Diarrhea with foam in an adult causes. Causes of diarrhea with foam, foamy loose stools and diarrhea, how to treat? Medicines for adult patients

Diarrhea, or diarrhea, is a pathological condition accompanied by frequent bowel movements. This condition is not inherently dangerous, but its consequences, such as dehydration and loss of microelements, have a detrimental effect on the human body. The appearance of foamy diarrhea may indicate a serious illness digestive system.

Diarrhea caused by infection usually lasts 1-3 days

Causes of chronic diarrhea:

  • endocrine;
  • vascular;
  • neurofunctional diseases;
  • disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

Drug etiology, dysbacteriosis

Foamy diarrhea in adults is often caused by reasons associated with prolonged use of various medicines, especially antibiotics, as a result of which dysbiosis develops. An imbalanced gastrointestinal microflora can lead to foamy diarrhea.

If the pathological condition has infectious nature, then symptoms in the form of liquid foamy stools are added elevated temperature, general weakness, pain in the abdomen, sometimes nausea, vomiting. Only eliminating the infection will help avoid irreversible consequences.

The main causes of diarrhea are food poisoning and infections

Lactose and gluten intolerance

Diarrhea with foam in an adult can occur due to lactase deficiency, as a result of which the body is unable to digest milk sugar. Most often, newborns and infants under one year of age are susceptible to this, but the disease also occurs among adults. In this case, they talk about pancreatic dysfunction.

There are often cases when foamy diarrhea is a kind of allergic reaction for some food products. The appearance of loose stools may be associated with celiac disease - gluten intolerance. Wherein chronic disease the intestinal mucosa becomes inflamed as a result of the ingestion of gluten-containing products.

Eat only fresh, washed fruits and vegetables


Enough specific reason the appearance of foamy stools can be caused by stress, which leads to active production in the body various substances, capable of accelerating intestinal motility.

Note! In case if loose stool is not associated with the reasons described above, you should reconsider your diet. Due to an unbalanced diet, excessive consumption fatty foods, difficult to digest, harmful or stale food causes diarrhea with foam. By analyzing the meals that preceded diarrhea, you can determine the source that provoked it.

Diarrhea symptoms

Like any pathological condition, diarrhea is accompanied by certain symptoms:

  • liquid stool, an abundance of foamy masses;
  • the presence of a characteristic sour odor;
  • there are small gas bubbles and mucus;
  • rumbling in the stomach, painful sensations absent or insignificant.

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are common and can occur even in a person in excellent health

Some manifestations of foamy diarrhea require special attention:

  • temperature increase bodies;
  • feeling of general malaise;
  • dizziness;
  • severe pain in a stomach;
  • the appearance of small rashes on the body.

First aid

It is important to know! Since the greatest danger is dehydration due to diarrhea, the first measure should be to ensure the maintenance of mineral balance and the removal of harmful waste products. Taking a large amount of liquid, for example still mineral water or dried apricot decoction, will help with this.

Eating astringent foods and drinks, such as rice, bird cherry or blueberry infusion, can also stop diarrhea. A proven remedy is Activated carbon, which has a detoxifying effect on the body. First aid measures for diarrhea include an enema with chamomile infusion which helps cleanse the intestines of harmful substances.

Treatment for diarrhea

Treatment of diarrhea with foam in an adult is directly related to the cause. For quick disposal for diarrhea you should not self-medicate, it is best to contact qualified specialist. The doctor will accurately determine the cause and prescribe appropriate treatment. However, preliminary remedial measures pathological condition You can take it yourself at home. In this case, you can use an antidiarrheal agent.

Abdominal pain, which is accompanied by malaise, can signal diseases of the digestive system


Recovery normal stool promotes diet compliance. During treatment, foods that irritate the intestines are excluded., semi-finished products, canned, fermented milk products. Among baked goods, preference is given to rye bread, and among fruits, bananas. Positively affects the functioning of the stomach various decoctions, for example chamomile, oak bark, raspberries, it is also recommended to drink alkaline still water.

Traditional methods

Treatment of foamy diarrhea is possible with the help of folk remedies. One effective way is iodine solution(5 drops per 200 ml of water).

Helps get rid of cramps dill seed decoction. Add 1 tsp to 300 ml of boiling water. seeds, leave for a minute, then, removing from heat, leave for 30-40 minutes.

To make a decoction, simply pouring water over the seeds is not enough; you also need to boil them

Potato starch , found in various antidiarrheals, also treats foamy diarrhea. It is enough to dilute 1 tsp. starch in boiled water (100 ml) and drink immediately.


Such common drugs include Lopedium, Smecta, and bergenia rhizomes. As active substance Lopedium is loperamide hydrochloride. Excipients are represented by lactose monohydrate, corn starch, talc, and magnesium stearate. The main properties of the drug are:

  1. Slowing down peristalsis.
  2. Increased tone of the anal sphincter.
  3. Reducing the frequency of bowel movements.

Take 2 (adults) or 1 tablet (children) on the first day. Then, if loose stools are still observed, take one tablet after each bowel movement. The cost of drugs ranges from 25 to 60 rubles per pack of 10 tablets.

