The womb is a sacred flower. Marianne Polonsky. Metaphysical causes of diseases of the female organs

1. UTERUS (PROBLEMS)- (Louise Hay)

Symbolizes the temple of creativity.

I feel at home in my body. My talent is all-encompassing.

2. UTERUS (PROBLEMS)- (V. Zhikarentsev)

What does this organ represent in a psychological sense?

Represents a place of creativity.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

In my body I am at home.

3. UTERUS (PROBLEMS)- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

The uterus is a hollow, muscular reproductive organ in women. The uterus contains the fertilized egg during pregnancy and pushes the fetus out at the end of the term. The most common diseases of the uterus are EVERION, FUNCTIONAL DISORDER, and, as well as some lesions of its cervix

Emotional blockage

Since the womb is the first home in this world for the child, any disturbances associated with it should be correlated with reception, hearth, home and refuge. When a woman is unable to bear children due to uterine disease, her body tells her that deep down she wants to have a child, but fear overpowers this desire and creates a physical blockage in her body. A woman who is angry with herself for not welcoming her child into this world can also suffer from problems with the uterus.

In addition, diseases of the uterus indicate that a woman puts forward or implements some new ideas without allowing them to mature. Such diseases can also occur in a woman who blames herself for not being able to create a good family home for those she loves.

Mental block

Problems like this indicate that you should check how real and justified the fear that the idea of ​​giving birth to something new causes in you - be it a child, a project, etc. After that, whatever your decision is (to fight fear or submit to it), you must give yourself the right to accept it. Know that you are responsible for all the consequences of any decision you make. You have to allow yourself to be an ordinary, imperfect person and not have to answer to anyone. Your life and your decisions - your personal case.

Your body is also telling you that you shouldn't act hastily. This doesn't mean you shouldn't act at all, just give yourself time to think about it before you do anything.

Uterine fibroids is a benign tumor formation in the muscular wall of the uterus. One of the common manifestations is pain and bleeding. The tumor is formed from overgrown fibers of the muscular wall of the uterus. It can be single, or it can grow in clusters. Often develops against the background hormonal imbalance: increased levels of female sex hormones (estrogens). Uterine fibroids have a number of characteristic features:

She can long time not to manifest itself in any way and to be discovered by chance, as a result of an examination.
Its size and weight can vary from small (the size of a bean) to huge - resembling the size of a 6-7 month pregnancy and weighing more than 3 kg
Possible rapid growth a long period without changing sizes.
In some cases, it may decrease in size and even disappear completely.
It is the most common tumor in women aged 35 to 55 years.

Types of fibroids:

Based on their location relative to the uterine axis, fibroids are divided into:

Corporal: located in the body of the uterus. The most common type of fibroids. Approximately 90% of cases are observed there.
Isthmus: develops in the area between the vagina and uterus. One of its symptoms is pain and difficulty urinating. It accounts for approximately 7-8%
Cervical: appears in the vagina, causing infectious complications. It occurs less frequently - only 2-3% of all cases.

Symptoms of uterine fibroids:

Abnormal increase in abdominal size
Constipation and obesity
Persistent frequent urination
Unusual bleeding, which may be accompanied by blood clots
Pain during intimacy
Pain in the back or legs
Pelvic pain
Heavy, too long menstrual cycle
Feeling of heaviness and pressure in the pelvic area

Why are uterine fibroids classified as psychosomatic diseases?

The causes of the occurrence, development and regression of uterine fibroids are not fully understood and there is no single theory that explains all these processes.
However, we can talk about identified risk factors that can provoke the occurrence and growth of a tumor. These include:

Inflammation of the appendages
Abortions and miscarriages
Late first pregnancy (after 30 years)
Difficult birth with subsequent complications
High blood pressure
Psychological trauma primarily associated with sexual dysfunction
Lack of normal sex life
Lack of harmony in family life or the absence of family itself
Prolonged stress

Modern research proves the existence of a relationship between certain psychological problems and the development of uterine fibroids, which allows us to classify this disease as psychosomatic - such diseases, the triggering mechanism for which is psychological factors. This fact must be taken into account when treating fibroids and conveyed to patients, because with a well-organized psychological assistance it is possible to achieve regression of the disease or full recovery without surgery and with minimum quantity drugs and procedures.

