Proper treatment of cats from external and internal parasites. Worms in dogs: symptoms, treatment, prevention

“A dog living in an apartment has worms - is this possible?” you might be surprised. Many people are convinced that only a street stray dog ​​can become infected with worms. However, according to statistics, from 60% to 80% of indoor pets are “hosts” of certain types of helminths.

How dangerous are worms in dogs and how can you determine if there is an infestation? The answer to this question depends on a number of factors, first of all, on the type of worms with which the dog is infected, its age and general physical condition. A relatively reliable and quick way to diagnose helminthiasis in a dog is to pass lab tests, however, only a small part of dog breeders do this regularly, and residents of small towns and villages often do not have this opportunity at all.

Common signs of worms in dogs

How to understand that a dog is infected if there is no opportunity to get tested for worms? There are a number common symptoms, by which you can understand that your pet needs urgent deworming:

Unstable stool (the dog’s diarrhea alternates with constipation);

Increased appetite due to weight loss, or lack of appetite for no apparent reason;

Hiccups after eating;

Sporadic vomiting in a dog;

Difficulty swallowing;

The dog “rides” on its butt, trying to relieve the itching in the anus;

Dermatitis and others skin diseases dogs;

Deterioration general view and the state of the animal ( dull coat, lethargy, anemia, etc.).

If the dog is heavily infected with worms in the feces and in the area anus you can see individual “segments” or dead or living individuals, or worm eggs, and often with severe infestation the dog vomits worms.

In small puppies, worms can be diagnosed by the following: external signs, such as bloating and noticeably protruding ribs. Often, due to worms, puppies experience various abnormalities in eating habits: on the background increased appetite In addition to normal dog food, the baby also eats various inedible objects and substances, while he still looks thin. If a puppy is heavily infected with worms, he loses his appetite, becomes lethargic and inactive. Later, if helminthiasis is not treated, the dog begins to vomit worms, which often occurs intestinal obstruction which leads to the death of the dog. In cases where a puppy or young dog is only slightly infected with worms, the infestation often causes rickets and retardation in the development and growth of the animal.

Types of worms in dogs

Specific symptoms of certain types of worms in dogs

Helminth infections of dogs Pathogen Symptoms of worms in dogs
Ascariasis - Toxascariasis and Toxocariasis Roundworms dogs Tohosaga canis, Toxascaris leonina Vomiting after feeding, hiccups, weight loss, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, bronchitis, shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing in dogs, acute form– bloody diarrhea, pale mucous membranes, lethargy
Uncinariasis and hookworm Nematodes of the family Ancylostomatidae The same as for ascariasis
Dipylidiasis ( cucumber tapeworm) Tape flatworms - cestode Dipylidium caninum Allergic reactions, intestinal obstruction and bleeding, perverted appetite, weight loss, “riding on the butt,” vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, sometimes cramps and drooling
Ancylostimiasis Ancylostoma caninum, Uncinaria stenocephala Anemia, diarrhea, blood in stool, emaciation, sunken eyes, swollen legs, fainting
Esophageal (esophageal) worms in dogs Difficulty swallowing, vomiting, emaciation, cough, choking
Heartworms in dogs Increased fatigue after physical activity, cough, swelling of the legs, abdomen, etc., cramps, photophobia, “fixed gaze”

Prevention of worms in dogs

In modern environmental conditions, it is almost impossible to avoid infecting a dog with worms. Since helminth eggs are contained in the soil, even an indoor dog that does not go outside can become infected through dust and dirt carried from the street on people’s shoes. Thus, the only way Reducing or eliminating the risk of a dog becoming infected with worms is prevention.

In order to prevent severe worming in newborn puppies, it is imperative to deworm the bitch before breeding. Lactating bitches need to wash their nipples if there is a suspicion that they may have gotten worm eggs. Newborn puppies are prevented from worming from 12-14 days of age. Adult dogs are wormed several times a year (read more about how to properly and how often a dog should be wormed).

