Cabbage leaf compress on the throat. Skin damage. Cabbage for headaches

In folk medicine they are widely used as drugs plant origin, and the plant parts themselves. Particularly popular are those crops that grow everywhere. In addition to useful properties, they have another big advantage - low cost. One such plant is cabbage. It is useful when used internally and suitable for external use. How and what can be treated with cabbage leaves?

A little botany

Cabbage is an agricultural biennial plant of the Brassica genus. On this moment it grows everywhere because it is cultivated agriculture different countries on all continents of the planet. This spread has led to the emergence of many varieties of cabbage.

Cabbage is not only used in cooking and folk medicine, some of its types are planted as ornamental plants. Did you know that there is cabbage, upper leaves Which ones look like red roses? There are many interesting facts O different varieties cabbage, however, this article discusses the advantages of ordinary white cabbage, since it is the most common on the Eurasian continent.

No one can say for sure where wild cabbage comes from. It is assumed that it first appeared on the Mediterranean coast, but there is an opinion that Georgia is the birthplace of cabbage. Now cabbage is so common that healthy recipes Preparations from this plant can be found in almost every country. So, for example, in Ancient Rome cabbage was used to treat stomach ulcers. Cabbage broths are still considered dietary nutrition for surgical patients.

Benefits of cabbage and cabbage leaves

Cabbage, like any other plant, is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. The main advantage of cabbage is that it can be consumed raw. This is exactly what you can get from a plant maximum benefit. Another secret is that when taken internally fat soluble vitamins(A, D, E, K) are almost not absorbed. In order for them to enter the body, fat is needed. Cabbage salad with butter is a great way to get maximum amount both water- and fat-soluble vitamins.

Cabbage is also good for those losing weight. It contains a lot of fiber, which allows you to deceive the body. You can eat a large amount of cabbage, curb your hunger with it, but still get very few calories, because fiber is not absorbed into the human body.

Cabbage is also suitable for external use. Wide cabbage leaves are very convenient to use externally as compresses. In addition, they contain juice, which is the main benefit. In addition, decoctions can be prepared from the leaves of this plant, used both externally and internally.

So what is cabbage so rich in? Its main beneficial features consist in the presence of the following substances:

Vitamins: C (ascorbic acid), A (retinol), U (amino acid methionine), PP ( a nicotinic acid), K (phylloquinone), group B (B1, B2, B3, B6).

Microelements in the form of salts: calcium, iron and others in small quantities.

Carbohydrates: fiber, fructose, glucose.

Small amounts of protein and fat.

The secret of the benefits of cabbage is that everything necessary substances so arranged that they do not interfere with each other’s entry into the body. Thus, vitamin C is absorbed almost completely in the body, which is rare even in vegetables and fruits very rich in this vitamin. It is also interesting that when cooked, cabbage not only does not lose its beneficial properties, but even acquires new ones. For example, vitamin B12 appears in sauerkraut, which is not present in the fresh product.

In what cases can cabbage be used?

So, we have already decided that cabbage is not only a tasty plant, but also healthy. All that remains is to find out how and when it can be used. The following types of pathology can be treated with this plant:

