Is cancer treated in a female way? Oncology gynecology symptoms. Early signs and general symptoms

Considering the type of carcinogen, several types of damage to the chromosome structure are identified. Physical carcinogens lead to breaks in molecular chains or point damage. This is the result of molecules receiving a large amount of energy or the result of the emergence of a large number of free radicals, which cause the collapse of cellular structures. Ultraviolet and X-ray radiation act in the same way.

Carcinogens and DNA molecules react with each other, forming new chemical bonds. There are also biological carcinogens that make changes to the very properties of DNA. These are, first of all, viruses that enter the cell structure.

A malignant tumor can develop due to chronic inflammation of the body or foreign bodies. A number of drugs can act as carcinogens.

What is oncology

Oncology is a part of medicine and biology that studies the appearance, development and detection of tumors. Also within this framework, methods for their diagnosis, prevention and treatment are being developed.

If symptoms are detected, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Neoplasms in oncology are of two types: benign and malignant. Below we will look at these types in a little more detail.

Types of tumors

Malignant tumor. The most common type, which poses a serious danger to life. Often such tumors arise due to rapid mutation and cell enlargement. They often give metastases, which then penetrate other organs and tissues.

Fortunately, most of this type of tumor is treatable, however, if diagnosed at the beginning of its development. Because of this, examination of the body is an important process for people who are at risk of cancer or who experience some symptoms of cancer.

Benign tumor. Often these neoplasms do not pose a risk to health or life; they can be treated surgically. Their names depend on the organ in which they originate and are located. Moving on to specifics, the most famous are papillomas, uterine fibroids in women, and prostate adenoma in men.

Considering that these formations do not harm health, if the tumor grows or new ones grow, you should contact an oncologist as soon as possible.

Causes of cancer

According to scientists, by 2020 the number of cancer patients will increase to 16 million, which is almost 2 times more compared to 2000. This is caused by the aging of the world population, changes in human lifestyle, and unfavorable ecology. To reduce the number of these patients, it is important to prevent neoplasms and increase the level of detection of the disease and its treatment.

Scientists are confident that by reducing the pressure on a person from harmful factors, the likelihood of a tumor will significantly decrease. It is very important to be systematically observed by doctors for those who have cancer patients in their family.

In the vast majority of cases, cancer is acquired as a result of negative environmental influences and an unhealthy lifestyle. The following negative factors can be identified:

  • unbalanced diet, harmful and low-quality products, improper diet - 35%;
  • infectious diseases - 10%;
  • smoking - 30%;
  • various types of radiation (usually UV and X-rays) - 7%;
  • sedentary lifestyle - about 5%;
  • exposure to carcinogens by occupation - about 5%;
  • influence of quality of life on reproductive functions - about 5%;
  • polluted environment - about 2%.

Reducing the risk of cancer

Considering all of the above, it is important to follow the following instructions to reduce the risk of cancer:

  • Reduce the impact of carcinogenic substances on the body. To do this, you need to give up excessive alcohol consumption, quit smoking, optimize your diet, etc. In addition, it is important to get vaccinated in a timely manner, and systematically undergo studies for the presence of cancer markers, so as not to ever find out what oncology is.
  • Check the presence of cancer patients in the family, monitor their health in precancerous conditions.
  • Identify people with symptoms of cancer or its onset, carry out timely research and prescribe timely treatment.

Oncology in women and men

Every year for a long time, experts have noted a terrible trend, which is the increase in cancer in women, quite often they have a connection with the reproductive system. The cervix, ovaries, vagina, fallopian tubes, and external genitalia are more susceptible to cancer than usual.

In most cases, malignant tumors in the female reproductive system appear as a result of a reaction to some negative external factors. Often tumors arise from untreated inflammatory processes in the body, which have created all the conditions for their development. Also, the causes of neoplasms can be trauma during childbirth, hormonal imbalance, age, and contraceptives.

Over the past few years, malignant tumors in the cervix have become one of the most common cancers in women of childbearing age. The tumor often appears at the site of scars and erosions, which usually appear after childbirth or abortion. After forty-five years, you need to think about what oncology is. For women's affairs, it is important to undergo examinations every six months; the doctor will be able to detect changes in the mucous membrane in time and eliminate the spread of the disease.

Women over fifty years of age should be wary of uterine cancer. The harbingers of this disease are often hypertension, excess weight, and diabetes. The main symptom is bloody discharge from the vagina. If you don't seek help and get started, the discharge can become very painful.

Ovarian cancer is also widespread among women. This type of cancer can affect a woman at any age. Nevertheless, experts consider the most dangerous age to be between forty and sixty years. Often, oncology progresses in women who are not sexually active or have chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages. The main signs may be weakness, discomfort in the lower abdomen, and general weakness of the body. It should be noted that in the initial stages of a malignant tumor it is quite difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. An experienced gynecologist, after conducting a thorough examination, will listen to the patient’s complaints and will definitely prescribe further examinations, explain what oncology (disease) is in order to identify the disease.

All of the above indicates how necessary it is to monitor your health, lifestyle, not expose your body to hypothermia and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Symptoms of cancer

Below we consider the factors that need to be monitored for early diagnosis of cancer.

  • Density in the mammary gland.
  • Pain.
  • Changes in the testicles. It is important to carefully monitor the size of the testicles, whether it decreases or increases, so as not to find out what oncology is in men. Also, the appearance of a feeling of heaviness or swelling in the scrotum should not be left to chance.
  • Enlargement/decrease of lymph nodes.
  • Fever.
  • Strange weight loss.
  • Abdominal pain and depression.
  • Fatigue.
  • Continuous cough.
  • Painful swallowing.

