Measures to reduce turnover. The prospect of getting a higher salary elsewhere

"Samara Institute of Management"

080507 65 Organizational management

Graduation project

“The problem of staff turnover and ways to reduce it (using the example of workshop 2422 of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise GNP RKTs TsSKB-Progress)”

Scientific director

Art. teacher

Ph.D., Kharitonova T.V.

Samara 2010


1.2 Factors causing staff turnover

1.3 Managing the staff turnover process and methods for reducing its level

2. Analysis of staff turnover in workshop 2422 of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise GNP RKTs "TsSKB-Progress"

2.1 Technical and economic characteristics of the enterprise

2.2 Analysis of the labor potential of workshop 2422

2.3 Identification of the reasons for staff turnover in workshop 2422

3. Ways to reduce staff turnover in workshop 2242

3.1 Program of measures to reduce staff turnover

3.2 Assessment of the economic efficiency of measures aimed at reducing turnover in workshop 2422





The relevance of research. It is difficult to argue with the fact that the organization's personnel are the company's main resource. Today, most managers are convinced of the importance of personnel policy issues, since no matter how good the idea is, it is the organization's employees who bring it to life. And only a well-chosen workforce, a team of like-minded people, is able to realize the serious tasks facing the company.

One of the important and complex management problems is ensuring sustainability in the functioning of enterprises and organizations in conditions of an economic crisis and thereby reducing the negative effects of the cyclical phenomenon. Today, the instability of economic development is directly manifested in the increased turnover of personnel in organizations of all types and forms of ownership.

Turnover depends on many factors (the specifics of the business, the territorial location of the company, the stage of development of the company, qualifications, education and age of the employee), so each company determines its ideal level of personnel turnover.

In the Russian manufacturing sector, a turnover rate of about 10% is considered optimal. In an actively growing business, especially at the stage of mass hiring, the turnover rate can be just over 20%. In the restaurant and insurance industries, 30% annual employee turnover is not a concern, and for some retail chains, even 80% turnover is considered normal.

In large cities with large labor markets, average standards for all industries range from 10% to 20%. And in a small provincial town this figure may be only 5% only because there are much fewer opportunities to find another job in the area.

The percentage of the norm also differs for different levels of personnel: for management, turnover should not exceed 5%, for line personnel 10-30%, for unqualified personnel - 80%. It has been noticed that the lower the qualifications, the greater the desire to change jobs.

And yet, the rate of staff turnover depends not so much on any standards, but on the company’s personnel strategy. Practice shows that the main reason for dismissal is employee dissatisfaction with their position.

For many companies, high staff turnover is one of the most pressing problems. Therefore, it is important to learn how to manage staff turnover: identify its causes, keep statistics and take appropriate measures in a timely manner.

If a company has a high staff turnover, it is necessary to constantly look for replacements for departing employees, carry out adaptation and training of newcomers, and solve the problem of continuity and safety of commercial information. It is more difficult for a company with a high staff turnover to create an image of an attractive employer and create a favorable climate in the team. Therefore, it is no coincidence that staff turnover is one of the main indicators characterizing the effectiveness of the human resource management system in a company.

However, despite the requests from practice, science has not yet developed a holistic concept and technology for managing this process. In this regard, the issue of finding ways to evaluate and reduce staff turnover remains relevant.

The relevance of the research topic of the diploma project “The problem of staff turnover and ways to reduce it” determined the purpose of the study:

Purpose of the study: to study the problem of staff turnover at the enterprise and find ways to reduce it.

Research objectives:

1. Explore modern approaches to assessing staff turnover.

2. Identify the factors causing staff turnover.

3. Research methods to reduce employee turnover rates.

4. Analyze staff turnover in workshop 2422 of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise GNP RKTs TsSKB-Progress.

5. Identify the reasons for staff turnover.

6. Develop measures to reduce staff turnover.

7. Assess the economic efficiency of implementing measures to reduce staff turnover

Object of study: workshop 2422 of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise GNP RKTs TsSKB-Progress.

Subject of research: staff turnover.

Structure of the diploma project: the diploma project consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and appendices.

1. Theoretical foundations of the problem of staff turnover and ways to reduce it

1.1 Modern approaches to assessing staff turnover

Today, employee turnover is also one of the many problems faced by modern businesses.

When analyzing labor turnover, it is common to start with the concept of “personnel movement.”

By the movement of personnel of an enterprise we will understand the totality of all cases of workers entering the enterprise from outside and all cases of leaving the enterprise.

In previous years, this problem attracted the attention of economists due to the undoubted damage that turnover causes to the national economy of the country.

