Required daily intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Rule number one: the key to success is the right ratio. If the daily level is reduced

Marina Ivashchenko

Reading time: 7 minutes


The words “proteins, fats and carbohydrates” are constantly on everyone’s lips. Nutritionists talk about them, write about them in articles on nutrition, and on food packages. People who control their weight often wonder: how much dietary supplement does a person need to consume to maintain good health? physical fitness? We will try to answer it in this article.

What are BJUs and what is their role in the body?

Squirrels - basis for fabrics. They participate in all processes occurring in the body. With the help of amino acids, which form the basis of proteins, they form muscle mass, while absolutely not harming the figure.

Fats – organic compounds consisting of fatty acids. Fats, no less than proteins, are necessary for normal development body. Without them, the synthesis of a number of hormones and normal absorption of vitamins is impossible. At the same time, increased consumption of fat-containing foods leads to excess weight.

Carbohydrates – supplier of “fuel” for cells. It is from carbohydrates that we obtain the energy necessary for active work. But, if the amount of energy entering the tissue exceeds its consumption, the remainder turns into fat.

Where do BZHU come from?

Fats, proteins and carbohydrates enter the human body during food intake.

All food products can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Protein : legumes, meat, poultry, fish and dairy products.
  2. Fat-containing : poultry, nuts, plant oils, seeds, meat, dairy products, fish.
  3. Carbohydrates : cereals, vegetables, flour products, fruits, sweets.

This division is, of course, conditional. Since each product often contains all three organic compounds. Therefore, when choosing food, you need to focus on which element predominates in it and what its calorie content is. .

The value of BZHU for calorie content of food

When eating, a person replenishes his body with fats, proteins and carbohydrates. When they split, they release the energy necessary for life. The amount of energy received by the body is measured in conventional units called.

Fats, proteins and carbohydrates have unequal energy value. So, when broken down, 1 g of proteins (as well as carbohydrates) gives a person energy equal to 4 kcal, and 1 g of fat is already more than twice as much, namely 9 kcal.

To stay in good shape, a healthy adult should consume a certain amount of BJU throughout the day.

In percentage terms it will look like this:

  • Proteins: from 10 to 25%.
  • Carbohydrates: from 45 to 65%.
  • Zhirov: from 20 to 35%.

How much BJU should you consume to lose weight?

A person’s body weight directly depends on how much energy he consumes and how much he expends.

This ratio can be presented in three versions:

  1. If a person consumes and expends the same amount of energy , then its weight is stable.
  2. If a person consumes less energy than it spends, its weight begins to decrease.
  3. If a person consumes more energy than it can spend in a day, it forms a “reserve” in the body in the form of excess fat.

To find out how much BJU the body needs per day, and how it relates to, you can use formulas specially created for this purpose by famous nutritionists.

Let's name the most popular of them:

  • Mifflin's formula – San Jeora involves calculating the calorie content of food taking into account three factors: the person’s age, his weight and height;
  • Harris-Benedict formula based on calculation of total body area;
  • In the WHO formula a number of factors are taken into account: weight, gender, age, intensity metabolic processes, activity during the day and heat exchange.

To calculate the optimal ratio of BJUs entering the human body during the day, we will use the last of these formulas.

WHO calculations are made in the following sequence:

1. Calculation of metabolic rate:

Men:(body weight ∙ 13.7) + 66 + (height ∙ 5) – (number of years ∙ 6.76).

Women:(body weight ∙ 9.6) + 655 + (height ∙ 1.8) – (number of years ∙ 4.7).

2. Definition of “activity coefficient”:

3. Calculation of the calorie intake required per day:

Activity coefficient ∙ metabolic rate.

4. Calculation of the number of calories for weight loss:

The daily calorie intake is 500.

5. Calculation required quantity BJU:

  • Fats: (required number of calories per day ∙ 0.20) : 9.
  • Carbohydrates: (required number of calories per day ∙ 0.45) : 4.
  • Squirrels: (required number of calories per day ∙ 0.10) : 4.