  • Changes on the surface of the skin. If you have moles, which are a known sign of possible skin cancer, it is important to monitor them and understand what cancer is, since any change in them can have negative consequences.
  • The appearance of blood where it should not be.
  • Changes in the oral mucosa.
  • Painful urination.
  • Stomach problems.
  • Vaginal discharge between cycles and other unexplained bleeding. In order to never find out what cancer is in women, understand what is the norm for you. If a woman does not have any discharge between cycles for a long time, its sudden appearance may be an abnormal phenomenon. However, there are exceptions everywhere, and it is important to get tested. At your appointment, the doctor will examine you and explain in detail what oncology is. Photos, x-rays, ultrasound or other examinations will show the cause of the disease.

Oncology of the uterine body is a well-known type of cancer of the female reproductive organs. A third of women diagnosed with this type of cancer had unexplained bleeding as the first warning sign of the disease.

Stage 4 cancer

Oncological diseases are among the most serious. If cancer is detected in the early stages, it can be treated quite successfully, but if it is diagnosed late, the tumor will respond very poorly to treatment. Often neoplasms arise and spread asymptomatically. Patients go to the doctor only when the final stage of the disease occurs. Oncologists prescribe systematic examinations to identify signs much earlier than the tumor enlarges to the 4th degree.

Let's look at what stage 4 oncology is. The signs of stage four cancer are quite easy to understand. The tumor can become of any size, however, surgery here is inappropriate: at the 4th stage of the disease, the cells of the malignant tumor have managed to spread to intact organs. As the tumor grows, it affects an increasing number of internal tissues and organs. As a result, death occurs.

Stage 4 cancer treatment

Experts say that a favorable method of treating the final stage of the disease is a palliative method. This is a type of medical care that allows the patient to maximize the quality of life. For this purpose, the patient is offered to continue all types of prescribed therapies. In this case, this therapy is aimed at reducing tumor growth and stopping the process of metastases, and not at getting rid of the malignant neoplasm.

The lifespan at this stage of cancer depends on the diseased organ and the type of tumor. In most cases, unfortunately, the prognosis is negative and life expectancy is short: up to a few months. But there are exceptions: patients with the fourth degree live for five years or more, but experts do not take them into account, since the survival rate is very negligible.

The patient has a chance to survive with adequate treatment from a couple of months to several years. This depends on the type of tumor and its aggressiveness. An important aspect here is the quality of palliative care provided to the patient.

Treatment for stage 4 cancer consists of choosing those medications that will relieve a person’s pain to the maximum. Then the patient receives care from relatives at home. Hospice staff regularly visit the patient and teach loved ones how to help patients.

Often a person with cancer and his family need the help of a psychologist. Patients with cancer often become aggressive and quickly change their mood. It is important to endure this difficult test and remember that one more day lived is a victory.

Instead of a conclusion

Taking into account the dynamics of improvement of high-tech methods of cancer therapy, a large number of patients today receiving various surgical treatments, chemotherapy and radiation therapy will soon have the opportunity to completely recover from the disease. But rehabilitation for adaptation in society is not well developed, because of this, after undergoing a radical intervention, the patient is left alone with himself.

It is important to add that all patients (with or without disabilities) who have undergone surgery should receive rehabilitation, because cancer as a diagnosis is always a shock, and treatment methods are often harsh.

Despite all the complex issues, the severity of the disease and its course, due to timely diagnosis and, accordingly, timely treatment, as well as thanks to optimally selected therapy, about 45% of patients emerge victorious from the battle with a cancerous tumor and forget what oncology is. Every person has a chance to recover or to extend their life, even if it is only a couple of years. Therefore, you should not despair and refuse medical help.

The first place in incidence among gynecological cancers is uterine cancer, or endometrial cancer. In Russia, up to 16 thousand new cases of the disease are detected every year, and the number of cases is constantly increasing.

The pathology mainly affects women after 60 years of age, but can also occur at a younger age. About 40% of patients become ill before menopause. In the last decade, the incidence rate has increased most rapidly in women under 29 years of age.

The tumor is accompanied by the rapid onset of symptoms that force the woman to see a doctor. This results in up to 90% of uterine cancer cases being diagnosed at an early stage, which significantly improves the prognosis.

Causes and risk factors

For many cancer pathologies, the exact cause of their occurrence is unknown. This also applies to uterine cancer. Pathology is considered a “disease of civilization” that occurs under the influence of unfavorable external conditions, dietary habits and lifestyle.

Factors predisposing to uterine cancer:

  • late first menstruation;
  • only after 55 years;
  • long;
  • and hormonally active tumor of these organs (Brenner's cancer);
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • long-term use of estrogen hormones without combination with gestagens;
  • treatment with antiestrogenic drugs (Tamoxifen);
  • lack of sexual activity or pregnancy;
  • cases of illness in close relatives.

Endometrial cancer of the uterus occurs against the background of a complex of disturbances in hormonal balance, metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.

The main pathogenetic types of the disease:

  • hormonal-dependent (in 70% of patients);
  • autonomous.

In the first option, ovulation disorders in combination with obesity or diabetes lead to increased production of estrogen. Acting on the inner uterine layer - the endometrium, estrogens cause increased proliferation of its cells and their increase in size and change in properties. Gradually, hyperplasia becomes malignant, developing into precancer and uterine cancer.

