Why severe dry mouth? Dry mouth: why it occurs and how to treat it

Dry mouth is medically called xerostomia. Such a disorder occurs very often in men and women at absolutely any age and can either indicate various diseases or be a symptom of some temporary conditions. If such an unpleasant symptom constantly bothers a person, he begins to think about what is wrong in his body, and what other signs may indicate possible diseases.

Depending on the presence or absence of accompanying symptoms, you can try to guess why your mouth is dry and you often feel thirsty. However, it would be much better to consult a doctor immediately so that a qualified doctor can carry out all the necessary examinations and determine the exact cause of the disease.

What reasons cause the feeling that your mouth is dry and you are constantly thirsty?

In most cases, such an unpleasant symptom is caused by the following factors:

Is it normal to have a dry mouth during pregnancy?

Often, girls who experience dry mouth during pregnancy do not pay any attention to it, believing that this feeling is absolutely normal for expectant mothers. In fact, in women expecting the birth of a baby, the production of saliva increases, so with a normal drinking regime and a favorable course of pregnancy, such a sensation should not arise.

If you have a dry mouth and are in an “interesting” position, pay attention to the following:

  • If it's too hot outside, this may be quite natural, but as soon as the temperature
    conditions will become more favorable, the unpleasant symptom should disappear instantly;
  • If, in addition to dry mouth, you experience an unpleasant sour or metallic taste, consult a doctor immediately. Most likely, you have gestational diabetes, which can be very dangerous for your health and the functioning of your unborn baby. If the diagnosis is confirmed, you will need to undergo hospital treatment and possibly remain in the hospital until the birth;
  • Every day a pregnant woman should drink at least 2-2.5 liters of liquid. If this is not the case, you may experience constant thirst and dry mouth;
  • To normalize water-salt metabolism, you should follow a diet. Try not to eat foods that are too sweet, spicy or salty;
  • Finally, this sensation may be a consequence of taking medications containing magnesium, which are often prescribed to pregnant women. Be sure to tell your doctor about this; you may have an excess of this mineral.

What to do to get rid of the feeling of constant dry mouth?

If this symptom indicates the presence of any disease in your body, it will be impossible to get rid of it until the underlying cause is completely cured. To accurately determine the original source, you need to consult a doctor and only then begin the prescribed treatment.

In any case, regardless of why your mouth is dry, it will be useful for you to follow these recommendations:

  • Try to get rid of bad habits such as smoking and excessive consumption
    alcoholic drinks;
  • Eliminate fried, too spicy and salty foods from your diet, especially all kinds of snacks, crackers, chips, nuts, and so on;
  • If possible, increase your fluid intake. In addition to coffee, tea, juices and other drinks, your body should receive at least 1.5 liters of ordinary clean drinking water every day. Non-carbonated mineral waters without added alkalis will also be useful. Make it a rule to drink a glass of water immediately after waking up, and also one glass 30-40 minutes before each meal;
  • Increase the humidity in the room where you spend most of your time. Use modern humidifiers and ionizers, and also do not forget to ventilate the room as often as possible and do wet cleaning;
  • Lubricate your lips with special moisturizing balms, especially before going outside;
  • To reduce oral discomfort, chew gum or use special rinses, but do not overdo it. Using these products too frequently or constantly chewing gum can only make the situation worse. When choosing a mouthwash, give preference to liquids that do not contain alcohol.

Since dry mouth can be one of the first signs of quite serious diseases, in particular diabetes, you should not ignore it.

Dry mouth, otherwise known as xerostomia, is characterized by a condition in the body in which the production of saliva is reduced or completely stopped. Most often your mouth gets dry at night. This phenomenon may indicate the presence of serious diseases or be temporary. It is important to identify the causes of xerostomia and begin treatment on time to prevent the development of complications.

Why does my mouth get dry?, Firstly The therapist will help you establish. If necessary, the doctor will give a referral to specialized specialists: endocrinologist, dentist, gastroenterologist. However, you should know the most common causes of the disease. These include the following.

1. Lack of fluid in the body. Thirst can be caused by both problems in the body's functioning: vomiting, blood loss, diarrhea, and external factors, for example, high temperature and low humidity in the room.

2. Breathing problems. During sleep, the mouth may dry out due to the fact that the sleeper breathes through the mouth or. This occurs with ailments such as adenoiditis, runny nose, and deviated nasal septum.

3. Side effect of drugs. Some pharmaceutical drugs, for example, used for allergies and neurasthenia, lead to the phenomenon of dry mouth at night.

4. Abuse of sweet, salty foods, coffee, tea. Such foods and drinks contribute to dehydration.

5. Stress. Nervous stress often leads to a feeling of dry mouth.

6. Poisoning. Toxic substances, as well as excessive amounts of alcohol and smoked cigarettes, cause intoxication of the body. In this case, you feel thirsty, since an increased volume of liquid is required to remove toxins from tissues.