Proper nutrition is the most important factor in creating a slim body. beautiful body. Beyond the norm daily calorie content it is necessary to calculate the BZHU: amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. What is the importance of these values? And how to calculate correctly necessary standards so that the diet is as balanced as possible?

Three good reasons to calculate BZHU

1. Why is it important to count proteins?

Protein is the most important element for building muscles. As you know, the more muscles in the body, the better the metabolism. Protein is found in foods such as meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, peas, lentils, and soy. It is especially important to consume protein products at regular training. True, excessive protein consumption can cause disorders of the liver and intestines. This is why it is so important to ensure a balanced amount of protein in your diet.

2. Why is it important to count fats?

Many girls, when going on a diet, switch to low-fat foods. However, few people know that a lack of fat in the body can threaten hormonal disorders. Regardless of your individual BZHU calculations, minimal amount fat per day must be at least 30. However, you can’t overdo it with them either - there is a risk of getting problems with blood vessels.

3. Why is it important to count carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates, on the one hand, are an irreplaceable source of energy. Without enough of them you will feel constant decline strength, and training will be ineffective. In addition, carbohydrates improve our mood. But on the other hand, it is precisely the excess carbohydrate products promotes deposition of fat on our body. The balance of this element is not less than important reason consider BJU.

How to calculate BZHU: procedure

1. First, let’s make a note for ourselves following values, which will be useful to us for calculations:

  • 1 g fat = 9 kcal
  • 1 g protein = 4 kcal
  • 1 g carbohydrate = 4 kcal
  • Proteins: 30% of calorie intake
  • Carbohydrates: 40% of calorie intake
  • Fats: 30% of calorie intake

4. Once you have received the required daily caloric value, you can proceed to calculating proteins, carbohydrates and fats. For example, your daily norm– 1600 kcal. To calculate the BZHU, we carry out the following steps (taking into account the data from points 1 and 2):

  • Fats: (0.3*1600)/9=53 g
  • Proteins: (0.3*1600)/4=120 g
  • Carbohydrates: (0.4*1600)/4=160 g

5. Eating based on strict values ​​of proteins, carbohydrates and fats is quite difficult, so it is allowed small corridor in the BZHU calculation scheme: ±5%. For example, carbohydrates may not be an exact 40%, but may be in the 35-45% range. And then acceptable standards BZHU with a daily caloric intake of 1600 kcal will look like this:

  • Fat*: 44-62 g (based on values ​​obtained (0,25*1600)/9 And (0,35*1600)/9 )
  • Proteins**: 80-140 g
  • Carbohydrates: 140-180 g

* Lower limit The fat corridor can be lowered a little lower: 35-62 g.

** The lower limit of the protein corridor can also be lowered, at the rate of: 1 g of protein per 1 kg of weight

If you have any difficulties with calculating BZHU, let us know in the comments, we will quickly calculate the required values.

Where do you get the values ​​of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in foods?

Since questions arose in the comments about how to calculate BZHU directly in products, we will add clarifications. BJU in products cannot be calculated, these values ​​are taken by default:

  • If you bought finished product, then the label usually indicates how many proteins, carbohydrates, fats and calories are contained in 100 g of the product.
  • If you are preparing meals with several ingredients, before cooking, simply weigh all the ingredients and add up the proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Thus, get the BZHU values ​​for ready-made dish. Food must be weighed raw before cooking..

Still have questions or don’t understand the calculations? Write in the comments, we are always happy to clarify controversial issues.


What types of carbohydrates are there and what is their purpose? How many carbohydrates should you consume per day to lose weight?

After calculation daily requirement In calories, it is reasonable to calculate how many carbohydrates you need per day when losing weight. It is the carbohydrate component, including simple sugars from sweets, buns and fruits, most often requires adjustment.

