Ointment for ulcers on the face. Ointment for wound healing: how to choose and apply different options. Pharmacy wound-healing ointments for open wounds: names and brief description

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Many people believe that the treatment of facial abrasions is a problem that is relevant mainly for children, but this opinion is a mistake, because abrasions in adults are also not uncommon, including on the face.

Among wounds of all types and varieties, abrasions are the most common. Of course, such injuries do not pose any threat to human life, but, like any wound, abrasions also require treatment.

You will learn further in this article about how to quickly heal abrasions on the face, how to treat an abrasion on a child’s face, and what means can be used to heal the damage.

First aid and treatment of abrasions

As a rule, an abrasion appears on any part of the body as a result of a fall or impact with a blunt object. In this case, bruising of soft tissues and damage to the skin occurs, as a result of which swelling and redness quickly appear, gradually turning into a hematoma, and if the vessels are superficial, capillary bleeding may begin.

Since an abrasion is accompanied by damage to the skin, it must be treated, not only to cleanse it of contaminants, but also to prevent the penetration of various harmful bacteria and viruses into the body.

If you receive an abrasion, it should be washed with clean running water and soap, preferably ordinary household or children's soap without additives. Soap allows you to not only effectively remove various contaminants from the damaged surface, but also eliminate many types of dangerous bacteria. But such processing will not be enough.

It is important to disinfect the wound using special antiseptic solutions, such as hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, Furacilin diluted in water.

Some solutions can simply be poured onto the surface of the damage and wait a little for the composition to penetrate the damaged tissue and eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. But you can’t do the same if, of all the drugs on hand, only hydrogen peroxide.

To treat with the solution, you should take a gauze swab, moisten it in the solution and use it to carefully apply the substance with blotting movements to the surface of the abrasion and the skin around it.

After disinfection, one of the means to accelerate healing can be applied to the wound in the form of a powder, gel, cream or ointment, over which a bandage of gauze secured with a bandage must be applied.

How to treat abrasions on the face?

Applying a bandage after the initial treatment of the resulting injury is mandatory, since it is very important to protect the abrasion from the penetration of new pathogenic microbes and various contaminants from the environment. In addition, applying a bandage helps stop bleeding.

It is not recommended to use standard medical cotton wool for dressings, since in most cases it is not sterile, and its fibers can dry to the wound and cause new damage when changing the dressing and removing the dressing material.

In most cases, to treat a small abrasion, it is recommended to use cotton pads soaked in an antiseptic solution, in particular, Chlorhexidine or Miramistin, which are applied to the surface of the abrasion, covered with a sterile gauze pad and secured with a plaster. This dressing should be changed several times a day. After a crust forms on the wound, the bandage is removed and left in the air.

Using ointment to heal wounds on the face is not considered advisable until a crust appears, especially if infection and suppuration have been avoided.

Once a scab has formed, ointments or creams should be applied to soften the surface so that normal muscle and muscle movement does not cause the resulting scab to crack or become damaged.

You can lubricate the surface of a healing abrasion with ointments such as Solcoseryl
, Levomekol, Zinc, Ichthyol. Such products not only help protect the body from penetration by various microorganisms through damage, but also significantly speed up the healing and restoration processes of injured tissues.

In addition, to soften the surface of the scab, as well as to speed up the regeneration process, you can apply creams such as Boro-plus or Boro-fresh. After a scab has formed on the surface of the abrasion, creams and ointments are applied without applying a bandage.

Folk remedies

Let's consider the methods and means by which it is possible to treat abrasions at home. Traditional medicine offers people a wide variety of methods for treating various diseases, wounds, injuries and skin lesions, including abrasions. Traditional medicine methods are almost always safer than chemical pharmaceuticals, but they are no less effective.

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What can you apply to facial abrasions? For the treatment and treatment of abrasions, traditional doctors recommend using natural lavender oil, which has not only a pleasant smell, but also bactericidal properties.

Lavender oil allows you to quickly stop bleeding and accelerates skin regeneration processes.

Tea tree oil also has pronounced antiseptic properties, which can be purchased today in many pharmacies. The application of such a product allows not only to stop the proliferation of various pathogenic bacteria, but also to speed up the processes of treatment and restoration of damaged tissues. Natural honey has a similar effect.

To heal minor wounds, which include abrasions, traditional doctors also recommend using various oil balms. For treatment, washing and processing, you can use decoctions of herbs, for example, celandine, calendula, chamomile, and then use oil infused with medicinal herbs.

If no such means are at hand, you can lubricate the abrasion with natural olive oil or use natural butter for this purpose, the fat content of which is at least 85%.

