Causes of acute pain around the navel in women. Small bowel obstruction is a dangerous cause of pain. Stomach hurts when pressing in the navel area

Pain can twist any of us suddenly and without any visible reasons. But pain in itself is not dangerous - it is only a symptom of more fundamental processes occurring in our body.

What to do if you experience pain in the navel area? And (what is much more important) what ailments can it be a symptom of? Let's try to answer this question.

Sharp pain in the navel area can be caused by many reasons. Often we are dealing with an alarm bell, signaling serious pathological changes inside our body. If you feel pain in the abdominal area, try to figure out the following first:

  • localization (top, bottom, navel);
  • nature of pain;
  • predisposing factors (under what circumstances the syndrome intensifies);
  • strength of sensations.

Probable diseases

Having decided on the above factors, we will try to make a preliminary diagnosis.

This information may be useful if the clinic is far from you (a neighboring village, for example). In other cases, we recommend prompt consultation with a doctor.

Acute bowel diseases

An outbreak of pain in the abdominal area (more precisely, the navel) is sometimes caused by problems small intestine, and quite sharp.

Often such problems are accompanied by flatulence, which can be easily controlled with smecta, polyphelan, activated carbon or preparations with simethicone.

Approximate cost of drugs:

  1. smecta - 150 rubles;
  2. polyphelan - 35-60 rubles;
  3. coal - about 10 rubles (10 tablets);
  4. simethicone drugs - in different ways.

It also happens that diseases of the small intestine become chronic, beginning to bother us regularly. Examples are enterocolitis and chronic enteritis.

In this situation, the pain in the navel area will not be acute, but constant. While eating discomfort will intensify. This means that the hour has come for a trip to the gastroenterologist.

Chronic enteritis

The pain in the navel will be dull and aching. Unpleasant sensations flare up no matter when you eat. Prepare to feel heavy after a heavy dinner. Sometimes bloating and loss of appetite occur.

Accompanying symptoms:

  • brittle nails;
  • excessive dry skin;
  • high fatigue;
  • weakness;
  • bleeding gums.

Acute appendicitis

Pain in the abdominal area is sometimes due to a cause that requires urgent surgical intervention- acute appendicitis.

This disease can strike you suddenly, and painful sensations affect different areas of the abdomen, gradually shifting to the right side. If you press on the stomach, a sharp pain will occur, which gets worse as the pressure decreases.

Additional symptoms:

  1. cardiopalmus;
  2. dry mouth;
  3. temperature rise.


In addition to painful sensations in the navel area, you will encounter a visual manifestation of the disease - an oblong formation.

The pain is always sharp. If you suspect you have a hernia, immediately call an ambulance, otherwise disastrous consequences cannot be avoided. Self-medication is inappropriate here - you really have a serious problem.

Accompanying symptoms:

  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • gas formation;
  • difficulties with stool.

Small bowel cancer

The worst possible explanation for belly button pain. Which, unfortunately, cannot be ruled out. The symptoms are:

  1. spasms;
  2. vomit;
  3. nausea;
  4. sudden weight loss;
  5. gas formation;
  6. loss of appetite.

Abdominal migraine

This disease is characterized by the intensity of unpleasant sensations. The duration of the spasms ranges from several hours (consider yourself lucky) to several days. The risk group is teenagers.

Secondary symptoms:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • pallor.


This disease, which affects the small intestine, always makes itself felt suddenly. The nature of the lesion is acute. Localization - the navel area and the right abdomen.

Secondary signs:

  • gas formation;
  • constipation;
  • vomit;
  • painful spasms;
  • sharp pains.

Some patients prefer to suppress unpleasant sensations with antispasmodic drugs, but this will not lead to anything good, since the cause is not eliminated and the disease progresses.

By ignoring your body's signals, you risk your health and may end up under a surgical scalpel.

Other options

We looked at the most common diseases, but there are other options for which you should mentally prepare.

  1. adhesive disease;
  2. tumors of the small intestine;
  3. diverticulosis;
  4. intestinal obstruction;
  5. damage to the nervous system (vegetative);
  6. poor blood supply to the abdominal cavity;
  7. aortic aneurysm.

If we divide (conditionally) the navel area into 2 sectors, we will notice that the nature of the pathologies will be different.

Above the navel

The pyloric section of the stomach and a fragment are located here duodenum. The most common problem in this area is ulcerative defect.

Often the defect originates in the mucous membrane (stomach or intestines), later it grows in width and depth, and then the process becomes irreversible. Stomach cancer is no less dangerous, and the least of the evils is gastritis.

Below the navel

There are already more options:

  • endometriosis (the endometrium of the uterus appears where it is not needed);
  • cystitis (inflammation affecting the bladder (more common in women);
  • inflammation of the pelvic cavity;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • ovarian cancer;
  • uterine cancer;
  • aneurysm abdominal aorta.

During pregnancy

It’s good if the wait for a new addition to the family proceeds normally, without failures or unpredictable ailments. However, the expectant mother sometimes encounters pain in the navel, which is sometimes harmless, and sometimes makes you think twice.

The reasons may be as follows:

  1. Skin stretching. With intense enlargement of the abdomen, the skin becomes tense, provoking short-term pain attacks. There's nothing to worry about.
  2. Weakness abdominal wall.
  3. Umbilical hernia. The likelihood of its occurrence is higher than we would like. If you suspect something is wrong, rush to the doctor.

During pregnancy, a woman should tell her doctor about all the strange things she observes in her body. This is especially true for the abdominal area.

The child has

Children's complaints are the subject of close attention of pediatricians. If your child suffers from abdominal pain, ask him in more detail about what is happening and draw up an accurate picture of the suspected disease.

We found that abdominal disease is inherent adolescence. This is explained by two factors:

  • uneven development of organs;
  • spasmodic development of organs.

At an early stage, the disease can easily be confused with poisoning. At the same time, the limbs become cool and pale. A headache (migraine) is also added, which does not go away for many hours.

Intestinal volvulus small child could happen to more likely than that of an adult. If timely hospitalization is not carried out, obstruction (volvulus) can be fatal.

Sometimes the nature of the disease lies in the psychological plane. For example, a child experiences anxiety when going to the blackboard and speaking in front of a large audience (classmates). Nowadays, the so-called “school phobia”—the fear of the learning process at school—is gaining momentum. One of the symptoms of this disease is umbilical pain.

What to do

Never think of ignoring persistent signals from your body trying to warn you of danger. The stomach is the center of vital organs:

  • intestines;
  • stomach;
  • liver;
  • uterus (in women);
  • pancreas.

The procedure for pain syndrome is as follows:

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Take painkillers.
  3. Lie on your back (your legs must be bent).
  4. Place a high pillow under your head.
  5. Place a heating pad on your stomach.

You need to constantly monitor your well-being so as not to miss the moment when you are required to active actions. By going to the clinic in a timely manner (or dialing the ambulance number), you can save your life.

Men and women often don’t know what to do when their stomach hurts in the navel area. It is necessary to establish the causes of abdominal pain in order to be able to begin treatment of the pathology, and not to stop the symptom.

Types of pain and pathology

Pain at the navel level in humans is always associated with pathology of the digestive organs or the genitourinary system in women. The abdomen is a large area and absolutely any organ can hurt. But pain in the center closer to the navel is already a specific indicator of various diseases and pathologies, which helps to diagnose them in time and begin treatment.

Any pain has a characteristic that is important for diagnosis. Pain sensations can spread to any part of the abdomen relative to the navel and can vary in strength and feeling.