  1. Headache. For treatment this symptom cabbage leaf should be used. Just apply it to your forehead or temples. For better effect You can beat the leaf until the juice appears, and only then apply it to your head.
  2. A sore throat. It is best in this case to use a method such as gargling. For this you can prepare cabbage juice using a blender and cabbage broth. In addition, a warm compress on the neck area will be helpful. You will find recipes for their preparation below.
  3. Hyperacid gastritis. In this case, cabbage juice and decoction can be used instead of an antacid. To do this, it must be consumed half an hour before meals before each meal.
  4. Stomach ulcer. They are treated on the same principle as gastritis, but used hourly.
  5. Hypokinetic cholecystitis. Cabbage broth - excellent choleretic agent. It can be used if there is difficulty in the passage of bile.
  6. External inflammation. For inflammation, cabbage leaves can be used as a compress. It will relieve swelling, relieve pain and redness.
  7. Open wound. Cabbage leaf can be used in the same way as plantain for damaged skin. This method will stop capillary bleeding and relieve the wound from pathogens. However, it is worth remembering that only a clean cabbage leaf can be applied to the wound.
  8. Mastopathy. To treat this disease, you need to take several clean cabbage leaves, beat them with a meat mallet and apply them to your chest, and put underwear on top. You can walk like this all day. Cabbage leaves are invisible under clothes and do not cause discomfort.
  9. Burns. To treat burns, you need to take the juiciest leaves, wash them thoroughly, grind them in a blender and mix with egg white. Apply the resulting mixture to a sterile bandage and apply to the burn for several hours. This method will reduce the severity of the burn and speed up the healing of the skin.
  10. Dermatological diseases. Cabbage leaf can be used for eczema, dermatosis, psoriasis and allergic dermatitis. The only thing worth remembering is to treat weeping diseases wet means, dry - dry. For example, to treat weeping eczema, you can use a cabbage compress. Dry eczema is best treated by simply grinding the leaf in a blender to a paste.

In addition, cabbage can be used for weight loss and general strengthening immunity. There is an opinion that with the help of this vegetable you can increase breast size at home, but this myth has not been confirmed by anyone. But it is known for sure that cabbage can be used to prepare various masks for the face and hands to improve the condition of the skin.

As already mentioned, cabbage leaves can be consumed internally in the form of juice, decoction or an ingredient in some dish, or applied externally in the form of compresses or masks. There are several proven recipes useful means, the main element of which is cabbage leaf. Here are some of them:

  1. Cabbage broth. To prepare it, you need to take several large leaves of cabbage, chop them, add water and put on fire. Cook for 20 minutes after boiling, and then leave to cool in a cool, dark place. During cooking and cooling, the broth should be covered with a tight lid.
  2. Cold compress. To prepare it, take several cabbage leaves and make cuts in them so that the juice begins to appear. Then the sheets must be applied to the pathological lesion in several layers and secured with a bandage.
  3. Hot compress. First, you need to pour boiling water over the cabbage leaves and apply them to the wound before they cool down. Place wax paper or cotton wool in an even layer on top of the leaves. After this, you can secure it with a bandage.
  4. Means for treating wounds. If the skin is damaged, you can not make a compress, but prepare cabbage paste. To do this, cabbage leaves should be crushed to a mushy state (it is better to take the juiciest leaves, located closer to its core). The resulting paste is applied to the wound with clean hands like a cream. Be careful: the leaves must be clean. Before cooking this tool It’s better to pour boiling water over the cabbage.
  5. Mask for dry skin. An interesting fact is that for dry skin it is better to take regular raw cabbage, but for oily skin would be better suited pickled. Raw cabbage must be crushed, mixed with the yolk of one egg and a teaspoon cosmetic oil. Apply to face and leave for at least half an hour.
  6. Mask for oily skin faces. Sauerkraut must be mixed with the white of one egg, beaten into a thick foam. It should also be applied for at least half an hour. The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times a week.

Thus, we can conclude that cabbage is not only tasty, but also useful product. It provides health benefits both when consumed internally and when used externally. The main advantages of cabbage are that it is rich in vitamins and microelements, but at the same time has a low cost. This fact allows it to be used in for cosmetic purposes, and for treatment various ailments. The main thing is to use it correctly.

Video: treating joints with cabbage leaves

As a person ages, he often feels aching or sharp pains in the knee. There are many recipes traditional medicine How to get rid of growing disease in the joint area.

Most effective method considered treatment of joints cabbage leaf.

Features of the chemical composition of cabbage

As you know, when growing cabbage, it loves frequent watering, so it contains at least 90 percent of liquid. This culture is rich in fiber, and there is practically no fat or protein in it. Cabbage contains large quantities of glucose, fructose and sucrose.