A low-carbohydrate diet is based on the predominance of proteins and fats in the menu, but limits the amount of carbohydrates per day, which is important for prevention diabetes mellitus And metabolic syndrome. If you have heart disease, kidney disease or diabetes, you should consult your doctor before switching to such new mode nutrition.

Types of carbohydrates and their purpose

This is why the following are not allowed on a low-carb diet:

  • wheat bread and pasta;
  • bakery;
  • cakes;
  • candies;
  • sugar;
  • carbonated drinks and juices.

Fiber is not digested and therefore has less effect on blood sugar fluctuations, so complex carbohydrates are desirable fuel sources(this is buckwheat, oatmeal, brown rice, some vegetables).

As blood glucose levels rise, the body produces insulin, which helps absorb sugars to fuel muscles. Excess energy is stored in the liver, muscles and other cells for later use or converted into fat.

Based on how many carbohydrates a person needs per day and reducing this level to a minimum, it is possible to balance insulin production and force the body to burn fat.

Norm of carbohydrates per day for weight loss

Average daily limit varies from 60 to 130 g on hard low-carbohydrates, which gives approximately 240-520 kcal. Some diets sharply limit carbohydrates in the first phase, then increase them gradually. Others do not raise the level above 60 g per day.

Recommended amount of carbohydrates per day proper nutrition(for maintaining or gaining weight) is 40-60% of daily ration, which with a total consumption of 2000 kcal will be 800-1200 kcal or 200-300 g.

Possible dangers

Most people lose weight when they reduce their caloric intake without taking into account dietary supplements, but a low-carb menu gives better results over the same period. Most studies have shown that limiting carbohydrates throughout the year is not advisable.

A 2014 study found benefits of a low-carb diet compared to a high-protein diet, but the difference in weight was only 500 g. Any low-carb diet reduces total food and calories, since proteins and fats keep you full longer.

When calculating how many carbohydrates you need to eat to lose weight, it’s worth reading about the pitfalls of going carbohydrate-free. A sudden and sharp reduction in the carbohydrate component can lead to a number of symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • bad breath;
  • fatigue and weakness;
  • constipation or diarrhea.

IN long term refusal of cereals, vegetables and fruits threatens:

  • vitamin and mineral deficiency;
  • loss of bone mass;
  • gastrointestinal diseases.

By severely cutting carbohydrates to 20 g per day, you can induce ketosis - the process of accumulation of ketones due to the breakdown of fats for energy production. Its side symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • moral and physical exhaustion;
  • bad breath.

The Science of Weight Loss

A low-carb diet is one of the weight loss plans available to implement. But twenty documented studies show that you can't limit carbohydrates without increasing protein levels. Therefore, the question remains about the effect of high-protein foods on the fat burning process.

Converse research suggests that when protein intake is adequate, a low-carbohydrate diet does not provide much of a benefit. Of course it will work for people with overweight and poor carbohydrate absorption due to insulin resistance.

Research by scientists from medical center Tufts-New England showed that a low-glycemic diet helps reduce weight in people with high insulin secretion, but not in adults with normal secretion.

A study at the University of Colorado found that obese women who were insulin sensitive lost more weight on diets high in carbohydrates and low in fat, rather than the other way around. The difference was 13.5% and 6.8% of body weight. Insulin resistance really makes a low-carb diet worthwhile.

How many grams of carbohydrates do you need per day to lose weight?

The calculation algorithm looks like this:

  1. We calculate your daily caloric intake taking into account your lifestyle.
    • for men = 66 + (weight*13.7) + (5*height) – (6.8*age);
    • for women = 655 + (weight*9.6) + (1.7*height) – (4.7*age);
    • multiply by the activity coefficient: 1.2 – at sedentary life, 1.4 – with regular walking and training, 1.7 – with hard physical labor and professional sports;
    • for weight loss purposes, subtract 20% from the resulting number.
  2. Setting your protein intake from 1.5 to 2 g per kilogram of body. For kidney problems, reduce to 1 g per kg. We get approximately 120 g (480 kcal) for a woman weighing 60 kg.
  3. Setting the fat limit from 0.5 to 0.8 g per kilogram of body. For a woman weighing 60 g – 48 g of fat or 432 kcal. For women with high level cholesterol is reduced to 0.5 g per kilo.
  4. We calculate the calorie content of carbohydrates. For example, with a daily intake of 1300 kcal for a woman weighing 60 kg: 1300-480-432 = 388 kcal or 97 g.