Treatment of abrasions in children

It is children who receive various abrasions most often, because they very actively explore the world around them and learn many things, while falling, tearing off the skin on their elbows and knees, as well as on their face.

If a child gets an abrasion, it is important to wash it with running water and soap as quickly as possible.

If the damage is localized on the face, you can use a cotton or gauze swab, which should be soaked in boiled water, lather with soap and wipe the damage with the resulting foam, then wash off the soap with a clean swab and boiled water.

It is necessary to treat an abrasion on the face with an antiseptic solution. You can simply soak a cotton pad or gauze pad with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin, apply it to the abrasion and secure it with a bandage or a light plaster that does not stick too much to the skin.

You can treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide, but it is important to remember that pouring this solution onto damaged tissue directly from the bottle is prohibited, since air bubbles that appear when peroxide gets on the skin and living tissues and remove all bacteria and other microorganisms can enter the bloodstream and lead to embolism.

How to quickly remove abrasions on the face

If the abrasion is on the face and it needs to be removed as quickly as possible, then the following measures should be taken:

Applying ice will prevent the formation and spread of a hematoma., and ointment for abrasions on the face helps to resolve the internal bruise that forms after the blow received, even before it appears on the surface of the skin.

How to disguise abrasions

If the abrasion is small and was immediately properly treated, and measures were taken to quickly eliminate it, then the next day only a few scratches will remain at the site of the injury.

Of course, scratches will not decorate a person’s appearance, so it is best to disguise them.

The easiest way to do this is with regular foundation, which is used as a base for makeup. But it is important to choose the right shade of the product so that it does not differ from the natural color of the skin. For women, it is better to apply foundation over the entire surface of the face.

You can additionally powder the damage, and if the abrasion is on the cheek, then apply a little blush on top of it, not forgetting to do it symmetrically on the other side.

In addition, to disguise minor skin damage, scratches, and thin scars, today you can buy a special pencil, choosing one that matches the basic skin tone. Such products are very convenient to use, they allow you to very accurately apply a masking substance to the site of damage, and, if necessary, repeat this procedure almost anywhere, which is very convenient for many people.

Now you know about methods for quickly treating facial abrasions and how to quickly heal scratches, what ointments and products can be used.

Summer is a wonderful time, especially for children. You can run, climb and ride a bike to your heart's content. But active games are necessarily associated with scratches, bruises and abrasions. Every home medicine cabinet must contain a medicine for the treatment and healing of wounds. It is especially important to have everything you need to provide first aid when going on vacation or on a trip out of town.

What to put in the first aid kit?

What to do if a child is injured

Childhood trauma is a constant companion to your child’s growth and maturation. It is impossible to protect a child from the possibility of falling, scratching, or scraping his elbows or knees.

Therefore, you must be able to treat your child’s wounds. This means that they must have all the necessary preparations for antiseptic rinsing, as well as wound-healing ointments and dressings.

The first thing you need to do is calm down.

In a state of panic, you will not be able to provide effective assistance to your baby, and your fear will certainly be transmitted to the child and frighten him even more. Calm yourself and try to calm your child.

Examine the wound and try to assess the extent of the damage. Once you have determined that you have an abrasion, scratch, cut, bruise, burn or bite, begin first aid. If the damage is serious, consult a doctor after initial treatment of the wound.

Remedies for cuts and abrasions

In most cases, minor wounds - small cuts and abrasions heal well within
several days on its own, without the use of additional medications. But, even if the damage is not severe, it is imperative to treat the wound with antiseptics to protect the damaged area from infection.

If the cut is shallow and there is no heavy bleeding, then there is no need to take measures to stop the bleeding.

The blood flowing from the wound will cleanse the wound of contamination. If the bleeding is severe - the blood is bright scarlet, flows in a strong stream or flows out in spurts - in this case, you should definitely seek medical help from a doctor, having first taken measures to stop the bleeding. A trip to the hospital will also be required if the cut is deep or the wound is extensive.

To treat a cut or abrasion, you can use:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • potassium permanganate solution (potassium permanganate);
  • chlorhexidine.

If you don’t have any antiseptic drugs on hand, you can use available home remedies:

  • warm water with laundry soap;
  • weak salt solution - 1-2 teaspoons per glass of water;
  • strong brewed tea;

Iodine and brilliant green should not be smeared on the surface of an open wound - the alcohol solution will burn the wound surface and a scar will form as it heals. Only the edges of the wound should be lubricated with alcohol-containing preparations. This will protect the wound from infection.

After washing the wound and treating it with antiseptics, you can apply a healing ointment.

