Nootropics for the brain. What are nootropics? The best nootropics with an additional activating effect

Many people notice that with age or for other reasons (after strokes, traumatic brain injuries, birth asphyxia and other lesions of the central nervous system), their thinking becomes more difficult to solve industrial and everyday problems. And sometimes the mental load is too high for normal perception (for students during exams). In such cases, new generation nootropics prescribed by a neurologist come to the rescue.

Patients often ask questions: what are nootropics and how do they affect the central nervous system? It is worth learning more about this in order to use these funds more competently.

Nootropic drugs are medications that improve metabolic processes in the brain and protect it from harmful influences. Thanks to this, they have a positive effect on memorizing information, mental activity and learning ability.

Nootropics for the brain officially belong to psychotropic drugs, but they differ from them in their ability to protect the brain from hypoxia () and in a significantly smaller number of side effects (they do not cause drowsiness, do not reduce the speed of reaction, do not inhibit brain activity, they are not addictive).


The list of nootropic drugs for the brain is very extensive, so for convenience they are divided into the following main groups:

  • Gamma-aminobutyric acid preparations (Aminalon, Picamilon and others).
  • Preparations of pyrrolidone (piracetam) and diaphenylpyrrolidone (phenotropil).
  • Pyridoxine derivatives (pyritinol).
  • Polypeptides (cerebrolysin).
  • Vitamin-like substances (idebenone).
  • Amino acids (glycine, tyrosine).
  • Other groups.

Neuroprotective substances that reduce oxygen deprivation of the central nervous system, prevent seizures, and relax muscles are considered to be similar in effects to nootropics.

Drugs that have a nootropic effect stimulate cognitive functions, promote better memorization and assimilation of information, and learning. They improve interneuron connections in the brain. The protective effect of nootropics (cerebroprotectors) is to normalize carbohydrate metabolism in the central nervous system, stimulate neuronal recovery, have an antioxidant effect, and stabilize cell membranes.

The mechanism of action of nootropics on the brain includes the following effects:

  • antioxidant;
  • antihypoxic;
  • neuroprotection;
  • membrane stabilization.

In order for a positive effect to occur, nootropic medications must be taken in courses over a long period of time, since their effect usually does not appear or is minimal after one tablet. They are often prescribed in combination with other drugs that strengthen and protect the nervous system (vitamins, statins, psychostimulants).

As a rule, such treatment is indicated for elderly people, or those who have had organic cancer, and sometimes it is prescribed to children so that they develop normally.


Which nootropics are best to take for the brain should be decided individually by a neurologist.

There are the following indications for nootropics:

  • Diseases leading to degenerative phenomena in the central nervous system, such as discirculatory encephalopathy, ischemic stroke, traumatic brain injury, infectious brain lesions, epilepsy.
  • Chronic alcohol abuse.
  • Constant drug use.
  • Asthenic syndrome, insufficient sleep.
  • Various neuroses.
  • Mental illnesses.
  • Mental retardation in childhood.


Contraindications to these medications depend on the group of the particular drug. It is contraindicated for people who have had an allergic reaction to the nootropic. However, they can choose a drug with a similar effect with a different composition.

You should also not take nootropics after a hemorrhagic stroke, with renal or liver failure, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It must be remembered that to avoid unwanted effects, treatment with nootropic substances should be prescribed by a doctor. When self-medicating, the risk of various complications is much higher.

Side effect

When taking modern nootropic drugs, side effects occur much less frequently.

The following undesirable effects are possible:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • general weakness;
  • increased excitability;
  • digestive disorders (dyspepsia);
  • toxic effects on the liver and kidneys;
  • feeling of heat in the face and its redness;
  • allergic rash;
  • increased body temperature;
  • deterioration of balance;
  • sometimes - worsening of the course.


New generation nootropics for the brain are usually more effective and have fewer side effects compared to older drugs:

  1. Piracetam: has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the central nervous system. Indications for it are attacks of dizziness, speech disorders in children, and memory impairment. It is used as part of complex emergency treatment for alcoholic delirium, inflammatory processes in the brain, and heart attacks.
  2. Fezam: used for . It improves blood flow through the microvasculature and promotes metabolic processes in brain tissue. It also has a positive effect on the auditory and visual centers, has a pronounced antihypoxic effect, helps with headaches, memory and attention disorders.
  3. Cerebrolysin: The positive effects of this medicine have been proven through research. There are forms for oral and intravenous administration. In complex therapy, it helps with strokes and traumatic brain injuries. It is also used for mental disorders. It has a positive effect on the mood and general well-being of patients, and improves cognitive function.

Nootropics, the list of drugs of which today is represented by a wide range of drugs, date back to 1963. At that time, Belgian clinicians and pharmacologists managed to synthesize and use in medical practice the first drug from the group of nootropics - Piracetam.

Numerous studies have proven clinical improvements in patients of various groups with constant use of Piracetam, including increased memory and facilitation of learning processes.

In 1972, the term “nootropics” was coined to designate a class of drugs designed to improve the integrative functionality of the brain. In modern neurology, nootropic drugs are an integral part of the treatment of various disorders in children and adults.

Characteristics of the pharmaceutical group

Nootropics(from Greek noos - mind, thoughts and tropos - vector, direction) are widely used in neurological practice to positively influence the higher integrative functions of the brain. With the help of drugs, they correct some behavioral reactions in people and adults, increase resistance to stressful situations, learning ability, and chronic hypoxia. Other functions of the drugs are:

    maintaining the energy structure of a neuron (nerve cell);

    improving the functionality of the central nervous system;

    activation of the plastic functionality of the central nervous system;

    providing a pronounced neuroprotective effect;

    normalization and stabilization of the cell membrane;

    minimizes the need of nerve cells for oxygen.

The nootropic effect can be primary with a direct effect on neurons and secondary with an improvement in general cerebral circulation. There are two main groups of nootropics:

    true (improvement of mnestic functions of the brain and nervous system);

    combined action (combination of several functions simultaneously).

Synonyms of the pharmacological group of nootropics are cerebroprotectors, neuroregulators, neuroanabolics, eutotrophic, neurometabolic drugs. All terms reflect the general effect of the drugs - the ability to stimulate metabolic processes in the nervous structures of the human body.

