How to eat crayfish correctly, in what order and what should be left. How to properly eat boiled crayfish: instructions. find out

At home, but don’t know or have forgotten how to eat them correctly? Now we'll tell you. By the way, even those who have already eaten crayfish many times often do it wrong

For some reason, many people believe that you can only eat crayfish meat in their necks (tails). A very wasteful approach. Crayfish are not shrimp, although they look similar. You can eat everything in crayfish except the entrails and the shell itself. If the crayfish is large in size, then there is no less meat in its claws than in its necks. Therefore, calling it only a snack is incorrect. with the right approach, it’s enough to eat to your heart’s content.

So, what is the proper way to eat crayfish?

Act one

First of all, we tear off the claws and legs. There are two ways to get to the meat in the claws. If the cancer is small, then squeeze it out with your teeth directly into your mouth. If the cancer is large, then you can gnaw or cut the edge of the claw with scissors and open it like an oyster. For your efforts you will be rewarded with a rather tasty piece of meat.

By the way, in large crayfish there is meat not only in the claws themselves, but also in the phalanges - in the “forearm”, thanks to which the claws are “attached” to the body.

Act two

You can also work on the legs. If the crayfish is large, then they contain enough meat. In this case, squeeze it out with your teeth. If the cancer is small, then there is nothing special to catch in the legs - you can throw them away

Act three

We divide the cancer into two parts - the abdomen (neck) and the cephalothorax. First, we hold it with the whiskers down, then we carefully break it and drink a very tasty broth from the cephalothorax. Then we divide the cancer into two parts

Act four

From the top of the cancer we remove the insides - the stomach. To do this, remove the shell from the back. We remove it like this: hold the shell at the base (closer to the mustache) with your thumb and pull the opposite edge up. The stomach should be removed very carefully. Otherwise, the bile contained in it will get into the meat and ruin its taste.

Under the shell there is something to profit from. You can eat liver. True, it’s better to try it first - it can be bitter. You can eat caviar. True, it doesn’t always come across. Finally, suck out the broth from the top.

Act five

Let's move on to the neck (tail). On the inside of the abdomen you can sometimes find caviar - very tasty. The shell on the neck consists of thin plates and feathers. We tear them off with our fingers, bite them off with our teeth, or use scissors for this. We take out a very appetizing piece of meat and see a thin strip in it. This is the intestines. It should be removed.

That's all. Now you know how to eat boiled crayfish. This process may seem too complicated to some. In fact, that's where all the flavor lies. This is a certain ritual. Although crayfish are very nutritious, they eat them not to eat, but to have a good time, to have a good conversation. Therefore, do not rush to lean on crayfish - stretch out the pleasure.

Bon appetit!

Boiled crayfish - who hasn't tried this delicacy at least once? And what better summer entertainment than catching crayfish? Not only this process is morally satisfying. After all, the meat of crustaceans is incredibly tasty and tender!
Currently, like many centuries ago in Ancient Rus', boiled crayfish are extremely popular.
These arthropods are an important product that brings invaluable benefits to humans. In addition to its excellent taste, crayfish are a good source of protein, which is very necessary for the formation of cells in the human body. They also contain many important microelements such as magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and vitamins B, C, D, K, E.

Meanwhile, they are almost completely free of cholesterol. And the low calorie content, 76 kcal per 100 grams, allows you to consume crayfish during diets. There are many different recipes for preparing these arthropods, but the best are, without a doubt, boiled crayfish.
But this treat can bring not only benefits, but also harm...
In June of this year in Rostov, a young man was admitted to intensive care after being poisoned by crayfish. He received severe toxic poisoning after eating crayfish. Relatives found him unconscious at home. To this day, the man is in the intensive care unit of Emergency Hospital No. 2 in the toxicology department. His whole body is very swollen, his kidneys are not working. Doctors are giving the young man hemodialysis, so he requires constant blood transfusions.
So that you can taste the traditional Don dish - boiled crayfish - without risk to your health, you should know the following:
How to choose crayfish for boiling?
1.Crayfish are better early in the spring.
2.The larger the cancer, the more tender and juicy the meat.
3. It is better if the crayfish are not just alive, but active - the more active the crayfish, the tastier it is.
You need to follow a couple of simple rules:
1.use only fresh crayfish for food; not put crayfish in dishes made of aluminum;
3.there is a finished product 3-4 hours after cooking; not eat crayfish meat if you are allergic to seafood;
5.Before the cooking process, thoroughly wash the product and dry it.
How long to store crayfish?
The shelf life of live crayfish is no more than 3 days. Crayfish are stored in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. You can feed crayfish with sausage.
How to store crayfish?
Store boiled crayfish in the water in which they were boiled for no more than 12 hours; frozen - no more than 1 month.
Live crayfish can be stored in the freezer for no more than 1 month.
In both of the latter cases, crayfish storage does not need to be thawed - but immediately, frozen, boiled.
Why do they boil live crayfish and is it possible to boil dead crayfish?
Eating dead crayfish is very dangerous to your health. Considering that live crayfish are not frozen, the decomposition process begins from the first hours.
In addition, sick crayfish most often die - there is no need for an extra risk of poisoning - dead crayfish should not be put in a saucepan, but in a trash can.
It is to avoid poisoning that the crayfish are put into the pan alive.
Anyone can be poisoned by this delicacy, and depending on the poisoning itself, a person will experience different symptoms, and accordingly, first aid and treatment should be different. It’s easy to get poisoned, but what do you do next?
Food poisoning causes the following symptoms:
stomach ache;
loose stools or constipation;
Not all signs may be present and may appear after a certain period of time (the individuality of each organism should be taken into account). If the degree of poisoning is mild, then only weakness and nausea may occur. With allergic reactions, the symptoms can also be different, and they can constantly change. If you notice a slight itching on the skin and hives, you should stop eating, then these symptoms will quickly go away.
Of course, in any of these cases the person First aid should be provided followed by hospitalization.
In the hospital, after examination, the doctor will prescribe further treatment (first, gastric lavage as with ordinary food poisoning, after which symptomatic treatment will be prescribed).
Food poisoning with crayfish can have very unpleasant consequences, so it is better to make sure of the quality of the prepared product than to be in the hospital with symptoms of intoxication.