In addition to routine deworming, preventive measures It also includes preventing free walking of domestic dogs (straying) - as a rule, such animals are more often infected with worms. You should not allow your dog to eat the feces of other animals, as they may contain eggs or larvae of worms. It is also extremely important to provide the dog clean water and drinking, do not allow her to drink from puddles and other bodies of water and pick up food from the ground or floor.

The choice of deworming product for dogs largely depends on the age of the animal and where it lives. For example, in Russia, according to research results, newborn puppies and young dogs are most often infected with the nematode Tohosaga canis, so it is best to use an anthelmintic for dogs such as Drontal Junior, which is administered to puppies using a syringe without a needle through the mouth in the form of a sweet suspension . Prazicide, Trontsil, Prazitel, Pratel, Kanikvantel, Triantelm are also successfully used for worming puppies (for puppies up to 1 month - in the form of a suspension, for puppies from 1 month - deworming tablets for dogs).

It is recommended to give adult dogs a wide spectrum of drugs, primarily Drontal Plus, Azinox and Azinox Plus, etc. It is recommended to alternate drugs, since with prolonged use of the same drug, worms develop immunity to them.

In order for the treatment of helminthiasis to be successful, it is necessary to follow a number of simple rules, regardless of what kind of deworming medicine you use for your dog:

  1. Consult with breeders, veterinarians and breed colleagues. It makes sense to purchase an anthelmintic for dogs that receives greatest number positive feedback from all three categories of “advisers”.
  2. Buy anthelmintic drugs from good veterinary pharmacies. Be sure to check the expiration date when purchasing. Lately Cases of dogs being poisoned with counterfeit or expired deworming tablets have become more frequent.
  3. Read the instructions for use carefully and follow them.
  4. Check to see if there are any contraindications for using a particular brand of anthelmintic specifically for your dog. Some drugs are contraindicated for breeds such as collie, sheltie, etc.
  5. When choosing how to treat your dog, you should consider that different means from worms have different mechanisms for destroying worms: some damage the outer shell, others paralyze nervous system helminths, while others destroy them at the cellular level. In fact, there are no drugs designed to kill all types of worms. That is why it is necessary to carefully read the instructions for medications, consult with doctors and, if possible, get tested before starting to treat your dog for worms.

How often should a dog be wormed?

You can often come across the opinion that deworming adult dog need every 3 months. However, is this really necessary? Of course, deworming every quarter will most likely significantly reduce the risk of severe infestation, but does such a scheme take into account the harm that is caused to the dog’s body?

Deworming your dog before vaccination

How to get rid of worms for puppies

There are several points of view on the timing and schedule of deworming puppies. As a rule, before the first vaccination, puppies are given anthelmintic on the 14th and 28th days of life, after which the vaccination is given on the 42nd day.

Many breeders recommend worming puppies and adult dogs with the use of additional “protective” drugs that reduce the load on the liver and kidneys and minimize the impact of toxins that are released with dying worms. To protect the body, hepaprotectors such as karsil can be used; gamavit is also used (.05, ml per 1 kg of weight 1 time in three days, three times in total). Enterosgel is most often used as a sorbent (1 teaspoon per 10 kg of dog weight, 1 hour before meals, for 3 days).

An approximate schedule for worming a puppy: the first time at the age of 14 days, then at 1 month, for puppies less than six months old - once a month, then once a quarter. However, there are some nuances to treating dog worms. various breeds, so consult your breeder or veterinarian before attempting this procedure yourself.

The dog's body is the definitive host for most worms. Many types of helminths are also dangerous for humans, especially for children. The carelessness of some animal lovers costs their families dearly. Conscientious breeders are well aware of the importance timely prevention and treatment of pets under the supervision of a veterinarian who will help you choose the right remedy from worms for dogs.

What you need to know about helminthiases in dogs?

