What does “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, written by Pushkin for children, teach? What does “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, written by Pushkin for children, teach? A summary of the tale of Tsar Saltan

“The Tale of Tsar Saltan” was written by Pushkin in 1831, and it is believed that this is a poetic interpretation of the old folk tale “Knee-deep in gold, elbow-deep in silver”, however, much was added, including the image of the Princess- Swans. In total, Alexander Sergeevich devoted about 9 years to working on this work. In the article you can read its summary. Suitable for use in a reader's diary.

The beginning - how an overheard conversation led to unprecedented career growth and a not-so-successful marriage

One late evening, three needlewomen sisters were doing their usual things (spinning) and having a casual feminine conversation. Each dreamed of becoming a queen and performing certain “feats” for the “father-tsar.” The big sister would throw a feast for the whole world. The middle one dreamed of providing everyone with linen, and the youngest, a modest woman, dreamed of giving birth to a son for her husband-sovereign. Moreover, not just a child, but a hero.

As we know, dreams come true, especially in fairy tales. Tsar Saltan himself passed by their little room and heard (or rather, overheard) the conversation. Without hesitation for long, he entered the girls and expressed his decision. The eldest was to be a cook, the middle one was to be a weaver, and the youngest was the luckiest of all - she was taken as a wife.

Dreams are not what they seem

On this occasion, an unprecedented feast was thrown in the state. Everyone was happy and having fun. But the two sisters had no time for the holiday. They were overcome by a feeling of envy towards the luckier girl. They conspired with the matchmaker Babarikha to kill the young queen.

Time passed, the sovereign went to war, leaving his wife in labor. Soon the queen gave birth to a son. She wrote a letter to her husband, notifying him of the appearance of an heir. As planned, a hero. Evil relatives intercepted the messenger, stole the letter by deception and replaced it. Now it said that the queen had given birth to an ugly little animal.

Having received the news, Saltan felt uneasy. He was very upset, but decided to figure it out himself after his arrival. In the letter, he wrote that nothing should be done to his son and his wife until his return. The messenger was again intercepted by the weaver and the cook. The embittered sisters replaced the letter again. The queen and her newborn should have been put in a barrel and thrown into the sea. The boyars, having received such an order from the tsar, were upset, but carried out the tsar’s will. A young mother and son were hammered into a barrel and thrown into the sea.

Over the seas, over the waves

The barrel was carried for a long time on the sea waves, and in it the queen’s son grew at great speed. And then the waves carried the barrel to the sandy shore. Already an adult, the prince was able to break it and get out with his mother to freedom. Guidon, that was the name of the queen’s son, went to look around. While walking, he noticed that a huge kite had attacked a white swan. The young man saved the bird, and she turned out to be a beautiful princess, a sorceress.

Guidon saves the Swan Princess

In gratitude for her life, the girl built a city on the shore for Guidon and his mother. She herself became the young man's wife. Guidon began to reign in his state wisely and fairly, he was hospitable and generous.

Justice prevails, but the guilty are forgiven

Thoughts about his father did not give the young prince peace. With the help of his sorceress wife, turning now into a mosquito, now into a fly, now into a bumblebee, he found out all the circumstances of his exile. Now Guidon was sure that his father was not to blame for their troubles.

The prince filled his city with wonderful wonders with the help of the magical spells of the Swan Princess and waited for the arrival of the king. Finally he decided to come to the glorious island. Arriving, Saltan recognized his son and wife, the meanness of the two sisters and Babarikha was exposed. He wanted to punish them, but he was so glad that he forgave the villains all their sins.

A summary of “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” provided by liliya-2018.

Title of the work: The tale of Tsar Saltan, his glorious son and mighty hero Prince Gvidon Saltanovich and the beautiful Swan Princess

Year of writing: 1831

Genre of the work: fairy tale

Main characters: Saltan- tsar, Guidon- prince, Swan- enchantress.


Three girls, doing yarn, imagine themselves as queens. The first would like to arrange a magnificent feast, the second would like to cut out a lot of linen, and the third would like to give birth to a son for the king. Having overheard their conversation, Tsar Saltan proposed marriage to the third girl, and his sisters to serve as a weaver and cook at court. While the king was at war, his wife gave birth to a son. Out of envy, the sisters wrote a letter to Saltan that the child was ugly. Without waiting for their arrival, they throw the queen and the child into the sea. But they are washed out onto the island. Guidon, the boy has become an adult. He saved the Swan from the kite, who promises to reward the hero. He becomes king in the city. The king is invited to him, but he refuses to come. Guidon marries a beautiful maiden - the swan herself. Saltan did visit the island and recognized his relatives. Happiness and wealth accompany a newly created family.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Because of envy, the sisters forgot how important it is to value family. They hurt their sister, but things turned out badly for them. Betrayal did not prevent the queen from being happy; she did not focus on difficulties. Suffering teaches us and can lead to unexpectedly good consequences.

