What if you cough up blood? Causes of coughing up blood. Rupture of a bronchial cyst

Judging by your diet, you don’t care about your immune system or your body at all. You are very susceptible to diseases of the lungs and other organs! It's time to love yourself and start improving. It is urgent to adjust your diet, to minimize fatty, starchy, sweet and alcoholic foods. Eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products. Nourish your body by taking vitamins and drinking more water(precisely purified, mineral). Strengthen your body and reduce the amount of stress in your life.

  • You are susceptible to moderate lung diseases.

    So far it’s good, but if you don’t start taking care of her more carefully, then diseases of the lungs and other organs won’t keep you waiting (if the prerequisites haven’t already existed). And frequent colds, intestinal problems and other “delights” of life and accompany weak immunity. You should think about your diet, minimize fatty, flour, sweets and alcohol. Eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products. To nourish the body by taking vitamins, do not forget that you need to drink a lot of water (precisely purified, mineral water). Strengthen your body, reduce the amount of stress in your life, think more positively and your immune system will be strong for many years to come.

  • Congratulations! Keep it up!

    Do you care about your nutrition, health and immune system. Keep up the good work and there will be more problems with your lungs and health in general. long years will not disturb you. Don't forget that this is mainly due to the fact that you eat right and lead healthy image life. Eat proper and healthy foods (fruits, vegetables, fermented milk products), do not forget to use a large number of purified water, harden your body, think positively. Just love yourself and your body, take care of it and it will definitely reciprocate your feelings.

  • Under the phlegm medical workers imply the presence of a secretion that is secreted by the bronchi with admixtures of saliva and the contents of the sinuses and nasal cavity. Normally, this exudate is mucous and transparent, there is not much of it, it is released only in the morning from people who live in dry air conditions, work in dusty industries or smoke.

    In such cases, it is tracheobronchial secretion, and not bronchial sputum. In case of development of pathologies, sputum may be mixed with: pus, which accumulates in the respiratory tract if there is bacterial inflammation, blood, when vascular damage occurs on the way from the nose to the bronchi, or mucus if there is inflammatory process non-bacterial origin. This content may also take on a more or less viscous consistency.

    Pathological processes as the cause of the accumulation of sputum in the throat in the absence of a cough are usually localized from the nasopharynx, where the contents of the sinuses drain, to the trachea. If the pathology affects deeper structures: lung tissue, bronchi, trachea, sputum production will be accompanied by a cough (for children younger age An analogue of coughing can be vomiting with an abundance of mucus or other impurities). Pneumonia and bronchitis may occur without a cough, but in such cases sputum will not bother you.

    When sputum production is normal

    The mucous membrane of the bronchi consists of cells that have cilia on their surface - microtubules that are capable of movement (the norm is upward towards the trachea). Between the ciliated cells are small glands, namely goblet cells. There are 4 times fewer of them than ciliated cells, but they are arranged in such a way that after every 4 ciliated cells there is one goblet cell: there are also areas of tissue that are represented only by one or another type of cell. Glandular cells completely absent in bronchioles and bronchi. Ciliated and goblet cells have common name– mucociliary apparatus, while the process of mucus moving through the bronchi and trachea is called mucociliary clearance.

    The mucus secreted by goblet cells forms the basis of sputum. It is necessary in order to remove particles of dust and microbes from the bronchi, which, due to their microscopic size, were not stopped by the cilia present in the throat and nose.

    The vessels are tightly adjacent to the mucous membrane of the bronchi. From them are derived immune cells, which control the absence of foreign particles in the air flow going to the lungs. Also, some immune cells are present in the mucous membrane. Their function is identical.

    Therefore, tracheobronchial secretion or, more generally, sputum is present normally, since without it the bronchi would be covered with impurities and soot from the inside and would be in a state of constant inflammation. The amount of sputum ranges from 10 to 100 ml in 24 hours. It may contain a small number of leukocyte cells, but neither lung tissue fibers nor atypical cells, no bacteria should be detected in it. The secretion forms gradually, slowly, and upon reaching the oropharynx healthy man swallows this minimal amount mucous mass without noticing it at all.

    Why can there be phlegm in the throat if there is no cough?

    This occurs as a result of increased secretion of this exudate or disruption of the process of its elimination. Reasons similar condition quite a bit of. Here are some of them:

      Work in enterprises that are associated with increased level contamination of the air mixture with particles of coal and silicates.

      Irritation of the throat by hot, spicy or cold foods, or smoking can provoke the feeling of phlegm without coughing. In such cases, deterioration in breathing, malaise and other symptoms are absent.

    • Acute sinusitis. The main symptom is headache, increased body temperature, deterioration of the condition, and the release of a significant amount of snot. Such symptoms are dominant.

      Pharyngo-laryngeal reflux. Rejection of throat contents mixed with stomach ingredients that do not have intense acidic environment, closer to the area windpipe. Other symptoms include cough and sore throat.

