What can people with diabetes eat? Healthy and dangerous foods, or what to eat if you have diabetes. What is the disease diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is one of the serious pathologies endocrine system, which requires constant monitoring by the patient and the doctor. Anyone who has been diagnosed with this will agree that the prevailing share of medical restrictions and recommendations relate to the daily diet. In fact, this is the main treatment, on which the course of the disease directly depends, as well as general state sick.

If you have type 2 diabetes, the diet is something that is important to memorize, so it is best to print it out so that it is always in front of your eyes and you strictly adhere to it. Many people mistakenly believe that nothing bad will happen from a few glasses of alcohol or a dozen candies. Such disruptions simply nullify all your efforts and can cause a critical condition that requires immediate attention. resuscitation measures, or even not at all complete refusal from food.

First of all, you should keep a food diary (online or on paper), recording everything you consume throughout the day, and stick to others important points nutrition.

Principles of nutrition for type 2 diabetes mellitus

In diabetic patients who either unknowingly or deliberately do not follow a diet before diagnosis, their cells become less sensitive to insulin as a result of too much carbohydrate in their diet. As a result, glucose in the blood increases and always remains at high rates. Dietary nutrition for diabetics consists of returning cells to normal sensitivity to insulin, namely the ability to absorb sugar.

    Restricting caloric intake while maintaining it energy value for the body.

    Eat meals at approximately the same time. This way you will achieve normal course metabolism and the functioning of the digestive system.

    The energy component of the diet must correspond to real energy expenditure.

    Mandatory five to six meals throughout the day, with light snacks (primarily for insulin-dependent patients).

    Main meals approximately equal in calorie content. Most carbohydrates should be consumed in the first half of the day.

    Adding fresh vegetables rich in fiber from those allowed to each dish to reduce the rate of absorption simple sugars and creating saturation.

    Replacement of sugar with safe and approved sweeteners in standardized quantities.

    Consuming sweets only in main meals, and not in snacks, in otherwise There will be a strong jump in blood glucose.

    Preference for desserts that contain vegetable fat(nuts, yogurt), since the breakdown of fats helps slow down the absorption of sugar.

    Limiting complex carbohydrates.

    Strict limitation of easily digestible carbohydrates, up to their complete exclusion.

    Limiting the consumption of animal fats.

    Significant reduction or elimination of salt.

    Avoid eating after sports or physical activity.

    Avoiding overeating, that is, overloading the digestive tract.

    Sharp limitation or exclusion of alcohol (up to the first drink throughout the day). You cannot drink on an empty stomach.

    Daily free fluid intake is 1.5 liters.

    The use of dietary cooking methods.

Some dietary features for diabetics

    You can’t take long breaks from eating and go hungry.

    Breakfast should not be neglected.

    Dishes should not be too cold or hot.

    Last meal no later than two hours before bedtime.

    During meals, vegetables are eaten first, followed by a protein product (cottage cheese, meat).

    If the food portion contains a large number of carbohydrates, there must be the right fats or proteins to reduce the speed of digestion of the former.

    It is better to drink water or permitted drinks before meals, but under no circumstances should you drink them with food.

    You cannot increase the GI of foods by adding flour, additionally frying them, breading them in batter and breadcrumbs, flavoring them with oil and boiling them (pumpkin, beets).

    When preparing cutlets, you cannot use a loaf, replacing it with vegetables and oatmeal.

    If vegetables are poorly tolerated, you need to make baked dishes, various pates and pastes from them.

    You should stop eating at 80% saturation.

Why should a diabetic take into account the GI (glycemic index)?

GI is an indicator of the ability of foods, after they enter the human body, to cause an increase in blood sugar levels. It is especially important to consider in insulin-dependent and severe course diabetes mellitus

Mine glycemic index every product has. Therefore, the higher it is, the faster the blood sugar level rises and vice versa.

The GI gradation divides all food products with low (up to 40), medium (41-70) and high GI (more than 70 units). You can find tables with the breakdown of products into these groups or online calculators for calculating the GI on thematic portals and use them in everyday life.

Naturally, all foods with a high GI should be excluded from the diet, except those that provide benefits to the body for those suffering from diabetes. In this case, the overall GI of the diet decreases as a result of limiting other carbohydrate foods.

A typical diet should include foods with an average (minority) and low (mostly) GI index.

What is a grain unit (XE) and how to calculate it?

The bread unit or XE is another measure designed to eliminate carbohydrates. It got its name from a piece of “brick” bread, which is obtained by cutting an ordinary loaf into pieces and then in half: such a 25-gram piece contains 1 XE.

Most products include carbohydrates, but they do not differ in properties, composition and calorie content. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the daily volume of food consumption that is necessary for insulin-dependent patients - the amount of carbohydrates consumed must necessarily correspond to the dose of insulin administered.

This calculation system is considered international and allows you to select the required dose of insulin. The XE indicator allows you to identify the carbohydrate component without weighing, but at a glance and in natural volumes that are convenient for perception (a spoon, a glass, a piece, a piece, etc.). Having estimated how much grain units is eaten at one time and after measuring blood sugar, a patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus can enter the required dose of insulin with short action before meals.

    the sugar level after consuming 1 XE increases by 2.8 mmol/l;

    1 XE includes approximately 15 g of digestible carbohydrates;

    2 units of insulin are required to absorb 1 XE;

    The daily norm is 18-25 XE, divided into six meals (3-5 XE - main meals; 1-2 XE - snacks).

    1 XE is equal to: 30 g of black bread, 25 g of white bread, 0.5 cups of buckwheat or oatmeal, 2 prunes, 1 medium-sized apple, etc.

Allowed foods and those that can be consumed rarely

Allowed foods for diabetes are a group that can be eaten without restrictions.