Mechanism of action

Nootropic drugs directly affect the whole range of functional abilities of the brain, promoting their active activity. Thanks to adequate therapy, concentration improves and interactions between the right and left hemispheres are facilitated. It has been proven that the drugs rejuvenate the body and prolong the life of patients with a burdened clinical neurological history.

The biogenic origin of the drug significantly affects all processes of intracellular metabolism, stimulating protein synthesis, excretion of excess glucose, and ATP formation. The following mechanisms and effects of influence are distinguished:

    membrane stabilizing effect;




There is a significant increase in the brain's resistance to the negative effects of exogenous and endogenous factors. The effectiveness of the drugs is enhanced by the simultaneous use of angioprotectors and psychostimulants. The main category of patients who are prescribed nootropics are children and the elderly.

Main indications for use

Typical indications for prescribing nootropic drugs are the following conditions:

    psychoorganic syndrome (dystrophic changes in nervous tissue of any origin);

    alcoholism with withdrawal syndrome;

    drug addiction;

    neuroleptic syndrome (as a combination therapy);

    neurotic or organic asthenia;

    cerebrovascular insufficiency;

    sickle cell anemia;

    ophthalmological pathologies (complex therapy).

Neurogenic urinary disorders are treated with the help of nootropics. Nootropic drugs are a necessary measure for Parkinson's disease, ischemia, cerebral palsy, and epileptic seizures.

Contraindications and side effects

Nootropic drugs can be prescribed with relative contraindications at the discretion of the attending physician. Absolute contraindications include acute or chronic renal failure, pregnancy and lactation, complicated liver diseases, acute hemorrhagic stroke, hypersensitivity, severe psychomotor agitation. Side effects of the drug include the following conditions:

    sleep disturbance, insomnia;

    dyspeptic disorders;

    increased excitability:

    anxiety syndrome, panic attacks;


    increased effect on hepatic or renal function;

    convulsive syndrome, epileptic seizures;

    loss of coordination, unsteadiness of gait;

    redness of the face, feeling of heat;

    severe iosinophilia;

    hallucinations and confusion;

    thrombophlebitis, febrile syndrome.

While taking the drug, allergic rashes on the body such as urticaria, itching, burning on the skin, mainly in the neck, face, and back are possible. If any discomfort occurs, it is recommended to stop treatment or adjust the daily dosage. Cases of drug overdose have not been registered.

Basic nootropic drugs

Which ones are better in the treatment of neurological diseases? The use of nootropic drugs can be combined or independent. Typically, nootropics are used as stand-alone therapy for minor disorders. The following drugs with proven effectiveness are widely used in neurological practice:


    Probably the most popular nootropic. The drug enhances metabolic processes in the brain. Used for the treatment of systematic dizziness and correction of dyslexic syndrome. In adult patients, the drug is used as a complex therapy for myocardial infarction, withdrawal syndrome for addictions of any origin. Doctors prescribe a remedy for the treatment of neuroinfections caused by viral agents.


    One of the best herbal nootropics. The German drug Memoplant contains highly purified extract of Ginkgo biloba EGb 761®. Many preparations of ginkgo biloba contain a significant amount of harmful impurities - ginkgolic acids. Memoplant does not have this drawback, since it is cleaned during 27 production stages.
    The drug increases the resistance of nervous tissue to oxygen deficiency and improves cerebral circulation. Effective for dizziness, noise in the ears or head, as well as decreased memory and performance.


    With constant use, the blood vessels of the brain dilate and microcirculation increases. The active substance of the drug ensures complete transport of oxygen to brain tissues and increases the absorption of nutrients. Vinpocetine has a pronounced neuroprotective and antioxidant effect. The treatment regimen changes from first administering intravenous solutions and then switching to tablet forms of the drug. Used as an adjuvant in antihypertensive therapy.


    High effectiveness is noted for functional disorders of the vestibular apparatus, sleep disorders, neurasthenia, and asthenic syndrome. Long-term use normalizes metabolic processes in brain tissue at the cellular level. The strengths of the drug are its psychostimulating ability and antioxidant effect. The drug is characterized by low toxicity and few side effects.


    The drug belongs to a new generation of nootropics with a pronounced adaptogenic effect. Patients show resistance to stressful situations without causing drug dependence. Phenotropil is prescribed to patients with strong emotional and mental stress.


    A nootropic directly intended to treat impaired blood circulation in the brain. Effective for serious diseases of the nervous system, circulatory disorders in the vascular system of the brain. In complex therapy, headaches with increased intracranial pressure are relieved, and the functioning of the organs of hearing and vision is improved. Fezam is prescribed for amnesia and is highly effective in hypoxic syndrome.


    A drug intended to strengthen the vascular walls of the brain during their dilatation (stretching). At the same time, blood pressure indicators remain within the usual norm. Effective in the prevention of motion sickness and vestibular disorders. Prescribed for chronic migraines, increased hypertension, accompanied by dizziness, tinnitus, and headache. Cinnarizine is used in adult women to reduce the symptoms of menopause.


    The safety and effectiveness of the drug has been proven by numerous studies. Used as an adjuvant therapy against serious mental and neurological disorders. When the dosage is prescribed correctly, mental processes are activated, concentration and mood increase. Long-term use improves memory and increases learning ability.


    A drug classified as an antihypoxic nootropic. Used to treat metabolic disorders in the brain, promotes rapid healing of wounds. The drug is used as a complex therapy for radiation-induced skin lesions and diabetic polyneuropathy. Actovegin is available in the form of tablets, intramuscular, intravenous solutions and intra-arterial injections. There is also a form of the drug for topical use.

Nootropic drugs for the treatment of serious neurological disorders are used in adult neurological practice. When used as complex therapy, the likelihood of a decrease or increase in the activity of other drugs is taken into account.

The best nootropics for children

In pediatric practice, nootropics are used to treat mental retardation, to improve attention, speech development, and poor performance at school. Children's nootropic drugs have been widely used since 1952. The main reasons for prescribing are the following conditions in children of different ages:

    cerebrovascular disease;

    hypoxic syndrome in cerebral palsy:

    poor speech development;

    intellectual disability;


It has been proven that in childhood the tolerability of nootropic drugs is much better than in adults. The main medications for children are the following:

    Piracetam(Nootropil, Cerebril, Lucetam, Oykamid).

    Suitable for use in children over 1 year of age, available in tablets, ampoules, and capsules. Not prescribed for children with increased emotional excitability. The active substance has a beneficial effect on the brain, increases sensitivity to intellectual stress, stabilizes concentration, and promotes learning.


