Products recommended for gout patients. Nutrition for gout - a list of allowed and prohibited foods, a weekly treatment menu with recipes. Vegetables are a source of vitamins

Due to the poor environmental situation and constant stressful situations Every person should be more attentive to their health, especially when they have certain diseases. Eating foods prohibited for illnesses not only makes you feel worse, but also risks causing more severe consequences diseases. What foods are allowed and not allowed for gout? This is what we will discuss in the article.

What is gout?

Before you find out what foods you should not eat if you have gout, you should consider what kind of disease it is. Most often, men and women over forty are susceptible to these diseases, although previously it was believed that only men suffer from gout. This is one of the types of joint diseases, the development of which is caused by the abuse of products with high content purines. It is because of their consumption that salts are deposited in the joints. Painful sensations, which take the form of prolonged attacks, can affect the joints of both the upper and lower extremities. The symptoms are extremely unpleasant - swelling, joint deformation, inflammation, acute pain.

To relieve the symptoms of gout, it is extremely important to follow a therapeutic diet, which consists of limiting and prohibiting certain types products. The frequency of gout attacks and the duration of remission depend on whether the patient eats properly or violates the diet.

Rules for eating when sick

Upon appointment medicines attending physician at mandatory prescribes a therapeutic diet to the patient - table No. 6, one of the important points of which is the rules of eating. What are the allowed and prohibited foods for gout? They are listed below:

  1. Fish dishes should be limited; they can be eaten no more than 3 times a week. You cannot eat fried fish, only boiled or steamed fish.
  2. You cannot eat soups made with meat broths, only vegetable or dairy ones.
  3. Drinks such as tea, cocoa and coffee are excluded, and it is very important to drink a lot of water (at least 2 liters per day), as it flushes out purines and subsequently removes them from the body. More fluid should be drunk before the end of the first half of the day. Drinking mineral water is encouraged, since the alkali it contains effectively flushes out uric acid. During an exacerbation of the disease, you should drink heated warm water in the morning.
  4. The permissible amount of salt is no more than 5-6 g, but it is important to go to the norm - 1-2 g.
  5. The diet should contain enough foods rich in vitamin B and C. It is also advisable to buy pharmacy vitamins and use them according to instructions.
  6. Useful to carry out fasting days. So, you can drink kefir, milk or eat vegetables for one day. Fasting is prohibited, as the lack of food increases the level of uric acid. One fasting day a week is enough.
  7. In order not to overeat, it is important to eat small meals (5-6 times a day), since food abuse can worsen the symptoms of the disease.

The norms for food consumption during a diet during gout are as follows. Daily calorie content diets should be in the range of 2700 - 2800 kcal. The ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the diet should be as follows:

  1. Proteins in the diet should be 80-90 g, with 50% of them being of animal origin and 50% of plant origin.
  2. Fats - 80-90 g, of which vegetable fats should make up at least 30%.
  3. Carbohydrates - 350-400, 80 g - pure sugars.

General list of foods prohibited for gout on the legs

If you exclude foods rich in purines from your diet, the number of attacks of pain in the joints immediately begins to decrease, and the functioning of both the genitourinary and vascular systems. At proper diet swelling subsides and inflammatory processes are eliminated.

What foods should you not eat if you have gout? The list is as follows:

  1. Vegetables - cauliflower, radishes, spinach and sorrel.
  2. Legumes - lentils, soybeans, beans, peas.
  3. Sauces - fatty meat, based on meat broth, mayonnaise, soy sauce.
  4. Fruits, dried fruits, berries - figs, dates, raspberries, strawberries.
  5. Pickled and pickled cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables, dishes prepared with them.
  6. Meat dishes - canned food, meat of young animals, offal, sauces with meat, jelly.
  7. Fish dishes - canned food, caviar, salted herring, smoked fish, fried fish, her fatty varieties- herring, trout, salmon, salmon, sardines.
  8. Sausage products - sausages, ham, frankfurters, other sausage delicacies.
  9. Animal fats - beef, pork fat, lard.
  10. Broths - mushroom, chicken, meat, fish.
  11. Cold appetizers - fish and spicy appetizers.
  12. Drinks - hot chocolate, strong coffee, cocoa and alcohol (all types).
  13. Spices - pepper, mustard and horseradish.
  14. Bakery products - cakes, pastries and rolls with rich cream, butter cakes, butter pastries with a high percentage of fat.
  15. Peanut.

But this is not the entire list of foods prohibited for gout. There are also those whose consumption should be significantly limited.

Foods that should be limited

Consumption of fish and meat for gout should be limited to 1-2 times a week. Doctors recommend eating fish with developed gills and scales. The fact is that these fish by-products, like human kidneys, remove toxins. If an attack of gout occurs, meat or fish can be eaten only after 1-2 weeks.

What other foods should you not eat if you have gout? You should limit your use:

  1. Vegetables - bell pepper, rhubarb, beets, asparagus, celery, tomatoes (up to 3 per day). Potatoes should also be limited, Not large quantities it can only be eaten boiled and baked.
  2. Fruits - plum and strawberry.
  3. Mushrooms.
  4. Greens - dill, parsley, onion.
  5. Dairy - fat cottage cheese and some types of fatty cheeses (more than 50% fat).
  6. Eggs - one per day.
  7. Butter.

Reasons why broths, canned food, semi-finished products and offal are not allowed

What foods are prohibited for gout? This also includes broths, canned food, semi-finished products and offal. Why? People who suffer from of this disease, are often worried that diet No. 6, indicated for gout, excludes broths. This is understandable, since they are preparing for delicious borscht and soups. In fact, it is extremely important to follow the rules and exclude broths, since a couple of spoons of the dish, especially with spices such as bay leaves and pepper, can cause an attack. This is due to increased uric acid levels. It is best to cook the meat separately and eat it together with vegetable broths. It is important to remember that during cooking meat you should drain the water several times, as this helps reduce the amount of purines several times.

Semi-finished products from the store are foods prohibited for gout and arthritis. They can contain a lot harmful substances, which are extremely undesirable for these diseases - vegetable fats, offal, pork or In addition, in order not to provoke an attack, you should refuse fast food, as in this product a lot of fat.

By-products (lungs, liver, heart, chicken stomachs, tongue) should also not appear in the diet, since they contain a lot of purines. As a result, if you break the diet, the attack will begin immediately. Fishy and harmful due to their high salt content and excess purines: sardines - 120 mg per 100 g, sprats - 92 mg per 100 g.