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The active substance of Smecta is dioctahedral smectite, auxiliary - flavorings, dextrose monohydrate, sodium saccharinate. Has an enveloping, adsorbing effect, activates the protective mechanism of the gastrointestinal mucosa from various stimuli. Dosage for adults: 3 sachets in half a glass of water.

For a child under one year old, 1 sachet is recommended, for 1-2 years - up to 2 sachets, for children over 2 - up to 3 sachets per day. Smecta cost: from 140 rubles (10 pcs.)

An infusion of bergenia rhizomes has an astringent, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory effect. Available in the form of crushed raw materials or in filter bags. The cost is about 50 rubles (20 filter bags).

Taking probiotics

In cases where the cause of diarrhea with foam in an adult is an allergic reaction, adsorbents are prescribed, as well as antihistamines. For dysbacteriosis restoration intestinal microflora Probiotics promote, for example Linex, the capsule of which contains live lyophilized lactic acid bacteria. 16 capsules can be purchased from 240 rubles.

Any disease is easier to prevent. To avoid diarrhea, Basic recommendations should be followed:

Wash your hands thoroughly;

After washing, vegetables and fruits can be doused with boiling water;

Correctly heat process meat and seafood;

Avoid raw and semi-raw meat and seafood products.

When a doctor's help is needed

Carefully! IN in some cases If you have foamy diarrhea, you should not postpone a visit to a qualified specialist.

Be sure to consult a doctor if:

  • prolonged diarrhea (over 4 days);
  • detection of blood or large amounts of mucus in the stool;
  • dark, tarry stools;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • high body temperature.

If symptoms persist for more than 4 days, you should consult a doctor

With proper treatment and compliance with all recommendations, diarrhea with foam in an adult goes away very quickly. The causes of the pathological condition will help to establish timely appeal to a specialist, this will also avoid possible complications and reduce the risk of transition from acute to chronic. Be healthy!

Video about popular medications for diarrhea:

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Another cause of diarrhea with foam may be dysbacteriosis. But if the diarrhea is foamy, then the reasons for this can be serious, so an appropriate approach is required and adequate treatment. Diarrhea with foam in a baby usually occurs as a result of a conflict between the front and rear breast milk.

Such disorders need to be given special attention; within the first day of their appearance, the reasons for their appearance must be found out and immediate treatment must be taken to eliminate the symptoms and possible consequences diseases.

First aid for diarrhea

If a patient develops diarrhea with foam, the causes of its occurrence can be very dangerous; acute diseases of the digestive system are possible. Foamy, loose stools require immediate treatment, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible.

The appearance of diarrhea mixed with foam can be caused by an allergy to certain foods in the diet. To get rid of foamy diarrhea, you need to consult an allergist who will select antihistamines. The treatment for foamy diarrhea in an adult will depend on the cause of its occurrence. Any medical procedure must be coordinated with a medical specialist. If the appearance of yellow foamy diarrhea occurred one-time and is mainly associated with a malnutrition, then the best solution would be to take an adsorbent (Filtrum-Sti, White Coal, Activated Carbon).

Nutrition for diarrhea

The patient, in addition to taking medications, to successfully get rid of unpleasant symptoms must follow special diet. There are certain nutritional standards for diarrhea. If you follow these simple rules, then soon the stool will return to normal, and the problem will be resolved.

In cases where diarrhea was not provoked by a dangerous disease in the body, you can use simple folk methods to strengthen stool at home. If you do not pay attention to the symptoms of foamy diarrhea and a sore stomach in time, the consequence may be intestinal inflammation. Treatment of diarrhea in an adult requires individual approach, however, as in a child, since loose stools, diarrhea with water or yellow diarrhea may have various causes.

Viral and bacterial infections, that is, diarrhea of ​​an infectious nature. Green, strong, watery diarrhea is more dangerous, since the cause of the disease is often a bacterial agent - salmonella. Yellow water diarrhea is less dangerous.

Nutritional diarrhea in adults is no less common. Liquid stool with water in this case occurs due to proper nutrition, and can also become a manifestation of allergies. With this type of water diarrhea, a violation occurs normal process digestion due to the presence of enzymatic insufficiency of the liver and pancreas. As a rule, with dyspepsia, diarrhea white or just lighter than usual.

Most often it is yellow or brown diarrhea, quite profuse and foul-smelling, occurring after the use of antibiotics. Neurogenic loose stools with water in an adult are very often associated with strong excitement or a stressful situation. The reason that a person has orange stools may be the medications they take.

Treatment of loose stools may include various measures, depending on the cause of diarrhea. Diet therapy. Dietary recommendations may vary depending on various types diarrhea, but there are general positions.

If a person white diarrhea or light diarrhea without signs acute inflammation, as well as for diarrhea resulting from enzymatic deficiency, strict recommendations are not required. The patient is prescribed a diet containing foods that do not interfere with the functioning of the liver, pancreas, and intestines. In case of severe fluid loss due to watery diarrhea, saline solutions sold in finished form or in powder form, for example Regidron, Orolite, can be prescribed.

Foamy stool in an adult

This may be required when infectious diarrhea water in adults, diarrhea resulting from eating foods contaminated with bacterial toxins. Adults often complain that their stomach hurts when they diarrhea with water. If your stomach doesn't hurt very much, then special treatment not required. However, with many infectious pathologies The stomach hurts quite sensitively, so you can take some medications to alleviate the condition.

