Meadowsweet herb uses. Meadowsweet beneficial properties and contraindications. Healing powers of nature

One of the plants widely used in folk medicine is meadowsweet. The medicinal properties and contraindications of this plant have long been the subject of quite active discussions taking place on the information fields of the international network. In fact, if you familiarize yourself with the composition of this plant, you can be convinced that it has many beneficial properties.

Meadowsweet, medicinal properties in gynecology which were confirmed clinical studies, used in the preparation of healing decoctions, tinctures and compresses. But this plant also has a whole list of contraindications, and therefore, before using meadowsweet, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of this plant.

Types of meadowsweet

It should be noted that the topic “Meadowsweet: medicinal properties and contraindications” is especially relevant among users. Reviews about the plant.” But few people wonder what types of plants exist. And we must correct this injustice now.

Currently, there are about 10 varieties of this plant. Moreover, each type of meadowsweet has its own properties, healing qualities and contraindications. The most popular species is the meadowsweet. Medicinal properties, reviews of which in this article will be given in general view, more than once forced to believe in real strength traditional medicine even its ardent opponents.

Meadowsweet grows quite tall, usually up to two meters. It can be found in any clearing that is located near a pond or in a forest. Meadowsweet has delicate, creamy, small flowers and serrated leaves. small sizes. It is characterized by a pleasant aroma.

The next commonly found type of meadowsweet is the red meadowsweet. This type The plant also grows to quite impressive sizes. By appearance somewhat reminiscent of fern plants. Red meadowsweet can most often be found in dark meadows or near water bodies.

Common meadowsweet is also often used in folk medicine. This plant can often be seen in ordinary gardens as a decoration for a flower bed. Common meadowsweet does not grow higher than one meter.

Another common type of meadowsweet is the six-petalled meadowsweet. The plant reaches almost two meters in height. The stem of this species can be either bare or leafy. The flowers are small, white and Pink colour. Six-petalled meadowsweet has a pleasant smell. Begins to bloom in May.

Properties of meadowsweet

The properties of a given plant depend on its type, but in general they are similar to each other.

The main healing components of meadowsweet include a number of substances.

  1. Vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system.
  2. Wax, which has antimicrobial and astringent properties.
  3. Essential oils that are beneficial for gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
  4. Starch, which protects the gastrointestinal tract and has enveloping properties.
  5. Fatty acids that play a large role in cell building.
  6. Glycosides that have sedative, laxative and antiseptic properties.
  7. Phenolcarboxylic acids, which promote natural cleansing of the body.
  8. Catechins. These are antioxidants that prevent cell destruction.
  9. Flavonoids that have wide range actions, namely, relieve swelling, spasms, allergic reactions and swelling.
  10. Salicylic acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties.
  11. Phenolic compounds that affect the biliary tract and genitourinary system.
  12. Tannins that have hemostatic properties.

Meadowsweet is widely used to treat burns, gout, and is used as a wound healing agent. This plant helps with problems with joints, bones, frequent headaches and allergic reactions.

However, in addition to its benefits, meadowsweet can also cause harm if its contraindications for use are not taken into account. certain group persons

Meadowsweet inflorescences

Meadowsweet leaves and stems

The herb of the plant is mainly used for cooking healing decoctions and teas. The medicinal properties of the leaves include diuretic, diaphoretic and sedative effects. Meadowsweet leaves lower blood pressure, relieve fatigue and treat a runny nose.

Meadowsweet roots

In meadowsweet, only plant rhizomes can be used for treatment. Therefore, meadowsweet is most often used, since its root system has a fleshy structure. The root of the plant has many healing properties. Raw materials from the root are effective in the fight against helminths, intestinal disorders and colic. Meadowsweet roots also help with central nervous system disorders, gastrointestinal diseases and respiratory tract. Powder made from the root is used to heal wounds and burns. It can be added to teas.

Medicine prescriptions

When preparing the tincture, you need to pour a teaspoon of rhizomes into a glass cold water and leave for 8 hours. To prepare the ointment, you need to combine 20 g of meadowsweet with 100 g of petroleum jelly.