Average GI

Low GI

    colored beans;

    canned peas;

    canned pears;

    bran bread;


  • natural pineapple juice;

    fruit bread;

    natural grapefruit juice;

    natural grape juice;

    oat groats;

    bulgur cereal;

    buckwheat pancakes;

    buckwheat bread;

    pasta, spaghetti;

    cheese tortellini;

    buckwheat porridge;

    brown rice;

  • oatmeal cookies;

    sweet yogurt;

  • fruit salad;

    sweet berries;

Products with borderline GI content should be significantly limited (in the case of severe diabetes, completely eliminated:

    canned sweet corn;

    hamburger buns;

    white peas;

  • black beans;


    black bread;

    canned vegetables;

    Orange juice;


    sweet melon;

  • jacket potatoes;

    oat muesli, oatmeal;

  • fruit chips;

    wheat flour;


    milk chocolate;

  • steamed turnips;

    sugar marmalade;

    chocolate bars;

    sugar jam;

    sweet drinks;

    boiled corn;

    sweet carbonated drinks.

    onions, garlic;




    dill, green onions;

    white, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts;

  • Green pepper;

  • green beans;

    sour berries;

    raw turnips;


  • rice bran;

    raw peanuts;

    dry soybeans;



    70% dark chocolate;

    canned soybeans;

  • grapefruit;

    split yellow peas;

    pearl barley;

    soy milk;


  • black beans;

    berry jam (no sugar);

    berry marmalade (no sugar);

    whole milk;

    raw pears;


    raw carrots;

    chocolate milk;

    roasted sprouted grains;

    dry green peas;

    natural low-fat yogurt;


  • white beans;

    fish sticks;

    natural apple juice;

    corn porridge (mamalyga);

    green pea fresh;

    natural orange juice;


Prohibited Products

Refined sugar is one of the products with an average GI value, but with a borderline value. That is, theoretically it can be consumed, but sugar is absorbed quickly, which means blood sugar rises quickly. Therefore, ideally it should be excluded from the diet or consumed in a limited manner.

Prohibited foods with high GI

Other prohibited products:

    crackers, croutons;

    wheat porridge;

  • fried donuts;

    baked pumpkin;

  • muesli with raisins and nuts;

    potato chips;

    butter cookies;

    broad beans;

    potato dishes;

    popcorn corn;


    instant rice porridge;

    canned apricots;

    carrots in dishes;

  • parsnips and products made from them;

    rice cereal;

  • any pastry made from white flour;

    potato flour;

    corn flour;

    cakes, pastries, sweets;

    sweet cheeses, curds;

    condensed milk;

    maple, corn, wheat syrup;

    wine, beer, alcoholic cocktails.

    food with partially hydrogenated fats (canned food, food with a long shelf life, fast food);

    fatty and red meat (duck, pork, lamb, goose);

    salted and fatty fish;

    sausage and other sausage products;

    smoked meats;

    full-fat yoghurts, cream;

    animal fats;

    salted cheese;

    hot spices;

    sauces (mayonnaise and others).

Replacing harmful products with healthy analogues

Introduce into the diet

We exclude

Brown rice

White rice

Yasm, sweet potato

Potatoes, especially mashed potatoes and fries

Coarse pasta or durum pasta

Regular pasta

Peeled bread

White bread


Fruits and berries

Cakes, pastries

White dietary meat (turkey, rabbit), low-fat fish

Red meat

Vegetable fats (rapeseed, olive, flaxseed)

Animal fats, trans fats

Light soups with a second broth made only from dietary meat

Rich meat broths

Avocado, low-fat cheeses

Fat cheese

bitter chocolate

Milk chocolate

Whipped frozen fruit (not to be confused with Popsicles)

Ice cream

Low-fat milk

Table 9 for diabetes

Diet No. 9 was developed specifically for diabetics and has long been used for inpatient treatment patients who strictly adhere to it at home. It was developed by the Soviet scientist M. Pevzner. It includes:

    300 g of fruit;

    80 g vegetables;

    100 g mushrooms;

    1 tbsp. natural fruit juice;

    300 g of meat or fish;

    200 g low-fat cottage cheese, 500 ml fermented milk products;

    100-200 g bran, rye, wheat bread mixed with rye flour or 200 g of cereals (ready-made), potatoes;

    40-60 g fat.

Main dishes:

    Soups: vegetable, cabbage soup, beetroot soup, borscht, vegetable and meat okroshka, fish or light meat broth, mushroom soup with cereals and vegetables.

    Poultry, meat: rabbit, veal, chicken, stewed, chopped, boiled, turkey.

    Fish: pike perch, navaga, cod, pike and lean seafood, stewed, steamed, boiled, baked in juice.

    Appetizers: vegetable mix, vinaigrette, aspic dietary fish and meat, vegetable caviar, unsalted cheese, seafood salad with butter.

    Sweets: desserts from berries, fresh fruits, berry mousses, sugar-free fruit jelly, sugar-free jam and marmalade.

    Egg dishes: soft-boiled eggs, egg white omelet, in dishes.

Diet for type 2 diabetes mellitus by day

Contrary to the skepticism of many weekly menus for people who have just started on the right path dietary nutrition, can be both tasty and varied, the main thing is that food becomes a priority in life.

First option

Second option


Crumbly buckwheat with steamed cheesecake and vegetable oil.

Tea, protein omelet with asparagus.


Carrot salad.

Apple and squid salad with pomegranate seeds.

Vegetarian vegetable soup, jacket potatoes + meat stew. One apple.

Beetroot soup, baked eggplants with pomegranate seeds.

Kefir mixed with fresh berries.

Rye bread sandwich with avocado.

Boiled fish with stewed cabbage.

Salmon steak baked with green onions.

Tea with milk, oatmeal porridge.

A glass of coffee, buckwheat with milk.


Cottage cheese with the addition of fresh apricots.

Fruit salad.

Vegetarian borscht.

Seafood salad. Rassolnik made with the second meat broth.

Turkey meat goulash with lentils.

A glass of kefir and unsalted cheese.

Soft-boiled egg. Dried fruit compote without added sugar.

Baked vegetables with chopped turkey.

Curd cheese (low-fat) with tomatoes. Tea.

Oatmeal with grated apple, sweetened with stevia, sugar-free yogurt.


Vegetable grapes and two slices of peeled bread.

Smoothie made from fresh apricots with the addition of berries.

Steamed veal dumplings. Viscous pearl barley soup with milk.

Stewed vegetable stew with veal.

Fruits poached in milk.

Cottage cheese with added milk.

Stewed broccoli with mushrooms.

Carrot and fresh pumpkin salad.

A glass of chicory with milk, a soft-boiled egg.

Burger made with whole grain bread, tomato and low-fat cheese.


Berries and fruits, blended with kefir.

Steamed vegetables with hummus.

Pearl barley porridge under a fish coat, vegetarian cabbage soup.

Vegetable soup with green peas and celery. Chopped chicken cutlet with spinach.

Squash caviar

Pears stuffed with raw almonds.

Boiled chicken breast with celery and eggplant goulash.

Salad with pepper, salmon and natural yogurt.

Fifth day

Sprouted grains with bread and natural yogurt. Cafe.

Steamed plum puree with stevia and cinnamon. Soy bread and weak coffee.


Berry jelly.

Salad with natural squash caviar and salad with boiled egg.

Mushroom broth with vegetables. Meatballs with stewed zucchini.

