Why is vitamin E prescribed to pregnant women? What you can’t do without. Natural sources of vitamin E and daily intake during pregnancy

Carrying a baby is a period when the importance of nutrients increases many times over. The key role in this “interesting situation” is given to tocopherol (another name is vitamin E). The health of the expectant mother and the normal development of the embryo largely depend on it. It is important to know the dosage of vitamin E during pregnancy in the first trimester and subsequent ones in order to provide the baby with the necessary substance and not cause harm through negligence.

It is very important for the expectant mother to feel spousal support.

Tocopherol is an element responsible for health, youth, and beauty. Substance:

  • slows down cellular aging;
  • provides protection against free radicals;
  • improves the condition of the dermis;
  • activates the healing function of the skin;
  • strengthens hair;
  • prevents the development of anemia;
  • helps improve blood circulation;
  • responsible for blood clotting;
  • strengthens capillaries;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • provides prevention of vision diseases;
  • reduces fatigue;
  • normalizes blood pressure.

With a sufficient level of vitamin, the course of many diseases is alleviated. For example, it is prescribed for diabetes mellitus and breast fibroids. The substance, interacting with other microelements, helps strengthen the immune system.

Role in planning

Tocopherol is popularly called the “women’s vitamin.” In addition to the general positive effect for the body, it can improve reproductive function. The vitamin is often prescribed in combination with other drugs for the treatment of infertility. The substance can have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the ovaries and eliminate disruptions in the functioning of the uterus. Tocopherol also has a positive effect on the male reproductive system. If pregnancy does not occur for a long time, then the vitamin can be prescribed to both partners.

Tocopherol takes an active part in the ovulation process. For an egg to mature, there must be a balance between progesterone and estrogen. Vitamin E provides it. As a result, hormonal levels return to normal. This promotes conception.

Tocopherol is prescribed to women with irregular menstrual cycles. If reproductive pathologies or sexually transmitted infections were identified at the stage of pregnancy planning, taking a “women’s vitamin” is indicated. It helps to cope with the problem and quickly find the happiness of motherhood.

Importance during pregnancy

Any medications are for medical prescription only

Tocopherol is needed for pregnancy to develop without complications and for the fetus to grow according to normal standards. The importance of vitamin E in the first trimester of pregnancy is enormous. How pregnancy will proceed and how the baby and mother will feel depends on this substance. Ideally, a woman should plan to conceive, and after consultation with a specialist, start taking tocopherol. The supply of this substance ensures the full development of the embryo, which needs “building material” from the first days.

The first trimester is considered critical. There is a high risk of miscarriage. Tocopherol helps significantly reduce risks. It is prescribed both to patients at risk and as a preventive measure. At the same time, vitamin A is indicated. This substance promotes better absorption of tocopherol. The tandem of vitamins reduces the risk of spontaneous interruption to a minimum.

Additional factors

In addition to excluding self-abortion, vitamin E performs other important functions in an “interesting situation”:

  • promotes the transport of oxygen from the mother’s body to the baby, thereby improving the baby’s blood supply;
  • regulates the maturation of the placenta;
  • brings hormones back to normal, which has a positive effect on the mother’s well-being and prevents fetal rejection;
  • takes part in the formation of the baby’s respiratory organs;
  • responsible for the baby’s central nervous system;
  • protects the baby from external factors, infections, viruses;
  • increases the immune functions of a pregnant woman;
  • reduces the likelihood of blood clots;
  • eliminates the possibility of developing seizures.

The vitamin is also a beauty “pill” for the expectant mother. Due to the acquisition of a new status, the mother’s appearance may become unsatisfactory. Stretch marks may appear. Often there is a change in the dermis not for the better: wrinkles and rashes are noticeable. Tocopherol will help solve these problems. In addition, it will save you from hair loss and brittle nails. No wonder it is actively used in cosmetology.

Daily norm

The beneficial substance can be obtained from foods or pharmacological preparations. To meet the needs of the adult body, approximately 20 mg of tocopherol is required per day. During the “interesting” period, this figure can increase significantly: up to 200 – 400 mg, and sometimes more. The vitamin norm is calculated based on individual indicators. This fat-soluble substance tends to accumulate. It is important to take into account the well-being of the expectant mother, her state of health, and the course of pregnancy. Timing also plays a huge role.

