Feijoa: beneficial properties. Jam recipes, benefits and harm. Small, green, wrinkled... You are in vain refusing to buy feijoa! Feijoa jam beneficial properties for women


Good afternoon, my dear readers! I really like to buy feijoa at the market in the fall and roll it with sugar. The result is very healthy, tasty, fresh jam with an amazing smell.

What are the beneficial properties and contraindications of this wonderful fruit? Feijoa is a green, oblong fruit of a tall tropical shrub. In Russia, it is grown mainly in the Krasnodar region, in the Caucasus.

How to choose feijoa?

Stores mainly sell green fruits. During long transportation, fruits have time to dry out and even rot, so the consumer does not like their taste. And ripe feijoa is a juicy and soft tasty fruit with green skin without blemishes.

Rotten fruits with brown spots cannot be corrected; it is better to leave them in the store. And unripe ones can ripen at home within a week if you put them next to bananas.

Feijoa should be purchased in the last month of autumn. The ripe fruit is wrinkled, with a glossy or matte bluish coating on the skin. It protects the fruit from rotting. Usually, unripe fruits are sold from New Zealand. They are usually large in size.

Azerbaijani feijoas are smaller in size and are picked when they are more ripe. Ripe southern fruits are brought from the Krasnodar region. A good feijoa has transparent, beige or slightly pinkish flesh. White pulp occurs in unripe fruit. A rotten fruit has gray flesh.

After purchasing feijoa, it is allowed to be stored for no longer than a week. You can grind the fruit with the same amount of sugar and put it in the refrigerator.

Video: How to choose feijoa

Feijoa: taste and delicate smell

The fruits are round in shape and have a strawberry scent. The pulp of ripe feijoa is juicy and tastes like strawberries, kiwi or even pineapple. When buying an immature feijoa, you can let it sit for a couple of days. Then it will ripen and you can simply scrape out its pulp with a small spoon.

Photo. Feijoa flower.

Feijoa: composition

Under the green peel hides many vitamins necessary for the human body. The southern fruit contains enough iron, iodine, manganese, magnesium, silicon, and zinc. Potassium, calcium, phosphorus, folic and malic acids and amino acids are found in feijoa. There are tannins, essential oils, enzymes, tannin, pectin, leukoanthocin and kakhetin.

Feijoa: calorie content

In 100 gr. Feijoa contains only 49 calories.

How much feijoa can you eat per day?

The daily norm, according to nutritionists, for an adult is 2-3 pcs. large fruits per day, for children – 1 pc.


Feijoa: beneficial properties

1. The southern fruit is especially valued for its high iodine content. Its use replenishes iodine deficiency. It is useful for a person with a weak thyroid gland to eat feijoa. In this case, eating 1 large spoon of chopped feijoa pulp will help.

2. Feijoa helps the brain function, improves the functioning of the endocrine system and stabilizes metabolism.

3. You can make marmalade and jelly from feijoa berries. They reduce appetite and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

4. The southern fruit lowers cholesterol and helps cleanse the blood.

5. It is useful for people with hypertension and heart muscle diseases. To lower blood pressure, it is enough to eat a large spoonful of crushed pulp of the southern fruit mixed with sugar 2 times a day.

6. Feijoa peel contains tannins, cahetin with leukoanthocin. The peel is not eaten; it is useful to dry it and add it to tea.

7. Due to its high content of vitamins, consumption of the southern fruit helps the patient recover after suffering a serious illness or major surgery.

8. Feijoa stabilizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

9. Eating 5 feijoa fruits daily will help relieve depression.

Feijoa: recipes

Feijoa: recipes

1. To improve health, use this recipe. The tails of the fruit are cut off, washed, dried and chopped using a meat grinder. The result is an emerald-colored mass, which is mixed with the same amount of sugar.

To improve the mixture, add chopped walnuts and orange pulp. Should be stored in a glass container in the refrigerator. Take a dessert spoon 3 times daily.

2. To reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases, you will have to dissolve 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed feijoa juice in 50 ml of drinking water and drink.

3. Drinks made from the fruit, leaves and bark are helpful in treating the kidneys. For quick healing, they should be used to wash wounds, abrasions and cuts and use them as a mouth rinse for gum disease.

4. During jaundice, it is useful to drink a drink made from the flowers and leaves of the southern fruit, taken equally. You need to soak 1 pinch of the mixture in a glass of boiling water and after 30 minutes of infusion, filter and drink. Should be consumed 2 times daily.

Feijoa: beneficial properties for men

Consumption of the southern fruit reduces the risk of urological diseases in men. Feijoa has a beneficial effect on the reproductive and genitourinary systems. It is useful for men to eat 2-3 feijoas every day to prevent prostate problems.

Feijoa for women

How is feijoa beneficial for women?

