In what cases does low temperature occur? Possible causes of low body temperature. Why is body temperature low in women?

Anyone can experience a condition where they suddenly start to feel feverish. The reasons for this can be very different, ranging from a cold to... infectious disease. What to do in this case is no secret. It is necessary to measure the temperature, and if it exceeds 38 degrees, take an antipyretic drug.

But the completely opposite situation can happen. The patient may experience too much low temperature body (hypothermia). This condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • prostration;
  • general weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • lethargy;
  • shiver;
  • slow reaction;
  • irritability;
  • weak pulse;
  • hypotension;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • difficulties in movement;
  • hallucinations (in especially extreme cases).

Despite the fact that a condition in which an adult or child low temperature is rare, this problem should be given due attention.

Is there a norm?

A long-term state of hypothermia can lead to irreversible consequences in the body, ranging from disruption internal organs and ending in death.

If 35 degrees is the norm for a person, then this indicates the presence in his body chronic disease. If the thermometer does not show more than 32 degrees, then there is a high probability for the patient to fall into a coma, and at 29 - to die.

Considering that all people have their own individual characteristics of the body, it is likely that there may be slight deviations from the norm. If the patient feels well, examinations have not revealed any pathologies, there are no complaints or chronic diseases, then this is most likely the exception that confirms the rule.

Speaking medical language, the average statistical limits of normal temperature are from 35.5 to 37 degrees. Various factors can influence fluctuations:

  • Times of Day;
  • phase of the menstrual cycle;
  • age;
  • influence environment;
  • pregnancy;
  • individual characteristics of the body.

What does this condition mean?

People who experience hypothermia for the first time wonder why this happens. In fact, there can be many reasons, let's look at the most common ones:

  • decreased immunity - if you have stopped eating properly or have suffered some kind of disease, then it is likely that protective forces the body is weakened and it takes time to recover;
  • lack of vitamins - malnutrition, adherence to a mono-diet, exclusion of any foods, as well as deficiency of fats and carbohydrates;
  • infectious diseases - any disease weakens the immune system, and if they are accompanied by an increase in temperature, then excessive use of antipyretic drugs can lead to side effect and greatly reduce the temperature;
  • hypothermia of the body - when cold weather sets in, be especially careful and avoid frostbite;
  • long stay in cold water– if you prefer cold and hot shower or winter swimming, then keep in mind that cold water can lower body temperature;
  • overwork;
  • food poisoning or intoxication due to excessive alcohol consumption;
  • decreased hemoglobin level;
  • internal bleeding;
  • taking certain medications– the use of antidepressants or sleeping pills can cause hypothermia;
  • medication overdose;
  • hormonal imbalance - if a woman is pregnant or is ovulating, then temperature changes are possible;
  • diseases thyroid gland;
  • chronic kidney and liver diseases;
  • brain diseases;
  • hypertension or hypotension;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • pneumonia;
  • sepsis;
  • helminths;
  • Acute respiratory infections - in children preschool age one of the symptoms respiratory disease the temperature may be low.


If you have obvious hypothermia, your doctor may order the following tests:

  • general urine analysis;
  • general blood analysis;
  • temperature measurement;
  • pressure measurement;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • X-ray;
  • hourly diuresis;
  • Pulse oximetry.

How to normalize the condition?

Knowing the symptoms and causes of hypothermia, you need to understand how to act and what actions you need to take to raise your temperature.

  1. If the thermometer shows less than 34 degrees, call an ambulance immediately.
  2. Place the person in bed or in a place that is protected from the cold.
  3. Wrap up your entire body if possible, or at least, limbs. Leave your head open.
  4. If your clothes get wet, remove them immediately and put on dry ones.
  5. If the patient feels well, then you can take a bath with a temperature of no more than 37 degrees.
  6. You can place a heating pad on your chest warm water or a thermal blanket.
  7. Make sure the patient drinks enough fluids. Give preference to warm tea or fruit drink.
  8. Never use to increase temperature coffee drinks or alcoholic.
  9. If the patient faints or loses consciousness, and his pulse cannot be felt, start doing artificial respiration And indirect massage hearts.

If you notice temperature fluctuations, then consult a doctor immediately for any deviations from the norm. Especially if hypothermia occurs in a child. Children's body much more sensitive than an adult and reacts more acutely to changes in the functioning of internal organs.