  • In the first. The trimester when vitamin E is especially important is 1, in 1 it is necessary for the fertilized egg to be securely attached and not to be rejected by the maternal immune system. The 1st trimester is the period of formation of the baby’s future organs, the laying of systems. Tocopherol works to prevent self-abortion and the development of pathologies. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then through the 12th gestational week it is enough to receive 200 mg of the element. If there is a threat of self-interruption, the dose is increased to 400 or more.
  • In the second. The organs and systems of the fetus continue to form, tissues continue to develop. Vitamin E takes an active part in this process in the second trimester. The daily intake of the substance in the middle of gestation may vary. In the first month of the 2nd trimester, the norm is usually left the same as in the early stages. Then the expectant mother needs to undergo a test that will determine the need for tocopherol. If enough substance has accumulated, then additional vitamin intake may not be required, only dietary adjustments. In the middle of gestation, a pharmaceutical vitamin must be prescribed in tandem with minerals.
  • In third. In the final trimester of pregnancy, the tocopherol norm is determined individually. Most often, medications are discontinued to avoid excessive accumulation of the vitamin. An excess of the substance in recent weeks threatens to increase the elasticity of the uterine muscles. This can complicate parenting. But the deficiency is also dangerous: it can provoke gestosis. The best option is to get usefulness from products.

The expectant mother should ask her doctor all questions about the daily tocopherol requirement. Uncontrolled intake of the vitamin is dangerous, so you cannot do without consulting a gynecologist.

How to determine deficiency

A lack of tocopherol in an expectant mother is determined using a laboratory test of blood fluid. But there are a number of symptoms that indicate a deficiency:

  • frequent headaches;
  • heart rhythm failure;
  • nervousness;
  • deterioration of attention and memory;
  • chronic fatigue.

Tocopherol hypovitaminosis is diagnosed in women who suffer from miscarriage problems. If a pregnancy ends in a miscarriage, then before planning the next one you need to bring the vitamin and mineral balance back to normal. When girls of reproductive age experience frequent disruptions in the menstrual cycle, the level of tocopherol in the body should be checked.

A woman's appearance indicates a deficiency. Tocopherol promotes the absorption of retinol. If this process is disrupted, the dermis becomes too dry and hair falls out rapidly.

What drugs are prescribed

Tocopherol can be found in the pharmacy as a single drug. The substance is part of vitamin complexes. However, it is necessary to choose a remedy exclusively under the guidance of a doctor. This allows you to avoid unwanted consequences. Most often, pregnant women are prescribed from the first weeks:

  • Vitamin capsules. Convenient form of the drug. There is no need to bite into the capsules. There are different dosages - 100, 200, 400 mg. The monovitamin should be taken with food. It is advisable that the food be fatty: this way the substance will be better absorbed.
  • "VitAE". This is a combination drug. It contains two important vitamins - A, E. The tandem of tocopherol and retinol ensures the normal development of the baby, eliminates organ pathologies and hypoxia.
  • "Euzovit." The drug is usually prescribed for toxicosis, multiple births and when vitamin E deficiency is caused by malnutrition. Available as injection, lozenges, capsules.
  • "Tokofer." The appointment is indicated in case of threat of miscarriage. The drug is effective for anemia and helps cope with heart and vascular diseases.
  • Multivitamins. Tocopherol can be found in any vitamin complex. The selection of drugs is carried out taking into account the needs of the patient and the amount of vitamin in the universal medicine.

Most pharmaceutical products have contraindications. Even vitamin and mineral complexes must be taken with the permission of a specialist. It is strictly prohibited to buy specific drugs used to treat and eliminate the risk of miscarriage without a prescription. Guided by the best intentions, you can harm the baby.

During pregnancy, the 1st trimester is remembered by many as toxicosis. In this state, it is difficult to obtain all the necessary substances from food, so pharmaceutical analogues of vitamins are prescribed. But if the expectant mother feels normal, she can get the required amount of tocopherol from foods. Naturally, if gestation proceeds normally and does not require an increase in the norm of the substance. The sources of tocopherol are:

  • vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, flaxseed);
  • greens (spinach, green onions; sorrel);
  • buckwheat;
  • flax seeds;
  • lentils;
  • prunes;
  • almond;
  • peanut;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • rose hip;
  • olives;
  • red fish.

What else do you need to know

It is better to consult a nutritionist regarding the menu.

Products from which you can get the maximum tocopherol should be included in your diet long before conception. They will contribute to the rapid onset of pregnancy. Sources of tocopherol must be present in the expectant mother’s menu throughout the entire gestation period, which will reduce the risk of problems.