The decoction is prepared as follows: a teaspoon of dried and crushed meadowsweet must be poured into two glasses of boiling water and placed on water bath for half an hour.


Despite the fact that meadowsweet has many medicinal properties, it also has many contraindications.

The main diseases for which it is contraindicated to take meadowsweet:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • anemia;
  • chronic constipation;
  • hypotension;
  • intolerance to certain elements, in other words allergic reactions;
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal pathologies, namely gastritis or ulcers.

Meadowsweet: medicinal properties, plant root and its cultivation

People like meadowsweet because it is used not only for medicinal purposes, but also as decoration. Planting and caring for meadowsweet is not complex process, since the plant grows well in wild conditions. The main criterion for caring for meadowsweet is to provide it with sufficient humidity and proper lighting.

Red meadowsweet and common meadowsweet love a humid location, but common meadowsweet ideally tolerates dry climates. Meadowsweet should be planted in early spring using seeds. There should be a lot of them, since half of them do not germinate due to their hard shell.

If you want to see meadowsweet blooming early, then you need to prepare the seedlings in advance. When caring for a plant, you need to provide it with sufficient watering and good drainage. In order to lay drainage, it is necessary to use materials such as expanded clay or sand and crushed stone. Seedlings should be planted at a distance of about half a meter from each other. Meadowsweet grows quite large, so it needs enough space to grow.

Meadowsweet is a perennial, so caring for it does not take much time. The plant is resistant to heavy rainfall and frost.

Meadowsweet: medicinal properties, photos, use in gynecology

I received an infusion of meadowsweet wide application in gynecology. This plant helps cure inflammatory processes in a woman's body, infertility and endometriosis. To do this, you need to pour a teaspoon of rhizomes with a glass of cold, previously boiled water. Leave in a dark place for 8 hours. After time, the infusion must be strained. During the day you need to drink it in small sips.

  • At the bank in equal quantities you need to mix meadowsweet, red clover and linden. These components must be poured with a liter of boiling water. There should be three tablespoons of each plant. After two hours, the infusion will be ready for use. The strained infusion of meadowsweet should be taken two glasses a day.

At gynecological ailments And uterine bleeding You should take the following infusion of meadowsweet.

  • The root of the plant must be cut into pieces, dried and poured with vodka. The components must be infused for a week. One teaspoon of tincture should be taken with 50 g of vodka twice a day.
  • herb St. John's wort, meadowsweet and St. John's wort;
  • juniper berries;
  • chamomile, calendula and yarrow flowers;
  • Calamus rhizomes.

For one and a half liters of vodka you need to add 1 teaspoon of each of the above plants. It is necessary to insist for two weeks.

This is how it is used in folk medicine useful plant meadowsweet.

Meadowsweet, or, as it is also called, meadowsweet, has long been known for its medicinal properties. This herb contains essential oil, various tannins, salicylic acid vitamin C. Meadowsweet roots contain methyl salicylate, tannin and essential oil. Are used as water infusions, and decoctions. Has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect. We will talk in detail about all the medicinal properties of the plant and indications for use in this article.

You can read about the types of meadowsweet, its cultivation and plant care in this.

Because of unique composition all parts of the plant, the use of meadowsweet in folk medicine is quite wide. flowers, green mass, meadowsweet root is used to prepare decoctions, infusions, extracts, extracts, essential oils, and ointments. Lotions, wet-dry dressings, rinses, and baths based on them have an astringent, wound-healing, antiulcer, and anti-inflammatory effect. Used for diseases skin(tropical ulcers, bedsores, diaper rash, abrasions, dermatoses), diseases of the mucous membrane oral cavity. They are used as enemas for hemorrhoids.

Meadowsweet oil extract is used in cosmetology to improve skin and hair health, as a biological active additive to food.

Chemical composition

The flowers of the plant contain: coumarins, ascorbic acid, phenologlycosides (mnontropitin, spirein, isosalicin), flavonoids (spireoside - quercetin glucoside), tannins, trace elements, avicularin, quercetin, salicylic acid methyl ester, up to 0.2% essential oil.

