What vitamins does nettle contain? Chemical composition and pharmacological properties of nettle. How to use nettle for medicinal purposes

The healing properties of stinging nettle have been well studied and are beyond doubt.. Its leaves contain carotene, vitamins B, K, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), various carotenoids, formic, pantothenic, gallusic acids, glycoside urticin, trace elements (iron, calcium, potassium, vanadium, chromium, manganese, copper, molybdenum, barium, aluminum, sulfur), histamine, as well as chlorophyll, tannins, flavonoids, phytoncides, violoxanthin, xanthophyll, xanthophyll epoxide.

It has been established that, for example, the content ascorbic acid in nettle is twice as high as in the generally recognized champions - black currant and lemon. In terms of carotene content, nettle is superior to such crops as carrots, sorrel, and sea buckthorn. Add just 20 nettle leaves to your salad and you will provide your body with daily dose carotene, which is especially important for a growing or sick organism.

It is unlikely that our ancestors knew about the chemical composition of nettles, but they passed them on from generation to generation. simple recipes flatbreads, cereals or soups made from it. Thanks to nettles, in the hungriest winter and spring months, during long strict posts Russian peasants did not suffer from vitamin deficiency, did not suffer from scurvy, and managed to raise healthy offspring.

Besides, nettle leaves contain very important vitamin K in such quantities that it can be used as a hemostatic agent.

Also in Ancient Greece Hippocrates and Dioscorides discovered this valuable quality plants and recommended healing wounds with fresh nettle juice. Vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting and also acts as an anti-inflammatory element. Therefore, nettle juice is used not only for external processing wounds, but also, which is very important, to stop complex internal bleeding - pulmonary, uterine, intestinal, kidney. The hemostatic properties of nettle are especially widely used in gynecology and obstetrics.

About it amazing property Our grandmothers knew plants well. I remember how we kids, with bloody noses, ran to my grandmother. She quickly tore a nettle leaf, crushed it, rolled it into a tight ball and stuck it into our nostrils. A couple of minutes - and we ran to the river again, forgetting that just recently blood was flowing from our nose. And my grandmother often treated our bruised knees with bandages soaked in nettle juice.

The use of nettle for the treatment of wounds is due not only to its vitamin K content, but also to the presence of chlorophyll in pure form, which has a strong stimulating and tonic effect, but most importantly, promotes the healing of affected tissues. In general, chlorophyll improves metabolism, increases the tone of the intestines, uterus, of cardio-vascular system and respiratory center. Chlorophyll isolated from nettle is widely used in radiation therapy.

Group B vitamins in combination with vitamin E are responsible for the condition of the skin, nails and hair, promote the healing of wounds and burns, prevent aging, spring fatigue, and reduce harmful effects some antibiotics used for long-term treatment.

Complex of vitamins and minerals contained in nettle allows it to be used as restorative and therapeutic-prophylactic agent, stimulating metabolic processes, restoring the functions of many organs.

Nettle is used in the fight against hypo- and vitamin deficiencies, as a stimulator of the immune system. In particular, the silicon and organic acids contained in nettle stimulate that part of the immune system that controls the growth of tumors and allergic reactions, protects against exposure to radiation and toxins.

This plant has antihistamine effect, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, gives good results in the prevention of allergies, as well as in the treatment of such allergic diseases like urticaria, hay fever, allergic conjunctivitis, itchy dermatitis.

Eating nettle as food and as a medicine has a stimulating effect on carbohydrate and protein metabolism what is important for successful treatment chronic diseases.

The presence of an iron-protein complex in nettle, supported by vitamins, allows the plant to be used in the fight against anemia, as it helps to increase the content of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood and has a beneficial influence for carbohydrate metabolism. This is very important for an organism weakened by disease. The use of infusions and decoctions of nettle leaf can speed up the recovery of postoperative, wounded and burn patients. Avicenna also recommended cleaning and treating wounds with crushed nettle leaves mixed with vinegar.

It has been established that nettle contains secretin, which not only normalizes metabolism, but also stimulating insulin production. Therefore in mild stage Diabetes patients recommend using preparations containing nettle extract to lower blood sugar. It is important for diabetics to take medications that include nettle to stabilize their vision. Nettle is used to treat diseases of the pancreas ( chronic pancreatitis, tumors, cysts), due to which the body’s production of insulin decreases.

The choleretic and diuretic properties of nettle have been known since ancient times, therefore preparations from it are widely used for diseases of the kidneys, liver, gall and Bladder, gastro- intestinal tract. These properties of nettle, as well as biologically contained in it active substances phytosterols help normalize prostate function. Considering that, according to statistics, up to 85% of men suffer from prostate adenoma, then women should more actively introduce nettle dishes and infusions into their family’s diet, vitamin teas. By the way, even Ovid in his treatises indicated nettle as the main element for preparing the “elixir of love.” The effect of this weed on potency is enhanced by the fact that it includes not only phytosterols, but also vitamins E and B, which increase the effectiveness of these elements.

