Why do you dream about beautiful bouquets of flowers? Dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima. Why do you dream of wildflowers in a bouquet?

Holding a bouquet of flowers in a dream means mutual love and appreciation.

Receiving a bouquet of flowers from someone predicts constancy in love.

Seeing a bouquet in a dream is a sign of a bad acquaintance that will not bring you any good; if in a dream you are making a bouquet, then you will receive news if you remember what flowers it was made from.

A dream in which you throw a bouquet at the wall with all your might means that you are in for a waste of time and money. Such a dream also foretells you that your desire will not come true due to your fault.

If you are presented with a bouquet in a dream, then you should take a closer look at your surroundings or specifically at the person who presented you with flowers, because he or they are hiding their true intentions and trying to flatter you.

Although sometimes such a dream predicts that you will spend many pleasant minutes in the company of a person dear to your heart and will get great pleasure from it.

If a young man dreams that he is presenting a beautiful bouquet of flowers to his bride at a wedding, then soon he will receive sad news about the death of a close relative or another bereavement.

A withered or faded bouquet in your dream predicts disagreements in your family or with your spouse, betrayal and disappointment in love.

A bouquet of glass flowers warns you that your happiness is at risk and you need to take some important steps if you do not want to lose your loved one. If in a dream you dream of many colorful bouquets, then pleasant meetings with friends await you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Bouquet - seeing a bouquet - a pleasant acquaintance, happiness in love; cook, compose - pleasant news; to receive is sycophancy. Fresh bouquet - joy, success; pale, withered - betrayal in love; to laziness.

Interpretation of dreams from

Our dreams are of great importance. Firstly, they give the brain the opportunity to more easily process new data, and secondly, they help obtain information about possible future events. Therefore, no matter how ridiculous dreams may seem to us, they occupy a rather honorable place in the consciousness and subconscious.

Why do you dream about a bouquet of flowers? Quite an interesting dream from the point of view of many interpreters. For example, in the women's dream book it is clearly stated that a bouquet is a sign. What does it mean? At a minimum, it’s a pleasant acquaintance, but in most cases it’s still about great love. Perhaps you were presented with a bouquet in a dream? Expect mutual bright feelings.

Family dream book

The family dream book characterizes such a dream differently: a bouquet of flowers means a quarrel with your soulmate. If in a dream you tear, trample on a bouquet or throw it away, you may have a serious reason to break off the relationship.

If a man dreams that he is buying flowers, it means he will have a romantic date with an amazing woman.

Dream books recommend paying attention to the color of the buds. If they are yellow - to sadness, sadness and parting, if they are white - your feelings will radically change your attitude towards life and principles, if they are red - you should be very careful about all kinds of offers, most likely they want to deceive you.

Ukrainian dream book

The Ukrainian dream book gives the following interpretations: to receive a bouquet is toady, to see it is to be happy. If the flowers are fresh, success and good news await you; if withered, it means betrayal.


The French dream book says that a bouquet means gossip and lies. But if you are given a bouquet of flowers, then soon your most cherished wish will come true.

Do you throw a bouquet in a dream? This means waste of money and time are waiting for you. Also, what you see may mean that strangers will interfere with the fulfillment of your desires.

If a young man saw in a dream how he presented a bouquet to his bride, then, most likely, bad news awaits him, and his happiness and peace are under great threat.

Seeing many beautiful bouquets in a dream means that pleasant meetings with friends and family await you.

Bouquet of flowers according to Vanga's dream book

Vanga's dream book states that a bouquet of flowers can be dreamed of by a person who in real life is tired of everyday life and hassle. At the same time, such a dream can also mean sadness.

Vanga said that the bouquet you choose can mean spiritual loneliness. But if they give you flowers, then a loved one may betray you.

If you collect flowers in a bouquet, then soon your efforts to improve your own life will bear fruit. If in a dream you try to inhale the scent of flowers, then in reality you will be disappointed in love. Artificial flowers in a bouquet are a bad omen, which means serious illness or even death.

Dream Interpretation of Evdokia

Evdokia's dream book says that a bouquet of flowers is nothing more than good news. Although withered flowers warn you against rash actions.