  1. decreased or, conversely, increased, sometimes perverted appetite;
  2. poor weight gain, puppies grow poorly, they develop rickets;
  3. dull coat, may fall out in places;
  4. bloating, especially in puppies;
  5. unstable stool - constipation or frequent diarrhea with particles of blood and mucus;
  6. often hiccups, unexpected vomiting after eating;
  7. lethargic behavior, the dog gets tired quickly;
  8. decreased immunity, accession various infections;
  9. pallor, yellowness of mucous membranes;
  10. allergic diseases(dermatitis and other skin manifestations);
  11. difficulty swallowing food, cough;
  12. the dog crawls on the floor on its butt due to severe anal itching;
  13. detection of worms in feces or vomit upon visual inspection.

Attention! Sometimes the disease can be asymptomatic.

If you suspect possible infection It is recommended to monitor the animal and submit stool tests to the laboratory three times daily. At strong degrees infestation, the dog develops anemia, intestinal obstruction may occur, mechanical damage and rupture of the intestines, which will lead to the inevitable death of the animal. If some of the listed symptoms you need to contact a specialist to carry out anthelmintic treatment.

Important! Correctly select and administer deworming medications for dogs (tablets, drops on the withers, suspension), taking into account the characteristics of a particular animal and the type of helminthiasis.

The most common helminthic infestations in dogs in our country are toxocariasis and toxascariasis (from the group of nematodes), dipylidiosis (from the group of cestodiases). In the northern regions of Russia, opisthorchiasis from the group of trematodes is found. Ascariasis is dangerous for people.

How to properly deworm dogs?

Deworming tablets for dogs or medicine in another form are prescribed for both therapeutic and preventive purposes.

Prevention is the only method of reducing or avoiding the risk of an animal becoming infected with worms. Treatment with tablets, suspension or drops on the withers is carried out for young and adult dogs according to schemes taking into account age characteristics and type of worms. The products are widely available in veterinary pharmacies; the price may vary slightly in different regions of Russia.

How are puppies wormed?

For getting healthy offspring from purebred dogs need to give necessary medicine bitch before mating. Deworming of newborn puppies begins for the first time at two weeks of age, then repeats after 2 or 4 weeks and then follows the veterinarian’s recommendations, be sure to give an anthelmintic 14 days before vaccination.

What drugs are used to treat puppies?

1. Drontal junior– effective against nematodes ( Toxocara canis– the most common causative agent of diseases in dogs in Russia). The drug is dosed at the rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of dog weight, the suspension is mixed with a small amount of food or forcibly injected into the mouth using a syringe dispenser. It is advisable to give the drug on an empty stomach once without using a laxative. Prevention is carried out at the age of 14 days, then once a month until six months or according to another scheme as prescribed by a veterinarian.

2. Dirofen– suspension and tablets, effective remedy when puppies and kittens are infected with nematodes and cestodes. The recommended dose is 1 ml of suspension or 1 tablet per 1 kilogram of animal weight. Apply once in the morning on an empty stomach with a small amount food or injected into the mouth with a dispenser syringe. A laxative is not required. For the purpose of prevention, it is used at the same time as drontal.

It should be noted that it is necessary to follow some simple rules for greater effectiveness of dog deworming:

Preventive measures come down to several basic principles:

Responsibility for all those who are tamed lies entirely with the owners of the animals.

Compliance with simple rules of prevention and timely treatment- a guarantee of the health of pets and all members of the dog breeders’ family.


Each form contains drugs that are similar in action and effectiveness, so the choice depends primarily on how convenient the drug is to give to the animal. Thus, it is more convenient to give tablets to large animals, while suspensions and pastes are more convenient to give to animals. small sizes and the picky ones who don't want to swallow pills.

Almost all modern anthelmintic drugs are combined and contain active ingredients against both round and flat helminths. It is recommended to administer medications on an empty stomach an hour before meals, with a small amount of food, although there are medications that can be given regardless of meals. After 7-10 days, the drug is given again. The frequency of deworming is 2-3 times a year for cats that do not leave the house, 3-4 times a year for dogs and cats walking outside, 4-6 times a year for hunting dogs.