Crayfish living in rivers have become a delicacy since ancient times. The excellent taste of this dish, as well as its health benefits, have long been known. Thus, healers recommended eating crayfish meat to cure consumption and cholelithiasis, and powder from dried crayfish shell was an unsurpassed remedy for diseases of the spleen, hemorrhoids, and, oddly enough, alcoholism.

Cooking crayfish

You can catch crayfish yourself by going out into nature with friends (if, of course, you know the places where you can catch these tasty representatives of the class of arthropods). It’s easier, of course, to buy crayfish in the supermarket.

So, you have decided to treat your friends to crayfish, and a logical question arises: what kind of crayfish can you eat? Previously, it was believed that it was better to eat only those crayfish that were caught in those months in which the letter “r” was present in the name, i.e. in the winter and autumn months, since crayfish meat is considered the most delicious during this period. And besides, in the summer, crayfish hatch their offspring and, accordingly, it is not very advisable to catch them at this time. Of course, all these considerations apply to a greater extent to the independent production of crayfish. If you purchase them in a store, you can do this at any time of the year.

It is better to use live crayfish for cooking; sleepy crayfish, as a rule, are not boiled. After cooking, you need to pay attention to the tail of the crayfish; if it remains straight, then the crayfish was cooked already dead and should not be eaten, since in this case, quite a lot of toxins have already accumulated in the meat.

So, crayfish are in front of you. Let's start cooking:

  • Prepare boiling salted water. Its quantity should be such that the crayfish are completely covered with water.
  • While the water is boiling, let's wash and examine the crayfish - do they all look alive, do they seem to be asleep?
  • Place them in boiling water.
  • Add a little cumin, dill or other herbs to taste.
  • The cooking process should take approximately 10-15 minutes.
  • The product is ready for use - drain the water. You can also boil crayfish in beer or champagne.

What's in crayfish? We take the crayfish in our left hand by the body - before our eyes we see its tail or, as it is also called, the crayfish neck. This part of the crayfish is rightfully considered the most delicious. We pry up the shell at the beginning of the tail with a knife (there is a special one, but you can use improvised means) and remove it. We eat the meat under the shell. You can first remove the head and tail using rotational movements. In principle, almost everything that you can extract from under the shell of a crayfish is edible. If the meat has a greenish tint, it is better to set it aside.

But those who don’t know how to do this will be able to enjoy the pleasant taste of seafood by reading our instructions.

How to eat crayfish:

  1. They are eaten with the claw. Break it off and remove the shell. Eat meat. Do the same with the second claw.
  2. Lift the crayfish shell up and separate it. It contains meat and entrails. Eat anything that is soft and light in color. The rest is inedible.
  3. On the side of the shell there may be meat and white formations - calcium. You can eat them too.
  4. Separate the tail and set aside.
  5. Peel and divide it into two parts. Eat everything except the thin black string.

How to eat crayfish according to etiquette

They are served boiled with salt and herbs. Before cutting, make sure you have a special knife. Use this device to split the shell. Bring the claws to your mouth and suck out the meat. Grab the tail. Using rotating movements, separate it from the body. Using a knife, separate the shell. Eat the neck with your hands. Remove the meat from the rest with a knife and eat with your hands. When the meal is finished, rinse your hands in a special bowl. Drink the broth in which the crayfish were cooked from a cup. Now you know how to eat crayfish correctly. You can start preparing them.

Cooking delicious seafood can be difficult. You can spoil the dish with salt or seasoning, so cook strictly according to the recipe. In addition, choose fresh and high-quality products!

Some tips:

  1. Make sure their seafood is fresh. Mussels must be alive. Also buy lobsters, crabs and crayfish alive.
  2. Prepare the dish within 24 hours of purchasing seafood.
  3. Do not defrost frozen foods. Place them in the pan like this.
  4. Boil the lobsters.
  5. Steam the crabs, they taste better this way.
  6. Steam the mussels for a few minutes too.
  7. Throw away spoiled mussels. These are considered to be those specimens that did not open after cooking.
  8. Drizzle the crabs and lobsters generously with butter.
  9. Shrimp and simmer in a sauce, such as wine or garlic. As a last resort, steam them, but to prevent them from being bland, add seasonings and fresh herbs.