Broccoli and cauliflower soup. Beef steak with tomatoes and arugula.

One apple, a glass of green tea.

Low-fat cottage cheese with berry sauce.

Salad with tomatoes, cottage cheese and herbs.

Fish meatballs in green natural sauce and steamed green beans.

Rice bran with berries and milk.

Low-fat cheese and two slices of whole grain bread. Fresh orange.


Diet bread, fruit salad with nuts.

Salad of raw beets, walnuts and mustard oil.

Soup with sorrel and beef meatballs.

Baked avocado with cream. Pike perch soup with wild rice.

Zrazy from cottage cheese and carrots, vegetable juice.

Fresh berries, whipped with milk (low-fat).

Steamed fish with pepper, cucumber and tomato salad.

Baked red onion with quail egg omelette.


Fresh berry, cottage cheese casserole.

Curd and carrot soufflé, tea (not strong).


Burger from bran bread with lettuce and soaked herring.

Warm salad made from fresh root celery, kohlrabi and pears.

Bean soup cooked with a second meat broth. Mushroom steam cutlet.

Rabbit fillet stewed with Brussels sprouts. Cold spinach soup.

A glass of kefir.

Layered fruit dessert with mascarpone.

Pike perch fillet with vegetables.

Baked cod with green salad.


This issue always remains controversial, since a diabetic patient does not feel an urgent need for them. They can be consumed only to satisfy your habit of sweetening drinks and dishes and taste preferences. There are simply no natural or artificial sugar substitutes with proven safety. The main requirement for them is a slight increase in blood sugar or no increase in blood sugar.

Today, people with diabetes can use fructose, honey and stevia as sweeteners.


Stevia is a supplement made from the leaves of the perennial stevia plant that replaces sugar. Such a plant synthesizes sweet glycosides, among which the main substance is stevioside (it gives the stems and leaves sweet taste, which is twenty times sweeter than regular sugar). It can be added to cooking and in ready meals. Stevia is believed to aid insulin production and promote normal operation pancreas without increasing blood sugar levels.

WHO experts officially approved it as a sweetener in 2004. The daily norm is up to 2.4 mg/kg (no more than one tablespoon per day). If the supplement is abused, there is a risk of developing allergic reactions and toxic effects. Available in the form of liquid extracts, powder and concentrated syrups.

Fructose 50%

Fructose does not require insulin to metabolize and is therefore completely safe. It has half the calorie content and one and a half times the sweetness compared to regular sugar. It has a low GI and does not cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels.

The norm is no more than 30-40 g per day. When consuming more than 50 g of fructose per day, the liver's sensitivity to insulin decreases. Produced in the form of tablets and powder.

Natural bee honey

Includes fructose, glucose and a small proportion of sucrose (1-6 percent). The metabolism of sucrose requires insulin, but the content of this sugar is insignificant, for this reason the burden on the body is insignificant.

Rich biologically active substances and vitamins that improve immunity. And it's high-calorie carbohydrate product with high GI (85). For mild diabetes, 1-2 teaspoons of honey with tea per day is allowed, after meals, slowly dissolving (but under no circumstances add it to a hot drink).

Supplements such as xylitol, aspartame, saccharin and suclamate are currently not recommended by endocrinologists as a result of possible side effects and other risks.

It is worth remembering that the rate of absorption of carbohydrates and the sugar content in foods will differ from the average calculated values. For this reason, monitor your blood glucose immediately before meals and two hours after meals, keep a constant food diary, and look for foods that cause spikes in blood sugar. It is most convenient to calculate the GI of dishes using a special calculator, since various additives and cooking techniques can significantly increase the initial GI level of the original products.

For productive treatment of diabetes mellitus, both type 1 and type 2, medication alone is not enough. The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the diet, since the disease itself is related to metabolic disorders.

In case of autoimmune diabetes(type 1) the pancreas produces small amounts of insulin.

In age-related diabetes (type 2), there may be an excess and also a deficiency of this hormone. By eating certain foods when you have diabetes, you can reduce or increase the level of glucose in your blood.

What should a diabetic's diet be like?

In diabetes of any type, the main task of the diet is to establish metabolic processes and control the increase in glucose levels. Foods that contain simple carbohydrates can trigger a spike in glucose.

The indicator 100% is glucose in its pure form. Other foods should be compared with glucose to determine their carbohydrate content. For the convenience of patients, all indicators are included in the GI table.

When consuming foods that contain minimal sugar, blood glucose levels remain the same or rise slightly. And foods with a high GI significantly increase blood glucose.

Patients with type 2 diabetes simply must be careful when choosing foods. On initial stages, with mild and moderate severity Diet is the main medicine for diseases.

To stabilize normal level glucose, you can use low-carbohydrate diet No. 9.

Bread units

Insulin-dependent people with type 1 diabetes calculate their menu using bread units. 1 XE is equal to 12 g of carbohydrates. This is the amount of carbohydrates contained in 25 g of bread.

As a rule, an adult needs 15-30 XE. Based on these indicators, you can make the correct daily menu and nutrition for people suffering from type 1 and type 2 diabetes. You can find out more about what this is on our website.

What foods can diabetics eat?

Food for type 1 and type 2 diabetics should have a low glycemic index, so patients need to choose foods with a GI of less than 50. You should be aware that the index of a particular product may vary depending on the type of processing.

For example, brown rice has a rate of 50%, and refined rice has a rate of 75%. Also heat treatment increases the GI of vegetables and fruits.

Priority should be raw, unprocessed foods: lean fish, meat, vegetables, herbs and fruits. You can look at the list in more detail in the table of glycemic indexes and permitted foods.

All food consumed is divided into three groups:

Products that have no effect on increasing sugar levels:

  • mushrooms;
  • green vegetables;
  • greenery;
  • still mineral water;
  • tea and coffee without sugar and without cream.

Foods that moderately increase sugar levels:

  • unsweetened nuts and fruits;
  • cereals (except rice and semolina);
  • bread made from wholemeal flour;
  • durum pasta;
  • fermented milk products and milk.

Foods that greatly increase sugar levels:

  1. pickled and canned vegetables;
  2. alcohol;
  3. flour, confectionery products;
  4. fresh juices;
  5. drinks with added sugar;
  6. raisin;
  7. dates.

Regular consumption of products

Food sold in the diabetic section is not suitable for constant use. This food does not contain sugar, it contains its substitute - fructose. However, you need to know which ones exist, and fructose has its own side effects:

  • increases cholesterol levels;
  • high calorie content;
  • increased appetite.

What foods are good to eat for diabetes?