Nettle leaf is included in stomach, laxative and multivitamin preparations. Unlike official medicine, in folk medicine nettle is used more widely. Its infusions are taken for gout, rheumatism, diseases of the kidneys and bladder, liver and gall bladder, pulmonary tuberculosis, colds and bronchitis, gastritis, ulcers duodenum, hemorrhoids, metabolic disorders, neurasthenia, epilepsy, atherosclerosis. Nettle preparations take important place in the treatment of gynecological and skin diseases.

Nettle is widely used in official medicine in Germany. Bulgarian experts share the opinion about the good hemostatic properties of nettle and its beneficial effect on metabolic processes. They recommend taking the infusion for anemia, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, diseases of the biliary tract and liver, hemorrhoids, constipation, digestive disorders, and also use it as a means of stimulating milk production in nursing mothers.

It is not a sin to remember that back in the 18th century G. Sobolevsky wrote:“Nettle herb has diuretic, cleansing, opening and tenacious powers. It is drunk in decoctions for cough, consumption, hemoptysis, hematemesis, bloody urine, excessive leucorrhoea and jaundice. Roots, boiled in sugar, from old cough they help, from the outside they hit parts of the body little by little with nettles, paralyzed and insensible, sometimes gouty, with great success.”

Nettle is known throughout the world for its “stinging” leaves. The leaves and stem of nettle are covered with hairs, Chemical substance in which it causes irritation upon contact with bare skin.

Nettle - very useful treatment plant, rich in vitamins. It contains fiber, vitamins A, C, E, K, H, D, B vitamins - B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9 and niacin. Nettle is a source of minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, iron, copper, manganese, selenium and zinc. The content of vitamin C in nettle is higher than in lemon, and vitamin A - than in carrots. In addition, nettle contains proteins and amino acids, as well as chlorophyll and tannin. First of all, nettle decoctions are used to treat hair and scalp. Nettle effectively fights dandruff and hair loss, strengthens and heals damaged hair, gives it strength and volume. Nettle is also used for healthy digestion. It effectively relieves stomach pain, stimulates the secretion of the gastric gland, improves the functioning of the pancreas, liver and the whole digestive system. Thanks to the high content of vitamins C and A, nettle strengthens the immune system, regulates metabolism and hormones, especially in men. Nettle seeds are very effective means to increase potency. Nettle tea is considered the best folk remedy for the treatment of allergic diseases - asthma, itching, sneezing, hay fever and others. Fresh nettle is used to treat arthritis, lumbosacral radiculitis and neuritis of the extremities. Hot bath with nettle relieves joint pain in patients with gout. When taken orally, nettle has a diuretic effect. This releases uric acid from the joints, which also relieves pain. Nettle is very useful for women's health. As a source of iron, it effectively fights fatigue and anemia, helps maintain hormonal balance V female body. Nettle also stimulates milk production in nursing mothers, and useful minerals ensure the growth of healthy and beautiful nails. Young nettles are added to soups, pickles and borscht. Vitamin salads are prepared from fresh nettles. To reduce the pungency of the plant, you need to pour boiling water over it. Nettle also has side effects: it increases blood pressure and greatly thickens the blood, so it is not recommended to use nettle for varicose veins and thrombophlewitis. Contraindicated for pregnant women, as it increases the tone of the uterus and can cause premature birth.

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Nettle is an excellent stabilizing, healing agent. There are more than one hundred species of this plant in nature. The most useful and most effective medical indicators- stinging and stinging nettle.


The beneficial medicinal properties of nettle are explained by the content of many micro and macroelements, vitamins, organic acids, phytoncides, and others. necessary for the body substances. All structural organs of nettle are equally rich in these substances: roots, stems, leaves, flowers, seeds.




Name Contents of 100 grams of nettle
Vitamin A 1.12 mg
Vitamin B1 0.3 mg
Vitamin B2 0.15 mg
Vitamin B4 17.2 mg
Vitamin B5 0.4 mg
Vitamin B6 0.2 mg
Vitamin B9 0.03 mg
Vitamin C 335 mg
Vitamin K 0.51 mg
Vitamin E 0.75 mg
Vitamin H 0.45 mg
Niacin 0.4 mg

Medicinal use

The beneficial properties of nettle seeds have been noticed in the treatment of insomnia.

Medicinal forms of nettle

For medicinal purposes, nettle is used in the form of liquid extracts, decoctions, alcohol tinctures, as well as powder from dried plant leaves and seeds. The infusion can be water, alcohol, vodka.


Due to its high ability to increase the degree of blood clotting, nettle is not recommended, even prohibited, for those who are likely to form blood clots in their vessels. The risk group includes:

  • people with thick blood
  • patients with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis or thrombosis
  • hypertensive patients
  • pregnant women
  • people with increased blood clotting
  • allergy sufferers with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Attention: Preparations based on nettle should not be prescribed after tumor bleeding. People with kidney disease should recommend nettle with caution. In modern official and folk medicine, herbal medicine is widely used in combination with other medical supplies and treatment methods. The beneficial properties of nettle put it on par with the most effective medicines.