Fluidity was usually understood as the phenomenon that appears to be the direct cause of this damage, namely the spontaneous, unorganized movement of labor.

Roger Bennett, professor of sociology at the University of London, offers the following definition:

“Labor turnover is the movement of workers to/from the company’s staff. Typically, employee turnover is tracked by recording those who leave and assuming that a new employee will be hired to replace the person who leaves.”

Currently, personnel turnover in management theory is understood as the movement of labor caused by employee dissatisfaction with the workplace or dissatisfaction of the organization with a specific employee.

L. Nikiforova suggests considering turnover and its impact on the organization’s activities in two aspects: quantitative and qualitative.

In the first case, it is necessary to distinguish between natural and increased levels of turnover: a natural level within 3-5% of the number of personnel and an increased one, causing significant economic losses.

The natural level contributes to the renewal of production teams. This process occurs continuously and does not require any emergency measures on the part of personnel services and management. Some employees retire, some quit for various reasons, new employees come to take their place - every enterprise lives in this mode.

As a result, opportunities open up for personnel changes and career growth for the remaining best employees, which is an additional incentive for them.

It’s another matter when turnover significantly exceeds 3-5%. In this case, the costs become significant and increase with the increase in the outflow of personnel. Then the company suffers losses, which increase with the increase in the outflow of personnel.

First of all, this is lost profit and a drop in labor productivity. High turnover reduces the staffing of workplaces with performers, distracts highly qualified specialists from work who are forced to help newcomers, worsens the moral and psychological climate in the team, which hinders the creation of a team, and reduces the productivity of those who are planning to leave.

Every company and enterprise pays close attention to such areas of activity as personnel management and personnel, since human capital is one of the most valuable resources that makes it possible to generate profit for the organization. Dismissal of employees, which contributes to staff turnover, is an inevitable procedure for any organization, therefore, with such a concept as staff turnover every company faces. It is generally accepted that for enterprises of various levels and specifics there are values ​​of “natural” staff turnover, which are by no means indicators of shortcomings in the development and implementation of personnel policies. An excessive increase in such an indicator as staff turnover can serve as indicators of an imperfect human resource management system. High staff turnover can negatively affect both the economic condition of the company (due to the costs of finding new employees, loss of working time, etc.) and its image and lead to a decrease in competitiveness in the employer market.

How to prevent staff turnover?

Employee turnover is a huge problem. Therefore, today more and more companies are striving to control the dismissal of workers and the level of staff turnover: reduce it whenever possible and prevent its increase. One of the most effective tools for stopping and reducing “staff turnover” is to analyze the reasons for employees leaving at their own request. Identifying a list of reasons that provoke an employee to change jobs will make it possible to make a rating of problem areas in the organization that contribute to staff turnover and, in accordance with these data, adjust company policies. Effective work on mistakes will allow you to avoid loss of valuable personnel in the future and, accordingly, reduce staff turnover. Often, timely identification of the reasons for staff turnover helps to retain a valuable employee. The employee will be able to indicate what was the reason for “leave of his own free will” from the company, and the employer, based on the results of the analysis of his answer, will be able to offer the valuable personnel an alternative (for example, transfer to another department or branch of the company, to another city). This way the company can prevent staff turnover and loss of valuable personnel.

Identifying the reasons for employee departure allows, in some cases, to stop turnover in the short and long term.

To collect data in studies devoted to identifying and analyzing the causes of turnover, the survey method is most often used. It allows you to solve the following problems:

  1. Identify problematic factors in work activity;
  2. Characterize the socio-psychological climate in the team;
  3. Identify problems in the specifics of management in the organization;
  4. Determine the ranking of the most common reasons for staff dismissal.

Today, many companies that analyze the reasons for dismissal and staff turnover use online survey services. Online surveys have several advantages over face-to-face interviews and traditional questionnaires. Which ones?

Solving the problem of outsourcing and freelancing

Firstly, they allow you to interview those workers who, for various reasons, cannot be available for personal interviews or surveys at the workplace. To do this, just send a mailing with an invitation to participate in the survey to the email addresses of former employees and wait for their responses. Thus, a larger number of respondents will be available for the survey, which will improve the quality of the data obtained. This tool will also be useful for collecting data from an organization whose branches are located in different cities, but there is a need to obtain data on the organization as a whole.

"Don't stand over your soul"

Secondly, an online survey neutralizes the influence of the interviewer on the respondent, which allows the latter to give more sincere answers to questions. It is no secret that many employees do not want to share certain information out of fear for their future work activities and reputation, so they may keep silent about the true reasons for leaving work and give socially approved answers. In the case of an online survey, the likelihood of receiving distorted answers is reduced due to the distance of the respondent, and, therefore, there is an increase in psychological comfort. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of obtaining reliable data that reflects the real situation in the company.

