What are the best antibiotics for the throat? Antibiotics for the throat - which ones are best to take, the most effective means. Treatment of bacterial infections

Inflammation of the throat and larynx is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon that accompanies many colds. There are many ways to get rid of it, but in some cases the best effect will be provided by products that have an antimicrobial effect.

When do you need antibiotics for a sore throat?

Unpleasant sensations in the larynx can occur for various reasons. That is why you should definitely visit a doctor and not prescribe treatment yourself. An incorrectly selected product not only does not help, but can also cause great harm. But the doctor will assess the patient’s general condition, perform an initial examination of the throat, and, if necessary, refer the person to the laboratory for appropriate tests.

If a sore throat in an adult or a child is present without fever, it is possible that the unpleasant symptom can be relieved without antibiotics. Treatment of the throat with antibiotic drugs is most effective in cases where other simpler methods have failed to relieve pain.

Antibiotics for sore throat are used when the disease is of bacteriological origin. If the cause is viruses, then antibiotics do not help.

All antibiotics, including those for the throat, have a number of side effects. In cases where such drugs are used incorrectly, a person may become addicted and the drug will no longer have the necessary effect.

The etiology of the disease can only be determined on the basis of laboratory tests, namely a blood test and a throat smear and a blood test.

  1. These medications can only be used when it is precisely established that the origin of the disease is of a bacteriological nature.
  2. To correctly prescribe the drug, it is necessary to accurately determine the type of bacteria.
  3. Even after a noticeable improvement in the condition, it is necessary to complete the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor.
  4. Treatment with antibiotics must be carried out, strictly observing the time interval between taking tablets. You cannot shorten or lengthen it yourself.
  5. You should be clear about the compatibility of a particular antibiotic with other medications you are taking.

In the case when a sore throat or tonsillitis is caused by staphylococci or streptococci, antibacterial drugs can not only speed up the healing process, but also significantly reduce the risk of various complications.

If it is not possible to bring down the temperature for a long time, and the lymph nodes are also very enlarged, then the specialist will prescribe drugs from the following groups:

  1. Penicillins.
  2. Cephalosporins.
  3. Lincosamides.
  4. Macrolides.

After recovery, you should drink probiotics for the normal restoration of intestinal microflora, which will certainly be affected by the antibiotics used.

It should be remembered that antibacterial therapy is a serious matter and it is unsafe to prescribe it without consulting a doctor.

First aid for sore throat

The bacteriological origin of the infection can be preliminarily determined by the following signs:

  • it is not possible to reduce the elevated body temperature;
  • there is pain in the throat area;
  • the tonsils are swollen, they may have a purulent coating;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • there is pain in the submandibular area.

But in order to accurately cure the disease, it is necessary to determine the etiology of the disease. This can only be done with the help of analyses.

While laboratory research is underway, more gentle means can be used to treat the throat. These can be various tablets, lozenges, lozenges or sprays.

Grammidin, Grammidin Neo

Local preparations with good antibacterial effect. Help relieve pain from tonsillitis and sore throat.


A very common and popular medicine. This is an antibacterial spray for irrigating the throat.


This medication is very effective for sore throat. Available in the form of lozenges and spray. It contains the substance benzocaine. It is thanks to him that a severe sore throat is relieved within a short time.


This remedy for sore throat is available in the form of lozenges. The substance ambazon in the composition of the drug has a strong antiseptic effect and copes well with throat infections. On average, 3 tablets are dissolved per day for acute pain, then the dose can be reduced.


An excellent remedy to combat a sore throat. Contains several effective components that actively cope with the unpleasant symptom of a sore throat. One of the best topical medicines. Lozenges help quickly relieve acute pain. Also helps with coughs.


The product is suitable for gargling; the substance quickly destroys most bacteria, and is not absorbed into the blood. This makes it possible to widely use the medicine to treat patients of almost any age. Does not have the disadvantages of antibiotics.

Lidocaine hydrochloride

A drug with a strong anesthetic effect, it helps when it hurts to swallow.

After carrying out procedures with any of these medications, you must refrain from eating for at least 30 minutes for the best effect of the medication.

Treatment of the throat should be carried out at intervals of no more than 3 hours; if necessary, the interval can be 1-1.5 hours

Penicillin group

For treating a sore throat, medications from the group of protected penicillins are best suited. Clavulanic acid, which is part of the product, improves the therapeutic effect. The following are the most famous drugs.


It is very often prescribed for sore throat. This drug has a wide spectrum of action and is non-toxic, so it is often prescribed to children. The course of treatment is at least 10 days. If treatment is interrupted, recurrent antibiotic-resistant tonsillitis may develop. If this happens, amoxicillin should be discontinued and another drug should be taken in the future.


Strong antimicrobial agent. Has a wide spectrum of action. However, this drug may cause allergic reactions in the patient. Like most other antibiotics, it has an extensive list of contraindications and side effects.


This drug is incompatible with some other drugs, so you must carefully read the manufacturer's instructions for it before using the product.


It is used in the treatment of many diseases, and is also used to relieve sore throat. This drug is available in several forms: granules for making a suspension for children, powder, and can be used as a local antibiotic for the throat. The product has an impressive list of side effects.

The drug is poorly compatible with many drugs.

Flemoklav Solutab

It relieves severe inflammation well. The medicine is available and has a fairly rapid effect. However, the tablets are large and children cannot always swallow the medicine right away.


A strong antibiotic with a fairly long period of action. Acts on bacteria sensitive to penicillin.

All drugs in this group should be taken only if they are recommended by a doctor and it is impossible to do without them.

Cephalosporins: advantages and disadvantages

For a sore throat, drugs of this group can be prescribed if the patient is intolerant to penicillin. However, experts often do not recommend antibiotics of this group due to low bioavailability. But still, the following drugs are often prescribed for penicillin intolerance:


Has a good antimicrobial effect. Contraindications are relative, so it should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the patient’s health condition, especially carefully.


Cefuroxime is the main active ingredient. The medicine is available in the form of granules for the preparation of suspension, powder and tablets.


The drug is active against most bacteria and has a wide spectrum of action.

You should know that drugs in this group are not always effective for bacterial pharyngitis.

However, doctors can prescribe antibiotics of this group even in injections, especially when it comes to treating children. Adults can be prescribed drugs Levofloxacin, Cefuroxin.

Lincosamides: advantages

The drugs in this group have the least disadvantages of other antibiotics. They are very effective for bacterial sore throat, but many patients are unfamiliar with these medications.