"The Tale of Tsar Saltan" - a fairy tale in verse by Pushkin, dedicated to the story of the marriage of Tsar Saltan and the birth of his son, Prince Guidon, who, thanks to the machinations of his aunts, ends up on a desert island, meets the sorceress there - Princess Swan, with her help becomes a powerful ruler and is reunited with his father.

The Tale of Tsar Saltan summary

Three sisters dream of becoming queens. Sitting at the spinning wheel, they talk about what each of them would do if she suddenly became a queen. The first promises to arrange a feast for the whole world, the second promises to weave linens, and the third promises to give birth to a hero “for the father-king.” At this moment, Tsar Saltan himself enters the little room, having overheard the sisters’ conversation under the window. He offered marriage to the third sister, the second to become a weaver at court, and the first to become a cook in the palace.

When the king leaves for war in distant lands, the queen gives birth to a son - Tsarevich Guidon. But the envious sisters write to the king that his wife gave birth to an “unknown little animal” and, although the king orders him to wait until his return, hiding behind a forged letter with an order, the sisters put the queen and her newborn in a barrel and throw them into the sea.

The barrel is carried to a desert island, and Guidon emerges from it as an adult youth. To feed his mother, he makes a bow and arrow and goes to the sea to hunt. There he saves a white swan from a kite, and she promises to thank him. A city appears on an empty island, and Guidon becomes its ruler.

Merchants sail past the island and admire the beauty of the city. Upon arrival in Saltan's kingdom, they tell him about the wonderful city and invite him on behalf of Prince Guidon to visit. The prince himself, having turned (with the help of a swan) into a mosquito, sails with the merchants to his father and listens to this conversation. But one of the envious sisters, the cook, tells Saltan about a new wonder of the world: a singing squirrel that lives under a spruce tree and gnaws nuts with emeralds and golden shells. Having heard about the new miracle, the king refuses to go to Guidon. For this, the mosquito stings the cook in the right eye. Guidon tells the swans about the squirrel, and she moves it to his city. The prince builds a crystal house for the squirrel.

The next time, the merchants tell Saltan about the squirrel and convey a new invitation from Guidon. The prince, in the form of a fly, listens to this conversation. The Weaver tells about 33 heroes emerging from the sea, led by uncle Chernomor. Saltan, having heard about the new miracle, again refuses the trip, for which the fly stings the weaver in the left eye. Prince Guidon tells the swans about 33 heroes, and they appear on the island.

And again the merchants tell Saltan about miracles and convey a new invitation. Guidon, in the form of a bumblebee, eavesdrops. The matchmaker, Babarikha, talks about a princess who eclipses “the light of God during the day,” with a moon under her braid and a burning star in her forehead. Saltan, having heard about the new miracle, refuses the trip for the third time. For this, the bumblebee stings Babarikha on the nose, sparing her eyes.

After returning, Guidon tells the swans about the beautiful princess and says that he wants to marry her. She again fulfills Guidon’s wish, because the princess with the star on her forehead is herself. As a result, Tsar Saltan sets off on a journey to Buyan Island. Upon arrival, he recognizes his wife in the queen, and his son and daughter-in-law in the young prince and princess. To celebrate, he forgives his evil sisters and his in-laws. A merry feast is arranged for the whole world, and everyone lives happily and richly

The Tale of Tsar Saltan summary for the reader's diary

Tsar Saltan overheard the conversation of three sisters and married the one who in the conversation promised to give birth to a hero. The queen gave birth to a boy, but the sisters slandered the queen. The queen and prince Guidon were put in a barrel and thrown into the sea. The barrel washed up on the shore of the island, where there was hail. The prince saved the swan from the kite. The swan turned out to be a beautiful princess. Guidon became king on this island. Trade merchants arrived on the island three times, who, having seen enough of the wonders on the island of the young prince, told Tsar Saltan about this. Tsar Saltan went to the island of the young prince; to his surprise, he recognized his wife in the princess, and his son in the prince. The joy of the meeting helped him forgive his envious sisters.

