What is tumor decay in lung cancer. Types of cancer and characteristic symptoms. Chemotherapy as a source of destruction

  • Fatigue;
  • Fever;
  1. Infusion therapy to correct acid-base balance - administration of calcium preparations, glucose solution with insulin, aluminum hydroxide with an increase in phosphates in the blood serum, sodium bicarbonate. Perhaps acidosis during tumor decay is the only justified case of the (so notorious) use of soda for cancer, but such treatment should only be carried out by a specialist and under strict control of the acid-base state of the blood.

What does decaying tumors mean?

The diagnosis of a “decaying tumor” is usually made at the fourth stage of cancer, when the malignant tumor begins to decompose and release its decay products into the body. This leads to intoxication, significantly aggravating the patient’s condition, as well as anemia, fever, weakness, loss of appetite and other serious complications.

With locally advanced cancer, tumor ulceration of the skin usually occurs, which during the period of decay is accompanied by tissue necrosis, infection and new extensive bleeding ulcers. This condition significantly complicates the clinical course of cancer and negatively affects the quality of life of patients. In addition, it is very difficult to administer to patients with disintegrating tumors. quality treatment cancer, since the toxic effects of chemotherapy significantly delay the healing process of such ulcers.

Disintegrating tumors of internal organs require immediate hospitalization of the cancer patient.

When the tumor disintegrates, the main treatment becomes symptomatic, aimed at stopping inflammation, bleeding and unpleasant odor from the ulcers. In addition, it is assigned antibacterial therapy– the medicine is selected based on the sensitivity of the microflora to it. As a result, if there is a visible decrease in intoxication, doctors can begin active antitumor treatment. If a patient with an internal disintegrating tumor, without taking iron supplements, experiences black stools or vomit that resembles coffee grounds, an urgent call should be made. ambulance.

Patients with an external disintegrating tumor need to constantly cleanse the ulceration of pus and necrotic tissue with the help of antiseptics. This procedure is carried out with gloves, using saline solution of sodium chloride, 3% hydrogen peroxide or furatsilin solution. Pus can be washed out of the ulcer using a syringe without a needle, directing a stream of antiseptic to the wound under slight pressure.

If the bandage applied to a disintegrating tumor becomes very wet, it should be changed as often as possible to avoid permanent infection.

If a sharp unpleasant odor appears from the wound, you need to treat it with antiseptics and sprinkle it with powder from metronidazole or trichopolum tablets. Since disintegrating tumors are always accompanied by possible bleeding, therefore, when droplets of blood appear on the surface of the ulceration, a hemostatic agent must be applied to it. In case of massive bleeding, apply to the wound hemostatic sponge or multilayer gauze swabs soaked in aminocaproic acid.

Tumor decay - what is it?

Tumor decay: what is it and what causes it?

In some cases, tumor growth stops and damaged cells die. After a while the decay begins of this education. The body is in a hurry to get rid of harmful and unnecessary substances and removes them naturally. In order to avoid too serious consequences, doctors help this process with the help of medications.

The disintegration of a cancerous tumor can occur quite easily when the decay products simply leave the body naturally. The occurrence of wounds is more dangerous. through which purulent contents are released from dead cells. It’s even worse if the cancer was in some internal organ. In such cases, quite serious complications arise.

It is known that in some cases small tumors and the wen disappears, as if by itself. In fact, there is an explainable reason for everything. For example, a person at will or is forced to starve. The body uses as food those cells that do not bring any benefit to it. First, growth slows down, then the tumor dies and finally disintegrates. Along the way, toxins are released into the blood, which are removed first.

If the process occurs as a result of the use of chemicals, and rapid disintegration of the tumor can be observed, its symptoms vary. In some cases, when the tumor is close to the surface of the skin, ulcers and ulcers may appear through which dead cells are removed. Cancerous ulcers become covered with oozing pus. It should be constantly removed, cleaning the wound; after cleaning, the surface is washed with hydrogen peroxide or furatsilin.

A sterile bandage is applied to the cleaned wound, which is changed depending on need. Sometimes you have to do several dressings a day, in other cases one is enough. After the tumor disintegrates, varying numbers of dead cells are released. This depends on the size of the malignancy.

When a person is diagnosed with a malignant tumor, its treatment depends on the size and composition of the tumor. They are trying to remove the larger one, but there is a danger that metastases will remain and the disease will go in a new circle. The remaining degenerated cells are exposed to radiation and chemicals. They do the same with small sore spots. As a result, the tumor disintegrates. Treatment in this case consists of cleaning the resulting wounds and preventing intoxication of the body.

When studying fasting, scientists found that the body easily uses proteins contained in various tumors. Now this phenomenon has not been fully studied, but many people have successfully tried it on themselves. You should imagine what the disintegration of a cancerous tumor is. First of all, this is the death of cancer cells and their removal from the body. It happens that substances formed during decay begin to release toxins. It is advisable that the process be carried out under the supervision of specialists.

When the patient is in the hospital, the doctor will see signs of tumor disintegration - this heat, the appearance of wounds or ulcers. If the tumor is in any internal organ, there are other symptoms. For example, vomiting or diarrhea with a black substance, or bleeding. The specialist will be able to take the necessary measures to help the patient.

Some people believe that fasting can stop cancer growth. This is due to a natural phenomenon that when there is a lack of nutrition, the body first of all begins to use fatty tissue and tumor cells. As a result of refusing food, wen gets in, sometimes miracles happen and more serious formations resolve.

Scientists have found that as a result of treating tumors, mutated cells are destroyed. They must be removed from the body, this happens through the occurrence of various wounds and ulcers, which can be both external and internal.


Tumor decay - what is it?

Tumor disintegration is the process of destruction of a significant number of cancer cells. Lysis of pathological tissues (dissolution of cancer cells and their systems) is the body’s response to the use of cytostatic drugs. At first glance, this reaction may be considered positive effect, but from a medical point of view, this phenomenon is extremely dangerous for the health of a person with cancer.

Causes of tumor collapse and lysis of cancer tissue include:

  1. Chemotherapy treatment of leukemia and lymphoblastomas.
  2. Radiation and cytostatic therapy tumors of internal organs.
  3. In some cases, doctors note spontaneous tumor disintegration ( malignant neoplasm), even before the start of anticancer treatment.

The disintegration of the tumor is manifested by a combination of such symptoms and includes the following signs:

  1. Hyperkalemia is a sharp increase in the amount of potassium in the circulatory system, which can cause sudden cardiac arrest. Very often, during the process of cancer disintegration, patients with cancer experience changes in heart rhythm.
  2. Hyperphosphatemia. The disintegration of an oncological focus may be accompanied by the release of phosphate compounds into the blood. Such patients, as a rule, note regular drowsiness. Some people are more likely to develop seizure symptoms.
  3. Hyperuricemia is a pathological increase in urea content in the blood level. This condition of the body can lead to the development of acute renal failure, which is especially dangerous for the life of a cancer patient.

Before starting anti-cancer procedures, the patient must undergo laboratory testing of blood and urine. Also, during a course of chemotherapy, patients undergo dynamic monitoring of vital signs of the circulatory and urinary systems.

Patients who are at the stage of lysis of a malignant neoplasm are recommended to undergo drip administration of a 45% sodium chloride solution. Reducing the amount of potassium in the blood is achieved in two ways: by moving ions inside the structural components pharmaceutical drugs(glucose, insulin and sodium bicarbonate) and intensive excretion of potassium through the kidneys (furosemide, diacarb and other diuretics).

Treatment methods depending on the concentration of potassium ions in the body’s circulatory system:

  • The potassium level does not exceed 5.5 mEq/L.
  • The level of potassium in the blood is in the range of 5.5-6.0 mEq/L.

In such a clinical situation, in addition to a drip infusion of sodium chloride, the patient is given one and a half doses of furosemide or diacarb.

  • Exceeding the potassium limit (6.0 mEq/L).

In this condition, the cancer patient may experience heart rhythm disturbances in the form of arrhythmia. In this situation, first of all, the patient is given a 10% solution of calcium gluconate in an amount of 10 ml. In parallel, the patient is given a drip infusion of furosemide, insulin and glucose. In case of emergency, a person undergoes hemodialysis.

To date therapeutic measures to prevent the consequences of rapid decay of tumor tissues have been developed in detail and do not require the use of high-tech equipment.

The primary goal of such medical procedures is to prevent the development of acute renal failure. This is achieved by stimulating the renal excretion of potassium, phosphorus and uric acid ions. Such measures are especially relevant for cancer patients with a large volume of malignant tissue. During chemotherapy, patients usually undergo drip administration of isotonic solutions together with diuretic drugs.

It should be noted that in the process of anticancer treatment it is necessary to carry out constant dynamic monitoring of biochemical parameters of the circulatory and urinary systems.

Prevention of the formation of nephropathy is also achieved by stabilizing the alkaline reaction of urine, which is carried out by using infusion solutions of sodium bicarbonate. During such procedures there is high risk formation of insoluble salts in the kidney structures.

In general, the outcome of the decomposition of malignant tissues is considered favorable, provided that adequate preventive procedures are carried out and constant monitoring vital blood indicators. During this period, cancer patients are recommended to stay in the inpatient department of the oncology clinic, where it is possible to provide all necessary emergency medical care.

Tumor disintegration

Destruction of the cancer focus means the death of cancer cells, which are destroyed and release toxins. Tumor disintegration itself is a common phenomenon observed in many patients suffering from cancer. This process further worsens the patient’s condition, poisoning the body with the most harmful products of its metabolism, which ultimately leads to the death of the patient.

The complexity of the situation with tumor disintegration lies in the fact that this process is often caused by the treatment carried out, aimed precisely at the destruction of cancer cells. For this reason, the process of tumor disintegration is considered natural consequence anticancer therapy. It can occur spontaneously or due to the influence of therapy. As a rule, spontaneous destruction is characteristic of neoplasms that have impressive dimensions, because when large size a network of feeding vessels may not have time to form, and a deficiency in tumor nutrition leads to the death of some cells. Malignant tumor formations localized inside the gastric mucosa or in the intestines can be mechanically damaged. Hydrochloric acid and enzymes can damage them.

The death of cancer cells provokes the formation of a syndrome of rapid tumor decay, accompanied by severe intoxication. Which leads to the release of uric acid, as well as its salts. In addition, potassium and phosphates are released. All these components enter the bloodstream, through which they reach various parts of the body. There they damage organs and cause alkaline imbalance. Acidity is created in the blood mass, which has a detrimental effect on the functionality of the kidneys.

If too much uric acid circulates in the blood mass, sooner or later it will cause clogging of the lumens renal tubules. The consequence of such blockage is usually kidney failure. This complication most often affects people who had kidney problems before the onset of cancer.
The release of phosphates from dead cancer cells lowers the concentration of calcium in the blood serum. This phenomenon provokes convulsions and increases drowsiness. In addition, excess potassium is constantly supplied from the cancer focus, which leads to arrhythmia (which in turn can result in death).

In addition to the described metabolites, cancer cells are capable of producing enzymes, as well as other aggressive products. For this reason, tumor disintegration is often complicated by inflammation, infection, damage to a large vessel, which causes heavy bleeding. These complications make treatment more difficult. In addition, it worsens general state. In the absence of timely qualified assistance, such defects are fraught with severe blood loss.

The following signs occur:

Presence of fevers;
nausea, vomiting;
pain discomfort localized in the abdominal area;
rapid loss of initial bodily mass, which can lead to cancer cachexia;
change in the shade of the skin (they become pale, jaundice may appear);
abnormalities in liver function.
It should be remembered that different pathologies may present different symptoms. These will be determined by the type of cancer and the location of the cancer.

Such bleeding is detected by vomiting containing bloody impurities. In addition, tachycardia and a drop in blood pressure may be present.
- the disintegration of a cancer focus localized in the intestine is dangerous because the vessels of the intestinal wall can be damaged. Bleeding may also occur.
- the destructive process of pulmonary cancer formation is dangerous because air can get inside the pleural cavity. In addition, this process is fraught with bleeding. In addition to shortness of breath and pain, the patient may be tormented by a cough, which will produce sputum containing bad smell.
- gastric formations disintegrate only if they have impressive dimensions. When such decay occurs, harmful particles can penetrate directly into the abdominal cavity, causing peritonitis, which is accompanied by inflammatory processes and infectious lesions. In the absence of timely assistance, death may occur.
- with uterine decomposition of the tumor, inflammation occurs, as well as infiltration of nearby tissue structures. Fistulas can form inside the bladder.

First of all, anti-emetic medications, sorbents, and laxatives for constipation are used. If the latter turn out to be useless, special enemas are done to remove feces and reduce the level of intoxication. Infusion treatment will correct the alkaline balance. For this purpose, calcium medications and glucose solutions with insulin are administered. Perhaps acidification is the only therapeutically correct case for using soda. But for proper treatment, such procedures must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. It is imperative to monitor the alkaline state of the blood mass.

Hemodialysis is prescribed for kidney failure. For anemia, iron-containing medications are prescribed. Before starting a chemotherapy course, in order to prevent complications, it is recommended to consume plenty of fluids and undergo rehydration therapy. It is necessary to undergo such therapy for 1-2 days. With effective prevention, doctors give positive prognoses. But it should be remembered that the fundamental condition successful treatment lies in vigilance: both the patient and the doctor.

Tumor disintegration is a fairly common phenomenon and can be observed in most patients with malignant neoplasms. This process leads to an even greater deterioration in the well-being of patients and poisoning of the body harmful products exchange and even the emergence of life-threatening conditions.

Tumor decay means the death of cancer cells, which are destroyed and release toxic metabolic products. Is it good or bad? It’s difficult to answer unequivocally.

On the one hand, against the background of decay, severe intoxication occurs, on the other hand, this is most often the result of treatment, which is designed to destroy cancer cells Therefore, this process can be considered a natural manifestation of antitumor therapy.

However, it must be borne in mind that patients may require emergency care during this period, so constant monitoring in a hospital setting is necessary.

Decay malignant tumor can occur spontaneously or under the influence of specific therapy, as mentioned above. Spontaneously, that is, by itself, the tumor often disintegrates large sizes, since the vessels may simply not keep up with the increase in cell mass, and then a disruption of the blood supply, hypoxia and necrosis is inevitable. Neoplasms located on the skin or in the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines can be injured mechanically by the action of hydrochloric acid and enzymes, so the risk of their destruction is especially high. Some tumors, in particular Burkitt's lymphoma and leukemia, are themselves prone to tumor disintegration, and this must be taken into account when treating such patients.

Necrosis of cancer cells provokes the development of the so-called rapid tumor decay syndrome (tumor lysis syndrome), manifested by severe intoxication. The death of a large number of cells leads to the release of uric acid and its salts, potassium, phosphates, lactic acid derivatives, which enter the bloodstream, spread throughout the body, significantly disrupt the acid-base balance and damage internal organs. A state of acidosis is created in the blood - acidification (lactic acidosis), which, coupled with dehydration, can cause a serious blow to the functioning of the kidneys.

Metabolic changes during the breakdown of a cancerous tumor include:

  • Increased levels of uric acid and its salts in the blood;
  • Increased phosphate concentration and decreased calcium;
  • Hyperkalemia – increased potassium concentration;
  • Acidosis (acidification) of the internal environment of the body.

Typically, the described changes accompany treatment and may persist for several days after the end of chemotherapy.

Circulation in the blood of a significant amount of uric acid and its salts can lead to their closing the lumens of the renal tubules and collecting ducts, which can lead to the development of acute renal failure (ARF). The risk of such changes is especially high in patients who had any kidney disorders before the disease or the start of antitumor therapy. In addition, acidosis and dehydration both promote and aggravate the manifestations of acute renal failure.

The release of phosphates from destroyed cancer cells provokes a decrease in calcium levels in the blood serum, which is accompanied by convulsions and drowsiness, and an increase in potassium coming from the site of tumor growth can lead to cardiac arrhythmias, sometimes fatal.

In addition to these metabolites, cancer cells are capable of secreting enzymes and other aggressive waste products, so the process of decay of tumor tissue can be complicated by inflammation, infection with suppuration, or damage to a large vessel with bleeding. These complications complicate treatment, worsen the well-being of patients and can cause sepsis and severe blood loss.

Symptoms of tumor tissue breakdown vary, but are very similar in most patients. This:

  • Severe weakness, increasing day by day;
  • Fatigue;
  • Fever;
  • Dyspeptic disorders - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, decreased or lack of appetite, stool disorders;
  • If the nervous system is damaged, there may be a disturbance of consciousness up to coma, convulsions, and changes in sensitivity;
  • Arrhythmias, against the background of acute renal failure - often ventricular, cardiac arrest is possible;
  • Progressive weight loss extreme degree which is cancer cachexia (exhaustion);
  • Changes in the skin and mucous membranes - pallor, yellowness, cyanosis with impaired liver function and microcirculation.

For different types of cancer, in addition to the general symptoms described, there may be other signs characteristic of a specific tumor location.

Thus, the disintegration of a breast tumor often serves as a reason for classifying the disease as the fourth stage. Massive cell necrosis, skin involvement, and infection lead to the formation of large and long-term non-healing ulcers, which in most cases prevent the oncologist from starting antitumor therapy as quickly as possible, since the latter can further aggravate the cancerous decay. While the patient is undergoing antibacterial and detoxification therapy, the tumor continues to grow and progress, often leaving no chance for surgical treatment. The issue of treating disintegrating breast tumors is very acute, especially considering the high frequency of late presentations and advanced forms of the disease among women.

Stomach tumors tend to disintegrate when they are large, then there is a high probability of perforation of the organ wall and release of contents into the abdominal cavity - peritonitis. Such peritonitis is accompanied by severe inflammation, infection of the peritoneum with digestive products and can lead to death if the patient is not provided with urgent Care. Another manifestation of the disintegration of a stomach tumor can be massive bleeding, which is manifested by vomiting with blood like “ coffee grounds", weakness, tachycardia, drop in blood pressure, etc.

The disintegration of malignant intestinal tumors is dangerous due to damage to the vessels of the intestinal wall and bleeding, and in the rectum it is possible not only to attach severe inflammation, infection and suppuration, but also the formation of fistula tracts in other pelvic organs (bladder, uterus in women).

The disintegration of a malignant tumor of the lung is fraught with the penetration of air into the pleural cavity (pneumothorax), massive bleeding, and in addition to the usual symptoms of cough, shortness of breath, pain, the discharge of a large amount of fetid sputum of a putrefactive nature is added.

Tumors of the uterus are prone to decay when the tumor size is significant. When cancer cells are destroyed, severe inflammation and infiltration of surrounding tissues occurs, and fistulas are formed in the bladder and rectum, through which the neoplastic process will spread to these organs. The disintegration of cancer of this localization is accompanied by severe intoxication, fever, and widespread inflammation in the pelvis.

Signs of the beginning disintegration of a malignant tumor are always an alarming “bell” that should not be ignored, so any deterioration in the patient’s well-being should be a reason to exclude this dangerous condition. It is especially important to monitor the condition of patients undergoing antitumor treatment.

Treatment of tumor collapse syndrome should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist and in a hospital setting. It includes:

  1. Antiemetic drugs, sorbents, laxatives for constipation, if ineffective - enemas, which not only remove feces, but also help reduce intoxication by metabolic products.
  2. Infusion therapy to correct acid-base balance - administration of calcium preparations, glucose solution with insulin, aluminum hydroxide with an increase in phosphates in the blood serum, sodium bicarbonate. Perhaps acidosis during tumor decay is the only substantiated case of the (so notoriously popular) use of soda for cancer. but such treatment should be carried out only by a specialist and under strict control of the acid-base state of the blood.
  3. Hemodialysis when signs of acute renal failure appear.
  4. Antiarrhythmic therapy for cardiac arrhythmias.
  5. In case of anemia, the administration of iron supplements is indicated.
  6. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, which, in addition to relieving pain, help reduce fever.
  7. Good nutrition and adequate drinking regimen.

Before starting chemotherapy, in order to prevent complications, it is necessary drinking plenty of fluids and rehydration therapy for 24-48 hours.

With adequate prevention of tumor tissue decay syndrome, the prognosis is generally favorable, and hemodialysis in cases of acute renal failure promotes almost complete restoration of renal function. The key to successfully combating this dangerous phenomenon is the vigilance of the patient and constant monitoring by the doctor.


