Fungal and protozoal sexually transmitted infections - routes of transmission, symptoms, prevention, treatment. Tag Archives: fungal flora Fungal infection in the mouth

Currently, there is an increase in the number of cancer diseases, especially in developed countries of the world. This allowed Dr. David Servan-Schreiber, author of the book “Anti-Cancer” (download: anti-cancer book) to suggest that something in western lifestyle prevents the body from effectively defending itself against this disease. After all, it is known that defective cells are constantly formed in the body of any person, but during normal operation the body identifies and destroys them.

Current officially recognized treatment consists of chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery. However, it is obvious that this is not a panacea. Therefore, it makes sense not to neglect the body’s natural ability to protect itself from tumors, both to prevent the disease and to accompany courses of treatment.

Among the many theories of triggering oncological processes in the body, the most interesting from my point of view are the stress and infectious theories. And it’s not just any stress, but only long-term, chronic stress, associated with the constant suppression of one’s emotions and needs (according to L. Temoshok), a feeling of helplessness and resentment. You can read more about psychosomatic predisposition to cancer And .

Against the background of this kind of emotion, as well as an unfavorable environmental situation, the immune system may weaken and malfunction and chronic infections may become more active. Various sources ( mention the activation of fungal infection in cancer. Italian doctor Tullio Simoncini considers candidiasis to be the cause of cancer and in his clinic treats patients who have been rejected by official medicine with a soda solution.

In general, having analyzed alternative approaches to the prevention and treatment of cancer, such as fasting, taking amygdalin, soda, etc. - You can notice some general points:

All of these drugs are actually aimed at suppressing the fungal flora in order to allow the immune system to perform its normal function of getting rid of defective cells. The same thing happens during fasting.

Candida loves sweet carbohydrates, not bitters and soda, and especially not fasting. Perhaps this is precisely the anti-cancer effect of these methods. And not in the direct effect of all these substances on cancer cells.

True, these things will probably be most effective when they are combined, as well as with a simultaneous change in attitude towards chronic stress and a revision of one’s life values ​​and a positive attitude toward recovery.

If a panacea exists, it is only in our heads, in our consciousness, the possibilities of which are enormous. " If you want have what never had, needed do what never did . “In this case, this is quite applicable to health and lifestyle.

Cancer prevention through nutrition is very important and from the point of view of David Servan-Schreiber, he gives 4 approaches to anti-cancer biology, both for the body and for the spirit:

1. arm yourself against the disturbed balance of the environment;

2. organize your diet in such a way as to reduce the number of cancer pathogens and include as many phytochemical components as possible that actively fight against tumors;

3. understand – and heal from – the psychological trauma that feeds the biological mechanisms at work in cancer processes;

4. take advantage of that part of our body that affects the immune system and calms the inflammatory processes that allow tumors to grow (we are talking about. When a person gives up, his immune system does the same).

Increased activity of the microorganism Candida - a fungus - provokes an outbreak of disease in the body - candidiasis. The proliferation of fungal flora is caused by a decrease in immunity, regardless of the factor that provoked this decrease.

With a normal immune status, Candida quietly “lives” on the mucous membranes of the vagina and oral cavity, on the surface of the skin and in the intestines. This fungus is an opportunistic flora of the human body and can move freely through the bloodstream. But as soon as favorable conditions are created for its development, it provokes serious inflammatory processes.

Intestinal candidiasis

Fungal flora - Candida albicans - affects the intestinal mucous membranes, causing the following symptoms:

  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • periodic colic;
  • increased gas formation;
  • bloating;
  • colic after eating;
  • feces with white flakes, similar to curd mass;
  • feeling of incomplete evacuation after bowel movement.

The general condition also worsens, one feels lethargic, insomnia and excessive sweating appear.

There are 2 types of intestinal lesions: non-invasive and invasive. Invasive lesions - they are also called diffuse - can lead to irreversible pathological changes in internal organs.