Reasons why tea, coffee, cocoa and chocolate are prohibited

It is impossible to imagine your life without coffee and tea and their faithful companion - chocolate, but for gout these are the prohibited foods. For what reason? To begin with, drinks dehydrate the body, and if there is not enough water, there is a risk of a gout attack. Coffee and tea retain uric acid instead of removing it, which is why they can cause a gout attack. In addition, black tea contains 2766 mg of purines per 100 g, cocoa - 1897 mg, slightly less in instant coffee- 1213 mg per 100 g. You can replace the above drinks with green tea; it is not only desirable, but also necessary to drink for gout, as it removes uric acid and neutralizes the effect of purines that enter the body. Chocolate is also undesirable because it contains purine compounds and is also quite heavy on the digestive system. Creams based on it, desserts and the like are also prohibited. Even though the content of purines in chocolate is not critical, it is still better to abstain from it and replace it with these healthy sweets like marshmallows and marmalade.

Can you eat mushrooms?

Artificially grown mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms) are foods prohibited for gout and joints. They are very harmful to health because they are grown using chemicals. Preference should be given to wild mushrooms. Tea mushroom It is considered a cure for gout because it relieves pain during attacks and improves the condition of the body. With the help of tinctures from it you can reduce pain in the joints; it is recommended to both apply a napkin with the tincture to the sore spot and drink it an hour before meals.

Why can't you eat dates, grapes and raspberries?

Dates, grapes, raspberries are also on the list of prohibited foods for gout. It seemed like raspberries - healthy berry, therefore it should definitely be included in the diet if you are sick. However, it contains a lot of purines (22 mg per 100 g), so it is better to exclude it. The same applies to grapes (8 mg per 100 g), and it does not matter what kind of grape it is, it is completely prohibited in case of illness. Dates contain 22 mg of purines per 100 g, therefore, among all other dried fruits, they are the most harmful for gout, and therefore are prohibited for consumption.

Why should you give up alcohol?

Alcoholic drinks are not only prohibited if you have gout, they can even be dangerous. Particularly harmful are types of wine and cognac. The fact is that alcohol dehydrates the body and removes all water from it, which increases the concentration of uric acid. All contain high levels of purine compounds. Doctors strongly recommend giving up beer for another reason: even non-alcoholic beer is brewed with yeast, and it contains a lot of purines (761 mg per 100 g). The beer drink itself contains 1810 mg per 100 g, turning into a real poison for a person suffering from gout attacks, since 400 mg per 100 g is considered high.

Beer removes water, but toxins (waste and poisons) remain in the kidneys, like uric acid. The kidneys have to cope with both large amounts of purines and negative impact alcohol, which increases renal tone. The patient's metabolism slows down, which is why gout attacks become more frequent. Alcohol is strictly prohibited in all its forms (even low alcohol drinks and champagne) both during the period of exacerbation of gout, and during remission, when the disease recedes a little.

What to do if there is a feast ahead?

There are times when you want to drink a little alcohol or some holiday is coming up. Of course, drinking alcohol is highly undesirable, but if there is no other choice, you can minimize bad influence alcohol, following these rules:

  1. On the day of the feast, you need to drink up to 3.5 liters of water so that uric acid is removed from the body more intensively.
  2. It is necessary to take medications that improve metabolism and remove toxins.
  3. Before drinking alcohol, you should drink some sorbent, for example, activated carbon.
  4. You should not drink alcohol on an empty stomach; it is best to eat a hearty meal before the feast. If that doesn’t work, you should drink 1/2 tablespoon butter, it inhibits the absorption of alcohol.
  5. You should avoid drinking vodka or moonshine; it is best to drink some grape wine.
  6. Combine different types Alcohol is highly undesirable; vodka and wine should not be mixed.
  7. To minimize the effect of alcohol on the body, it should be washed down with pharmacy mineral water.
  8. Fatty meats and protein products Cannot be combined with alcohol. Remember: the norm for strong drinks (cognac, vodka, whiskey) is 30-60 g per day, wine - up to 150 g.
  9. Drinks with a strength of more than 30-40 degrees should be avoided.

List of allowed foods for gout

We looked at what foods you should not eat if you have gout. The list is quite impressive. But, despite the fact that the diet implies significant restrictions, the list of permitted foods is quite wide and varied. It is also worth considering that almost all products are dietary and healthy, therefore, if you are overweight, you can easily get rid of it. It has important, because overweight increase the load on the joints and can provoke an attack. However, it should be remembered that rapid weight loss (more than 2 kg per week) is fraught with negative consequences for the body.

The list of permitted products includes the following:

  1. Vegetables and greens - carrots, eggplants, zucchini, cucumbers, white cabbage, pumpkin, garlic, corn.
  2. Fruits - apricots, oranges, pears, apples, plums.
  3. Dried fruits - prunes.
  4. Sauces - milk, cheese, vegetable.
  5. Bakery products - rye bread, Borodino bread, wheat bread, white bread, with bran, whole grain flour, non-bread pastries (biscuits, biscuits, etc.).
  6. Sweets - jam, marmalade, marshmallows, honey in small quantities, candies (except chocolate), ice cream (except chocolate and with added cocoa).
  7. Dairy and dairy products- milk, kefir (up to 2.5%), fermented baked milk (up to 2.5%), yogurt, yogurt.
  8. Cheeses and cottage cheese - low-fat cottage cheese, suluguni cheese, low-fat varieties cheese (cheese, ricotta and mozzarella)
  9. Oils - vegetable, flax oil and olive.
  10. Porridge - buckwheat, oatmeal, rice (it is better to buy steamed and brown rice). It is permissible to cook porridge with milk, but we should not forget that it contributes to weight gain.
  11. Any pasta.
  12. Vegetable or milk broths.
  13. Meat - chicken, turkey, rabbit. However, you should remember that you can eat meat only 2-3 times a week and in quantities of no more than 170 g.
  14. Nuts, seeds. You can eat pine nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios and more. The exception is peanuts, which are rich in purines.
  15. Fish - boiled fish, with the exception of those prohibited, and seafood (shrimp, squid). Crustaceans and marine cephalopods are allowed.
  16. Juices, drinks and compotes - cucumber, tomato and Apple juice and herbal decoctions, green tea with milk or lemon, tea with ginger, rosehip infusion, chicory, fruit drinks made from various berries, gooseberries and lingonberries.
  17. Spices - bay leaf, lemon acid, vanillin, cinnamon.