Hormone-dependent uterine cancer is often combined with a tumor of the intestine, breast or ovary, as well as with ovarian sclerocystosis (Stein-Leventhal syndrome). This tumor grows slowly. It is sensitive to progestogens and has a relatively favorable course.

Signs that increase the risk of hormone-dependent cancer:

  • infertility, late menopause, anovulatory bleeding;
  • ovaries and hyperplastic processes in them (thecomatosis);
  • obesity;
  • improper treatment with estrogen, adrenal adenoma or cirrhosis of the liver, causing hormonal changes.

The autonomous variant often develops in postmenopausal women against the background of ovarian and endometrial atrophy. There is no hormonal dependence. The tumor is characterized by a malignant course, quickly spreading deep into the tissues and through the lymphatic vessels.

There is a genetic theory of cancer, according to which cell mutations are programmed into DNA.

The main stages of the formation of a malignant tumor of the uterus:

  • lack of ovulation and increased estrogen levels under the influence of provoking factors;
  • development of background processes – polyps and endometrial hyperplasia;
  • precancerous disorders - atypia with hyperplasia of epithelial cells;
  • preinvasive cancer that does not penetrate beyond the mucous membrane;
  • minimal penetration into the myometrium;
  • pronounced form.


Cancer of the uterine body is classified depending on the size of the tumor, its penetration into the muscle layer, growth in surrounding organs, damage to the lymph nodes and the presence of distant metastases. Both the TNM staging system and the International Federation of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (FIGO) staging are used.

A tumor that does not extend beyond the endometrium is called preinvasive. It is designated as carcinoma in situ, Tis, or stage 0.

There are 4 stages of uterine cancer

1. The tumor affects only the body of the uterus:

  • endometrium (T1a or IA);
  • myometrium to half depth (T1b or IB);
  • more than half the depth of the myometrium (T1c or IC).

2. Malignant cells are found in the cervix:

  • only in the glandular layer (T2a or IIA);
  • the tumor penetrates into the deep layers of the cervix (T2b or IIB).

3. The tumor spreads to the vagina, appendages or lymph nodes:

  • damage to the outer serous layer of the uterus and/or appendages (T3a or IIIA);
  • spread to the vagina (T3b or IIIB);
  • there are metastases to the pelvic or peri-aortic lymph nodes (N1 or IIIC).

4. Stage 4 uterine cancer with metastases:

  • into the bladder or rectum (T4 or IVA);
  • to the lungs, liver, bones, distant lymph nodes (M1 or IVB).

In addition, different degrees of differentiation of tumor cells are distinguished: from G1 (high degree of cell maturity) to 3 (poorly differentiated tumor). The more pronounced the differentiation, the slower the tumor grows and the less likely it is to metastasize. With poorly differentiated cancer, the prognosis worsens.

Depending on the microscopic structure, the following morphological types of cancer are distinguished:

  • adenocarcinoma;
  • light cell;
  • squamous;
  • glandular squamous;
  • serous;
  • mucinous;
  • undifferentiated.

The morphological type largely determines malignancy. Thus, the course of undifferentiated cancer is unfavorable, but with a squamous cell tumor the likelihood of recovery is quite high.

The neoplasm can grow exophytically (into the lumen of the uterus), endophytically (into the thickness of the muscle wall) or have a mixed nature.

Cancer is localized in the area of ​​the fundus and body of the uterus; tumors are found less frequently in its lower segment.


Often, a patient consults a doctor when she experiences the first signs of uterine cancer in the early stages. First of all, this is irregular bleeding in young women that does not coincide with the menstrual cycle. Postmenopausal women experience uterine bleeding. Young patients develop light leucorrhoea.

Bleeding occurs not only with endometrial cancer, but also with many other diseases. This may cause difficulties in early diagnosis of the disease, especially in young women. They can be observed for a long time about.

Other symptoms of uterine cancer appear in later stages. When blood accumulates in the organ cavity, pain appears in the lower abdomen. Long-term pain syndrome occurs when the tumor grows on the appendages and spreads throughout the peritoneum.

Copious watery or mucous discharge due to uterine cancer is typical for older women.

If the bladder is damaged, frequent painful urination may occur. If the rectum is involved, constipation, pain during bowel movements, and blood in the stool appear.

General signs of cancer pathology are weakness, deterioration in performance, nausea, lack of appetite, weight loss.

How quickly does uterine cancer develop?

With a high degree of differentiation, the tumor grows slowly over several years. Poorly differentiated forms have a high rate of proliferation of malignant cells. In this case, a clinically significant tumor can develop within several months.


The spread of cancer cells is possible through the lymphatic tract, blood vessels and peritoneum.

Lymphogenic metastasis occurs in the nearest (regional) pelvic lymph nodes. At an early stage and high differentiation (G1-G2), the probability of lymph node involvement does not exceed 1%. If cancer cells invade the myometrium, the risk of metastasis increases to 6%. If the tumor affects a large area, penetrates deep into the uterine wall or spreads to the cervix, metastases in the lymph nodes are found in 25% of patients.

Hematogenous metastasis occurs later. Tumor cells travel through blood vessels to the lungs, bones and liver.

Implantation metastases occur on the peritoneum and omentum when the outer layer of the uterus grows and the fallopian tubes are damaged.


Screening studies for early detection of formation are not carried out. It is believed that for timely recognition you only need to be observed annually by a gynecologist.

Analysis for tumor markers, the most common of which is CA-125, is usually not performed. It is considered an additional method for assessing the effectiveness of treatment and early detection of relapses.

