Licorice root syrup for children: instructions for use for coughs with dosages for different ages. To normalize hormonal levels. Helps with dry or wet cough

Licorice root syrup – herbal remedy based on the rhizomes of licorice glabra, which has an anti-inflammatory, expectorant and immunostimulating effect.

This drug is based on licorice extract, sugar syrup and a small percentage of ethyl alcohol. This composition of simple and natural ingredients allows the drug to be used even by small children.

The medicine effectively relieves coughing attacks, thins mucus, strengthens the immune system, eliminates inflammatory processes V bronchopulmonary system. Also this drug able to fight harmful microorganisms that cause influenza, colds and other inflammatory ailments.

Often used to treat bronchitis, tracheitis and pneumonia. It is also called licorice or licorice root syrup.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Herbal preparation with expectorant effect.

Terms of sale from pharmacies

Can be bought without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Licorice root syrup cost in pharmacies? average price is at the level of 40 rubles.

Composition and release form

Available in 100 ml bottles. Compound:

  • 4 ml extract from the rhizome of naked licorice;
  • 86 ml natural sugar syrup;
  • 10 ml of ethyl alcohol.

The drug is characterized by a specific taste, thanks to which the syrup is easily recognizable. Due to the presence of sugar syrup in the composition of the medicine, it is widely used in the treatment of children, as they readily take the medicine.

pharmachologic effect

The expectorant works due to the glycyrrhizin component, which enhances secretory function mucous membranes. In addition to glycyrrhizin, which licorice root contains 6-12%, the product is rich in glycyrrhizic acid and its salts, flavonoids (liquiritin), isoflavonoids (formononetin), coumestane derivatives (isoglycyrol), hydroxycoumarins (gerniarin), steroids (stigmasterol) and essential oils.

Glycyrrhizin increases the activity of the ciliated epithelium, exhibits antiulcer and anti-inflammatory effects, reducing platelet aggregation. Due to this, the medication inhibits the enzyme dehydrogenase in the kidneys, which reduces the synthesis of cortisol to cortisone. Cortisol has a mineralocorticoid effect, which leads to a decrease in potassium concentration and an increase in sodium content in the blood serum. Violation of this activity leads to a decrease in edema (fluid retention in the body decreases), a decrease in body weight, and normalization of blood pressure.

Metabolites glycyrrhizic acid suppress the peripheral metabolism of cortisol, causing a pseudoaldosterone-like effect. One of the components of licorice root, liquiritoside, exhibits an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the respiratory organs, relieves increased tone. In addition, the instructions indicate the following properties of the plant:

  • antispasmodic;
  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antibacterial (kills staphylococci, mycobacteria, pathogenic infections, destroys their walls);
  • antitumor.

Indications for use

The syrup is used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract accompanied by dry and wet cough. Indications for use of the drug:

  • When coughing. The syrup is effective for various forms, bronchopneumonia. Liquefies thick secretions, removes it, makes it productive - moist. Removes mucus plugs from blockage of the bronchi and lungs.
  • . Softens, soothes cough, relieves spasms of bronchial smooth muscles. However, self-medication for this diagnosis is strictly contraindicated. There are cases of allergies to the drug and exacerbation of the disease.
  • Bronchiectasis. A purulent process in the bronchi, often of a chronic nature. Occurs with tuberculosis, lung abscess. IN complex treatment included antibiotics, bronchodilators, massage, breathing exercises. Licorice root extract is prescribed to thin mucus.
  • Sanitation of the bronchi. It is carried out before surgical treatment bronchi, after operations.

Basics pharmachologic effect- expectorant. Glycyrrhizin affects the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi, stimulates its work, and removes excess phlegm.


You need to be careful when taking any medication, especially if it may have negative side effects. Licorice syrup, the contraindications of which should be taken into account, is taken strictly as prescribed by a doctor.

Liquorice extract should not be consumed if a person has:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy at any stage;
  • hypokalemia;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2;
  • disruption of the adrenal glands;
  • liver failure, cirrhosis;
  • acute or chronic form diarrhea
  • acute renal failure;
  • thrombocytopenia.