Tumor decay process

Tumor collapse syndrome

Oncological diseases have not yet been thoroughly studied, and sometimes unexpected processes occur in the body caused by cancerous tissue growth. One of them is tumor disintegration, when pathological cells stop growing and begin to be excreted naturally. In some cases this happens in favor of treatment, but sometimes it threatens the life of the patient. Removal of a malignant focus can occur independently or after some medical procedures such as chemotherapy or radiation to tissues.

The most favorable process occurs at the initial stage, when germination to nearby organs has not yet begun, in otherwise tissues separate and spread to neighboring organs, resulting in the formation of secondary tumors or metastases with typical symptoms.

After the decay has begun, the task of oncologists is to speed up this process and make it safe for the patient. For this purpose some medications, antitumor agents, diuretics, diaphoretics.

The disintegration of a malignant focus can occur favorably and easily, without severe symptoms, when cells are released naturally, it is dangerous to release cancer through wounds, when ulcerative skin lesions, purulent bags are formed, or cancer is separated into other organs, which is considered serious complication, can be fatal.

How it happens: symptoms

Tumor disintegration surgery

Disintegrating malignant tissue is a tumor that has stopped growing. When a patient chooses fasting for the purpose of treatment, the body, for the purpose of nutrition, begins to process cells that are not of particular importance to it, and getting rid of them will not cause serious losses. This applies to malignant foci, because at an early stage of the disease, hunger allows a positive effect on treatment, but only when the tumor has stopped its development and the symptoms have stopped. Also, the effect of fasting will depend on the size and location. This occurs most favorably with a small focus of pathology, when it is located closer to the skin.

The main focus is surgically removed, after which there is a risk of metastasis, therefore chemotherapy treatment is prescribed. A tumor that disintegrates most often exits through the skin. The main task for doctors is to clean the ulcerative areas where cancer emerges. At the same time, treatment is carried out to prevent cell intoxication of the body.

What happens after a breakup

After chemotherapy, as well as due to decay, changes in the body may occur, the following symptoms appear:

  • hypochromic anemia;
  • leukocytopenia;
  • toxic liver damage, hepatitis, myocardial damage;
  • mental disorder, followed by suicidal mood, refusal of treatment and food;
  • acute psychosis, other mental disorders;
  • ulcerative manifestations on the skin, metastasis.

Most often, malignant tissue begins to disintegrate after a course of chemotherapy, which is what it is aimed at. There is also causeless, spontaneous disintegration of the cancer process, which is difficult to determine and cannot be predicted before the onset of symptoms. Exposure to antitumor drugs leads to the destruction of pathological tissues, which contributes to dehydration of the body; the effect is the same as after prolonged fasting.

Disintegration is preceded by stopping tumor growth. Why is this happening? When the tumor becomes large, blood vessels can form in it, and oxygen starvation leads to death. This happens for unknown reasons, after which the decay products are absorbed into the blood, and since all toxic substances are eliminated first, the dead cancer cells come out naturally.

A favorable outcome after disintegration depends on the patient’s age, size malignant process, the functioning of the body, the immune system and the approach to treatment. In some cases, this process must not only be left alone, but also prevented with all sorts of options, due to the impossibility of a favorable outcome.

As mentioned above, cancerous decay can be removed naturally or by resorting to surgical treatment. Preference is given to the first option; this is quite reasonable, since elimination through autolysis does not contradict physiological processes body. After fasting, relief of symptoms can be observed, the cancer gradually stops, pain goes away, but the patient experiences discomfort due to damage to the skin or other organ through which pathological cells are released.

If the tumor has a hard consistency, its exit is difficult and fasting alone will not be enough. Therefore, chemotherapy or another treatment option is prescribed in parallel.

Clinically, there were cases when the cancer process, which was observed in a man for about 20 years, resolved after prolonged fasting and there were no cases of relapse. Therefore, there is a need at the present stage to pay attention to this treatment option, which will make it possible to treat cancer even in hopelessly ill patients.

Unfavorable breakdown into the bloodstream may require hemodialysis. But when diagnostics show a risk of decay, prevention is necessary.

Cancer intoxication appears in those people whose cancer has already reached the last stage. It is very important to prevent such a condition, but if it develops, proper treatment may reduce severe symptoms and make the patient’s life easier.


Oncological diseases without treatment or when it is not started in a timely manner always lead to the development of severe, irreversible changes in the body.

A fatal outcome in a person can occur due to the failure of one or more organs, but at the terminal stage of the pathology, another complication arises, potentially life-threatening.

It is directly related to the ongoing cancer process and is a natural feature of the development oncological tumors. We are talking about cancer intoxication.

As is the case with other types of poisoning (poisons, heavy metals, etc.), this type of intoxication leads to multiple organ damage and a severe weakening of the immune defense and the entire body.

There is no special ICD code for cancer intoxication: it is only a set of symptoms inherent in a particular type of tumor, and therefore can vary in intensity, time of appearance, duration, location of cancer, and a person’s age.

The closer the neoplasm is to vital organs, the more difficult the final stages of its development are, but the faster death can occur.

Causes of pathology

As already noted, the immediate cause this complication– disintegration of a malignant tumor, as well as its metastases, which can literally cover the entire body.

Toxic breakdown products accumulate in the blood, lymph, tissues, disrupting all natural metabolic processes.

The process of development of intoxication in oncological pathologies is described below sequentially:

  1. The formation begins to grow uncontrollably and rapidly in size.
  2. The blood supply to the tumor is disrupted, since the rate of appearance of new capillaries (neovascularization) lags behind the rate of growth of the malignant tumor itself.
  3. Due to the lack of feeding vessels, some cancer cells die.
  4. Necrotic tissue disintegrates, penetrating into the bloodstream.
  5. All types of metabolism are disrupted.
  6. First of all, the functioning of the kidneys changes, chronic renal failure occurs, which provokes a further aggravation of the dysfunction of the entire excretory system.
  7. Intoxication intensifies, mineral metabolism is disrupted, which changes the activity of the nervous system and heart.
  8. Further, severe types of anemia develop with massive death of red blood cells.
  9. Death can occur due to failure of vital organs due to poisoning, or from blood poisoning and other septic complications.

Among other things, the reasons for a person’s serious condition may be due to chemotherapy, especially high-dose chemotherapy. Many medications have a cumulative effect, which in one way or another provokes poisoning. But refusing treatment is unlikely to provide long-term relief, because the tumor will continue to grow.

Symptoms of cancer intoxication

The time of onset of clinical signs of cancer intoxication is individual in each case and depends on the type of disease, but, as a rule, it develops this state only in the presence of a large tumor.

The severity of all the symptoms listed below greatly depends on the amount of toxins that have entered the person’s blood, as well as on the presence of infectious complications or bleeding.

Most often, patients with cancer pathologies experience the following symptoms of intoxication from tumor decay:

  • Poor tolerance to any stress
  • A sharp drop in performance
  • Severe weakness
  • Dyspeptic symptoms – nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation
  • Poor reaction to meat foods
  • Loss of appetite or cravings for previously unfamiliar foods
  • Strong weight loss
  • Paleness, yellowness of the skin, “bruises” under the eyes
  • Dry skin
  • Nocturnal hyperhidrosis
  • Low-grade fever
  • Frequent fevers

On the part of the nervous system, the patient may be concerned about:

  • Vestibular disorders (dizziness)
  • Headaches that are clearly localized or widespread
  • Emotional instability
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Sleep disorders

During chemotherapy, the signs of body poisoning initially intensify, as tumor cells die at an accelerated pace and enter the bloodstream. Severe intoxication is also caused by side effect the drugs themselves, because drugs also act destructively on many healthy tissues.


Usually, the state of serious poisoning of the body does not become news to the patient: by this stage the diagnosis has almost always already been made.

But in some clinical cases, when intoxication from oncology begins early (for example, with an aggressively growing tumor), it is possible to carry out primary diagnosis already at stages 3-4 of the disease.

To make a diagnosis, many modern methods are used - laboratory, instrumental.

To determine the underlying pathology and select the necessary treatment methods, CT or MRI, biopsy of the tumor or area of ​​metastases, PET, and scintigraphy may be decisive.

Some types of tumors are easily detected by ultrasound, but an accurate conclusion can be given only after obtaining the results of histological examination.

As for diagnosing cancer intoxication, it is mainly carried out through a series of blood and urine tests.

Since toxins change the ongoing biochemical processes, many tests will have serious deviations (for example, a decrease in red blood cells and hemoglobin, serum iron, an increase in the amount of uric acid, C-reactive protein, leukocytes, ESR, etc.).

How to remove cancer intoxication?

First of all, the patient needs pathogenetic treatment, which will be aimed at eliminating the tumor, therefore, stopping its decay. If possible, surgical removal of the tumor or metastases is performed; in the absence of such, chemotherapy and radiation treatment provide positive results.

Therapy for intoxication itself is symptomatic and therapeutic, and it pursues the following goals:

  1. Removing toxins from the body.
  2. Correction of metabolic disorders.
  3. Reducing the intensity of symptoms that occur during chemotherapy.

Extracorporeal treatment methods - hemosorption, plasmapheresis, which can short time cleanse the blood, reduce intoxication. For renal failure, hemodialysis is used.

Among the medications there are those that have a beneficial effect on a person’s condition and specifically work against unpleasant symptoms:

  1. Antiemetics.
  2. Laxative or strengthening drugs, enemas.
  3. Enterosorbents.
  4. Iron-containing preparations.
  5. Complexes of vitamins and minerals.
  6. Analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  7. Sedatives, antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotics.

During cancer intoxication, it is important to eat well, but not to consume heavy, fatty, unhealthy foods. The diet is dairy-vegetable with the addition of lean meat and fish; menu enrichment with protein shakes is often used. Special functional nutrition is also used for cancer patients.

Some people use it successfully against their severe problem folk remedies– infusion of flax seeds, pine needles, enema with chamomile infusion, with soda.

Prognosis and prevention

Of course, the prognosis for severe or terminal stage cancer cannot be favorable. If intoxication has already taken place, it means that the process is too advanced, and the consequences will be serious.

However, even in the last stages of many cancers, it is possible to extend a person’s life by several months or years, so treatment should be done in any case, without succumbing to a passive attitude and depression.

To prevent cancer intoxication, it is necessary to prevent the disease from progressing to this stage. To do this, it is important to correct all emerging disorders, regularly undergo medical examinations and other routine examinations, eat well, engage in feasible sports, and stop smoking.

Tumor decay: causes, signs, treatment, localization

Tumor disintegration is a fairly common phenomenon and can be observed in most patients with malignant neoplasms. This process leads to an even greater deterioration in the well-being of patients, poisoning of the body with harmful metabolic products, and even the occurrence of life-threatening conditions.

Tumor decay means the death of cancer cells, which are destroyed and release toxic metabolic products. Is it good or bad? It’s difficult to answer unequivocally.

On the one hand, against the background of decay, severe intoxication occurs, on the other hand, this is most often the result of treatment, which is designed to destroy cancer cells, so this process can be considered a natural manifestation of antitumor therapy.

However, it must be borne in mind that patients may require emergency care during this period, so constant monitoring in a hospital setting is necessary.

The disintegration of a malignant tumor can occur spontaneously or under the influence of specific therapy, as mentioned above. Spontaneously, that is, by itself, a large tumor often disintegrates, since the vessels may simply not keep up with the increase in cell mass, and then a disruption of the blood supply, hypoxia and necrosis is inevitable. Neoplasms located on the skin or in the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines can be injured mechanically, by the action of hydrochloric acid and enzymes, so the risk of their destruction is especially high. Some tumors, in particular Burkitt's lymphoma and leukemia, are themselves prone to tumor disintegration, and this must be taken into account when treating such patients.

Necrosis of cancer cells provokes the development of the so-called rapid tumor decay syndrome (tumor lysis syndrome), manifested by severe intoxication. The death of a large number of cells leads to the release of uric acid and its salts, potassium, phosphates, and lactic acid derivatives, which enter the bloodstream, spread throughout the body, significantly disrupt the acid-base balance and damage internal organs. A state of acidosis is created in the blood - acidification (lactic acidosis), which, coupled with dehydration, can cause a serious blow to the functioning of the kidneys.

Metabolic changes during the breakdown of a cancerous tumor include:

  • Increased levels of uric acid and its salts in the blood;
  • Increased phosphate concentration and decreased calcium;
  • Hyperkalemia – increased potassium concentration;
  • Acidosis (acidification) of the internal environment of the body.

Typically, the described changes accompany treatment and may persist for several days after the end of chemotherapy.

Circulation in the blood of a significant amount of uric acid and its salts can lead to their closing the lumens of the renal tubules and collecting ducts, which can lead to the development of acute renal failure (ARF). The risk of such changes is especially high in patients who had any kidney disorders before the disease or the start of antitumor therapy. In addition, acidosis and dehydration both promote and aggravate the manifestations of acute renal failure.

The release of phosphates from destroyed cancer cells provokes a decrease in calcium levels in the blood serum, which is accompanied by convulsions and drowsiness, and an increase in potassium coming from the site of tumor growth can lead to cardiac arrhythmias, sometimes fatal.

In addition to these metabolites, cancer cells are capable of secreting enzymes and other aggressive waste products, so the process of decay of tumor tissue can be complicated by inflammation, infection with suppuration, or damage to a large vessel with bleeding. These complications complicate treatment, worsen the well-being of patients and can cause sepsis and severe blood loss.

Symptoms of the collapse of a malignant tumor

Symptoms of tumor tissue breakdown vary, but are very similar in most patients. This:

  • Severe weakness, increasing day by day;
  • Fatigue;
  • Fever;
  • Dyspeptic disorders - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, decreased or lack of appetite, stool disorders;
  • If the nervous system is damaged, there may be a disturbance of consciousness up to coma, convulsions, and changes in sensitivity;
  • Arrhythmias, against the background of acute renal failure - often ventricular, cardiac arrest is possible;
  • Progressive weight loss, the extreme degree of which is cancer cachexia (exhaustion);
  • Changes in the skin and mucous membranes - pallor, yellowness, cyanosis with impaired liver function and microcirculation.

For different types of cancer, in addition to the general symptoms described, there may be other signs characteristic of a specific tumor location.

Thus, the disintegration of a breast tumor often serves as a reason for classifying the disease as the fourth stage. Massive cell necrosis, skin involvement, and infection lead to the formation of large and long-term non-healing ulcers, which in most cases prevent the oncologist from starting antitumor therapy as quickly as possible, since the latter can further aggravate the cancerous decay. While the patient is undergoing antibacterial and detoxification therapy, the tumor continues to grow and progress, often leaving no chance for surgical treatment. The issue of treating disintegrating breast tumors is very acute, especially considering the high frequency of late presentations and advanced forms of the disease among women.

Stomach tumors tend to disintegrate when they are large, then there is a high probability of perforation of the organ wall and release of contents into the abdominal cavity - peritonitis. Such peritonitis is accompanied by severe inflammation, infection of the peritoneum with digestive products and can lead to death if the patient is not provided with emergency care. Another manifestation of the disintegration of a stomach tumor can be massive bleeding, which is manifested by vomiting with blood like “coffee grounds,” weakness, tachycardia, a drop in blood pressure, etc.

The disintegration of malignant intestinal tumors is dangerous due to damage to the vessels of the intestinal wall and bleeding, and in the rectum not only severe inflammation, infection and suppuration can occur, but also the formation of fistulous tracts in other pelvic organs (bladder, uterus in women).

The disintegration of a malignant tumor of the lung is fraught with the penetration of air into the pleural cavity (pneumothorax), massive bleeding, and in addition to the usual symptoms of cough, shortness of breath, pain, the discharge of a large amount of fetid sputum of a putrefactive nature is added.

Tumors of the uterus are prone to decay when the tumor size is significant. When cancer cells are destroyed, severe inflammation and infiltration of surrounding tissues occurs, and fistulas are formed in the bladder and rectum, through which the neoplastic process will spread to these organs. The disintegration of cancer of this localization is accompanied by severe intoxication, fever, and widespread inflammation in the pelvis.

Signs of the beginning disintegration of a malignant tumor are always an alarming “bell” that should not be ignored, so any deterioration in the patient’s well-being should be a reason to exclude this dangerous condition. It is especially important to monitor the condition of patients undergoing antitumor treatment.

Methods for correcting disorders in tumor decay syndrome

Treatment of tumor collapse syndrome should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist and in a hospital setting. It includes:

  1. Antiemetic drugs, sorbents, laxatives for constipation, if ineffective - enemas, which not only remove feces, but also help reduce intoxication by metabolic products.
  2. Infusion therapy to correct acid-base balance - administration of calcium preparations, glucose solution with insulin, aluminum hydroxide with an increase in phosphates in the blood serum, sodium bicarbonate. Perhaps acidosis during tumor decay is the only justified case of the (so notorious) use of soda for cancer, but such treatment should only be carried out by a specialist and under strict control of the acid-base state of the blood.
  3. Hemodialysis when signs of acute renal failure appear.
  4. Antiarrhythmic therapy for cardiac arrhythmias.
  5. In case of anemia, the administration of iron supplements is indicated.
  6. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, which, in addition to relieving pain, help reduce fever.
  7. Good nutrition and adequate drinking regimen.

Before starting chemotherapy, in order to prevent complications, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids and rehydrate therapy for hours.

With adequate prevention of tumor tissue decay syndrome, the prognosis is generally favorable, and hemodialysis in cases of acute renal failure promotes almost complete restoration of renal function. The key to successfully combating this dangerous phenomenon is the vigilance of the patient and constant monitoring by the doctor.

Everything is clear and well said! It’s just not clear where to get a doctor’s control? They don’t take you to the hospital, the ambulance doesn’t pick you up, you can’t get through to an oncologist for a consultation! From whom exactly can you expect help? We save ourselves...

Free legal advice:

I completely agree with Olga. There are no funds for paid medicine with an individual approach, but free... We come to the appointment with a fistula in the neck (my husband has cancer of the tongue), and they tell us that they have come, how can we help you, the oncologist did not even conduct an examination. What am I doing there, how am I processing it, and most importantly, with what? My own doctor...

Cancer intoxication is a possible cause of death in cancer patients

In advanced stages oncological diseases signs of poisoning of the body appear - this is the so-called cancer intoxication. Let's look at what it is in this article.

Briefly, we can say that this is a complex various symptoms, caused by the progression of the oncological process and the treatment of cancer patients. You can read more details below.

Causes of cancer intoxication

Cancerous tumors grow very quickly, consuming large amounts of proteins, fats and sugars. In this case, the body is deprived of nutrients that are so important for it, and it is depleted. Against this background, the tumor, rapidly increasing in size, is poorly supplied with blood, since the vascular network does not have time to form for it. Hypoxia (lack of oxygen) develops, and the cancerous tissue begins to die. Decomposition products are very toxic to the body.

Tumor destruction also occurs during anticancer treatment - chemotherapy. Sometimes the decay process begins a day or more after a specific exposure. The disintegration of the tumor can also provoke refusal to eat, which is typical for patients suffering from cancer. In this case, the tumor is deprived of nutrients and its cells die. The products of its breakdown penetrate into the bloodstream. Next, they are distributed throughout the body. He is poisoned. The combination of metabolic disorders in the body with the entry of toxic substances into the bloodstream determines the development of a condition such as cancer intoxication.

When a tumor disintegrates in the blood, the following electrolyte and metabolic disturbances occur:

  • an increase in uric acid levels in the blood;
  • increase in potassium content in the blood;
  • increase in phosphate levels in the blood;
  • accumulation of lactic acid (lactic acidosis);
  • decrease in calcium levels in the blood.

Uric acid, potassium, and phosphates enter the blood from destroyed cancer cells. The sedimentation of uric acid crystals in the kidney tubules can result in acute kidney failure. The process is aggravated by dehydration and lactic acidosis. An increase in phosphate levels in the blood is accompanied by a decrease in calcium. Such changes lead to increased nervous excitability and seizures. Calcium phosphate, deposited in the kidneys, also provokes impaired renal function. Excess potassium is dangerous due to the risk of heart failure (rhythm disturbance) and can result in death.

Metabolic products of a decaying tumor damage the membrane structures of cells of (normal) various organs. Fat oxidation occurs. Dangerous particles are formed - free radicals. Due to this, patients suffering from cancer have a tendency to hemolysis (destruction) of red blood cells, and the level of hemoglobin decreases.

The speed of development of the cancer intoxication clinic is influenced by:

  • severity of the patient's condition;
  • intensity of the tumor destruction process;
  • injuries during surgery;
  • features of clinical manifestations of cancer;
  • blood loss;
  • accession of inflammation.