There is no point in increasing protein levels above 2 g per kilogram of body, and if you have kidney problems, it is dangerous. You can reduce the amount of fat, but to a minimum of 30-40 g, otherwise it will harm the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

How many carbohydrates do you need from cereals, vegetables and fruits - pay attention to this point if you are fighting for a sculpted body. Simple carbohydrates (fruits and sweets) should not exceed 10% of the total carbohydrate norm, the remaining 90% should be complex.

Many people never monitor their daily diet. And very much in vain. Not only does it depend on the correct intake of calories and nutrients a slim body and success, but also health and well-being. You need to know how much fat, carbohydrates, and proteins a person should normally consume. Only correct usage All these elements in food will produce results - your weight and well-being will return to normal.

How many calories should you consume per day to avoid gaining weight?

Nutritionists generally claim that in order to get maximum benefits, an adult needs to consume 2,500 kilocalories of food per day. Only with this amount of useful substances will the human body function correctly. All life support systems will work not for a person, but for a person. And if a person can successfully control moral and physical labor and sometimes change their places, this is generally an ideal way of life. Normal nutrition, sports activities and alternation of mental and physical labor - that’s probably it. Three pillars on which human health stands.

A little about the daily amount of protein

A person should eat up to 100 grams of protein every day. And if you convert it into calories, you get a figure of 410 calories. If this dosage is not provided once, nothing may happen, but if a person chronically does not receive additional protein, then muscle wasting and loss of strength may occur. Excess daily dose protein is also harmful to the body. Therefore, it is better to calculate your average and try to stick to it.

About fats

It is unlikely that you will be right if you think that fat is excess in the body. It is almost impossible to exclude this element from use. Because some amount of it is always present in vegetables, fruits, and other foods. Fat and its components are necessary for a person and his body, as an assistant in cellular construction inside the body.

Fat of animal origin must necessarily enter the human body in the amount of 60 grams per day. Daily norm in calories it is approximately 550 calories. The body also needs fat plant origin. This is found in Omega 3.

About carbohydrates and their effect on weight loss

Nutritionists consider the optimal amount of carbohydrates. 370 grams every day. Calorie content of this useful substance is similar to protein calorie content and is 410, which means together with proteins it is equal to 1530 calories.

Why are carbohydrates so important for humans? Because they are the easiest to burn and provide the body with energy. And not only physical.

However, carbohydrates are just dangerous in case of weight loss. After all, food rich in carbohydrates is absorbed most and best, which means chocolate and sweet pastries are absorbed.

A lot of carbohydrates are contained in carbonated drinks and various sweets. Therefore, if you are determined to lose weight, it is better to avoid consuming large quantity carbohydrates and monitor the daily amount of calories, in this case, you no longer have to worry. How much did I eat today, and how will it affect my waistline?

In the human diet, which is necessary for healthy image life.

In order to lose weight or simply eat right, it is important to consider not only the calorie content of the foods a person eats, but also their benefits, quantity and combination.

If you want a quick answer. In the diet ordinary person there should be 10-20% protein, up to 25-30% fat, 50-60% carbohydrates. In the diet of a person losing weight, there should be 1.5 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight, to the detriment of fats, and carbohydrates should also be 50-60%.

Creating the correct ratio of calories + BJU + B itamins + M minerals + K lettuce is an extremely interesting task. Therefore, we will give a new dissonant abbreviation K BZHU + V M K - solely for ease of understanding in this article.