On a diet, it is permissible to eat vinaigrettes (do not add legumes, do not add pickles large quantities), sauerkraut(in moderation), vegetable caviar and stew. The main thing is not to forget that nutrition should be balanced and correct. It is very important not to overeat, as this impairs the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Foods that are good for gout

Everyone knows that it is better to avoid consuming foods that are prohibited for gout. Which ones can you eat? To ease an attack of gout and prolong the remission time as much as possible, it is extremely important that foods that help remove uric acid from the body appear more often in the diet.

So, apples and apple juice are especially useful for gout. Useful material components of the fruit, especially malic acid, neutralize uric acid and prevent it from settling and crystallizing in the joints. Contained in fruit ascorbic acid has a strengthening effect on connective tissue joint, and also heals damage caused by sharp uric acid crystals.

For gout, it is also important to eat bananas, which are rich in potassium. The effect of the latter is that with its help they are liquefied and removed from the body faster. The fruit is especially useful when combined with yogurt.

Cherries are also considered a food that helps relieve gout. The berry contains antioxidants that fight against free radicals considered to be the cause of many diseases. In addition, cherries contain bioflavonoids and anthocyanins, which reduce inflammation in gout. To make pain and inflammation go away faster during an exacerbation, you should eat at least 20 cherries a day. If you don’t have fresh ones, you can drink canned cherry compote.

Strawberries, wild strawberries and all types of nuts reduce the harm of uric acid to a minimum, since it does not have time to crystallize in the joints and cause a gout attack. Eating these types of berries as often as possible can even cure gout.

Our article will talk about gout, or more precisely about the diets that are prescribed for this disease. Gout is an unpleasant and painful disease. Gout is believed to be incurable. It would be more correct to say that at this stage of development medicine cannot cope with it, has no effective means struggle. If gout is not treated from the moment it occurs, it often becomes chronic. Gout is also dangerous due to possible complications.

Although the disease is incurable, there are treatment methods that help reduce the severity of the disease and stop its attacks, which, as a rule, are accompanied by severe, often unbearable pain, and, often, high temperature. Treatment is usually accompanied by special diets. But before we talk about diets, we will describe the disease itself, its symptoms and causes.

In short, gout is nothing more than a disease of the joints. It can occur when metabolism is disturbed. Uric acid salts, for example, sodium urate, begin to be deposited in the joints. Uric acid can accumulate not only in the joints; it appears, although not so often, in the organs and systems of the body. Over time, salt deposits lead to the destruction of cartilage, tendons and the bones themselves. The accumulation of salts is the result of the fact that the kidneys, for some reason, cannot cope with the processing of uric acid, its removal from the body or its processing. Let's leave aside the reasons why the kidneys stop working properly.

Let us only note that one of the possible complications of gout is urolithiasis disease. If it is started, it can cause kidney failure, which may result in the death of the patient.

Fortunately, gout is not common. Even in our time, when there has been an increase in the number of diseases with it, doctors record no more than 3 or 4 cases per 1000 people. Men most often get sick after forty. Sometimes, but very rarely, women after menopause.

Possible symptoms

Most often, gout affects the joints of the legs, mainly the fingers. Often ankle joints or knees. Sometimes gout also occurs in the joints of the hands. But the hands suffer from gout much less often than the feet. Typically, when a gout attack occurs, the joint becomes red and swollen. Characterized by an attack painful sensations in the joint. At acute attack the pain becomes unbearable. Temperatures can rise to 40 degrees. If the attack happened for the first time, then the thumb usually hurts. Attacks can occur once every six months, or even less often. For example, after the first attack, the next one may follow a year, two, or even ten years later. When the disease enters the chronic stage, the interval between attacks decreases.

Usually the attack occurs at night. During the day, its severity decreases. It can last for several hours, or even days. When advancing chronic stage diseases on the joints, so-called tophi may appear. Tophus is a nodule-shaped formation under the skin. It usually doesn't hurt. During an acute attack of the disease it may burst. Salt crystals can be seen in the resulting wound.

What causes gout?

The main cause of gout is considered to be heredity. But gout does not appear on its own. Its appearance is usually the result wrong image life, as well as violations of diet, food balance, alcohol abuse, rarely coffee and tea. Gout can also occur as a consequence of a number of diseases. For example, it may accompany high blood pressure, leukemia, diabetes mellitus. Gout can also occur from excessive use of medications. For example, gout can be caused by taking large doses of aspirin.

What can you eat during gout?

In our article we will not talk about medications, intended for the treatment of gout, since only a doctor can prescribe a course of treatment. He also determines which medications need to be used, based on the characteristics and condition of the patient’s body and the stage of the disease. We will focus exclusively on the diet. That is, what you can eat and what you can’t. Simply put, we will focus on the menu for gout. Let's start with nutrition and its regime. Nutrition is very important in this disease.

Diet for gout should become a way of life, and not an auxiliary measure. If you have gout, you should eat set time. Number of techniques - 4, possible five times. But it is very important not to overeat. But you can’t limit yourself in nutrients that are beneficial for the body. You can't increase body weight, but you can't decrease it either. Foods containing purines should be excluded or limited to a minimum from the diet. Purines are substances that take part in the synthesis of uric acid.

The food of a person suffering from gout should contain no more than 150 milligrams of this substance. It is better to avoid alcohol, including beer, completely. It is alcohol that most often provokes attacks because there is a lot of purine in alcoholic drinks. In addition, the body becomes dehydrated by increasing the uric acid content. It is also worth reducing your consumption of tea, and especially coffee, for the same reasons. The same should be done with cocoa. Better drink compote.

It is better to stop or reduce honey consumption. Honey contains oxalic acid. And it is harmful for a person who suffers from gout. Among fish products, you need to reduce the consumption of canned fish, sardines, caviar, sprat, and herring. From meat products reduce consumption of offal, tongue, brain, liver and kidneys. It is better to avoid fatty meat altogether. Avoid mushroom broths and sauces.

If you take fish or meat, you need to eat them boiled. During the week, meat dishes can be eaten 3 times. Plants such as raspberries, sorrel, as well as spinach, peanuts, cauliflower contain a lot of purines. Mushrooms and asparagus, all legumes, provoke gout. They should be eaten with caution and as little as possible. You should not eat spicy and salty foods. That is, you cannot eat any kind of pickles.

Foods that contain a lot of fiber are necessary and beneficial for gout. They are needed to maintain normal weight. Therefore, the menu should include various cereals, whole grain products, bread, etc. You can eat muesli or diet bread.

