Delicious yeast-free dough for pies. Yeast-free dough for pies and the basics for its preparation. Recipe for yeast-free dough with rye flour

Quick without yeast is made on the basis of margarine or butter, rolls out easily, remains thin after baking and turns out slightly crispy.

Looking at a piece of pie from the side, we see an impressive layer of filling between two thin layers of dough, which means that you can enjoy the pies with the hope of maintaining slimness and not being too tormented by thoughts about “evil calories.” This dough makes wonderful large covered pies. It seems to us that this version of the dough, which forms a crispy crust, is more suitable for sweet pies, for example. And for unsweetened pies, it is better to use another version of yeast-free dough, which also includes sour cream, as a result of which the dough remains tender and soft after baking (you can see the recipe for this dough). However, experiment! You may not agree with us.

Need to:

  • Wheat flour - approximately 4.5 cups (this is about 600 grams)
  • Margarine (preferably “Cream”, you can even replace it with butter) – 300 grams
  • Cold boiled water – half a glass, about 4/5 cup (about 180 grams/ml)
  • Chicken egg – 1 piece
  • Baking powder - 10 grams (about 1 teaspoon), can be replaced with 0.5 teaspoon of soda, “quenched” in 1 tablespoon of vinegar (comment “for dummies”: put the required amount of soda in a tablespoon and pour in vinegar - foam will form , then shake the contents of the spoon into a bowl with the future dough).


Cut the margarine (or butter) into small pieces with a knife in a large bowl (the one in which we will make the dough). Place the bowl on the stove at the lowest heat level and, being sure to stir constantly and not allowing it to boil, melt the margarine to a liquid state, then remove the bowl from the stove.

Add cold water and an egg to a bowl with melted margarine (after “scrambling” it, mixing the white and yolk in a cup), then add baking powder OR add soda “quenched” with vinegar and mix (this will form a certain amount of foam). Mix everything until smooth.

After vigorous stirring, the foam will quickly disappear.

Gradually add flour to the bowl (let's face it, we usually don't sift it!).

Mix the dough first with a spoon while it is still relatively liquid and sticky.

Then knead the dough with your hands (do not forget to lightly flour your hands before starting this process so that the dough does not stick to your hands so much). Knead until the dough begins to stick to your hands and the sides of the bowl (don’t be alarmed, this whole process takes just a few minutes). We form two lumps from the dough: one larger for the base of the pie, the second smaller for the top layer - the “lid” of the pie, lightly sprinkle them with flour so as not to stick together ( watch our video recipe!), place in the same bowl.

Cover the bowl with the dough with a lid or plate and place in the refrigerator for 40-45 minutes. After this time, our quick yeast-free dough is ready to be rolled out. By the way, if more time passes and the dough gets too cold, it will be difficult to roll it out. If this does happen, let the dough lie on the table at room temperature for 5-7 minutes, and then roll it out.

I don’t know about you, but I always associate grandma with pies. No, not with one large sponge cake, which is placed in a mold with meat, cottage cheese or jam. And with pies. The dough must stand on them for several hours, periodically lowering it with a fork when it “runs away” from the edges. And then make pies, put a large amount of filling and roll them into rounds. Isn't this the joy of childhood for each of us?

There are a huge number of recipe options for making rich yeast-free dough. You can cook it with soda slaked in vinegar, sour cream or with butter (margarine). Today we will prepare blackcurrant pies with the addition of butter.

Advice: As a filling, you can use not only fresh or frozen berries, but also jam.

For the pies you will need:

  1. 250g wheat flour;
  2. 125g butter or margarine;
  3. a pinch of salt;
  4. 1 chicken egg;
  5. 1/3 glass of water.


You can bake pies either in the oven or in a slow cooker. In the first case it will turn out much faster, because The baking tray area is larger. Let's set the oven to preheat at a temperature 200 degrees.

Let's start preparing the dough.

Sift wheat flour into a deep container. Be sure to take premium flour.