Meadowsweet leaves contain vitamin C, carotene, tannins, flavonoids, and anthocyanins.

pharmachologic effect

Healing properties meadowsweet have a wide range of applications. In folk medicine, meadowsweet roots, flowers, and leaves are used. They have anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antihemorrhoidal, diuretic, diuretic, analgesic, sedative, astringent, antipyretic, and wound-healing effects.

Composition and medicinal properties of the plant

Meadowsweet is useful solely due to its composition and medicinal properties. Availability vitamin C has a tonic, stabilizing effect on connective tissue.

Here is a small range of therapeutic and health effects of meadowsweet on the body:

  • improves the body's protective properties;
  • supports and strengthens the immune system;
  • promotes the production of corticosteroid hormones;
  • has an extremely positive effect on the psycho-emotional state;
  • participates in the formation of dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin and endorphin;
  • stimulates the elimination of inflammatory reactions.

Tannins, depending on the concentration, have an irritating or astringent effect on the mucous membranes.

Phenolic compounds (monotropitin, spirein) have choleretic, hemostatic, antispasmodic, diuretic, sedative, antiseptic, stimulating, adaptogenic effects on the body.

Salicylic acid has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect, reduces pain, since it has a pronounced effect on sensitive nerve endings, and also participates in the formation of inflammatory mediators.

Flavonoids have antispasmodic, diuretic, antiulcer, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antiviral, antioxidant, anticarcinogenic effects.

Catechins have an anti-aging effect on body tissues, as they resist the effects of bacteria, preventing cell destruction and aging. They play a significant role in the prevention of cancer.

Phenolcarboxylic acids allow you to minimize and relieve inflammatory processes, stimulating the functioning of the biliary tract and the process of bile excretion. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and liver, supporting the antitoxic function of the liver.

Essential oils stabilize and normalize work of cardio-vascular system, gastrointestinal tract, promote the separation and removal of mucus from the bronchi, soften cough. They have anti-inflammatory, stimulating, bactericidal, sedative, and antiseptic effects.

Glycosides have vasodilating, laxative, antimicrobial, diuretic, sedative, expectorant, and disinfectant properties.

Indications for use

Nature gifted it unique plant rich composition of various biologically active substances and microelements that allow you to use beneficial features meadowsweet in folk medicine for treatment various diseases and disease prevention.

Meadowsweet is included in the register of the official pharmacopoeia of Russia.

Meadowsweet is used in the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • chronic non-infectious, viral diseases affecting the skin (tropical ulcers, psoriasis, lichen, herpes, diaper rash, bedsores, abrasions);
  • heart diseases;
  • intestinal and gastric diseases (polyps, antonia);
  • violations reproductive function female body;
  • hepatitis;
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • asthma;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • as an antipyretic.

For neurological diseases, medicinal herb recommend:

  • for arthritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve;
  • neuritis of the facial and trigeminal nerve;
  • epilepsy;
  • intercostal neuralgia.

During pregnancy, meadowsweet is used strictly on the recommendation of the attending physician. Meadowsweet is extremely useful for diabetes, as it has an antidiabetic effect, reducing blood glucose levels.

Contraindications for use

It should be remembered that the plant has, in addition to beneficial properties, contraindications that should be taken into account by people suffering from chronic constipation, low blood pressure, poor clotting blood. The medicinal properties of meadowsweet and contraindications should be taken into account during pregnancy, use medicines on the basis of meadowsweet during this period is possible only after consultation and recommendation of the attending physician.

Side effects

Due to the astringent properties of meadowsweet, those suffering from chronic constipation may experience worsening of the condition. Hypotensive patients may experience an even greater decrease in blood pressure, weakness, dizziness, and nausea. Because the medicines from meadowsweet prevent excessive thrombus formation by exerting an inhibitory effect on tissue (platelet, fibrinogen) or plasma blood clotting factors; they can worsen the health of people with poor blood clotting. The use of drugs with meadowsweet is not recommended before administration Vehicle, since they cause decreased concentration, drowsiness, and mild lethargy.

