Children's antibiotic powder that must be diluted. Restoring a child’s body after taking antibiotics. For example, in many cases such proven antibacterial drugs can help out

Taking antibiotics by children raises a lot of questions and doubts among parents, since it is widely believed that potent drugs have a negative effect on the child’s body. However, all drugs have side effects, not only those belonging to the antibacterial series, while the latter are quick and effective method therapy. It is important to understand in what cases antibiotics are needed, and when you can do without their help, and how to use such drugs correctly.

For a cold, only the attending physician has the right to prescribe antibiotics; in no case should you self-medicate

In what cases are antibiotics prescribed to children?

The first and most important point in the use of antibiotics - the justification for their prescription, especially when it comes to children. Under no circumstances should you give antibacterial drugs child without prior consultation with a doctor. It is better to first pass all the tests to make sure that the use of antibiotics is justified, because the body develops resistance to the drug, and in the future, when the medicine is really needed, it may turn out to be useless.

Doctors prescribe antibiotics only if bacterial origin diseases. In other words, if the reason pathological process is a bacterium, and the body cannot cope on its own, then an appropriate antibacterial drug is selected for treatment. Such drugs are ineffective against viral infections.

It only makes sense to take antibiotics for a bacterial infection.

The list of diseases for which it is definitely necessary to give a child antibacterial drugs includes:

  • acute sinusitis with pus;
  • acute sinusitis;
  • acute otitis;
  • acute tonsillitis caused by streptococci;
  • angina;
  • bacterial pneumonia;
  • epiglotite;
  • scarlet fever;
  • urinary tract infection;
  • paratonsillitis;
  • acute pyelonephritis;
  • exacerbation of chronic sinusitis.

In all these cases, taking antibiotics will give quick effect. Sometimes the immune system is able to overcome the disease on its own, but the disease can be severe and long-lasting, which is fraught with the development of complications and even fatal, therefore, you should start taking medications from the first day of the disease or from the moment of diagnosis.

Wherein frequent colds, runny nose and ARVI are not a reason to give a child an antibacterial drug: as a rule, in these cases, antiviral and immunomodulating agents are sufficient.

How to properly give antibiotics to children with fever and other symptoms?

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To antibacterial treatment brought maximum benefit and didn't hurt significant harm body, it is important to carry it out correctly, following a number of recommendations:

  1. Selection of the drug and dosage calculation. The type of pathogen plays a major role in the selection of medication. Doses are determined according to the weight and age of the patient.
  2. Taking bifidobacteria. During therapy, you must additionally take Linex, Hilak Forte or another drug of a similar purpose. They normalize the intestinal microflora, since antibiotics destroy not only harmful, but also beneficial bacteria.
  3. Full course therapy. Despite the improvement in the condition in the first days after starting to take the prescribed remedy or even the complete elimination of symptoms, you cannot stop taking it; you should drink the entire course. There is a risk of not completely curing the disease.
  4. Regularity and adherence to dosage. Throughout the entire therapy, you cannot reduce the dose of the drug or skip doses, since the drug must circulate in the circulatory system for 7-10 days (the usual duration of antibiotic use).
  5. Consistency. You cannot interrupt treatment on your own or replace the drug with an analogue.
  6. Maintaining the body. During the therapy period, the child should be provided with plenty of fluids, and a vitamin complex can be taken.
  7. Hospital for infants. If antibacterial agents are prescribed to newborns or infants under 1 year of age, it is better that their use is supervised by specialists in a hospital setting.

Types of antibiotics prescribed to children

Since the children's body is very sensitive, safety medicines especially important. For this reason, young children are allowed to take the least toxic versions of antibiotics with minimum quantity side effects.

The form of release of the drug also plays a huge role in this matter. For children under 5 years of age, syrups and suspensions are specially produced, which are prepared from powder or granules diluted warm water. Older children are prescribed dissolving tablets.

There are a huge number of varieties of antibacterial drugs intended for internal use, designed for children's bodies:

  1. Penicillins. Among them are Amoxicillin, Amosin, Flemoxin Solutab. They have a wide spectrum of action and cause least amount negative reactions.
  2. Protected penicillins. For example, “Amoxiclav”, “Flemoklav” or “Augmentin” (we recommend reading:). Thanks to the addition of clavulanic acid, they are resistant to the enzyme beta-lactamase.
  3. Cephalosporins 4 generations (we recommend reading:). Low toxicity and have a wider range of effects. These include Cephalexin, Zinnat, Suprax (we recommend reading:). Antibiotics of this group are contraindicated for use in newborns under 1 month.
  4. Macrolides. Hypoallergenic, but slower acting. Effective if the pathogens are intracellular chlamydia, mycoplasma and legionella. Among them are “Midecamycin”, “Sumamed”, “Clarithromycin” (we recommend reading:).
  5. Nitrofurans. For example, “Nifuroxazide”, “Furazidin”, “Nifuratel”. Their use is advisable for intestinal, protozoal infections and urinary tract infections.

The best drugs for children of different ages

If a child develops a high fever, a runny nose or other symptoms of ARVI or a cold viral in nature There is no need to give children antibiotics right away. At the initial stage of ARVI or a cold, this is not necessary. Only if the recovery process is prolonged, after 4-5 days of therapy there is no improvement and heat continues to hold on, this means that viral infection bacterial has joined and it is advisable to switch to antibacterial treatment.

Common symptoms such as runny nose and fever can accompany sore throat, pneumonia, bronchitis and pharyngitis. These are diseases of a bacterial nature that make taking antibiotics justified. They should be chosen based on the age of the baby.


As for newborn children, they are especially vulnerable and, unfortunately, may encounter various infections and pathogenic bacteria while still in the maternity hospital. Depending on the type of disease and severity of the disease, children may be prescribed drugs from different groups, which must be taken under the supervision of doctors. The table shows antibiotics approved from birth, applicable for various pathological processes:

Infants up to one year old

Despite the fact that the likelihood of developing ARVI in a child under one year of age is lower, since his social circle is not large and breastfeeding he receives antibodies from his mother, his chances of catching a bacterial infection if he gets sick are very high. This is explained by the fact that infants are inactive, lie down a lot, have short, wide airways, do not yet know how to cough and blow their nose, plus their immune system is not fully formed. In this regard, if the baby’s symptoms last longer than three days, they may be prescribed antibiotics.