In adults and children, pain in the navel area has certain characteristics, according to which doctors make a presumptive diagnosis:

  • Aching and nagging pain in the navel area - characteristic features enteritis, development of tumor neoplasms in the intestine, intestinal obstruction. Also, a knot in the intestines can cause such pain. Nagging and aching pains are a consequence of flatulence, this is not always a pathology, but excessive accumulation of gases can negatively affect the functioning of everything intestinal tract. Also, the navel area can pull during pregnancy in women, since the ligaments inside are under great tension, holding the fetus, and all the organs around it shift.
  • Stitching pain- a symptom of appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, diseases of the genital organs in women. Such pain can also occur with other pathologies of the upper organs. digestive tract(stomach, small intestine). Stitching pains in the intestine, they often arise as a result of ulcerative lesions and are localized in the peri-umbilical region.
  • Cutting pain in the umbilical region can be a consequence of any pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, especially with acute currents diseases. Pain in the abdomen near the navel often occurs after injury.
  • Strong pain may occur due to volvulus, intestinal obstruction, oncology, appendicitis, abdominal migraine. Severe pain is often sharp and sharp, cramping, as spasms come and go. Women during menstruation can experience severe abdominal pain in the navel area, especially below the navel.
  • Acute pain occurs when the pathology is actively progressing, this applies to appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, ulcerative colitis, peritonitis, uterine and intestinal cancer.
  • Throbbing pain in the navel is characteristic of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase.
  • Mild pain appears at the beginning of any pathology, it can be dysbiosis, intestinal inflammation, helminthic infestations, peptic ulcer and much more. Mild pain is often constant and does not disappear for a long time, in contrast to strong pain, which periodically comes in attacks.

Discomfort and pain in the abdomen may occur depending on external factors, which also plays a role in making a diagnosis.

Pain may occur due to certain factors:

  • When pressing on the navel, pain appears or intensifies. This indicates an umbilical hernia or appendicitis. If the appendix is ​​inflamed, then upon palpation the pain will intensify with right side from the navel. If it hurts to press on the navel and the stomach is tight to the touch, then it may be peritonitis.
  • Pain after eating in the navel area in adults and children indicates gastritis or another stomach disease. After eating, the stomach may hurt due to irritable bowel syndrome or impaired blood supply to the mesenteric vessels. After eating, pain can also occur due to insufficient enzymes to digest food. A slight spasm occurs near the navel above.
  • After lifting heavy objects, pain above the navel or in another part of the abdomen in the center indicates a hernia. Pain under the navel may also occur in a woman who lifts heavy objects after childbirth.
  • Pain during urination in men and women indicates the advancement of stones along the urinary tract. Unpleasant sensations can constantly migrate relative to the navel; if pain is felt near the navel, then the stones are only at the beginning of the path, and the lower the pain falls, the further they move towards the exit.

The nature of the pain tells the doctor a lot when diagnosing the disease. It cuts, pricks, aches, pulls, strongly, weakly, bakes or there is a burning sensation, as is often felt - all this needs to be told to the doctor so that he can fully assess the picture of the disease.

One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is use of various medications. To improve bowel function after taking medications, you need to do it every day. drink a simple remedy ...

Localization of pain in the navel area

In the human stomach there are many organs that, when pathological, are capable of sending signals perceived as pain. The localization of pain indicates the organ in which the inflammation occurs.

Depending on this, the location of the pain relative to the navel is classified and possible pathologies are identified:

  1. Around the navel: mesadenitis, enteritis, colitis, Crohn's disease, intestinal diverticulitis, umbilical hernia, pathologies of the kidneys and excretory ducts, endometriosis, acute appendicitis in the initial stage.
  2. Above the navel: peptic ulcer upper sections digestive tract - stomach or duodenum, as well as other inflammatory processes in these organs.
  3. To the right of the navel: appendicitis is chronic or acute, but more late dates, intestinal volvulus, can be caused by a diseased liver, especially under heavy load.
  4. To the left of the navel: pathologies of the spleen and gall bladder, pancreatitis, accumulation of gases, muscle spasm due to improper innervation of the peritoneal muscles.

What the localization of pain means, only a doctor can say for sure. Based on observations alone, it is too early to make a diagnosis; you need to undergo an examination and then it will become clear why your stomach hurts.

Painful sensations in the abdomen in women

Women, more often than men, suffer from painful sensations in the abdomen, since their genitourinary system organs extend into the navel area.

Dull or sharp pain in women may occur due to:

  • Endometriosis, when the endometrium grows throughout the vagina and uterus.
  • Cystitis and other diseases Bladder or kidneys.
  • Inflammatory processes in the genitals, which can be caused by the presence of bacteria and viruses.
  • Oncology, a tumor of the uterus causes cutting pain below the navel.
  • Ovarian or uterine cancer - there is a tingling sensation on the sides of the navel, just below or in the lower center.

Women's pain can be very different, they often intensify during sexual intercourse or during examination by a gynecologist; if pain in the abdomen is caused by a pathology of the urinary system, then the unpleasant sensations will be more pronounced when going to the toilet.

Painful sensations in children in the navel area

Pain in the center of the abdomen in children is often caused by immaturity of the digestive tract. This problem is not a serious pathology, and colic stops at six months of age.

But if a child constantly feels discomfort and other signs of illness appear, then it makes sense to visit a pediatrician to determine the cause. Cravings and tingling in the abdomen are common in infants, if they do not occur constantly, in otherwise you need to pay attention to this.

In children experiencing a food transition period, when new exotic foods are introduced into the diet, pain may appear at first, since the body has not yet had time to produce new enzymes for digestion, which can affect the child’s well-being.

Just serve new food several times and the pain will go away on its own.


Associated symptoms

Painful sensations in the center of the abdomen are rarely the only symptom developing pathology, and therefore it is worth paying attention to the signs that go along with pain.

A person may experience the following phenomena:

  • Heaviness in the abdomen in the stomach area, especially after eating.
  • Light or severe nausea, the latter is often accompanied by vomiting, especially in infectious diseases.
  • Weakness and fatigue for no apparent physical or moral reasons.
  • Change in the character of the stool, it can become white, yellow, black, crimson, green color, and its consistency is solid or liquid, in the form of “spit”, “jelly”, or a tar-like mixture. The smell of feces is also specific - foul.
  • Diarrhea and constipation can alternate between short periods of time or long ones.
  • Body temperature, which increases with increasing severity of pain in the navel area, indicates the growth of pathology and an increase in the scale of the problem.
  • The stomach twists, it swells, and there is a problem with the removal of gases.
  • If your stomach tingles, then the pain increases and suddenly disappears, then you should palpate the abdominal wall. Normally it is soft, but with pathology it can harden like a stone, and then soften so much that a person will not even feel touching it.
  • On either side of the abdomen, bleeding will appear as a blue spot under the skin. This condition is very dangerous and requires urgent hospitalization and surgical intervention.
  • Bad breath or even smell from a person often accompanies intestinal disorders.
  • A person loses appetite, and eating food causes increased pain.
  • The skin changes - it turns pale, cold sticky sweat appears.
  • The pain radiates to other places - to the sides, lower back, lower abdomen, tailbone, etc.

Often the symptoms described above serve as a reason not only to consult a doctor, but also to urgent hospitalization.

Some diseases and pathologies can only be treated surgically, and delay can cost a person his life. Pain is always the first symptom and should not be ignored, as then it may be too late.

How is the diagnosis made?

It is not entirely easy to understand what caused the abdominal pain, since there are a lot of options, as described above. You should not take painkillers on your own if you do not know the cause of pain in the navel area.

This may blur the picture of the disease and it will be more difficult for the doctor to establish a diagnosis when symptoms subsequently appear. If it hurts long time but to fight an unpleasant feeling If you still can, you should make an appointment with a doctor.

If the condition is acute or critical, then you should call ambulance, and not hope that everything will pass.

A doctor in a clinic or hospital must:

  • He will collect anamnesis from the patient, specifying all the characteristics of pain and the frequency of attacks, if any.
  • Perform palpation of the abdominal wall.
  • He will refer you for a consultation with a gynecologist if he thinks that the problem lies on the other side.
  • Will assign certain instrumental examinations intestines, stomach or other organs, depending on the preliminary diagnosis.
  • He will order you to take stool, urine and blood tests.

Only after these measures will it be possible to establish a diagnosis and talk about taking painkillers and actually treating the pathology.

Which doctor should I contact?

WITH " acute stomach“It is recommended to contact an ambulance directly, since such a pathology requires immediate surgery. If the pain is tolerable, then you should make an appointment with a gastroenterologist or surgeon, but if you are not sure of the approximate diagnosis, then you can contact a therapist so that he can write out a referral to a specific doctor.

