Which probiotics are better when taking antibiotics? Which probiotics are best for children? Beneficial bacteria for the intestines Prebiotics preparations for adults

Probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, as well as kefirs and yoghurts with probiotics, lactobacilli and live yoghurt cultures that have a beneficial effect on the body - how to figure out which probiotic is best? How to figure out which drug is most useful for the digestive system of adults and children and has the most beneficial effect on the body, preferably at a not very high price?

Which of the extensive list of prebiotics and other supplements presented on pharmacy windows combines bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, probiotic and prebiotic in one drug? Is it necessary to take prebiotics to maintain intestinal microflora during antibiotic therapy? Isn’t it easier to limit yourself to “live” kefir?

What are probiotics?

The great scientist I.I. Mechnikov is considered the person who drew the attention of doctors to the first probiotics. His research on the immune system and the factors influencing the body's defenses was awarded the Nobel Prize.

The reason for the detailed study was the observation of miners in Bulgaria, who were distinguished by their unusual longevity. Having studied aspects of life, Mechnikov suggested that the main factor in longevity is the consumption of a fermented milk product, which matures from milk in a leather container used by workers as a “thermos”. At the end of the working day, the milk, under the influence of bacteria, turned into a yogurt mass. Mechnikov conducted observations and made sure that microorganisms developing in the dairy environment have an extremely positive effect on health. It is these bacteria in various variations of strains and cultures that are today called probiotics (eubiotics).

Do not confuse probiotics and prebiotics: prebiotics include “food” for the development of bacteria: mainly coarse fiber. Probiotics are existing or specially bred cultures of live bacteria that have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. The name probiotic itself is assigned only to those microorganisms whose benefits to human health have been proven by researchers and confirmed by various experiments. As a rule, probiotics mean bacterial cultures, although other types of microorganisms, for example, yeast cultures, can be found among the microorganisms that have proven their benefits. But in most cases, probiotics are types of bacteria that live in the gut.

The gastrointestinal tract is populated by a wide variety of bacteria, both pathogenic and those that have a beneficial effect on the body. The total number of bacteria found in the human body is several times greater than the number of cells, and if you estimate the volume of these microorganisms, it turns out that the mass of an adult person belongs to him - and his symbiont bacteria, and there are up to 3 kilograms of bacteria in the body of an adult!

Most of the bacteria are found in the intestinal cavity. Beneficial microorganisms participate in the process of food processing, the isolation and synthesis of vitamins, reduce the risk of proliferation of pathogenic flora and generally help maintain the level of immune defense.

If pathogenic flora multiplies faster and suppresses beneficial bacteria, this leads to a wide variety of consequences, ranging from stool disorders to ulcerative colitis, immunosuppression, general deterioration of well-being, up to long-term chronic painful conditions.

Various diseases, an uneven and inadequate diet, and long-term antibiotic therapy can lead to a decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria. This state of imbalance in the bacterial flora is called dysbiosis.

Dysbacteriosis as a diagnosis

In Russian medicine, you can often hear that as a result of examining a patient, the disease “dysbacteriosis” is diagnosed. This point of view is considered an indicator of the specialist’s incompetence: dysbiosis as a diagnosis is absent in medical science. However, there is dysbiosis as a syndrome, and it is pointless to treat it without identifying the cause that provokes the condition: disease, pathology, or therapy with antibacterial drugs.

Accordingly, taking probiotic drugs should always be accompanied by an understanding of what caused the imbalance of the intestinal microflora, and what needs to be done so that the use of probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics and other microflora-improving components does not turn into lifelong maintenance therapy.

In a healthy body, the balance of intestinal microflora is a transistor phenomenon that goes away on its own within a few days, and it is not worth adjusting it unless clearly necessary: ​​it is impossible to determine from symptoms and sensations which bacteria are missing and which cultures currently prevail in the gastrointestinal tract . In most cases, the natural balance is restored on its own, and a specialist should be involved in prescribing probiotics and assessing their interaction with other medications.

Mechanism of action of probiotics

The effect of probiotics on the body is based on two mechanisms: firstly, they help suppress the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, and secondly, they partially take over the functions of beneficial bacteria, the deficiency of which is noted when the intestinal flora is imbalanced.

How exactly do probiotics help the body? Thanks to their action, beneficial microorganisms can perform the following functions:

  • production of lactic acid, which inhibits the growth of fungi and other pathogenic flora;
  • produce antibodies to certain types of viruses, thereby strengthening immunity;
  • synthesize B vitamins and vitamin K, which are important for human physical and mental health;
  • increase the absorption of calcium, iron, carbohydrates and other nutrients and microelements;
  • act as an infection barrier on the intestinal mucosa, preventing infection from entering the bloodstream;
  • participate in the destruction of toxins, poisonous waste products of certain pathogenic microorganisms;
  • help prevent the development of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • enhance the effect in complex therapy of diseases of the genitourinary tract, digestive system, etc.

Dairy products with probiotics as a replacement for medications

The studies examined the effects on the body of regular kefir and kefir with added live cultures of bacteria. The experiment with groups of volunteers was carried out using the double placebo method: neither the participants nor the scientists knew before summing up which group received the fortified product and which group received regular kefir, which acted as a placebo drug.

According to the results of the experiment, it turned out that the effect on the body of the placebo and the fortified product was exactly the same: standard fermented milk products are not fortified to a sufficient degree to bring tangible benefits. The low concentration of live cultures, in addition to the insufficient amount of destruction during passage through the stomach in hydrochloric acid and acids in the duodenum, cannot be attributed to therapeutic doses of probiotics.

At the same time, experiments in which encapsulated drugs were used are considered successful studies proving the effectiveness of probiotics and their positive effect on the body.