1. The use of the southern fruit reduces the harmful effects of free radicals and resolves tumors.

2. Feijoa reduces nervous tension, strengthens, and helps the functioning of the digestive system.

3. Substances contained in feijoa successfully fight E. coli and staphylococci.

4. To prevent osteoporosis, which threatens older women, you will have to consume 2-3 feijoas daily.

5. Frequent consumption of the fruit delays the aging of the body.

Feijoa face mask

Women make face masks from feijoa. They relieve inflammation, rejuvenate, nourish, soften and cleanse the skin. To prepare the mask, you need to stir the yolk of 1 egg in a large spoon of olive oil.

To improve the mass, add 2 large spoons of cottage cheese and half the pulp of the southern fruit. Grind all ingredients in a blender and lubricate your face and neck for 20 minutes. Then you need to wash your face and soak your skin with moisturizer.

If you don’t have time, simply applying the pulp to your face will help refresh your face. Before using the mixture, it is better to first apply the pulp to your wrist. If nothing bad happens, then you can use a feijoa mask.

Can pregnant women eat feijoa?

Can pregnant women eat feijoa?

The southern fruit diversifies the diet of a pregnant woman. Strengthen the body with iodine and vitamin C. You should especially eat feijoa at the end of the 4th month of pregnancy. Then the fetal thyroid gland and circulatory system are formed.

In the second half of pregnancy, eating feijoa will prevent anemia. However, excess iodine has a harmful effect on the body. You can eat no more than 5 fruits daily.

Feijoa for children, from what age?

Feijoa is a hypoallergenic fruit. It is useful for children living in areas where the soil contains little iodine.

However, it is better to refrain from eating the southern fruit for up to 1 year. Later, you can feed him, of course, in small quantities, with southern fruits and even feijoa jam and compotes.

Feijoa: contraindications

Eating unripe feijoa can cause poisoning of the body.

1. There is no need to eat feijoa at the same time as dairy products. You should not drink feijoa with milk. This combination will negatively affect the functioning of the digestive system.

2. Patients with diabetes should consume the southern fruit with caution. High sugar content is dangerous for them.

3. It is better not to treat infants under 12 months to feijoa; they do not yet have the digestive enzymes necessary to digest the southern fruit.

4. If you have hyperthyroidism, feijoa should not be consumed.

5. Expectant mothers and those breastfeeding will need to consult a doctor before consuming feijoa.

6. When consuming feijoa, the peel must be removed. They can provoke loose stools and cause exacerbation and stomach ulcers.

Video: Feijoa - benefits and recipes

In contact with

Feijoa was first discovered in Brazil, and since then the exotic fruit has gained popularity all over the world. Currently, the berry can be found throughout the vastness of our homeland; the product mainly grows in the southern regions. Feijoa has a rich chemical composition, which contains essential microelements for the human body.

Choosing the right feijoa

  1. To choose worthy fruits, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the shell. The peel should not have any damage or dents. A ripe berry is smooth, dense and elastic to the touch.
  2. If you cut an exotic fruit, the flesh should be transparent and fleshy. In this case, the taste of feijoa will be fully revealed.
  3. When choosing a product at the market, ask the seller to cut the berry, this way you can ensure its integrity and ripeness.
  4. If the flesh is white, the fruit can be considered unripe. Don’t despair, place the fruits at home in a warm room. In a few days, the feijoa will gain proper maturity and can be consumed.
  5. Exotic fruits are picked unripe; the berries ripen during transportation. Feijoa also tends to spoil quickly. If, when cutting the fruit, you see dark-colored pulp, refrain from purchasing.

Benefits and composition of feijoa

  1. When studying feijoa, it turned out that the fruit contains a high level of iodine. The enzyme is easily absorbed by the body because it is in a water-soluble form. It has been scientifically proven that berries are an order of magnitude superior to red fish and seafood in terms of iodine content.
  2. If you eat just a few fruits a day, you will replenish the daily requirement of iodine in the body. It is highly recommended to consume exotic berries for people who have problems with the thyroid gland. It is also worth including feijoa in the diet of children and the elderly.
  3. It is highly recommended to consume the fruits if you live in big cities. Feijoa contains ascorbic acid, which actively prevents colds. Thiamine is involved in the normalization of metabolic processes, maintaining the functioning of the heart muscle and brain activity.
  4. The presence of riboflavin in berries is responsible for stabilizing the level of hormones in the body. In addition, the enzyme is involved in the synthesis of red blood cells, the breakdown of fats and the renewal of fibers and tissues. Nicotinic acid normalizes the functioning of the pancreas and the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. The enzyme reduces blood pressure and prevents the development of cancer cells.
  5. Thanks to the content of pantothenic acid in feijoa, the functioning of metabolic processes in the body is restored. The enzyme actively suppresses a number of ailments and is able to cope with pancreatitis, allergies, liver diseases, tuberculosis and bronchitis.
  6. Pyridoxine helps build enzymes that are necessary for the functioning of all muscles of the human body. The chemical effectively affects muscles during cramps, spasms and numbness of the limbs. At the same time, pyridoxine slows down tissue aging at the cellular level.
  7. Feijoa is rich in niacin, an enzyme that is an integral part of the central nervous system. The substance actively participates in protein metabolism and has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to the easily digestible fats and proteins that feijoa is rich in, it can be classified as a dietary product.
  8. The peel of exotic berries contains leukoanthocin and kakhetin; chemical enzymes are recognized as powerful antioxidants. The substances resist the harmful effects of the environment. In addition, kakhetin and leukoanthocin prevent the formation of cancer cells and pathologies.