      Chronic tonsillitis. A person suffers from an abundance of phlegm, unpleasant odor from the mouth, whitish masses may be visible on the tonsils, which, with certain movements of the jaw, can separate and have an unpleasant odor. The throat does not bother you, but the temperature may rise, but within 37-37.5 degrees.

      Chronic sinusitis. In most cases, this particular pathology is described as phlegm in the throat in the absence of a cough. It manifests itself as difficulty in nasal breathing, fatigue, and deterioration of the sense of smell. A significant amount of thick sputum is secreted from the sinuses into the pharynx, the process is continuous.

      Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis. The main symptom is difficulty in nasal breathing, one half of it, as a result the person suffers from headaches due to nasal congestion. There is also a deterioration in taste and smell, and a slight nasal tone develops. The discharge begins to accumulate in the throat and is released out.

      Chronic catarrhal rhinitis. In addition to exacerbation, the nose begins to become blocked in the cold and only one half of it; in some cases, a small amount of mucous discharge may be released from the nose. When the pathology worsens, thick snot which create a feeling of phlegm in the throat.

      Sjögren's syndrome. The syndrome is accompanied by a decrease in saliva secretion, which, coupled with dry mouth, leads to a feeling of accumulation of phlegm in the throat.

      Pharyngitis. Phlegm in the throat develops against the background of pain or soreness. In most cases, the sum of such sensations provokes the development of a cough, which is quite dry or with the release of a small amount of sputum.

      Vasomotor rhinitis. In this case, the person periodically suffers from sneezing attacks, which develop against the background of itching in the nose, pharynx or mouth. Nasal breathing may be periodically difficult, discharge into the pharyngeal cavity or out of the nose liquid mucus. Such attacks are associated with sleep and can develop as a result of changes in air temperature, increased blood pressure, emotional stress, spicy food, overwork.

    Color of sputum in the absence of cough

    This criterion allows us to suspect:

      in the presence of white mucous sputum, we can talk about the presence fungal tonsillitis, often candidiasis;

      white, streaked, transparent sputum may indicate the presence of chronic catarrhal pharyngitis;

      if the sputum is yellow and there is no cough, this indicates the presence of a purulent process in the upper respiratory tract (laryngitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis).

    If phlegm is felt only in the morning

    Sputum production in the morning may indicate:

      Reflux esophagitis is the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus and throat. In such cases, there is weakness of the orbicularis muscle, which acts as a shut-off valve to prevent food from entering the stomach back into the esophagus. This pathology is usually accompanied by heartburn that occurs when taken after eating. horizontal position, or periodic belching of sour contents or air. When developing during pregnancy and having constant heartburn the symptom may be associated with compression of organs abdominal cavity an enlarged uterus.

      Development in young children indicates the presence of adenoids. In such cases, breathing through the nose is disrupted, the child begins to breathe through the mouth, but there are no signs of acute respiratory infections or fever.

      Occurring against the background of heart pathologies may indicate decompensation of the disease, the presence of congestion in the lungs.

      Developing in the autumn-spring period, it indicates bronchiectasis. Other symptoms include fever and malaise. In summer and winter, a person feels relatively good.

      It may be the first sign of the development of acute bronchitis. In such cases, an increase in body temperature, weakness, and loss of appetite are noted.

      Evidence of chronic bronchitis. In such cases, the sputum is mucopurulent in nature (yellow-green or yellow), there is a low temperature, and weakness.

      Chronic sinusitis. Symptoms: mucus in the throat, impaired sense of smell up to complete absence perception of odors, difficulty in nasal breathing.

    Sputum when coughing

    If the patient notes that sputum begins to be released with the appearance of a cough, this indicates the presence of a disease of the lungs, bronchi, and trachea. Such a pathology can be chronic or acute, tumor, allergic, inflammatory or stagnant. It is not possible to make a diagnosis based solely on the presence of sputum: it is necessary to perform an examination, listen to sounds in the lungs, X-ray of the lungs or CT scan, sputum tests - bacteriological and general.

    The color of sputum, smell and consistency can set the direction in the search for a diagnosis, but this is only an indirect assumption.

    Color of sputum when coughing

    If you cough up phlegm yellow color , this may indicate:

      The presence of a significant number of eosinophils in the bronchial and pulmonary tissues, which indicates eosinophilic pneumonia (the color of the sputum is similar to the color of a canary).

      Purulent process: pneumonia, acute bronchitis. Such states can be distinguished only by the results instrumental studies(computed tomography or x-ray), since the clinical picture of the pathologies is identical.

      Sinusitis. Malaise is also noted here, headache, separation of sputum and yellow snot of a mucopurulent nature, nasal breathing is also significantly difficult.

      Ocher-colored sputum (a shade of yellow) indicates the development of siderosis, a pathology that occurs in people working in dusty industries, and such dust contains a significant amount of iron oxides. With this pathology, besides cough, there are no other symptoms.

      Liquid yellow sputum with a small amount of mucus, which begins to separate against the background of yellowness of the skin (when the biliary tract, with cirrhosis of the liver or hepatitis, liver tumors), indicates that in pathological process the lungs were involved.