    An anticonvulsant drug suitable for children from the first days of life. It is sold from pharmacies in the form of syrups and tablets. It is used to treat cerebral palsy, improve the condition of autism, and schizophrenia. Pantogam is used for children with neurogenic or stress urinary incontinence. Also, with constant use, the child’s emotional background is normalized, especially with delayed mental and speech development. The likelihood of developing side effects is also reduced: drowsiness, allergic reactions, dyspeptic disorders.


    The drug, intended to dilate blood vessels in the brain, is an analogue of Piracetam in terms of active substance and effectiveness. Has a mild tranquilizing effect. It is sold from pharmacies in the form of injections for intravenous and intramuscular administration, in tablets. In pediatrics, it is prescribed to children from 3 years of age. The nootropic drug is especially effective under high emotional stress and increased physical and mental activity.


    The product belongs to the latest generation of drugs. Prescribed to children to stimulate the normal functioning of the nervous system, increase mental and intellectual activity, while helping to cope with overload. The drug has a low degree of toxicity and is suitable for children over 2 years of age. The main side effects include nausea, increased drowsiness, and dizziness. Available from pharmacy chains in the form of powder and tablets.


    The drug is intended for the effect of mild sedation. Necessary for the treatment of depressive syndrome in adolescents, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and excessive fatigue. It is a complex drug for mental and mental retardation. Not recommended for use in children under 12 months. Despite its high activity, the drug has a number of side effects: loss of taste, dyspnea, polymyositis, nausea and dizziness.

    Cinnarizine(Vertisin, Disiron, Cyrizin, Balcinnarzin, Cinnarone).

    It is used in pediatrics to treat children over 12 years of age, but recently it has been used in children from 1 year of age. The drug has many side effects, from typical nausea to epileptic attacks, renal and liver dysfunction, and arterial hypotension. The effectiveness of the drug has not been proven. The drug is available in the form of capsules and tablets.


    The drug is widely used in pediatric practice due to its high efficiency and convenient pharmacological form. The drug eliminates excessive moodiness and emotional excitability. Side effects include dizziness, nausea, and irritation of the nasal mucosa. Used in children with delayed speech development and sleep disturbances.


    The active ingredient is aminoacetic acid. The drug is well tolerated by young children and is effective against excessive emotional arousal. With long-term use, performance and learning ability are activated, night sleep is regulated, and concentration of attention increases. Glycine is suitable for treating children of any age.


    New from Japan, is a follower of Piracetam. A similar composition of Gammalon is contained in Aminalon, but the price of the drug is much lower. If the cost of a Japanese nootropic reaches 2,500 rubles. per package, then Aminalon costs 100-150 rubles. per package. The effectiveness of both drugs has not been studied or proven. The price and quality of the Japanese product is more of a marketing ploy.

Experts have different opinions about the effectiveness of nootropics in children. Some consider drugs to be indispensable tools in the treatment of any neurogenic disorders and psycho-emotional disorders. Others doubt the effectiveness of nootropic drugs due to the lack of clinical data for use in childhood. Basically, nootropic drugs are used for “calming” as an adjuvant treatment to basic treatment. All drugs are dispensed from pharmacy chains without a prescription.

List of the best nootropics

Which drugs are best to take in a specific clinical situation should be decided by the attending physician. Today, there are several of the most effective drugs that have found wide application in both pediatrics and adult practice for the treatment of diseases of a neurogenic nature:



  • Cerebrolysin;





The effect of constant use of modern nootropic drugs begins only after a few months. As an independent drug, nootropics are used to prevent neurological diseases, decreased performance in adults, and impaired concentration.

Combined products

Among nootropics, there are drugs with a combined composition. Such products include two or more active components, which to one degree or another enhance or reduce the effect of each other. The main drugs in the series are:

    Gamalate B6 (composed of pyridoxine hydrochloride, magnesium glutamate hydrobromide);

    Omaron, Fezam, Evriza, Noozom (Piracetam and Cinnarizine, auxiliary components);

    Neuronorm (active ingredients Piracetam and Cinnarizine);

    Olatropil (Piracetam and GABA);

    (Piracetam and Thiotriazolin).

All products are similar in effectiveness to Piracetam. Combination drugs are used for severe problems; similarly to popular drugs, they are used in monotherapy and in combination with other drugs.

All medications, despite the absence of side effects, require a doctor's prescription. Only on the basis of medical examination data can an accurate diagnosis be established, which will determine further adequate treatment.

  • Piracetam (Nootropil)

This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

In medicine, there are medications that perform a specific function (for example, they destroy microbes, lower blood pressure, reduce the secretion of fluid into the intestinal lumen). But there is a whole group of means that can improve body functions that are difficult to accurately statistics and measure. We are talking about the so-called higher mental functions. Concepts such as mental activity, learning ability, and brain resistance to harmful influences are multifaceted and complex.

This is why drugs for improving higher nervous activity are assessed so ambiguously by the global medical community. There is no doubt that a number of these drugs can improve the metabolism of neurons, their absorption of glucose, improve the condition of their cell membranes, and reduce their need for oxygen. It is believed that nootropic drugs (nootropics) can improve the learning process and memory, give clarity of consciousness and “tenacious attention”, reduce the exhaustion of the nervous system and increase the time of ability to actively work.

Also, nootropic drugs can increase the activity of attention and thinking, and improve speech. In some cases, they activate and have an antidepressant effect, and some of these drugs, on the contrary, calm, reduce irritability, and help reduce convulsive activity of the brain.

Such a multifaceted and wide field of activity for nootropic drugs has made it possible to prescribe them in domestic medicine for a wide variety of diseases and conditions. These are dementia and parkinsonism, the consequences of neuroinfections and traumatic brain injury, decreased concentration and fatigue in healthy people during intense study sessions, chronic alcoholism and neuroses. Finally, nootropic tablets are taken to improve the quality of sleep, and simply for prevention in view of upcoming active mental stress.

Nootropics are also very widely used in pediatric practice. In our country, they are first-line drugs, and are included in the review of drugs used to treat delayed speech and mental development, the consequences of perinatal trauma, and are used in complex therapy in the treatment of cerebral palsy and in the treatment of mild forms of mental retardation.

From the point of view of Western, evidence-based medicine, which requires a quantitative calculation of effectiveness, in practice everything is far from so simple, but we will talk about this at the end of our review. And now we will present to your attention the most popular and best-selling nootropic drugs in Russia, which are mainly produced in tablets.