  1. Pediatricians strongly recommend introducing feijoa into your baby’s daily diet with extreme caution. Otherwise, you risk causing your child intolerance even after just 1 berry.
  2. If complementary feeding goes without any harmful consequences, feijoa will only bring invaluable benefits to the child. Due to the high iodine content in the product, the baby will not feel tired. The berries will also have a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  3. Feijoa has proven itself to be an effective product in strengthening the immune system. Thus, with regular use, the body's resistance increases. The child is not at risk of various diseases such as viral infections and fungi. It is highly recommended to consume the fruits during the off-season.
  4. You should also be careful if your child is at risk of developing excess weight or diabetes. You can eat berries, but you should limit their daily amount and constantly monitor the body’s reaction.

Benefits of feijoa for pregnant women

  1. Girls who are pregnant need to treat nutrition with special responsibility. The main criteria remain that products must be balanced, healthy and varied. During pregnancy, the formation of the fetus and its organs occurs.
  2. Try not to give in to various temptations in terms of unhealthy foods; it is during pregnancy that you want something useless. Experts recommend that pregnant girls eat various vegetables and fruits that grow in your climate. During the cold season, things are more complicated.
  3. It has been scientifically proven that feijoa, despite its exotic nature, is excellent for the fairer sex during pregnancy. In addition to the above microelements, ascorbic acid and niacin are of particular benefit. Enzymes are easily absorbed by the body.
  4. Tropical berries also contain high levels of iodine and iron. Minerals are easily absorbed by the blood and form the fetus without signs of damage. It is also worth considering the fact that if your doctor has prescribed iodine-containing vitamins to you, you should limit your consumption of feijoa. An excess of a microelement is just as harmful as its deficiency.

  1. It has been scientifically proven that feijoa has a disinfectant and antiseptic effect. With the help of various infusions, decoctions of fruits and leaves, you can heal skin abrasions. The products are excellent for bleeding gums and toothache.
  2. To make a nourishing face mask, just combine the grated fruit with the yolk of an egg. As a result, the skin will receive a charge of useful microelements, microcracks and creases will be smoothed out. The dermis will also gain an even tone, smoothness and velvety feel.

Contraindications and possible harm of feijoa

  1. The product is so unique that it has virtually no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.
  2. Individuals who may have allergies or hypersensitivity to iodine should be wary of the fruit. As practice shows, such phenomena occur in rare cases.
  3. Therefore, if you are allergic, carefully monitor your health. If there are any deviations, immediately stop eating exotic berries.

Rules for eating feijoa

  1. To ensure that feijoa does not leave you indifferent and brings maximum benefits to the body, you need to eat only ripe fruits. There can only be a snag if the berries have not had time to ripen. As described earlier, feijoas are harvested unripe.
  2. If you purchased the fruits in this form, do not despair, the product can be kept in a warm room for several days, after which you can enjoy the pulp of its unique taste. During the process of ripening, feijoa will acquire a filling similar to jelly, and the peel will noticeably become thinner.
  3. The method of eating feijoa is very similar to kiwi. You can remove the peel from the berries and chop them into pieces. Also, the upper part of the fruit is cut off and eaten with a dessert spoon, removing the pulp from the cavity. Do not forget that if feijoa is fully ripe, it can be consumed whole. As you know, it is in the peel that almost all the benefits are concentrated.

If you suffer from chronic fatigue, obesity, vitamin deficiency or loss of strength, experts strongly recommend including about 6 feijoa berries in your daily diet. After a few days you will feel better. In addition, the fruits are rich in essential oils, which are involved in strengthening the human protective shell.

Video: benefits and harms of feijoa

There are few fruit crops in the Myrtle family. A place of honor among them is occupied by feijoa - an evergreen shrub or low tree with edible green fruits.

If you are not yet familiar with exotic fruit, it will be useful for you to know: feijoa fruit or berry? According to botanical classification, the fruit is called a berry.

And since desserts are mainly prepared from it, in cooking and everyday life it is considered a fruit. Feijoa is eaten raw or used to make jams, compotes and even marinades.

How and where does feijoa grow?

The plant's homeland is subtropics. The first specimens were found in Brazil. Now trees are grown in the Caucasus, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and on the Pacific coast of the United States.