Body temperature is considered the most informative and accessible indicator of health status. At colds, infections and exacerbations of many chronic diseases, its increase is usually diagnosed. However, a reverse reaction of the body also occurs - when the body temperature is lowered. Is this a pathology? How dangerous is a drop in temperature and what should be done to help the body cope with the problem?

First, let’s clarify which lower thermometer readings can be dangerous and what is normal.

The standard norm for human body temperature is armpit is 36.6 Celsius. However, this is an average standard that varies greatly when measured on a case-by-case basis.

So, for the same person in different time day, the temperature will be different: in the morning it is lower (the test subject has just woken up and all the systems of his body are still being adjusted), in the afternoon the thermometer will record 36.6, and in the evening, when the person is tired, the thermometer will again show lower numbers (say 36.4 ).

At the same time, some have normal values ​​of 36.6, while others have a slightly higher or slightly lower level. The range 35.6 - 36.9 is considered normal. But provided that the subject feels well, does not feel discomfort, fatigue, headaches, and such indicators are detected in him for a long time.

However, a decrease in a person's body temperature (hypothermia) can be a symptom of illness or a sign of hypothermia. In both adults and children, it will be dangerous even at levels below 35.0. If the temperature drops further and the thermometer drops below 34.0, everything will slow down. internal systems: the patient will experience shortness of breath, bradycardia, chills and a feeling of coldness, the skin will turn pale, and cold sweat, slight trembling in the hands and fingers, speech will slow down, consciousness will be confused, hallucinations, nausea, and vomiting are possible.

A thermometer reading below 35.0 is a reason to call a doctor.

If the temperature is low, drops below 32.0, this is life-threatening. You need to urgently call a doctor. Such indicators can provoke coma, respiratory arrest and death of the patient. Mark below 21.0 degrees considered fatal to humans.

When is hypothermia normal in children?

Different age groups children, causes low indicators thermometers are different. How different are the methods for eliminating this condition. In many cases, hypothermia in children has the same causes as in adults, but sometimes it is triggered by specific factors.

In infants

In the first days of life, newborns sometimes have decreased performance temperature. This is the so-called cold shock. The baby experienced stress at birth, and then found himself in new conditions. His thermoregulation system is still being adjusted, so in the first days, newborns’ normal readings are up to 35.6 degrees. The baby just needs to be well covered and kept warm.

Premature babies also have low body temperature. They need extra warmth until their own thermoregulation is adjusted.

During adolescence

Happening hormonal surge, which sometimes affects the regulation of heat exchange in a teenager’s body. This is due to the fact that the hypothalamus, which is responsible for ensuring normal thermoregulation of the “core” (internal organs), also undergoes a hormonal surge and reacts to changes in such an unusual way.

Common causes of low thermometer readings in adults and children

Hypothermia as a pathology is uncommon; increased body temperature is much more common. However, low body temperature also has serious causes and is a kind of marker signaling a problem.

Statistics say that about 80% of all cases of hypothermia are associated with insufficient nutrition and too much stress, which leads to depletion of vitality. Among the most likely pathological reasons will turn out to be:


When staying for a long time in stressful situation, the person sleeps little, has no appetite, DC voltage he loses a significant amount of energy, which affects his health.

A person feels constant cold, fatigue, sometimes headache, dizziness and nausea.

If the reason is a stressful situation, then you just need to rest and the temperature will return to normal. IN difficult cases A consultation with a psychotherapist will be required.


Causes of hypothermia include: chronic fatigue, too much energy is consumed from overexertion, which affects the presence of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body. Their deficiency leads to exhaustion and impaired thermoregulation. In such cases there is fast fatiguability, headache, and a feeling of cold, sometimes the person shudders and feels sick. If you are overtired, to restore normal temperature you will need to rest well, eat right and get enough sleep.


Another reason for low human body temperature and carbohydrate-protein imbalance is diet. Long-term restrictions in carbohydrates and fats lead to exhaustion of the body, iron deficiency anemia and impaired thermoregulation.

Here comes the feeling of nausea constant fatigue, chills, hair becomes brittle, nails are pale and weak, skin is very dry and pale. Ringing in the ears and dizziness may occur.

To relieve symptoms, you will need to visit a doctor and receive treatment. Low hemoglobin is dangerous for more complex disorders, as there is a failure in delivery nutrients literally to all internal organs.