When your stomach hurts, you don’t want to enjoy life. Soreness in the navel area is a sign of many ailments of the digestive or genitourinary system, which should be treated without fail, and not postponed until a critical moment occurs.

Otherwise, complications may arise, and even death. So you shouldn’t hesitate to go to the doctor, but you need to take care of your health constantly.


Any painful sensation indicates that something is wrong with the body. In this article I would like to talk about such a problem as the causes of its occurrence, diagnostic methods and methods of getting rid of it - I would like to talk about this.

About pain

Pain does not just appear on its own. If they do occur, this indicates that the body is simply signaling that something is wrong. In this case, you need to immediately go for medical consultation. In this case you need to know:

  1. The nature of pain.
  2. The area where they are localized.
  3. Predisposing factors. That is, if possible, you should provide the doctor with probable causes of pain.
  4. Duration of pain.

Reason 1. Gastrointestinal diseases

Pain in the navel area can cause problems in the gastrointestinal tract. The symptoms include both cutting and aching pain. The following diseases can cause this ailment:

  1. Chronic enteritis. With this disease, a dull aching pain occurs in the navel area. Also, after eating, a feeling of heaviness may appear; a person’s appetite often decreases, gas formation, bloating, and other unpleasant sensations are observed. Accompanying symptoms of this disease: brittle nails, dry skin, bleeding gums, increased fatigue and weakness.
  2. Abdominal migraine. This is one of the varieties. In this case, pain can occur not only in the head area, but also in the navel area. The duration of pain can vary - from several hours to a couple of days. It is worth saying that this disease most often occurs in childhood. There are also other symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, pale skin.
  3. Volvulus is another problem of the gastrointestinal tract. The symptoms are acute sharp pain in the navel and right side of the abdomen. In this case, there are also cramps, vomiting, nausea, and gas formation.
  4. Why else might pain occur in the navel area? The causes of its occurrence are a disease such as small intestinal cancer. In this case, the following accompanying symptoms also occur: nausea, vomiting, and a sharp decline weight.

Reason 2. Appendicitis

If acute pain in the navel area suddenly occurs, doctors most often associate the reasons for it with acute form appendicitis. Thus, pain can occur in different areas of the abdomen, but over time it is still localized in the lower right part. Check this diagnosis It can be done quite easily: when you press on the main location of the pain, the painful sensations will intensify significantly. Accompanying symptoms: increased body temperature, dry mouth, and increased heart rate. It is worth saying that if such pain occurs, you should immediately seek medical help.

Reason 3. Hernia

Why else might pain occur in the navel area? The reasons may also be hidden in a disease such as a hernia. In this case, it will also be possible to feel or see a round or oblong shape education. This disease is also accompanied by the following symptoms: vomiting, nausea, gas formation, problems with discharge feces. If you have this disease, you should immediately seek medical help. Self-medication in this case can cost the patient not only his health, but also his life.

Reason 4. Diverticulosis

Aching pain in the navel area can occur in the case of a disease such as diverticulosis. With this disease, the navel protrudes outward and looks like an inflated bag. The thing is that in some places of the intestine the mucous membrane can erupt outward. These places are very painful. At the same time, the patient’s temperature often rises.


Not only an adult can suffer from this symptom, but it can also occur as a consequence of the diseases described above. However, the following situations are also typical for them:

Often a dull or cutting pain in the navel area of ​​pregnant women. Why this symptom can it occur in expectant mothers? There are several reasons for this:

  1. Liver sprain. The fact is that while carrying a baby, all organs shift slightly, which can cause pain in the umbilical region.
  2. Weak development of the abdominal muscles. When the baby begins to actively grow, some women may experience a navel that turns outward. Don't worry too much, after giving birth everything will fall into place. However, if symptoms such as vomiting, constipation, rapid pulse appear, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.
  3. If the pain in the navel area of ​​a pregnant woman is cramping in nature, this may be intestinal infection. Symptoms such as nausea, loose stool and elevated temperature. In this case, you should also immediately consult a doctor, because similar condition can become a threat to the baby's life.


The main thing that a person who is suffering from pain in the navel area should remember: absolutely nothing can be done until the doctor arrives or the ambulance arrives. You need to lie down and wait for the doctors to arrive. It is prohibited to take various painkillers and laxatives, use heating pads, compresses, and enemas. All this can make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis and, as a result, slow down recovery. What will the doctor do? First of all, you will need to examine the patient and collect an anamnesis. In this case, the patient should tell in as much detail as possible about the location and nature of the pain. The further development of events can be very different, depending on what diagnosis the doctor is inclined to make. May be required the following tests and research:

  1. Stool analysis.
  2. Blood analysis.
  3. Irrigoscopy using a special enema).
  4. Colonoscopy.


At the very beginning, it must be said that it is strictly forbidden for a person far from medicine to take any medications for abdominal pain on their own. After all, this can only aggravate the disease, the symptom of which is such pain. However, what drugs can a doctor still prescribe to his patient?

  1. Intestinal diseases. You need to seek help from a gastroenterologist. In this case, doctors most often prescribe the following drugs: “Smecta”, “ Activated carbon", "Polyphepan", preparations with simethicone.
  2. Stomach diseases. In this case, the doctor will most likely oblige the patient to adjust his diet. It is useful to take herbal infusions (only as prescribed by a doctor). Treatment of the stomach is carried out as follows: medications: “Phosphalugel”, “Rennie”, “Gaviscon”, “Gastrozol”, etc. The choice of medication for treatment will depend solely on what diagnosis the doctor gave the patient.
  3. There are also medications for stomach pain. These are so-called antispasmodics, i.e. medications that only relieve pain, but do not cope with the cause of their occurrence. These may be drugs such as “Spazmalgon”, “Drotaverine” (“No-shpa”), “Papaverine”, “Niaspam”, etc.


It is worth saying that treatment of the stomach can be carried out not only with medications, but also with traditional medicine. However, in this case you need to be extremely careful so as not to harm yourself even more.

Honey will help you cope with problems and pain in the navel area. On an empty stomach in the morning you need to drink a glass of water with a tablespoon of honey dissolved in it. This improves intestinal motility and helps avoid pain. You can also take two tablespoons of honey daily to prevent pain in the navel area.

Rowan also helps cope well with this. To do this, you can prepare the following medicine: half a kilogram common rowan you need to add about 300 g of sugar. Everything is infused for 5 hours, after which it is boiled for half an hour over low heat. The resulting medicine should be taken three times a day, two tablespoons before meals.

A feature of enteritis of any etiology ( origin) is a violation of the processes of absorption of nutrients from the cavity of the intestinal tube, which leads to their deficiency in the body. The causes of inflammatory bowel diseases can be not only infectious, but also autoimmune ( damage to the intestinal walls by the body's own immune system) or hereditary diseases. Enteritis can also occur due to various intoxications ( heavy metals, drugs, alcohol, etc.) and exposure to ionizing radiation.

Intestinal obstruction is life-threatening as it can lead to rupture of the intestine and release of large numbers of microbes into the abdominal cavity. The main signs of intestinal obstruction are pain in the area of ​​blockage, a feeling of heaviness, and an enlarged abdomen ( bloating), nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, prolonged absence of stool.

Duodenal ulcer
Duodenal ulcer is the most common cause of pain in the umbilical area. It is a chronic lesion of the wall of the small intestine, in which ulcerations form on the surface of the mucous membrane. The main role in the development of the disease is played by the microbe - H. Pylori ( Helicobacter pylori). The resulting ulcers not only cause pain, nausea, vomiting, but also cause internal bleeding, as well as perforations ( perforations) intestines.

The appearance of duodenal ulcer is primarily associated with poor diet, alcohol consumption, stress, heredity, etc. Pain in this pathology is characterized by a nocturnal course ( appear at night) and occur 1.5 – 4 hours after eating. The pain disappears after the next meal. The intensity of the pain syndrome has varying degrees, pain often radiates to the back, lower back, and right iliac region.