Intestinal candidiasis in most cases acts as a concomitant disease with chronic dysbiosis, HIV infection, during chronic diseases of the digestive system, and is activated during the treatment of oncological processes - during radio and radiation therapy.

It can be caused by allergic reactions, toxic conditions, the use of antibiotics, unfavorable environmental conditions and poor nutrition with an unbalanced diet.

Diagnosis of the disease is a rather complex process. When establishing a diagnosis, it not only becomes clear that pathological changes in the body are caused by increased activity of fungal flora, but also the exact characteristics of the type of pathogenic microorganism are determined. Each type of Candida has its own type of medication.

Diagnostic procedures include:

  • blood tests, including bacterial culture;
  • comprehensive stool tests;
  • urine culture.

During the examination, the localization of Candida in the intestines is simultaneously determined.

Immunological tests are included in the research; in some cases, a histological examination of various body tissues is carried out.

Despite the abundance of examination methods, traditional medicine offers an effective way to determine whether malaise and abdominal pain are caused by candidiasis.

To do this, in the morning you should spit your hungry saliva into a glass or other transparent container filled with distilled water. If after 40 minutes saliva remains on the surface of the water, it means that Candida albicans has nothing to do with general malaise, and you need to look for other reasons for feeling unwell.

Saliva dropped into the glass - there is a possibility of infection with candidiasis of the intestines, upper respiratory tract or nasopharynx area.

Treatment of candidiasis

Therapy of intestinal candidiasis is a rather complex undertaking. The disease cannot be cured with medications alone; you have to follow a special diet for a long time.

Medications include antifungal agents, and one dose - as in the commercial - is impossible to do. Medicines have to be taken for quite a long time - the treatment regimen is prescribed in each case individually.

Probiotics are included - to eliminate the likelihood of toxic hepatitis, immunocorrectors and immunomodulators.

For invasive candidiasis, medications are administered in the form of injections.

Since candidiasis in most cases - as mentioned - develops as a secondary infection, antibacterial drugs are often added to the main therapeutic course.

Diet for intestinal candidiasis is a must. If you take antifungal drugs and every day create favorable conditions in the intestines for the activation of fungal flora, it will be impossible to get rid of the disease.

Therefore, you should completely review your diet and remove from it foods that Candida albicans “loves.”

Diet for candidiasis - what to exclude?

The following should be removed from the diet:

  • all products containing yeast - including beer and baked goods;
  • sweets;
  • apples and bananas;
  • citrus fruits and pineapples, which create the alkaline environment that Candida loves;
  • fermentative products - for example, fresh cheese;
  • hot spices and marinades, vinegar, soy sauce;
  • potato;
  • mushrooms;
  • ham;
  • sausages of various types.

After such a listing, it’s time to ask: “Can I at least eat something other than vegetables?”

What can and should be consumed?

Allowed products from which, during a diet for intestinal candidiasis, delicious dishes containing useful substances are prepared for every day:

  • Vegetables - the list is quite long: artichokes and onions, spinach and tomatoes, cabbage of any kind - you should generally lean on it. Non-starchy vegetables can be eaten raw, baked or stewed;
  • It is imperative to introduce kefir and live yoghurts with probiotics into the diet - thanks to probiotics and kefir grains, the normal balance of intestinal microflora is restored;
  • Meat: chicken, beef, turkey, lamb;
  • Not all fish is allowed. Recommended varieties: herring, wild salmon, anchovies. They do not accumulate toxic compounds like other types of fish. This fish can be purchased raw or in the form of canned oil. It is not recommended to use spicy salting when preparing dishes on the menu;
  • If you want to pamper yourself, it is permissible to introduce walnuts and almonds into your diet, season your dishes with flaxseed and sunflower seeds;
  • You can cook porridge from grains that do not contain gluten or contain it in minimal quantities. These cereals include buckwheat and rice. Porridges in the diet are very healthy - they consist almost entirely of healthy fiber, which helps eliminate by-products of fungal flora activity from the body;
  • Unrefined cold-pressed oils - olive, almond, coconut, flaxseed, sesame. They contain fatty acids that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, and at the same time they do not stimulate the activity of flora, like animal fats.