Review of nootropic drugs

Nomination place Name of product price
Review of nootropic drugs 1 270 ₽
2 519 RUR
3 988 RUR
4 50 ₽
5 391 RUR
6 1 100 ₽
7 837 RUR
8 290 ₽
9 472 RUR
10 414 ₽

Piracetam (Lucetam, Nootropil, Memotropil)

The review of tablets for improving mental abilities opens with the most famous of the old nootropics, namely Piracetam. As evidenced by the official instructions for use, Piracetam is indicated for almost 50 different diagnoses and conditions, ranging from mental retardation and cerebral infarction, and ending with simply old age and vascular dementia, such a volume in itself is doubtful. According to its chemical structure, Piracetam is a derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid.

It can be considered that Piracetam is used in Russia for almost any problem associated with higher nervous activity, and it is contraindicated only in cases of hypersensitivity, Huntington’s chorea, and in children under 3 years of age. Limitations for the use of this nootropic drug include a history of intracerebral hemorrhage or hemorrhagic stroke, use of anticoagulants, and chronic renal failure.

This nootropic is used in tablets orally and intramuscularly. Piracetam is available in capsules of 400 mg, the packaging varies from 10 to 200 capsules. At the beginning of treatment, 2 capsules are prescribed 3 times a day before meals, then gradually reduce the dose by half, to one tablet three times a day. You should focus on a daily dose not exceeding 160 mg per kilogram of body weight. Piracetam is produced by a very large number of domestic and foreign companies, and the cheapest tablets can be purchased for 30 rubles, 20 capsules

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantages of the nootropic Piracetam include the fact (but a very important one) that after many years of its use in the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) removed it from the list of drugs and downgraded its status to dietary supplements, for lack of evidence-based effectiveness. The advantages of the nootropic include good tolerability, convenient release form, inexpensive cost, and availability in almost every Russian pharmacy, which does not guarantee anything in terms of effectiveness.

Phenotropil (Phenylpiracetam, Carphedon)

Phenotropil is also a “record holder” in terms of indications: the official instructions list about 60 conditions and diagnoses. It turns out that this nootropic drug is used for obesity and dementia, schizophrenia, alcoholism, depression and Parkinson's disease, epilepsy and even multiple sclerosis, seizures, intracranial injuries and in connection with problems associated with adapting to lifestyle changes. In other words, if the doctor advised you to quit drinking and smoking, then this will already be an indication for prescribing Phenotropil. This medicine itself, according to the manufacturer, has anticonvulsant, nootropic, antiasthenic and neuromodulatory effects, and should be taken after meals in a dose of 100 to 250 mg. For prevention purposes, adults and healthy people need 100 or 200 mg in the morning. This remedy is not recommended to be taken after 15:00 due to its activating effect and possible deterioration of sleep. Tablets of 100 mg are produced by the domestic company Valenta Pharmaceuticals.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps one of the advantages of nootropic tablets is its disadvantage - a short-term invigorating effect, but this effect was precisely the reason that Phenotropil was banned by the Anti-Doping Committee. In domestic practice, this nootropic is used relatively widely, but in developed countries of Europe and the USA it is unknown and not used. The official World Health Organization (WHO) does not have recommendations for its use, nor does it have a serious evidence base.

Encephabol, or pyritinol, is a kind of nootropic drug that contains a derivative of vitamin B6. As is known, vitamin B6 itself, or pyridoxine, which is available in the form of hydrochloride, together with thiamine, or vitamin B1, and cyanocobalamin, or vitamin B12, constitute a group of neurotropic vitamins, and are widely used in clinical practice. Encephabol is indicated, according to the manufacturer, for various forms of dementia, mental retardation, memory impairment, attention and orientation, and the consequences of traumatic brain injury.

The nootropic medicine is available in 100 mg tablets and as a suspension for oral administration. Adults need to take 2 tablets or 2 teaspoons three times a day, and newborns can be prescribed it from the 3rd day after birth, 1 ml per day. According to the manufacturer, therapeutic success is achieved after a month, and optimal effect after 3 months. This nootropic is produced by the Austrian company Merck, and this drug costs about 800 rubles. for one package of suspension in 200 ml.

Advantages and disadvantages

The negative aspects of Encephabol include the lack of evidence for each of the stated indications, or at least serious research on one of them with a high level of reliability, and, perhaps, individual intolerance. The positive side of the nootropic is the rare development of this intolerance.

Glycine is truly a popular and cheap drug. It is used sublingually or dissolved before bedtime; it is prescribed to children and adults to improve memory and performance; it is prescribed in large quantities to patients after a stroke. From a biochemical point of view, glycine, or glycocol, is the simplest amino acid that is part of almost any protein, including many proteins in our body. Glycine is also a neurotransmitter, or a carrier of certain signals within the brain.

This popular love (good demand) pushed many manufacturers to combine glycine in combination with magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and so on. Typically, these tablets are taken to relieve tension, make it easier to fall asleep, and they are taken sublingually for resorption, in tablets or in powder form after the tablet has been crushed. For adults, it is recommended to take one or two tablets immediately before falling asleep, and for other disorders of the nervous system, the instructions prescribe a specific dosage regimen. The cheapest domestic glycine can be purchased starting from 19 rubles. for 50 tablets.

Advantages and disadvantages

All nootropics have one drawback, but it is an extremely important one: there is no evidence that they are effective. Yes, glycine is a neurotransmitter. But the fact is that a neurotransmitter, in order to regulate subtle relationships in the central nervous system, must be produced in it, like acetylcholine, norepinephrine, serotonin. There will be no benefit if the mediator in large quantities comes from the intestines along with food to the brain in quantities hundreds of times higher than the required concentration, or is absorbed into the sublingual vessels. There is a blood-brain barrier that prohibits bringing into the “holy of holies” of the body, its command room and control apparatus, everything that has been indiscriminately absorbed from the stomach. That is why glycine, which is administered orally, practically does not enter the central nervous system and does not work there as a mediator, and there are no modern evidence-based studies on it. In other words, there are biological and chemical effects (in vitro) from glycine, but therapeutic effects are invisible and unproven.