Combination drugs

Standard treatment schemes

The following processing schemes are generally accepted::

For hunting dogs and animals living outside the city:

With this they read:

Why does my dog ​​itch often? Symptoms and treatment

Itching is one of the most common problems faced by pet owners. Often they try to eliminate this symptom on their own, without understanding why the dog is itching.

Antihelmintics (anthelmintics) pharmacological preparations veterinary specialists prescribe not only for treatment helminthic infestations in dogs, but also for the prevention of helminthiasis in adult pets and puppies. Today in veterinary pharmacies and veterinary hospitals it is presented big choice various anthelmintics price category, which also differ in the way they interact.

The maximum concentration of active substances that make up anthelmintics in the body of dogs is observed 30-120 minutes after administration. It all depends on pharmacological properties, effectiveness of veterinary drugs.

Anthelmintics, as a rule, have a complex effect and are suitable for treatment and prevention:

  • toxocariasis (ascariasis);
  • trichocephalosis;
  • echinoccosis;
  • mixed helminthic infestations.

Antihelminthics for dogs are available in various forms: in the form of tablets, suspensions, which are intended primarily for puppies, starting from 8-10 weeks of age, in the form of pastes, special pastes for the withers. Most veterinary drugs are low-toxic, do not have a cumulative, toxic effect, and are well tolerated by animals. In recommended therapeutic doses they do not cause side effects.

Popular anthelmintics

Despite the large selection of foreign and domestic anthelmintic drugs, which can be purchased without problems at any veterinary pharmacy, veterinary experts recommend using the following veterinary medications:

  1. Drontal, Drontal plus.
  2. Kanikquantel, Kanikquantel Plus.
  3. Milbemax.
  4. Lawyer from Bayer.
  5. Polyverkan.
  6. Pratel.
  7. Procox.
  8. Dirofen.
  9. Dehinel Plus.
  10. Profender.
  11. Suspension Prazitsid.
  12. Febtal combo.
  13. Enwire.

Dogs in medicinal for preventive purposes anthelmintics It is recommended to give on an empty stomach, one hour before the main meal. The frequency, course of treatment, and the drug should be prescribed by a veterinarian. To avoid harm to your pet, before use pharmacological agent, carefully read the leaflet that should be in the package with the medicine. Strictly adhere to the indicated dosage, which is calculated based on the dog’s body weight.

Deworming pet V mandatory carried out 10-14 days before preventive vaccinations, revaccinations, as well as a month before the planned mating.

Drontal Plus

Antihelminthic drug complex action from the pharmaceutical company Bayer. Used for the prevention and treatment of mixed helminthic infestations. Drontal Plus has a meaty smell, taste, and bone shape that is pleasant to dogs, which makes it easier to prevent and treat helminthic infestations. Even if your dog refuses to take the “tasty” medicine, crush the tablet and mix it with your dog’s favorite treat. You can also dilute the veterinary drug in water or milk.

"Drontal Plus" is a low-toxic veterinary drug. When recommended dosages are followed, side effects are very rare.

Kanikquantel Plus

Antihelminthic tablets based on praziquantel (50 mg), fenbendazole (500 mg). The veterinary drug has wide range actions, more effective against flat, tape, roundworms. Belongs to the group of low-toxic anthelmintic medicines. Side effects occur in case of non-compliance with the dosage, as well as in animals with hypersensitivity to active components drug. In this case, diarrhea, vomiting, profuse salivation, and depression are possible.

One tablet of "Kaniquantel plus" is designed for 10 kg of dog's body weight. It is strictly not recommended for use in the treatment of helminthic infestations in nursing, lactating bitches, emaciated, weakened dogs. Prescribed for the prevention and treatment of mixed helminthic infestations in puppies older than two one month old. For puppies, veterinarians recommend using “Kaniquantel plus” in the form of a gel.


