Why do stars form on the legs? Spider veins on the legs: causes and treatment photos. Medically

Welcome everyone! Dear ladies, today we will discuss a problem that every second person has and causes discomfort and complexes about their irresistible appearance.

Many have wondered how to treat spider veins on the legs? Let's discuss the reasons for their appearance, how to treat them and how to prevent their formation.

There may not yet be visual dilation of blood vessels, only symptoms, but the disease is already creeping up - listen to your body.

Girls, you are 20-25 and you think that this topic does not concern you yet? You are deeply mistaken! Right now it is necessary to take measures so as not to consult doctors later.

Beautiful slender legs are the pride of every woman. But because of spider veins (telangiectasia), we are forced to wear maxi length or black tights.

But few people know that this is a harbinger of a more serious problem - venous insufficiency (chronic).

The longer you brush off the frivolity of such a deficiency, the more difficult and painful it will be to eliminate it later.

Look at your legs - do you have capillaries that are visible (pink to red and blue patches on the skin with a network of blood vessels)? Then let's figure out what to do with all this.

The root of the problem of telangiectasia

Most often, women turn to doctors with the problem of the appearance of stars on their legs at the age of 30-40, but they form much earlier at 20-25.

It should also be noted that 80% of women after childbirth are prone to vasodilation. Men have this defect no less often, but they do not pay any attention to it.

Reasons for appearance:

  • Age-related changes (decreased vascular tone).
  • Gynecological problems.
  • Disease of deep vessels, as well as varicose veins, rosacea.
  • Disorders of articular cartilage (osteochondrosis).
  • Genetic weakness of blood vessels, veins, capillaries.
  • Deviation from the norm of connective tissues.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system, blood and heart.
  • Liver problems.
  • Injuries to the epidermis (burn or frostbite).

However, in addition to the listed problems, the appearance of spider veins is affected by changes in hormonal levels (abortion, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause).

Women undergoing hormone therapy (taking medications, oral contraceptives, or certain pills) may also experience an imbalance in their hormones.

And, of course, we should not forget about external factors that adversely affect the appearance and deformation of blood vessels:

  • Excessive stress on the legs (professional standing on your feet all day or wearing high heels).
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Poor lifestyle (smoking or alcohol abuse).
  • Frequent visits to the solarium.
  • Intensive sports activities.
  • Overweight.
  • Passive lifestyle.

If you experience the following symptoms, contact your doctor immediately:

  1. My legs “hum” and are tired in the evenings.
  2. Frequent pain in the ankle joints.
  3. Towards the evening, swelling of the legs appears (disappears in the morning).
  4. Muscle spasms, foot or leg cramps.

Self-medication will alleviate the situation, but you need to look for the cause of telangiectasia.

Type and methods of elimination

Telangiectasia comes in different types, shapes and sizes. Based on the cause, it can be venous, capillary or arterial.

Therefore, in order to cure the blood vessels, the doctor will decide which method (conservative or surgical) to treat.

Vascular dilatation is distinguished:

  • Mesh,
  • arachnid,
  • tree-like,
  • Spot.

Women are prone to the formation of several types of telangiectasia on their legs. This form of vascular expansion is called mixed.

Depending on the location of the deformed vessels, the doctor will be able to determine the problem in the body:

  • Hormonal imbalance – upper thigh (inner and outer).
  • Venous insufficiency – lower part of the leg.

In order not to self-medicate at home, you need to undergo a diagnosis from a phlebologist (a specialist in venous pathology).

He will visually examine and conduct an ultrasound examination of the condition of the vessels, and after the results obtained, he will prescribe treatment.

The first method of therapy is invasive. This treatment method has contraindications - pregnancy and lactation.

Also, depending on the diameter of the lesion, the doctor will select a method for eliminating deformed vessels:

  • Up to 0.2 mm is eliminated using an electrode. The procedure is almost painless and no medications are used (completely safe). Duration about twenty minutes.
  • More than 0.2 mm use microsclerotherapy. The treatment is painless, but lasts two to three weeks.
  • Ozone therapy method. This procedure has many advantages, but there is also discomfort during the procedure.
  • The method of laser photocoagulation can eliminate small capillaries. In just seven sessions you can eliminate the problem, but it is not suitable for all types of epidermis and there is a risk of getting burned.

