Treatment of chronic cough in adults with folk remedies. How to treat an old cough in an adult with folk remedies? How to treat bronchitis in adults

Everyone gets asthma large quantity of people. This is associated with poor ecology, constant contact with various allergens and hereditary factors. Unambiguously answer the question of how it begins bronchial asthma, no possibility. After all, an illness can be a consequence of a chronic disease.

Previously, bronchial asthma was considered a childhood pathology, but in recent decades the situation has changed and among the patients there are more and more adults who notice the symptoms of the onset of the disease late.

At the same time, signs of incipient bronchial asthma in an adult can appear at any age. Women and people prone to various allergic manifestations suffer more from bronchial asthma in adulthood.

Signs of incipient asthma do not cause concern for the patient or his loved ones, so very often people turn to specialists when the disease is already advanced stage, which makes the therapy process very long. In addition, treatment of symptoms of an advanced disease, both in adults and children, involves a doctor’s prescription large quantity medicines.

IN medical practice Occupational and household forms of the disease are becoming increasingly common. Professional uniform begins to emerge under certain conditions in the workplace. For example, work involving heavy metals, chemicals, or household work manifests itself as a reaction to pet hair or tobacco smoke. Due to the fact that bronchial asthma is a bronchopulmonary pathology, it begins in the following cases:

  1. For swelling or inflammation in the respiratory tract.
  2. If a lot of mucus has formed in the respiratory tract.
  3. If the respiratory tract has become too narrow, as a result of contraction or compression of the surrounding tissues.

You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead healthy image life and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people; if forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing your hands and face, clearing your respiratory tract).

  • It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, Gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, be in nature as often as possible and fresh air. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations; it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in advanced stages. Avoid emotional and physical overload; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.

  • It's time to sound the alarm!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by such specialists as a therapist and pulmonologist, you need to take radical measures otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors' recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and make contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immune system, spend time in the fresh air as often as possible. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate all aggressive products from everyday use and replace them with natural ones. natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.

  • A constant cough creates inconvenience not only for the person himself, but also for the people around him. Not only does it not look aesthetically pleasing, but it also disturbs others. It’s good if the nature of the cough is non-infectious. And if this is not the case, then the person becomes a source of spread of infection - after all, infected saliva with a strong cough scatters over a distance of up to 5 meters. How to cure an old cough in an adult?

    TEST: Why do you have a cough?

    How long have you been coughing?

    Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

    The cough can be described as:

    You characterize the cough as:

    Can you tell that the cough is deep (to understand this, take more air into your lungs and cough)?

    During a coughing attack, you feel pain in the abdomen and/or chest (pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

    Do you smoke?

    Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during a cough (it doesn’t matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She:

    Do you feel dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the center of pain is in the lung itself)?

    Are you worried about shortness of breath (during physical activity, you quickly become out of breath and get tired, your breathing becomes faster, followed by a lack of air)?

    Chronic or residual?

    First of all, you need to stop deceiving yourself and calling things by their proper names. The term “chronic cough” does not exist in official medicine. If it lasts longer than two weeks after recovery, it is a residual cough, longer than a month– chronic. And the sooner you pay attention to it and realize that there is a real problem, and not just a cough that “lingered” after an illness, the faster you will get rid of it.

    A residual cough really does not require treatment, since this is a reflex act of cleansing the body of the remnants of accumulated mucus. Normally, it lasts up to 2-3 weeks after completion of the course of treatment. It is not accompanied by severe attacks or symptoms common to respiratory diseases: runny nose, fever, weakness. Day by day it becomes weaker, less frequent and gradually finally passes.

    Chronic cough is a completely different matter. It may even disappear completely for a while, depending on the type of disease that provokes it, but then it returns again, and the attack flares up in full force. It is often accompanied by clearly defined symptoms:

    • constantly stuffy nose;
    • mucus flowing down the back wall of the larynx;
    • shortness of breath after attacks or aerobic exercise;
    • heartburn, sour belching, bad smell from mouth;
    • persistent bitter taste;
    • yellow or green color mucus;
    • increased body temperature;
    • traces of blood in expectorated sputum.

    Depending on the cause, one or more of the symptoms listed above may be present. But each of them indicates that not everything is in order in the body and cough treatment must begin with a diagnostic examination.

    Main reasons

    Sometimes test results reveal that the cough has allergic or non-infectious causes. But in most cases, it turns out that an infection is constantly present in the body. This happens when a cold cough is left unattended or the treatment provided is ineffective. The remaining foci of infection provoke sluggish inflammatory processes, one of the symptoms is cough.

    Other causes of persistent cough may include:

    In general, the causes of persistent cough are so varied that only an experienced doctor can understand them. Often, consultation with a therapist is not enough; you have to involve specialized specialists: a pulmonologist, an allergist, an oncologist, etc. And the ways to cure an old cough directly depend on the diagnosis.

    Folk remedies

    Quickly remove residual cough and proven folk methods will help to cure bronchitis. They give good effect to relieve a smoker's dry cough or persistent irritation of the larynx. However, if there is chronic foci infection, such treatment will again only give temporary results.

    Herbal teas and rinses have a good effect. They flush out mucus, have an anti-inflammatory effect and saturate the body with minerals and trace elements. They can also be used for steam inhalations, which perfectly moisturize the mucous membranes, dilate the bronchi, and promote the removal of mucus.

    Intensive therapy

    If from use folk ways an old cough does not go away, more intensive treatment is necessary. If it is infectious in nature, you will most likely need a course of antibacterial drugs, which should be prescribed by a doctor based on diagnostic data. If there is no infection in the body, then additional physiotherapeutic procedures can be added.

    Drainage massage helps remove mucus accumulations well. It is done with intense beating movements, with the help of which phlegm is literally “shaken out” from the body. It is advisable to have it performed by a specialist. After the first sessions or during them, there may be severe attacks coughing is normal, this is how the process of active cleansing begins. During a massage course, under no circumstances should you use antitussive medications.