Stinging nettle: beneficial properties and contraindications. How to use the beneficial properties of the healing plant - nettle

Stinging nettle is one of the most useful plants used in traditional medicine.

This gardening “weed” can not only be used as a healthy and tasty ingredient summer cabbage soup, but also to become a real home healer.

Beneficial properties of nettle: composition of the plant

In Russia, nettle grows in gardens and vegetable gardens like a weed. Here are some European countries The plant is cultivated using the beneficial properties of nettle on an industrial scale. Of course, nettle also has contraindications, but there are relatively few of them.

Perennial nettle contains many useful vitamins, minerals, and organic substances that can have a beneficial effect on the human body. Scientists have discovered in the plant:

Vitamin K (nettle is the champion in the content of this substance), which has powerful antihemorrhagic properties;

Vitamins C, A, E;

Folic acid;




Organic acids;

Rich mineral complex(iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, chromium).

Nettle decoction for healthy person- source natural vitamins, prevention of vitamin deficiency and bleeding gums. However, the plant also has specific properties that can be used to heal serious illnesses.

Useful properties of nettle

The property of nettle leaves to stop bleeding and heal skin cuts is widely known. All thanks to the large amount of vitamin K, which improves blood clotting.

The beneficial properties of nettle lie in its ability to have a healing effect on the circulatory, immune, urinary and even hormonal systems. The effect of the plant is as follows:

Stimulates metabolic processes;

Increases immunity;

Strengthens vascular walls, prevents hemorrhagic bleeding;

Soothes arthritis, headaches and muscle pain;

Normalizes the functioning of the pancreas;

Puts things in order digestive tract, relieving bloating and nausea;

Reduces blood sugar levels;

Has a slight laxative effect, cleanses the body of toxins;

Normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and urinary organs;

Has a beneficial effect on the liver;

Has a diuretic effect;

Used to treat sore throat, relieve gum inflammation;

In addition, the beneficial properties of nettle are manifested in its ability to strengthen hair follicles, relieve acne, restore strength and healthy shine to weakened hair, stimulate appetite. Nettle decoction relieves the symptoms of gout: swelling, pain, stiffness.

If you prepare nettle tea with lingonberries, you can get an excellent remedy to combat bacterial infections urinary organs and bladder. Moreover, nettle infusions They also fight fungal infections, which makes the healing plant unique.

There are other properties of the plant that people should use. For example, drinking nettle teas can prevent one of the most terrible and incurable neurological diseases - Alzheimer's disease. IN last decades The number of people suffering from this disease is steadily increasing.

Childhood enuresis, which is also directly related to neurology, can be cured, including with the help of nettles. However, you should definitely consult with your doctor regarding the use of nettle: contraindications for a child should be assessed by a pediatrician.

Beneficial properties of nettle for women and men

It is especially important to know about beneficial properties oh nettles to women. Nettle tea should be brewed when heavy menstruation to reduce bleeding. Stinging nettle will help young mothers with lactation, as it increases milk production. During menopause, nettle will relieve discomfort and normalize hormonal levels. In addition, the plant is used in folk medicine to treat uterine fibroids.

At the same time, not all women can use nettle: pregnancy is a contraindication for taking decoctions orally. The fact is that the drink tones the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

Men can also benefit from the beneficial properties of nettle. The fact is that the leaves of the plant contain a special natural substance that stimulates the synthesis of testosterone, the male sex hormone. Therefore, if you have problems with potency, the help of nettle can be invaluable.

In addition, nettle tea relieves symptoms of inflammation of the prostate gland and is used in complex treatment adenomas.

The general beneficial property of nettle leaves for women and men in terms of normalization hormonal system is their ability to have a beneficial effect on work thyroid gland. Thanks to this, it is possible to prevent and cure endocrine diseases.

How to use nettle for medicinal purposes

To stop superficial bleeding, compresses are applied to the wound. fresh leaves plants. They quickly stop the bleeding. However, nettle compresses are also applied to skin affected by pustular rashes or ulcers. For frequent nosebleeds, you can use a restorative decoction of nettles.

To prepare a healing decoction that preserves everything healthy vitamins and organic matter, you need to take the top of a young nettle bush (about four leaves), pour a glass of cold drinking water and put on low heat. When the infusion boils, remove the container from the heat and leave covered for half an hour. Then strain and drink for general health improvement or according to the selected dosage regimen.

To improve the composition of the blood, you can prepare an infusion according to a different recipe. You need to take a tablespoon of plant material, pour a cup of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Then carefully strain and take 2-3 glasses per day orally.

If you need to quickly get rid of vitamin deficiency or prevent its development, you can drink a teaspoon of freshly squeezed nettle juice daily. Frequency of administration: three times a day between meals.

A mixture of nettle juice (two parts) and bee honey(one part). You need to take the product three times a day, 1 tbsp. l. fifteen minutes before meals.

