Condition with intestinal dysbiosis in adults. What is dangerous about dysbacteriosis and why you should not delay treatment. The final stage of treatment of dysbiosis

Sometimes in the intestines and reproductive organs there is a violation in the ratio of beneficial and opportunistic microorganisms. Such an imbalance of microflora is called dysbiosis. In this article we will pay attention to the most common type of dysbiosis – intestinal dysbiosis.

Intestinal dysbiosis is a clinical and laboratory syndrome in which changes occur in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the intestinal microflora, after which metabolic and immunological changes occur, one of the consequences of which may be gastrointestinal disorder.


Dysbacteriosis is characterized by redistribution of flora throughout the intestine. Thus, the small intestine, which in its normal state is sparsely populated, becomes filled with dysbiosis big amount bacteria. At the same time, changes occur in the species composition of bacteria inhabiting the large intestine: beneficial and familiar types of bacteria are replaced by pathogenic ones (another name is pathogenic).

Dibacteriosis cannot appear on empty space. The main reasons for the development of dysbiosis include: intestinal infections, poor balanced diet, taking antibiotics, treatment with hormones or NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) for a long time, previous radiation or chemotherapy, immunodeficiency in the body.

A child is born with a completely sterile intestine, which over time begins to fill with flora. Most the best option, if this flora is maternal, it is therefore very important to establish contact between the mother and the child immediately after his birth, as well as to ensure their continued stay together. The best option in this case, breastfeeding, since the most beneficial microorganisms enter the newborn’s intestines along with mother’s milk. As a rule, the balance of the baby's intestinal flora is achieved by two months, but recent research in this area suggests that completely flora children's intestines established at the age of two years. That is why even completely healthy child Before he reaches two years of age, deviations from the norm in flora tests may be observed. Dysbacteriosis is often used to describe problems typical among children in the first three months of life - infant colic and problems with the introduction of complementary foods. In reality, this problem is associated with enzymatic immaturity of the intestines of newborns. Colic, which is typical for three-month-old children, just needs to be waited out and complementary foods introduced in accordance with the rules and on time. However, this is a separate topic for discussion.

Against the background of changes in the environment-forming component of the intestine, all sorts of vital disturbances occur. important functions human body. They manifest themselves as follows: from the gastrointestinal tract there is nausea, vomiting, flatulence, pain and bloating in the abdomen, diarrhea or constipation, “sheep” feces, the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth; there is dry skin and mucous membranes caused by hypovitaminosis, the manifestation of an allergic syndrome (itching of the skin and mucous membranes, allergic skin rashes); in addition, the disorders are accompanied by a number of general symptoms, such as weakness, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and headaches.

Symptoms of dysbiosis

There are no typical symptoms of dysbacteriosis. Slight temperature, nausea, bloating, belching, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation (or alternation of these symptoms), pain in the abdomen, the appearance of bad breath or a specific taste in the mouth, as well as the manifestation of allergic reactions to completely harmless products - all these symptoms can be present in various gastrointestinal diseases and, as a result, dysbiosis.

Dysbacteriosis causes the greatest damage to the digestive system , since incoming food is first broken down by bacteria and then enters the blood. The body is unable to absorb most nutrients without the help of microorganisms, he regards them as foreign, and they are rejected. The consequence of this is the appearance of vomiting, nausea, loose stool.

Stages of dysbiosis

There are four stages of dysbiosis.

For first stage Dysbacteriosis is characterized by a moderate decrease in the number of obligate bacteria in the intestinal cavity. The pathogenic microflora is developed to a small extent, there are no symptoms of the disease (that is, signs of intestinal dysfunction).

At second stage dysbacteriosis, a critical decrease in the number of intestinal lactobacilli and bifidobacteria is observed. Against this background, there is a rapid increase in the population of pathogenic bacteria. At the second stage, the first signs of an imbalance in the intestines are observed, such as loose stools, bloating and pain in the abdomen.

On third stage under the influence of pathogens, the intestinal walls become inflamed. Diarrhea becomes chronic, and particles of undigested food are present in the stool. Children may experience developmental delays.

Fourth stage is the last before the onset of acute intestinal infection. The necessary intestinal flora at the fourth stage of dysbiosis is practically absent. The vast majority of microbes are opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Among the pronounced signs are general exhaustion of the body, anemia.


As a rule, to diagnose dysbacteriosis, they offer a bacteriological examination of stool (that is, they take a culture of stool for this disease). But the indicativeness of this type of analysis is quite doubtful. This is primarily due to the fact that bacteriological examination of feces shows the state of microbes that are found only in the lumen of the colon, and in its final (distal) section. In this case, the state small intestine impossible to determine. In addition, a laboratory report is given for 14-25 types of microbes, although in fact in the intestines their number exceeds four hundred. Moreover, for reliable diagnosis the collection of intestinal contents must be carried out under sterile conditions and delivered to the laboratory no later than 4 hours from the moment the analysis is taken, and it must be transported at a certain temperature. If these conditions are not met, the results will not be reliable. The method also has its advantages: for example, the ability to grow specific microbes (provided their type is accurately determined) and identify their quantity, as well as the relatively low cost of the analysis itself.

There is another method for diagnosing dysbiosis. It consists of culture of an aspirate of small intestinal contents or a biopsy of the wall. small intestine. This technique allows you to obtain data on the state of the flora of the small intestine. However, in practice this method is used quite rarely due to its technical complexity.

In recent years, a method called PCR diagnostics has become widespread - this is a method for determining the types of microorganisms using a polymerase chain reaction. The method consists of complementary addition of a section of pathogen RNA or genomic DNA, carried out in vitro (in vitro) using the enzyme thermostable (preserves its properties when heated) DNA polymerase. PCR diagnostics makes it possible to determine the type of some components of the microflora that have membrane or intracellular localization, that is, not present in the intestinal lumen. This method is characterized by fairly fast execution. However, it can only be used to identify certain types of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms and viruses. It is usually used to detect infections.

The main problem in diagnosing dysbiosis is that until today there is no clear definition of the norm of intestinal biocenosis anywhere in the world. It is known for certain that the composition of microbes in the intestines can change depending on climatic conditions, time of year, weather outside, food preferences, during the period of recovery from illness, etc. Despite this, no serious research has been carried out on this topic in the scientific world until now. Therefore, a reliable interpretation of the obtained test results remains impossible. Speaking more plain language, if you have clinical signs of the disease, but the results of the tests performed show “conditionally normal” results, then they will not be taken into account, attributing this to an error in diagnosis. If there is a deviation from the norm according to some indicators, then the diagnosis of “dysbacteriosis” will most likely be confirmed, although there is always the possibility of temporary physiological-related deviations in the composition of the intestinal flora.


Today, a doctor has a number of tools in his kitty that make it possible to regulate balance. intestinal microflora. These are prebiotics and probiotics created on the basis of living microorganisms and their metabolic products.

Probiotics are a group of drugs that contain live microorganisms or products of microbial origin, the therapeutic and preventive effect of which is based on the regulation of the normal microflora of the human intestine. An integral characteristic of a probiotic is its ability to survive and exist in the intestinal microenvironment, as well as the ability to maintain the viability of bacteria over a long shelf life.