    Sputum is yellow-green in color appears when:

    If you cough up rust-colored phlegm, this indicates injury to the vessels in the respiratory tract, but the blood on the way to the oral cavity managed to oxidize, hemoglobin turned into hematin. This symptom may be present if:

      thromboembolism pulmonary artery(TELA);

      pneumonia, in which viral or purulent inflammation begins to melt lung tissue and leads to damage to blood vessels, clinical picture: lack of appetite, vomiting, weakness, shortness of breath, fever, in some cases diarrhea;

      severe cough - in such cases there are rust-colored streaks in the sputum, which disappear on their own after 1-2 days.

    Coughing up brown mucus also indicates the presence of oxidized (“old”) blood in the respiratory tract:

      Tuberculosis. A prolonged dry cough, weight loss, lack of appetite, sweating (especially at night), and weakness are also noted.

      Lungs' cancer. Disease for a long time flows unnoticed, coughing attacks gradually begin to occur. A person suddenly begins to lose weight, breathing becomes more difficult every day, and sweating appears at night.

      Pneumoconiosis is a disease that occurs from exposure to industrial (silica, coal and coal) dust. Characteristic symptoms are first a dry cough, chest pain. Gradually bronchitis turns into chronic stage, pneumonia often develops.

      Gangrene of the lung. A significant deterioration in general condition comes to the fore: high fever, vomiting, clouding of consciousness, weakness. Sputum has not only Brown color, but also a putrid smell.

      If such, usually congenital, formations as bullae (cavities with air) were present in the lungs. In cases where such a bulla lies close to the bronchus and ruptures, brown sputum begins to separate. If air also enters the pleural cavity, the pathology will be accompanied by a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath, which increases. During bulla rupture, pain in the sternum is noted, while the affected half of the chest does not participate in breathing.

    Sputum ranges in color from light green to dark green- this indicates that a fungal or bacterial process is present in the lungs. This:

      Sinusitis (symptoms of pathology are presented above).

      Cystic fibrosis is a disease in which almost all the secretions produced by the glands become too viscous, are poorly excreted and suppurate. The pathology is characterized by a lag in body weight and height, frequent inflammations pancreas and pneumonia. Without the use of enzymes and compliance special diet such patients are at risk of dying from complications of pneumonia.

      Actinomycosis process. In such cases, mucopurulent greenish sputum is coughed up, malaise and a prolonged increase in body temperature are also noted.

      Bronchiectasis. Chronic pathology, which is associated with dilation of the bronchi. The course is characterized by periods of exacerbation and remissions. At the moment of exacerbation in the morning and after lying on the stomach, it begins to go away. purulent sputum(yellow-green, green). The body temperature rises, the person suffers from malaise.

      Gangrene or lung abscess. The symptoms of these pathologies are similar (if we talk about an acute abscess and not a chronic one, in which the clinical picture is rather blurred). This is chest pain, shortness of breath, malaise, severe weakness, an increase in body temperature to high levels, while antipyretic drugs are not able to reduce it.

    Sputum white typical for:

      Heart pathologies. The color of the sputum is whitish, liquid consistency.

      Bronchial asthma: released after a coughing attack, glassy, ​​thick.

      Lung cancer: The sputum is not only white, but also contains streaks of blood. Also noted fatigue and weight loss.

      Acute respiratory infections: sputum is mucous, foamy or thick, and has a transparent white color.

    Difficult to separate, glassy, ​​transparent sputum typical for bronchial asthma. The pathology is characterized by periods of exacerbations, during which there is difficulty breathing (difficulty in inhaling), wheezing, which can be heard even at a distance, and remissions, when the patient’s condition is satisfactory.

    Diagnosis of sputum by smell and consistency

    In order to evaluate this criterion, you need to expectorate the sputum into a transparent glass container, carry out an immediate assessment, and then remove it, after covering it with a lid, let it brew (there are a number of cases in which the sputum can separate, which will greatly facilitate further diagnosis).

      Vitreous: characteristic of COPD and bronchial asthma.

      Sputum of a mucopurulent nature is released in bronchiectasis, complicated cystic fibrosis, bacterial bronchitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis.

      Foamy pinkish or white sputum is characteristic of pulmonary edema, which accompanies both cardiac pathologies and inflammation of the pancreas, pneumonia, and inhalation gas poisoning.

      Liquid, colorless sputum is characteristic of chronic processes, which develop in the pharynx and trachea.

      Mucous sputum: in most cases, it is separated during ARVI.

    An unpleasant odor is present with a lung abscess complicated by bronchiectasis. For gangrene lung characteristic is a putrid, fetid odor.

    If, after settling, the sputum separates into 2 layers, most likely it is a lung abscess. If there are three such layers (foamy at the top, then liquid, flaky at the bottom), this may indicate the presence of gangrene of the lung.