Very tasty and healthy herbal teas with nettles and other plants. For example, if you mix dried or fresh nettle leaves with rose hips and currant leaves, you will get an excellent tea that cleanses the kidneys, strengthens blood vessels and heals the liver.

Nettle: contraindications

Like any plant, nettle can have negative impact on the body. Most often, the cause is individual intolerance or allergy to the healing plant.

However, there are other contraindications. Nettle can provoke blood thickening precisely because it stops it very well. If a person has a tendency to thicken the blood, then it is better to avoid taking decoctions and juice orally.

Nettle is contraindicated when the following diseases:


Varicose veins;



Kidney inflammation;

Uterine bleeding;

Neoplasms (cysts and tumors).

The use of nettle leaves and roots in folk medicine has a thousand-year history. In the absence of contraindications, the benefits of healing plants, including stinging nettle, can and should be used today.


Useful properties of nettle

The many beneficial properties of nettle make it a must-have drug in home medicine cabinet medicinal herbs. It is very useful for our entire body and has a whole range of both medicinal and healing properties. Its wound-healing, tonic, diuretic, laxative, anticonvulsant, vitamin and expectorant effects have been known for a long time. And therefore folk use Nettle for the treatment of many diseases and serious ailments, for example, for the treatment of tuberculosis, hemorrhoids, asthma, heart disease, bronchial asthma, edema, constipation and many other diseases is not so surprising. Especially considering that such beneficial properties of nettle allow it to be used both internally and externally, for example, to heal open wounds, various skin diseases, for bleeding and to strengthen hair.

Use in folk medicine

Nettle is a valuable multivitamin plant and a unique natural concentrate vitamins necessary for our body. In terms of ascorbic acid content, nettle has surpassed not only lemon, but also the seemingly leader in the content of this vitamin – black currant. Nettle can also boast of its high content of carotene, where it was able to outperform sea buckthorn berries, carrots and sorrel, known for their considerable content of this substance.

Along with this, it has been proven that only twenty nettle leaves can provide our body with daily requirement in vitamin A. Plus, it should also be noted that nettle contains a lot of vitamins K, E, B-complex vitamins and many minerals (iron, copper, magnesium, calcium and others). The composition of nettle also includes such important substances as flavonoids, phytoncides, tannins, organic acids, tannins, glycosides and chlorophyll. It is precisely this rich content of nettle, which consists of many biologically active elements, that can explain the very wide range therapeutic, prophylactic and restorative properties of nettle. We should also not forget about such an important effect of nettle as restoration of vital functions. important organs and normalization of the functioning of the human body as a whole.

Organic acids and silicon, which are contained in nettle, determine its beneficial general strengthening effect, allowing our body to increase its resistance to toxins, many bacteria and viruses, and the harmful effects of radiation. In addition, this general strengthening effect of nettle has a beneficial effect on strengthening and enhancing our immunity and can provide our body with a high degree of protection from oxygen deficiency. Nettle also helps improve the flow of almost all energy processes, while having an excellent stimulating effect on protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Thanks to this property of nettle, it is very desirable for various chronic diseases, which are accompanied by a decrease in the overall resistance of the body.

The powerful hemostatic effect of nettle is provided by vitamin K. It also helps to increase blood clotting and gives nettle a good anti-inflammatory effect, which in turn makes it possible to use nettle as a wound healing agent, and both in those cases in which it is necessary to treat external injuries, and in those that relate to internal uterine, renal, pulmonary, intestinal and other types internal bleeding.

Scientists have proven that nettle leaves contain chlorophyll in its pure form, that is, without the admixture of any other pigments. On human body such chlorophyll has a powerful tonic and stimulating effect, that is, this substance helps improve our metabolism, increase the tone of the intestines, respiratory center, tone of the uterus and the entire cardiovascular system. In addition, chlorophyll contained in nettle is able to stimulate epithelization and granulation of affected tissues, while providing the same wound-healing effect of nettle.

Another important substance that is part of nettle is secretin, which normalizes metabolism and stimulates the formation of insulin. This also significantly reduces the amount of sugar in the blood, which for sick people diabetes mellitus is very harmful. That is why this beneficial property of nettle is simply invaluable. Along with this, secretin causes a diuretic and choleretic effect nettles, and this, as you know, good remedy for diseases of the kidneys, liver, gall bladder, and gastrointestinal tract.

Decoctions and infusions

To treat affected areas of the skin, an ointment is used, made from dried and crushed nettle leaves with the addition of annual pepper herb, as well as petroleum jelly, which gives this combination of plants the consistency characteristic of an ointment. The ointment medicine is applied twice a day by applying it directly to the wounds.

To eliminate increased sebum secretion, dandruff, and hair loss during and after washing your hair, it is recommended to rub an infusion prepared from nettle into your head. For such an infusion you will need a tablespoon of nettle leaves, which must be poured with a cup of boiling water, let it brew for an hour and a half, and then strain. This remedy should be used long time once a week.