This will speed up overgrowth. When choosing ointments that heal wounds and abrasions for young children, please note that some medications are not recommended for use by children under one year of age. For little fidgets, we can recommend Actovegin and Bepanten. Good wound-healing ointments for abrasions and scratches for small, older children are “Rescuer”, “Levomekol”, “Solcoseryl”.

If the wound does fester, then the legendary Vishnevsky ointment - balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky - helps very well. Festered wounds are treated with Vishnevsky ointment by applying a bandage soaked in ointment. One of the contraindications is intolerance to the tar included in the composition.

How to cure bruises and bruises

Very often children receive injuries in the form of bruises and bruises. A bruise, popularly called a bruise, is blood that has leaked into the subcutaneous fat layer. Blood flows from small vessels damaged by severe bruising. If the injury is serious, you should consult a doctor.

If the bruise is minor, then you can use means that can quickly resolve the bruise.

Products such as cosmetic cream “Express bruise”, “Arnigel”, when used immediately after an injury, can prevent the formation of a bruise or significantly accelerate its disappearance.

Very often the site of injury is accompanied not only by a bruise, but also by an abrasion. After washing the wound, it is better to apply ointment for bruises and abrasions - “Rescuer” balm is perfect for children and adults of different ages.

Treating burns

If a child is slightly burned, then Rescuer ointment will help not only with bruises and abrasions. It can also be used in the treatment of burns and frostbite.

In addition to the “Rescuer” balm, “Zinc ointment” and “Bepanten” help well against burns. “Zinc ointment” perfectly relieves inflammation and promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues. And Bepanten ointment also has a mild analgesic effect.

Animal and insect bites

If your child is bitten by an animal, you should definitely consult a doctor. There are always microbes in the saliva, so the wound is considered to be primarily infected in any case. In addition, the animal may have rabies.

After a bite, the wound should be treated with antiseptics, bandaged and taken to a medical facility. It is imperative to seek medical help, even if the animal belongs to you or the owner is known to you. Bites from wild animals can be especially dangerous.

Insect or snake bites are not only painful, but also poison the body. If insect bites are rare, then it is necessary to relieve swelling and itching. The most universal remedy is Fenistil gel. It effectively relieves irritation from the bite and is approved for use even by newborn children. The drug "Advantan" relieves allergic reactions to insect venom. Its use allows you to get rid of swelling at the site of the bite.

The article describes the types of ointments that promote the healing of open wounds. After reading, you will know the benefits of preparations containing silver ions. When is the best time to treat wounds with antibiotic ointments? From the video below, you will learn the opinion of a surgeon about the treatment of ulcers and wounds in people with diabetes. You can prepare your own wound healing mixture using the recipes suggested at the end of the article.

The ideal ointment for wound healing - what is it?

A good ointment has a multi-directional effect. It helps keep the wound clean, and most importantly, maintains the necessary level of moisture in the damaged layer of skin. In addition, such a remedy can repel the attack of bacteria and fungal microorganisms, which cause prolonged wound healing.

Today, hydrogels such as isotonic saline gel, cadexomer iodine and other viscous substances are used to create a moist but sterile environment. These drugs help wound tissue heal but do not treat serious bacterial infections such as methicillin-resistant staphylococcus (MRSA).

It turns out that in order to provide the necessary sterile environment for the healing of infected surfaces, you need to turn to stronger drugs. Typically, such wound healing agents contain silver ions, which effectively cope with a wide range of bacteria and other microorganisms. Including staphylococcus strains, fungi and viruses.

Ointments with silver ions

Silver ions bind to the cell walls and enzymes of bacteria, disrupt their structure and prevent the proliferation of pathogenic cells, which leads to the death of pathological microorganisms.

Note! The purpose of ointments containing silver ions is to reduce the bacterial load on an infected wound enough to allow the human body's immune system to regain control of the healing process. Absolute destruction of bacteria is not required for healing, since some of them, in certain quantities, are part of the normal microflora of the skin.

At the same time, the use of wound-healing ointments with silver ions is not the optimal choice for people with acute and chronic wounds (diabetes).

Treatment of such pathologies cannot be accomplished without the use of systemic antibiotics and physiotherapeutic procedures. We will consider which ointments should be used to heal chronic ulcers below, in the “Ointments with Antibiotics” section, but for now, familiarize yourself with the names and features of products containing silver ions.


Disinfectant. Sold in the form of an ointment. Designated for the purpose of:

  • accelerating the healing of open wounds;
  • prevention of their infection;
  • reducing inflammation and relieving pain;
  • preparing the damaged skin area for transplantation.