Past infection

Moreover, literally any infection from a common ARVI to Botkin’s disease or syphilis can cause a low temperature. When viruses or bacteria enter the body, all immune forces are mobilized to fight them. A significant increase in temperature occurs, after which the reverse process occurs: first, fever is replaced by low-grade fever, and then it may decrease to 35.6. The body needs to adjust thermoregulation. Here you just need to wait a little and after a few days the temperature will return to normal by itself.

Treatment outcome (iatrogenic hypothermia)

Hypothermia occurs after surgical operations, here, as a result of anesthesia, a blockade occurs nerve endings, which cause a malfunction in the functioning of thermoregulatory organs.

Among the more familiar and more common reasons the churning will be too intense high temperature. This is typical for young patients; mothers cannot always correctly calculate the dose of the medicine. In such cases, cold sweat, pallor are noted skin, headache, cold hands and feet.

What to do if the temperature is low after taking too large dose antipyretic? Be sure to wrap the patient in a warm blanket, put a heating pad on his feet, and you can offer the patient a warm foot bath with mustard. Drink warm tea with raspberries or green tea with echinacea. Do not give coffee or tea that is too hot. Activities should be carried out gradually so as not to expose the patient to sudden shocks.


Humans are warm-blooded, and therefore are affected by low ambient temperatures. The temperature can drop if you stay in cold water for a long time, or if you stay in the cold for too long without proper clothing.

The most famous record (the child survived) is a girl staying in the cold without clothes for 6 hours.
To warm up and increase the temperature you will need a lot of warm drinks, warm blankets and clothes. Good to accept warm shower or a bath. A warm heating pad is placed on the chest and to the back of the head. In the most difficult cases, a warmed solution of calcium chloride is administered intravenously in the hospital.

But you need to warm a person gradually. Working slowly with increasing heat. So, for a person with a body temperature of 34.0, a bath with a temperature of 37.0 will be not only warm, but also hot.

If there are frostbitten areas, you cannot rub them, you just need to apply a thermal bandage (this way the skin will warm up from the inside and receive the least damage).

If breathing stops, perform artificial respiration.

When hypothermia is a symptom of a chronic disease

Human bodies can hide in the exacerbation of chronic diseases. A prolonged decrease should definitely alert you if you have the following symptoms:

  • Constant feeling of cold, chills.
  • Headache.
  • Breathing problems.
  • Cardiac dysfunction.
  • Brittle hair and nails.
  • Pale skin.
  • Difficulty remembering.
  • Confusion.
  • Fatigue, general weakness.

A constantly low body temperature, supplemented by some of these symptoms, should be a reason to visit a therapist. In the future, a number of examinations will be required to establish a diagnosis and prescription. adequate treatment.

Low body temperature itself is not a disease, but it is a sign of another disease. Diseases that can cause hypothermia include:

Thyroid gland dysfunction. Here, a low temperature will occur against a background of lethargy mental processes, brittle hair and nails, fatigue. This condition is caused by a deficiency hormone TSH(thyroid). Treatment can only be prescribed by an endocrinologist.

Hormonal imbalances. They are characteristic not only of adolescents, but also of pregnant women, women in menopause. A decrease in body temperature is not always a reason for treatment. For examination and treatment, you will need to contact a therapist or gynecologist.

Chronic diseases in latent form. In some diseases, such as brain tumors, prolonged hypothermia is possible as one of the symptoms of the disease. Availability specific symptoms at low body temperature can be caused by diseases of the adrenal glands, kidneys, liver, internal bleeding. Hypothermia is also observed when blood pressure decreases.

Only a specialist with a narrow focus can determine the causes and prescribe treatment, but first you need to consult a therapist.

Skin diseases. The occurrence of skin diseases that affect large areas can provoke a decrease in temperature. Here it is caused by the fact that the blood must serve the affected areas, as a result of which the supply of other organs suffers.

Alcohol, drugs. Doses too high ethyl alcohol in the body, drugs and a number of other poisonings, chronic alcoholism, drug addiction also cause a decrease in body temperature. It is especially dangerous to be intoxicated in the cold. This will provoke more rapid decline temperature, which often leads to complications such as frostbite and damage to internal organs.

If, as a result of an exacerbation of a chronic disease, a low body temperature occurs, only a specialist can tell you what to do. Here you need not only a consultation, but also competent, long-term treatment.