    Trituration chest before bedtime serves as an excellent prevention for night cough attacks. For it you can use vodka, alcoholic tinctures of herbs, camphor oil, turpentine, goose or badger fat. There is no need to rub in these substances. Rubbing is done with intense stroking movements until the skin becomes slightly red. Afterwards, you need to insulate your chest with a terry towel or woolen scarf folded several times and then stay in bed. To fall asleep faster, you can drink warm milk prepared as described above.

    For more intense heating, you can make a compress or put a honey cake on your chest. The compress is left for two to three hours and applied so as not to touch the area where the heart is projected. Vodka, alcohol tinctures are good for him, mashed potatoes. One of the options is paraffin therapy. But remember that with elevated body temperature, purulent discharge, pulmonary hemorrhages, the drug is strictly contraindicated.

    Soften cough and facilitate sputum discharge pharmaceutical drugs: syrups and tablets, many of which are made from plant based and also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

    The most effective: “Lazolvan”, “Ambroxol”, “Bromhexine”, “Bronholitin”, “Gerbion”, “Plantain syrup”. Along with them, the use of drugs that suppress the cough reflex “Sinecod”, “Codeine”, etc. is completely excluded. And in general, antitussive drugs do not treat cough, but only eliminate it as a symptom, so it is advisable to use them only during painful attacks and as prescribed by a doctor .

    It is better to decide with your doctor how to treat an old cough. It often happens that after self-medication it goes away - you manage to remove the symptoms, but the underlying disease remains and you have to start all over again.

    Therefore, if the cough does not go away for a month or longer, you need to go to diagnostic examination and look for a hidden cause, without waiting for complications to appear and the development of a serious chronic disease.

    A cough is not a simple “trouble” that prevents a person from living a normal life, but is quite expedient physiological process. When you cough, sputum containing germs and foreign matter is expelled from the respiratory tract. But when the cough continues long time, is unproductive and exhausts a person, leading to physical and psychological discomfort, it needs to be treated.

    You will need

    1. - milk;
    2. - drinking soda;
    3. - decoctions of wild rosemary, coltsfoot, elecampane;
    4. - plantain juice;
    5. - a mixture of radish juice and honey;
    6. - honey;
    7. - aloe juice;
    8. - butter;
    9. - onion;
    10. - garlic.


    1. Since a dry cough is only a symptom of a disease, you need to get rid of the cause that causes it. To do this, you need to see a doctor so that he can establish a diagnosis and prescribe correct treatment.
    2. Medicines, physiotherapeutic procedures, massages, inhalations and other methods are used to treat cough. traditional medicine. If the cough is a consequence of ARVI, you can give the patient hot milk with a small amount of baking soda. This remedy will make dry cough productive. For the same purpose, decoctions of wild rosemary, coltsfoot, elecampane, plantain juice, and a mixture of radish juice and honey are used.
    3. For old coughs, inhalations of the upper respiratory tract help well. In addition to the above-mentioned herbs, you can use a solution of baking soda or alkaline mineral water for inhalation. Such inhalations are especially effective for dry, exhausting cough in children. But it should be remembered that for children they are made not with boiling water, but with hot water.
    4. A good folk remedy for getting rid of dry cough is a mixture of 200 g honey, 200 g butter and 100 g of aloe juice. These components are mixed until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained and one teaspoon is eaten throughout the day, trying to dissolve it in the mouth.
    5. You can use onions and garlic to fight cough. 10 onions and 1 head of garlic are crushed and boiled in 1 liter of milk until they soften. Then add honey to taste. Take the product during the day, 1 tablespoon every hour.
    6. Dry figs with nuts and almonds help well with chronic cough - both tasty and healthy.
    7. For dry coughs in adults and children, you can do a light chest massage. The movements should be tapping and patting.
    8. With any type of treatment, it should be remembered that a dry cough is often caused by low air humidity in the room. Therefore, during the heating season, the air in the rooms must be humidified. The simplest remedy is a wet terry towel hung on the heating radiator.

    How to treat cough in adults

    People breathe air filled with various particles. The human body tries to neutralize irritating factors. He does this by coughing. Reflex exhalations and air expelled from the lungs clear the larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchi and other respiratory organs of “garbage”. After quickly getting rid of irritating factor the tremors are no longer repeated. In this case we're talking about O natural reaction organism, which is not evidence of the presence of any pathology.

    If the attacks are frequent, prolonged, or any other symptoms are added to them, then speech it's already underway about the disease. In this case, it is necessary to begin immediate treatment of cough in adults. Plays a huge role in the success of such a process timely appeal to the doctor.

    When is it necessary to treat cough in adults?

    Delay in starting cough treatment is extremely undesirable and dangerous. There are symptoms that accompany it, in which a visit to the doctor should not be postponed even for one day. The main ones are:

    If you experience a cough accompanied by one of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor immediately.

    Determination of cough treatment methods in adults

    To identify ways to help combat the disease as effectively as possible, a specialist examines the patient. The doctor determines how to cure a cough:

    • Records the nature of sharp reflex exhalations.
    • Determines the cause of their occurrence.
    • Prescribes methods to combat the disease, taking into account: diagnosis, clinical manifestations symptoms, individual characteristics of the patient, properties of drugs.

    The main thing in the fight against a disease is that the cause that causes it is treated, and not just the symptom itself. The doctor selects an individual set of the most effective methods for each patient.

    Treatment of cough in adults with medication

    To combat various types cough are prescribed different drugs. For successful treatment phenomena caused by acute respiratory infections or colds, unproductive reflex exhalations without sputum production must be transformed into wet ones. For this purpose, antitussive drugs are taken:

    • Plantain syrup.
    • Oxeladine.
    • Butamirat.
    • Tusuprex.
    • Bronholitin.

    After the cough in adults becomes wet, medications are prescribed to ensure the removal of sputum from the respiratory tract:

    • Mucolytic (bromhexine, mucopront, acetylcysteine, fluimucil, ambroxol).
    • Expectorants (hexapneumin, primrose syrup).

    If the patient has pneumonia or bronchitis, treatment is carried out with antibiotics. They help suppress microbial activity.

    Application antibacterial agents for asthma and COPD it is used in complex therapy with other drugs and is rare. If reflex shocks of the diaphragm are caused by tracheitis, whooping cough or asthma, then steroids are used more.