The simplest diagnostic method is aspiration of the contents of the uterus with a special syringe and histological examination (). At an early stage, the information content of this method does not exceed 36%; with a widespread tumor, its signs can be detected in 90% of patients. To increase the accuracy of the study, it can be carried out repeatedly. Aspiration biopsy does not require dilation of the cervical canal and is performed on an outpatient basis.

Instrumental diagnosis of uterine cancer:

  • : The thickness of the endometrium in postmenopausal women should not exceed 4 mm.
  • with a biopsy of a suspicious area of ​​the endometrium and its microscopic examination.

To determine the extent of the tumor and damage to the lymph nodes, it is carried out. Unlike ultrasound, the method helps to clarify the condition of the lymph nodes in 82% of patients.

An X-ray of the lungs is required to exclude metastases in them.

Is uterine cancer visible on ultrasound?

The doctor should be alerted to ultrasound data of the uterus if an increase in M-echo (endometrial thickness) of more than 4 mm in elderly women or 10-16 mm in patients before menopause is recorded.

If the M-echo value is more than 12 mm in young women, aspiration biopsy is prescribed. If this value is 5-12 mm, hysteroscopy and targeted biopsy are performed (taking material from a suspicious area).

If a tumor is detected on ultrasound, you can determine:

  • size and contours of the uterus;
  • myometrial structure;
  • tumor location;
  • depth of germination into the myometrium;
  • damage to the internal pharynx, ovaries and lymph nodes.

Additional information is provided by color Doppler mapping - ultrasound examination of blood vessels, which allows one to assess the speed and intensity of blood flow in the vessels of the uterus and the tumor focus.

Hysteroscopy is the most important diagnostic method, allowing one to assess the severity and extent of the tumor and take material for histological analysis.

If uterine cancer is suspected, it is necessary to perform the walls of the cervical canal and endometrium.

How to detect uterine cancer with minimal lesion size?

A modern method for detecting the early stages of endometrial cancer is fluorescent diagnostics. Special substances are introduced into the body that selectively accumulate in cancer cells. When the inner surface of the uterus is irradiated with a laser, these substances begin to glow. This allows you to see tumor foci up to 1 mm and take a targeted biopsy. At an early stage, the sensitivity of such diagnostics reaches 80%.

The diagnosis is finally confirmed by uterine curettage. If the tumor is located in the upper part of the organ, it is recognized in 78% of cases, and with widespread lesions - in 100% of cases.

Uterine cancer must be differentiated from the following diseases:

  • endometrial hyperplasia;


If a woman is diagnosed with a malignant tumor of the reproductive system, the patient should be observed by a gynecological oncologist.

Treatment of uterine cancer is based on various combinations of three methods:

  1. Operation.
  2. Irradiation.
  3. Drug therapy.

The main method of treatment performed at any stage of the disease is removal of the uterus and appendages. If there is a poorly differentiated tumor or it penetrates deeply into the muscular layer of the organ, the pelvic lymph nodes, which may contain metastases, are additionally removed.

The operation is performed in 90% of women with an early stage of the disease. For others, it is contraindicated due to severe concomitant diseases. The development of new methods of surgical intervention makes it possible to expand the possibilities of surgical treatment.

If the tumor does not penetrate deeper than 3 mm, it can be removed by ablation (“cauterization”) during hysteroscopy. This way you can save the organ. However, the likelihood of incomplete removal of the lesion is quite high, therefore, after such treatment, regular monitoring by an oncologist in a specialized institution is necessary.

Radiation therapy for uterine cancer as an independent method of treatment is rarely used, only when it is impossible to remove the organ. Most often, radiation is given after surgery (adjuvant radiotherapy) to destroy any remaining cancer cells.

This combination is indicated in the following cases:

  • deep germination of the neoplasm into the myometrium;
  • spread to the cervical canal and cervix;
  • metastases to lymph nodes;
  • poorly differentiated or non-endometrioid tumor.

Modern treatment methods: radiotherapy – IMRT and brachytherapy. The IMRT method involves targeted irradiation of the tumor with minimal damage to surrounding tissue. Brachytherapy is the introduction of special radioactive substances into the tumor site that act directly on cancer cells.

For endometrial precancer in young women, hormonal therapy with progestins is possible. These hormones block the activating effect of estrogen on the tumor, preventing its further growth. Hormones are used for advanced (disseminated) cancer, as well as for its recurrence. Their efficiency does not exceed 25%.

At an early stage, taking hormones according to a certain scheme lasts about a year. The effectiveness of therapy is monitored using a biopsy. If the result is favorable, the normal menstrual cycle is restored over the next 6 months. Subsequently, a normal pregnancy is possible.

Chemotherapy is prescribed for poorly differentiated uterine cancer and non-endometrioid tumors, disseminated and recurrent cancer, if the tumor does not respond to the influence of gestagens. It is palliative in nature, that is, it is aimed at reducing severe symptoms caused by the tumor, but does not cure the disease. Drugs from the groups of anthracyclines, taxanes, and platinum derivatives are used. Postoperative (adjuvant) chemotherapy is not prescribed.

At home, a woman needs to rest more. Those around her should protect her from emotional stress. Nutrition for uterine cancer is complete and varied, excluding refined carbohydrates (sugar), limiting animal fats, fried and canned foods, spices, chocolate and other irritating foods. Dairy products and plant foods are very useful.

It is believed that some plants help cope with the tumor or improve the patient’s well-being:

  • green tea;
  • turmeric;
  • beet;
  • tomatoes;

Treatment tactics depending on stage

The question of how to cure uterine cancer is decided by the doctor after a thorough analysis of all the diagnostic information received. This largely depends on the stage of the tumor.