There are other factors that influence the speed of development of cancer intoxication, the symptoms of which will be discussed below.

Symptoms of cancer intoxication

Signs of intoxication in cancer are varied and nonspecific.

Signs of asthenia

  • severe general weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • mental disorders: apathy, irritability, mental instability, depression, sleep disturbance and others.

External changes

  • pale skin;
  • icteric skin (yellow color);
  • cyanosis (bluish tint of the skin);
  • mucous membranes and skin are dry;
  • hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating);
  • weight loss, up to cachexia (severe exhaustion).

Dyspeptic disorders

  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • bowel dysfunction (constipation).

There are other signs of intoxication of the body due to cancer:

  • prolonged fever;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • pain in bones, joints and muscles;
  • susceptibility to infections (against the background of reduced immunity);
  • anemia;
  • arrhythmias (heart rhythm failure);
  • tendency to thrombosis.

Treatment of cancer intoxication

The most important thing that a patient suffering from an advanced form of cancer needs is proper nutrition. Products should be rich in fiber, vitamins, and contain enough proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It is necessary to observe the drinking regime. Such patients can and should eat their favorite foods, with rare exceptions.

The emotional mood is also important. People with such health problems should be surrounded by the care of loved ones.

The volume and intensity of physical activity depend on the patient's condition.

For cancer intoxication, treatment involves the prescription of symptomatic drugs.

  1. Antiemetics: Metoclopramide, Domperidone. If it is impossible to take the drug orally, injections are prescribed.
  2. Laxatives: Lactulose, Senna preparations, Forlax, castor oil, Guttalax, vaseline oil. Bisacodyl can be taken in tablets or as suppositories. You can use suppositories containing glycerin.
  3. Enemas are done when laxatives are ineffective. In addition to mechanical cleansing of the intestines, enemas help remove toxic substances and reduce intoxication.
  4. Sorbents (Polysorb, Enterosgel, Polyphepan, activated carbon).
  5. Iron supplements are prescribed for anemia: Sorbifer Durules, Maltofer, Ferrum Lek. If necessary, injectable forms of iron supplements or Erythropoietin are prescribed.
  6. Painkillers (NSAIDs). Some of them effectively reduce temperature. These are Paracetamol, Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, etc.
  7. Antiarrhythmic drugs are prescribed by a doctor.
  8. Sedative (calming) drugs: Diazepam, Aminazine or Haloperidol.

Presence of severe electrolyte disturbances- indication for hemodialysis.

Prevention of body intoxication in cancer

Preventing cancer intoxication is quite difficult. It is necessary to regularly monitor blood tests: monitor electrolyte levels, liver and kidney function, monitor hemoglobin levels and blood clotting ability. Correct any detected violations in a timely manner. Adequate nutrition, sufficient fluid intake, timely bowel movements, and monitoring the state of cardiac activity also help slow down the development of cancer intoxication. This is especially true when conducting specific cancer therapy.

Cancer intoxication is the cause of death for cancer patients! Its complications are: kidney failure, which develops very quickly, cardiac arrest, thromboembolism, infectious complications, including sepsis. Such patients also die from extreme exhaustion, when all organs simply stop functioning.

That's why timely diagnosis cancer intoxication, and correction of this condition help prolong human life.

Until they begin to implement Dr. Borisov’s method, hundreds of millions more people suffering from cancer will die. My husband is dying from stomach cancer, cancer intoxication has already begun... My impression of the treatment methods in Russia for oncology is that we live in a backward country, almost in the tundra.

My mother died a week ago! Cancer intoxication, kidney cancer. The doctors only prescribed the painkiller Tramodol and said she would die soon! Nothing was prescribed for intoxication. Nobody needs us, neither the state nor the doctors!

My mother died two days ago. Doctors prescribed Cerucal (an antiemetic) in tablets. Mommy drinks it and after 20 minutes all the pills are back. Droppers were placed with ringer's solution. It’s an incomprehensible substance for me, I didn’t see any improvement in my condition, only the pain remained. She asked me to ease the situation, at least somehow. The doctor replied, “What do you want, intoxication,” turned around and left. I don’t wish anyone to watch the torment loved one. She suffered, she was 59 years old, ovarian cancer, intoxication.

Yesterday my mother died too. Conclusion - tumor intoxication. I learned about this intoxication only after my mother’s death. She suffered from lymphocytic leukemia for three years and her condition was supported with the hormone Prednisolone. Everything seemed to be tolerable, but suddenly - intoxication and death within a few hours.

How long do patients with cancer intoxication have to live?

My mother also died from intoxication - skin cancer. All the ambulances that arrived did nothing, threw up their hands and only said - get ready. Nobody takes you to the hospital. The condition is terrible, the person ate (and then persuaded) and everything came back. It was the third day after a course of chemotherapy, and in less than a day the person was gone...

My beloved husband also died from intoxication - intestinal cancer. It’s very scary when a person dear to your heart dies before your eyes, and you can’t help him in any way... He died in severe pain, everything is still in his eyes... I asked him to take him to the hospital, ascites, to pump out the fluid, they said he was okay will not help…

Mommy is dying before our eyes! Severe intoxication. She has been taking morphine for 2 years. In 2009, the breast was removed. And then it turned out that she had metastases in the bones. I have been in terrible pain for 3 years now. Stays for 2 years. In January, the hip bone crumbled (femoral neck fracture) and a terrible bedsore immediately formed. I don't know how to ease her suffering. Doesn't eat anything. He takes a sip of water and immediately vomits.

Mom died a month ago, cancer intoxication from breast cancer. For the last three months I have eaten practically nothing, vomiting was constant. They prescribed tramadol and cerucal (which did not help at all). Was severe cachexia(exhaustion) and against this background huge belly(ascites). Therapists came three times and didn’t even offer to pump out the fluid. No prescriptions (no vitamins, no Ringer's solution, nothing at all), except for veroshpiron and omez... They just checked whether the person who was prescribed tramadol was alive. For six months, not a single test was done (no blood, no urine, nothing)…

It’s very painful to lose a loved one; my mother left us six days ago. I also learned about cancer intoxication after my mother died, the doctors wrote this on the death certificate, they didn’t say anything, they just prescribed tramadol and veroshperon. For the last two days I was suffering from pain, I called an ambulance twice, they came and simply measured my blood pressure and temperature (that’s all they did). All I could do was watch her suffer and cry. Why don’t doctors, knowing about intoxication, say anything, don’t even try to do anything, not even talking about treatment?

Dad passed away 10 days ago. Since the end of January I have become very ill. Tests showed complete destruction of the liver. Apart from tramadol, nothing was prescribed, and a standard set of ketarol and noshpa. They didn’t take me to any hospital. The ambulance doctors just shrugged their shoulders. They said wait. The conclusion of the medical examination was cancer intoxication.

My husband died in December. Cancer intoxication, Hodgkin's lymphoma. I was in the hospital. They treated me, so to speak, with Medrol and Hilak-Forte. He was 37 years old. For two years they could not make a diagnosis. Diagnosed 5 days before death. They sent me from one hospital to another. We played football. I no longer believe in our medicine.

Hello! Please, help with advice... My mother has all the symptoms of intoxication (breast cancer was discovered 3 years ago - the breast was removed), the family doctor also said that intoxication had occurred, but in the hospital to this day no one is treating this specifically, they are looking for some other cause illnesses - pneumonia, bronchitis, etc. Mom is very weak, walks poorly, eats little, her complexion has become gray-yellow... What should I do? Which doctor should I contact? What tests should I take? Thank you very much to everyone who answers!

On March 26, my dad died from intoxication. For two years he was treated for blood clots, which, as it turned out, he did not have. It’s just that my left leg is swollen because the pelvic bone has corroded.

How hard it is to realize that he is not on earth.....

On March 27, my mom died of breast cancer. They were treated for a long time, went through a lot of chemo, but the damned metastases did their job, a month before her death her voice disappeared and she stopped eating normal food, I ate only nutridrink, and the day before my death I stopped understanding what was happening and my pupils did not move and looked at one point, the certificate wrote cancer intoxication. But she left quickly - I almost didn’t have time to go through all the circles of hell in the form of watching my unconscious dying mother for several days.

My husband was diagnosed with left lung cancer in January. Since he was a citizen of Ukraine, we took all tests for a fee. We went to the Blazina Center for a month and waited in line for hours. Finally got a diagnosis. They prescribed 2 courses of chemotherapy. We did it at our place in Odintsovo. After the first dose, it was clear that it was not helping. But no, our doctors just want to steal money. They prescribed a second one 21 days later, it didn’t help either. A third was appointed.

Which we ourselves refused because his condition itself was terrible, he was so weakened. So the doctor was very dissatisfied with the refusal, of course - the money was gone.

I’m not a doctor, but I understood that she was not helping him. Why, the question is, why was it necessary to torture a person? On April 4, he died in my arms with the conclusion of cancer intoxication. What didn’t the doctor know? We took blood and urine tests. Or was that not enough?

Rena, there are no other treatments other than chemotherapy. It is the first choice treatment for all types of cancer. If chemotherapy does not lead to remission, experimental treatment remains. And the point here is not that doctors need money, but that there are no treatment options other than chemotherapy. But intoxication is not treated. Everything described in the article simply has no effect.

There is a spring of silver water in Ingushetia. It was the only thing that helped my mother from intoxication.

My husband is also dying; he has rectal cancer; the hospital said it was cancer intoxication and sent him home. They didn’t prescribe any treatment, they said “get ready.” It is very difficult to watch your dear one pass away and how will you live on? And our healthcare is simply beyond words, just emotions, and who is at the top even sees what he is doing?

We also have a spring with silver in the Tver region. Tver region, Zubtsovsky district, Kurkovo village. I will be glad if this information helps someone.

Yesterday my father-in-law died in intensive care from cancer intoxication. We learned about the disease 2 weeks ago. Stage 2 was set. But the liver was all in metastases. Nothing hurt and my appetite was good. On the day of death there was supposed to be a commission (they wanted to look at the condition in order to do chemotherapy). They dragged him to hospitals, but he was very weak. Apparently they were just stalling for time. Then it got worse, they called an ambulance and took him to intensive care with low blood pressure, and on the 3rd day he was gone (((((

Everyone is so smart, how would you treat if you were a doctor?

My dad died on August 18th! It’s impossible not to convey the pain of loss... but with it came relief that I stopped experiencing severe pain. The death certificate included intoxication and prostate cancer... The doctors fought... but it’s too late... Due to cancer, I got a compression fracture of a vertebra... they treated my back, and then my dad died! But the doctors didn’t tell me what to prepare for! This is the worst pain I've ever had in my entire life! But if they had turned to him in time, they could have saved him! Men are stubborn, and now we are left with eternal mourning...

My mother passed away from breast cancer with metastases to the lungs. I was dying for 18 hours, the most painful hours of my life. Tramadol didn’t help much, she was so painful and ill, she had been gasping for air for the last few hours and gasping for air like a fish thrown ashore.

But understand, when our loved ones leave before us, this is an opportunity for US to go through the path of spiritual growth, to reconsider our life values.

Kryon books and then Bashar’s video/audio recordings (channeling) helped ease my heartache. Do not despair! More opportunities open up before you than you could ever imagine.

It’s very difficult when your loved ones have little left and you can’t help in any way, you would give everything to make your husband feel better, but if he doesn’t, then my half of my heart will die, the condition is very serious, he is tormented, suffering, and it’s doubly hard for you, you know, that the end is soon.

On October 23, my mother passed away, the doctors diagnosed her as intoxication, she passed away quickly without pain. For 3 months we visited doctors, experienced all the delights of our medicine, the rudeness of our doctors is simply amazing. Peter.

My mother left the day before yesterday. Cancer intoxication, thyroid cancer, metastases to the lungs. Only for the last week I have been complaining about muscle pain. She left quickly, the day before and I didn’t think about such an outcome. We treated cancer for 12 years, went for radioiodine therapy, constantly did something, which is probably why we prolonged our life so much. The last time they prescribed Nexavar/Sorbifer, a chemotherapy drug, but since the drug was expensive, they sent me to receive it in Moscow. Mom and I didn’t have time. Rest in peace, dear. Thanks to the doctors, there are still excellent specialists.

We were advised ACD2 - read it on the Internet... It saved many people with oncology.. It is sold in veterinary pharmacies.. Read the story of the creator Dorogov and you will understand everything.

Father died of intoxication, fine cell carcinoma mediastinum with invasion into the lung. They kicked you around in hospitals for 2 months, they couldn’t establish a diagnosis, and then they told you that treatment was not indicated, you should die peacefully at home. With great requests and entreaties, we achieved chemotherapy, but everything was in vain, the tumor only grew. Don’t waste time on chemistry, it helps in 5% of 100% cases and only at stages 1-2, look for alternative methods treatment, rulers around the world are not interested in you living long enough; they need slaves, not pensioners.

I live in Cherkessk. My mother is dying. Kidney intoxication. Can't eat anything. It's been a few days now. If he doesn't eat, he immediately vomits. They will not undertake the operation. I went to the ankology, help me, what should I do? The doctor says call an ambulance. I called, they said that urgently call a doctor at home to be admitted to the hospital, it is necessary to remove the intoxication. The policeman came yesterday. And he states that seriously ill people are not admitted to the hospital. I prescribed Almagel and that’s it. She said wait, they will come and take blood for analysis. That's all. Do whatever you want. And the poor thing kept vomiting, her heart began to ache.

My mom died of colon cancer on October 31st. I agree with the previous comments - no one needs us, especially pensioners... die peacefully at home, rarely will a doctor spend money in vain... as if none of their relatives will get sick... or they can at least help their own...

Father died on March 24; 48 years old small cell cancer lungs; 4 courses of chemotherapy dripping toxic and useless cisplatitis; irradiation was categorically refused due to pericarditis; official chemotherapy did not help with the subsequent verdict that it is inappropriate to continue; Diagnosed in June 2015 and now gone; collapse and that was it, and there was no one at home at that moment; out of breath. I will never forgive the social paradigm in this country as long as I live; after all, statistics; dynamics of treatment in other countries at a higher level; Well, there’s nothing particularly to blame for the treating doctors - they are the same and are treated the same way and die the same way; it's a system; not profitable for the global pharmaceutical industry. industry to release a cure for malignant tumors; expensive drugs(placebo) is a big turnover of money; let them die and waste money on empty treatment; and we treated my father after the refusal and in parallel with the treatment, in short, with what nature gave us - vegetable juices; fruit; herbal decoctions; tinctures; strict diet; yes extended; there were no metastases; the blood count has not changed and is within normal limits; but my heart couldn’t stand another fainting spell and that’s it; after all, the pressure was within normal limits; pulse; but no; it was not given; who smokes, stop smoking; someone gets poisoned until they reach 100 years of age and nothing; sadness; sadness is difficult to accept as it is; time cures.

I lost my mom 4 days ago. We struggled for 6 years, the last 2 years were especially difficult, I lived with her illness, although I had my own family and other problems nearby. Only we, close people, can do something. All the doctors told me that I was prolonging her life. Constant communication with doctors, tests every month, and home ordering laboratory assistants, diet selection, treatment of concomitant diseases. All this should be. Don’t give up, knock on all doors, doctors will advise and help, just be more confident! Don't sit at home, don't cry, we can only help ourselves! And the diagnosis of cancer intoxication in all cancer patients is already the last stage. For some it goes easier and faster, while for others it gets worse. I advise everyone. Make it a rule to do biochemistry, general, and urine tests for yourself and your loved ones once every six months. Everyone, be healthy and don’t complain, but fight!

So my dearest, only, beloved husband passed away, he died of cancer intoxication before my eyes, kissed him for the last time and left, oh God, why, why are you taking such young and very good people, because my husband is not I drank and didn’t smoke, but such an infection was imposed. Damn cancer, how many more people will it take, where are our vaunted scientific inventions, and it’s not beneficial for anyone to treat cancer patients; when we called an ambulance, the paramedic said that for doctors, people with oncology have long been written off. That's it. May you rest in peace, my only and beloved one. I just don’t know how to continue living without you.

My dad is 56 years old and has colon cancer. We are now in intensive care. Kidneys are failing, ascites, water in the lungs. Doesn't eat, constant drowsiness and apathy. Scary. We get treatment for a lot of money. There is no point. So paid doctors are powerless.

Elena, from Cherkessk. Your mother definitely needs antiemetic drugs, she is intoxicated, be sure to give sorbents. Watch your bowel movements, this is very important now. Yes, as sad as it is, our medicine immediately puts cancer patients on the “written off” list, and especially if the person doesn’t have money, they will simply brush it off and that’s it. In general, in my opinion, it is better for your mother to resort to wave therapy. As they say, cheap and cheerful. In your case, she needs it “angrily”, because there is no extra time. I have been doing wave treatment for many years and I consider it the most effective in the fight against cancer precisely at that stage when there is no time to wait for the result, as, for example, when using herbs or poisons. Write to me, I will try to help:

There is a cure for all diseases... even AIDS... when will there be a cure for this inner monster like cancer? Does this medicine really exist - but is it all a secret? Or is it like in the animal world - survival of the fittest? Why don't officials want to help such people?

It so happened that my parents abandoned me and I live with my grandmother. I’m 20, she’s 59... stage 4 cancer, 2 mammary glands were removed... we’ve been fighting for 3 years, but for the last 4 months it’s been blood pressure. In the hospital, after the second operation, they refused to do chemotherapy... we went to another city 8 months later, because there was very severe pain - they only did 2 chemotherapy and sent us home to treat the liver... and now we have been at home for a month... screaming in pain constantly... Tramadol, analgin , papaverine, dexalgin, ketanol - they help for 1 hour, no more... I started injecting her with morphine half a cube... She was completely stupefied... she drank ASD2 6 months ago - the result was that she killed her liver... now we are trying fly agaric... food and juices - constantly. When one thing stops hurting, another begins... basically a horror movie, I'm about to go crazy, I'm completely devoted to it.

After the second course of chemotherapy, my father’s hemoglobin dropped, weakness, temperature rose to 39, and sweating. The doctors prescribed Ferrum Lek and that’s it. We don’t know where to go and what to do next... the doctors shrug their shoulders. Nobody cares about such patients.

Dad passed away on November 15, 2016, they forced me to go to the doctor only in September, I already had cachexia, I went straight to the hospital and was given glucose drops to maintain it, there was no diagnosis, an ultrasound showed a lump in the esophagus. In October, I was again taken away from a doctor’s appointment in an ambulance, hemoglobin was 34. They dripped blood and discharged me, the oncologist told me to get ready, after my persuasion and questions why they weren’t prescribing anything, they prescribed totem and almagel. Dad didn’t eat anything in September and lost 20 kg. On 11.11 they brought my dad to the appointment in my arms, I yelled at the doctor to prescribe a painkiller, even though he didn’t talk about pain, only my lower back and knees were strained. I injected my dad twice, and on the morning of November 15, my dad passed away at 51 years old. I’m exhausted, I can’t easily let go, the feeling of guilt won’t let me go.

For Nadezhda, review from 12/04/2016 at 13:24.

Contact me because I have positive experience in the treatment of oncology, incl. and stage 4, maybe I can help your father.

So my Dad passed away. In 2013, there were pains in the lower abdomen, we went to the doctors - one said prostate, the other said stomach, bile and so on, 7 months passed until they were diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. We had an operation and removed the tumor, the pain did not stop for 4 days after the operation, Dad couldn’t go anywhere, then we insisted that we do the operation again, it turned out that the intestine was sewn together incorrectly, the doctors were idiots and this was in one of the best oncology clinics in Ukraine. Dad slowly began to recover; they did three more chemo treatments, but after 2 months they discovered cancer cells in the blood. We went to Kiev to the Cancer Institute, they said metastases in the liver of the 5th and 6th lobes, we consulted with doctors, to which they said that we can do a liver resection, but there are no guarantees, he says we can cut it, but there the metastases went deep and he won’t live for more than a month , and a large percentage that this is exactly what will happen. We went home deciding not to have a resection. We went there in March 2015, a year later Dad began to slowly get worse, his strength began to fade, his stomach was getting bigger and in September 2016 he no longer went outside. Mom looked after him, so did my sister and I, and then on December 11, 2016 our beloved Dad passed away . Very painful! Very! And the feeling of guilt does not go away, maybe it was necessary to have a resection, well, we didn’t have much money, and for the operation it was necessary only to enter the operating room, plus the operation itself, and it was necessary to call for it or a loan or sell the house. What kind of world is this now? There are scum multi-billionaires sitting around and not allowing the masses to find a cure for this terrible disease! We need to change the world. These creatures profit from our grief.