In terms of glucose levels, cabbage completely replaces citrus fruits and apples, and in terms of fructose levels - carrots, onions, and potatoes. It also contains a large amount of vitamins A, B, U, carotene, folic and pantothenic acid.

Increased level ascorbic acid found in later varieties of cabbage.

Cabbage also contains large quantities of mineral salts, including phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, calcium, aluminum, manganese and chlorine.

What are the benefits of cabbage?

Cabbage leaves have numerous medicinal properties, which are often used in folk medicine to treat joints and other diseases.

  • Due to the presence of vitamin U, cabbage is used to get rid of peptic ulcers. It helps heal ulcers on the base of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Cabbage juice kills harmful bacteria, helps get rid of pathogenic coli, Staphylococcus aureus, the causative agent of tuberculosis, Helicobacter pylori bacteria.
  • Cabbage juice is also widely used for healing infected wound or burn.
  • For joint diseases, treatment with cabbage leaves is used, which relieve pain and stop the inflammatory process.
  • Due to content large quantity fiber improves intestinal functioning. As a result, cabbage juice normalizes microflora, especially after suffering from an intestinal infection.
  • Cabbage leaves are eliminated from the body bad cholesterol, lower blood sugar levels.
  • Cabbage is often used to reduce excess weight, as it is quite low calorie product, which is recommended to be consumed during a diet.
  • Cabbage juice also has a unique rejuvenating effect.

Treatment with cabbage leaves for joints

Cabbage is rightfully considered a natural healing remedy. Due to availability huge amount vitamins and minerals, cabbage leaves improve metabolic processes in the human body.

For this reason, they are used in the treatment of impaired joints.

Cabbage leaves have the following medicinal qualities:

  1. Quickly relieve pain;
  2. Eliminate swelling in soft tissues affected joints;
  3. Stops the inflammatory process in cartilage tissues joints;
  4. Restore blood circulation in the area of ​​the disorder.

Cabbage is often used to treat all kinds of joint diseases, in particular for pain and inflammation in the knee. For this purpose it is used healing compress from cabbage leaves.

Before making a compress, the cabbage leaves are smoothed and softened. To do this, use a rolling pin or a wooden mallet, after which the cabbage is given boiling water.

In order to prepare a compress, take a cabbage leaf and make small cuts on it. Next, the sheet is placed above the stove or in microwave oven and warms up, after which a thin layer of honey is applied. The resulting compress is applied to the affected joint area, the knee is wrapped in cellophane, secured with a gauze bandage, and wrapped in a scarf or woolen scarf.

Cabbage compress for arthrosis, it is also effective without the use of honey. To do this, take a cabbage leaf, thoroughly wash it and dry it with a paper towel.

Additionally, the cabbage should be lightly beaten so that the juice begins to release, after which it is applied to the affected joints. Place cling film on top, secure the knee with a gauze bandage and wrap it with a scarf or woolen scarf.

For arthritis or arthrosis, the patient's condition can be improved by using a different compress. Three tablespoons camphor oil mixed with one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of mustard.

The resulting mixture is spread on a washed and dried cabbage leaf, after which the compress is applied to the area of ​​damaged joints. The structure must be secured with gauze bandage and tie it with a woolen scarf. The compress lasts about two hours.

To relieve pain due to arthrosis in the knee, another effective compress. Two aspirin tablets are ground, the powder is mixed with one teaspoon of honey. For viscosity, you can add to the mixture a small amount of flour., this can be quite effective.

The prepared mass is applied to the sore joints, a cabbage leaf is placed on top, the structure is secured with a gauze bandage and wrapped in a warm scarf.

Treating joints with cabbage juice

Cabbage juice relieves pain. normalizes metabolic processes, stimulates the nutrition of cartilage tissue and synovitis. To prepare it, a fresh head of cabbage is cut into several parts, then the cabbage is placed in a pan and pounded with a mortar until the juice is released. The soft leaves are placed in a juicer or meat grinder and cabbage juice is obtained.