7. Lack of vitamin A. A deficiency of this substance leads to the appearance of cracks on the lips and a burning sensation in the mouth.

8. Toxicosis. This phenomenon most often occurs in women in the first trimester of pregnancy. If toxicosis is accompanied by regular and profuse vomiting, dehydration quickly sets in.

9. Calcium deficiency or excess magnesium in the body of a pregnant woman.

Listed reasons dry mouth cause temporary xerostomia. This phenomenon can constantly be observed in old age, during menopause, after radiation therapy, when the functioning of the salivary glands is disrupted as a result of operations, due to frequent contact with chemicals.

Possible diseases

Often the cause of dry mouth at night is some pathology in the body. In this case, in order to eliminate constant thirst, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease, after which the process of salivation will gradually return to normal. Such diseases are:

· stroke;

· diabetes;

· cystic fibrosis;

· HIV;

· hypertension;

· Parkinson's disease;

· Alzheimer's disease;

· brain injuries.

If, in addition to dry mouth, phenomena such as a coating on the tongue and a feeling of bitterness are observed, these are signs of diseases of the digestive system. Most often, such symptoms accompany gastritis, pancreatitis, gallbladder dysfunction, and duodenitis.

Treatment options

It is very important to start treatment for xerostomia on time, since habitual dry mouth can lead to serious illnesses. If your mouth constantly dries out, there is a high risk of gum disease, stomatitis, caries, tonsillitis, and decreased taste. In addition, disruption of the salivation process leads to a decrease in the protective functions of the mucous membrane, which increases the likelihood of infection.

Treatment of xerostomia begins with normalizing the functioning of the salivary glands. For this purpose it is prescribed artificial mucous moisturizers in the form of sprays or gels. Also used by locals anti-inflammatory drugs. If necessary, therapy is prescribed to treat snoring, which causes your mouth to dry out at night.

To avoid unpleasant dry mouth at night and after sleep, you can use traditional methods. Medicinal drugs are effective inhalation. They can be carried out either with soda-salt solution, so with herbal infusions. The selected ingredients are taken in equal quantities (1 teaspoon each) and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leaning over a container with a hot solution and covering it with a towel, inhale the steam for about 15 minutes. This must be done very carefully so as not to burn the respiratory tract. It is recommended to do inhalations before going to bed.

To solve the problem of dry mouth at night, it is necessary to identify the causes and find a way to eliminate the disease. Compliance with the following important rules will help to avoid the reoccurrence of this phenomenon:

· give up bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol;

· drink 250 ml of clean water daily 30 minutes before each meal;

· review your diet, eliminating excessively salty, fatty foods, as well as sweets;

· in the morning and throughout the day, chew a piece of lemon or grapefruit for a few minutes;

· monitor the humidity in the bedroom: this indicator should not fall below 40;

· Lubricate your lips with a moisturizing balm 3-4 times a day;

· before going to bed, hold a piece of ice or unsweetened candy in your mouth to activate saliva production;

· if your tongue sticks to the roof of your mouth even during the day, regularly soften your mouth with olive or sea buckthorn oil;

· drink freshly squeezed carrot juice with honey: this drink will not only moisturize your dry mouth, but also eliminate harmful bacteria;

· regularly add chili pepper to your dishes, which helps to activate the salivation process.

It is necessary to begin treatment for dry mouth as early as possible to prevent adverse consequences. However, if an unpleasant phenomenon is accompanied by a feeling of bitterness, dizziness, general weakness, heart rhythm disturbances, and discomfort in the vagina, this may indicate a whole complex of serious diseases. Only a doctor can correctly determine why the mouth dries out at night and prescribe proper treatment.

Almost everyone has experienced the feeling of dry mouth. And most of us attributed this to trivial factors: high ambient temperature, eating salty foods, not drinking enough. In principle, having consumed enough fluid, symptomatic dry mouth often goes away, but, in fact, quite often the feeling of dryness in the mouth indicates problems in the vital systems of the human body.

Normal salivation is an important component of oral health. Saliva performs a number of important functions:

  • protects the oral cavity from the development of ulcers and wounds that arise during friction;
  • has a neutralizing effect on acids and bacteria entering the oral cavity;
  • participates in the etching process;
  • is a protective factor in the process of tooth remineralization;
  • dissolves taste irritants.

Insufficient salivation is a problem. There can be many reasons for it, as well as ways to resolve it. And we will look at all this in detail in this material.
In medicine, insufficient salivation caused by one or another lesion of the salivary glands is referred to as xerostomia. With varying degrees of intensity, this disease affects every tenth person on the planet. Moreover, there are significantly more women among people who have dry mouth.