    Sputum in major diseases

    In tuberculosis, sputum has the following characteristics:

      slimy consistency;

      small volumes (100-500 ml/day);

      later white spots and streaks of yellowish or greenish pus begin to appear;

      if in lung tissue cavities are formed that violate the integrity of the organ, blood streaks begin to appear in the sputum: scarlet or rusty, of varying sizes, up to the opening of pulmonary hemorrhage.

    With bronchitis, the sputum is practically odorless and has a mucopurulent character. If a vessel is damaged, bright scarlet blood streaks are present in the sputum.

    In pneumonia, if there is no purulent fusion of blood vessels, the sputum is mucopurulent in nature, yellow or yellow-green in color. If pneumonia was caused by an influenza virus or a bacterial process covers a large area, the compartments may have a rusty color or contain streaks of scarlet or rusty blood.

    In asthma, sputum is clear, whitish, viscous, and mucous. Separating after a coughing attack, it looks like molten glass, which is why it is called vitreous.

    Algorithm of actions when sputum appears

      Consult your doctor. First you need to see a therapist, then an otolaryngologist or pulmonologist. A referral to these specialists must be made by a physician. In addition, it is necessary to discuss the advisability of submitting sputum for analysis.

      Purchase two sterile containers for donating departments. On the day of delivery, take plenty of warm liquid. After this, on an empty stomach in the morning, do 3 deep breaths and cough up mucus. More sputum needs to be collected in one jar, since it will be examined in a clinical laboratory; for a bacteriological laboratory, less sputum can be collected.

      If the clinical picture of the pathology resembles tuberculosis, sputum delivery to a clinical laboratory, where the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is determined under a microscope, should be done three times.

      Can't start self-treatment. The maximum that can be done is to inhale Berodual (if sputum is separated after coughing), dosage according to age, you can also dissolve the antiseptic Faringosept, Septolete, Strepsils (if there is no cough). Without having information regarding some of the nuances of the disease, for example, that in case of hemoptysis it is impossible to use mucolytics (carbocysteine, ACC), you can significantly harm your own body.

    Blood in sputum occurs in many serious illnesses respiratory tract. In some cases, the causes of morning hemoptysis are not life-threatening, but this symptom should not be ignored, since the risk of complications and serious illnesses is always high. Timely diagnosis and treatment will help avoid serious complications and undesirable consequences.

    Blood in sputum in the morning - warning sign, which may indicate a dangerous lower respiratory tract disease

    In any case, regardless of the seriousness of the causes of hemoptysis, it is necessary to consult a doctor and identify these causes reliably, undergo diagnosis and treatment. Timely appeal Seeing a doctor will not only help you avoid unpleasant consequences, but also in some cases save the life of the patient.

    It is worth paying attention to how much and in what form blood and sputum are released. If hemoptysis occurs not only in the morning, but there is a lot of blood, you need to see a doctor on the same day.

    Blood in sputum in the morning may appear after physiological reasons, but more often this is an alarming sign of a serious illness:

    • Bronchial vessel rupture. With a strong and hysterical cough or overexertion, a vessel in the bronchi may burst. Vessels also become fragile when treated with certain drugs. In this case, there will be little blood, it will disappear on its own in a couple of days.
    • Tuberculosis. With tuberculosis, hemoptysis is very common. This contagious disease, caused by Koch's wand. At first, it just appears hysterical, then the temperature rises and sputum and blood begin to be released. Tuberculosis can be detected using fluorography.
    • Lungs' cancer. One of the most frightening and unwanted reasons the appearance of blood in the sputum. A tumor in the lungs causes shortness of breath, hemoptysis, and weight loss. Lung cancer is considered to be one of the deadliest cancers. The cause of its occurrence in 80% of cases is considered to be addiction to cigarettes. The disease is characterized by high mortality and high speed formation of metastases.
    • Pulmonary infarction. This disease occurs as a result of blood clots forming in the pulmonary veins. With this disease, hemoptysis can be profuse and last for several days. The patient experiences shortness of breath and chest pain.
    • Acute pneumonia. Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs) is not always accompanied by sputum with blood, but when acute form may be observed severe shortness of breath, secretion of sputum that is rusty in color or has small streaks of blood.
    • Lung abscess. An abscess, as is known, is accompanied by a purulent process, so the sputum will have an unpleasant odor and the appearance of pus, but streaks of blood may also be observed.

    It is worth remembering that any hemoptysis is sufficient reason to see a doctor. This in itself is a very alarming symptom, indicating that pulmonary vessels or bronchial tubes are damaged.

    Hemoptysis has its own varieties. But a doctor should monitor him; you should not wait until the amount of blood released increases to seek medical help. When blood appears in sputum:

    • True hemoptysis. True hemoptysis is called hemoptysis, in which blood is released directly from the lungs. Blood appears when coughing along with sputum and is no more than 50 ml.
    • False hemoptysis. In this case, the blood has nothing to do with the lungs. It may appear when coughing, but the source of bleeding will be in the esophagus, nasal or stomach mucosa, or oral cavity.
    • . When bleeding occurs, the amount of blood released is significantly increased. The blood may be scarlet, clear, or mixed with sputum and may be released in quantities of up to 100 ml at a time.
    • Profuse bleeding. With profuse bleeding, blood loss is noticeable. In this case, blood is released in quantities of half a liter or more. In this case, the bronchi fill with blood very quickly, so the likelihood fatal outcome very high.