Fortunately, the list of permitted foods is quite long. But when creating a menu, it is necessary to take into account the glycemic index of food and its beneficial qualities.

If these rules are followed, all food products will become a source necessary microelements and vitamins that help reduce the destructive effects of the disease.

  1. Berries. Diabetics are allowed to eat all berries except raspberries. They contain minerals, antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. You can eat both frozen and fresh berries.
  2. Juices. It is not advisable to drink freshly squeezed juices. It will be better if you add a little fresh juice to brewed tea, salad, cocktail or porridge.
  3. Nuts. A very useful product because... it is a source of fat. However, you need to eat nuts in small quantity, because they are very high in calories.
  4. Unsweetened fruits. Green apples, cherries, quince - will saturate the body with useful substances and vitamins. Diabetics can actively consume citrus fruits (except tangerines). Oranges, limes, lemons – abound ascorbic acid, strengthening the immune system. Vitamins and minerals have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, and fiber slows down the absorption of glucose into the blood.
  5. Natural yoghurts and skim milk. These foods are a source of calcium. Vitamin D contained in dairy products reduces the sick body's need for sweet food. Lactic acid bacteria normalize the microflora in the intestines and help cleanse the body of toxins.

Vegetables. Most vegetables contain moderate amount carbohydrates:

  • tomatoes are rich in vitamins E and C, and the iron contained in tomatoes promotes hematopoiesis;
  • Sweet potato has a low GI and is also rich in vitamin A;
  • carrots contain retinol, which is very beneficial for vision;
  • legumes contain fiber and mass nutrients, promoting rapid saturation.
  • Spinach, lettuce, cabbage and parsley contain many the most useful vitamins and microelements.

It is advisable to eat potatoes baked and preferably with the skin on.

  • Lean fish. The lack of omega-3 acids is compensated for by low-fat varieties of fish (pollock, hake, tuna, etc.).
  • Pasta. You can only consume products made from durum wheat.
  • Meat. Poultry fillet is a storehouse of protein, and veal is a source of zinc, magnesium, iron, and vitamin B.
  • Porridge. Healthy food, which contains fiber, vitamins and beneficial microelements.

Specifics of the diabetic diet

It is very important for people with diabetes to eat food regularly. Nutritionists recommend separating daytime appointment food for 6 meals. Insulin-dependent patients should consume from 2 to 5 XE at a time.

At the same time, you need to eat the most high-calorie food before lunch. In general, the diet should contain everything necessary substances and be balanced.

It is also useful to combine food with exercise. So, you can speed up your metabolism and normalize your weight.

In general, type 1 diabetics should carefully calculate the dose of insulin and try not to increase daily calorie content products. After all competent compliance diet and nutrition will keep glucose levels normal and will not allow type 1 and 2 diseases to further destroy the body.

Allowed foods for diabetes mellitus (hereinafter referred to as DM) play an important role. They regulate blood glucose and prevent insulin levels from rising. The health, well-being of the patient and even his life directly depend on this.

Many dishes contain glucose. So that the body can break it down and absorb it, the pancreas produces the hormone insulin. If, as a result of disturbances in the functioning of this organ (they can be congenital or caused by a disease), insulin ceases to be produced, type 1 disease occurs.

Patients who regularly take insulin and adhere to a diet live long full life

Illness implies constant reception insulin from the outside - in the form of injections. A special diet is also required.

Proper nutrition for this type of diabetes mellitus involves avoiding fast carbohydrates – those, as a result of the breakdown of which the level of glucose in the blood immediately increases. Long-lasting carbohydrates are essential.

In type 2 disease, as a result of a malfunction, cells lose sensitivity to insulin. As a result, glucose is no longer absorbed in the required quantities, which means its level is constantly increasing. Uncontrolled intake of carbohydrates can lead to a critical condition, and the diet should be aimed at controlling the consumption of carbohydrate-containing foods and restoring cell sensitivity to insulin.

About violations intestinal absorption and digestion - maldigestion syndrome, read.

Failure to follow the diet may lead to hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, that is, sharp fall or sharp increase blood glucose level. This may cause coma and death. That's why proper diet Nutrition for diabetes is an integral part of treatment and lifestyle.

The first thing you need to do when you notice symptoms of diabetes is to limit your diet. What you can’t eat, and what you can, when, how and in what quantities – the doctor will tell you all this during the consultation, when the suspicions are confirmed.

A proper diet is the main part of therapy and lifestyle for both type 1 and type 2 diseases.

Previously, it was believed that people with type 1 do not live long. Now, thanks to modern insulin medications and a strict diet, patients can live long, fulfilling lives with a minimum of restrictions. Read about it in a separate analytical review.

How to eat with type 1 diabetes

The amount of carbohydrates eaten during the day should correspond to the level of insulin taken - this is the basic principle of nutrition for type 1 diabetes. Fast carbohydrates are prohibited. These include baked goods, sweet fruits and drinks, and confectionery.

Diabetics are allowed to eat meat with vegetables, but they will have to forget about fatty varieties, fried and smoked meat

Slow breakdown carbohydrates - these include, for example, cereals - must be present in a strictly regulated dosage. The basis of the diet for this disease should be proteins and vegetables.. It is also necessary increased amount vitamins and minerals.

To make it more convenient to plan meals for patients with type 1 diabetes, such a concept as a “bread unit” (XU) was invented. This is the amount of carbohydrates contained in half a slice of rye bread taken as a standard .

It is allowed to eat from 17 to 28 XE per day, and at one time this amount should not exceed 7 XE. Meals should be fractional - 5-6 times a day, so the permitted unit rate is divided by the number of meals. Meals should be taken at the same time of day, without skipping.

Table of bread units:

Products by groups Amount of product in 1 XE
Dairymilk250 ml
kefir250 ml
yogurt250 ml
ice cream65 g
syrniki1 PC.
Bakery productsRye bread20 g
crackers15 g
breadcrumbs1 tbsp. l.
pancakes and pancakes50 g
gingerbread40 g
Cereals and side dishesany crumbly porridge2 tbsp.
jacket potatoes1 PC.
French fries2-3 tbsp. l.
ready-made breakfasts4 tbsp. l.
boiled pasta60 g
Fruitsapricots130 g
banana90 g
pomegranate1 PC.
persimmon1 PC.
apple1 PC.
Vegetablescarrot200 g
beet150 g
pumpkin200 g

Here are some foods you can eat without restrictions if you have type 1 diabetes:

  • zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin, squash;
  • sorrel, spinach, lettuce;
  • green onions, radishes;
  • mushrooms;
  • peppers and tomatoes;
  • cauliflower and white cabbage.