They feel good in the Mediterranean and in Australia, and are found in Russia. Residents of the Krasnodar Territory, the Caucasus and Abkhazia know well where feijoa grows.

Exotic trees in these regions are common garden plants. They are not so sissy, they can withstand frosts down to 11 degrees.

Residents of the south value not only the excellent taste of the fruit, they know how feijoa is useful and what diseases it helps with.

Beneficial properties and contraindications of feijoa, composition, calorie content

Biologists compare the fruits of the plant with seafood: they have a lot in common in their chemical composition.

How is feijoa beneficial for the body, and how to use it? It is known that it is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, and useful organic acids.

Wherein calorie content of the product low - about 50 kcal/100 g. Glycemic index feijoa – 40 units.

Composition of feijoa

  1. In fruits and ascorbic acid.
  2. Feijoa vitamins (C, PP, gr. B) make it a good antioxidant.
  3. The pulp contains a lot of pectins. This allows you to make marmalade, jelly, soufflé and marshmallows from the fruit.
  4. Among the minerals there is a lot of potassium, iron, phosphorus and sodium.
  5. The peel contains phenols - natural antiseptics. They kill germs and make the immune system strong.
  6. Tannins and essential oils suppress pathogenic microflora.
  7. The fruits contain a lot of fiber - an essential element for proper digestion.

Benefits of feijoa for the body

  • High blood pressure normalizes and lowers cholesterol levels.
  • Effective against bronchitis and diarrhea.
  • Delays the growth of cancer cells.
  • Has a positive effect on hematopoietic processes.
  • Strengthens the body. Recommended for stress and fatigue.

Use of peel, leaves, flowers

  1. Compresses made from the bark and leaves of the plant are used as an antiseptic. It is an excellent disinfectant for wound healing.
  2. A decoction of the leaves relieves toothache and helps fight bleeding gums.
  3. The flowers of the plant are edible and can be added to salads.
  4. The peel of the fruit is dried and added as a flavoring to tea.

Beneficial properties of feijoa for men

Men value the plant as a preventative against urological diseases. But that’s not all that feijoa is capable of. The beneficial properties for men include a positive effect on the reproductive and genitourinary systems.

Daily consumption of 2-3 fruits during the season prevents prostate inflammation, helps with erectile dysfunction.

Contraindications and precautions

  • The fruit does not go well with and. It's better not to eat them together. There is a risk of diarrhea.
  • If you have hyperthyroidism (hyperfunction of the thyroid gland), you can eat very moderately. After all, excess iodine can be harmful.
  • Not given to children under one year old. Babies do not yet have enzymes that break down exotic fruits.
  • Feijoa is allowed for type 2 diabetes, but you need to choose unsweetened fruits. This also applies to patients with type 1 diabetes.
  • No cases of allergy to this product have been reported so far. But still, no one is immune from individual intolerance.

Feijoa weakens or strengthens the stool

A sufficient amount of fiber in fruits helps normalize digestion. The pulp has a mild laxative effect, and the peel has an astringent effect, as it contains a lot of tannins. The dry peel is brewed and drunk for diarrhea and food poisoning.

Correct way to eat feijoa - with or without peel

Having learned how feijoa is useful and what it cures, you need to find out how to eat it correctly. The taste of the skin is specific, tart. More often the fruits are eaten without it. But the medicinal properties of feijoa with peel are much higher.

People on different continents decide for themselves how to eat feijoa. Some clean them, others eat them whole, cutting off only the tail. If you are trying the fruit for the first time, eat the skin and pulp separately.

How much feijoa can you eat per day?

For the product to bring maximum benefit, 5 fruits a day will be enough. But in the off-season there are no fresh fruits; they are replaced with jams and purees, ground with sugar or. The daily norm of such a product is no more than 4 tbsp. l.

How to clean feijoa

Looking at exotics, it is difficult to understand how to eat feijoa. If you come across unripe hard fruits, place them next to them - they will ripen.

Feijoa becomes soft when ripe. The fruit is cut and the pulp is scooped out with a spoon. If the peel is green without blemishes, it is either eaten or dried for later use.

When does feijoa ripen?

Deep autumn is feijoa season in Russia. November is the traditional time to harvest the tropical fruit. The healthiest and tastiest are ripe fruits.

It is better to buy them when the feijoa sales season is in full swing. This is November - December. Ripe fruits fall to the ground, where they are collected. If you see a feijoa with a green stalk, it means the fruit is definitely unripe; it was cut green.

How to choose ripe feijoas

Glossy shine and fine wrinkles are signs of a ripe fruit. A matte bluish finish is also good. This is a natural protection of the fruit from spoilage. Brown spots are signs of rot, bright green skin is a sign of immaturity.

But the size depends on the variety. The largest fruits come from New Zealand. To deliver them, they are picked unripe.

Medium size - originally from Azerbaijan. The chances that they will be ripe are much higher. Those that are smaller come to us from the Krasnodar region. Their path is even shorter.