Prescription during pregnancy and lactation

Medicines with licorice are contraindicated at any stage of pregnancy, since glycyrrhizin from licorice root can cause accumulation excess liquid in the body and cause swelling of the limbs. Licorice can also disrupt a pregnant woman’s hormonal levels and increase blood pressure.

At breastfeeding Preparations with licorice can only be used on the recommendation of the attending physician and with extreme caution. During lactation everything medicines are selected individually so that the treatment does not harm the child on breastfeeding.

Dosage and method of administration

As indicated in the instructions for use, Licorice root syrup is taken orally.

  • children under 2 years old: 1–2 drops (after preliminary dilution in 1 teaspoon of water);
  • children 2–6 years old: 2–10 drops (after preliminary dilution in 1 teaspoon of water);
  • children 6–12 years old: 50 drops (after preliminary dilution in 1/4 glass of water);
  • children over 12 years old: 1/2 teaspoon (after preliminary dilution in 1/4 glass of water).
  • Duration of use is from 7 to 10 days. The need for a longer course should be discussed with your doctor.

To facilitate expectoration in the presence of poorly separated sputum, it is recommended to drink plenty of warm fluids.

Side effect

According to the instructions for use, licorice root can cause the following side effects:

  • allergic reactions;
  • swelling;
  • decreased concentration of potassium ions in the blood;
  • increase blood pressure;
  • myopathy;
  • myoglobinuria.

Use is strictly prohibited licorice syrup in combination with cardiac glycosides and antiarrhythmic drugs. This may cause hypokalemia.


In case of significant excess of the recommended therapeutic dose of Licorice root syrup, the appearance or intensification of negative symptoms may occur. adverse reactions. In this case, use of the drug should be stopped and contact medical specialist, who, if necessary, will prescribe symptomatic treatment.

special instructions

1 drop of syrup contains 0.01 XE, 1 teaspoon contains 0.11 XE.

The maximum adult single dose is 430 mg of absolute alcohol, 1 drop is 19 mg.

Interaction with other drugs

Possible combined use with other drugs used for the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases.

Concomitant use with drugs containing codeine, as well as with other drugs with antitussive effects, is not recommended, as this may lead to difficulty coughing up liquefied sputum.

03.09.2016 18553

Licorice or yellow root, licorice – herbaceous plant with well developed rhizome. It was known about more than three thousand years BC. e.

The first mention of this plant was written in the ancient “Book of Chinese medicine. Doctors advised using the root in all medicinal compounds, since it is an assistant for other medicines and weakens the effect of poisonous drugs.

Properties of licorice

Licorice root and rhizome are used for medicinal purposes. Due to the glycyrrhizin content, the plant has an expectorant effect. The substance increases the intensity of the epithelium in the lungs and bronchi, enhances the secretion of the upper respiratory tract.

Flavonoids gently relieve vascular spasms and have an analgesic and wound-healing effect.

The non-sugar part of glycosides excites the mucous membrane of the bronchial glands and stomach, so licorice is recommended to be added to laxatives, diuretics, and antitussives.

The root structure contains components similar in structure and action to steroid hormones produced by the adrenal glands. They have strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Biologically active ingredients, which are part of the rhizome, are able to fight bad cholesterol and dissolve cholesterol plaques in vessels.

Infusions are prepared from licorice, water decoctions, syrups that are used for diseases:

  1. ulcers and inflammation of the stomach of varying acidity;
  2. diabetes;
  3. cold;
  4. cough, bronchitis;
  5. long-term tonsillitis;
  6. hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex;
  7. Addison's disease;
  8. pneumonia;
  9. low blood pressure (hypotension);
  10. dermatitis.

But the main indicator for the use of the drug is a dry cough of various etiologies.

Licorice for cough

Traditional medicine officially recognizes yellow root remedy, based on it many different dosage forms. The pharmacy chain sells dry crushed rhizomes and licorice syrup.

Therapeutic agents act on the bronchial mucosa, softening and thinning the mucus, thereby promoting the removal of phlegm.

The dried root is consumed as a tincture or decoction. Aqueous extract of licorice is taken for infectious diseases upper respiratory organs. For smokers, to soften and separate mucus.