The use of drugs in this group is possible in case of infectious diarrhea accompanied by hyperthermia. Treatment may be prescribed in the case of infectious diarrhea in an adult or for diarrhea after antibiotic therapy due to dysbiosis. Antibiotics. Used in adults for suspected infectious diarrhea. Enzymes. We have already indicated that discolored diarrhea appears due to enzymatic deficiency.

If a person has white diarrhea that suddenly appears, and in addition to this he has a stomach ache on the right side, it is necessary to urgently contact medical institution for consultation. The drugs are not absorbed and have virtually no restrictions on their use. In the case when we're talking about about watery diarrhea yellow or Brown, most often there is no need to worry. In most situations we are dealing with a banal toxic infection.

Diarrhea with foam often occurs in children without visible reasons. Poor nutrition in some cases leads to diarrhea with foam in an adult. Also, diarrhea with foam in infants can be due to improper feeding. It must be remembered that diarrhea with foam in prolonged cases can lead to dehydration, weakness and exhaustion of a person.

(or diarrhea) is a fairly common symptom of intestinal dysfunction in a child or adult, which everyone has encountered at least once in their life.

Usually the word “diarrhea” means a frequency of stool exceeding 3-5 times a day.

But these data are averaged, since individuals this indicator can vary from several (3-4) times a day to once every 3-4 days. And this may be the norm for them.

Signs of diarrhea

When diarrhea occurs, doctors use the term “dyspepsia” (or functional digestive disorders). It is functional dyspepsia that manifests itself as foamy diarrhea.

Diarrhea with foam usually has the following manifestations:

  • rumbling in the stomach
  • frequent foamy stools, usually with a sour odor
  • feces contain gas bubbles, starch grains, fibers of undigested food
  • There may be no pain during bowel movements.

Causes of diarrhea with foam

Foamy diarrhea can appear for many reasons, in which the digestion of food in the intestines is disrupted. The most common reasons foamy diarrhea can be:

  • binge eating
  • eating rough or fatty foods
  • alcohol or other drinks in excessive quantities
  • intolerance to any food or drug
  • stale or germ-contaminated food
  • stress
  • inflammatory or infectious lesions intestines (enterocolitis)
  • any diseases of other organs of the digestive system (gastritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, etc.).

Diarrhea with foam in an adult

Sometimes foamy diarrhea is the only manifestation of intestinal dysfunction in an adult . But more often this manifestation of diarrhea is accompanied by other symptoms that indicate general intoxication:

  • the appearance of nausea and vomiting
  • the presence of foam, mucus, blood in the stool
  • elevated body temperature
  • appearance of a rash.

If similar symptoms continue for more than 2 days in an adult, then he must necessarily seek help from a doctor. Dehydration and intoxication can lead to cardiac dysfunction, a drop in blood pressure, sharp deterioration well-being.

Diarrhea is especially dangerous for elderly or frail people

Diarrhea with foam in children

In a small child , feeding on breast milk, diarrhea with foam may be a reaction to the insensitivity of some food (the mother ate something “wrong”). A baby with diarrhea can have stools from 8 to 12 times a day. In this case, feces are often green and may contain foam, blood, and mucus.

Lactose intolerance

In infants, diarrhea with foam can occur when a conflict arises between the front and back mother's milk. In this case, the baby sucks out the milk that is easier to suck (front milk), and the hind milk remains in the breast. A large amount of lactose in first milk is difficult for infants to digest, leading to lactose intolerance.

Lactose deficiency in infants has the following manifestations:

  • loose, foamy stool with a sour odor
  • the child is feeling unwell
  • nausea, vomiting
  • elevated body temperature.

Lactose deficiency in a child is congenital and is associated with a violation of the ability of the pancreas to produce lactose. About the degree enzyme deficiency can be judged by analyzing the baby's stool.

It happens that a child, despite feeling normally, often experiences colic, bloating, and foamy diarrhea. At the same time, the baby eats with appetite, is active, and gains weight normally. In case of lactose deficiency, it is recommended to review the child’s diet. If he is bottle-fed, then low-lactose or fermented milk mixtures are used.

Celiac disease

Recently, many children have been diagnosed with celiac disease when the body does not have enzymes that break down the gluten protein found in cereals (oats, barley, wheat). This condition in a small child or infant may also be accompanied by diarrhea with foam. In this case, doctors recommend a special gluten-free diet.


Another cause of diarrhea with foam may be dysbacteriosis. The causes of dysbacteriosis can be different. This condition, for example, can occur after taking antibiotics, when the balance of intestinal microflora is disturbed. Dysbacteriosis is difficult to treat and requires consultation with a doctor.

First aid for diarrhea

When sudden diarrhea appears, few adults immediately run to the doctor. Most try to help themselves so as not to end up in the hospital.

If you are absolutely sure that foamy diarrhea does not pose any threat to you and want to help yourself, then here some recommendations for this.