Seafood in garlic sauce


Seafood (kilogram);





Bay leaf.

Boil seafood until tender in boiling salted water with added spices. Melt the butter and crush the garlic into it. Pour over the finished delicacy and serve hot. You can sprinkle it with fresh finely chopped herbs. Serve as a separate dish or as part of a fish platter. This recipe is suitable for mussels, shrimp, crabs, crayfish, squid, and lobster. Do not serve scallops with

Crayfish in white wine

You will need:

Two glasses of water;

A glass of white wine;

Lots of dill;

Salt pepper.

Mix water with wine and seasonings. Bring to a boil and add the main product to the pan. Cook until done.

Crayfish in cucumber brine


Cucumber pickle;

Sour cream;

First, boil the crayfish in water with seasonings and salt. Then drain the liquid and add the same amount of cucumber brine. Boil it. At the end of cooking, add a few tablespoons of rich sour cream.

Crayfish in milk


First, soak the crayfish in warm milk for about an hour. Then boil them in water with the addition of seasonings; when they are almost ready, drain the water and pour in the milk. a few more minutes in milk. Serve with milk, sour cream sauce or mayonnaise. How to eat crayfish prepared this way? Just like those boiled in ordinary water. It’s just that delicacies prepared according to this recipe will be softer and more tender, and it is better not to consume them with alcoholic beverages.

Now you know how to cook seafood. You can always choose a recipe that suits the occasion and delight your guests with a delicious dish.

What could be tastier than freshly boiled crayfish? They go well with beer, and even without this intoxicating drink their taste is no worse. If you have never eaten them before, be sure to try this tender meat! But since meat is only found in select areas, you must learn how to properly consume crustaceans.

Crayfish meat is not only very tasty, it is also nutritious. It can be consumed even by those who are overweight or have high cholesterol. 100 grams of product contain only 80 calories, most of which are healthy protein. Crayfish contains several B vitamins, vitamin D, C, E, K. Together they enrich the body and have a positive effect on the muscles, heart and blood vessels, nervous system, immunity, joints and skin.

They should only be consumed boiled; thanks to heat treatment, their meat becomes tender and aromatic. Since the shell of crustaceans is quite strong, a beginner may have problems when cutting it.

What parts are considered edible? ? It turns out that almost everything, with the exception of the mustache, chitinous shell and individual insides.

How to eat crayfish correctly? Traditionally, the eating procedure should begin with the claws. You need to break them off and get the tender meat out of them. To get everything without leaving a trace, break each claw.

The next part is the shell. Underneath you will find a fiber that is whitish and yellow in color and is suitable for human consumption. If you found only meat in the claws, then under the shell there is also a small amount of fat, which has a yellowish tint. Sometimes you can see a black lump on the shell; it is not suitable for eating, throw it away.

You will also find meat in the head of crustaceans, and sometimes there is also caviar. What about the limbs? Gather the legs into a bunch with your fingers and bite the cover; juice will come out, which you need to suck out. Under the cover you will find meat.

The last and most delicious part is the neck; it is the meatiest part. Using your fingers, separate it from the shell and get rid of the black strip. Then break it apart and eat it.

How do they eat crayfish in a restaurant?

How is eating crustaceans different in restaurants? You don't have to do everything with your fingers, since the crayfish is served with a special knife, with its help you can split the hard parts. In addition to a knife, you can use a miniature fork. After you have cut the crayfish, wash your hands in a container with lemon liquid, which the waiter will also serve to you. In restaurants, it is customary to eat only the claws, large legs, shell and neck.

You will see a hole in the knife; you need to insert the crayfish claw into it, then break it. Select the pulp with a fork and eat it. Take the crayfish with your fingers and separate the tail from the head. Using a knife, remove the meat that is in the shell. Remove the shell from the neck with your hands and get rid of the intestines, place the meat on a plate and eat it with the same fork.

How to cook crayfish correctly?

It is important not to overcook them, otherwise the meat will be rubbery and tasteless. That is why you need to monitor the time and cook them for as long as indicated in the instructions. In order to eliminate the smell of the pond, we use bay leaves and garlic; you can add other spices if you wish.

You can only cook live crayfish. Pour water into a large saucepan (2/3 of the container's volume), bring it to a boil and add 1 tsp. salt. Then add dry or fresh dill and leave to simmer for five minutes. Now put the crayfish in boiling water. To prevent them from floating up, press them down. Cook the crustaceans for 10 minutes, if they are large - 15 minutes. Turn off the heat and cover the container with a lid, leave to infuse for 20-30 minutes.

How to determine freshness?

In some establishments, consumers may be deceived and served crustaceans that have already died before the cooking process. This product can cause poisoning. But how to recognize deception? If the crayfish are fresh, when boiled they have a bent tail. If it is straightened, then it was already boiled dead.

How to eat crayfish correctly: video

If the tips did not help you, thanks to this video you will learn how to properly cut and eat them. As you can see, it's actually not that difficult.