Probiotics available in Lately, are conditionally divided into four groups:
multicomponent, that is, including several types of bacteria (bifidum-, lacto-, colibacteria, etc.)
monocomponent, that is, containing one of the types of bacteria: lactobacilli, bifidobacteria or colibacteria
combined, including symbiotic communities of the main microorganisms, including long-living strains that are immune to the action of most types of antibiotics in combination with compounds (immunoglobulin complexes or nutrient medium), accelerating the growth process of representatives of normal microflora (Linex (lacto, bifidobacteria + streptococci ), bificol from six months (bifidobacteria + E.coli))
recombinant (they are also called genetically engineered), which, in addition to the obligatory bacteria, include cloned genes that monitor the process of alpha-interferon synthesis

To stimulate the growth of intestinal microorganisms, prebiotics are prescribed. Prebiotics are substances of non-microbial origin designed to stimulate the growth and development of normal microflora. Prebiotics include non-digestible disaccharides such as alimentary fiber, lactulose, pectins (hilak-forte (lactic acid), lactitol, duphalac (disaccharide). Prebiotics help the growth and/or metabolic activity of their own microflora, while suppressing the growth of pathogenic microflora. The human body does not reject them. In addition, they do not need in special packaging and do not require special conditions for administration.

Often, to ensure the most lasting therapeutic effect, probiotics and prebiotics are prescribed together. There are drugs called synbiotics. They are ready-made complex medicines obtained after a competent combination of probiotics and prebiotics.

First and second degrees of dysbacteriosis

1. Functional nutrition for the first and second degrees of dysbiosis should include:
amino acids (glutamine - a source of synthesis of nitrogen, purine, high-energy compounds, arginine - anabolic and immunostimulating effects);
dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, cheeses, yogurt, butter) enriched with active lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.
pectins and dietary fiber - cereals (bran), root vegetables (beets, carrots), cabbage, fruits, mushrooms, algae;
2. Prebiotics (lactulose, hilak).

Third degree of dysbacteriosis

1. Functional nutrition.
2. Probiotics (lactovit, bifi-form, linex).

Fourth degree of dysbacteriosis

1. Functional nutrition
2. Antibacterial therapy(bacteriophages, intestinal antiseptics, exceptional cases- antibiotics)
3. Probiotics (lactovit, bifi-form, linex)

The term “Dysbacteriosis” comes from the Greek “dys”, which means “negation” and the words “bacteria”, “bacteria or microorganism”. Intestinal dysbiosis is a quantitative and qualitative disturbance of the normal intestinal flora. The human intestine is populated by bacteria, about 2/3 of the contents of the large and small intestines are represented by microorganisms. A certain quantity and quality of such microorganisms constitute the normal intestinal microflora. Normal intestinal flora is a biomass of obligate (obligatory) microbes involved in the development of immunity. With intestinal dysbacteriosis, there is a disruption in the development of immunity, the colonization of foreign microorganisms, and the development of putrefactive flora instead of the normal one. As a result, putrefactive flora causes chronic inflammation intestines, with characteristic clinical manifestations. An imbalance between microorganisms is the background for the development various diseases intestines (the most dangerous, intestinal cancer).

Anatomy and physiology of the intestine

In order to understand in which anatomical structures dysbiosis occurs, let’s talk a little about the anatomy of the intestine.

The intestine is the longest section of the digestive tract, located in abdominal cavity, originates from the pylorus of the stomach and ends anus. The length of the entire intestine is about 4 meters. It is divided into the small intestine and the large intestine, each of which has its own anatomical features.

  1. Small intestine, is the initial section of the intestine, consists of loops, longer than the thick one (from 2.2 to 4.4 m) and smaller in diameter (from 5 to 3 cm). The processes of digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates take place in it. The small intestine begins at the pylorus of the stomach and ends at the ileocecal angle. The small intestine is divided into 3 sections:
  • The initial section is the duodenum, starts from the pylorus of the stomach, has the shape of a horseshoe, goes around the pancreas;
  • The jejunum is a continuation of the duodenum, it makes up approximately the initial 6-7 loops of the small intestine, the border between them is not pronounced;
  • The ileum is a continuation of the jejunum and is represented by the following 7-8 loops. It ends at a right angle into the initial part of the large intestine (cecum).
  1. Colon, is the final section of the digestive tract, where water is absorbed and formed feces are formed. It is located so that it borders (surrounds) the loops of the small intestine. Its wall forms protrusions (haustra), which is one of the differences from the wall of the small intestine. The length of the large intestine is about 150 cm and the diameter is from 8 to 4 cm, depending on the section. Consists of colon, from the following departments:
  • The cecum with the appendicular process is the initial section of the large intestine, located below the ileocecal angle, its length is from 3 to 8 cm;
  • The ascending part of the colon is a continuation of the cecum, occupies the extreme right lateral position of the abdominal cavity, rises upward from the level of the ilium to the level of the lower edge of the right lobe of the liver, and ends with the right flexure of the colon;
  • The transverse colon starts from the right flexure of the colon (level of the right hypochondrium), passes in the transverse direction and ends with the left flexure of the colon (level of the left hypochondrium);
  • The descending part of the colon occupies the extreme left lateral position of the abdominal cavity. Starts from the left flexure of the colon, goes down to the level of the left ilium;
  • The sigmoid colon, 55 cm long, is a continuation of the previous section of the intestine, and at the level of the 3rd sacral vertebra it passes into the next section (rectum). Diameter sigmoid colon, compared to the diameter of the rest of the large intestine, the smallest is about 4 cm;
  • The rectum, is the final section of the large intestine, has a length of about 18 cm. It starts from the level of the 3rd sacral vertebra (the end of the sigmoid colon) and ends with the anus.

What is normal intestinal flora?

Microbes that live in the human intestine are vital to the human body. The approximate amount of normal intestinal flora is about 10 14 microbes, which corresponds to 2 kilograms and includes about 500 types of bacteria. The concentration of microbes in different parts of the intestine is not the same: in the duodenum and jejunum about 10 5 microorganisms in 1 ml of intestinal contents, in ileum about 10 7 - 10 8 , in the large intestine about 10 11 microorganisms per 1 g of feces.
Normally, the intestinal flora is represented by 2 groups of bacteria:

  • Obligatory bacteria bifidobacteria (comprise about 85-95% of the flora), lactobacilli (1-5% of the flora), Escherichia coli (Escherichia), enterococci, peptostreptococci) are always part of the normal flora;
  • Facultative bacteria (Peptococcus, Staphylococcus, yeast-like mushrooms, clostridia and others), they are optional and non-permanent representatives. They enter the intestines with insufficiently thermally processed food. This group of bacteria is often present in healthy people without causing any problems, but when immunity decreases, they multiply and develop various infectious intestinal diseases.

Normal composition of bacteria in the intestine

  • bifidobacteria - 10 9 - 10 10 CFU / g;
  • lactobacilli - 10 7 - 10 8 CFU / g;
  • bacteroids - 10 7 - 10 9 CFU / g;
  • Escherichia – 10 6 – 10 8 CFU/g;
  • peptococci and peptostreptococci - 10 5 - 10 6 CFU / g;
  • eubacteria - 10 3 - 10 5 CFU/g;
  • staphylococci - 10 3 CFU/g;
  • streptococci – 10 4 – 10 5 CFU/g;
  • clostridia – 10 5 – 10 7 CFU/g;
  • yeast-like mushrooms – 10 9 – 10 10 CFU/g;
  • opportunistic enterobacteria - 10 3 CFU/g.