By the way, yeast is harmful for a person who suffers from gout. Therefore, it is better to avoid food prepared with yeast.

The patient's food must contain useful minerals, we must not forget about vitamins, as well as antioxidants. Therefore, there should always be berries and vegetables and fruits on the table. You need to eat them every day. Moreover, the more, the better. Greens must also be present in the diet. For example, cilantro or dill, parsley. But sorrel should be excluded from the diet.

Tomatoes and carrots must always be present on the patient's table. Don't forget about cabbage, as well as zucchini and cucumbers. Melon and pineapple, watermelon and strawberries are very useful. No less useful are celery and lingonberries, as well as black currants. They contain a lot of vitamins, fiber, and good carbohydrates. But there are practically no purines in the listed products.

Of the vegetables listed, I would like to highlight tomatoes. They contain little protein, but a lot of vitamin B. Tomatoes reduce the manifestation of the disease. Therefore, they are simply irreplaceable in the patient’s diet.

Now let's talk about how to eat if you have gout. If the disease has worsened, then meat and fish products needs to be removed from the menu. During this period, it is best to unload yourself. On such fasting days you need to consume juices or jelly, compotes, diluting them with water. Mineral water, preferably alkaline, won't hurt either. It is recommended to eat only dairy and lactic acid products.

When remission occurs, you can start eating meat. But it should only be dietary, low-fat. For example, chicken or turkey fillet, lean rabbit. You can eat cheese, cottage cheese, egg. And, of course, tomatoes. They will help the body recover faster.

Many diets have been developed for people with gout. Unfortunately, within the framework of our article we do not have the opportunity to acquaint the reader with all diets. Let us note only the general principle. They all start from the same postulate. It consists in the fact that if you have gout, eating foods containing a high amount of purines should be eliminated or reduced to a minimum.

Now let’s take a closer look at the most common diet. It's easy to do. It is accessible and inexpensive. This diet is called classic, number 6.

The essence and requirements of this diet are as follows:

  • consumption of meat and legumes should be reduced. There should be as little protein in the diet as possible. Animal proteins - no more than 50 percent of their total amount;
  • Fat intake should be limited. Especially refractory ones such as culinary or pork;
  • They eat oils, vegetable oils and melted butter;
  • if products contain oxalic acid, then their intake is either limited or abandoned altogether;
  • You need to drink 2 liters of water and no less. But only when the kidneys, as well as the heart, are in order, without deviations;
  • salt intake is either limited to a minimum or completely abandoned.

The diet must include soy products. They help remove uric acid from the body. Garlic is also recommended for consumption. In addition to the fact that it contains many vitamins and has antibacterial properties, garlic is anti-carcinogenic and reduces cholesterol.

Here is the menu for this diet.


During the second breakfast - cottage cheese, always with sour cream, then jelly.

For lunch - potato soup. For the second course - zucchini stuffed with vegetables and rice. To them - sour cream sauce, and then strawberries, preferably with milk.

For dinner - cottage cheese pancakes, cabbage cutlets. Tomato juice.

Before bed - apples, always fresh.

For breakfast - carrot salad. Fresh carrots. The salad is dressed with sour cream, then rice porridge. Porridge is cooked in milk. Next, a soft-boiled egg, tea, preferably with lemon.

For the 2nd breakfast - new potatoes, cucumber, juice, preferably apple juice.

Lunch - vegetable soup seasoned with sour cream, cottage cheese casserole, milk jelly.

For dinner - apples. They are baked in an omelet, fruit juice.

Before bed - kefir.

For the first meal you should eat a salad made from... fresh cabbage, then pasta, seasoned with cottage cheese, and drink tea, of course, with lemon.

For second breakfast - potato pancakes. They need to be prepared from raw potatoes and season with sour cream. Then drink fruit juice.

For dinner - baked cheesecakes, of course, with sour cream, vegetable stew, fruit jelly.

Before going to bed, you need to eat a few fresh apples.

We’ll probably stop here, since the menu described above is just an example of what the diet of a person suffering from gout might be like. And a diet suitable for a particular person, including daily menu, can only be selected if it is precisely established what he is ill with, it is clarified general state the patient’s body, its characteristics and the stage at which the disease is located.

You cannot self-medicate. Often diseases have the same symptoms and manifestations. A mistake can be costly.

How important is lifestyle and diet for gout? Indeed, in the Middle Ages, gout was called “the disease of the nobility,” because The disease occurred only among wealthy people. And this was connected precisely with nutrition: the crowned heads had an abundance of meat, seafood, alcohol and confectionery. Whereas ordinary people They ate simple potatoes, a small amount of meat and vegetables, which is why this disease was rare among commoners.

About the disease: will diet help?

Gout is a disease characterized by the retention and deposition of uric acid compounds (urates) in the body. Typically, uric acid derivatives concentrate in the joints, causing periodic inflammation -.

Urates accumulate in subcutaneous tissue, which manifests itself in the form of “growths” around the joints - tophi. It also affects the renal system in the form kidney stone disease. In advanced variants of the disease, renal failure is observed - emergency requiring treatment in intensive care.

Be careful! Kidney failure may be fatal.

The disease manifests itself in the form of “painful attacks”, accompanied by swelling of the joints (more often the disease begins with thumb legs). Such exacerbations last up to 2 weeks, after which remission occurs (the subsidence of the disease, but not a cure!).

The reasons for the development of gout are considered to be heredity, inhibition of urate excretion (with inadequate renal function) or an increase in their formation (antitumor therapy or autoimmune diseases). However, the main cause of the development of the disease and subsequent exacerbations is considered to be an excessive intake of purines - substances that are converted into uric acid in the human body.

The more the patient consumes purines (red meat, fish, cocoa, alcohol, etc.), the more often he experiences exacerbations of the disease: regular pain attacks, accompanied by arthritis, swelling and the formation of new tophi nodes. Moreover, frequent exacerbations lead to inevitable complications. Hence the need for a diet for gout: if you don’t want exacerbations, pain and complications, watch your diet!

About the diet for gout

Back in the mid-20th century, the Soviet gastroenterologist Pevzner created dietary recommendations for patients with gout – table No. 6. The essence of the diet for gout is considered to be the “reverse” principle - reduce or remove from the menu foods that contain purine bases or oxalic acid.

Chief rheumatologist: “If the joints of your arms and legs start to hurt, immediately eliminate them from your diet...