Milbemax is an effective anthelmintic veterinary drug, produced in the form of tablets, developed by the pharmacological company Novartis. Each tablet contains praziquantel (25, 125 mg), milbemycin (2.5, 12.5 mg). Available in two dosages: for small ones, ornamental breeds– tablet for 1-5 kg ​​of dog’s body weight and for representatives large breeds(one tablet per animal weighing 5-25 kg).

The veterinary drug is effective against intestinal nematodes and cestodes. Anthelmintic is contraindicated in dogs herding breeds(collie, sheltie, bobtail, hypersensitive animals that may develop allergic reactions on active substances medicine. It is strictly forbidden to treat helminth infections in puppies under two weeks of age, and also if your pet chronic pathologies in the functioning of the kidneys and liver were diagnosed.

It is recommended to give the drug in crushed form along with your dog’s favorite treat. The powder can be mixed with water, milk and injected into the mouth using a sterile syringe without a needle. The disadvantages of the anthelmintic include its rather high cost, the possibility of developing side effects, especially if the dosage recommended in the annotation is not followed. Can be used for the prevention and treatment of helminthic infestations only in clinically healthy dogs.

Lawyer from Bayer

"Advocate" is not used for the treatment or prevention of helminthiasis in weakened, sick, emaciated dogs, as well as in puppies under 7-8 weeks of age.


An effective complex anthelmintic drug. Available in the form of white cubes, each of which contains 40 mg of oxybendazole, 200 mg of niclosamide. An anthelmintic for dogs kills cestodes and nematodes at all stages of their development. Can be given in pure form, mix the powdered cubes with food and favorite treats. Dosage: one cube per 10 kg of dog weight.

It is strictly forbidden to give "Polivercan" to puppies that are less than four weeks old, pregnant, lactating bitches, emaciated, severely weakened dogs. Side effects are possible in case of hypersensitivity to active ingredients the drug, and also if the recommended dosage is exceeded.


"Prokoks" is a complex effective anthelmintic for animals. Available in the form of a suspension. Contains emodepside (0.9 mg), toltrazuril (18 mg). The veterinary drug kills intestinal nematodes and coccidia at all stages of development. Do not use for dogs with disorders, chronic pathologies liver and kidney functions, pregnant and lactating bitches, puppies under two weeks of age. I recommend using it with caution when deworming herding dog breeds.

Prazicide: suspension for puppies, decorative breeds of dogs

Veterinarians prescribe Prazicide suspension for the prevention and treatment of mixed helminthiasis in small puppies, starting from 8 weeks of age. The veterinary drug has in an integrated way impact. Effective against toxocariasis, nematodes, toxascariasis, taeniasis, dipylidia, echinococcosis, mesocestoidosis, nematodes-cestodiasis infestations. The drug is very easily dosed for any weight of animals, which avoids overdose.

Medicine It has a pleasant taste for animals, the aroma of milk chocolate, and also a dispenser pipette that makes it easier to administer the drug to capricious, picky dogs.

The main active ingredients are pyrantel pamoate, praziquantel (5 mg). There are also auxiliary components that enhance the effect of the active substances.


The anthelmintic belongs to the group of moderately toxic medications, is affordable, and does not cause side effects subject to the recommended therapeutic dosage. One tablet is designed for 10 kg of dog body weight.

A new generation complex action antihelminthic drug. Country of origin: Slovenia. Available in tablet form. Belongs to the group of low-toxic medications for animals.

Dehinel Plus

"Dehinel Plus" can be given to pregnant bitches in the last trimester of pregnancy, puppies, from seven weeks of age.


Available in the form of light yellow tablets. It is not recommended to use simultaneously with substances containing pyrantel. Not used to treat weakened, emaciated, clinically ill dogs. It is strictly forbidden to give Enwire to pregnant or lactating females.


"Pratel" - universal anthelmintic drug complex spectrum of action for dogs. Available in the form of light yellow tablets, as well as in the form of a suspension, which is intended for the prevention and treatment of helminthic infestations in puppies and decorative breeds of dogs. Active substance– pyrantel embonate.