What to do at low temperatures?

In everyday life, at low body temperature, a number of mandatory actions should be taken:

  1. Measure the temperature, if the reading is below 35.0, call an ambulance.
  2. For readings above this mark, the cause will need to be determined. If this problem caused by hypothermia, recently past illness or diets will be required warm drink, hot foot baths, warm clothes.
  3. In case of overwork, all of the above procedures must be supplemented with good sleep.
  4. With a long-term decrease (over 1-2 weeks), it is better to consult a therapist to determine what the low temperature means.
  5. Availability of such additional symptoms, as speech inhibition, loss of consciousness, severe pallor should be a reason to urgently call an ambulance.

Get treatment and be healthy!

As is known, normal temperature human - 36.6 degrees. In some cases, a deviation of one degree is considered normal, as it is an individual characteristic of the body. But with a greater increase or decrease in the value, one can suspect the presence of some problems in the body’s functioning. That is why it is important to know what could be the reason that body temperature is lowered, why this happens and what to do in this condition.

What does body temperature depend on, what values ​​are dangerous?

There are several factors that can influence a person's this moment temperature. These include:

  1. state of human health;
  2. time of day;
  3. individual characteristics of the body;
  4. pregnancy;
  5. age;
  6. environmental influence.

This list reflects general classification reasons why body temperature is lowered.

It is believed that the optimal body temperature healthy person is 36.6 degrees. At the same time, it is considered normal to consider values ​​in the range from 35 and 5 to exactly 37, since the temperature can rise and fall due to the cycle, meals of hot food, and time of day.

Hypothermia can be diagnosed if a person's body temperature drops below 35 degrees. This condition is quite dangerous, since it can impair blood circulation.

Normally, body temperature depends on many organs and systems, as it is regulated by the brain, lipid deposits, nerves and hormones. The body strives to maintain a normal body temperature at all times, but if any of the parts responsible for thermoregulation fail, the temperature can drop to critically low values.

Only in in rare cases a temperature that is increased or decreased by one degree can be considered normal, but in most cases it is a sign of problems that need to be addressed immediately

Reasons for the drop in temperature

Among the main conditions in which a drop in body temperature is likely to occur are:

  • decreased hemoglobin (with iron deficiency, symptoms such as a drop in temperature, lack of appetite, and fatigue may appear on a regular basis);
  • internal bleeding (external manifestations of this condition may long time absent);
  • (if nausea, photophobia, headaches and dizziness occur, it can be assumed that a person has vegetative-vascular dystonia, in which blood vessels can dilate and the temperature can drop);
  • improper functioning of the adrenal glands (low levels of hormones occur in the blood, which can affect the thermoregulation of the body);
  • pregnancy (low body temperature during pregnancy can be caused by unstable hormonal levels; normally the condition is temporary and disappears on its own in women);
  • (due to improper absorption of glucose, improper thermoregulation of the body may occur);
  • poisoning (drug or food poisoning may suppress respiratory and metabolic functions, which leads to cooling of the body);
  • neoplasms in the brain (the work of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the thermo-centers in the brain, is disrupted; the person begins to shiver, the limbs become cold);
  • skin diseases (dermatitis, ichthyosis, psoriasis can lower body temperature);
  • asthenic syndrome (oxidative processes slow down, hypoxia occurs);
  • ARVI (low body temperature during a cold, when a person is recovering, occurs often, especially in the morning);
  • hypothermia (with prolonged exposure to the cold, the skin may turn white and chills may be observed throughout the body; body temperature drops, and the person needs to be warmed up quickly).

Symptoms of hypothermia

Most often, if the body temperature is low, this is a sign of a malfunction of the body. Symptoms of the presence of hypothermia include:

  1. feeling of chills;
  2. dizziness;
  3. body trembling (especially evident in a child);
  4. headache;
  5. weakness;
  6. lack of appetite;
  7. nausea;
  8. vomiting;
  9. circulatory disorders;
  10. numbness of the limbs.

Note. If a pathological process occurs, a body temperature of 35 degrees or less occurs (it can remain at this level for several days).

Low temperature - in 99% of cases this means the presence of illness, so a trip to the doctor is mandatory

Possible diseases with hypothermia

If a decrease in temperature is practically not noticed by a person and is wave-like in nature, we can assume the presence of a sluggish pathological process in the body, which at times becomes aggravated. In such cases, it is advisable to go full examination body to identify the causes of hypothermia. This symptom can characterize many abnormalities - from neuralgia to oncology.