The composition of probiotics produced in the form of food additives and preparations is regulated: the amount of beneficial microorganisms is added in accordance with the standards. The products include bacteria using a less stringent technology, in which the quantitative and qualitative indicators of probiotic inclusions are not controlled.

In accordance with scientific research, the European Center for Food Safety has classified kefirs and yoghurts enriched with live cultures as foods that do not have additional effects on the body. Such products cannot be used for therapy in place of encapsulated drugs.

Are probiotics harmful?

Like all medications, probiotics have limitations, contraindications and side effects. Thus, among the common side effects are transient flatulence and increased gas formation, which ends after a course of drugs.

Some experts are wary of prescribing probiotics to children in infancy; there are contraindications for older people (not in all cases), as well as the need to consult with a specialist about the combination of probiotics and other medications: in some combinations, taking bacterial cultures can enhance or neutralize the effect of other drugs, and vice versa, some groups of drugs significantly reduce the effectiveness of probiotics.

What diseases are treated with probiotics?

Probiotics have a direct effect on the composition of the intestinal microflora by stimulating the proliferation of beneficial anaerobic microorganisms and reducing the number of potentially dangerous bacteria. By influencing the balance in the gastrointestinal ecosystem, they stimulate the immune mechanism of the gastrointestinal mucosa and the non-immune mechanism while reducing the population of pathogens.

This mechanism helps reduce the severity of diarrhea, both frequency and quality, which is the most recognized and common reason for the use of probiotics.

Some strains of probiotic microorganisms have an effect of stimulating the body's immune reactions, while others, in particular Escherichia coli Nessle, have an analgesic and flatulence-reducing effect in the treatment of ulcerative colitis and.

Therapy for intestinal disorders

Strains with proven effectiveness against infectious diseases include Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus casei and Saccharomyces cerevisidae. Their use can reduce the severity of stomach upset and shorten the duration of diarrhea by a day or more.

In the prevention of diarrheal disorders, probiotics with the following strains are used: Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus casei and Saccharomyces boulardii.
The use of probiotics has proven effectiveness also in the complex therapy of antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

In the treatment of functional constipation, the main direction is considered to be the normalization of intestinal microflora, for which strains of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are included in the diet.

Use for gastritis caused by Helicobacter

One of the problems in the treatment of gastritis of infectious etiology is the development of resistance to various groups of antibiotics in the pathogenic agent Helicobacter pylori. At the same time, the side effects of antibiotic drugs significantly reduce the desire of patients to use medications.

Combined therapy with antibiotics and eubiotics helps not only to reduce the side effects of antibacterial agents, but also to stabilize the barrier function of the stomach, reduce inflammation of the mucous membrane, and also suppress the activity of Helicobacter.

Probiotics: list of drugs

Probiotics (or eubiotics) include medications and dietary supplements. Prebiotic medications include the following:

  • Acylact;
  • Bifiform;
  • Enterol;
  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Acipol;
  • Hilak;
  • Lactobacterin and analogues, etc.

Initially, only products with monocultures of bacteria could be found in the lists of probiotic preparations. At the moment, there are few monocomponent drugs, these are mainly dietary supplements (Bifidumbacterin, Colibacterin, Lactobacterin and so-called live culture starters, for example, Narine). Most modern drugs that have a probiotic effect are sorbed probiotics, processed in a special way to withstand the aggressive gastric environment and include from 2 to 4 strains of beneficial microorganisms.

Thus, Linex and approved Linex analogues include three different strains of bacteria:

  • strain of acidophilic lactobacilli Lactobacillus acidophilus sp. L. gasseri;
  • culture of bifidobacterium infantis (Bifidobacterium infantis var. liberorum);
  • Enterococcus faecium strain.

Second-generation probiotics can contain not only bacterial cell cultures, but also protozoan fungi. Fungi are not normally found in the intestinal microflora, but when they enter it they have a suppressive effect on pathogenic microbes. Such eubiotics include Bactisuptil, Sporobacterin, Enterol and others.

The third generation of drugs is combined, with an increased number of different cultures (Linex Immuno, Acipol, Acylact, Linex Forte). Fourth generation probiotics contain a sorbent – ​​activated carbon – as an additive. These include forms of probiotics Forte (Bifidumbacterin, Florin, as well as Probiform and other drugs.

In some cases, the drug and dietary supplement prebiotic are one and the same variant of a complex of strains of bacterial cultures, produced in two types due to legislative restrictions in different countries. For example, the probiotic drug Enterogermina, which can be found in pharmacies in Russia and the CIS countries, and the dietary supplement Enterogermina are completely identical and are produced by the same manufacturer.

List of probiotics - biologically active additives

Many probiotic preparations are available in the form of dietary supplements, and these are also probiotics. List of the most common dietary supplements:

  • Bifiform – probiotics for children in release forms for different age periods Baby, Baby, drug for adults Bifiform Complex;
  • Vitaflor;
  • Biovestin-lacto;
  • Normoflorin and others.

Dietary supplements, or “food” supplements, differ from drugs in a simplified scheme for testing potency and obtaining a certificate. As a rule, probiotic dietary supplements also combine several strains of various microorganisms. Thus, the following dietary supplements, considered in some cases as analogues of Linex, are contained in a daily dose for an adult:

  • Bifiform complex: bifidobacteria and lactobacilli – from 1,000 million bacterial cells of each strain;
  • Selenopropionix: selenium, Propionibacterium freudenreichii strain, lactobacilli no less than 1,000 million, inulin.