There are cases when health does not allow the above treatment to be applied and then the doctor prescribes other treatment methods and medications.

  • Ointments and tablets. Helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood flow.
  • Using special compression garments.
  • Lymphatic drainage massage and gymnastics.

These methods will not help eliminate the problem, but will maintain the current condition and will not allow the pathology to worsen.

Wisdom in the fight for beautiful legs

In addition to the above methods, folk remedies can also become effective assistants.

By complementing conservative treatment methods, prescriptions will help make vascular dilatation less noticeable.

Aloe recipe

Place the aloe leaf in the refrigerator for up to seven days. The peel should come off and a medicinal pulp will remain.

Clean the affected area with lotion and apply the product. It is recommended to lubricate sensitive skin with a nourishing cream.

The procedure can be carried out two to three times a week, and about thirty sessions will be required.

Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe

You can use both natural and store-bought. Problem areas should be wiped three times a day. Duration two to three weeks.

Tomato recipe

Green tomatoes must be cut into thin slices and wrapped with bandages to sore spots. Repeat the procedure several times a day, but last no longer than three minutes. Otherwise you may get a serious burn. Ten sessions.

Herbal lotions

Prepared from a glass of herbs in equal proportions of chamomile and calendula. Fill with two liters of boiling water and infuse for an hour.

Before use, strain, moisten a napkin and apply to dilated vessels. Carry out the procedure twice a day for a month.

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Nowadays, very few people have blood vessels in their lower extremities in perfect condition. They also affect those who work while standing, periodically lifting weights, and office workers who spend the entire day in a sitting position. Spider veins (telangiectasia) on the legs are pathologically dilated small intradermal blood vessels (capillaries) visible through the skin.

What are spider veins?

The question of how to remove spider veins is of greater concern to the fairer sex. Women usually turn to doctors between the ages of 30 and 40, but the first changes in the capillaries usually develop much earlier.

Note:in men, “stars” are detected somewhat less frequently, but this is by no means due to the impeccable condition of the blood vessels, but to the relatively greater thickness of the skin.

Of course, blue and red veins do not decorate anyone, but “stars” are not just a cosmetic defect. Telangiectasias indicate weakness of the vascular walls and are one of the first symptoms of developing varicose veins. If spider veins appear on your legs, you should immediately visit a phlebologist who will draw up a treatment plan. is a very serious disease, which is much easier to combat at an early stage of development.

Treatment, including laser removal of spider veins, is carried out in most cosmetology centers.

In addition to spider veins, the following symptoms indicate problems with the blood vessels of the legs:

  • pain in the legs in the evening;
  • feeling of fatigue and constant heaviness in the legs;
  • swelling;
  • and muscle spasms in the lower legs.

Types of spider veins

Telangiectasias can vary in location, color and shape.

In women, linear, parallel “stars” of red or blue color usually appear on the inner thighs. Defects localized on the outside usually have a tree-like shape, and they are often located around the circumference.

note:the appearance of telangiectasia on the legs indicates venous insufficiency. “Stars” on the hips are characteristic of hormonal imbalance.

Causes of pathology

Telangiectasias appear due to a significant decrease in the tone of small vessels.

The main factors predisposing to the development of the initial stage of varicose veins:

  • family predisposition (genetically determined weakness of connective tissue);
  • excessive stress on the lower limbs;
  • insufficient physical activity (with “sedentary” work and physical inactivity);
  • arterial (high blood pressure);
  • pregnancy (changes occur against the background of hormonal changes);
  • menopause period;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • taking hormonal medications (including contraceptives);
  • chronic liver pathologies;
  • heart diseases;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • skin damage (during the peeling procedure or due to frostbite)
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • frequent visits to saunas and baths;
  • excessive sun exposure;
  • and alcohol abuse;
  • age-related changes (aging of the body);
  • excess weight ();
  • habit of sitting cross-legged.

Note:The lighter the woman's skin, the more noticeable the telangiectasia.

Treatment of spider veins on the legs

Despite the fact that this pathology itself does not cause physical discomfort, you should think about the state of your health. Chronically dilated capillaries of the skin clearly indicate the presence of disorders in the body. Telangiectasias tend to gradually but steadily progress, especially if the immediate cause of their appearance is not eliminated in a timely manner. The smaller the affected area of ​​the body, the easier it is to get rid of the pathology.