A positive, and certainly worthy effect of these tablets is sometimes the rapid onset of calm, physiological sleep in those impressionable subjects who firmly believe in the healing power of glycine. Therefore, glycine may well be a kind of inexpensive and effective placebo, or a dummy, the entire power of which is based on the patient’s faith.

Semax is no longer one amino acid, but as many as 7 amino acid residues synthesized into one short chain. The medicine is produced in the form of nasal drops, in a concentration of 0, 1, or 1%. This synthetic protein sequence repeats one of the fragments of adrenocorticotropic hormone, but lacks hormonal activity. According to the manufacturer, this drug also has a nootropic, antioxidant, and cerebroprotective effect, and due to the original absorption mechanism, it can be used in ophthalmology, while within 4 minutes the drug penetrates the structures of the central nervous system, and the therapeutic effect, even with a single administration, lasts a day. Manufacturers have established different dosage regimens. So, if the optic nerve is damaged, three drops are instilled into each nasal passage three times a day, and to prevent stress - one drop into each nasal passage twice a day.

Manufacturers recommend using drops for the entire spectrum of cognitive disorders, consequences of stroke, encephalopathy, to prevent mental fatigue, and enhance adaptive capabilities. Contraindications include individual intolerance, pregnancy and lactation, psychosis and seizures, as well as age under 5 years. This nootropic drug is produced by the domestic JSC Peptogen, and is not cheap - at a dosage of 0.1% of 350 rubles; and at a dosage of 1% - for 3 ml you will have to pay 1,750 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantage of Semax is the lack of a clear mechanism of action, characteristic of all nootropics, randomized clinical trials, and its complete unknown in Western Europe and the USA, and the silence about Semax from the World Health Organization (WHO). Against this background, the price of almost 2000 rubles is quite dubious. for a large dosage, but it is somewhat reassuring that Semax has virtually no symptoms of overdose and drug interactions, and is unlikely to cause harm.

The nootropic Cerebrolysin is a biological drug, that is, a whole complex of protein-like peptides that are obtained from the brain of pigs. In general, the belief that nootropic drugs from animal brains help the human brain is analogous to the ancient beliefs that eating a strong opponent will make you just as strong. In domestic practice, Cerebrolysin is also prescribed for various types of cerebrovascular accidents, the consequences of stroke, mental retardation, dementia, and the consequences of traumatic brain injury.

Cerebrolysin is produced in ampoules, the most popular dosage is 5 ml, there are five ampoules in one package. In some cases, Cerebrolysin is produced by foreign companies, but at the request of a Russian manufacturer and for the domestic market. The cost of one package of Cerebrolysin starts from 915 rubles.

A little about the price of the issue: the manufacturer recommends the optimal course of administration of the nootropic drug in the form of daily injections or infusions, and the duration of the course is usually 2 weeks on average. At the same time, the single doses that are recommended should not exceed 5 ml for intramuscular administration, for intravenous administration as a bolus, that is, 10 ml immediately, and by setting up a slow intravenous infusion - up to 50 ml per day, for example, for a stroke, and for the consequences brain injuries. Thus, no one will forbid a patient to take 1,800 rubles worth of drug every day, even after a mild concussion, if you take the maximum daily dose (with the price of one 5 ml ampoule at least 180 rubles). Thus, for a course of treatment for two weeks of daily droppers you can pay 27,000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

As usual, Cerebrolysin does not have high-quality clinical studies with a high level of evidence that are accepted for introducing drugs into action in Western countries. Nevertheless, it is prescribed and successfully advertised everywhere in our country. In general, all biological preparations obtained from other creatures that are administered, including intravenously, in developed countries are either generally prohibited for import into the country or are expressly prohibited for use, since they can transmit prion infections. But even without this, in 2010 it was proven that Cerebrolysin is ineffective even in high doses for the treatment of stroke. Whether the prescription of this nootropic drug is literally beneficial for the prescribing physician remains open in this case. But we can confidently say that in our country such cases are not uncommon.

There is nothing special to say about Cortexin, except for the extract from pig brains, a fraction from cattle was added to Cerebrolysin, and it was expanded with indications for children (up to 20 kg of weight, that is, almost from birth). The manufacturer gives this nootropic drug the ability to improve brain function, protect neurons from damage, increase their survival and resistance to stress, activate their function, and many other beneficial properties. Indications Cortexin is recommended for use in complex therapy, that is, together with any other drugs. The manufacturer, apparently, has reason not to trust his nootropic drug, since in monotherapy, that is, if only one is used, there is a high risk that there may be no effect, and this will be immediately visible.

This nootropic is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The manufacturer refers to the lack of data from clinical studies for pregnant and lactating women. But, apparently, they are not needed: Cortexin is already in demand.

The manufacturer of Cortexin is the domestic company Geropharm, and the minimum dosage of 5 mg in a bottle will cost you 540 rubles. for 10 bottles. In this case, a single dose, for example, for a stroke, is 2 bottles 2 times a day for 10 days, or 4 packs.

Advantages and disadvantages

The big disadvantage of this nooprop is the reluctance of the drug manufacturers to subject it to pharmacokinetic studies, which is routine, but it turns out that the manufacturer knows very well how this drug works - this is a significant advantage. Here are two quotes from the official instructions: “the composition of the drug does not allow for conventional pharmacokinetic analysis of individual components.” And the second quote: “The mechanism of action of the drug Cortexin® is due to the activation of neuronal peptides and neurotrophic factors of the brain; optimization of the balance of metabolism of excitatory and inhibitory amino acids, dopamine, serotonin; GABA-ergic effect...” Question: if the manufacturer cannot determine what components are in a nootropic drug, how could they conclude that it is excellently effective? And how is the rest of the world not yet ready to put this miracle into practice?

Mexidol (mexiprim)

This nootropic drug contains ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, that is, the only chemical substance that belongs to the group of antioxidants. Just like other nootropics, this drug is indicated for use in cases of overload and mental stress, anxiety and cognitive impairment, neuroses, chronic alcoholism and toxic encephalopathy, damage to the blood vessels of the brain, including in the elderly, as well as cranial -brain injury and its consequences.