Many patients associate the word “diet” with hunger or severe restrictions. However, it is not. The daily calorie content of foods is about 2600 kilocalories (the average amount consumed by people who do not adhere to diets). But at the same time, nutrition should be aimed at losing weight (if there is overweight). Proteins - the main sources of purines - in the diet are limited to 80 grams per day. The amount of fat should not exceed the amount of protein, and carbohydrates can be eaten up to 420 grams.

The volume of water (due to the heavy load on the renal system) should not exceed two liters per day. Also, due to frequent edema, it is worth reducing the amount of salt consumed to 7 grams per day.

For gout, it is recommended to consume alkaline mineral waters. They drink a glass in the morning half an hour before the first meal. In this case, the volume of water during the month can be increased to 500 ml/day. Such water can be found in any store (Borjomi, Essentuki) or you can prepare it yourself (infuse the water for about a day on eggshells).

The general principles of nutrition should be:

  • fragmentation (6-7 meals per day);
  • no overeating;
  • reducing the amount of meat (up to 2-3 times a week, while the meat portion should be 140 grams, and the fish portion should be 170 grams);
  • replacing fasting with fasting days (repeat once a week; you can eat cottage cheese with milk/fermented baked milk or fruit).

Allowed foods for gout

You need to understand that the diet for gout is different from usual recommendations on healthy eating. Many of the foods considered healthy for gout are limited or prohibited due to high concentration compounds of oxalic acid or purines (precursors of urates).

So, for gout you are allowed to use:

  • vegetable products (carrots, zucchini, potatoes, all types of salads, pumpkin);
  • meat products (low-fat chicken, rabbit, turkey every other day);
  • flour and pasta products (not fresh rye bread, crackers, pasta made from premium varieties of wheat);
  • fish (low-fat, once a week);
  • all kinds of cereals (especially buckwheat, pearl barley and oatmeal);
  • dairy products (kefir, sourdough, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, cheese);
  • eggs (one chicken per day);
  • fruits and desserts (apples, quince, apricots, dried fruits, marmalade, jelly, jelly, nuts);
  • drinks (fresh juices, weak coffee and teas, compotes);
  • fats (olive and butter).

Soups are prepared in vegetable (vegetarian) broths or water (sometimes alkaline). The consumption of potato dishes and cereals is not limited; pasta can be eaten up to 2 times a week. You should eat no more than one egg per day (including those in dishes).

Vegetable side dishes should be preferred without heat treatment, however, steamed or boiled/stewed options are possible. Tea and coffee drinks should be prepared weakly; rosehip infusion is also extremely useful (see recipe below).

Sauces based on kefir (or milk) and spices will help diversify the menu for gout: cinnamon, pepper, vanilla, dried bay leaves and all kinds of greens.

Remember, complete information about permitted products can be obtained from special tables on the content of purine substances.

Prohibited foods for gout

The consumption of large amounts of protein foods (meat, fish) and alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.

In case of gout, it is also necessary to limit:

  • vegetables (beans, spinach, sorrel);
  • meat products (red meats, offal - liver, brains);
  • flour products(especially puff pastry);
  • seafood (herring, sardines, red fish);
  • fruits and desserts (figs, chocolate, meringues, cakes and other cream desserts);
  • rich broths (meat and mushroom broths);
  • drinks (strong hot drinks, booze);
  • fats (lard, cooking fats).

You need to exclude cocoa, coffee and soda. Sorrel, spinach, cranberries and legumes are strictly prohibited for gout. It is worth giving up spices (mustard, turmeric, horseradish) and vinegar-based dressings. Among cheeses, preference should be given to mild ones, and all kinds of canned and preserved products should be removed from the menu. Cooking fats should also be avoided: palm oil and margarine.

Nutrition for gout flare-ups

When gout attacks are observed, you must not only adhere to the prescribed treatment, but also strictly limit the menu. Thus, in case of gouty exacerbations, it is necessary to completely abandon meat and fish products - an option for a vegetarian diet.

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How many times to repeat! If your knees, elbows, shoulders or hips start to hurt, there is an acute lack of...

You can eat vegetables, berries, bread, pasta and cereals from the allowed list - this will be the diet for gout. The minimum protein intake should be ensured by a small amount of dairy products - curdled milk, yogurt, sourdough. It is also necessary to increase the intake of alkaline mineral waters (no more than 0.5 l/day), the total volume of fluid (up to 2.5 l/day) and increase the number of fasting days (up to 3 per week).

Diet for a week

The specified menu is an example; it can be adjusted by adding your favorite products within the specified lists.

  1. Day 1: breakfast of buckwheat, fruit and berry salad with kefir dressing, bread and rosehip drink. Afternoon snack – pumpkin casserole and mixed vegetable juice. For lunch, creamy vegetable soup, boiled chicken, egg and freshly squeezed juice. A light dinner of low-fat curd and jelly drink. At night you can drink sourdough or fermented baked milk.
  2. Day 2: for breakfast mashed potatoes, a vegetable side dish, and also weak coffee drink. Afternoon snack – almond cookies with fermented baked milk. For lunch, beetroot soup or stewed okroshka white fish with assorted vegetables, carrot meatballs and fresh juice. A light dinner of jacket potatoes, carrot salad And milkshake. At night - a yogurt smoothie.
  3. Day 3: breakfast – chicken meatballs, pearl barley porridge with water, almond liver and white tea. For an afternoon snack, a cereal bar, smoothie or berries. Lunch of mixed vegetables, broccoli cream soup and black tea. For dinner, cottage cheese with raisins. Before going to bed - rosehip decoction.
  4. Day 4: cottage cheese, buckwheat with milk and smoothie for breakfast. Afternoon snack – baked fruit with yogurt. Lunch of beet soup, fried egg, baked zucchini with sour cream dressing and fruit cocktail. For dinner, assorted vegetable stew with berry compote. Before bed – fermented baked milk.
  5. Day 5: Breakfast of vegetable puree, macaroons and white tea. Afternoon snack – smoothie. For lunch, buckwheat soup in vegetarian broth, mixed vegetable stew, poached egg. Dinner – baked chicken breast with vegetable side dish, black tea with honey. Low-fat yogurt at night.
  6. Day 6: for breakfast boiled potatoes, fried egg, soft cheese, toast, compote. Afternoon snack – cottage cheese and smoothie. Lunch of vegetarian borscht, chopped vegetables, compote. Baked for dinner vegetable mix With rice porridge, toast and unsweetened tea. Before bed, sourdough and dried apricots.
  7. Day 7 (option 1): breakfast of buckwheat, poached eggs, assorted vegetable salad, dressed with yogurt, white tea. Afternoon snack is a sour drink. For lunch, vegetable broth with breadcrumbs, boiled breast. Dinner – toast, soft cheese and black tea with honey. At night - chicory drink. Day 7 (option 2 – unloading): during the day, 500 grams of cottage cheese and a liter of kefir or one and a half kilograms of fruits from the permitted list. The volume of water you drink should be increased to 3 liters per day.