For stage 1 cancer, complete removal of the uterus and appendages is used (total hysterectomy and).

This operation is carried out if all of the following conditions are met:

  • moderate and high tumor differentiation;
  • the formation occupies less than half of the organ cavity;
  • the depth of myometrial growth is less than 50%;
  • there are no signs of tumor spread throughout the peritoneum (no cancer cells were found in peritoneal washings).

If the depth of penetration into the muscle layer is more than half its thickness, intravaginal radiation therapy is prescribed after surgery.

In all other cases, removal of the genital organs is complemented by excision of the pelvic and, in some cases, para-aortic lymph nodes. Nodes located near the aorta are punctured during surgery and an urgent histological examination is performed. Based on its results, a decision is made to remove these formations.

After surgery, radiation is used. If surgery is not possible, only radiation therapy is used, but the effectiveness of such treatment is lower.

Hormonal therapy is not used at stage 1.

For stage 2 cancer, patients are advised to remove the uterus, appendages, pelvic (sometimes para-aortic) lymph nodes and postoperative radiation therapy. Irradiation is carried out according to a combined scheme: intravaginally and remotely.

For stage 3 cancer, combined surgical and radiation treatment is performed. If the tumor has grown into the walls of the pelvis, its complete removal is impossible. In this case, radiation therapy is prescribed through the vagina and remotely.

If radiotherapy and surgery are contraindicated, treatment depends on the hormonal sensitivity of the tumor: either progestins or chemotherapy are prescribed.

For stage 4 tumors, palliative chemotherapy in combination with hormones is used. These substances help destroy distant metastases of cancer in other organs.

Recurrence of the tumor is also treated with the use of hormones and chemotherapy. For recurrent lesions located in the pelvis, palliative radiotherapy is performed. Relapses most often occur during the first 3 years after treatment. They are localized mainly in the vagina, lymph nodes and distant organs.

Uterine cancer and pregnancy

During pregnancy, pathological changes are almost impossible to recognize. Tumor growth during pregnancy is most often not observed. However, uterine cancer during pregnancy can be accompanied by miscarriage, placental abruption, fetal death and severe bleeding. In these cases, emergency delivery is performed followed by hysterectomy.

If a young woman has completed the full course of treatment with good results, she may become pregnant in the future. To restore fertility, doctors prescribe courses of hormonal therapy that restore normal reproductive function.

How long do they live with uterine cancer?

This depends on the stage of detection of the disease and sensitivity to hormones. With the hormone-dependent variant, 85-90% of patients live for 5 years or more. In the autonomous form in elderly women, this figure is 60-70%. However, in the 3rd stage of any form, life expectancy of more than 5 years is recorded in a third of patients, and in the 4th stage - only in 5% of cases.

Almost every fifth woman may suffer from malignant pathologies of the genital organs. Moreover, the majority of such cases can be detected, unfortunately, only at the second or third stage.

Cancers in women are divided into two types: malignant and benign. A benign tumor is a tumor that grows in size and does not metastasize. Fibroids - this occurs due to hormonal imbalance, leading to an increase in estrogen. As the cells of the uterus grow, they form nodular deposits, which in cross-section look like a red-gray muscle formation, clearly demarcated from neighboring organs. With this disease, heavy and prolonged bleeding begins. Treatment is carried out conservatively, drugs that contract the uterus are prescribed.


The female reproductive system is mainly:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • papilloma viral infection;
  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • early pregnancy;
  • vaginitis;
  • sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, cytomegalovirus infection, genital herpes, HIV);
  • chronic infections;
  • bad habits (especially smoking);
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • frequent inflammatory processes;
  • endocrine disorders (also postmenopausal hypoestrogenism);
  • adenosis of the vaginal organs;
  • decreased immunity;
  • chronic irritation due to uterine prolapse or wearing pessaries;
  • radiation effect;
  • reconstructive operations;
  • long-term use of hormonal contraceptives.

The causes of cancer have not yet been determined, but there are exogenous and endogenous factors that provoke the appearance of genital cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma usually develops in a precancerous condition; clear cell adenocarcinoma in women occurs after taking diethylstilbestrol during pregnancy.


The main signs and symptoms of cancer of the female organs are quite varied:

  1. Copious vaginal discharge that has an unpleasant odor and is most often purulent. They mainly appear after defecation or heavy exertion.
  2. Excessive discharge with blood is also a sign of female cancer. And most often they don’t stop.
  3. Disruptions in the menstrual cycle are also common. And the woman notices changes in her periods. Either they become scarce, or, conversely, quite long-lasting and abundant.
  4. Frequent pain in the lower abdomen that is not relieved by various painkillers.
  5. Women during menopause should not experience spotting regularly. If they are present, you should be wary; most often, doctors suspect oncology.
  6. With various appearances during urination, bladder cancer can also be suspected.


The main symptoms of a tumor in women:

  1. Bloating. This symptom is most common in In this case, a thorough examination is required; it is not recommended to leave these symptoms of cancer of the female organs without attention.
  2. Abdominal pain (sharp or aching), which bothers a woman at any time of the day, also requires careful examination and treatment.
  3. Increased body temperature. This is a rather dangerous sign that doctors pay close attention to.
  4. Weight loss of more than 5 kg in a month is considered a rather alarming symptom.

Oncology is a fairly common phenomenon these days. Therefore, doctors urge you to monitor your health and undergo a medical examination at least once a year. Every person should understand that in the initial stages it is easier to prevent the disease.