    Medications should not be self-prescribed. All of them should be taken only after consultation with a doctor.

    Treatment of cough in adults with homeopathic remedies

    Preparations containing plant components are auxiliary in the treatment of cough. They cannot independently defeat the disease that causes such a symptom, but they are excellent additional method, helping to increase the body's immunity.

    There is a lot about treatment with these drugs. positive feedback. However, although they are based on herbal ingredients, are still medications, so they cannot be taken uncontrollably. Only a doctor can prescribe such drugs.

    Treatment of cough in adults using traditional methods

    If the fight against a disease for any reason should be carried out with minimal use medicines, then doctors recommend doing various inhalations, rub the patient, apply compresses, and use herbs and mixtures. These methods perfectly help fight pathology.

    For compresses and rubbing, products such as:

    • Badger, goose, bear fat.
    • Vodka.
    • Potato.
    • Essential oils.

    If you make decoctions or tinctures from herbs, you must remember that the proportions in the recipes cannot be changed, because some of the plants can be poisonous in large doses. The most commonly used components are:

    Milk, bananas, and onions are excellent in treating illness.

    For inhalations, boiled potatoes, eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender, cedar essential oils, and baking soda are widely used.

    A lot of recipes for treatment using traditional medicine can be found on thematic forums.

    Features of cough treatment in children

    If a cough is noticed in a child, it is necessary to carefully monitor him. At the first suspicion of any disease, you should consult a doctor and get a diagram adequate treatment. We must not forget that the dosage of medications for children differs from that for adults and is half.

    Very important for get well soon, along with taking medications and using prescribed methods to combat the disease, create a suitable regimen for the child:

    When dealing with any type of cough, there are several ways to reduce the suffering and discomfort caused by its manifestations. The main ones:

    • Quit smoking, including passive smoking.
    • Ventilate the room more often.
    • Humidify the air.
    • Maintain the room temperature at about 20 degrees.
    • Drink plenty of fluids, preferably warm.
    • Suck special lollipops.
    • Gargle.
    • Patients with chronic respiratory diseases should try to spend more time in areas with clean air.

    If you do not delay visiting a doctor and strictly follow all the recommendations prescribed by the specialist, then you can cope with a cough quite quickly and successfully.

    Treatment of old and chronic cough

    The question of how to treat an old cough is often of interest to those who have this unpleasant symptom observed for one or several weeks. It is this period of time that is considered sufficient to consider it obsolete. Launch this disease in no case should it be used, as it can cause tissue deformation, which gradually leads to the development of tumors. However, there is no need to panic if the illness lasts 7 days. But you should definitely go to the doctor. It is he who will tell you how to cure an old cough.

    I've been coughing for a week now, what should I do to treat it?

    There are two methods of treating this disease:

    Treatment of old chronic cough

    A symptom that lasts more than three weeks is considered chronic. It can be a consequence of serious diseases such as bronchitis or pneumonia. In this case, the patient mandatory Antibiotics are prescribed, as well as medications (syrups, tablets, inhalations) that dilute and remove phlegm from the bronchi and lungs. Often such ailments require inpatient treatment. Bronchial asthma or gastroesophageal reflux are also often accompanied by a chronic cough. The first is treated with inhalers, as well as hormonal drugs, which are used as injections. Gastroesophageal reflux requires taking medications that reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

    Chronic cough can also be a consequence of diseases of cardio-vascular system. In this case, the patient needs to undergo a heart examination, as a result of which the cardiologist identifies the pathology that caused it and prescribes treatment.

    Folk remedies for cough, bronchitis and tracheitis

    With the onset of the first cold weather, the number of people suffering from colds. Frequent companions ARVI is an inflammation of the upper respiratory tract that causes a debilitating cough, which is very difficult to cope with. There is a whole arsenal medications aimed at fighting colds. However, their use is not always possible. Then folk remedies for cough, bronchitis and tracheitis come to the rescue. The most popular are herbal decoctions, honey and inhalations. They help cope with the disease without causing harm to the body.

    Benefits of traditional methods of treatment

    During its existence, traditional medicine has included great amount treatment methods. Each of them, before reaching us, has been tested for more than one generation. The effectiveness of using folk remedies for cough, bronchitis and tracheitis has been confirmed by recognition official medicine. Herbal infusions are prescribed as part of complex therapy in parallel with antibiotics, and are sometimes used as an independent remedy for the treatment of illness. This is explained by the presence of advantages traditional methods before medications, among them:

    • Environmental Safety.
    • Mild effect on the body as a whole.
    • Long-term performance testing.
    • Possibility to combine several treatment methods.
    • Minimal number of contraindications.
    • No addiction.
    • Minimal likelihood of side effects.
    • Fortification of the body and strengthening of the immune system.

    The most effective folk remedies for coughs

    How to get rid of a cough? There is a huge arsenal of folk remedies that help defeat the disease. An important condition the effectiveness of their use is to determine the characteristics of the disease. The cough can be morning, night, dry, with sputum, constant or intermittent. In addition, when choosing a remedy, it is necessary to take into account the age of the patient. The approach to treating infants requires special attention. Let's look at effective folk remedies for severe cough, bronchitis and tracheitis:

    For adults

    How to quickly cure an adult? Folk remedies for cough, acute bronchitis and tracheitis in adults include decoctions, infusions from herbal raw materials, applications and inhalations. Chronic bronchitis treatment with folk remedies:

    • Goose fat for oral administration. Helps cure dry, scratchy cough. Main action goose fat consists in liquefying sputum, removing it from the lungs. To make the drug, poultry fat is used, which is melted by overcooking. To cure prolonged cough, drink one tablespoon of fat in the morning on an empty stomach. Relief occurs on the second day. It is possible to completely get rid of a prolonged cough within 7 days of treatment with fat.