There are monocomponent biologically active supplements related to probiotics: a cheap preparation Liquid bifidobacteria concentrate contains cultures of bifidobacteria Bifidobacterium longum. The dietary supplements Iodinepropionix and Selenpropionix are based on bacteria cultures Propionibacterium freudenreichii.

Different strains of bacteria have different functions and mechanisms of action, therefore, when selecting substitutes and choosing the best probiotics, it is necessary to compare the presence of certain strains of bacterial cells and quantitative indicators. This is how analogs of Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin, Linex, analogs and substitutes for other combinations are selected. That is why it is better to choose probiotics, the list of which is quite extensive, together with a specialist. The best probiotic is the one that will effectively cope with the existing problem in a particular patient. When prescribing, the doctor selects the required combination of bacterial cell cultures, their quantitative and qualitative ratio, dose and frequency of administration, and course of treatment.

Probiotics for children and adults: Linex analogues and substitute drugs

For children, probiotics are in most cases recommended as supporting and correcting intestinal microflora agents for infectious, antibiotic-associated diarrhea or functional intestinal dysfunction associated with general immaturity of the digestive system.

On the market for probiotics for children, you can find a wide selection of both medical products and nutritional supplements. Depending on the specialist’s prescription and the cost of the drugs, you can choose analogues of the prescribed probiotic. What should you pay attention to?

If you take a drug that is common in children's practice, for example, Linex, the analogue (instructions for using the substitute drug) should largely correspond to the composition and dosage of Linex. Linex contains 3 strains of lactic acid cultures - bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and lactic acid non-toxigenic enterococcus. There are no complete analogues of this drug on the market, but there are products that can, to one degree or another, replace the effect of Linex.

Conditional analogues of Linex include the following drugs:

  • Bifiform containing bifidobacteria and enterococci, which helps restore balance in the intestinal microflora, prevents and relieves digestive disorders, enhances local immune reactions, is also prescribed for colpitis, vaginosis, chronic functional constipation;
  • Rioflora, a preparation containing a balanced complex of lacto- and bifidobacteria;
  • Biovestin-lacto, a prebiotic agent containing bifidobacteria strain adolescentis, which influences the restoration of intestinal microflora in antibiotic-associated disorders, respiratory viral infections, long-term courses of hormone therapy, radiation, allergic reactions to food, vitamin deficiencies, especially group B;
  • The drug Bifido-Normalizer contains cultures of lacto- and bifidobacteria, which causes a regulatory effect on the composition of the intestinal microflora. The drug is prescribed for dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal infections, colonization of the intestinal cavity by fungal microflora after antibiotic therapy, for disorders associated with violations of the diet and diet, food allergies, courses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy;
  • Polybacterin belongs to the group of combined probiotic agents containing lactobacilli and bifidobacteria; the drug is prescribed for disorders, diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract to restore the intestinal microenvironment and maintain local immunity;
  • Symbiolact Compositum contains three different cultures: strains of lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and lactococcus, which determines the compensatory effect of the eubiotic for deficiencies of lactic acid bacteria associated with diseases and pathologies of the digestive system, as well as general diseases of the body;
  • Flora Dofilus with a complex of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria helps normalize intestinal function.

It must be remembered that eubiotic preparations and dietary supplements have contraindications in case of individual intolerance to the components included in their composition. When taking all probiotic products, the following rules must be observed:

  • the average course of taking eubiotics is from 2 to 4 weeks, which is due to the cumulative effect of the drugs;
  • When prescribing antibacterial and probiotic agents simultaneously, it is necessary to pay attention to the mutual effect: in most cases, sequential administration is optimal: first antibiotics, then drugs that restore intestinal microflora. Otherwise, the probiotic effect is suppressed by the effects of antibacterial agents;
  • probiotic preparations have a strictly limited shelf life due to the properties of the strains;
  • If there is no pronounced effect, you should contact a specialist to select a drug with a different set of bacterial cultures.

Recently, people have often begun to talk about the usefulness of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, but not everyone understands what they are. Probiotics and prebiotics: what is the difference - probiotics are living microorganisms that are found in dairy products (yogurt, kefir), and prebiotics are the remains of food eaten in the body. They promote the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. These substances are contained in garlic, various cereals, and artichokes.

Probiotics and prebiotics for the gut

How do probiotics help protect intestinal microflora? One way is to populate it with “beneficial” bacteria, which should displace harmful microorganisms. But it should be remembered that this method will work effectively only if the microflora is corrected, in which conditions for the development of harmful bacteria previously arose. Ignoring this fact will lead to the fact that beneficial bacteria will have to be taken constantly, and their excess can cause the development of diarrhea.

Another way is to normalize the intestinal flora and use products that feed bacteria. In this case, it is necessary to use prebiotics. These substances are indigestible food residues that have a positive effect on the body. They selectively promote the development or activation of certain types of bacteria living in the large intestine, thereby beneficially affecting the health of the entire body.

List of probiotics and prebiotics

List of the most popular probiotics for improving intestinal microflora:

  • "Bifidumbacterin forte" is a probiotic of the newest generation. Since the capsule has a very strong shell, it passes through the small intestine and stomach without dissolving. Therefore, bifidobacteria that enter the colon remain intact;
  • "Profibor" has a higher saturation with bifidobacteria - one sachet contains approximately 10 servings of useful substances contained in the drug "Bifidumbacterin Forte";
  • "Biovestin", which simultaneously contains 2 types of bifidobacteria;
  • “Linex” is one of the most popular probiotics, as it contains 3 components of intestinal microflora located in different parts of this organ;
  • Another very popular probiotic drug is Bifiform.

There are also several popular prebiotics - Duphalac, which helps normalize the level of intestinal acidity, as well as Probalance, which contains dietary fiber necessary for the body.