How to determine feijoa ripeness

If you cut the fruit and it has a white center, it means that you have an unripe feijoa. Ideally, the flesh of the fruit should be transparent, beige or pale pink.

Rotten fruits have a brown center. The aroma depends on the variety. The taste of feijoas with an oblong shape is reminiscent of sourness, while the round ones smell like strawberries.

How to store feijoa at home

In growing areas, the fruit can be stored for no more than a month. It is placed in paper bags or boxes and placed in a cool place. Fruits that reach the shelves of the Middle Zone have traveled a long way, and their shelf life is reduced.

Typically, store-bought fruits are not stored for longer than a week. But their medicinal properties are preserved even after processing. To do this, ripe feijoa is ground with sugar (1:1) directly with the skin. Keep refrigerated.

Growing feijoa at home

If you are interested in the beneficial properties (and contraindications) of feijoa, but climatic conditions do not allow you to have this tree in the garden, you can grow the crop indoors.

Please note that only self-pollinating feijoa varieties bear fruit. Growing other varieties at home is a way to decorate your interior.

You can get a beautiful tree by sowing its seeds. You will see the first fruits in 7 years. Plants grown from cuttings begin to bear fruit after 3–4 years.

Cuttings are taken semi-lignified, “with a heel.” They are treated with heteroauxin and rooted in wet sand. As they grow, the cuttings are planted in pots of the appropriate size. Plants need to be placed in a bright place and provided with timely watering.

Recipes for cooking feijoa in folk medicine

For medicinal purposes, ripe fruits, fresh and dried, as well as their peel, bark and tree leaves are used. You do not need to take the medicine with food. This will reduce its effectiveness. As a rule, it is taken half an hour before or after a meal.

Recipes for preparing feijoa for treating the thyroid gland

  • Water infusion of leaves - pour 1 tbsp of boiling water over a glass. l. raw materials. Leave for half an hour. Drink a glass of honey twice a day before meals (20 minutes).
  • Raw jam – mince the fruits and combine with an equal amount of sugar. In the morning and evening (preferably half an hour before meals) take 1 tbsp. l. facilities. After 10 days they take a break. After 10 days, reception is resumed.

How to cook feijoa for immunity

To prevent viral diseases, take a tablespoon of feijoa, ground with sugar, in the morning. There is another old recipe.

  1. When ripe, the fruits are placed in jars and filled with honey.
  2. In 2 weeks they will shrink slightly and release juice.
  3. The liquid is drained, and the feijoa is filled with a new portion of honey.
  4. This is done several times until the fruits decrease in size.
  5. The drained honey is used to make drinks, and the fruits dried in this way are eaten 2-3 pieces a day to boost immunity and prevent goiter.

For the prevention of cardiovascular diseases

Feijoa juice (1 tbsp) is diluted with 50 g of water and drunk once in the morning on an empty stomach. This recipe will help normalize blood pressure for hypertensive patients.

For the treatment of nephritis

Crushed dry leaves and flowers (take them in half) are brewed with a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, add a spoonful of honey. Drink a glass after meals twice a day.

For atherosclerosis

Prepare jam from 600 g of feijoa, 1 and 1 kg of sugar. Grind the fruit with peel in a blender, add sugar, put on fire and bring to a boil, cool. For treatment, take 1 tbsp. l. in the morning. Keep refrigerated.

Feijoa tinctures

Easy-to-prepare tinctures can be used in making desserts and to strengthen the immune system. One tablespoon a day is enough to increase the body's resistance to dangerous viruses.

Tincture preparation technology

  • Ripe fruits are washed, the tail is removed and cut into slices.
  • Place loosely in a glass jar.
  • Pour vodka over the fruit (it should completely cover the contents of the jar).
  • Add a little honey and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks.
  • The liquid is drained and bottled.

And about feijoa wine in the video:

The beneficial properties and contraindications of feijoa are due to its unusually rich vitamin composition. This exotic fruit, originally from Brazil, is not only included in various types of dietary dishes, but is also used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases: diabetes, cancer, atherosclerosis, gout, chronic colitis and pyelonephritis. In addition, the benefits of the pulp and peel of the fruit have been proven in cosmetology.

Feijoa: fruit or berry

(also Akka Sellova or Akka Feijoa) is a type of evergreen shrub cultivated in tropical and subtropical climates. In Russia, this fruit is grown in the Transcaucasus, Crimea and Krasnodar Territory.

These are large, fleshy berries with a lumpy skin. Their weight varies from 20 to 120 g depending on the variety. The diameter of the fruit is 2-5 cm, the length is 2-7 cm. Despite their rather large size, feijoa fruits are considered berries.

These berries are shaped like kiwi. The taste of the pulp is soft, sour, with notes of strawberries and pineapple. The seeds are small and practically unnoticeable. The color of the peel varies depending on the subspecies of the fruit: it can be colored in either light yellow-green tones or dark green shades. Sometimes the surface of the berry is covered with a thin anthocyanin coating.