    • Milk, honey, onion and garlic. A decoction prepared using these ingredients helps with severe wet cough, relieves wheezing. To get the medicine, take half a liter of milk, boil three pre-chopped onions and a head of garlic in it for 10 minutes. After this, let it cool slightly and pour the entire contents into a blender, where it is ground to a pulp. Then add a couple of tablespoons of honey, preferably linden honey. Drink this cough medicine at least 5 times a day after warming it up a little. Relief occurs after the first dose.
    • Bogorodskaya herb (thyme). This aromatic plant helps against chronic dry cough, including smoker's cough. A very good expectorant folk remedy. A decoction is prepared from 250 ml of water and one tablespoon of dry herbs. The herb is added to cold water, brought to a boil and simmered for 5 minutes. The broth must be filtered. Adults drink the product warm instead of tea. Children are given 1/3 glass in the morning and evening. Taking a cough decoction will thin the mucus, which helps cleanse the lungs even of tobacco products. You need to take the medicine for at least two weeks.
    • Potato. This vegetable is used to make an effective application that helps to cope with an old cough. To do this, take 2-3 potatoes, peel them and boil them. Without allowing it to cool, knead the finished potatoes and place them in a plastic bag. A cotton napkin is placed on the patient’s back, on top of which a bag of puree is placed. It is necessary to check whether the compress is too hot before applying it. Cover with a blanket on top. Keep the cough application until the potatoes have cooled.

    For children

    Children's coughs are more difficult to cure, if only because they are more difficult to clear Airways from phlegm. But there are a number of folk remedies that treat even a persistent cough in a child. Dr. Komarovsky suggests easing it by thinning the sputum. For this purpose, the doctor recommends using folk remedies to treat cough in children. Among them, the following methods stand out for their effectiveness and ease of use:

    • Eggs, milk, honey. Using these ingredients, a sweet mixture is prepared that will quickly cure a mild cough. To prepare the product, take a glass of boiled milk, add 30 g of honey and butter. Let's beat separately egg yolk, put it in milk. It is better to take this medicine at night.

    • Onions, sugar. Sweet syrup made from these ingredients weakens coughing. For it you need 2 onions, a liter of water and a glass of sugar. The washed onions are dipped into boiling water with sugar dissolved in it and simmered for about an hour. Then the syrup is drained. Children are given one tablespoon of warm medicine every three to four hours.
    • Honey, cabbage. These products are used to make a cough application on the chest. The product is very effective, relief occurs the next day after the first procedure. To prepare you will need one cabbage leaf and a couple of spoons of honey. The leaf is smeared with honey and applied to the chest. The cough application is kept on all night. In the morning, remove the cabbage leaf that has become limp. Honey is completely absorbed into the patient's skin. Before using folk remedies for cough, bronchitis and tracheitis, it is necessary to measure the temperature; if it is above 37.5 degrees, it is better to postpone the procedure.

    Recipes for treating bronchitis at home

    Bronchitis – serious illness, starting as simple cold, which results in inflammation of the bronchi. The disease is accompanied by hard breathing, first a dry cough, then a wet, sometimes almost squelching cough. Patients develop fever and chest pain when coughing. Chronic bronchitis symptoms can only be diagnosed by a doctor. The presence of this form of the disease is indicated by thickening of the walls of the bronchi. Treating the disease is more difficult and you cannot do without folk remedies. The causes of bronchitis are common seasonal infections.

    If a child gets sick, how to treat bronchitis in children? In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor. Signs of bronchitis in a child do not appear immediately. It may take about a week from the moment of illness. In such cases great importance acquires the removal of sputum. IN otherwise a possible complication in the form of bronchopneumonia, the treatment of which is carried out only in a hospital setting. We offer the most effective, easy ways to treat bronchitis:

    • Black radish. The juice of this root vegetable will help cope with acute bronchitis. To do this, you need a couple of vegetables that are thoroughly washed. Using a knife, cut off the cap of each root vegetable and scoop out the pulp in the form of a funnel. Only a small puncture is made in the lower part. Take a tea cup and put a radish in it. Place a teaspoon of honey into the resulting funnel. From below, through the puncture, after about 30 minutes, sweet juice begins to drip. Give it a tablespoon 5 times a day. This syrup is used for dry cough. Relief of bronchitis symptoms occurs on the third day.
    • Ginger. This miracle root has antiseptic, expectorant, bactericidal effect, copes with heavy cough, relieves bronchospasms. Can be used as a prophylaxis against pneumonia and bronchitis. To prepare the medicine you will need one teaspoon each of lemon juice, ginger and honey, and 0.5 cups of boiling water. The juices are mixed, honey is added. Let the mixture stand and pour boiling water over it. Cover the container with something warm and let it sit for another 10 minutes. You need to drink the medicine for bronchitis one teaspoon at a time. every 30 minutes.
    • Badger fat. A strong remedy for atrophic and obstructive bronchitis. Drink cough fat undiluted, one tablespoon in the morning. The product helps restore the bronchial epithelium. You can drink not only at the time of exacerbation of the disease, but also for prevention in the autumn-winter period. It is not recommended to give this remedy for bronchitis to children: it can provoke a severe allergic reaction.

    How to treat tracheitis with folk remedies

    Tracheitis is a cold that often takes a chronic form. Accompanies ARVI, sinusitis, bronchitis. More often it affects women and children. It is characterized by a sore throat, a dry “barking” cough, and a change in voice during the illness. How to treat tracheitis? Traditional medicine offers a lot of easy ways to get rid of this problem. The most effective are the following:

    • Birch tar. This ingredient is used to make strong remedy From cough. To do this, take 1 fly in the ointment and dilute it with 8 spoons boiled water. Stir and leave for two days. Then remove the film from the surface of the liquid, pour it into another container and put it in the refrigerator. You need to drink this remedy one spoon at night. In the morning, gargle with tar water. To cure a severe cough, three procedures are enough.
    • Cacao butter. This product helps cure tracheitis, dry, hard cough and bronchitis. The chocolate aroma of the oil allows the medicine to be used in the treatment of children. To do this, mix the oil with hot milk in proportions of 1:30 and drink. Take no more than 100 ml of the drug at a time. Allowed to be consumed 3 times a day.