I heard that plasmapheresis gives good results in the treatment of intoxication. Anyone whose loved ones have gone through it, please respond!



Yesterday morning, a close friend, with whom we had been friends for more than 20 years, died. Stomach cancer stage 4 with metastases was diagnosed in early September. Moreover, before going to the hospital, everything was outwardly normal, there were no particular complaints, but then for two weeks a shadow literally remained about the person. Another month and a half of all sorts of examinations and tests. Weight drops further, constant nausea and vomiting. Food intake was limited to literally two teaspoons of porridge. They put him under laparoscopy and sent him under the supervision of a local therapist. Consider them sentenced. The first instructions from the local therapist were how to choose the right diaper size. At the same time, the man came with his own feet. In general, we realized that there was no help from traditional medicine. We scoured the entire Internet to its fullest depth. They began to use Sytin’s moods, meditation, selected products that do not cause nausea, found medicinal juices and herbs, all kinds of psychological support, paid support droppers... They fought for her life with everyone possible ways! And the man had hope! My eyes lit up, my appetite appeared, my weight stabilized, nausea and vomiting practically stopped, a blush appeared on my face, and my health improved. And so we fought together for more than two months. The condition was stable, the person lived a normal life with his family, and made plans for the New Year. And then something happened for which I cannot find any explanation. The therapist called her... And before our eyes during this conversation, it was as if a light bulb had been turned off. Our Olya lost her face, buried her eyes in the TV and stopped reacting to us. In the morning she didn’t get up anymore... That was three days ago. Tomorrow I’m seeing off my friend on her last journey... What kind of killer doctor is this, who turned out to be capable of killing with a word?... Sorry it’s long. Emotions are running high.

Irina, I sympathize. What did the therapist say to your friend?

My mother-in-law is sick. 4 tbsp. stomach cancer. The stomach was removed. Metastases in the intestines. We completed 1 course of chemistry. There's another one on the way. Very weak, barely eats. Nausea, but vomiting not often. How to increase your appetite? Is it possible to do chemistry in this state? All doctors say different things! I don't understand who to believe.

Anyone reading this, take some advice. My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer and stage 2 stomach cancer, and they cut it all out with a prognosis of six months, and naturally the doctors didn’t say anything and sent her home. There is the Internet and an understanding of the situation - which means stages 1 and 2 are treated, stages 3 and 4 are not, but do not rush to die, if the patient has willpower and a desire to live, then you can make the patient’s life easier and prolong it. There is no need to be angry with doctors, there are good ones, and there are stupid ones, and there is also a disease that cannot be cured in its later stages.

Intoxication is relieved by rose hips, soda and cereals, clearing the intestines of the green mucus of cell decay. Don’t believe the wizards, it’s all a scam and all sorts of shark cartilage and silver water do not cure cancer, but give mineral substances to the body, which should be the case, but we eat poison, mivina, sausage, etc., which means cleansing and mineral substances will give a chance to prolong the torment for 2-3 years. Every day apples, tangerines, vegetables and cereals, plus soda, everything is on YouTube. Good luck everyone, don't get sick. My mother and I held out for 4 years with the forecast for six months, now it’s only weeks away from melting. Well, it was a struggle plus her strong willpower and nutrition.

Our father, with colon cancer and liver metastases, is supported by ASD 2, takes diuretics and phospholipids. Lasts about six months. Thanks to ASD, my appetite is good.

My mother has been living with a diagnosis of cancer and multiple metastases for 5 years. And now he’s been completely unconscious for 2 days. There is no reaction to anything, only groans from pain. I take tramadol. We experience horror every day.

If you have a temperature, it’s good, the body fights. My dad’s tumors were almost all gone after one dropper of Keytruda chemotherapy. You only need to bring down very high temperatures.

4 days ago my mother passed away to another world. Stage 4 liver cancer + diabetes, and at the beginning of February of that year they had an operation where everything was cut off - the uterus, part of the intestine (they made an ostomy), part of the bladder... A nightmare. In the summer I still walked on my own, we even rode a two-seater velomobile in the park... even then I understood inside that these were the last such days and I needed to capture them (which is what I did). At first she took Bral, and a bunch of other pills for blood pressure, heart, brain, diabetes... Then she was switched to Tramadol and anti-vomiting pills. Then she was completely switched to insulin (since she had diabetes, and for a long time). The last few months of her life were almost entirely filled with pain and suffering. She stopped walking and was constantly lying down. My father and I changed her diapers, fed her pills, gave her water and food. Later, bedsores began to appear on her bottom - we bought a mattress, which slightly improved her position and prevented the bedsores from progressing. The bedsores themselves were smeared with all sorts of ointments, but everything was not very good. Mom constantly lay on her back and all the urine flowed down to the wound.. In the last days, as everyone writes on the Internet, she lost all her strength, she stopped speaking (she couldn’t even drink water herself)... Her last day went by like a nightmare. .. Already in the morning, instead of a bedsore, necrosis began.. I realized this only later. In the morning I felt something deep inside me, something told me to kiss her, but I was only enough to put my hand on her shoulder and go to work.. A few hours later my father calls and says that she was gone..

I don’t want to write about our medicine, everything has already been said above... I’ll just say that I hate Russia. Burn in hell all those who are responsible for this. Believe me, there are those responsible.

Alexander, losing loved ones is very difficult. It is unbearable to watch them suffer. When a disease is incurable, it is difficult not to fall into despair. Your mother was terminally ill, and she not only had stage 4 liver cancer with metastases, but also a severe form of diabetes, which aggravated the situation and made treatment difficult. Cancer in the 4th stage is incurable and people die from it in terrible agony not only in Russia. Of course, it was very difficult for you and your father, two men, not doctors, to organize proper care for her at home. It would probably be more correct to place her in a hospice (and it would be free, she had every right to do so), there she would be provided with professional care, and you could visit her constantly. It is possible that you think that you have been caught bad doctors, but even the best could not cure your mother. With such a diagnosis, medicine was powerless. Perhaps mom went to the doctor too late; cancer is very insidious and does not make itself felt for a long time. Medicines for cancer and diabetes are free in our country. Treatment too. Now you are experiencing grief, it is very difficult to get over it, only 4 days have passed, you probably just buried her. It takes a lot of time to heal this bleeding wound in the heart, but the scar will remain forever. But, believe me, hatred will not help you here, hatred is a rusty, clumsy knife, generously greased with salt, with which you pick at this unhealed wound. If you cannot overcome this terrible feeling within yourself, it will simply destroy you. I wish you to find the strength to survive this terrible grief, overcome anger, and find peace of mind.

My dad passed away on November 20, 2016. Colon cancer stage 4. We were treated with soda, salt, and Mishin coil. We went to Obninsk (who was waiting for us there!). Thank you, they installed a stent in Moscow so as not to remove the stoma. Several Xeloda courses. They asked for several courses of chemotherapy in the form of a dropper. They dripped it with glucose, which is absolutely impossible to do, because cancer cells feed on glucose. After these IVs, dad got worse. It’s better not to remember what happened next; those who encountered it know.

My mother has lung cancer. Apparently, intoxication began (she stopped eating, vomiting). I am standing, apparently, at the beginning of her suffering. What do you advise?

Dad passed away on February 12, 2017. The cause was cancer intoxication, prostate cancer. And they were treated for osteochondrosis. It burned down in 2 weeks. It is very painful and difficult to realize that he is no longer there. Take care of yourself and your parents. No one else needs them except us.

Good afternoon My mother is in the hospital, intoxication has already begun. Doctors only inject tromadol. This is the second day he has been sleeping and not waking up. Tell me, are there other methods of treatment? I will be very grateful.

Nail, they only give painkillers there so she won’t complain. There was no treatment at all. Even if they had advised something, there was a struggle, a war for survival. I just haven’t gotten out of the Internet myself. At home I was given cerucal, metoclopramide, tramadol in tablet form, and spasmalgon for nausea. Doctors will never tell them (the sooner a person leaves, the better), as they wrote above - these are enemas - this is very important so that you can get rid of fecal stagnation well. Important! - support the liver, since it shrinks greatly during intoxication, we took Essentiale Forte (to my great regret, in my absence, my mother forgot about supporting the liver). Ascites (dropsy) in my mother, as it turned out, began a long time ago, the abdomen was at first slightly enlarged (the doctors again politely kept silent), then in the last few months it began to grow rapidly, moving to the legs, arms, etc. And already here, well, nothing can really help. They drank diuretics - furosemide, steamed parsley with milk themselves, made salt bandages and cabbage wraps all over the legs every day. If you ask the doctors, they shrug their shoulders - what do you, they say, want - stage 4... In general, my mother ate almost nothing but pills, but also food, her appetite was good, nausea began after eating, but they got used to it, she ate the pill right away and normal It all started in 2009. - supposedly no cancer was found. They held out until the cancer itself twirled its claw at its temple in front of the white coats... They suggested radical surgery- 50/50... it didn’t suit us... Cancer of the papilla of Vater. There was already an impediment from the stomach to the intestine, the tumor had grown. They performed a hasty operation to bypass the tumor and sewed the intestine to the stomach. They said six months... while the stands on the bile ducts are working, but they can’t be replaced because of the tumor... We went to Korea, had an operation, there they disgraced our farriers (and the operation was performed by a super surgeon, he even has a NAME) they said that they did it wrong . Then 2 years quality life, we went for an examination, then they did chemistry there, depending on how much money and strength my mother had. Then there were requests to be treated with us, to which they received a worthy rebuff! Even before this, they told us that you were almost dead, but they gave us papers and printouts about ACD (my mother already tried drinking it, but she had pancreatitis), then we went to China for SIC (4 sessions are needed) after the 1st session Mom felt better, but they had a problem with the license and they no longer did SIC, they were already selecting antitumor drugs. They made a targeted drug. We fought for 4 long years... in the last 3 months I did not leave my mother’s side, especially when the dropsy started. And on Friday night, I suddenly felt bad, well, we thought it was okay, well, it was bad. And here the progression... they called an ambulance, gave an injection, said - it has started, wait... in the morning my mother could no longer say anything, she was still asleep. and the next day it was almost a coma - a vegetative state, the pulse dropped, mom, she could only open her sore eyes, she couldn’t drink or eat - there were no reflexes. For some reason I swallowed my saliva, yawned loudly, and even hope appeared and joy settled in a little. They changed diapers often (there is so much stagnant feces there, like tar). That’s why enemas are very important Nail, dear, I can’t get my dear mother back, but now you become like a father to a child. Read, there are comments above on how to reduce intoxication, don’t be lazy and Google the internet. Don’t despair, fight, my mother didn’t live 6 days until her birthday...

In the 9th grade, I had this dream, my mother said that, “Don’t be afraid, son, I won’t die soon, but it will be on my birthday.”. and when my mother became seriously ill, I was afraid... especially of this. Now I'm sad. In church, the priest told me what and how to read according to the Christian canons. I do everything and my mother asked me to do what the priest says. Mamanichka worked as a prosphora maker in our church.

Hold on, good people, fight and believe, live in hope.

Good night! And trouble came to our house. In 2012, my mother had surgery to remove a kidney (cancer). Before this, I had gone to the therapist more than once with complaints, they allegedly diagnosed pancreatitis, I took medications until it came to surgery. The fight against the disease has been going on for more than four years. Two weeks ago, my mother developed a high temperature, called an ambulance, took her to hospitals, prescribed antibiotics and cough tablets. I didn’t even understand that it was intoxication. She diligently gave injections, tried to feed her (no appetite, nausea, weakness, constantly wants to sleep). I see that it's not getting better. Although the temperature does not rise above 37.3. The pressure fluctuates: it rises and falls, and the pulse is rapid. Today I called an ambulance, they said I needed to remove the intoxication, but they warned me that they often don’t take such patients. The local therapist will come tomorrow, I’ll wait to hear what he says. I’m very worried, but I don’t know how to help mommy.

How painful it all is, how unbearable it is to watch our loved ones fade away. Mom passed away on January 9, 2017, this is the most terrible pain and loss. And the point is that really, no one needs us, or rather seriously cancer patients, although the doctors themselves trigger their disease. The chemistry will be done and sent home, and then take care of yourself. Mom had cervical cancer. They didn’t cut it out, they did radiation therapy. Everything seemed to go well for 2 years. Then they discovered metastases in the lungs, as a result they underwent 11 chemo treatments. As for the main disease, Balashikha said, everything is fine there and there is nothing to worry about. That’s how they started it... But the tumor turned out to be growing. And then it began to fall apart. This sight is unbearable. So the intoxication began. But who is telling us about this? In case of intoxication, you need to act urgently, but no one wants to act and no one needs it! They just kick - go there, come here, that’s how they kicked us and just said “wait,” and my mother was fading away, and I didn’t know what to do, because I didn’t know what was happening to her! Her kidneys were failing, her blood tests were off the charts, they gave her drainage of both kidneys (as they said, just prolong her life). Only blood dripped and all their actions. These terrible pains, these terrible torments, divided everything between two. And in the end, intoxication won, and the body was completely poisoned. And my dear, most beloved mother passed away! And the point is that intoxication occurs as a result of the disintegration of the tumor (weakness, pain, terrible smell (the smell of a disintegrating tumor is the same as the smell of a person in a morgue), refusal of food, decrease in hemoglobin, temperature, kidneys stop coping with this muck and begin to fail , as a result, the main blood indicators increase, because the blood is not cleansed and the body is poisoned every day by this decay and toxic substances. If only I knew all this earlier ((((((((In general, in such cases, a person needs urgent help, there is a chance to extend his life and alleviate his condition and even save him! But the problem is that no one wants to do this. In such cases, a hospital is needed, hemodialysis is needed, various drugs are needed to remove this nasty thing from the body. In general, the person needs to be dealt with , and didn’t throw up their hands and say “get ready!” In general, those who are fighting, fight, don’t lose hope and don’t give up until the last moment, because as I understand, if not us, then no one will help our relatives! Health, improvements to the sick and strength to their relatives! And who has already suffered this terrible tragedy and pain, unfortunately I have no words, we just need to hold on, I don’t really know how (((((((((

my mother is also sick, her lymph nodes are enlarged - lymphoma, metastases are said to be everywhere in the stomach, she eats poorly, vomits a green-brown mixture, melts... Help

Thanks to everyone who shared their experience, once again a huge thank you.

My sister was treated in Korea. And in the end nothing good intoxication just like others. And there is still no possibility of returning back to Russia.

Oncologists! What do they teach you at universities? Tell cancer patients and their families: “Get ready! Wait! And that's all. You have a useless profession. How have you gotten to me in a year? In general, the same goes for you, dear oncologists, in life! Get ready, wait!

My dad also died a week ago with a diagnosis of tumor intoxication. In our country they will not invent a treatment for cancer... not profitable! If there is an opportunity to make money on the mountain. The cure for cancer will remain a myth, or you have to pay so much money, and not everyone in our people has the opportunity to pay 2 million for treatment, or is this such a pit for driving people either into a coffin or into an eternal loan, and only if they give it.

I am ashamed and painfully offended that in this area of ​​medicine we have such illiterate and negligent “doctors” in Russia. Mom has intestinal cancer. A year ago, the tumor was surgically removed. We sighed. Cheered up. We hoped. Oncologists prescribed chemotherapy tablets, supposedly there is no spread of metastases and it will be enough. Six months on pills. Six months of wasted time. Ultrasound of all organs is clean. But really, no doctor could suggest that there is a more reliable CT scan? Don’t they know that ultrasound won’t show small foci of inflammation? We believe and fully trust our attending physician and sincerely hope that he will help us. Result: metastases are everywhere, in every organ, in huge sizes. Constant heart rhythm failure. Heart attack. Mom was taken from intensive care with severe exhaustion. Now vomiting from everything, even from food, we are not even talking about medications. Possibly we put in IVs. It’s simply killing how it is possible for a person who is not only physically killed by this disease, but also morally, to say that “I have nothing to help you, go home.” WHERE ARE MEDICAL ETHICS? AUU "DOCTORS"?

My sincere sympathies to everyone. And all the doctors who don’t sympathize with anyone like this, God grant that they themselves experience what you and I have. Especially in Vladikavkaz there are oncologists and therapists.

May 17, 2017 I lost my brother (43 years old), he was diagnosed with stage 2 intestinal cancer. Three operations were performed in two weeks, and his condition was getting worse and worse. The doctors said that my brother was strong and would survive everything and that the prognosis was good. He was quickly losing weight and was completely exhausted, but he was discharged home. Two days later, my brother died at home. The death certificate contained a diagnosis: cancer intoxication, stage 4 rectal carcinoma. Only one month passed from diagnosis to death. Why were the doctor’s such optimistic forecasts? The whole family is grieving that we didn’t have time to say the main words, but we hoped...

My aunt died, she had cervical cancer. She was a kind and bright person, but she suffered such a terrible end to her life. The day before, the hemoglobin blood results showed 70, which is very low, and she was prescribed Ferrum Lek. The next day she didn’t understand anything and said everything out of place. After 4 days she was gone. Only later did I realize that it was intoxication. I suspected that doctors, citing the reasons for low hemoglobin, did not perform surgery or provide treatment and understood that this was the end. Fever, low hemoglobin, treatment failure and ferrum lek are a sign that a person does not have long left.

Good day everyone!

My dad has stage 3 non-small cell lung cancer. There was no metastasis a month ago. But we have terrible pain in the spine and sternum. Tramadol, which is usually prescribed to everyone, does not help us at all. And such analgesics as Ketorol began to last only 2 hours, Promedol is also enough for 2 hours.

5 days ago we asked the oncologist for a patch, because... there is no living space on the buttocks. They gave us a Matrifen patch - it was supposed to provide better pain relief. That's what we hoped. They put it in... A day passed... Dad doesn’t ask for injections... On the second day something started happening to my head. I haven’t seen him like that... “Like a vegetable”... But he didn’t ask for injections... Crazy tachycardia began... He said something incomprehensible... We called the oncologist, and they told us: “Don’t take off the bandage.” They called a therapist... Same story... We removed the patch ourselves... We'll watch... Dad hasn't eaten anything for 2 days... He drinks tomato juice and immediately vomits... I think this is either a side effect of the patch or toxicity...

Lord, please help me with some advice... There is no point in expecting help from doctors... And my dad is getting worse and worse... Thank you... And I sympathize with you all, I sympathize...

Mom died on May 9, 2017 at the age of 64, diagnosed with cancer intoxication. I spent the last month before my death in the hospital, before that we went for a consultation to the oncology center in Krasnoyarsk, where they refused us (((After discharge, she lived for 10 days, she left in my arms, constant vomiting, exhaustion, refusal to eat, we were not prescribed even half of the medications needed to avoid intoxication, and they didn’t even ask if there was money for it. The ambulance came twice a day, they said get ready, but didn’t do anything significant, the last time it came with my mother’s last breath and immediately let me dictate the time of death. I asked her to at least check to see if she’s alive, maybe she can help. How is that possible? They're people. Painkillers were prescribed ketprofen, tramadol for the last three months, constant appointment prednisolone and omeza, cerucal for vomiting, for the kidneys we only managed to take ketosterol for three days, we took allopurinol for one day, if I had known, I would have bought polysorbents myself and taken them to the region for hemodialysis. What kind of medicine do we have?

After reading many comments, I want to say that only we need our sick loved ones. My husband died on June 14, 2017 - intoxication of the body. In 2007, a tumor of the salivary gland was discovered, it was removed, radiation was given, everything was fine, he was monitored every six months, went to the hospital and donated blood. In 2013, spots were found in the lungs, they thought it was tuberculosis, they checked - no, that means metastases, the lump on the neck where the operation was performed in 2007 grew again, and so chemotherapy began. Then we decided to try to go to Moscow on one of cancer centers, there they told us that we were not being treated correctly. In general, they began to prescribe in Moscow, and treat in their own city. The last chemotherapy made him feel sick and he began to experience shortness of breath. I had my last chemotherapy in March, and at Easter I was taken to the hospital by ambulance - I began to choke and my heart rate increased. My blood pressure has been low for a long time, pulse 110, I haven’t slept well for a long time. After lying there for 10 days, he was discharged and went back to work. Then his legs and ankles became swollen, and he was prescribed diuretics. After a while, urine began to flow poorly and his left leg became very thin, he already began to limp on it. There were severe cramping pains. The ambulance arrived and didn’t take him away because the leg came to its senses, he was already pulling it, we bought him a caste and literally on the second day the second leg gave out. He sat in a wheelchair, spent one day in a wheelchair and through friends we were admitted to the hospital, there they put him on IVs, injections in his stomach, in his butt, the numbness went higher and higher, his arms began to go numb, he screamed for two days, they injected him with strong painkillers for the pain - it didn’t help , and on the third day he just lay there and didn’t scream no matter how you turned him. And in the evening his temperature rose to 39.2, his blood pressure was low, and in the evening at 10:10 pm my best and beloved person died, the doctors said intoxication of the body, all organs failed and he began to fall into this state. The doctors managed to take him to the intensive care unit, but alas...