Each Mexidol tablet contains 125 mg of the active substance, and it should be used 1 - 2 tablets three times a day, the maximum can be used no more than 6 tablets, and the course of treatment is on average 3-4 weeks. In case of relief of alcohol withdrawal syndrome, 7 days is quite enough. Mexidol is produced by the domestic company ZiO-Zdorovye, and one package of 50 tablets will cost 360 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantage is still the same, namely, no serious data from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine. This, of course, does not mean that there were no studies at all. Of course, they were, but there were always few patients, there were many errors in the studies, there was no randomization or blinding. Blinding is a necessary condition for the objectivity of the study: a blind study is when the patient does not know whether he is being given the study drug or a placebo, a “dummy” for comparison. Double blind is when even the doctor does not know whether he is prescribing a dummy or the drug declared in the study. Any good research costs money, including patient insurance, and as a result, the reliability and value of these studies on Mexidol are highly questionable. As for other data, the nootropic drug can affect the ability to drive vehicles, and during the treatment period it is better to avoid driving vehicles, and in case of an overdose or at the maximum dose, drowsiness may develop.

Cytoflavin is a complex nootropic drug that contains inosine, vitamins - nicotinamide and riboflavin, and succinic acid. Pharmacologically, it refers to a combination of metabolic drugs, and is indicated for the consequences of stroke, atherosclerosis, neurasthenia, and cerebrovascular pathology. At the same time, succinic acid helps optimize energy metabolism in the cell, nicotinamide and riboflavin are necessary for cellular respiration and stimulation of ATP synthesis, and inosine is a precursor of a high-energy compound - ATP, which is a donor of intracellular energy.

The nootropic drug should be taken 2 tablets twice a day in the morning and evening, but no later than six in the evening, the course duration is 25 days. There have been no cases of overdose; side effects can manifest themselves in the form of a headache, or mild abdominal discomfort, as well as allergic reactions. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant and nursing mothers due to insufficient research. Cytoflavin is produced by the domestic company Polisan, and a package of 50 tablets will cost 360 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the disadvantages of a nootropic drug, it should be noted that essentially it is not a nootropic, since it is a combined remedy of vitamins and energy metabolites. Cytoflavin is a fairly well-tolerated drug, like other nootropics; it also does not have a reliable evidence base, but subjectively, many patients, especially the elderly, note an improvement after parenteral administration of Cytoflavin. Whether this refers to the effect of self-hypnosis, or whether the nootropic drug really helps, is still unknown.

Pantogam, or hopantenic acid, according to the international classification, belongs to psychostimulants and nootropic drugs. According to the manufacturer, it should be used for many indications, in addition to standard mental and neurological diagnoses; this acid even has “limitations in activity caused by decreased ability to work” in its indications. Such an overly broad interpretation of the indications for use (and, of course, in favor of the drug) cannot but cause surprise.

Each tablet contains 250 mg of calcium hopantenate, and it is recommended that adults take no more than 3 g, or 6 tablets per day, and children also no more than 3 G per day. In some cases, the duration of the course of treatment can be 6 months, and after a break of 6 months the course can be repeated. We will not list in this review all the detailed dosages of Pantogam, we will only say that in addition to tablets of 250 and 500 mg, the drug is available in syrup, which contains 100 mg of active ingredient per 1 ml. This medicine is produced by the domestic company Pik Pharma. You can buy a bottle of syrup weighing 100 milligrams for 340 rubles, and a package of tablets with a maximum dosage of 0.5 g in an amount of 50 pieces for 470 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

It has already been said above that the disadvantage of all nootropics is at least the lack of evidence base. That is why they are not used in developed countries of Europe, in Israel and in the USA. But with the nootropic drug Pantogam the situation is much worse. This drug was banned in Japan in the early 1990s, since it was proven that it was the intake of hopantenic acid that led to a number of fatal complications that occurred with the so-called Reye's syndrome (encephalopathy and liver damage in children and adolescents, usually after the administration of acetylsalicylic acid ). In order not to be unfounded, we provide links to scientific works ( https://www

Conclusion, or the happy fate of nootropics in Russia

It would be possible to cite a whole series of tablets, and describe in detail in the rating such drugs as Picamilon, Phenibut, Phezam, Gliatilin, Aminalon, Cavinton, Cerakson, which are positioned as a drug with a nootropic effect. But we won’t do this, because we will start repeating ourselves.

Thus, Picamilon, also in the United States of America, was not only recognized as a counterfeit nootropic drug, but was even excluded from the list of dietary supplements. FDA researchers simply analyzed tablets that contained different amounts of the active ingredient, and in one of the tablets it was not found at all. Such counterfeits are very strictly punished by law abroad, but what is the composition of tablets in the Russian Federation, and what machines are used in pharmaceutical factories to ensure a uniform content of the active substance in each tablet, we do not know this information, and do not even think about it.

This information, which allows the reader to think about it, is not at all a “fly in the ointment.” It is no coincidence that the list of nootropics is headed not “best” drugs, but “popular” drugs. And that's a big difference. If there is a best nootropic drug, this means that there is also a worse one, that is, one drug has an effect, but the other has the least effect, this can be proven according to the laws of mathematics and medical statistics, because the measure is effectiveness.

As for nootropic drugs, they have an extremely large list of indications, which sometimes take up dozens of diagnoses. Truly, there are many fish to be caught in troubled waters. If we compare this with serious drugs, for example, to lower cholesterol or reduce blood pressure, you will see that one or two indications for use, for example, hypertension and heart failure, are quite enough. As was shown in the review, manufacturers are pulling even such diagnoses that are not indicators of illness in the body, for example, “adaptation disorder when changing lifestyle.”

Countries that are world leaders are trying to get rid of those drugs whose effect cannot be proven, as well as ill-gotten and “laundered” money. Wealthy rich Russians go for treatment to Germany, Switzerland, Israel and the USA. And none of them think with alarm that they will not be prescribed Cortexin, Cerebrolysin, or Picamilon there. In the United States of America, for example, there is not a single drug approved by international recommendations to improve intellectual-mnestic or cognitive functions, both in sick and healthy people. In developed countries, nootropic drugs are not registered as medicines anywhere at all, since they have not been tested for evidence of effectiveness.

Of course, it is best to give a nootropic drug to a patient as a magical remedy for stimulating brain function than to tell him tedious and boring advice about how a healthy lifestyle, normalizing weight, quitting smoking and alcohol, healthy sleep, and sports will make him healthy. People understand and feel very well that these non-drug methods are effective, and, most importantly, proven in numerous international studies, not only for the prevention, but also for the treatment of many neurological diseases. But man is designed in such a way that he wants everything at once, with minimal expenditure of his strength. Therefore, before you listen to the advice of a domestic specialist and run to buy Cortexin, Piracetam or Phenibut, think several times whether your health needs it. Remember that a wealthy Englishman or American will never do this, and a German doctor or specialist from the USA, where the medical profession is prestigious and highly paid, will never prescribe nootropics to a patient, since they are clinically ineffective.