When treating children under one year of age, penicillin antibiotics are usually preferred, and only if there is no effect, they are replaced with cephalosporins or drugs with a wider spectrum of action. Only the pediatrician has the right to prescribe medications; he will select the option that is optimal for the patient.

Children over 1 year old

Requirements for antibiotics for children over one year of age remain the same:

  • low toxicity;
  • wide spectrum of action;
  • minimal number of side effects.

Antibiotics, the use of which is permitted from one year of age, are added to the number of already available antibacterial drugs:

  1. Furagin and Furazidin. Applicable for infection urinary system or after operations on it.
  2. Furozolidone. Reasons for taking it: intestinal infection and helminthiasis.
  3. Vilprafen (we recommend reading:). Taken regardless of meals. Effective in the fight against intracellular pathogens.

Effective natural antibiotics for children

Along with synthetic antibiotics, which disable the entire intestinal microflora, reduce the protective properties of the body and require rehabilitation therapy for the gastrointestinal tract and immunity, there are natural analogues that are not so aggressive. Many berries are such antibacterial agents. Among them:

  • viburnum;
  • cranberry;
  • raspberries;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • blueberry;
  • black currant.

Viburnum is a natural antibiotic that helps cope with initial symptoms colds

They are characterized by antiseptic, bactericidal and antiviral properties. It is advisable that they be present in daily diet baby. For example, you can grind them with sugar and eat 1 teaspoon three times a day.

Prescribing antibiotics to a child if he or she develops one or another disease always causes reasonable concern among the parents of the child. When a baby is diagnosed with a condition that requires antibacterial therapy, mom and dad will certainly have a number of questions: will prescribing an antibiotic have a negative impact on the still fragile, growing organism; whether the medicine will do more harm than good; Is the use of an antibacterial drug in treatment justified, and will there be any consequences after completing the course of taking it? negative consequences?

Please note: doctors themselves are always very careful when prescribing antibiotics for treatment of childhood. But they always explain: there are diseases that cannot be overcome without antibiotic therapy.

First of all, we are talking about diseases caused by bacteria, for which antibacterial agents were developed to “fight”. And if, say, a cold or viral bronchitis can and should be dealt with without the use of such drugs, then a sore throat, sinusitis, pneumonia can be dealt with without special drugs it won't work.

There is no need to be afraid of prescribing antibiotics for children: modern pharmacology today produces antibacterial drugs that, if all prescribed recommendations are followed and without violating the treatment regimen, make it possible to overcome the disease with least harm for a small organism. In such preparations, as a rule, the dosage of the antibiotic is calculated taking into account age characteristics, and the annotation always indicates at what age the medicine is approved for use and whether it has passed clinical trials. And antibiotics are now prescribed to children only in cases where the benefit of taking them clearly outweighs the possible harm.

Modern antibiotics for children, as a rule, especially for the convenience of parents, are often produced in the form of syrup or suspension, have pleasant taste and smell, they can be easily dosed using a measuring spoon. Although, of course, there are also “traditional” forms of antibiotics for children - tablets, which can be used in treatment at a slightly older age, when the child is already able to swallow and wash down the medicine with water and when parents no longer have problems giving a tablet to their child.

Be that as it may, when thinking about the need to use antibiotics to treat a child, remember: under no circumstances should you self-medicate or self-prescribe medications! Only a specialist has the right to prescribe antibacterial drugs to children, and even then only after all necessary examinations, making a diagnosis, studying the nature of the disease, deciding on the need to take such drugs. Well, if an antibiotic has been prescribed to your baby, remember that the treatment regimen cannot be changed at your own discretion - uncontrolled use of such drugs, as well as refusal to use them at your own request, can lead to very undesirable consequences.

Antibiotics for children in syrup

The most common and, of course, very convenient form of antibiotics produced for children is medicine in syrup or powder for the preparation of a suspension. In the “kit” for such medicines, a measuring spoon is usually supplied to maintain the dosage; the syrup and suspension have a pleasant taste and aroma, therefore the baby takes them willingly and with taste. Many of the antibiotics in syrup are approved for use by children under one year old, but you always need to remember: you also need to be careful with medications in syrup, strictly adhering to the treatment regimen.

An antibiotic in syrup such as Augmentin is widely used to treat children. More precisely, this medicine is not sold in ready-made syrup, but in the form of a powder for preparing a suspension (it also exists in the form of tablets and powder for injection). Augmentin is combined antibiotic broad spectrum of action, it consists of two main active ingredients– amoxicillin and clavulanate. Thus, amoxicillin belongs to universal antibiotics, capable of destroying a wide variety of microbes, while clavulanate prevents microbes from producing substances (beta-lactases) that “inhibit” the action of amoxicillin.

Indications for the use of Augmentin in the treatment of children may be: bacterial infections respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.); infections of the ENT organs (otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis); infections genitourinary system(pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis and others); infections of the skin and soft tissues (dermatoses, abscess, wound infection etc.).

The treatment regimen for children with Augmentin is indicated in the instructions for the drug. According to the document, the medicine is taken before meals, the suspension is prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator for no longer than a week. Shake the bottle of medicine before taking it. The dosage of the drug is calculated taking into account the age and weight of the baby; the nature and degree of complexity of the disease also plays a role.

The antibiotic Summed is also successfully used in the treatment of children, which also comes in the form of a syrup (suspension prepared from powder; Summed also exists in tablets). This is another broad-spectrum antibiotic whose active substance is azithromycin. The main advantage of this drug is the ability not only to destroy cells of harmful infectious agents, but also to suppress their further reproduction and growth.

In the treatment of children, Summamed is used exclusively in cases where the child’s weight reaches 10 kg; it can be prescribed as early as 6 months. Indications for taking the medicine include infectious diseases caused by bacteria: diseases of the respiratory tract, ENT organs, soft tissues and skin.