What psychological characteristics, character traits and actions, are “myomodangerous”? First of all, those that cause a “failure” in the work of programs for the implementation of the feminine principle:

Deciding to have an abortion or carrying an unwanted pregnancy
Prohibition of enjoying the sexual side of a relationship
Long-term accumulation of resentment and aggression towards men
Career-biased activity
Fear of being bad wife and/or mother
Fear of repeating the fate of your mother and her mistakes
Lack of love for yourself and your feminine side

These psychological factors can trigger female body destructive program: if you renounce your purpose, then you renounce your sexual status and role, and the body reacts to this by showing aggression towards the reproductive organ.
One of the biggest difficulties is that often we are not aware of our fears or attitudes; the true motives of our behavior can be hidden very deeply and reliably, especially from ourselves. They, like “gray cardinals,” lead our lives, take control of our health, and we can’t do anything about it. If we don’t control something within ourselves, then it may well control us, which is what happens when psychosomatic diseases, including uterine fibroids.
That is why psychotherapy is an important part of fibroid treatment. The opportunity to learn to truly manage your life and feel like a Woman is very important for recovery.

Uterine fibroids- This benign neoplasm in the muscle tissue of the uterus, which often appears against the background of anovulation, polyps and endometrial hyperplasia. It also has other names - fibromyoma or leimioma.

The size of fibroids varies - from very small, the size of a pea, to large, the size of a large potato. There are cases when, due to myomatous nodes, the uterus increases to the size of a full-term pregnancy and weighs up to 3 kg. and more. Myoma develops in different ways - it can be in the form of one large tumor, or maybe in the form of a bunch of small ones.

This disease occurs very often - every fourth woman over the age of 30 and every third woman at the age of premenopause has problems with this pathology.


The reasons for the development of uterine fibroids include, first of all, the stimulating effect hormonal levels on the muscular part of the uterine wall. Also, disturbances in the hypothalamus system have a certain significance in the appearance and development of fibroids. In many cases, the cause of fibroids is increased level estrogens. Also, provoking factors can be heredity, inflammation of the appendages, childbirth with complications, and previous abortions. Often fibroids appear against the background diabetes mellitus, increased blood pressure, obesity, as well as in the absence of harmonious intimate life. Treatment of fibroids is mostly surgical, with rapid growth tumors are often carried out radical operations, in which the uterus is removed, depriving the woman of childbearing function.

But the most important ones are psychosomatic reasons, causing the appearance of uterine tumors. A child at birth, depending on his gender, is definitely programmed, i.e. boys receive a male "program", and girls - a female one. The natural purpose of a woman is motherhood, caring for the family and home. Failure to implement this program leads to hormonal imbalance and, consequently, to the development of hormone-dependent tumors. For example, abortion represents a “failure” of the procreation program. The desire for career growth is a “failure” of the program for creating and maintaining a home in proper condition. And on the contrary, complete immersion in raising children and supporting her husband, complete dedication to loved ones and an indifferent attitude towards oneself represents a “failure” of the program for harmonizing the surrounding space, inherent in a woman from birth.

Also, women should be able to forgive, because unexpressed accumulated grievances “come out sideways for some, for others... like cancer,” as doctors say, and in best case scenario, This benign diseases, for example, uterine fibroids.

In short, tumors arise where there is no balance. After all, you can start a career when the main part of the women’s program has been implemented. And in the case when there is no time to wait, you just need to learn to prioritize. A woman should always have her family first.

Also, the development of tumors may be associated with long-term “nurturing” a grudge and a reluctance to forgive the offender, constantly returning to thoughts, memories and reasoning about betrayal, insult, claims against men, it doesn’t matter, all at once or someone specifically, for example, ex-husband. The cause of the development of this disease can also be experiences after the loss of a child, due to abortion, miscarriage, abandonment, etc. Even the woman herself may not be aware of such emotions. They become the background Everyday life, unconscious and chronic. Continuous worry about the loss of a child becomes a habitual state, so a woman may not immediately detect this fact.