  • Dieting. All dairy, fatty, sweet foods are excluded from the diet
  • “Astringent” food: decoction of rice, bird cherry or blueberry
  • Plenty of liquid (glucose-saline solutions like “”, still mineral water, dried apricot decoction) to support mineral balance in the body and remove harmful products decay outward
  • Enema with chamomile decoction or activated charcoal to cleanse the intestines of harmful poisons
  • Taking activated charcoal to remove toxins from the digestive system. This is a time-tested remedy
  • Infusion of oak bark for intestinal sanitation. To do this, one teaspoon of oak bark is poured with half a liter of boiling water and left for 8-9 hours. After straining, take 2 tablespoons 4 times a day. The infusion is also used for cleansing enema

Treatment of diarrhea

If you consult a doctor with foamy diarrhea, the patient will be offered hospital treatment. Approximate diagram Treatment is usually as follows:

  • etiotropic therapy (except for mild forms of the disease) with drugs that suppress inflammation in the intestines - antibiotics or cephalosporins (depending on the severity of the disease, the patient’s age, concomitant diseases)
  • antidiarrheals (imodium), which suppress intestinal motility (not prescribed for children under 12 years of age)
  • probiotics (Linex, Bifi-form, etc.) contain live microorganisms and restore intestinal microflora
  • adsorbents (smecta, enterosgel,) to remove toxins for 5-7 days
  • enzymes to restore digestion (, panzinorm) 7 - 10 days.

Many people take the appearance of diarrhea lightly, take a few pills, and the diarrhea goes away.

Self-medication is often fraught with the transition of the disease to chronic form, which can seriously undermine human health in the future

It is most important to prevent any intestinal infections by observing generally known sanitary standards about clean hands, using good-quality products, proper storage dishes, using individual utensils, etc.

Therefore, take care of yourself, your children, and always be healthy!

Diarrhea is a fairly common manifestation of the disorder. proper operation digestive organs, but diarrhea with foam or mucus may indicate the presence of serious diseases or acute poisoning.

Regular diarrhea can be easily treated at home with diet and medication, but if impurities appear in the stool, it may require referral to a specialist and even hospitalization.

What can cause foam in the stool? What medications should I take and when should I see a doctor?

Causes of foamy diarrhea

Diarrhea with foam or mucus may be caused by acute poisoning, for example, after eating low-quality or expired products.

In such cases, diarrhea is usually accompanied by other symptoms: vomiting, nausea, stomach pain.

First aid for signs of poisoning includes drinking plenty of fluids to restore the body's water supply, which is quickly depleted during acute diarrhea, and taking adsorbent drugs (activated carbon, Enterosgel, etc.).

If the first signs of poisoning appear immediately after consuming a certain product, you can rinse your stomach.

To do this, you need to drink 1 - 1.5 liters of warm boiled water with the addition of small quantity baking soda or a pair of potassium permanganate crystals.

Ordinary food poisoning can be easily confused with the first signs of an acute intestinal infection.

As with poisoning, symptoms include acute diarrhea, possibly with foam or mucus, vomiting, nausea, and abdominal pain.

A distinctive sign of infection is an increase in temperature to 38-39 degrees, but this symptom does not always appear.

The disease manifests itself within 24 to 72 hours from the moment of infection, depending on the type, and can proceed almost unnoticed for some time.

Unlike poisoning, an intestinal infection cannot be cured without the use of strong medications; immediate hospitalization and isolation of the patient are often required to prevent the spread of infection.

If acute diarrhea with foam is accompanied by an increase in temperature or lasts more than 2 days, you must call an ambulance.

The doctor will be able to decide whether hospitalization is necessary or prescribe additional research and then appropriate treatment.

Additional signs of the disease include a change in the color of the stool and the appearance of a sour odor.

The larvae of many worms are able to survive in deep freezing conditions, withstand quite high temperatures and go into hibernation for a long time.

Regular diarrhea with foam

If diarrhea bothers you periodically, but not acute form, then this may indicate pathological disorder digestion.

The main signs of acidity disorders are:

  • frequent diarrhea, including foamy diarrhea;
  • the stool has a specific sour smell;
  • pale or yellowish stools;
  • temperature changes;
  • abdominal pain, dull or drawing;
  • lethargy, weakness.

Such deviations may signal the onset of inflammatory processes in one or more organs of the gastrointestinal tract, although diarrhea with foam in such diseases is not the leading symptom.

The first sign of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, gastritis, is Blunt pain immediately after eating.

With the development of a more serious form of this disease, a stomach ulcer, the pain becomes acute and appears not only after eating, but also when long breaks between meals (for example, at night).

For inflammation duodenum Characteristic is the appearance of acute pain 1-2 hours after eating, the esophagus – pain when swallowing, etc.

If you experience diarrhea with foam regularly, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis.

Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract can lead to the development of very dangerous complications, so they should not be ignored.

Indigestion also manifests itself as dysbacteriosis, a violation of the microflora in the intestines.

In a healthy person, the digestive organs are populated a huge amount beneficial microorganisms that help digest food and neutralize pathogens of certain diseases.

Long-term use of medications, especially antibiotics, helps to destroy all bacteria in the body - both pathogenic and beneficial, so diarrhea and other digestive problems may occur.

The main treatment in such cases will be the use of prebiotics and probiotics, fermented milk products, and special supplements.

IN extreme cases the doctor may prescribe a special serum containing beneficial bacteria.