Advice: sifting is necessary to avoid possible lumps and to enrich the flour with oxygen. Subsequently, the pies will become much more magnificent.

Mix flour with salt. Add butter/margarine. Mix until a homogeneous crumb forms.

Hello! I, as a lover of baking in all its forms, recommend yeast-free dough, from which you can make such amazing pastries as a pie or chicken, and much more. It is better to use such dough when you and your household do not like the taste and smell of yeast.

But you need to take into account that different types of yeast-free dough are used for different products, for example, for pies they are made with slaked soda in an acidic environment, and for baking, mainly with sour cream. I hope you and your family will like the recipes below.

Recipe 1: Making Pizza Dough

20 tablespoons of wheat flour, 2 eggs, half a glass of milk, a teaspoon of refined sunflower oil, salt.

For this dish, we do not need fluffy, but tight, yeast-free dough, so we will not use soda or other baking powder. As for the pizza toppings, use whatever your heart desires; moreover, do not be afraid to experiment, since this recipe requires constant changes and a constant search for new tastes.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Mix the bulk and liquid ingredients separately.
  2. From the mixed bulk ingredients, we form a funnel into which we pour the mixture of liquid ingredients, and slowly and carefully begin to knead.
  3. After 10 minutes of thorough kneading, our yeast-free dough should become elastic and tight.
  4. Roll it into a ball and wrap it in a damp cloth, such as a towel. Let it brew for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin.
  6. Prepare a baking tray - grease it with butter (margarine) or dust it with flour.
  7. Place the yeast-free dough on a baking sheet. 8 Place the filling for our pizza on the dough.

Recipe 2: Yeast-free dough for pasties

There is probably nothing tastier than juicy and aromatic pasties. Of course, the filling plays a major role in the preparation of this pastry, but the dough must also match. So, in order to preserve the juiciness of the filling, you need to use dough that will not become soaked and allow moisture to pass through, and should not crack when frying.

Often, such yeast-free dough is prepared using milk or water. Below is the simplest recipe for an awesome yeast-free dough for pasties. When preparing this yeast-free dough, the main thing is to knead thoroughly and remember to let it sit. And if you want to cook lean chebureks, then omit the egg.

To cook without yeast we need:

24 tablespoons of flour, a glass of sparkling water, an egg and salt.

  1. Beat the egg, salt and sparkling water with a mixer at low speed.
  2. Add flour and start kneading. If desired, we can add spices or appropriate herbs.
  3. Well-kneaded yeast-free dough becomes much softer.
  4. Let the dough sit for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Tear off pieces of yeast-free dough and roll it out with a rolling pin.
  6. In the center of the rolled out yeast-free dough we place a filling of minced meat or grated hard cheese - at your discretion.
  7. Fold the dough in half and pinch it so that the filling does not fall out during cooking.
  8. Chebureks are fried in oil and then placed on a napkin to drain excess fat.

Recipe 3: Pie made from yeast-free dough

When preparing this pie, no one limits you in the use of filling. Sweet or salty, meat or vegetable – it all depends only on your imagination.

To prepare we need: half a kilo of flour, a stick of butter, an egg, a glass of water or milk, salt.

Let's start preparing the dough without yeast:

  1. Mix the butter with the bulk ingredients, you should get fine-grained crumbs.
  2. Pour the beaten egg into the milk (water) and beat again.
  3. Mix our bulk and liquid mixtures, knead thoroughly.
  4. Let's let it brew.
  5. Roll out with a rolling pin into the desired shape.
  6. Keep in the refrigerator for a third of an hour.
  7. Place the filling on top and set to bake.

Recipe 4: For pies

Fried or baked pies are a simple but nutritious product. My grandmother never managed to cook a large number of pies - all because my brothers and sisters and I all tried to steal a couple from under the frying pan at once.

I remember she kept complaining: “I cook and cook, but the pies are all in place... and where does everything go?”