It's no secret that fibroids often resolve during pregnancy and menopause. Or it happens, on the contrary, when the size of fibroids may increase during this period. There have been cases where a pregnant woman's fibroids reached and even exceeded the size of the child. Of course, this happens because hormonal changes occur. And at the same time, a revision of attitudes, life principles, stereotypes.

That is why, when uterine fibroids occur, it is necessary to radically reconsider your outlook on life, forgive yourself, forgive and understand the “offenders”. Believe me then the treatment will work much more successful, and relapses of the disease will be avoided

The human body is like a combination of energy fields that resemble a luminous sphere. The difference and advantage of the female body lies in its ability to perceive and interpret the world through the womb.
The womb is constantly in a state of chaos because its hidden abilities, unattended from the moment of birth until death, are never used. Although the interpretative capacity of the uterus is never completely shut down, its effectiveness is usually not raised to the level that allows the woman to recognize that this organ has this function.
How to unlock the potential of the uterus?

First you need to know its physiology and experience it in the body. All processes in female body are built precisely through this organ. How it functions and what its properties are generally determines the direction of a woman’s development.
Today, when girls are born with a weak or imperfect uterus, the primary task should be its restoration.
For modern woman - this means reconfiguring your consciousness, starting to grasp the relationships that the uterus determines at the physiological, energetic, and mental levels.

When we talk about the physiology of the uterus, we mean the organ on which the processes in a woman’s body depend: menstruation, ovulation, pregnancy, menopause. According to the Taoist system of knowledge, the womb should represent “ one-stop center", which controls the functioning of all five main organs (liver, spleen, heart, lungs, kidneys). Normal condition uterus characterizes the work of the ovaries and liver. It is thanks to the uterus, genitourinary area acts like single body, the vitality of which affects the entire organism.

For implementation happy life, birth healthy children, as well as embarking on the path of development and improvement, it is necessary to understand internal conditions bodies. Uterus- this is a fundamental vessel, like the heart, through which a woman must listen to herself and the world, build a vector of movement at any age.

Women's practice and women's Taoist yoga in particular works with physical organ- the uterus, with its geometry, healthy functioning. We tune the uterus to its natural rhythm and gain strength. We work with the energy frame, which allows you to fully circulate energies inside and outside the uterus, distribute undigested emotional and physical activity evenly and transfer what is needed to the heart. Often, it is precisely undigested energy (unfulfilled excitement, strong emotional experiences, retained grievances and feelings associated with men) that leads to cysts, tumors and other diseases of the uterus and ovaries.
Working with the uterus, we work on our own " women's history", which also often becomes the cause of many changes in the body, unharmonious relationships with the opposite sex, and even events that affect the course of life.

The causes of cervical diseases, like many other diseases, do not always lie in physiological processes. Sometimes the real reason is, for example, some psychological pressure, which, in turn, provokes the emergence of various physical problems. In this article we will look at possible reasons of a similar nature and, in particular, the causes of cervical cancer.

Dr. N. Volkova believes that in 85% of cases of all diseases there is a psychological cause. Physical factors - infections, hypothermia - are only triggers of the disease and are secondary in nature. Many other doctors and psychologists think the same.

Liz Burbo, for example, reminds us that the womb is the first home for a child. And when a woman is afraid to have a child, then this emotional blockage creates a physical blockage in her body. The same blockage is created if a woman likes to blame and scold herself for not being able to adequately create family comfort and a home for her loved ones. Any fears create a blockage - emotional, psychological, mental and physical. As a result, physiological pathology occurs.

In addition, the character of a woman is of no small importance. : gentleness, modesty, humility create a normal background for physiological processes. While rudeness, rigidity, deceit, as well as downtroddenness, disobedience, and arrogance cause metabolic disorders and reduce the activity of the uterus.

In general, the uterus is a symbol of female creativity. And the state of the uterus reflects how much a woman was able to express herself as a woman, a wife, a mother. Regarding cervical cancer, it must be said that it is extremely dangerous to carry a “stone in your chest,” grievances, insults received from others and from men in particular. You need to forgive, let go of the offense, let it out of yourself. After all, cervical cancer is nothing more than accumulated resentment, corroding both the brain and body of a woman.