Cosmetics based on meadowsweet can cause allergic reactions. skin reactions, before use, a test should be carried out for inside elbow or wrist. An overdose can lead to stomach illness and cause nausea.


The range of uses of meadowsweet herb is very wide; it is used in the treatment of anemia, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, insomnia, and gout. Meadowsweet herb has a hemostatic, astringent action, are used for diarrhea and uterine bleeding.

IN for cosmetic purposes A decoction of the herb is used as a stimulating and strengthening agent that enhances hair growth.

Prepare the herb in a thermos: 1-2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for at least 6 hours, then filter. Take 3-4 tbsp orally. l. no more than 4 times a day, externally - rub, rinse, wipe, make lotions.


The use of meadowsweet ointment is recommended for the treatment of rheumatism, joint diseases and various skin lesions. To obtain this form medicinal drug use dried crushed or powdered roots of the plant (20 g.), 90 g. Vaseline, or butter or lanolin. All ingredients are mixed until smooth. Rub the ointment onto the affected areas of the skin or joints 3-4 times a day.

Meadowsweet oil

The flowers of the plant are used to produce meadowsweet oil. This dosage form is obtained through the distillation process. Due to the presence of salicylic acid, meadowsweet oil has an analgesic, antipyretic, and antiseptic effect. Compresses based on meadowsweet ointment help with persistent pain in muscles, arthritis, rheumatism.

In cosmetology, oil is used during bathing and massage. Aromatherapy with meadowsweet oil can relieve nervous tension, overcome insomnia, stress.

However, one should take into account not only the benefits, but also the harm of meadowsweet oil. It is not recommended to take the drug if you have difficulty defecating, low blood pressure, or poor blood clotting. In any case, consulting a doctor before use will not be superfluous.


In folk medicine, meadowsweet is used to prepare a decoction. For this purpose, take the dried roots of the plant. The healing properties of the underground part of the meadowsweet are used for pain in the heart, joints, high blood pressure, various lesions skin, nervous diseases, indigestion, gout, epilepsy.

Meadowsweet should be brewed in a water bath for 1 hour. For the decoction, take 4-5 tbsp. l. crushed dried roots of the plant, pour 1 liter of cold water, after preparation, cool the liquid and filter. The resulting decoction is stored in a glass container in the refrigerator. They plan to take the medicine 4 times a day, 4 tbsp.


Thanks to high concentration salicylic acid tincture of meadowsweet and others dosage forms The plants have proven themselves to be an effective analgesic and antipyretic. An infusion from the plant is indicated for the treatment of: gout, diarrhea, insomnia, rheumatism, edema, hemorrhoids, hernia, anemia, mastopathy, erosion, thrush, kidney disease and Bladder, hepatitis, psoriasis, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. When consuming the infusion, blood sugar levels decrease, so it is recommended for people with diabetes.

To fight colds prepare a tincture: the dried flowers of the plant are poured with alcohol (40%) in a ratio of 10:1. The liquid is kept in the refrigerator for two weeks, after which it is filtered. Take the tincture 20-30 drops three times a day for 3-4 weeks.

To relieve heartburn and increased acidity stomach prepare an infusion based on dried flowers (2-3 tbsp) and 2 cups of boiling water. The solution is infused for at least 3 hours, then filtered, and before meals, consume 2-3 tbsp. l.

To relieve toothache rinse your mouth with infusion 4 times a day.


By drinking meadowsweet (meadowsweet) tea, you can significantly strengthen your immune system and enhance its protective properties. Tea also has a diuretic effect in inflammatory conditions. kidney diseases(nephritis), bladder diseases, relieves painful sensations in the stomach, eliminates heartburn.

To prepare, take 1 tsp. flowers of the plant, pour 1 cup of boiling water, cover with a lid, leave for 5-10 minutes. Tea has pleasant taste and aroma, many people prefer a “green” drink instead of traditional black tea, however, due to the diuretic effect, such tea should not be abused.
Many people drink fermented meadowsweet tea, which reveals its taste and healing properties much better.