You should talk to a professional about menu adjustments. Sometimes food alone is not enough to meet the increased needs of the body. But it happens that you can get by only by changing your diet. Especially from the middle of gestation, provided that in the first weeks the “vitamin gap” was filled.

Hypervitaminosis E: danger

An excess of tocopherol is undesirable in an “interesting situation.” Just like deficiency, too much of a nutrient can be dangerous. For the fetus, there are risks of developing intrauterine pathologies and anatomical anomalies. An excess affects the baby’s central nervous system, which threatens serious deviations in the future. In the later stages, hypervitaminosis E can cause complications during labor.

A large amount of the substance also affects the condition of the mother. Usually, an excess leads to an imbalance of hormones and a decrease in immune functions. The patient may complain of deterioration in health. Severe forms cause:

  • serious liver diseases;
  • kidney failure;
  • sepsis;
  • blockage of blood vessels;
  • hypertensive crisis.

If there is too little vitamin K in the mother’s body, then an excess of element E leads to bleeding. The danger of self-abortion is increasing.


Tocopherol has the ability to accumulate in the body. Especially if rapid weight gain occurs. But this is not the only reason for the oversupply. Hypervitaminosis can develop if

  • pharmacy vitamin is taken without taking into account the gestation period;
  • the number of capsules consumed per day is not controlled;
  • there is no control over the duration of use;
  • the substance is taken despite hypersensitivity to it;
  • Mom takes anticoagulants along with tocopherol;
  • the diet consists of a large number of sources of alpha-tocopherol.

To prevent hypervitaminosis E, you should consult a doctor about the advisability of taking synthetic drugs. It is important not to get carried away with food sources of tocopherol: they are certainly useful, but even the beneficial ones should not be abused.


A number of symptoms indicate hypervitaminosis. You should consult a doctor if:

  • vision has deteriorated;
  • shortness of breath appeared;
  • frequent headaches are observed;
  • increased fatigue;
  • suffers from diarrhea;
  • regular nausea appeared;
  • Spasmodic pain is observed in the abdominal area.

Excess tocopherol requires symptomatic therapy (exception is severe form). The expectant mother is prescribed a diet. The use of pharmaceutical drugs is stopped.

Vitamin E will only be beneficial if the pregnant woman consults her gynecologist before taking the substance. Hypo- and hypervitaminosis threaten complications. It is important to know how tocopherol combines with other substances necessary for pregnant women. For example, you cannot take a synthetic vitamin simultaneously with iron supplements: tocopherol destroys iron-containing compounds. Mommy can’t figure out all the nuances on her own, but the doctor will help you avoid harming yourself and the baby.

Vitamin E or during pregnancy– an important element, in the absence or deficiency of which it is impossible to bear healthy offspring. When planning children, the use of the vitamin is also recommended, since without it the process of fertilization is impossible.

The dose of vitamin E during pregnancy should exceed the daily requirement of non-pregnant women for the compound, since the body is under severe stress.

Low resistance to stress, poor ecology - all these are circumstances by which one can judge the importance of additional amounts of nutrients. During the period of bearing a child, the female body uses up most of the reserve.

Why do you need vitamin E during pregnancy?

Is a vital connection. It helps improve oxygen transport. This is especially important for a woman during pregnancy, as the need for connection increases. Often during pregnancy, women complain of cramps, especially in the third trimester. Tocopherol prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels. Therefore, you need to control how much vitamin enters the body.

The compound has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, nails and. Pregnant women often complain of excessive hair loss. Tocopherol is able to normalize the course of the menstrual cycle. This explains the importance of the substance for the functioning of the reproductive system.

Capsules are prescribed to female representatives with ovarian dysfunction and infertility. The role of the vitamin for men is great.

Tocopherol is one of the main components when bearing a child. It is prescribed in the early stages, when there is a threat of miscarriage. The participation of the compound in the formation of the fetal respiratory organs has been proven.

During pregnancy, the dose of tocopherol should be increased. This is due to the increased load on the body. In the early stages, the vitamin is of great importance for the prevention of miscarriage. It improves the process of maturation of the placenta and blood circulation in it, takes part in the formation of the organs of the unborn child. This prevents placental abruption. Tocopherol is needed for the production of the hormone prolactin, without which the lactation process is impossible.

How to take vitamin E during pregnancy?