Antibiotics for children in tablets

Antibiotics for children in tablets, as a rule, are prescribed to children who have reached the age of 3 - such children already know how to swallow independently and it is already possible to explain to them the need to take medications. But even in this case, given that medications usually have a bitter taste, parents resort to tricks to make it easier for the baby to take the drug: the indicated amount of tablet is crushed, and the powder is mixed with honey or jam, which overcomes the bitterness with sweetness.

In case of emergency, when the benefit of treatment clearly exceeds possible harm, children may be prescribed, for example, the antibiotic Flemoxin. The main active ingredient of this drug is amoxicillin trihydrate; tablets are available in 0.125 g, 0.25 g, 0.5 g and 1 g packages (children are usually prescribed 0.125 g tablets).

Flemoxin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic; the reason for its prescription may be infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract; inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes; otitis; diseases of the kidneys and bladder (when a bacterial form is isolated). In addition, given the high degree of resistance of the drug to acidic environments stomach, Flemoxin often becomes the drug of choice for treatment infectious diseases gastrointestinal tract.

The dosage of the drug and the treatment regimen are determined based on the severity and nature of the disease, as well as taking into account the age of the patient. As for children, exceptional cases When the benefit of taking the drug outweighs the risk of possible side effects, Flemoxin can be prescribed even before reaching 1 year. In this case daily dose calculated according to the scheme: 30 mg per kilogram of weight, three times a day. And in order for the baby to take Flemoxin, the medicine is dissolved in juice or syrup.

Another fairly popular antibacterial drug, which is often prescribed for treatment, including children, is the well-known drug Biseptol. The main active ingredients of the drug are sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, which “in combination” transform Biseptol into a combined broad-spectrum antimicrobial antibacterial drug. In the treatment of children, the medicine is used starting from 3 years, in in some cases The use of Biseptol is indicated from the age of 2 years.

The drug may be prescribed when a child is diagnosed with: respiratory tract infections; for otitis and sinusitis; in case of detection of infections of the genitourinary system; for gastrointestinal tract infections; in the presence of infections of the skin or soft tissues.

Antibiotics for children with colds

The use of antibiotics in the treatment of colds in children, according to claims professional doctors and specialized literature, is inappropriate, and moreover, harmful for a small organism. The fact is that colds are diseases caused by viruses. Whereas antibiotics, and we found this out above, are intended to treat infectious diseases caused by bacteria. Thus, when using them in the treatment of an infectious viral cold, we use the drug without a purpose, instead risking only harming a small organism weakened by the disease.

At the same time, acute respiratory infections may well be caused by a bacterial form, but it is up to the doctor to accurately determine the precursor of the disease. And if it turns out that the cold is associated with excessive activity bacteria in the child’s body, then you can think about taking certain antibiotics intended for specific diseases.

As for antibacterial drugs prescribed for the treatment of acute respiratory infections or respiratory tract infections caused by bacteria, the doctor, depending on the specifics of the disease and the age of the patient, may prescribe drugs from the penicillin group (for example, Amoxicillin, Augmentin) or Macrolides (Azithromycin).

Antibiotics for children with bronchitis, cough

Cough, bronchitis (one of the main symptoms of which, again, is cough) is one of the most frequent illnesses occurring in children. And if some parents, in case of manifestations of bronchitis or if the child has a cough, categorically refuse to treat the baby with antibiotics, then some others, on the contrary, are ready to treat the child with antibiotics - and it doesn’t matter which ones - just to alleviate his condition and give him the lost ability to breathe freely.

Both behaviors are fundamentally wrong: while certain types of cough can, indeed, be overcome without the use of antibiotics, then in the case of bacterial bronchitis and the cough that accompanies it, antibiotic therapy cannot be avoided. But even here, of course, a specialized doctor must prescribe medications and calculate the dosage - after conducting all the necessary studies, determining the nature of the cough, analyzing sputum in order to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to a particular drug.

If we talk about specific medications that can be prescribed to a child for the treatment of cough, bronchitis, then, based on the results obtained during examinations, the doctor can prescribe penicillin drugs (Augmentin, Flemoxin, Amoxilav, Amoxicillin); cephalosporins (Zinnat, Aksetin); macrolides (Sumamed); fluoroquinolones (Avelox, Moximac, Levofloxacin).

At the same time, there are medications that are prohibited for use in childhood due to the enormous negative impact on a young body. Thus, in no case should children be prescribed Levomycytin, which, even in the amount of 1 tablet, can have a depressing effect on the function of hematopoiesis. Antibiotics of the tetracycline group (Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Minocycline), aminoglycosides (Kanamycin, Gentamicin), as well as fluorinated antibiotics (Pefloxacin, Ofloxacin) are strictly prohibited for use in children. Such drugs have an extremely negative effect on the formation process individual organs and systems of the child, disrupting their normal development.

Antibiotics for children with sore throat

This is extremely unpleasant disease, like a sore throat in a child, requires antibiotic therapy mandatory. But don’t forget: treatment and the most appropriate drug in a particular case should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the etiology of the disease and the age of the baby. Along with antibiotics, the doctor will determine the need to use antipyretics, and will also prescribe medications that relieve symptoms. That is, in the presence of a sore throat, treatment is expected to be comprehensive, aimed at both combating the pathogen and eliminating symptoms.

The prescribed regimen for taking antibacterial drugs in the case of a sore throat will have to be strictly adhered to: you should not interrupt treatment as soon as you feel the first relief. Sore throat is an insidious disease, and if it is not treated, the sore throat will make itself felt again in the very near future.

If we talk about antibiotics that are prescribed for the treatment of sore throat, then these are still the same drugs from the groups of penicillins, macrolides or cephalosporins. Very often, when determining the drug of choice for children of any age, doctors settle on Amoxilav (penicillins), Sumamed (macrolides) is also popular.