“The Tale of Tsar Saltan” was written by Pushkin in verse. A brief retelling - the king got married and waited for the birth of his son - Prince Guidon. Due to the machinations of his aunts, Saltan's son ends up on a desert island. There he will meet the sorceress - Swan. With her help, Guidon gains strength, power and reunites with his father. Next, we offer a more detailed, but still brief retelling of “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

Brief retelling of “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

There lived three sisters. Each of them dreamed of becoming a queen. They worked with yarn and also loved to dream. The first sister claimed that if she became queen, she would throw a feast for the whole world. The second wanted to weave canvases. The third sister wanted to give birth to a hero for the king. The sisters had no idea that the king was eavesdropping on them! He invited the first sister to become a cook in the palace. The second is to become a dressmaker. Well, he invited the third sister to become a queen and bear him a son.

The sisters were very jealous of the third sister. When the tsar leaves to fight, the princess gives birth to baby Guidon, but the aunts immediately disliked him and began to envy him even more. They write a letter to Saltan, telling him that his sister gave birth to an “unknown little animal,” and the newborn should be sent to a desert island as soon as possible. The king asks to wait for him, he wants to see his son. But the sisters fake his answer, and, hiding behind Saltan’s power, they put the princess and her son in a barrel.

A brief retelling of the tale of Tsar Saltan continues with the barrel floating to the shore. The baby has already grown up and become a wonderful young man. His mother got old. Guidon goes hunting to get food for his beloved mother. He sees a kite attacking a beautiful white swan. He decides to save the swan, and hears her promising to thank him for saving him. A wonderful city grows on a desert island.

Merchants sail past the city and tell Tsar Saltan about it. Everyone wants to visit this city, and the king decides to sail there. But the cook-sister is trying to confuse Saltan and talks about a miracle squirrel in another city. Saltan decides to swim to see the squirrel instead of the city. All this is overheard by Guidon, whom the swan turned into a mosquito. A mosquito stings the cook. And the swan helps settle the squirrel in his city. She creates a crystal house for the squirrel.

Guidon again invites his father to his city. But the weaver tries to confuse the king and tells him about thirty-three heroes who come out of the sea. Saltan decides to see them. All this is overheard by Guidon, whom the swan turned into a fly. She stings the weaver in the eye, and the swan transports the heroes to their city.

A brief retelling of the tale of Tsar Saltan read online continuation

For the third time, Babarikha dissuades Saltana from going to the island. She says that there is a wondrous miracle - a princess with a star burning in her forehead. Saltan decides to go and look at her. This is overheard by a bumblebee, whom the swan turned into a bumblebee. The bumblebee stings Babarikha on the nose and says that she wants to see for herself the wondrous beautiful princess, who has a star burning in her forehead. Swan agrees and says that she is that same princess.

Guidon and Lebed are having a feast. Saltan sails to them and recognizes his queen wife, son and princess. He throws a feast for the whole world. And after that he forgives the sisters and Babarikha for their intrigues. The tale of Tsar Saltan ends happily.

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Literary fairy tales are an early part of children's reading. But in order for their deep meaning to be understood by the child, it is important for him to understand fairy tale traditions. Fairy tales are based on folk tales. Their plots are based on the works that he heard in childhood from his nanny Arina Rodionovna. Alexander Sergeevich refracted the folk narrative through the prism of literature. Probably for this reason, Pushkin’s fairy tales captivate the hearts of readers of all ages and do not become outdated. Next, consider a brief summary of the tale of Tsar Saltan.

The main characters of the tale of Tsar Saltan:

  • Tsar Saltan;
  • his son is Prince Guidon;
  • swan princess;
  • the king's wife and her sisters.

Three sisters

The tale begins with a description of the evening pastime of three sisters. They sit under the windows of the little room and dream about what could be if they were queens. It’s getting dark, and the girls are spinning yarn and talking. The first of the sisters says that (provided she is a queen) she arranged a feast for the entire baptized world. The second suggests that she could distinguish herself by being able to weave a lot of linen, and the third promises to give an heir to the king.

The king hears these conversations, and at the most crucial moment he enters the girls.

Important! The ruler orders the first girl to become a cook, the second to become a weaver, and takes the third as his legal wife.

Time passes, and the king needs to go to distant lands. At this time, his wife gave birth to a son. Her older sisters are envious, and they secretly inform the king that he has not given birth to a child, but who knows who. The king in response orders to wait for his return. But the courtiers do not listen to him. They put the king's wife and baby in a barrel, and the barrel is tarred and thrown into the open sea.