You can also prepare an excellent vitamin, tonic and metabolism-normalizing (especially for anemia) remedy from nettle. To prepare it, you need to take two tablespoons of its flowers or leaves and pour a cup of boiling water over them. Let it brew for fifteen minutes, then strain and take a glass three times a day (before meals).

For hair growth and strengthening, another infusion of nettle is recommended. You should not only wash your hair with this infusion, but also rub it into the hair roots. We take one hundred grams of crushed nettle leaves, fill them with five hundred grams of vinegar and five hundred grams of water, cook for half an hour, filter and cool. The infusion is ready for use.

Nettle is also used for various washes and compresses. To prepare a remedy for such procedures, you need to take two tablespoons of the crushed plant, pour a cup of boiling water over them, leave for twenty-five minutes, and strain at the end. But in case of scarring of wounds, it is necessary to wash these healing wounds with juice squeezed from nettle leaves.

There are many other recipes for preparing nettle-based infusions and decoctions that are used to treat specific diseases. We have introduced you to more general recipes that are not contraindicated for anyone.

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Nettle is a plant belonging to the flowering genus, nettle family. It has long been known that it contains a large number of vitamin and mineral substances that cause it beneficial effect on the body. The predominance of vitamins in nettle allows its use not only in cosmetology, but also in cooking and cosmetology. To preserve its beneficial effects, it is processed under special conditions according to established rules to preserve the nutrients present in the composition.

Nutritional value of the plant

One hundred grams of the plant contains no more than 42 kcal. The plant is considered a dietary product, also due to its composition. It contains 2.7 g of protein, 7.5 g of carbohydrates, and 0.1 g of fat. dietary fiber– 6.9 g. The remaining components are vitamins and minerals that determine its beneficial properties.

In addition, the plant contains water in the amount of 85 g, fiber - 3.1 g, ash - 2 g. Thanks to the amount of water, the calorie content of the plant is reduced, which allows you to create excellent low-calorie dishes from it, suitable for dietary nutrition. And although many are skeptical about the use of culture in the culinary arts, its inclusion in the diet will only benefit the body.

Vitamin and mineral composition

All vitamins contained in the plant can be divided into the following groups:

Vitamins per 100 grams of productContent
Vitamin A100 mcg
Vitamin B10.03 mg
Vitamin B20.03 mg
Vitamin C10 mg
Vitamin PP0.7 mg
  • A – accelerates bone growth, strengthens teeth, gums, maintains healthy appearance of skin and hair;
  • B6 – normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system, supports protective forces body, takes care of the synthesis of nucleic acids;
  • K – promotes accelerated healing wounds, enhances muscle contractions, takes care of preventing internal bleeding, promotes calcification of bone tissue;
  • thiamine – improves the functioning of the mnestic processes of the brain, promotes better digestion of food, accelerates the growth of the body, normalizes the functioning of the muscular and cardiovascular systems;
  • riboflavin - helps relieve fatigue from the organs of vision, maintains a healthy appearance of the skin, hair, nail plate, promotes accelerated synthesis of hormones;
  • niacin – regulates the functioning of the hematopoietic system, improves the condition of the skin, reduces the risk of developing pellagra and fatty liver;
  • folic acid – supports the body’s defenses, participates in the process of hematopoiesis, improves hair condition;
  • choline – improves sleep, increases appetite, takes care of in good condition skin and hair, reduces cholesterol levels in human genetic material;
  • betaine – improves digestive processes, work of cardio-vascular system, prevents the formation of cancer cells.

The mineral composition of the product is also diverse, which determines its beneficial properties. The main macroelements include:

  • calcium – helps strengthen bone tissue, tooth enamel, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthens the heart muscle;
  • magnesium – normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, relieves sleep disorders, improves appetite, general physical state body;
  • sodium – regulates acid-base balance in the body, normalizes blood pressure;
  • potassium – regulates protein-carbohydrate metabolism, helps normalize muscle activity, removes excess water, eliminating swelling;
  • phosphorus – restores the body after injuries received and suffered surgical interventions, helps improve metabolic processes;
  • chlorine – allows you to maintain osmotic balance, improves the composition of hydrochloric acid gastric juice.

The main microelements include:

  • iron – participates in hematopoiesis processes, saturates tissues and organ cells with oxygen;
  • copper – reduces the risk of anemia;
  • manganese – participates in the process of oxygen saturation of tissues, organs, cells, normalizes the processes of growth and development;
  • selenium – acts as an antioxidant substance, supports thyroid function, reduces the risk of cancer;
  • zinc – eliminates immunodeficiency states, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.

Having learned how to properly prepare nettles, preserving all the vitamins, you can create real culinary masterpieces that are healthy, nutritious, have a unique taste, perfectly quench your thirst and satiate you at any time of the year.