To prepare the decoction you will need 5-7 grams. pour crushed raw materials into a glass boiled water. The mixture is placed on water bath and boil for 30 minutes. Cool the resulting mixture to room temperature, filter through 3 layers of gauze. Add liquid to 200 ml (initial volume).

You should be prepared that tea has a slight laxative effect.

The store sells ready-made packaged fees. The bags are placed in boiling water in a ratio of 3 pcs. per 200 ml of liquid. Leave for 15 - 20 minutes.

Treatment of cough at home in adults is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Drink 2 tbsp of decoction. l. in 30-40 minutes. before meals 3 rubles/day. The liquid must be warm.
  2. The infusion is consumed 70 ml 3 times a day, before meals.

Take 10-15 ml after meals. It is not recommended to dilute the product with water; after oral administration, drink it with sweet tea.

The duration of treatment and dose are adjusted by the attending physician, based on the severity and etiology of the disease. The maximum course of treatment is 15 days.

Important! Long-term use may increase blood pressure, decrease sexual activity, and cause swelling.

Possible side effects: diarrhea, allergic reaction, nausea, dizziness.

Helps with bronchial and pulmonary diseases: stimulates mucus discharge, increases immunity. The cough gradually turns into another form, under the influence of active substances the microbes die, and relief comes.

It is better to use licorice root for coughs at the very beginning of the disease, but the decoction has positive impact for tuberculosis, severe bronchitis and pneumonia.


There are some restrictions when taking natural remedies:

  1. pregnancy – licorice changes water-salt balance, can cause miscarriage;
  2. high pressure;
  3. increased activity of the adrenal glands;
  4. dysfunction of the liver and heart;
  5. Overdose threatens sexual disorders, reduces potassium levels;
  6. predisposition to bleeding;
  7. thrombocytopenia.

Licorice for children

Licorice root syrup is used for:

  1. tracheitis;
  2. pneumonia;
  3. bronchitis;
  4. gastritis, ulcers, duodenitis in remission.

In addition, the remedy is prescribed. It is recommended to calculate licorice syrup as follows: for each year of life - one drop. The drug should be taken 3 times a day after meals.

The course of therapy should not exceed 10 days, in otherwise Itching, redness, and diarrhea may occur.

  • Up to 2 years – 1 drop of extract is diluted in dessert spoon, drink 3 rubles/day;
  • From 3 – 12 – ½ tsp. dissolve in a quarter glass warm water, consume 3-4 rubles/day;
  • From 12 years – 1 tsp. must be diluted in ¼ glass of liquid, taken 3-4 times a day.

The extract can lower potassium levels, so it is recommended to consume bananas and dried apricots to normalize the body’s need for the vitamin.

Before using dry cough medicine for children, you should consult a doctor. Treatment should not exceed 10 days.

If a child takes additional medications, you must carefully read the instructions for drug compatibility.

In case of exacerbation of the disease or the appearance of undesirable symptoms, take
licorice syrup is discontinued.

Take care of your health and your loved ones!

Licorice root is sold in pharmacies in the form of syrup. Take it as a complement to other natural medicinal fees based on herbs to enhance the effect. In some cases, pure licorice root is used to create a decoction. Why is licorice so beneficial? This is the strongest natural remedy, which has expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. Licorice root effectively fights bronchitis, pharyngitis and colds. It also helps normalize salt metabolism in organism.

How to take licorice root
Licorice root is primarily taken in the form of decoctions or infusions. You can prepare a decoction yourself at home from fresh or dry licorice root purchased at a pharmacy. A simple way to prepare a decoction:
  • pour boiling water over a tablespoon of root (a glass of water per spoon);
  • heat the mixture over low heat for 15 minutes, covered;
  • let the broth brew and cool for half an hour or an hour;
  • strain and squeeze out the root, leaving all the liquid; you don’t need to add anything to it..
The decoction is used as an anti-inflammatory agent at the first signs of a cold or as a prophylaxis during epidemics of ARVI and influenza. This effective remedy, which replaces other synthetic medications prescribed for colds.