The barrel is carried along the waves and finally washed up on the shore of the island, where there is no one. The prince, who is named Guidon, has already grown up. He is about twenty years old. He gets out of the barrel. He takes out mother. They are both hungry. Then, to satisfy his hunger, Guidon goes hunting.

A young man approaches the sea and sees that the white swan cannot fight off the kite. He saves a beautiful bird. In response to such a noble deed, the swan pays with gratitude.

As a result, a beautiful city grows in this uninhabited place, in which Guidon reigns.

The city is seen by merchants passing along trade routes. They sail to the kingdom of Saltan and tell the sovereign about the strange city. They also inform their ruler that he has been invited to this city. Prince Guidon hears this conversation. He had previously turned into a mosquito, hid in one of the cracks of the merchant ship and sailed with them to Saltan.

His aunt, who is appointed cook, tells the king about a strange squirrel that gnaws golden nuts. The king, having heard about such a diva, does not want to go to Guidon. For a not very good deed, a mosquito stung my aunt in the eye.

The prince returns to his city. He goes to the sea, rises

the swan speaks there and tells her about the squirrel. At his request, the swan carries the squirrel to the city of Guidon.

Some time passes. Again the merchants go to Saltan, and tell him about the squirrel and again invite the king to visit. This time the prince turns into a fly and listens to the conversation. But his second aunt, a weaver, tells the sovereign about the Black Sea and 33 heroes. The king wants to see this miracle, and again he does not go to Guidon. Then the prince, in the guise of a fly, bites his aunt in the eye.

After some time, the merchants once again move past the island of Guidon to the kingdom of Saltan. The owner of the island in the form of a bumblebee travels with them. Upon arrival of the merchants, a conversation took place, during which Babarikha told Saltan about the beautiful princess.

And the merchants again invite Saltan to Guidon. The king is captivated by the story of the miracle princess and again refuses the invitation. For this reason, the bumblebee bit Babarikha on the nose.

The prince returns to the island to the city. He goes to the sea and tells the swans that he wants to tie the knot with the princess he heard about from his father. The swan turns into a beautiful girl, and Guidon marries her.

Meanwhile, Saltan hurries to visit the prince. When he steps ashore, he realizes that Guidon’s mother is his wife. He is glad that the family has been reunited. Everyone is forgiven. Everyone lives happily ever after.

Theme and idea of ​​the tale

What is the famous fairy tale about? This work by Pushkin tells about Saltan: how he got married, and then the Tsar’s son was born. The baby’s aunts are insidious; they do this to get rid of their young wife and heir. But the needy are saved. They are helped by a powerful swan. At the end of the tale, Guidon becomes the young ruler of the new city. And the prince's father is reunited with his wife.

Outline of the tale about Tsar Saltan:

  1. The sisters want to become queens.
  2. The youngest became queen.
  3. The birth of an heir and the departure of Saltan.
  4. A messenger with news.
  5. Substitution of the king's order.
  6. Saltan's wife and son swing in a barrel on the waves.
  7. Rescue from the barrel and meeting with the beautiful swan princess.
  8. Transformations of Guidon into a mosquito, a fly and a bumblebee.
  9. The family was reunited.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale is that Alexander Sergeevich wants to show the reader that everything hidden sooner or later becomes apparent. It also makes you think that evil will always be defeated by good. It is important that if a person asks for forgiveness, he will be forgiven.

Any fairy tale is instructive. This one reveals the essence of forgiveness. The author also emphasizes that trust is the basis of human relationships. The text of the work proves the validity of folk wisdom, which says: “Trust, but verify.”

Useful video: the meaning of the tale of Tsar Saltan

Reader's diary

The reader's diary should contain a brief retelling of Pushkin's fairy tale about Tsar Saltan.

Note! Sometimes additional characterization of the main character or secondary characters is required.

Below is a summary of the work.

Saltan became an involuntary witness to a conversation between three young girls, sisters, about what they would do if they became queens. He takes his third sister as his wife because she talks about the birth of an heir. Time passes and Saltan must leave on state business. At this time, his son is born, and the baby’s aunts, out of envy, put him and his mother in a barrel and doom him to certain death. It so happened that the barrel washed up on a deserted shore.

Guidon is already an adult. He walks along the seashore and becomes the savior of a beautiful swan. She helps him become a powerful ruler and makes the prince's dreams of owning various outlandish things come true. The king also loves curiosities. The merchants tell Saltan about the city of Guidon, and he visits the island. There he realizes that he was once deceived. He reunites with his family, never to be separated again.