Tarot death judgment in the situation. Tarot card meaning - Last Judgment

The card depicts the symbol of an angel calling human souls to the Last Judgment. The woman, man and child rising from the graves depicted on the card symbolize the transition from the physical body to the mental one.

This symbol can be associated with the holy holiday of Trinity - the veneration of deceased spirits of the family, customs and traditions.

General meaning of the Last Judgment lasso

In astrology, the XX lasso symbolizes creativity and good intentions. She is the personification of the hypothetical planet Vulcan (Hephaestus) - named after the divine son of Jupiter and Juno.

Map upright

The XX Arcana is a very ambiguous card. As a rule, it denotes circumstances that can radically change a person’s life. The Last Judgment card carries with it a deep transformation and a person’s transition to a new level. It indicates that higher powers give a person knowledge that can radically change his thinking. A person with old habits dies and in his place a new person is born with an open mind, untainted by previous experiences.

Court is always a change for the better. Solving stagnant issues, getting rid of problems and old beliefs. This is an opportunity to change your life for the better. A new world of possibilities opens up before a person. He feels the strength for something more and new thoughts and ideas arise in his head.

This card sends a call to a person - “Wake up! Open yourself up to new things and start taking risks!” Very often, this card brings with it drastic changes in a person’s life that can bring great success both in work and in personal life.

Upside down card

The meaning of an inverted card is not the most favorable sign. As a rule, in a reading it symbolizes a serious illness, a break in a relationship or bankruptcy.

If we consider the meaning of the card on a deeper level, it can mean a person’s absolute reluctance to act.

He is used to living in a comfort zone and does not want to introduce any changes into his life. In this case, higher powers can plunge a person into not the most pleasant circumstances in order to take him out of his usual zone of calm and force him to wake up and look at the world with different eyes.

In the monetary sphere, such a card can symbolize a major financial loss, deception or betrayal of work colleagues, financial stagnation and the collapse of all hopes.

On a deeper level

On a deeper level, this card can represent karmic lessons that a person must learn in this earthly incarnation. A person can remember long-forgotten feelings, emotions and experiences that he experienced in past lives. And through the prism of these memories, having made an analysis, he will look at the essence of ordinary things completely differently. The Last Judgment gives a person a sign that he should move from the material attachments of the real world to the spiritual world.

This lasso gives a person the opportunity to look deep into himself, to reveal his hidden talents that he did not even know about. It gives a person a chance to shed the burden of the past and be resurrected as a renewed and open-to-the-world child.

The Last Judgment of the Tarot can indicate the working out of karmic tasks and the healing of the soul by learning karmic lessons. Cleansing from sins and getting on the right path.

The meaning of the Last Judgment lasso in different areas

The Arcanum changes its meaning depending on what area of ​​life interests you.

Personal relationships

In a relationship, such a card may indicate the restoration of faded feelings and their transition to a more durable level. She revives relationships and makes them healthier. Former passion awakens between partners as before, and feelings flare up with new fire.

In a love relationship, this lasso indicates a person who is sent by higher powers. If the question is asked by a person in a relationship, then there is no need to worry. This man and woman are blessed by heaven.

For people without soul mates, this card promises a fateful acquaintance. The person who bursts into their life will bring new lessons and impressions. And for people who already have family relationships, this may mean an addition to the family and the birth of a new family member.

Karmic relationships can also be traced through this lasso. As a rule, in such relationships, higher powers have already brought people together once. In such a couple there is always a feeling that the partners knew each other long before meeting and feel a special closeness. These people must again go through this earthly path together to resolve unfinished issues in past incarnations and learn karmic lessons.

Reversed meaning

If the Last Judgment is in a combination of negative cards or in an inverted position, this can mean a difficult relationship that will bring a lot of pain to both. If such a lasso appears in a woman’s reading, this may indicate that she is a very vulnerable and touchy person and she should reconsider her habits.


If this lasso appears in a reading for work, then its meaning will be quite positive. This card gives you the opportunity to do work you love and get the most out of it. The Last Judgment is especially favorable to people of creative professions. (Actors, singers, poets, etc.)
For those who have already decided on their choice of profession, this lasso can indicate new ideas and tasks. Often it indicates great success and receiving an award. A great creative surge of energy and inspiration.