The main thing to remember with xerostomia is that frequent dry mouth is a marker of some problem in the body. There is no point in simply suppressing it by drinking fluids frequently. Or rather, you need to drink a lot, but you need to look for the cause of the problem, since only eliminating it can radically resolve insufficient salivation.
A one-time feeling of dry mouth is not a serious signal. This is often caused by everyday problems. Special attention requires a regular feeling of dryness, which is accompanied by a number of other symptoms relating to the oral cavity:

  • the so-called “stickiness” of saliva. Feelings that when the mouth is closed for a long time, the tongue sticks to the palate;
  • burning and itching in the mouth. This is mostly about language;
  • bad breath;
  • problems with chewing, swallowing, speech production and taste perception;
  • roughness and redness of the tongue.

Dry mouth coupled with any of these symptoms is a fairly clear sign of xerostomia. In such cases, you need to consult a doctor, first a therapist, who will determine the necessary diagnostics and redirect you to a specialized specialist.

Causes of dry mouth

There is no generally accepted classification of the causes of dry mouth, nor an exact list of the prerequisites for xerostomia. At the same time, for convenience, many doctors divide the causes of dry mouth into two categories:

  • pathological – associated with any disease;
  • non-pathological - mainly determined by the way and mode of life.

Pathological causes of dry mouth

Dry mouth can be caused by dozens of diseases. For some of them, xerostomia is a clear symptom or concomitant factor, for some it is only a partial manifestation. It is impossible to identify absolutely all diseases that can provoke problems with salivation. Therefore, we will consider only those pathologies for which dry mouth is a characteristic symptom:

Type of diseaseManifestation of problems with salivation
Pathologies of the salivary glandsThe most common problems with the salivary glands are mumps, sialostasis and sialadenitis. Most pathologies of this group are manifested by a sharp decrease in the volume of salivation or its complete cessation, as well as swelling, pain and an increase in the size of the gland.
InfectionsTraditional flu, sore throat, ARVI and other infectious diseases are accompanied by high fever and excessive sweating. Insufficient replenishment of fluid in the body in such cases can manifest itself as dry mouth.
Endocrine system diseasesThe most typical representative of this group, in terms of disruption of salivation processes, is diabetes mellitus. Its classic symptoms are increased thirst and dry mouth. This is due to a lack of insulin, which disrupts metabolic processes in the human body.
Traumatic dysfunction of the major salivary glandsThe manifestation of xerostomia is characteristic of traumatic disorders of the sublingual, parotid or submandibular zones. Injuries of this nature often lead to the formation of ducts and ruptures in the gland, which entails a decrease in salivation.
Pathologies that result in surgical removal of the salivary glandsIn most cases, oncological processes in the salivary glands and chronic inflammatory diseases lead to a similar result.
Sjögren's disease or syndromeAn autoimmune disease affecting the exocrine glands. It is one of the most common autoimmune pathologies. (Sjögren's syndrome on Wikipedia).
Processes in the body that result in increased fluid lossSince saliva is one of the types of fluids in the body, heavy losses of fluid of any group lead to a reduction in the volume of all others. This situation may arise due to acute diarrhea and vomiting, internal and external bleeding, burns, and high body temperature. Any of these pathologies can cause dry mouth.

It is important to note that for all of these groups, dry mouth may or may not be a symptom. Therefore, self-diagnosis for insufficient salivation is unacceptable. Only qualified assistance from a specialist, coupled with a precisely selected list of diagnostic procedures, will be able to determine the true cause of xerostomia.

Non-pathological causes of dry mouth

As for non-pathological causes of dry mouth, most of them are one-time in nature and depend on a person’s lifestyle. First of all, xerostomia should be noted as a sign of dehydration. Often this manifestation is characteristic of insufficient drinking conditions, especially at high ambient temperatures. In this case, the problem is solved by drinking plenty of water. Without it, dehydration can have serious consequences.
Bad habits also lead to a feeling of dryness in the mouth: smoking and drinking alcohol. The characteristic manifestations in the morning after a feast with alcohol are familiar to many.

The use of medications can also cause xerostomia. In particular, dry mouth is present as a side effect in a number of antitumor, psychotropic and diuretic drugs, as well as in drugs of the sympathomimetic group. In addition, problems with salivation are typical for vasoconstrictors, antihistamines and antihypertensive medications.

In most cases, this side effect is not a reason to stop taking the medication. You can get rid of the feeling of dry mouth when taking medications by drinking plenty of fluids. These symptoms stop completely after the planned completion of treatment.

Feeling dry mouth during pregnancy

In a separate paragraph, it is worth considering the issue of the occurrence of xerostomia in women who are carrying a child. In them, this condition manifests itself quite often and there are many reasons for it.

The three main reasons for dry mouth in pregnant women are increased sweating, frequent urination, and the body’s adaptation to increased physical activity, which are characteristic of their condition. All this can be compensated for by drinking more.