In 2009, my husband died of stomach cancer, stage 4. We tried everything, it seemed.

They even took me to a monastery when the doctor said you can go after my vacation if you survive. They helped there in the last few days. The ascid was pumped out and the doctor gave injections (chemistry) into the stomach. There are doctors - oncologists who are not indifferent; the doctor himself went and helped us.

And in 2010 I had breast cancer. It felt like I was green light I'm going. There was stage 1 and everything was done in an instant, both surgery and chemotherapy. Then observation and everything was fine until 2016. My lower back hurts. I’m going to a neurologist, and more than one, Plato, and free, and an MRI. They said you had a hernia and sent you along with the oncologist for spinal traction. They pulled it out - compression fractures in 6 vertebrae and ribs.

Now they put it at stage 4 with multiple metastases. In fact, I’m lying there, I don’t have the strength to leave the house. The oncologist gave the therapist some painkillers, morphine and a patch. They did give me one chemotherapy treatment, but after it I couldn’t get up at all, even to go to the toilet. I gave up chemo so as not to be a stone around my children’s necks.

And the conclusion I came to was this: if you have any pain, you should do a CT scan and look for a doctor on recommendation who understands the images. And then I did an MRI, but the situation only got worse.

On June 19, my husband died. In May my back started to hurt. I did an ultrasound. The urologist said kidney stones. She prescribed 2 thousand medications to be divided into 2 thousand. I swallowed it for a week for both the liver and the kidneys. It got worse. The temperature has risen. She took me to the clinic. They cannot make a diagnosis. I say give me a referral to an oncologist. No. He has no cancer diagnosis. I say let's do a tomography of the spine. Yes. Let's. They did a CT scan for a fee - multiple metastases in the bones. We went for a consultation at the oncology center. And he is already weak, they injected him with painkillers. Houses. I tell the manager to put him in the hospital. No. His diagnosis is secondary. Go to your clinics and look for a primary one. Where should he go now? I prescribed zoledronic acid, it is nowhere to be found, only an order in a week. And if they got it somewhere to drop it, in the corridor? The manager at the reception didn’t even touch him or examine him. I asked her tearfully, in the pharmacy of the oncology dispensary there is zoled acid, but free recipes disabled people She asked almost on her knees, I’ll buy it for money, just let me! NO! Let's go home. I started injecting tramadol further. He began to sleep and quietly fell asleep forever on the chair. Died from intoxication. Everything about everything is less than a month. I thank God that at least I didn’t suffer for a long time. Nobody needs simple people, treated like dogs!

As long as I can remember, my father always poured naphthyzine into his nose, said that he had a chronic runny nose, and did not go to the doctors. In June 2015, I went to ENT, it became difficult to breathe, they diagnosed me with total sinusitis, and administered a course of anti-inflammatory therapy. September 19, 2015, diagnosis of chronic polypous ethmoiditis, operation - nasal polytomy. September 23, 2015 surgery - right-sided maxillary sinusotomy, first diagnosis dated 09/28/15 at 8:01:09 a glandular polyp with cystic expansion, second diagnosis dated 09/28/15 at 17:53:33 C41.0 first class a. Yes, yes, we have two statements. The father says that the doctor who performed the operation told him, sorry man, this happens. In general, they cut it, looked and sewed it back, probably everything was already clear to them. We sent my father home to see an ENT specialist and an oncologist. There is no treatment. 12/19/15 medical opinion No oncopathology was detected, fibroglandular polyp. And on 12/23/15 the final diagnosis was stage 4 cancer of the upper jaw with MTS in the lymph nodes and MTS in the lungs, tumor disintegration. They waved their hand. Today he feels satisfactory, takes painkillers twice a day, and also drinks infusions of boligalov and cinquefoil. Now the blood test is very bad, I’m afraid that he will begin to develop cancer intoxication, we are in day therapy, with anemia, we are dripping. But he is cheerful, walks everywhere on his own, and doesn’t want to be driven around in a car. As much as I read with analyzes like his, people lie flat. I know that everything is individual, I want you to feel as good as possible until the end. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

My mother died on January 18, 2017 from intoxication; she was diagnosed with stomach cancer in August 2016. No one wanted to do the operation, they barely admitted her to the oncology department, only when she went to the toilet and lost consciousness, then they performed the operation. After the operation, she came to life and began to come to her senses. After 10 days we were discharged home, we were happy, we thought all the terrible things were behind us. They said you definitely need chemistry, because... metastases. A week later she regretted it, endless vomiting and diarrhea began, and then intoxication was written in the death certificate, but no one warned us about this before starting chemotherapy. Literally within three days she burned out, we could not help her. You see her pain, and you are powerless and sit and cry, you call an ambulance and they say that we can, leave her alone, let her die peacefully and no painkillers except Tarmadol. Moreover, it’s terrible for ritualists to call on the phone where they are infiltrating from. Wild medicine, terrible life, not a single person deserves such a death. After all, the same doctors and funeral agents have parents, relatives, loved ones. Every day I apologize to my mom for not being able to do anything.

My husband had a one-time hernia operation in February. After the operation, pain began not only in the suture area, but also in the stomach area. I went to the surgeon 2 times. He simply said that it would pass. They waited, but began to give my husband Mezim and Almagel with anesthesia. It was better. But sometimes after eating I felt some pain in the stomach area. At work he had serious problems. He put off going to the doctor, saying that there was no point, he had already gone twice. Then suddenly at night there was severe pain. At this time we were visiting another country. We decided to return, but by the time we arrived, almost 2 weeks had passed. And there was no more pain. This was at the end of May. We went to the doctor right away. She just dragged me by force. The doctor prescribed the same almagel and mezim. But I insisted on a deeper examination, because I already understood. My husband has lost more than 10 kg. After 2 weeks, they were only scheduled for blood, stool and urine tests and for FGDS. The tests were excellent, everything except leukocyte formula and ESR. FGDS alerted me. Because they took a biopsy. It was written that there were multiple erosions. The therapist still prescribed the same medications that I gave myself. And she named the diagnosis - eroded gastritis. I demanded a referral to a gastroenterologist. Reluctantly, she gave. I signed up in 2 weeks. We came to the reception. We came in to get the histology results. And from there we were immediately taken to an oncologist... He immediately gave us a referral to the 1st Medical Institute. Or rather, he gave me the oncologist’s phone number. I called the same day and the next day he saw us. A day later, my husband was admitted to the hospital. For 2 weeks we carried out only all sorts of examinations to confirm or refute the histology results from our clinic. Confirmed. Poorly differentiated stomach cancer with decay and metastases to both lungs and nearby lymph nodes. And they sent me home. Having given an agreement for chemotherapy in 2 weeks. After 2 weeks (and time just flies by), we went for a consultation with a chemotherapist at the same medical institute. Already in a taxi, my husband was already completely weakened. There we were only offered the opportunity to get into a research program for a new drug. It was Friday, and already July 14th. They gave me the program to take home to read until Monday. In the evening, my husband’s feet began to bleed. I called the treating oncologist and told him to bring my husband to him. I got lucky on Monday. The doctor said that I need to do chemotherapy as soon as possible. We went again to the chemist to give written consent to the program. Dali. But they said that first we need to send a biopsy abroad for a new study. This is for 3 weeks. And only then, if the analysis is correct, will they take my husband... But we can’t wait any longer. We decided to start chemistry for money. I bought some medicine and brought my husband in for an IV drip on Wednesday. They gave me some drops and told me to take chemo tablets for another 2 weeks. We went home. The next day my belly began to grow. I called the chemists and they said it was possible. It should go away later. Antonov’s injections stopped helping with pain. I went and prescribed tramadol. Last night the temperature rose to 40 degrees. Convulsions began. I called an ambulance. The temperature was removed in the morning only with an injection. After that night I was completely weakened and began to have wild pains, injections, and slept all day. I only drink chemistry 2 times a day. He hardly eats, it hurts to move. She lies in the same position all the time after the injection. I'm already afraid of bedsores. He doesn't understand anything. And I know what it is. But I can’t tell him anything. Well, I just ate 50 grams of strawberries. I’m already happy about that. God! What will be next? Tomorrow they will come to take tests at home. I'm already afraid of them. I understand that nothing can be done. Too late. It is written that this is stage 4 cancer with pain syndrome of the 2nd degree and, Kazan 2nd degree, tumor disintegration and multiple metastases, cancer intoxication.

I know what it is!

I understand that the end is coming soon.

The doctor at the local clinic on vacation refused to see him without an appointment. And the recording... What should I do? How to help your beloved husband? There is no strength to wait in inaction...

Everyone Good night. How can I understand you, my poor mother has been fighting stomach cancer since 2016; she had an operation and part of her stomach was removed. Then I switched to ovaries and was treated at the Vladimir Oncology Regional Clinic. There they finished to such an extent that the ovaries grew to the size of an adult’s head. No one undertook to remove it, and they simply sent me home for 2 months with a 10-liter boy and a belly of incredible size. The pain from such a Man was successful, Tramal, Tramadol, Barolgin and much more, every 2-3 hours, sleepless nights. I managed to get to the Herzen Institute (oncology) in Moscow, using a card, only the tests were paid for, everything else was covered by compulsory medical insurance. They performed a very complicated operation, removed the ovaries and much more, and were supposed to undergo intra-abdominal chemotherapy, but due to the fact that they did not remove much. Now we have completed 1 course of chemotherapy, then pills, rest for a week and then chemotherapy again. But I don’t understand whether it’s chemistry or what, it’s tearing her up, the food doesn’t last long, I’ve lost a lot of weight, in the hospital it’s normal, they said intoxication, but I don’t lose hope and confidence that everything will work out, we continue 4 chemo and they’ll do it for us intraperitoneal chem. How hard it is to understand that perhaps this will happen soon, and you will lose the one who gave you life. And so early, why does life take so quickly, my mother is only 48 years old, live and live more. But here, this insidious cancer! My condolences to all those who could not overcome this diagnosis.

The worst thing is losing someone close to you! Nine days ago my daddy died, died in my arms! The last two days have been inhuman pain! The certificate says cancer intoxication! Liver cancer and multiple metastases in the lung. I understand that in these cases medicine is powerless to do anything, but the callousness and indifference of doctors simply makes your heart scream! Doctors, be kinder and show compassion.

Good afternoon, my husband Anatoly had back pain for six months. Rubbing, compresses, massage, eventually severe cramps in the legs and arms began, on June 18, 2017 we went to the family doctor (she was young with little experience), but palpation revealed a lumpy liver and sent her to the oncology clinic for a consultation. On July 26, 2017, stage 4 sigma cancer was operated on, with multiple metastases (90% of the lesion) to the liver (morphology and histology confirmed). Nothing hurts, my appetite is good, they didn’t prescribe anything, neither chemotherapy nor anything else, they said - they did everything that could be done (they opened the intestinal patency). Well, what next, because 67 years is not the end date. According to the experts on the forum, what is the forecast? What can you say and console our family (chemotherapy is not advisable - chemotherapist conclusion) I ASK FOR ADVICE. Zaporozhye, Ukraine.

Good day! On June 5, 2017, my mother died. Words cannot describe the pain of loss. In 2013, stage 1 breast cancer was removed, after which she was registered at the oncology clinic. Every six months it supposedly took place necessary examinations , including ultrasound of the pelvic organs, as it turned out later, cervical cancer can only be detected at stage 3 (inoperable). In December 2016, bloody discharge from the genital tract began. On December 16, 2016, she was admitted to the gynecological department of a simple hospital and was discharged with suspicion of cervical cancer. On January 19, 2017, my mother started bleeding heavily, they called an ambulance, took her to the hospital, where she was examined by a gynecologist, plugged the “leak” and was sent home without a discharge note or recommendations on what they do in such cases. The bleeding increased every day, and in February nausea began. Only on February 10, 2017, we were able to get an appointment with oncology. On February 22, 2017, a VA was prescribed to resolve the issue of stopping the bleeding, since her condition was worsening and she might not be taken for radiation therapy. At the VK they refused to help, since at the time of the examination there was simply bloody discharge, all explanations were simply ignored. As a result, against the background of large blood loss, hemoglobin dropped to 76 g/l, the heart rhythm was disrupted, which could not be restored even after a blood transfusion, in addition, intoxication increased, and my mother began to vomit violently. On March 22, 2017, she had difficulty obtaining hospitalization for radiation therapy; only a day hospital was approved. When I asked the attending physician and the head of the radiotherapy department to relieve the intoxication with medication, they refused, citing the lack of a ward and a nurse on staff for the day hospital. I asked for a referral for examination of distant metastases, they refused, and said that she did not need it now. Almost two months later, we underwent a PET/CT scan of the whole body, which the mother found out and recorded on her own and at her own expense (cost in rubles), the result was multiple lesions of the peritoneum, skeleton, lymph nodes, pancreas and left adrenal gland. Then my mother’s kidneys began to fail, radiation therapy was interrupted for hospitalization and nephrostomy, she was discharged with severe vomiting, nothing was done to eliminate the intoxication. Then we waited for more than a month for a referral to continue radiation therapy. We did not have time to complete the procedure; after the PET/CT result, on May 24, 2017, we were discharged due to the inappropriateness of continuing radiation therapy. All this time my mother was constantly vomiting. Previously, I was afraid to resort to medication on my own to relieve intoxication, which is called “do no harm,” but when my mother refused to eat, I made up my mind. They gave her drops of “hemodez” and “reopoliklyukin” (cleanse the blood of toxins) alternating (one day, another day, 200 ml each) + “glucose” 200 ml with potassium 20 ml (glucose nourishes the body, potassium nourishes the heart) + saline 200 ml with ondasetron 1 ampoule (ondasetron - antiemetic drug, which helps only by drip, IM is useless) + IM solution “Ferrum Lek” 50 mg/ml to restore hemoglobin + IM vitamin “cyanocobalamin” (in my opinion B12), in this case it is necessary to observe the outflow of urine, it must correspond to the infusion fluids to avoid kidney problems. I hope it will be useful to someone and save their loved ones. This treatment helped, but it was already too late; all the internal orifices were already damaged. My mother died, at least without vomiting, one can say that it made her death easier. I could not come to terms with this attitude of killers in white coats towards my mother and filed a complaint against the doctors. But, as usually happens, while I receive replies, they even hide the true cause of death from me, they say cancer killed her, and when asked how he killed her, they remain silent. The media are afraid to cover this problem. But I don't give up. After all, everything my mother faced was a criminal offense (Articles 109, 118, 124 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). I wish everyone good health. To the relatives who are faced with this enemy (cancer in loved ones and the indifference of killers in white coats), I wish you great patience, never give up, because the life of our loved ones depends only on us, and if you lost this war, do not blame yourself, because You and I are not gods either and we can only do what is in our power.

We moved to the Russian Federation from Kazakhstan, stayed only 2 weeks, my dad began to have persistent constipation, we went to the doctors, they prescribed one test each time, instead of ordering everything together, while you wait for the test, until you make an appointment, until a new test, So 2 months passed, they asked themselves what we should do, they themselves did FGS and colonoscopy for a fee, it was normal, then an MRI of the abdominal organs, that’s where they discovered an enlarged kidney, we went to an oncologist, in Lipetsk the urologist Yab..... just horror, sleeping on the go, didn’t bother to look, ordered new tests, says I’m here to collect papers for a consultation, no one wants to talk, everyone is angry, rude, I’m just not human, indifference is off the charts, time is ticking, constipation is present, they began to do enemas, began to lose weight a lot, one consultation, the second, there were weekly intervals between them, they put them in for a fee, they took a biopsy for the type of cancer, in the morning it became bad, the pressure dropped, the doctors in the department did nothing, and the nurse was running around looking for coffee , gave us a little coffee, said lie down, I came and picked us up, since we were admitted for a day for a fee, we waited for the cytology result for 2.5 weeks, during this time they did a CT scan, metastases in the retroperitoneal lymph nodes and lungs, they diagnosed microphobic kidney cancer, no chemotherapy steel, not operable, everyone was sent home, 3.5 months have already passed, vomiting began not only when eating, but only at the mention of food, pain, tramadol injections, terrible weakness, exhaustion, delirium, intoxication is in progress, how to relieve it, doctors They don’t do anything, that’s all. Wait for death. Doesn't get up, doesn't eat, doesn't drink. There is no end to the tears, there is nothing we can do to help... The only answer we hear from the doctors is, wait in the corridor.