Psychological dream book

In the psychological dream book, a bouquet means inheritance. If the flowers are wild, you will find a good friend.

A bouquet that crumbles means the fragility of the relationship with your soulmate.

Why do you dream about a bouquet of flowers in your grandmother’s dream book?

Grandma’s dream book says that collecting flowers in a bouquet is good news. A stale bouquet means a deterioration in relationships and trust between loved ones.

As we see, many dream books give very different interpretations, but it should be noted that some of them agree that not only the color scheme of the bouquet is of great importance, but also what plants it consists of, how beautiful and fresh they are. This will be the key to solving the dream.

Also pay attention to the day of the week and lunar day. Since a dream can be prophetic in nature, or it may not come true at all.

It is possible to briefly look into the future and even correct it thanks to dreams. But you cannot completely trust the images that appear before a person when he sleeps. This is explained by the fact that all familiar objects that come in a dream have their own interpretation.

Why do you dream about a bouquet of flowers? Dream interpretation

Different predictors interpret dreams in their own way. But they all agree that seeing a beautiful bouquet in a dream is always a favorable sign. Most often, this means the embodiment of hopes associated with the feeling of love: the appearance of fans, a meeting with a soulmate, a wedding or separation.

In bouquets, elegantly and intricately arranged? Always for an aristocratic, magnificent reception. When they are decorated with a large, beautiful bow, it can signify the appearance of a generous lover.

If you carry flowers in a dream, it means that it is time to prepare for an imminent wedding. Catching an abandoned wedding bouquet means meeting true love. And vice versa, quitting on your own leads to dissatisfaction and annoyance. Collecting beautiful flowers means confessing your feelings to someone. A successful marriage and pleasant surprises are promised by a dream in which you have to make a bouquet.

Why do you dream of flowers in bouquets in a vase? Such dreams promise well-being in the family. A dream in which you can see indoor plants has a similar meaning.

Bouquet for a woman or man

For a woman, a dream in which she sees collected flowers can mean a meeting with a pleasant admirer. If the bouquet is large and beautiful, then a long, cloudless life awaits you. Why do you dream of flowers in bouquets if they are collected in the field? Seeing them in a dream means having popularity with members of the opposite sex and good luck in business.

A quick wedding is suggested by a dream in which an unmarried girl is given a bouquet. Regardless of who presents it, it is worth waiting for a marriage proposal from your lover. Moreover, if such a bouquet is red, then it is better to refuse marriage. Such a marriage will only bring disappointment and loss.

For a woman, receiving flowers is a common thing. Why do you dream about flowers?

If a guy receives a bouquet in a dream, this promises success and good luck in business. In the case when a young man acts as a donor, the dream means consent from his beloved girl and a long, happy relationship. If you have to buy flowers, it will soon happen with a nice woman.

Real and artificial flowers in a dream

Prosperity in love and business will bring in reality only fresh fresh flowers. Artificial ones, on the contrary, indicate the frivolity and fragility of the relationship. Failure to fulfill planned plans or illness is a promise of wilted flowers. A dried bouquet has the same interpretation. Conversely, throwing away such flowers means getting rid of a burdensome acquaintance.

Why do you dream of flowers, a bouquet of which crumbles right before your eyes? Such a dream means fragility, unreliability of relationships with a partner and their possible rupture. Love, romance and unexpected confessions will bring roses. promises a meeting with a sincere and simple-minded person.

Bouquet color

Not only the variety of the plant, but also its shade determines the result of the interpretation of the dream.

Why dream of a bouquet of flowers where all the bright shades are mixed? To a large number of fans and close friends. A huge beautiful bouquet can promise a large inheritance from a distant relative. At the same time, if the flowers are faded or faded, this means coldness in the relationship with the other half and possible separation.

Why do you dream of flowers in bouquets if they are white? Roses of this color are a symbol of pure love, other varieties are a symbol of sadness. A dream in which the plants are yellow promises a break in relationships. Black flowers mean the imminent onset of a bad event: seeing them on a school desk means failure in an exam.

You should expect troubles in your personal life after a dream in which you are given red buds. But a diluted bouquet will bring joy and cheerful communication. Hope for success will be given by a dream in which a gift will consist of unopened flowers.