1st stage

The formation is small in size and mainly distributed only within one tissue. Symptoms of cancer of the female organs do not manifest themselves at this stage. It is usually detected by ultrasound, and treatment is quite effective. The main thing is not to start the process and follow the recommendations of your doctor.

2nd stage

The most vulnerable to treatment, since the process has already spread to other tissues. At this stage, the patient feels pain, most often in the lower back and lower abdomen. The body temperature remains stable at about 37 degrees. These signals require immediate medical attention.

3rd stage

At this stage, the formation has already reached quite large sizes. The main sign and symptom of oncology in women is that due to this, swelling occurs in the area where it is located.

4th stage

The main symptom of cancer of the female genital organs is the appearance of metastases in neighboring organs. This could be the intestines, liver, kidneys, bladder. The patient develops severe pain that is not relieved by painkillers, the body temperature rises and significant weight loss occurs. In the practice of oncologists, stage 4 occurs quite often, since a person does not seek medical help in a timely manner.

In advanced stages, the disease is difficult to treat and is practically unresponsive to chemotherapy. But doctors strongly recommend fighting this unpleasant disease and following all their instructions. Regardless of the stage at which this disease is detected, it is simply necessary to treat it. Oncologists warn that the right approach to treatment will yield positive results. Therefore, it is worth regularly undergoing a medical examination at the clinic and leading a healthy lifestyle. After all, at the initial stage, cancer is more treatable, and recovery is observed only with a competent approach to this disease.


Treatment of signs of cancer of the female organs includes chemotherapy, treatment with hormones (used only in severe stages) and radiotherapy. Since it is possible to detect in the very initial stages, it is possible to save the uterus itself. To combat the disease, surgery and radiation therapy are often used. The duration of treatment and the risk of possible complications most often depend on the stage of the disease. It is very important to prescribe drug treatment that will help get rid of the symptoms of cancer of the female organs.

The most common methods

At the earliest stages, surgical treatment is resorted to, that is, removal of the uterus. In some cases, removal of the uterus alone is not enough. If the ovaries were affected by cancer cells, they are cut off along with the fallopian tubes. The issue of removing the ovaries before surgery is discussed between the patient and the doctor.

  • Radiation treatment. This method helps no less; the two types of treatment can be combined in order to obtain a better treatment result. In the early stages, both methods of treatment can be used; in any case, at this stage, the results from different types of treatment will be absolutely the same.
  • Chemotherapy. This type of treatment is used to treat stage 4 disease, as metastatic cervical cancer requires a palliative approach. But chemotherapy has limited capabilities in the fight against cancer of the reproductive organs.


Ovarian cystoma often occurs at the site of an existing cyst and forms in the cavities of glandular tissue. The disease is divided into several types:

  1. Serous.
  2. Vegetative.
  3. Endometrial.
  4. Mucinous.

Such cystomas are dangerous as they can develop into a malignant tumor. If symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor; symptoms of a cyst do not go away after the end of the menstrual cycle. In the early stages, there is a high chance that any type of cancer in women can be cured.

Fibroma- a benign tumor that can occur on the uterus, ovaries, and connecting muscles. It manifests itself as pain in the uterine area and often interferes with normal bowel movements.

Ovarian cystomas are a cavity that often arises from a cavity from a previous cyst. Cystoma in most cases is an indicator of impending cancer. In most cases, surgery is recommended.

Polyps of the cervix and uterine body. Against the background of some sluggish inflammatory processes, an overgrowth of the mucous membrane of the genital organs occurs, leading to the appearance of cervical polyps; hormonal imbalance is also considered the main cause. A sign of the presence of polyps is heavy bleeding during menstruation. Upon examination, round-shaped growths are observed, which can also be felt upon palpation. For a more accurate diagnosis, an ultrasound examination and x-ray are necessary. With treatment, all hormonal imbalances are restored. An increase in tumor growth is a signal for urgent surgical intervention.

Traditional treatment

Treatment with folk remedies is also considered one of the popular methods. Many people resort to more gentle methods, and oncological practice has its own positive effects. It has long been known that herbs from various plants have medicinal properties, they have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

For example, avran. It serves to heal cancer wounds. For cancer, women often use this remedy. It can be used up to 0.2 g. per day, no more, since it is considered poisonous and increasing the dose can cause great harm to the body.

The next beneficial property is watermelon root paste. This paste is indicated for people with tumors in the mammary glands. And indeed, the effect of taking this mixture has its positive effects. Reviews from people with breast cancer about this folk remedy are only positive.

Belladonna leaves are used as a pain reliever and applied as a compress. The leaves themselves are considered safe and non-poisonous, and therefore can be used regularly without fear of side effects.

Lingonberries are also in demand for cancer, and decoctions are prepared from them. Lingonberry decoction is gentle on the stomach and practically does not cause serious side effects.

Velvet roots are also in demand in the treatment of cervical cancer. A special decoction is prepared from velvet in a water bath. Take it after meals, 1 tablespoon three times a day. No side effects of this herb have been identified, and it is tolerated quite well by many patients.

Treatment of oncology using traditional medicine generally has positive results. In combination with medications, decoctions and infusions give only positive dynamics. They also have a gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Do not forget that all infusions and herbs should be prescribed only by your doctor. Self-medication at home should not be practiced, since all cancer diseases should be monitored by competent and qualified specialists.

Cancerous tumors in the fairer sex are becoming more and more common, and the localization of the pathology differs. Female oncology may not be accompanied by any clinical signs for a long time, which is why patients delay contacting a gynecologist. Often the vagina, cervix and ovaries suffer from malignant neoplasms. Cancer can be determined using complex diagnostics, including laboratory and instrumental examinations.