Among them, however, there is a long-known and well-proven remedy with a strong antibacterial effect - lincomycin.


The drug copes well with many types of bacteria; there is no addiction to it. Effective in the treatment of follicular, phlegmous, lacunar and mixed forms of tonsillitis. It should be remembered that therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, especially when it comes to the treatment of sore throat in children.


Also belongs to the group of lincosamides. Recently, this antibiotic has become very popular. However, it should be borne in mind that the remedy only helps in the treatment of sore throats caused by beta-hemolytic streptococci. Sometimes it can be found under other names Dalatsin or Klindacin. Drugs in this group are taken at least four times a day because they have a fast half-life.


Sometimes patients develop phlegmatic (complicated) tonsillitis. This happens in patients who have a weak immune system or in those patients who do not comply with the therapy regimen. Antibiotics from the penicillin group, cephalosporins or lincosamides will help to cope with the causative agents of the disease. But sometimes it is possible to develop resistance to these drugs. This happens because harmful microorganisms penetrate inside the cells. Only drugs from the macrolide group can affect them.

This is a strong antibiotic. They are prescribed to be taken once a day. The most well-known drugs in this series are Azithromycin and Clarithromycin.


The drug is available in tablet form and contains the active ingredient of the same name. It has a destructive effect on most known bacteria. Depending on the patient’s condition, it can be prescribed independently or as part of complex therapy. The drug has a number of contraindications. In particular, it is not prescribed to patients under 12 years of age, and it cannot be used simultaneously with ergotinine and dihydroergotanine drugs. Before prescribing a medicine, you must ensure that the patient has no contraindications for use. Has a number of side effects.


Antibiotic throat tablets are taken orally; their use is not associated with food intake.

The drug has a large number of side effects, so this should be taken into account before using it.

Antibiotic treatment should always be completed.

It should be remembered that all respiratory diseases, accompanied by certain symptoms, are very dangerous both for the victim and for others. Therefore, if you have a sore throat, you should visit a doctor. When treating children, a visit to a specialist is required, since the dosage of drugs differs significantly from that intended for an adult.

Sore throat is one of the most common symptoms with which patients usually come to the doctor. It is usually a key sign of microbial inflammation of the mucous membrane or tonsils. And many patients almost categorically demand the prescription of an effective antibiotic that would relieve them of this problem as quickly as possible.

When to take antibiotics for a sore throat

However, according to statistics, only in a third of cases of sore throat can the prescription of antibacterial agents be truly justified. The main reason is that most acute processes in the oropharynx are caused by viral pathogens, on which antibiotics have no effect.

Frequent unjustified prescription of antibacterial agents has caused another problem - the growth of microflora resistance. This process has recently reached such proportions that some doctors have declared the end of the era of antibiotics. Of course, this moment has not yet arrived, but this situation requires a more rational prescription of this group of drugs.

Since antibacterial agents are drugs with systemic action, they can only be prescribed by a qualified doctor.

Self-use of antibiotics often does not give the expected results and brings numerous side effects.

The doctor must conduct a thorough interview and examination of the patient. With bacterial pathology of the oropharynx, the most common is acute or chronic tonsillitis, in which damage to the tonsils is observed. They enlarge, swell, and purulent gray deposits can be seen on their surface or in the lacunae.

This is accompanied by an increase in temperature to febrile levels (38.0 ° C), the development of symptoms of general intoxication (decreased performance, headache, dizziness, sleep disturbance, lack of appetite, rapid fatigue). The patient often feels a lump in the throat and may have difficulty swallowing due to pain.

If the patient has an acute viral infection, then there is no point in prescribing antibiotics for a sore throat. However, after the fourth day of illness, there is a risk of secondary bacterial pathology due to weakened immunity.

A general blood test is required. In it, the bacterial etiology of the process is indicated by an increase in the number of leukocytes, neutrophils, the appearance of their immature “young” forms, as well as an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).

Bacteriological examination remains the most accurate method for determining the type of pathogen. It requires taking a smear from the back wall of the oropharynx and tonsils.

This material is sent to the laboratory and after a few days they receive a response indicating the microorganism that caused the disease. The sensitivity of microflora to antibacterial drugs is also being studied.

Antibiotics prescribed for sore throat

If you have a sore throat, many doctors use macrolide antibiotics, in particular azithromycin. The drug has a bacteriostatic effect - its molecules pass into bacterial cells and block the 50S ribosomal subunit. This leads to the impossibility of further protein synthesis and reproduction of microorganisms.

There is also an increase in the sensitivity of microbes to the action of specific defense mechanisms of the immune system. When taken orally, the drug also increases its concentration at the site of inflammation for up to 72 hours. The ability to accumulate in tissues makes the antibiotic as convenient as possible for use.

This antibiotic for the throat is effective against most pathogens that can cause the development of bacterial pathology of the oropharynx - staphylococci, streptococci, legionella, neisseria, mycoplasma.

This antibiotic should not be prescribed for the following conditions:

  • the patient has hypersensitivity to macrolide drugs;
  • chronic pathologies of the liver or kidneys with dysfunction of these organs;
  • congenital anomalies of the development of the cardiac conduction system (with a tendency to develop tachyarrhythmias).

The following side effects are possible during azithromycin therapy:

  • dyspeptic disorders (feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, diarrhea);
  • allergic reactions of varying severity;
  • transient increase in the concentration of liver enzymes and bilirubin;
  • prolongation of the Q-T segment on the ECG, development of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias;
  • headache, dizziness, tinnitus;
  • decrease in blood pressure.

Adults are usually prescribed azithromycin once daily in the form of 500 mg tablets. For children under 6 years of age, the antibiotic is released in syrup with a special measuring spoon or syringe (the dose must be calculated based on the age and body weight of the child).

The minimum duration of antibiotic treatment for a throat is 3 days.

Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid

The combination of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid is often optimal for the treatment of bacterial pathologies of the oropharynx. The original drug is Augmentin. Amoxicillin is a penicillin antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action.

Its molecules disrupt the integrity of the cell membranes of pathogenic pathogens, which leads to their lysis and death. Therapeutic concentrations of the drug are observed in most tissues of the body, including the respiratory epithelium. Azithromycin shows good effectiveness against most strains of staphylococci, streptococci, meningococci, and Haemophilus influenzae.

Clavulanic acid is a specific inhibitor of penicillinases, enzymes that bacteria produce to break down antibiotic molecules. Its presence significantly expands the spectrum of action of the drug.