In addition to them, dry mouth during pregnancy can be caused by a lack of potassium in the body, or by an excessive amount of magnesium. These causes already require appropriate therapy.

There are also cases when a pregnant woman experiences a metallic taste and dry mouth. Such symptoms are characteristic of a disease such as gestational diabetes and are a prerequisite for in-depth laboratory tests that are aimed at determining the amount of glucose in the blood and the body’s tolerance to it.
Otherwise, dry mouth in pregnant women is caused by the same reasons as in other people and requires the same diagnosis.

Dry mouth: causes and solutions

To determine the cause of dry mouth, your doctor must do two things:

  • conduct a thorough analysis of the patient's medical history to determine the likely causes of such manifestations;
  • prescribe the necessary diagnostic procedures that will confirm or refute the alleged preconditions for the occurrence of dry mouth.

Diagnosis of the causes that led to dry mouth may include a whole range of studies, the list of which depends on the probable pathology. Let's look at those that are most common.

First of all, if you have dry mouth, you need to determine the presence of diseases that disrupt the functioning of the salivary glands. For these tasks, computer (effective for identifying tumors) and magnetic resonance imaging are used, as well as studying the level of necessary components in saliva (enzymes, microelements, macroelements, immunoglobulins).

In addition, to determine deviations in the process of salivation, sialometry (assessment of the rate of salivary secretion), sialoadenolymphography (a study to identify metastases of the salivary glands), biopsy and salivary cytology are used, which are used for detected tumors in the salivary glands.
All these analyzes and studies are aimed at determining the correct functioning of the salivary system.

In addition to them, if the patient has a dry mouth, the following laboratory tests are used:

  • general blood and urine tests that will show scleroderma, iron deficiency anemia, and the presence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • measuring blood glucose levels is the main test for diabetes mellitus;
  • ultrasound examination to determine the presence of a cyst, tumor, neuritis or stones in the salivary gland area;
  • serological blood test, which is the main one in diagnosing Sjögren's syndrome.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe other laboratory tests, the list of which is determined by studying the medical history and the list of patient complaints.

What can cause dry mouth?

It is sufficient to clearly determine the nature of the pathology that provokes dry mouth; its specification, as well as accompanying symptoms, helps. There can be very, very many such combinations, and we will indicate the most common among them. For ease of perception, we will do this in the form of a table:

Features of dry mouth or accompanying symptomsProbable pathology or cause
Burning tongueSide effects after taking medications, Sjögren's syndrome, stress conditions.
Dry mouth in the morning after sleepRespiratory pathologies. Most often - breathing through the mouth during sleep and accompanying snoring, diabetes mellitus.
Causes of persistent dry mouth at nightInsufficient humidity in the bedroom, problems with metabolism in the body, smoking, eating a large meal before bed.
Frequent urinationDiabetes.
NauseaIntoxication, hypoglycemia, concussion.
Dry mouth after eatingPathologies of the salivary glands, which do not allow the production of enough saliva to digest food.
Bitterness in the mouthDehydration, smoking, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and nasopharynx.
Dryness of other mucous membranes of the bodySjögren's syndrome, change in climatic living conditions.
DizzinessLow blood pressure

Using additional markers for dry mouth is extremely important. This minimizes the likelihood of incorrect diagnosis and prevents developing pathologies from being missed. Therefore, when turning to a doctor with a problem of dry mouth, you need to describe to him in as much detail as possible other uncharacteristic sensations that have appeared recently. This will greatly simplify the task of correct diagnosis and increase the likelihood of developing the correct treatment tactics.

What to do if your mouth is dry and the dryness does not go away

We have already indicated that dry mouth or xerostomia is not an independent pathology, but a manifestation of a disease. Therefore, to eliminate it, first of all, you need to overcome the cause of dryness. Most often, correctly selected therapy for the provoking disease effectively relieves xerostomia.

In fact, there is no specific treatment for dry mouth. Doctors recommend only a small list of measures aimed at eliminating this manifestation:

  • The first thing to try if you have a dry mouth is to increase your fluid intake. Drinking plenty of unsweetened, non-carbonated drinks will often eliminate the problem if there are no serious reasons behind it. This same category includes an increase in air humidity in a house or apartment;
  • The second step that is worth trying for xerostomia is changing your diet. Dry mouth can be a result of excessive consumption of salt and fried foods. By reducing them in your diet, one of the likely causes will be less;
  • The third step, but not least important, is getting rid of bad habits. Drinking alcohol and smoking almost always lead to a feeling of dry mouth. So giving up these habits will be useful from this side as well;
  • Chewing gum with candies also have a positive effect. The process of chewing reflexively stimulates the production of saliva, so eating them will at least temporarily relieve dry mouth. But, you need to remember that chewing gum should not contain sugar, as it only increases xerostomia;
  • If you experience dry mouth and dryness around the mouth, then moisturizing lip balms will come to the rescue. They cope with this manifestation of xerostomia quite effectively;
  • The last step is the most radical - stimulating saliva production. For this, special medications or regular hot pepper can be used. The substance capsaicin it contains stimulates the salivary glands, which helps get rid of the feeling of dry mouth. But the use of these techniques should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor, since it is necessary to make sure that dry mouth occurs due to insufficient saliva production and not due to other pathologies.