Removal of small spider veins is carried out using conservative techniques. In case of severe pathology, they resort to sclerotherapy, radio wave therapy, electrocoagulation or laser treatment.

Electrocoagulation (microthermocoagulation) involves removing a pathologically altered vessel using a very thin current conductor. Gold or Teflon coated electrodes are used for the procedure. This is the best way to eliminate small single telangiectasias. During the procedure, there is no damage to healthy vessels and surrounding tissues.

Removal of spider veins with laser (coagulation)– this is the optimal technique for eliminating a fairly common vascular network. The radiation is selectively absorbed by the affected capillaries, causing the vessels to heat up. The walls “stick together” under the influence of high temperature. Photocoagulation is not performed if the patient has dark skin or a well-defined tan.

At sclerotherapy A special drug, sclerosant, is injected into the capillary. The substance promotes the adhesion of the walls with subsequent fusion of blood vessels (not only capillaries, but also small veins). This technique is widely used in the treatment of extensive “nets” on the legs. A contraindication to the procedure is individual increased sensitivity to the components included in the preparations.

A complication of radical procedures may be the appearance of scars and age spots on the skin.

Important:Contraindications to invasive procedures are pregnancy and breastfeeding.

To prevent the “stars” from appearing again, after undergoing the procedures, patients must wear special compression hosiery that provides the necessary pressure on the capillaries, and take medications that strengthen the vascular walls and increase their elasticity. Lymphatic drainage massage is also recommended.

If for one reason or another radical treatment is contraindicated or the procedure must be postponed, then the patient is indicated for a course of conservative therapy.

The most commonly prescribed drugs are:

  • Ascorutin (vitamin preparation for oral administration);
  • Venitan (gel for external use);
  • Lyoton (anticoagulant ointment);
  • Troxevasin (gel with vitamin components for application to problem areas).

These ointments and tablets strengthen the walls of capillaries and prevent vascular thrombosis, which makes it possible to eliminate telangiectasias and prevent their occurrence.

An effective remedy for increasing vascular tone is the angioprotector Phlebodia 600. A distinctive feature of this drug is that the active substances strengthen the walls of capillaries and veins not only from the outside, but also from the inside. As prescribed by your doctor, Flebodia 600 oral tablets can be used even during pregnancy.

How to remove spider veins using traditional methods?

Treatment of spider veins on the legs can be carried out using traditional methods. They are safe and do not involve significant costs.

A compress of fresh tomatoes can achieve a good therapeutic effect. Tomatoes need to be cut into thick round slices, applied to problem areas and bandaged. It is recommended to change the compress every 4 hours. Procedures must be carried out daily until improvement occurs. After the compress, you need to lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

An excellent remedy for starbursts is homemade apple cider vinegar. Juice from late varieties of apples should be kept in an open container for about 3 months, periodically tasting. It is recommended to apply prepared vinegar to problem areas of the legs 2-3 times a day. This recipe allows you to eliminate small telangiectasias in 1-1.5 months.

To wipe the insteps of the feet and legs, you can use a water infusion of the medicinal plant Kalanchoe. To prepare the remedy, you need to take a 0.5 volume jar and fill it with crushed dry Kalanchoe leaves to about half. Pour boiling water over the substrate and leave in a dark place for a week. You need to wipe problem areas daily.

A decoction of pine needles helps well against spider veins. Pour two glasses of pine needles with a liter of boiling water and put on low heat. After 10-15 minutes, the finished broth should be cooled, strained and chamomile infusion should be added (200 ml of boiling water per 2 tablespoons of dried flowers). The drug is used to prepare warm foot baths. Procedures should be carried out daily for 30 minutes.

You can also prepare a flower infusion for compresses. You need to take half a glass of dried calendula and chamomile flowers, pour the ingredients into 1 liter of boiling water and leave for an hour. A gauze compress with infusion should be applied to the spider veins daily.

Note:to improve the tone and strengthen the walls of capillaries, it is advisable to take multivitamin preparations, as well as consume more freshly squeezed juices; Cabbage, carrot and plum varieties are especially useful. An excellent source of essential vitamins are fresh and frozen cherries and cherries.