They are so low in carbohydrates that they are not considered XE. It is also necessary to use protein food: fish, meat, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese and cheese, cereals (except semolina and rice), fermented milk products, wholemeal bread, not too sweet fruits in limited quantities.

You need to measure your blood sugar regularly to know when to raise it and when to lower it. If this is not done, hypoglycemic coma may occur suddenly.

Weekly menu for a patient with type 1 diabetes

For diabetes, milk and kefir are allowed and even recommended, but sour cream and cream - only with a low percentage of fat content, cottage cheese - in limited quantities

We offer approximate diet meals for 7 days:



Afternoon snack


Monday crumbly pearl barley,
2 slices hard cheese,
tea or coffee
chambers of fresh vegetables,
2 steamed chicken breast cutlets,
braised cabbage,
borscht in low-fat broth
glass of kefirpalat, slice of chicken breast
Tuesday egg white omelette,
boiled veal,
tea or coffee
fresh vegetable salad, pumpkin porridge, boiled chicken breast3 cheesecakesstewed cabbage, boiled fish
Wednesday meat cabbage rolls without rice,
bread optional
fresh vegetable salad, boiled lean meat or fish, durum wheat pastaorangecottage cheese casserole
Thursday oatmeal with water,
some fruit
a couple of slices of cheese
low-fat pickle sauce, a slice of bread and boiled meatbiscuitsgreen beans, boiled meat or fish
Friday lazy dumplings with cottage cheese,
a glass of kefir,
dried fruits
salad, baked potatoes, sugar-free compotefruit drink without sugar, baked pumpkinsteamed meat cutlets, vegetable salad
Saturday a slice of lightly salted salmon, boiled egg, tea or coffeecabbage rolls, low-fat borsch without frying, a slice of rye breadbread, kefirsteamed chicken fillet, fresh peas or stewed eggplant
Sunday buckwheat on water, stewed chickencabbage soup on chicken broth, chicken cutletcottage cheese, fresh plumsglass of kefir, biscuits, apple

Video about nutrition for type 1 diabetes:

How to eat with type 2 diabetes

Nutrition for type 2 diabetes also involves avoiding large amounts of carbohydrates. If this is not controlled, the body will stop absorbing glucose altogether, its level will increase, which will cause hyperglycemia.

A low-carbohydrate diet for type 2 diabetes includes vegetables, legumes, seafood, fruits, dairy and whole grains.

You should also limit your caloric intake. Meals should be approximately the same in calorie content and divided 5-6 times a day. Be sure to eat at the same time every day.

The main amount of carbohydrates should be consumed in the first half of the day, and the amount of calories entering the body should correspond to the actual energy expenditure.

You can eat sweets, but in limited quantities. Sweeteners should be used. You can't snack on sweets, that is, all desserts should only go with main meals. At the same time, you should definitely eat vegetables rich in fiber. This will slow down the absorption of sugar into the blood. You should also limit the amount of salt, animal fats, alcohol, and complex carbohydrates. Fast carbohydrates should be avoided altogether.

I often find that patients with non-insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes do not take the disease seriously at first and are in no hurry to give up their eating habits.

They believe that if you don’t need to take insulin when you are sick, then everything is not scary at all. This is especially true for older people. However, the opinion that a dozen sweets and a couple of glasses of sweet wine will do nothing for the holiday is wrong.

Only through therapy and a constant diet is it possible not only to keep sugar levels under control, but also to restore lost sensitivity to insulin. Another common misconception is that foods allowed for diabetes cannot be tasty.

Not true, there are many recipes, including holiday dishes, which will delight any gourmet.

Type 2 diabetics should consider the glycemic index (GI) of foods. The higher it is, the faster this product will cause an increase in blood sugar. Accordingly, you should avoid foods with a high GI, and the diet for type 2 diabetes mellitus should consist of foods with low (mostly) and medium (small quantities) GI.

With the permission of the attending physician, you can also consume some foods with a high GI in small quantities if they are necessary to maintain certain functions of the patient’s body.

Allowed foods with low and medium glycemic index:

Product groups Low GI Average GI
Fruits and berriesavocado (10);
strawberry (25);
red currant (25);
tangerines (30);
pomegranate (34).
persimmon (50);
kiwi (50);
papaya (59);
melon (60);
banana (60).
Vegetableslettuce (9);
zucchini, cucumber (15);
cauliflower and cabbage (15);
tomatoes (30);
green peas (35).
canned corn (57);
other canned vegetables (65);
jacket potatoes (65);
boiled beets (65).
Cereals and side dishesgreen lentils (25);
vermicelli (35);
black rice (35);
buckwheat (40);
basmati rice (45).
spaghetti (55);
oatmeal (60);
long grain rice (60);
sprouted wheat (63);
macaroni and cheese (64).
Dairymilk (30);
low-fat cottage cheese (30);
fructose ice cream (35);
low-fat yogurt (35).
ice cream (60).
Other productsgreens (5);
nuts (15);
bran (15);
dark chocolate (30);
orange juice (45).
shortbread (55);
sushi (55);
mayonnaise (60);
pizza with tomatoes and cheese (61).

Weekly menu for a patient with type 2 diabetes

We offer a menu of allowed foods for 7 days for type 2 diabetics:


2- oh breakfast


Afternoon snack


Monday crumbly buckwheat, steamed cheesecake, teafresh carrot saladvegetable soup without meat, boiled potatoes, meat stew, unsweetened applelow-fat kefir cocktail with fresh or frozen berriesboiled lean fish, stewed cabbage
Tuesday porridge with water from Hercules oat flakes, tea with milklow-fat cottage cheese with fresh apricotsseafood salad, vegetarian borschtsoft-boiled egg, dried fruit compote without sugarturkey goulash, boiled lentils on the side
Wednesday curd cheese, tomatoes, teasmoothie made from fresh apricots and berriesvegetable stew with vealfruits lightly stewed in milkbroccoli with mushrooms
Thursday chicory with milk, soft-boiled eggcocktail of low-fat kefir with berries and fruitsvegetarian cabbage soup, crumbled pearl barley, boiled fishpears, almondsboiled chicken breast, celery, eggplant goulash
Friday sprouted wheat grains, rye bread, natural yogurt without additives, coffeeberry jelly with added sugar substitutemushroom soup with vegetables, meatballs, stewed zucchiniunsweetened apple, green teasteamed green beans, fish balls in green sauce
Saturday bran with milk, berriesCereal bread, fresh fruit salad with nutssorrel soup with beef meatballscurd and carrot zrazy, vegetable juicesteamed fish, fresh vegetable salad
Sunday berry juice, cottage cheese casserolesandwich made of bran bread with green salad and pre-soaked herringbean soup with second meat broth, steamed mushroom cutletglass of kefirpike perch fillet, vegetables

In addition, we suggest watching a video with breakfast options for diabetes:


Diabetes is not a death sentence. WITH modern drugs And proper diet the patient can lead the most fulfilling lifestyle possible. What kind of nutrition is necessary for diabetes mellitus in each specific case depends on several factors: age, severity of the disease, physical activity, and the presence or absence of associated problems.