Beneficial features

It is precisely what vitamins and minerals are contained in nettle that determine the benefits of its effects on the human body. So, the beneficial properties of the plant are:

  • reduction of muscle and joint pain;
  • reducing the risk of developing gout;
  • reduction of symptoms of tendonitis, immobile joints;
  • relieving swelling in the area of ​​inflamed tendon and joint joints;
  • rendering mild action diuretic in nature;
  • reducing the risk of anemia;
  • replenishing the body's energy reserves, relieving fatigue;
  • an increase in the amount of milk produced during the lactation period;
  • improvement hormonal levels female representatives;
  • improvement of the condition in the presence of uterine fibroids;
  • reduction in the amount of acne on skin faces;
  • accelerating hair growth, restoring its structure, reducing the risk of developing seborrhea.

In addition to these beneficial properties, the plant has beneficial effects on the digestive organs. It allows you to get rid of nausea in a timely manner and prevent it from turning into vomiting. It can be used as a hemostatic agent for nosebleeds, and as an anti-inflammatory agent for sore throats and infectious diseases. Western scientists have found, for example, that a variety of nettle such as stinging nettle is useful for benign hyperplasia prostate gland, since its composition is similar to chemical preparation used to treat the disease.

Using a wild plant, pain of an arthritic nature goes away, the body’s defenses increase, especially during periods infectious diseases, the risk of developing allergic rhinitis goes away, intestinal motility improves. It also takes care of removing excess uric acid from the body, strengthening the nail plate, hair. It is used as a means to stop the development of fungal diseases, an analgesic, and eliminate the effects of bronchitis and tuberculosis. What can we say about increasing the level of the hormone testosterone in male body, as well as improving the condition of teeth and gums.


Despite the vitamins and minerals that nettle contains, there are certain groups persons who should refrain from using it as a therapeutic and prophylactic in certain situations. These include people suffering from:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerotic pathological conditions;
  • the occurrence of neoplasms such as cysts and tumors;
  • thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  • allergic reactions.

It is extremely important to use the plant and its extracts carefully in childhood up to three years, since the reaction of a small person’s body to use is unknown. It is strictly forbidden to use any derivative substances during lactation and pregnancy. In the first case, again, we're talking about about their impact on the child; in the second, premature birth may be provoked, which will negatively affect the child’s condition.

Reasons why the plant burns

Anyone who has touched a plant at least once knows how strong discomfort from touch. The reason is simple - the plant contains juice, which includes formic acid, histamine and other substances. Injecting such juice under the skin when it touches the plant causes a burning sensation, after which blisters form on the skin for a short time.

They pass quickly, and therefore you should not be afraid of the consequences of such contact. There are more than 40 plant species known in nature and those that can cause damage human health, do not grow in the Russian Federation. They are rarely found outside of it, usually in small quantities. The burning sensation that a person touches nettle leaves is to some extent healing, as it causes the body’s forces to activate, directing them to eliminate negative consequences.

How to properly prepare a plant?

Many people wonder how to cook nettles, preserving everything during cooking. nutrients, contained in it. Experts do not recommend using heat treatment using high temperatures, it is enough to reduce the cooking time to three minutes. If the plant is used as a salad ingredient, it is enough to pour boiling water over it to remove the burning property.

To preserve more vitamin A, the culture must be crushed with your hands when added to salads or use a knife made of ceramics. In order to preserve the nutrients contained in it, when cooking, its addition is delayed until The final stage. Brewing dried leaves allows you to create tea with unique taste properties, which, however, may not be to everyone's taste.

How to collect and dry?

Having learned how to prepare nettles, many wonder how to harvest them correctly. The place where it grows should not be near burial grounds, highways, landfills, or industrial enterprises. It must be clean and environmentally friendly. The right time For collecting nettle stems and leaves, April and all summer months are considered.

It is good to collect leaves and upper tender stems, after wearing gloves. The collected parts of the plant can be dried, pickled, or frozen. Drying is done in a dark, dry place. Dried parts are stored for no more than two years. In order to make pickling, it is enough to take 100 g of salt per kilogram of plant. Finely chopped leaves are mixed with salt, placed in glass jars and tightly closed with lids.

The salted product is stored in a dark, cool place for no more than one month. To freeze the leaves and stems, they must be washed well, chopped finely, placed in plastic bags, and then placed in the freezer. This product is used over the next year, until a new harvest of the flowering plant is harvested. When dealing with blanks, it is worth remembering that only those collected in clean place leaves will contain a large amount of nutrients.

Useful properties of nettle

Everyone is familiar with nettles firsthand. There is no such person who, at least once in his life, has not been stung by the burning leaves of this well-known plant. Nettle grows in vegetable gardens, parks, gardens, and forests. In the spring, it is one of the first to pull its leaves towards the sun, and in the fall it does not fade longer than other plants. In appearance, nettle is not particularly beautiful, even during the flowering period, but first of all we consider its beneficial properties, not its beauty.
Gardeners and gardeners mercilessly pull out nettles all season long, without thinking that this plant is a storehouse of vitamins necessary for the body.
Vitamins contained in nettle
Nettle contains such essential microelements like iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, barium, chromium, copper, and it also contains vitamin C, and nettle contains almost 2 times more of it than lemons, which we buy mainly because the presence of this particular vitamin. But the main value of nettle is the presence of vitamin K in its leaves, which is necessary for the treatment and prevention of many blood diseases. Rarely any plants can boast of the presence of vitamin K in their composition, so you should not mercilessly pull out nettles, it is better to collect it and keep it in your home medicine cabinet, but we will talk about this a little later. Nettle contains organic acids that help strengthen the body after many diseases, and also help boost immunity. In addition, nettle is useful for those who have poor eyesight, as it contains carotenes. Regular consumption of nettle improves heart function and stimulates metabolism.