Traditional healers recommend using vodka tincture of dope seeds to treat spider veins. The drug also helps relieve pain in the legs. 100 g of seeds should be poured into 0.5 liters of vodka or 405 ethyl alcohol solution and left for two weeks in a dark place, shaking the container daily. The finished tincture should be taken 15 drops per day 2 hours after dinner, diluting the drug in ½ glass of water. The duration of the course of treatment is 1 month, after which a break of 6 months is required. The product is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women!

Important:An important condition for successful treatment with folk remedies is a continuous course of treatment. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve a lasting therapeutic effect!

Physical exercises to improve vascular tone of the lower extremities

  • Take your starting position (standing with your feet shoulder-width apart). Slowly raise your heels from the floor to a height of about 5 cm, and then sharply lower them. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.
  • The starting position is the same. Lifting your heels off the floor, transfer your body weight to your toes and hold this position for a few seconds. Then transfer your weight to your heels, raising your toes, and stand like this for 4-5 seconds. Return to the starting position. The exercise must be performed for 1 minute.
  • The next exercise is walking in place. Socks do not need to be lifted off the floor; just lift your heels.
  • Raise your left leg, bending it at the knee joint at an angle of 90°. Rotate your foot alternately inward and outward for half a minute. Repeat the exercise for the other leg. Do 3 sets for each limb.
  • Raise your left leg and shake vigorously for 5 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other leg. Do 4 approaches.

After completing this set of exercises, proceed to water procedures; A 5-minute contrast shower for feet is recommended.

How to prevent the appearance of spider veins?

To prevent the appearance of telangiectasias on the legs, do not wear high-heeled shoes or tight, tight pants. Try not to overuse sunbathing and going to solariums, saunas and steam baths. Instead of hot baths, it is better to take a shower.

Watch your weight and avoid fatty, fried, pickled and too salty foods. Try to avoid excessive physical activity.

If you are constantly forced to sit at work, take breaks several times a day and do leg exercises. Try to find time for walking every day.

- a local expanded capillary network that appears through the skin in the form of a red or purple cobweb. Spider veins are most often localized on the cheeks, wings of the nose, and lower extremities; may have the form of point, linear, tree-like, spider-like vascular defects. A patient facing the problem of spider veins needs to consult a phlebologist with Doppler ultrasound. Spider veins can be removed using one of the proposed methods: electrocoagulation, microsclerotherapy, laser or photocoagulation, radiofrequency thermal ablation, ozone therapy, etc.

General information

Spider veins or spider veins (telangiectasia) are an external, visible manifestation of dilated skin capillaries. They can appear on the face (rosacea), especially on the wings of the nose, on the legs, even in the stomach. The owners of spider veins are 20-30% of the adult population, most often women. It has been noted that in most cases (up to 80%) in women, spider veins appear after childbirth.

Telangiectasias, or so-called spider veins, are caused by dilation of the venous capillaries of the dermis, the surface layer of the skin. Despite the fact that the origin of spider veins is associated with impaired venous circulation, their appearance does not always indicate the existence of post-thrombotic or varicose pathology. Conversely, the presence of varicose veins does not mean that spider veins may appear. Spider veins themselves are not a disease that poses a threat to life and health. However, telangiectasias are not a decoration of appearance either, representing a serious cosmetic defect that many patients do not want to put up with.

Depending on the nature of their occurrence, spider veins can be capillary, venous or arterial. According to their external manifestations, spider veins are divided into dotted, linear, tree-like and arachnid. This division does not imply any differences in terms of treatment measures.

Linear telangiectasias of a reddish color, appearing on the face most often on the cheeks and nose, are a cosmetic disease - rosacea.

Red and blue linear and tree-shaped spider veins appear most often on the lower extremities.

Spider veins consist of numerous enlarged capillaries radiating in different directions from the central arteriole that feeds them. They are usually red.

A combination of different types of spider veins is quite common on women's legs. There are two characteristic variants of location: on the inner surface of the thigh, dilated vessels of a linear type appear, located in parallel; on the outer surface of the thigh there are tree-shaped vessels located around the circumference. For effective treatment of spider veins, it is important to consider their type and location.