Antibiotics for children under one year of age

A separate topic for the greatest anxiety and worry among parents is the treatment of children under one year old with antibiotics. It is a proven fact that antibacterial agents do not have the best effect on a baby who is not yet fully developed and has not acquired full immunity. But at the same time, there are conditions and diseases that cannot be dealt with without the support of antibiotics. Furthermore- refusing adequate treatment antibiotics, in some cases parents expose the life and health of the child to enormous risk.

For example, in chronic conditions of certain diseases, it will not be possible to turn the situation around without antibiotics - the disease transitions into chronic stage indicates a previously untreated disease and its frequent relapses in the future in the absence of a proper response to the situation. You can’t do without antibiotics even during acute stages illness: the baby suffers greatly during exacerbations, and the small body, with its still weak immune system, is not able to adequately repel pathogenic microorganisms. Antibiotics will be needed both for toxin poisoning and during postoperative rehabilitation.

Moreover, we already know that today certain gentle, let’s say, “light” antibiotics are already being produced, which, if necessary, can even be prescribed to infants up to one year old. But here, as in all other situations concerning the use of antibiotics by children, the drugs, treatment regimen, dosage and duration of medication must be determined by a qualified doctor. Well, during the period of antibiotic treatment for children under one year of age, in order to minimize possible negative consequences, you must follow all the specialist’s recommendations, do not deviate from the instructions, do not interrupt treatment without the doctor’s permission, and do not experiment with the dosage.

In addition, it is better to carefully and attentively monitor the child’s condition and his reaction to the prescribed drug - some people respond to the medicine with an almost immediate improvement in their condition, some take a little longer for the antibiotic to start working, and some may even react to the drug by the appearance of an allergy.

So, we have already clarified that antibiotics for children can be used only as prescribed by a doctor and in precise doses. But there are several more recommendations regarding taking antibacterial agents, which are also best not to be neglected. After all, compliance certain rules in antibiotic treatment significantly increases the chances of more get well soon and reduces the risk of side effects. So what else do you need to know about the correctness and correctness of therapy with antibacterial drugs:

  • It is better to agree to antibiotic treatment only after the causative agent of the disease has been identified and its bacterial nature has been accurately established. After all, if the disease is caused, for example, by viruses, antibiotics will not be needed in its treatment.
  • You should always take into account the age of the child: some antibiotics are allowed from the 3rd month of life, some after six months, and some are not recommended at all until the age of 18.
  • The first results of antibiotic treatment should appear within the first 2-3 days. If there are no visible improvements, then it is better to ask your doctor about a possible alternative to the prescribed drug;
  • The duration of treatment with antibiotics is from 5 to 10 days; you cannot stop taking medications before the time specified by the doctor - an untreated disease can become chronic or simply return very soon.
  • Observe the frequency of doses and always take antibiotics at the same time. So, for example, if the treatment regimen involves a two-time dose, then it is better to take the medications every 12 hours, but if a three-time dose is provided, then the medications are taken every 8 hours. Thus, the body always maintains the same level of the healing substance necessary to fight pathogens.
  • Antibiotics should be taken after meals. If you take medications on an empty stomach, this can lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of nausea, abdominal pain, and stool disorders. If injectable antibacterial drugs are indicated, then before starting the course of treatment it is better to do an allergy test for sensitivity to the antibiotic.
  • In parallel with antibiotics, it is recommended to take probiotics: antibacterial drugs do not have the best effect on the intestinal microflora and can cause dysbiosis. In addition, often while taking antibiotics, an additional dose is also prescribed antihistamines– to eliminate the risk of developing allergic reactions.
  • If allergic reactions nevertheless, in some way they made themselves felt, if any other bad symptoms appear, such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, you should immediately consult a doctor and, most likely, together with him, look for a replacement for the prescribed drug.

Harm of antibiotics for children

Like any other synthetic medications, antibiotics not only have a positive effect on the body by eliminating harmful microorganisms, but can also cause some harm to a small, fragile child’s body. However, if the medicine was prescribed by a specialized doctor after preliminary examinations and tests, the drug was prescribed according to indications and correctly, then there will be no serious complications and negative manifestations there is hardly anything to fear.

And yet, it is impossible not to talk about the dangers of antibiotics for children. So, how can antibacterial drugs be dangerous for children? First of all, possible subsequent dysbiosis: antibiotics significantly disrupt the intestinal microflora, which may be associated with possible “dysbacteriosis” problems. Although, experts reassure, if antibiotics are used in parallel with probiotics, using the latter for some time after the end of the course of antibacterial therapy, then dysbiosis in children will have practically no chance. In addition, it is hardly worth talking about the risk of dysbiosis with short courses of antibiotics.

Unjustified prescription of antibacterial drugs, in addition, may threaten the development of adverse reactions(For example, allergic manifestations), disruption of enzymatic work, etc. However, such reactions are not excluded even with indicated antibiotic treatment in case of hypersensitivity patient or violation of instructions.

It should also be taken into account that when taking antibiotics of one kind or another, the body’s resistance (susceptibility) to the drug increases, and in the future it may no longer act so effectively or even not act at all.

And, of course, one should not discount the clearly toxic effect of antibacterial drugs on the body - the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract suffer from taking antibiotics, and the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach can be irritated. And therefore, uncontrolled independent “prescribing” of antibiotics to a child (without the participation of a doctor) must be abandoned: any medications, and antibiotics that have a number of side effects, even more so, should be prescribed to the child exclusively by a specialist.

Especially for - Marina Zolochevskaya

Children's cough antibiotic helps relieve inflammation in the bronchi, preventing further distribution infections.

The use of antibacterial agents in children should always be discussed with the attending physician. When parents independently choose medications to treat their child, they may make a mistake in choosing the remedy. This leads to chronic diseases that greatly weaken the body's protective functions.

Antibiotics have many side effects and contraindications. They cause severe allergic reactions, the rapid development of which can cause the death of the baby. There are certain requirements for taking antibacterial medications.

Important! If you ignore the rules of application antimicrobials, you can get a complication, despite the fact that the chosen drug was a good children's cough antibiotic.

When are antimicrobials needed?