The composition of Argosulfan includes the silver salt sulfathiazole (an antimicrobial agent), due to which it intensively inhibits the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms in various types of skin lesions (burn, trophic ulcer, purulent inflammation).

Silver ions increase the antibacterial properties of sulfathiazole and reduce its allergenicity. The drug accelerates the process of epithelization and tissue regeneration.

Application: The ointment is used under an occlusive dressing (does not allow air or moisture to enter the wound). The course of treatment lasts no more than 2 months. The maximum dose of the drug per day is 25 g.

Side effects: With long-term treatment, increased skin dryness and leukopenia develop (the level of leukocytes in the blood drops) - leading to a decrease in immunity and the body's susceptibility to fungal infections.

Contraindications: Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. Persons with hereditary deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (pathology causes a decrease in the energy reserves of cells and destruction of the blood structure). People prone to allergies. Children up to 2 months.

Approximate cost: 300 rub . tube 40 g.

An antibacterial drug prescribed for the treatment of burns and trophic ulcers. The ointment is active against almost all types of microbes that contribute to the development of infection (rod-shaped bacteria, enterobacter, staphylococcus, streptococcus, herpes virus and yeast fungus.

After applying dermazin to the diseased surface, its components penetrate through the damaged tissue, destroying pathogens along the way. This happens due to the gradual and non-stop release and activation of silver ions in the wound.

Application: It can be used with or without a sealed bandage, but only after removing the pus. The thickness of the ointment layer is no more than 4 mm. Treatment lasts until complete recovery.

Side effects: Reactions in the form of itching and burning are possible. With a long course of treatment of large areas of skin: the risk of developing a disease of the hematopoietic system (aplastic anemia) increases; The level of leukocytes in the blood decreases, which means immunity decreases; toxic kidney damage occurs; increased dryness of the skin.

Contraindications: Age up to 2 months. Pregnant and lactating women. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Kidney failure, liver disease.

Approximate cost: 240 rub. (50 g).

  • festering wounds;
  • long-healing ulcers;
  • bedsores (dead tissue);
  • varying degrees of burn surfaces.

Application: The product is applied in a thin layer (no more than 0.3 g) to the sore surface 1-2 times a day (you can apply a bandage). The course of local therapy should not exceed 3 weeks.

Side effects: Long-term use of the drug over a large area of ​​skin can lead to the development of kidney failure, liver disease and leukopenia (decreased number of white blood cells in the blood).

Contraindications: Age up to 3 months. Pregnant and lactating women. People with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Treatment of deep purulent ulcers with copious discharge of exudative fluid is not recommended.

Approximate cost: 315 rub. (50 g).

Antibiotic ointments

For complex forms of wound surfaces that have formed due to blockage of veins (varicose veins), for the treatment of deep purulent ulcers.


Contains a broad-spectrum antibiotic (chloramphenicol) and an immunostimulant (methyluracil). The ointment helps the body cope with many types of pathogenic bacteria (chlamydia, spirochetes, rickettsia). This happens by inhibiting the production of protein (building material) in the cell of the pathogenic microbe.

Accustoming to the action of the antibiotic chloramphenicol occurs slowly, which allows the ointment to be used effectively for a long time. The immunostimulant present in the composition not only promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues, but also relieves inflammation.

Application: If there are purulent cavities, the ointment is injected into them using a syringe (the drug is pre-melted in a steam bath to 35°C). It is also possible to apply the product to the wound using sterile wipes.

Side effects:
Reactions in the form of burning, itching, swelling.

Contraindications: Allergy to the components of the drug.

Approximate cost: 128 rub. (40 g).

In addition to formatives (lanolin, paraffin, petrolatum and other substances), the product contains the active component tetracycline hydrochloride, thanks to which it copes with the proliferation of gram-positive (including streptococci spp, Haemophilus influenzae) and gram-negative (causative agent of lobar pneumonia, gonococci) bacterial agents. This happens by inhibiting the synthesis of protein, which is the building material of pathogenic cells.

For reference: Tetracycline ointment is not active against fungal and viral microorganisms, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pyogenic (beta-hemolytic) streptococci. This factor is explained by the established resistance of these microorganisms to tetracycline.

Application: The ointment is applied to the wound and adjacent areas of healthy skin. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day. If the wound is healed with a bandage, then it must be updated daily. Treatment with tetracycline ointment should not last more than 3 weeks.

Side effects:
Manifestation of allergies in the area where the ointment is applied (itching, slight burning, redness).