Oncological diseases in women threaten not only the inability to have children, but also often lead to death if therapy is delayed or incorrectly selected.

Reasons for violations

Symptoms of cancer in the lower pelvic floor can appear in young patients and older women. Doctors still have not decided on the exact primary sources against which oncology of female organs is progressing. The main reason why cancer is diagnosed in women is abnormalities in the genetic material, as a result of which the pathological proliferation of cancer cells is recorded. It is difficult for doctors to control and influence this process. The following factors are identified that predispose the fairer sex to the occurrence of cancer:

  • heredity;
  • using sanitary pads or other sanitary products with fragrances;
  • chemical effects on the internal organs of the reproductive system;
  • exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • radiation exposure;
  • overheating of the body;
  • mechanical damage to the vagina, ovaries and cervix;
  • weak defense mechanisms of the immune system;
  • exposure to viruses and infections;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • hormonal disbalance.

Varieties and warning symptoms

Oncology of the vagina and labia

The appearance and growth of malignant neoplasms causes burning and pain.

The appearance of cancer of such a localization is indicated by small nodular neoplasms, which at first may not even cause pain. As the tumor grows, the following first signs appear:

  • burning sensations;
  • severe itching;
  • pain syndrome.

When the cancer grows in size, the woman complains of bloody discharge from the tumor, which may contain pus. With vaginal cancer, more extensive damage to internal areas is observed. A woman complains of growths that bleed and fester. The patient is concerned about painful, and sometimes even impossible, sexual intercourse, since pain, burning and itching are felt during sex. Advanced forms of vaginal cancer lead to blockage of the urinary canal, as a result of which a woman cannot relieve herself without a catheter. If most of the internal organ is damaged, the survival rate is extremely low.

How does cervical cancer manifest?

Cancer is formed from epithelial cells of the soft tissues of the internal walls of the organ. The formation is characterized by medium aggressiveness and slow growth. It occurs quite often and ranks second after breast cancer. The disease goes through 4 stages, each of which is briefly described in the table:

ISmall cancerous tumor
The neoplasm does not extend beyond one tissue of the uterus
IICancerous changes occur in nearby areas
Attacks of back pain
IIIThe tumor grows to a large size
Metastases in nearby lymph nodes
IVDistant metastasis in the intestines, kidneys, liver and bladder
Severe headaches that cannot always be relieved with medications
Pain in bones and joints
Symptoms of general intoxication

To prolong life expectancy in the later stages of cervical cancer, surgical excision of the internal organ is required, due to which the woman will not be able to have children.

Manifestation of ovarian cancer

One of the factors in the development of ovarian cancer is bloating, which is not associated with food intake.

This form of cancer is typical for patients after 55 years of age. Women who have not had children before this age are at risk. The more births there were, the lower the chance of developing a cancerous tumor of a similar location. The main source of the problem is the genetic factor. Cancer can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • constant bloating not associated with food intake;
  • nausea leading to vomiting;
  • regular constipation.

Diagnostic measures

The earlier female cancer is diagnosed, the longer the fairer sex will live. To determine the type, severity and other features of oncology, you need to contact a gynecologist. The specialist examines the woman and asks what signs worry her. To identify the disease, the patient donates blood for general and biochemical examination. Tumor markers do not accurately show cancer, so this technique for determining female deviation is not always used. The following methods for diagnosing female oncology are distinguished:

  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
  • MRI and CT;
  • biopsy of damaged cells with histology;
  • mammography.

According to statistics, every fifth woman living in the Russian Federation is diagnosed with genital cancer. Since the pathological process often occurs without the manifestation of characteristic signs at an early stage of development, it can be detected at a later stage. The main methods of therapeutic intervention are surgical removal, radiation and chemotherapy.

What's happened

Genital cancer is a malignant neoplasm that affects the structures of the reproductive system. Its peculiarity lies in its high degree of malignancy. In almost all cases, the spread of metastases can be observed.

The formation of cancer cells is facilitated by the degeneration and atrophy of tissues and mucous membranes that make up the female organs.


Experts identify several of the most common areas of cancer localization.


In most cases, the pathological process is called endometrial carcinoma. This is explained by the fact that the initial formation of the tumor occurs in the mucous membrane of the uterine body. This condition is considered one of the most frequently diagnosed among all malignant processes of the female reproductive system.

The onset of pathology occurs in the postmenopausal period and occurs in the female half of the population aged 50-60 years. Tumor cells have a predisposition to metastasize not only to nearby, but also to distant organs and systems.

The fallopian tubes, lymph nodes and blood vessels may be affected. After entering the blood system, metastases spread throughout the body.

Cervix of the uterine body

This is the lower part of the uterus, which passes into the vagina. In medicine, the disease is also called carvical carcinoma.

The disease ranks second among the total number of malignant neoplasms affecting the female genital organs. A tumor can form in any woman, regardless of age. Most often, however, it is diagnosed at the age of 35-55 years.

In most cases, the onset of the disease is preceded by infection with the human papillomavirus, the transmission route of which is unprotected sexual contact.

About 85 percent of cases are squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix, when the tumor is formed from squamous epithelial cells, which are similar in structure to skin cells.

Other types of cancer are formed from columnar glandular epithelium (adenocarcinoma). Also, both types of cells can participate in tumor development.

Pathological cells can also give metastases to both nearby and distant systems and organs.


The development of ovarian carcinoma occurs between the ages of 50-70 years. According to statistics, it occurs in one woman out of seventy. This type of genital cancer is the third most common.