Xerostomia or dry mouth is a disease that causes a lot of trouble. The mucous membrane often dries out during night sleep. According to statistics, about 10% of the population faced the problem.

Xerostomia in adults occurs for various reasons. If you notice an unpleasant phenomenon, which includes dizziness, weakness, and thirst, be sure to consult a doctor. Often, dry mucous membranes are one of the signs of pathological processes in the body.


Xerostomia often occurs in old age. The salivary glands secrete a smaller volume of fluid, and discomfort in the oral cavity is felt. Insufficiently moistened mucous membrane is favorable soil for the appearance of wounds, microcracks, and the development of inflammatory processes.

In addition to old age, there are other provoking factors:

  • mouth breathing. Often, with nasal congestion at night, a person involuntarily breathes through his mouth. In some patients, a runny nose becomes chronic. It is quite difficult to get rid of increased dryness of the mucous membranes when breathing through the mouth;
  • medications. Taking antidepressants, diuretics, and blood pressure-lowering compounds sometimes causes the mucous membrane in the mouth to dry out. Xerostomia, as a side effect, occurs in patients taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and allergy pills;
  • autoimmune diseases. Problems with salivation occur with lupus erythematosus, Sjögren's disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. The tissue of the salivary glands is damaged, the body considers the cells to be foreign bodies and rejects them. It is impossible to eliminate the problem; maintenance therapy and hydration of oral tissues throughout life are recommended;
  • irradiation in the treatment of cancer. A reduced volume of fluid in the mouth and poor functioning of the salivary glands are one of the side effects of irradiation of the head and neck;
  • diabetes. In some patients, a dangerous chronic disease was detected during a blood sugar test prescribed to check for persistent dry mouth. If frequent urination and thirst are added to the lack of saliva, be sure to consult a doctor to check for suspected diabetes.

Less common causes of dry mouth at night are the following conditions and diseases:

  • a stone blocking the ducts of the salivary gland;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • constant use of rinses containing alcohol;
  • anorexia, bulimia (appetite problems);
  • hormonal imbalances during pregnancy;
  • an infection affecting the salivary glands.


Lack of saliva causes discomfort and provokes pathological changes in the mucous membrane. A minimum of fluid in the mouth is no less irritating than excessive salivation.

Main patient complaints:

  • poorly healing wounds, traumatic injuries;
  • inflammatory processes of gum tissue, redness, slight swelling;
  • the appearance of carious cavities;
  • formation of erosions, ulcers, oral candidiasis;
  • burning of throat, tongue;
  • coughing attacks;
  • chapped lips, “jams” in the corners of the mouth;
  • putrid odor from the mouth.


Who should I contact if I have frequent dry mouth? Make your first visit to a dental surgeon.

The specialist will check whether the salivary glands are working correctly, determine the volume of liquid, and evaluate the viscosity and transparency of the secretions. After examination, stones in the ducts and infection of the salivary glands are often discovered.

The highest qualifications are those who practice maxillofacial surgeons in hospitals, rather than in outpatient clinics. If the problem is caused not only by the condition of the salivary glands or stones in the ducts, the jaw surgeon will prescribe an additional examination.

To clarify the diagnosis and identify underlying diseases, laboratory tests are required:

  • blood for sugar;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • blood chemistry.

Important! Consultation with a gastroenterologist, ENT doctor, or dentist is required. If autoimmune pathologies are suspected, a visit to an immunologist is recommended.

Methods and rules of treatment

After clarifying the diagnosis, general and local treatment is required, taking into account the identified pathologies. Eliminating the causes that interfere with the normal functioning of the salivary glands is a prerequisite for successful therapy.

The prognosis depends on the pathology or condition that provoked the unpleasant symptom.