The finished mass is tipped into a colander, in which gauze must be placed in advance. The juice should drain completely. You can also squeeze out the remaining juice from the gauze using clean hands.

The resulting juice can be used both for daily drinking and for compresses. You need to drink it at fresh. since when long-term storage All healing properties are lost. Cabbage juice is stored in a cool, dark place for no more than three days from the date of preparation. In order not to interrupt the course of treatment, it is important to prepare the required portion of juice in advance.

Duration treatment course ranges from one to several months. The effect of therapy can only be seen after some time, but this method does not side effects and contraindications.

Not everyone knows that cabbage, in addition to nutritional quality valuable as medicinal plant. The amazing healing properties of wrapping cabbage leaves have been known since ancient times. Hippocrates wrote about its benefits. Cabbage leaves have been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. Pythagoras and Pliny mentioned the treatment in their treatises.

Even some Egyptian papyri contain information about the cultivation of this valuable vegetable. This natural remedy for the treatment of many diseases.

Cabbage compress is a first aid remedy and is always effective. The magical drainage that occurs during treatment with cabbage leaf compresses allows you to cleanse the blood laden with toxins.

Fresh leaves are recommended to be applied to bruises, sore joints, burns, and abscesses. If bruises or bruises occur on the body, apply a fresh and well-washed cabbage leaf to the affected area. Then fix the sheet with a gauze bandage. The sheet must be changed every four hours.
A compress of cabbage leaves is a panacea. You should always try it.

How to treat with cabbage leaves

It is not difficult. Take a medium-sized cabbage leaf and rinse it well under running water. Then, on one side, which you will apply to the sore spot, make many small cuts and cuts, remove thick veins. After this, wrap a cabbage leaf around the sore spot. Cover it with plastic wrap and wrap it with a woolen scarf.
This compress must be kept for at least an hour, but it is better to do it at night and not remove it until the morning. If the pain persists, it is necessary to repeat the procedure, only with a fresh leaf. The effect will be significantly enhanced if the leaf is smeared with honey.

Cabbage leaf for inflammation of the knee joints

With age, joints begin to remind themselves periodic pain, which can be both aching and sharp. In folk medicine, there are many ways to get rid of this disease. You may be surprised, but cabbage can help with joint problems.

Take a cabbage leaf and make small notches on it. Heat over the stove or in the microwave and spread with a thin layer of honey. Apply a cabbage-honey compress to the affected joint, place cellophane on top, secure with a bandage and wrap with a warm scarf or scarf. It is advisable to do such compresses at night; after just a few uses you will forget about the pain in your knees. The recommended course of treatment is 1 month. Even if you don’t have honey, a cabbage compress for arthrosis will be no less effective.

Take a leaf of cabbage, rinse it thoroughly and dry it with a paper towel. Lightly beat the leaf to release some juice and apply it to the sore joint. Place a piece of cling film on top, secure with a bandage and wrap with a warm scarf.

It will also help with arthrosis and arthritis. next compress. Mix 3 tablespoons of camphor oil, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of mustard. Place the mixture on a dry Blank sheet cabbage and apply to the sore spot. Secure with a bandage and tie with a warm scarf. Keep the compress for a couple of hours, but no more than four.

Another option for cabbage compress will help relieve arthrosis pain.

To prepare it, you need to crush 2 aspirin tablets and mix them with one teaspoon of honey. To make the mixture more viscous, you can add a little flour to it. Apply the prepared mass to the sore joint, place a cabbage leaf on top, secure with a bandage and wrap with a scarf.

Cabbage leaf for headaches

Headache is a general and nonspecific symptom, the cause of which is very difficult to identify. Traditional medicine To relieve headaches, he suggests using analgesics. However frequent appointments medications may lead to stomach disorders and stomach ulcers, so do not overuse them. The folk method for treating headaches is as follows: lightly mash cabbage leaves, cover your head with them and secure them on top with a warm, preferably a woolen hat.