Functions of normal intestinal microflora

  1. Protective function is to prevent the colonization of foreign microorganisms in the intestines, which can cause various infectious diseases intestines. Microbes (bifidobacteria) of the normal intestinal flora produce special substances (lactic and acetic acid) that suppress the development of foreign microbes. In order for foreign bacteria to gain a foothold on the intestinal mucosa, they need to displace the normal flora, but the latter prevent this process, since the place is already “occupied”.
  2. Immune stimulation, due to bifidobacteria, is to stimulate the formation of antibodies and other substances (cytokines, interferons) involved in the development of immunity.
  3. Removal of toxins (detoxification function), consists in the absorption of various toxins (phenols, heavy metal compounds, and others), by bifidobacteria of the intestinal flora.
  4. Digestive function, bacteria of the intestinal flora are involved in the breakdown of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, to amino acids, fatty acids and monosaccharides. They also enhance intestinal motility, preventing the development of constipation.
  5. synthesis function, bacteria of the normal intestinal flora are involved in the formation of vitamins (B, K, C), some acids, enzymes.
  6. Regulatory function those. flora bacteria regulate the gas composition of the intestines, water-salt metabolism, cholesterol and others.
  7. Anticarcinogenic (anticancer) effect, consists in the absorption of cancer cell precursors by bifidobacteria.
  8. Antiallergic effect, occurs with the help of lactobacilli.

Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis

The 1st degree and most often the 2nd degree of intestinal dysbacteriosis are not clinically manifested.
Symptoms characteristic of the 3rd and 4th degree of intestinal dysbacteriosis:

  1. Abnormal stool:
  • Most often it manifests itself in the form of loose stools (diarrhea), which develops as a result of increased formation of bile acids and increased intestinal motility, inhibiting the absorption of water. Later the stool becomes foul-smelling, tainted with blood or mucus;
  • With age-related (in the elderly) dysbacteriosis, constipation most often develops, which is caused by a decrease in intestinal motility (due to a lack of normal flora).
  1. Bloating, due to the increased formation of gases in the large intestine. The accumulation of gases develops as a result of impaired absorption and removal of gases by an altered intestinal wall. Swollen intestines can be accompanied by rumbling, and cause unpleasant sensations in the abdominal cavity in the form of pain.
  2. Cramping pain associated with an increase in pressure in the intestines, after the discharge of gases or stools, it decreases. With dysbacteriosis of the small intestine, pain occurs around the navel, if the large intestine suffers, the pain is localized in iliac region (Bottom part abdomen on the right);
  3. Dyspeptic disorders : nausea, vomiting, belching, loss of appetite, are the result of impaired digestion;
  4. Allergic reactions, in the form of itchy skin and rashes, develop after consuming foods that usually do not cause allergies, is the result of insufficient antiallergic action, disturbed intestinal flora.
  5. Symptoms of intoxication: there may be a slight increase in temperature up to 38 0 C, headaches, general fatigue, sleep disturbance, are the result of the accumulation of metabolic products (metabolism) in the body;
  6. Symptoms characterizing vitamin deficiency: dry skin, seizures around the mouth, pale skin, stomatitis, changes in hair and nails and others.

Complications and consequences of intestinal dysbiosis

  • Chronic enterocolitis, is a chronic inflammation of the small and large intestines, developing as a result of prolonged action of pathogenic intestinal flora.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the body, leads to the development of iron deficiency anemia, hypovitaminosis of B vitamins and others. This group of complications develops as a result of impaired digestion and absorption in the intestines.
  • Sepsis(blood infection), develops as a result of pathogenic flora from the intestines entering the patient’s blood. Most often, this complication develops when the patient fails to seek treatment in a timely manner. medical care.
  • Peritonitis, develops as a result of the aggressive action of pathogenic flora on the intestinal wall, with the destruction of all its layers and the release of intestinal contents into the abdominal cavity.
  • Addition of other diseases, as a result of decreased immunity.
  • Gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis, develop as a result of the spread of pathogenic intestinal flora through the digestive tract.
  • Reducing the patient's weight, develops as a result of impaired digestion.

Diagnosis of intestinal dysbiosis

The diagnosis of intestinal dysbiosis is made based on the patient’s complaints, an objective examination and the results of microbiological examination of stool.

  1. Using an objective examination, which includes palpation of the abdomen, pain is determined along the small and/or large intestine.
  2. Microbiological examination of stool: carried out to confirm the diagnosis of intestinal dysbiosis.

Indications for microbiological examination of stool:

  • Intestinal disorders that last a long time, in cases where it is not possible to isolate pathogen;
  • A long period recovery after acute intestinal infections;
  • The presence of purulent-inflammatory foci that are not amenable to antibiotic therapy;
  • Impaired bowel function in individuals undergoing radiotherapy or exposure to radiation;
  • Immunodeficiency conditions (AIDS, cancer and others);
  • Lag infant V physical development and others.

Rules for collecting stool for microbiological research: before taking feces, for 3 days, it is necessary, it is necessary to be on a special diet, which excludes products that increase fermentation in the intestines (alcohol, lactic acid products), as well as any antibacterial drugs. Feces are collected in a special sterile container, equipped with a lid, with a screwed-in spoon. In order to correctly evaluate the results, it is recommended to conduct a study 2-3 times, with an interval of 1-2 days.

Degrees of intestinal dysbiosis
There are 4 degrees of intestinal dysbacteriosis:

  • 1st degree: characterized quantitative change ischerichia in the intestine, bifidoflora and lactoflora are not changed, most often they are not clinically manifested;
  • 2nd degree: quantitative and qualitative changes in ischerichia, i.e. a decrease in the amount of bifid flora and an increase in opportunistic bacteria (fungi and others), accompanied local inflammation intestinal areas;
  • 3rd degree: change (decrease) in bifido and lactoflora and development of opportunistic flora, accompanied by intestinal dysfunction;
  • 4th degree: the absence of bifid flora, a sharp decrease in lacto flora and the growth of opportunistic flora, can lead to destructive changes in the intestine, with the subsequent development of sepsis.

Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis

Drug treatment

Treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis is carried out with the help of drugs that restore normal intestinal flora and correct other disorders in the body (using enzymes, sorbents, vitamins). The dosage, duration of treatment and group of drugs are prescribed by the attending physician, depending on the degree of dysbacteriosis. Below are the dosages of drugs for adults; for children, the dosage depends on the weight and age of the child.
Groups of drugs used for intestinal dysbiosis:

  1. Prebiotics- have a bifidogenic property, i.e. contribute to the stimulation and growth and reproduction of microbes that are part of the normal intestinal flora. Representatives of this group include: Hilak-forte, Duphalac. Hilak-forte is prescribed 40-60 drops 3 times a day.
  2. Probiotics (eubiotics), these are preparations containing living microorganisms (i.e. bacteria of normal intestinal flora), they are used to treat grade 2-4 dysbiosis.
  • 1st generation drugs: Bifidumbacterin, Lifepack probiotics. They are liquid concentrates of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria and are not stored for long (about 3 months). This group of drugs is unstable under the influence of gastric juice or enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to their rapid destruction and the intake of insufficient concentrations, the main disadvantage of 1st generation probiotics. Bifidumbacterin is prescribed orally, 5 doses of the drug 2-3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals;
  • 2nd generation drugs: Bactisubtil, Flonivin, Enterol. They contain spores of bacteria of normal intestinal flora, which in the patient’s intestines secrete enzymes for the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, stimulate the growth of bacteria of normal intestinal flora, and also suppress the growth of putrefactive flora. Subtil is prescribed 1 capsule 3 times a day, 1 hour before meals;
  • 3rd generation drugs: Bifikol, Linex. They consist of several types of bacteria from the normal intestinal flora, and therefore are highly effective compared to the previous 2 generations of probiotics. Linex is prescribed 2 capsules 3 times a day;
  • 4th generation drugs: Bifidumbacterin forte, Biosorb-Bifidum. This group of drugs consists of bacteria of normal intestinal flora in combination with an enterosorbent (with activated carbon or others). Enterosorbent is necessary to protect microorganisms when passing through the stomach, it actively protects them from inactivation by gastric juice or enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract. Bifidumbacterin forte is prescribed 5 doses 2-3 times a day, before meals.
  1. Symbiotics(Bifidobac, Maltodophilus) , are combined preparations (prebiotic + probiotic), i.e. simultaneously stimulate the growth of normal flora and replace the missing number of microbes in the intestines. Bifidobac is prescribed 1 capsule 3 times a day, with meals.
  2. Antibacterial drugs , are used for the 4th degree of intestinal dysbiosis, to destroy pathogenic flora. The most commonly used antibiotics are: tetracyclines (Doxycycline), cephalosporins (Cefuroxime, Ceftriaxone), penicillins (Ampiox), nitroimidazoles: Metronidazole, prescribed 500 mg 3 times a day, after meals.
  3. Antifungal drugs(Levorin) , are prescribed if there are yeast-like fungi such as Candida in the stool. Levorin is prescribed 500 thousand units 2-4 times a day.
  4. Enzymes, are prescribed in case of severe digestive disorders. Mezim tablets, 1 tablet 3 times a day, before meals.
  5. Sorbents, are prescribed for severe signs of intoxication. Activated carbon 5-7 tablets are prescribed at a time, for 5 days.
  6. Multivitamins: Duovit, 1 tablet 1 time per day.

Diet for intestinal dysbiosis

Diet therapy is an important point in the correction of intestinal flora. In case of intestinal dysbiosis, first of all, it is necessary to exclude the consumption of alcoholic beverages, spicy, fatty foods, smoked foods and foods that enhance fermentation processes in the intestines: sweets (cakes, candies, and others), homemade pickles, sauerkraut. Secondly, you need to eat fractionally, at least 4 times a day. Try not to drink water while eating, because it dilutes the gastric juice and the food is not digested enough. Eliminate from the diet foods that increase flatulence (gas formation) and intestinal motility: legumes (beans, peas, soy and others), bran bread, carbonated drinks. It is necessary to increase the amount of protein in the diet through boiled or stewed meat (lean). Try not to eat fresh bread; dry it a little before eating.

Try to cook all food with herbs (parsley, dill and others), as it enhances the effect of normal intestinal flora against pathogenic ones. Products that enhance the restoration of intestinal microflora include: wheat, rice, buckwheat, oats, fresh vegetables or salads, fruits of non-acid varieties. Indispensable products for restoring normal intestinal microflora are all lactic acid products: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt and others. You can also use special products that are enriched with biocultures: yoghurts, biokefirs and others. Excellent prebiotic properties applesauce, and also it has an astringent effect and is recommended for diarrhea. Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir.

Prevention of intestinal dysbacteriosis

In the first place in the prevention of intestinal dysbiosis is the correct use of antibiotics, which are one of the main causes of disruption of the normal flora. Antibiotics should be used strictly according to indications, after the results of a bacteriological examination with an antibiogram. In order to select the dose of an antibiotic for a particular patient, the attending physician must take into account the age and weight of the patient. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate by taking antibiotics for minor illnesses (for example, a runny nose). In cases where you have been prescribed long-term antibiotic therapy, you need to take them in parallel with prebiotics, with periodic monitoring of the state of the intestinal flora ( microbiological examination feces).
In second place for the prevention of intestinal dysbiosis is a balanced diet and a rational regimen.

In third place are all the sharp and chronic diseases, which lead to intestinal dysbiosis, primarily diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. General strengthening therapy for patients with chronic diseases. Timely treatment Such diseases can reduce the number of patients with intestinal dysbiosis.

Persons who are exposed to occupational hazards (radiation) should include fermented milk products in their diet.

Is there any intestinal dysbiosis at all? Does such a disease exist?

Officially, such a diagnosis does not exist. Dysbacteriosis is not an independent disease, but always a consequence of some other diseases. In itself, a change in the composition of the intestinal microflora is not the main problem. Usually, once the underlying disease is cured, dysbiosis goes away on its own. If the symptoms continue to bother you, the person is not fully treated. In such a situation, it is pointless to continue the fight against dysbiosis - you need to look for the root cause.
Western doctors never give this diagnosis to their patients. IN Russian healthcare Dysbacteriosis is mentioned in the document entitled “Standards (protocols) for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system,” approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 125 dated April 17, 1998. But even here it does not appear as an independent disease, but only in connection with other intestinal diseases .
Surely, when you took a blood test, you heard terms such as “increased leukocytosis”, “increased ESR”, “anemia”. Dysbacteriosis is something similar. This is a microbiological concept, one of the manifestations of the disease, but not the disease itself.

How is intestinal dysbiosis designated in the ICD?

International Classification of Diseases(ICD) - a document that lists all possible diseases person, each assigned its own code. In the ICD there is no such concept as dysbiosis. A doctor who makes such a diagnosis for a patient finds himself in a difficult situation - after all, he must indicate medical records code.
Most often, such doctors use two codes: .
Sometimes dysbiosis is a temporary condition, for example, in travelers, especially if they have poor personal hygiene. “Foreign” microflora enters the intestines, which a person does not encounter at home.

Which doctor treats intestinal dysbacteriosis?

Since dysbacteriosis is not independent disease, then it is necessary to look for the original cause, and then begin treatment with an appropriate specialist.
Most often, diseases that lead to disruption of the intestinal microflora should be treated by an infectious disease specialist or gastroenterologist. A general practitioner treats a number of diseases in adults, and a pediatrician in children.

What is the best treatment for intestinal dysbiosis?

Since such a diagnosis does not exist, “treatment of dysbiosis” is a meaningless term, in principle.
Although, relevant recommendations still exist - they are specified in the OST 91500.11.0004-2003 standard. It was put into effect by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 06/09/2003 N 231. This document proposes to treat dysbacteriosis with the help prebiotics And eubiotics, antibacterial And antifungal drugs.
But the effectiveness of these drugs in dysbacteriosis has not been proven. In the same OST there is such a phrase: “the degree of persuasiveness of evidence is C”. This means that sufficient evidence is missing. There is no evidence on which to recommend treatment of dysbiosis with these drugs.
Here it is once again appropriate to remember that doctors who work in clinics outside the CIS never give such a diagnosis to their patients, much less prescribe treatment against dysbiosis.

Is there a link between intestinal dysbacteriosis and thrush?

Thrush, or candidiasis- a disease that causes yeast-like fungi sort of Candida.
The infection can develop in any organ. In this regard, candidiasis of the skin and nails, the oral mucosa (just this form is called thrush), intestines, and genital organs are isolated. The most severe form of the disease is generalized candidiasis, or candidal sepsis when the fungus infects the skin, mucous membranes, internal organs.
Candida – fungi opportunistic. They are not always able to cause infection, but only under certain conditions. One of these conditions is a decrease in immunity. Thrush may well be combined with intestinal damage, which leads to dysbiosis. In fact, there is a connection between these two states.
In this case, the same reasons lead to the development of thrush and intestinal dysbiosis - decreased immunity and fungal infection. They need to be treated.

Is it possible to use folk remedies for the treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis?