Licorice root is most often taken as a syrup for coughs. Depending on the nature of the cough, the syrup is drunk diluted or pure. Recommended daily dose depends on the age of the patient. Diluted licorice root syrup is taken for dry coughs, pure syrup for difficult to expectorate, wet and severe coughs, as well as for intestinal diseases.

An infusion of licorice root is sometimes taken for constipation, as a natural laxative. You need:

  • pour boiling water over the dry root (a glass of water per tablespoon of the mixture);
  • let it brew under the lid for half an hour;
  • Strain the infusion and squeeze out.
This tincture does not help with chronic constipation, but when periodically occurring it has beneficial influence on the intestines.

The dosage is adjusted depending on the person’s age, as well as depending on individual characteristics body. Thus, pregnant and nursing mothers should take licorice root only on the recommendation of a doctor, exclusively in the amounts prescribed by a specialist. Licorice root is strictly contraindicated for persons with acute peptic ulcers, as well as for those who suffer diabetes mellitus. Do not forget that pharmaceutical licorice root syrup contains large amounts of alcohol, which is also contraindicated for some people.

For children under 2 years of age, the syrup should be diluted in a spoon with water. Just 1-2 drops per tablespoon. It is not recommended to mix syrup with tea, juice or other liquids. The substances contained in them may react with substances from the syrup, giving an unexpected result.

For adults, as a cough treatment, it is recommended to mix syrup in the following proportion: one tablespoon of syrup per glass of warm water. For children over two years old but under 12, the syrup is diluted in half a glass of water, just half a teaspoon. Children over 12 years old need a teaspoon of syrup for half a glass of water. Drink strictly after meals, so as not to cause nausea, three times a day for one and a half weeks. Afterwards take a break. Children's syrup pure form they don't give it because high content alcohol Decoctions and infusions in the recommended dosage for children.

To provide an anti-inflammatory effect, adults take a decoction of licorice root five times a day (one tablespoon at a time), children take a teaspoon the same number of times. The course of treatment is 10-12 days, depending on the severity of the cold.
Try not to mix licorice root with other medicines. Interval between doses different means cannot be less than two hours. A decoction of licorice root is sweet and pleasant to the taste, but large quantities may cause nausea or vomiting. In some cases it is noted severe dizziness. It is noted that taking licorice root more than the prescribed course of treatment and prevention can cause allergic attacks, swelling and even poisoning.

Licorice or licorice has been known since ancient times for its beneficial medicinal properties, which help with coughs and respiratory tract diseases. The plant is actively used to treat influenza and ARVI, dry bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis and even stomach ulcers. Healing decoction effective against chronic constipation, fluid and mineral metabolism in organism. Wherein herbal preparation safe and therefore suitable for children. Let's find out in more detail whether children can use licorice root for cough. Let's look at how to properly prepare and take licorice remedy.

Action and beneficial properties of licorice

Due to the safety of the components and properties, licorice root syrup can be safely given to infants. The medicine extremely rarely causes side effects and does not have a negative effect on any organs in the child’s body. Licorice contains useful acids and elements. And due to the content of sugar, fructose and glucose, it has a pleasant sweetish taste, so every baby will like it.

Licorice root performs the following beneficial functions:

  • Has an antiviral, enveloping and expectorant effect;
  • Facilitates expectoration;
  • Relieves inflammation of the throat and coughing attacks;
  • Reduces fever and temperature;
  • Liquefies and removes mucus from the bronchi and lungs;
  • Cleanses the body, removes excess bile and fluid;
  • It has diuretic properties and is useful for bladder diseases;
  • Heals the respiratory tract and wounds that appear due to severe cough;
  • Increases immunity and restores strength, helps the child cope with ARVI, acute respiratory infections and influenza;
  • Helps with constipation and has a laxative effect;
  • Strengthens blood vessels;
  • Relieves spasms from the bronchi;
  • Improves the functioning of the adrenal glands and helps with kidney pathologies;
  • Lowers blood cholesterol levels;
  • Helps with acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia and bronchial asthma, laryngitis and pharyngitis, whooping cough and other similar diseases;
  • Accelerates the treatment of the stomach and digestion, helps with gastritis and ulcers;
  • Effectively complements treatment for allergies, eczema and dermatitis. Heals and soothes skin covering, heals wounds and relieves irritation.