"Augmentin", like other representatives of penicillins, is one of the safest drugs.

It is allowed to be used during pregnancy and from the first weeks of a child’s life. But it also has one drawback - quite often there is hypersensitivity to it and allergic reactions develop.

Moreover, if this side effect has already been observed in the patient previously when taking an antibiotic from the group of beta-lactam drugs (cephalosporins, monobactams, carbapenems and penicillins), then prescribing Augmentin is strictly prohibited.

"Augmentin" is produced both in the form of tablets (825/125 mg and 500/125 mg) and syrup for children. The dose for a child should be calculated based on the weight of 25 or 45 mg of the drug per 1 kg of body weight, depending on the severity of the pathology. The antibiotic is taken two or three times a day. The course of drug therapy lasts 5-14 days.

In inpatient settings, ceftriaxone, a third-generation cephalosporin drug, is often chosen for the treatment of bacterial tonsillitis. It penetrates well through all barriers in the human body and has a pronounced bactericidal effect.

Like penicillins, ceftriaxone destroys the cell membranes of microbes.

The antibiotic is characterized by low bioavailability when administered orally, so it is administered only intramuscularly or intravenously. The drug is excreted from the body primarily by the kidneys, but some is also excreted in the bile. The antibiotic acts on most pathogens of bacterial pharyngitis - staphylococci, streptococci, meningococci, pneumococci.

The following side effects are possible when using ceftriaxone:

  • allergic reactions of varying severity (the appearance of a rash with severe itching, swelling at the injection site, the development of anaphylactic shock);
  • inhibition of hematopoiesis (increased risk of bleeding, severe anaplastic anemia, decreased body resistance to infections);
  • functional disorders of the digestive tract;
  • addition of a secondary infection;
  • interstitial nephritis with increased concentrations of urea and createnine in the blood;
  • pseudomembranous colitis;
  • transient increase in liver enzymes;
  • headaches, dizziness, feeling of general weakness.

Ceftriaxone is available in powder form in vials. Before administering it, it is necessary to dilute the contents in physiological solution (water for injection). The drug for bacterial pathologies of the oropharynx is administered mainly intramuscularly 2 times a day, 1 g.

If the patient’s condition is serious, the drug is switched to intravenous administration. For a child, the calculation is based on a dose of 50 mg per 1 kg of body weight for 2 separate administrations. The course of treatment with ceftriaxone is at least 5 days.

Ampicillin with sulfbactam

Another antibiotic that is often used in hospitals to treat bacterial pharyngitis or tonsillitis is Trifamox. It contains the penicillin antibacterial agent ampicillin and the bacterial enzyme inhibitor sulfbactam. Ampicillin is a classic bactericidal antibiotic.

After intravenous or intramuscular administration, high concentrations in the respiratory system are recorded within 20-30 minutes. Sulfbactam is similar in chemical structure to beta-lactam drugs and irreversibly inhibits a number of bacterial enzymes that break down antibiotic molecules.

This allows you to overcome the resistance of the pathogen.

Contraindications to the use of Trifamox are as follows:

  • the presence of hypersensitivity to beta-lactam drugs;
  • suspicion of infectious mononucleosis;
  • hematological pathologies (leukemia);
  • chronic inflammatory processes of the digestive system;
  • violation of the filtration function of the kidneys.

Among the side effects, it is necessary to highlight allergic reactions, digestive disorders, the addition of secondary bacterial or fungal pathology, transient jaundice and interstitial nephritis.

Cases of toxic effects on the central nervous system have been described, in which hyperkinesis, reactive agitation and headache were observed.

Episodes of discoloration of the tongue and surface of the teeth have also been noted.

Trifamox is available in powder form for intravenous or intramuscular administration, 500/250 mg or 1000/250 mg of ampicillin with sulfbactam. For adult patients, 1 g of the drug is administered 2 or 3 times a day. For children (depending on their age), 250 or 500 mg of ampicillin can be used. The course of treatment lasts 5-14 days.


The video talks about how to quickly cure a cold, flu or acute respiratory viral infection. Opinion of an experienced doctor.

The most common complaint of patients when visiting a specialist is a sore throat, which can occur for various reasons. To prescribe effective treatment, the doctor conducts a thorough examination of the patient and, if necessary, selects drug therapy. In what cases is an antibiotic indicated for sore throat in adults and children, and when is it best to refuse treatment with it?

Antibiotics are prescribed if the sore throat is caused by a bacterial infection

In fact, a sore throat does not always require taking an antibiotic, especially without consulting a specialist. Such pain in the mouth may be one of the symptoms of a cold or a viral disease, for which such medicine is completely useless. In this regard, it is first necessary to find out the cause that provoked the appearance of sore throat and only then begin treatment.

If the patient suffers from a sore throat, but the body temperature remains normal, then topical medications, for example, lozenges, can be used. If you have painful sensations in the throat that persist for a long time and are not replaced by other symptoms, you should definitely seek advice from a specialist. Often the cause of throat discomfort is infections of viral or fungal origin, for which antibiotics are considered a completely useless medicine.

Antibiotics are antibacterial substances of predominantly natural origin, which have an inhibitory effect on the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms, and also cause their death.

When diagnosing a streptococcal infection, such medications are mandatory, since the lack of effective treatment can cause the development of serious complications.

Antibacterial drugs are necessarily prescribed for acute tonsillitis, and in other cases their use depends on the type of throat pathology and the general condition of the patient. In what situations is taking antibacterial drugs absolutely necessary:

  • sore throat of bacterial origin
  • severe intoxication of the body
  • development of purulent complications
  • diagnosing pathologies such as sinusitis and sinusitis
  • presence in the patient's history of recurrent otitis media
  • sore throat combined with high body temperature for several days
  • chronic diseases of inflammatory origin
  • concomitant bronchitis and pneumonia

In any case, only a specialist can prescribe antibacterial drugs, taking into account the possible risk of such treatment and its expected effectiveness.

There are many types of antibiotics for treating the throat; the doctor can choose the right one after examination.

Most often, antibacterial drugs for pain in the throat are prescribed for acute tonsillitis and these should be broad-spectrum drugs. Taking them does not reduce the duration of the disease, but allows you to get rid of unpleasant symptoms already on the third day after starting to take them. In addition, the prescription of broad-spectrum antibiotics helps to avoid the development of various diseases that often occur with sore throat.