How much vitamin E should be consumed during pregnancy is a pressing question. Many women are confident that the more useful biologically active substances and minerals enter the body, the better. However, excessive amounts can be harmful to both the expectant mother and the baby.

Tocopherol, being a fat-soluble compound, can accumulate in women who gain weight. With an overdose, the muscles may become more elastic, which may interfere with labor.

Therefore, the dose of the vitamin should be agreed upon with a gynecologist, especially in the 3rd trimester. It is not recommended to take tocopherol on your own without a prescription from a specialist. The synthetic vitamin should be taken with food. This promotes good digestibility.

Iron is destroyed upon contact with tocopherol. Therefore, it is better to take iron-containing products separately. The absorption of vitamin E stops 8 hours after it enters the gastrointestinal tract. After this period of time, it is appropriate to use drugs containing iron. Using the same principle, you need to plan your daily diet.

The dose of vitamin E for pregnant women is about 20 mg. However, doctors prescribe 3 capsules per day with a dosage of 100 mg. It would seem that such an amount could lead to an overdose. But due to incomplete absorption of synthetic components, the level of tocopherol in the body reaches normal.

To prevent deficiency, doctors recommend the use of vitamin E in courses of 10 days with periodic breaks. It should be noted that the dosage should not exceed 1000 mg per day. Otherwise, you can cause harm to the body, which entails nausea and a negative effect on blood clotting.

What medications are indicated for pregnant women?

For good absorption of tocopherol by the body, it is necessary not only to take it in capsules or tablets, but also to control the diet. Since the compound belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins, it is well absorbed in the presence of food containing a sufficient amount of fat. Often, together with drugs where the main substance is vitamin E, it is prescribed.

    Doppelhertz vitamin E forte. The drug is available in the form of oval-shaped capsules, inside of which there is a yellow oily liquid. One or two capsules per day are taken depending on the doctor's prescription. Since the compound helps reduce the absorption of iron, it is better to take it 8-12 hours after taking iron-containing products.

    Vitamin E ZENTIVA. Capsules are available with different doses of vitamins: 100, 200, 400 mg. When taken orally, no more than 40% of the substance is absorbed. High doses can harm the body of a pregnant woman.

    Alpha tocopherol acetate. The drug contains 100 mg of the active substance tocopherol. After administration, the maximum concentration is observed in the body after 4 hours. The drug is indicated not only during pregnancy, but also in cases of delayed sexual development and diseases.

    Elevit Pronatal. The complex of vitamins and minerals promotes normal growth and formation of the fetus. Here vitamin E contains 15 mg in one tablet.

The benefits of vitamins for the human body have long been obvious to everyone and indisputable for everyone. But not everyone who uses them knows what vitamins, in what quantities and how to take them correctly. For pregnant women, the issue of the correct dosage of drugs is very important. Just as the required amount of nutrients is needed during such a delicate situation, an overdose, including vitamins, is dangerous. After all, the health and well-being of the unborn child directly depends on what the mother eats and takes.

Vitamin E is a natural fat-soluble compound of several derivatives of organic tocol, which enters the body in oils. The most important in the composition, from the point of view of functions, are tocopherols and tocotrienols. They combine with proteins and acids of internal organs, balancing the level of tocol in the organs of the body. Therefore, vitamin E is involved in the metabolic processes of each organ, acts as a powerful immunomodulator, and also turns out to be indispensable in the early stages of pregnancy.

Vitamin E during pregnancy

Many years of research into the functions of vitamin E and its importance for the functioning of the human body have proven that a deficiency of this substance can be detrimental to women’s health and even lead to infertility.

  1. It is organic tocopherols that are components of the building material for the formation of the placenta. They directly affect its maturation, prevent tissue aging and premature detachment.
  2. In addition, taking vitamin E during pregnancy is also useful because it is involved in the synthesis of almost all hormones necessary for bearing a fetus.
  3. All the functional features and organic composition of vitamin E indicate that it should be taken during pregnancy. But in modern medicine there are other opinions, which creates certain disputes in the medical community and misunderstanding among patients. Let's try to determine what is the reason for the disagreement, and on whose side the truth is.
  4. The versatile effect of vitamin E is beyond doubt, which is why it is often called the vitamin of beauty and fertility. Active tocopherols, each of which has a similar effect on the body, make up the mixture called vitamin E.