*The popularity rating is based on an analysis of demand data from the service.
Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

The nervous system of a newly born person is still immature. It will be improved over the years. It is not surprising that caring parents peer closely at their baby - does he have any deviations?

Is your baby restless before bed? Sometimes the chin trembles, arms and legs twitch, does the baby spit up profusely and often, does he lag behind his peers in development? Does your toddler have a delay in speech development or does he not want to sit up and walk at the average time? All these symptoms can be a sign of either a natural immaturity of the nervous system for babies or a serious illness.

When the question arises, as they say, head-on, parents and pediatricians have no time to wait to see whether the alarming symptoms will go away over time.

After all, the older the child, the more difficult it is to correct deviations caused by neurological pathologies. In this situation, children are prescribed nootropic drugs. There is no need to be afraid - according to statistics, every third child is prescribed them.

What it is?

Nootropics are neurometabolic stimulants. Simply put, drugs that actively act on the higher mental functions of the brain, improve blood circulation and the functioning of the nervous system, and stimulate metabolic processes in nerve tissues. In the international classification, nootropic drugs do not have a separate group; they are combined with psychostimulants. But this is also no reason to worry.


Nootropic action is based on several processes. They improve the energy state of nerve cells (neurons), accelerate processes occurring in the central nervous system, saturate the brain with oxygen, strengthen the membranes of nerve cells, and increase the speed of impulses in the brain. As a result, metabolic processes in the brain are significantly improved, memory is “strengthened”, and perception is “enlivened”. Nootropics also have a positive effect on the mechanisms of thinking and increase intellectual abilities. It is for this reason that nootropics received their second unofficial name - “cognitive stimulants.”

Nootropic drugs come in different classifications, there are more than 20 types in total. These are more than a hundred titles.

Indications for use

Nootropic drugs are prescribed to children for the following diseases and conditions:

  • Retardation in the development of the child’s psyche,
  • Delayed speech development
  • The consequences of intrauterine suffering of the baby, during which the central nervous system was affected,
  • Head injuries (concussions, TBI),
  • Attention deficit disorder
  • Various forms of mental retardation,

In addition, certain types of nootropic drugs will most likely be prescribed for severe stuttering, sleep disturbances in a child, urinary disorders, migraines, and severe dizziness. Nootropics are used to treat hyperkinesis (these are chaotic, convulsive, randomly occurring movements of the arms and legs in children), as well as to prevent motion sickness. In addition, nootropic drugs for the treatment of children are used in ophthalmology, toxicology, and traumatology.

Pros and cons

Despite their rather positive effects on the body, controversy and scientific discussions around nootropics do not subside. These drugs are widely used only in Russia and the countries of the former CIS. Probably because they began to be used in our medicine back in the middle of the 20th century. European and American doctors, for example, refuse to prescribe nootropics to their young patients.

The reason is that the effectiveness and benefits of nootropic drugs have not yet been scientifically proven. Although everyone agrees that there is no particular harm from them either. What then is the point of treating everyone and everything with nootropics, unless, of course, we are talking about the list of diseases indicated above? This opinion, in particular, is shared by the famous doctors Roshal and Komarovsky. Some experts even propose to transfer nootropic drugs from the category of medicines to the category of dietary supplements.

What medications can the doctor prescribe?

  • The main and very first nootropic in history, the “founding father” of all other drugs in this family, is Piracetam. Most Russians and residents of the former CIS countries are familiar with it by other synonymous names: Nootropil, Cerebril, Lutsetam, Oikamid, etc.

Piracetam was synthesized more than half a century ago. The drug has a beneficial effect on the brain, stimulates memory, increases the ability to cope with intellectual stress, motivates learning, and promotes concentration. Available in capsules, ampoules and tablets. Piracetam is not recommended for children under one year of age. In addition, this drug is not suitable for children with psychomotor agitation.

Side effects from taking Piracetam include insomnia, impaired coordination of movements, irritability, and confusion.

  • Another very popular drug among Russian pediatricians is Pantogam. It is a nootropic anticonvulsant. Available in the form of tablets and syrup. Your doctor can prescribe it for your baby from the first days of life.

    The medicine improves the condition of children with various forms of cerebral palsy, schizophrenia, and autism. In addition, Pantogam helps with urinary incontinence, childhood nervous tics, hyperactivity syndrome and delayed speech development. Side effects are kept to a minimum, including drowsiness and an allergic reaction to any component of Pantogam.

  • Picamilon is a nootropic drug that dilates blood vessels in the brain, an analogue of Piracetam. Among other things, it has a psychostimulating and mild tranquilizing effect. Available in ampoules for intravenous and intramuscular administration and in tablets. Not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

    Picamilon is often prescribed to overly anxious, emotionally unstable children. In addition, this nootropic is taken to increase endurance under conditions of physical and mental overload, for example, by athletes.

Side effects include headache, nausea, itching. The drug should not be taken by a child with kidney problems.

  • Phenibut is a modern nootropic that is often prescribed to children. It stimulates the activity of the nervous system, increases mental performance, improves memory, and helps schoolchildren cope with overload during the learning process. The tranquilizer effect helps relieve anxiety, irritability, and improve sleep. Available in tablets and powders. This drug is low-toxic, and therefore it is prescribed to children from 2 years of age. Side effects include dizziness, drowsiness, nausea.

  • Pyritinol is a nootropic drug with a slight sedative effect. It is often recommended to take it for depression, vegetative-vascular dystonia, increased fatigue, and mental retardation. Suitable for children from 1 year. It has a fairly large list of side effects from nausea to polymyositis, dyspnea and loss of taste.

  • Cinnarizine (synonyms Balcinnarzin, Vertizin, Disiron, Cinnarone, Cyrizin) is a nootropic, the instructions for use for which say that it is not recommended for children under 12 years of age. However, many doctors have long been prescribing this drug to babies under one year old, and claim its positive effects. However, the effectiveness of the drug has not been proven, but side effects have been recorded in patients. They are satisfied with this drug for serious reasons: disturbances in the functioning of the liver and kidneys, drop in blood pressure, headaches. Cinnarizine is available in capsules and tablets.