When a sore throat occurs, specialists most often prescribe antibiotics such as penicillins and cephalosporins. This is due to the fact that streptococcal infections experience increased sensitivity to these particular groups of drugs. Both natural and synthetic penicillins can be used for treatment. They have a destructive effect on many microorganisms, and are also characterized by good bioavailability and low toxicity.

A good effect in the treatment of acute tonsillitis is provided by those antibacterial drugs that are administered intramuscularly.

Taking into account the type of disease and the degree of the pathological process, penicillin can be prescribed for oral administration.

Treatment of throat disease in adults is most often carried out with the help of:

  • Benzylpenicillin
  • Amoxicillin
  • Bicillina
  • Augmentina
  • Amoxiclava

If a bacterial throat disease is identified in childhood, the following is usually prescribed for treatment:

  • Amosin
  • Flemoxin Solutab
  • Amoxiclav

Useful video - Antibiotics for sore throat:

It should be remembered that sore throat must be treated, because in the absence of effective therapy, the risk of it becoming chronic increases. If this does happen, the treatment is supplemented with antibacterial drugs that contain penicillic acid or its semi-synthetic analogues in a higher dosage. The most effective drug is Ampicillin, which has an inhibitory effect on bacterial growth.

If a patient is diagnosed with a sore throat without a rise in body temperature, then treatment is carried out using:

  • Amoxicillin
  • Ampicillin

Antibacterial therapy often causes the development of side effects from the digestive tract. It is for this reason that experts prescribe special medications that help restore normal intestinal microflora and ensure normal liver function.

Antibiotics are prescribed to pregnant women if other treatment methods are not effective.

Taking any medications during pregnancy is carried out only under the supervision of a specialist, and this is especially true for antibiotics. Usually they are prescribed only when the real benefit of taking them for the expectant mother outweighs the possible harm to the fetus.

In most cases, antibacterial therapy is resorted to during pregnancy if a high body temperature persists for several days, which cannot be brought down by any means.

Expectant mothers are prescribed gentle antibacterial drugs with a minimum concentration, which are absorbed into the blood in small quantities and have a local effect. These include:

  • Doctor Mom lollipops containing phytocomponents
  • lollipops with sage or chamomile, which can be purchased at any pharmacy
  • Inhalipt spray, which helps reduce tissue swelling and speed up the healing process
  • Bronchicum containing herbal components is suitable for the treatment of young children
  • Orasept spray with phenol has an antimicrobial effect and quickly eliminates tissue inflammation
  • Faringosept is an antiseptic drug and helps not only eliminate unpleasant symptoms, but also relieve inflammation

It is important to remember that during pregnancy it is prohibited to use an antibacterial agent such as Bioparox. Despite its high effectiveness, this drug is considered a local antibiotic and can have a negative effect on the woman’s body and the developing fetus. Only a specialist can prescribe medications to expectant mothers to treat the throat, so any self-medication should be avoided.

Antibiotics are only effective and beneficial medicines when taken correctly!

For any throat disease, the prescription of antibacterial drugs is carried out taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen to it. One type of medicine can have a detrimental effect on cocci, others on bacilli, and still others have a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity. Penicillin is considered an active antibiotic against streptococci, so it is most often prescribed for sore throats.

This antibiotic does not have a negative effect on the intestinal microflora and does not cause any disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, as often happens when treated with other drugs.

There are some rules for taking antibacterial drugs, the observance of which is mandatory when treating sore throat:

  1. Any medicine may cause side effects, and if they occur, you should stop taking them and consult your doctor
  2. You cannot stop taking an antibiotic at your own request, even if the patient’s condition has noticeably improved
  3. if it is possible to carry out treatment with drugs of a narrower group, they should be given preference for throat diseases
  4. you cannot use the same antibacterial agent to treat a disease several times in a row, since the risk of developing severe allergic reactions is too high
  5. It is necessary to take antibiotics in a strictly specified dosage and you cannot reduce or increase it yourself
  6. Before starting antibacterial therapy, it is necessary to study the instructions that come with any medicine
  7. any local or systemic antibacterial drug should be prescribed only by a specialist

In fact, not everyone can take antibiotics to treat throat diseases, and there are contraindications for some categories of people to undergo such treatment. The following patients should not take antibiotics:

  • women during pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • patients suffering from allergic reactions to various medications
  • patients diagnosed with renal or liver failure, as well as chronic diseases of such organs

Treatment of sore throat is carried out not only with antibacterial drugs, but also with the help of concomitant therapy. To speed up recovery, the patient is recommended to gargle with medicinal solutions, use compresses and do inhalations.

In the summer heat, also from hypothermia, but only the mucous membrane of the throat after ice cream or ice water from the refrigerator. Bacteria and viruses also do their job regularly, so a sore throat occurs with bacterial sore throat and viral diseases, for example, laryngitis, pharyngitis.

Causes of sore throat

In addition to bacterial and viral infections, sore throat occurs as a result of:

  • overstrain (failure) of the vocal cords in singers and actors, announcers and speakers, teachers, trainers, children after screaming;
  • staying in a smoky or dusty place for a long time or in a room with too dry air or caustic chemical fumes;
  • injury to the mucous membrane of the throat from fish bones, random foreign bodies, and hot food.

When are antibiotics prescribed for a sore throat?

It is useless to treat a viral infection with antibiotics. Antibiotics are prescribed to treat bacterial infections that cause sore throat. But first, you need to find out by culturing throat swabs about the sensitivity of the bacterial flora to certain antibiotics.

Inflammation in the throat causes pain. Antibiotics are prescribed: injections, tablets, as well as lozenges, spray for inflammation of the tonsils in the throat - for tonsillitis or bacterial sore throat and cough. If the inflammatory process develops around the tonsils - on the mucous membrane of the pharynx and the throat hurts, then viral pharyngitis is diagnosed. Antibiotics will not help in this case.

Antibiotics are prescribed if the following symptoms occur:

  • rapid rise in body temperature (above 38.5-39°C);
  • immediate development of sore throat (tonsils) and the appearance of pus;
  • enlarged submandibular and cervical lymph nodes;
  • deterioration of the patient’s general condition: spread of infection, which led to intoxication of the body, concomitant ear disease - recurrent otitis media, pneumonia or bronchitis, sinusitis or sinusitis.