Medicinal properties of meadowsweet

Meadowsweet has many names: meadowsweet, filipendula (in Latin), viper (not viper), whitecap. This is a wonderful plant that is used by many gardeners for decorative purposes. Meadowsweet lives in both meadows and personal plots. Gardeners use purple meadowsweet, an artificially bred variety that has a pink color.

There are several types of meadowsweet that are most useful to humans:

  • Meadowsweet six-petalled (grows on forest edges and meadows);
  • Meadowsweet palmate (grows in the Far East);
  • Meadowsweet (grows in marshy meadows);
  • Kamchatka meadowsweet (grows on Kamchatka or Sakhalin Island, as well as on the Kuril Islands).

The plant contains salicylic acid, which is why meadowsweet is used for high temperatures or, as an anti-inflammatory agent. Meadowsweet leaves contain ascorbic acid. Thus, the “composition” of the plant determines its area of ​​application.

Used as a treatment for colds, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, labial herpes, for burns or wounds, for insomnia or stress.

Meadowsweet is also used in gynecology. Today, you can prepare meadowsweet yourself by collecting the plant in the meadow, or you can buy dried herb at the pharmacy. This plant has quite a few contraindications or side effects, so it can be safely used in the treatment of various diseases.

Useful properties and contraindications of meadowsweet

The plant not only has a beautiful appearance, but also a pleasant smell and taste. Infusions and decoctions of meadowsweet help general strengthening body, recuperation after heavy loads. The plant has medicinal use For example, meadowsweet is used in dietary supplements for weight loss or added to homeopathic remedies.

It is better to refuse meadowsweet in the following cases:

  • In case of individual intolerance to the plant;
  • With low blood pressure (hypotension), since meadowsweet reduces blood pressure even more;
  • With poor blood clotting, since the plant helps thin the blood;
  • For chronic constipation;
  • In a pregnant state, since the plant is considered poisonous;
  • For children under 12 years of age, it is better to replace meadowsweet with another plant.

Meadowsweet: how and when to use

Meadowsweet (balaban) grows mainly near water bodies or in wetlands. This type of plant can reach a height of one and a half meters, and the fragrant aroma is the difference between the yellow and white flowers. Various plant varieties, including meadowsweet, have active use, both in folk medicine and in official medicine. In addition, this is the type of meadowsweet that is used most often.

Due to its beneficial properties, meadowsweet is used as:

  • Anti-inflammatory agent;
  • Bactericidal agent;
  • Anticonvulsant;
  • It has antitoxic properties, that is, it can be used, for example, for bites of rabid dogs or snakes.

The most commonly used are flower and herb plants (in other types the root is more often used). The flowers have a diaphoretic effect. A decoction of them is used to treat diarrhea or bleeding, and dried flowers are sprinkled on wounds and burns. It is very easy to prepare an infusion: 1 teaspoon of flowers + 450 ml of boiling water, the mixture should be infused in a closed container for 3 hours.

Meadowsweet can help improve the condition of many serious illnesses(for example, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, gout, hypertension, dropsy and others).

The herb is also used as a decoction for uterine bleeding (since the plant has astringent properties) or diarrhea. An interesting thing is that thanks to the meadowsweet herb, hair growth increases, that is, you can wash your hair with the decoction. Prepare a decoction of the herb according to this recipe: add half a liter of boiled water to 1 tablespoon of the herb and leave overnight. In addition to the decoction, they also make an ointment, which is actively used for skin diseases. The plant should be used in reasonable quantities (no more than 15 grams of herb per day and no longer than 4 weeks), since an overdose may cause nausea and vomiting.

Meadowsweet herb: several folk recipes

As already noted, meadowsweet has many beneficial properties. However, you need to know in what quantities and in what form to take the plant so that it doesn’t get worse. Most often, vodka tincture is used for ARVI and influenza, both for treatment and prevention.