    Hemoptysis is often accompanied by other symptoms that you should pay attention to. For example, increased body temperature and fever are often signs of infection, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and inflammation in the lungs.

    Also dangerous sign is chest pain due to hemoptysis.

    It can appear in many diseases and indicates damage to lung tissue. Pain occurs with abscess and lung infarction, cancer.It is worth noting the frequency of hemoptysis. If it appears frequently and intensifies, this is a sign of serious damage to the blood vessels and tissues of the lungs. He requires immediate medical attention.

    With hemoptysis, signs of anemia often appear: weakness, pallor, dizziness, drowsiness, increased sweating. Any blood loss is noticeable and undesirable for the body.Another dangerous sign is the appearance of pus in the sputum. If the sputum is white or greenish color, has an unpleasant color and thick consistency, you should immediately consult a doctor.


    Medicines are prescribed only by a doctor after examination. Hemoptysis itself is only a symptom of the disease, and treatment will depend on this disease.If you have hemoptysis, you should contact a therapist, phthisiatrician or oncologist. Most often, the patient turns to a therapist, and after the initial examination, he refers to a more specialized specialist.

    As a rule, treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes of hemoptysis, as well as restoring the normal functioning of the lungs and blood vessels, and preventing asphyxia:

    • Antitussive drugs. Codeine-based medications are often prescribed to suppress the cough reflex. Despite the discharge of sputum, coughing fits cannot be useful in case of bleeding. They further damage and irritate the bronchi and can increase hemoptysis.
    • Plasma replacement. If blood loss is significant, the doctor will prescribe a plasma transfusion to support the body's functioning.
    • Hemostatics. For hemoptysis, hemostatic drugs such as Dicynon and Etamzilate are prescribed. They help stop bleeding, improve blood flow and vascular permeability. For pulmonary hemorrhage, they are often administered intravenously or intramuscularly.
    • Painkillers. With hemoptysis, it often happens pain syndrome, therefore the patient is prescribed painkillers such as Analgin. For severe pain, narcotic drugs are prescribed.
    • . Antibacterial drugs often prescribed for tuberculosis and other diseases caused by bacteria. Treatment of tuberculosis is long and difficult, so strong antibiotics are often prescribed: Streptomycin, Rifabutin, Isoniazid (an anti-tuberculosis drug).
    • Chemotherapy. Antitumor drugs prescribed for lung cancer and other serious diseases in which the risk of tumors is very high. Chemotherapy is carried out in courses and is often difficult to tolerate by patients due to side effects, but for cancer this is the only effective treatment.

    Traditional methods of treatment

    cure folk recipes pulmonary hemorrhage is not possible. They are prescribed by a doctor as complementary therapy, to maintain the functioning of the body.

    The infectious nature of bleeding requires taking medications, so self-medication is not recommended.Any means traditional medicine for hemoptysis should be agreed with a doctor.

    Traditional recipes:

    • Burnet decoction. This plant has antimicrobial and action, helps stop bleeding and restore the body's strength. The decoction is taken in small portions, no more than a tablespoon, but often, up to 7 times a day. It is worth remembering that this herb is contraindicated during pregnancy.
    • Chicory. For treatment, it is better to use not a powder, but a plant in in kind. Chicory has a sedative and anti-inflammatory effect. However, this remedy is not suitable for people with serious illnesses. Chicory thins the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots, but can increase bleeding if used incorrectly.
    • Geranium roots. A decoction of geranium root has an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthens the cardiovascular system. A spoonful of crushed roots is poured with boiling water, infused, cooled and filtered. You need to take a sip every 2 hours. Geranium root should not be used during pregnancy.
    • Radish juice. Radish is not only rich in vitamins, but also has a pronounced antibacterial effect. Radish juice is applied to purulent wounds and ulcers, in case of pulmonary bleeding it is recommended to use it orally.
    • Yarrow. Yarrow infusion helps relieve inflammation and accelerate tissue restoration, destroy pathogenic bacteria. It improves blood clotting and prevents the formation of blood clots. You should drink half a glass of yarrow infusion every half hour during the day.
    • Ice. It's more of a measure emergency assistance, how traditional treatment. Nothing can be cured this way, but you can reduce blood loss until the ambulance arrives. To do this, you either need to dissolve the ice, or simply apply a cold heating pad to your chest and take a semi-lying position.

    Possible complications

    Hemoptysis can lead to various unwanted complications. The severity of the consequences depends on the patient’s condition, diagnosis and stage of the disease. You can talk about complications only after making a diagnosis.