  • Semax is one of the nootropic drugs loved by pediatricians. It is available in the form of nasal drops, and therefore it is convenient to use even for the youngest patients. Semax comes to the rescue in cases where children experience delayed speech development, sleep disturbances, hyperexcitability, and moodiness. Side effects include dizziness and irritation of the nasal mucosa.

  • An excellent option would be the simplest aminoacetic acid, Glycine. It has all the benefits of nootropics, but without the scary side effects. Glycine is prescribed to children of any age. The drug regulates the processes of excitation and inhibition. As a result, the child’s attention increases, learning ability significantly improves, and night sleep normalizes.

It is almost impossible to list all the drugs of the nootropic family, there are a lot of them, and besides, the pharmaceutical industry does not stand still, and almost every year presents something new. It is profitable to look for new formulas in nootropic drugs, because these drugs are quite in demand by both adults and children.

  • Among the “new products” I would like to mention the Japanese nootropic Gammalon. The cost of this drug exceeds the cost of its parent, Piracetam, by more than 100 times. A package of the drug from the Land of the Rising Sun costs about 2,500 rubles per package (100 tablets).

According to reviews on the Internet, it even helps children with severe forms of autism and cerebral palsy and alleviates their condition. But a number of doctors have doubts about Gammalon. The fact is that even a superficial analysis of the instructions for use to observant patients can tell that the Japanese “miracle medicine” contains only one amino acid - gamma-aminobutyric.

A nootropic with the same exact composition – Aminalon. Only it costs only 99 rubles. A practical approach to the issue suggests that Japanese Gammalon is simply a successful marketing ploy, especially since its effectiveness and benefits, like other nootropic drugs, have not yet been scientifically proven.

Conclusion about diagnostics in Russia

In Russia, a unique diagnostic practice has developed. Doctors at the clinic, for the sake of “reinsurance,” can make a neurological or even psychiatric diagnosis of any child with increased excitability, very active or anxious. By and large, if there was a person, there would be a diagnosis.

Doctors cannot be blamed for this. The Ministry of Health orders them to do so. After all, missing the onset of a disease is even worse. Parents begin to treat their child with nootropic drugs prescribed by a careful doctor, without actually knowing whether they are harmful. For a real-life disease, nootropics are effective, but in the case of medical “reinsurance,” the drug will bring absolutely nothing to a healthy child except probable “side effects.”

Doctors also do not have precise and uniform criteria for assessing the behavior of young children. Therefore, it is quite difficult to establish the line between an ordinary restless child and a child with a neurological disease.

Despite all diagnostic methods, the solution to the dilemma “Normal or pathological” falls on the shoulders of the doctor and will ultimately be determined only by him. And this is fertile ground for medical errors and those very “just in case” reinsurances.

The main principle of any doctor is “Do no harm,” and testing drugs on a child in search of the opportunity to finally get a list of drugs with proven effectiveness is, at the very least, short-sighted and unethical. It’s better to let laboratory animals fill up the statistics.

For more information about nootropics, see the following video.

  1. Cortexin + Cerebrolysate

Let's not delay, this is the most powerful scheme that I have ever tried. Yes, these substances have a weak evidence base. Yes, they need to be injected intramuscularly. But they greatly change behavior and susceptibility to intellectual stress.

Substances are sold only in pharmacies. And they are quite expensive! On average, the course will cost 2 thousand rubles or $35.

Course 10-20 days. Personally, I did the first half on Cerebrolysate, the second on Cortexin.

What are the benefits:

+ Processing

It's difficult to describe this point. It is often mentioned that any information becomes more understandable. From personal experience I noticed that I read prof. literature on neurobiology as an artist. Moreover, pictures and three-dimensional objects and tables with data are drawn. The speed of data processing is the same as on stimulators, but without the effect of the stimulation itself. No matter how much information you receive in a day, it seems that your head is still half empty.

+ Sociality

There may be an effect on some hormones, but the behavior becomes milder. Less impulsiveness. It’s easier to talk even with conflicting people. And you yourself become kinder and more reasonable.

These benefits persist for a couple of weeks after the course. Courses are given 1-2 times a year, more often you probably won’t want to, since the drugs are very specific.

  1. PRL 8-53

An experimental nootropic that we were even going to start selling, but didn’t dare. There is very little data about it, the working dosage varies from 5 mg to 50, even the side effects are not clear, they simply were not in the studies. The effects are unstable and the combinations are also unclear.

You can now purchase only on Western resources. Price for 1 gram is 25-30$. It is recommended to take it in small courses of 2 weeks.


+ Memory

This is probably the most powerful nootropic for improving memory ( Link). In one study, improvements in humans were 150% greater than baseline. You remember 5 numbers by looking at them, but with this nootropic you will get all 10-15. I didn’t notice any major changes myself.

+ Concentration

Increased attention and focus. If normally you force yourself not to be distracted, then here you force yourself to be distracted. I would not say that there is an increase in motivation and mood, only rough concentration and memory.

The substance seemed to me similar to oxiracetam, which is a little more studied) So if you don’t find prl, look for oxiracetam.

  1. Modafinil

Dark magic among nootropics. It is prohibited in the Russian Federation, but in some other neighboring countries it is sold as a supplement, not even a prescription drug. Therefore, if you are caught in the Russian Federation, you will be considered a drug addict, in Ukraine, with the same substance - a stronghold of the healthy lifestyle movement. For Russia, you can replace modafinil with hydrafinil with caffeine or phenylpiracetam.

The prices for all are very different, it is not advisable to use the course, since all the compounds are strong and can cause insomnia.

Main benefit: Motivation + Speed ​​of thinking


Naturally, if you search hard, you can find nootropics with enormous potential for brain development, but they are rare and there is even less information than according to PRL. We had more details. The nootropics on today's list are relatively easy to find, don't cost hundreds of dollars, and have very noticeable effects. We recommend that only experienced people get acquainted with these nootropics:

  1. Cortexin + Cerebrolysate = Update, easy to understand anything.
  2. PRL 8-53 = The teacher is still unclear, but very often they write that it gives super memory
  3. Modafinil, for countries where it is approved, is one of the most powerful nootropics. In the Russian Federation, formally, it is a drug, so forget about it.

I would really like to hear real reviews in the comments! I hope you liked the issue and remember that the best nootropic is self-education, the rest is auxiliary elements! Good luck and see you soon!