1. According to the WSAVA, dogs and cats are best dewormed quarterly.

2. If your region is unfavorable for dirofilariasis, then during the flight of mosquitoes, monthly medications are used to prevent this disease (Stronghold, Advocate, Milbemax, etc.). It is possible to replace them with prolonged macrocyclic lactones, but we do not sell them yet.

3. If the dog is a herding dog, then deworming with praziquantel-containing drugs once a month is advisable. (This figure has been confirmed many times in experiments). This is a matter of the safety of the health of the surrounding people and the herd, and not the health of the dog itself.

4. Cats kept indoors while following a diet without raw fish, products of slaughterhouse origin, mice and the absence of walking animals (for example, dogs) in the house or other sources of fleas, it is permissible to deworm them once every 6 months. (this is my personal opinion), and sometimes even less often. This applies to adult animals, i.e. older than 8-12 months. This provision does not apply to puppies and kittens.

Should owners take prophylactic anthelmintic drugs, such as Decaris?

Is it worth carrying out preventive deworming of people after visiting countries like Cambodia and African countries?

No, there's no point. Ivermectin is not licensed for human use in our country. Other drugs are too narrow spectrum. Take praziquantel for early stages for larval cestodiases it is useless, for others it is meaningless. Taking medications for prevention in general is the wrong approach. This is a necessary measure to prevent infection of people from animals - larval toxocariasis, echinococcosis, alveococcosis, etc., because There are no reliable diagnostic methods for the animal, or their use is expensive for the owner.

Does it make sense to deworm children who are constantly in contact with dogs and cats?

Can worms develop resistance to anthelmintics?

There are several proven cases of resistance: piperazine has stopped working. Over several decades, its therapeutic doses for dogs and cats have increased and merged with toxic ones. There are strains of hookworms resistant to pyrantel. For the most part, stability is given out known fact not 100% effectiveness of drugs, or other errors - diagnostics, choice of drug. When the manufacturer, without blinking an eye, tells you about the resistance of helminths, about the need to alternate medications, as in the story about antibiotics, he is, to put it mildly, disingenuous. In horses and large cattle Resistance to some drugs may indeed be a problem.

Does a puppy need to be dewormed monthly until he is one year old?

It depends on what. If we are talking about pyrantel compounds, then for up to 3 months with toxocariasis, you will have to deworm it even more often - every 2 weeks, then monthly, and so on until 6-8 months of age, depending on the regimen.

The fact is that drugs containing pyrantel (and the vast majority of them are Russian market) act exclusively in the intestinal lumen, and primarily of such helminths as Toxocara, hookworm and Toxascaris. We are not talking about others, because... they are less common. The development cycle of the same Toxocara provides for it to migrate from the intestine through the liver and lungs, after which it enters the intestine, where it becomes an adult. So, pyrantel acts on adults, but does not affect migrating larvae. The drug itself remains in therapeutic doses in the body for approximately the same amount of time as the food that entered the body, i.e. within 12 hours. After 12 hours, the drug leaves the body and the animal is again ready for infection. Moreover, within a couple of hours after the drug is excreted, dozens of larvae that have completed their migration may enter the intestine. In just 5 days they will lay eggs and the control test will be positive, as if nothing had happened. Therefore, puppies and kittens are dewormed as often as possible when it comes to the use of pyrantel-containing drugs. As mentioned above - for the smallest puppies every 14 days, for kittens every 21 days.

As the animal matures, the success of full migration of Toxocara larvae in dogs decreases. Therefore, animals are dewormed less and less often. Adult dogs (over 8-12 months) practically do not support the complete migration of Toxocara, so they are rarely dewormed - at 3 months.

How do you recommend deworming puppies, if not pyrantel, and how often?