There must be a balance of vitamins and minerals. Protein should be half from vegetable raw materials, and fats are divided into saturated fatty acid(SFA) - no more than 10%, monounsaturated (MUFA) - 10%, polyunsaturated (PUFA), which, in particular, contain Omega-3, Omega-6 and phospholipids. Carbohydrates are divided into dangerous - fast (no more than 10%) and slow.

If you maintain the ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates, this will affect not only your figure, but also the health of the body. It is important to remember that not only the human body accumulates fat, why forms people do not look attractive, but also internal organs are also obese.

We will explain everything clearly below and look at examples, especially in individual situations Some standards have been developed, for example, by Rospotrebnadzor.

The difficulty of creating an optimal formula for weight loss varies from person to person and depends on the following factors:

  • Gender (for women there is a separate division into pregnant/nursing);
  • Mental stress ( mental activity and stress);
  • Diseases (kidneys, pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, etc.);
  • Bad habits and lifestyle;
  • Geography of residence;
  • Individual developmental characteristics;

For example, a child needs a little more (as a percentage) of proteins and some fats, especially during the period of rapid cell growth, starting around the age of 15. A nursing woman needs more energy to synthesize milk for her newborn. at high physical activity you need more proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Finding your own proportion is a very interesting and useful activity..

Keep in mind that about 28% of the calories from the energy received from protein are spent on its conditional digestion, 2.8% on the digestion of carbohydrates and 8.9% on fats.

Decision from Malysheva and endocrinologist Mkrtumyan

In one of the “Live Healthy” programs (video below) from 2015, these doctors advise that a “for fat” plate with a diameter of 15 cm should contain:

  • 25% - protein-fat foods (meat, etc.);
  • 25% - for a carbohydrate side dish (rice, corn, buckwheat, etc.);
  • 50% - for fiber (greens and vegetables).

At the same time, protein should be, as Mkrtumyan notes, 1.5 grams per 1 kilogram of weight.

That is, for a hypothetical woman weighing 70 kg, the consumption of pure protein will be at the level of 105 grams. Accordingly, the same amount of mixed carbohydrates (or better yet, fewer fast ones) and twice as much complex carbohydrates and fiber. It would seem that this is the first formula. However, it is not clear to the average person what kind of food this is.

This recommendation is a generalized approach to somehow simplify life. fat people, so that they don’t go shopping and restaurants with calculators. But questions remain: where to get vegetable protein, what foods contain fiber, and how much fat the body will ultimately receive. The problem also lies in the fact that the recommendation of 1.5 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of weight is not shared by all doctors.

A few videos on the topic:

Dangerous formula from nutritionist Kovalkov

Perhaps the doctor made a mistake and we will be happy to correct this material, but according to the recommendation, which is captured in the video below, Kovalkov recommends that for women to maintain weight (not lose weight) 1 gram of protein per 1 kilogram of weight, fat at least 30-40 grams per day (in in other videos no more than 40-50 grams), and carbohydrates no more than 60 grams (in other videos no more than 40 grams).

If we roughly translate this recommendation into food, it turns out that a woman weighing 70 kg needs to eat 200 grams of boiled beef, 200 grams of cheese, 200 grams of buckwheat porridge per day. That is, only 600 grams of food and about 1000 calories, which is very little. What then can we say about losing weight?

In a state of complete rest (here, without doing anything at all), the body of such a woman must spend about 1300 calories to serve your needs (amino acid synthesis, cell division, brain activity and others).

Doctor Kovalkov has certain advantages:

  • He himself lost weight from 160;
  • He has a positive outlook on his approach to losing weight;
  • He feels some natural things, for example, he advises not to follow the 60-90-60 stereotypes.

A few videos on the topic:

Formula from Komsomolskaya Pravda under the guise of gastroenterologist Ivashkin

The Komsomolskaya Pravda article “suffers in silence and endures to the last” from 2010 recommends no more than 30% fat from the daily calorie intake, 0.8 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight, the rest, obviously, is carbohydrates. The article is written in such a way that one can believe that this is what Dr. Ivashkin recommends.