Seeing and receiving beautifully decorated living plants is always pleasant, both in a dream and in reality.

Everything in our dreams has meaning and means something. Sometimes dreams are completely incomprehensible and mysterious, but some visions seem to tell us what will happen, what to expect.

One of these visions can be called a flower, or even a whole bouquet - a symbol that will definitely not cause negative associations or inspire bad thoughts in anyone. But it is impossible to understand on your own why you dream of a bouquet of flowers, and how to interpret this vision - only a wise dream book can give the correct answer.

Flowers themselves never promise anything bad to the dreamer, and often hint at good events. However, nuances and details are important in the interpretation of dreams. Everything depends on what the bouquet and the flowers themselves were, their shade, quantity, and events.

The general atmosphere of the dream is also important - if you woke up with a light heart, with a premonition of something good, and you liked the dream itself - know that no matter what the dream book says, everything will be fine in reality. On the contrary, if you wake up in vague anxiety, you should be more careful. The scenarios of “bouquet” dreams themselves can be divided as follows:

  • I dream about flowers.
  • Smell them in your sleep.
  • Collect flowers in a bouquet.
  • I dreamed of a bouquet of withered, withered flowers.
  • A beautiful, lush bouquet in a dream.
  • Seeing many living bouquets in dreams.
  • Artificial flowers in a dream - roses, tulips, lilacs or others.
  • Artificial tulips, daisies and so on.
  • In your dreams they give them to you.
  • Catch a wedding bouquet.
  • Wildflowers in dreams.
  • Roses.
  • Tulips.
  • Lilac.
  • Bouquet of daisies.
  • The bouquet fell apart in a dream.

Thus, everything is important - what kind of flowers the bouquet was made of: red, pink or white, daisies, roses, tulips or lilacs, and most importantly - what happened to it and what you had to do. Remember all this and find out what the dream promises you!

Million Scarlet roses…

So, what exactly did you dream about? Lilacs, roses or tulips, wedding flowers or something else - let's check what this means and what it promises.

1.Flowers, as dream books say, always bring joy and pleasure to dreams. If you just saw them, no matter what, if they were beautiful and you liked them, then expect pleasant surprises, joyful events and everything positive in reality.

2. If in a dream your bouquet fell apart, be careful in your relationships. Take care of them, try to be wiser and more tolerant of your partner so that the relationship does not fall apart.

3. As the dream book says, a wilted, withered bouquet is a symbol of illness. This means that in the near future, take care of your own health, look after yourself a little more carefully than usual. Perhaps, in this way, higher powers are hinting to you that you are too neglectful of your own health.

4. Why do you dream of a bouquet of roses, or other beautiful, fresh flowers, especially red ones - luxurious, lush? Definitely, such a dream is for love, big, bright and happy! You will find happiness in love, new experiences and new events that will color your life with bright and beautiful colors.

5. If you dreamed of a lot of bouquets - anything from roses and daisies to tulips or lilacs, in reality you will find yourself in a very pleasant, dignified company. You will be in a very good social circle.

6. Artificial flowers dream of sad events. But the dream book does not promise anything terrible, there will simply be a short period when not everything will go smoothly. It’s worth going through it, and a happy streak will come again, and difficulties always provide valuable experience!

What actions took place in the dream?

1. When you happen to pick flowers in a dream, this is a good sign, and it foretells great joy, a pleasant surprise, good news.

2. Giving bouquets in a dream always signifies love proposals. If you were given such a gift in your dreams, know that soon in reality the person who loves you will propose to you - if not marriage, then at least offer a serious relationship or living together.

3. I wonder why you dream about the bridal bouquet that you managed to catch in your dream? This is very good. In general, it’s not difficult to guess why you dream about a wedding bouquet in itself - this is a sure sign of imminent love. Such a vision means that if you have not yet met your destiny, then this meeting will happen very soon.

4. Smelling flowers means losses. This dream means one thing - take care of what you have, what is dear to you. And remember that any losses always foreshadow the acquisition of something new.

What flowers did you dream about?