With reticular varicose veins and the phenomenon of spider veins, there is no pain in the places of their localization. In the case of the painful form of telangiectasias, which are quite rare (in women during menstruation), spider veins in a certain area of ​​the leg acquire a more intense color and become painful. In all cases of spider veins, patients are concerned about cosmetic or aesthetic problems, which forces them to seek the help of specialists. Hence the need to provide such patients with treatment that gives a high cosmetic effect.

According to most foreign and domestic experts, the reasons leading to the appearance of spider veins on the lower extremities in women and men are of a different nature. In men, the most likely cause may be chronic venous insufficiency. The appearance of spider veins on the lower extremities is the first symptom of venous disease. Spider veins on the legs of women most often appear as a result of hormonal disorders in the body, occurring against the background of existing or previously suffered gynecological, endocrine diseases, as well as pregnancy, abortion, etc. The high concentration of estrogens (sex hormones) during pregnancy causes the appearance of the first spider veins in a third of the observed women. Typically, spider veins caused by pregnancy disappear without a trace 3-6 weeks after birth. Taking oral contraceptives can also cause the development of telangiectasia. To achieve a lasting positive effect in the treatment of spider veins and prevent recurrences of their appearance, it is necessary to first normalize the patient’s hormonal status.

The appearance of spider veins and capillary networks in humans can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • Congenital weak connective tissue syndrome (CWTS)
  • disturbance of metabolic processes in the liver
  • stagnation of venous blood in the lower extremities
  • changes in hormonal levels as a result of pregnancy, abortion, menopause, taking hormonal contraceptives, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids
  • increased permeability of vascular walls caused by deficiency of vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Spider veins are frequent companions of varicose veins of the lower extremities. Therefore, already at the first examination, the phlebologist will definitely assess the state of venous blood flow in the peripheral vessels. To accurately analyze the speed of blood flow and the condition of the walls of venous vessels, Doppler ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities is usually performed.

It is also necessary to conduct a functional examination of the heart, liver, uterus and ovaries to exclude diseases of these organs.

Treatment of spider veins

At the first stage of treatment of telangiectasias associated with varicose veins, it is necessary to eliminate concomitant venous pathology. Taking into account the type, severity and localization of spider veins, one of the methods can be used for their treatment: electrocoagulation, sclerotherapy, laser photocoagulation, microcurrent therapy, ozone therapy, radiofrequency thermal ablation, etc.

Electrocoagulation of spider veins and spider veins. The essence of the method is to cauterize telangiectasia with a high-frequency current supplied through a thin electrode. The disadvantage of electrocoagulation is thermal damage not only to vascular changes, but also to healthy surrounding tissues, followed by scarring, the formation of zones of depigmentation and hyperpigmentation.

Sclerotherapy for spider veins and spider veins(compression phlebosclerosis). The method is based on gluing and adhesion of the walls of the altered vascular bed as a result of the injection of a special sclerosant drug into its lumen. Immediately after administration of the sclerosant, local swelling and redness of the skin occurs. The injection site is pressed tightly with a tampon and bandaged with an elastic bandage. A compression bandage (or compression stockings) secures the closure of the vessel walls and prevents blood flow in it. This method is also called “compression phlebosclerosis.”

Closing the lumen of the altered vessel leads to its exclusion from the bloodstream and the complete disappearance of spider veins within 1-1.5 months. Sclerosation therapy is especially effective against venous spider veins, while capillary vascular changes are practically unaffected. For capillary telangiectasia, laser photocoagulation is indicated. Today, sclerotherapy is the leading and most effective method of treating spider veins of the lower extremities.

Laser photocoagulation of spider veins and mesh. The mechanism of action of laser photocoagulation is based on the absorption of a light laser beam by an expanded vessel, its local heating and sealing of the vessel lumen. Subsequently, the laser-treated vessel undergoes regression. The laser beam selectively affects the affected area, practically without affecting healthy surrounding tissue. The method is effective for small vessels with a diameter of up to 2 mm. To carry out the procedure, special installations are used, so-called “vascular lasers”, which act on pathologically altered vessels. Minor manifestations of spider veins can be treated with laser photocoagulation in 1-2 procedures; more pronounced manifestations require more treatments.