In folk medicine, meadowsweet can be used as follows:

  1. Pour 2 teaspoons of meadowsweet herb into boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain and drink in small sips - for acute respiratory infections or colds.
  2. Pour half a glass of dried meadowsweet into one glass of cold boiled water, then leave for 12 hours, then add 50 ml of calendula tincture and leave for a few more hours. After straining, you can drink half a teaspoon up to 3 times a day - to prevent the flu.
  3. Mix 1 teaspoon of pre-chopped herb with 2 teaspoons of natural lard, then add 1 teaspoon of lanolin, you get an ointment - for wounds and burns.
  4. 35 gr. already crushed roots, pour 350 ml of vodka, then leave for 15 days in dark room, after the tincture is drunk 15 ml about 3 times a day, preferably shortly before meals (about 30 minutes) - for thyroid goiter.
  5. 10 gr. roots and 10 gr. Mix the flowers of the plant and pour 970 ml of boiling water, then put in a sealed container in a water bath for 30 minutes, then filter the broth and douche up to 3 times a day to get rid of leucorrhoea.

This unusual plant It has also found application in cooking (tea, spices, etc.) and in cosmetology for various masks for skin and hair.

Features of common meadowsweet

Six-petalled meadowsweet lives on forest edges and meadows, but sometimes it can also be found on roadsides. It can grow up to 80 cm in height and is distinguished by the presence of roots with tubers. This type of meadowsweet is quite rare, but it is also used in medicine.

Meadowsweet helps with conditions such as:

  • Kidney diseases;
  • Gout;
  • Beli;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Rheumatism (sometimes cinquefoil is also used);
  • Gastrointestinal problems.

All parts of this plant variety are used for treatment, but the roots are the most popular because they contain tannins. A decoction of the roots is even used to wash snake bites or purulent wounds. The decoction is easy to prepare: pour 5 grams of rhizomes with one glass of boiling water, and then boil for another 15 minutes over low heat and strain.

Meadowsweet plant: medicinal properties and contraindications (video)


In the treatment of many diseases traditional healers It is recommended to use an infusion of leaves and flowers of the meadowsweet plant, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are the subject of this article. You must be able to prepare and take the decoction correctly in order to achieve positive effect and avoid negative consequences application of this remedy.

Meadowsweet - beneficial properties

The meadowsweet plant has been used in healing for several centuries; healers consider it an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, vascular strengthening and healing agent. Meadowsweet rhizome contains:

  • starch;
  • phenol glycosides;
  • sodium salicylate;
  • vitamin C.

Flowers and leaves of meadowsweet (another name for meadowsweet) are a source fatty acids, catechins, vitamins, steroids, rich essential oils and aromatic compounds. In some countries, young leaves and buds of meadowsweet are used in cooking and added to soups and salads. Dried meadowsweet flowers, brewed with boiling water, turn into healthy drink, which has an invigorating tonic effect.

Application in medicine

In folk medicine, meadowsweet herb is used for a wide range of diseases, and in various recipes They use both young inflorescences and leaves and preparations from dried roots and flowers. The medicinal properties of meadowsweet help fight a wide range of diseases. The decoction is taken for:

Meadowsweet root is brewed and drunk during stomach or intestinal ulcers, kidney inflammation to stop internal bleeding. Infused with the leaves, meadowsweet rhizome is an anthelmintic and calming agent. nervous system, relieves acute intra-articular pain. Meadowsweet inflorescences are used as a diuretic and are used for bladder diseases, stomach pain, and constipation.

The beneficial properties of meadowsweet are used to maintain women's health, to relieve symptoms of thrush and inflammation, with menstrual pain, regulation hormonal levels. During oncological diseases, an infusion of leaves is indicated as a means of thinning the blood and accelerating hair growth after chemotherapy. We must not forget about the contraindications that everyone has medicinal plant, pay due attention to the rules for collecting, procuring raw materials for cooking medicinal decoction.

How to use

Medicinal herbs must be prepared in right time, gather in an environmentally friendly clean places, remote from large cities, hazardous industries and highways. Young shoots of meadowsweet are collected in the first ten days of June, inflorescences - during flowering, rhizomes - in early autumn, until the twentieth of September. The plant is dried in a dry, dark place, ideally in the attic. Ready-made raw materials can be purchased at a pharmacy or from herbalists, but in such a situation you cannot be sure of its quality, there is a possibility that you will not get what you need therapeutic effect.