Diverticulitis is inflammation of the tissue in a diverticulum. The latter is an expansion of a section of the intestine in the form of a bag. A diverticulum can appear as a result of congenital anomaly development, and as a result of other pathologies ( those. as a complication). When there are several diverticula, this condition is called diverticulosis. Symptoms of diverticulitis are no different from those of common inflammatory bowel diseases.

Most diverticula are prone to complications. This is due to their pouch-like anatomical structure. Under certain conditions, diverticula are capable of forming microcavities in which pathogenic microbes actively begin to multiply, which often leads to diverticulitis and other complications ( perforations, peritonitis, bleeding).


Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas tissue. Both individual areas and the entire gland can become inflamed. The causes of this disease are varied - infection, trauma, intoxication, vascular thrombosis, cholelithiasis, congenital pathology, tumors, etc.

Depending on the clinical course of the disease, acute and chronic pancreatitis are distinguished. The main symptom of any pancreatitis is the appearance of pain in the middle of the abdomen. Such pains quite often radiate to other areas of the abdomen and to the back. Their intensity depends on the severity of damage to the pancreas and the clinical form of the disease. Acute pancreatitis is characterized by the occurrence of severe, sharp, aching pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, and fever. Such patients urgently need to be taken to the emergency department or to the surgery department for timely diagnosis and treatment.

Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by less intense symptoms. Pain in this form of the disease is episodic and is often associated with food and alcohol intake. Chronic pancreatitis develops gradually due to atrophy of the functional tissue that produces enzymes. This atrophy leads to a decrease in the production of the hormone insulin ( what leads to diabetes) And digestive enzymes.

Vascular lesions

Vascular lesions represent serious problem V clinical practice. Mainly due to the fact that they cannot be seen, there are a huge number of them and because certain pathological processes in the vessels can cause serious complications on the part of those bodies to which they are “connected”.

The following types are distinguished vascular pathologies, at which it occurs pain syndrome:

  • thrombosis;
  • embolism;
Blood clots form when various pathologies- sepsis, atherosclerosis, mechanical injuries, thromboangiitis obliterans, arterial hypertension, Behçet's disease, etc. Thrombosis causes serious disorders in the dynamics of blood flow. With them, the blood slows down and, therefore, the delivery rate decreases necessary substances into organs, as well as the rate of removal of metabolites. Due to violation transport function organ tissues do not receive the blood they need nutrients and begin to become necrotic ( die).

Thrombosis is dangerous for any organ. The most common type of thrombosis in the abdominal cavity is thrombosis of the mesenteric vessels ( intestinal vessels). This type of thrombosis is characterized by the appearance of unbearable, severe pain in the middle of the abdomen, as well as nausea, vomiting ( which brings no relief) and increased body temperature.

An embolism is a blockage of a blood vessel by particles circulating in the blood that normally should not be there. Emboli, as well as thrombosis, can disrupt blood flow in various organs. Often, a blood clot that forms along with a damaged vessel can break off and enter the bloodstream, and then cause an embolism in another vessel. This process is called thromboembolism. Embolism can be caused by fat droplets ( entering the bloodstream during fractures, administration of certain drugs), air ( gas embolism), accumulation of bacteria ( sepsis) and etc.

Abdominal aortic aneurysm
An abdominal aortic aneurysm is a pathological enlargement of a section of the abdominal aorta. Such dilation is very life-threatening, since this vessel is a main one and if it ruptures in the area of ​​dilation, severe bleeding can occur. As a rule, an abdominal aortic aneurysm does not form immediately, but over a long period of time. The pain with this type of lesion is dull, nagging, intermittent, radiating to the back. It may be accompanied by abdominal pulsation at the site of the aneurysm. Most common reasons Abdominal aortic aneurysms are high blood pressure, abdominal trauma, inflammatory diseases of the aorta, heredity.

Abdominal injuries

Trauma is one of the most common causes of disruption of the anatomical and functional integrity of organs and tissues of the human body. Abdominal injuries can occur under the influence of various physical, chemical, and thermal external factors. When exposed to them, both external and inner fabrics and organs of the body.

Conventionally, the following types of abdominal injuries can be distinguished:

Abdominal muscle strain occurs as a result of strong, prolonged muscle strain. This mostly happens among professional athletes. This pathology is characterized by significant overextension muscle fibers, the appearance of microtraumas, microtears between muscles. When a muscle is stretched, the affected area is painful; slight swelling and minor hemorrhages may appear in the surrounding tissues.

Internal organ injuries
Injuries to internal organs occur as a result of falling from a height, blows with blunt objects, or concussions. Such injuries may initially have no external signs, but as complications arise, the situation may worsen and the patient will require the necessary emergency care.

Formation of bruises
Bruises are local tissue damage at the site of exposure to a mechanical traumatic agent. They usually appear as a result of blows from blunt objects, falls, collisions, etc. The main symptoms are swelling, pain and bruising ( hematoma). A bruise is a local superficial hemorrhage that occurs between tissues. A bruise is not dangerous, since it does not communicate with the external environment and resolves over time.

Wound formation
Wounds occur as a result of the action of mechanical forces on the skin ( sharp, cutting, piercing objects), physical ( thermal factors, radiation) and chemical factors ( acids, alkalis). Injuries are accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the external integument, bleeding, severe pain, possible damage internal organs, swelling, redness. Wounds, especially deep ones, pose a threat to life and therefore such patients require qualified medical care.


Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum, accompanied by severe intoxication of the body and an unfavorable, life-threatening course. Peritonitis is characterized by severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and fever. In such patients, the anterior abdominal wall is often tense. With peritonitis, there is a violation of fluid exchange in the abdominal cavity and intestinal peristalsis, which leads to severe dehydration and impairment salt metabolism in blood. In addition, peritonitis is very often complicated by sepsis ( bacteria entering the bloodstream and multiplying), heart failure and kidney failure, which are the main cause of death. Therefore, if signs of peritonitis occur, urgent surgical intervention is necessary.

There are many reasons that can lead to peritonitis:

  • Perforation of the stomach or intestinal wall- formation of a hole in the stomach ( intestinal) wall due to damage to its layers by pathogenic organisms, foreign objects, chemicals.
  • Intestinal necrosis- necrosis of tissues and cellular structures of the intestine. The cause of necrosis can be infection, thrombosis or embolism of the vessels supplying the intestines, mechanical trauma, hernia.
  • Rupture of the intestinal wall- this is a rupture of the tissue structures of all the walls that make up the intestine.
  • Pancreatic necrosis– the most severe type of inflammation of pancreatic tissue, in which pancreatic enzymes are released from cells and tissues. Enzymatic release inside the organ causes self-destruction of the pancreas’s own structures.
  • Tumor necrosis– necrosis of tumor tissue. This process can occur at any location of the malignant neoplasm. Circulatory disorders are main reason tumor necrosis.
  • Abdominal injury– mechanical violation of the integrity of the anatomical structures of the abdominal cavity. In case of abdominal injuries, internal organs can be affected, which can cause their ruptures, perforations, strangulations, and necrosis.
  • Sepsis- This is blood putrefaction caused by pathogenic microbes. Sepsis can be both a cause and a complication of peritonitis.
Most severe cases peritonitis is observed with perforation, necrosis and rupture of the intestinal wall. In these cases a large number of microflora ( microorganisms) of the intestine enters the peritoneum, subsequently causing an inflammatory process.

Also one of dangerous peritonitis is enzymatic peritonitis, which can occur with necrosis of the pancreas. It occurs as a result of the entry of pancreatic enzymes into the abdominal cavity, which have a strong irritating effect, which causes a strong inflammatory effect in the peritoneum. Enzymatic peritonitis can also occur when the stomach wall is perforated, which, in turn, can lead to entry into the abdominal cavity. of hydrochloric acid. The effect of hydrochloric acid on the peritoneum is similar to the effect of pancreatic enzymes. Peritonitis can also occur when the wall of the gallbladder or spleen is damaged.

Malignant diseases

Malignant diseases ( tumors) is one of the most common causes of pain in the middle of the abdomen. It is worth noting that tumors themselves are rarely the cause of pain. Most often, pain in the area of ​​tumor growth appears as a result of complications that have arisen - compression of an organ by a tumor, bleeding, perforation of organs, tissue necrosis, etc. The localization of malignant diseases varies. The intensity of the pain syndrome depends on many factors, such as the type of tumor, its location, the degree of its growth, the presence of complications, etc.