Russian probiotics and prebiotics

Among the Russian drugs, the following probiotics and prebiotics stand out:

  • One-component products - Lactobacterin, Colibacterin, and Bifidumbacterin;

  • Multicomponent drugs manufactured in Novosibirsk - Trilact, as well as Bifidum BAG;
  • Complex product Baktistatin, which contains a growth medium of bacteria, rather than living microorganisms. Bactistatin has effective pro- and prebiotic effects.

Prebiotics and probiotics in one preparation

Synbiotics are preparations containing food ingredients that include both prebiotics and probiotics. This combination allows you to mutually enhance the effectiveness of the impact on various metabolic and physiological processes in the body. Such drugs are the following: “Bifiform”, “Polibacterin”, “Bactistatin”, “Bifidumbacterin forte”, as well as “Primadofilus”, etc.

How to take prebiotics and probiotics?

The complex probiotic Biovestin-lacto should be consumed before a meal (half an hour before) or after it (after 1 hour). Daily dosages are: children under 1 year – no more than 1 ml; children 1-6 years old - 1 ml for each year of life (for example, a child 3 years old - 3 ml, 4 years old - 4 ml, etc.); children 6-12 years old – 6 ml; children over 12 years old, as well as adults – 12 ml.

Prebiotic Baktistatin: adults take 1-2 capsules twice a day with meals. In case of poisoning, you should drink 2 capsules three times a day.

Prebiotic Eubicor for children 3-6 years old - 1 sachet, for children 6-12 years old - 2 sachets (sachet volume is 1.5 g). Adults are prescribed 1-2 packs. volume 3 g.

Probiotics and prebiotics in foods

Foods that contain the most prebiotics:

  • raw - Jerusalem artichoke, garlic, chicory root, dandelion greens, onions and leeks, wheat bran, asparagus, bananas;
  • in cooked form - wheat flour and onions.

Products that contain probiotics are, first of all, kefir. In addition, this substance can be found in cheese and cottage cheese, as well as onions, artichokes and various homemade pickles and pickles - sauerkraut, pickled apples, tomatoes and cucumbers.

Blends with probiotics and prebiotics

In the process of making infant formula, manufacturers create a composition that will be as close in properties as possible to mother's milk. For this purpose, most of them include complexes of pro- and prebiotics.

Modern research demonstrates that formulas containing probiotic strains, as well as prebiotic oligosaccharides, have a positive effect on the health of infants under 1 year of age, providing them with a more comfortable digestive process.

It was also found that children who were fed formulas containing prebiotics had more regular and soft stools. In addition, it was found that babies who consumed formula with probiotics were much less likely to develop intestinal infections or suffer from fever than infants who were given formula without these substances.

Similac Premium infant formula contains both pre- and probiotics, so it helps strengthen the child’s immunity and also improves the digestion process.

Probiotics and prebiotics for children

Often, the child receives the amount of beneficial microorganisms necessary from mother’s milk, provided that she herself consumes enough of the necessary substances. But during illness or immediately after it, the baby’s intestinal microflora is weakened, and therefore she needs additional help. In such cases, doctors prescribe medications that will be safe for any baby, even in the first days of his life.

The following drugs are probiotic: Linex, Bifidumbacterin for newborns, as well as Bifiform and Trilact. These drugs differ from each other in the number of colony-forming microorganisms per 1 ml of the drug.

Prebiotic preparations are Lactusan, Normaze, as well as Prelax and Inulin. These products differ in the content of different low molecular weight carbohydrates. For example, the drug Normaze is based on lactulose.

The best probiotics and prebiotics

Probiotics in the form of medicines are available in the form of ampoules, tablets, powders, capsules, and also vials. The liquid form is considered the most effective, since they have the strongest concentration and therefore have an immediate effect. The effect of dry probiotics begins only after 5-8 hours and lasts for quite a long time. The duration of the course of treatment can be no more than 1 month. Best probiotics for the gut:

  • Lactobacterin, containing microorganisms living in the intestines and oral cavity. They help remove cholesterol from the body and also help the process of releasing carbohydrates;
  • Bifidumbacterin, the components of which help to secrete vitamins B and K. This drug can be given even to infants. This medicine also helps eliminate inflammation in the intestines;
  • Colibacterin - this probiotic is usually prescribed to older people with pathologies of the large intestine, chronic colitis and other intestinal diseases;
  • Linex contains substances that help the production of calcium and iron, as well as vitamins of groups B and E, C and K. The drug improves the digestion process;
  • Acipol, which contains kefir grains (therefore it tastes similar to fermented milk products). This component helps eliminate acute intestinal diseases, as well as inflammation;

  • Bifiform, which helps produce special intestinal acid. The beneficial substances contained in this drug are not destroyed by antibiotics, so it can be taken in combination with them.


Duphalac, which is a solution of lactulose, contains at least 67 g of this carbohydrate in 100 ml of the drug.

Prebiotic Hilak Forte is a medicine produced in the form of a drinking suspension. It contains 4 elements, including waste products of healthy intestinal microflora. In addition, the drug contains excipients: citric, phosphoric, and lactic acid.

Calcium pantothenate is a medicine containing a complex of minerals and vitamins. The drug improves metabolism and increases the growth of intestinal bacteria. The active substances of the prebiotic prevent the development of pathogenic flora in the intestines.

Lysozyme is a natural antibacterial drug produced by certain types of bacteria. The use of Lysozyme allows you to destroy pathogenic microorganisms in the digestive tract, and also promotes the development of healthy microflora. In addition, the drug enhances the local effect of antibiotics.

Sometimes the human body needs help to normalize the functions of certain systems. There are special drugs for treating intestinal dysbiosis and normalizing its microflora - probiotics. These are medicines containing beneficial microorganisms that have a positive effect on human health.