Meadowsweet tincture

There are two options for preparing meadowsweet tincture. Alcohol tincture is used for diabetes, stomach diseases (gastritis), cholecystitis, as an anesthetic during gout or joint inflammation. To prepare you will need:

  • medical purified alcohol or vodka: 1 l;
  • dried meadowsweet flowers: 50 g;
  • granulated sugar: 20 g.

Pour vodka or alcohol over the plant material, add sugar, mix thoroughly and leave in a cool, dark place for two weeks. Take the prepared meadowsweet tincture three times a day before meals, one teaspoon at a time, for 21-30 days, depending on the symptoms and doctor’s recommendations. Contraindication for use alcohol tinctures is alcohol addiction, chronic diseases liver, cardiovascular diseases V acute stage.

A non-alcoholic tincture of meadowsweet leaves helps with blood pressure problems. A tablespoon of the dried plant is poured into two glasses of boiling water, left for a quarter of an hour, filtered and drunk three times a day, one teaspoon before meals, for a month. To combat colds, prepare a tincture from the inflorescences, for which you will need:

  • dried meadowsweet inflorescences: 30 g;
  • clean water: 0.5 l;
  • calendula tincture: 15 g.

Plant raw materials are poured cold water and leave in a place protected from light for 20 days. The resulting infusion is filtered, calendula tincture is added to long-term storage. During illness, take a teaspoon before each meal until symptoms disappear completely. As prophylactic from viral infections– two teaspoons before meals daily.


A decoction of the meadowsweet plant - the beneficial properties and contraindications of which must be taken into account in any form of use as a medicinal product - is prepared from the rhizome of the plant. Grinded in a coffee grinder or in another way, meadowsweet root is poured with boiling water, in the proportion of two teaspoons per glass of water, and kept in a water bath for 20-30 minutes. Take 20 g of raw material per liter of water.

The finished decoction is left for up to three days in a cool, dark place, and is taken as a means to reduce blood viscosity, for diabetes mellitus and peptic ulcer, four times a day, two teaspoons, for three weeks. A compress with this remedy is used for burns, purulent wounds, applied to the affected areas of the skin for 15 minutes five times a day.

Meadowsweet tea

For colds, it is good to drink meadowsweet tea, in which the dried leaves and flowers are poured with boiling water and infused in an opaque container for ten minutes. The beneficial properties of the drink include its antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect, it accelerates the removal of fluids from the body, and promotes the rapid elimination of waste and toxins. Tea has no contraindications; you should drink it three to five times a day, one serving - 150 ml.


The beneficial wound-healing properties of meadowsweet allow the use of an ointment prepared from crushed herbs mixed with vegetable oil or lanolin (you can use Vaseline) in a ratio of 1:5. The resulting mixture is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin for 15-20 minutes 7-10 times a day, depending on the intensity of the lesion. This tool can be used to combat acne. In this case, make masks on cleansed facial skin twice a day, adding calendula tincture to the ointment, leaving the mixture for 15-25 minutes.


Meadowsweet should be used with caution when high blood pressure– Agree on the course duration and dosage with your doctor. Other contraindications include: allergic reaction, reduced rate platelet levels in the blood, pregnancy and lactation. During illness, do not give up drug therapy, use the beneficial properties of meadowsweet as a supplement to the main course of treatment.


(Meadowsweet six-petalled) is known as beautiful wild flower, however, few people know about useful qualities x of this plant. About meadowsweet, medicinal properties and contraindications we'll talk in this article. This is a honey plant. It blooms in early summer, flowering continues until mid-July, and fruits appear at the end of summer. This is a tall, up to one meter in height, perennial herb, which is recognized among others by its lush, bright flowering. Its flowers are united in lush inflorescences of white or soft pink color. Honey plant attracts pollinating insects bright view and aroma.

Meadowsweet and varieties

  • Meadowsweet

    a variety of plant that is found as often in domestic spaces as the six-petalled meadowsweet. Distinctive feature- a less developed root system, it is not characterized by the formation of tubers, and a smaller number of flowers, although the scope of application in traditional medicine recipes is similar.