To prepare we will need:

24 tablespoons of flour, half a stick of butter or the same volume of margarine, a glass of kefir, baking powder, salt.

Let's start preparing the dough:

  1. Grind and mix flour with margarine, add salt and baking powder.
  2. Add kefir and thoroughly knead the yeast-free dough.
  3. Roll the dough into a ball and put it in the refrigerator for an hour. Everything is ready for further preparation of pies.

Recipe 5: For chicken

Since ancient times, kurnik, a pie filled with chicken meat and a symbol of prosperity in a nascent family, was baked for weddings. A variety of dough types are used to make this pie.

To prepare without yeast we will need:

3 cups of flour, a glass of kefir, a pack of butter, salt, soda.

Let's start cooking:

  1. This recipe recommends quenching soda in kefir.
  2. We heat the oil in a special container.
  3. After the butter has cooled (but not hardened), mix all the ingredients. Important! Flour should be added in small portions.
  4. Knead until the dough stops sticking to your hands.
  5. Wrap it in a bag or film and let it brew for about 2 hours.
  6. Roll it out with a rolling pin into the desired pie shape.

You can prepare the dough for the pie in several ways. If the pie is poured, then its base contains not very fatty sour cream or kefir. In some cases, mayonnaise is added to the dough for a bulk pie.

Bulk pie

List of ingredients: 2 ½ cups all-purpose flour; a small spoon of salt; 4 eggs; one and a half glasses of fine-grained sugar and the same amount of kefir 2.5% fat; a third of a teaspoon of baking soda; ½ pack sl. oils

Preparing a pie almost always begins with kneading the dough, unless the recipe specifies a filling, which must be taken care of in advance.

Follow the instructions below to make sure everything works:

  1. Place all ingredients in the bowl of a food processor and turn on medium speed. The dough should not be too thick in consistency and resemble rich sour cream.
  2. If you don't have a food processor or mixer in your kitchen, follow the order in which you add all the ingredients, which looks like this.
  3. Beat the eggs into a bowl and, using a whisk, beat with granulated sugar until fluffy.
  4. Then pour in kefir.
  5. Mix baking soda with sifted flour and add to the dough.
  6. Soften the butter and place it in a bowl after the flour.

To give the dough more calories, replace kefir with sour cream (one glass) and mayonnaise (half a glass). The dough should be homogeneous, without lumps.

Sand pie

A pie with sides in the form of a basket with fruit or cream filling is appropriate to make during the hot season. During the berry and fruit season, you can cook it as often as you want, because the ingredients will always be at hand.

List of products: half a glass of powdered sugar; a pinch of salt; one large egg; 30 ml ice water; half a stick of butter; 200 g white wheat flour.

Cooking steps:

  1. Cut the butter into small cubes and place on a flat plate and place in the freezer.
  2. Sift the flour, mix with salt and grind with frozen butter into fine crumbs. This must be done very quickly so that the butter does not begin to melt when it comes into contact with warm hands. If you have a mixer, use it.
  3. Divide the egg into two components. Put the white in the refrigerator, we won’t need it, and grind the yolk with powdered sugar until white and pour it into the butter crumbs along with ice water.
  4. Knead quickly to form a dense mass.
  5. Wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

You can start making shortbread pie the day before a get-together with friends. The dough will sit overnight and will be easier to roll out.

Remember that dough that has been kneaded for too long the day before will not produce a tasty pie. So in everything you need to observe moderation.

Bon appetit! Thank you for your attention! See other recipes in the relevant sections of my website!

Don't have much time to prepare, or just don't like the smell of yeast? Then take a few recipes for yeast-free dough.

Obtained using the appropriate method, it can be boiled, fried, or baked in the oven. For dumplings, dumplings and noodles, prepare the dough in water or milk.

For fluffy pies and pies, use baking soda dough quenched with acid. Unleavened baking dough is prepared mainly with sour cream or with the addition of fat (butter, margarine, vegetable oil). It combines so harmoniously with various fillings that it is simply impossible to list all the products.