Many spices and herbs, when introduced into the diet, have a beneficial effect on the body, as they have antioxidant properties and anti-inflammatory effects.

Spices of this type include:

  • black and red pepper;
  • dill;
  • basil;
  • oregano;
  • cinnamon;
  • thyme.

It is useful to season dishes with garlic for candidiasis and consume garlic separately. It is necessary to eat carrot and garlic salad daily - 10 cloves per 200 g of carrots, dressing - unrefined vegetable oil of your choice.

Candida is a yeast-like genus of fungi that is the most common cause of fungal infections. The types of this fungus themselves do not cause harm and are found in the microflora of every person. But if the body’s immune system is weakened or the protective function of the mucous membranes is impaired, the Candida fungus can cause a number of pathologies and diseases.

Reasons for the study

Candidiasis is one of the fungal infections that can be caused by a fungus of the genus Candida. Most often, the disease develops in the mucous membranes of the body (genitals, mouth, eyes). If it enters the circulatory system, it can spread throughout the body and cause systemic diseases of the kidneys, liver and even the brain. The development of candidiasis can also be a consequence of the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics.

The analysis will help determine the fungal nature of the disease.

Development of Candida spp. in the nasopharyngeal mucosa can provoke candidal pharyngitis, laryngitis or tonsillitis. In this regard, timely diagnosis and research for fungi or other types of infection will help avoid complications and dangerous consequences of candidiasis. Candidiasis often causes a sore throat, so it is extremely important to consult a doctor if such complaints occur, so as not to confuse the symptoms of candidiasis with a cold in a child, for example. A throat swab helps determine the type of pathogen, its quantity, diagnose candidiasis and determine whether the fungus is sensitive to antimycotics (antifungal drugs). This smear is taken from both adults and children.

The norm of Candida fungus in the throat flora

In the mucous membrane of the oropharynx of every person live microorganisms that perform a protective function, including fungi of the genus Candida in small quantities. If the norms for the amount of candida fungi are not exceeded, the person does not experience any inconvenience or discomfort, and there is no inflammatory process. When exposed to pathogenic internal or external factors, the number of microorganisms may increase, provoking the development of candidiasis.

How is the analysis carried out?

The use of antibacterial agents for the oral cavity may distort the results of the study.

The microbiological material of this analysis is culture. There are some rules that must be followed before collecting materials for analysis:

  • 2 weeks before the test, you should stop taking systemic antibiotics.
  • You should not use antibacterial sprays and rinses 5-7 days before handing over the material.
  • You cannot eat for 2 hours before the test.

A throat smear for microflora is carried out by a doctor using a sterile cotton swab attached to a wire loop. It is important that the tampon only touches the tonsils, palate and pharynx. If you touch the tongue, the results cannot be considered reliable, as the composition of the smear will be changed. Also, test results will help determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics and antimycotics.

Mushrooms surround a person throughout his life, and after it too. And there are a huge variety of them, ranging from household mold to severe tropical fungal infections. But what unites everyone is the implementation of the pathological process only in specific favorable conditions. Whether this process has begun and how advanced it is can be found out by taking a blood test for fungus in the body. What kind of analysis - let's figure it out!

The etiological factor is fungi, saprophytes and absolute pathogens. The first group exists in the human body in quantities of up to 3 logarithms and normally does not cause discomfort. The second group includes fungi from the surrounding world, which, if they enter the macroorganism, can cause disease.

Infection occurs in the following ways:

  • from environmental objects;
  • from animals;
  • from a person;
  • by activating its own opportunistic microflora.

When encountering a fungus, not everyone can get sick. First of all:

  • persons with reduced immunity;
  • persons with altered immunity.