Radio wave surgery method(Surgitron device). A new word in the treatment of spider veins is the method of radio wave high-frequency surgery using the Surgitron apparatus. Non-contact radio wave incision and coagulation are performed using high-frequency waves emanating from the thinnest electrode, penetrating the tissues and not injuring them. Spider veins undergo coagulation and heal without pain, swelling or scar formation. The method of radio wave surgery using the Surgitron apparatus is by far the most atraumatic, but is applicable only to small single capillaries.

Ozone therapy for spider veins and spider veins. In the treatment of teleectasia, ozone therapy is used in the form of intravascular injections of an oxygen-ozone mixture containing ozone in high concentrations. Ozone molecules trigger a complex mechanism of biochemical oxidative processes in vascular cells, which lead to the destruction of affected vessels. As a result, spider veins disappear without a trace. Ozone therapy practically does not cause adverse reactions, does not leave scars or pigment marks on the skin, and does not require rehabilitation.

When removing spider veins, it is important to remember that they can be a visible manifestation of a serious pathology of internal organs. Therefore, it is imperative to exclude the presence of diseases that cause the appearance of telangiectasias.

Each method of combating telangiectasia of the lower extremities has its own indications, advantages and disadvantages. Only a qualified doctor can correctly determine the necessary treatment tactics for spider veins after a comprehensive examination of the condition of the blood vessels. As a rule, the best results in the treatment of telangiectasias of the lower extremities are obtained by a combination of laser photocoagulation and sclerotherapy. Laser photocoagulation is used on its own to treat capillary telangiectasia or in case of allergic reactions to sclerosant drugs. These two methods are basic in the treatment of spider veins and other vascular skin lesions.

Nowadays they appear in most people. This often affects women who have given birth to a child.

Along with these methods, the cause of the appearance of the vascular web is determined and, if possible, eliminated. It is also recommended to use it to prevent their reappearance.

To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase their elasticity and remove spider veins on the legs, medications, ointments and gels for external use are prescribed. It is recommended to perform therapeutic exercises for the legs and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Each patient is prescribed separately by a doctor after examination and diagnosis.

TOP 10 remedies for the treatment of spider veins

We studied dozens of opinions of doctors and reviews from patients of phlebology clinics and compiled our TOP of the best creams, ointments and gels for the conservative treatment of spider veins on the legs:

You should choose the most effective composition after undergoing an examination and consulting a doctor.

Traditional medicine in use

There are many traditional medicine recipes that help get rid of spider veins on the legs. They are effective in the initial stage of the disease, and sometimes even in advanced forms.

Traditional recipes involve the preparation of infusions, creams and ointments for topical use. Some of the most useful and effective recipes include:

Other remedies and therapies

In addition to topical agents, treatment of asterisks is also carried out with drugs taken orally. The most effective The product is considered to be produced in France.

It contains purified diosmin in sufficient dosage to cope with the disease from the inside and out. This remedy has a good effect on the entire vascular system and diseased veins. The drug is approved for use by almost all patients and even pregnant women from the second trimester. One tablet per day is enough, the duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor.

To strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent blood clots, Heparin injections are prescribed. It also prevents the formation of ulcers and supplies the affected tissues with nutrients and oxygen.

Ascorutin is considered a good drug for eliminating stars. It contains vitamins, ascorbic acid and rutin, which reduce vascular permeability and capillary fragility. The product reduces the possibility of blood clots, relieves swelling and eliminates pain.

Means of radically getting rid of spider veins include surgery using special devices that are carried out in beauty parlors: and ozone therapy.

They help to quickly and reliably relieve the patient of the problem, but still the issue of therapy should be approached from all possible angles, first of all, to find out the cause and eliminate it.

Cooperosis on the face...

Protruding vessels on the face are usually localized on the cheeks and nose - in medicine they are called. For its treatment it is recommended Troxevasin gel, and in case of serious damage, are also prescribed to carry out treatment not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Ascorutin and Heparin ointment help well with rosacea.

In addition to medications, cosmetics are also used: Doctor Taffy cream based on calendula, Bioderma Sensibo, which contains a component that has a beneficial effect on capillaries, a cream mask with vitamin E, flavonoids, pantocrine and wheat extract.

Mesotherapy is also effective - this is a cosmetic procedure that is performed in salons and helps in the early stages of rosacea.