Yeast-free dough makes excellent lean chebureks, belyashi, fried pies, pizza; pies and vertutas are baked in the oven.

Yeast-free dough - general principles and methods of preparation

It would seem that without yeast the cake cannot become soft and fluffy. In fact, it is possible, moreover, simple and fast. A minimum of products - and the dough is ready using vegetable or butter, sour cream, kefir and even beer. Most often it is used for savory pies and with fillings. Confectionery products made from yeast-free dough (shortbread, choux pastry, sponge cake, puff pastry, unleavened butter dough) are prepared with the addition of animal fats.

Recipe 1: Yeast-free pizza dough

This dough is used to form rustic pizzas, large in size, prepared in rectangular pans. The filling is prepared separately in a frying pan, and then everything is placed under the grill.

Ingredients: flour (2.5 cups (leave a little for rolling), eggs (2 pcs), milk (1/2 cup), vegetable oil (preferably olive, 1 teaspoon), salt.

Cooking method

Mix flour and salt and sift onto work surface. Make a depression in the center of the slide, a “well”. Separately, stir the eggs with the heated milk, add olive oil and slowly pour into the well, stirring gently. The mixture should be absorbed into the flour. Knead the dough, adding a little flour. When the dough becomes elastic (after about 10 minutes), form a ball, wrap in a damp towel and leave for 15 minutes to mature. Roll out with a rolling pin, place in a mold, and top with the prepared filling according to the recipe.

Recipe 2: Yeast-free dough for pasties

We all love juicy pasties. The filling plays the main role in this, but the dough is no less important. It should be very dense and at the same time pliable, so that during frying the pasties do not crack and stick together easily. It is prepared with milk or water. An interesting dough for chebureks can be made with beer - hot or cold, regardless of the filling, its quality does not change.

Ingredients: wheat flour (3 cups), light beer (1 cup), chicken egg (1 pc), salt.

Cooking method

The easiest way to cook. The secret of this dough is in its composition and in the fact that it needs to be kneaded well and left for some time to mature. Beat the egg with salt. Pour in beer and stir. Pour in sifted flour (as much as you need), knead the dough. After a while it will become a little softer. Tear off small pieces and roll out the dough. Chebureks turn out very airy, puff up and become soft and fluffy. Place the finished pasties on paper napkins to drain the fat. For a leaner dough, you can omit the egg.

Recipe 3: Pie made from yeast-free dough

Yeast-free pie dough is the best idea for the situation of “guests on the doorstep”, or if you like to prepare quick dishes. You can use any interesting fillings - vegetables, meat, mushrooms, sweet fillings and others. Interesting ideas for you!

Ingredients: flour (500 grams), butter (250 grams), salt (0.5 teaspoon), egg (1 pc.), a glass of water or milk.

Cooking method

Sift the flour and salt, mix with butter from the refrigerator, and chop into fine crumbs with a sharp knife. Beat the egg, add water and beat again. Pour in the dough and mix well. This dough is perfect for baking filled pies. Roll it out and keep it in the cold for 15-20 minutes. Spread the filling and bake in the oven.

Recipe 4: Yeast-free pie dough

This excellent recipe can be used to make both fried and baked pies. It is very simple, but the pies turn out simply wonderful. You can mix flour and margarine using a food processor.

Ingredients: flour (3 cups), margarine or butter (100-10 grams), kefir (250 ml), salt (half a teaspoon), baking powder (baking powder, 1 teaspoon).

Cooking method

Grind flour and margarine in a food processor, add salt and baking powder. Pour in kefir and knead into a soft, elastic dough. Form a ball and place it in a cool place. The dough is ready for use after 40-60 minutes.

Recipe 5: Yeast-free dough for chicken

In ancient times, kurnik was considered a wedding cake. Stuffed to the brim with aromatic chicken, it symbolized prosperity in the house. It was baked from various types of dough; the fastest way was a pie made with kefir yeast-free dough. We choose fatty varieties of kefir, butter (as a last resort, full-fat margarine).