Hypothermia often occurs due to the following ailments:

  • oncology (functioning of the central nervous system is disrupted due to tumor growth, thermal regulation is disrupted);
  • AIDS virus;
  • intoxication;
  • anorexia;
  • adrenal hormone deficiency;
  • influenza and ARVI;
  • arterial hypotension (blood movement slows down, which reduces the activity of processes in the body and always provokes a decrease in body temperature).

Diagnosis of hypothermia

If a person has signs of low body temperature, the following are carried out: diagnostic measures to establish the exact cause and diagnosis:

  1. blood pressure measurement;
  2. determination of body temperature;
  3. electrocardiogram recording;
  4. condition monitoring (especially in pregnant women);
  5. hourly diuresis;
  6. radiography;
  7. blood and urine tests;
  8. Pulse oximetry.

Also always carried out general examination patient and collecting anamnesis to select adequate treatment. It is often symptomatic.

Hypothermia is not a lifelong condition and the problem can be treated. The main thing is to go through everything necessary tests and course of treatment

Ways to increase temperature

First of all, you should pay attention to net worth and what is the current temperature in the house. Hypothermia can be caused by too much ventilation of the room in cold weather. This condition can also occur in recovery period after ARVI or flu - in this case, a decrease in temperature can be considered normal.

If a temperature of about 36 degrees is observed in normal health, it can be assumed that hypothermia is an individual feature of the body. But if other unpleasant symptoms are observed, most likely we're talking about about the disease. Most often diagnosed iron deficiency anemia or insufficient functioning of the thyroid gland. In case of hypothermia, antipyretic drugs and vasoconstrictors should be discontinued.

What to do at low temperatures

If temperature indicator dropped below 35 degrees, immediate medical attention is required - an independent increase in temperature can be dangerous.

Before the doctor arrives, you can do the following:

  1. put the person in a warm bed in a room without drafts or cold;
  2. cover the patient so that the limbs are covered and the head and rib cage– open;
  3. if hypothermia occurs due to clothes getting wet in a cold body of water, you need to replace them with dry ones;
  4. in case of frostbite, a thermal insulating bandage is applied to the affected areas;
  5. You can apply a heating pad to your chest;
  6. allow the person to drink warm tea (not coffee or alcoholic beverages);
  7. Sometimes abdomen washed with warm aqueous solutions;
  8. you can also put the person in a bath at normal temperature human body(not higher than 37);
  9. in the absence of a pulse, indirect cardiac massage and artificial respiration are performed

Advice. If the temperature is greatly reduced, gradual warming of the patient is required. Warming measures cannot be delayed, as this can lead to death.

Temperature dropped due to diet

With a lack of fats and vitamins, hypothermia can develop. It is especially necessary to make up for the deficiency ascorbic acid(the body’s immune strength, which is reduced by diet, depends on vitamin C). It is also recommended to take tocopherol acetate, since vitamin deficiencies may cause pathological decline body temperature in an adult due to insufficient metabolism.

With a lack of vitamins, fats and other substances, hypothermia can also occur, so you need to be extremely careful with diets, because the exhaustion of the body during some diets is simply colossal

Hypothermia due to illness

Usually on various diseases indicates the presence of other unpleasant symptoms in addition to hypothermia - headaches, nausea, dizziness, runny nose.

The disease can be diagnosed by a doctor. The specialist will also select an adequate and correct treatment: After eliminating the underlying disease, the temperature will return to normal on its own.

Medical treatment is also necessary for severely low temperature, weak pulse, interruptions in cardiac activity and loss of consciousness. It is not always possible to understand what hypothermia means on your own.

Folk remedies for hypothermia

Baths and compresses

For mild hypothermia, you can take a warm bath and then wrap yourself in a blanket. You can also do foot bath. If there are no contraindications, you can visit the bathhouse (if the child’s body temperature is low, this method is not used).

In some cases, especially if there is a loss of strength, it is useful to get a massage or take a contrast shower. If you feel normal, your lungs can help physical exercise(including sport games and roller skating).

Advice. When your body temperature drops, it is important to warm your feet first, as the body cools and warms from the bottom up.