Recipe options

Below are several recipes suitable for a gout diet. They can be varied or replaced within the specified recommendations.

  • Vegetable puree soup. For the dish you will need a head of cauliflower, one carrot, 300 grams of green peas, onions, as well as herbs and spices to taste. The vegetable part is finely chopped and boiled in water for about 20 minutes. The cauliflower is divided into inflorescences and placed in the broth along with the peas. The soup is boiled until the ingredients are soft, after which spices and herbs are added.
  • Cream soup. You need one carrot, onion, champignon mushrooms, lemon juice, granulated sugar, sunflower oil and low-fat cream. Vegetables and mushrooms are chopped and stewed in a pan in oil for about 8 minutes. Afterwards, the mixture is placed in a blender and crushed to a puree. Lemon juice and sugar are added to the soup, after which the mixture is brought to a boil. Cream is added before serving.
  • Steamed chicken meatballs in gravy. You will need half a chicken fillet, an onion, 35 ml of milk, 155 grams of cooked rice, 75 grams of bread, a raw egg, pepper, spices and herbs. Gravy: two carrots, a glass chicken broth, onion, vegetable oil, two tablespoons of sour cream, a spoonful of flour. Fillet, onion, egg, bread (pre-soaked in milk) and dill are ground in a meat grinder. Cooked rice and salt are added to the finished mixture and the minced meat is kneaded. Then you need to roll the meatballs and steam for about 7 minutes. To make the gravy, fry the onions and carrots, then pour in the broth. Add flour, salt and sour cream to the mixture. After heating the gravy, you need to place the meatballs in it and simmer for another five minutes. Before serving, decorate the dish with herbs.
  • Cheese casserole. Ingredients: 3 raw eggs, 110 grams of semolina, the same amount of sugar, 500 grams of cottage cheese, 210 grams of sour cream, raisins, salt, soda and lemon juice. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. A spoonful of soda is poured with lemon juice and then placed in the semolina base. The finished mass is poured into the baking base and placed in the oven, preheated to 170 degrees. Bake until golden brown on top.
  • Sour cream jelly. Required: a liter of low-fat sour cream, a glass of milk, 90 grams of sugar, 1.5 tablespoons of gelatin. Gelatin should be poured with half a glass of milk and allowed to swell. Boil the remaining milk, dissolving the sugar. Place the gelatin mixture into warm milk and stir until completely dissolved, then cool slightly. Add sour cream to the cool mixture and leave in the refrigerator until it hardens. You can color the dessert with beetroot juice or a spoonful of cocoa.
  • Rose hip decoction. You will need 100 grams of rose hips and one liter of water. Before cooking, the rose hips are chopped and placed in a pan. The chopped fruits are filled with a full volume of water, and then brought to a boil. Then the broth is removed from the heat and infused for 12 hours. You can add sugar to taste. Drinking this decoction costs up to 0.5 liters per day.

Preventative measures for gout

Prevention of gout and subsequent exacerbations consists of:

In this case, the main point of prevention is to follow a low-purine diet for gout, which limits meat and fish products, tea, cocoa, legumes, chocolate and booze (especially beer - a source of nitrogenous and purine bases). Such a diet contributes to less intake of purines from the outside, which leads to stable remission (no exacerbations), weight loss and normalization of metabolism.

With the development of society, gout has long ceased to be a “disease of the nobility.” The abundance of food became a key factor in the occurrence of disease in all segments of the population. At the same time, the course of the disease is complicated by the so-called “diseases of civilization” – obesity and atherosclerosis. This is where the need for proper nutritional correction arises.

Remember, a gout diet is not a dietary recommendation, but part of the treatment!

There is a free distribution of a drug for the treatment of joints. Up to 5 pieces per...

Changing the diet for gout is necessary to maintain health and standard of living. Today we’ll talk about which foods you can eat and which you can’t.

Treatment with diet is related to the specifics of the disease, because gout is characterized by deposits of uric acid crystals in various tissues of the body, usually in the joints. It manifests itself in the form of arthritis and gouty nodes, all joints of the body suffer, excess salts lead to their rapid destruction.

Besides the joints also increased load also occurs in the kidneys, which either cannot cope with the large amount of incoming uric acid, or even with a small amount of it, they cannot cope with its removal from the body.

Doctors say one of the reasons for the development of gout is excessive consumption of foods containing purine bases. Purines are compounds that are present both in the human body and in food; when purines are broken down, uric acid is formed. In large quantities, the acid can become dangerous and lead to crystal deposits in the joints. Fortunately, this is not a common disease today; according to statistics, only 3 out of 1000 people have this disease. Men are more often susceptible to it; for women, the risk is high only during menopause.

Limiting the consumption of foods with high content Purine bases are part of the treatment for gout.

Gout and diet: what's good and what's not

Each serious illness assumes the presence of individual bans on a number of products. Diet for gout is no exception; it is important not just to eat right, but to completely review your diet, eliminating foods that are hazardous to your health. Namely:

  • red meat (especially offal, liver, tongue, etc.), meat broths
  • seafood
  • coffee, cocoa, tea
  • chocolate
  • lentils, chickpeas, beans, beans
  • alcoholic drinks
  • mayonnaise and ketchup
  • mushrooms
  • salty cheeses
  • smoked meats and sausages
  • celery, spinach, sorrel

The list of prohibitions is quite impressive and varied; first of all, everything salty and fatty is excluded.

Among the products allowed for consumption:

  • vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, beets, pumpkin, potatoes)
  • fruits (oranges, lemons, apples, pears, peaches, grapes)
  • dairy and xylo-milk products
  • dried fruits
  • boiled meat in small quantities
  • cereals

Nutrition for gout and high uric acid

When creating your menu, a person suffering from gout must adhere to a number of simple rules:

  1. Food should be varied and nutritious
  2. Strictly observe the maximum standards for the amount of meat products (boiled meat no more than 3 times a week)
  3. You need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions at regular intervals
  4. Don't forget about drinking plenty of fluids, at least 5-6 glasses a day
  5. Don't starve, lack of food causes an increase in uric acid levels

Diet for gout: menu

Changing your diet is not easy for anyone, but this step will help you maintain health and slow down the process of joint destruction. Gout is treated with medication, but the effectiveness of any measures will be zero without proper nutrition.