For presentation

Thirdly, the results of online surveys are presented, as a rule, in the form of numerical data that can be presented in a convenient form (tables, graphs, etc.), and on their basis, models of changes in personnel policy can be built. Numerical data can also be compared, which will allow you to track changes in the level of staff turnover over time and evaluate the effectiveness of changes in personnel policy.

Fourth, numerical data can be grouped and analyzed based on the sub-goals and sub-objectives of a particular study. For example, you can create a certain “popularity rating” of reasons for dismissal of personnel depending on the department, position held, length of service, etc. This will provide opportunities for a deeper understanding of the specifics of staff turnover in a particular organization.

It is recommended to conduct the survey a few days after the employee’s immediate dismissal. This is due to the fact that many employees make the decision to quit based on emotions, so any issues related to changing jobs may be perceived too emotionally. In this case, the information received will most likely be emotionally charged and too polar, and therefore will not give meaningful results. However, if the survey is conducted with the aim of “keeping” an employee in the personnel reserve, then it is recommended to conduct it before the employee finally leaves the organization in order to have time to analyze the results obtained and offer the employee an alternative.

Do not forget that in most cases, dismissing an employee is an unpleasant procedure for both the employer and the employee. Especially when it does not occur on the initiative of the latter. In this case, it is recommended to soften the employee’s psychological state, so as not to receive too polar answers that may have little to do with reality. To do this, you should include a text block in the questionnaire that will reflect the company’s attitude towards the employee. It might look like this:

When compiling a questionnaire to survey a resigning employee, it is recommended to conditionally divide the questions into several blocks that will help characterize the aspects of the labor process from the employee’s point of view. They can be, for example, such blocks as “satisfaction with pay,” “relations with colleagues,” “relations with management,” “employee satisfaction with the content of work,” and so on. As an example of a question from the “salary satisfaction” block, the following fragment of the questionnaire can be given:

In some cases, it will be useful to calculate an index of employee satisfaction with various labor factors. To calculate the index, you can include matrix questions in the questionnaire, where the respondent will be asked to choose an answer option that corresponds to his assessment of a particular criterion. As an example, we can cite a fragment of a questionnaire where an employee is asked to rate his satisfaction with the factor “content of work activity”:

Y= (K1 * N1 + K2* N2 +…+ K5* Nn) / N,

where K1 is the score “1” of the criterion, K2 is the score of “2” criterion, etc.,

N1 is the number of respondents who gave the criterion a score of 1, N2 is the number of respondents who gave the criterion a score of 2, etc.

N – total number of respondents.

To calculate the level of satisfaction for a factor as a whole, it is necessary to add up all satisfaction indices for each criterion included in the factor. Thus, the higher the value of the Y index, the higher the level of satisfaction for this criterion. Based on the values ​​of this index, hypotheses can be formulated regarding the likelihood of employees leaving due to dissatisfaction with this factor. For example, if a study is conducted across a department or division, and the satisfaction rate for a certain factor is low, then it can be assumed that, perhaps, by improving the conditions for this criterion, it will be possible to stop staff turnover in this department.

As noted earlier, such surveys can retain resigning employees, reducing staff turnover. They will allow you to identify the reasons why the employee decided to leave the team and, at a preliminary stage, consider possibilities for solving the problem that has arisen. For example, if an employee is not satisfied with the salary level, and the company is ready to offer an alternative option, it is recommended to include clarifying questions in the survey:

So, based on the employee’s answer, the company can offer him a compromise: a salary increase by the specified amount. In this way, the organization will be able to prevent the dismissal of an employee, taking into account his interests. Also, data from a clarifying question can be useful in analyzing the reasons for dismissal due to unfair pay. For example, if the majority of former employees of a certain department who left the organization due to dissatisfaction with wages indicated a certain share for which it should be yours, then such a result may become a reason for the management of the organization to consider the issue of increasing wages for employees of this department and, as a result, , reducing fluidity.

In addition to these blocks, it is necessary to add questions directly related to the reasons for dismissal. This question might look like this:

Many online survey services allow you to collect, store and display survey results over a certain period of time. This will allow you to track the dynamics of changes in the popularity of the reasons that provoke staff turnover. Also, the data obtained during the online survey can be systematized and linked with each other, which will help compare data by department, length of service, specialty and other important characteristics, and based on them, draw meaningful conclusions and, if necessary, modify them, minimizing turnover, personnel policy for the management of the department or the company as a whole.