Often, the treatment of the disease can be done without taking antibacterial drugs. When the symptom is caused by mechanical irritation of the upper respiratory tract, it goes away after proper treatment. complex treatment. In cases of damage to the respiratory system, an antibiotic of a narrow focus is often needed, which will be active against the group of pathogenic microflora that caused the disease. There are cases when a child prone to allergic reactions needs a drug with an antibacterial agent suitable for his body.

Acute viral infections at the onset of the disease are rarely accompanied by a cough. It appears on days 3-5 and can go away after using mucolytic and expectorant drugs. The main task of parents is to give those cough medications recommended by the pediatrician. They must match the type of cough.

Children's antibiotics for ARVI and cough are prescribed after the acute process and the temperature subsided. Dry barking cough, which appeared at this time, accompanied by a new rise in temperature, requires treatment only in a hospital setting.

If a child has an acute onset of illness, the symptoms of which cannot be alleviated at home, parents are offered hospitalization in infectious diseases department hospitals. There they immediately begin to give injections of broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs. This is done in order to suppress pathogenic processes in the child’s body, regardless of the cause of the disease.

If a child has taken prescribed cough medications for a week, but such treatment was ineffective, the doctor, after examination, may decide to start antibacterial therapy.

A weakened immune system in children during the cold season can cause sluggish infectious diseases. In this case, children may have a slight sore throat, a runny nose, and then a cough that will last for a long time. In this case children's antibiotic for coughs and runny noses, it may be useful if the doctor prescribes a remedy that can suppress the pathogenic microflora that causes these symptoms.

Which form to choose

Manufacturers make syrups with a pleasant taste. Buying a medicine prescribed by a doctor for treatment small child, you need to keep in mind that suspensions have several forms. Sold in packages with the same name different dosages, and choice the right drug very important for the outcome of treatment. The choice of antibacterial agent depends on the single dose that the baby should take.

The suspension is released in dry form, in hermetically sealed bottles. They have special lids that are difficult for children to open. The powder is diluted with water according to the instructions and taken for 3-5 days at regular intervals. Leftovers ready-made form after treatment they are destroyed because the drug loses its beneficial properties after this period.

"Sumamed" is a children's antibiotic for coughs and runny noses in the form of a suspension, active against staphylococci and streptococci. It belongs to the group of macrolides, which are safer for young patients. This is a frequently recommended medication for babies older than 6 months.

Its use allows you to suppress acute and chronic diseases, in which there is a cough syndrome:

  • sinusitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • unspecified tonsillitis;
  • various infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • unspecified pneumonia;
  • bronchitis.

The drug comes with instructions written for specialists, with big amount formulations that are poorly understood by the average person. Before buying a medicine, you need to ask your doctor about all the details of treatment with this medicine.

"Macropen" - baby syrup for cough with antibiotic. It also belongs to the macrolide group of antimicrobial drugs. Helps children who have diseases such as:

  • whooping cough;
  • upper respiratory tract infections;
  • unspecified pneumonia;
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the tonsils and adenoids;
  • Chronical bronchitis.

Doses are described in detail in instructions for use. They depend on body weight. The medicine has a pleasant taste and color and is well tolerated by children.

"Augmentin" in the form of a suspension for children is available in 3 types. The required form is purchased on the recommendation of a doctor. This drug contains the active substances amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, which enhances the effect of a semisynthetic drug belonging to the penicillin group.

It is recommended for streptococcal and some other infections that affect the baby’s respiratory system. The drug can be effective in acute and chronic form, affecting the upper or lower sections respiratory system.

"Suprax" is an antibiotic from the cephalosporin group. It is recommended by a pediatrician only when the macrolide is powerless against infection. It should not be purchased for self-medication, so as not to cause the emergence of microflora resistant to it. The manufacturer makes several forms of this drug. To treat babies after 6 months, a suspension is used, for children school age You can give tablets with the same name.

What tablets are used for treatment

Children's antibiotics for coughs may have names that match the active substance or have an original name. They help remove the inflammatory process in the respiratory organs. To cure a cough, you will need to combine treatment with other medications that help mucus clear from the bronchopulmonary system, clearing the airways.

Important! Tablets containing an antibacterial active substance can be given to a child only on the recommendation of a doctor. This can often be done if he has reached 10 years of age and has a body weight above 40 kg.

Amoxicillin is an active substance belonging to the group of semisynthetic broad-spectrum antibiotics from the penicillin group. It is well absorbed in the intestines, suppressing the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. It is often recommended for home use. The drug has been well studied. The instructions for use included with it outline everything in detail. possible cases side effects, if they occur, the drug is discontinued.

“Flemoxin Solutab” is an antibiotic with amoxicillin, active when the body is damaged streptococcal infection. It is prescribed after identifying the pathogen, because some pathogenic microorganisms they do not react to its presence in the body. If the medicine is used correctly, children will quickly recover after using it.

The drug "Panklav" belongs to this group. It contains amoxicillin and clavulanic acid and acts in the same way as Augmentin suspension.

Modern pediatricians in difficult cases when antibacterial therapy has not given positive result, drugs based on cefuroxime are recommended for use. Of these, children are suitable:

  • "Zinnat";
  • "Kefstar";
  • "Axoseph";
  • "Cetyl lupine";
  • "Zinoximor".

"Biseptol" is now rarely prescribed for the treatment of cough, replacing it with amoxicillin with clavulanic acid. This drug contains sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, a combination known as co-trimoxazole. Active substance It has antimicrobial effect wide spectrum of action. The instructions provide big list diseases, causing cough conditions in which the drug may be useful. It can be given to infants after 6 weeks of age for respiratory infections. The medicine is often recommended for children who have a weakened immune system.

Why is antibacterial therapy harmful?

Thanks to antimicrobial medicines human life has become longer, and infant mortality has decreased significantly. The abuse of antibiotics and violation of the rules for their use leads to the emergence of resistant strains. Now there are people suffering chronic infections, the pathogens of which are not affected by any group of antibacterial drugs. Therefore, doctors insist that they prescribe drugs from this group themselves. Patients must enable doctors to provide effective treatment.