If local protection is violated, dysbiosis develops (for example, vagina or oral cavity) and candidiasis develops against a pathological background.

With severe immunodeficiency caused by HIV, the use of cytostatics, and oncological therapy, the fungal flora does not stop at damage to the dermis.

Severe visceral mycoses develop:

  • histoplasmosis;
  • mucorosis, etc.

Chronic diseases deplete the immune system, and they also have a constant source of inflammation. Add here periodic courses of antibiotic therapy and we get ideal conditions for the development of a fungal infection.

Antibacterial drugs kill not only pathogenic bacteria, but also representatives of normal flora. The mushrooms themselves are sensitive to a specific group of drugs. But against a sterile background they grow beautifully, causing an inflammatory process.

Patients with diabetes are a tasty morsel for mushrooms with a “sweet tooth.” In addition to the body's impaired resistance to infection, people with diabetes have permanently elevated blood sugar and altered acidity.

Clinical picture

There are 5 types of fungal infections:

  • dermatomycosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • systemic or visceral mycoses;
  • pseudomycoses.

This disease causes skin lesions. The causative agents are a group of dermatophyte fungi:

  • favus;
  • athlete's foot;
  • microscopy;
  • trichophytosis.

Infection occurs through contact with soil, animals and a sick person. Rounded areas of hyperemia appear, accompanied by itching. Subsequently, the spots are covered with scab.

With dermatophytosis, the hair follicle is involved in the inflammatory process:

  • it is destroyed;
  • hair falls out;
  • bubbles with cloudy purulent and hemorrhagic contents and crusts appear.

Inguinal dermatomycosis manifests itself:

  • pustular rashes;
  • redness;
  • peeling.


With lichen versicolor, pink-coffee spots with scalloped outlines appear, which subsequently become covered with peeling.

Acting as a barrier at the border with the environment, the mucous membrane of the throat, like other ENT organs, is at risk of infection. Frequent infectious agents that disrupt the physiological functions of the mucous membrane in this area include not only viruses and bacteria, but also fungi.

Fungal diseases of the throat, or more precisely, the pharynx, are called pharyngomycosis and arise due to the activity of both pathogenic fungi and those living normally in the human body.


The most common representatives of the fungal flora that provoke pharyngomycosis include:

  1. A fungus of the genus Candida is the causative agent of candidiasis. Its variety Candida albicans is the most common opportunistic agent in the human body (the cause of mycosis in 90% of cases). Less commonly, fungal throat infections are caused by Candida tropicalis, Candida glabrata (specific to the elderly), Candida parapsilosis (more often affects children).
  2. The causative agent of leptotrichosis– a saprophytic fungus, which under normal conditions inhabits the soil, in case of immunodeficiency is able to penetrate the human body, causing an infectious process.
  3. Fungus from the genus Actinomyces– normally colonizes human mucous membranes in small quantities; when immunity decreases, it is prone to active growth.

Yeast fungi of the genus Candida most often cause fungal infections of the throat mucosa

As noted, the development of mycosis occurs due to an imbalance in the microflora inhabiting the mucous membranes. The following factors can contribute to the increased proliferation of pathogenic (and in some cases opportunistic) fungal infections in the throat:

  • Immunodeficiency conditions are the most common cause that triggers the pathomechanism of pharyngomycosis. Holes in the immune system can occur against the background of congenital pathology, serious diseases (HIV, hepatitis), uncontrolled use of antibacterial, cytostatic drugs, and glucocorticosteroids. Abuse of antiseptics (sprays, tablets, lozenges) can lead to a local decrease in the protective function of the mucous membranes.
  • Hormonal imbalance (more often in women during menopause), accompanied by dry skin and mucous membranes, which become especially susceptible to fungal infection.
  • Endocrine disorders, primarily glucose intolerance and diabetes mellitus. The observed increase in blood glucose levels creates a favorable background for the proliferation of fungi.
  • Insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals, unbalanced nutrition, dysbacteriosis of intestinal microflora.
  • Injury to the mucous membrane of the throat by foreign bodies, exposure to aggressive substances (tobacco, alcohol, hot food, gases), chemical burns during aspiration of gastric contents. Any microtrauma that leads to a violation of the integrity of the mucous membranes opens the gate for the penetration of microflora, including fungal ones.
  • Foci of chronic infection in the body, for example, carious teeth, systemic sluggish diseases, neoplasms.