You've noticed that if your feet are warm, then your whole body feels comfortable, right? So, first of all, it is necessary to warm the legs, and then take care of what is higher

Herbs and Seasonings to Raise Temperatures

Ginger root, motherwort, hawthorn, and valerian can normalize low human body temperature. Herbal decoctions are consumed once a day for a month.

Sometimes the following mixture is prepared at home: prunes, dried apricots, raisins and nuts are poured with lemon juice. All ingredients except honey and lemon juice, crushed in a blender and mixed. The product should be consumed in the morning. This will help increase and normalize physiological indicators human condition.

Tea made from currant leaves helps against hypothermia. You can also drop iodine on a piece of sugar and eat it.

Among the more difficult to find methods of treating hypothermia, there is the following: you need to pull out the stylus a simple pencil and crush it. The carbon powder is drunk. This helps to increase your body temperature for several hours. Sometimes they resort to rubbing the armpits with salt - hypothermia disappears due to irritating effect salt (it is acceptable to use black pepper instead; this method of treatment is not recommended for children).

Note. If these measures did not help, and the temperature remains low for several days, then there is more serious violation and a doctor's consultation is required.

Prevention of hypothermia

Preventive measures include the following:

  • lead healthy image life;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • establish a sleep schedule - get enough sleep and go to bed no later than midnight;
  • exercise regularly at home;
  • ventilate the apartment twice a day;
  • harden;
  • Healthy food;
  • take contrasting showers;
  • walk more often.

Such measures will also be useful for those undergoing treatment.

In some cases, hypothermia can be considered an individual feature of the body that is not dangerous. Mild forms of fever can be corrected at home. Behind medical assistance You should contact us if other unpleasant symptoms are observed or if there is a persistently low body temperature of less than 35 degrees. Hypothermia can normally be observed in a pregnant woman. What a decrease in body temperature means in a particular case and what to do for therapy is determined by the doctor.

Low body temperature can sometimes cause a person no less problems than increased value on the thermometer. A state of anxiety is added to poor health, especially if the low body temperature lasts for a long time or all the time. Why a person may have a low body temperature and what this means, we will explain in this article.

What low body temperature is dangerous for humans?

Thermoregulation is a complex process that occurs in the human body, which involves the brain, central nervous and hormonal systems, as well as adipose tissue. Thermoregulation is necessary to maintain a constant temperature internal environment human, and if its processes are disrupted, the consequences can be serious.

We all know that a body temperature of 36.7 degrees Celsius is considered normal for people. As a rule, most people have no doubt about this. But in vain. A normal temperature is considered to be from 35.5 to 37, and sometimes up to 37.4 degrees.

During the day, even a healthy person's temperature fluctuates. The temperature drops as much as possible at night and in the morning, and rises in the evening and during the day. Moreover, this does not depend on a person’s daily routine, even if he sleeps during the day and works at night, his daytime temperature will be higher than night. Moreover, the value of the indicator can fluctuate depending on food intake and even mood. Even gender affects the body temperature of a healthy person: women's normal temperature is slightly higher than men's. Plus, women in menstrual cycle the temperature rises even more.

So, if you observe your body temperature is slightly above 37 degrees, this is not a reason to run to the clinic for sick leave if there are no other symptoms. Another thing is that if the indicator on the thermometer is regularly unable to cross the 35 °C mark, this may already indicate the progression of a serious illness.

If the temperature does not exceed 35-37 degrees, most likely there is nothing to worry about. We emphasize: in the absence of other suspicious symptoms. So don’t wonder why your body temperature is below 36 degrees if nothing else worries you.

Causes of low body temperature

35 degrees is not a problem, as we said below, for some people this is quite the norm. But if the mercury column cannot creep past the value of 34.5, this is a reason to seriously think about the state of your health.

Why does a person have low body temperature:

  • The presence of a viral or bacterial infection in the body and its consequences
  • Anemia or iron deficiency
  • Operational disruptions hormonal system: hypothyroidism (insufficient production of thyroid hormones), diseases of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus
  • Influence external factors: staying in the cold, long swims in the river, etc.
  • Insufficient intake into the body necessary substances, which is typical for strict, unbalanced diets and fasting
  • Psoriasis and other extensive skin diseases
  • Iatrogenesis - medical intervention or overdose medicines
  • Drinking alcohol or narcotic substances
  • Blood poisoning
  • Viruses and infections. Having been attacked by viruses and bacteria, the body is forced to mobilize all its strength to defend itself. Recovery after past illness does not occur in one day, the febrile state is replaced by a low-grade fever (37-37.9 degrees), and then it decreases significantly. At the same time, the person feels weak, it seems to him that he has not yet fully recovered. And this condition can last up to three weeks after the disease itself has subsided.