    Video: inhalations that soften cough

    How to cure a cough? For colds accompanied by a runny nose and cough, inhalations are used. This procedure helps reduce the viscosity of sputum and mucus in the nasopharynx and removes them from the body. For it you will need an inhaler, herbal decoctions (sage, calendula, eucalyptus, chamomile), soda, iodine, Borjomi mineral water, Fresh Juice onions and garlic. In some cases, for severe coughs, combinations of the listed ingredients are used. For the procedure to work, follow some rules, which you will learn about in the following video:

    Feedback on results after treatment

    Alisa, 34 years old: I am a teacher, and I, like many teachers, have weak vocal cords. On top of that, during the peak of the infection, when all the children are sick, I get infected from them and suffer from tracheitis for a long time. The only salvation for me was inhalation with mineral water. They soften the throat, relieve dryness and help quickly get rid of cough with phlegm. In addition to inhalations I do castor compress at night, which helps me cope with the illness without sick leave.

    Oksana, 24 years old: I have a little son. He's 2 years old. He gets sick very often. A cake made from honey, mustard and flour helps us cope with a cough. I take all the ingredients in equal proportions and mix. To avoid irritation, I lubricate the skin with baby cream. I put the flatbread on the back, put a diaper on top and wrap it up. I leave it on for three to four hours and take it off. The cough goes away completely within a week.

    Victor, 48 years old: I have chronic bronchitis. But I haven’t thought about it for several years now thanks to badger fat. I drink this folk remedy in the fall every year, a teaspoon before breakfast. I use a half liter jar for the course. A very tasteless medicine with a peculiar smell, but it saved me from coughing forever. When it’s completely unbearable, I add honey. This remedy is not suitable for everyone. My wife has a diseased liver and cannot drink it.

    How to treat (stop) cough in adults

    Every person has encountered such a common symptom as cough. This reflex act is very multifaceted, and it is quite difficult to treat it correctly. In some cases, an experienced physician can make an accurate diagnosis during the first visit to a patient, only based on an examination of the person and his story about the onset and course of the disease. However, not all illnesses are so easily identified.

    Pneumonia is a particular difficulty in diagnosing and treating cough in adults. The thing is that pneumonia can be caused by a large number of different pathogens. Therefore, to establish accurate diagnosis It is imperative to carry out a complete biochemical examination of sputum, in addition, you need to do a sputum analysis and x-ray. The danger of making an inaccurate diagnosis is that if an antibiotic of the wrong group is prescribed, inflammation of the pleura may begin or the disease may become chronic.

    Determining the nature of cough in an adult

    The first thing that needs to be determined is whether the reflex act is caused by colds, bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, or whether it has a completely different origin. The following symptoms are typical for ailments caused by viruses and bacteria:

    How to stop an adult's cough

    The choice of medications that can relieve cough in an adult directly depends on the nature of its occurrence. If we are talking about bacterial infection, the prescription of broad-spectrum antibiotics is a necessity that should not be abandoned under any circumstances. If the disease is viral in nature, medications such as interferon, amizon, etc. are taken. Antibiotics are prescribed only in cases where the disease becomes severe and complications appear, such as pneumonia or obstructive bronchitis. To cure a reflex act, you will need not only tablets, but also special procedures.

    How to calm a cough in adults

    The following activities will help adults with cough:

    • Paraffin applications.
    • Mustard plasters.
    • Inhalations. To calm an adult's cough, you can use special devices nebulizers.

    However, these procedures should be used in combination with drug therapy, as well as folk remedies.

    To treat wet cough in adults, you can use drugs that help reduce the viscosity of sputum. At the same time, it will increase in volume, but it will come off much easier. Abundant amounts help with cough for adults. warm drink. It will help remove mucus from respiratory system In addition, the coughing process will be much easier.

    Mucoregulating drugs such as bromhexine and ambroxol can restore the viscosity of mucus. This will ensure its rapid removal. Mucolytic agents normalize secretion. They are prescribed by doctors if there is pathology of the bronchi or lungs.

    How to treat dry cough in adults

    If a productive reflex act is provoked by copious sputum production, then a dry cough in an adult occurs against the background of irritation of cough receptors. Therefore, treatment will be aimed at suppressing the cough reflex. That is, in this case there is no such treatment reflex action. The effect is symptomatic, since constant jerking actions do not benefit the body, but vice versa. Fervex, codelac, codion, antitussive tablets and syrups are excellent medications.

    Treatment of bronchitis in adults

    If this disease is taken lightly, it can develop into more serious pathologies. In advanced cases, treatment of bronchitis in adults can be carried out both in a hospital and at home. There is no single recipe that suits absolutely everyone. To answer the question of how to cure bronchitis, you need to understand what kind of disease it is. Doctors define it as inflammation of the bronchial mucosa caused by infection or exposure to external factors.

    Symptoms of bronchitis

    All types of bronchitis in the first stages are characterized by general symptoms. The main ones are: severe cough, sweating, chest pain, general weakness, shortness of breath, body aches, elevated temperature bodies. Symptoms of bronchitis can bother the patient both day and night. This often leads to sleep disturbances and nervous system disorders. Depending on the causes of occurrence, there are several main types of bronchitis:

    • spicy;
    • chronic;
    • smoker's bronchitis;
    • obstructive;
    • allergic.


    This type bronchitis develops against the background of influenza, ARVI or tonsillitis. It is difficult to recognize such a “transition” on your own. The symptoms of these diseases are similar (they can occur simultaneously):

    • cough – paroxysmal, deep, accompanied by sputum production, sometimes “barking”;
    • hoarseness;
    • sore throat;
    • weakness;
    • elevated temperature (may last for several days);
    • headache;
    • difficulty breathing;
    • runny nose;
    • spasm in the chest.

    At mild flow acute bronchitis, some symptoms may be absent. The duration of treatment directly depends on timely diagnosis, proper therapy. The recovery period for bronchitis in adults is 10-20 days. If treatment does not help and the disease does not subside, consult a doctor, he will prescribe necessary procedures and suitable bronchitis tablets for adults. Main difference acute form pathologies from other types of disease - it is contagious.


    A distinctive feature of chronic bronchitis is its frequency and duration. Periods of exacerbation often occur during the cold season. It is more difficult to get rid of such bronchitis than from the acute form, since it is characterized by residual effects, even after undergoing a course of treatment. Over the years, the disease can progress, take more severe forms. This type of bronchitis can be identified by its characteristic symptoms.