Another reason that causes is a feeling of hostility towards the world, hatred and dislike for oneself and for people, as well as endless remorse. This path is a sure path to illness.

What to do?

First of all, let go of the offense and calm down the anger towards the offender. If you do it for real, with with full dedication and with awareness, with the power of thought and the power of desire, the tumor can resolve on its own, without surgery. Besides. You need to work on your emotions tirelessly. Louise Hay writes in her books that it is important to harmonize your thoughts and feel at home in your body. Actually, that’s how it is. Dr. Luule Vilma believes that the uterus becomes sick if anger settles in a woman. Getting rid of anger is a woman’s task! Place there love, affection, tenderness, everything that symbolizes feminine nature. The womb collects all the dirt that your soul absorbs with resentment, condemnation and anger.

Lack of love in a woman’s soul, false values ​​in the form of money, wealth, power, pleasure, fame, etc. - all this leads to mental, spiritual, and therefore physical illnesses.

Any energy practice, being neutral in itself, can become a catalyst for a hidden disease, to open a block or program that has been working in the practitioner’s body for years.
Thus, initiation or Reiki sessions can cause a healing crisis; before starting acupuncture or sujok sessions, they warn about a possible exacerbation of the disease. Even pregnancy very often highlights hidden diseases, because during the 9 months of a child’s development in the womb, the woman herself undergoes a powerful energetic cleansing in order to be ready for the birth of a new person.

Let me give you an example. When I started attending classes in the sacred mandala dance, I very quickly had the opportunity to see how energy works. After just 3 classes I injured my ankle. Since by that time I was working with energies and practicing Reiki, I immediately realized that this was a program that had been revealed, and on the maternal side. I tracked her down very quickly and began working with her. I had to put off dance practice for some time, but as soon as I was able, I returned to it, attended a certification seminar for the founder of the dance, and continue to practice.

Therefore, when you work with energy (especially if you are just at the beginning of your journey), be prepared that all sorts of sores and sores will begin to open up. It is very important here not to panic, but to get to the heart of the cause of the disease. After all, through illness the body screams, signals to us: “you have lost your way, something has gone wrong!”

« Diseases are not a consequence of unfavorable external circumstances: this body signals that harmony in your life is disturbed, and by dealing with this disturbance, you will find health and comfort in all areas of your life.” (Liz Burbo)

The wonderful books of Louise Hay and Liz Burbo can help , Luule Viilma,Valeria Sinelnikova and others, where the mental and emotional causes of various diseases are given.

As the doctor writes A. Meneghetti in his book “Psychosomatics”: “An illness is a language, the speech of a subject... To understand an illness, it is necessary to reveal the project that the subject creates in his unconscious... Then a second step is necessary, which the patient himself must take: he must change. If a person changes psychologically, then the disease, being an abnormal course of life, will disappear ... "

I especially want to dwell on the sacred feminine center - the womb. The uterus is not only a physiological, but also an energetic organ in which information and the woman’s associated emotions accumulate. All female power is concentrated in the uterus. And this rather delicate, sensitive and vulnerable organ takes on all the blows of a woman’s fate, everything that the soul cannot accept.

“The memory of the uterus consists of the following components:
- Residual memories of sexual contacts: this can be information about violence, pain, disappointment, dissatisfaction or, conversely, about the fullness of pleasant sensations, pleasure, joy, etc.;
- Information about childbirth (abortion, miscarriage), attitude towards motherhood: this can be fears, joy, grief, guilt, etc.;
- Information about birth diseases(If there are any). This is information about heredity, lessons or achievements of the Family;
- Attitude towards men, masculinity. Every man is a representative of the entire energy of masculinity. Therefore, it is important to balance the attitude towards EVERY man. What might be the attitude towards men? This could be respect, contempt, acceptance, resentment, love, etc...” (Conversations with
MIRAEL from 07/19/2013. Mysteries of the womb)

If too much negativity has accumulated in the uterus over the years (and the uterus closes itself in negative manifestations three lower chakras in a Woman), then energy practice provokes an outburst of this negativity. In mild cases, this can result in tears, depression, anger, and other emotions; in advanced cases, it can manifest as an exacerbation of the disease. If you have previously had problems with feminine reproductive organs and the reason has not been worked out, then you need to start energy practices carefully, carefully listening to your body. Pain is a signal. Practices for working with energy (dynamic meditations, breathing practices internal organs, chakras) must be combined with cleansing from negativity: awareness of the metaphysical causes of pain, forgiveness, acceptance, gratitude, and then filling yourself with Love, sending Love to your organs, positive statements, affirmations. In this case, seeking medical help is mandatory.