Ingredients: kefir (250 ml), margarine or butter (1 pack, 200 grams), salt, soda.

Cooking method

Let's extinguish the soda by pouring it into kefir. Melt the butter in a saucepan and cool slightly. Combine the resulting products separately in a bowl. Add flour in small portions so that the dough is not tight. Knead until it stops sticking to your hands. Leave the dough in a plastic bag or cling film for about 1.5-2 hours. Roll out the finished dough and form a pie.

Baking powder is a mixture of soda with a “quencher” - acid. This mixture is prepared independently by slaking soda with vinegar or fermented milk products. If you think that kefir is not sour enough, and it is undesirable to use vinegar due to any diseases, add a little lemon juice or citric acid. Dilute the acid with water 1:1.

There is an opinion that lean dough is something boring, bland and tasteless. However, believe me, this is not the case. Yes, it is prepared without eggs and milk, gelatin and butter. But it’s quite possible to do without these ingredients and prepare something so delicious that you’ll lick your fingers.

Therefore, if you observe the Orthodox Lent, then today’s selection of recipes for various versions of Lenten dough will come in handy for you. By the way, this base for pizza or dumplings can be used all year round. I am sure that those who watch their weight will appreciate it.

The main ingredient of lean dough is flour. It is usually customary to add premium grade wheat. If you want the prepared dish to be not only tasty, but also healthy, I advise you to use whole grain. Or, alternatively, you can mix it half and half with white wheat. You can also use oatmeal, buckwheat, corn and rice flour.

Another irreplaceable ingredient in the base for pies and buns is water. If you cook without yeast, I recommend using sparkling mineral water. It will saturate the dough with air bubbles. Thanks to this, it will become tender and soft.

Add more vegetable oil. Both refined and unrefined vegetable oil can be used. The choice here is huge: sunflower, corn, olive and so on. If you are preparing savory baked goods, you can use vegetable oil infused with garlic or herbs. This will give the dish an amazing taste. This option is especially good when making flatbreads, such as Italian focaccia.

Well, are you ready to start preparing the Lenten dough? Then catch the 6 best base recipes for dishes and baked goods.

In general, there are several options for the Lenten test. It's flaky, yeasty and bland. The latter is good because it comes up much faster than the butter one. And besides, baked goods made from it do not go stale very quickly. Only for this you need to wrap it in linen or cotton cloth and place it in a plastic bag.

Lenten yeast dough for pies

This dough is prepared using raw yeast. Although, if you don’t have them on hand, you can use dry ones, however, you will need much less of them: only 7 g. Clean drinking water is used to prepare it.

Although, if you wish, you can experiment by making the dough with mineral water or potato broth. Don't be afraid, you won't spoil it.

On the contrary, thanks to such interpretations the dough will be tastier and softer. And before you cook it, stock up on the necessary products.

What you will need:


Heat the water to 35-40 degrees and dissolve the sugar in it. Then add yeast and a little flour, after which we mix everything thoroughly.

Next, cover the bowl with cling film and leave it warm for 10 minutes. During this time, the yeast should be activated. And you and I will be able to check whether they are good or not, which means we will finally determine whether they can be used to prepare dough. The presence of a “cap” on top is a sure sign that the yeast is good and fresh.

Then mix thoroughly, trying to dissolve the lumps as much as possible. If they still remain, do not be discouraged. They will all dissolve while kneading the dough. Next, cover the container with cling film and leave it warm for half an hour.

At this time, live yeast will actively ferment the dough, helping to ensure that future baked goods are more fluffy.

If the room is cool, pour warm water into a bowl and place the container with the dough in it. This will create the optimal temperature for the dough to rise.

In half an hour the dough will increase several times. Add vegetable oil to it. We also gradually add the remaining sifted flour into the dough and knead it thoroughly.