Traditional medicine, if proven remedies are used correctly, can improve the condition and alleviate the symptoms of the disease. But it can only be used as an addition to the main treatment prescribed by the doctor.
Due to the fact that the topic is inflated and very popular, "remedies against dysbacteriosis" are offered by all kinds of traditional healers, healers, manufacturers of dietary supplements, MLM companies. Food producers did not stand aside either.
As already mentioned above, dysbacteriosis as a disease does not exist, it does not have its own specific symptoms, and it cannot be cured without eliminating the root cause. Therefore, first of all, you need to visit a doctor, undergo an examination, establish correct diagnosis and start treatment.

What can a dysbacteriosis test show?

The majority of reputable doctors and scientists deeply doubt the information content of the microbiological analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis. There are certain reasons for this:

  • The concept of “normal microflora” is very vague. Nobody knows the exact standards. Therefore, if you force any healthy person to take an analysis, many will have dysbacteriosis "revealed".
  • The content of bacteria in feces differs from their content in the intestines.
  • While the stool is delivered to the laboratory, the composition of the bacteria that are present in it may change. Especially if it is collected incorrectly, in a non-sterile container.
  • The composition of the microflora in the human intestine can vary depending on different conditions. Even if you take the analysis at different times from the same healthy person, the results can vary greatly.

According to the international classification of diseases, an imbalance of microorganisms inside the human body and / or on its surface is not recognized as a separate disease. But this in no way diminishes the significance and relevance of the issue, since dysbiosis, to one degree or another, is constantly present in every fifth adult on the planet. And this is only taking into account the identified cases.

Causes of dysbiosis

In the modern perception of the problem, all possible etiological factors are conditionally grouped according to the initial triggering mechanism of development.

Without obvious significant reasons, against the background of complete health

Here we combine cases of changes in the composition of microflora associated with age, contrasting climate change (with a change in geographic latitude), acute single poisoning (including ethyl alcohol), and banal “indigestion” (incompatibility of products, unusual menu).

When diagnosed with intestinal dysbiosis, when symptoms are present, treatment in adults is prescribed by a doctor in accordance with the diagnosis.

With the exception of gerontology (aging) and extremely severe poisoning, such conditions are quite easily compensated for and do not require treatment. constant monitoring intestinal biocenosis, maintenance therapy.

As a secondary condition as a result of chronic gastrointestinal diseases

Intestinal dysbiosis can be not only the source, but also the result of gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, various functional and/or structural pathologies of the intestine. The uncertainty of classification is based primarily on the extreme difficulty of inferring cause-and-effect relationships.

It is extremely difficult to determine in a patient who is first diagnosed simultaneously with dysbiosis and, for example, chronic gastritis with low acidity, which of the ailments was present at the beginning, and which one appeared later.

It is important to know! In any case, the state of dysbiosis requires constant monitoring and correction, which is more productive in relieving the underlying disease.

As a concomitant pathology

Such intestinal dysbiosis is quite difficult to treat due to the difficulty of identifying the root cause (for example, in chronic poisoning with salts of heavy metals) and because of the difficulty of correcting the underlying disease (for example, in psoriasis).

Drug dysbiosis

And also appeared as a result of diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, including postoperative. Many medications, due to their chemical activity, have a bacteriostatic (stopping growth) and / or bactericidal (destructive) effect on microbes.

It's not just about drugs antibacterial groups, and not necessarily about the forms for tableting or intramuscular/intravenous administration.

A detrimental effect on the beneficial intestinal microflora is exerted by drugs of the sulfonamide group (Sulfazin, Ftalazol), nitrofurans (Furadonin), antiseptics (Miramistin), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - NSAIDs (including with prolonged external use) antacids, laxatives and many others.

Let this not happen as quickly and not as aggressively as with an antibiotic injection.

Be careful! A significant contribution to the increase in cases of dysbiosis in this group is made by independent uncontrolled medication. Especially in such combinations or dosages, when the toxic effect on the intestinal microflora many times exceeds the expected therapeutic effect.

The doctor, prescribing drugs that a priori will have a negative effect on the biocenosis, or, if necessary, manipulation / surgery with the same probability, will definitely add “cover” agents - eubiotics to the therapeutic course.

Social dysbiosis

Recently allocated to the classification category, but a very significant group of reasons leading to a breakdown in adaptation and imbalance of microflora in a huge number of modern residents, mainly large cities and metropolitan areas.

Industrial and household negative stresses (a state of joy is also stress, only with a “+” sign), general and domestic ecology, insufficient or excessive exercise stress, unbalanced diets (here is not only restriction, but also irrational nutrition).

Also promiscuous sexual activity, use/abuse of various biologically active substances(coffee, stimulants ("energy"), tobacco and its analogues, alcohol, drugs).

Dysbacteriosis - symptoms in adult men and women

Violation of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the intestinal microflora is replete with a variety of clinical manifestations. Moreover, they are not unified and can vary significantly depending on the individual characteristics of each individual patient.

Interesting fact!
A physically strong and healthy person with the 2nd degree of dysbiosis may feel only a slight malaise and heaviness after eating, but in an employee with an irregular work schedule and chronic bronchitis, the 1st degree will manifest itself functional diarrhea and contact dermatitis.

The anatomical features of the female body, especially with periodically changing hormonal levels during reproductive age, require special clarification according to possible manifestations intestinal dysbiosis.

In this case, an imbalance in the intestinal flora immediately affects the microbiocenosis of the vaginal mucosa. What is most common bacterial vaginosis or candidiasis ("thrush").

It is important to know! This is a two-way process, i.e. with a primary disturbance of the vaginal microflora, intestinal dysbiosis often occurs.

Distinctive features of the stages of dysbacteriosis (1, 2, 3, 4 degrees) in adults

The degree of dysbacteriosis is determined in the laboratory (see below).

The stage can be approximately determined by the totality of clinical manifestations:

  1. Usually resolves without any symptoms or with minimal manifestations in the form of general malaise, feelings of fatigue, loss of appetite. There may be a feeling of heaviness, rumbling in the abdomen. If dysbiosis develops against the background of acute respiratory infections or acclimatization, patients themselves rarely pay attention to such manifestations, attributing them to the main cause.
  2. Characterized by long-term or progressive loss of appetite and worsening general condition. Nausea and sometimes vomiting are possible. There is a bitter or sour taste in the mouth. Intensifying discomfort in the abdomen, bloating and flatulence. The chair can be both with a tendency to constipation and diarrhea. Sleep disturbances and psychological instability join. Chronic diseases may worsen. Acute inflammation is more possible.
  3. Previous degree symptoms more pronounced and intensified. Worried about the constant It's a dull pain in the abdomen without clear localization with periodic spasms. There is persistent diarrhea with a specific odor and impurities of intestinal contents (undigested residues), other pathological inclusions (greens, mucus, blood).
  4. Lack of appetite, sleep disturbance, vitamin and mineral deficiency, physical and mental exhaustion. The addition of intestinal infections with the possibility of developing destructive processes in the gastrointestinal tract (erosion, ulcers). May be accompanied by intestinal obstruction.

Studies on dysbiosis in adults - description and interpretation of the analysis

The main method of research in cases of suspected disturbance of intestinal biocenosis and determining its degree is bacteriological measured sowing of material in various dilutions on nutrient media to determine the quantitative composition of the most significant groups of microorganisms. In a general sense, the method is known as “seeding for dysbacteriosis.”

To obtain clinically reliable data, it is necessary to strictly adhere to
rules for collecting material and delivering it to the laboratory:

  • morning independent stool;
  • placed in a sterile disposable container for stool collection;
  • 2-3 spoon container volume;
  • delivered to the laboratory no later than 2 hours after collection;
  • Cooling is not allowed.