Diarrhea can also appear with an unbalanced diet: abuse of alcohol, fatty, spicy, salty foods, lack of fruits and vegetables in the diet, unsystematic dry meals or on the run - all this can provoke a disruption in the proper functioning of the digestive organs.

Diarrhea in such cases is rarely accompanied by the appearance of foam in the stool.

Individual characteristics of the body

Diarrhea may indicate the inability of your stomach or intestines to digest certain foods. Diarrhea with foam in an adult can accompany allergic reactions.

In such cases, diarrhea appears periodically; over time, you will be able to determine which product is causing it and simply eliminate it from the diet. You can get tested for allergens to get a more complete picture.

Foamy diarrhea in a child, especially a breastfed infant, may indicate lactose intolerance.

To absorb milk sugar, the intestines require the enzyme lactase, which both children and adults are not always able to produce.

If there is a lack of lactase in the body, dairy products provoke increased gas formation, diarrhea, pain in the intestines.

This feature of the body, strictly speaking, is not considered a pathology and requires diet, not treatment.

Periodic diarrhea may also indicate intolerance to gluten, a group of proteins found in cereals.

In such cases, you will have to exclude all grain-containing products, from bread and pasta to certain cereals. In stores you can find products specifically labeled “gluten-free.”

What to do?

Until the cause of diarrhea is determined, the main treatment is to maintain water-salt balance in organism.

During diarrhea, it is washed out of the body a large number of fluids and electrolyte salts necessary for proper muscle function.

If diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, then you need to drink little and often so as not to provoke a new attack.

The use of various adsorbents is allowed, special medicines, which are able to absorb toxins, gases and bacteria and safely remove them from the body.

Most famous drug This group is activated carbon, take it at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

You can purchase similar medications at the pharmacy that are more convenient to use. Most of these drugs are safe for the body and are approved, including for children and pregnant women.

If diarrhea occurs, it is very important to follow a diet: exclude foods that irritate the mucous membrane (tomatoes, sour fruits, fatty, salty, spicy foods) that inhibit digestion ( White bread, mushrooms) that provoke gas formation (all legumes, carbonated drinks, cabbage).

If relief does not occur, then you should consult a doctor.

Loose stools are not separate disease, A symptomatic manifestation disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, treatment of diarrhea begins with a set of examinations and clarification of the reasons that caused stool liquefaction. The normal duration of the disease is fourteen to twenty days ( acute course diarrhea), if recovery does not occur, then we are talking about a chronic nature.

Etiology of broken stool:

  • dangerous products with violations of shelf life, violation of standards heat treatment products for cooking;
  • mild food intoxication;
  • individual intolerance to certain types of products or their components (allergy);
  • stress conditions, changes in stool due to changes in climate zone and changes in diet (exotic dishes).

If diarrhea associated with these reasons disappears after 2-4 days of illness, then there is no cause for concern. However, irritable bowel syndrome also occurs due to a number of other factors:

  • entry of pathogens into the body infectious diseases(shigellosis; intestinal infection caused by salmonella; rotavirus disease);
  • the course of inflammatory processes in digestive organs: changes in the gastric mucosa (gastritis), ulcers on the colon mucosa;
  • enzymatic deficiency (lactase, lipase, etc.);
  • chemical poisoning.

If diarrhea is caused serious reasons– requires qualified assistance from a gastroenterologist and examination in a hospital setting.

Consistency and color of loose stool

Pay attention to changes in the color of the secreted intestinal contents, this will help establish the correct diagnosis and conduct adequate measures treatment. Foamy stool- the first signal about the presence of dangerous disturbances in the functioning of the digestive parts of the intestines. It is advisable to immediately contact the clinic.

Yellow and green stool

Foamy diarrhea occurs when ingested pathogenic microorganisms into the intestinal cavity. Accompanied by a temperature above 38 degrees, weakness, abdominal pain, and vomiting. Liquid-like stool, green in color, and a sour smell - distinguishing feature intestinal infection. Treatment at home will not give positive results. Occurs when there is a microbial imbalance (intestinal dysbiosis), which negatively affects intestinal function. As a result of a long course antibacterial therapy. With the rapid development of dysbiosis, there is a yellow tint of discharge and foam in liquid stool. An adult undergoes treatment to restore the balance of bacteria. The course takes 14-21 days.

With white colored foamy discharge:

Appearance of foam and mucus:

  • Individual intolerance to specific products (allergic reaction).
  • Poor nutrition ( fatty food, unusual dishes). If treatment is chosen incorrectly, complications arise.

Treatment methods

Contact a medical facility for help. The following measures will help reduce the occurrence of violations of this kind.

Drink: herbal infusions - brewed oak bark; chamomile tea; drink made from dried apricots and bird cherry; congee; water containing minerals without gases. Restore the balance of minerals and salts in the body, protect against dehydration, and promote the elimination of toxic substances.

Medical nutrition: exclude dairy products from the diet; baked goods; fried foods; fruits other than bananas; foods and vegetables containing fiber; spicy food, sauces (mayonnaise and ketchup); seasonings

Medicines: treatment of intestinal dysfunctions distinguishes four groups of drugs that improve the patient’s condition with intestinal tract disorders.