    For example, complications of tuberculosis include spontaneous pneumothorax. It occurs when the integrity of the lung is compromised and air enters the pleural cavity. With a small pneumothorax, the patient is simply observed in the hospital while the air is in pleural cavity will not resolve. With more severe forms required surgery to restore lung function.

    Cardiopulmonary failure is also common in patients with tuberculosis.

    In this condition, the contractility of the heart decreases, and the lungs cannot provide the body with oxygen. The patient has shortness of breath, cyanosis skin, weakness, pain in the right hypochondrium. This condition weakens the body and worsens the patient’s quality of life.

    Pneumonia can also cause various complications. One of them is multiple destruction of the lungs. It occurs with bacterial pneumonia and is accompanied by multiple purulent foci of inflammation in the lungs. At severe course pneumonia, small cavities form in the lungs that can fester.

    Useful video - What causes coughing up blood:

    Some pulmonary diseases accompanied by hemoptysis, may be complicated by pulmonary edema. It's hard and dangerous condition. It can develop gradually and occur at night, or appear abruptly and develop quickly. If swelling develops at lightning speed, it is most often impossible to save the patient. If the swelling develops slowly, it can be removed.

    Pulmonary diseases can be complicated by distress syndrome. Spicy respiratory distress syndrome occurs as a result of pulmonary edema and is accompanied by severe respiratory failure. Due to lack of oxygen, all organs suffer, including the brain. Distress syndrome begins with shortness of breath, increased heart rate, and bleeding, and then an acute lack of air begins, noisy breathing, falls arterial pressure. This serious condition which can lead to coma and death of the patient.

    Coughing up blood during a cold can signal a more serious illness. Sometimes blood streaks or blood may appear in the sputum coughed up when coughing. Hemoptysis is a consequence of injury blood vessels and sometimes has an episodic character. If a cough, accompanied by the presence of blood in the sputum, becomes protracted, this is an alarming symptom and indicates a serious illness. internal organs, most often the lungs or bronchi, less often the gastrointestinal tract. Coughing up blood can also be the result of internal organ injuries.

    If you cough up blood when you cough, it is necessary to analyze associated symptoms, establish the cause of its appearance, the origin of the blood and undergo appropriate treatment.

    Possible causes of coughing up blood

    Why does sputum with blood sometimes appear when you cough? Blood may enter the sputum from different organs, hemoptysis is accompanied by:

    • laryngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, colds and flu;
    • inflammatory diseases of the lungs and bronchi;
    • oncology, lung cancer;
    • gastrointestinal diseases, for example, stomach or duodenal ulcers;
    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • traumatic injuries of the trachea and bronchi of a domestic or surgical nature.

    In diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the amount of blood in the sputum is insignificant, as is the volume of sputum formation; they are accompanied by a sore throat and hoarseness. Gastric bleeding differs from pulmonary bleeding in more dark color blood, the presence of clots, and with pulmonary hemorrhage, the blood may be foamy. Thus, possible causes of hemoptysis can be determined by external characteristics sputum.

    Associated symptoms for various diseases

    Symptoms associated with coughing up blood various diseases lower respiratory tract are different.

    • Bronchitis, acute and chronic, bronchiectasis– frequent and prolonged coughing attacks with an abundance of thick sputum. Coughing with blood during bronchitis is not observed in every patient.
    • Pneumonia– sputum may be rust-colored or contain fresh scarlet blood; hemoptysis with pneumonia is accompanied by general malaise, chest pain, elevated temperature.
    • Lung abscess(a complication of pneumonia) is also accompanied high temperature And severe pain in the chest, the sputum is dark green, purulent, streaked with blood, smelling unpleasant.
    • Tuberculosis– sputum may be uniformly pink or streaked with blood, foamy, but its formation is insignificant. Hemoptysis in tuberculosis is not the only symptom; the disease is accompanied by weakness, excessive sweating and chills.
    • Lung cancer– there may be streaks of blood in the sputum, thread-like inclusions or clots, a burning sensation in the chest, loss of appetite and weight are characteristic. Hemoptysis in lung cancer is quite common.
    • Cardiovascular diseases can lead to stagnation of blood in the lungs; such conditions are accompanied by a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath, and blood may be released when coughing. Hemoptysis in heart failure is uncommon.
    • Embolism (blockage) of the pulmonary artery– hemoptysis is preceded by chest pain, shortness of breath, and decreased blood pressure. May develop after recently transferred operations, at cardiovascular diseases, increased blood clotting.
    • Respiratory cystic fibrosis– conditioned genetic disorder gland activity internal secretion, manifests itself frequently and lingering colds, sputum streaked with blood and pus, viscous.

    Hemoptysis during a cold: diagnosis and treatment

    With a cold, the presence of blood in the coughed up sputum is the result of damage to the small blood vessels of the upper respiratory tract, the bronchi, as a result of coughing tension. Coughs up sputum with blood and when dry, nonproductive cough, because the laryngeal mucosa is injured.