Probiotics - what are they?

Both external and internal factors influence the functioning of the human gastrointestinal tract. This system is extremely important for life, because it is responsible for the absorption of nutrients from food, the removal of harmful elements, and cleansing. Bacterial preparations for the intestines help restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract if they have been impaired (for example, after taking antibiotics). Doctors often prescribe these medications, so you need to know what probiotics are.

These products populate the intestines with beneficial bacteria, counteract pathogenic (harmful) flora that causes constipation or diarrhea/disorder, and increase immunity. There are several types of probiotics:

  • potassium-containing;
  • bifido-containing;
  • lactose-containing.

Depending on the generation of the medication, aerococci, fungi, and enterococci may be included in the composition. The names sound scary, but the components of the drug do not cause any harm to humans. Products are available in dry and liquid form. Many of the necessary microorganisms are found in everyday food (dairy products, vegetables, fruits), but in some cases additional intake of probiotics is necessary, for example, with:

  • frequent colds to strengthen the immune system;
  • irritable bowel syndrome - these drugs improve motility, restore the intestinal mucosa;
  • food allergies - bacteria create a protective layer that prevents the allergen from penetrating into the blood;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • deficiency of vitamins B, H or K;
  • during breastfeeding – probiotics have a positive effect on the health of mother and child;
  • after taking antibiotics to restore the microflora.

Best Probiotics for the Gut

These drugs are widely represented on the drug market, so people are interested in learning about probiotics and which ones are best to take. The variety of choices is complemented by the fact that there are several generations of products that may contain one, two or many components. The best probiotics can be selected by your attending physician, taking into account the nature of the disruption of the intestinal microflora. The optimal medication option will be the one that can solve the problem in the shortest possible time.

For children

Adults are very careful about their children, so if necessary, they always look for the best probiotics for children. It should be taken into account that during breastfeeding a lot of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are supplied with milk. They will become useful “material” for strengthening the child’s immune system. If the baby is bottle-fed, some of the necessary microorganisms do not reach him, which can lead to frequent colds and dysbacteriosis.

Some formulas given to babies are saturated with lacto- and bifidobacteria; the doctor may recommend adding fermented milk products. If necessary, additional probiotics for the intestines can be prescribed for the baby - a list of the best drugs:

  • Normoflorin-B;
  • Narine;
  • Normoflorin-L;
  • Liveo Baby (a good option for constipation to normalize stool);
  • Linux;
  • Bifiform Baby.

Children over 3 years old begin to communicate with other children, attend kindergarten, and therefore are more at risk of infectious diseases. In severe cases, antibiotics may be prescribed. A new psychological and emotional stress for a child can become a trigger for dysbacteriosis, stool disorders, loss of appetite, and flatulence. For older children who have been prescribed a course of antibiotics, it is important to prevent dysbiosis. Probiotics are suitable for mitigating the effect of these factors on intestinal flora. Recommended to take:

  • Hilak Forte;
  • Liveo;
  • Pikovit;
  • Linux.

During pregnancy

Beneficial bacteria live not only on the intestinal mucosa, but also in a woman’s vagina. The main function of these microorganisms is to protect the female body from harmful bacteria and pathogens. Lactobacilli break down milk sugar, synthesize the necessary environment, bifidobacteria increase immunity, nutrient absorption, and improve metabolism.

During pregnancy, strong changes occur in the microflora of the intestines and vagina. There are more eubacteria and cocci, the number of lactobacilli decreases, and the acidity of the environment changes (it becomes more active). All this can lead to the growth of candida fungi. To maintain optimal microflora in the early stages, the best probiotics are needed.

  1. Vagilak. This drug contains lactobacilli, which have a positive effect on the microflora of the mucous membrane. Release form: candles, gel, capsules or soap. It is recommended to use the medication during preparation for childbirth. You can use a probiotic throughout pregnancy.
  2. Laktomun. This drug is designed specifically for newborns and pregnant women. The composition, according to the list of components, includes a combination of microorganisms that are aimed at strengthening the immune system. Probiotic medication should be taken to normalize the intestinal microflora and prevent the development of allergic reactions.

Inexpensive probiotics

A person may get confused by the wide list of probiotic drugs with similar names. Some medications on the list are high in cost, while others are alarming with their low prices. Patients want to purchase effective and cheap probiotics. There are available options for medicines from Germany and Russia. Below is a list of medications that have proven themselves, but at the same time have a low cost:

  1. 1st generation drugs: Bifidobacterin, Lactobacterin (dry), Narine.
  2. 2nd generation: Eubicor, Biosporin, Enterol, Biktisubtil, Sporobacterin.
  3. 3rd generation: Acilact, Linex, Analogs Acipol, Bifiform.
  4. 4th generation: Bifidumbacterin Forte, Probifor, Florin Forte.

How to Choose Probiotics for Your Gut

There are many options for this type of medication; people do not always understand whether they need probiotics with lactobacilli or bifidobacteria. The benefit of the drug lies not only in the treatment of dysbiosis. In some cases, these medications are prescribed to achieve better results in losing weight by normalizing metabolism. The best option can be prescribed by a doctor so that the drug solves existing problems. If you are going to choose the composition yourself from the list, you can be guided by the following rules:

  1. Probiotics for the intestines for constipation and bacterial infections should be taken with lacto- and bifidobacteria (Linex, Bifidin, Gastrofarm).
  2. To treat viral intestinal damage, it is better to use probiotic medications with lactobacilli (Primadofilus, Lactobacterin).
  3. For fungal infections of the intestines and vagina, bifid-containing medications are needed (Bifidumbacterin, Biovestin, Probifor).
  4. Dysbacteriosis is treated in stages: the first to take medication is with lactobacilli, then with bifidobacteria, and lastly with colibacteria.