Anemia as a cause of low temperature

Low body temperature, which is also accompanied by weakness and dizziness, as well as some other symptoms, may indicate iron deficiency in the human body. If you suspect this violation, it is necessary to take a special test to determine the hemoglobin content in the blood. TO external manifestations Iron deficiency may also include:

What to do if low body temperature (34.5 and below) is due to a lack of iron in the body? Go to a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate tests, medications containing iron (Ferretab, Sorbifer, etc.), after which the symptoms should subside, including frozen hands and low temperature. You will also have to reconsider your menu: your diet should contain foods containing iron.

Hormonal imbalances and temperature indicators

We are completely dependent on our hormonal system, because it affects absolutely all processes occurring in our body. Including endocrine system also affects thermoregulation.

Brain injuries can provoke a malfunction in the functioning of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the constant temperature of a person’s environment. Disorders of the hypothalamus, in addition to low body temperature (34.5) in an adult or child, can manifest themselves in the form of:

  • Vagueness of consciousness
  • Speech problems
  • Visual impairment, hearing impairment
  • Poor coordination
  • Headache
  • Nausea and even vomiting

However, this is not the most common cause of low temperature in women and men. Most often, if we talk specifically about hormonal disorders, the reason is hypothyroidism - insufficient production of hormones. However, hypothyroidism is in any case a common cause of the disorder; up to 10% of the entire population experiences it. It is manifested not only by low body temperature, but also by other symptoms:

  • Increased fatigue and low performance
  • Weight gain
  • Edema
  • Dry and itchy skin
  • Brittle hair
  • Brittle nails
  • Constant sleepiness
  • Decreased concentration, memory impairment
  • Regular constipation
  • Low pulse

If a person’s low body temperature is accompanied by these symptoms, it is necessary to take a thyroid-stimulating hormone test. Increased level indicates the presence of hypothyroidism. By the way, low body temperature in a woman who has crossed the age of forty and has relatives with thyroid disorders often indicates hypothyroidism. The doctor will help relieve symptoms: for this he will prescribe the drug Eutirox, which is synthetic analogue the hormone thyroxine.

Impact of external factors on thermoregulation

Man is a warm-blooded creature whose body maintains a constant temperature inside. At the same time, skin thermoregulation does not work as smoothly, including under the arms. Here the skin cools faster and heats up slower. The surface temperature of the skin decreases greatly in the cold, when swimming in a pool or river, or while in a cold place, which is why the data obtained when measuring temperature is distorted. The skin has not yet had time to warm up, therefore it is believed that it is better to measure the temperature in the mouth, in the rectum, etc., the data will be more accurate.

Iatrogenesis as a cause of body temperature below normal

Iatrogenesis is the deterioration of physical or emotional state patient provoked by a doctor or medical means.

For example, patients often postoperative period bad feeling. If a person is not given a blanket after surgery, they can quickly become hypothermic. Shivering, which prevents body temperature from decreasing, is suppressed by anesthetic drugs, so it is extremely important to treat such people carefully.

Often, the cause of a person’s body temperature below 36 degrees can be an overdose of antipyretic substances. For example, a child may have a low body temperature due to taking medications that reduce fever. Frightened parents, when they see that the mercury is creeping past 38 degrees, immediately begin to stuff their child with antipyretic drugs and procedures. At the same time, they not only prevent the body from fighting the infection on its own, but also interfere with the process of thermoregulation. Even more dangerous consequences stomach diseases and bleeding may occur. Therefore, antipyretic drugs should be given to a child with the permission of a doctor. However, low body temperature in an adult may well be due to the same reason - overdose medicines to eliminate fever.

An overdose of vasoconstrictor nasal drops, which are given to children and adults with a runny nose, often occurs. Such drugs act not only on the vessels of the nose, but also on all others, which can lead to a decrease in temperature. For this reason, you should not get carried away similar drugs, it's better to use saline or regular sea ​​salt for rinsing the nose.