Nettle in cooking
For many residents of megacities, eating nettle is something exotic. But our ancestors, knowing about the beneficial properties of nettle, ate it regularly. At the end of April, or at the beginning of May, as soon as the first young shoots of nettle turn green in the thawed patches, from this useful plant you can cook very tasty and healthy soup. And it doesn’t matter whether the soup is lean or with the addition of meat products, the main thing is to correctly collect and process the nettles.
Probably everyone knows that you can collect plants for food only in the forest, or in the garden, away from roads. Since nettle is a stinging plant, it is best to collect it while wearing thick rubber gloves.
Before cooking, nettles must be scalded with boiling water so that they no longer sting your hands. After this, separate the nettle leaves from the stem and crumble them. Nettle cooks quickly, so when preparing soup it is added 6 - 8 minutes before the end of cooking.
If you have never cooked nettle soup, then try cooking it at least once, perhaps it will become one of your favorites.

How else are nettles used in food?
Nettle tea that you can drink is very useful for many diseases all year round(of course, provided that you prepare this useful plant for future use). For this purpose they collect top part plants before the nettles bloom. Like all herbs and berries, nettles need to be dried in the shade, in a well-ventilated area.

After the nettle is completely dry, I separate the leaves from the stems and store them in plastic bags.
To prepare nettle tea, take one tablespoon of crushed nettle leaves, add a glass of water and bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, immediately turn it off, cover with a lid and let it brew for 20 minutes.
To strengthen the immune system, it is very good to brew nettle leaves in half with rose hips. The result is a delicious and very vitamin-rich tea.
Some national cuisines have recipes for preparing salads using nettles, also previously scalded with boiling water.

Nettle in medicine and cosmetology
Thanks to great content vitamins and useful substances nettle is included in many drugs needed as a hemostatic agent for renal, pulmonary and intestinal bleeding. A strong infusion of nettle leaves is excellent in treating festering wounds and ulcers.
In cosmetology, nettle decoction is used as an excellent hair care product. If you rinse your hair with this decoction after washing, it will be soft and shiny. And by adding vinegar to the nettle decoction you will get excellent remedy against dandruff, which must be rubbed into the scalp when used.

This is such a helper, an inconspicuous-looking nettle, which many try to exterminate from their garden plot. I will be very glad if, after reading my topic, you decide to use this prickly vitamin herb for the benefit of your body. After all, very soon many will go to their gardens, and before you destroy nettles, remember its beneficial properties.

Nettle is known not only for its burning disposition, but also for its beneficial properties. medicinal properties. Our grandmothers also made tinctures and decoctions from nettle, dried it and even applied it to sore spots. Even from Chinese white nettle made sails! Nowadays, more and more often in pharmacies you can find medicines based on the extract of this useful plant. However, you can not only make medicine from nettle, but also cook it, eat it as a perfect regular product nutrition. In addition to nettle soup, which many tried in childhood, you can add this plant to salads, omelettes, stew with other vegetables, and even make a seasoning from nettles! At the same time, the beneficial properties of nettle can be obtained not from bitter and often tasteless medicines, but from tasty and healthy dishes. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of nettle, this is undeserved forgotten product nutrition.

Why do nettles sting?

Nettle is a genus of flowering plants in the nettle family. Everyone known property nettle - painful burning of the skin appears in the plant due to the barely noticeable burning hairs that cover the stems and leaves of nettle. Scientists believe that nettles need these hairs in order to protect themselves from herbivores that want to feast on juicy nettles. Surprisingly, the feeling of a burn on the skin when touching nettle is deceptive. Each nettle hair is a large cell, the tip of which protrudes noticeably beyond the surface of the plant. Upon contact with skin or other surfaces, the tip breaks, digs into the skin and releases its juice into it, which includes histamine, formic acid and other substances. It is thanks to the juice that we feel the burn on our skin. However, a person should not avoid this medicinal plant. Firstly, the beneficial properties of nettle are several times greater than the unpleasant sensations, and secondly, Nettle burns are quite harmless! Nettle has more than 40 species, and only some of them can seriously harm humans. Fortunately, in our area the chance of meeting them is close to zero.

Composition of nettle

A huge number of properties of nettle cannot but arouse interest: what are the benefits of nettle? As in most cases, the reason medicinal benefits nettle are the substances included in its composition.