The list of permitted foods for diabetes is discussed with the doctor, as well as calorie content daily ration. He will tell you what GI and XE are and help you calculate their quantity. This knowledge will depend future life patient.

One of the causes of type 2 diabetes is obesity, so it is very important to watch your diet. It is necessary not only to know what to eat, but also to create a menu and distribute the daily diet.

Type 2 diabetes, also called the disease of old age, occurs in people over 40 years of age. Excess weight– one of the reasons that can trigger the onset of the disease. To effectively control the progression of symptoms, it is imperative to adhere to a strict diet. Despite the fact that the diet for type 2 diabetes mellitus is strict, it must be followed throughout life. Its main goals are to reduce the patient’s body weight and reduce the load on the pancreas.

Principles of nutrition

As a result of type 2 diabetes mellitus, chronic metabolic disorders occur. Incorrect operation digestive system is associated with a lack and inability to fully absorb glucose. For mild type 2 diabetes, diet can be a treatment and does not require the use of special medications.

Despite the fact that each patient has his own individual diet, in total common features Meals for patients with type 2 diabetes are included in a single scheme called “table No. 9.” Based on this basic diet, it is created individual scheme, adjusted for each specific case.

  1. IN therapeutic nutrition The protein:fats:carbohydrates ratio is very important. In this case it should be "16%:24%:60%". This distribution ensures optimal intake of “building” material into the patient’s body.
  2. Each patient has his own individual daily calorie requirement calculated. The amount of energy received from food should not exceed that spent by the body. Doctors usually advise setting the daily intake for women at 1200 Kcal, and for men at 1500 Kcal.
  3. First of all, you should eliminate sugar from your diet by replacing it.
  4. The patient's diet should be fortified and rich in microelements and cellulose.
  5. The consumption of animal fats must be reduced by half.
  6. Be sure to increase the number of meals up to 5 or 6 times. Moreover, each of them should be properly combined with physical activity. The use of medications (glycemic agents) is also selected.
  7. Dinner should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  8. It is required that the breaks between meals be at least three hours.

It is very important for a person suffering from diabetes to correctly plan a diet and choose the appropriate menu, using the doctor’s recommendations when choosing products. You cannot engage in amateur activities, as this can aggravate the course of the disease.

Allowed products and ready meals

A patient with this diagnosis will have to follow a diet for life. Exactly right choice permitted products can provide a person with a decent life. The patient is allowed to eat certain foods.

  1. Bread. Diabetic or diabetics are allowed in small quantities Rye bread. A product made from bran is freely allowed for use. Regular baked goods and pasta are allowed in extremely limited form or are completely excluded.
  2. Vegetables, greens. A person with diabetes can and should add fresh vegetables to their diet. Cabbage, sorrel, zucchini, cucumbers, onions and other sources of dietary fiber have a beneficial effect on metabolism and help normalize it. Boiled potatoes, beets and carrots are allowed to consume no more than 200 g per day. Corn and legumes can be eaten with caution and in small quantities.
  3. As for fruits and berries, you can eat cranberries, quinces and lemons indefinitely. Other products from this group are allowed to be eaten in limited quantities. There are no completely prohibited fruits and berries.
  4. Permitted spices and seasonings include pepper, cinnamon, spices and mustard. Use salad dressings and low-fat homemade mayonnaise rarely and with caution.
  5. Low-fat meat and fish broths are also on the list of those available for use. Vegetable soups are also allowed.
  6. Low-fat cheese and kefir also get the green light.
  7. Fish. The principle when eating fish is: the less fat it contains, the better for the body. It is allowed to eat 150 g of fish per day.
  8. It is very important for the patient to limit his consumption of fatty meat. It can be no more than 100g per day exclusively in boiled or baked form.
  9. Cereals. A person diagnosed with type 2 diabetes can afford oatmeal, barley and buckwheat porridge. The consumption of pearl barley and millet cereals needs to be reduced.
  10. Drinks you should prefer herbal infusions, green teas. You can drink milk and ground coffee.
  11. Low-fat cottage cheese is allowed in its pure form and as casseroles, cheesecakes and other ready-made dishes.
  12. Due to the cholesterol they contain, eggs can be eaten no more than once a week in quantities of no more than two. Several cooking options are allowed: omelette, soft-boiled or hard-boiled, or adding them to other dishes.

As can be seen from the list, patients with type 2 diabetes are allowed a fairly large number of different foods to make the menu varied, tasty, and completely balanced.

Prohibited Products

Since diabetes mellitus is very serious illness, affecting the entire metabolism as a whole, the list of prohibited foods is quite large and varied.

  1. Cookies, cakes, pastries and other sweets are prohibited. Since their taste is based on the inclusion of sugar, you should be careful not to eat them. The exception is baked goods and other products made specifically for diabetics using sweeteners.
  2. You cannot use bread made from butter dough.
  3. Fried potatoes, white rice and burnt vegetables should disappear from the patient's table.
  4. You should not eat spicy, smoked, highly salted or fried foods.
  5. Sausages should also be excluded from the patient’s diet.
  6. You should not eat even small quantities of butter, fatty mayonnaise, margarine, cooking and meat fats.
  7. Semolina and racial cereals, as well as pasta, are similarly prohibited.
  8. You cannot eat homemade pickles with marinades.
  9. Alcohol is strictly prohibited.

It is important to remember that following a diet and excluding foods prohibited for this disease from the menu will help avoid many complications of diabetes, such as blindness, cardiovascular diseases, angiopathy and so on. An additional advantage will be the ability to maintain a good figure.

Benefits of dietary fiber

Dietary fiber is small elements of plant foods that are not exposed to enzymes that help break down foods. They go through digestive system without being digested.

They have sugar and lipid-lowering effects. Dietary fiber reduces the absorption of glucose in the human intestine and additionally creates a feeling of fullness. It is because of these properties that they should definitely be included in the menu of patients with diabetes.