  • Probiotic and prebiotic. Restores the balance of beneficial bacteria (Lactobacterin, Bifidin).
  • Enterosorbent medications(charcoal, Polysorb, Carbopect). Absorbs and subsequently removes toxins.
  • Reducing peristalsis in IBS (Stoperan, Lopedium). Calms the contraction of the walls of the stomach and intestines, reduces the frequency of diarrhea.
  • Antibacterial. Taken to suppress pathogenic microbes and bacteria that cause intestinal disorders (Enterofuril, Metronidazole).

Liquid stool in childhood

The phenomenon of diarrhea in children is a problem that parents often encounter, because from birth to 3 years the gastrointestinal tract functions intermittently and unstably.

Diarrhea at 3 years old

Causes bowel movements in children pathogenic microbes, entering the body through unwashed hands or with improperly processed food, when consuming expired food. There is no need to panic if a child has diarrhea, but urgently alleviate the symptoms of the disease and begin treatment. Be sure to contact your pediatrician for treatment folk remedies it is forbidden. IN preschool age It is not the disease itself that is dangerous, but the consequences of diarrhea if not started timely treatment.

If loose stool is associated with a number of other factors:

  • mucous components;
  • bleeding; liquid stool with foam.

The manifestation of these symptoms is a reason to urgently contact a medical facility. Before the examination is carried out and appointments are made medical supplies For adults, it is important to prevent dehydration (dehydration). To do this, let your child drink boiled water, at intervals in time. The volume of liquid is 10 milliliters per kilogram of weight.

Causes of broken stool:

  • neurotic disorders;
  • obtained through nutritional routes of transmission of infection (through the mouth, contact with contaminated water, airborne and household transmission of infection);
  • secretory disorders of the digestive organs;
  • toxic poisoning.

If diarrhea with water continues continuously, this indicates serious illnesses parts of the intestinal cavity (enteritis, colitis).

Preschoolers are susceptible functional diarrhea– symptoms of manifestation:

  • the consistency is mushy or watery, and 70% of the intestinal excretion is liquid-like;
  • not accompanied by pain in the abdominal area;
  • passing thin stool 3 times a day.

With functional diarrhea, the patient’s physical growth is normal, and this type of disease can only be detected in laboratory tests. The leading place among the causes of IBS in three-year-olds is occupied by viral infections, entering the digestive tract along with with dirty hands. Together with contaminated water and food, Shigella bacteria enter the child's intestinal cavity, and dysentery infection occurs. In this case, appropriate treatment is prescribed by a gastroenterologist or infectious disease doctor.

Shigella bacteria

Changed color and foam in liquid discharge in children

Yellow color indicates serious problems intestinal tract, but not in all cases. In the event that light or green tint, mucus or bloody spots, and against this background the body temperature rises and the small child feels worse - parents are immediately advised to consult a doctor. In addition to color changes in your baby's stool, pay attention to foam in the diarrhea. This is due to a number of reasons:

In what cases should you be concerned: with mucus, fever, anabolism (vomiting), acute abdominal pain. The consistency of the diarrhea is watery and it is bright yellow color, foaminess is present. If these signs are present, this indicates danger. If left untreated, diarrhea in children can be fatal.

For a milder version of diarrhea: without impurities and changes in stool color, without fever - it is recommended to follow drinking regime, dietary food(table No. 1). To prevent dehydration (Regidron) and drugs that restore intestinal microflora (Lactofiltrum).

Ordinary diarrhea can be a symptom of poisoning or incompatibility of foods eaten, but diarrhea with foam already indicates an infectious process in the body. Most often, this condition is associated with a deterioration in health, sometimes the body temperature rises. Diarrhea is a very common symptom malfunction intestines. Both adults and children can experience this disease quite often.

Causes of the phenomenon

Diarrhea with foam can be caused by the following reasons:

  • overeating;
  • excessive consumption of alcohol or colored carbonated drinks;
  • stressful situations;
  • abuse of fatty foods;
  • consuming products that have expired;
  • inflammatory or infectious processes in the intestines;
  • side effects when taking certain medications;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Associated symptoms

Foamy diarrhea is accompanied by gurgling in the abdomen, usually during defecation. pain symptoms can not be. The stool has a sour odor and may contain gas bubbles, pieces of undigested food, and starch grains.

Diarrhea with foam can be an independent manifestation of intestinal dysfunction, but more often it is accompanied by other symptoms. For example, nausea and vomiting, stomach or intestinal pain, increased body temperature. There may be mucus or blood in the stool, and rashes may occur on the skin.

If such symptoms last more than 2-3 days, then you need to consult a doctor, because intoxication and dehydration can reduce arterial pressure, your health will worsen. There may be various disorders in cardiac activity.

Foamy stools in children

Babies who are breastfeeding may react with foamy diarrhea to the food their mother eats. There may be foam, mucus, and even blood in their stool. This often happens dyspeptic disorder colors baby's stool green color. Bowel movements can be very frequent, up to 12 times a day.

Sometimes a baby's diarrhea with foam can be a consequence of the fact that he sucks only the first part of the milk, because it is easier to get. It is advisable that the baby drinks all the milk from the breast. If there are any problems in feeding the child, the mother should consult a pediatrician.