In general, the very fact that an organization has such an event as an “exit” survey and treats it not as a formal procedure, but as a tool for working with personnel, has a positive effect on the company’s image. If employees see management's interest in optimizing human resource management and real changes in company policy, this can help increase employee loyalty and reduce staff turnover.

You can study about 20 current templates for working with your employees.

When analyzing the movement of personnel, special attention is paid to the reasons for the dismissal of workers from the enterprise. The main reasons for dismissal include:

Natural decline;

Collective and individual dismissals;

Change of official position;

Expiration of contract or retirement.

Circumstances causing staff turnover may be:

-fully manageable these include working and living conditions;

-partially controlled, such as satisfaction with the team, relationships, forms of motivation;

-uncontrollable, for example, natural and climatic factors.

By purposefully influencing the first and second, you can significantly reduce fluidity.

To achieve this, various measures are used, for example:

-technical- improvement of equipment and technology that improves working conditions;

-organizational- finding for each employee the most appropriate place for him, since, for example, with a feeling of lack of demand and overload, turnover increases;

-socio-psychological- provision of additional benefits and guarantees, improvement of the internal climate, etc.;

-cultural and everyday, for example, improving the level of medical care.

The procedure for managing staff turnover, as a rule, consists of 3 main stages.

Figure 1.6 - Stages of personnel turnover management

Measures to reduce turnover are aimed at preventing the causes of dismissals. It has been observed that preliminary training reduces staff turnover, while the feeling of being unclaimed or overloaded increases it.

Reduces staff turnover and employee confidence that he can influence production processes. Employees will perform this or that work more conscientiously and with greater inner desire if they themselves are fully responsible for it and have the opportunity to complete it. Satisfaction is also brought by freedom in choosing the pace and order of completing a task, and the opportunity to introduce something new into the process.

To manage staff turnover processes, information on the total number of employees who have left is primarily used: for example, women are taken into account separately. For each age category, as well as for different specifications and experimental groups, their own calculations are carried out.

It is reliably known that the desire to move from one company to another is inversely related to the age of the employee. The peak of transition ends at 25-30 years. Most often, employees with low qualifications, no prospects, no family, and with little work experience at a particular enterprise change jobs.

The turnover rate differs significantly in groups of workers with different length of service at the enterprise. After three years of work at the enterprise, there is a sharp decrease in the turnover rate. The latter circumstance is associated both with the age factor and with adaptation problems.

In addition, an important point is the reasonableness of the applicant’s expectations from the job: some employers, trying to present their companies in the most favorable light possible, often exaggerate the positive aspects and hide some of the difficulties associated with work.

The applicant, faced with the real state of affairs, most often cannot quit immediately, but negative moods accumulate, and the company still loses an employee. It is for this reason that it is advisable to create an extremely realistic program for introducing future employees to the company.

It is recommended to carry out once a year survey of all employees about satisfaction with work, official position and management, conduct a written collection of wishes and ideas for the further development of production.

In addition, it is necessary to have a detailed conversation with each subordinate at least once a month, discussing all the accumulated problems and ideas of the latter.

The fact is that a person is a social being, and if they are not interested in him for a long time, he develops a feeling of uselessness and his work productivity decreases. If you regularly hold meetings of this kind, employees will feel that their superiors are interested in their work and will be more responsible towards it.

Having studied all the reasons for staff leaving, you can derive ways to solve each of them.

Of no small importance is the creation at the enterprise of its own motivation systems employees. In personnel policy, motivation is an incentive for an employee to perform effective work. For example, in the West it is almost a key management competency.

According to economic dictionaries, labor motivation is divided into material, moral and administrative, and in addition, includes stimulation And sanctions.

personnel turnover management personnel

Table 1.1. Reasons for staff turnover and ways to eliminate them


Ways to solve it

Uncompetitive pay rates

Conduct or order a salary survey, compare the data obtained with the data of the enterprise. Review rates where they are lower and where they are higher, since overpayment, as well as underpayment, is fraught with economic losses.

Conduct or order similar studies on other payments

Unfair pay structure

Review the salary structure, preferably through a job complexity assessment, to identify inappropriate rates. Analyze differentiated tariffs, revise them if “rate distortions” are revealed.

If significant fluctuations in pay occur as a result of a bonus system or profit sharing system, review those systems and revise them

Unstable earnings

Conduct an analysis of the reasons for earnings instability. There can be many of them, ranging from an ineffective business strategy to insufficient qualifications of your staff

Poor working conditions

Develop measures to improve working conditions: more flexible work hours, new furniture or rearrangement of furniture.