If a puppy is without fleas and does not go outside yet, then his mother and himself should be treated with, say, “Lawyer”, “Stronghold” - this solves the problem of toxocara well. It is necessary to take into account age restrictions and whether his mother is feeding him milk. This treatment should be done once a month. If your wallet doesn’t allow it, ivermectin is given orally or injected to the entire litter (don’t forget about the age restrictions!). Milbemax is somewhat less effective, but it can be used from the very beginning. early age. It is better to use drugs containing pyrantel with adults who are not pregnant (male dogs, for example) precisely for prevention - it is convenient, cheap and highly safe.

For selections in shelter conditions, you have to choose cheaper schemes. If a puppy or kitten is picked up from the street, the first deworming should not be carried out immediately when the animal gets home, in the very first days. It is best to fatten him first, give him vitamins, then something containing pyrantel, and then ivermectin.

What drugs are best used as prophylactics - complex or separately against roundworms and flatworms?

I don't give ready-made solutions, because... I personally even select a preventive drug for each owner individually based on a detailed survey about the care and feeding of the animal and taking into account complaints from the owner.

How can you effectively and cheaply treat street/shelter animals?


  • Flea treatment without permethrins
  • Ivermectin orally (the same injection drug is simply added to the feed) or subcutaneously 0.2 mg/kg and after about 3 days Azinox (without plus!)


  • Cheap permethrin
  • Azinox (without plus!)
  • 0.2 mg/kg ivermectin

What can a dog become infected with when fed (raw) meat? And how can this be dangerous for humans?

By the word “meat” I mean, first of all, products of slaughterhouse origin, this includes pure meat, liver, and lungs. The fact is that, as a rule, if an animal is fed raw meat, then they probably feed the rest too; in general, you can specifically ask the owner about each type of food, but I don’t see much point in this.

The meat may contain Toxocara larvae, less commonly cestode larvae. Trichinosis for cats and dogs of great importance it doesn’t, and with trichinosis everything is more or less in order in terms of examination - pigs are checked, but cows and sheep do not need it. Since we cannot be completely confident in the quality assessment of the meat we purchase, the dog should receive its dose of praziquantel once every 3 months, regardless of whether it is urban or not.

From products of slaughterhouse origin you can get a complete set:

  • from pigs - echinococcosis, alveococcosis, teniosis;
  • from cattle – echinococcosis, teniosis;
  • from sheep - muscular coenurosis (dogs), echinococcosis, extremely rarely (!) alveococcosis (cats and dogs), teniasis;
  • rabbits - alveococcosis, teniosis;
  • And also linguatulosis, toxocariasis, etc....

Actually, when they came up with preventive deworming, it was aimed specifically at these “comrades”, because a person becomes an intermediate host, receiving the invasive origin from his animals - predators, which are usually the final hosts. A dog should receive its dose of praziquantel every 3 months, regardless of whether it is a city dweller or not.. Echinococcosis and alveococcosis are diseases that are controlled by WHO and WSAVA.

About “dissolution” this is a bad retelling, in most cases (since there were such things before). Cestodes and trematodes do not have a hard cuticle like nematodes. The effect of many drugs on them leads to the fact that the protective mechanisms of their tegument ( outer cover) stop working. Because most cestodes live in thin section intestines, then, as a result, most of their strobili are simply digested (!) by intestinal enzymes. This trick does not work with nematodes, and they come out because... their cuticle is not subject to digestion.

If an animal actively hunts rodents, lizards, frogs and birds in the summer, do you need to use any special deworming drugs? And how to do it correctly?

So, if your animal lives like a wild predator, you have the worst option for domestic animals. Considering the country of residence, it couldn’t get any worse. Your animals must receive a drug containing praziquantel without fail. If a dog has the opportunity to catch lizards, frogs (and therefore mice, voles), then during this period it should receive drugs containing praziquantel every month (!). Based on your financial capabilities, you can give Milbemax to dogs, cats, Profender...

For dogs, depending on your wallet... I usually recommend Milbemax if there are no issues with protection against fleas, ticks, etc. This is a preventive measure. Treatment is another matter.