The most common causes of pain in the middle of the abdomen are the following types of malignant diseases:

  • small intestine cancer;
  • colon cancer;
Small bowel cancer
Small intestinal cancer is characterized by the appearance of malabsorption syndrome ( decreased nutrient absorption), pain ( in the navel area), and also, in some cases, an increase in temperature. Small intestinal cancer is a rare pathology and occurs predominantly in humans old age. With this disease, due to malabsorption syndrome, patients lose weight, they develop anemia, hypovitaminosis, hair loss, impaired nail development, peeling skin, decreased ability to work, weakness, etc.

Colon cancer
Important etiological factors (reasons) the development of colon cancer is considered to be a sedentary lifestyle, low consumption of foods of plant origin, significantly higher consumption of food of animal origin, heredity and chronic diseases of the large intestine.

Although colon located at some distance from the umbilical area, colon cancer can still cause pain ( dull, constant, pulling, pressing) exactly in this place. First of all, this is due to the ability of pain to radiate ( give away) to various anatomical sites. Secondly, complications that can arise from colon cancer can cause the appearance of other pathological processes. For example, bleeding in the abdominal cavity ( complication), which can occur with colon cancer, will cause peritonitis ( another pathological process ). In addition to pain, colon cancer is characterized by a feeling of discomfort, heaviness, nausea, vomiting, bloating, and stool disorders.

Pancreas cancer
Pancreatic cancer is significantly more common among the elderly population. In women, this pathology is registered less frequently than in men. Among the reasons that play an important role in the development of pancreatic cancer are alcohol consumption, irrational food intake, hereditary predisposition, smoking, chronic pancreatitis, etc. Pancreatic cancer is characterized by the appearance of severe, constant pain. The pain is localized in the upper part of the peri-umbilical area, as well as epigastric areas. The pain can radiate to the lower back and other parts of the body. In addition, fever may occur ( increase in body temperature), jaundice ( as a result of compression bile ducts ), nausea, vomiting, stool upset, bloating, weight loss. Pancreatic cancer can cause diabetes ( occurs due to a decrease in the production of the hormone insulin).

A feature of many malignant diseases is a long, asymptomatic period ( hidden). During this period, tumors are detected only during preventive examinations. Another feature is the absence of specific symptoms. Almost all malignant diseases are characterized by a clinical picture similar to other diseases of the gastrointestinal system. Therefore, the diagnosis of malignant diseases is mainly carried out through radiation research methods ( computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, etc.).

Another feature of malignant diseases is the appearance of distant metastases. Metastases are the transfer of cells and tissues from the primary tumor to another organ. Typically, the transfer of malignant cells occurs through the blood, through blood vessels. Such cells can enter almost any organ. After being transferred to a new organ, tumor cells begin to multiply, forming a new oncological process ( tumor). Metastases appear in the very late stages of the development of tumor diseases and serve as an indicator of the unfavorable course of malignant pathology.

Diagnosis of the causes of pain in the center of the abdomen

Various laboratory and radiation methods are used to diagnose the causes of pain in the center of the abdomen. The results obtained by these methods help greatly facilitate the diagnosis of the disease.

In addition to the external examination, the attending physician may palpate the abdomen to determine the location and nature of the pain. For pain in the middle of the abdomen, he will also perform percussion ( tapping) anterior abdominal wall. Percussion is necessary to identify formations ( for example, tumors), differing in density from normal anatomical structures. Sometimes auscultation is performed ( listening to various noises using a stethoscope). For example, it is used to assess the presence of intestinal peristalsis, pulsation of the abdominal aorta, etc.

After the examination, the attending physician will most likely refer the patient for additional diagnostic studies.

Blood analysis

Blood tests are a routine diagnostic method. It is prescribed during the examination of almost every patient who seeks help from a doctor. To refer a patient for this test, the attending physician takes into account the number, type of symptoms and their severity.

Blood tests are divided into general and biochemical. A general blood test is used to obtain reliable information about the main components of blood ( cellular composition, ratio of plasma to cellular component, etc.). A biochemical blood test is used to obtain information about the presence and quantity of various biochemical substances present in the blood.

With pain in the middle of the abdomen, you can detect some changes in the blood that are characteristic of various diseases of the abdominal organs.

Based on the results of a blood test, it is impossible to determine the exact cause of pain in the navel area, therefore this type studies should be prescribed in combination with other diagnostic methods.

With pain in the middle of the abdomen, the following changes may occur in the blood test:

  • Decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin. A decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin is observed with internal bleeding, malignant neoplasms, peritonitis, helminthic infestations, etc.
  • Increased white blood cell count. An increase in the number of leukocytes occurs with sepsis, peritonitis, pancreatitis, abscesses ( cavities filled with pus), inflammatory bowel diseases, abdominal injuries, necrosis ( necrosis) various tissues of the abdominal cavity, etc.
  • Increased lymphocyte count. An increase in the number of lymphocytes occurs when viral enteritis, poisoning with toxic substances ( for example, lead, tetrachloroethane, etc.).
  • Increased number of eosinophils. An increase in the number of eosinophils is one of the signs of the presence of worms.
  • Increase in ESR. Increase in ESR ( erythrocyte sedimentation rate) are detected in oncological and inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs.
  • Increased platelet count. An increase in the number of platelets is observed in thrombosis, thromboembolism, and sepsis.
  • Increased levels of amylase and lipase. An increase in the amount of amylase and lipase is a sign of pancreatitis.
  • Increase in the amount of C-reactive protein. C-reactive protein increases in various inflammatory diseases of the intestine, peritoneum, pancreas, etc.
  • Increased glucose levels. The presence of elevated blood glucose levels is a sign of diabetes mellitus, which occurs when various lesions pancreas.
  • Reduced glucose levels. A decrease in the amount of glucose indicates the presence of inflammatory bowel diseases, various tumors, injuries, sepsis, peritonitis.
  • Decrease in the amount of albumin. A decrease in the amount of albumin occurs with cancer of various locations, bleeding, etc.
The blood changes listed above are the most common in diseases of the abdominal organs, which provoke pain in the navel. However, there are other indicators ( especially biochemical), varying depending on the pathology, the analysis for which the attending physician prescribes depending on the circumstances.


Radiography is one of the most common diagnostic methods, which is a transillumination ( with help x-ray radiation ) organs and tissues of the body with subsequent imprinting of the image on film ( X-ray). X-ray is a high-quality and cheap method for studying various diseases that cause pain in the middle of the abdomen.

The following diseases can be detected using radiography:(complications)causing pain in the navel area:

  • duodenal ulcers;
  • duodenal perforation;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • hernias;
  • abnormalities of intestinal development;
  • intestines, pancreas and other abdominal organs);
  • abscesses ( cavities filled with pus);
  • peritonitis.
Due to the anatomical features of the organs digestive system (they are hollow and also absorb x-rays, like neighboring organs), it becomes almost impossible to diagnose their diseases ( ulcers, perforations, intestinal obstruction, etc.). Therefore, very often, in addition to radiography, artificial contrast of organs is used.

Artificial contrast involves giving the patient a contrast liquid to drink or pumping air into the digestive system before the x-ray. Due to their specific properties, contrast agents seem to highlight the organs of the digestive system from the total number of all abdominal organs, which significantly improves image quality. Thus, the artificial contrast method significantly increases the diagnostic information content of radiography.


Angiography – diagnostic method vascular lesions. Angiography involves the intravascular injection of contrast agents followed by imaging of the vessels. Image development methods contrast vessels may be radiography, CT scan, Magnetic resonance imaging. The use of angiography makes it possible to identify the location of vessels, their number, the nature of branching, the presence of pathology in them, etc.

Angiography can detect the following: pathological changes vessels:

  • thrombosis;
  • embolism;
  • internal bleeding;
  • aneurysms;
  • vascular development abnormalities;
  • vasoconstriction.