Conduct or order a study of employee satisfaction with working conditions

Heavy-handed or unpleasant management

Each manager, especially a middle manager, must be carefully selected for this position, and his potential and capabilities must be assessed. They must continually improve their management skills through training and professional development. Check whether the company has a clear personnel policy and what it is. It may need to be revised or improved

Work that is not particularly necessary

Employees do not feel the need and necessity of their work in the mass of the entire enterprise. To do this, you need to make their work more attractive by increasing responsibility, expanding the scope of activity or reducing unnecessary, monotonous work in a given position

Company image

Pay attention to all the points listed above and eliminate those that negatively affect the organization’s reputation. You should also consider the strengths of the organization, such as interesting work, training and development opportunities, prospects for advancement, insurance, benefits and benefits for employees. These facts must be compared with those offered by competitors and a list of the most profitable items must be compiled. If the labor market is a buyer's market, the organization that offers itself to candidates must examine their requirements in relation to what it can offer. Their demands can be expressed in six points: wages, prospects, training, interest, working conditions, reliability of the organization

In the field of personnel management, motivation is a holistic system of rewards and punishments that are important for a particular individual, aimed at increasing the employee’s productivity. This means that activities belonging to the motivating group cannot be random in nature - they are part of a well-thought-out personnel management system. Accordingly, rewards and punishments must be meaningful for the specific employee to whom they are planned to be applied.

Creating a motivation system is necessary to ensure that employees are interested in working as efficiently as possible, focusing on meeting their own needs - by introducing such a system, the manager allows employees to achieve personal goals while solving the organization's problems.

A manager’s mistake may be developing motivational schemes for staff based on his own opinion about the wishes of employees. Moreover, the development of any scheme should be carried out with an eye on each individual group of employees, that is, have, if not personalized, then at least a group specification.

The professional enthusiasm of performers depends on various factors. Mainly, it depends on the employee’s level of confidence that his activity will lead to the planned result - increased production volume or quality of customer service, increased sales, etc. It is also important to be confident that his successes will be noticed by management and, accordingly, rewarded. Not least on this list is the value of the expected reward.

There is one more small nuance in professional motivation. As a rule, each professional correlates the weight of his contribution to the job with the amount of bonuses received.

In addition, he compares the amount of bonuses with the bonuses of his colleagues, as well as employees of other organizations in similar positions. In particular, you should not underestimate even such little things as the distribution of office equipment, the use of official transport, or prestigious seminars. When an employee believes that he is underappreciated, he begins to lose enthusiasm, work efficiency drops, and most often the matter ends in dismissal.

A very important part of any motivational scheme is performance evaluation. The greatest effectiveness of such a system occurs when drawing up a monetary form of motivation. If the company has a clear system for assessing the performance of staff, based on a strict calculation of how much benefit a particular employee brought during the reporting period, linking the amount of bonuses and the employee’s performance becomes a simple and straightforward matter. With this development of events, a flexible wage rate will be a pronounced motivating factor for the employee.

When drawing up motivational schemes, the manager must clearly determine which of the employees needs an individual approach, and who is enough to be assigned to a certain group.

So, for a proper motivation system, you need to consider the following:

1. Targeting. It is also compliance with the request.

2. Flexibility. It is important to understand that stimulating, for example, system technicians by providing them with hardware innovations in the field of network devices will absolutely fail in the case of accounting. In addition, it is important for each individual employee to take into account personal motivations. So, for some, their career is more important than the money they receive.

3. Transparency. Goals and performance evaluation criteria must be communicated to employees. Moreover, it would be extremely wrong, for example, to provide them with certain formulas for calculating bonuses without explaining exactly what they are based on. Everything that happens should be intuitive and open - both salary data and data on bonuses received.

4. Justice. There should be a unified procedure for personnel assessment and certification. In addition, all this should be handled by HR specialists who are not interested in selectively “adding points.”

5. Variability over time - after all, companies grow and expand. Each new stage of company development in a dynamically changing competitive environment requires updating the motivation system, otherwise it becomes ineffective.

There is another very effective way to ensure an uninterrupted supply of qualified personnel to the organization - to form personnel reserve. The personnel reserve is the company's employees who have development potential and are planned for horizontal and vertical moves to specific positions.

A talent pool can provide a company with many benefits.

Firstly, save time on personnel search. If a vacancy opens in a company that urgently needs to be filled, then if there is a personnel reserve, the problem is solved automatically. The same applies to the situation with opening branches or creating divisions. If a company plans to expand its staff after some time, then it is better to prepare for this in advance. Even if a project is just being considered, it makes sense to form a personnel reserve. This is very important for managerial positions, because in many companies, especially large ones, it takes years for a manager to move up the career ladder.