  • A bouquet of wildflowers means the appearance of a very good, faithful friend.
  • As the dream book says, a bouquet of roses - red, white and others - is for devoted and pure love.
  • Tulips are a symbol of great joy, and especially an armful of red buds.
  • Lilac in a dream is a symbol of passion and flirtation. If you happen to see or collect lilacs, you will soon meet a new person and be in love.
  • You always dream of daisies as a sign of happiness and a carefree, bright life.

After reading the interpretation, analyze it, do not rush to draw conclusions and think carefully about everything. Believe that everything will be for the best, and wait for happiness with an open heart - then it will certainly come!

The article on the topic: “dream book of many bouquets” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

What a bouquet of flowers means in a dream largely depends on its appearance. If in a dream you saw beautiful fresh buds, then in reality you should expect good events. The dream book interprets a dream in which the cut flowers were withered not so optimistically.

Receive or give

A dream in which you were lucky enough to receive a bouquet of flowers promises fulfillment of desires, unexpected luck, and great joy. At the same time, the Universal Dream Book warns that the plot in which you are given a luxurious gift is one of the most deceptive, and therefore does not give any guarantees. To understand as accurately as possible what you dream about being given a bouquet of flowers, take a closer look at what plants it consists of. A dream in which you were presented with a bouquet of tulips or daffodils promises that soon your merits will be appreciated. If you dreamed of carnations, the interpreter secretly tells you that someone admires and even a little envies your talent and business qualities. If you dreamed that they were giving roses, this directly indicates that you find yourself in the very epicenter of someone’s romantic dreams. If you had to present a bouquet in a dream, then you will soon notice that the person to whom you gave the gift will begin to treat you much better.


A dream in which wildflowers are present promises positive changes in interpersonal relationships. A woman’s dream book promises an intensification of love feelings and complete understanding with her chosen one. Why such a plot is dreamed of is also described by the Universal Interpreter. A dream in which a bouquet of wildflowers appears is interpreted as an omen of the beginning of a new friendship, long-awaited recognition in an environment that is significant to you, and popularity. A similar dream also predicts a new acquaintance that will bring romance into your life.

Bud color

We woke up in the morning with the thought - why do you dream about a bouquet of red flowers? You can find out the answer by looking at the Eastern Dream Book. If the bouquet you dreamed of was without a single inclusion, it means that emotions covered you completely. A luxurious bouquet of white flowers seen in a dream foretells fun and attending festive events in real life. If the buds were withered, then you should mentally prepare for a period of life full of anxiety and excitement.

Various interpretations

For men, a dream about a bouquet of fresh flowers means the beginning of a new friendship; for women, it means the appearance of a new admirer. Grishina's dream book considers garden flowers as an omen of success, victory, and profit. Did you see in a dream an abundance of flowers arranged in bouquets? This plot should be considered a warning or reminder that you could provide help to someone you know who especially needs it. The modern dream book believes that many flower bouquets portend deep sadness or sorrow. Try to prevent trouble. If you happen to collect flowers in a bouquet, then this reflects the state of searching for like-minded people. He who seeks will certainly find, reminds the Universal Dream Book. Soon you will discover a new hobby, receive an unusual invitation, or find other ways to broaden your horizons. Hasse explains why this or that type of flowering plant is seen in dreams. Dreaming of lilies of the valley and snowdrops foreshadow the beginning of a new life period, roses - a storm of passions, chrysanthemums - awareness and decision-making, poppies - the charm of the first meeting.

They gave me a large bouquet of blue-cornflower blue flowers (like blooming tulips or large bells) dream from Friday to Saturday.

I dreamed of many bouquets, but not one was handed to me; in addition, I remember a gorgeous bouquet with small white flowers, which I liked, and I expected to receive it, but in the end it went to another person. And besides this, there was a small bouquet of blue flowers, which was also not given to me, I just had to smell it and that’s it.

Many bouquets - a pleasant circle of acquaintances.

In a dream, my husband gives me a beautiful bud, a flower.

I dreamed that they gave me one bouquet, I don’t remember it well, I put it aside, and then a classmate gave me a bouquet, the bouquet consisted of one light purple daisy and some other flowers, in my opinion, toffee, the bouquet was a little limp and not big, not thick, but I was happy about such a gift and put them in.

