corner of the application and select the desired city in the settings window.

6. A city map with smoothly moving transport icons will be displayed on the screen. Each icon has a number, which indicates the transport number, and the color of the icon determines the type of transport: red is a tram, blue is a trolleybus, and green is a bus.

By observing the movement of transport, you can approximately determine how many minutes later the desired bus or trolleybus will arrive at the stop. If you need more accurate information, then you will need to log in to your Yandex account, after which you can add transport and stops to your favorites in order to receive notifications when transport approaches your stop.