Contraindications: Age up to 11 years, fungal infection of the wound, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Approximate cost: 35 rub. (15 g).

Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic external agent. Heals purulent wounds of the first stage of inflammation. The active ingredients of the wound healing ointment are:

  • Chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol) is an antibiotic active against almost all bacteria.
  • Sulfadimethoxine is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent.
  • Methyluracil - stimulates growth and restores tissue structure.
  • Trimecaine is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory substance.

Application: A sterile bandage folded several times is soaked in the ointment and applied to the wound surface (the wound is first treated with peroxide). If there are deep purulent cavities, they are filled (using a syringe or drainage tube) with ointment heated to 35°C.

Side effects: Allergic rash, itching, mild burning sensation.

Hypersensitivity to chloramphenicol and other components of the drug.

Approximate cost: 80 rub. (40 g).

It will be useful for people with diabetes to watch a video about the method of treating wounds and ulcers in diabetic foot syndrome. The surgeon will discuss the topic of proper wound treatment. You will learn why brilliant green, alcohol and potassium permanganate cannot be used for such ulcers. The specialist will recommend suitable ointments, including homemade ones.

Cheap wound healing agents

Ointments that were popular back in Soviet times deserve special attention. They are made based on natural ingredients:

  • Ichthyol is an oily substance obtained from mountain resins.
  • Birch tar is a product of processed tree resin.
  • Zinc oxide is obtained by thermal decomposition of chemical compounds.

"Ichthyol Ointment"

It has a dark brown color and a specific smell, reminiscent of the aroma of tar soap. Has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. After applying the product to the wound surface, vasoconstriction occurs, the release of exudative fluid decreases, and tissue regeneration accelerates.

Note! After treating shallow wounds, ichthyol ointment, like Vishnevsky’s ointment, does not leave scars.

Application: For 1.5 weeks, apply to the wound 1-2 times a day.

Side effects: They occur very rarely, usually in the form of itching and redness.

Contraindications: Sensitivity to constituent components.

Average cost: 100 rub. (25 g).

“Balsamic liniment” (according to Vishnevsky)

The ointment is made on the basis of birch tar (relieves inflammation, kills microbes, heals wounds, resolves scars), due to which it has a specific smell and green-brown color.

Vishnevsky's preparation also contains xeroform (an antiseptic, has a drying effect), which complements the properties of tar. The composition helps to cope with purulent wounds, bedsores and trophic ulcers (long-term non-healing wounds). The ointment is also effective in treating superficial inflammation caused by venous disease.

Application: Apply a thin layer to the wound 2-3 times a day. It is possible to apply an ointment under a bandage, which is renewed once every 2-3 days. Duration of treatment is 2 weeks (if there are no positive results, the direction of treatment is changed).

Side effects: Itching, rashes, swelling, redness are the result of prolonged use.

Hypersensitivity to the components of the ointment (tar, xeroform).

Average cost: 35 rub. (25 g).

Relieves inflammation, heals and restores normal tissue structure. It has a weak antiseptic effect, which means it cannot be used to treat infected wounds. Most often recommended for preventive purposes and for healing minor cuts and scrapes.

Application: The ointment is applied to the affected surface as it is absorbed.

Side effects: Darkening and tingling of the skin, a slight itching and burning sensation.

Contraindications: Wounds infected with fungi and bacteria. Sensitivity to constituent components.

Average cost: 40 rub. (25 g)

Homemade ointment recipes for wounds

Typically, ointments for healing open wounds are prepared at home using natural honey, herbal infusions, propolis and beeswax. Nature has endowed the mentioned ingredients with wound-healing and antimicrobial properties. For example, the well-known bee honey is a natural antibiotic that can cope with inflamed purulent wounds.

Recipe for purulent wounds


  1. Burnet (hernia) - 1 part.
  2. Natural honey - 1 part.

How to cook: Grind the dry herb in a mortar and mix with honey.

How to use: Apply a thin layer to the wound 1-2 times/day until healing.

The ointment stops bleeding, relieves inflammation, and effectively deals with dead tissue (bedsores, fistulas, skin cancer).

Post-burn remedy


  1. Lard or sunflower oil - 2 tbsp.
  2. Dry purified propolis - 10 g.

How to cook: Boil the fat and add crushed propolis to it, mix the composition thoroughly and bring to a boil (carry out the procedure in a water bath, as the propolis melts for about an hour). Strain through cheesecloth.

How to use: Apply the ointment to the wound, which has been previously cleaned of dead tissue with bandages.

Result: The product cleanses, relieves inflammation and heals the skin.