I dreamed that my boyfriend wanted to propose to me; he had a ring and a bouquet of flowers, there seemed to be roses, but he just couldn’t propose to me, something kept getting in the way.

I dreamed of a bouquet of beautiful red roses, and there was a ring in it, but not an engagement ring, and it was not my common-law husband who called me, but my friend’s husband and said that it was my man who proposed to me.

I dreamed that a girl I knew gave me a bouquet of unopened red flowers. It looks like aloe or kalanchoe.

I dreamed that a friend gave me a bouquet of red unopened flowers.

I dreamed of many bouquets that other people cut and put on the road, and I walked along the road and admired the flowers, smelled them, wanted to steal them, they were peonies of different colors.

I dreamed that on the first day some distant relatives gave me a whole bunch of different bouquets of flowers. The flowers are collected very beautifully and harmoniously. The next day one guy dies. These relatives come again and give again a bunch of flowers. Like they weren't given as a gift. But it was their loved one who died. What are these bouquets for?

I dreamed that the bouquet was being carried by my ex-husband’s mistress and they were cheerful, and I was walking towards them with large bags.

I dreamed that my husband was carrying a large multi-colored bouquet of flowers to his mistress on a sleigh. I saw this and started swearing very strongly.

Dream Interpretation Bouquet, why you dream about seeing a Bouquet in a dream

From this article you can find out why you dream about a Bouquet from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about a Bouquet: interpretation of a dream

Why does a woman dream about a Bouquet, what is this dream about?

Bouquet – A bouquet in a dream is a lucky sign. Indicates the possibility of a new pleasant acquaintance or happy love. If you were given a bouquet in a dream, your love will be mutual and long-lasting.

Why do you dream of a Bouquet?

Bouquet - Seeing a bouquet of flowers in a dream means quarrels with the woman you love. Tearing or destroying a bouquet of flowers means a desire to break off a relationship with a woman. Buying a bouquet of flowers or collecting them is a sign of a romantic date with a lady who will make a stunning impression on you. Yellow flowers in a bouquet mean a break in relationships. White flowers - love will make you change your life and reconsider many principles. They give you a bouquet - you will receive an unexpected and original offer from a friend that will bring you profit. If the flowers in the bouquet are red, then it is better not to agree to this offer, no matter how tempting it may look, in the future it will bring nothing but troubles and losses.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Why do you dream of a Bouquet in dreams?

Bouquet – Pleasant meeting; to receive is constancy in love, this is the interpretation of the Bouquet according to the dream book.

Why do you dream of a Bouquet, according to popular beliefs in Little Russia:

Bouquet - Seeing a bouquet means a pleasant acquaintance, happiness in love; cook, compose - good news; to receive is sycophancy. Fresh bouquet - joy, success; pale, withered - betrayal in love; to laziness.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Bouquet – Fans, dating for a woman; a lot - relationship breakdown, funeral; in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you dream about.

Why do you dream and how to interpret a Bouquet according to the dream book?

Bouquet - Seeing a bouquet in a dream foreshadows false news. If you hold a bouquet in your hands or place it next to you, the dream promises you joy, the fulfillment of your cherished desire.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dreaming of a Bouquet, why?

Bouquet – Have happiness in love.

What does a bouquet mean in a dream, interpretation:

A bouquet of flowers (elegantly, intricately arranged) is an aristocratic reception. With a lush bow - to a generous, sophisticated lover.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream of a Bouquet? The dream book interprets it as follows:

Bouquet – To have happiness in love, joy, pleasure – to see – pleasant acquaintance – to receive – constancy in love – faded – betrayal in love, grief

Why do you dream and what does the Bouquet mean in our time?

Bouquet (of flowers) – Joy, pleasure; withered, fallen - betrayal in love

Why do you dream of a Bouquet in a dream?

Seeing a bouquet is a pleasant acquaintance; to receive is constancy in love.

Stuart Robinson's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a Bouquet in a dream?