For example, the menu for the week can be compiled as follows:


  • Morning – fresh vegetable salad (tomatoes and cucumbers), rye bread toast
  • 1 snack - cottage cheese casserole
  • Lunch – boiled potatoes, stewed cabbage
  • 2nd snack – a sandwich with cheese and a glass of kefir
  • Dinner – oatmeal with cookies or gingerbread


  • Morning – fresh fruit salad (apples and oranges), yogurt and honey
  • 1 snack – glass of milk
  • Lunch – pureed vegetable soup with herbs
  • 2nd snack – potato cutlets
  • Dinner - boiled egg, cucumber and cottage cheese


  • Morning – pancakes with cottage cheese and honey
  • 1 snack – beet salad
  • Lunch – soup with vegetables and pearl barley, seaweed salad
  • 2 snack – tea and marshmallows or gingerbread
  • Dinner – yogurt smoothie with avocado and banana


  • Morning – buckwheat porridge
  • 1 snack – kefir with bran
  • Lunch - a small piece boiled meat, eggplant caviar
  • 2nd snack – sandwich with curd cheese
  • Dinner – wheat porridge


  • Morning - salad from fresh tomatoes and greens with curd cheese
  • 1 snack – apple and pear
  • Dinner - vegetable salad and porridge with rice
  • 2nd snack – boiled egg and cookies
  • Dinner – stewed vegetables


  • Morning – vermicelli and tea
  • 1 snack – a couple of bananas
  • Lunch – stewed cauliflower and zucchini
  • 2nd snack – jelly with cookies
  • Dinner - fresh vegetables and baked apple with honey


  • Morning – fresh cottage cheese and toast
  • 1 snack – cookies and compote
  • Lunch – vegetable soup with chicken meatballs
  • 2nd snack – yogurt
  • Dinner – millet porridge and gingerbread

Rebuilding your routine will not be easy, but you need to have the right mindset and understanding of why you are doing it. This is not a temporary measure, but new image life that will allow you to forget about pain and live longer. In a few months you will feel changes, excess weight will go away, blood pressure will normalize, fatigue and insomnia will disappear. And you will no longer want to return to your past life.

Diet for gout, table of foods and purine content in them

It is fundamentally important when constructing a new list of products to evaluate the purine content in them. On the one hand, this element is necessary; when destroyed, it acts as an antioxidant, preserving blood vessels from destruction, but in large quantities with gout it can be very dangerous.

  • Liver – 300 mg of purines per 100 g of product
  • Peas - 100 mg of purines per 100 g of product
  • Rice – 10 mg of purines per 100 g of product
  • Sardines – 120 mg of purines per 100 g of product
  • Carp - 135 mg of purines per 100 g of product
  • Gouda cheese - 8 mg of purines per 100 g of product
  • Ground coffee – 1213 mg of purines per 100 g of product
  • Beef liver – 229 mg of purines per 100 g of product
  • Herring caviar -188 mg of purines per 100 g of product
  • White chocolate - 64 mg of purines per 100 g of product

Diet 6 for gout

  • fats – 80-90 g.
  • carbohydrates – 450-500 g.
  • proteins – 70-80 g.

In total, a person should consume 2,500-2,700 kcal and drink 2-2.5 liters of liquid.

For example, several recipes for dishes allowed for consumption:

  • cottage cheese casserole: mix 75 grams of pureed cottage cheese, 50 ml of milk, 2 egg yolks, 15 grams of sour cream and 2 tablespoons of sugar, place the resulting mass on a baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes at 180 ° C.
  • baked apples with omelet: peel two apples and cut into small pieces, add 2 egg whites and 50 ml of milk and simmer in a frying pan for 5-10 minutes.
  • potato pancakes: peel two potatoes and grate on a coarse grater, squeeze out excess juice, add a spoonful of flour, yolk and beaten white, mix thoroughly. Fry in a hot frying pan with heated oil for several minutes on each side.

Diet for exacerbation of gout

With an exacerbation of gout, the affected joint swells and turns red, and the patient's temperature increases up to 40 °C. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and go to the hospital for examination, pain relief and prevention of complications. It is important to follow all doctor's recommendations. The food offered in the hospital will be very meager so as not to provoke unnecessary stress on the body.

During the first days of an exacerbation, the patient is offered only dairy-free porridge, fruits and vegetables. For the next 1.5-2 weeks, the consumption of tomatoes, cauliflower, radishes and honey is limited in addition to the usual list of prohibited foods. It is also necessary to increase the volume of fluid consumed to 3 liters per day.

Diet for gout on the legs

Gout on the legs is one of the most common types of disease. The diet should include a large amount of vegetables and fruits, as well as fermented milk products, small quantities of butter and dried fruits. Boiled meat should be included in the diet, but not more than 3 times a week, while meat broth should absolutely not be consumed. Sweets such as marmalade and marshmallows are allowed.

Despite the modesty of the diet, it is also recommended to arrange fasting days every 7 days. The rule for such days is very simple - you need to eat only one product, in a volume of 1 kg, if it is cottage cheese - then 0.5 kg, the liquid is consumed as usual. You can diversify your menu with rosehip decoction, compote, fruit drink or jelly.

Diet for gout for men

Men are susceptible to gout much more than women; perhaps men's sometimes insatiable appetite or addiction to alcoholic beverages is to blame. In any case, regardless of the gender of the patient, nutritional recommendations remain the same for everyone - reducing the consumption of foods containing purines. Typically, these compounds are found in protein foods, meat, and beans.

Therefore, any diet begins with revising the list of products and changing eating habits. For men, of course, it is much more difficult to give up meat, but this disease leaves no choice.

Gout belongs to the class of incurable diseases, but today doctors learn to slow down the progression of this disease. By listening to the doctor’s advice, you will be able to live a full life and enjoy every moment of it, because joy lies not only in food!

Video: Diet for gout menu recipes

Gout is a rare joint disease in which uric acid accumulates in the joint tissues. It is accompanied by pain, swelling of soft tissues and an increase in their temperature (to the touch, the skin over the inflamed joint can be much higher than the temperature of the whole body).

The main factors that provoke the development of this disease are various diseases circulatory system, the impact of adverse environment on the body, etc. But main reason The development of gout is due to poor nutrition.