Licorice will not only help eliminate severe dry or wet cough, but will also speed up the treatment of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, and eliminate problems with the stomach and intestines. The composition can not only be drunk, but also rubbed with a solution chest and back, wipe problem areas of the skin.

How to take licorice syrup for babies

Before first use, place a drop of product on the area of ​​skin between your nose and upper lip baby, lightly rub into the skin. If after 1-2 hours negative reaction does not appear, the drug can be given to children. If you notice allergy symptoms, do not continue taking it and consult a doctor! With absence allergic reaction The drug can be given to newborns from the first days of life. But it is important to follow the dosage and rules of administration. Instructions for use will help you do it correctly:

  • The licorice root preparation is given 3-4 times a day after meals;
  • For newborns and babies up to one year old, the drug is not recommended to be taken orally. You need to do a rubbing massage of the back and chest using syrup;
  • For children 1-3 years old, the oral dosage is 2.5 medications per dose;
  • A 4-6 year old child takes 2.5-5 ml per dose;
  • A child 7-9 years old can drink 5-7.5 ml;
  • Children aged 10-12 years take 7.5-10 ml at a time;
  • After 12 years, the dosage increases to 15 ml.

However, before using even this safe means It is important to consult with your pediatrician and carefully study the composition and instructions for use of the drug. Be careful as some pharmaceutical solutions contain ethanol. Such medications should not be taken by children under five years of age!

The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor depending on the degree and type of disease and the individual characteristics of the baby. But the course of treatment should not last more than ten days. The syrup or tincture is diluted with warm boiled water. As a rule, the number of drops of the product is equal to the number full years child.

The drug should not be used in children with bronchial asthma and diabetes!

Among side effect after using licorice syrup, a rash is observed, itchy skin and swelling, nausea and diarrhea. IN in this case Stop taking the drug immediately and consult a specialist! However negative effect observed extremely rarely. Licorice root can be purchased at finished form at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself.

How to make licorice root syrup for children

Most suitable form for children is a decoction. It has a weaker healing and body-friendly effect. To prepare the solution, take a tablespoon of dry root, pour a glass of boiling water and cover with a lid. Keep in a water bath for half an hour and then infuse the decoction for two hours. After this, strain and squeeze out the composition. You can collect and dry licorice yourself or buy dry root at the pharmacy.

Give the prepared mixture to your child a teaspoon two to three times a day. This decoction heals the throat and relieves coughs, improves immunity and improves digestion, and weakens the stomach. Other healthy recipes for constipation in infants you will find.

A tincture or syrup can be prepared by frying two teaspoons medicinal plant. Then the resulting composition is poured with two glasses of boiling water and left for about eight hours. The tincture for children is diluted in water in a proportion of 2-5 ml per glass of water and drunk two to three times a day. The tincture is stored in a cool and dark place for up to two weeks.

Causes of cough in infants

In most cases, cough in infants is a symptom of a cold, acute respiratory viral infection or acute respiratory infection. The intensity of the cough gradually increases, and the throat becomes inflamed and red, pain, dryness, soreness, and sometimes a burning sensation are felt in the respiratory tract. The cause of the cough may be inflammation of the middle ear or otitis media. In this case, the baby will also experience ear pain.

In addition, a cough may occur due to allergies or too dry air. With this problem, you will experience a severe cough without elevated temperature. It is important to ensure comfortable conditions and microclimate in the children's room, maintain the required humidity in the room.

In case of allergies, the source must be identified and eliminated. It is important to keep the children's room clean, regularly wash clothes and change bed linen, prevent the child from interacting with animals, and constantly humidify the air. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe the use of antiallergic children's medications.