It is also worth noting that ovarian cancer is considered the most dangerous disease. It accounts for more deaths than any other malignant tumor of the reproductive system.

Since the structure of the ovaries is made up of various tissues, a neoplasm can form from one of them or several at the same time.

Cancer cells can spread to nearby tissues as well as to other organs through the lymphatic system. In addition, pathogenic cells enter the circulatory system.

As a result, metastasis will be diagnosed in distant organs. As a rule, the lungs and liver are affected.


In this area, the formation of approximately one percent of all malignant processes is noted. The disease is more often diagnosed in women when they reach 45-65 years of age. In approximately 95% of cases, the cancer has a squamous cell form and is morphologically similar to cancer of the vulva or cervix.

The cause of the development of squamous cell type neoplasms is papillomavirus.

Experts also identify diethylstilbesterol-dependent vaginal carcinoma, which is a relatively rare disease. It is detected in women whose mothers consumed diethylstilbesterol during pregnancy.


It is a system of external female genital organs. Vulvar carcinoma accounts for about four percent of all female genital cancers. In most cases it develops after menopause.

Usually the disease is characterized by tissue damage near the entrance to the vagina. Cancer is formed from the same cells as a malignant skin tumor.

90 percent are squamous cell carcinoma, about 4% are basal cell carcinoma. The remaining six percent account for melanoma, Bartholin gland tumor, Paget's disease and others.

The development of the oncological process begins on the surface. Then it spreads to nearby tissues without affecting other organs. Despite the aggressiveness of some types of ovarian malignancies, their peculiarity lies in their rather slow progression.

If left untreated for a long time, the cells begin to spread to the vagina, anus, or urethra. They can also penetrate the lymph nodes of the reproductive system.


Among all the provoking factors that can contribute to the appearance of genital cancer, experts put infection with the human papillomavirus in first place. This pathogenic microorganism mutates cells located in various parts of the human body, the genitals are no exception.

In addition, the disease can be triggered by poor hygiene, which is found in underdeveloped countries where poor social strata of the population predominate.

Other reasons include:

  • skin lesions we deprive leukoplakia, condylomas;
  • excess masses bodies;
  • inferior nutrition;
  • increased arterial pressure;
  • development of sugar diabetes;
  • disturbed real exchange;
  • disorderly sexual communications;
  • excessive smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • diseases infectious nature of origin affecting the genitals;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • long-term exposure to direct solar rays;
  • contact with carcinogens.

Genital cancer can also develop against the background of local dystrophic or inflammatory processes, which is accompanied by itching and changes in the histological cellular structure.


As a rule, the early stages of the development of a pathological process may not manifest themselves at all, or the symptoms may be so weak that they are often confused with simple pathology. As a result, a lot of time is lost, and cancer is detected at later stages, which significantly reduces the chances of recovery.

As the disease progresses, it will be accompanied by:

  • bloating abdomen - the first sign of ovarian cancer;
  • painful sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • soreness in lumbar department;
  • increase temperature body, which indicates the onset of inflammation, which can be triggered by the impact of a malignant neoplasm on surrounding tissues;
  • bleeding on days without menstruation (at first the discharge is scanty, but then becomes more intense);
  • lack of appetite;
  • rapid loss masses bodies;
  • fast fatigue, general fatigue.

In addition, vaginal discharge appears, accompanied by an unpleasant odor.


When characteristic symptoms appear, first of all, a gynecological examination is performed. The specialist must also collect all the necessary information regarding the patient’s complaints and medical history.

After this, a general and biochemical analysis of the blood fluid is prescribed. If pathology is present, they will show certain deviations from normal values.

  • ultrasonic pelvic examination - allows you to identify malignant formations;
  • magnetic resonance and computed tomography - makes it possible to identify the affected area;
  • biopsy– a fragment of pathological tissue taken during examination is sent for histological examination, during which the nature of the tumor and the degree of its malignancy are determined.

Based on the results of the diagnostic examination, a final diagnosis is made and the most effective tactics for therapeutic measures are selected.


The treatment method is prescribed based on the stage at which genital carcinoma was diagnosed.

Surgical intervention

This method is appropriate for the development of the pathological process at the initial stages, when there are no metastases. The procedure involves removing the malignant tumor, affected lymph nodes and surrounding tissue.


Drugs intended for treatment have a destructive effect on both tumor cells and metastases. Can be used before or after surgery.


The purpose of this procedure is the targeted impact of a beam of radiation rays. It is carried out using special equipment. The rays only affect cancer cells.

Hormone therapy

Hormonal therapy is aimed at relieving the severe symptoms that accompany the disease. Can be prescribed as maintenance treatment in late stages of pathology.


One of the most common consequences is the possibility of metastasis. The spread of metastases can be observed both nearby and distant organs and systems.


When diagnosing the disease at stages 1-2, the outcome is favorable. Life expectancy without recurrence for three years is observed in 50-70 percent of patients.

With metastasis, the prognosis will not be so good, since the likelihood of death increases significantly. Success in treatment can only be achieved in 7-10 percent.


To prevent the development of genital cancer, it is necessary to adhere to simple preventive measures, which include:

  • correct nutrition;
  • classes sports;
  • timely treatment gynecological diseases;
  • in the use of funds protection;
  • absence of many sexual partners;
  • carrying out vaccinations against human papillomavirus;
  • reception contraceptives tablets;
  • strengthening immune body systems.

If a malignant tumor is detected in the early stages, the prognosis for cure will be quite favorable. That is why it is recommended to undergo regular gynecological examinations for preventive purposes.