Cabbage leaf for cough treatment

Surprisingly medicinal properties Cabbage leaves have long been used to treat coughs. To do this, you will need the outer leaf, separated from the head of cabbage. Rinse it, remove the veins, scrunch it a little to make it softer. Place it on your back or chest like a regular compress. Treat at night for a week. There is no need to give up medications - if you use two drugs in parallel, you will get rid of the most debilitating cough. Try using cabbage leaves. The healing properties for coughs are time-tested. This is an effective method.

Treatment of mastopathy

This serious illness can also be treated (in parallel with traditional methods) cabbage. There are many treatment options - from ingesting cabbage juice to external compresses on the chest from leaves.
What medicinal properties of cabbage leaves contribute to recovery? In addition to its powerful general strengthening effect on the body, cabbage delays the degeneration of nodal forms of this disease into malignant neoplasms. However, we want to warn you about the need to consult with your doctor. Self-activity in the fight against such a disease is inappropriate.

Cabbage leaf for the treatment of mastopathy

There are several options for using cabbage leaves. Wash the cabbage leaf and grease it butter, previously melted, and sprinkle with a little salt so that it releases a little juice. Apply the sheet to the mammary gland, wrapping it with a dry cloth on top. The underwear should not be tight, so as not to put pressure on the breast tissue and thereby reduce the effect of the compress. Leave the sheet for 6-12 hours, and then replace it with a fresh one. Such cabbage compresses must be done within a week, leaving them overnight.

The second method is similar to the first, but in this case, instead of butter, spread the cabbage leaf with honey. Finely grated beets (about 3 tbsp), mix with honey (1 tbsp). Spread this mixture on a cabbage leaf and apply a compress to your chest.

You can use only cabbage leaves for a compress, without lubricating them with anything. First, remove thick veins from the leaf, beat it lightly with a hammer so that it starts to healing juice. Apply it to the mammary glands. This method is especially good in the presence of pain.

Grind the cabbage leaf (it is better to use a meat grinder or blender) into a homogeneous paste. Mix the resulting composition with three spoons homemade kefir. Apply this mixture to gauze pads and apply to the mammary gland. It is necessary to replace raw materials several times a day.

We would like to warn you that scientific medical research There is no evidence confirming the effectiveness of cabbage leaf in affecting mastopathy. But there is centuries of experience in using this healing agent in folk medicine among women all over the world.

Cabbage leaf: healing properties for edema

No need to say what's wrong with this unpleasant phenomenon many are familiar firsthand. Swelling appears on the legs, arms, and face. There can be many reasons for this - heart disease, vascular disease, kidney problems, etc. It is necessary to find out the cause of their occurrence in the clinic. Don't immediately grab the cabbage leaf.

As aid When treating swelling of the legs before bed, you can make a compress with cabbage leaves. Place a leaf of white cabbage in boiling water for a few minutes to soften it. You can soak it for 1 hour in olive oil. Before applying the sheet to your leg, squeeze a little onto it. lemon juice or sprinkle with baking soda.

Traditional healers claim that it will have beneficial effect even without prior preparation. Apply it to the desired area, having previously made several notches on it. This compress is done before going to bed for the whole night. Secure it with gauze or bandage.

Drainage using a compress of cabbage leaves is also beneficial for vascular diseases lower limbs, especially in the case varicose veins veins You can cope with blood stagnation and at the same time treat the walls of the veins and restore local blood circulation.

Recipes for effective cosmetic masks

The medicinal properties of cabbage leaves are also used in the treatment of facial swelling. To do this, it should be ground into a paste and applied to swollen areas. To remove excess fluid from the body, you can take freshly squeezed cabbage juice.

For aging skin: grind fresh leaves, add a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of yeast and 50 ml of fresh apple juice. Stir until smooth, apply to face and neck for 15 minutes. Then wash off cool water. For wrinkles: soak a gauze pad in fresh cabbage juice and apply to the skin for 15 minutes. Then wash with cool water.