Average indicators of normal biocenosis and deviations by degree

FloraNormI Art.II Art.III Art.IV Art.
Bifidobacteria10 8 -10 10 10 6 -10 8 pronounced bifido deficiency against the background of norms. or reduced quantity of lacto- or their reduced acid-forming activity, imbalance of quantity and quality of E. coli; took away plasmacoagulant staphyl. either Proteus up to 10 5, or Candidetens of millions of Staphylococcus aureus mirabelle or other species of Proteus, hemolytic. enterococcus, replacement of E.coli by bacteria of the genera Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Citrobacter, etc.Possible vegetation of enteropathogenic serotypes of E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella and other pathogens of acute intestinal infections.
Lactobacilli10 6 -10 10 10 4 -10 8
Total number of E.coli10 6 -10 8 10 4 -10 6
Bacteroides10 7 -10 9 not edited
Peptococci and peptostreptococci10 5 -10 6 not edited
Staphylococci (hemolytic, plasmacoagulating)>10 3 not edited
Staphylococci (non-hemolytic, coagulase-negative, etc.)10 4 -10 5 not edited
Eubacteria10 9 -10 10 not edited
Clostridia10 3 -10 5 not edited
Streptococci10 5 -10 7 not edited
Yeast mushrooms>10 3 not edited
Opportunistic>10 4 not edited

Other laboratory tests are used to assess the general condition of the body and identify diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • General blood analysis.
  • Biochemical test.
  • Coprogram.

If functional and structural changes in the intestine are suspected or diseases of other organs and systems, specific studies and examinations are prescribed:

  • FEGDS and other types of scopy.
  • Immunogram.
  • Ultrasound, MRI, etc.

Treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis in adults: drugs

Since a violation of the qualitative and quantitative composition of microflora is a complex problem for the whole organism, the approach to solving it must be comprehensive.

Elimination of trigger factors, correction of immune status, relief of underlying or concomitant diseases– these are necessary components of the effective restoration of intestinal microbiocinosis. Otherwise, all bacterial preparations and their supporting agents will literally be washed down the drain.

Therapy for each specific case, even in the same patient, is carried out according to individual scheme. If growth of pathogenic flora is detected, antibiotics are used corresponding direction. Therapy enzyme deficiency- substitutive. In case of impaired acidity or intestinal motility, they are corrected.

To restore the microflora, medicines of 3 main groups are used:

There are also combination drugs - symbiotics, which contain both prebiotics and different groups of eubiotics (for example, Maxilac). Their use is justified in sporadic cases of mild dysbacteriosis.

Treatment with folk remedies for intestinal dysbiosis in adults

Centuries of treatment experience folk remedies, unfortunately, is not always suitable for correcting dysbiosis in modern conditions. This is due, first of all, to the place of residence of the main risk groups – large cities.

Also, with an increase in the aggressiveness of pathogenic flora and an increase in the intensity of diseases in which self-treatment may turn out to be not only ineffective, but even dangerous ( peptic ulcer, malignant oncology, acute manifestations and exacerbations chronic pathologies Gastrointestinal tract).

Medicinal mixtures, decoctions, infusions are used to eliminate symptoms of constipation (flax seeds, hay leaves) or diarrhea (blueberries, yarrow, chamomile), flatulence (mint and eucalyptus leaves, dill seeds), pain syndrome(melissa, St. John's wort).

They have an enveloping (elecampane, marshmallow, oat), anti-inflammatory (calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort) and antimicrobial (anise, sage, St. John's wort) effect. Natural bee honey is widely used.

Alternative methods of compensation (treatment) of intestinal dysbacteriosis in adults

Compensation for lost bifido- and lactoflora is successfully replenished with home-made fermented milk products based on special starter cultures.

Whey, kefir, curdled milk contain great amount beneficial bacteria. There is a nuance: fresh (daily) kefir has a laxative effect, 3-day kefir has a strengthening effect.

Important to remember! Natural remedies can be used independently only with minor degrees of disturbance of the intestinal biocenosis. In the case of pronounced clinical manifestations, folk recipes will only be auxiliary in relation to the main course prescribed by the doctor.

Nutrition for intestinal dysbacteriosis in adults - menu

One of the factors provoking intestinal dysbiosis is a one-time (“indigestion”) or constant violation of the diet. Therefore, during the treatment process it is necessary to strictly adhere to a gentle diet.

The principles of the diet are:

  • exception starting reason;
  • absence in the diet of fast food products, carbonated drinks ( mineral water possible without gas), alcohol, coffee, sweet, spicy, smoked, fried and fatty, marinades, baked goods and baked goods, fresh fruits and berries;
  • preventing overeating.

At the same time, the diet should be complete in quality and quantitative composition. It is better to start the morning with fermented milk products and dairy-free unsweetened cereals. At lunch, give preference low-fat varieties boiled/steamed meat (poultry, fish) and vegetables, broths are welcome. You should not load your gastrointestinal tract before bed; you can have cottage cheese or an omelet for dinner, washed down with kefir/yogurt.

Note! The optimal solution would be fractional meals.

Intestinal dysbiosis during pregnancy - features

During pregnancy or breastfeeding Any negative deviations in the mother’s health are extremely undesirable. Therefore, if a woman has a tendency to any disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to prepare thoroughly for pregnancy. And during 40 weeks of gestation and further feeding, constantly prevent dysbacteriosis.

Be careful! If a disturbance of the biocenosis has occurred, under no circumstances should you try to stop it yourself. The development of pathogenic flora can cause significant harm to the child’s health. The same applies to irrationally used medications.

Prevention of dysbiosis is better than treatment

It is absolutely clear that modern life does not allow one to lead a completely healthy lifestyle: it is difficult to normalize workloads, eat right, and avoid unnecessary psychological stress. Even a complete cure for ARVI is a luxury.

However, there are a number of simple rules which will allow you to maintain the balance of intestinal microflora in a more or less optimal state:

  1. Do not abuse “junk” food, alcohol. And the day before and the next morning, add an additional intake of fermented milk product to your diet.
  2. Do not self-medicate and do not experiment with diets. Not only uncontrolled use of antibiotics is detrimental to normal flora. This also applies to medications for heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, and thrush; even a very wide range of vitamin supplements and herbal teas can disrupt the intestinal biocenosis.
  3. Don't ignore your body's signals about any disorder/illness. And undergo a medical examination every year.

Intestinal dysbiosis is not a final and isolated disease. An imbalanced gastrointestinal microflora can and will have consequences in the form of acute and chronic pathologies of the digestive tract. In addition, high-grade intestinal dysbiosis leads to vitamin deficiencies, anemia, exhaustion, psycho-emotional lability, and decreased quality of life.

How to cure dysbiosis, watch this video:

About intestinal dysbiosis in adults, its symptoms and treatment, watch this video:

In order to cure intestinal dysbiosis in an adult, you need an integrated approach that can help get rid of the disease and prevent relapse. Prevention of the disease, as well as medication and traditional treatment help prevent relapse in men and women. What are the main causes of intestinal dysbiosis in adults, how do the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves, what to do if the disease bothers you during pregnancy, and what is the treatment regimen for dysbiosis?

What is the disease?