Rules for the use of antibiotics

You can adhere to the general rules of admission:

  • if an antibiotic is used for 3 days and there is no effect, consult a doctor to adjust the therapeutic course;
  • if side effects appear in an adult patient or child: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or dizziness, adjustment of therapy is also required or other antibiotics are prescribed;
  • You cannot independently adjust the therapeutic course: exclude, replace antibiotics, increase or decrease their dose;
  • during antibiotic therapy, it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora with probiotics - lactobacilli and bifidobacteria;
  • tablets should be taken before or after meals, as prescribed by the doctor, with plenty of water;
  • A diet without fried, fatty, sour, smoked foods and alcoholic beverages is recommended.

Pathogenic bacteria cause intoxication of the body in children and adults with weak immunity, and the antibiotics themselves also have a toxic load on the body. The situation is aggravated by eating heavy foods and drinking alcohol.

The penicillin group includes antibiotics that are most effective in treating bacterial sore throat and getting rid of staphylococci and streptococci that cause inflammation and sore throat.

These can be injections and tablets of Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Penicillin, Amoxiclav, Bicillin-5, Ampicillin. These drugs have a minimal number of side effects on the body and have the best effect on bacterial microflora, especially the modern drug Amoxiclav.

Macrolides, for example, Spiramycin, Azithromycin, Erythromycin are considered effective in the treatment of sore throat in case of allergy to antibiotics from the penicillin group.

Severe conditions due to purulent sore throat, fever and sore throat can be alleviated by using tablets or injections of Ceftriaxone or Cephabol from the cephalosporin group. The rapid and effective effects of cephalosporins can be considered among the positive properties of the drugs.

It is not recommended to immediately begin treatment for a sore throat if your throat hurts severely, with strong fluoroquinol and cephalosporin antibiotics. Bacteria quickly develop an addiction to them, so it will be difficult to treat severe forms of the disease with persistent fever. This is considered a disadvantage when using cephalosporins.

How to choose a drug

The medications are selected and prescribed by the attending physician. The use of fluoroquinols: Ofloxacin or Tsiprolet (tablets, injections) can be combined with the low effectiveness of penicillins and macrolides.

When bacteria develop resistance to penicillin drugs and allergic reactions, treatment of a sore throat is carried out with an antibiotic with a wide spectrum of effects: Sumammed (macrolide), Siflox, Cefazolin, Cephalexin, Lendacin or Klacid.

If a child or adult is allergic to penicillin, the broad-spectrum antibiotic Erythromycin (tablets and injections) is well suited for the treatment of bacterial sore throat. It aggravates the activity of bacteria, relieves fever and inflammation of the mucous membrane and is designed for longer treatment - up to 10 days.

If a child or adult has a sore throat, especially when coughing, in addition to antibacterial therapy, the pathogen is suppressed with concomitant therapy: gargling with medicinal and herbal solutions, compresses, inhalations. Use spray and tablets (lozenges) for resorption.

Local antibacterial drugs

The local drug Trachisan has antimicrobial properties. It is used if there is pain in the throat, pharynx and in the oral cavity with tonsillitis, pharyngitis, gingivitis, stomatitis and swallowing disorders in a child or adult.

Local antibacterial drugs with antimicrobial action include:

  • Gramicidin S, Gramicidin Neo (Valenta and with antiseptic) - lozenges. Active ingredient with additional ingredients: Cetylpyridinium chloride and Oxybuprocaine are not addictive to microorganisms. When absorbed, the secretion of saliva increases, so the throat, oral cavity and pharynx are cleared of bacteria. The tablets are contraindicated for lactating women;
  • Bioparox (spray) with the active ingredient Fusafungin. The spray is a local antibiotic to provide a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Cannot be used by nursing mothers and children under 2.5 years of age;
  • Stopangin 2A forte with the active ingredients Benzocaine and Tyrothricin. Refers to an antibiotic and anesthetic. Contraindicated for children, pregnant, lactating women and when conceiving a child.

For coughs and sore throats, Strepsils, lozenges, is suitable for a child. After 3 years, the child’s throat is treated with the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drug Tuntum Verde (spray).

For sore throats of a bacterial nature, antibiotics are prescribed by the attending physician. Sick people should follow the treatment regimen for the underlying disease and the rules for using medications. Changing antibiotics on your own, especially for a child, is contraindicated, as well as changing their dosage and course of treatment.

One of the most common reasons patients visit doctors is a sore throat. It can be caused by various reasons. In most cases, a sore throat is due to a viral infection. Treatment of this disease is mainly symptomatic and occurs without the use of serious medications. But if the cause of inflammation is bacteria, antibiotic therapy is mandatory. Only a doctor can decide which antibiotic for a throat is best to take. Self-medication is dangerous not only because most of these drugs cause side effects, but incorrect treatment can lead to the development of complications and bacterial resistance to antibiotics.

There are many diseases that have a sore throat as a symptom. Tonsillitis, tonsillitis and ARVI are the most common of them. In case of a viral infection, in addition to a sore throat, cough, runny nose and other symptoms are observed. Sore throat can be either viral or bacterial. Previously, it was very often the cause of death of patients. Now treating the throat with antibiotics helps avoid complications. But the choice of drug can be made only after laboratory tests have been carried out and the cause of the disease has been determined. After all, an antibiotic for a throat infection for a viral infection is not only a useless, but even a harmful medicine. It reduces immunity and prevents the body from resisting the virus. Sometimes my throat hurts for other reasons. Antibiotics are most often prescribed for streptococcal infections. And if the pain is caused by a fungal infection, injury or other diseases, it needs to be treated in other ways.

This is only done if the sore throat is caused by bacteria. The cause of the disease may not be known immediately. This is usually done using a blood test and a throat swab. The patient's leukocyte level is elevated at this time. In addition, bacterial sore throat can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • in addition to a sore throat, the temperature is very high, and it is impossible to reduce it by conventional means;
  • the appearance of the tonsils changes, they swell, serous plaque or pus appears;
  • the lymph nodes are swollen, and pain is felt in the submandibular area.

1. These medications are very serious and have many contraindications and side effects. In addition, only a doctor can choose an antibiotic for the throat. After all, different drugs act against certain bacteria. And the wrong remedy can only cause harm.

2. An antibiotic for the throat is never prescribed immediately when the first symptoms appear. Indeed, in most cases, sore throat and tonsillitis are caused by viruses, and other drugs are needed to treat them.

3. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the prescribed dose and duration of taking such drugs. It often happens that after a couple of days of using an antibiotic, the patient feels better and stops taking the medicine. But this approach is very dangerous, as the bacteria become more resistant and can cause serious complications.