In cases of frequent recurrence, the patient should be examined for the presence of immunodeficiency conditions.

Clinical picture and diagnosis

The severity of signs of a fungal throat infection varies from person to person and depends primarily on the nature of the pathogen and the immune status of the patient. As a rule, the following symptoms indicate pharyngomycosis.

1.Hyperemia, swelling, soreness of the throat mucosa (occur due to inflammation).

2. Overlays of various types (depending on the type of fungus) on the back wall of the pharynx, soft palate, tonsils, palatine arches:

  • infection by a fungus of the genus Candida is accompanied by the formation of whitish deposits of a dense cheesy consistency, loosely connected to the mucous membrane;
  • growths in the form of hard genital warts of a gray or yellowish tint are characteristic of leptotrichosis;
  • dark red infiltrates of the mucous membrane are observed with actinomycosis; infiltration is often complicated by pus formation and the formation of fistulas, accompanied by intense pain.

3. Itching, soreness, discomfort in the throat when swallowing.

4. Symptoms of intoxication (fever, general weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite).

You can suspect a fungal throat infection simply by visible signs, but it must be confirmed with special laboratory methods

The diagnosis of fungal infection of the throat is made on the basis of complaints, medical history (characteristic symptoms, their progression, effectiveness of previous treatment), information from the patient’s life (illness, medications, etc.). In addition, a medical examination and scraping of the pharyngeal mucosa followed by microbiological examination are required.


Therapy of pharyngomycosis requires an integrated approach. The disease should be treated taking into account the isolated pathogen. It also depends on the severity of clinical symptoms and the patient’s condition. Antifungal drugs (fluconazole, clotrimazole, levorin, etc.) are used topically (spray, ointments) or, in severe cases, systemically in the form of tablets, injections, intravenous infusions.

Locally acting antiseptics are recommended for antifungal therapy - various sprays, rinsing solutions or. In case of bacterial infection, antibacterial drugs are indicated. It is also necessary to consider the rationality of immunomodulatory therapy, vitamin therapy and correction of intestinal dysbiosis.

Additionally, physical therapy is prescribed (electrophoresis, ultraviolet light, laser irradiation of the pharynx). Compliance with the exclusion of irritating (spicy, salty) and traumatic foods (excessively hot, hard, tough) is indicated. If you should exclude white bread, cookies, and sweets from your diet.

Fluconazole is an effective treatment for most fungal infections


Folk remedies are effective as an auxiliary therapy and in preventing relapses of pharyngomycosis, in particular:

  • gargling with herbal decoctions (chamomile, celandine, St. John's wort, string, calendula), infusion of oak bark, cranberry and Kalanchoe juice;
  • rinsing the mouth after eating with the juice of half a lemon and a golden mustache (one spoon of juice), diluted in a glass of water;
  • lubricating the pharyngeal mucosa with sea buckthorn oil, which has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • using garlic as a natural bactericidal agent (a small slice after each meal is enough);
  • the use of essential oils (lavender, fir, citrus) in the form of inhalation or for oral administration;
  • rinsing the mouth and throat after each meal with an aqueous solution of soda.

As a rule, it is impossible to cope with the manifestations of the disease using traditional methods alone. In the case of a detailed clinical picture, pharmacological therapy is required, carried out under the strict supervision of a physician. In addition, you should not delay treatment, because a fungal infection is insidious and is often fraught with complications, especially in the case of a child or an elderly person.