We wish everyone patience and endurance in the fight for the lives of their loved ones! I want to talk about how my father and I fought cancer. In 1986, my father was taken from one district hospital to another with a diagnosis of intestinal obstruction! Transported due to unstable power supply to the hospital. They transported him without anesthesia, on the way the intestines burst and the “living” corpse was handed over to the “neighbors”. This saved my father's life for many years. The surgeon washed out his intestines, saw that the intestines were closed by a tumor, and made a stoma higher up the intestines. Then the doctors from the cancer hospital came to look at the patient, then they also didn’t really burden themselves with treating cancer patients, but more out of impotence and indifference. But here, too, we were lucky - the tumor was removed, no obvious metastases were observed, and we were discharged home. There was no chemistry. My father lived a full life, worked physically, he wasn’t even given a group, but “easy” work. He worked until retirement, didn’t apply anywhere, as if he was registered - or rather, the card was registered on a shelf. In 1997, my younger brother tragically died and extreme stress became, in my opinion, the trigger for my father’s subsequent suffering. In August 1998, I came to pick up the children and my father complained that there were stars in his eyes when he leaned over... Well, that was all over - I advised him to rest more and rushed off to the city... Young and green! Then, closer to the New Year, my mother called and said that I needed to come if I wanted to see my father alive! When asked what was wrong, she answered that her heart was bad. There was no pharmacy in the village, so I took with me the banal B6, B12, Vit. S and Biovital with vit. E. Found my father in a deplorable state, prepared to die... Then he was already 67 years old, blue ears, sallow facial skin, dizziness, pain in the spleen area, blood pressure 70 over 50. They dragged him from office to office, from one hospital building to another along the dead roads, they gave me a piece of paper - cancer of the cardinal part of the stomach with a big fat question... He said I’ll die at home and won’t go anywhere... I sit next to him, stroke his hands, measure his blood pressure, give him vitamin injections. And a week later the father says - Sveta, let's go to the doctors! To my amazed question, will you get there? I heard in response why not... A terrible road with transfers in cold carriages. I came home with a cold allergy, practically dermatitis... But my “grandfather” did nothing, he held on, his 40 kg body safely arrived in another country. In the morning we went to the diagnostic center, ultrasound, gastroscopy, X-ray of the lungs. The diagnosis is the same - cancer of the cardinal part of the stomach with invasion into the esophagus. And the esophagus practically closes. They sent me to the Oncology Institute. There they immediately told me straight away - there was no time to think, surgery or starvation, a month to live at most! There was little choice... I’m not a doctor, but it didn’t take much intelligence to understand that he had to be prepared for the operation, at least clean out his intestines... I asked my father if they had an enema - no... At night I rush with a bottle of boiled water and an enema to the other end of the city give my father an enema. We then sorted it out with the nurse on duty. A lot depends on the junior medical staff during healing in the hospital - the doctor can write a lot...! In the morning I went to the operation, spent the day waiting, went down from the 9th floor to the first floor to the histology laboratory. It’s already evening, the doors to the operating unit are closed, and they answer me in the laboratory - there is no material. Then they took pity and said - go look for it on the tables yourself. I come in - there are trays on the tables, soggy pieces of paper with the name on them, I stand on my feet like a stoic tin soldier, I’m looking for my tray... I found it, there’s a mistake in the last name, I even found the strength to look at the contents - what I went to the market - stomach, spleen, pancreas... I describe in such detail so that you understand that pitfalls await you at every step you take - it hits under the term - the human factor, the life of your loved ones depends on it. Carelessness can destroy and ruin the work of other decent doctors. My advice to all relatives is to keep everything under control, ask the patient what they did, how they did it and know what they should have done. Then my father said that in intensive care several times he found himself on the icy floor and the nurse asked him not to complain, otherwise they would take her away... The operation was 8 hours, a kilometer of internal sutures, according to my father, a suture from the armpit to the groin, seven days of intensive care and in front of me my overgrown but living father. For seven days I arrived, neither alive nor dead, with a daily set of medicines and prayed to God that they would take it from me, which means he’s alive! And now they are returning my father home. No problems in the form of chemistry, they said - they cut into healthy tissues, made a “stem” from the stomach and pulled it into the chest cavity to “sharpen” the esophagus. They couldn’t separate the organs; everything had to be removed so as not to damage the portal vein. He will definitely live for five years before he grows up somewhere else. Accurate diagnosis- primary cancer - stage 4 adenocarcinoma. We lived at home without medication, started having problems with my teeth and received treatment, although there were no problems before the operation. If anything hurt, the toothache eclipsed everything... For two months they fattened it up - like a newborn baby, everything fresh, cooked in pureed form, strictly every 3 hours, in the interval between meals, also after three hours, tea, juices, pureed fruit. My father got stronger, the stitches healed well, and he showed up to the doctors. We received recommendations and an order to do gastroscopy every three months. I can say that my father lived the “guaranteed” five years without any problems. The stomach was clean, over time it stretched to normal size, platelets were periodically cleaned, and the pancreas was calm. The biggest inconvenience was due to the fact that there was no pylorus of the stomach - food was thrown into the esophagus and caused heartburn. Five years passed and a new medical history began - primary bladder cancer. I would also like to write that for a year we were observed every three months for gastroscopy without any abnormalities, then every six months for blood tests and urine tests. My father did not receive any medications, he lived an active life, he weighed like a bird, with a height of 167 kg. He flew until he realized that he fell and tore his ureter. It was at this point that we received a new diagnosis of Squamous cell carcinoma in the form of multiple papillomas. First, the tumor was removed and they suggested taking a course of treatment with an anti-tuberculosis vaccine. While they were “thinking” and “getting” the vaccine, they lost time and a relapse began. They pinched them again and said that now they were like the stars in the sky. But the vaccine still began to be administered into the urinary cavity. We managed to go through the procedures two or three times. The attending physician rushed off to bury his mother, leaving us under the care of a young doctor who damaged the internal tissues of his penis. And what happened then - a reaction to a vaccine that entered the bloodstream or poisoning by the decay products of a tumor that was found in the esophagus above the suture, it turns out that it was overlooked after all... My father lived for 72 years, died calmly in his bed, without pain, he just fell asleep . The last month of his life he practically lived in intensive care. I found him a hospital with good care, paid for his daily stay, but I bought it urgently at the pharmacy. They removed the intoxication and discharged him home, but at home the thermometer was off the charts again - she took a taxi and took him back to the intensive care unit. Then, when the attending physician himself came down to perform a gastroscopy on him, he discovered a tumor in the process of decay in the esophagus. He said that he accidentally noticed it flashed when he was taking out the device... Again the human factor is on the face...! And then our very good doctor lost interest in us. He called me and said - woman, don’t waste the money, you will still need it, he won’t live long without IVs, and knowing that there will be no prospects for punishment, other patients also need to be treated, he wrote out a prescription for Tramadol and said goodbye to his father. My father understood everything and that same day we took a taxi and went home to die in Ukraine. After 7 days he fell asleep and did not wake up. He died calmly, understood everything, was not afraid of death. For the last 24 hours, he had often had loose stools, he said, the cleansing had begun. Anemia, dizziness, fever, cough - Tramadol remained untouched. I wrote a lot, my father had to go through a lot. But what he did not have at all was the fear of death. He was always calm, did not become hysterical, said that it was a pity to die, and did not completely lose interest in life. Maybe someone did something wrong or didn’t do it right - maybe everything would have been different. We have to believe in fate... Now the elder sister has begun the path of our father in the fight against the disease... Multiple cancer... Two operations with an interval of two months are already behind us. I'm sorry I can't be there. And then what is called profanity follows... Doctors are not gods, we are not eternal, diseases are fatal. I hope that everyone who has the patience to finish reading will find the answer to their question...

My dad has bladder cancer. I won’t tell you how much has been done in the hope of defeating cancer. And they flew to St. Petersburg to the military medical academy, where he was treated until he had another heart attack, and they went to Moscow to Burdenko, where they did not help at all. As a result, I returned back to Primorye... Time is lost, now they are putting cancer intoxication and telling us to prepare for the worst...

For all questions, consultation with a doctor is required!

It is accompanied by metabolic disorders that cause the development of arrhythmia, bradycardia, convulsions, disorders of consciousness, acute renal failure, diarrhea or constipation, nausea, vomiting, intestinal obstruction and other disorders of various organs and systems. Diagnosed based on symptoms and laboratory test data. Treatment – ​​infusion therapy, symptomatic therapy, hemodialysis.

Tumor collapse syndrome

Tumor decay syndrome is an urgent condition that occurs during conservative treatment of cancer. Most often diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and lymphomas, less often with chronic leukemia And solid neoplasms various localizations. Tumor decay syndrome is usually detected while taking chemotherapy or after completion of chemotherapy, less often observed during radiation therapy, and in some cases develops spontaneously. Accompanied by the occurrence of acute renal failure caused by hyperuricemia. It poses a threat to the patient’s life and requires urgent correction. Treatment is carried out by specialists in the field of oncology, urology and resuscitation.

Causes of development of tumor collapse syndrome

Typically, tumor decay syndrome develops during the treatment of malignant neoplasms, which is due to the intensive destruction of tumor cells under the influence of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Leukemias and lymphomas, especially Burkitt's lymphoma, have an initial tendency to such disintegration, which worsens after the start of treatment. The risk of developing tumor collapse syndrome increases with large tumors. Due to the relatively slow growth of blood vessels that cannot keep up with the rapid proliferation of tumor cells, large tumors often develop areas with insufficient blood supply. These areas can become necrotic either spontaneously or during therapy, trauma to neoplasia, or deterioration of blood circulation caused by various factors (changes in the patient’s condition, compression of a large feeding vessel, etc.).

In tumor decay syndrome, a large number of malignant cells containing phosphates and purine nucleotides are destroyed within a short period of time. Nucleotides are metabolized in the liver to form uric acid. The level of uric acid, phosphorus, potassium and some other substances increases sharply in the blood. Along with the listed disorders, tumor decay syndrome develops lactic acidosis, caused by impaired liver function due to damage to distant metastases and/or toxic effects of neoplasia decay products on organ cells.

Disorders of acid-base and water-salt metabolism that are characteristic of tumor decay syndrome occur, which have a negative impact on the activity of all organs and systems. All this occurs against the background of exhaustion, metastatic damage to lymph nodes and distant organs, leukocytosis, anemia, immune disorders and the previous accumulation of toxic metabolites in the blood, which further worsens the situation and can cause a sharp decompensation of the patient’s condition with tumor decay syndrome.

Due to acidification of the blood, the pH of the urine decreases. Uric acid crystals precipitate in medulla, collecting ducts and renal tubules, preventing the filtration and excretion of urine. There is a decrease in renal clearance and a decrease in the rate of renal filtration. An additional factor that aggravates renal dysfunction in tumor collapse syndrome is hyperphosphatemia, combined with hypocalcemia. Due to a decrease in calcium levels in the blood, the level of parathyroid hormone increases, which stimulates the excretion of phosphates from the body.

As a result of the action of this hormone, calcium salts are deposited in the kidney tissue of patients with tumor decay syndrome, which also prevents the filtration and excretion of urine. Azotemia, oligo- or anuria occur, accompanied by the accumulation of toxic metabolic products in the body. Acute renal failure develops, posing a threat to the life of the patient with tumor collapse syndrome. Hypocalcemia and hyperkalemia cause dysfunction of cardio-vascular system. Metabolic disorders lead to dysfunction of the central nervous system and digestive system.

The release of enzymes by decaying cells, the formation of foci of necrosis and decreased immunity contribute to the development of inflammation, the addition of infection and subsequent suppuration in the area of ​​decay of the neoplasm and adjacent tissues. Infectious complications further worsen the condition of a patient with tumor decay syndrome, complicate the treatment process and can cause the development of sepsis. One more dangerous complication This condition is the melting of a large vessel, accompanied by heavy bleeding.

Symptoms and diagnosis of tumor collapse syndrome

The development of tumor decay syndrome is accompanied by a deterioration in the patient's condition. Progressive weakness and hyperthermia occur. Marked dyspeptic disorders: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, constipation or diarrhea. When the central nervous system is damaged, convulsions, paresthesia and disturbances of consciousness are observed. Damage to the cardiovascular system in tumor collapse syndrome is manifested by bradycardia, arrhythmia and arterial hypotension. The development of renal failure is indicated by oliguria or anuria. Patients with tumor decay syndrome often experience jaundice of the skin due to impaired liver function.

Along with general symptoms, manifestations due to the localization of the tumor are observed. As breast cancer disintegrates, large ulcers form. The collapse syndrome of a tumor of the stomach and intestines can be complicated by the melting of the vessel, followed by bleeding or perforation of the organ wall and the development of peritonitis. When breaking up lung cancer bleeding, pneumothorax and discharge of copious putrefactive sputum are possible.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical manifestations, laboratory test data and instrumental studies. The first warning sign is usually a decrease in the amount of urine produced. To identify tumor decay syndrome, the levels of creatinine, uric acid, phosphate and calcium in the blood serum are determined. The condition of the liver is assessed taking into account the results of liver tests. If necessary, ECG, CT and ultrasound of the kidneys are prescribed.

Treatment, prevention and prognosis for tumor collapse syndrome

Minor metabolic disorders are corrected on an outpatient basis. If signs of advanced tumor decay syndrome appear, patients are hospitalized in the oncology or intensive care unit (depending on the severity of the condition and the severity of the disorders). For nausea and vomiting, antiemetics are prescribed. For constipation, laxatives and enemas are used. For arrhythmia, antiarrhythmic drugs are used. To correct water-salt and acid-base disorders, patients with tumor decay syndrome undergo infusion therapy. Monitor diuresis and correct drinking regime. IN severe cases patients are referred for hemodialysis. If necessary, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

With timely initiation of treatment, the prognosis for tumor collapse syndrome is usually favorable. After correction of metabolic disorders, renal function is restored. In the absence or late start of therapy for tumor collapse syndrome, death is possible due to acute renal failure, cardiac arrest or complications caused by tumor disintegration (internal bleeding, peritonitis due to perforation of the wall of a hollow organ or severe infectious complications).

Measures to prevent the development of tumor breakdown syndrome include drinking plenty of fluids 1-2 days before starting chemotherapy, as well as regularly monitoring the levels of creatinine, uric acid, phosphate and calcium in the blood serum. During the first week of treatment, tests are performed daily. When clinical or laboratory signs tumor decay syndrome, laboratory tests are performed several times a day.

Tumor decay syndrome - treatment in Moscow

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Tumor disintegration

Destruction of the cancer focus means the death of cancer cells, which are destroyed and release toxins. Tumor disintegration itself is a common phenomenon observed in many patients suffering from cancer. This process further worsens the patient’s condition, poisoning the body with the most harmful products of its metabolism, which ultimately leads to the death of the patient.

Background, symptoms, therapy

The complexity of the situation with tumor disintegration lies in the fact that this process is often caused by the treatment carried out, aimed precisely at the destruction of cancer cells. For this reason, the process of tumor disintegration is considered a natural consequence of anticancer therapy. It can occur spontaneously or due to the influence of therapy. As a rule, spontaneous destruction is characteristic of tumors that have impressive dimensions, because with a large size, a network of feeding vessels may not have time to form, and a deficiency in tumor nutrition leads to the death of some cells. Malignant tumor formations localized inside the gastric mucosa or in the intestines can be mechanically damaged. Hydrochloric acid and enzymes can damage them.

The death of cancer cells provokes the formation of a syndrome of rapid tumor decay, accompanied by severe intoxication. Which leads to the release of uric acid, as well as its salts. In addition, potassium and phosphates are released. All these components enter the bloodstream, through which they reach various parts of the body. There they damage organs and cause alkaline imbalance. Acidity is created in the blood mass, which has a detrimental effect on the functionality of the kidneys.

Chemotherapy as a cause of destruction

If too much uric acid circulates in the blood mass, sooner or later it will cause blockage of the lumens of the kidney tubules. The consequence of such blockage is usually kidney failure. This complication most often affects people who had kidney problems before the onset of cancer.

The release of phosphates from dead cancer cells lowers the concentration of calcium in the blood serum. This phenomenon provokes convulsions and increases drowsiness. In addition, excess potassium is constantly supplied from the cancer focus, which leads to arrhythmia (which in turn can result in death).

In addition to the described metabolites, cancer cells are capable of producing enzymes, as well as other aggressive products. For this reason, tumor disintegration is often complicated by inflammation, infection, and damage to a large vessel, which causes severe bleeding. These complications make treatment more difficult. In addition, the general condition worsens. In the absence of timely qualified assistance, such defects are fraught with severe blood loss.


The following signs occur:

Painful discomfort localized in the abdominal area;

Rapid loss of initial body mass, which can lead to cancer cachexia;

Change in skin tone (they become pale, jaundice may appear);

Deviations in the functioning of the liver.

It should be remembered that different pathologies may present different symptoms. These will be determined by the type of cancer and the location of the cancer.

Heavy bleeding

Such bleeding is detected by vomiting containing bloody impurities. In addition, tachycardia and a drop in blood pressure may be present.

The disintegration of a cancer focus localized in the intestine is dangerous because the vessels of the intestinal wall can be damaged. Bleeding may also occur.

The destructive process of pulmonary cancer formation is dangerous because air can get inside the pleural cavity. In addition, this process is fraught with bleeding. In addition to shortness of breath and pain, the patient may be tormented by a cough, which will produce sputum that has an unpleasant odor.

Gastric formations disintegrate only if they have impressive dimensions. When such decay occurs, harmful particles can penetrate directly into the abdominal cavity, causing peritonitis, which is accompanied by inflammatory processes and infectious lesions. In the absence of timely assistance, death may occur.

With uterine decomposition of the tumor, inflammation occurs, as well as infiltration of nearby tissue structures. Fistulas can form inside the bladder.

Elimination of tumor decay syndrome

First of all, anti-emetic medications, sorbents, and laxatives for constipation are used. If the latter turn out to be useless, special enemas are done to remove feces and reduce the level of intoxication. Infusion treatment will correct the alkaline balance. For this purpose, calcium medications and glucose solutions with insulin are administered. Perhaps acidification is the only therapeutically correct case for using soda. But for proper treatment, such procedures must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. It is imperative to monitor the alkaline state of the blood mass.

Hemodialysis is prescribed for kidney failure. For anemia, iron-containing medications are prescribed. Before starting a chemotherapy course, in order to prevent complications, it is recommended to consume plenty of fluids and undergo rehydration therapy. It is necessary to undergo such therapy for 1-2 days. With effective prevention, doctors give positive prognoses. But it should be remembered that the fundamental condition for successful treatment is vigilance: both the patient and the doctor.

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  • Tumor decay - what is it?

    Cancer, tumor decay: causes

    Tumor decay: symptoms and signs

    1. Hyperkalemia is a sharp increase in the amount of potassium in the circulatory system, which can cause sudden cardiac arrest. Very often, during the process of cancer disintegration, patients with cancer experience changes in heart rhythm.
    2. Hyperuricemia is a pathological increase in urea content in the blood level. This state of the body can lead to the development of acute renal failure, which is especially dangerous for the life of a cancer patient.

    Tumor decay: treatment


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    The information on the site is presented for informational purposes only! It is not recommended to use the described methods and recipes for treating cancer on your own and without consulting a doctor!

    Tumor decay: causes, signs, treatment, localization

    Tumor disintegration is a fairly common phenomenon and can be observed in most patients with malignant neoplasms. This process leads to an even greater deterioration in the well-being of patients, poisoning of the body with harmful metabolic products, and even the occurrence of life-threatening conditions.

    Tumor decay means the death of cancer cells, which are destroyed and release toxic metabolic products. Is it good or bad? It’s difficult to answer unequivocally.

    On the one hand, against the background of decay, severe intoxication occurs, on the other hand, this is most often the result of treatment, which is designed to destroy cancer cells, so this process can be considered a natural manifestation of antitumor therapy.

    However, it must be borne in mind that patients may require emergency care during this period, so constant monitoring in a hospital setting is necessary.

    The disintegration of a malignant tumor can occur spontaneously or under the influence of specific therapy, as mentioned above. Spontaneously, that is, by itself, a large tumor often disintegrates, since the vessels may simply not keep up with the increase in cell mass, and then a disruption of the blood supply, hypoxia and necrosis is inevitable. Neoplasms located on the skin or in the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines can be injured mechanically, by the action of hydrochloric acid and enzymes, so the risk of their destruction is especially high. Some tumors, in particular Burkitt's lymphoma and leukemia, are themselves prone to tumor disintegration, and this must be taken into account when treating such patients.

    Necrosis of cancer cells provokes the development of the so-called rapid tumor decay syndrome (tumor lysis syndrome), manifested by severe intoxication. The death of a large number of cells leads to the release of uric acid and its salts, potassium, phosphates, and lactic acid derivatives, which enter the bloodstream, spread throughout the body, significantly disrupt the acid-base balance and damage internal organs. A state of acidosis is created in the blood - acidification (lactic acidosis), which, coupled with dehydration, can cause a serious blow to the functioning of the kidneys.

    Metabolic changes during the breakdown of a cancerous tumor include:

    • Increased levels of uric acid and its salts in the blood;
    • Increased phosphate concentration and decreased calcium;
    • Hyperkalemia – increased potassium concentration;
    • Acidosis (acidification) of the internal environment of the body.

    Typically, the described changes accompany treatment and may persist for several days after the end of chemotherapy.

    Circulation in the blood of a significant amount of uric acid and its salts can lead to their closing the lumens of the renal tubules and collecting ducts, which can lead to the development of acute renal failure (ARF). The risk of such changes is especially high in patients who had any kidney disorders before the disease or the start of antitumor therapy. In addition, acidosis and dehydration both promote and aggravate the manifestations of acute renal failure.

    The release of phosphates from destroyed cancer cells provokes a decrease in calcium levels in the blood serum, which is accompanied by convulsions and drowsiness, and an increase in potassium coming from the site of tumor growth can lead to cardiac arrhythmias, sometimes fatal.

    In addition to these metabolites, cancer cells are capable of secreting enzymes and other aggressive waste products, so the process of decay of tumor tissue can be complicated by inflammation, infection with suppuration, or damage to a large vessel with bleeding. These complications complicate treatment, worsen the well-being of patients and can cause sepsis and severe blood loss.

    Symptoms of the collapse of a malignant tumor

    Symptoms of tumor tissue breakdown vary, but are very similar in most patients. This:

    • Severe weakness, increasing day by day;
    • Fatigue;
    • Fever;
    • Dyspeptic disorders - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, decreased or lack of appetite, stool disorders;
    • If the nervous system is damaged, there may be a disturbance of consciousness up to coma, convulsions, and changes in sensitivity;
    • Arrhythmias, against the background of acute renal failure - often ventricular, cardiac arrest is possible;
    • Progressive weight loss, the extreme degree of which is cancer cachexia (exhaustion);
    • Changes in the skin and mucous membranes - pallor, yellowness, cyanosis with impaired liver function and microcirculation.

    For different types of cancer, in addition to the general symptoms described, there may be other signs characteristic of a specific tumor location.

    Thus, the disintegration of a breast tumor often serves as a reason for classifying the disease as the fourth stage. Massive cell necrosis, skin involvement, and infection lead to the formation of large and long-term non-healing ulcers, which in most cases prevent the oncologist from starting antitumor therapy as quickly as possible, since the latter can further aggravate the cancerous decay. While the patient is undergoing antibacterial and detoxification therapy, the tumor continues to grow and progress, often leaving no chance for surgical treatment. The issue of treating disintegrating breast tumors is very acute, especially considering the high frequency of late presentations and advanced forms of the disease among women.