But, if you look at it, then for our hypothetical woman you get something like this:

  • proteins - 56 grams / 230 kcal (11.5%);
  • fat (max.) - 65 grams / 600 kcal (30%, if according to European standards the need is 2000 kcal);
  • carbohydrates - 120 grams / 460 kcal (58.5%, if according to European standards the need is 2000 kcal);

This is more like something real (and maybe at that time such a balance of BZHU was the most relevant), but it is very different from the recommendations of more venerable official sources, which, however, already published results based on research in 2008. More on this below.

Formula for normal BJU from Rospotrebnadzor

Everything is much simpler with official sources from government organizations regarding the norms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Firstly, based on official document(MR is valid throughout the country. Secondly, the documents are based on research by scientists (32 specialists) and institutions. Thirdly, the basis of the document was the welfare of the state, and not commercial gain. Fourthly, the documents contain tables, analysis, conclusions, full coverage of the entire KBZHUVMK. Fifthly, this document was signed by citizen Onishchenko.

The disadvantage of state rationing: it is not for weight loss, but for the body to function properly, no matter how dry it may sound. It also contains very average data.

The table below determines how many calories an adult (age 18+) should consume in a state of absolute calm (called Basal Metabolic Value - BMR). This is something like a minimum, to which you need to add your own coefficients, also developed by order of Rospotrebnadzor (hereinafter referred to as RPN).

Remember these minimums. They will come in handy when you make your own diet or when someone gives you a recommendation. Better yet, share them on social networks, click like and add to your favorites or browser bookmarks.

But that's not all. It is worth focusing on other tables from the same document, where it is specified:

  • For what age;
  • For which physical activity;
  • How many proteins, fats, carbohydrates, micro- and macronutrients.

These tables are given under the spoiler, by clicking on which you can expand them (spoilers are not available for Yandex turbo pages).

In the data you can see your age and determine your physical activity group. Total conditional groups five. This:

  1. Knowledge workers with a coefficient of 1.4;
  2. Workers mild physical labor with a coefficient of 1.6;
  3. Workers moderate severity labor with a coefficient of 1.9;
  4. Heavy physical labor workers with a coefficient of 2.2;
  5. And those to whom the coefficient of 2.5 needs to be applied.

You can get a more specific understanding of which group you belong to from this spoiler:

Choosing the right BJU

Now you have an established picture from various sources and you understand that with BZHU not everything is so simple. However, let's start with the facts:

  1. If you don’t want to bother, then the Malysheva-Mkrtumyan BJU formula is perfect for losing weight.
  2. If you want to not only monitor your weight, but also eat a balanced diet, then understand the above-mentioned RPN documents.
  3. If point 2 interests you, but you don’t have time, try finding a nutritionist/endocrinologist.
  4. Otherwise, you might want to explore our own approach to catering.

In general, there is no other choice but to trust official sources that say this (for women):

  1. Carbohydrates should be 50-60%;
  2. Fats should be up to 10% SFA, 10% MUFA, 6% PUFA, Omega-3 - 0.8-1.6 g, Omega-6 - 8-10 g;
  3. Belkov 58-87 gr.

Omega3 and Omega-6 are competitors and reduce the amounts of each other in the body.

Determination of daily calorie intake

Since the RPN document does not contain methodological recommendations about calculations, and does not take into account some physiological characteristics, then you will have to use the Mifflin-St. Geor daily calorie formula. Does not take into account pregnant women. This approach is acceptable, because the RPN document itself allows for errors individual needs on group needs and differences between groups. Forget about this paragraph - it's too complicated.

Find out your daily requirement according to the Mifflin-San Geor formula, taking into account physical activity, from our online calculator: or lower.