Price for gut probiotics

This group of medications is available without a prescription at a pharmacy and can be ordered online (purchased in an online store from a pharmacy). The cost in the latter case will be lower, so to save money you can choose drugs from the catalog on the website. The price may vary depending on the region and manufacturer. Below is the estimated cost of the best probiotics for restoring intestinal microflora:

  • Bifidumbacterin – price from 70 rubles;
  • Lactobacterin – price from 90 rubles;
  • Narine, capsules – 150 rubles;
  • Biosporin - from 200 rubles;
  • Eubicor - from 300 rubles;
  • Enterol - from 400 rubles;
  • Baktisubtil - from 420 rubles;
  • Sporobacterin – from 250 rubles;
  • Biphysil - from 400 rubles;
  • Linex - from 250 rubles;
  • Acipol - from 250 rubles;
  • Acylact – from 330 rub.;
  • Probifor - from 1400 rub.;
  • Bifidumbacterin forte – from 330 rubles;
  • Florin forte – from 450 rub.


Disorders of the intestinal microflora () are a dangerous condition that contributes to the occurrence of pathologies of the digestive system and the deterioration of the condition of the body as a whole. To treat dysbiosis, special agents are used - probiotics and prebiotics.

- These are drugs that contain bacteria beneficial to the human body. They represent the basis of a new one, which develops at the site of disturbed intestinal microbiosis.

– these are preparations that contain nutrients necessary for the normal reproduction of symbiont bacteria. Drugs from this group have a beneficial effect on microorganisms already present in the intestines, stimulating their activity.

Probiotics and prebiotics have the same effect on microflora - they restore its number and activity. However, the mechanism of action of these drugs differs.

Prebiotics are drugs that support beneficial microorganisms already present in the intestines. Nutrients are not absorbed into the bloodstream and, almost unchanged, reach the large intestine, where they are consumed by beneficial bacteria. Thanks to this, they can perform their functions and reproduce more actively.

Probiotics are preparations of live bacteria. In fact, they are means of replacement therapy. Microorganisms from the medicine reach the patient’s intestines and become part of his microflora. Increasing the content of beneficial bacteria inhibits the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Over time, the normal composition of the intestinal flora is restored.

Beneficial features

List of drugs



Combined agents (synbiotics)

An effective means to combat dysbiosis are preparations that simultaneously contain beneficial microorganisms and nutrients for their active reproduction. This group includes:

  • Maxilak. Available in capsules, does not require refrigeration. Contains 9 cultures of probiotic bacteria and oligofructose.
  • Maxilak baby. Produced in powder form, approved for use from 4 months. Contains 9 strains of probiotic bacteria and fructooligosaccharides.
  • Normobact L. Available in the form of powders that include lactobacilli and fructo-oligosaccharides. Approved for use from 1 month.
  • Normospecturm. Available in the form of capsules and powders. The composition includes bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, inulin, oligofructose.
  • Bifistim. Available in chewable tablets and powders. The composition contains: bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, inulin, oligofrutose, pectin and vitamins.
  • Bifidumbacterin 1000. The drug is a combination of lactulose and bifidobacteria.
  • Bifilar. The product contains several types of microorganisms (lactobacteria and bifidobacteria), as well as fructose oligosaccharides.

Are there any contraindications?

Probiotics and prebiotics are practically harmless drugs. The only contraindication to their use is individual intolerance any component of the drug. For example, many patients may have an allergic reaction to the administration of prebiotics that contain carbohydrates. In case of severe hypersensitivity, it is recommended to select another prebiotic or replace it with a probiotic agent.

There is no universal regimen for taking probiotics. Each drug has its own recommendations for use - time of administration, dosage, duration of treatment. The specifics of using the medicine also depend on the disease that caused the dysbacteriosis, as well as on the characteristics of its course.

In acute conditions (severe diarrheal syndrome), a large dosage of drugs is prescribed. The treatment period is minimal - approximately 1-2 weeks. For chronic conditions (impaired peristalsis, increased flatulence), treatment is carried out in small doses. At the same time, the duration of therapy is quite long: drugs are prescribed for a minimum period of 1 to 3 months. They can be canceled only after the intestinal condition has normalized.

Caution should be exercised when prescribing medications to patients who have an increased tendency to allergic reactions. They are prescribed the medicine in a minimum dosage, which is gradually increased to the optimal one. Medication intake for children is determined separately. They are usually prescribed ½ or ¼ of the adult dosage.

Is it possible to take medications for prevention?

Preparations from the groups of probiotics and prebiotics can be used for. However, it is not recommended to take them uncontrollably without consulting with specialists.

There will be no harm from prescribing medications, but the benefits in some cases are questionable. A person with normal intestinal microflora does not need to be colonized with new beneficial bacteria that are part of probiotics. The same applies to prebiotics. A person without disturbances in the composition of the microflora will only need to consume foods that have a beneficial effect on the microorganisms of the digestive system (see below). In this case, a well-chosen diet will provide more benefits than medications.

Prevention of dysbiosis with probiotics is indicated at a high risk of developing intestinal dysbiosis. For example, if a person has undergone a long course of antibacterial treatment, then it is worth choosing a suitable preparation of beneficial bacteria and taking the course. The use of specialized medications is justified after suffering severe intestinal infections, which are risk factors for the development of dysbiosis.