Cleansing mixture


  1. Natural honey - 400 g.
  2. Vinegar 9% - 200 g.
  3. Copper acetate - 34 g.
  4. Burnt alum - 17 g.

How to cook: Mix all ingredients and cook in a steam bath until the composition acquires a reddish tint.

How to use: Apply the ointment under the bandage. Carry out treatment until the wound is completely cleansed of pus.

The composition stops bleeding, relieves inflammation and swelling, and promotes healing.

Question answer

What does the term “multi-directional ointment” mean?

Here, as an example, we can cite the drug “Levomekol”, which relieves inflammation, helps restore the normal structure of the skin, and suppresses the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms. This is multidirectional action.

What product can be used to avoid the appearance of rough scars after the wound has healed?

Bepanten softens the skin well and accelerates tissue regeneration.

What is the ingredient “alum” listed in the recipe for the cleansing mixture?

The substance consists of crystals of double aluminum sulfate. Sold in pharmacies in the form of powder for external use.

How to properly store homemade ointment?

It is better to store the self-prepared product in a dark glass container in a cool place.

Why are open wounds not treated with hormonal ointments, such as those known as Advantan or Lokoid?

Such ointments have the opposite effect: they not only prevent wounds from healing, but also penetrate the bloodstream and reduce immunity, thereby promoting infection of the wound.

What to remember:

  1. It is better to buy ointments for wound healing according to the recommendations of a doctor, who will prescribe the drug taking into account the depth and type of skin lesion.
  2. Compositions with silver ions contribute to the death of fungal and bacterial microorganisms.
  3. For diabetes mellitus, under the supervision of a doctor, antibiotic ointments are used.
  4. Mixtures for cleansing and healing purulent and burn wounds can be prepared at home.
  5. To prevent the formation of rough scars on the skin, Bepanten can be used at the wound healing stage.

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Every person at any time in his life can receive some kind of injury from a small abrasion to significant and serious damage. But, regardless of the complexity and extent, any violation of the integrity of tissues and skin requires mandatory healing, which is a physiological and completely natural process that requires a certain time.

This article will talk about how to speed up the healing process of wounds, what quick wound-healing ointments can be used and how to heal a wound at home.

Basic principles of rapid wound healing

Almost every person wants the wound to heal as quickly as possible, but it is important to remember that many factors influence the speed of this process.

The speed of tissue restoration, in addition to the patient’s age, weight, state of health and immune system, as well as the presence of various chronic diseases and other factors that complicate treatment, are also influenced by other factors.

First aid for injuries is very important. It must be provided correctly and in a timely manner.

First aid measures usually include washing the wound, clearing it of dirt, treating it with solutions and hydrogen peroxide, treating the edges of the injury and the skin around it with solutions of brilliant green or iodine to prevent infection, stopping bleeding if any, and applying the necessary sterile dressing. The design of the bandage is usually determined by the type of injury received and its location.

The next stage should be qualified medical care, consisting of primary surgical treatment, surgery (if necessary), as well as complete debridement of the existing wound.

During treatment, doctors clean the wound along its entire length and depth from various foreign bodies, blood clots, necrotic tissues, dirt, they are thoroughly treated with antiseptic drugs. If this is necessary, sutures are applied when treating the injury.

Suturing can significantly speed up the healing process, since the edges of the wound are brought together and secured, so that after healing only a small scar remains on the surface. But not all types of wounds can be sutured. In most cases, suturing is relevant only in the presence of incised wounds, including postoperative ones.

A factor in the rapid healing of wounds is the prevention of infection and the formation of suppuration. For this purpose, the doctor may prescribe the patient antibiotics in tablets or topical form.

An important point for normal and rapid healing is the timely and correct change of dressings with mandatory wound treatment. The damage must be kept dry and clean. Next, you will learn what to do to make the wound heal faster.

Effective drugs

Treatment of any wound is always individual, and the doctor selects medications taking into account the patient’s condition, the characteristics of his body, the nature of the damage and its complexity.

In order to speed up healing and prevent complications, many pharmaceutical products, mainly local ones, such as gels, ointments, specialized creams, etc. can be used.

An important point is that if the wound is wet or its surface is constantly damp, then applying fat-based products to it is not recommended, since such actions will not help speed up healing, but, on the contrary, will significantly slow down this process and increase recovery time.

Means for rapid wound healing:

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  • Solcoseryl and its analogue Actovegin– fast healing ointment. These remedies are well known not only to doctors, but also to many patients, since they are highly effective in treating wounds, accelerating the healing process, relieving inflammation, eliminating purulent and infectious lesions that complicate the regeneration process.
  • Contratubeks. This drug, in addition to accelerating regeneration processes and eliminating the inflammatory process, avoids the formation of pronounced scar tissue. But it is important to start using this ointment on time, since its effect is not to eliminate excess scar tissue, but to suppress its formation during the healing process.