Holding a bouquet of flowers in a dream means mutual love and appreciation. Receiving a beautiful bouquet of flowers from someone portends constancy in love. Seeing a bouquet in a dream is a bad sign of a bad acquaintance that will not bring you any good; if in a dream you are making a bouquet, then you will receive news if you remember what flowers it was made from. Such a dream also foretells you that your desire will not come true due to your fault. If a guy dreams that he is presenting a beautiful bouquet of flowers to his bride at a wedding, then soon he will receive sad news about the death of a close relative or another bereavement. A withered or faded bouquet in your dream predicts disagreements in your family or with your spouse, betrayal and disappointment in love.

Why do you dream and how to understand a Bouquet in a dream?

A bouquet in a dream consists mainly of red flowers - in the near future you or someone close to you will receive a promotion or find a new job. To make this happen, eat 3 salted slices of bread for breakfast, and in the evening light a large thick candle; if it does not burn out by the morning, when you wake up, blow it out. There are a lot of dried or wilted flowers in the bouquet - they want to put a curse on someone dear to you. To protect those you care about, make an amulet for them: pour a little salt into a leather bag and put 3 broken needles in it. Give these amulets to those you want to protect.

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of a Bouquet in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why do you dream of a Bouquet according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream about a Bouquet from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream about a Bouquet according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about a Bouquet from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream of a Bouquet in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about a Bouquet in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Tue March 07, 2017, 09:42:08

Sun January 08, 2017, 16:28:34

Fri November 04, 2016, 08:50:30

Sat March 26, 2016, 13:52:33

Wed July 29, 2015, 10:54:14

Bouquet in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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Why do you dream of many fresh flowers in bouquets?

The image of flowers collected in bouquets is quite ambiguous, in one case promising the sleeper the most joyful and bright events in his life, and in the other - misfortunes, sorrows and prolonged depression. And in order to figure out why you dream about many living flowers in bouquets, it is best to use a night vision interpreter.

What if you dream of a lot of fresh flowers in bouquets?

If, for example, you believe the Women's Dream Book, then many fresh flowers in bouquets prophesy the dreamer happiness and mutual love, but only on condition that the flowers had a fresh and beautiful appearance. If we consider this dream in more detail, it is of great importance who exactly dreamed it (meaning the age and status of the sleeping person). So, for a young girl receiving a lush bouquet as a gift in a dream promises to receive a marriage proposal. If there were several bouquets, then there will be many contenders for the role of this young lady’s husband, so she will have to experience the rather difficult problem of choosing.

For a mature lady, this image prophesies the discovery of a second wind in a relationship with her own spouse; her immediate future is unlikely to be overshadowed by any sorrows and misfortunes. But this dream does not bode well for a man, because after it he may have a serious quarrel, and perhaps even break up with his beloved. If at the same time the sleeping person destroyed the bouquet, throwing it into a trash can or burning it at the stake, then in reality he will be the initiator of the separation.

However, one should not rush to conclusions. If in a dream this person happened to buy luxurious flower bouquets and arrangements, then in reality he will have a pleasant acquaintance with a girl who will charm him so much that he will subsequently decide to propose marriage to her.

Not the least important role for the interpretation of the designated image is played by the shade of the flowers collected in the bouquet. It is noteworthy that yellow flowers symbolize separation not only as a folk sign, but also as a dream image. The white flowers that appeared in the bouquet, on the contrary, represent pure love, for the sake of which the dreamer will make the most radical changes in his own life. At the same time, bright red flowers can portend not only fatal passions, but also serious danger, so a person who sees this image in a dream would do well to be very careful in reality.

In the dream book of the famous esotericist Tsvetkov, lush flower bouquets are associated with love constancy; after such an image, a person can be absolutely calm about his soulmate and the relationship with her in general. Unfortunately, a less optimistic forecast on this matter is given in the Wanderer’s dream book, where a large number of flowers collected in bouquets symbolizes participation in a mourning event.

What does it portend?

According to the interpretation given in the French dream book, watching someone give someone a bouquet of fresh flowers prophesies a cruel deception, the victim of which will be the dreamer himself. If a bouquet was given to a sleeping person in a dream, then in reality all his desires, no matter how bold and unrealizable they may seem, will come true. A rather unusual explanation for this image is given in the Esoteric Interpreter, the authors of which consider bouquets of fresh flowers to be a harbinger of receiving an invitation to a very sophisticated social event.