    Doctors diagnose a chronic form of the disease if the cough is present for more than three months a year, for two years in a row. The following symptoms are characteristic of chronic bronchitis:

    • Shortness of breath even with slight physical activity. This is explained by deformation and blockage of the bronchi, which occurs with chronic bronchitis.
    • Increased fatigue.
    • Cough. With this form of the disease, it is persistent, continuous, with insignificant sputum production, and recurrent. It is very difficult to stop the attacks.
    • Bronchospasms.
    • The color of sputum can range from yellow to brown, depending on the stage of the disease.


    What is smoker's bronchitis is well known to people who have this bad habit. It occurs due to combustion products and harmful substances entering the lungs. This form of the disease is characterized by a continuous cough with sputum production. Attacks of the morning lingering cough begin immediately after waking up and repeat throughout the day. Smoker's bronchitis begins as one-sided, but over time develops into two-sided. If left untreated, the disease progresses, leading to the development of pneumonia and persistent cough.


    With any bronchitis, the main symptom is a cough. In the obstructive form, attacks occur in the morning, after going out into the cold, at the onset of physical activity after rest. Often the cough is accompanied by bronchospasms. With this form of the disease, difficulty breathing occurs after physical activity. At first, shortness of breath appears only after severe exertion, but over time it occurs when daily activities or at rest. The main causes of obstructive bronchitis in adults:

    • Professional. The causative agent is harmful substances contained in environment(for example, in hazardous industries). Once in the body, they become the main cause of obstructive bronchitis.
    • Genetic. Determined by taking tests and undergoing examinations.


    Unlike chronic or acute bronchitis, it is not infectious in nature, so the use of antiviral drugs to treat the allergic form of the disease does not make sense. This type of pathology occurs due to the body’s acute sensitivity to any substance. A list of symptoms will help diagnose allergic bronchitis in adults:

    • Increase in temperature during exacerbation of bronchitis.
    • There is a relationship between external stimuli(eating certain foods, being near animals, taking medications) and coughing attacks.
    • The manifestation of symptoms uncharacteristic of bronchitis, for example, skin rashes.
    • Cough with allergic bronchitis is continuous, paroxysmal during the daytime.
    • Wheezing, whistling when exhaling.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient must consult a pulmonologist. Only a specialist is able to prescribe the correct treatment for bronchitis in each special case. Making a diagnosis on your own and self-medicating is highly discouraged. To accurately diagnose pathology, adults are prescribed the following examinations and tests:

    • bronchoscopy;
    • listening to the patient with a phonendoscope;
    • sputum analysis;
    • fluorography;
    • computed tomography of the lungs (only for chronic bronchitis);
    • general blood analysis.

    How to treat bronchitis in adults

    If you do not know which treatments for bronchitis in adults are effective, you should not self-medicate. Lack of necessary assistance can lead to the disease remaining untreated. Treatment of bronchitis is not limited to drug therapy alone. IN integrated approach Physiotherapy is successfully used: UHF treatment, inductothermy of the interscapular region and halotherapy. The generally accepted standard of treatment for bronchitis includes 4 stages:

    1. Quitting smoking, proper nutrition.
    2. The use of bronchodilators (salbutamol, erespal), the mechanism of action of which is to stimulate receptors, which leads to dilation of the bronchi.
    3. The use of expectorants and mucolytics to help remove phlegm.
    4. The use of antibiotics (Augmentin, Biseptol) and antiviral drugs(Cycloferon).


    Drugs in this group help relieve bronchospasms. According to the type of action, these drugs for bronchitis are divided into three types: adrenomimetics, anticholinergics and combination drugs. They are worth considering in more detail:

    1. Adrenergic agonists. Relaxes the muscles in the walls of the bronchi, relieving spasm. An example of such a drug is Salbutamol, which is used for asthmatic and chronic bronchitis. It is contraindicated for children under 2 years of age and pregnant women. The drug is produced in different forms, you have a choice - take it orally or inject it intramuscularly.
    2. Anticholinergics. They have a pronounced bronchodilator ability. A prominent representative of such drugs is Erespal. This is an anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator drug. Children under 14 years of age are prescribed in the form of syrup. Contraindicated in case of intolerance to one of the components of the drug.
    3. Combined drugs. They combine the actions of anticholinergics and adrenergic agonists. Example - Berodual (International generic name– Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol). The actions of the drug components enhance each other, which leads to high efficiency treatment. The product relieves dry or productive cough, begins to act within 10-15 minutes.


    The action of expectorants is aimed at removing mucus. This is a prerequisite for the treatment of bronchitis in adults. If the body cannot independently get rid of a large amount of sputum, it stagnates, and pathogenic bacteria begin to actively reproduce in this environment. More often than other drugs, doctors prescribe the following expectorant drugs for adults:

    • Mukaltin. Liquefies viscous mucus, facilitating its exit from the bronchi.
    • Products based on the herb thermopsis - Thermopsol and Codelac Broncho.
    • Gerbion syrup, Stoptussin phyto, Bronchicum, Pertusin, Gelomirtol are based on medicinal herbs.
    • ACC (acetylcysteine). An effective remedy direct action. Has a direct effect on sputum. If taken in the wrong dosage, it can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and heartburn.


    If bronchitis is bacterial in nature, then antibiotic treatment is prescribed. In case of a viral infection, they are useless. To pick up effective antibiotics for bronchitis, it is necessary to conduct a sputum examination. It will show what bacteria caused the disease. The list of antibiotics is now very wide; a doctor must select them. Here are the main groups of such drugs:

    • Aminopenicillins – Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, Augmentin. The action of these drugs is aimed at suppressing harmful microorganisms, but they do not cause harm to the patient’s body.
    • Macrolides – Macropen, Sumamed, Azithromycin, Klacid. Directly block the growth of bacteria.
    • Fluoroquinolones – Moxifloxacin, Ofloxacin. Antibiotics broad action. Used to treat bronchitis, chlamydial infections, etc.
    • Cephalosporins – Cefazolin, Suprax, Ceftriaxone. Affect microorganisms resistant to penicillin.
    • Flemoxin solutab. Amoxicillin analogue. Quickly absorbed into the blood. Release form: tablets.