Mothers today are increasingly hearing the diagnosis of celiac disease - this is a disorder in which the child lacks special substances (enzymes) that break down the gluten contained in cereal crops. With this disorder, the child may also experience diarrhea with foam. Such children should follow a gluten-free diet.

If a child has lactose deficiency, then diarrhea with foam is common symptom such a violation. The pathology is associated with incorrect functioning of the pancreas - it cannot produce lactose. Experts recommend changing the child’s diet, if it is a baby, then switching it to fermented milk or lactose-free formulas.

In order to normalize intestinal function, the child is prescribed fermented preparations that eliminate the symptoms of bloating. Baby food should be properly balanced; if there are problems with the intestines, the child must be given fermented milk products with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

Dysbacteriosis is also one of the causes of diarrhea with foam. To determine the state of the intestinal microflora, it is necessary to take lab tests. If a person has recently taken antibiotics, this may be the cause of the development of dysbiosis. Research will reveal which bacteria are in excess and deficiency in the intestines.

Dysbacteriosis does not last long and goes away without any treatment. However, if pathogenic flora there is too much in the intestines, they begin to destroy beneficial bacteria, which leads to a weakening of the body and a decrease in immunity. Toxins fill the intestines, which leads to various kinds diseases.

For dysbacteriosis, the doctor prescribes drugs that destroy pathogenic microbes, but do not in any way affect the beneficial microflora. If such drugs do not help, the help of antibiotics and intestinal antiseptics may be required.

First aid

It is unlikely that a person who has an intestinal disorder will immediately run to the doctor. Most people deal with this problem on their own. If diarrhea with foam does not threaten a person’s life in any way, then you can try the following:

  1. It is necessary to exclude dairy and fatty products, as well as sweets from your diet for some time.
  2. Try to drink more fluids to maintain mineral balance in your body and prevent dehydration. In addition, toxic decay products will be washed out of the body with water.
  3. Temporarily you should eat astringent foods, preferably boiled rice.
  4. An enema with chamomile decoction or dissolved activated carbon is also recommended to cleanse the intestines of poisons.

If diarrhea with foam does not go away within 2-3 days, and the body’s condition begins to worsen, then it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor.

Principles of treatment

After laboratory research Based on the tests, the doctor may prescribe the following treatment:

  1. Cephalosporins or antibiotics - these drugs will relieve the inflammatory process in the intestines.
  2. Antidiarrheals that will reduce intestinal motility, this may be Imodium or Loperamide. The latter can only be taken by children over 12 years of age.
  3. Enterosgel, Atoxil, Smecta and other adsorbents that will remove toxic substances from the body within a week.
  4. Linex, Bifiform, which will restore the intestinal microflora, as they contain live bacteria.
  5. Enzymes will help normalize digestion - Festal, Pancreatin, Paninorm.
  6. If diarrhea is caused by an allergy, then the offending product should be identified and removed from the diet and antihistamines should be taken.

The most effective means for intestinal disorders, rice boiled in water is considered. No salt, sugar or oil should be added to rice. Rye bread or even crackers made from it are very useful for diarrhea. As for fruits and vegetables, it is advisable to abstain from them during this period, with the only exception being bananas. It is very important to drink plenty of fluids, preferably still mineral water. You can also drink tea with chamomile, linden or raspberry leaf.

In general, a diet for diarrhea is aimed at normalizing intestinal function, so you should avoid foods that will irritate it. If all recommendations are followed, then very soon the stool will become normal and you can gradually return to your usual diet.

Foamy diarrhea is the frequent passage of liquid stool mixed with foam. Loose stools are popularly called diarrhea, but in medicine this condition is referred to as “diarrhea” (from ancient Greek “to flow through or through, to leak”). Gastrointestinal tract- very sensitive system human body. Eating stale food fatty foods almost always causes diarrhea. Only diarrhea for this reason often does not last long and spontaneously stops (with the exception of severe infectious poisoning). Liquid feces with foam - serious symptom, which can occur with a number of pathological changes in the body of an adult or child.

Causes of the phenomenon

Diarrhea, in which the stool contains foam, occurs as a result of the following: pathological processes in organism:

  1. Intestinal infections caused by the penetration of bacteria (salmonella, vibrio cholerae, clostridium) and viruses (rotavirus, enterovirus, etc.) into the body. Foamy, loose stools similar pathologies accompanied by increased body temperature, general weakness, pain and rumbling in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting. Such infections do not go away spontaneously; timely treatment will prevent irreversible consequences.
  2. Failure in the ratio of beneficial and opportunistic intestinal microflora - dysbacteriosis. In the intestines of adults and children, beneficial microorganisms (lactobacillus, bifidobacteria, bacteroides, coli, yeast-like mushrooms), and opportunistic (staphylococci, clostridia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, etc.). The ratio of these microorganisms: 99% beneficial and 1% opportunistic. If due to antibiotic therapy, decreased immunity, or diseases of the digestive organs, the number of the latter increases, then intoxication and diarrhea begin in the body.
  3. Allergic reactions. Eating certain foods (eggs, peanuts, milk, citrus fruits, cereal gluten, fish, seafood, etc.) and taking medications (antibiotics, vitamins, etc.) can cause an allergic reaction, in which foamy, loose stools and a rash appear.
  4. Lactase deficiency. Lactose is milk sugar that is broken down by the enzyme lactase. Very often, breastfed infants do not have enough lactase for the volume of milk that enters the body. The explanation for this is the not yet fully established functionality of the enzymatic and digestive systems in young children. Based on this, foamy stool in a child in the first months of life is considered normal, unless accompanied by intoxication. Diarrhea due to dairy products can occur not only in children, but also in adults with a hereditary predisposition to lactase deficiency or with diseases of the pancreas (it is responsible for the secretion of the lactase enzyme).