4. When a throat is treated with antibiotics, it is necessary to strictly adhere to their dosage regimen. Only by maintaining a certain interval between doses of the drug can effective treatment be achieved.

5. Antibiotics fight bacteria and eliminate inflammation. Pain and fever should be relieved by additionally taking symptomatic medications.

6. While taking antibiotics, it is recommended to drink as much water as possible. In addition, you need to know what drugs this medicine is combined with. When prescribing an antibiotic, it is advisable to take additional agents that normalize the intestinal microflora.

Taking such drugs does not shorten the duration of the disease. But after 2-3 days the patient’s condition improves, and the possibility of developing purulent-inflammatory complications decreases. Therefore, for streptococcal and staphylococcal tonsillitis, as well as bacterial tonsillitis, taking antibiotics is mandatory. Without them, there is a high risk of developing otitis media, pneumonia or peritonsillar abscess. But an experienced doctor will never prescribe such treatment immediately when a sore throat appears. The fact that the infection is bacterial can only be known after a few days. And mothers who are afraid for their child when he has a high fever and a sore throat are often unhappy with this. But you should never start taking antibiotics on your own without a doctor’s prescription. After all, only a specialist can know that the bacteria that cause pharyngitis and sore throat have developed resistance to many of them. For example, Erythromycin, Tetracycline and sulfonamide drugs are not currently prescribed for sore throat. In most cases, they are useless for such diseases.

What antibiotics are best to treat a sore throat? This depends on the patient’s age, the presence of concomitant diseases, allergies and the type of pathogen. The following drugs are effective for angina:

  • antibiotics of the penicillin group: “Amoxicillin”, “Sumammed”, “Bicillin” and others;
  • macrolides - Azithromycin, Clarithromycin or Josamycin;
  • lincosamides are time-tested drugs “Lincomycin”, “Clindamycin” or “Dalacin”;
  • Cephalosporins - Cefuroxime, Cephalexin or Levofloxacin - are the most commonly used antibiotic. It cleanses the ear, throat and respiratory tract from infection very effectively.

You can use more than just regular antibiotics to treat a sore throat. The usual lozenges or sprays for irrigating the pharynx may also contain antibacterial drugs:

  • "Grammicidin" is an antimicrobial drug, on the basis of which several topical medications are produced for the treatment of sore throat. For example, lozenges “Grammidin” and “Grammidin Neo”. They do not cause addictive microorganisms and effectively treat sore throat and tonsillitis.
  • "Bioparox" is a very effective local antibiotic for the throat in the form of an aerosol, which has an anti-inflammatory effect for sore throat and pharyngitis.
  • The medicine "Stopangin" in the form of a spray or lozenges contains the antibiotic benzocaine and is very effective for sore throats.
  • Faringosept lozenges contain the antibiotic ambazone and can kill pathogenic microflora in the throat cavity within 2-3 days of use.

This is the best topical antibiotic for throat in recent times. Its effectiveness is explained by its special combined composition:

  • lidocaine hydrochloride is a long-established local anesthetic drug;
  • Chlorhexidine is very effective against any bacteria. And at the same time, it does not have the disadvantages of antibiotics, it is not absorbed into the blood and stomach walls;
  • the main active ingredient of these lozenges is tyrothricin. This is a strong antibacterial drug that destroys the tissue of any bacteria.

Thanks to this composition, Trachisan tablets effectively help not only with sore throats, but also relieve inflammation and kill bacteria.

Amoxicillin is most often prescribed for angina. It has a wide spectrum of action, is low toxic and is well tolerated even by small patients. This drug is prescribed in a dose of 500 or even 1000 milligrams three times a day.

It is imperative to endure a ten-day course of treatment with the drug, otherwise recurrent antibiotic-resistant tonsillitis may develop. In this case, or if treatment with Amoxicillin is ineffective, it is replaced with another antibiotic, preferably a drug from the protected penicillin group. If the drug contains clavulanic acid in combination with Amoxicillin, it is considered more effective. This substance protects the antibiotic from destruction. Amoxiclav is most often used to treat the throat. But there are many more drugs containing this antibiotic: “Clavocin”, “Danemox”, “Moxiclav”, “Flemoklav Solutab” and others.

Many doctors do not like antibiotics of this group because they have low bioavailability. But still, in case of penicillin intolerance, the drugs “Cefuroxime”, “Cefixime”, “Zinnat”, “Axef” and others are also often prescribed. Not all of them are effective specifically for bacterial pharyngitis. But Russian doctors still often prescribe antibiotics of this group, even by injection, especially when a child is ill. But in most cases with sore throat, there is no particular need for injections. Regular tablet antibiotics can cope with such an infection quite well.

Drugs in this group practically do not have the disadvantages of other antibiotics. They are very effective for bacterial sore throat, but many patients are not familiar with these medications. Although one of them is “Lincomycin” - an old, time-tested antibacterial agent.

But the drug Clindamycin is more popular among doctors. It quickly penetrates tissue and effectively destroys bacteria. But it only helps with sore throat caused by beta-hemolytic streptococcus. This antibiotic can also be found under the names “Dalacin” or “Clindacin”. Lincosamides should be taken in the doses prescribed by your doctor four times a day, as they have a fast half-life.

In some cases, phlegmatic sore throat develops. This is a common complication of common pharyngitis, which develops in children, debilitated patients, or in those who do not comply with the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor. In most cases, such complications are treated with the most well-known antibiotics of the penicillin group, cephalosporins or lincosamides. But sometimes a sore throat develops that is resistant to these drugs. This is due to the fact that bacteria penetrate inside the cells. And only macrolides have the ability to act through the cell membrane. These are quite strong antibiotics, so they are taken once a day.
But sometimes a sore throat develops that is resistant to these drugs. This is due to the fact that bacteria penetrate inside the cells. And only macrolides have the ability to act through the cell membrane. These are quite strong antibiotics, so they are taken once a day. The most famous of them are Azithromycin and Clarithromycin.

First of all, you should not self-medicate. It is especially dangerous to leave children, elderly weakened people and pregnant women without medical care. A common sore throat can in some cases cause a bacterial infection. Moreover, in this case the patient becomes dangerous to others.

That is why it is necessary to see a doctor so that he can prescribe the necessary treatment. Usually at the very beginning of the disease these are rinses, lozenges and sprays, painkillers and antipyretics. If after a few days the temperature still persists and the pain intensifies, antibacterial treatment should be carried out. Therefore, it is very important to visit a doctor if your throat hurts. Only a specialist can decide which antibiotics to use in this case.