    Treatment of bronchitis in adults using inhalation is carried out using the following groups of drugs:

    • antiseptics,
    • anti-inflammatory,
    • vasoconstrictors,
    • hormonal,
    • mucolytics;
    • expectorants,
    • immunomodulators,
    • antibiotics,
    • bronchodilators.

    The advantage of this method is the rapid absorption of the drug. Medicines for bronchitis have a very wide range action, only a doctor can choose the best option. The following devices are used for inhalation:

    1. Steam inhalers. Inhalations with essential oils and medicinal herbs.
    2. Warm-moist inhalers. They are one of the most affordable devices for carrying out procedures at home. For such inhalations they use alkaline solutions and herbal medicines.
    3. Nebulizer. One of the most effective devices. It is used to treat any stage of bronchitis. The device turns medicines V tiny particles, which easily reach the source of the disease.

    The range of drugs for inhalation using a nebulizer is very wide. The treatment regimen often uses Pulmicort or Ventolin (prevents and eliminates bronchospasms). The latter is contraindicated during pregnancy, children under 2 years of age and in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Some drugs for the treatment of bronchitis, such as Ambroxol, in addition to tablets and ampoules for intramuscular injections They are also available in the form of a solution for inhalation.


    Treatment of bronchitis in adults is also carried out with external medications. For this purpose, ointments based on animal fats are used. They are applied by rubbing over the skin in the bronchi area. Positive effect from treatment is achieved through light massage when applying the product. The components have a warming effect, making the cough moist and relieving it. Ointments for the treatment of bronchitis can be purchased or prepared independently at home. Before using any of them, you must do an allergy test.

    Ready-made ointments are more convenient to use and more effective in treating bronchitis; they contain much more useful substances. One of these drugs is Doctor IOM, which has minimal contraindications and is approved for adults and children. Another popular remedy for treating bronchitis is bear fat. It is used both internally and externally. For exposure through the skin, Dr. Theiss, eucalyptus, “Star” balms, Bom-benge and boromenthol ointments, and badger fat can be used.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    In the treatment of bronchitis in adults they can be successfully used as pharmaceutical drugs, and prepared according to traditional medicine recipes. These drugs and procedures are less effective, and the course of treatment lasts much longer. Here are folk remedies that have proven effective in treating bronchitis in adults:

    • Aloe with honey. Use internally half an hour before meals. A mixture is made from aloe, honey, melted lard and chocolate, taken in equal proportions.
    • Propolis. Done alcohol tincture this remedy is added to tea and herbal infusions 15 drops each. Has antibacterial properties.
    • Milk with soda. Successfully used when chronic form smoker's illness and bronchitis.
    • Potato inhalations. Proceed according to the scheme: boil the potatoes in their skins, remove from the stove, lean over the hot pan, inhale the vapors for 10 minutes. To keep the potatoes from cooling quickly, cover your head with a large towel.

    • Cranberry syrup with vodka. Mash the berries (100 g), squeeze out the juice, mix them with sugar (50 g). After bringing the syrup to a boil, cool it and add a glass of vodka (200 ml). To remove phlegm, take 2 times a day before meals.
    • Bathhouse. Steam in it only after consulting a doctor.
    • Warming up. These procedures are carried out using a mixture of honey, mustard powder and flour (homemade mustard plaster) or castor oil and turpentine. The mixture is applied to the chest and back and left overnight. Pepper patches are also used as a warming agent.
    • Compresses. For compresses, honey-oil, potato-soda mixtures are used. A honey compress is applied to the back, insulated with cotton wool and left on the patient’s body until the morning.

    Treatment of pregnant women

    Medicines prescribed for the treatment of bronchitis in adults (for example, Biseptol, Levomycetin) are strictly contraindicated in pregnant women. A complete lack of therapy can lead to fetal hypoxia, threat of miscarriage, bleeding and other negative consequences. X-ray examinations prescribed to diagnose the disease are strictly contraindicated.

    If you suspect bronchitis, you should consult a doctor. After the examination, he will prescribe the necessary treatment, which may include:

    • Drink plenty of fluids. Milk, herbal infusions, tea.
    • Anti-inflammatory herbal decoctions for sore throat.
    • Remedies for relieving dry cough - breast milk, linden tea, milk with honey.
    • Doing exercises breathing exercises and physical therapy.
    • If a woman lives in an area with poor ecology, it will be useful to visit a sanatorium.
    • Physiotherapy (prescribed only by a doctor).

    If the cough does not go away after a month

    Long-term treatment of bronchitis in adults at home often leads to dangerous complications. If the cough does not go away after a month, contact the clinic. Refusal of treatment or reliance on the knowledge of the pharmacist in adults and elderly people can cause bronchotracheitis, purulent infection, tracheobronchitis, tracheitis and long rehabilitation.

    If you followed all the doctor’s instructions, took medicine for bronchitis, but there was no improvement, the therapist should send you to a hospital with a treatment protocol. The hospital will conduct additional tests, you will be prescribed drug therapy (antibiotics for adults, antiviral drugs) and procedures (drip, physiotherapy).

    Bronchitis is treated different methods. Remember that cough treatment is only part of complex therapy. By watching the videos below, you will learn what signs are the first to indicate the presence of bronchitis, what is the traditional treatment for this disease. In the final video, the famous pediatrician Komarovsky will explain with examples how bronchitis cannot be treated (mentioning homeopathy as well).

    First signs

    Traditional methods

    Komarovsky about how bronchitis cannot be treated

    A characteristic symptom of all pulmonary pathologies is the cough reflex, which goes away after timely and correct therapeutic manipulations. Quite often you can come across the term “old cough”, which is nothing more than a cough syndrome of a chronic nature. This phenomenon characterized by a long-term manifestation - from 8 weeks or more.

    Treatment of chronic cough is quite serious problem, requiring correct differentiation of the etiology of the symptom. In what cases can you cope with help? traditional treatment and when is intensive care necessary?

    Before you independently try to find ways on how and how to cure an old cough in an adult and a child, you need to determine - this symptom is the reason serious violations in the body or accompanies respiratory diseases chronic type.