Let's imagine that in our example, a woman is 35 years old, 165 cm tall, has little physical activity, has a normal metabolism, and wants to lose weight to 60 kg. In this case, according to the calculator, her calorie intake will be 1780 (you need to set your target weight as your weight).

Determination of the norm of BZHU

Having an idea of ​​how many calories are needed at which the weight will tend to 60 kg, you can understand the norm of BJU. It would be justified to start the calculation with the dose of 1.5 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight mentioned by Dr. Mkrtumyan, since less fat is supplied, and 28% of the energy received from it is spent on the oxidation of 1 gram of protein.

If you need to maintain rather than lose weight, then stick to the protein dosage limits of 60-90 grams of protein per day.

Thus, our woman from the example for losing weight (only for losing weight!) needs:

  • protein - 90 grams / 369 kcal / 21% d.s.;
  • carbohydrates - 50-60%;
  • fats - less than 30% (we calculate according to the residual principle).

It would be correct to call this formula not BZHU, but BUZH, because we must calculate fats according to the residual principle. After all, the body is as a last resort, can synthesize fats from carbohydrates and fats provide the most energy, and the excess is stored. Actually, that's what they were created for.

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The ideal BZHU formula for those losing weight

The exact norm of proteins, fats, carbohydrates for those losing weight is as follows: proteins - 1.5 g/1 kg, carbohydrates - 50-60% of the daily calorie intake, fats - everything else. To understand something more specifically, follow these rules:

  1. First, learn to eat as if you already have the desired weight (do not try to set 60 kg for the calculation at once if you weigh 100 kg - at least set the first goal at 80 kg);
  2. Calculate the amount of protein you need to eat based on 1.5 grams per 1 kg of current weight:
    1. Calculate how many calories these proteins will give you (1 gram of protein = 4.1 kcal);
    2. Half of all proteins should be from plants (peas, buckwheat, mushrooms and others);
    1. Based on how you feel, you can consider complex carbohydrates to be within 45-55% of the total carbohydrate content, because most of them are plants. Today 45%, tomorrow 55%, then 50%.
    1. Remove trans fats altogether (WHO recommendation): fried foods, processed foods, sausages, frozen pizzas, etc.;
    2. Eat the rest of the fat (15-20%) from fish, avocado, nuts, flaxseed oil, olive oil, etc.

It's okay if you eat 5 percent more protein or fat. This means that tomorrow you will eat less of them. And the body itself will figure out what it needs, what to synthesize from what. Just help him - a little.

The ideal BZHU formula for weight maintenance

The exact norm of proteins, fats, carbohydrates for maintaining weight is as follows: proteins - 60-90 g, carbohydrates - 50-60% dry fat, fats - everything else. The recommendations given in the section for losing weight can be given here, but with the only difference that the balance in the diet will shift in favor of fats and carbohydrates.

  1. calories you need for your weight;
  2. Imagine how much protein you want today and that it be in the range of 60-90 grams:
    1. Between 60 and 90 grams of protein, the difference is 120 kcal, which is about 100 grams of beef or 50 grams of cheese. In addition, by doing this you regulate how much percentage of the s.n.k. will go to fats;
    2. Calculate how many calories it will be (1 gram of protein = 4.1 kcal);
    3. Half should be obtained from plants (beans, peas, buckwheat, mushrooms and others);
  3. Calculate the desired amount of carbohydrates (1 gram of carbohydrates = 4.1 kcal):
    1. Count how many grams simple carbohydrates(sugar) you need, based on the recommendations of the RPN and WHO, less than 5% d.s.;
    2. Based on how you feel, you can consider complex carbohydrates to be within 45-65% of the total carbohydrate content, because most of them are plants. Today 45%, tomorrow 65%, then 50%.
  4. Next, you calculate using the residual principle how much fat to eat (1 gram of fat = 9.29 kcal):
    1. Remove trans fats altogether (WHO recommendation): fried foods, processed foods, sausages, frozen pizzas, cookies, etc.;
    2. Animal fat no more than 10% s.n.c.: they are in fatty meat, creamy and palm oil, cream, cheese, etc. (WHO);
    3. Eat the rest of the fat (15-20%) from fish, avocados, nuts, flaxseed oil, olive oil, etc.;
  5. Take vitamin and mineral complexes from time to time.