    Stomach tumors tend to disintegrate when they are large, then there is a high probability of perforation of the organ wall and release of contents into the abdominal cavity - peritonitis. Such peritonitis is accompanied by severe inflammation, infection of the peritoneum with digestive products and can lead to death if the patient is not provided with emergency care. Another manifestation of the disintegration of a stomach tumor can be massive bleeding, which is manifested by vomiting with blood like “coffee grounds,” weakness, tachycardia, a drop in blood pressure, etc.

    The disintegration of malignant intestinal tumors is dangerous due to damage to the vessels of the intestinal wall and bleeding, and in the rectum not only severe inflammation, infection and suppuration can occur, but also the formation of fistulous tracts in other pelvic organs (bladder, uterus in women).

    The disintegration of a malignant tumor of the lung is fraught with the penetration of air into the pleural cavity (pneumothorax), massive bleeding, and in addition to the usual symptoms of cough, shortness of breath, pain, the discharge of a large amount of fetid sputum of a putrefactive nature is added.

    Tumors of the uterus are prone to decay when the tumor size is significant. When cancer cells are destroyed, severe inflammation and infiltration of surrounding tissues occurs, and fistulas are formed in the bladder and rectum, through which the neoplastic process will spread to these organs. The disintegration of cancer of this localization is accompanied by severe intoxication, fever, and widespread inflammation in the pelvis.

    Signs of the beginning disintegration of a malignant tumor are always an alarming “bell” that should not be ignored, so any deterioration in the patient’s well-being should be a reason to exclude this dangerous condition. It is especially important to monitor the condition of patients undergoing antitumor treatment.

    Methods for correcting disorders in tumor decay syndrome

    Treatment of tumor collapse syndrome should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist and in a hospital setting. It includes:

    1. Antiemetic drugs, sorbents, laxatives for constipation, if ineffective - enemas, which not only remove feces, but also help reduce intoxication by metabolic products.
    2. Infusion therapy to correct acid-base balance - administration of calcium preparations, glucose solution with insulin, aluminum hydroxide with an increase in phosphates in the blood serum, sodium bicarbonate. Perhaps acidosis during tumor decay is the only justified case of the (so notorious) use of soda for cancer, but such treatment should only be carried out by a specialist and under strict control of the acid-base state of the blood.
    3. Hemodialysis when signs of acute renal failure appear.
    4. Antiarrhythmic therapy for cardiac arrhythmias.
    5. In case of anemia, the administration of iron supplements is indicated.
    6. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, which, in addition to relieving pain, help reduce fever.
    7. Good nutrition and adequate drinking regimen.

    Before starting chemotherapy, in order to prevent complications, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids and rehydrate therapy for hours.

    With adequate prevention of tumor tissue decay syndrome, the prognosis is generally favorable, and hemodialysis in cases of acute renal failure promotes almost complete restoration of renal function. The key to successfully combating this dangerous phenomenon is the vigilance of the patient and constant monitoring by the doctor.

    Everything is clear and well said! It’s just not clear where to get a doctor’s control? They don’t take you to the hospital, the ambulance doesn’t pick you up, you can’t get through to an oncologist for a consultation! From whom exactly can you expect help? We save ourselves...

    I completely agree with Olga. There are no funds for paid medicine with an individual approach, but free... We come to the appointment with a fistula in the neck (my husband has cancer of the tongue), and they tell us that they have come, how can we help you, the oncologist did not even conduct an examination. What am I doing there, how am I processing it, and most importantly, with what? My own doctor...

    Tumor disintegration is the process of destruction of a significant number of cancer cells. Lysis of pathological tissues (dissolution of cancer cells and their systems) is the body’s response to the use of cytostatic drugs. At first glance, such a reaction can be considered a positive effect, but from a medical point of view, this phenomenon is extremely dangerous for the health of a person with cancer.

    Cancer, tumor decay: causes

    Causes of tumor collapse and lysis of cancer tissue include:

    1. Chemotherapy treatment of leukemia and lymphoblastomas.
    2. Radiation and cytostatic therapy of tumors of internal organs.
    3. In some cases, doctors note the spontaneous disintegration of a tumor (malignant neoplasm) even before the start of anticancer treatment.

    Symptoms and signs

    The disintegration of the tumor is manifested by a combination of such symptoms and includes the following signs:

    1. Hyperkalemia is a sharp increase in the amount of potassium in the circulatory system, which can cause sudden cardiac arrest. Very often, during the process of cancer disintegration, patients with cancer experience changes in heart rhythm.
    2. Hyperphosphatemia. The disintegration of an oncological focus may be accompanied by the release of phosphate compounds into the blood. Such patients, as a rule, note regular drowsiness. Some people are more likely to develop seizure symptoms.
    3. Hyperuricemia is a pathological increase in urea content in the blood level. This state of the body can lead to the development of acute renal failure, which is especially dangerous for the life of a cancer patient.

    Disintegration of a malignant tumor: diagnosis

    Before starting anti-cancer procedures, the patient must undergo laboratory testing of blood and urine. Also, during a course of chemotherapy, patients undergo dynamic monitoring of vital signs of the circulatory and urinary systems.

    Tumor decay: treatment

    Patients who are at the stage of lysis of a malignant neoplasm are recommended to undergo drip administration of a 45% sodium chloride solution. Reducing the amount of potassium in the blood is achieved in two ways: by moving ions inside the structural components of pharmaceutical drugs (glucose, insulin and sodium bicarbonate) and by intensive excretion of potassium through the kidneys (furosemide, diacarb and other diuretics).

    Treatment methods depending on the concentration of potassium ions in the body’s circulatory system:

    • The potassium level does not exceed 5.5 mEq/L.
    • The level of potassium in the blood is in the range of 5.5-6.0 mEq/L.

    In such a clinical situation, in addition to a drip infusion of sodium chloride, the patient is given one and a half doses of furosemide or diacarb.

    • Exceeding the potassium limit (6.0 mEq/L).

    In this condition, the cancer patient may experience heart rhythm disturbances in the form of arrhythmia. In this situation, first of all, the patient is given a 10% solution of calcium gluconate in an amount of 10 ml. In parallel, the patient is given a drip infusion of furosemide, insulin and glucose. In case of emergency, a person undergoes hemodialysis.

    How to prevent tumor decay? Prevention of lysis

    Today, therapeutic measures to prevent the consequences of the rapid decay of tumor tissues have been developed in detail and do not require the use of high-tech equipment.

    The primary goal of such medical procedures is to prevent the development of acute renal failure. This is achieved by stimulating the renal excretion of potassium, phosphorus and uric acid ions. Such measures are especially relevant for cancer patients with a large volume of malignant tissue. During chemotherapy, patients usually undergo drip administration of isotonic solutions together with diuretic drugs.

    It should be noted that in the process of anticancer treatment it is necessary to carry out constant dynamic monitoring of biochemical parameters of the circulatory and urinary systems.

    Prevention of the formation of nephropathy is also achieved by stabilizing the alkaline reaction of urine, which is carried out by using infusion solutions of sodium bicarbonate. During such procedures, there is a high risk of the formation of insoluble salts in the renal structures.


    In general, the outcome of the breakdown of malignant tissues is considered favorable, provided that adequate preventive procedures are carried out and constant monitoring of vital blood parameters. During this period, cancer patients are recommended to stay in the inpatient department of the oncology clinic, where it is possible to provide all necessary emergency medical care.

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    Cancer intoxication is one of, to put it mildly, unpleasant accompanying conditions oncological diseases. This condition is very difficult for patients to tolerate and worsens their physical and psychological condition.

    What is it, is it possible to fight this insidious phenomenon, how to make life easier for the patient, and whether it can be stopped, we will consider in this article.

    Cause of occurrence

    Tumor intoxication is a serious condition of the body of a cancer patient, caused both by substances secreted by malignant cells and as a consequence of therapeutic therapies used in oncology, such as chemotherapy or. Most often it accompanies, that is, cancer.

    They multiply and grow much faster than normal healthy cells in the body. And for such rapid growth they need a huge amount of different kinds of microelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The breakdown products of healthy cells are removed from the body through the blood, and their vital activity is supported by oxygen, which is also delivered to them by the blood. That is, it is a well-coordinated healthy mechanism in the body.

    In cancerous formations, often the tumor, being large in size in advanced ones, is not equipped blood vessels. Cancer cells, due to lack of oxygen, die in huge numbers and disintegrate as they enter the bloodstream. Their high concentration in the blood leads to intoxication of the body.

    If, however, or radiation therapy, under the influence of radioactive influence, massive cell death occurs and they enter the blood. Cancer intoxication is especially pronounced in the first days after the start of therapy. Substances included in chemotherapy drugs can also have an intoxicating effect on the body, as they tend to accumulate in the body.

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    If measures are not taken to eliminate this condition, the person quickly weakens, loses weight, and even cachexia. First, a precomatose state occurs, then the person falls into a coma, after which the death of the patient may follow.

    Pathological changes in the body caused by cancer intoxication

    Since blood circulates throughout the body, intoxication affects almost all organs, leading to irreversible processes in them.

    In the International Classification of Diseases (ICD 10), there is no separate code for this pathology, but a description of the course of cancer intoxication is given. Symptoms of tumor intoxication depend on the location of the tumor, its size and stage of development. Let's take a closer look at these symptoms.


    The decay syndrome of cancer is very striking, since the products of tumor decay spread to all human organs through the blood, thereby causing a malfunction in their functioning. The general symptoms of cancer intoxication are as follows:

    In most cancers, be it prostate, which are quite common in oncology, the signs of intoxication are almost the same.

    How to deal with this?

    Doctors learn about the stage of tumor development, its size, and the presence of metastases using various types, such as biopsy, ultrasound, MRI, etc. Experts know that if a tumor reaches the final stages of the disease, intoxication of the body is inevitable.

    Sometimes this condition can occur with more early stages disease if the tumor grows rapidly.

    The oncologist recommends certain measures to the patient in advance, in order to prevent or alleviate the processes of intoxication. The doctor diagnoses intoxication syndrome based on the results of blood and urine tests, thereby selecting the necessary medications and diet to alleviate the patient’s condition.

    From the very beginning of the disease, experts recommend eating small portions, but often. The diet should include everything vital important microelements and minerals. The amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be balanced. Be sure not to allow your body to become dehydrated. With the help of water, toxic substances are removed from the body.

    How to relieve intoxication to alleviate the patient’s condition is decided by the doctor. Detoxification therapy includes:

    1. Anti-vomiting medications if a person is suffering from uncontrollable vomiting;
    2. Laxative medications in the form of suppositories or tablets if the patient is suffering severe constipation. If they do not help, use a cleansing enema;
    3. Various types of sorbents have proven themselves very well in detoxifying the body, which bind harmful substances and, together with feces, remove them from the intestines;
    4. With anemia associated with cancer, it is extremely difficult to replenish iron with food. Moreover, most often, the patient suffers from lack of appetite. In such cases, when the level of hemoglobin is low, iron-containing preparations are used, mainly in the form of injections used as droppers. Combining them with the hormone erythropoietin gives good results;
    5. If a person is tortured painful sensations in one area or another, painkillers are prescribed - analgesics;
    6. If the patient's condition is accompanied high pressure, disturbances in the functioning of the heart, a complex of drugs is prescribed that can both keep blood pressure normal and prevent disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
    7. For relax depressive state a person, his nervous excitability, let’s take some sedatives.

    If medication methods and diet are not able to reduce the intoxication of the body, they resort to more serious methods of blood purification, such as hemodialysis or plasmapheresis. The essence of which is that through special equipment or the introduction of additional plasma, the blood is cleansed of toxic substances. Also, cleansing the body is achieved by introducing a solution of glucose, sodium bicarbonate and albumin. Then diuretics are administered. All these procedures are performed under the strict supervision of specialists.

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    *Only upon receipt of data on the patient’s disease, a representative of the clinic will be able to calculate an accurate estimate for treatment.

    Another method of purification is the blood oxidation method. Sodium hypochlorite is administered intravenously. This method relieves intoxication very well in cases of liver, kidney and pancreas cancer.

    If the development of cancer intoxication is not prevented or at least partially eliminated, the patient may die from disruptions in the functioning of such vital organs as the heart and kidneys, since this condition can lead to chronic heart and kidney failure. Exhaustion of the body can also cause death of the patient. If intoxication is caused by chemotherapy drugs, then the prognosis is more favorable. When you stop administering them after the end of therapy, the patient most often feels better.

    To the frequent question of patients and their relatives, how long they have to live if there is already a process of intoxication, there is no definite answer. It all depends on the stage of the disease, the measures taken against this condition and their effectiveness.

    Preventive measures

    To protect yourself from cancer intoxication, a person diagnosed with cancer must follow all doctor’s instructions. If surgery or another type of therapy has been recommended, do not be afraid and agree immediately. After all, the further the disease progresses, the higher the poisoning of the body with toxic substances released by malignant formations.

    Contents [Show]

    Cancer intoxication is a pathological condition that occurs in the final stages of oncology. She may be caused by the disintegration of the tumor, which is accompanied by the release of poisonous metabolites into the body. At the same time, the cause of this condition may be highly toxic chemicals that are used when treating a patient with chemotherapy.

    Intoxication of the body is the main cause of death in the last stages of cancer.

    Oncological intoxication is expressed in a sharp decrease in the immune defense of the entire body and damage to vital organs. This is a complex of symptoms that differ depending on the location of the tumor and metastases. A cancerous tumor is an accumulation of cells that require continuous saturation with proteins, saccharides and fats. During the period of intensive growth of a malignant tumor, the previous number of vessels does not provide sufficient blood supply to it, so some of the cancer cells die. All metabolic processes are disrupted, since toxic substances, which are a product of the breakdown of a cancerous tumor, enter the blood and lymph.

    The process of pathology development in stage 4 cancer occurs in the following sequence:

    • the tumor begins to grow rapidly;
    • blood supply deteriorates, as new capillaries do not have time to feed the uncontrollably growing tumor;
    • due to absence good nutrition malignant tissues with blood, some die;
    • tumor decay products enter the body, poisoning it;
    • metabolic processes are disrupted;
    • First of all, kidney function deteriorates, which contributes to the development of renal failure. Urine crystals enter the kidney canals and start this process. This is accompanied by dehydration, which is constantly progressing;
    • impaired metabolism of minerals, excess potassium and lack of calcium impair the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
    • the next stage is the development of anemia to its most severe stage;
    • after death occurs, which may be caused by dysfunction of vital organs or blood poisoning.

    Usually intoxication occurs when the tumor reaches a large size. In addition, chemotherapy can put the body into such a state, since the substances used in treatment accumulate in the body gradually. However, reluctance to treat the disease in its final stages can accelerate the growth of education. The main symptoms that are present in patients different types cancer are:

    • loss of strength and inability to endure any physical activity;
    • constant insurmountable weakness and dizziness;
    • decline in performance;
    • refusal of meat dishes;
    • reactions from the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation;
    • yellowness of the skin;
    • loss of appetite;
    • exhaustion due to sudden weight loss;
    • dry skin;
    • increased sweating;
    • low-grade fever and fever;
    • frequent headaches;
    • sleep disorders;
    • depressive states.

    As for reactions from the immune system, the deterioration of its condition is manifested by frequent colds, which do not go away for a long time and cause complications on the respiratory system.

    Often, cancer intoxication is not news to the patient, as it occurs at a stage when the diagnosis has long been made. However, there are cases when its signs appear during intensive growth of the tumor even before the initial diagnosis.

    The presence of a cancerous tumor can be determined using MRI, CT, laboratory tests performed on the basis of a biopsy of the tumor or metastases, and scintigraphy. Oncology can also be diagnosed by analyzing ultrasound results, but for more precise setting diagnosis requires additional histological examination.

    To identify the presence of tumor decay products and detect intoxication, it is enough to carry out lab tests patient's urine and blood. A decrease in the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin, an increase in white blood cells, protein in the urine and ESR are an obvious manifestation of this pathological syndrome in the patient.

    Elimination of cancer intoxication implies removal of malignant formation and metastases, and if this is not possible, then treatment should be carried out through chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Detoxification therapy for oncology is aimed at removing toxic substances from the body, restoring metabolic processes and reducing the effects of drugs used in chemotherapy. Relief of tumor intoxication is carried out by many methods:

    1. To thin the blood during cancer intoxication, treatment with forced diuresis is used. This method consists of intravenous filling of the body big amount liquids in the form of a solution of glucose, sodium bicarbonate, albumin and others. After achieving sufficient fluid filling of the body, the patient is given an injection of a diuretic drug - furasemide. At the same time, the condition of the patient’s cardiovascular and respiratory systems is monitored.
    2. Another option for ridding the body of toxins occurs through the installation of several drains in the abdominal cavity. On the first day, about twenty liters of water are passed through the tubes. This method is called peritoneal dialysis.
    3. Intoxication of the body due to oncology is also stopped by taking adsorbent drugs in large quantities. Enterosorption involves taking sorbent at the rate of 1 gram per 1 kilogram of weight for five days.
    4. In case of damage to several organs, the method of blood oxidation is used, which is carried out by injecting sodium hypochloride into a vein. This treatment option for cancer intoxication is used when metastases affect the liver, kidneys or pancreas.
    5. Treatment with hemodialysis and hemodiafiltration involves connecting the patient to an artificial kidney machine. With the help of this device, harmful substances are washed out of the body and replenished with liquid. However, to this method treatment is used only when bicarbonate levels in the blood are very low; in addition, it cannot be used in advanced stages of the disease.
    6. If a cancer patient is in critical condition, he is prescribed a course of treatment with reamberin injections. The main active ingredient of this drug has an antihypoxic and detoxifying effect, and also helps restore the water-salt and acid balance in the patient’s body.
    7. Hemosorption is another method that is used to cleanse the blood. It is passed through a device with a sorbent, after which the blood again enters the body through a vein. Cancer intoxication cannot be treated with this method if the patient has bleeding, multiple organ failure, dehydration, low blood pressure or heart failure.
    8. Plasmapheresis is the elimination of cancer intoxication by plasma replacement. This method allows detoxification to be carried out in four procedures. The plasma is replaced with polyglucin or a protein solution.

    Usually, to relieve symptoms of intoxication, antiemetics, drugs that restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, sorbents, iron, analgesics, sedatives and tranquilizers. Along with the above medications, The patient must be prescribed vitamin and mineral complexes to restore strength and immunity as soon as possible.

    A person suffering from cancer intoxication should eat well, but not overeat. Fractional meals with sufficient vitamins and minerals in the diet and tracking the amount of carbohydrates, fats and protein are encouraged. The patient's menu is dominated by dairy products, as they best help cleanse the body of toxins. Lean meat and fish, as well as protein shakes, will help you regain strength and get stronger. However, a cancer patient should not indulge in fatty and heavy foods. Portions should be small, and the patient can eat up to four times a day, especially at the very beginning of treatment.

    Some patients successfully fight cancer intoxication using folk remedies. Mostly This type of treatment is based on taking herbal decoctions With gradual increase dose and its subsequent reduction.

    Reception plant poisons unacceptable for patients who are in critical condition. This type of treatment can only take place under the close supervision of a specialist.

    But more simple options Treatments that will allow you to relieve intoxication syndrome at home can be tried on your own, for example:

    • decoction oatmeal boil with milk for half an hour, strain and drink in small quantities throughout the day;
    • Pour boiling water over pine or fir needles with rose hips and leave overnight. This tea can be taken in any dose - it relieves nausea, and rosehip cleanses the kidneys;
    • make a decoction of licorice root and flax seeds. We can talk endlessly about the benefits of these seeds, but first of all it is worth noting that they are rich in calcium and protein, which is especially valuable for this disease. You can add a spoonful of honey to the broth, and sea buckthorn or pomegranate juice to restore acidity. You need to take it every couple of hours and half a glass at night.

    It goes without saying that the prognosis in advanced stages of cancer cannot be favorable. The presence of cancer intoxication already indicates that sooner or later fatal outcome can't be avoided. However it is possible to extend the life of a cancer patient by several years or at least months, therefore, you should not abandon traditional drug treatment by resorting to unreliable means. The patient must regularly visit the oncologist, undergo courses of treatment in a hospital, not give up gentle physical activity and eat right.

    With advanced stages of cancer, signs of poisoning of the body appear - this is the so-called cancer intoxication. Let's look at what it is in this article.

    Briefly, we can say that this is a complex of various symptoms caused by the progression of the oncological process and the treatment of cancer patients. You can read more details below.