General therapy


  • severe autoimmune diseases require symptomatic therapy to normalize quality of life. It is impossible to completely get rid of autoimmune pathologies;
  • if increased dryness of the mucous membranes develops at night due to human fault/in diseases that respond well to treatment, the harmful factor will first have to be eliminated. If your nose is stuffy, consult an ENT doctor;
  • If you have dry mouth during pregnancy, women should not take most medications. Symptomatic treatment in the oral cavity will help;
  • Avoid alcohol rinses. For hygiene measures, use formulations without irritating components, herbal decoctions. The popular one gives a good effect for fresh breath and the fight against putrefactive bacteria. Choose the Basic series without alcohol (Strong Teeth, Healthy Gums or Total Care);
  • Is the malfunction of the salivary glands caused by the ducts in which the stone is found? A dental surgeon will solve the problem. After eliminating the inflammatory process, removing the stone that impedes the passage of fluid, the condition of the oral cavity returns to normal;
  • Has the doctor determined that bitterness and dryness in the mouth, cracks, and redness occur while taking medications? Contact the specialist who prescribed the drug, ask to prescribe an analogue/cancel the composition. Most drugs have good substitutes; choosing a remedy will not be difficult;
  • when diagnosing candidal stomatitis or, timely treatment of the disease is required. It is mandatory to take antifungal medications, treat affected areas with dental gels, and strengthen the immune system. (Read more about stomatitis in children; there is a page about stomatitis in adults).

How to relieve the symptoms of xerostomia

Measures aimed at softening the mucous membrane, eliminating irritation and ulcers will help relieve unpleasant symptoms and dry mouth during sleep. Both natural formulations and pharmaceutical products are recommended.

How to increase salivation:

  • Use chewing gum several times a day. Observe two conditions: the gum must be sugar-free, chew for a short time (2-3 minutes);
  • some dentists advise rinsing your mouth with a decoction of bitter herbs or drinking drops of lemon juice;
  • The drugs Cevimeline or Pilocarpine will help stimulate saliva production.

Important! Take medications, select drops or herbs only after consulting a dentist. Choosing the wrong product can provoke allergies and further dry out damaged tissues.

Moisturizing the mucous membrane:

  • Drink water in small sips throughout the day. In the evening, place a glass of boiled/purified water on your bedside table. If you wake up at night with very dry mucous membranes, drink some liquid;
  • rinses with herbal extracts and mineral components eliminate signs of xerostomia. The product “Bionete with calcium” and the rinse aid “Lakalut Flora” have a good effect. The compositions not only moisturize dry mucous membranes, but also protect against bacterial and fungal infections;
  • toothpaste for sensitive mucous membranes. During hygiene procedures, conventional cleansing compositions sometimes irritate the mucous membranes. Use the Lakalut Flora series paste or Bionete Oral Balanse. The components of special products moisturize mucous membranes, maintain normal acidity levels, and restore microflora.

Folk remedies and recipes

Proven recipes:

  • soda + salt. You will need a liter of boiling water, 1 tsp. natural ingredients. Add 1 tsp to the solution. olive oil. Breathe in the healing steam for 5 minutes;
  • herbal collection Combine lemon balm, chamomile, calendula. Take 1 tsp. collection, pour in a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 15 minutes, slightly heat the liquid to create steam. The duration of the procedure is the same as in recipe No. 1;
  • inhalation with Karavaev balm. An excellent remedy for combating dry mucous membranes. Pour one and a half liters of boiling water into a bowl, add 20 drops of the medicinal composition. Breathe either through your mouth or through your nose. The duration of the procedure is no more than five minutes.

Find out about the benefits and features of a removable bowtie.

A page is written about the beneficial properties and effects of toothpastes with calcium without fluoride.

Read here about using aligners to straighten your teeth.

Some factors that provoke dry mucous membranes are practically impossible to combat (autoimmune pathologies) or impractical (hormonal imbalance during pregnancy). In other cases, simple rules prevent unpleasant symptoms in the oral cavity.

Preventive measures:

  • drinking enough fluids throughout the day;
  • good hygiene of teeth and gums, use of high-quality toothpaste that does not irritate delicate tissues;
  • timely treatment of acute forms of diseases, control of chronic pathologies;
  • prevention of nasal congestion;
  • avoiding the constant use of mouthwashes containing alcohol. Alternate formulations with active and softer properties;
  • consult a doctor in time to cancel (replace) medications that reduce saliva production;
  • do not injure the mucous membranes, prevent infection from entering from unwashed vegetables/fruits, through shared dishes or toothbrushes;
  • During/after courses of radiation to the upper body, visit your dentist to monitor your oral health. With radiation therapy, sometimes not only dry mouth develops, but also a dangerous disease - osteonecrosis (destruction of the jaw bone);
  • Maintain an adequate level of humidity in your living space. Constantly running air conditioning and central heating radiators are one of the reasons for insufficient hydration of the mucous membranes;
  • do not smoke at night, do not drink strong alcohol in the evening, avoid salted/smoked fish during dinner. Unfortunately, patients in dental clinics who complain of cracks, ulcers, and irritation of the mucous membranes often violate these simple recommendations.

If xerostomia occurs frequently during sleep, do not self-medicate. A glass of water will temporarily relieve unpleasant symptoms, but will not solve the problem. Only after examination and identification of the causes of dry tissue in the mouth can complex therapy begin. Visit a dentist or specialists, and you will certainly eliminate the factors that interfere with your normal life.