The body's main enemy when losing weight

Sugar - main enemy. It is high in calories and very harmful large quantities. More calories can only be found in fats, oils and some types of nuts. Excess sugar in the body not only affects your figure, but also contributes to the development of serious diseases.

The calorie content of sugar is about 390 Kcal per 100 grams, and different sources balances plus/minus 15 Kcal. Daily consumption should not exceed the figure recommended by WHO - 50 grams, so that the product does not cause harm and the body is charged with energy.

By the way, full table calorie content for 377 products.

However, lack of sugar is also harmful. But remember, the body receives it not only from bulk products, but also from the same tomatoes, sweet apples, jams, and yoghurts.

The myth that if you completely give up carbohydrates, you can achieve perfect figure, refute cases where women damaged their health in this way, but there was no positive dynamics in weight loss.

The ratio of proteins and carbohydrates is necessary for normal functioning. The body should be saturated not only with carbohydrates, but also with minerals, vitamins and fatty acids.

The benefits of protein

Without protein, a person faces inevitable death, because it is a component of every cell. human body. The microelement contributes to:

  • Hair growth and nail strengthening;
  • Protein forms tissues and performs a restorative function when they are damaged;
  • It forms enzymes and hormones;
  • Participates in chemical reactions in organism;
  • Improves blood clotting;
  • Without protein there will be no muscles, no bones.

Video with an expert

A little video on the topic with nutritionist Svetlana Kashitskaya. The specialist understands the confusion about how much protein is needed for normal operation body, especially for weight loss.

Benefits of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates can be simple or complex and are at the head of the digestive system.

  • They have a beneficial effect on the intestines and promote proper digestion of food;
  • Output harmful substances from the body;
  • Heals the microflora of the stomach;
  • Reduce cholesterol;
  • Strengthen the immune system;
  • Carbohydrates are hormones of joy.

Video without an expert

A little energetic video about carbohydrates from Tyoma. Interesting Facts with humor that can be remembered in order to apply knowledge in planning a diet with the correct BZHU. This video should be taken lightly.

The benefits of fats

Nature does not create unnecessary elements, therefore, if fats are present in the body and in foods, then they are necessary. The ratio of protein and carbohydrates should not be without the participation of fats.

  • Fats are a source of energy;
  • Form neurons of the brain;
  • Protect immunity;
  • Thanks to fats, vitamins and microelements are absorbed;
  • Helps release bile during digestion.

Video with an expert

A little video on the topic with endocrinologist Ilya Magerya, who will talk about the benefits of fats, the consumption of which is so important for the body, even for those losing weight.

Sources of correct dietary supplements and prohibited foods

This relationship will work if a person, in addition to balanced diet will be actively involved in sports. Moreover, in mandatory You will have to exclude the following products:

  • Bakery products;
  • Confectionery baked goods;
  • Smoked meats;
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Carbonated drinks.

Let's make a table of foods that are best included in the diet:

This table lists the most healthy foods With high content certain components. Using this list, it’s easy to create a good menu that will help you lose weight and delight your taste buds.

Optimal ratio

Fasting does not in any way contribute to obtaining perfect body. As practice shows, weight comes off quickly and comes back twice as much. The optimal protein intake per day is 1.5 grams per 1 kilogram of weight. This is the optimal protein ratio for weight loss.

If the body does not receive protein food in the required volume, then it will begin to take protein from itself. First of all it suffers muscle mass. This can lead to muscle atrophy and will have little effect on weight. Moreover, after fasting, the body will begin to demand nutrients in larger quantities, in the hope of stocking up in case of another famine. Why? Watch the video.