Sore throat is one of the most common symptoms with which patients usually come to the doctor. It is usually a key sign of microbial inflammation of the mucous membrane or tonsils. And many patients almost categorically demand the prescription of an effective antibiotic that would relieve them of this problem as quickly as possible.

However, according to statistics, only in a third of cases of sore throat can the prescription of antibacterial agents be truly justified. The main reason is that most acute processes in the oropharynx are caused by viral pathogens, on which antibiotics have no effect.

Frequent unjustified prescription of antibacterial agents has caused another problem - the growth of microflora resistance. This process has recently reached such proportions that some doctors have declared the end of the era of antibiotics. Of course, this moment has not yet arrived, but this situation requires a more rational prescription of this group of drugs.

Since antibacterial agents are drugs with systemic action, they can only be prescribed by a qualified doctor.

Self-use of antibiotics often does not give the expected results and brings numerous side effects.

The doctor must conduct a thorough interview and examination of the patient. With bacterial pathology of the oropharynx, the most common is acute or chronic tonsillitis, in which damage to the tonsils is observed. They enlarge, swell, and purulent gray deposits can be seen on their surface or in the lacunae.

This is accompanied by an increase in temperature to febrile levels (38.0 ° C), the development of symptoms of general intoxication (decreased performance, headache, dizziness, sleep disturbance, lack of appetite, rapid fatigue). The patient often feels a lump in the throat and may have difficulty swallowing due to pain.

If the patient has an acute viral infection, then there is no point in prescribing antibiotics for a sore throat. However, after the fourth day of illness, there is a risk of secondary bacterial pathology due to weakened immunity.

A general blood test is required. In it, the bacterial etiology of the process is indicated by an increase in the number of leukocytes, neutrophils, the appearance of their immature “young” forms, as well as an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).

Bacteriological examination remains the most accurate method for determining the type of pathogen. It requires taking a smear from the back wall of the oropharynx and tonsils.

This material is sent to the laboratory and after a few days they receive a response indicating the microorganism that caused the disease. The sensitivity of microflora to antibacterial drugs is also being studied.


If you have a sore throat, many doctors use macrolide antibiotics, in particular azithromycin. The drug has a bacteriostatic effect - its molecules pass into bacterial cells and block the 50S ribosomal subunit. This leads to the impossibility of further protein synthesis and reproduction of microorganisms.

There is also an increase in the sensitivity of microbes to the action of specific defense mechanisms of the immune system. When taken orally, the drug also increases its concentration at the site of inflammation for up to 72 hours. The ability to accumulate in tissues makes the antibiotic as convenient as possible for use.

This antibiotic for the throat is effective against most pathogens that can cause the development of bacterial pathology of the oropharynx - staphylococci, streptococci, legionella, neisseria, mycoplasma.

This antibiotic should not be prescribed for the following conditions:

  • the patient has hypersensitivity to macrolide drugs;
  • chronic pathologies of the liver or kidneys with dysfunction of these organs;
  • congenital anomalies of the development of the cardiac conduction system (with a tendency to develop tachyarrhythmias).

The following side effects are possible during azithromycin therapy:

  • dyspeptic disorders (feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, diarrhea);
  • allergic reactions of varying severity;
  • transient increase in the concentration of liver enzymes and bilirubin;
  • prolongation of the Q-T segment on the ECG, development of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias;
  • headache, dizziness, tinnitus;
  • decrease in blood pressure.

Adults are usually prescribed azithromycin once daily in the form of 500 mg tablets. For children under 6 years of age, the antibiotic is released in syrup with a special measuring spoon or syringe (the dose must be calculated based on the age and body weight of the child).

The minimum duration of antibiotic treatment for a throat is 3 days.

The combination of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid is often optimal for the treatment of bacterial pathologies of the oropharynx. The original drug is Augmentin. Amoxicillin is a penicillin antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action.

Its molecules disrupt the integrity of the cell membranes of pathogenic pathogens, which leads to their lysis and death. Therapeutic concentrations of the drug are observed in most tissues of the body, including the respiratory epithelium. Azithromycin shows good effectiveness against most strains of staphylococci, streptococci, meningococci, and Haemophilus influenzae.

Clavulanic acid is a specific inhibitor of penicillinases, enzymes that bacteria produce to break down antibiotic molecules. Its presence significantly expands the spectrum of action of the drug.

"Augmentin", like other representatives of penicillins, is one of the safest drugs.

It is allowed to be used during pregnancy and from the first weeks of a child’s life. But it also has one drawback - quite often there is hypersensitivity to it and allergic reactions develop.

Moreover, if this side effect has already been observed in the patient previously when taking an antibiotic from the group of beta-lactam drugs (cephalosporins, monobactams, carbapenems and penicillins), then prescribing Augmentin is strictly prohibited.

"Augmentin" is produced both in the form of tablets (825/125 mg and 500/125 mg) and syrup for children. The dose for a child should be calculated based on the weight of 25 or 45 mg of the drug per 1 kg of body weight, depending on the severity of the pathology. The antibiotic is taken two or three times a day. The course of drug therapy lasts 5-14 days.

In inpatient settings, ceftriaxone, a third-generation cephalosporin drug, is often chosen for the treatment of bacterial tonsillitis. It penetrates well through all barriers in the human body and has a pronounced bactericidal effect.

Like penicillins, ceftriaxone destroys the cell membranes of microbes.

The antibiotic is characterized by low bioavailability when administered orally, so it is administered only intramuscularly or intravenously. The drug is excreted from the body primarily by the kidneys, but some is also excreted in the bile. The antibiotic acts on most pathogens of bacterial pharyngitis - staphylococci, streptococci, meningococci, pneumococci.

The following side effects are possible when using ceftriaxone:

  • allergic reactions of varying severity (the appearance of a rash with severe itching, swelling at the injection site, the development of anaphylactic shock);
  • inhibition of hematopoiesis (increased risk of bleeding, severe anaplastic anemia, decreased body resistance to infections);
  • functional disorders of the digestive tract;
  • addition of a secondary infection;
  • interstitial nephritis with increased concentrations of urea and createnine in the blood;
  • pseudomembranous colitis;
  • transient increase in liver enzymes;
  • headaches, dizziness, feeling of general weakness.

Ceftriaxone is available in powder form in vials. Before administering it, it is necessary to dilute the contents in physiological solution (water for injection). The drug for bacterial pathologies of the oropharynx is administered mainly intramuscularly 2 times a day, 1 g.