Fasting and unbalanced nutrition

When a person is on a strict diet, he not only loses necessary for the body substances, but also gets rid of subcutaneous fat reserves. Fat is not just a substance that all women hate, it is a substance that, together with glycogen, is responsible for heat regulation and heat exchange in our body. Fat warms us, and if there is not enough of it, a person can freeze for no reason and have a low body temperature.

Extensive skin diseases

Why is body temperature below 35 degrees if there are extensive skin diseases? When the skin is affected due to psoriasis, severe forms eczema, etc., a lot of blood flows to the affected areas, which is why the body temperature generally decreases.

The danger of low temperature due to blood poisoning

When bacteria actively multiply in the blood, poisoning occurs with their waste products. This is called blood poisoning, which can appear due to various reasons after getting into the blood pathogenic microorganisms. Most often, with sepsis, the opposite happens: strong increase body temperature, but in weakened or elderly people it can cause a decrease in temperature. This happens because the central nervous system is affected, including the center responsible for thermoregulation. In this case, the human body responds to the invasion of bacteria by lowering the temperature to 34.5 and below. This is an unfavorable symptom of sepsis, most likely meaning that the functioning of internal organs is disrupted and the patient’s condition is serious.

Chemical poisoning

Alcohol abuse often occurs strong decline temperature. When we drink alcohol, blood vessels dilate, trembling is suppressed, and glucose levels change. If the dose of alcohol is so great that the reveler wakes up somewhere on the street, be surprised sharp decline body temperature is not worth it. In some cases, complete hypothermia may occur.

What to do if your body temperature is low

We have already said that a low body temperature of 35.2, 35.4 is not actually considered such. If there are no other unpleasant symptoms, this indicator may be due to the daily routine, mood, and individual characteristics of the person. And if the low body temperature does not reach 35 degrees, do the following:

  • Remember if you have recently had ARVI or acute respiratory infections. If you have been sick and there are no other unpleasant symptoms, you can calm down, this is probably the body’s reaction to a past illness
  • Consider whether the room is too cold. Perhaps you spend a long time ventilating your apartment in cold weather. Close the windows, wrap yourself in a blanket and drink something hot. But not “hot”, otherwise you will only make it worse

If, in addition to a decrease in temperature, there are other manifestations: increased fatigue body, depression, dizziness, deterioration in the structure and quality of hair and nails, etc., consult a doctor. Do not neglect the seemingly obvious measure; the sooner you start treatment, the faster you will recover. Constantly low body temperature (below 35 degrees) is a serious disorder.

The ideal temperature is 36.6. But a spread from 35.5 to 37 degrees is also considered normal. Of course, for some, 37 degrees is already a symptom of a cold. But in general, this interval is healthy if you do not feel weak or chilly.

But if the thermometer shows less than 35.5, this is no longer normal. When it drops to 30 degrees, a person loses consciousness - in this case there is serious danger for life. 34.5 degrees can also be dangerous symptom some diseases. So, why might your thermometer show a low body temperature?

Low body temperature: causes

  1. Stress. Yes, it is quite possible that you are just very tired at work. In this case, the low body temperature of a person is accompanied by a feeling general weakness and apathy. For signs of fatigue to go away, you need to sleep and take a day off. Or better yet, a vacation.
  2. Exacerbation of chronic diseases. A body temperature below 36 is a signal that it’s time to take your health seriously, especially if you already know about some problems.
  3. Pregnancy. 35 on a thermometer is one of the symptoms of possible pregnancy. It's time to buy a test!
  4. Fluctuations in the menstrual cycle. During the day, the temperature can change within one degree, especially if you are currently menstruating. So just check the thermometer a day later - most likely it will show the usual numbers for you.

What to do if your body temperature is low

In most cases, low temperature is caused by fatigue and decreased immunity. Quality rest, good sleep, vitamins and balanced diet will quickly bring the situation back to normal.

But among the causes of body temperature below 36 there may also be serious diseases, such as kidney and adrenal diseases, thyroid dysfunction, anorexia, AIDS and more. Therefore, if it has not risen to the normal level of 36.6 degrees Celsius after a couple of days, be sure to consult a doctor.

By the way, for some, low body temperature is the norm. There are people whose entire life the thermometer shows 35.8, for example. This is not a signal for any diseases, it's just individual feature. But if for several days you see less than 35 degrees on the thermometer, this is a bad sign indicating the development of the disease.