In diabetes, wounds heal very poorly, since this disease significantly reduces the functioning of the immune system, causes massive damage to nerves and blood vessels, so purulent formations and serious inflammation almost always appear on the surface of wounds. The ointment for this disease should be selected by the doctor individually in each specific case.

Ointment for rapid healing of wounds and elimination of inflammationfor diabetes mellitus -prescribed by a doctor. It should be applied daily to the damaged area of ​​the skin or to a gauze pad placed under the bandage, as well as Levosin ointment, which can be used to soak tampons and bandages, changing them daily until healing.


The use of physiotherapy procedures in most cases can significantly reduce the healing time of the resulting wound, providing an effect in several directions at once.

Each technique has its own exceptional properties, but most of them contribute to a significant acceleration of all metabolic processes in cells, increase blood circulation at the site of the procedure, activate the immune system, increasing immunity at the local level. Some procedures are carried out with the use of medications, which makes it possible to additionally eliminate inflammation even in the deep layers of wounds.

The best results in the process of wound healing are shown by the use of laser therapy techniques, electrophoresis with drugs, iontophoresis, EHF, darsonvalization, and ultrasound.

Ultraviolet irradiation, various thermal procedures, as well as specialized massage in the last stages of regeneration are used for wound healing. An important point is that the use of physiotherapy techniques is carried out after the wound has healed, in order to accelerate the restoration of damaged tissues and strengthen them.

Folk recipes

Traditional healers offer many options for a variety of natural remedies based on natural ingredients that help eliminate inflammation and enhance tissue regeneration processes.

The most effective traditional medicines include:

How to quickly heal a wound on your face

Healing damage to the skin and tissue on the face always presents some difficulties, since due to anatomical features this process has some specifics. It is important to take into account certain points, for example, the fact that the vessels on the face are located very close to the surface of the skin, and therefore even a minor injury can cause significant bleeding.

In order for rapid healing of wounds on the face to occur, you should strictly follow the doctor’s instructions, observing the regime of changing bandages and treating wounds.

If the main facial muscles are damaged, the injury will heal slowly, since the divergence of its edges will be significant. Moreover, such injuries usually cause pain during communication and create discomfort when using facial muscles, which can sometimes lead to speech difficulties. In addition, almost all wounds on the face are accompanied by quite pronounced swelling that persists for a long time.

It is also important to ensure that the wound does not become infected, for example, if you have a runny nose or carious teeth.

It is also important to remember that the skin of the face is particularly thin, and therefore in this area, products containing alcohol, including iodine, are not used to treat wounds, which in itself can burn the skin of the face and leave dark spots on it.

If the damage to the skin and surface tissue is significant enough, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. You may need stitches to help speed up healing. In addition, the doctor will also prescribe medications that will need to be used to treat the wound and the skin around it.

Disguising wounds on the face is not at all easy. Minor damage, as well as small scars remaining after treatment, can be made less noticeable using decorative cosmetics, such as foundation or powder, matched to the skin tone. Large scars can be made less noticeable only with the help of modern cosmetology procedures, including hardware ones.

Ointments, gels and sprays are classified as external medical products. They take into account the nature and severity of the pathological process.

All external damage to the skin and internal tissues are divided into two groups:

  • the formation of a defect is caused by external influences;
  • skin pathology is a consequence of an internal disease.

External factors include injuries, exposure to UV rays, aggressive and high-temperature liquids, hypothermia, which results in the integrity of the skin being compromised (open wounds are formed).

A complication of this process is sometimes tissue infection.

Some functional diseases and chronic infections cause the formation of ulcers, eczema, dermatitis, and other skin pathologies.

Local application of healing substances is not always sufficient for radical treatment. More often, drugs are used as part of complex therapy.

Tissue healing and regeneration

In medical practice, ointments, creams and gels are widely used for tissue restoration (regeneration). Consider the most common pharmaceuticals.

Actovegin– a drug that promotes the healing of uninfected wounds, burns, and bedsores. Activates cellular metabolism, which determines the regenerating properties of the drug. The active substance is a deproteinized hemoderivat (an extract from the blood of calves, freed from protein mass by ultrafiltration).

A thin layer of gel is applied to deep trophic ulcers, and a bandage heavily soaked in ointment is applied on top. Treatment of the wound (change of dressing) – once a day.