Probiotics and prebiotics in food

  • Fruits: citrus fruits, apples, avocados, pineapples, bananas, melons, pears, prunes.
  • Vegetables: sweet potatoes, tomatoes, green peas, carrots, beets.
  • Cereals: beans, rye, barley, brown rice.
  • Spices: cinnamon, anise seeds, ginger, turmeric.
  • Dairy products: soft cheese, buttermilk, kefir.

Probiotics are a broad group of medications whose action is aimed at restoring the intestines and the entire digestive system. A feature of the composition of these medications is the presence of stamps of living bacteria in them. These organisms do not cause any harm to the digestive tract, since they are completely natural for it and form part of the healthy intestinal microflora. Probiotics have a positive effect not only on digestion and intestinal function, they also stimulate the production of vitamins, folic acid, biotin and improve their absorption.

After entering the digestive system, live bacteria have an extremely positive effect on the intestines and adjacent sections:

  • are able to restore especially delicate and sensitive microflora of the intestinal mucosa after taking aggressive medications, including antibacterial ones;
  • activate the production of vitamin and mineral elements;
  • activate the production of digestive elements that contribute to the correct and rapid processing of food and its subsequent removal from the body;
  • additionally lower the level of bad cholesterol;
  • probiotics relieve inflammation, remove allergens and other harmful enzymes from tissues and organs;
  • quickly reduce the acidity level in the colon to normal levels;
  • provoke the process of regeneration of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, and not just one intestine;
  • significantly increase immunity, allowing you to quickly get rid of the symptoms of colds, poisoning and other serious conditions.

Attention! It is useful to take probiotics in courses even in the absence of obvious problems with the intestines, but in case of periodic failures in its functioning or after a period of poor nutrition. The strains used will improve bowel movements and protect against insufficient or excessive intestinal motility.

Types of probiotics and their features

1 The base of the drug is one bacterium, which is supplemented by other less numerous components
2 This group of prebiotics includes yeast-like fungi and spore-type bacilli, which belong to the class of antagonists
3 Multicomponent preparations with several stamps of beneficial bacteria and additional mineral and vitamin supplements
4 Medicines belong to the class of synbiotics, consisting of several strains of bacteria and special components that help them multiply faster and colonize damaged mucous membranes

Attention! Today, experts also recommend focusing not only on the generation of probiotics, but also on the release form. Previously, powders and liquid forms of medications in this group were considered the most effective. But today it is easier to take enteric capsules and tablets. They begin to act immediately after entering the digestive system, they are easy to measure the required dose, and the positive result is long-lasting.

Bifidumbacterin for intestinal restoration

Quite often prescribed for the treatment of patients of any age, it is one of the very first probiotics. Depending on your preference, you can purchase the medication in the form of capsules, tablets, granules for preparing a solution, as well as rectal and vaginal suppositories. The probiotic contains one active strain of bifidobacteria. It is recommended for use in cases of severe intestinal dysfunction, when the digestive system is affected by viruses, harmful bacteria and the development of local and extensive inflammatory processes in the large and small intestines.

The dosage of the probiotic is calculated for each patient strictly according to indications, taking into account age, weight and the presence of other associated health problems. An adult patient is recommended to take 15 doses of Bifidumbacterin, which should be divided into several doses. It is recommended to drink the drug 20-40 minutes before meals. Once diluted, the powder should be taken immediately as it quickly loses its effectiveness.

Attention! When taking it, it should be taken into account that all forms of the medication except the powder contain one dose of probiotic. One packet of powder contains 5 doses of the active ingredient. In rare cases, Bifidumbacterin provoked minor allergic reactions.

Video: Bifidumbacterin - Review, instructions, review

Acipol against dysbiosis and other intestinal problems

This drug belongs to symbiotics, which are the third generation of multicomponent probiotics. A feature of Atsipol is its ability to create such unsuitable conditions for pathogenic organisms that they begin to die or move through the intestines, leaving the body naturally. As a result, the microflora becomes healthier literally from the first day. Intestinal motility and peristalsis return to normal, diarrhea stops.

Acipol is used when necessary to eliminate symptoms of colitis, enterocolitis, allergic reactions from the intestines, as well as intoxications and viral attacks. The product is taken in the form of capsules, which cannot be divided and must be washed down with clean water. The exception is small children, for whom you can open the dose and take out its contents. The dosage of the medication is 1 capsule three times a day for 2-4 weeks. Admission is prohibited until three months of age. In some cases, Acipol provoked allergic reactions in the form of additional digestive system disorders.

Attention! Additionally, when taking Acipol, metabolic processes in the body are significantly activated, inflammatory processes in the entire digestive system are relieved.

Bifiform for intestinal restoration

This probiotic belongs to the third class, among the main components are bifidobacteria and enterococci. The children's variety Bififorma is additionally enriched with B vitamins, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle and the whole body. Beneficial organisms quickly restore the functioning of the digestive tract, completely suppressing the possibility of further bacterial growth.

Bifiform is available in several forms. Adult patients can purchase capsules and tablets, and for children an oil solution, granules for preparing a solution, and small tablets with orange or berry flavoring are available.

Bifiform is used for preventive measures, for the treatment of dysbiosis, diarrhea, constipation and severe bloating. Additionally, as a combination therapy, this drug can be used to eliminate attacks of ulcerative exacerbation, gastritis and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

There are no obvious contraindications to the drug, with the exception of excessive sensitivity to components, including additives. The dosage and course of treatment can only be selected by the attending physician, taking into account the severity of symptoms and other associated complications.

Attention! Since the medication intended for children contains B vitamins, you should make sure that the patient does not develop an undesirable effect due to hypervitaminosis.

Video - How probiotics work

Maxilak against dysbiosis and intestinal disorders

A drug with a combined spectrum of effects that has a powerful positive effect on all systems of the body. The synbiotic contains beneficial strains of bacteria, as well as substances that help beneficial organisms quickly replace pathogenic intestinal microflora.