Vitamin E when planning pregnancy

Let's consider taking vitamin E when planning pregnancy. Many gynecologists, especially old-school ones, recommend that women of reproductive age take vitamin E for a successful pregnancy. This includes prescribing a course of treatment not only for the expectant mother, but also for her partner.

  1. From the point of view of the female body, vitamin E directly affects the development of an egg ready for fertilization, increases the likelihood of the embryo being fixed in the walls of the uterus, and is also a powerful tool that prevents miscarriage in the early stages.
  2. In men, the benefits of vitamin E are determined by increased sperm activity, accelerated sperm production and a positive effect on damaged germ cells.

Vitamin E during pregnancy

  1. The administration of vitamin E during pregnancy became a classic example in gynecology back in Soviet times. Many doctors of the old school and a number of young representatives of the profession adhere to the same course now. The question of the need and advisability of taking an additional vitamin preparation is explained by the method of maintaining pregnancy in the early stages and the correct direction of fetal development. And it seems that there could be something wrong with taking additional vitamins, especially during pregnancy, but it’s not that simple.
  2. The human body is harmonious by nature, and correctly combining the dosages of all substances in it is the hardest work. It turns out that even vitamins can be too much, and an excess is sometimes even worse than a deficiency. Therefore, spontaneous use of drugs is extremely contraindicated, and especially exceeding the amount of mg of vitamin E during pregnancy.
  3. As a result of research, scientists have proven the sharply negative effect of excess vitamin E on the growing fetus and the mother’s body. In a number of cases, subsequent problems with the cardiovascular system of the fetus and an increasing risk of hystosis in the mother in the second half of pregnancy have been recorded.

Dosage and intake of vitamin E during pregnancy

  1. The individual dosage of vitamin E for each expectant mother is determined by her attending physician based on tests. To be sure, some women turn to several doctors to clarify and be sure that the doses are prescribed correctly.
  2. The choice of vitamins plays an important role in taking vitamins. In pharmacies, it is important to pay attention not only to the manufacturer, quality and price of vitamin E capsules, but also to the dosage of each individual drug. After all, in the end, it is the dosage of the drug used that is important for the body.
  3. So how much vitamin E can you take during pregnancy? Doctors also differ on the required dosage. Some call a safe daily dose an amount not exceeding 400 mg of the vitamin, others argue that these figures are greatly exaggerated and no more than 20 mg per day is normal.
  4. In any case, only the attending physician can, with a certain degree of confidence and level of responsibility, prescribe you an individual dosage of vitamin E during pregnancy. Therefore, cases of doses reaching 1000 mg per day are quite likely in medical practice.
  5. In addition to the quantity itself, the order and type of drug entering the body plays an important role in the correct intake of vitamin E. These can be either pure capsule vitamins or a complex of useful microelements, and it is also possible that specialized dietary supplements are prescribed in the diet.
  6. An important aspect of effective absorption of vitamin E is the separation of foods in the diet. It has been proven that iron has a destructive effect on vitamin E molecules, which negates all the efforts of taking it.

Vitamin E overdose during pregnancy

Many expectant mothers are interested in the issue of overdose while simultaneously taking the drug in its pure form and eating vitamin-rich foods.

  1. It is usually extremely problematic to bring the body to an overdose of vitamin E if you do not consume its maximum amount in its pure form daily. If you eat foods rich in various microelements and vitamins in combination with drug capsules, nothing bad will happen.
  2. If someone happens to experience a short-term overdose, it will not cause irreparable damage to the body. A possible side effect is an increase in weight and fat mass in tissues. This happens mainly because vitamin E contains a large amount of fat-containing elements, which are well deposited in tissues. For an ordinary person, this is fraught with some discomfort, but will not cause significant damage to health. For pregnant women, weight gain is extremely undesirable.
  3. In addition, high allergization of the body during such a delicate period and taking various kinds of stimulating drugs can lead to minor allergies, skin rashes, nausea and diarrhea.
  4. An important, and, most likely, the most dangerous effect of an overdose of vitamin E for pregnancy is the ability to increase uterine tone. High muscle tone puts the embryo that has not yet matured into danger in the early stages of pregnancy. This can lead to spontaneous miscarriage.

Vitamin E in the diet

Since vitamin E is a natural element and can be consumed in various foods, the question arises of the advisability of using it in synthetic form. Why finance the commercial industry and “spoil” your health if you can consume high-quality foods rich in microelements with great pleasure and benefit for the body?