For a woman, the image of a bouquet coquettishly tied at the base with a silk bow promises an acquaintance with a sophisticated lover with refined manners. Moreover, it is not at all excluded that this novel will force her to completely change her own views on life, making her more demanding and capricious in all her subsequent relationships with the male sex.

In the Modern Interpreter of Dreams, the image of a bouquet collected from fresh flowers is described as the personification of sensual pleasures and carnal pleasures. At the same time, withered flowers symbolize betrayal and the final fading of feelings between lovers.

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Dream Interpretation

Many bouquets of flowers

Dream Interpretation Many bouquets of flowers dreamed of why in a dream there are many bouquets of flowers? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see many bouquets of flowers in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Why do you dream of fresh flowers in bouquets?

Flowers are a symbol of beauty and fragrance. Flowers decorate our home; not a single ceremony or celebration is complete without them. Why do you dream of fresh flowers in bouquets? The interpretation of the dream depends on the accompanying details of the plot. Let's look at it in detail.

General interpretation

The meaning of the interpretation directly depends on the type and quality of the flowers. Beautiful fragrant flowers in a bouquet are always a good sign in a dream. Withered or dried flowers are not considered so optimistically by dream books.

The nuances of interpretation also depend on your actions with flowers and their characteristics:

  • indoor flowers;
  • wildflowers;
  • plants from the garden/greenhouse;
  • buy a bouquet;
  • give a bouquet;
  • accept a bouquet as a gift.

A dream in which you were given a bouquet of flowers promises the fulfillment of a dream, unexpected joy and success. If in a dream you happen to give flowers to your opponent, your relationship will soon change for the better. A bouquet given to a young girl predicts an early marriage.

Take note of exactly what flowers they gave you:

  • roses - for romantic relationships;
  • daffodils and tulips - you will soon be appreciated;
  • carnations - people envy or admire your success.

Wildflowers in a dream will tell you about the upcoming renewal of feelings with your partner. You will establish relationships and gain mutual understanding. A tender romantic period in life awaits you, filled with beauty and admiration for each other.

If wildflowers are given to a girl, she will soon have a meeting with her soulmate and a period of harmonious relationships. Romance, tenderness, trustfulness and happiness - this is what a bouquet of wildflowers prophesies. A red poppy in a dream means being fascinated by a new meeting.

Garden flowers promise new profit, success in your plans and prosperity. Making a bouquet of flowers is an attempt to find like-minded people in your life.

Indoor flowers and bouquets in a vase foreshadow family comfort, prosperity, harmony of feelings and a quiet, measured flow of life. Seeing the whole house in flowers means harmony, joy and success for the family. Better days are coming for your family.

Planting flowers in a flowerbed, caring for them, picking them or watering them means complete success, well-being, and joyful events.

Flowers flying through the air are a chance to make a good profit and improve your financial situation. Don't miss the opportunity for change!

Interpretation from dream books

Miller's Dream Book believes that bright lush bouquets of flowers portend an inheritance, and wilted flowers portend illness. A bouquet of wildflowers - for a meeting with a new sincere admirer. Throwing away a bouquet means breaking up with an annoying suitor. Arranging flowers in a bouquet is a confession of feelings. If the bouquet crumbles, the engagement will not take place.

Vanga's Dream Book warns: pricking yourself with thorns from a rose from a bouquet foretells separation from your loved one. You have to survive betrayal and betrayal. Flowers trampled on the floor warn of enemies who are hiding important information from you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation interprets a dream with a bouquet unambiguously: seeing flowers in a bouquet means a new pleasant acquaintance, a gift bouquet of flowers means a strong, stable relationship.

Muslim dream book interprets a dream with flowers as a harbinger of new opportunities for realizing goals. Seeing wilted flowers is a sign of betrayal and disappointment.

Sigmund Freud sees in the symbolism of flowers the emergence of new feelings and emotions. Bouquets of flowers foreshadow the appearance of a new admirer, the development of a romantic relationship and the happiness of mutual love. For girls, flowers in buds can portend a loss of innocence. A large number of flowers can predict an unexpected separation from a loved one, but only temporary.