The XX lasso indicates the implementation of long-conceived plans: opening a store, a gallery, releasing a new book or recording a song.

Upside down

The Last Judgment in combination with other cards or in an inverted position can mean troubles and difficulties at work. A prolonged period of lack of money and prolonged stagnation in business.


The XX lasso in health readings has a dual meaning. Surrounded by positive cards, it may indicate a quick recovery after surgery or a protracted illness. Getting out of depression and visiting a sanatorium.

The Last Judgment in combination with negative cards carries a negative meaning. It means the transition of the physical body to the mental level. In other words - death. In some cases, with less negative cards, it means a serious illness, anesthesia, coma or allergy.

Card of the day

The XX Arcanum itself symbolizes the stage of recollection. The dreams or memories that arise during this day will bring you awareness and acceptance of your new self. Looking back, you will understand who you are now and what you have achieved.

Try to spend this day in a calm and balanced state. Meditation will be your best assistant in this.

Today you have the opportunity to solve a problem that has been tormenting you for a long period of time. You need to keep your ears open and not miss the signs given to you from above. If you manage to wait for the right moment, the solution to the issue will end in your favor.

Tarot fortune telling: basic rules

There are several important rules in tarot reading that will help you get a more accurate forecast for your problem.

  1. It's better to start your acquaintance with tarot cards with the Rider White deck. However, everything is purely individual and if you like another deck of cards, choose it. In this matter, it is important to listen to your inner voice.
  2. Stay alone in the room and sit in a place convenient for you. Turn off your thoughts and sit for a few minutes to tune in.
  3. Place a tablecloth or scarf on the surface for fortune-telling that you need to bring specifically for fortune-telling sessions. If you wish, you can light a white candle and turn on relaxing music.
  4. Once you feel that you are in the mood, start shuffling the deck. You should shuffle slowly and carefully. At the same time, keep in mind the question you want to answer.
  5. Then lift the deck away from you and fan it out from left to right. Start interpreting the cards.

How to ask a tarot question?

At first glance, it may seem that you can ask the tarot question in any form. However, this is not quite true. The question must be posed specifically, clearly and clearly, otherwise the cards will be able to show several answer options, and the layout will be blurry.

Very often people ask questions like this: “Tell me what awaits me?” A very simple question. However, by making the alignment, we receive answers concerning all areas in this person’s life. These cards can concern not only the questioner himself, but also his relatives and close friends. This arrangement will certainly not bring any clarity to your life, but will only confuse you even more.

Therefore, if you want to get the most accurate answer, ask the question informatively and specifically. For example, “How to treat me .....” (certain person) ... “Are we suitable for each other in a relationship with ....” etc

All questions should be asked with an open mind. Calmly, without worry and not in a hurry, then the result will be the most reliable.

XX Arcana in combination with other cards:

  • Court - Fool

Success in creative endeavors. A period filled with inspiration. At this time a person is most productive. He is able to make all his old dreams come true.

  • Court - Magician

Expanding boundaries. Success in career growth, gaining new knowledge and skills. In such a combination, cards can indicate an increase.

  • Court - High Priestess

This card reveals the secret thoughts of the people around you. Everything secret someday becomes clear and this moment has come. Soon you will be able to find out which of your loved ones is plotting against you.

  • Court - Empress

A new addition to the family, the long-awaited arrival of a child in the family.

  • Court - Emperor

Great success in the professional field. There may be an unexpected appearance of relatives you didn’t know about. Success in financial matters.

  • Court - Lovers

A strong lasting union. It is possible to meet a new partner who can bring new emotions into your life and radically change your life.

  • Judgment - Chariot

Getting rid of fears and phobias. Once you take a risk, you can overcome your self-doubt and achieve great success.

  • Judgment - Strength

Spiritual development and self-acceptance. Solving problems using intuition. Refusal of brute force.

  • Court - Hermit

Negative health-related situation. Loss of a loved one.

  • Court - Wheel of Fortune

A lucky coincidence. Changes for the better.

  • Court - Justice

You should be careful about your words. Perhaps you are too critical. Your criticism can deeply hurt someone close to you.