The use of antimicrobial drugs leads to the destruction of beneficial microflora in the intestines, which is fraught with the appearance of candidiasis, which affects adults and children. This disease can affect any body system and cause coughing. But antibacterial therapy for this pathology only causes complications in the course of the disease.

Advice! Parents whose child has had a severe cough for 2 weeks despite satisfactory condition and treatment, should contact an otolaryngologist. He will examine the patient, determine the causes of the cough and prescribe the correct treatment.

As is known, bacteria were the first to populate the Earth. There are millions of them, they are everywhere: in water, air, soil, inside and around each of us. « Good bacteria“they help us, but the “bad” ones often cause quite serious illnesses. Today, everyone, even those far from medicine, has very specific ideas about antibiotics, and is familiar with at least several drug names. The term “broad-spectrum antibiotics” has also been heard. Let's figure out what it is and start from the very beginning.

A little history

The first antibiotic was obtained in 1928 by the Englishman Alexander Fleming. It was Penicillin, but it turned out to be rapidly degrading, and did not even pass the expert commission at the medical club. Only 10 years later, Americans Howard Flory and Ernst Chain isolated the antibiotic as a separate antibiotic resistant to environment appearance, and was immediately tested on the wounded in hospitals of the Second World War.

Beginning in 1943, penicillin was put into mass production, and 2 years later Flory and Chain were awarded the Nobel Prize.

Antibiotics are a group of substances (semi-synthetic, animal or plant) that can destroy bacteria, microorganisms, and fungi.

Antibiotics are conventionally divided into bactericidal and bacteriostatic. The first are guys with a lethal disposition, they immediately destroy the pest without unnecessary lyricism, the second are intellectuals, they have a scientific and long-term approach - they block the enemy’s ability to reproduce.

Some antibiotics are more effective against one type of bacteria, while others are more effective against another. But there are such “fighters” for our health who are capable of destroying completely different microbes. These are the same broad-spectrum antibiotics.

It is not always clear which bacteria, fungi or opportunistic flora caused the disease, but there is no time for laboratory tests: the child needs emergency care. In such cases, doctors prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics. For example, with meningitis in a toddler, the issue of life and death can be resolved in a matter of hours, and laboratory samples will be ready only in 2-3 days. While doctors are figuring out what caused the baby’s serious illness, broad-spectrum antibiotics are immediately used to combat unknown pests.

Types of broad spectrum antibiotics


Possess mainly bactericidal effect. They destroy cell walls bacteria. Effectively and quickly destroy staphylococci, pathogens of gonorrhea, E. coli, salmonella, and whooping cough. The most notable representatives of the series are “Amoxicillin” and “Ampicillin”.


These antibiotics are different from the previous group by being more resistant to those enzymes that microbes produce in their defense. Where the penicillin fighter dies, the cephalosporin fighter will survive and finish the job. The most known antibiotics series that are used in pediatrics - “Ceftriaxone”, “Cefotaxime”, “Cefalexin”, etc.


These are relatively new antibiotics. Such drugs are used mainly for severe conditions and hospital-acquired infections. IN ordinary life we rarely see these names. And this is good. But in fairness, I will call carbapanem antibiotics by name: “Meropenem”, “Ertapenem”, etc.


These antibiotics do an excellent job against various bacteria and even some protozoa. But they are not warriors against mold fungi and acid-fast bacteria. The most famous representatives of this series are “Tetracycline” and “Doxycycline”.


These antibiotics have a rather narrow “profile”. They are usually used to fight gram-negative pests - when skin infections, soft tissues, musculoskeletal system, as well as sespis. Most famous representative group used in pediatrics – “Aztreonam”.


These “universal soldiers” are resistant not only to different types of bacteria, but also to other antibiotics. You are probably familiar with their names - “Streptomycin”, “Gentamicin”.


Broad-spectrum antibiotics (ASSA) on the pharmacy counter have several pharmacological forms:

  • drops;
  • powders for suspensions;
  • pills;
  • dry substance for injections - intramuscular and intravenous injections.

But there are no antibiotics in the form of suppositories or syrup.

Benefit or harm?

There are definitely advantages: Broad-spectrum antibiotics quickly penetrate the body’s tissues and accumulate where they are most needed – at the site of the infection. Compared to other antibiotics (narrow focus), they are safer and less likely to cause allergic reactions. Manufacturers claim that they do not need to be taken simultaneously with drugs for the prevention of dysbiosis, although this point is questionable. And finally, broad-spectrum antibiotics are quite compatible with other medications.

But any, even low-toxic antibiotic latest generation, does not have intelligence and a “friend or foe” recognition system, and therefore effectively destroys both harmful and beneficial microorganisms. Therefore, a rare course of antibiotic treatment does not end with dysbacteriosis or thrush (in girls).

And also any antibiotic weakens the human immune system. Think for yourself, why should the immune system try and fight the infection if the “stray guys” will quickly do everything for it?

Well, another fly in the ointment. Bacteria do not sleep and do not give up without a fight, and therefore their resistance to antibiotics is constantly increasing. The more often a person uses antibiotics, the more resistant pathogens become to them. IN Lately Russians ate antibiotics so often and completely uncontrollably, with or without reason, that scientists and the Ministry of Health sounded the alarm. And now, or rather from January 1, 2017, all antibiotics without exception in Russian pharmacies are sold strictly according to prescriptions. This is a necessary measure that will not allow bacteria, with their significantly increased resistance, to win this war for the life of humanity.

Conditions of appointment

Let's consider situations in which a doctor may prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics to a child. Contrary to popular belief that influenza and acute respiratory viral infections are easy to defeat, thanks to antibiotics (this is what 46% of Russians believe, according to VTsIOM), In the case of diseases caused by viruses, antibiotics are completely powerless. These illnesses need to be treated with antiviral drugs.

Let me emphasize once again that antibiotics are not prescribed for influenza, ARVI, chickenpox, measles and hepatitis, as well as rubella and herpes. The exception is when a child has a bacterial infection in addition to a viral infection; this usually becomes clear 4-5 days after the onset of the disease.