Plant flowers, see flower bouquets, buy flowers in pots- always a symbol of change for the better. Giving and receiving a bouquet is a sign of joyful events and happiness. Picking flowers means meeting new people.

Weave flower wreaths– to inspiration and a creative approach to the situation. However, be on the lookout if the flowers in the bouquet have an unsightly appearance or are completely dried out - this is a warning of impending adversity or troubles that can be prevented in advance by your right actions.

The symbolism of flowers is always unambiguous: the interpretation of a dream largely depends on your perception of the plot you saw and your actions with flowers. Only artificial flowers do not promise anything good.

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Why do you dream about flowers in bouquets? The dream book will tell you

It is possible to briefly look into the future and even correct it thanks to dreams. But you cannot completely trust the images that appear before a person when he sleeps. This is explained by the fact that all familiar objects that come in a dream have their own interpretation.

Why do you dream about a bouquet of flowers? Dream interpretation

Different predictors interpret dreams in their own way. But they all agree that seeing a beautiful bouquet in a dream is always a favorable sign. Most often, this means the embodiment of hopes associated with the feeling of love: the appearance of fans, a meeting with a soulmate, a wedding or separation.

Why do you dream of flowers in bouquets, elegantly and intricately collected? Always for an aristocratic, magnificent reception. When they are decorated with a large, beautiful bow, it can signify the appearance of a generous lover.

If you carry flowers in a dream, it means that it is time to prepare for an imminent wedding. Catching an abandoned wedding bouquet means meeting true love. And vice versa, quitting on your own leads to dissatisfaction and annoyance. Collecting beautiful flowers means confessing your feelings to someone. A successful marriage and pleasant surprises are promised by a dream in which you have to make a bouquet.

Why do you dream of flowers in bouquets in a vase? Such dreams promise well-being in the family. A dream in which you can see indoor plants has a similar meaning.

Bouquet for a woman or man

For a woman, a dream in which she sees collected flowers can mean a meeting with a pleasant admirer. If the bouquet is large and beautiful, then a long, cloudless life awaits you. Why do you dream of flowers in bouquets if they are collected in the field? Seeing them in a dream means having popularity with members of the opposite sex and good luck in business.

A quick wedding is suggested by a dream in which an unmarried girl is given a bouquet. Regardless of who presents it, it is worth waiting for a marriage proposal from your lover. Moreover, if such a bouquet is red, then it is better to refuse marriage. Such a marriage will only bring disappointment and loss.

For a woman, receiving flowers is a common thing. Why do men dream of flowers in bouquets?

If a guy receives a bouquet in a dream, this promises success and good luck in business. In the case when a young man acts as a donor, the dream means consent from his beloved girl and a long, happy relationship. If you have to buy flowers, a romantic date with a nice woman will soon take place.

Real and artificial flowers in a dream

Prosperity in love and business will bring in reality only fresh fresh flowers. Artificial ones, on the contrary, indicate the frivolity and fragility of the relationship. Failure to fulfill planned plans or illness is a promise of wilted flowers. A dried bouquet has the same interpretation. Conversely, throwing away such flowers means getting rid of a burdensome acquaintance.

Why do you dream of flowers, a bouquet of which crumbles right before your eyes? Such a dream means fragility, unreliability of relationships with a partner and their possible rupture. Love, romance and unexpected confessions will bring roses. A bouquet of wildflowers promises a meeting with a sincere and simple-minded person.

Bouquet color

Not only the variety of the plant, but also its shade determines the result of the interpretation of the dream.

Why dream of a bouquet of flowers where all the bright shades are mixed? To a large number of fans and close friends. A huge beautiful bouquet can promise a large inheritance from a distant relative. At the same time, if the flowers are faded or faded, this means coldness in the relationship with the other half and possible separation.

Why do you dream of flowers in bouquets if they are white? Roses of this color are a symbol of pure love, other varieties are a symbol of sadness. A dream in which the plants are yellow promises a break in relationships. Black flowers mean the imminent onset of a bad event: seeing them on a school desk means failure in an exam.