If the patient’s condition is serious, the drug is switched to intravenous administration. For a child, the calculation is based on a dose of 50 mg per 1 kg of body weight for 2 separate administrations. The course of treatment with ceftriaxone is at least 5 days.

A sore throat is a very unpleasant sensation, especially severe, which interferes with swallowing and provokes a constant cough. Trying to get rid of this symptom, many people take antibiotics on their own for a sore throat, without even consulting a doctor. Sometimes they help, but more often than not, uncontrolled use of such drugs only aggravates the situation and leads to unwanted side effects.

Why does my throat hurt?

A sore throat can occur for a thousand reasons, most of which are non-infectious. Therefore, swallowing an antibiotic for a sore throat without a doctor’s prescription is completely pointless and even harmful. In cases where you can do without it, it is better to use other medications. Thus, the immune system is strengthened and the risk of microorganisms adapting to the drugs used is reduced.

The evolutionary development of bacteria lasts several million years. And they are still alive only because they are able to quickly adapt to sudden changes in environmental conditions. Therefore, if treatment of the throat with antibiotics is carried out incorrectly or is not completed, there is a high probability that some of the microbes will survive, but these drugs will no longer kill them. And then it will be much more difficult to cope with a new wave of the disease.

A sore throat is a sign of severe irritation or inflammation, which can be triggered by external or internal factors. Among the most common reasons why a sore throat may suddenly hurt are:

Accordingly, before taking antibiotics for sore throat in adults, it is necessary to exclude all possible non-infectious causes for which these drugs are useless.

The easiest way to detect the presence of an acute inflammatory process and identify pathogens for a sore throat is to use a general blood test and bacterial culture of mucus. If this data is not enough to make a diagnosis, the doctor may ask you to undergo additional examination: x-rays, ultrasound, computed tomography, etc. And only after the final diagnosis is made, a decision is made to prescribe antibiotics to treat the throat.

When is an antibiotic needed?

Antibiotics for the throat are necessary if the test results reveal the bacterial nature of the following diseases: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis or peritonsillar abscess. In acute form, they have very similar symptoms, if detected, you should immediately consult a doctor and not self-medicate:

If three or more of the above symptoms are present at the same time, broad-spectrum antibiotics for the throat are usually immediately prescribed to prevent the possible development of complications. When the results of the examination arrive, the drug may be replaced with a more effective one or its dosage adjusted.

It also becomes necessary to use an antibiotic if, after several days of home treatment with folk remedies, the situation has not improved: the temperature persists, the throat hurts, and the redness does not go away. Most likely, the patient’s immunity is weakened, and his body cannot cope with the throat disease on its own. But in any case, a doctor must prescribe the medicine.

The best drugs

The concept of “antibiotic for the throat” does not exist. Antibiotics are universal drugs that can destroy pathogenic (unfortunately, not only) microorganisms in any organ of the human body. This is important to know in order to understand why there is so much controversy and controversy around antibiotics.

It is impossible to unambiguously name the best drugs for the throat with an antibiotic, since in each specific case the medicine must be selected individually, taking into account the age of the patient, his general condition, the type and characteristics of the course of the disease.

Below is a list of antibiotics that have worked well for inflammation of the larynx and sore throats:

  • penicillin series: “Amoxicillin”, “Augmentin”, “Amoxiclav”, “Flemoxin”, “Biillin”, etc.;
  • cephalosporins: Cefazolin, Certriaxone, etc.;
  • macrolides: Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, etc.;
  • fluoroquinolones: Levofloxacin, Norfloxacin, Moxifloxacin, etc.

These are systemic drugs that come in the form of tablets and/or injections and have an effect on the entire body. They are subject to most contraindications, and the dosage must be accurately calculated.

But there are also antibiotic preparations intended for resorption or irrigation of the throat. A local antibiotic can even be used to treat pregnant and lactating women, since most of the drug remains on the sore throat and almost never enters the bloodstream. Such drugs should also not be abused, as overdose and associated side effects are possible.

Doctors consider the most popular and effective topical drugs to be: “Bioparox”, “Strepsils”, “Strepfen”, “Grammicidin”, “Faringosept”. They are available in the form of sprays and/or lozenges. It is advisable to rinse your throat well (with warm, clean water!) before using such products, and then do not eat or drink for at least half an hour. When used correctly, they can even cure a sore throat at an early stage.

Remember also that antibiotics do not relieve a sore throat by themselves - they only eliminate its cause. To quickly solve the problem, anti-inflammatory drugs or throat sprays with lidocaine or other anesthetics are usually also prescribed.

Treating a sore throat with an oil solution of chlorophyllipt works well - it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, while moisturizing and softening the mucous membranes.

Steam inhalations and frequent rinsing with soda solution or herbal decoctions will significantly speed up recovery.

Rules for taking antibiotics

When treating with antibiotics, everything is important - from the correct diagnosis and choice of drug to scrupulously following the rules for taking it. Only in this case can you be sure that pathogens will be completely destroyed.

Only with such a reasonable approach will antibacterial drugs be as effective as possible, and the risk of side effects will be minimized. After completing treatment, it is advisable to re-take tests to ensure final recovery.

Side effects and contraindications

There are no absolute contraindications to modern antibiotics. The range of their choice is so wide that, if absolutely necessary, you can select drugs even for pregnant and lactating women, although 20 years ago their use during pregnancy was strictly prohibited. Of course, some risks to the fetus exist, especially in the first trimester, but they have decreased significantly.

Doctors have such a concept as individual intolerance to a drug or an entire group of drugs. This can be a problem when choosing antibiotics, but a competent doctor can handle it. This is why it is so important that such medications are prescribed only by a specialist.

Antibiotics are prescribed with great caution to people suffering from severe forms of renal or liver failure. The breakdown products of the drug have an irritating effect on these organs and can worsen the condition. But in case of a disease that poses a threat to life, the antibiotic is still used simultaneously with liver and kidney supporting therapy.

If the medicine is used correctly and all medical recommendations are followed, side effects from modern antibiotics are minimal. Most often observed:

  • allergic reactions;
  • skin rashes;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • surges in blood pressure.

The condition can be alleviated by drinking plenty of fluids and staying in bed during the acute stage of the disease. Herbal teas: chamomile, linden, currant leaves and rose hips help to quickly neutralize and remove toxins and breakdown products of medications.

In general, folk remedies, when used correctly, will be a good help in treating a throat. But even their use during antibiotic therapy must be agreed with a doctor.