    Cancerous tumors grow very quickly, consuming large amounts of proteins, fats and sugars. In this case, the body is deprived of nutrients that are so important for it, and it is depleted. Against this background, the tumor, rapidly increasing in size, is poorly supplied with blood, since the vascular network does not have time to form for it. Hypoxia (lack of oxygen) develops, and the cancerous tissue begins to die. Decomposition products are very toxic to the body.

    Tumor destruction also occurs during anticancer treatment - chemotherapy. Sometimes the decay process begins a day or more after a specific exposure. The disintegration of the tumor can also provoke refusal to eat, which is typical for patients suffering from cancer. In this case, the tumor is deprived of nutrients and its cells die. The products of its breakdown penetrate into the bloodstream. Next, they are distributed throughout the body. He is poisoned. The combination of metabolic disorders in the body with the entry of toxic substances into the bloodstream determines the development of a condition such as cancer intoxication.

    When a tumor disintegrates in the blood, the following electrolyte and metabolic disturbances occur:

    • an increase in uric acid levels in the blood;
    • increase in potassium content in the blood;
    • increase in phosphate levels in the blood;
    • accumulation of lactic acid (lactic acidosis);
    • decrease in calcium levels in the blood.

    Uric acid, potassium, and phosphates enter the blood from destroyed cancer cells. The sedimentation of uric acid crystals in the kidney tubules can result in acute kidney failure. The process is aggravated by dehydration and lactic acidosis. An increase in phosphate levels in the blood is accompanied by a decrease in calcium. Such changes lead to increased nervous excitability and seizures. Calcium phosphate, deposited in the kidneys, also provokes impaired renal function. Excess potassium is dangerous due to the risk of heart failure (rhythm disturbance) and can result in death.

    Metabolic products of a decaying tumor damage the membrane structures of cells of (normal) various organs. Fat oxidation occurs. Dangerous particles are formed - free radicals. Due to this, patients suffering from cancer have a tendency to hemolysis (destruction) of red blood cells, and the level of hemoglobin decreases.

    The speed of development of the cancer intoxication clinic is influenced by:

    • severity of the patient's condition;
    • intensity of the tumor destruction process;
    • injuries during surgery;
    • features of clinical manifestations of cancer;
    • blood loss;
    • accession of inflammation.

    There are other factors that influence the speed of development of cancer intoxication, the symptoms of which will be discussed below.

    Signs of intoxication in cancer are varied and nonspecific.

    External changes

    • pale skin;
    • icteric skin (yellow color);
    • cyanosis (bluish tint of the skin);
    • mucous membranes and skin are dry;
    • hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating);
    • weight loss, up to cachexia (severe exhaustion).

    Dyspeptic disorders

    • lack of appetite;
    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • bowel dysfunction (constipation).

    There are other signs of intoxication of the body due to cancer:

    • prolonged fever;
    • headache;
    • dizziness;
    • pain in bones, joints and muscles;
    • susceptibility to infections (against the background of reduced immunity);
    • anemia;
    • arrhythmias (heart rhythm failure);
    • tendency to thrombosis.

    Treatment of cancer intoxication

    The most important thing that a patient suffering from an advanced form of cancer needs is proper nutrition. Products should be rich in fiber, vitamins, and contain enough proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It is necessary to observe the drinking regime. Such patients can and should eat their favorite foods, with rare exceptions.

    The emotional mood is also important. People with such health problems should be surrounded by the care of loved ones.

    The volume and intensity of physical activity depend on the patient's condition.

    For cancer intoxication, treatment involves the prescription of symptomatic drugs.

    1. Antiemetics: Metoclopramide, Domperidone. If it is impossible to take the drug orally, injections are prescribed.
    2. Laxatives: Lactulose, Senna preparations, Forlax, castor oil, Guttalax, vaseline oil. Bisacodyl can be taken in tablets or as suppositories. You can use suppositories containing glycerin.
    3. Enemas are done when laxatives are ineffective. In addition to mechanical cleansing of the intestines, enemas help remove toxic substances and reduce intoxication.
    4. Sorbents (Polysorb, Enterosgel, Polyphepan, activated carbon).
    5. Iron supplements are prescribed for anemia: Sorbifer Durules, Maltofer, Ferrum Lek. If necessary, injectable forms of iron supplements or Erythropoietin are prescribed.
    6. Painkillers (NSAIDs). Some of them effectively reduce temperature. These are Paracetamol, Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, etc.
    7. Antiarrhythmic drugs are prescribed by a doctor.
    8. Sedative (calming) drugs: Diazepam, Aminazine or Haloperidol.

    The presence of severe electrolyte disturbances is an indication for hemodialysis.

    Preventing cancer intoxication is quite difficult. It is necessary to regularly monitor blood tests: monitor electrolyte levels, liver and kidney function, monitor hemoglobin levels and blood clotting ability. Correct any detected violations in a timely manner. Adequate nutrition, sufficient fluid intake, timely bowel movements, and monitoring the state of cardiac activity also help slow down the development of cancer intoxication. This is especially true when conducting specific cancer therapy.

    Cancer intoxication is the cause of death for cancer patients! Its complications are: kidney failure, which develops very quickly, cardiac arrest, thromboembolism, infectious complications, including sepsis. Such patients also die from extreme exhaustion, when all organs simply stop functioning.

    Therefore, timely diagnosis of cancer intoxication and correction of this condition help prolong human life.

    Cancer intoxication appears in those people whose cancer has already reached the last stage. It is very important to prevent such a condition, but if it develops, proper treatment may reduce severe symptoms and make the patient’s life easier.

    Oncological diseases without treatment or when it is not started in a timely manner always lead to the development of severe, irreversible changes in the body.

    A fatal outcome in a person can occur due to the failure of one or more organs, but at the terminal stage of the pathology, another complication arises, potentially life-threatening.

    It is directly related to the ongoing cancer process and is a natural feature of the development of cancer tumors. We are talking about cancer intoxication.

    Intoxication becomes one of the syndromes accompanying oncopathies, representing poisoning of the body with metabolites - substances formed during the decay of the tumor. This condition can also be provoked by treatment with chemotherapy drugs, which are, for the most part, highly toxic.

    As is the case with other types of poisoning (poisons, heavy metals, etc.), this type of intoxication leads to multiple organ damage and a severe weakening of the immune defense and the entire body.

    There is no special ICD code for cancer intoxication: it is only a set of symptoms inherent in a particular type of tumor, and therefore can vary in intensity, time of appearance, duration, location of cancer, and a person’s age.

    The closer the neoplasm is to vital organs, the more difficult the final stages of its development are, but the faster death can occur.

    As already noted, the immediate cause of this complication is the disintegration of a malignant tumor, as well as its metastases, which can literally cover the entire body.

    Toxic breakdown products accumulate in the blood, lymph, tissues, disrupting all natural metabolic processes.

    The process of development of intoxication in oncological pathologies is described below sequentially:

    1. The formation begins to grow uncontrollably and rapidly in size.
    2. The blood supply to the tumor is disrupted, since the rate of appearance of new capillaries (neovascularization) lags behind the rate of growth of the malignant tumor itself.
    3. Due to the lack of feeding vessels, some cancer cells die.
    4. Necrotic tissue disintegrates, penetrating into the bloodstream.
    5. All types of metabolism are disrupted.
    6. First of all, the functioning of the kidneys changes, chronic renal failure occurs, which provokes a further aggravation of the dysfunction of the entire excretory system.
    7. Intoxication intensifies, mineral metabolism is disrupted, which changes the activity of the nervous system and heart.
    8. Further, severe types of anemia develop with massive death of red blood cells.
    9. Death can occur due to failure of vital organs due to poisoning, or from blood poisoning and other septic complications.

    Among other things, the reasons for a person’s serious condition may be due to chemotherapy, especially high-dose chemotherapy. Many medications have a cumulative effect, which in one way or another provokes poisoning. But refusing treatment is unlikely to provide long-term relief, because the tumor will continue to grow.

    The time of onset of clinical signs of cancer intoxication is individual in each case and depends on the type of disease, but, as a rule, this condition develops only in the presence of a large tumor.

    The severity of all the symptoms listed below greatly depends on the amount of toxins that have entered the person’s blood, as well as on the presence of infectious complications or bleeding.

    Most often, patients with cancer pathologies experience the following symptoms of intoxication from tumor decay:

    • Poor tolerance to any stress
    • A sharp drop in performance
    • Severe weakness
    • Dyspeptic symptoms – nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation
    • Poor reaction to meat foods
    • Loss of appetite or cravings for previously unfamiliar foods
    • Strong weight loss
    • Paleness, yellowness of the skin, “bruises” under the eyes
    • Dry skin
    • Nocturnal hyperhidrosis
    • Low-grade fever
    • Frequent fevers

    On the part of the nervous system, the patient may be concerned about:

    • Vestibular disorders (dizziness)
    • Headaches that are clearly localized or widespread
    • Emotional instability
    • Depression
    • Irritability
    • Sleep disorders

    As for the serious malfunction of the immune system due to cancer intoxication, it is manifested by more frequent colds than usual. They do not go away for a long time, are less responsive to standard treatment, and viral diseases are almost always complicated by serious bacterial infections.

    During chemotherapy, the signs of body poisoning initially intensify, as tumor cells die at an accelerated pace and enter the bloodstream. Also, severe intoxication is caused by the side effects of the drugs themselves, because the drugs also show destructive effects on many healthy tissues.

    Usually, the state of serious poisoning of the body does not become news to the patient: by this stage the diagnosis has almost always already been made.

    But in some clinical cases, when intoxication from oncology begins early (for example, with an aggressively growing tumor), it is possible to carry out primary diagnosis already at stages 3-4 of the disease.

    To make a diagnosis, many modern methods are used - laboratory, instrumental.

    To determine the underlying pathology and select the necessary treatment methods, CT or MRI, biopsy of the tumor or area of ​​metastases, PET, and scintigraphy may be decisive.

    Some types of tumors are easily detected by ultrasound, but an accurate conclusion can be given only after obtaining the results of histological examination.

    As for diagnosing cancer intoxication, it is mainly carried out through a series of blood and urine tests.

    Since toxins change the ongoing biochemical processes, many tests will have serious deviations (for example, a decrease in red blood cells and hemoglobin, serum iron, an increase in the amount of uric acid, C-reactive protein, leukocytes, ESR, etc.).

    First of all, the patient needs pathogenetic treatment, which will be aimed at eliminating the tumor, therefore, stopping its decay. If possible, surgical removal of the tumor or metastases is performed; in the absence of such, chemotherapy and radiation treatment provide positive results.

    Therapy for intoxication itself is symptomatic and therapeutic, and it pursues the following goals:

    1. Removing toxins from the body.
    2. Correction of metabolic disorders.
    3. Reducing the intensity of symptoms that occur during chemotherapy.

    Extracorporeal treatment methods have a good effect - hemosorption, plasmapheresis, which can quickly cleanse the blood and reduce intoxication. For renal failure, hemodialysis is used.

    Among the medications there are those that have a beneficial effect on a person’s condition and specifically work against unpleasant symptoms:

    1. Antiemetics.
    2. Laxative or strengthening drugs, enemas.
    3. Enterosorbents.
    4. Iron-containing preparations.
    5. Complexes of vitamins and minerals.
    6. Analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
    7. Sedatives, antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotics.

    During cancer intoxication, it is important to eat well, but not to consume heavy, fatty, unhealthy foods. The diet is dairy-vegetable with the addition of lean meat and fish; menu enrichment with protein shakes is often used. Special functional nutrition is also used for cancer patients.

    Some people successfully use folk remedies against their serious problem - infusion of flax seeds, pine needles, enema with chamomile infusion, with soda.

    Of course, the prognosis for severe or terminal stage cancer cannot be favorable. If intoxication has already taken place, it means that the process is too advanced, and the consequences will be serious.

    However, even in the last stages of many cancers, it is possible to extend a person’s life by several months or years, so treatment should be done in any case, without succumbing to a passive attitude and depression.

    To prevent cancer intoxication, it is necessary to prevent the disease from progressing to this stage. To do this, it is important to correct all emerging disorders, regularly undergo medical examinations and other routine examinations, eat well, engage in feasible sports, and stop smoking.

    To prevent intoxication, you should not refuse traditional treatment in favor of untested methods with questionable effectiveness and be observed by an oncologist as necessary.

    Cancer is very serious disease, which is characterized by the appearance of a tumor in the human body that grows rapidly and damages nearby human tissues. Later, the malignant tumor affects the nearest lymph nodes, and at the last stage metastases occur, when cancer cells spread to all organs of the body.

    The terrible thing is that at stages 3 and 4, cancer treatment for some types of oncology is impossible. Because of this, the doctor can reduce the patient’s suffering and slightly prolong his life. At the same time, he is getting worse every day due to the rapid spread of metastases.

    At this time, the patient's relatives and friends should roughly understand exactly what symptoms the patient is experiencing in order to help survive the last stage of life and reduce his suffering. In general, people dying of cancer due to complete defeat metastases, experience the same pain and ailments. How do people die from cancer?

    Cancer occurs in several stages, and each stage is characterized by more severe symptoms and damage to the body by the tumor. In fact, not everyone dies from cancer, and it all depends on at what stage the tumor was discovered. And here everything is clear - the earlier it was found and diagnosed, the greater the chances of recovery.

    But there are still many factors, and even stage 1 or even stage 2 cancer does not always provide a 100% chance of recovery. Since cancer has many properties. For example, there is such a thing as the aggressiveness of malignant tissues - in this case, the higher this indicator, the faster the tumor itself grows, and the faster the stages of cancer occur.

    The mortality rate increases with each stage of cancer development. The largest percentage is at stage 4 - but why? At this stage, the cancerous tumor is already enormous in size and affects nearby tissues, lymph nodes and organs, and metastases spread to distant parts of the body: as a result, almost all tissues of the body are affected.

    At the same time, the tumor grows faster and becomes more aggressive. The only thing doctors can do is reduce the growth rate and reduce the suffering of the patient himself. Usually chemotherapy and radiation are used, then the cancer cells become less aggressive.

    Death with any type of cancer does not always occur quickly, and it happens that the patient suffers for a long time, which is why it is necessary to reduce the patient’s suffering as much as possible. Medicine cannot yet fight advanced stage cancer, so the earlier the diagnosis is made, the better.

    Unfortunately, scientists are still struggling with this question and cannot find an exact answer to it. The only thing that can be said is a combination of factors that increase the chance of getting cancer:

    • Alcohol and smoking.
    • Junk food.
    • Obesity.
    • Bad ecology.
    • Working with chemicals.
    • Incorrect drug treatment.

    In order to somehow try to avoid cancer, you must first monitor your health and regularly undergo examination by a doctor and take a general and biochemical blood test.

    That is why the correct treatment tactics, chosen at the last stage of the disease, will help reduce pain and illness for the patient, as well as significantly prolong life. Of course, each oncology has its own signs and symptoms, but there are also common ones, which begin immediately at the fourth stage, when almost the entire body is affected by malignant formations. How do cancer patients feel before death?

    1. Constant fatigue. This happens because the tumor itself takes a huge amount of energy and nutrients for growth, and the larger it is, the worse it is. Let's add metastases to other organs here, and you will understand how difficult it is for patients in the last stage. The condition usually worsens after surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. At the very end, cancer patients will sleep a lot. The most important thing is not to disturb them and let them rest. Subsequently, deep sleep can develop into a coma.
    2. Appetite decreases. The patient does not eat because general intoxication when the tumor produces a large amount of waste products into the blood.
    3. Cough and difficulty breathing. Often, metastases from any organ cancer damage the lungs, causing swelling of the upper body and coughing. After some time, it becomes difficult for the patient to breathe - this means that the cancer has firmly settled in the lung.
    4. Disorientation. At this moment, there may be memory loss, the person ceases to recognize friends and relatives. This happens due to metabolic disorders with brain tissue. Plus, there is severe intoxication. Hallucinations may occur.
    5. Blue discoloration of extremities. When the patient’s strength becomes low and the body tries with all its might to stay afloat, the blood mainly begins to flow to the vital organs: heart, kidneys, liver, brain, etc. At this moment, the limbs become cold and acquire a bluish, pale tint. This is one of the most important harbingers of death.
    6. Spots on the body. Before death, spots appear on the legs and arms due to poor circulation. This moment accompanies the approach of death. After death, the spots become bluish.
    7. Muscle weakness. Then the patient cannot move and walk normally, some can still move slightly but slowly to the toilet. But the majority of them lie down and move around.
    8. Coma state. It may come suddenly, then the patient will need a nurse who will help, wash and do everything that the patient cannot do in such a condition.

    The dying processand main stages

    1. Predagonia. Central nervous system disorder. The patient himself does not feel any emotions. The skin on the legs and arms turns blue, and the face becomes earth-colored. The pressure drops sharply.
    2. Agony. Due to the fact that the tumor has already spread everywhere, oxygen starvation occurs and the heartbeat slows down. After some time, breathing stops, and the blood circulation process slows down greatly.
    3. Clinical death. All functions are suspended, both the heart and breathing.
    4. Biological death. The main sign of biological death is brain death.

    Of course, some cancer diseases may have characteristic signs, but we told you about the general picture of death from cancer.

    Brain tissue cancer is difficult to diagnose initial stages. It doesn’t even have its own tumor markers, which can be used to determine the disease itself. Before death, the patient feels severe pain in a certain place of the head, he may see hallucinations, memory loss occurs, he may not recognize his family and friends.

    Constant change of mood from calm to irritated. Speech is impaired and the patient may utter all sorts of nonsense. The patient may lose vision or hearing. In the end, motor function is impaired.

    Lung carcinoma develops initially without any symptoms. Recently, oncology has become the most common among all. The problem is precisely the late detection and diagnosis of cancer, which is why the tumor is discovered at stage 3 or even stage 4, when it is no longer possible to cure the disease.

    All symptoms before death of stage 4 lung cancer relate directly to breathing and bronchi. Usually the patient has difficulty breathing, he constantly gasps for air, he coughs violently with heavy discharge. At the very end, an epileptic seizure may begin, which will lead to death. Terminal stage Lung cancer is very nasty and painful for the patient.

    When a liver tumor is affected, it grows very quickly and damages the internal tissues of the organ. The result is jaundice. The patient feels severe pain, the temperature rises, the patient feels sick and vomits, and there is difficulty urinating (the urine may contain blood).

    Before death, doctors try to reduce the suffering of the patient himself with medications. Death from liver cancer is very difficult and painful with a lot of internal bleeding.

    One of the most unpleasant and most severe oncological diseases, which is very difficult at stage 4, especially if a little earlier an operation was performed to remove part of the intestine. The patient feels severe pain in the abdomen, headache, nausea and vomiting. This is due to severe intoxication from the tumor and retained feces.

    The patient cannot go to the toilet normally. Since at the last stage there is also damage to the bladder and liver, as well as the kidneys. The patient dies very quickly from poisoning with internal toxins.

    The cancer itself affects the esophagus, and in the final stages the patient can no longer eat normally and eats only through a tube. The tumor affects not only the organ itself, but also nearby tissues. Metastasis spreads to the intestines and lungs, so the pain will manifest itself throughout chest and in the abdominal area. Before death, the tumor may cause bleeding, causing the patient to vomit blood.

    A very painful disease when the tumor affects all nearby organs. He feels severe pain and cannot breathe normally. Usually, if the tumor itself completely blocks the passage, the patient breathes through a special tube. Metastases spread to the lungs and nearby organs. Doctors prescribe large amounts of painkillers at the end.

    Usually, if the patient wishes, the patient’s relatives can take him home, and he is prescribed and given strong drugs and painkillers that help reduce pain.

    At this moment, you need to understand that the patient has very little time left and you need to try to reduce his suffering. At the very end they may appear additional symptoms: vomiting blood, intestinal obstruction, severe pain in the abdomen and chest, coughing up blood and shortness of breath.

    At the very end, when almost every organ is affected by cancer metastases, it is better to leave the patient alone and let him sleep. The most important thing is that at this moment there are relatives, loved ones, close people next to the patients, who will reduce pain and suffering by their presence.

    Often the patient's pain can be so severe that conventional medications do not help. Improvement can only be brought by narcotic substances that doctors give for cancer. True, this leads to even greater intoxication and quick death for the patient.

    How many years can you live with stage 4 cancer? Unfortunately, in the best case, you will be able to live for several months with the right therapy.