  1. Particularly useful in terms of vitamin E content are plant foods, as well as eggs and liver.
  2. Rich in essential tocopherols include: nuts and seeds, mango and avocado, sprouted wheat seeds and unfiltered vegetable oil, as well as broccoli and spinach.
  3. When compiling a daily dose containing the above products, you must include fats. Vitamin E, as we wrote earlier, is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means it is broken down and absorbed in the body only through organic fats.

By shaping her diet in the right way, a pregnant woman can minimize the use of capsule vitamin E, reduce the daily dose, or completely abandon it. In addition, beneficial substances coming from foods are absorbed much faster than their artificially synthesized substitutes. Rather, it is precisely because of losses during absorption that many doctors slightly overestimate the recommended dosage of drugs.

Any substances that enter the body of a pregnant woman must be clearly monitored to prevent overdose and negative effects on the fetus. Many people believe that all vitamins are equally useful during this period and begin to intensively stuff their body with them.

But scientists are still arguing about the benefits of vitamin E during pregnancy: undoubtedly, it is simply necessary for the developing body, but its overdose is also extremely dangerous. Every pregnant woman should know these nuances in order to eliminate the risk of possible complications.

Without vitamin E, the baby’s body will not be able to fully develop - all experts are convinced of this. Not only is it directly involved in the intrauterine development of the child, but without it the placenta, which plays the most important role, cannot fully function. Vitamin E during pregnancy is useful because:

  • participates in the formation of the placenta and its further maturation;
  • prevents premature aging of the placenta and its detachment, thereby preserving the pregnancy itself and preventing abortion;
  • establishes through the placenta - between the baby and his mother;
  • synthesizes a huge amount of hormones in the pregnant woman’s body, without which normal pregnancy is impossible, thereby normalizing the hormonal balance, the violation of which is fraught with undesirable consequences;
  • promotes the production of prolactin, which in the future will be responsible for lactation; so a lack of vitamin E during pregnancy can result in a lack or even absence of milk from the mother;
  • in the early stages of pregnancy, it participates in the formation of almost all systems and organs of the small organism.

With all this, it is difficult to overestimate or underestimate the role of the vitamin for the body of a pregnant woman and the health of her baby. The main thing is to know the amount of tocopherol you take in order to protect yourself from an accidental overdose, which is not at all welcome during pregnancy.

Rules for taking vitamin E during pregnancy

In order for the vitamin to bring maximum benefit during pregnancy, you must know in what form and dosage to take it.

  • 1. In capsules

In the first trimester, almost all pregnant women are prescribed vitamin E capsules. They should be taken during meals, as tocopherol is better absorbed with fats. The minimum dose is 0.8 mg per day (according to international standards this is 2600 IU), the maximum is 3 mg (this is about 10 thousand IU). Doses (number of capsules) are determined by the doctor.

  • 2. In multivitamins

In the second and third trimesters, it is no longer necessary to drink vitamin E capsules, since during these periods various vitamin preparations are prescribed (read:), which contain tocopherol.

  • 3. In kind

The most useful vitamin E is, of course, found in fresh fruits and vegetables. You should definitely include in your diet those foods that are famous for their abundance of tocopherol:

  • egg yolks;
  • liver;
  • milk;
  • sprouted wheat grains;
  • vegetable oils, if they are not refined;
  • avocado;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • peaches;
  • mango;
  • bran;
  • broccoli;
  • spinach;
  • seeds;
  • nuts;
  • dog-rose fruit.

You can replenish the supply of this vitamin with a decoction of raspberry leaves or a mixture of cedar, olive and sunflower oils. Again, any folk remedies that you want to try to vitaminize your body during pregnancy simply need to be discussed with your doctor.


Controversy about vitamin E arose due to its overdose in the body of a pregnant woman, which can affect both the development of the baby and the general well-being of the mother. Where did these conversations come from? The fact is that tocopherol can be deposited in the fatty layers of the body, of which many appear in the body of a pregnant woman, as well as in the liver. A significant overdose of vitamin E can lead to:

  • congenital deformities and pathologies of the fetus;
  • disorder of the nervous system of the expectant mother;
  • decreased function of a woman’s kidneys and liver.

However, you shouldn’t get hung up on all this and stop using tocopherol altogether. You can accumulate this vitamin in your body only in two cases: if you take ten capsules daily instead of the prescribed three capsules, or if you take these prescribed three capsules from the first to the last day of pregnancy, that is, the period is too long. So don’t worry, consult your doctor and replenish your body with this invaluable vitamin.