Dr. Valery Sinelnikov in his book “Love Your Sickness” he writes:
“The womb symbolizes the temple of a woman’s creativity. The state of the uterus reflects how much you were able to express yourself in this world as a woman, mother, wife”; “If you remember and literally “bear” within yourself an insult inflicted on you by a man or husband, and cannot forgive, then beware! A tumor of the uterus is accumulated claims and grievances against men, constant replaying of previous grievances in the head.”

Dr. Luule Viilma in his book " Psychological reasons diseases" gives the following reasons: “Uterus (bleeding): Anger against those whom the woman blames for preventing her from being a good mother, whom she considers guilty of her maternal failure.”

Sergey Konovalov (“Energy information medicine according to Konovalov. Healing emotions”):
“You cannot remember and “bear” an insult inflicted by a man. You need to forgive or forget. A tumor of the uterus is accumulated grievances against men, constant replaying of previous grievances in the head. There is another reason for the appearance of tumors - this is an increasing feeling of hostility towards the world, towards oneself, towards people, or one’s own remorse. Method of cure. As soon as a woman completely gets rid of resentment and anger towards men, the tumor resolves.”

From book d Doctor N. Volkova "Popular psychogynecology":
“Patients with fibroids are characterized by long-term grievances towards their loved ones, a tendency to bad mood and depression. This state of mind inhibits metabolism in the body and leads to persistent changes in the endocrine background at the physical level. The womb is a “nest” for the development of new life and the “creation” of a child. The fact that pregnancy contributes to the development of creativity is well known to those women who were engaged in the prenatal education of their child according to the author’s program. The maternal instinct is inherent in us by nature for procreation, but in modern society the woman often suppresses him. Birth control, contraception and abortion make a “hole” in the subconscious of a woman who does not fulfill her natural destiny. If fibroids are detected, it is urgent to reveal your talents, and an elevated state of mind, the delight of creativity and enthusiasm miraculously contribute to the restoration of the health of the uterus within 6-12 months...”
“The psychological causes of erosion are, first of all, grievances against close men: husband, father or brother. The basis for resentment is your expectations from life. The favorite words of such women are “must”, “obliged”, “how can he”! We urgently change our attitudes to positive ones! Better tell yourself: “these are the characteristics of the male psyche” or “the husband has the right...” Such an attitude will help lower the bar of your expectations and stop accumulating grievances. Improving relationships and achieving mutual understanding improves health and helps restore ovarian function and cure erosion in 2-3 menstrual cycles.”

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself” he writes: “Endometriosis. Feelings of insecurity, sadness and disappointment. Replacing self-love with sugar. Reproaches.
Harmonizing thoughts: I am strong and desirable. It's great to be a woman. I love myself, I’m happy with my achievements.”

I advise women who have problems with their reproductive organs to work through their grievances towards men, towards themselves, their fears and their attitude towards themselves as a woman. And it is very important to love yourself as a Woman, i.e. enjoy the fact that you are a Woman, accept yourself in every way, pamper yourself, do what gives you pleasure. You are a woman, and this is happiness! Love yourself and be healthy!

List of useful literature:

  1. Louise Hay. “Heal yourself.”
  2. Lazarev S.N. “Diagnostics of Karma” (books 1-12) and “Man of the Future.”
  3. Valery Sinelnikov. “Love your illness.”
  4. Liz Burbo. “Your body says: “Love yourself!”, “Listen to your body”
  5. Torsunov O.G. “The connection between diseases and character. Vital energy person."
  6. S.S. Konovalov “Energy information medicine according to Konovalov. Healing emotions."
  7. N.N. Volkov "Popular psychogynecology".
  8. Alexander Astrogor “Confession of a Sore.”
  9. L. Viilma “Psychological causes of diseases”