  • Court - Moderation

You are able to free yourself from past grievances and disappointments. It's time to open up to everything new and throw off the burden of the past.

  • Court - Devil

Negative consequences of bad habits. You should pay attention to your health.

  • Court - Tower

There are people around you who wish you harm.

  • Court - Star

Higher powers are giving you signs. You should take a closer look and listen to your inner voice.

  • Court - Sun

During such a period, a masterpiece is likely to be written. Ideas conceived during this period of time will be able to bear positive fruit in the future.

Does tarot fortune telling always come true?

As a rule, tarot fortune telling comes true in 80 - 90% of cases. However, everything depends on the tarot reader himself. If you make the calculation for yourself, the accuracy of the prediction will decrease. This is explained by the fact that when a person tells fortunes to himself, he scrolls through the answer options in his head and subconsciously sets himself up for a certain answer, the deck adjusts and, voila - the cards say what the person wants to hear.

If fortune telling is carried out by an experienced person, then the quality of fortune telling increases and the chances that the predicted events will come into your life increase.

Much also depends on the correct interpretation of the alignment. As a rule, cards always show correct and reliable information, and the tarot reader, due to his inexperience, simply cannot interpret the layout correctly.

The Judgment card is the 20th Arcana of the Tarot, which is considered one of the major Arcana. Tarot readers can also call this card - Judgment Day, Last Judgment, Resurrection, Supreme Court, Revival, Eternity. Different schools have different symbolism for the card. In most images you can see people rising from the grave. This way one of the main interpretations of the card is expressed - the Resurrection, as if we are present at the biblical Last Judgment.

General meaning of the card

Tarot meaning Judgment brings with it reincarnation and spiritual rebirth. Judging by this map about the current state of affairs, changes for the better, improved health, and joyful events await you. Arkan encourages you to break up with old habits in order to let something new and exciting into your life.


When is the twentieth Arcanum falls out during the layout in an upright position, the interpretation suggests the following:

If the cards have been asked a specific question, the answer will be “yes,” but you cannot passively wait for everything to happen by itself. Help yourself with active actions. If you asked whether what you lost will return to you, the answer will also be positive. If there are negative cards nearby, the questioner may be criticized and condemned, or he will have to pay for old sins.

Upside down

Disputes continue among tarot readers over the meaning of the inverted position of Tarot cards. The principle of interpretation is that each lasso has its own weaknesses, which are strengthened in the opposite position. This is how the Judgment card is interpreted in an inverted position:

If the card denotes a personality, then we are talking about a cowardly and cowardly person. He does not have the strength to change the situation, so a better life is unattainable for him.

Meaning in a relationship chart

Soon a transformation will take place in our inner world, which will allow us to discern the “treasure” in existing relationships. Or there will be a meeting that will bring happiness, whose arrival we have been waiting for so long. For the "Rebirth" Tarot card, the meaning may foreshadow the resumption of relationships after people have decided to live separately. This interpretation is suitable for a connection that has not completely died.

When Arcanum 20 of the Tarot falls in a relationship reading, the meaning symbolizes a karmic union. Higher powers bring people together for a reason. Have to work off your debts, which remain from past lives, and this will happen through relationships. The appearance of this card in a layout may indicate a possible surprise. The neighboring Arcana will give a more accurate idea.

If in the neighborhood there are: Peace, Sun, Star, Empress, Wheel of Fortune, Abstinence, Beloved - the relationship will develop positively in the future. Cards with a negative value that fall nearby, such as the Hanged Man, the Tower, Death, or the Devil, can predict the emergence of annoying problems in your couple. Court It can personify a painful relationship, when being together is unbearable, but the partners cannot break it.

As the Last Judgment Tarot says, the advice of a third party who can suggest a wise decision can be important in a relationship. It could be a psychologist, or older relative. The lasso may indicate a possible return to the person with whom you broke up many years ago. If the relationship is just beginning, the court talks about some unexpectedly revealed secret. The neighboring cards will help you find out what surprise awaits you.