The fruits are recommended to be consumed fresh, but they do not lose their beneficial properties even during heat treatment. This quality of the berry explains such a variety of feijoa recipes. They are used to prepare:

  • compotes and juices;
  • sour or sweet and sour sauces;
  • preserves, jam, jam and marmalade;
  • minced fruit for stuffing fish;
  • marshmallows;
  • liqueurs, liqueurs and wine.

How to eat feijoa: with or without peel

The benefits of fruits are best preserved when consumed fresh. To do this, the fruit is cut in half and the soft pulp is eaten out with a spoon, but the peel of the fruit can also be eaten - it is no less useful than the pulp of this fruit, since it contains many biologically active components. In particular, due to the high concentration of antioxidants in the peel of the berries, feijoa is used in the treatment and prevention of cancer.

However, the skin of the berries is rarely eaten fresh, because it tastes quite unpleasant. It is usually dried and used to make tea. In addition, the tart, astringent taste of the fruit can be softened by dressing when adding berries to fruit salads. In other words, whether to eat feijoa with or without peel is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

The fruits remain fresh for 7 to 20 days, depending on how they are stored.

How to clean feijoa

In the traditional sense of the word, this fruit is not peeled. When feijoa ripens, the fruit becomes soft. It is carefully cut in the middle and the pulp is eaten with a teaspoon without touching the peel.

Nutritional value and composition of feijoa

Feijoa is the only fruit in the world whose iodine content is higher than that of any seafood. This high concentration makes it useful in treating thyroid problems. Moreover, iodine is found in fruits in a water-soluble state, which is why the body quickly absorbs this element. Fresh berries are a rich source of vitamin C and fiber, but the vitamin composition of fruits is not limited to these elements. They contain:

  • B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic and folic acids, pyridoxine);
  • proteins fats carbohydrates;
  • sucrose;
  • pectin substances;
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids – plant polyphenols that have an antitumor effect;
  • saponins - biologically active components that regulate water-salt metabolism in the body;
  • antioxidants (biologically active components kakhetin and leukoanthocin);
  • micro- and macroelements (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus).

The calorie content of feijoa is 49 kcal.

What are the benefits of feijoa for the body?

The high concentration of vitamins B and C determines the widespread use of this fruit in the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiency. In terms of the amount of iodine contained in its fruits, feijoa surpasses even red fish, so including the fruit in the daily diet brings considerable benefits in restoring pancreatic function.

Regular moderate consumption of these berries has the following effects on the human body:

  • the function of nerve endings improves;
  • the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease is reduced;
  • the functioning of the thyroid gland is restored;
  • goiter growth is prevented;
  • wounds heal better;
  • the risk of developing osteoporosis is reduced;
  • memory improves;
  • blood quality improves;
  • general irritability and weakness, depression decreases;
  • prevention of tumor and colds occurs;
  • the functioning of the lungs and brain improves.

Feijoa: beneficial properties for men

The benefits of feijoa fruit for men include the prevention and treatment of prostatitis. It has been scientifically proven that eating 2-3 fruits a day prevents re-inflammation of the prostate gland. In addition, since the list of beneficial properties of the berry includes normalizing the activity of the endocrine gland, small portions of the fruit are recommended for consumption during hormonal therapy.

What are the benefits of feijoa for women?

The benefits of feijoa for a woman’s body lie, first of all, in the dietary properties of its fruits. Feijoa is recommended to be consumed during a diet by women who want to lose weight. These berries contain substances that have a stimulating effect on metabolism, which has a positive effect on a woman’s figure.

Important! When eating fresh fruits instead of confectionery, the first results will be noticeable within a week.

The fruits of the berries have also found their use in cosmetology - their benefits in stimulating the regenerative processes of the upper layers of the skin are incredible. Masks made from feijoa pulp have a rejuvenating effect on the skin and smooth out deep wrinkles. The crushed peel is used to create local applications to reduce redness and irritation on the skin.

Feijoa during pregnancy

The diet of pregnant women should be rich and balanced, so during this period doctors recommend diversifying it with feijoa. Eating at least one fruit daily has a beneficial effect on a child’s growing body:

  1. Folates contained in fruit pulp stimulate hematopoietic processes.
  2. The plant fibers that these berries are rich in help prevent frequent constipation during pregnancy and after childbirth.
  3. During pregnancy, it is recommended to include iodine-containing foods in the diet, and feijoa is even superior to seafood in this parameter.

Feijoa can be consumed by pregnant women either fresh or after processing.

Important! Feijoa is especially useful to eat during the 11-12th week of pregnancy, when the baby's thyroid gland is intensively developing.