Cleansing and nourishing dry skin: make a “paste” of cabbage leaves, apply to the skin, rub in lightly. Repeat every few days. To nourish dry skin: Boil fresh leaves in milk to form a thick paste. Apply it warm to the skin, rinse after 15 minutes.

Softening dry skin when peeling: take large leaves, scald them with boiling water, then grease them with sunflower or olive oil and apply it to your face. After 20 minutes, the oil can be washed off the face with warm water.

For peeling: mix cabbage pulp with egg yolk and add a little sunflower oil.
To dry oily skin: grind sauerkraut into a paste, apply to the face, cover the face with a napkin or towel. The mask must be kept on the face for 20 minutes. Repeat once a week.

For matte and fresh skin: take large fresh leaves, rinse well cold water. Then apply the concave side of the sheet to the skin of the face. The cabbage leaf should heat up when it touches the skin. This procedure It is better to do it in a lying position. When the sheet heats up, the procedure can be


The medicinal properties of cabbage leaves and contraindications for its use are still being studied. Although today it is known that those people who have increased acidity stomach, suffer from flatulence and have allergic reaction on cabbage.

The traditional medicine recipes proposed above may cause mistrust among many. For those in doubt, we suggest testing the effect of cabbage leaves on your own joints; in the end, you won’t make things worse. But we are sure that after you notice the result, you will no longer resort to any other means, because no matter what the pharmaceutical industry offers today, natural preparations always better and, most importantly, safer.

Mastopathy is called benign disease mammary glands, in which a violation occurs hormonal levels, and compactions or focal growths of soft tissue appear.

ABOUT folk methods We will talk about fighting the disease using cabbage in this material.

The use of folk remedies in the fight against disease

Recipes that have been “nomadic” from generation to generation are successfully used by women of different ages.

We can talk about being healed from insidious disease self-hypnosis helps girls, but, nevertheless, the fact remains that many traditional methods cure mastopathy if used in strict accordance with the specified requirements.

For the treatment of mammary glands only natural ingredients , which are applications, ointments, solutions, lotions prepared at home.

A soothing anti-inflammatory substance is applied to the affected area.

It is fixed at the top underwear or thick fabric.

Within a few hours, nature itself “heals” the patient.

By repeating such procedures several times, you can achieve a noticeable improvement in your condition in a few weeks or even days.

Cabbage for mastopathy: how is it used?

There is a lot of talk around the benefits of white cabbage.

It is a source of a whole set of vitamins: A, C, B, E, etc.; contains potassium salts, cobalt, zinc, copper, phosphorus, nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous components, ash, sugars, enzymes, fats, fiber and water.

Cabbage juice is a unique healing liquid, which is taken orally and used externally, eliminating inflammatory processes, enhancing cell regeneration, nourishing and rejuvenating the skin.

What parts of the plant are suitable? To treat mastopathy, cabbage leaves, gruel from crushed cabbage raw materials and vegetable juice are used.

Whole sheets are used for skin wraps and chest applications., since the gradual release of cabbage juice from them has a long-term effect on the disease-affected area.

In addition, treatment of mastopathy with cabbage leaves does not require much time to carry out the procedure.

It is enough to carefully cut the veins from the cabbage leaf and mash it so that the juice is released.

How to apply cabbage leaf for mastopathy? Very simple. Just apply it to the sore spot.

The advantage of using a whole cabbage leaf is that in the recess formed by bending the leaf inward, you can place useful composition: honey, mint leaves, grated beets, etc., which enhance therapeutic effect provided by cabbage juice.

What parts of the plant are the most useful?

Speaking about the benefits of cabbage, it should be noted that the highest concentration useful substances- in its core - the stalk.

But if a vegetable grows in conditions bad ecology, the stalk absorbs through the root heavy metals And toxic substances. Therefore, it is more advisable to use leaves, which also contain many vitamins and microelements.