Find out more interesting information about methods of eliminating dry mouth from the following video:

Dryness of the oral cavity may be caused by an incipient infectious disease. Prolonged thirst, which bothers you at night, can be a symptom of diabetes and other endocrine disorders.

Main causes of dry mouth:

  • Diseases of the nose. If the nasal septum is deviated or polyps are present, nasal breathing is difficult. The patient breathes through his mouth, which causes the mucous membrane to dry out. Your throat feels dry and you feel thirsty.
  • Taking medications. Some medications cause drying of the mucous membranes as a side effect. Most often, dryness is observed while taking antifungal, antihistamine and sedative medications.
  • Infection. Often dry mouth is the first symptom of the onset of acute respiratory viral infection or flu. If you suspect you are sick, rinse your nose immediately. This way you can prevent the development of the disease.
  • Endocrine diseases. If you have diabetes or Parkinson's disease, dry mouth is quite common. This is due to improper functioning of the salivary glands, which produce secretions in insufficient quantities.
  • Head surgeries. Surgical interventions can disrupt the functioning of the salivary glands or damage the nerves that are responsible for producing secretions.
  • Dehydration. With heavy sweating and lacrimation, the glands may produce very little saliva. After drinking water, the amount of saliva increases.

Signs of dry mouth

Typically, xerostomia is not the only symptom. Very often, drying out of the oral mucosa is preceded by several conditions. Observe your feelings, as a detailed description of the symptoms will allow the doctor to make the correct diagnosis.

Signs of dry mouth:

  1. Thirst, frequent urination. This indicates that the body is losing moisture. You need to try to drink more, and not water, but Regidron solution. After all, salts that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body are washed out along with water.
  2. Dry throat and nose. Together with dry mouth, these symptoms may indicate a cold or acute viral infection. When a virus enters the body, it primarily affects the nasopharynx and oral cavity.
  3. Cracks in the corners of the mouth, bright lip contour. When you have a dry mouth, your lips often dry out, which causes cracks to appear. Seizures often occur when the immune system is weakened due to the proliferation of streptococci.
  4. Burning and dry tongue. The tongue turns red from lack of moisture. In addition, there may be a feeling of itching and burning.
  5. . When the mucous membranes of the mouth dry out, an unpleasant odor may appear due to the proliferation of pathogenic microflora and putrefactive bacteria.
  6. Hoarseness of voice. Due to the drying out of the ligaments, the voice may become quieter or disappear altogether.

Features of the treatment of dry mouth

There are many ways to get rid of xerostomia. If this is a symptom of some kind of illness, then it is worth curing the disease. Only after this the dryness will disappear.

Treatment of dry mouth with folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers a lot of recipes that will help increase saliva production and prevent drying out of the mucous membranes. Most often, herbal decoctions and juices of medicinal plants are used.

Traditional recipes against dry mouth:

  • Wormwood and calendula. Gargling with wormwood and calendula is very useful. It is necessary to pour 25 drops of wormwood or calendula tincture into a glass of boiled and cooled water. You can use herbal tinctures in equal quantities at the same time. Rinse your mouth with the prepared liquid three times a day before meals. It is necessary not to eat after rinsing for 20-25 minutes.
  • Vegetable oils. They envelop the mucous membrane and reduce the evaporation of saliva. To get rid of dryness, wipe your mouth with cotton wool soaked in olive or sunflower oil. You can put a little product in your mouth and rinse for 2-3 minutes. Spit out the oil. Repeat the procedure after meals three times a day.
  • Collection of herbs. For this remedy you will need chamomile flowers, sage and calamus root. These plants need to be brewed separately with boiling water. For 230 ml of boiling water you need 10 g of herb. When the decoctions have cooled a little, they should be strained and rinsed the cavity one by one. That is, before breakfast with chamomile, before lunch with sage, and before dinner with tincture of calamus root.
  • Rosehip and eucalyptus oil. You can buy them at any pharmacy. Eucalyptus oil is sold under the name Chlorophyllipt, which is a green, viscous liquid. To treat dry mouth, you should immediately drip your nose with rosehip oil, and after 15 minutes with Chlorophyllipt. Use the oils three times a day for a week. Chlorophyllipt is famous for its bactericidal properties, and rosehip oil stimulates the salivary glands.
  • . Eat 100 g of fresh berries per day. If it's not the season, you can use dry ones. A handful of blueberries should be poured with 250 ml of boiling water and kept in a thermos for 5 hours. When the berries become soft, you need to eat them and drink the broth.
  • Mint. This plant is suitable for diabetes and partial blockage of the salivary glands. It is necessary to chew several mint leaves throughout the day. Try to do this a third of an hour before meals.
  • Aloe. To treat dry mouth, rinse your mouth three times a day. Do I need to take it for one rinse? part of a glass of juice. After this, it is advisable not to eat food for 1 hour.
  • Grape seed oil. Before going to bed, apply a little oil to cotton wool and lubricate your tongue and cheeks with the swab. After sleep, rinse your mouth with clean boiled water and brush your teeth as usual.
  • Cardamom. This remedy is used to eliminate dry mouth in Eastern countries. It is necessary to chew a cardamom pod after every meal. After this, do not rinse your mouth for 1 hour.