December 10, 2015

Tarot Meaning - Judgment

Tarot Card - Judgment
Value in upright position

Arcana Judgment deck
Rider White Tarot, Ramses Tarot, Thoth Tarot

General description of the lasso:
Big changes, important choices, new opportunities. The end of another life cycle, the beginning of a new, important period. Significant changes and fateful events are taking place in your life. Perhaps you have to make a difficult choice, on which your future fate will depend. Arkan Court requires decisive action from you. You should not resist change, you need to accept the new way of life that is necessary for your further development. It is necessary to take stock of the path traveled, learn lessons, and possibly correct mistakes. Most likely, you will receive very important news regarding the situation that worries you. Your wishes will come true, circumstances will turn out in your favor.

Your relationship requires change, perhaps you are already ready for this, because you understand that change is necessary. If there is mutual understanding, love and sincerity in your union with your loved one, Arcanum Tarot Judgment means the transition of the relationship to a new, higher level of development, due to which your usual way of life and understanding of the world will change. If you are single, a fateful acquaintance will happen in your life in the near future. Feel free to go towards fate, towards change. Everything you have in mind will come true.

The Tarot Arcana of Judgment symbolizes a person endowed with enormous power, but who uses this power only for the benefit of others.

Big changes, the end of a certain life cycle, a fateful decision. The next cycle in the development of your business is completed. Now it is up to you in which direction you will move next. Arcanum Tarot Judgment means a period of changing the type of activity, closing an old business and starting a new one, or the end of entrepreneurial activity altogether. Changes are taking place, favorable or not, will be shown by the accompanying Arcana in the reading. In itself, Arcanum Judgment has a favorable meaning if you are ready for an unexpected turn of events and have realized the need to sacrifice your usual way of life to meet a new future. In matters of work - dismissal and new work. If your question concerns a career, Arkan Sud says that you need to think about changing your profession; Most likely, the position you hold does not correspond to your true purpose, but was necessary for learning an important life lesson.

Advice - act decisively. You have the opportunity to independently change your type of activity, job, profession, without waiting for unexpected and unpleasant circumstances, which will still require decisiveness from you.

Tarot Card - Judgment
Reversed meaning

Arcana Judgment deck
Durer Tarot, Tarot of the Dwarves, Tarot of 78 Doors

General description of the lasso:
Unexpected troubles, fear of change, disappointment. You probably made a serious mistake in the past, and now you are forced to pay for your rash actions. Undesirable changes occur in life. You lack the determination to part with something that has long outlived its usefulness. This could be any attachment in human relationships, a habitual way of life that is not conducive to your growth and development, it could be a job from which you do not enjoy. Arcanum Judgment in an inverted position speaks of a delay in action due to your unpreparedness for new events. We need to correct the mistakes of the past.

Meaning in love readings:
You are afraid of change. You understand that your decisive actions in this situation will certainly lead to a break in the relationship, but nevertheless, you are delaying this moment because you are afraid to change something in your personal life, you are afraid of loneliness. Your relationship has reached a dead end - you have nothing more to give to each other except silence and longing. How much longer can you both bear holding this “lump” in your heart? It's a question of time. Arcana Tarot Judgment in an inverted position can appear when people have lived a long life together, only in this case it does not have a negative impact. If you are lonely, you need to think about your life principles; rather, they are the reason for your loneliness. It’s too early to talk about a new acquaintance.

Arcana Tarot Judgment in an inverted position personifies a person experiencing difficult life difficulties, disillusioned with life.

Value in work schedules:
Indecisiveness, unwanted changes, delay in the situation, procrastination. You avoid having to make an important decision or make the right choice. In business, unexpected unpleasant changes may arise that are beyond your control, possibly legal problems. There has been a period of stagnation in your business. Most likely, you are reaping the fruits of your own rash actions taken at a certain important stage of business development. In matters of work, the Arcana of the Court in an inverted position means that you are trying to hold on to your previous job. Perhaps you have already realized that your job does not suit you, but you are afraid to change something because you are afraid of change and are not confident in your strengths and capabilities. The court in an inverted position says that the position you occupy no longer contributes to your growth and development, but you do not want or are afraid to take decisive action, to show your abilities, which could move the situation from a “dead point” and push you to a new one, higher position.

Advice - do not be afraid of the changes that are necessary for the further development of your business. "A rolling stone gathers no moss".