Solcoseryl– a similar drug (same active ingredient). Some differences in the nature of the drug's effects are due to different production technologies used by pharmaceutical companies. Solcoseryl is available in the same dosage forms (jelly, ointment, gel), and is prescribed for the same pathologies as Actovegin.

Bepanten(active ingredient dexpanthenol - a derivative of pantothenic acid) - cream for the treatment of abrasions, wounds and burns, cracked nipples.

The therapeutic effect is based on the ability of vitamin B5 to stimulate collagen synthesis and accelerate cellular metabolism. It is also used in pediatrics - to eliminate diaper rash and diaper dermatitis in infants.

The drug has a softening, analgesic, and calming effect.

Bepanten plus- the same composition to which the antibacterial substance chlorhexidine hydrochloride is added, which protects the wound from infection. You can also apply it to your nipples, but it is recommended to wash it off before feeding.

D-Panthenol– medicine for external use (active substance dexapenthenol). Prescribed in complex therapy to accelerate the process of epithelization of wound surfaces of the skin (postoperative injuries, burns, traumatic wounds).

The drug soothes, softens, anesthetizes the affected area of ​​the skin, and has a weak anti-inflammatory effect. Pantothenic acid is involved in the synthesis of corticosteroids and acetylcholine, which accelerates the process of restoration of epithelial tissues.

Panthenol spray– an effective reparant. Just like ointments based on pantothenic acid, it is used to treat wounds and burns of various origins. Accelerates collagen synthesis and has a cooling (softening) effect.

The container is filled with pressurized foam and should be applied to open and dry or wet wounds.

If possible, the affected area is left open - for rapid healing of the wound, a constant flow of air is necessary.

A bandage is applied in cases where it is necessary to protect the skin from contact with clothing and external contaminants.

Non-hormonal ointments for the treatment of dermatoses

Ointments for the treatment of dermatological diseases are a series of drugs that have anti-inflammatory and healing effects.

Each of them has its own indications, determined by activity in relation to a certain pathogenic environment, or the ability to suppress allergens.

Unlike corticosteroids, drugs in this series are used as additional drugs included in a comprehensive program for the treatment of internal diseases.

Radevit(active ingredient retinol palmitate, vitamin "A") - an ointment used in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, ichthyosis, erosions, burns, some types of neurodermatitis and cracks formed due to vitamin deficiencies. The regenerating effect is due to the ability of vitamin “A” to accelerate metabolic processes and block the action of potent radicals.

Curiosin(zinc hyaluronate) - ointment (gel) used in treatment regimens for acne, including inflamed formations - acne. The drug has an antiseptic effect, activates blood circulation and microcirculation, improves nutrition of the dermis, and activates collagen synthesis. In cosmetology, the product is used in rejuvenation programs to smooth out wrinkles and improve skin health.

Anti-inflammatory external agents

Local anti-inflammatory drugs include solutions, sprays, ointments and gels containing a substance that neutralizes the activity of bacteria and fungi. Such compositions are applied to infected wounds or inflammatory lesions.

Dimexide(solution) is a medicine that has an antibacterial and soothing effect. Use externally to relieve swelling and inflammation. The substance easily penetrates the skin into the bloodstream (maximum concentration 8 hours after application). The drug is also used as a solvent for the administration of other drugs (antibiotics, hormones, cytostatics). A compress with dimexide is applied to the affected area once a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor (according to indications). The effectiveness of the product has been proven in the treatment of trophic ulcers, purulent wounds, furunculosis, abscesses.

Methyluracil(reparant for external use) – a drug with regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects. It is used in the treatment of burns and radiation dermatitis, erosions and ulcers of various etiologies. It is prescribed as a stand-alone drug or together with antibacterial drugs (antibiotics and sulfonamides). The composition is applied to the areas of inflammation in a thin, even layer once a day.

Scar removal products

Contractubex– an ointment that reduces the synthesis of fibroblasts in the area of ​​scar tissue formation. It has a softening and smoothing effect, eliminates allergic itching in the area of ​​regeneration, and increases hydration of the subcutaneous epidermis. Prescribed to eliminate postpartum skin stretch marks, in the treatment of keloid and atrophic scars.

Pharmacy ointments and gels should not be prescribed to yourself without a medical education. Every pharmaceutical drug (with rare exceptions) has side effects and contraindications. Consult your doctor before using this medicine.


    Argosulfan cream really helped me out, I had a small cut, I applied it for several days, everything healed without problems and there was no scar left. The cream is based on silver sulfathizole, so microbes do not multiply and, accordingly, the wound heals well.

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All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous! Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.