For treatment, you can use freshly squeezed cabbage juice, lubricating the diseased areas and the leaves that contain it.

To prepare these medicinal products You won’t need exotic overseas fruits or expensive solutions. The components can be found at home or purchased at a low cost.

You may notice, reading the above recipes, that cabbage leaves for mastopathy replace a napkin or gauze, which is moistened in medicinal solution, and then they make lotions.

Does cabbage leaf help with mastopathy? Certainly. Due to the fact that cabbage juice is also released into the mixture, which has a beneficial effect on the diseased area, very soon the woman begins to observe positive dynamics and recovers surprisingly quickly.

How long does treatment last?

Since only natural and environmentally friendly ingredients are used to prepare the compositions, cabbage can be used in courses lasting up to 1 month in the treatment of mastopathy.

But you need to carefully monitor the body’s reaction to a particular substance. If there are warning signs: skin irritation or general malaise, you need to replace the medicine with a more “harmless” composition.

Enhance healing effect possible by taking traditional medicines inside:

Now you know whether cabbage leaves will help with mastopathy. But, before using any means, it is necessary to check the body’s reaction to their components. If one composition does not help, you can try another.

The main rule: do no harm yourself. Cabbage compress for mastopathy is the most “harmless” remedy. But substances used additionally can have different effects on a person’s condition.

You will be able to find Additional information on this topic in the section.

Hello, friends!

I love talking about our simple home remedies, as well as using them myself. And today I will have a topic - cabbage leaf treatment. Probably this one old way, which has been used for hundreds of years, is known to many as folk remedy from headaches, and from bruises, and from pain in the joints, and from chest pain, and from coughing. And for those who don’t know, I’ll tell you how to apply cabbage leaves correctly and what compresses you can make in certain cases.

And, of course, that's just additional help In addition to the main treatment prescribed by specialists, one cannot think that cabbage leaves can completely cure arthritis. Although, in some cases it will be very useful and will help relieve pain and relieve swelling.

Medicinal properties of cabbage leaves

It would be interesting to know what kind of power lies in this vegetable, what medicinal properties the cabbage leaf has.
We are mainly talking about white cabbage, which is almost always on our table. But you can also use red, it’s a pity that we don’t eat it so often, but it has even more benefits than white cabbage.

Cabbage is valuable for its significant content of vitamins C, PP, B1, B2, B6, U, potassium and calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, as well as folic and pantothenic acid, fiber, carotene, enzymes, phytoncides and almost complete absence Sahara.

This composition provides:

  • slight choleretic effect
  • diuretic
  • antisclerotic
  • painkillers
  • anti-inflammatory
  • pronounced antiulcer effect.

Fresh cabbage juice is good to drink when peptic ulcers, gastritis, colitis. It is also used as an antitussive and expectorant.

And the juice sauerkrautgood source vitamin C, which remains in it until spring.

Cabbage leaves can relieve swelling in tissues, remove excess fluid, remove painful sensations and eliminate discomfort.

Red cabbage also contains anthocyanins, the same compounds found in cherry juice and blueberries. They not only give cabbage its color, but are also great for reducing pain and inflammation.

Cabbage leaf treatment

External use of cabbage leaf in traditional treatment quite extensive. It is used for:

  • bruises and contusions
  • sprains
  • burns
  • bumps from injections
  • wounds
  • bedsores
  • insect bites
  • fluid accumulation in the knee
  • joint pain
  • bursitis
  • gout
  • arthritis
  • headache
  • mastopathy, mastitis
  • varicose veins
  • heel spur
  • cracked heels
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • and in many other cases for pain, inflammation and swelling.

Cabbage compress

Most often, compresses are used for treatment. Let's see how to make a cabbage compress in general cases.