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Basically, it is believed that the Judgment card is the adoption of some kind of decision that is not discussed. During the choice, a person will be under enormous external and internal pressure. Often this card falls out to strong and cheerful people who must undergo trials to keep themselves in good shape.

The person for whom the alignment is made understands the importance of the obstacles that stand in his way. He also understands that, having overcome all this, he will gain valuable experience that will help in the future. Such a person is distinguished by his responsibility, as well as by the fact that he is ready to answer for his words. He really lacks calmness, but at the same time, he will always maintain his independence and not adapt too much to people.

The meaning of the Tarot card Judgment in direct occurrence

The direct card has the following interpretation - at the moment you are given an excellent opportunity to put an end to most of the problems that always remind you of yourself. You must make a decision that will lead to changes in your life. Don’t hesitate to do this, because you could miss such a good chance.

You should not neglect the gifts of Fate, otherwise in the future you will no longer be presented with such an opportunity and you will have to make enormous efforts to achieve something. This card will indicate that you need to answer a question, the answer to which is very unpleasant for you. The best solution would be to tell the truth, which will lead to a resolution of the situation. It is worth starting to solve problems as soon as possible, and then you will be able to avoid the snowball effect.

The upright or inverted Judgment card practically does not change its meaning in combination with other cards, but it can indicate some additional details.

Tarot card meaning Judgment in reversed position

The reversed Judgment card is definitely a negative card. It is difficult to predict in which area trouble will await you. This could be in a relationship, or some trouble will start at work. Also, if your current place of residence does not bring you pleasure, then you should change your place of residence. Creative individuals are the most unlucky - they will face failure in their goals, or they will get a very bad reputation.

Another meaning of this card is that stagnation is forming in your life. Movement forward on the social ladder will stop, and depression will set in. It is possible that the person himself does not want to change, believing that it is a waste of time and that everything suits him. The card says that it’s time to change something in your life, and you should start at least with the smallest things.

The meaning of the Judgment Tarot card in relationships and love

This card is positive for relationships. Its meaning is favorable both for those who already have a couple and for those who are still looking for a partner. This card will help you open your eyes to understand whether this is the person you want to spend time with. The card will also tell you how important and valuable a person is to you, listen. If you love a person, then this will greatly help the one you love - he will begin to transform before your eyes and become much better thanks to you.

If you are already in a relationship, then you don’t have to worry, heaven has already done everything they could to make sure everything is fine with you. The love that will arise will be inexplicable, you will not be able to tell what attracts you so much in your partner, some unknown force attracts you. A marriage that will be concluded under the influence of this card will become very prosperous and feelings will be long-lasting.

The direct position of the Court card in a relationship reading means a meeting for those who are lonely, and renewal and improvement of relationships for established couples. Situations will become clearer, problems will be successfully resolved, and feelings will only become stronger.

An inverted Court card means that one of the partners is experiencing pangs of conscience and repents, which creates problems for him in communicating with a loved one. Another interpretation of the inverted card Judgment in love is the temporary separation of partners from each other.

The meaning of Tarot cards at work

Those who already have a job will be offered the opportunity to switch to another, more prestigious one, which will help change the person’s financial situation. The card says that you should start doing something yourself, and it will definitely work out. You should not be distracted for a minute from self-improvement, which will lead you to incredible heights. Creative people who will come up with unique ideas will be the luckiest.

The meaning of the Court card in a health reading

The reversed Court card indicates chronic or hereditary diseases, asthma, hearing problems, and also means cosmetic surgery. In general, a direct card indicates improved health

Tarot card Judgment in combination with the Major Arcana

With “The Jester” - inspiration, a desire to change the situation;

With “Magician” - honing your skills;

With the “High Priestess” - see the situation clearly;

With the “Empress” - the birth of a child;

With “Emperor” - expand the scope of activity;

With “Papa” there is a broad view of things;

With “Lovers” - in love - tell everyone about your decision;

With “Chariot” - strengthen your position of victory;

With “Strength” - growth of opportunities;

With “The Hermit” - harmony with your Self;

With the “Wheel of Fortune” - favorable changes;

With “Justice” - make the right decision; good outcome of the legal case;

With “The Hanged Man” - a sharp change in life;

With “Death” - a well-deserved punishment;

With “Moderation” - healing of emotional wounds, good health;

With the “Devil” - slow down your own development, resist change;

With the “Tower” - life will arrange an “exam”;

With “Star” - achieve clarity;

With “Moon” - doubts, hesitations in making a decision;

With the “Sun” - discover your talents;

With “Peace” - enjoy freedom and understand the world.