If the child, despite the prescribed antiviral treatment, does not feel better, one may suspect that bacteria are to blame. Doctors must confirm this by taking blood and swabs from the baby for analysis.

List of the most common drugs


An antibiotic of the penicillin group that successfully defeats staphylococci, streptococci, and E. coli. But some bacteria secrete a special enzyme that destroys the antibiotic. This drug may be prescribed to your child for colds, pharyngitis, tracheitis, and pneumonia. Sore throat and otitis media, cystitis and pyelonephritis cannot resist it. This antibiotic is also widely used to treat dysentery and salmonellosis. It is contraindicated in children with allergies to flowers (hay fever) and liver failure. All forms of this medicine are taken exclusively orally. For children from birth to 4 years - 5 years - it is preferable to give an antibiotic in suspension. The dosage and regimen are prescribed by the doctor, based on the age and weight of the baby, as well as the severity of the tiny disease. The starting price of the medicine in pharmacies is from 70 rubles.


This is the same “Amoxicillin”, only enhanced with clavulanic acid, which protects the antibiotic from enzymes produced by bacteria that are harmful to it. The antibiotic is available in powder for suspension and powder for injection. Tablet form - intended for adults. Approved for use even by newborns, however, in a dosage determined by the doctor and exclusively for vital indications. For babies over 2 months old, the dosage is calculated based on body weight. Children aged 2 to 3 years are given 5-7 ml (depending on the severity of the disease), from 3 years to 7 years - 5-10 ml, children aged 7 to 12 years - a single dose of 10-20 ml (depending on the severity of the diagnosis). The cost of the drug in pharmacies starts from 150 rubles for a suspension and 260 rubles for tablets.


This is another follower of Amoxicillin, also enhanced with clavulanic acid. According to reviews from parents and doctors, this is a very good children's antibiotic, which is easy for the baby to drink (in the form of a suspension) and helps quite quickly. Also The drug is approved for use by children under 1 year of age. The price of the drug is from 360 rubles per tablet, from 400 rubles for dissolvable tablets and from 150 rubles for powder for diluting the suspension.


This is a cephalosporin antibiotic, a second generation drug. Very effective for respiratory infections (bronchitis, lung abscess, pneumonia), has proven itself as a remedy for the treatment of otitis media, tonsillitis, furunculosis, meningitis, as well as joint diseases, including after injuries and surgical operations. Release form: powder for injection. The doctor should calculate the pediatric dosage based on the patient’s age and weight. Approved for use in children under 1 year of age for special indications. Price in pharmacies - from 200 rubles per bottle.

Often, as soon as we notice a cough or a slight increase in temperature, we begin to study everything possible pills and medicines. Undoubtedly, knowledge good medicine will always come in handy. Therefore, searching for information about them on the Internet is a very useful pastime. However, any disease must be treated carefully, having thoroughly studied everything and, of course, in consultation with a doctor. Especially when it comes to antibiotics.

Antibiotics are strong and effective means from many diseases. These antibacterial substances are synthetic, half-synthetic or natural origin can quite quickly stop the growth of harmful microorganisms or completely destroy them.

They are especially often used in the treatment of such common diseases as:

  • angina;
  • bronchitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • intestinal infections;
  • otitis;
  • pneumonia.

Antibiotics are also used in a number of other cases, making them one of the most popular types of medicines. However, not everything and not always can be treated with these substances. For example, most antibiotics are usually of no use in treating viral diseases. Only tetracyclines and some other groups are used primarily against viruses.

In addition, despite their widespread use, antibiotics are by no means harmless. Some of them at long-term use can cause dysbacteriosis and skin rashes. Also, antibacterial drugs often have side effects, and if taken incorrectly, they can greatly weaken the body and make harmful bacteria resistant to treatment.

Therefore, for your reference, we have compiled a rating best antibiotics against specific diseases, in particular, sore throat, cough and some others. When choosing products, we were guided by the recommendations of experts, patient reviews and descriptions pharmacological action drugs. However, you should take antibiotics strictly as prescribed by your doctor!

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

The best antibiotics for sore throat, bronchitis and cough

Most antibiotics are designed to treat several different types microbes and have a fairly wide spectrum of action. However, only a few are truly effective against coughs and respiratory tract infections.

3 Azithromycin

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 160 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.0

Opens the ranking of the best budget antibiotics against colds domestic drug wide spectrum of action. Despite the low price, it copes well with various respiratory tract infections, including bronchitis, laryngitis and pneumonia. Therefore, it is one of the most prescribed antibiotics.

However, get more high place he was hampered in the rankings a large number of side effects and contraindications, alas, are characteristic of most such drugs. In addition, it is not recommended for children under 16 years of age, as well as for adults who have arrhythmia, kidney or liver failure.

2 Macropen

The best antibiotic in tablet form
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 262 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.4

Slovenian coated tablets are good remedy from pathogenic intracellular microorganisms. This antibiotic is used mainly for bronchitis, stomatitis, pneumonia and other infections caused by certain pathogens. The drug can also be taken for the treatment and prevention of whooping cough and diphtheria.

The advantages of this antibiotic include effectiveness, few contraindications and minimal side effects. Plus, it's quite easy to take. It is usually prescribed 3 times a day, one tablet before meals.

The standard release form of the antibiotic is 16 tablets. However, the drug is also found in the form of a suspension, which is given even to the smallest children.

1 Fluimucil antibiotic IT

Best result
Country: Italy
Average price: 750 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Fluimucil is one of the few truly effective antibiotics, suitable for both injection and inhalation. This antibiotic is used primarily for inhalation when wet cough, bronchitis, sore throat, tracheitis and a number of other respiratory diseases.

This solution can also be called one of the best means for washing or instillation for sinusitis, including sinusitis, and otitis media. Thanks to the successful combination of an antibiotic and a mucolytic, Fluimucil not only eliminates pathogenic microflora, but also promotes cleansing problem area. For example, in case of bronchitis, the drug accelerates the process of mucus removal.

Fluimucil antibiotic IT is dispensed in the form of a 500 mg solution for inhalation and injection. It should not be confused with the same name effervescent tablets and granules for preparing a solution that is taken orally.