Feijoa during breastfeeding

The high iron content in the fruit makes these berries closer to pomegranates. This element is necessary to strengthen the immune system of nursing mothers and their children, so consuming feijoa in moderation is mandatory when breastfeeding, but this should be approached with caution. Berries are included in the diet only a month after birth. Intensive consumption of fruit during pregnancy will do more harm than good.

Is feijoa ok for children?

Feijoa extremely rarely causes an allergic reaction in the body, but it is given to young children with great caution. Despite the extensive list of beneficial properties, its benefits are most fully revealed when consumed by adults. The fact is that the child’s body is not able to well absorb some of the elements that make up this fruit, so problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are possible if the berries are consumed excessively.

The use of feijoa in medicine

In folk medicine, the pulp and peel of the fruit are used to prepare a variety of infusions, decoctions and solutions. The variety of remedies is due to the extensive list of beneficial properties of the berry, but eating fresh berries also brings no less benefits.

Decoctions from the leaves, bark and fruits of the plant are used as an antiseptic disinfectant, which is used to treat small wounds, abrasions and rinse the mouth when gums are bleeding. Such decoctions also relieve acute toothache.

Fresh berries act as a useful dietary supplement for gastritis and pyelonephritis. In addition, these exotic fruits strengthen the immune system, increase the body's resistance to colds, and have pronounced antidepressant properties. To treat influenza, a squeeze of essential oils from berries and a variety of jams are used.

The benefits of the fruit are undeniable when overworked - with increased mental stress, the fruit reduces chronic fatigue, drowsiness and irritability. Berries are also prescribed for thyroid dysfunction.

Regular consumption of feijoa is an effective medicinal and preventive remedy for normalizing blood pressure, as these berries are rich in potassium. Finally, the fruits relieve symptoms of toxicosis.

Beneficial properties of feijoa for the thyroid gland

Feijoa accumulates iodine well, so the fruit is an extremely useful dietary supplement for problems with the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. To treat goiter, prepare the following infusion:

  • crushed 1 tbsp. l. fresh berry leaves;
  • the crushed leaves are poured into a glass container and poured with 1 cup of boiling water;
  • the mixture is infused for half an hour, after which the infusion is ready for use.

Dosage: 1 glass 2 times a day. If desired, you can add honey to the infusion.

Important! Not all varieties are rich in iodine. There is practically no it in berries from Batumi, so using such fruits to normalize the function of the thyroid gland is completely pointless - their benefit in this case is minimal.

Feijoa for diabetes

Consumption of feijoa for diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2 is not prohibited. Moreover, recent scientific studies have confirmed the benefits of the berry for pancreatic dysfunction, but take the fruit in small quantities. They are rich in sucrose, therefore, in order to avoid increased blood sugar levels in diabetes, feijoa is consumed fresh or as part of tea. Thus, the potential of all beneficial properties will be fully revealed.

Beneficial properties of feijoa jam

The benefit of feijoa jam is that this dessert not only retains many beneficial substances during heat treatment, but is also recommended for use for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, cancer and inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, when the product is included in the daily diet, the human body’s immune system is generally strengthened. Finally, its benefits have long been confirmed in the treatment of colds and viral diseases.

Prepare jam as follows:

  • Squeeze juice from 1 orange;
  • 500 g of berries are crushed without removing the peel;
  • the crushed mass is boiled for 10 minutes;
  • after this time, sugar and orange juice are added to the water;
  • Then the fruits are boiled until the mass thickens, after which the jam can be poured into jars.

The benefits of feijoa jam are due to the rich composition of fresh fruits that are used to prepare this dessert. In particular, the beneficial properties of berries are explained by the high concentration of vitamin C, fiber, sucrose, pectin and malic acid.

For more information on making jam, see the video below:

Contraindications for taking feijoa

Including feijoa in the diet can bring both benefits and considerable harm. They are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and diabetes mellitus due to the high sucrose content.

Also, the high concentration of iodine in this fruit poses a health hazard for people with hyperthyroidism. High-calorie fruits will be especially harmful to people who are overweight. In addition, an overdose of iodine is dangerous for the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Important! You cannot combine berries with milk, since the pectin substances contained in the fruits do not combine with lactose and therefore neutralize all the beneficial properties of the product. Combining any dairy products with this fruit can negatively affect the functioning of the digestive system.


The beneficial properties and contraindications of feijoa require some caution when consuming its fruits. The pulp and peel of fruits are rich in vitamins, nutrients and, undoubtedly, bring great benefits to the body, but an oversaturation with them is just as harmful as their deficiency. In addition, the place where the berries grow is of considerable importance - fruits grown in areas with iodine-poor soil, for example, are practically useless for stimulating the thyroid gland.

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Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Amazing taste with a slight sourness, a bizarre shape, an attractive green color - all this pleasantly characterizes the feijoa fruit. Its beneficial properties have a positive effect on our body, so it is necessary to include an exotic product in your diet (in the absence of contraindications) throughout the season.

What does feijoa contain?