Additional factors

In addition to the above reasons, foamy stool can be caused by:

Before treating a problem, you need to identify the cause that caused it. Foamy stools that appear after taking a stale product can be cured by taking absorbents: Activated carbon, Smecta, Polysorb, etc. To speed up the process of cleansing the body of toxic substances from stale foods, you should drink more liquid.

Foamy diarrhea in newborns due to improper feeding is also quite easily prevented. It is enough to know that breast milk is divided into the front one, which contains more water and lactose, it comes out at the beginning of feeding, and is restored with this milk water balance in a child, and the back, which contains more fat, fat-soluble enzymes, growth factors, satiety and sleep. Therefore, when feeding, the baby should receive both types of milk, which will ensure alternate attachment to the left and right breast.

If an infant receives artificial feeding- mixtures, then you need to select them strictly individually. In case of lactase deficiency, the child should receive low-lactose or lactose-free formulas; if there is a tendency to fermentative dyspepsia, fermented milk mixtures, etc.

Foamy stools resulting from food or drug allergies can be eliminated by identifying the nature of the allergen and eliminating interactions with it. At first immediately after allergic reaction Taking antihistamines will be effective.

With intestinal infections, the stool not only becomes foamy, but also acquires a greenish tint. To develop effective scheme treatment, it is necessary to conduct a stool analysis to determine the type of infectious agent. If poisoning is caused by viruses, then antiviral drugs if bacteria - antibiotics. The treatment complex also includes antipyretics, rehydration therapy (still mineral water, fruit drinks, compotes, teas, freshly squeezed juices, etc.), light nutrition, rich in vitamins and protein. Intestinal infections disrupt the balance of intestinal microflora. To restore this balance, probiotics and absorbents are used: Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Probifor, etc.

For celiac disease, a gluten-free diet is prescribed: you should avoid eating rye bread, pasta, baked goods made from wheat, barley flour, etc. For persistent diarrhea, antidiarrheal drugs (Loperamide, Imodium, etc.) are prescribed.

Changing the stool - important indicator that there are some deviations from the norm in the body. This is a reason to go to the doctor.

It is believed that the act of defecation, or stool, is a natural daily uniform cleansing the body of processed foods. Normally, an adult can have stool up to three times, but at least once a day. With the right rational nutrition, the absence of chronic intestinal and other diseases, in the absence of pregnancy in the woman and if there have been no recent surgical operations, the chair should not cause any difficulties or discomfort. Therefore, if deviations and abnormalities appear in the stool, you should pay special attention to this.

What should a normal stool look like?

Normal stool, subject to full adherence to a healthy lifestyle and diet, has the following characteristics:

  • has practically no
  • homogeneous in structure,
  • comes out in one or two steps, without straining,
  • has the shape of a sausage,
  • color ranges from light brown to dark brown,
  • the act of defecation occurs every day at the same time.

What does foamy stool look like?

Frequent foamy stools in an adult are the main sign of fermentative dyspepsia. In addition to its liquid consistency, such stools have a characteristic sour odor. In this case, the patient notes a rumbling in his stomach in the absence of pain or slight mild pain. Can be discomfort in the intestinal area. The color of the stool is pale, practically without pigmentation. The feces themselves have a lot of gas bubbles, starchy grains, a lot of fiber, and there are also iodophilic microbes and organic acids.

Foamy stools - reasons

If you deviate from the norm, the stool may look different. Feces may take on a different color - white, yellow, black, green. The stool may be mixed with blood or mucus, or both. The stool may be thin and foamy. In all such cases, we can assume the presence of pathology in the digestive system.

Foamy stools are usually liquid. The cause of such stool is functional dyspepsia. - a term meaning a functional disorder of the digestive process. Such disorders usually occur in the absence of a sufficient amount of digestive enzymes, as well as in poor nutrition. In some cases, functional dyspepsia occurs due to a bacterial infection.

Most often, fermentative dyspepsia is caused by poor nutrition over a long period of time. Usually this is the abuse of carbohydrate foods - sugar, honey, fruits, legumes, cabbage, flour products, as well as fermented drinks (kvass, for example). As a result, favorable conditions for the emergence of fermentative flora.

What are the dangers of fermentative dyspepsia?

Any diarrhea leads to dehydration, and prolonged diarrhea may well result in the appearance of intestinal disease. Foamy diarrhea sometimes leads to exhaustion of the body, which negatively affects general health person.

Treatment of foamy fatigue in adults

Basic treatment - This is about establishing proper nutrition. At the beginning of treatment, it is best to refuse food altogether or “sit” on a mono-diet without consuming fatty foods or dairy products. You should also not eat a lot of fiber. Activated carbon or Polyphepan will help cope with toxins. Next, you need to adhere to a diet, which should be based on a balanced set of foods containing carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and fiber.