Taking into account all these nuances, you need to understand that not all vitamins are equally useful even during pregnancy. Vitamin E in this case is no exception. Only strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations and full control of your diet will help you use this important element for the benefit of your child.

Being in an interesting position, girls need to saturate their diet with useful substances: minerals, amino acids. Vitamin E during pregnancy is prescribed, if not during planning, then in the early stages. It is one of the most important connections for both mother and child.

What is it prescribed for?

It is believed that girls need to take certain vitamins regularly, regardless of various factors. Vitamin E is one of these. It is called the elixir of beauty, because it promotes skin elasticity, nail strength and good hair condition.

How is vitamin E useful during planning and pregnancy?:

  1. Tocopherol helps improve reproductive functions. Before conceiving, many women experience various problems; to eliminate them, doctors often prescribe vitamin E;
  2. It helps protect the skin from stretch marks and acne. It is a known fact that the condition of the epidermis depends on a number of external and internal factors. This includes care, proper nutrition, and walks in the fresh air. Tocopherol promotes the production of elastin, resulting in protection against the appearance of wrinkles and stretch marks. It can be taken orally and applied to problem areas;
  3. Its deficiency may be the main cause of hair loss and brittle nails;
  4. Like magnesium, it is an antioxidant. Its use will help normalize the functioning of the nervous system and protect against stress;
  5. Folic acid, calcium and substance E contribute to the normal development of the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy. They are responsible for the functioning of the child’s future nervous system. In addition, they protect it from aggressive external factors.

But, tocopherol may also be harmful for the female body. Firstly, you may be allergic to it. It manifests itself in rashes and stomach upset. Secondly, according to some doctors, this substance dissolves in adipose tissue, which actively grows during pregnancy. Ultimately, its quantity may exceed the permissible limit.

Thirdly, it is not advisable to drink it in the third trimester. At this time, it can be extremely dangerous due to its ability to increase the elasticity of the uterus - this can contribute to premature birth.

Video: important vitamins during pregnancy

How to take vitamin E

Vitamin E is sold in capsules and solution; any type can be taken both during pregnancy and during planning and after childbirth. The doctor prescribes a dose based on the individual characteristics of the body. Considering that its excess in the body is very dangerous, you need to be careful when choosing the right dose.

The optimal daily dosage of vitamin E for the average adult is 20 mg, but during pregnancy this figure can vary greatly. In some cases (if there is a possibility of miscarriage at first), the dose is up to 400 mg. In this case, it is better to buy yourself tablets or multivitamins.

Photo – Vitamin E in foods

When preparing for pregnancy, the optimal solution would be products containing this compound.

Table of products containing tocopherol and its dosage in it:

Product Amount of tocopherol in 100 grams Required amount per day (calculated at 300 mg/day)
Almond 27 1000
Wheat germ oil 300 100
Sunflower oil 75 400
Olive oil 7 4250
red fish 30 1000
Walnut 23 1100
Dried fruits 5 6000

Instructions on how and how much to drink vitamin E during pregnancy:

  1. You should drink it throughout the first trimester - twice a day before meals. Depending on the chosen regimen, the doctor may prescribe one in the morning and one before bed. The dose of vitamin E is the smallest 200 mg, the maximum – 400 mg (only if there is a threat of pregnancy failure);
  2. In the second trimester, this pattern changes slightly. During the period of active fetal development, the vitamin is prescribed in a complex of various minerals (calcium, zinc, magnesium). In most cases (if the pregnancy proceeds without pathologies), it should be taken once a day on an empty stomach. It's best in the morning;
  3. This course lasts a month, after which you need to take a break. You should start taking tocopherol again only after taking tests from your doctor. Based on the general condition of the body, he makes a conclusion. Many girls are prohibited from taking it until the end of pregnancy;
  4. In this case, nutrition comes to the fore. Containing products should be present in the daily diet: nuts, dried fruits, fats.

Photo – Vitamin E in capsules

After childbirth, an overdose of vitamin E is no longer as dangerous as during pregnancy, and the dosage rate is completely different. It is not recommended to take it for the first month - the body has accumulated enough nutrients, but you can start from the second month. Doctors recommend returning to the usual dose - from 20 to 60 mg (taking into account lactation).

Sometimes specialists in antenatal clinics also prescribe tocopherol injections. The injection solution is practically no different from the drinking solution, except that it is absorbed faster. Used for critical deviations.