Secondly, motivate employees. If a subordinate knows that he is being prepared for a promotion, he is confident in his future in this company and will put much more effort into his work and improve his qualifications.

Third, reduce the likelihood of crisis situations, for example, related to the departure of a key employee.

As already noted, the trade sector in our country remains the leader in terms of growth rates and the number of openings, therefore sales workers are the most sought-after professional group in the labor market. Competent, experienced, honest, responsible sellers are required by both expanding networks of global companies and small stores.

A well-equipped retail space and expensive business process management systems are important elements of a company’s fixed capital, but not decisive. By and large, the true capital in our time is the intellectual and creative potential of the team. It is becoming more and more difficult to find a qualified, motivated employee who is interested in acquiring knowledge and improving their professional level and who is able to independently conduct a certain area of ​​work.

The selection of sales personnel also has its own specifics. The greatest difficulty, perhaps, is filling the vacancy of a retail chain store director. The store director is a key position in a trading company. He must manage people, carry out plans and develop his “object”. This is where creating a personnel reserve is important.

There are two types of personnel reserve:

-external- it consists of candidates who are not listed in the company, but are of potential value to it. For example, one vacancy appears at an enterprise, and interviews show that, in addition to the person who meets all the requirements, there are several other good specialists. It is possible that similar vacancies or others suitable for these people will open, and then they can be invited. Therefore, it is beneficial to keep in touch with them, and sometimes to invite them to participate in some projects as freelancers.

-interior- it is formed from those specialists working in the company who can be transferred to other positions in the future. The company’s task in this case is to develop these employees, conduct internships, and prepare them to perform new tasks. The internal personnel reserve is often divided into three groups:

-operational- employees who are ready to take a new, higher position as soon as such a vacancy becomes available or becomes available. They already have all the necessary knowledge and skills or only need minimal instruction;

-medium term- employees who have worked in the organization for several years want to move to a management position and could do this after acquiring the appropriate skills. Such people need to be developed and trained;

-strategic- These are most often young specialists with significant potential. Before such an employee can take on a new position, several years of intensive training will be required.

It is advisable for the company's management to divide its reservists into these three groups and develop development plans for each separately.

The algorithm for working with the personnel reserve may be as follows.

When nominated to the personnel reserve, candidates are assessed on the basis selection criteria candidates for the personnel reserve, for example:

Employee age;

A set of progressive business, professional and personal qualities of an employee;

Knowledge of regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of managers of the relevant categories in the chosen field of labor;

Having practical experience in the proposed type of activity;

Compliance of the employee’s education with the specialties provided for in accordance with the position proposed for filling;

Consistent achievement of high results in the chosen field of work;

Compliance of the employee’s health with the requirements of the position intended to be filled.

Figure 1.7 - Scheme of working with the personnel reserve

The entire system of working with the personnel reserve can be divided into stages and the system can be built in accordance with the goals and objectives of the company, adapting or modifying them in accordance with the specific market situation, the financial capabilities of the company and its development strategy.

One of the main tasks of the first stage in the formation of a personnel reserve is to build an effective system of working with “reservists”. To solve it, it is necessary to determine the needs for filling vacant positions for the planned period of time and develop principles for selecting “reservists”. It should be noted here that the planning period can have different durations: on average it ranges from 1 year to 5 years; Most companies use 3-year planning.

At the second stage, the main task is to develop a system of competitive selection for positions to be filled, and the competition is held depending on the needs of the company, both among external specialists and among its employees.

At the third, most difficult stage, the task is to develop the professional skills and knowledge of “reservists” that they need to successfully work in a reserved position and evaluate the effectiveness of working with the personnel reserve. To solve this problem, ideally, a corporate education program is being developed, part of which is the training of personnel reserve specialists. Depending on the needs of the company, such a program may include trainings and seminars, conferences and internships, as well as a second higher education.

The task of the fourth stage is the so-called “break-in of reservists” or the construction of a system for “reservists” to acquire practical experience in a reserved position. This includes replacing a “reserved” employee when he is absent from work for various reasons, and the “reserve” gaining experience in communicating with the subordinates of the “reserved” employee.

Ideally, after completing a cycle of practical training, the duration of which is determined for each position individually, the “reserve” should be able to cope with the tasks of the “reserve” for a long time and perform the entire range of work for this position.

And most importantly, when working with a personnel reserve, it is necessary not only to collect information about vacancies and employees who are included in the reserve, but also to control the quality and timeliness of writing development plans and their implementation; track the movement of the personnel reserve and control that the reservist gets the job opening; and periodic assessments of the competencies of reservists were also carried out so that the dynamics of development were visible. Those. work with the personnel reserve should be transparent and clearly controlled, which will undoubtedly lead to a positive result.