It’s just that if you, say, are protecting against fleas for the summer (don’t forget about ticks!), then you can, for example, use “Advocate” or “Stronghold” (they are nematicides, that is, they are effective against roundworms), then all that remains is to add praziquantel, To avoid dubbing, a cheap Azinox (without a plus) will do.

What do you think about the drug "Profender"?

Most owners think that tablets are a priori better, because... worms in the intestines, the tablet is sent there. “Profender” has been tested on hundreds of cats, starting with my own cat. There were several cases of misfires - this is acceptable because Any even super drug works with about 99% efficiency.

This drug is absorbed from the skin into the blood and kills Toxocara larvae, and then excreted with bile into the intestines and kills adults there. When using the drug, dead helminths will be excreted in the feces 2-3 days after using the drug. Those who use pyrantel are accustomed to the fact that helminths come out within the first day, and without waiting for the effect, they sometimes go to the store for a pill.

What about Dectomax, is it any milder than Ivermectin? And the current opinion about the adverse effects of ivermec on the liver is also confusing. And somehow from 3 weeks I was afraid to do it.

Ivermectin does not affect the liver in any way. It is a neurotoxin, but not for everyone. Dogs of the collie, sheltie, bobtail, and other breeds that have a defect in the MDR gene are susceptible to ivermectin poisoning. “Dectomax” is also possible, it calms the owner, but let’s not fall into self-deception. All drugs can be dangerous. Ivermectin is by no means the worst evil on the shelf at the pharmacy; tansy decoction can also do a lot of terrible things.

The dose of praziquantel is 5 mg/kg. In medicine, the dosage is much higher. Why such difference?

5 mg per kg is a dose sufficient to get rid of most cestodes in dogs and cats. That's why this dose is used. In humans, praziquantel is used in significantly higher doses to treat trematodes (25-100 mg per kg). The same high doses will be required for dogs and cats with the same diseases.

How do you feel about albendazole-based drugs?

I am against the use of albendazole for dogs and cats, but for humans... not as a prophylactic drug, of course. It is used in the USA (Albenza) and in many other countries. In the United States, ivermectin is also approved for use in humans for common scabies. WHO considered the issue prophylactic use anthelmintic drugs and approved this effect only in a number of tropical and completely underdeveloped countries.

What is the difference between toxocariasis and toxascariasis?

Toxocariasis has a number of differences with toxascariasis:

  • Toxocarosis is capable of migration through the lungs, which means toxocariasis is a diagnosis that can explain cough in some cases;
  • Toxocariasis is transmitted through mother's milk and in utero;
  • Toxocariasis is more difficult to treat due to its migratory stages;
  • Dog toxocariasis is dangerous to humans, and the danger of toxascarides to humans has not been definitively established.

How do you feel about the drug "Troncil"?

Trontsil is a drug that acts only in the intestinal lumen. Therefore, after 12 hours, the larvae, on which pyrantel has no effect, will be expectorated, swallowed and will end up in the intestines ready to lay eggs within a few days.

What fish can you become infected with opisthorchiasis by eating? Can sea fish, when they come from spawning and are in fresh water, be infected with opisthorchiasis at this time?

Only the carp family - crucian carp, bream, roach, roach, verkhovka, rarely carp itself, ide, plus minnow and gudgeon can become infected with opisthorchiasis. Sea fish They can’t, and neither can river trout. Marine fish cannot even become infected experimentally, because the cercariae emerging from the bithinia are sensitive to salinity, just like the bithinia themselves. They are weak, gentle creatures. But trout and salmon, as well as some other marine and migratory fish, become infected with diphyllobothriasis! In addition to the common tapeworm, there are also many species that can live in the intestines of humans and animals and are transmitted by marine fish. Therefore, there is no need to relax. Freshwater trout, pike, burbot, perch, loach, sterlet, and sturgeon are not infected with opisthorchiasis. And I don’t even immediately remember carp fish that would go from the sea to the river to spawn. Sea crucian carp and perch are not carp. I remembered only one type of fish that would enter rivers from the sea and could become infected with opisthorchiasis - roach.