Rich in dietary fiber:

  • wholemeal flour;
  • coarse bran;
  • rye and oat flour;
  • nuts;
  • beans;
  • strawberry;
  • dates;
  • raspberries and many other products.

The amount of fiber required by a diabetic patient is 354 g per day. Moreover, it is important that 51% of it comes from vegetables, 40% from grains and their derivatives, and 9% from berries and mushrooms.


For those patients for whom the presence of sweets in their diet is mandatory, special substances have been developed that add a sweet taste to the product. They are divided into two groups.

  1. Calorigenic. Their quantity must be taken into account when calculating the energy component of food. These include: sorbitol, xylitol and fructose.
  2. Non-calorigenic. Acesulfame potassium, aspartame, cyclamate and saccharin are the main representatives of this group.

In stores you can find baked goods, drinks, candies and other sweet products in which sugar is replaced with these substances.

It should be remembered that such products may also contain fat, the amount of which also needs to be controlled.

Sample menu for type 2 diabetes

In diabetes mellitus, one of the important conditions is to reduce the portions consumed, increasing the number of meals.

An approximate menu and diet for a patient looks like this.

  1. First breakfast. Best time is 7am. For breakfast you can eat cereals from the permitted list. They start metabolism. It is also good to eat cottage cheese or egg dishes in the morning. Should be 25% of the total daily requirement in energy.
  2. Second breakfast (snack). Curd dishes or fruits are useful. 15% of allowed calories.
  3. Lunch should be at 13-14 hours and make up 30% of the daily diet.
  4. At 16:00 it is time for afternoon tea. 10% of total calories. Fruits will be the best solution.
  5. Dinner at 18:00 should be the last meal. It makes up the remaining 20%.
  6. When severe hunger You can have a snack at night at 22:00. Kefir or milk will relieve hunger well.

A diet for diabetes should be developed together with your doctor. Depending on the degree of the disease, any products may be added or removed. The menu may also be affected by other concomitant diseases.

It is important to remember that proper nutrition, bringing visible result, is not a panacea. It must be combined with mild physical stress and drug treatment. Only A complex approach to treatment and compliance with all instructions can guarantee a stable condition and the absence of complications.

When diagnosed with diabetes, a person must eat according to a specific menu. This disease is a common endocrine disorder and patients suffer from it different ages and floors. What can you eat if you have diabetes? different types, what foods are allowed to be consumed so that the sugar level does not rise? If you adhere to specific nutritional principles and know what is recommended and what is prohibited to eat, then stable, wellness guaranteed for diabetics.

Principles of nutrition

A disease caused by a deficiency of insulin (a protein hormone) is called diabetes mellitus. The main sign of endocrine disease is increased blood sugar. Other symptoms include: metabolic disorders, damage to the nervous system and blood vessels, other human systems and organs. Two main types of endocrine pathology:

  1. Insulin-dependent diabetes or type 1 disease is often diagnosed in children and people young. With this type of disease, there is a complete deficiency of insulin caused by disruptions in the functioning of the pancreas.
  2. The non-insulin dependent type (type 2) is more common. It is characterized by a relative deficiency of the hormone. The disease is common in obese people of both sexes. The age of patients with the second type is more than forty years.
  3. Diabetes of gestational type (can be observed during pregnancy).

Exist simple rules power supply:

  1. Fractional meals. You need to eat 4-6 times a day in small doses. There is a short break between meals.
  2. It is forbidden to eat sugar. Any confectionery products are excluded. The amount of carbohydrates will also have to be reduced.
  3. Doctors advise consuming an identical amount of calories/carbohydrates with meals. It is recommended to write down this information in a diary, this will simplify the task correct mode nutrition.
  4. Another rule - introduction to the diet increased norm proteins. This diet helps to provide the necessary “building materials” for the regeneration of damaged tissues.
  5. Carbohydrate reserves are replenished through cereals, vegetables, unsweetened fruits, and baked goods. It is advisable to choose foods rich in fiber and dietary fiber.
  6. Endocrinologists recommend not to overuse fried foods, strong meat broths and similar foods.

What is a bread unit

A conventional measure of food consumed, equal to 12 grams of carbohydrates, is a bread unit (XE). It was developed by nutritionists from Germany to roughly estimate the amount of carbohydrates in each individual product. It is advisable for a sick person to have a special table with him. It determines the amount of carbohydrates in the product and the number of bread units per day.

With the help of such tips you can quickly and easily compose treatment menu. You can calculate the amount of XE in any product using a simple scheme, without using tables. Often, food packages indicate how many carbohydrates are in one hundred grams of the product. When this number is found, it must be divided by 12. The resulting result is the number of bread units in 100 grams of the selected product.


If you are ill, you should determine in advance which diet for diabetes will help maintain normal health. Adhering to a certain diet, cooking according to “diabetic” recipes and following the advice of a specialist is the key to excellent health. Diet therapy is developed by an endocrinologist. This event takes into account the specific type of ailment.

Diet for type 2 diabetes

The endocrinologist prescribes an individual menu for each patient with the second type of disease. True, there are general principles for eating food. The diet for type 2 diabetics is a balanced diet with the right ratio useful substances:

IN daily diet diabetics included following products:

  • moderate amount of vegetable fats;
  • fish, seafood;
  • fiber (vegetables, fruits, greens).

Nutrition for type 1 diabetes

A dietary diet for a sick person can achieve positive results in treatment. Diet for insulin-dependent diabetes has several features:

  1. Treatment through a specific nutrition plan is based on controlling glucose concentrations.
  2. It is forbidden to eat before bedtime.
  3. The maximum allowed calorie content is 3000 kcal per day.
  4. A diabetic (male or female) is required to eat small portions (at least 6 times).
  5. It is necessary to count the number of XE (bread units). Diabetics are allowed no more than 8 bread units per meal.
  6. It is recommended to give up sugar. An alternative to sucrose is special sweeteners (for example, fructose).
  7. If symptoms develop, you should eat less jam, honey, and pastries.

What can you eat

A therapeutic diet is necessary to improve overall health and reduce the risk of pathologies caused by the disease. In order to feel good and not aggravate the disease, you need to find out from your doctor what foods you can eat. Below we discuss different categories of food, the characteristics of their consumption and the permitted amount.


People who have problems with insulin deficiency should consume baked goods with caution. Many people are interested in what kind of bread can you eat if you have diabetes? There are certain medical instructions in this regard. Allowed to be included in diet menu black bread, products from whole grain, with bran. There are buns White bread, rolls and other baked goods are prohibited. Norm flour products, which can be eaten per day, ranges from 200 to 350 grams.