    During a cough that accompanies a cold, blood is released rarely, in small quantities, and this condition is not dangerous. But the frequent presence of streaks of blood in the sputum against the background of a cold should be alarming; this may signal other, more serious diseases, and it is worth undergoing an examination to clarify the cause of the appearance of blood when coughing.

    Emergency first aid

    Emergency care for hemoptysis is not required; it requires urgent intervention; it is treated in the same way as a regular cough; in addition, it is worth taking care to strengthen blood vessels by taking vitamin complexes, ascorutin. First aid for hemoptysis of any nature is to ensure rest, relieve the patient from physical activity and anxiety, and relieve a coughing attack.

    Proven to be effective for colds accompanied by coughing up blood. traditional methods treatment. They help soften the cough and get rid of it quickly.

    • aloe pulp with honey;
    • warm milk, half diluted with alkaline mineral water;
    • tea (decoction) from ginger root with the addition of lemon;
    • breast infusions of herbs that have an expectorant effect;
    • steam inhalations with essential oils or inhalations over potato broth.

    Depending on the nature of the cough and the stage of the disease, pharmaceutical mucolytic and bronchodilator drugs, tablets that relieve sore throat, and syrups that promote sputum removal are used.

    Which doctor should I contact?

    Even common cold is a reason to consult a doctor, especially if the cough is repeatedly accompanied by bleeding.

    • First of all, you should contact therapist, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of colds, RVI, as well as diseases of the bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular systems. He will conduct an examination, prescribe laboratory tests, and based on the results of the examinations, he may recommend an examination by another specialist.
    • If coughing up blood accompanies diseases of the nasopharynx or larynx, you should contact ENT.
    • Colds affecting the bronchi and lungs are also dealt with pulmonologist, he can recommend cough medicines, identify the causative agent of pneumonia and prescribe appropriate treatment.
    • If pulmonary tuberculosis is suspected, a visit to phthisiatrician.
    • Timely diagnosis of cancer will help oncologist.

    Methods for diagnosing and treating hemoptysis

    To accurately diagnose the cause of the appearance of blood when coughing, it is necessary to be examined by the above-mentioned specialists, take a series of laboratory tests and undergo hardware diagnostics. After this, it will be possible to determine why the cough with blood occurred and make a diagnosis.

    • general blood analysis helps to establish the stage of the inflammatory process;
    • sputum analysis used for diagnosing bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis;
    • sweat analysis allows you to diagnose cystic fibrosis, which causes colds;
    • x-ray chest important method diagnosis of pneumonia and lung abscesses, embolism, tuberculosis, cancer;
    • bronchoscopy– examination of the walls of the bronchi – used in the diagnosis of bronchiectasis, oncology and other diseases;
    • CT scan reveals changes in the lungs in detail;
    • if hemoptysis is not accompanied by cold symptoms, methods for diagnosing cardiovascular, gastroenterological diseases, blood clotting are used - ECG, FEGDS, coagulogram.

    Treatment is prescribed in accordance with the diagnostic results. When you have a cold, you need to strengthen your immune system, take anti-inflammatory and antitussive medications. Bacterial bronchitis and pneumonia are treated with antibiotics, tuberculosis with anti-tuberculosis drugs, cancer with chemotherapy or surgery. Surgery may be required for lung abscess or bronchiectasis.

    Hemoptysis and pulmonary hemorrhage

    Blood in the sputum can be a sign of both a cold and early stages dangerous diseases - tuberculosis, malignant tumor. Copious coughing liquid blood, scarlet and foaming, is a sign of pulmonary hemorrhage, which can be life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention.

    Hemoptysis is considered to be the release of up to 50 ml of blood per day, with large volumes we're talking about about bleeding, small, medium or massive. It is not so much blood loss that is dangerous, but the possible leakage of blood into lower sections lung, so before doctors arrive, measures must be taken to prevent it.

    Pulmonary hemorrhage can develop as a complication of bronchiectasis, lung abscess, cancer, tuberculosis and a number of other diseases. Also possible reason are postoperative complications, chest injuries. Bleeding can occur against the background of a long-term illness, accompanied by fever, cough, general weakness, and weight loss. There is a high risk of its occurrence in people who have had tuberculosis. An alarming symptom is hemoptysis soon after bronchoscopy, surgical operation on the lungs, fracture or severe bruise ribs

    Pulmonary hemorrhage is often accompanied by pallor, clammy sweat, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, hypotension, dizziness, and tinnitus.

    For symptoms of pulmonary hemorrhage, it is necessary call immediately ambulance , before her arrival, support the patient in a semi-sitting position and provide him with the opportunity to spit out the coughed up blood so that it does not accumulate inside. Doctors carry out hemostatic therapy, in some cases it is required surgical intervention and replenishment of blood loss, after the elimination of bleeding, the disease that caused it is treated.