Why cough is dangerous for a child: complications and treatment

In any case, cough must be treated early. A protracted process is very dangerous for the child and carries various complications. So, the cough develops into a chronic one and becomes a symptom of the following diseases:

  • Bronchitis and bronchial asthma;
  • Otitis;
  • Laryngite;
  • Pharyngitis;
  • Tracheitis;
  • Whooping cough;
  • Measles;
  • Pleurisy.

wonderful folk remedy when coughing there is potato. You can use special inhalations over boiled potatoes, which will greatly facilitate the process of coughing, soften your throat and speed up recovery. Potato compresses work effectively. To do this, boil the potatoes in their jackets and mash with a fork until they reach a mushy consistency. Add three drops of iodine and 20 grams sunflower oil. Apply the mixture to your chest, cover with foil and a towel, and leave the compress until it cools.

During periods of illness and severe cough, provide your child with regular and drinking plenty of fluids. Give natural vegetables and compotes, decoctions, tea with lemon and jam, milk with honey or butter. Warm socks and a jacket or vest made of natural dog, sheep or camel hair will help. Warming relieves coughs, reduces sore throats and speeds up recovery. And drinking too much removes harmful substances from the body and softens the respiratory tract.

Licorice root has remained a popular remedy for coughs for many years, since people of all ages can take it and medicines based on it. They are produced in the form of syrup, infusion, decoction, tablets or crushed form.

This plant has anti-inflammatory activity, and also relieves spasms of the respiratory tract and thins phlegm. Medicinal properties Licorice root is used to treat dry cough. It facilitates the removal of mucus, which ensures a faster recovery.

Once in the body, the active substance of licorice root acts in a complex manner, increasing general immunity. This allows you to recover faster and avoid reinfection, as well as accessions secondary infection. This effect is reinforced antimicrobial activity, especially against staphylococcus and pathogen peptic ulcer.

Dosage forms of release

Licorice root is used to prepare various medicines. The most popular form of release is syrup. In this form, licorice root is used for coughs for children and adults. The additives contain sugar syrup, so patients with diabetes need to be careful. Most often, the drug is prescribed for cough in children over 12 years of age, but if there are special indications, from birth or from two years of age.

An alcohol-based infusion is contraindicated for a child, but can be used to treat cough in adult patients. The effectiveness of such drugs is higher than that of Licorice syrup. This is explained bactericidal effect alcohol, which enhances the effect of the active substance.

Licorice decoction is prepared at home from crushed root. Its effectiveness is equal to syrup. But the decoction does not contain sugar, so it is the preferred dosage form for patients with diabetes.

Indications for use

Preparations based on licorice root extract have various pharmacological properties. Therefore, the range of their applications is diverse.

Licorice syrup is used for several diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • COPD;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • tracheitis;
  • smoker's bronchitis.

These pathologies are accompanied by blockage of the bronchi with viscous sputum. Licorice preparations also help with non-productive (dry) and wet coughs, turning them into productive ones. This facilitates the course of the disease and speeds up recovery.

Auxiliary treatment

There is a practice of using Licorice syrup for chronic pathologies Gastrointestinal tract during remission. The medicine increases the amount of mucus produced, so it is prescribed only when indicated. Otherwise, complications may arise. Preparations from licorice root are especially effective for inflammatory diseases duodenum and stomach.

Licorice's ability to accelerate tissue regeneration, relieve inflammation and coat damaged areas of the mucosa has found application in the treatment of gastric ulcers and chronic gastritis.

Often these drugs are used as complementary therapy for pathologies of the adrenal glands, as well as problems with urinary system. Such diseases include cystitis, pyelonephritis chronic course, as well as pyelitis.

Among skin pathologies, treatment with drugs containing licorice root extract is carried out for eczema and various forms of dermatitis. Medicines are also suitable for complex therapy rheumatism, gout and hemorrhoids.

A separate category of people who benefit from using licorice-based medications are women. Due to natural estrogen precursors in the plant, it has beneficial influence on menstrual cycle. Active substances in licorice reduce the intensity periodic pain by weakening reflex spasms, they improve the regularity of discharge. The use of these drugs reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which allows you to stay healthy and beautiful longer.

The rules for using licorice root syrup for cough differ for adults and children. This is explained by its power of influence. An overdose of drugs based on licorice root can cause unpleasant side effects. Therefore, you should carefully follow the instructions and dosage prescribed by your doctor.