The taste of this fruit is similar to strawberries, pineapple and gooseberries. However, its medicinal properties and usefulness more than exceed those of other gifts of nature. The fruits contain large quantities of vitamins and all kinds of micro- and macroelements:

  • alanine;
  • arginine;
  • asparagine;
  • glutamine;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • silicon;
  • tannin;
  • tyrosine;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • folic acid;
  • zinc;
  • enzymes.

In addition, feijoa peel contains microelements: cahetin and leucoanthocyanin, which are powerful antioxidants. They are used to prevent cancer, maintain the vitality of the immune system, and completely cleanse blood vessels. Vitamin C and essential oils have a wide range of beneficial properties and are actively used in the treatment of colds.

Feijoa – vitamin composition

The ripe eastern guest is a real storehouse of vitamins of different groups. Vitamin A is responsible for the condition of the skin and nails, vitamin B1 oversees the growth and development of the body, improves metabolic processes, and vitamin B3 and its “colleague” vitamin B6 are responsible for the normal course of metabolic processes. Vitamin PP performs similar functions. Without them, the development of the human body would be impossible. The vitamin composition of feijoa helps provide us with all the useful substances during the winter season.

Feijoa – iodine content

Compared to other fruits, the iodine content in feijoa is 2.5 to 10 times higher. So, 100 grams of fruit contains from 8 to 35 mg of iodine. This indicator varies depending on the variety and the degree of ripeness of the fruit. In addition, this microelement is very well absorbed, therefore it is recommended for use by children, adults, pregnant and lactating women.

What are the benefits of feijoa?

A bizarre fruit with useful properties is a universal fighter, under the onslaught of which they will retreat:

  • oncology;
  • problems of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  • anemia;
  • avitaminosis;
  • atherosclerosis.

The benefits of feijoa have been scientifically proven and confirmed many times by experts, but it should not be used as an alternative to medications (it contains allergens). A comprehensive medical examination must be carried out, appropriate treatment prescribed and carried out. The fruit can serve as an aid to maintain the body's performance, helping to speed up the healing process.

Feijoa jam - benefits

An alternative to eating the fruit fresh is canning it. The benefits of feijoa jam are not inferior to the fresh version, but it is important to ensure proper preparation. For these purposes, during the season it is worth purchasing 1 - 2 kg of fresh fruit, sugar and cooking in the following sequence:

  • wash the fruits, remove the remains of flowers, which the plant throws out in large quantities;
  • cut each fruit into pieces;
  • grind using a blender or meat grinder;
  • grind with sugar in a 1:1 ratio;
  • put into sterilized jars, close tightly with a lid;
  • store in a cool place.

Feijoa berry - benefits

The benefits of feijoa berries are known throughout the world and the number of their fans is constantly growing. Meanwhile, this fruit, like any other product, has a number of contraindications, neglecting which can cause significant harm to the body:

  • the presence of individual intolerance, allergies;
  • diabetes;
  • excess weight.

If a child tries the fruit for the first time, it is better to start with small portions, for example, adding this healthy exotic fruit to a pureed salad. This way you can determine how well the body responds to a new product, even one rich in microelements and beneficial properties. Contraindications manifest themselves unexpectedly, because the child’s body is still too vulnerable to external irritants. Further, the daily norm can be gradually increased.

Feijoa juice

It won’t be difficult to find juice on the market, but a drink prepared with your own hands is much healthier. For these purposes, the ripest fruits are purchased, which must be peeled and passed through a press or juicer. Mineral or apple water and sugar are traditionally added to the resulting fruit mass. The benefits of feijoa juice are the same as those of fresh fruit. However, it is stored for no more than a few days - this property must be taken into account.

Feijoa - beneficial properties for men

The key beneficial properties of feijoa for men are to maintain reproductive function and prevent the development of diseases such as prostatitis. Urologists strongly recommend that representatives of the stronger sex consume this fruit daily - both prophylactically and in addition to drug treatment of inflammatory processes. The exception and reason to refuse the product is individual contraindications.

How is feijoa beneficial for women?

The healthy oriental fruit belongs to a number of dietary products that are excellent for the diet of those who want to lose weight. The fat content and calorie content are minimal. Biologically active substances actively help speed up metabolism. The benefits of feijoa for a woman’s body are multifaceted. Just one fruit daily and your diet will become much more effective. In addition, the fruit is often used by cosmetologists: its active ingredients slow down aging and help remove minor age-related wrinkles.

Feijoa for children

The key components are vitamin B5 (pantothenic product) and its brothers with indices A and C. They can be obtained from synthetic medicines, but daily consumption of natural fruit will be more effective, because its nutritional value is much higher. The benefits of feijoa for children include correcting the functioning of the immune system and ensuring normal cell development. The main thing is to first find out whether the child has any prerequisites for developing allergies. In addition, the fetus has the ability to strengthen or weaken, so you need to carefully monitor the body’s reaction.