Thus, personnel is the main staff of an organization's employees performing various production and economic functions. It is characterized by numbers, structure, professional suitability, and competence.

Personnel turnover is a movement of the workforce caused by employee dissatisfaction with the workplace or the organization's dissatisfaction with a particular employee.

Personnel turnover is expressed as a percentage as the ratio of the number of employees dismissed at their own request and due to violations of labor discipline for a certain period of time to their average number for the same period.

The level of personnel turnover at an enterprise is influenced by many factors: the type of activity of the enterprise, the gender and age of employees, the general state of the market. Thus, in trade the level of staff turnover is traditionally higher than in manufacturing industries; female labor force turnover is significantly higher than male labor force turnover; labor turnover is lower in the phase of economic recovery and recovery.

Personnel turnover negatively affects the work of the enterprise, does not allow the formation of a team, and therefore a corporate spirit, which invariably entails a decrease in production indicators and work efficiency.

There are quite significant costs associated with staff turnover:

Direct costs for dismissed employees;

Costs associated with a decline in production during the period of personnel replacement;

Decrease in production volume due to training and education of personnel;

Overtime payments to remaining employees;

Training costs;

Higher percentage of marriages during the training period.

Staff turnover is associated not only with social and everyday instability, but also with the difficulties of self-realization or self-affirmation.

By analyzing the indicators of the staff turnover rate and comparing it with other indicators of the company's performance, it is possible not only to diagnose problems in all areas of personnel management, but also to make the most effective management decisions.

The basis for managing the movement of personnel is the establishment of regularities in the processes of personnel turnover, which makes it possible to determine the most effective management measures. Personnel research should be carried out in two directions: to create a general portrait of those leaving and to study in depth the reasons for leaving, by analyzing which it is possible to further reduce staff turnover.

Consequently, the activities of an enterprise aimed at reducing staff turnover can have a direct impact on increasing the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole. Therefore, the development of measures to reduce staff turnover are important elements of working with personnel.

Looking through various job and employee search sites, you will notice that the same companies post the same vacancies, periodically offering work to the same specialists. Staff turnover– one of the key and painful problems for any modern organization. To say that high turnover has a negative impact on business is to say nothing. A high rate of staff turnover prevents the formation of a permanent and well-coordinated team, and, accordingly, the corporate spirit in the company. What are the reasons for such an unpleasant phenomenon? Are there ways to avoid it completely, or at least significantly reduce it?

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What is staff turnover?

Staff turnover– labor movement caused by employee dissatisfaction with the workplace or the organization’s dissatisfaction with a specific specialist. This indicator is also called "revolving door index" and it displays how long the specialist has been at his job.

Figure 1 – Main types of staff turnover

1. Intra-organizational– associated with labor movements within the organization.

2. External– between organizations, industries and sectors of the economy.

3. Physical Personnel turnover covers those employees who, for various reasons, quit and leave the organization.

4. Hidden (psychological) Personnel turnover occurs among those employees who outwardly do not leave the company, but actually leave it and are excluded from organizational activities.

5. Natural turnover (3-5% per year) contributes to the timely renewal of the team and does not require special measures on the part of management and HR.

Based on the last definition, we can say that a small staff turnover rate is even useful for the organization, since it carries with it the renewal of the team with fresh thoughts and forces. Read more about calculating staff turnover

Employee turnover can also be classified based on the employee's position and period of employment. A real disaster can be considered a large “turnover” of management personnel with some baggage of experience in the company (and the more experience it has, the more strongly it affects the financial and emotional health of the company). Due to the frequent change of manager, not only temporary stagnation and low performance are possible, but also a ripple effect - the dismissal of his subordinates, who may leave after him.

Also, for some organizations, a real problem may be the dismissal of new staff if the new employee quit before working out the funds that were invested in him.

Reasons for staff turnover

Everyone knows perfectly well: to cope with a disease, you need to treat not the symptoms, but eliminate the source. What are the sources of the disease called “staff turnover”?