CT scan

CT scan ( CT) is a type of x-ray examination that involves taking layer-by-layer images of any body tissue. Modern computed tomographs consist of three fundamentally important elements - a table, a ring, and a computer. The patient's body is placed on the table before the examination. During the examination, the table moves gradually inside the ring ( it takes cross-sectional photographs of the required areas of the body). The ring contains sources and receivers of X-ray radiation. It also contains special converters and analyzers of information received when taking pictures inside the ring. Simultaneously with the examination, processed images of the area of ​​interest to the doctor are sent to the tomograph computer.

Using CT, you can quickly and accurately diagnose numerous diseases of the abdominal organs. A significant disadvantage of the method is its high cost compared to radiography and ultrasound ( Ultrasound).

Using computed tomography, the following diseases of the abdominal organs can be detected:

  • hernias;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • hematomas;
  • peritonitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • pancreatitis;
  • inflammatory bowel diseases;
  • pancreatic necrosis;
  • abdominal aortic aneurysm;
  • abscesses ( purulent cavities filled with pus);
  • diverticulitis.

Magnetic resonance imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI) is an ultra-precise, expensive diagnostic research method. It is used only in severe and difficult clinical situations. The appearance of an MRI machine resembles a CT scan. It also includes a movable table, a tunnel ( instead of a ring) and analytical computer system. The difference between these two methods is the operating principle.

In MRI, instead of X-rays, electromagnetic radiation is used, which affects the body tissues as the table moves ( with the patient's body) relative to the tunnel. In organs and tissues, electromagnetic radiation causes excitation of atoms, which is recorded and analyzed by an MRI machine. This method is much more accurate than X-ray examination and computed tomography.


Ultrasonography ( Ultrasound) – beam method diagnostics, based on the application of the effect of reflection of ultrasonic waves from various internal environments body. The ultrasound method is fast, relatively cheap, painless and effective. For pain in the center of the abdomen, this method is more often used to detect pancreatitis, peritonitis, and intestinal obstruction. Sometimes ultrasound can detect volumetric formations in the abdominal organs - tumors, cysts ( pathological cavity formations that have their own contents and wall), abscesses ( cavities filled with pus), hematomas of internal organs, etc.

The main ultrasound signs of pancreatitis are the following changes:

  • increase in size of the pancreas;
  • heterogeneity of tissue structure;
  • the appearance of fuzzy contours;
  • formation of pseudocystic structures ( round, clear, cyst-like formations).

The main ultrasound signs of peritonitis are the following changes:

  • the presence of fluid in the abdominal cavity;
  • intestinal bloating and thickening of its walls;
  • the appearance of abscesses.
The main ultrasound signs of intestinal obstruction are the following changes:
  • excessive accumulation of intestinal contents above the blockage;
  • disturbance of intestinal motility;
  • swelling of the tissues of the intestinal walls;
  • bloating intestinal loops;
  • an increase in the diameter of the intestinal lumen above the site of blockage.


Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy ( FGDS) – highly informative method diagnosis of diseases of the gastrointestinal system ( intestinal ulcers, enteritis, diverticulitis, malignant tumors and etc.), and their complications ( bleeding, perforation, intestinal obstruction, etc.).

The materials examined in these studies are feces, vomit, histological material (taken from biopsies), patients' blood.

The main stages of bacteriological and virological research is microscopy of the material under study, cultivation of microorganisms ( bacteria, viruses) on special media and their identification ( determining what species a microbe or virus belongs to).

Testing for tumor markers is used in the diagnosis of malignant diseases. For example, in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, a test is prescribed for the tumor marker CA-19-9 ( cancer antigen CA-19-9), for cancer of the small and large intestine - on the tumor marker CEA ( carcinoembryonic antigen).

Testing for tumor markers should only be prescribed in combination with other diagnostic methods studies, since their results are often false positive ( those. they lack absolute specificity and accuracy).

What to do if you have pain in the navel area?

If pain in the navel area occurs immediately ( or after some time) after any injury ( falls, injuries, burns) of the anterior abdominal wall, you must immediately contact a traumatologist.

If the patient is bothered by sudden, severe, acute pain, then in this case, as soon as possible, it is worth either calling an ambulance or seeking advice from a surgeon. It's sharp, sudden pain are the first sign of life-threatening diseases and complications, often requiring surgical intervention.

Surgical treatment is necessary for the following conditions:

  • pancreatitis;
  • thrombosis of blood vessels of the abdominal organs;
  • embolism of blood vessels of the abdominal organs;
  • rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm;
  • rupture of the intestinal wall ( perforation);
  • peritonitis;
  • internal bleeding;
  • deep wounds of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • severe burns;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • malignant diseases;
  • hernias
If moderate pain occurs in the navel area, you can contact a therapist or gastroenterologist, who can diagnose and prescribe timely medication assistance. If necessary, the general practitioner can refer the patient for consultation or treatment to a surgeon. Not all diseases may be subject to drug treatment, so if you experience pain in the navel area, you should immediately contact a specialized specialist. medical care rather than taking painkillers.

Groups of etiotropic medicines, used in the treatment of certain infectious intestinal diseases

Infection Group of drugs Drug name Dosage
Salmonellosis Antibiotics Enterix 2 capsules 3 times a day, for 5 - 6 days.
Chlorquinaldol 200 mg three times a day. From 3 to 5 days.
Ciprofloxacin 2 times a day 500 mg ( this drug is used for very severe forms of the disease).
Dysentery Ampicillin
Nalidixic acid
Ampicillin - intramuscularly at 100 - 150 mg/kg, every 6 hours, for 5 - 7 days.
Nalidixic acid 1 gram, 4 times a day, no more than 7 days ( joint prescription of drugs is recommended for Grigoriev-Shigi dysentery).
Furazolidone 0.1 gram 4 times a day ( used for mild forms of the disease).
Ofloxacin 400 mg 2 times a day ( used for severe clinical forms).
Yersiniosis Ciprofloxacin 500 - 750 mg twice a day ( gastrointestinal form).
Escherichiosis Co-trimoxazole 2 tablets 2 times a day ( moderate forms of the disease).
Pefloxacin 0.4 grams 2 times a day ( severe clinical forms).
Ceftriaxone 1000 mg once a day, intravenously ( severe forms of the disease).
Rotavirus enteritis Antiviral Cycloferon Prescribed in tablets. Take 150 mg on the first, second, fourth, sixth and eighth days ( for children under 3 years old ),
300 mg each ( 4 - 7 years ),
450 mg each ( 8 - 12 years ),
600 mg each ( adults ).
Diphyllobothriasis Anthelmintic Praziquantel 15 mg per kg of body, once a day.
Niclosamide Once a day ( for the night) in the amount of 2 grams.
Teniarinhoz Same The dosage is the same as for diphyllobothriasis.
Giardiasis Antiprotozoal Metronidazole 400 mg 3 times a day, ( for adults ) within 5 days.
Children from 1 to 3 years old 500 mg each,
children from 3 to 7 years old 600 - 800 mg each,
children over 7 years old 1000 - 1200 mg per day.
Albendazole For adults– 400 mg 2 times a day.
For children The daily dose is calculated based on the formula 10 mg per kg.
Maximum daily dose for children is 400 mg.


Pancreatitis can be acute or chronic. These two types differ not only in the severity and duration of symptoms, but also in the methods of their treatment. Acute pancreatitis is treated under the direct supervision of doctors in a hospital ( in the hospital), and chronic, on the contrary, for the most part, at home ( except during periods of clinical exacerbation).

With the development of acute pancreatitis ( or exacerbation of chronic) All patients are prescribed a starvation diet for the first 3-4 days. It consists in the fact that basic nutrients are administered to patients intravenously and at the same time it is strictly forbidden to consume food through the oral cavity. Drug treatment of pancreatitis is carried out through a variety of groups of drugs, the main of which are presented below in the table.