The basis of the dosage form is made up of four types of beneficial bacteria. These include lactobacilli, lactococci, bifidobacteria and a probiotic component. Maxilac should also be taken during the prescription of antibacterial agents or to restore parts of the digestive tract after other medications. The drug is available in capsule form for oral use.

The recommended dosage of the drug is one dose immediately after dinner. The duration of therapy is usually four weeks, but in some cases it can be shortened or extended for another 14 days. Taking Maxilac is recommended only from 14 years of age due to its special combined form.

Attention! If there is an urgent need to treat children under the recommended age with this drug, you should first consult with a pediatrician. May cause allergic reactions and additional problems with the digestive system.

Probifor against intestinal disorders and normalization of microflora

This drug is a powerful remedy in the fight against food poisoning and serious intestinal infections. It contains a multiple complex of beneficial bacteria, including lactobacilli, bifidumbacteria, spore bacilli and others. All this allows you to defeat the disorder without the use of antibacterial drugs.

The drug Probifor is a powerful tool in the fight against food poisoning and serious intestinal infections

Despite such a rapid and fairly aggressive effect against pathogenic microorganisms, Probifor only in exceptional cases caused negative symptoms in the form of an allergic reaction. It can be used to treat small and premature babies. Already on the first day, the drug relieves symptoms of intoxication, stops diarrhea, and normalizes the digestion process.

To relieve acute syndrome in adult patients, a regimen is used that involves taking 2 capsules of the medication three times a day for 5 days. For chronic disorders or pathologies of a functional type, treatment involves 2-3 capsules of Probifor three times a day. The duration of therapy is 15 days.

Attention! For acute attacks of diarrhea, adult patients may benefit from a more aggressive treatment regimen. It involves taking six Probifor capsules at a time daily for three days.

Enterozermina for intestinal problems

The drug is available in capsule form. The main active ingredient of the probiotic is spore bacilli, which provide the necessary rapid therapeutic effect. The drug is used to treat patients with damaged intestinal microflora, which ultimately provoked severe dysbiosis and vitamin deficiency against the background of the underlying disease.

There are no obvious contraindications to the use of Enterozermina, with the exception of cases of intolerance to the active substance and auxiliary components. Can be used during pregnancy and childhood. The adult dosage of Enterozermina is 2-3 capsules of medication per day. Taking into account the severity of symptoms and the presence of other diseases and chronic pathologies, the doctor may choose a different regimen for taking the probiotic. The duration of therapy is determined for each patient individually.

Attention! Enterozermina has proven itself well in the treatment and prevention of dysbiosis and disturbances of intestinal microflora during the use of antibacterial agents. The only condition for a normal therapeutic result in this case is a mandatory break between doses of drugs of 1-2 hours.

Video: Enterozermina video instruction

Yogulact in the treatment of pathogenic microflora of the gastrointestinal tract

Safe, but very effective and fast-acting medicine. Allows you to restore the microflora of damaged mucosa in case of intestinal dysfunction due to poor nutrition, heavy load on the gastrointestinal tract, stress shocks, taking medications and the effects of food allergies.

Yogulact is a synbiotic, which makes it one of the most effective probiotics today that can also be taken during pregnancy. You can take the drug from three months of age. In childhood, only the pediatrician selects the dose and the exact course of therapy. From the age of 14, Yogulact is taken in adult doses, which are 1-2 capsules of the active substance up to three times a day. You can take the probiotic for up to 8 weeks in a row.

Attention! The special composition of Yogulact has a positive effect on the respiratory system and skin. It protects against the development or formation of attacks of bronchial asthma, skin irritation, including atopic dermatitis.

RioFlora for intestinal protection

This drug was created specifically to prevent the colonization of pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal microflora due to the effects of antibiotics. If the first symptoms of dysbacteriosis have already been noted, RioFlor will quickly stop the process of damage to the mucous membrane, populating it with beneficial organisms.

The probiotic contains several types of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which provide lasting and safe results. The drug should be taken strictly from the age of three, adhering to the recommended treatment regimen. It involves taking two capsules of the medication in the morning and evening. It is advisable to take the medication on an empty stomach; in the evening this should be done 2-3 hours after dinner.

Attention! If it is not possible to swallow the entire capsule, it can be pre-dissolved in warm milk, yogurt or water. The liquid must not be hot. But such methods should be resorted to only in extreme cases.

Bactisubtil for healing the intestinal mucosa

The drug is dispensed in the form of enteric capsules. The main active components of the drug are spore bacilli and a small vitamin complex. This thoughtful combination makes it possible to increase the body’s overall resistance to the pathogen and relieve not only the symptoms of intestinal disorder, but also weakness and headaches. This is possible due to the absorbent function of Baktisubtil, in which a rapid reduction in the symptoms of intoxication is observed.

Taking into account the severity of symptoms, Bactisubtil is taken in a dosage of 4-8 capsules of the active substance during the day. The recommended course of therapy is 7-10 days. The probiotic can be used in childhood, but the amount of the active substance must be chosen by the attending physician.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to take Bactisubtil with hot or warm liquid. To obtain the desired result and prevent the destruction of spore bacilli, the probiotic should be taken an hour before meals, drinking the capsule only with cool water.

If you or your loved ones have signs of dysbiosis, you should identify the exact cause of the disorder and, if necessary, undergo treatment with probiotics. They are one of the safest medicines with minimal potential for side effects. At the same time, the protective functions of the body increase significantly, the overall resistance of the body increases, and signs of the disorder completely disappear. If necessary, probiotics are taken over a long course and can be easily combined with other drugs.