Composition of nettle(per 100 g)

  • Proteins – 3.7 g
  • Carbohydrates – 5.4 g
  • Fats – 0.5 g
  • Water – 85 g
  • Fiber – 3.1 g
  • Ash – 2 g


  • Vitamin A – 1.15 mg
  • Vitamin B1 – 0.2 mg
  • Vitamin B2 - 0.16 mg
  • Vitamin B4 – 17.4 mg
  • Vitamin B5 – 0.3 mg
  • Vitamin B6 – 0.1 mg
  • Vitamin B9 – 30 mcg
  • Vitamin C – 333 mg
  • Vitamin K – 498.6 mcg
  • Vitamin E – 0.8 mg
  • Vitamin H – 0.5 mcg
  • Niacin – 0.39 mg


  • Calcium - 481 mg
  • Potassium – 334 mg
  • Magnesium - 57 mg
  • Sodium - 80 mg
  • Phosphorus - 71 mg
  • Chlorine – 150 mg


  • Iron – 1.64 mg
  • Copper – 76 mcg
  • Manganese – 779 mcg
  • Selenium - 0.3 mcg
  • Zinc – 0.34 mg

Calorie content - about 42 kcal.

Such a large number of vitamins and minerals that make up nettle makes it one of the most useful medicinal herbs. In addition to the fact that nettle contains a very wide variety of vitamins, which can rarely be found even in the most healthy vegetables and herbs, the concentration of these vitamins is also very high! For example, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) there is much more in nettle than in, and vitamin A more than in spinach. In addition to the main group of vitamins, nettle contains vitamin E, necessary for people suffering from arthritis. It will improve the condition of the body and significantly relieve pain. Vitamin H participates in the functioning of the liver and nervous system, and vitamin K promotes blood clotting, can prevent osteoporosis and protects the heart.

In addition to vitamins, the beneficial properties of nettle are due to high content it contains calcium, magnesium and other elements necessary for the body. Among other things, nettle contains organic acids and silicon, which make nettle an excellent strengthening agent. Regular intake of nettle will help you strengthen your bones, increase your body's resistance to viruses and diseases, and help your body get rid of lack of oxygen in the blood.

Like all green plants, nettle contains chlorophyll However, unlike other plants, the chlorophyll in nettles is without any admixture of other pigments. In combination with a special substance, secretin, nettle becomes an excellent medicine for any intestinal and digestive system disorders. Nettle strengthens the intestines, increases its tone, speeds up metabolism and even helps with diabetes.

Beneficial properties of nettle and its use

Before talking about the benefits of nettle and its use, it is worth saying a few words about how nettle can be prepared. There is nothing complicated here. For consumption, it is best to take young nettle leaves; they do not have a bitter taste, are less harsh and do not accumulate nitrates. To prevent nettle from burning your tongue and internal organs, just scald it with boiling water. If you want to add nettle to a salad or other fresh food dishes, then simply rinse the plant well, but if you are making, for example, nettle pie filling, then the plant can be boiled in salt water. In all other respects, nettle is not much different from, for example, spinach.

In the old days, from a variety of Chinese nettle (Bomeria snow-white) they produced strong sailing fabric. Nowadays, nettle is used to produce delicate fabric, the quality of which is no worse than silk, and luxury clothing (wool or cotton with the addition of nettle), which is highly wear-resistant, does not stretch and does not lose color.

Let's return to the medicinal properties. Nettle can be used both externally and internally. Nettle perfectly helps to cope with skin rashes, small wounds and other external damage. Nettle is often used by those who have hair problems. Nettle decoction strengthens hair follicles, heals the hair itself and heals damaged scalp, resulting in hair that begins to grow better and faster and becomes healthier and shinier. Nettle will also help with dandruff and increased sebum secretion, so if you have any problems with your hair, nettle will certainly relieve you of them.

As for internal use, the benefits of nettle are much more significant. First of all, as mentioned above, nettle promotes blood clotting and helps the heart function. A nettle compress can also be applied to wounds to stop bleeding. Nettle will also help with acute gastritis, constipation and other diseases of the intestinal tract and digestive system, moreover, it has a beneficial effect on genitourinary system: helps with urolithiasis and is extremely useful for men, as it prevents the risk of many diseases. Doctors also use the beneficial properties of nettle for hemorrhoids.

Nettle is also useful for the female body. Nettle tea or decoction will relieve pain during menstruation, help get rid of excessive bleeding, while acting very delicately, which is extremely important. Nettle is also useful for nursing mothers; it helps improve the quality of milk and strengthen the baby’s body. However, it is worth remembering that during pregnancy and breastfeeding, if you want to regularly eat dishes with nettles, You should definitely consult your doctor, since excessive consumption can cause excessive muscle contraction and even spasms.

The article describes only a small part of the properties of this wonderful plant! If you are seriously planning to introduce this plant into your diet, take a large reference book on medicinal herbs and read it carefully, studying the beneficial properties of nettle will take you more than one day. In any case, do not forget that in addition to its benefits, nettle is also extremely tasty if prepared correctly!

Svetlana Shakhova