It is used with vitamins and anti-inflammatory drugs, helps strengthen blood vessels, improve blood microcirculation and lymphatic drainage. Stimulates metabolic processes in skin cells.

Protruding cobwebs on the skin of the legs not only spoil the appearance, but also lead to diseases of the veins and blood vessels. Therefore, the treatment of spider veins must be taken seriously and as soon as they appear. Early treatment is more effective and prevents the formation of new patterns.

Spider veins on the legs- these are dilated capillary vessels that are visible through the skin. The color of this web varies from purple to red. Often such formations can be found not only on the lower extremities, but also on the face, on the abdomen and even on the stomach. This process is persistent, but non-inflammatory.

In general, the spider vein itself does not pose any danger to human life or health. Often it is not even a symptom of the disease, but is formed under the influence of external factors. However, in some cases, spider veins may indicate the presence of a serious pathology in the body that requires immediate treatment.

According to statistics, such a cosmetic defect is found in 30% of the world's population, and 80% of them are female. After the age of 70, 72% of women have spider veins.

A separate risk group includes women who have gone through childbirth. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. Under the influence of estrogen (the concentration of which increases during pregnancy), blood vessels tend to dilate. When the baby is born, the amount of estrogen returns to normal. Over the course of 1.5 months, the vessels should also return to their original state. However, this does not always happen; as a result, spider veins form on the legs and other parts of the woman’s body. Arteries, venules and capillaries can expand in the range from 0.5 to 1 mm. However, even this expansion is enough to create a visible cosmetic defect.

Causes of spider veins on the legs

Among the reasons leading to the appearance of spider veins are the following:

    Congenital diseases: Rendu-Osler disease or congenital angiomatosis (characterized by inferiority of the vascular epithelium), Louis-Bar ataxia-telangiectasia (primary immunodeficiency), Marfan syndrome (hereditary pathology of connective tissue), Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hereditary defect in collagen production), Klippel- Trenaunay, Sturge-Weber, etc. In addition, vascular hemangiomas, as specific developmental defects, congenital neuroangiopathy and progressive essential telangiectasia, can lead to the formation of spider veins.

    Hormonal disorders in the human body: pregnancy and childbirth, miscarriages, abortions.

    Taking hormonal medications - oral contraceptives and glucocorticosteroids.

    Dermatological diseases, including: rosacea, xeroderma pigmentosum, radiation dermatitis, Majocchi disease, lichenoid keratosis.

    Diseases of the cardiovascular system: varicose veins, Raynaud's disease, chronic venous insufficiency.

    Systemic connective tissue diseases: dermatomyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic scleroderma.

    Disorders of hepatic metabolism in various pathologies of the organ: cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc.

    Excess body weight.

    Lack of vitamin C, as a result of which the vascular walls become more permeable.

    Other diseases: syphilis, AIDS, carcinoid syndrome.

In addition to the main reasons leading to the formation of spider veins on the legs, additional external provoking factors can be identified.

These include:

    Adherence to bad habits;

    Excessive physical activity;

    Nervous tension;

    Injuries received;

    Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays (especially for tanners);

    Difficult working conditions;

    Exposure to radioactive radiation;

    Overheating and hypothermia of the lower extremities;

    Too frequent use of peelings and thermal masks that damage the skin;

    Exposure to ionizing radiation.

Classification of spider veins

You can find many classifications of spider veins, but in clinical practice, doctors most often use the option proposed by Redish and Peltzer:

    Spider veins (simple or linear).


    Arachnids (stellate).

    Patiform (spotted).

Blue or red linear, as well as tree-like spider veins are most often found on the legs. The female lower extremities are characterized by a familial accumulation of altered capillaries. They are either located parallel on the inner thigh, or in a circle on the outer thigh.

It is worth knowing that the occurrence of spider veins on the legs in women and men have different causes. So, if they are diagnosed in males, then most often such formations indicate the presence of venous insufficiency.

If spider veins appear on women's calves and thighs, they may be signs of hormonal imbalance, and not just venous insufficiency. Often, it is female representatives who have mixed spider veins.