Dysbacteriosis is an imbalance of beneficial and pathogenic intestinal microflora. Against the background of inflammatory processes and therapy in the intestines, the development of an imbalance of microflora begins and the pathogenic microorganism exceeds in quantity beneficial microbes. Diseases as such medical directory no, however, according to the classification of diseases, the code for ICD 10 is 63.8.0 "Dysbacteriosis". In case of intestinal dysbiosis, it is important to correctly diagnose and know how to restore the mucous membrane, since the clinic does not have characteristic symptoms and similar in signs to other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Degrees of dysbacteriosis

Bacteria disturb the intestinal microflora.

You can get rid of intestinal dysbiosis and prevent relapses after a complete diagnosis and confirmation of the diagnosis. The disease is divided into primary and secondary. In the primary, the intestinal microflora changes in a person, and in secondary pathology in the intestines develop as a secondary manifestation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The disease is divided into the following stages:

  1. Dysbacteriosis of the 1st degree is characterized by a decrease in beneficial symptoms, while the patient does not experience obvious symptoms or discomfort.
  2. Dysbacteriosis of the 2nd degree is characterized by a sharp increase in pathogenic microflora. The patient feels pain and has problems with digestion and absorption of food.
  3. Dysbacteriosis of the 3rd degree of manifestation is characterized by the fact that the intestinal walls begin to become inflamed, food is poorly digested, the patient feels weakness, heaviness in the lower abdomen, constipation is bothersome, which is followed by attacks of diarrhea, nausea, and a putrid odor is felt from the mouth.
  4. Dysbacteriosis of the 4th degree is characterized by the addition of bacterial and infectious complications. Food is not digested sufficiently, internal bleeding occurs, against the background of which the patient develops anemia, weakness, and dizziness. Regardless of what stage of the disease is diagnosed in a person, immediate treatment must begin drug therapy and adherence to a therapeutic diet.

Causes of the disease

The causes of dysbacteriosis in the intestine are varied. But the most common are:

Other diseases

Characteristic symptoms

Patients with dysbacteriosis often feel heaviness in the abdomen.

Symptoms of dysbiosis are similar to symptoms of diseases of other organs of the digestive tract. It is important to distinguish the signs of intestinal dysbiosis from other diseases; for this, the patient needs to undergo a diagnostic test indicated by a doctor, after which a treatment regimen will be prescribed. The doctor decides which drugs to use and how long the therapy will last based on the results obtained. Symptoms of intestinal dysbacteriosis in women and men are:

  • heaviness and constant discomfort in the abdomen, which are accompanied by flatulence, nausea, sometimes vomiting and loss of appetite;
  • problems with stool, when constipation is replaced by diarrhea and vice versa, particles of undigested food and mucus are visible in the stool;
  • weight loss due to inadequate digestion of food;
  • deterioration of health, drowsiness, weakness, dizziness;
  • bad taste in the mouth unpleasant smell and a coating on the tongue;
  • abdominal pain after eating, which cannot be ignored; it indicates the development of inflammatory processes in the organ and damage to the mucosa.

Intestinal dysbiosis during pregnancy

An imbalance of beneficial intestinal microflora in pregnant women leads to the development of diseases of the digestive tract, including thrush. The fact is that during pregnancy, the protective properties of the body are reduced, and all chronic diseases or the primary manifestation worsens, so during such a period it is important to monitor your health and take all measures to strengthen it. The microflora of the vagina and intestines are closely related, so treatment of dysbiosis should be comprehensive and prescribed by a doctor. The diet for intestinal dysbiosis during pregnancy excludes spicy and fatty foods, sweets, and fast food. When the balance of microorganisms in the colon is restored, treatment of vaginal dysbiosis can begin, the regimen of which is determined by the doctor. Most often, these are candles from dysbacteriosis "Fluconazole".


First of all, the doctor will prescribe general analysis blood.

Laboratory diagnosis of intestinal dysbiosis includes laboratory and instrumental methods. To determine dysbiosis, the doctor collects all the information about the patient, asks about symptoms, palpates, and then prescribes diagnostic measures. When the diagnosis of intestinal dysbiosis shows a decrease in bifidobacteria, while bad microflora predominates, it means that the patient develops bacteriosis in the intestines. The patient is advised to undergo the following procedures:

  1. a general blood test shows inflammatory processes, and in case of dysbacteriosis - low hemoglobin;
  2. irrigoscopy is X-ray examination using contrast. The doctor takes several photographs, which show the condition of the organ tissues, whether there are any changes or neoplasms;
  3. colonoscopy, with the help of which the doctor sees in real time the condition of the organ, whether there are any pathologies and what kind of disease is bothering you;
  4. gastroscopy, which will show the presence of diseases of the digestive tract, which is the root cause of dysbiosis;
  5. intestinal dysbiosis with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics - a study that shows the extent of disturbance in the composition of microorganisms and shows the sensitivity of pathogens to antibiotics.

Imbalance of intestinal microflora is a condition that is not life-threatening. But in some cases it is observed severe course dysbacteriosis when they appear various complications. Dysbiosis should be diagnosed in time and competent measures taken to eliminate it.

Dysbiosis or dysbacteriosis is considered temporary and not life-threatening functional disorder with certain symptoms. But in severe cases, the disease can be dangerous.

Advanced dysbiosis is not an independent disease, that is, a separate disease. This is a consequence of existing problems. Therefore, if dysbiosis is suspected, you should consult a doctor (gastroenterologist, therapist and other related specialists), undergo prescribed examinations (laboratory tests and hardware diagnostics), and then a comprehensive course of treatment.

Therapy in case of an advanced disease is always complex, since such conditions are accompanied by a malfunction of many organs and systems, not just the gastrointestinal tract.

Dehydration of the body as a consequence of severe dysbiosis

Long-term loss of fluid from the body due to bowel dysfunction (diarrhea that continues for a fairly long period of time) is dangerous for both children and adults.

Reference . Dehydration in the medical sense is a condition where there is a loss of three percent or more of water. The risk to life is fluid loss of 12%. In such cases it is required medical assistance in a hospital setting.

Why does prolonged diarrhea occur?

Diarrhea that lasts a long time and, especially, without visible reasons, this is a consequence of the vital activity of pathogenic microflora that is not typical for the intestines.

What to do?

Get examined, have your stool tested.

Rapid weight loss for no apparent reason, as a result of dysbiosis

This condition is due critical violation absorption of nutrients from food, necessary for the body for normal life.

What to do?

Pass the comprehensive research with blood and stool tests.

Losing weight indicates that the disease has become chronic.


In this case, the exhaustion mechanism does not play a special role. It is important to take emergency measures to stabilize the condition, since with severe exhaustion the patient becomes physically weaker and the immune defense is critically reduced. Susceptibility to a number of different pathologies appears (especially infectious nature), including influenza and other acute respiratory diseases. Over time, existing chronic diseases also worsen.

How to gain weight after dysbiosis and prolonged diarrhea?

It should be taken into account that it is almost impossible to recover without establishing accurate diagnosis and taking competent treatment and preventive measures. But even in this case, the process of weight gain itself is slow. The lost kilograms return along with the normalization of intestinal microflora, when food begins to be absorbed better and better.

Who is at main risk for weight loss due to dysbiosis?

  1. Little children in the background severe forms many diseases.
  2. Elderly patients with a range of pathologies.
  3. People who suffered surgical intervention and suffered complications in the postoperative period (especially operations on the gastrointestinal tract).

Secondary intestinal infections as a consequence of dysbiosis

In the presence of normal balance intestinal microflora, many dangerous intestinal infections cannot break through the protective barrier. As soon as the balance is disturbed, the entrance gates for pathogenic microbes open.