The best antibiotics for sinusitis

2 Polydex with phenylephrine

Antibacterial and vasoconstrictor effect
Country: France
Average price: 320 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Polydex spray is complex means, which is prescribed for a prolonged cold with purulent discharge from the nose. Thanks to the combination of two antibiotics and vasoconstrictor phenylephrine, this antibiotic has a wide spectrum of action and is effective in the fight against sinusitis and other sinusitis, rhinitis and a number of different bacteria. These drops can be called the best drug that has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect and helps improve breathing. The effect of their use is usually noticeable after 3 to 5 days. The full course of treatment takes no more than 10 days.

It is important to remember that this is not only a nasal spray, but also strong antibiotic, which has a number of contraindications. In addition to pregnant women and children under 2.5 years of age, Polydexa is not suitable for adults suffering from glaucoma. renal failure And kidney diseases. Therefore, it is often replaced with a more gentle analogue.

1 Isofra

Best local antibiotic
Country: France
Average price: 300 rub.
Rating (2018): 5.0

First place among the best remedies for sinusitis goes to a fairly powerful local antibiotic in the form of a nasal spray. Although this French drug is quite inexpensive and does not have the widest spectrum of action, it is literally indispensable in the treatment of lingering cold with rhinitis, sinusitis or nasopharyngitis. In addition, this antibiotic is used to treat both adults and children.

The drug is considered one of the most harmless antibiotics, combines well with other medications, and has virtually no contraindications. To possible side effects can only be attributed to an allergy to individual components and some deterioration of the microflora of the nasopharynx with prolonged use.

However, it is important to remember that this is still an antibiotic that should be used as prescribed by a doctor. In addition, it is strictly not recommended for use when allergic rhinitis or as a remedy for allergies.

The best broad-spectrum antibiotics

Although in most cases the use of narrowly targeted antibiotics is preferable because they have fewer side effects, recovery is often impossible without a broad-spectrum antibiotic. For example, some diseases can be caused by several types of bacteria at once. In addition, not all pathogenic microflora can be eliminated by taking a specialized antibiotic.

3 Tetracycline

The widest spectrum of action
Country Russia
Average price: 76 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.2

Almost every adult probably knows this frequently prescribed drug. Graduating in various forms, the antibiotic is almost universal.

In most cases, Tetracycline is taken in tablet form, including for bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, prostatitis, eczema and various infections of the gastrointestinal tract and soft tissues. Acting comprehensively, this antibiotic quickly copes with most infectious causes of cough, fever and other ailments. The antibiotic is also available in the form of an ointment for external use and an eye ointment, which helps eliminate some problems locally.

However, the antibiotic has many contraindications and is not suitable for children under 8 years of age, as well as for women during pregnancy or lactation. Additionally, like many other strong medications, it can cause serious side effects.

2 Avelox

Better effectiveness in acute and chronic diseases
Country: Germany
Average price: 773 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

Avelox tablets from the famous German company Bayer are one of the most serious antibiotics used primarily to combat acute and chronic diseases resistant to treatment with most other means. Therefore, since 2012, it has been included by the Russian government in the List of Essential Medicines.

One of the best drugs does it for adults too high efficiency and the fact that it is convenient and easy to take, it does not depend on meals and does not require any additional actions. In addition, the antibiotic has been studied quite well and, according to numerous studies, rarely causes side effects.

The antibiotic is also found in the form of an injection solution, which is often used during exacerbations. chronic bronchitis. In some cases, a course of Avelox injections precedes a course of the same antibiotic in tablets.

1 Amoxicillin

The most harmless universal antibiotic
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 44 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The leader in the ranking of the best broad-spectrum antibiotics is a time-tested, popular drug. It is taken for a variety of diseases occurring both with and without fever, in particular:

  • infections of the respiratory tract and ENT organs (including sinusitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, otitis media);
  • gastrointestinal infections;
  • skin and soft tissue infections;
  • genitourinary system infections;
  • Lyme disease;
  • dysentery;
  • meningitis;
  • salmonellosis;
  • sepsis.

Amoxicillin is perhaps one of the most popular antibiotics for adults and children. Availability different forms release, including tablets and suspensions, as well as a relatively small list of possible side effects allow even pregnant women and babies over 1 month to take the medicine.

The best antibiotics for children

A child's illness in itself is not an easy test. However, the situation is often complicated by the fact that children do not want to take an antibiotic, or it has many side effects that are extremely harmful to the child’s body. Therefore, we have selected several of the most harmless and pleasant-tasting effective drugs from sore throat, bronchitis and other common diseases.

2 Augmentin

The best complex antibiotic
Country: UK
Average price: 150 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.4

Augmentin is one of the few antibiotics that is safe enough to be given to small children, even infants. Despite the relatively a small amount of side effects, the drug, unlike some analogues, can still have Negative influence on the kidneys and intestines. Therefore, it should be taken with caution, especially at an early age.

In general, the antibiotic is effective and good composition. This is especially common antibacterial agent prescribed for the treatment of bronchitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, as well as various infections respiratory tract. In addition, thanks to its expanded complex action, this antibiotic is also effective in the fight against various mixed infections.

In addition to the suspension, Augmentin is also available in the form of tablets that can be taken by school-age children and adults.

1 Amoxiclav

Maximum benefits - minimum contraindications
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 220 rub.
Rating (2018): 5.0

The leader among the best children's antibiotics can confidently be called a universal drug with a wide spectrum of action, suitable for both adults and children. The most popular form of Amoxiclav are tablets, but in pharmacies you can easily find a suspension, which is usually given to children younger age and even newborns with severe colds, coughs and fevers caused by various infections.

In addition to the convenient release form and versatility, the advantages of the drug include:

  • minimum contraindications and side effects;
  • pleasant taste;
  • performance;
  • does not contain dyes;
  • affordable price.

Despite soft action drug, it can be taken, like other antibiotics, only as prescribed by a doctor. In addition, Amoxiclav cannot be combined with certain other medications.