Treating dry mouth with medications

Now on the shelves in pharmacies there are quite a large number of drugs that stimulate the production of saliva or replace it. Stimulants used in radiation therapy and blockage of salivary ducts have shown good results. Tablet medications are mainly used in cancer patients to relieve symptoms. In other cases, it is better to use gels and sprays that increase salivation.

Review of medications for the treatment of dry mouth:

  1. Pilocarpine. This drug was first used for Sjögren's disease. The substance stimulates the functioning of the salivary and sweat glands. Accordingly, sweating may increase. The drug is taken three times a day, 5 mg. The maximum daily dose is 30 mg. Treatment is continued until the body is completely restored. The drug is a stimulant, but does not solve the problem, but only relieves the symptom. After its withdrawal, the oral mucosa may dry out again.
  2. Cevimelin. This is a drug based on civimeline hydrochloride. This is an analogue of Evoxac, which costs much less. The medicine also does not cure, but only reduces the symptoms by increasing the secretion of saliva. As it increases, more sweat is produced. While taking the drug, you should drink a lot of water so that the loss of fluid does not affect the functioning of the kidneys.
  3. . This is a medicinal gel that is applied to the mucous membrane and increases saliva production by 200%. The drug contains chitosan, betaine, xylitol and olive oil. Prolongs the effect of toothpaste and prevents drying out of the mucous membranes of the mouth. The drug does not contain alcohol or sugar, so it can be safely used to increase the amount of saliva in diabetes mellitus.
  4. Bioxtra spray. This is a spray that contains antibacterial salivary enzymes, xylitol and monosodium phosphate. Used for dry mouth syndrome. Antibacterial components of saliva prevent the formation of caries. The spray forms a thin film on the surface that prevents saliva from drying out. You can use the product as much as you like.
  5. Hyposalix. This is a drug based on several salts. The spray replaces natural saliva and improves the patient's condition during keratomy. Contains potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium chlorides. It has a salty taste and prevents the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity due to the lack of saliva.
  6. Fluocal gel. Contains fluoride and prevents the development of caries. Increases salivation. The gel is used to lubricate the oral mucosa. After it is absorbed, a thin film forms on the surface of the teeth and the mucous membrane of the mouth. It prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and the evaporation of saliva.
  7. Biotene. This gel is able to moisturize the oral cavity for a long time and prevent the evaporation of saliva. The composition of the product is significantly different from the previous ones. The basis of the medicine is silicones and polymers. They envelop the mucous membranes and help eliminate dryness. In addition, the product contains vitamins and chitosan.
  8. Listerine. This is a regular mouthwash with mint and chamomile extracts. Prescribed to reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth and prevent the development of caries. The substances in the mouthwash are excellent at combating dry mouth.

If xerostomia is caused by excessive physical exertion and summer heat, then there is no need to take medications. It is enough to adjust your diet and follow certain recommendations that will help increase the amount of saliva.
  • Drink plenty of water. Do not replace clean water with carbonated drinks. You need more than 2 liters of clean liquid per day. Drink a glass of it in small sips. It is necessary that the intervals between water intakes be approximately the same.
  • Reduce your sugar intake. Sugar causes dry mouth, so avoid sweetening your tea and coffee. Reduce your consumption of sweets and confectionery.
  • Choose alcohol-free rinses. Alcohol dries out the mucous membrane of the mouth and reduces saliva production.
  • Use chapstick. This will prevent the mucous membrane of the mouth from drying out and eliminate cracks in the lips. This in turn will prevent the development of streptoderma.
  • Eat sugar-free candies and chewing gums. They promote salivation, which prevents the mouth from drying out.
  • Drink dairy products. Be sure to include kefir, fermented baked milk and yogurt in your diet. These drinks are a source of electrolytes. They prevent dehydration of the body.
  • Place a humidifier in the room. If the air in the room is humid, this will facilitate nasal breathing and prevent drying out of the oral mucosa.
  • Breathe steam once a day. This is necessary to moisturize the nasal passages. It is also helpful to rinse your nose with salt water. This will make breathing through your nose easier and prevent your saliva from drying out.
  • Eat vegetables and fruits during snacks. Replace sandwiches and fast food with vegetables that contain a lot of water. Celery and cucumber are ideal. It's good to eat watermelon.
How to get rid of dry mouth - watch the video:

Dry mouth is not a completely harmless problem. It may be a symptom of a serious illness such as diabetes or cancer. Be sure to consult your doctor.