The most common infections that aggravate the condition of dysbiosis

In some cases and in the presence of accompanying factors, a number of microorganisms can become life-threatening, these are:

  • Salmonellosis.
  • Vibrio cholerae.
  • Dysentery (shigellosis).
  • Yersiniosis, the causative agent is the bacterium Yersinia enterocolitica (Far Eastern acute scarlet-like fever, affecting the gastrointestinal tract, pseudotuberculosis).

Who is at risk?

Pathogenic microbes pose the greatest danger to children, especially younger age and older people.

What to do?

Contact your doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Helminth infection and dysbiosis. Is there a connection?

You should absolutely not be guided by numerous publications on the Internet that have spread recently with colorful pictures and videos that frighten the imagination of the average person. Such materials are aimed at advertising drugs against helminths and motivate the reader to purchase medications of dubious origin and often at an inflated price.

Each person has their own levels of susceptibility to worm infection, which depend on many factors:

  • Age and related problems.
  • Individual reaction of the body.
  • Immune protection.

In fact, there is a vicious circle here - Helminthiasis, especially advanced, leads to a decrease immune defense, weakening, and in the future, if measures are not taken, practically destroying the protection mechanisms.

Reduced by various reasons immunity, in turn, contributes to the risk of infection with helminths.

General consequences for both dysbiosis and helminthiasis:

  • Vitamin deficiency, in which there is a lack of vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In this case, a deficiency of B vitamins is most often diagnosed.
  • Appearance iron deficiency anemia.
  • Vulnerability to bacterial and viral infections.
  • Reduced effectiveness of vaccination.

How to diagnose helminthiasis and dysbiosis?

Such activities are quite complex and must be carried out in combination:

  1. External examination of the patient by a doctor and collection of anamnesis.
  2. Passing a series of tests, which, together with the external signs and complaints of the patient, give a general picture of the disease.
  3. If necessary, consult with related specialists.
  4. Passing examinations with the help of equipment, for example, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, examination of the stomach with a probe, colonoscopy, etc.

Symptoms of dysbiosis and helminthic infestation in children

Parents should be informed about some common features, which can manifest itself when infected with worms, and with dysbacteriosis in children:

  • copious secretion of saliva during sleep and immediately after waking up;
  • complaints of nausea, especially when waking up in the morning;
  • bad breath;
  • swelling;
  • peeling of the skin on the eyelids, fingers and toes;
  • peeling of the skin in some places;
  • complaints of frequent hunger;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • decreased appetite and at the same time cravings for sweets and other sweets;
  • dry skin, hair;
  • fragility of nail plates;
  • frequent infectious diseases and difficulties in their treatment;
  • anemia (lack of iron in the blood, which is confirmed by laboratory tests).

Attention! If you find at least two or three items from the list in your child, you should draw the pediatrician’s attention to this fact. The child needs a comprehensive examination and, possibly, a treatment and preventive course.

Often, blood tests indicate a decrease in glucose levels. Therefore, the child has symptoms of "hungry" pain. Attention should also be paid to possible allergic skin reactions, which may be a consequence of infection with worms.

Violation of the general development of children with dysbiosis

Small children - special group risk. If the course is protracted, when parents do not go to the doctor, trying to improve bowel movements on their own using “home” methods, the child suffers for a long time from a deficiency of vital nutrients, micro- and macroelements and vitamins.

Since the rate of growth and development in children is very high in early childhood, such manifestations of bowel movements and other symptoms can lead to a delay in physical and even mental progress.

What to do?

Competent treatment allows you to quickly replenish the deficiency of essential substances in the body, subject to strict adherence to doctor’s instructions. However, in advanced conditions, there are risks of other complications not related to the gastrointestinal tract and imbalance of intestinal microflora. Therefore, the child has to conduct comprehensive research and full course treatment.

Inflammatory processes of the abdominal cavity as consequences of advanced dysbacteriosis

Some experts believe that launched form The disease can contribute to the development of the following conditions:

  • appendicitis;
  • protrusion of the intestinal walls (diverticulitis);
  • abscess formation.

Reference. Any inflammatory process, which is localized in the abdominal cavity - this is potential threat. Required emergency treatment, in many cases – not conservative, but surgical.

The most severe complications of dysbiosis

In some cases, when the process acquires a protracted and severe course, it may develop:

Enterocolitis in a chronic form, which is the result of a long stay in the intestine of pathogenic microorganisms.



  • destruction of intestinal tissues followed by necrosis;
  • formation of multiple ulcers;
  • development of malignant transformations (cancer tumors).

Sepsis (blood infection), which is possible if pathogenic microflora enters the bloodstream. Requires emergency medical measures, in otherwise Possible death.

Blood sepsis

Peritonitis, which forms during the aggressive action of pathogenic microbes on the intestinal walls.



  • destruction of all layers of the intestinal walls;
  • release of intestinal contents into the abdominal cavity;
  • entry of processed food and beverage residues into the abdominal cavity;
  • activation of the processes of suppuration.

This condition requires immediate treatment at the hospital, since complications of peritonitis lead to death.

Gastroduodenitis and pancreatitis.

Possible due to the constant presence of pathogenic microflora in the intestines, which subsequently spreads to all parts of the gastrointestinal tract.


  • damage to various organs of the digestive tract;
  • gradual deterioration of the general condition of the body;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract in the absence of adequate treatment.

Conclusion. Experts talk about dysbiosis in cases where, for some reason, the balance of the intestinal microflora is disturbed (the ratio of the so-called obligate form to the facultative form).

Classification of bacteria

At pathological processes The pathogenic (pathogenic) flora noticeably increases and the beneficial flora decreases, without which normal functioning of both the gastrointestinal tract and the entire organism as a whole is impossible.

Diagnosis and treatment methods are selected depending on the predominance of one or another pathogenic microflora, for example, fungal, staphylococcal, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia or associated ones. Therefore, treatment should be carried out only after examinations and tests as a whole. This is, first of all, eliminating the causes that contributed to the onset of the disease:

  • optimization of the daily routine;
  • normalization daily diet nutrition;
  • normalizing the emotional and psychological factor, since stress, especially chronic stress, is a powerful trigger for the development of a number of pathologies, including dysbiosis.

These are drugs that are designed to create favorable environment in the intestines, where thanks to them the growth and active reproduction of beneficial bacteria becomes possible.

Also prescribed as a daily meal natural products, consisting of live lactic acid bacteria, because the first priority for the diagnosis of “dysbiosis” is to replenish the intestines with beneficial microbes.

In cases where, as a result of laboratory tests, a particularly resistant pathogenic microflora is diagnosed, antibiotics are prescribed to both children and adults. These drugs can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, otherwise they will cause great harm to the body. If uncontrolled or long-term use It is much more difficult to cure the disease with such drugs. The recommended course of antibiotic therapy for dysbiosis is about six to eight weeks. After treatment, laboratory tests are mandatory.

To reduce the risks of developing dysbiosis, you should take care of the health of the body as a whole, timely and competently treat any diseases, including common colds. Taking all medications for the purpose of treating or preventing diseases, especially antibiotics, without a doctor’s prescription is prohibited.

Those who have reliable and most complete available information regarding the symptoms of dysbiosis, methods of its treatment, prevention, as well as possible complications of the disease, will be able to protect themselves and their loved ones from the consequences of both dysbiosis and other various pathologies.

We try to provide the most relevant and useful information for you and your health. The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Website visitors should not use them as medical recommendations. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! We are not responsible for possible Negative consequences arising as a result of the use of information posted on the website