Usually the medicine is diluted boiled water from the ratio of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 glass. This method of use is suitable for adults. The frequency of administration is 3 times a day orally. If the mixture is diluted too much, therapeutic effect will be insufficient. Overdose may cause complications. The course of treatment is 10 days.

The use of licorice-based medications in women to normalize the functioning of the reproductive system is carried out in a course. You should consume 1 tbsp daily. l. syrup 2 times a day before meals, half an hour. This will allow the substances to enter the bloodstream before food intake and ensure maximum therapeutic effect.

Admission in childhood

For children, the use of drugs based on licorice root according to the instructions is permitted no earlier than 12 years. In this case, the syrup is diluted in the following ratio: 1 tsp. medicine in ¼ cup of boiled water. If the dosage does not correspond to the patient’s age, side effects and complications of the disease may occur.

If the child has reached the age of 6 years, licorice root syrup may be prescribed for special indications. It is prescribed in the presence of long-term dry or wet cough. Especially effective drug for problems with the discharge of sputum, which the child cannot remove from the bronchi. For such patients, the medicine is diluted at the rate of 50 drops per ½ cup of boiled water.

If the child is in age group from 2 to 6 years old, he is prescribed licorice syrup in the absence of positive dynamics after a course of cough treatment alternative drugs. In this case, the medicine is diluted in 10 g. water, taking 2-10 drops of the drug.

For children under 2 years of age, the dosage does not exceed 2 drops of the drug per 10 g. water. To do this, the syrup is diluted in a teaspoon. The medicine is taken no more than 3 times a day. If the cough does not go away within a 10-day course of treatment, it is necessary to change the drug to a more effective and age-appropriate one.

Use of decoction and tincture

Licorice decoction for cough can be purchased ready-made in some pharmacies. But it is not difficult to prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to buy crushed licorice root at the pharmacy. Take 1 tbsp. l. and pour it into a saucepan, into which a glass of boiling water is poured. Next, turn on a small fire and cook on it for 30 minutes. Afterwards, the resulting solution is filtered, cooled and consumed.

Decoction for water based approved for use in children, as it does not contain alcohol and large quantity Sahara. But the doctor must calculate the amount of cough medicine based on age characteristics child, current illness and individual characteristics of the body.

The daily cough dose for an adult is 1 glass of drink. It can be drunk at one time or divided into 3 doses.

The solution is prepared by pouring ½ liter of boiling water into 1 tbsp. l. crushed licorice root. The infusion is made one night. The next morning, filter the solution and then consume 50 ml in 3-4 doses throughout the day.

The alcohol infusion is prepared for 10-14 days from 1 tbsp. l. raw materials and a glass of alcohol. The liquid must be stored in a dark place. It is used for coughing, 30 drops 2 times a day, diluted with warm boiled water. Treatment with alcohol infusion is contraindicated for children. However, its effectiveness in coughing is much higher than that of syrup or decoction. This is due to the strengthening antibacterial action by adding alcohol.

Contraindications to the use of licorice

Since licorice root is a potent natural substance, its use for cough is limited by contraindications. Side effects associated with increased blood pressure, dizziness, joint pain, nausea and increased load on the liver. The range of use of drugs is limited to diseases that exclude the presence of these symptoms.

For coughs in children, licorice root syrup is often prescribed, but alcohol infusion is strictly not recommended for them. Under strict ban The following conditions can be treated with these drugs:

  • diabetes;
  • arrhythmias of various types;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • liver pathologies;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • pathologies of the heart structure;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • hypokalemia;
  • individual allergic reactions.

An absolute contraindication to treating cough with licorice root is pregnancy. It's related to action active substance, which relaxes smooth muscle cells. In this regard, the bronchi expand, their spasm is relieved, but the muscles of the uterus are also able to respond to this by decreasing tone. Due to the presence of estrogen precursors in licorice, hormonal balance, because of which the pregnancy is in danger of being terminated.

Licorice root syrup can lead to edema, which increases the risk of preeclampsia - a serious pregnancy complication that threatens the life of both the child and the mother.