Sift some flour onto a work surface. Place the dough on it and continue kneading it for 10 minutes. First, lubricate your hands with vegetable oil. As you knead, it will become soft and elastic, and will not stick to your hands.

During this time the dough will become airy. Now you can safely roll it out and use it for pies or buns. And it will also be an excellent base for buns.

Recipe for dough with dry yeast for buns and buns

Like lean dough with live yeast, it is prepared without eggs or milk. The only difference is that we will make it with dry yeast. This quick dough is incredibly easy to prepare. Don't believe me? Do it yourself and then share your feedback in the comments.

What you will need:


Pour warm water into a bowl. Its temperature should be approximately 40 degrees C. Pour a packet of dry yeast here and leave for a while so that the “grains” get wet.

Don't forget that the flour must be sifted.

Using a whisk, mix all ingredients into a homogeneous mass.

The dough should look like pancakes. Let it sit for 20 minutes to see how it rises.

If bubbles appear on the surface of the mixture, this indicates that the yeast is good.

You can continue kneading. To do this, you need to add 1 more glass of flour and vegetable oil to it and actively mix all the ingredients with a whisk. Then add the remaining flour and mix. Pour flour onto a work surface and place the dough here.

Then add the remaining flour and mix. Sprinkle flour onto the work surface. Place the dough here.

To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, grease them with vegetable oil before working.

And we begin to knead it with our hands on the table. Remember that the dough should be soft. The main thing here is not to overdo it with flour. If you add a little more than required, it will become too tight and will not rise well.

Form the dough into a log and cover with a bowl or film. We leave it on the table for half an hour until it comes up. Although this is not monastery dough, it is no worse. It will make delicious Lenten baked goods.

Video on how to make puff pastry

Do you want to please your family with strudel or puff pastries? Nothing could be simpler. This video will help you with this. Vegan puff pastry is made without eggs using olive oil or cocoa butter.

The recipe is very easy to prepare. Even novice cooks can cope with this task.

Lenten shortbread cookie dough

Usually shortbread dough is prepared with margarine. But given that Lenten cookies will be baked, we will make their base using vegetable oil. Yes, this dough is also suitable for a pie. It is very simple to prepare. First you need to make sure that you have all the necessary products on hand.

What you will need:


Pour starch and flour into a deep bowl. Mix them. Pour in the vegetable oil and mix everything thoroughly again.

Knead the dough with your hands. It should turn out smooth and tight. Then place it on a floured work surface. You can let it rest a little, or you can roll it out right away. From the rolled out layer, cut out cookies of the desired shape.

Unleavened dough without yeast for pies and pizza

If you haven't made a good kale pie in a while, it's time to fix that. For cabbage soup, I recommend kneading lean dough without yeast. This is not difficult to do, and the pie will be an excellent variety for a Lenten menu.

This recipe is suitable for both closed and open pies with potatoes and mushrooms. And also for sweet pies with jam or berries.

What you will need:


Pour vegetable oil into a bowl. And fill it with hot water. Add salt and mix with a spoon.

Add sifted flour. The amount of flour directly depends on what kind of filling is planned for the pies or pie.

For pies with berries, it is advisable to use more flour so that the dough is tighter.

If the filling is cabbage, potato or mushroom, you can use half a cup less flour than indicated in the recipe.

Add baking powder to the flour and begin to knead the dough intensively. Then cover it with cling film and leave for half an hour to “rest”. And then we form it into pies or pizza.

For lean dumplings without eggs

The most successful lean dough for dumplings is custard. It is naturally prepared without eggs. However, it kneads much easier than egg. And besides, it turns out to be very elastic. By the way, the entire cooking process is presented in detail in this video.

From this dough you can make dumplings with potatoes or cabbage. And those who wish can also make dumplings with cherries.

I am sure that now there will be a huge variety of Lenten delicacies on your table. I wish you creative inspiration and successful dishes. Thank you to everyone who started the dough with me today!

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