Tarot card Judgment combined with some of the minor arcana

With the “Ace of Wands” it’s a good time to start from scratch;

With the Three of Wands - gaining experience;

With the Five of Wands - change your views;

With the “Six of Wands” - take on obligations;

With the Eight of Wands - actions will have results;

With the “Page of Wands” - this combination means identifying talents;

With the “Knight of Wands” - to be in the thick of what is happening;

With the “Queen of Wands” - development in the business or creative sphere;

With the “King of Wands” - call someone to active action.

With the “Ace of Cups” - relationships will improve, feelings will intensify;

With the “Three of Cups” - joy, wonderful mood, optimism;

With the “Six of Cups” - do not let go of the past;

With the “Seven of Cups” - plunge into dreams;

With the “Eight of Cups” - choose the “untrodden” path;

With the “Nine of Cups” - in a relationship - this combination promises well-deserved happiness;

With the “Knight of Cups” - find a compromise;

With the “Queen of Cups” - the beginning of a new life for a woman;

With the “King of Cups” a man’s life is a clean slate.

With the “Ace of Swords” - the desire for decisive action;

With the “Two of Swords” the interpretation of this combination is a dead end;

With the “Four of Swords” - in the scenario for health - restoration of physical and psychological balance;

With the “Six of Swords” - go out into the world;

With the Eight of Swords - feel guilty;

With the “Nine of Swords” - melancholy, a feeling of loneliness;

With the “Knight of Swords” - suppression of personality;

With the "Queen of Swords" - a woman who had to go through a lot;

With the “King of Swords” - the arbiter of destinies.

With the “Ace of Pentacles” - a good start;

With the Three of Pentacles there is a great chance of success;

With the Four of Pentacles - a solid foundation;

With the Eight of Pentacles - a slow but sure way out of a difficult situation;

With the “Nine of Pentacles” - luck in the field of finance;

With the Ten of Pentacles - an influx of money;

With the “Knight of Pentacles” - stagnation will gradually go away;

With the “Queen of Pentacles” - receive financial assistance;

With the “King of Pentacles” - a reward;

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The Supreme Court awaits us when we have to answer to the Almighty for everything that happened to us in life. This trial is a kind of drawing a line - a discussion of the outcome. It is difficult to live with an eye on the Supreme Court. Sometimes our actions do not withstand human judgment, let alone the judgment that will yet come. The layout with the name “High Court” is done not with the goal of condemning a person, but to tell what happened in his life earlier, what will happen next.

"High Court" - your chance to look into the future

The layout of the Waite Tarot cards will allow you to make the most detailed analysis of events. This is the best and most accurate layout for predicting the future in detail in all areas of life. Most often it is produced when:

1) it is difficult to clearly describe the situation that interests you;

2) I want to know what awaits you in the future.

So, we choose a significator and begin the layout. To make the description of fortune telling more accurate, it is advisable to let the Tarot cards feel you. Therefore, feel free to touch the Waite Tarot deck and hold it in your hands. And the cards, warmed by your warmth, will begin to speak to you:

  • The first three cards of the layout will mention the personality of the person being told fortunes, his financial situation and environment.
  • The next three cards will tell us about the fortuneteller’s parents and family, consider what entertainment there is in his life, and what he finds pleasure in. Health problems will be investigated from all angles or their absence will be confirmed.
  • Later you will learn about possible enemies and rivals.
  • Next, we will consider issues related to significant changes in your life and possible trips. The secret of your professional future will be revealed. You will learn more about your friends and employees, about the obstacles and difficulties that will prevent you from moving forward. It will be examined in detail how the events of your past affect the future, what it is like today.
  • The last card of the layout will show the final outcome of the development of the situation.

The “High Court” layout once again confirms its characteristics as the most detailed layout. It doesn't matter what deck the deck is used for. And remember, Tarot cards cannot help but point out what is inevitable. We must take this situation for granted and learn to live with it.