It is almost impossible to recover from this disease, but you can alleviate your condition. Special diet for gout, it will help improve water-salt metabolism in the body, which will normalize general health sick.

There is an opinion that gout is a disease of people who are overweight and cannot control their appetite. At the same time, it is enough to simply refuse fatty and fried foods, baked goods and bad habits(alcohol, smoking). Then the disease will recede and will not bother the person. However, as practice shows, this opinion is fundamentally wrong.

In the treatment of gout, it is very important to follow a proper diet. Absolutely all meals should take place at the same time at certain intervals. At the same time, you need to eat this way throughout your life, and not just during periods of exacerbation of the disease.

A patient with gout needs to carefully consider his diet, and the number of main meals should not be less than 4-5 times. You should eat in small portions. Overeating is not acceptable, but you should not limit your body in nutrients either.

Remember that extra pounds have a negative impact on your health. However a sharp decline weight is also very dangerous. Therefore, the process of losing weight with gout should occur gradually.

We remind you once again that a diet for gout of the legs is not a temporary measure, but a way of life that aims to normalize health.

The first thing a patient with such a disease should do is reduce the amount of food containing purines, or better yet, eliminate them altogether. These substances take part in the synthesis of uric acid, the accumulation of which leads to an inflammatory process in the joints.

If healthy person daily norm purine consumption is 700-800 mg, then in a patient with gout this amount should not exceed 150 mg. Foods high in purines include:

  • coffee and black tea;
  • chocolate (including liquid) and cocoa;
  • beans;
  • peas;
  • lentils;
  • oats;
  • offal;
  • fatty meats;
  • beef;
  • pork, including lean pork;
  • River fish;
  • sprats;
  • herring;
  • asparagus;
  • spinach;
  • sardines.

All of these foods contain a lot of purines, so if gout develops, it is better to avoid them forever. However, it is worth noting that purines, which are found in cocoa, coffee and black tea, do not provoke active production of uric acid. But at the same time, they have a diuretic effect, releasing all the moisture from the cells, thereby increasing the amount of uric acid in them.

If you have gout, you can drink sweet compotes. Just sweeten them with regular sugar, not honey. The latter is contraindicated for this disease, since it contains oxalic acid, which can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

Also prohibits the consumption of salty and spicy food. You should also once and for all give up drinks that contain alcohol. They have a very high purine content, but in addition to this, they also lead to dehydration of body cells and intoxication. Therefore, you cannot combine alcohol and gout, even in very small quantities.

Authorized Products

If you have gout, you should eat foods low in purines, but “rich” in substances beneficial to the body (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, etc.).

It is believed that foods high in fiber are most beneficial for gout. They are the ones who help normalize work digestive tract and the patient's weight. These products include various cereals, whole grain flour products, bread and muesli.

Vegetables, fruits and nuts should be the main part of the patient's diet. After all, they contain not only vitamins and minerals, but also antioxidants that help strengthen protective forces the body and help it resist various negative factors.

In addition, greens are also useful for this disease (only sorrel is prohibited). It should also be consumed in large quantities. The patient’s diet should still include the following foods:

  • zucchini;
  • cucumbers;
  • pumpkin;
  • melon;
  • celery;
  • carrot;
  • watermelon;
  • cabbage;
  • cowberry;
  • black currant;
  • strawberries

All these products contain an insignificant amount of purines, but there is a lot of fiber, vitamins and other substances necessary for the body.

In moments of exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to completely abandon meat and fish dishes. During such periods, it is useful to arrange fasting days. It is necessary to completely abandon food products and replace them liquid food, for example, juices, jelly, water or alkaline mineral water.

When the patient's condition returns to normal, meat and fish may appear in his diet. Only they must be dietary. You can eat:

  • turkey fillet;
  • chicken fillet;
  • rabbit (for gout, it is better to eat the drumsticks of this animal).

In addition, it is also allowed to consume cheeses and cottage cheese, since they also contain minimal amount purines. Eggs should be on the patient's table every day. Their protein contains no purines at all, but the yolk contains very little. It is better to eat boiled eggs.

However, tomatoes are the most beneficial for gout. They help reduce pain syndrome and saturation of the body various vitamins and minerals. At the same time they have low calorie content and are great for weight loss.

Classic diet No. 6 for gout of the legs

There are many diets that are prescribed to treat gout. All of them are aimed primarily at eliminating excess weight and providing the body with all the necessary substances.

The most popular diet for gout is the classic one, which is assigned No. 6. It is easy to implement and has several simple rules:

The consumption of protein foods should be limited (meat, fish, beans, etc.). In this case, the majority should be protein of plant origin.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of refractory fats (they are found in lamb, pork, beef).

The patient's diet should contain vegetable oils and melted butter.

You should not eat food containing oxalic acid.

The use of mushroom, meat and fish broths is prohibited.

Decrease daily consumption salt up to 1 g.

With absence pathological processes in the heart and kidneys, you need to drink at least 2 liters of regular drinking water per day.

This diet for gout allows the consumption of soy foods, for example, tofu cheese. It is soy that helps remove uric acid from the body. Therefore it daily use considered simply a necessity.

You can also eat garlic, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, and also lowers the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

In addition to various therapeutic diets, remedies can also be used to treat gout. traditional medicine.

For example, ginger drink has proven itself very well in this area, which helps eliminate toxic substances and relieve inflammatory processes in the joints. It is very easy to prepare. For this fresh root ginger, grated with a fine grater and 1 tbsp. The resulting slurry is brewed with a glass of boiling water. After which the drink should be left for about 30 minutes, strained and drunk on an empty stomach (it is better to do this every morning).

An infusion prepared from the leaves and juice of grape berries also helps relieve pain. Leaves and berries should also be crushed, pour boiling water and leave. You should take this drink at least once a day, preferably on an empty stomach.

In addition, fresh grapes can be consumed for gout. It relieves inflammation and promotes the transition of gout into remission.

You can also use a decoction of flax seeds. It is prepared as follows: 2 tsp. seeds are poured with 3 cups of boiling water and left for a quarter of an hour. You need to take this drink 4 times a day, 1 tbsp.

You can also take decoctions made from chamomile, sageweed and saxifrage roots. They are mixed in equal quantities, after which 3 tsp is taken. prepared raw materials and pour 2 cups of boiling water. After which the broth should be allowed to brew for about 10-15 minutes, strain and take ½ cup 3 times a day before meals.

Remember that traditional medicine will only be truly effective if you completely switch to dietary food and you will follow all the recommendations that the doctor gives you.

Video on how to treat gout