  1. Cabbage should not be cold, fresh from the refrigerator. Leaves can be used at least at room temperature. Sometimes you may need to heat them; for this purpose, you can place the sheet in the microwave or hold it over the flame of a gas stove.
  2. Of course, before use, the leaves must be washed and dried with a napkin.
  3. Thick veins should be cut off with a knife.
  4. If you simply tear off a leaf from a head of cabbage and apply it to a sore spot, it will be of little use. After all, the main benefit lies in the juice. To remove it, you can make small cuts with a knife or beat outside sheet with a rolling pin, a wooden hammer, or the blunt side of a knife.
  5. The prepared sheet or several leaves, if necessary (overlapping each other), are applied to the desired place and secured with a bandage: a bandage, a scarf, any fabric, you can even use cut old tights.
  6. Keep the compress until the leaves are dry, then replace them with fresh ones, while the skin must be washed and wiped dry. Often leave the compress on overnight.

Cabbage leaf with honey

Often, to enhance the effect of treatment in many cases, I will talk about them later, cabbage leaves are used together with honey, the beneficial properties of this unique product we know.

To do this, warm the cabbage leaf and smear it with a thin layer of liquid honey (if the honey is thick, melt it in a water bath). In this form, a compress is applied, covered with polyethylene, wrapped in something warm and tied.

It seems to me that it’s even easier to just smear the sore spot with honey and attach cabbage on top.

The therapeutic effect of such a dressing is amazing, but there is, of course, the inconvenience that the honey leaks out and sticks to the body.

Cabbage leaf treatment recipes

I found these tips in reviews different people who really benefited from cabbage leaf treatment.

For bruises and bruises

Cabbage leaf for bruises helps stop subcutaneous hemorrhages and resolve hematomas, reduce pain and swelling.

A cabbage leaf is applied to the bruised area, making cuts on it to allow the juice to appear. You can grease the sheet with sour cream.

For seals from injections

I also heard reviews that a piece of cabbage applied to the injection site softens the bumps and relieves pain after 2-3 hours.

Treatment of purulent wounds

When treating wounds, everything must be especially sterile. Therefore, the leaves should be taken from the middle part of the head of cabbage, and not the top, and you need to pour boiling water over them, after which they will become softer.

In addition to using the whole leaf, there is another method when the leaves are crushed with a knife or in a blender and mixed with egg white, and then a compress is made from the resulting mass. Change when dry.

The same recipe is also used for burns.

Cabbage leaf for headaches

This is probably the first folk remedy for headaches that everyone knows about. The recipe is simple - apply and fix the leaves on the forehead and temples until the pain decreases.

I also read this method, which seemed very interesting to me: several layers of cabbage, naturally properly prepared (beaten), are tightly placed on cling film, and then this entire structure, together with the film, is bandaged to the head.

For sore throat

The same compress is placed on the neck for an hour or two for a sore throat.

Cabbage leaf for cough

For the treatment of bronchitis and cough, especially in children, this is generally wonderful remedy. In this case, cabbage is used together with honey.

Two cabbage leaves are dipped in boiling water, immediately taken out, allowed to drain and cool, and then spread with honey.

How to apply a cabbage leaf when coughing: one leaf is placed on the back and the other on the chest. They wrap themselves in a woolen scarf and go to bed. The compress is left until the morning.

Treatment of joints

To obtain a successful result, relieve pain and swelling, improve blood circulation in knee joints For arthritis, it is best to use red cabbage.

Cabbage leaves must be heated over gas stove, can be placed in the oven for a while, wrapped in foil. But the leaves shouldn't be too hot.

The cabbage leaf is placed on the knee in layers (3-4 sheets), covered with polyethylene or foil to better retain heat. Wrap a scarf on top.

The compress should be left on for at least an hour, preferably four, after which discard the dried leaves and make a fresh bandage. It can be kept overnight.

Cabbage leaves with honey are also used to treat joints.

Cabbage for mastopathy

I myself have practiced treating mastopathy with cabbage leaves; it relieves pain and inflammation very well.

You can use the leaves on their own, or brush them with honey or melted butter, or spread grated raw beets on the leaves.