  • Let's start from the very beginning of the employment process - selection. Often the reason for dismissal is laid down already at the first stage, during poor quality selection. There are many reasons for such an unprofessional selection: a banal rush to fill a vacant position on the part of the employer, a desire to quickly receive your fee as a recruiter, to finally find at least some work for the applicant, or simply insufficient information to the parties. In 99% of cases, this approach will sooner or later lead to dismissal.
  • After selection, the employee waits adaptation process. Poor adaptation or, in general, its absence causes premature dismissal during the probationary period. Even when new employees stay and work in a company for a long time, their decision to leave may be made already in the first weeks of their working life in this company.
  • A successful onboarding process is not the key to success in the fight against staff turnover. An employee spends most of the daylight hours at work and depending on how comfortable working conditions created for him, his decision about his further stay in the company depends.
  • Dissatisfaction with management- in any form, be it personal hostility, dissatisfaction with professional qualities or management methods can also cause the dismissal of an employee. The last two points are not limited to time frames, since in this case everything depends on the character of the person.
  • After working for some time, an employee with some ambition and professional qualities will begin to think about the possibility of growth and development. Lack of career growth, professional development and training may cause an employee to leave. The following reason for an employee’s dismissal can immediately be traced - the prospect of obtaining a higher position in another place, the opportunity to use their abilities more widely there and, accordingly, higher wages. This practice is usually observed at all levels of personnel. Although often money is not the primary reason. Salary is not a direct determinant of job satisfaction. Many employees are not satisfied with the psychological climate that has developed in the team, they are not loyal and not motivated, and money in this case is a convenient excuse for leaving the company.
  • An employee leaving after his colleague, friend, girlfriend, wife, etc. is also a common occurrence. After all, man is an emotional being.
  • And finally dissatisfaction with an employee on the part of the manager. The incompetence of an employee or his inability to work in a team is the cause of dissatisfaction with the manager and, accordingly, the reason for dismissal.

It is impossible to unambiguously determine the reason for the dismissal of all employees, so it would be useful to introduce into the company, for example, a dismissal interview, during which an employee of the HR department or the manager should find out the reason for the dismissal.

Methods for solving the problem

Having found out the reason for the dismissal of employees, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate it. For example, if the level of wages is to blame, it is necessary to find out whether it is financially possible to increase salaries, bonuses or introduce other options for financial motivation of staff. If some employees were not satisfied with their working conditions, then it is necessary to make a decision about the possibility of improving them.

Figure 2 – Reasons and methods for solving staff turnover

If it turns out that the majority of those who quit have work experience of up to 6 months, this indicates errors in the selection of personnel and their adaptation. In this case, it is necessary to review the criteria for selecting specialists, improve the adaptation process, introduce supervision of an experienced employee, monitor the adaptation process of everyone, conduct training, etc. There are situations when turnover is observed with a particular manager, in this case it is necessary to discuss with him the reasons for his dismissal employees, train them in effective management and interaction with the team. You can learn more about calculating staff turnover in your company and get a basic set of recommendations in this section.

HRM assistants for HR specialists

Of course, there are many reasons for dismissal that are almost impossible to predict, but most of them can be monitored and eliminated before the actual dismissal takes place. To help HR managers, there are a huge number of ready-made testing packages, developed methods and instructions for creating your own tests. Thanks to them, you can regularly conduct various surveys, tests and personnel assessments. The purpose of such events may be to analyze the psychological climate in the team, the adaptation process of new employees, the effectiveness of various services in terms of personnel management, the level of satisfaction with working conditions in the company, and much more.

1C: Salaries and personnel management

To effectively combat staff turnover, it is necessary to constantly monitor its rate and examine the situation in the company. On the modern market, there are automated systems for personnel records that contain modules for personnel planning, monitoring the efficiency of the personnel service and the state of personnel in the organization. One of the popular HRM information systems that has the necessary functionality is “1C: Salary and HR Management 8”. The system contains the “Staff Turnover Rate” report, which allows you to monitor the current staff turnover rate both throughout the organization and in a specific individual department.

This indicator represents the following ratio taken for a certain period: (number of dismissed employees / average number of employees) * 100%.

Figure 3 – Report: staff turnover rate in “1C: Salary and HR Management”

The program contains functionality for testing employees, automatic payroll calculation, tax and personnel records. “1C: Salary and HR Management” will allow you not only to use standard questionnaires, but also to develop new ones, send them to employees, receive responses and process the results.

1C:Personnel assessment

Another HRM automation system, 1C: Personnel Assessment, will be a useful tool for a manager or HR manager in testing and assessing personnel. This solution gives the HR officer a wide range of opportunities to analyze candidates when hiring and employees in the process of work, monitoring the socio-psychological climate in the team. The program allows for an individual approach to testing and assessment due to the ability to construct new tests.

Figure 4 – Program “1C: Personnel Assessment”

Methods of dealing with staff turnover, in principle, can be very individual in the same situation, but with different people. The main thing is a clear identification of the root cause and its prompt elimination. A late understanding that turnover needs to be dealt with can be too expensive for the company. Constant monitoring and analysis of the reasons for employee dismissal and, of course, the search and implementation of methods to combat them - all this will bring huge benefits for your business. The financial result will not be long in coming.

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