    Preventing the appearance of blood in sputum when coughing

    General preventive measures are:

    • healthy lifestyle, moderate physical activity, frequent exposure to fresh air;
    • rational balanced diet a diet rich in vitamins and microelements;
    • strengthening the immune system, hardening, preventing colds;
    • quitting or reducing smoking;
    • visit restrictions crowded places during epidemics of viral diseases;
    • regular Spa treatment for those suffering chronic diseases bronchopulmonary system;
    • treating a cold at its first symptoms, preventing complications;
    • To prevent pulmonary hemorrhage, it is necessary to promptly identify and treat diseases against which it can develop, and control blood clotting.

    In a number of diseases, most often of the respiratory system, a cough may be accompanied by a slight or copious discharge blood - liquid, in the form of small inclusions or clots. If sputum with blood during a cold is observed repeatedly, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination in order to promptly identify complications of the cold, tuberculosis, cancer and other diseases.

    Immediate consultation with a doctor requires the sudden development of a cough with copious discharge of blood. Medical assistance It is also necessary when coughing up blood for several weeks. Treatment of hemoptysis depends on the causes that caused it, and a healthy lifestyle, strengthening the immune system, preventing colds and timely treatment other diseases are the best prevention.

    Hemoptysis, or coughing up blood, can occur with many diseases. Blood can come out with sputum, when coughing, or be present in saliva. Such a symptom often indicates a condition that is dangerous to human life and health. Therefore, if you are coughing up blood, you should visit a doctor for consultation and find out the reasons for its occurrence.

    Coughing up bloody sputum

    The presence of blood in sputum is not always easily determined. It can be in the form of an admixture of fresh scarlet blood, clots, streaks of rusty brown or dark red color. The reasons for this condition can be different - from a simple rupture of a small vessel, which, as a rule, does not pose a danger to human health, to serious illnesses respiratory organs, such as tuberculosis, tumor processes in the lungs, etc.

    If expectoration of sputum with blood occurs once or very rarely, and general state is not violated, there is no danger to health and life. In cases where blood appears in the sputum regularly, the patient feels unwell, and his condition quickly worsens, he should immediately seek medical help.

    Streaks and traces of blood may be present not only in sputum, but also in saliva. This occurs in pathologies such as acute bronchitis, oncological diseases, pneumonia and others.

    Coughing up blood: causes

    Conventionally, all causes of expectoration with blood are divided into several groups:

    • safe;
    • congenital pathologies;
    • frequent, widespread diseases. These include pneumonia, abscess and lung cancer, pulmonary infarction, bronchitis, fungal infections, some pathologies of blood vessels and heart, tuberculosis and others;
    • rare diseases.

    TO safe reasons hemoptysis can be attributed to the rupture of a small vessel in the bronchi. It is also possible that blood may appear in the sputum if there is excessive physical activity, diseases accompanied by attacks of severe hacking cough, taking blood thinning medications and psychological trauma. The blood may appear as small clots or streaks of brown color, a small amount of scarlet blood, or color the entire sputum a rusty brown color. These reasons do not require special treatment, and usually the expectoration of blood goes away.

    There may be other, less common causes of coughing up blood.

    Symptoms of coughing up blood

    Expectoration of blood can be a symptom of many diseases, some of which are dangerous not only to health, but also to human life. Therefore, this phenomenon should be treated carefully.

    Cough, coughing up blood

    Coughing up blood can occur with many illnesses. In such cases it is important diagnostic sign becomes the type and amount of blood in the sputum. A small amount of light blood indicates damage small vessel bronchi, dark color and clots appear with tuberculosis and tumor processes. Coughing up blood is not always a manifestation of respiratory diseases; this symptom can also be observed with stomach bleeding, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    Coughing up blood without coughing

    The appearance of expectoration with blood without coughing may indicate the presence of heart and vascular diseases. The most common of these is cardiac pulmonary edema. With this disease, patients complain of weakness, chest pain, sometimes localized in the heart area, weakness, sputum may be released little by little, while it is foamy and colored pinkish or bright scarlet. This pathology often leads to death.

    Another cause of hemoptysis without cough can be a tear in the aortic wall. Also, this phenomenon often appears after some medical procedures. IN the latter case the amount of blood is small and no special treatment is required.

    In the morning, coughing up blood

    The appearance of expectoration with blood in the morning indicates a long-term systematic disorder normal operation. This condition can occur with pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung tumors and other diseases. There are other possible reasons for this phenomenon. Yes, thick dark blood V small quantity, which can come out with or without a cough, along with mucus and pus, indicates problems with the tonsils or pathologies of the nasopharynx. Also, morning coughing up blood can be caused by diseases such as hemorrhagic diathesis, aneurysm of small vessels, varicose veins veins and others.

    Treatment of coughing up blood

    Treatment for expectoration of blood depends mainly on the reasons that caused its occurrence. Therapy for some diseases involves conservative methods, while others require surgical intervention, and for others, no special treatment is required. Determine what exactly caused the appearance this symptom, the doctor can. To do this, he will analyze all the symptoms, prescribe necessary complex examinations and analyses.