  • Elegans and venusta, meadowsweet variegata

    meadowsweet's closest relatives, which are popular among lovers of home gardening. These plants look great when framed landscape design, however, the medicinal properties are inferior to the analogue growing in fields and forests.

  • another variety field grass, however, she is originally from America. It is frost-resistant and unpretentious plant which will decorate the garden. Red meadowsweet is distinguished by lush bright pink flowering, which begins in mid-summer and continues until frost, and a rich vanilla aroma; this plant is a honey plant.

  • Purple meadowsweet

    an artificially bred variety of meadowsweet, which is found exclusively in flower beds and gardens. Purple meadowsweet is a bush up to 1.2 meters in height that blooms all summer with bright pink-purple flowers. This is a perennial, unpretentious plant that will take root in shady corners of the garden.

Medicinal qualities, application

WITH medical point From a visual perspective, the whole plant is valuable, folk recipes roots, grass, and inflorescences are used. Its beneficial properties are recognized official medicine, however, contraindications for use must be taken into account. The meadowsweet grass loves damp, shady places; it can be found in flooded meadows, shady forests, on the banks of rivers and lakes. It is not for nothing that people call common meadowsweet lungwort, because it is a honey plant, a source healing honey, the beneficial qualities of which are recognized by both official medicine and traditional healers.

Meadowsweet is harvested as a medicinal raw material in June, after flowering. To do this, cut off the stem with leaves and inflorescences, then dry it under a canopy. However, the temperature during drying should not exceed 40 degrees, in otherwise there is a risk of losing medicinal properties. Meadowsweet root is considered useful raw materials because it has medicinal properties. However, it is harvested in the fall, after the above-ground part of the plant dies. The root is dug out of the ground and dried before use.

The medicinal properties of the plant are easy to explain in terms of the set of substances that make up its composition. By chemical analysis Salicylates, ascorbic acid, carotene, flavonoids, tannins, and catechins were found in the grass and rhizome of this plant. Based on the above, it has the following medicinal properties:

Meadowsweet six-petalled, used for the treatment of various diseases

A large number of biologically active substances that are part of this medicinal plant can be widely used in the composition complex treatment against many known diseases:

  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in women;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • diarrhea;
  • insomnia, increased nervous excitability;
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • kidney and bladder diseases;
  • rheumatism;
  • burns and other skin lesions.

This is a honey plant, so the honey obtained after flowering has medicinal properties no less valuable than the plant itself. It is especially good to use honey for treatment colds both viral and bacterial in nature, as well as for the prevention and strengthening of immunity during epidemics. However, there are contraindications to the use of honey - allergies, childhood up to 3 years.

Recipes based on meadowsweet

Products based on this medicinal plant are used both internally and externally - for skin diseases, wounds, burns.

  1. Meadowsweet decoction

    Grass – 2 tbsp;
    - boiling water -0.5l.
    The crushed dry herb is poured with boiling water and simmered over low heat for 30 minutes, then left until cool and filtered. The decoction is used to treat external diseases in the form of lotions and compresses. Taken orally for gastrointestinal disorders, sleep disorders, inflammatory diseases kidneys and bladder 2 tbsp. twice a day. For treatment women's diseases the decoction is diluted boiled water twice and application is carried out by douching.

  2. Infusion of meadowsweet roots

    Chopped dry rhizomes - 1 tsp;
    - cold boiled water– 0.5 l.
    The rhizomes are filled with water and left for at least eight hours. Take 2 tbsp. l. twice a day.

Contraindications for use

Meadowsweet is a natural remedy, it has serious contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • bleeding disorders such as hemophilia;
  • constipation;
  • hypotension;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding are contraindications that doctors do not recommend ignoring, because folk remedies may be no less dangerous than traditional pharmacy ones. Using meadowsweet in in this case only possible after consultation with a doctor.

Symptoms of overdose include the following:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • general malaise.

If such signs are present, it is necessary to stop using, reduce the dosage or frequency of taking products based on this plant.

Before using meadowsweet products, you should definitely consult a doctor, especially if you have contraindications to its use.