The main groups of drugs used to treat pancreatitis

Group of drugs Mechanism of action Drug name Dosage
Antihistamines Reduces the secretory function of the stomach. Ranitidine 150 mg 2 times a day ( with a break of 8 hours).
Famotidine 20 mg 2 times a day.
Antacids Neutralizes hydrochloric acid formed in the stomach. Maalox Inside every 2 - 3 hours. Maalox – adults and children over 15 years old, 1 sachet or 1 tablespoon at a time. No more than 6 times a day.
Phosphalugel Inside every 2 - 3 hours. Phosphalugel - one sachet at a time ( adults and children over 6 years old).
(for pain relief)
Reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings. Analgin

Intramuscularly 2 ml of 50% analgin solution + 2 ml of 2% papaverine solution.
Baralgin 5 ml intravenously.
Lidocaine Intravenously, drip. 400 mg of the drug is diluted in 100 ml of saline solution.
No-shpa Intramuscularly 2 ml.
Antiproteolytics Reduce the activity of pancreatic proteases ( enzymes that break down proteins). Contrikal Intravenously. 200 - 300 thousand ATRE, then repeat the procedure every other day.

Duodenal ulcer

The causes of duodenal ulcer in 97 - 98% of cases are considered to be the presence of a pathogenic microbe on the intestinal mucosa - H. Pylori, as well as the irrational use of certain medications. Detection of H. Pylori by modern diagnostic methods allows not only to identify the cause of the disease, but also to carry out rational therapeutic treatment.

Treatment of peptic ulcer caused by H. Pylori consists of several elements. For destruction pathogenic microbe antibiotics are used. In addition to them, drugs are used that reduce secretion gastric juice (antisecretory), as well as drugs that neutralize excess hydrochloric acid ( antacids). Sometimes, for severe and excruciating pain, painkillers are prescribed. If after diagnosis of H. Pylori ( microbe) was not detected, then the same drugs are used in treatment with the exception of antibiotics. Below is a table of drugs and their dosages most often used in the treatment of duodenal ulcer.

Groups of drugs used in the treatment of duodenal ulcers

Drug group name Drug name Dosage
Antibiotics Clarithromycin 500 mg 2 times a day.
Amoxicillin 1 gram 2 times a day.
Tetracycline 500 mg 3 - 4 times a day.
Metronidazole 500 mg 3 times a day.
Antisecretory(proton pump inhibitors) Lansoprazole 30 mg 2 times a day.
Pantoprazole 40 mg 2 times a day.
Esomeprazole 40 mg 2 times a day.
Antacids Maalox Inside every 3 hours.
Adults and children over 15 years old 1 sachet or 1 tablespoon at a time. No more than 6 times a day.
Painkillers No-shpa Maximum single dose for adults– 80 mg ( daily 240 mg).
For children from 6 to 12 years old maximum daily dose - 80 mg ( single dose 40 mg).
For children over 12 years old the maximum single dose ranges from 40 to 80 mg ( daily 160 mg).
Baralgin 1 tablet 1 - 2 times a day. Maximum daily dose for adults 3000 mg, single dose – 1000 mg.

Treatment of peptic ulcer is carried out according to special therapeutic regimens at the discretion of the attending physician, so you should not try to treat peptic ulcer on your own.

An important element of treatment for duodenal ulcer is dietary food. All patients are prescribed fractional meals ( 5 - 6 times a day in small portions). Food should mainly consist of cereals, soups, broths ( avoiding hard-to-digest foods), the optimal temperature of which should be 15 - 55 degrees. Salt, pepper and other seasonings that cause increased secretion in the stomach are also excluded from the diet. It also excludes the use alcoholic drinks.

Minor abdominal injuries

Minor abdominal injuries affect the most superficial layers of the anterior abdominal wall ( skin, subcutaneous body fat and sometimes muscles). They rarely pose an immediate threat to the patient's life. Therefore, in these cases, each person can provide first aid independently, both to himself and to others. However, seemingly minor injuries are not always injuries) the anterior abdominal wall may actually be like this. Often they are only the initial manifestations of severe abdominal injuries. Therefore, after providing first aid, for your own safety net, you need to consult a traumatologist or surgeon.

Minor abdominal injuries include the following:

  • minor bruises;
  • abdominal muscle strain;
  • minor cuts ( wounds);
  • first and second degree burns.
Minor bruises
For minor bruises of the anterior abdominal wall, apply an ice pack at the site of injury. This reduces pain, swelling of tissues, and also prevents hemorrhages in the abdominal wall. To treat extensive hematomas that appear after abdominal injuries, you should go to the surgical department.

Abdominal muscle strains
First aid for the treatment of abdominal muscle strains is, in general, no different from the treatment of minor bruises. However, for sprains, it is recommended to rest the injured area.

Light cuts ( wounds)
The first step in first aid for minor cuts is to wash the damaged tissue. You can wash them plain water or soap and water, or 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Then the wound needs to be treated with an antiseptic. You can use a 1% solution of brilliant green as an antiseptic ( brilliant green), alcohol solution iodine, 0.5% chlorhexidine solution. At the very end, you need to apply a sterile piece of bandage to the wound and secure it to the skin with a medical plaster. The pain associated with this type of injury should go away on its own within a few hours.

First and second degree burns
Burns occur not only as a result of exposure to the skin high temperatures, but also when various chemicals come into contact with the skin ( acids, alkalis), as well as when exposed to various types radiation ( for example, sunburn).

Burns come in four degrees. The first two are minor burns that affect the superficial layers of the skin and do not damage the deeper ones. First degree burns cause redness and swelling of the skin. With second-degree burns, in addition to redness and swelling, transparent blisters filled with liquid appear on the skin.

First aid for minor burns consists of several stages. At the first stage, you need to remove the damaging factor ( for example, move away from the sun into the shade or wash the damaged area from acid). In the second stage, you should immediately apply cold ( ice, cold water ) for as long as possible. At the third stage, apply a sterile bandage ( avoid using cotton wool). To prevent pain from intensifying, there is no need to use antiseptics ( especially fat based), and also try to crush the bubbles ( for second degree burns) or scratch burned skin. After providing first aid, you must contact a traumatologist.

Features of pain in the umbilical region of the abdomen

Why does it hurt in the navel area in women?

Soreness in the navel area in women is not a specific symptom of any particular disease. Pain in this area is observed in many diseases of the abdominal organs. The causes of these diseases are exactly the same as in men or children. This is explained by the fact that women have exactly the same anatomical structure abdominal organs. Therefore, there are no specific diseases or conditions that are found only in women and are accompanied by pain in the navel area ( of course, with the exception of women who are pregnant).

Pain in the navel area in women can be caused by the following diseases:

  • pancreatitis;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • duodenal perforation;
  • peritonitis;
  • small intestine cancer;
  • colon cancer;
  • pancreas cancer;
  • inflammatory diseases of the small intestine;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • hernia;
  • blockage of blood vessels in the pancreas and intestines;
  • abdominal aortic aneurysm;
  • abdominal injuries.

Why does it hurt in the navel area and makes you feel sick?

Pain in the navel area is often accompanied by nausea, which is a nonspecific symptom of damage to the organs of the gastrointestinal system ( Gastrointestinal tract). Nausea and abdominal pain may also occur with various complications (bleeding, intestinal obstruction, perforation of ulcers, etc.) diseases of the abdominal cavity. These two symptoms may appear along with other signs of a gastrointestinal disorder. The appearance of nausea, vomiting, pain in the navel and fever are quite often signs of infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal system.

Nausea along with pain in the navel area occurs with the following diseases:

  • duodenal ulcer;
  • thrombosis and embolism of intestinal vessels;
  • pancreatitis;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Why may children experience pain in the navel area?

The most common cause of pain in the navel area in children is chronic inflammation of the small intestine ( chronic enteritis). This disease is most often caused by either pathogenic microorganisms ( bacteria, viruses, etc.) that have entered the intestines, or an incorrect diet. Sometimes chronic enteritis can appear due to hereditary predisposition or with genetic abnormalities of intestinal development. Crohn's disease is considered one of the diseases of unknown origin that causes pain in the navel area.

Crohn's disease is an inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal system that affects any part of it ( including the intestines). With this disease, damage occurs to all layers of the intestinal wall, ulcers, erosions, scars, and bleeding inside the intestines appear. This disease has a chronic clinical course. Pain in Crohn's disease occurs periodically. Their appearance is not associated with food intake and is often associated with bloating, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, gradual weight loss, and diarrhea.