    Experts' views on the mechanism of development and causes of chronic cough have changed several times over the past decades. Initially, the following diseases were identified among the root causes:

    • bronchogenic cancer;
    • idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis(IPF);
    • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

    But more than 20 years ago there was the “cough triad” theory was formed, according to which the causes chronic cough reflex three diseases can occur - bronchial asthma, chronic runny nose and gastroesophageal reflux.

    For reference! According to medical statistics, in 25-29% of non-smoking patients, the cause of the chronic cough reflex is bronchial asthma.

    Old type of cough also may accompany such painful abnormalities as: chronic and eosinophilic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, pneumonia, tuberculosis, oncological diseases of the respiratory system and diseases of the thyroid gland.

    A chronic cough can last from several weeks to several months. It is painful and exhausting, and the phlegm does not come out

    Experts also include secondary factors that provoke chronic cough: side effects from taking angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, nicotine addiction(including passive smoking).

    Fact! The old type of cough is more common in women than in men. The complexity of treatment may lie due to the simultaneous occurrence of several pathologies in a person.

    Therapeutic measures

    Treatment of an old cough should predetermine the establishment of its cause. When diseases that provoke cough syndrome are identified, a specific treatment regimen is drawn up, which corresponds to the conclusion about the nature of the disease and the patient’s condition.

    When, if the cough occurs without specific signs, an eight-week trial treatment, which includes taking inhaled, nasal corticosteroids, drugs with antireflux action.

    A chronic cough in a child requires a more loyal approach. The first actions of parents should be to consult a doctor in a timely manner and carry out diagnostic measures.

    With medication or folk recipes, the doctor will facilitate the migration of a non-productive cough into a productive one. In pediatrics, preference is given to herbal-based drugs, for example “”, “Prospan”. From synthetic products quite effective – “ ”, “ “.

    For reference! The signs of chronic cough are: persistent runny nose and nasal congestion, a feeling of mucus in the throat, shortness of breath, a bitter taste in the mouth, and rarely bloody sputum.

    Drug therapy

    For postnasal drip, provoked are prescribed funds from antihistamine and decongestant effect. The action of which is aimed at eliminating swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membrane, reducing mucus production.

    Corticosteroids and adrenergic agonists are indicated for diagnosing bronchial asthma. These drugs help to increase the lumen in the bronchi and reduce inflammatory process(“Budesonide”, “Flunisolide”, “Beclomethasone”, “Volmax”, “Salmeterol”).

    Antibiotic therapy is prescribed to patients if there is bacterial infection in body. The main rule before prescribing antibacterial drugs is to determine the sensitivity of anaerobes to the drug by laboratory research. The effectiveness of a group of macrolides has been proven: Sumamed, Macropen, Erythromycin.

    For painful cough attacks Pharmaceutical products that suppress the cough reflex are selected individually (“Bronholitin”, “Tussin”).

    As a complication of chronic cough, which exhausts the patient at night and during the day, complications may develop: urinary incontinence, headaches and rib fractures due to osteoporosis

    At acid reflux sufficient compliance certain rules nutrition. If this approach is ineffective, there is a need to use drugs that block the secretion of excess acid in the stomach (Rennie, Famotidine, Almagel, etc.).

    Important! There are no general principles of treatment for chronic cough. Predetermination of the development mechanism and causes of the appearance of a chronic cough reflex should be the basis for drawing up a drug treatment regimen.

    Treatment of chronic cough with folk remedies

    Folk remedies should not be considered as independent methods impact on causes of persistent cough. In combination with drug treatment, traditional therapy greatly facilitates symptomatic picture and alleviates the patient's condition.

    Most effective recipes presented:

    1. Compress of honey and goat fat. Melt the ingredients in equal proportions over low heat or a water bath. Allow to cool to an acceptable temperature, rub the chest, avoiding the heart area. Cover the skin to which the mixture is applied with paper and wrap it in a woolen scarf.
    2. Onion-honey decoction. For cooking you will need 0.5 kg. onion, chopped to a paste and 3 tbsp. honey Stir the mixture and place on low heat. During the cooking process, add 1 liter of water and 400 grams to the mixture. granulated sugar. Cook for three hours. Take 1 tbsp. l. from 4 to 6 times a day.
    3. Herbal infusion. It is necessary to combine 30 grams. licorice root and plantain leaves, add 40 g. coltsfoot. Fill herbal mixture 2 tbsp. water brought to a boil, leave and strain. Divide the prepared infusion into three doses.
    4. Thyme decoction. At 1st. cold water– 1 tbsp. dry raw materials. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Strain and take in its pure form instead of tea.
    5. Potato application. Mash boiled peeled potatoes (2-3 pcs.) and place in plastic bag. Apply on your back, after checking the temperature of the compress. If too hot, cool slightly. Place a cotton napkin between the skin and the compress. Cover with a warm blanket on top and keep until the compress has cooled completely.
    6. Decoction of milk, honey, onion and garlic. For 500 ml. milk – chopped 3 onions and 1 head of garlic. Boil the onion and garlic pulp in milk for 10 minutes, add 2 tbsp. l. honey Take warm at least five times a day.

    For reference! Before starting treatment with folk remedies, you should make sure that the patient does not have allergic reaction on the components of therapy.

    When coughing, you should follow a gentle diet. Eliminate from diet spicy food, sweet drinks, coffee and sweets. Ventilate the room more often and humidify the air

    Every parent knows how reluctant children are to take medications. Below are recipes that will not only help cope with an old cough, but also taste good:

    1. Black radish juice. To prepare sweet syrup, you need to take one root vegetable, cut a small hole in the middle, after first removing the top. Add honey to the hole. After 2-3 hours the radish will begin to secrete medicinal juice. Take 1 tbsp. at least 5 times a day.
    2. Milk-fig drink. For 250 ml. milk – 2-3 pcs. figs Boil over low heat, without bringing to a boil. Take the drink before bed.
    3. Poppy milk. 1-2 tsp. Grind poppy seeds in a mortar and combine with milk (1 tbsp.). Let it brew, strain.


    It is worth understanding that the body uses a cough to signal the presence of problems. Therefore, it would be wrong to treat an old cough without identifying and eliminating the cause of its occurrence. Only by following the recommendations of the treating specialist will you be able to short time cope with chronic cough syndrome.