There are two effective methods for treating spider veins on the lower extremities: laser photocoagulation and sclerotherapy. In previous years, the electrocoagulation method was also widely used, but modern medicine is increasingly abandoning it. The fact is that this technique is quite traumatic, since during its implementation significant damage to the skin occurs. As for general therapy, it is aimed at strengthening the vascular wall using ascorbic acid preparations, for example, Ascorutin.

    Sclerotherapy or microsclerotherapy. When performing this procedure, specialized drugs (sclerosants) are injected into the lumen of the vein, which is the base of the asterisk. Their action is aimed at damaging the inner layer lining the vein. Then a specific reaction occurs in its cavity, which after a while is eliminated on its own. Externally, it manifests itself in the form of slight swelling and redness. The doctor clamps the injection site and applies a compression bandage. These measures prevent the vein from coming unglued again under the influence of blood flow.

    The procedure is quite long and can take about 60 minutes. It is possible to administer up to 10 injections in one procedure. Up to 5 approaches may be required, with an interval of seven days between them.

    Once the procedure is completed, the patient will need to wear compression garments for some time. When it is removed, the spider vein will disappear. If all conditions are met, this procedure is considered one of the most effective.

    Laser coagulation of blood vessels. The pathological venule or arteriole that forms the spider vein selectively absorbs the laser beam and heats up under its influence. Temperatures can reach 70 degrees. As a result, the walls of the pathological vessel stick together to irreversible damage. In this case, the tissues that surround the vessel do not heat up and are not damaged. To minimize discomfort, the skin around the treatment site is cooled.

    To implement the method, different types of lasers can be used:

    • Yellow-green spectrum.


    • Neodymium.

      Pulsed light sources.

    Only specialized devices called vascular lasers are suitable for destroying blood vessels. The procedure does not provide a 100% guarantee that spider veins will not reappear.

    Electrocoagulation. Although modern doctors are increasingly abandoning this method, sometimes it is still used to remove spider veins. In this case, pathological vessels are cauterized by applying high-frequency electric current to them. It is fed through a thin electrode that resembles a long needle. Local anesthesia is always used to perform the procedure.

    The procedure itself is short in time and takes no more than 20 minutes. During this period of time, the doctor will perform 30 to 40 injections using the electrode. To completely get rid of a cosmetic defect, up to 7 procedures may be required, which must be performed at intervals of a week.

    Although the procedure always has an effect, by modern standards it is considered traumatic, since the tissue surrounding the pathological vessel is exposed to high temperatures. As a result, after the procedure, scars, hyperpigmented or depigmented areas remain, which are often quite painful.

  • Radio wave therapy. This treatment method is carried out using the modern Surgitron device. During the procedure, a non-contact radio wave incision and coagulation of the pathological vessel is performed. In this case, the thinnest electrode penetrates the tissue without causing injury. After coagulation, the spider veins heal, and the patient does not experience pain. The area that was exposed remains unchanged: no scars or traces of pigmentation are formed on it.

    However, this unique method is only available for the removal of single capillaries.

    Ozone therapy. Sometimes ozone therapy is used to remove spider veins on the legs. It is based on the introduction of an injection into the cavity of the vessel. The injection itself consists of a mixture of ozone and oxygen. Under its influence, blood vessels undergo destruction or destruction. As a result, spider veins completely disappear.

    This method has no side effects. The injection site is absolutely painless, no scars are formed on it. To achieve maximum effect, you will need to undergo three to five procedures.

    It is worth understanding that each treatment method has a number of advantages and disadvantages in each specific case. Most often, the maximum effect in relation to the treatment of spider veins of the lower extremities can be obtained by combining two basic methods: laser photocoagulation and the sclerotherapy method.

Which doctor treats spider veins on the legs

To get rid of spider veins on your legs, you must first consult a phlebologist. This needs to be done for two reasons. Firstly, only a doctor will be able to determine the exact etiological factor that led to the appearance of spider veins, which are not always harmless. This is especially true for males. Secondly, it is the doctor who is able to recommend the optimal therapeutic regimen, which often consists of a combination of methods.

Therefore, in order not to harm your own health in the fight against such a cosmetic defect as spider veins, a preliminary consultation with a phlebologist is necessary.

Education: Moscow State Medical and Dental University (1996). In 2003, he received a diploma from the educational and scientific medical center for the administration of the President of the Russian Federation.