Fruits and vegetables

The daily menu should always include healthy fruits and vegetables for diabetes. Such products are a “storehouse” of fiber and various vitamins. People with insulin deficiency need to carefully monitor their portion sizes to avoid gaining weight. There are almost no prohibitions on vegetables, but it is worth limiting the number of fruits with high content carbohydrates and starch (potatoes, beets, carrots, beans, green peas, chickpeas).

It is allowed to prepare dishes from the following vegetables:

  • tomatoes;
  • sweet salad pepper;
  • eggplant;
  • colored, White cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • turnip;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • celery, parsley, dill, onion.

Fruits and berries can be eaten fresh. Some diabetics prefer preparing compotes, fruit drinks, and jellies. When choosing these healthy products it is advisable to buy varieties with minimum content Sahara. It is more reasonable to give preference to products that are completely free of sucrose. What can you eat if you have diabetes? Options for berries and fruits allowed for endocrine diseases:

  • raspberries;
  • currant;
  • cranberry;
  • plum;
  • peach;
  • apple;
  • pear;
  • cherry;
  • citrus fruits (orange, pomelo, lemon, grapefruit).

Meat and fish

A person’s diet must be complete and contain the necessary useful material. For example, meat and fish for diabetes - natural sources protein, which is considered mandatory for the menu of a sick person. Meat products allowed for insulin deficiency:

  • lean poultry (chicken, turkey);
  • varieties of meat with low lipid content (veal, rabbit).

Fish is much more important for a diabetic because it the nutritional value much higher. Doctors strongly recommend eating different varieties fish, any type of seafood. It will not be superfluous to prepare any dishes from these products. It is advisable to consume in moderation fatty varieties sea ​​and river inhabitants:

  • pollock;
  • flounder;
  • carp;
  • mullet;
  • trout;
  • crucian carp;
  • shellfish;
  • squid;
  • shrimp;
  • fish fat;
  • Lenten fish soups with spices.


For any degree of endocrine disease, it is recommended to consume milk. You need to know which dairy products you can eat if you have diabetes. Cow's milk should be low-fat, one or two glasses may be allowed ( daily norm). Ryazhenka, kefir, yogurt with low performance fat content is absorbed by the body faster than milk, so they are allowed to be eaten in unlimited quantities.


Every diabetic is allowed to eat daily various cereals. The most popular and useful of them are: oatmeal for diabetes, rolled oatmeal, pearl barley, bulgur, buckwheat. It is advisable to remove white rice from the diabetic menu, as it contains a lot of starch (an alternative is the brown steamed variety). Semolina and couscous should also not be included in a diabetic’s menu. Before preparing a dish from cereals, it is worth finding out whether it can be eaten if you have an endocrine disease.

Low glycemic index foods for diabetics

The main indicator that was used to compile lists of allowed foods for diabetics is the glycemic index (GI). This value provides information about the level of glucose in human blood after eating a certain food. The higher the index, the more harmful product in the presence of diabetes. Before preparing food, you need to study the data from a special table. Products for diabetics are classified as follows (glucose index – 100):

  1. Low glycemic index (less than 30%). This product segment is allowed for all people with diabetes, there are no restrictions.
  2. Average GI (from 30 to 70%). Such food can also be eaten, but the sick person must take the index into account when calculating the insulin dose.
  3. High GI (approximate index - 70-90%). It is advisable to exclude them from the diet or significantly reduce their consumption.

Glycemic table of foods for diabetics

A person with endocrine problems can independently plan their diet for a week or longer. A table of carbohydrates in foods for diabetics will help him with this. Let's start with vegetables:

The product's name

Glycemic index

Basil or parsley

Lettuce leaves

Fresh tomatoes

Fresh cabbage



Bulgarian green pepper

Eggplant caviar

Vegetable stew (or vinaigrette)

Boiled beets

Mashed potatoes

Fried potatoes

GI of fruits and berries:




Red Ribes

Black currant





Glycemic index for diabetic milk:


Low-fat milk

Soy milk

Low-fat kefir

Low-fat cottage cheese

Natural milk

Cottage cheese (9%)

Fruit yogurt

Sulguni cheese

Processed cheese


Sour cream (20%)

Cream (10%)

Ice cream

Condensed milk

Drinks also have their own glycemic index:


Tomato juice

carrot juice

Ground coffee

Natural coffe


Grape juice

Grapefruit juice

Apple juice

Orange juice

Fruit compote

Other products:

The product's name

Boiled crayfish

Sea kale

Crab sticks

Egg (1 piece)


Seeds (sunflower)

Dark chocolate

What drinks can you drink?

A clear sign of the disease is considered severe dryness V oral cavity. Thirst constantly torments a person who has diabetes. Many patients of endocrinologists are forced to drink up to 6-10 liters of fluid per day. Given the presence of such unpleasant problem, you need to remember well which drinks for diabetes effectively quench thirst. Here is a small list of permitted drinks:

  1. Plain, purified water. If you buy water in a store, you should carefully study its composition.
  2. Store-bought diet lemonade or a homemade version with sweetener.
  3. Mineral water.
  4. Warm or iced tea.
  5. Varied fruit juices sugarless.

Sweeteners for diabetes

A person suffering from a lack of insulin should not eat foods with quickly digestible carbohydrates. For example, you need to exclude sucrose from daily menu. Instead of sugar, you can use sweetener tablets for diabetes. They are classified into natural (identical to glucose in energy value) and artificial (non-caloric substances). The first group includes:

  • xylitol;
  • fructose;
  • sorbitol

Second group:

  • aspartame;
  • cyclomat;
  • Acesulfame potassium.

What not to eat if you have diabetes

Endocrine abnormalities are a serious, dangerous problem, so you need to know in advance what foods you can’t eat if you have diabetes. Below is a list for diabetics that will help you eat right and avoid complications of the disease:

  1. Doctors categorically prohibit eating sweets: cakes, sweets, pastries, and so on. It is known that they taste qualities are based on sugar, which is always present in confectionery products, and this component is dangerous to the health of the patient. It is allowed to eat baked goods and other delicacies prepared using sweeteners. You can find out how to prepare sweets for diabetics at home via the Internet.
  2. The diagnosis implies the complete exclusion of fried, spicy and smoked foods.
  3. You cannot eat baked goods, fried potatoes, or white rice.
  4. Sausages should not be added to a diabetic's diet.
  5. It is forbidden to eat fatty mayonnaise, butter, margarine.
  6. Rice, semolina, and pasta should be removed from the daily menu.
  7. Another contraindicated ingredient for the patient is home canning.

Video: food for diabetes