Why does pain in the navel occur during pregnancy?

The appearance of pain in the navel area during pregnancy is most often associated with mechanical stretching of the anterior abdominal wall. As the embryo grows, anatomical changes occur in the woman's abdominal cavity. Some organs move away, others are displaced, some organs or vessels may be compressed ( compressed), which can cause pain in the navel area.

Pain may also result from common diseases organs of the gastrointestinal system. They occur with pancreatitis, infectious enteritis, intestinal obstruction, intestinal dysbiosis, intestinal ulcer, etc. Also, pain in the navel area can be caused by poisoning with toxic substances ( arsenic, lead, etc.). In addition, during pregnancy, women's immunity is weakened, which can cause an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases of the abdominal cavity.

One of the causes of pain in the navel area during pregnancy may be miscarriage. A miscarriage is a sudden, spontaneous interruption normal pregnancy. Pain in in this case occur below the navel and are associated with vaginal bleeding. If these two symptoms appear, you should urgently call an ambulance.

The normal course of pregnancy is influenced by many different factors, many of which cannot be controlled. Very often, it is these uncontrollable factors that cause miscarriage.

There are the following reasons that cause miscarriage:

  • infection ( chlamydia, herpes, rubella);
  • hormonal disorders ( hypothyroidism, diabetes and etc.);
  • abdominal wall injuries;
  • stress;
  • increased arterial pressure;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • abnormal development of the fetus, placenta, umbilical cord.

Why does pain in the navel area and fever occur?

Temperature in association with pain appears with infections of various origins. Most often they are infectious diseases pancreas and small intestine. For example, a common infectious disease of the pancreas is mumps pancreatitis ( inflammation of the pancreas). This disease is caused by the mumps virus ( mumps virus) and is more common in children and adolescents. Mumps pancreatitis, in addition to fever and pain, causes repeated vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea.

Also pain in the navel area along with fever ( temperature rise) are found in food poisoning. This usually happens after eating food that has expired or food that has not been stored in favorable conditions ( for example, not in the refrigerator). Such products accumulate bacterial toxins, which, after they enter the small intestine, affect the mucous membrane and cause its inflammation.

The following are the most common infectious intestinal diseases:

  • salmonellosis;
  • Escherichiosis;
  • dysentery;
  • rotavirus enteritis;
  • giardiasis;
  • teniarinhoz;
  • campylobacteriosis;

Why does sharp pain appear in the navel area?

Sharp pain in the navel area is a sign of a serious organ dysfunction abdominal area. Its occurrence is often associated with complications of any disease. Sudden sharp pain occurs when acute conditions associated with disruption of the integrity of tissue structures, damage to the peritoneum, blockage and rupture of blood vessels, injuries to the abdominal wall, etc. Gradually increasing, sharp pain in the navel area is more typical for malignant neoplasms, intestinal ulcers, and intestinal infections.

The causes of sharp pain in the navel area are the following pathological processes:

  • peritonitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • intestinal perforation;
  • thrombosis and thromboembolism of small intestinal vessels;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • abdominal abscesses;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • infectious intestinal diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms ( small, large intestine, pancreas).
If sharp pain appears in the navel area, all patients should immediately seek specialized medical help. This can be done in two ways - either call an ambulance or go directly to the nearest surgery department. The second option is longer and more dangerous, since, firstly, you first need to get to the hospital on your own and, secondly, even more serious complications may arise during the journey to the doctor. Therefore, the recommended action in this case is to call an ambulance at home.

Why does the navel hurt after eating?

The main cause of pain in the navel area that occurs after eating is a duodenal ulcer. The duodenum is the initial section of the small intestine, located immediately after the stomach. It is responsible for processing food that enters the gastrointestinal system. The wall of the duodenum consists of several layers ( mucous, muscular and serous). A limited defect in the mucosa and the inner layers following it is called an ulcer.

The following are the main causes of duodenal ulcers:

  • infection of the duodenum with the bacterium H. Pylori;
  • poor diet;
  • prolonged consumption of rough, dry food;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • stress;
  • increased secretion of gastric juice;
  • genetic predisposition.
With duodenal ulcers, pain in the navel area appears 2 to 4 hours after eating. Such pains are also called late or hungry. The intensity and nature of the pain depend on the size of the ulcer and its location. After the next meal, the pain syndrome usually subsides. Then it repeats again after the same period of time.

If you experience pain in the navel after eating, it is recommended to contact family doctor or a gastroenterologist to receive the necessary qualified assistance.

In this article about why the navel hurts, some possible causes of pain of this nature will be presented.

Pain in the navel cannot be ignored, as it can signal the presence of some serious disease. Pain inside the navel is considered the most unpleasant, because when it occurs, it is impossible to sit, stand and walk normally. There may be several reasons for the appearance of pain, and it is not possible to determine them independently. That is why, if your navel hurts, a visit to a specialist should not be postponed under any circumstances. The doctor will not only conduct a preliminary diagnosis, but will also refer the patient for a more detailed study of the causes of pain. As mentioned above, pain in the navel may appear when various diseases.

Pain inside the navel. The nature of this pain can indicate completely different diseases:

Acute appendicitis

If your navel hurts, this may indicate the development of acute appendicitis. Pain may appear in the epigastric region or spread throughout the entire abdominal area, gradually shifting to the right side; sometimes the navel hurts. On palpation, sharp pain is felt. The temperature may rise, the pulse rate may increase, nausea and vomiting may occur. This pathology requires surgical intervention.


The first reason that causes this kind of pain may be problems in the intestines of various etiologies. The most common of these is inflammation of the small intestine, or, in other words, enteritis. Often may be accompanied by stomach diseases or inflammatory process colon. Local signs - nausea, vomiting, loose stools, powerful rumbling in the abdomen, spasmodic pain. Later, weakness, general deterioration in health, chills, and fever may appear. When palpating the abdomen, pain occurs in the epigastrium. If there are no complications, this disorder can be cured fairly quickly.

Intestinal diverticulitis

The formation of protrusions in the walls of the colon can provoke a condition where the navel hurts. Clinical manifestations of this disease include, in addition to pain in the navel, pain when palpating the lower abdomen on the left side, increased body temperature, bloating, rumbling, constipation.

Umbilical hernia

A protrusion is visible in the navel area. If the hernia is large, it can make it difficult for food debris to move through the intestines, and as a result - strong pain.

Abdominal migraine

If your belly button hurts, possible reason may become an abdominal migraine (often occurs in children and adolescents). The pain is quite sharp, vague in nature, can be concentrated in the navel area, the limbs acquire a pale tint and become cold, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting are observed.


The disease begins acutely. Signs: constant or cramping pain in the abdomen, more on the right side, vomiting, gas, constipation, the navel often hurts. With this pathology it is indicated surgery.

Pain below the navel: pain in this area of ​​the navel usually indicates problems with the rectum, and in women - with genitourinary system.

These may be the following diseases:

Cystitis(i.e. bladder inflammation in women): This is usually caused by an infection and is treated with antibiotics.

Endometriosis(i.e., the growth of endometrial cells beyond the layer) is a disease in which the cells of the inner layer of the uterus begin to grow in places that are not intended for it. Usually treatment is carried out according to symptoms.

Inflammation in the pelvic cavity— the cause of this disease is determined during the examination. Treatment is usually with antibiotics.

Uterine fibroid- This is a tumor of the uterus, but benign. Treatment is surgery to remove the uterus.

Cancer of the uterus or ovaries- This disease requires antitumor treatment. The uterus and appendages are completely removed, followed by chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Irritable bowel: During the examination, the cause of the disease is determined. Treatment improves blood supply to the intestines.

Aneurysm (i.e. protrusion) of the abdominal aorta: If the aorta ruptures, then there is only one outcome - death. Therefore, when an aneurysm is detected, surgery.

Pain in the navel is usually the result of serious diseases that cannot be treated on your own. You should consult a doctor even for the most minor pain in the navel area. The specialist will conduct a detailed examination and prescribe appropriate treatment.